OpticStudio 15 Release Notes
OpticStudio 15 Release Notes
Release Notes New physics and extended feature sets make the new OpticStudio 15 the most powerful and fastest optical and illumination design software available. Zemax, LLC • 10230 NE Points Drive • Suite 540 • Kirkland, WA • 98033 • (425) 305.2800 • zemax.com 1 CONTENTS 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 4 3 SURFACES & OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................... 4 4 5 6 3.1 Chebyshev Surface (All editions)................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Grid Sag Lens 2 (Professional and Premium Only) ........................................................................ 4 3.3 Toroidal Odd Asphere Surface (Professional and Premium Only) ................................................ 5 3.4 Zernike Annular Standard Sag Surface (All editions) .................................................................... 5 3.5 Gradient 12 (All editions) .............................................................................................................. 6 3.6 Boolean Merge Surfaces Setting (Professional and Premium Only) ............................................. 6 3.7 CAD Parts/Assemblies Tolerance, Face Settings (Professional and Premium Only) ..................... 7 3.8 CREO Parts/Assemblies Compatibility (Premium Only) ................................................................ 7 ANALYSES .............................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Phosphor and Fluorescence Modeling (Premium Only) ............................................................... 8 4.2 Phosphor and Fluorescence Spectrum Viewer (Premium Only)................................................... 9 4.3 Object Editor (Professional and Premium Only) ......................................................................... 10 4.4 Report Graphics (All editions) ..................................................................................................... 11 4.5 File Comparator (All editions) ..................................................................................................... 12 4.6 ISO 10110 Drawing XML Output (All editions) ............................................................................ 12 4.7 ISO 10110 Drawing TEZI Data (All editions) ................................................................................ 13 4.8 Physical Optics (POP) Unpolarized Beams (Professional and Premium Only) ............................ 13 4.9 Sag Table RMS Best Fit Sphere (All editions) .............................................................................. 13 4.10 Prescription Data Report Additions (All editions) ....................................................................... 13 4.11 Theodolite Field Angles (All editions) ......................................................................................... 14 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................. 14 5.1 Cost Estimator (Professional and Premium Only)....................................................................... 14 5.2 Create Spectrum File Tools (Premium Only) ............................................................................... 15 5.3 Slider Tool Updates ZPL Windows (All editions) ......................................................................... 15 5.4 Export Polar Detector Data Exponential Notation (Professional and Premium Only) ............... 15 OPTIMIZATION .................................................................................................................................... 15 6.1 STRH Multi-Threading (All editions)............................................................................................ 15 6.2 POPD Angular and Cross-Spatial Moments (Professional and Premium Only) .......................... 15 6.3 Incalculable 3rd Order Seidel Operands (All editions) ................................................................. 15 Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 7 LIBRARIES ............................................................................................................................................ 16 7.1 8 Phosphor & Fluorophore Data (Premium Only) ......................................................................... 16 PROGRAMMING .................................................................................................................................. 16 8.1 ZOS-API.NET (Premium and Professional Only) .......................................................................... 16 8.2 Code V File Converter (All editions) ............................................................................................ 17 8.3 ZPL & UDA Syntax Highlighting (All editions) .............................................................................. 17 8.4 ZPL Suspend/Resume Updates Keywords (All editions) ............................................................. 17 8.5 NSC Bulk Scatter DLL Parameter Visibility (Professional and Premium Only) ............................ 18 8.6 NSC Sample DLLs Improved Random Numbers (Professional and Premium Only) .................... 18 9 USER-INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................. 18 9.1 Default Startup Settings (All editions)......................................................................................... 18 9.2 LDE Surface Filtering (All editions) .............................................................................................. 19 9.3 New & Edit Tolerance Script Tools (Professional and Premium Only) ....................................... 20 9.4 Print Preview (All editions) ......................................................................................................... 20 9.5 ESC to Close Fields/Wavelengths Dialogs (All editions) .............................................................. 21 9.6 Plot Data Markers Controllable by Arrow Keys (All editions) ..................................................... 21 9.7 Improved Plot Axis Limits (All editions) ...................................................................................... 21 9.8 Solve Change Analysis Recalculations (All editions..................................................................... 22 9.9 Language Localization Support (All editions) .............................................................................. 22 9.10 Merit Function Updates on Independent Thread (All editions) ................................................. 22 9.11 Solve Dialogs Display Parameter Names (All editions) ............................................................... 22 9.12 Analyses Converted to Dynamic Plots (All editions) ................................................................... 23 9.13 Bigger Workspace Dividers (All editions) .................................................................................... 23 9.14 Undo Folder Location User Definable (All editions) ................................................................... 23 9.15 Faster NSC Ray Database Filtering (Professional and Premium Only) ........................................ 23 9.16 Convert to MAT Tool Multi-Threaded (Professional and Premium Only) .................................. 23 10 10.1 11 HELP RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................ 23 Improved and Reorganized Help System (All editions)............................................................... 23 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 24 11.1 Program Executable Name Change ............................................................................................ 24 11.2 Network Key Configuration File Location (All editions) .............................................................. 25 12 BUG FIXES........................................................................................................................................ 25 Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 2 OVERVIEW OpticStudio 15 offers new physics capabilities and significantly improved performance. New design capabilities include a freeform polynomial surface and enhanced phosphor/fluorescence modeling. A new lens cost estimator provides real-time prototype quotes, taking design for manufacture to another level. DDE gets replaced with a completely new API based upon a COM/.NET architecture. Several changes have been implemented to improve general window responsivity and update speeds. Several algorithms have also been modified to speed up some calculations. In addition, there are dozens of other additions requested specifically by users. 3 SURFACES & OBJECTS 3.1 CHEBYSHEV SURFACE (ALL EDITIONS) A sequential surface whose shape is based upon Chebyshev polynomials. This surface model was developed after discussions with asphericon GmbH on the design of manufacturable freeform optics. The polynomials are a flexible XY set that provide another capability for freeform optic modeling. OpticStudio already supports surfaces such as Zernike polynomials, XY polynomials, NURB and Bezier splines for designing freeform optics. To see all the freeform surfaces supported, see the Surface Select tool described in the user-interface section below. Find it in the list of sequential surfaces in the Lens Data Editor (LDE). The sag profile of a surface used to convert a circular input to square output. 3.2 GRID SAG LENS 2 (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) A non-sequential object whose base shape is a standard lens that also supports grid sag profiles on the front and back surfaces. The existing grid sag lens supports a grid sag profile on only the rear surface. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. Previously applying grid sag data to both surfaces of a lens required placing two inverted grid sag lenses together. Now this single object provides that capability. This object was added to support thermal modeling of lenses in non-sequential mode. Find it in the list of objects in the Non-Sequential Component (NSC) editor. 3.3 TOROIDAL ODD ASPHERE SURFACE (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) A non-sequential surface that supports an odd asphere profile optionally swept to create a toroidal surface. The surface has a rectangular aperture. Find it in the list of objects in the NSC editor. 3.4 ZERNIKE ANNULAR STANDARD SAG SURFACE (ALL EDITIONS) A sequential surface with a Zernike standard sag profile over an annular region. This surface type is useful for modeling mirrors with holes, such as those used as primary mirrors in telescopes. Find it in the list of sequential surfaces in the LDE. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 3.5 GRADIENT 12 (ALL EDITIONS) A sequential gradient index surface whose index profile is based upon an extended XYZ polynomial of the following form: Additionally the surface supports dispersion properties defined in the SGRIN.DAT data file, similar to the Gradient 5 surface type. Find it in the list of surfaces in the LDE. 3.6 BOOLEAN MERGE SURFACES SETTING (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) The Boolean object supports a setting to disable the merging of adjacent surfaces. This setting gives the user more control of how faces are defined on the resultant Boolean object. Find the checkbox in the CAD section of the Object Properties dialog. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 3.7 CAD PARTS/ASSEMBLIES TOLERANCE, FACE SETTINGS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) These objects now support chord tolerance, surface tolerance, face mode and angle inputs. The tolerance settings control the rendering of the CAD object and its representation using tessellations of triangles. The face settings control how surfaces on the CAD object are automatically grouped into faces. These can be found in the CAD section of the Object Properties dialog or the Object Editor. 3.8 CREO PARTS/ASSEMBLIES COMPATIBILITY (PREMIUM ONLY) These objects now support parts and assemblies created with CREO 3.0. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4 ANALYSES 4.1 PHOSPHOR AND FLUORESCENCE MODELING (PREMIUM ONLY) Photoluminescence is the process whereby materials absorb energy in one part of the electro-magnetic (EM) spectrum and reemit energy in a less energetic portion of the EM spectrum. Typical types of photoluminescent materials are phosphors used in LEDs and fluorescent dyes used in biomedical imaging. Accurate modeling of this phenomena requires not only spectral properties, but also particle properties to account for the scattering that occurs in these materials. OpticStudio now supports a photoluminescence model with more realistic material inputs. Users define an absorption spectrum, excitation spectrum or quantum yield, emission spectrum, and particle parameters. The particle parameters define a Mie scatter distribution for light that doesn’t undergo a wavelength shift. These properties can be assigned to any volumetric object in non-sequential mode. In addition, data for several sample phosphors and fluorophores is included. This capability supersedes the more approximate waveshift model of photoluminescence. Find it in the Volume Physics section of the Object Properties dialog in non-sequential mode. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. A white LED composed of a blue LED and a phosphor A confocal fluorescent microscope 4.2 PHOSPHOR AND FLUORESCENCE SPECTRUM VIEWER (PREMIUM ONLY) This plot displays the absorption, excitation and emission spectra of phosphor and fluorophore data sets. These data sets are used for phosphorescence and fluorescence modeling. Find it in the Phosphors and Fluorescence group of the Libraries ribbon. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4.3 OBJECT EDITOR (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) OpticStudio has long used a spreadsheet paradigm for modifying optical system data. This primarily comes from the sequential method of modeling imaging systems. Spreadsheets have several advantages, but some people prefer to interact with their systems in more CAD-like way. This is especially true when modeling non-sequential systems that are based upon 3D objects and coordinate systems. The Object Viewer has been significantly enhanced and is now called the Object Editor. It allows users to interact with object parameter and property data in CAD-like, tree structure. All defining data for an object can be edited in this interface and changes will remain in sync with the object properties dialog and NSC editor. The editor also supports easy visualization of surface and face groups in the layout. Find it in the System Viewers group of the Analyze ribbon in non-sequential mode or by right-clicking an object in the NSC editor and selecting Edit Object. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4.4 REPORT GRAPHICS (ALL EDITIONS) The report graphics are back and have been implemented in a way that supports the new dynamic plots. Three different variants are supported: 2x2, 2x3, and 3x3. As before, users can save layout combinations for quick access. Report graphics are very useful at summarizing system performance for reports and presentations. Find them in the Reports group of the Analyze ribbon. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4.5 FILE COMPARATOR (ALL EDITIONS) This tool compares two ZMX files selected by the user. The tool specifically looks at the prescription data reports of the two files and lists the differences. This is very useful for comparing two revisions of a design to see what changed, or for troubleshooting purposes. Find it in the Lens File group of the File ribbon. 4.6 ISO 10110 DRAWING XML OUTPUT (ALL EDITIONS) The ISO 10110 drawing is a new method for conveying optical designs to manufacturers for fabrication. The data from this drawing can be exported in a new XML format. This output format enables customers and manufacturers to develop automated processes for prototyping and fabricating lenses. For example, manufacturers could potentially read this data directly into a CNC or diamond turning machine. Find it in the XML tab at the bottom of the ISO drawing window. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 4.7 ISO 10110 DRAWING TEZI DATA (ALL EDITIONS) RMS fringe data defined by the TEZI tolerance operand are automatically pulled into the appropriate fields in the drawing. This is invoked by pressing the Reset from TDE button in the drawing settings. 4.8 PHYSICAL OPTICS (POP) UNPOLARIZED BEAMS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) POP can now calculate polarized output data for unpolarized (random polarization) input beams. This is controlled by the use polarization checkbox the General tab of the POP settings (Analyze ribbon). 4.9 SAG TABLE RMS BEST FIT SPHERE (ALL EDITIONS) The best fit sphere can now be calculated using an RMS calculation in addition to minimum volume. The sag table has also been replicated in the Surface group of the Analyze ribbon. Find it as a setting in the sag table (Tolerance ribbon). 4.10 PRESCRIPTION DATA REPORT ADDITIONS (ALL EDITIONS) The prescription data report now includes polarization, advanced, and ray aiming settings from the System Explorer. This data has been added to support the File Comparator tool. This information is found in the General Lens Data section of the report. The report includes Tilt X, Y, and Z data in degrees, in addition to the rotation matrix for each surface. This was requested to make interpreting the tilts of each surface more discernable. This information is found in the Global Vertex section of the report. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. The report now has options to clear all and select all sections in the report settings. Frequently users want to only view specific sections and these settings prevent having to manually select multiple checkboxes. 4.11 THEODOLITE FIELD ANGLES (ALL EDITIONS) A new field definition that supports azimuth and elevation angle definitions. These field definitions are frequently used for astronomical applications. Find the option in the Field Data dialog. 5 TOOLS 5.1 COST ESTIMATOR (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) This tool allows the optical designer to send their lens prescriptions to a manufacturer and receive realtime prototype cost estimates. Optimax is the first manufacturer supported, and this tool will retrieve estimates from the Optimax Estimator web application. The estimator will work for spherical elements and takes into account shape, size, material, coatings, quantity and tolerances. The Cost Estimator along with sensitivity optimization and tolerancing are powerful tools that assist the user in achieving costeffective design solutions. Find it in the Tolerance ribbon or as tab at the bottom of the ISO 10110 drawing. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 5.2 CREATE SPECTRUM FILE TOOLS (PREMIUM ONLY) These tools launch built-in editors for users to create custom absorption, excitation and emission spectra. These spectra may then be used to model phosphors and fluorophores. Find it in the Phosphors and Fluorescence group of the Libraries ribbon. 5.3 SLIDER TOOL UPDATES ZPL WINDOWS (ALL EDITIONS) The slider tool has an option to update open ZPL macro windows. The slider enables you to easily see the effect of variables on performance, including custom macro calculations. Find it on the lower right side of the slider tool (Optimize ribbon). 5.4 EXPORT POLAR DETECTOR DATA EXPONENTIAL NOTATION (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) This tool has an option to disable/enable exponential notation in the output files. Exponential notation isn’t supported in some file formats and external programs that read these files. Find it in the settings dialog of the Export Polar Detector Data tool. 6 OPTIMIZATION 6.1 STRH MULTI-THREADING (ALL EDITIONS) The STRH optimization operand computes faster with an improved multi-threading capability. 6.2 POPD ANGULAR AND CROSS-SPATIAL MOMENTS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) This operand now supports angular and cross-spatial moment calculations. Use values 27-29 for the Data argument in the Merit Function Editor (MFE). 6.3 INCALCULABLE 3RD ORDER SEIDEL OPERANDS (ALL EDITIONS) All merit function operands that return 3rd order Seidel terms (SPHA, COMA, etc.) now return 9E9 instead of zero if the term cannot be calculated. This was done to avoid misleading users that the contribution of a particular aberration is zero when in fact the value cannot be computed. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 7 LIBRARIES 7.1 PHOSPHOR & FLUOROPHORE DATA (PREMIUM ONLY) Several phosphor and fluorophore data models have been added to be used with the new phosphor and fluorescence modeling capability. The phosphors added are provided by Phosphor Tech., Ltd. and are designed to be used to create white LEDs. The fluorophores added are common dyes used in biomedical imaging applications provided by PhotochemCAD. Custom data can be added so long as it is in the format outlined in the help documentation. Find them when applying photoluminescent properties to a volume or via the photoluminescent spectrum viewer. 8 PROGRAMMING 8.1 ZOS-API.NET (PREMIUM AND PROFESSIONAL ONLY) The Zemax OpticStudio Application Programming Interface (ZOS-API) is a set of COM/.NET functions that expose analyses, tools, and editors to external programs. Most actions that can be performed manually inside the program can be called through the API. Many OpticStudio users require custom algorithms or functionality and the API gives them the power to expand the program’s capabilities. The ZOS-API supersedes the DDE capability and provides a far more extensive degree of control. DDE will be made obsolete, but old extensions will continue to work. The ZOS-API has all the functionality that DDE previously supported, but goes well beyond in terms of capability. Common tasks like post-processing data are well within the scope of the API. In addition, users can potentially write their own program whose user-interface is suited to a specific purpose and calls routines from OpticStudio. The new API offers a completely new development ecosystem for anyone wanting to write custom capabilities. There are multiple methods for external programs to interact with OpticStudio through the API. The program can call upon OpticStudio for calculated data and operate as the UI itself. This is the case for programs such as MATLAB. OpticStudio can serve as the UI and call upon other programs for data. The program can mimic a built-in analysis in OpticStudio by using special API functions to generate plots, text, and dialogs that look native. The program can serve as an optimization operand whose sole purpose is to calculate and return a value for optimization. Several wizards provide templates for communicating with common programs, such as MATLAB and Excel. Find it in the Programming ribbon. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 8.2 CODE V FILE CONVERTER (ALL EDITIONS) This macro quickly converts a Code V SEQ file to OpticStudio ZMX format. It improves upon the SEQ2ZMX utility that was written several years ago. Users are encouraged to submit feedback in order to further improve the conversion capabilities. Find it in the Convert group of the File ribbon or in the Macro List of the Programming ribbon. 8.3 ZPL & UDA SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING (ALL EDITIONS) ZPL macros and user-defined aperture (UDA) files can now be edited in OpticStudio with text editors that show color-coded syntax. This capability makes visualizing code logic and correcting errors very easy. Now, external text editors and highlighter files requiring frequent updating are no longer necessary. 8.4 ZPL SUSPEND/RESUME UPDATES KEYWORDS (ALL EDITIONS) SUSPENDUPDATES and RESUMEUPDATES keywords allow macros to provide control over the UI updating open windows. These were added to speed up macros that take a long time to execute while they wait for unnecessary UI updates. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 8.5 NSC BULK SCATTER DLL PARAMETER VISIBILITY (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) NSC bulk scatter DLLs can now control the visibility of the mean path and angle inputs in the object properties dialog. Many DLLs don’t use these parameters and keeping them active can lead to confusion. Old DLLs will continue working properly and only need to be recompiled if these parameters should be hidden. 8.6 NSC SAMPLE DLLS IMPROVED RANDOM NUMBERS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) Sample DLLs provided by Zemax now use a more robust random number generator. The algorithm used is the Mersenne Twister 19937 routine that provides a greater range of unique random numbers. These DLLs previously used the 16-bit Windows rand() function to generate random numbers. 9 USER-INTERFACE 9.1 DEFAULT STARTUP SETTINGS (ALL EDITIONS) A startup defaults dialog is displayed the first time OpticStudio is run after installation. This dialog allows the user to set whether to default startup mode is sequential (imaging/afocal systems), non-sequential (illumination systems), or any user-defined startup file. The user also has the ability to define default source and system units. These settings enable the user to tailor the program to the type of applications they work on most frequently. These settings can be changed at any time in Project Preferences. Find it upon first run after installation or in the Project Preferences in the Setup ribbon. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 9.2 LDE SURFACE FILTERING (ALL EDITIONS) A dialog that filters sequential surfaces by category has been added. Categories include conventional, diffractive, freeform, gradient index, idealized and specialist. Using this setting, users can quickly see the available surfaces for the category that they are interested in defining. Find the button next to the Surface Type box in the Surface Properties dialog. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 9.3 NEW & EDIT TOLERANCE SCRIPT TOOLS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) These capabilities allows you to launch a built-in text editor to create a new tolerance script or edit an existing tolerances script. When the script is saved, it will automatically default to the right file extension (.TSC) and location. Find it in the Tolerance ribbon. 9.4 PRINT PREVIEW (ALL EDITIONS) All analyses support a print button to quickly print out the graphic or text in the window. The print dialog now contains a print preview pane to easily see the size and orientation of the output. Find it in the print dialog launched after clicking the Printer icon in any analysis window. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 9.5 ESC TO CLOSE FIELDS/WAVELENGTHS DIALOGS (ALL EDITIONS) The fields and wavelengths dialog tabs can now be closed by pressing the escape (ESC) key while those tabs are in focus. 9.6 PLOT DATA MARKERS CONTROLLABLE BY ARROW KEYS (ALL EDITIONS) Plot data markers were introduced with the first release of OpticStudio and provide a quick way to monitor specific data points. Data markers on plot curves can now be moved with the left/right arrow keys as well as the mouse, and deleted with the delete key. To see plot data markers, hover over a plot curve, rightclick, and choose Insert Data Marker. 9.7 IMPROVED PLOT AXIS LIMITS (ALL EDITIONS) The default plot axis limits have been improved to better fit the calculated data for relative illumination, physical optics, and the beam file viewer. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 9.8 SOLVE CHANGE ANALYSIS RECALCULATIONS (ALL EDITIONS If a solve type on a cell in the LDE or NSCE changes and the value computed doesn’t change, analyses will not be forced to recompute. This modification puts editors more in-line with the broad paradigm in OpticStudio that data is only recalculated when necessary. 9.9 LANGUAGE LOCALIZATION SUPPORT (ALL EDITIONS) The UI now accounts for the user’s language localization settings. For example, in locales where commas are used instead of periods to represent decimals, the program will now accommodate those settings wherever possible. 9.10 MERIT FUNCTION UPDATES ON INDEPENDENT THREAD (ALL EDITIONS) Merit function updates are computed on a background thread to allow the user to interact with other windows during the update process. 9.11 SOLVE DIALOGS DISPLAY PARAMETER NAMES (ALL EDITIONS) Solve dialogs in the LDE and NSCE now display surface specific parameter names. For example, when picking up a parameter value from a prior surface, the appropriate column name will be listed rather than the generic Parameter X designation. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 9.12 ANALYSES CONVERTED TO DYNAMIC PLOTS (ALL EDITIONS) Several analyses have been converted to the new dynamic plot format: NSC detector viewer, footprint diagram, standard spot diagram, matrix spot diagram, and configuration matrix spot diagram. The dynamic plots render and respond faster than the classic vector graphics format. 9.13 BIGGER WORKSPACE DIVIDERS (ALL EDITIONS) Dividing borders between docked workspaces are now wider for easier clicking and dragging. OpticStudio 14.2 OpticStudio 15 9.14 UNDO FOLDER LOCATION USER DEFINABLE (ALL EDITIONS) The undo folder location can be specified by the user. This was added to speed up file open, read, and save for users whose My Documents folder is located on a network drive. Find it in Project Preferences in the Setup ribbon. 9.15 FASTER NSC RAY DATABASE FILTERING (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) The non-sequential ray filtering code used in the ray database is more efficient for large sets of rays. Improvements up to 100x have been seen. 9.16 CONVERT TO MAT TOOL MULTI-THREADED (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM ONLY) The Convert to MAT capability has been multi-threaded, giving speed improvements up to 15x. 10 HELP RESOURCES 10.1 IMPROVED AND REORGANIZED HELP SYSTEM (ALL EDITIONS) The Help System has been reorganized to make finding important information more convenient. Previously there were three primary sections in the help system: Getting Starting with OpticStudio, Technical Reference and Inline Help. The Getting Started Using OpticStudio section is designed for firsttime OpticStudio users, whether or not they used Zemax. The Technical Reference was the theoretical Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. reference for computations and capabilities in the program. The In-Line help described settings for analyses and tools. The new Help System has the Getting Started Using OpticStudio section separated and accessible via its own icon in the Help ribbon. The Technical Reference and In-Line help sections have been merged. The user simply needs to navigate to the ribbon about which they have a question and all pertinent information will be listed there. As with the previous Help System, there are Search and Index capabilities to quickly find help content for specific topics. Find it in the Help ribbon. 11 INSTALLATION 11.1 PROGRAM EXECUTABLE NAME CHANGE The name of the main program executable has changed from zemax.exe to OpticStudio.exe. If OpticStudio is being installed to the same folder as a prior version, zemax.exe will be deleted from the folder. Users who have created shortcut links to the executable will need to update those links appropriately. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved. 11.2 NETWORK KEY CONFIGURATION FILE LOCATION (ALL EDITIONS) The SNTLCONFIG.XML file can now be placed in the My Docs\Zemax\Configs folder. This file provides the IP address of the key server for users running OpticStudio on a network key. Placing the file in the user’s folder allows non-administrators to easily modify this file as necessary. 12 BUG FIXES Physical optics ZBF files saved at intermediate surfaces will output both orthogonal polarization states in the case where the user requests polarized output of an unpolarized input beam. The output file names will be appended with _1 and _2. Improvements have been added to the Toroidal surface ray tracing algorithm in sequential mode for better handling of extreme angles of incidence. OpticStudio now correctly filters rays that are split AND undergo Importance Sampling. OpticStudio now uses the correct index for rays traced in modes 2 and 3 for Birefringent In surface. OpticStudio now uses the correct normalization radius in Convert Asphere Types tool. The Double Pass tool now aborts with the appropriate error message if a system contains a gradient index surface. The Element Data Listing macro has been updated to check when radii are infinity. The Ray Generator now correctly uses input wavelengths when selecting Narrow Band for the spectrum. Copyright ©Zemax, LLC 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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