OpticStudio 15.5
OpticStudio 15.5
1 CONTENTS 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 3 3 LICENSING & INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Network Soft-Key Licensing (Professional and Premium Only) .................................................... 3 3.2 New SafeNet Libraries (All editions) ............................................................................................. 4 3.3 Key Drivers Included in Installer (All editions) .............................................................................. 4 3.4 Last 32-Bit Edition of Program ...................................................................................................... 4 4 SURFACES & OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Grid Phase Interpolation Option (All editions) ............................................................................. 5 4.2 BMP/TIF to Dat Conversion Tool (All editions) ............................................................................. 6 4.3 Chebyshev Surface Improvements (All editions) .......................................................................... 7 5 ANALYSES .............................................................................................................................................. 8 5.1 Object Editor Enhancements (Professional and Premium Only) .................................................. 8 5.2 Partially Coherent Image Analysis Skip Normalization Flag (All editions) .................................... 8 5.3 Surface Phase Modulo 2Pi Option (All editions) ........................................................................... 8 6 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................... 9 6.1 7 Assembly Explode Reads OpticStudio Property Data (Professional and Premium Only) ............. 9 OPTIMIZATION ...................................................................................................................................... 9 7.1 8 Merit Function Wizard Individual Boundary Operands (All editions) ........................................... 9 LIBRARIES ............................................................................................................................................ 10 8.1 Metallic Coating Materials (All Editions) ..................................................................................... 10 8.2 Updated Edmund Optics Lens Catalog (All Editions) .................................................................. 10 8.3 Updated Thorlabs Lens Catalog (All Editions) ............................................................................. 10 8.4 Atoptical Co., Ltd. Test Plate List (All Editions) ........................................................................... 10 8.5 Updated Mikrop AG Test Plate List (All Editions)........................................................................ 11 9 PROGRAMMING .................................................................................................................................. 11 9.1 ZOS-API.NET Enhancements (Premium and Professional Only) ................................................. 11 9.2 Code V File Converter (All editions) ............................................................................................ 11 10 USER-INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................. 12 10.1 Active Overlay for Analyses (All editions) ................................................................................... 12 10.2 Improved 2D & 3D Layouts (All editions) .................................................................................... 13 10.3 Shaded Model Layout Annotations (All editions) ....................................................................... 14 10.4 Measure Distance Tool in Layouts (All Editions) ......................................................................... 14 10.5 Dynamic Scale Bar in Layouts (All Editions) ................................................................................ 15 Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 10.6 Analyses Converted to Dynamic Plots (All editions) ................................................................... 16 10.7 Improved Footprint Diagram (All editions) ................................................................................. 16 10.8 Editor Update Buttons in Editor Toolbars (All editions) ............................................................. 16 10.9 Cell Paste with Pickups (All editions) .......................................................................................... 17 10.10 Error/Warning Message Control (All editions) ....................................................................... 18 10.11 Reload BSDF Scatter File (Premium and Professional Only) ................................................... 18 11 BUG FIXES ........................................................................................................................................ 18 2 OVERVIEW OpticStudio 15.5 brings convenient and flexible licensing technology along with faster optimization and powerful hologram/diffractive modeling capabilities. Soft-key licensing is offered for network keys for the first time as an option in addition to hard-key licensing. The network software license provides checkin/out capabilities for flexible management. Imaging and afocal system optimization using glass and air boundary constraints has been significantly improved. The changes give better design performance in a fraction of the time. New capabilities for modeling cutting edge, high-resolution phase masks have been added. In addition, many existing features have been enhanced. 3 LICENSING & INSTALLATION 3.1 NETWORK SOFT-KEY LICENSING (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) Soft-key licensing has been added as an option in addition to the existing hard-key licensing (USB dongle). For this release network soft-key licensing is available with check-in/out capabilities. Users can check-out a license and use it disconnected from their organization’s network and the internet while working remotely. This capability also opens the door for running OpticStudio on virtual and cloud based machines that don’t have USB ports. The administrator control panel gives a great deal of control to IT administrators over how licenses are used, maximum check-out periods, and more. End users have the ability to control which license they are using if multiple licenses are recognized by the computer. They can also view license usage to determine if any network licenses are available. A new license manager is shown below that provides information on available licenses as well as check-in/out functionality. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Stand-alone soft-key licenses will be supported in a future release. 3.2 NEW SAFENET LIBRARIES (ALL EDITIONS) New SafeNet licensing libraries have been included to support soft-key licensing. 3.3 KEY DRIVERS INCLUDED IN INSTALLER (ALL EDITIONS) The SafeNet Sentinel key drivers are now included in the OpticStudio installer package as part of the prerequisites. Now, it is only necessary to run the OpticStudio installer and all necessary software will be installed on the local machine. 3.4 LAST 32-BIT EDITION OF PROGRAM OpticStudio 15.5 will be the last edition of the software that is available as a 32-bit program. This decision was made based upon download statistics of the 32-bit version of the software. Nearly all commercial computers built in the last few years come with 64-bit operating systems. The 64-bit version of OpticStudio isn't limited to 3GB of RAM, as the 32-bit version is, and it multi-threads more efficiently. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4 SURFACES & OBJECTS 4.1 GRID PHASE INTERPOLATION OPTION (ALL EDITIONS) The Interpolate flag on the grid phase surface now supports an option to turn off interpolation. This means that a ray landing anywhere inside a pixel will have the same phase (OPD) applied. The phase slope is computed using the same method as before: adjacent pixels are used to compute the slope. This capability was added to model pixelated phase masks for advanced holographic and diffractive components. A comparison of the three interpolation options (bicubic spline, linear, none) is shown below. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find the Interpolate flag in the lens data editor (LDE) on a surface defined as grid phase. 4.2 BMP/TIF TO DAT CONVERSION TOOL (ALL EDITIONS) A tool to convert monochromatic BMP and TIF images to OpticStudio DAT format. DAT files can be imported onto Grid Sag or Grid Phase surfaces using the Import tool in the Surface Properties dialog. This Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. capability was added to model complex, high-resolution phase masks that are more easily represented as an image of phase points. This tool uses the R channel of an RGB image, or monochrome bitmaps. The tool dialog and a sample bitmap are shown below. Find it in the under the Convert File Formats menu in the File ribbon. 4.3 CHEBYSHEV SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS (ALL EDITIONS) The algorithm for raytracing through the Chebyshev surface has been improved. The recursive coefficients for the surface are now cached resulting in faster calculation of ray intercept points. Raytrace speed improvements up to 6x have been found in test cases. The more polynomial coefficients that are used, the bigger the performance improvements. This improvement will likely be extended to other recursive polynomials in a future release. Find it in the Surface type listing in the LDE. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 5 ANALYSES 5.1 OBJECT EDITOR ENHANCEMENTS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) Several improvements have been implemented in the object editor. The properties pane now uses headings to group properties by category and face. A new multi-select list box in the settings dialog to select specific faces on the object has been added. When multiple faces are selected at once, solves on similar parameters can be simultaneously changed. The object explorer tree can be resized to enable viewing the entire tree without scrolling. The property tree now has a transparent background. Find it in the Setup ribbon in when the program is in non-sequential mode. 5.2 PARTIALLY COHERENT IMAGE ANALYSIS SKIP NORMALIZATION FLAG (ALL EDITIONS) A skip normalization checkbox has been added to partially coherent image analysis. This setting was added to enable performance comparisons of different systems. Find it in settings dialog of Partially Coherent Image Analysis. 5.3 SURFACE PHASE MODULO 2PI OPTION (ALL EDITIONS) The surface phase and surface phase cross-section plots now support a modulo 2-pi switch that will present phase data modulo 2-pi. This feature was added to more easily visualize diffractive relief structures. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the Surface menu of the Analyze ribbon and the 6 TOOLS 6.1 ASSEMBLY EXPLODE READS OPTICSTUDIO PROPERTY DATA (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) OpticStudio property data is read from constituent parts when Creo, Inventor, or Solidworks assemblies are exploded. In addition, constituent parts are given the proper name read from the property data. Find it in the Explode menu of the File ribbon. 7 OPTIMIZATION 7.1 MERIT FUNCTION WIZARD INDIVIDUAL BOUNDARY OPERANDS (ALL EDITIONS) A new method of implementing boundary constraint operands in the merit function has been developed. In the sequential merit function wizard glass and air boundary constraints are now defined separately for each surface rather than aggregated in one operand. Splitting the constraints into separate targets provides better derivative information to the damped least squares optimizer. Speed improvements up to 18x have been seen in test cases. Grid Phase Gri Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the Optimization Wizard in the Merit Function Editor (MFE). 8 LIBRARIES 8.1 METALLIC COATING MATERIALS (ALL EDITIONS) Silver, gold, copper, and silicon monoxide have been added to the coating catalog (COATING.DAT). These materials can be used to simulate coated mirrors. Find it in the Coating Catalog located in the Libraries ribbon. 8.2 UPDATED EDMUND OPTICS LENS CATALOG (ALL EDITIONS) An updated Edmund Optics lens catalog has been added that includes new aspheric lenses and hundreds of off-axis parabolas. Find it in the Lens Catalog located in the Libraries ribbon. 8.3 UPDATED THORLABS LENS CATALOG (ALL EDITIONS) An updated Thorlabs lens catalog has been added that includes new components and encrypted coatings. Find it in the Lens Catalog located in the Libraries ribbon. 8.4 ATOPTICAL CO., LTD. TEST PLATE LIST (ALL EDITIONS) A new test plate list from Atopical Co., Ltd. is now available. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the Test Plate Lists in the Libraries ribbon. 8.5 UPDATED MIKROP AG TEST PLATE LIST (ALL EDITIONS) An updated test plate list from Mikrop AG is now available. Find it in the Test Plate Lists in the Libraries ribbon. 9 PROGRAMMING 9.1 ZOS-API.NET ENHANCEMENTS (PREMIUM AND PROFESSIONAL ONLY) Commands added to the API that support access to additional tools and analyses. The following command functionality has been added: Convert To NSC Group Tool Calculate Merit Function Asynchronously Scale Lens Tool Merit Function Wizards Tolerancing Tool Tolerance Wizard Lens Catalog Insert Lens via the Lens Catalog Copy System Copy Rows Single Ray Trace Methods Ability to use Column Headers as Parameter Names in Arguments in Non-Sequential Mode 9.2 CODE V FILE CONVERTER (ALL EDITIONS) Several improvements to the file conversion macro based upon user feedback. The following changes have been made: Support for annular, circular mirror apertures Improved handling of zoom commands; added field-specific and zoom-specific formats Improved multi-configuration conversion capabilities Support for coupling group control commands Modified MIL number glasses to include x(6).y(6) format Support for commands relating to two-point holographic construction Improved vignetting factor conversion, including multi-configuration vignetting factors Find it in the Convert File Formats menu located in the File ribbon. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 10 USER-INTERFACE 10.1 ACTIVE OVERLAY FOR ANALYSES (ALL EDITIONS) A new active overlay capability supports the dynamic 2D plots. Add data from one plot to another of the same type, add data from one plot to another with the same x-axis units, and add data from multiple monte-carlo tolerance runs to a plot. Overlaid data is dynamic and works with capabilities such as data markers. Plot styles like color and line type can be controlled for the overlaid plot. This capability replaces the older overlay capability that would simply take any two graphics, regardless of type, and overlay them as a static graphic. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the toolbar of any plot or graphic analysis. 10.2 IMPROVED 2D & 3D LAYOUTS (ALL EDITIONS) The 2D and 3D layouts have been converted to the same paradigm as the shaded model. This allows additional modes of interaction, including compatibility with 3D space mouse devices. Improved annotations have also been added to the 3D layout. This change also significantly improves the performance of layouts in complex systems compared with the older vector graphic formats. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the Analyze ribbon. 10.3 SHADED MODEL LAYOUT ANNOTATIONS (ALL EDITIONS) The shaded model layout now supports annotations. This feature creates a temporary annotation plane for the annotation to be placed on, similar to the cutting planes used for data visualization. The annotation plane is retained for multiple annotations to be made, and is then closed when the user stops adding annotations. Find it in the toolbar of the Shaded Model Layout. 10.4 MEASURE DISTANCE TOOL IN LAYOUTS (ALL EDITIONS) The 2D, 3D and shaded model layouts now include a tool to measure the distance between any two points in the layout. This feature uses custom cutting planes similar to the annotations described above. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the toolbar of any layout window. 10.5 DYNAMIC SCALE BAR IN LAYOUTS (ALL EDITIONS) The 2D, 3D, and shaded model layouts now include a dynamic scale bar for quickly assessing the scale of rays and components in optical systems. As the view is zoomed in and out the scale bar changes size accordingly. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find the layouts in the System Viewers section of the Analyze ribbon. 10.6 ANALYSES CONVERTED TO DYNAMIC PLOTS (ALL EDITIONS) Two analyses have been converted to the new dynamic plot format: through focus spot diagram and full field spot diagram. The plots now support dynamic data visualization controls. Find it in the Rays & Spots menu of the Analyze ribbon in sequential mode. 10.7 IMPROVED FOOTPRINT DIAGRAM (ALL EDITIONS) Improvements to how the footprint diagram data is displayed as the plot area is zoomed in and out. Previously zooming on the footprint diagram could distort the appearance of the footprints. Find it in the Rays & Spots menu of the Analyze ribbon in sequential mode. 10.8 EDITOR UPDATE BUTTONS IN EDITOR TOOLBARS (ALL EDITIONS) Editor and window update options have been added to the LDE, NSCE, MCE, and System Explorer. These options allow the user to control how the system updates as changes are made in the editors and system explorer. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Find it in the toolbar of the LDE, NSCE, MCE and System Explorer. 10.9 CELL PASTE WITH PICKUPS (ALL EDITIONS) A right-click option to paste a copied value with a pickup solve from the copied cell. This capability exists in the lens data editor (LDE) and non-sequential component editor (NSCE). Find it in the context menu when right-clicking any cell in the editors. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 10.10 ERROR/WARNING MESSAGE CONTROL (ALL EDITIONS) An option in the Project Preferences to suppress certain error/warning messages by specifying how they should be handled. Currently this setting exists for warnings about CAD operations with too many components and defining glasses not in the current catalog. Find it in the Message Box section of the Project Preferences located in the Setup ribbon. 10.11 RELOAD BSDF SCATTER FILE (PREMIUM AND PROFESSIONAL ONLY) A “Reload” button has been added to the Object Properties > Scattering dialog of the NSC editor when the Scatter Model is BSDF, to allow files to be modified on disk and then re-loaded into OpticStudio. Find it in the Scattering section of the Surface Properties dialog or the Coat/Scatter section of the Object Properties dialog. 11 BUG FIXES Inputs for the FFT PSF sampling settings provided via ZOS-API have been changed to add text in front of the underscore. This was done because Python does not allow leading underscores in enum value names. Improvements have been made to the algorithms for ray-tracing through a GRIN in non-sequential mode when the back surface is tessellated. An issue with incorrect display for the units of peak and total power on the Detector Viewer has been corrected. The interpretation of the pitch angle input for the Fresnel 1 object in NSC has been clarified. When the depth parameter is used to generate each groove, the final pitch back to the reference plane happens after the end of the groove such that the desired depth is always reached. When the frequency parameter is used instead, the pitch starts at the required point in the groove such that the total groove width matches the desired frequency. Additionally, the pitch is not used on the outermost groove. In other words, there will never be an “inactive” face at the outer edge of the Fresnel lens. Lens wedge error defined in the Tolerance Data Editor is now correctly picked up in the ISO 10110 Element Drawing. Cost estimates provided by the Cost Estimator are now correctly given in US Dollars, regardless of the local currency. Data returned by ZOS-API for the Wavefront Map is now always calculated at a rotation angle of zero degrees, consistent with the text results provided for this analysis in the user interface. Data in an input BSDF file which are incomplete (i.e. do not extend out to a full hemisphere) are now zero-padded out to a full hemisphere when the Symmetry type is PlaneSymmetrical. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. An issue has been corrected involving deletion of operands from the merit function when the surface being used as an input for the operand has been deleted from the LDE. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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