bid document - E-tenders Haryana PHED
bid document - E-tenders Haryana PHED
BID DOCUMENT OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION NO 3, BHIWANI, HARYANA Up-gradation of Sewerage Facilities in Bhiwani Town (Under Esp Phase-II) NAME OF WORK : DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY CYCLIC INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. Amount Rs. 1300.00 Lacs. Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana Public Health Engineering Building, Bays 13 - 20, Sector - 4, Panchkula Ph. 0172 - 2564221 | Fax. 0172 - 2560237, 2583920, 2560270 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 1 SECTION – 1 TENDER NOTICE & FORMS Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 2 TENDER NOTICE PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, HARYANA The sealed tenders are invited on lump sum rate basis, as per particulars mentioned below from the firm/agency/contractor enlisted/registered with any State/Central Govt. department or Public Sector undertaking on the date of calling of tender as per the eligibility criteria. Sr. No. 1. Name of Work Estimated Cost DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. ` 1300.00 lacs Time Limit Closing Date of Sale of Tender Date of Opening of Post Documents Earnest Money ` 26.00 lacs (Rs. In lacs) Time of Successful completion 15 months for completion and 3 months for trial, testing which can be extended till prescribed parameters are attained (which ever is later) & further operation & maintenance for 12 Months during defect liability period and for 5 years thereafter. 12 Months for Completion of Work + 3 Months for Trial Running Period + 12 Months for Defect Liability Period + 5 Years for Operation and maintenance Qualification Eligibility criteria shall be as follows:1) The Bids from the joint ventures for acceptable as per the guideline attached. 2) Open to all agencies enlisted for the amount equal to or more than DNIT amount with Department/ Board/ Corporation of Central Govt., any State Government, fulfilling the following criteria :i) Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31st March of the previous financial year, should be at least 30% of the DNIT cost. ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar * works, during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:a. Three similar * completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the DNIT cost or 40% of the capacity of the Plant. or b. Two similar * completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the DNIT cost or 50% of the capacity of the Plant. or c. One similar * completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the DNIT cost or 80% of the capacity of the Plant. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 3 PRESS NOTICE Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana Public Health Engineering Division No.3, Bhiwani Notice Inviting Tender No. ________________ Dated: 1. Online bids are hereby invited on behalf of Governor of Haryana for the works mentioned below:UPGRADATION OF SEWERAGE FACILITIES IN BHIWANI TOWN UNDER ESP PHASE-II. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. SNo. of work 1. Estimated Cost Time Limit Earnest Money Tender Document Fee Rs 1300.00 12 Months Rs. 26.00 lacs Rs. 20000/- Lacs 2. Possession of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and registration of the contractors on the portal i.e. is a prerequisite for e-tendering. 3. Last Dates of various activities by bidder:i. Downloading & Payment for tenders document :-__________. ii. Bid Preparation , EM Deposit, Submission of Bid- (Ist stage):- ___________ iii. Submission of bid- (IInd & Final stage):- _____________ For further details and e-tendering schedule, visit website For & on behalf of Governor of Haryana Sd/ Executive Engineer PHE Division No.3, Bhiwani Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 4 * Similar work is a single composite work comprising of construction of sewage treatment plant of any capacity based on activated sludge process/SBR/UASB/MBBR technology on turnkey basis including any other masonary/RCC/Pipe Line/Electrical/Mechanical Work covered in the same work. For computing the cost of the completed work to the base year, the following multiplying factor will be used for the cost of completed works so as to bring the financial figures to a common base: Financial year of work completed One year old Two years old Three years old Four years old Five years old Six years old Seven years old Multiplying factor 1.10 1.21 1.33 1.46 1.60 1.76 1.94 3) The applicants performance for each completed work should be certified by an officer not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or equivalent on the proforma enclosed and should be obtained in sealed cover. 4) The agency/contractor will have to get him enlisted in the department within 30 days from the date of award of work to the contractor/agency, if not enlisted earlier. 5) The agency shall have a tie up with a technology provider who shall be jointly and severally responsible for providing, designing performance guarantee/key equipments for SBR technology and submit the affidavit to the department regarding the tie up with the technology provider. The technology provider must have got successfully constructed and commissioned at least one Sewage Treatment Plant of 15 MLD or above capacity based on SBR technology during the last five years in India on the date of calling of tenders and enlisted with any State Govt., Central Govt., Public Sector undertakings etc. 6) Technology provider should have registered office in India so that prompt services are provided as and when required. 7) Firms/Contractor who has been black listed by Govt. Semi Govt./Board/ Corporation shall not be eligible to bid for this work. 8) The tender shall be opened between __________ 17:01 hrs to _________ 17:00 hrs as per e-tendering process. 9) The Department reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently. If any information furnished by the applicant is found to be incorrect at a later stage, the firm/contractors shall be liable to be debarred from future tendering in Department and legal action will also be initiated and allotment is liable to be cancelled besides black listing the contractors/firms. 10) All disputes concerning this work shall be within the jurisdiction of Bhiwani. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 5 11) Conditional Tenders, Tenders without Earnest Money, Tenders not furnished on prescribed forms & Tenders by Post/Telegram & received after due date & time shall not be entertained. 12) The firms/contractors shall give their rates for complete scope of work and give the component wise cost. The rate of design, dewatering, Pile foundation, any royalties and price escalation shall not be paid extra. 13) Department reserves the right to reject any/all the applications without assigning any reason 14) For further details, terms & conditions please contact the office of the Executive Engineer PHE Division No. 3, Bhiwani. 15) No mobilization advance shall be allowed. 16) In case of any variation in nomenclature /typing error in the online bid documents and approved DNIT, the provision of approved DNIT will prevail in cases and bidder shall have no claim , what so ever, on this account. In addition the work is to be carried out as per latest BIS code provisions and the tenderer has to submit his rates accordingly. Any variation in DNIT not consistent with BIS code provisions or Water Supply manual the provision of BIS code with latest amendments and the relevant sections of Water Supply manual will prevail. Executive Engineer, PHE Division No. 3, Bhiwani Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 6 Guidelines for Joint Venture 1. 1.1 Following stipulations shall be applicable for joint venture (JV) of firms (herein after called JV). Separate Identity/Name should be given to the Joint Venture firm. 1.2 Number of members in a JV firm shall not be more than three. 1.2.1 One of the members of the JV firm shall be the lead member of the JV firm who shall have a majority (atleast 51%) share of interest in the JV firm. The other members shall have a share of not less than 20% each in case of JV firms with upto three members. In case of JV with foreign member(s), the lead member has to be an Indian firm with a minimum share of 51% as a whole in JV firm. 1.3 A member of JV firm shall not be permitted to participate either in individual capacity or as a member of another JV firm in the same tender. 1.4 The tender form shall be purchased and submitted only in the name of the JV firm and not in the name of any constituent member. Normally EMD shall be submitted only in the name of JV and not in the name of constituent member. However, in exceptional cases EMD in the case of lead partner can be accepted subject to submission of specific request letter from lead partner stating the reasons for not submitting the EMD in the name of JV and giving written confirmation from the JV partners to the effect that the EMD submitted by the lead partner may be deemed as EMD submitted by JV firm. 1.5 (i)A copy of the MoU as per prescribed format shall be submitted alongwith tender. No JV will be accepted after submission of the tender bid. Failure to do so will be treated as breach of contract with consequent liability and damages. The complete details of the members of the JV firm, their share and responsibility in the JV firm etc., particularly with reference to financial, technical and other obligations shall be furnished in the MoU. (ii) Once the tender is submitted the MoU shall not be modified/altered/terminated during the validity of the tender. In case the tenderer fails to observe/comply with the above stipulation, the full Earnest Money amount shall stand forfeited in favour of the PHED. In case of successful tenders, the validity of this MoU shall be extended till all the contractual obligations as per the contract agreement are fulfilled. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 7 (iii) Approval for change of constitution of JV firm shall be at the sole discretion of the Engineer-in-charge after approval of the competent authority. The constitution of the JV firm shall not be allowed to be modified after submission of the tender bid by the JV firm except when modification becomes inevitable due to succession laws etc. and in any case the minimum eligibility criteria should not get vitiated. In any case the Lead Member should continue to be the Lead Member of the JV firm. Failure to observe this requirement would render the offer invalid. Similarly, after the contract is awarded to the JV firm, the constitution of JV shall not be allowed to be altered during the currency of contract except when modification become inevitable due to succession laws etc. and in any case the minimum eligibility criteria should not get vitiated. Failure to observe this stipulation shall be deemed to be breach of contract with all consequential penal action as per contract conditions. (iv) In case of award of tender to JV, a single Performance Guarantee will be required to be submitted by JV firm as per tender conditions. (v) It shall be noted that for all the guarantees related to the contract like Performance Guarantee, Bank Guarantee for Mobilization Advance, Machinery Advance etc. shall be accepted only in the name of JV firm and no splitting of guarantees amongst the members of the JV firms shall be permitted. 1.6 (i) Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement for Joint Venture The Memorandum of Understanding between JV partners shall be submitted alongwith the tender document. (ii) On issue of LOA, an agreement amongst the members of JV firm (to whom the work has been awarded) has to be executed and got registered before the Registrar of the Companies under Companies Act or before the Registrar/Sub Registrar under the Registration Act, 1908. This agreement shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge before signing the contract agreement for the work. In case of tenderer fails to observe/comply with this stipulation, the full Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be forfeited and other penal actions due shall be taken against the partners of the JV and the JV. (iii) Authorized Member :- Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on behalf of the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 8 the agreement or enter into contract in respect of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign measurement book and similar such action in respect of the said tender/contract. This authorization shall be with further stipulation that it shall be valid for the entire period of the completion/extended period of the work including maintenance period. All notices/ correspondences with respect to the contract would be sent to this authorized member of the JV firm. (iv) The Joint Venture Agreement should invariably contain clauses related to following subject/issues in the manner specified herein below. I. Joint & Several Liability:- The members of the JV firm to which the contract is awarded shall be jointly and severally liable to the Engineer-in-charge for execution of the project in accordance with the general and special conditions of the contract. The JV members shall also be liable jointly and severally for the loss, damages caused to the Govt. or private property during the course of execution of the contract or due to non-execution of the contract or part thereof. Further the Technology provider shall be jointly & severally responsible to the JV firm for his scope of work mentioned in MOU. II. Duration of the Joint Venture Agreement:- It shall be valid till all contractual obligation as per contract agreement are fulfilled. III. Notices and Correspondences: All notices/correspondences with respect to the contract would be sent to this authorized member of the JV firm. IV. Governing Laws: The Joint Venture Agreement shall be in all respect be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Indian Laws. V. All the members of the JV shall certify that they have not been blacklisted or debarred by PHED or any other Ministry/ Department of the Government of India/ State Government from participation in tenders/ contract on the date of opening of bids either in their individual capacity or the JV firm or partnership firm in which they were members/partners. VI. Assignability: No member of the Joint Venture firm shall have the right to assign or transfer the interest, right or liability in the contract without the written consent of the other party and that of the Engineer-in-charge in respect of the said tender/ contract. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 9 VII. Execution on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper: The Joint Venture Agreement must be on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- or as per Stamp Act of the concerned State where agreement has been executed. i) The attested copies of documents in support of the Joint Venture should be submitted. ii) In case of one or more parties to the Joint Venture Agreement are partnership firm/s, the following documents should be enclosed. (a) Notary certified copy of Partnership Deed. (b) Consent of all the partners of the partnership firm authorizing one of the partners to enter into the Joint Venture Agreement on a Stamp Paper of appropriate value (in original). (c) Power of Attorney for authorized signatory of JV partners. (d) Power of Attorney in favour of one of the partners to act as lead partner of Joint Venture. iii) In case of one or more members is/are proprietary firm or HUF; Affidavit on Stamp Paper of appropriate value declaring that his concern is a proprietary concern and he is sole proprietor of the concern or he is in position of “KARTA” of Hindu Undivided Family and he has authority, power and consent given by other co-partners to act on behalf of HUF. iv) In case one or more members is/are limited companies, the following documents shall be submitted:Notary certified copy of the Resolutions of the Directors of the company, permitting the company a) of entering into the Joint Venture Agreement. b) of authorizing Managing Director/one of the Director/ Manager of the company to sign the Joint Venture Agreement. c) of authorizing Managing Director/Director/Manager or any other person to sign all other documents, contracts, agreements etc. and create liability against the company and/or to do any other act on behalf of the company. d) Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. e) Power of Attorney (duly registered as per prevailing law) by the Company authorizing the person to do/act. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 10 1.7 Credentials Technical and financial capacity of the JV shall be adjudged based on satisfactory fulfillment of the below mentioned clauses. A. Essential Qualifying Criteria: “Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31st March of the previous financial year, should be at least 30% of the DNIT cost. Experience of having successfully completed similar work is a single composite work comprising of construction of sewage treatment plant of any capacity based on activated sludge process/SBR/UASB/MBBR technology on turnkey basis including any other masonary/RCC/Pipe Line/Electrical/Mechanical Work covered in the same work, works during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:a. Three similar * completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the DNIT cost or 40% of the capacity of the Plant. Or b. Two similar * completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the DNIT cost or 50% of the capacity of the Plant. Or c. One similar * completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the DNIT cost or 80% of the capacity of the Plant. * Similar work is a single composite work comprising of construction of sewage treatment plant of any capacity based on activated sludge process/SBR/UASB/MBBR technology on turnkey basis including any other masonary/RCC/Pipe Line/Electrical/Mechanical Work covered in the same work. For computing the cost of the completed work to the base year, the following multiplying factor will be used for the cost of completed works so as to bring the financial figures to a common base: Contractor Financial year of work completed Multiplying factor One year old 1.10 Two years old 1.21 Three years old 1.33 Four years old 1.46 Five years old 1.60 Witness Executive Engineer 11 Six years old 1.76 Seven years old 1.94 Note: (i) Contractual payments received by a member in an earlier JV firm shall be reckoned only to the extent of the concerned member’s share in that JV firm for the purpose of satisfying compliance of the above mentioned financial eligibility criteria in tender under consideration. (ii) The Joint Venture shall qualify in all items of Essential Qualifying Criteria to get short-listed Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 12 PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, HARYANA PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISON NO. 3, BHIWANI NOTICE INVITING TENDER Online bids are hereby invited on behalf of Governor of Haryana for the following work as mentioned below:Name of Work: - DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. SNo. of work 1. Estimated Cost Time Limit Earnest Money Tender Document Fee Rs 1300.00 12 Months Rs. 26.00 lacs Rs. 20000/- Lacs Important Dates for the activities of the bidder:S. No. Activity 1 Downloading of tender document & payment of tender document fees. 2 Online bid preparation, Earnest Money deposit, finalization of rates & submissions of bids – First stage (bid seal/ Hash Submission) 3 Submission of online bids- Final Stage (Re-encryption of bids) 1. Tender Start date & time documents can be downloaded online Expiry date & time from the Portal: by the Firms / Individual registered on the Portal. For registration details, refer link “Guidelines to contractors for online registration” on the home page of the portal. 2. As the Bids are to be submitted online and are required to be encrypted and digitally signed, the Bidders are advised to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) at the earliest considering the fact that the process may take at least a weak. For obtaining Digital Certificate, the Bidders should follow point No. 3 under “Annexure-A - Conditions of e-tendering”. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 13 3. Key Dates Sr. Start Date Expiry Date PHED Stage Contractor Stage No. and Time and Time Release of Tender 01/01/2013 02/01/2013 1 17:01 17:00 document Downloading of Tender 02/01/2013 16/01/2013 2 Document & Payment of 17:01 17:00 Tender Document fees Online bid preparation, Earnest Money deposit, finalization of rates & submissions of bids – First stage (bid seal/ Hash Submission) 3 - 4 Technical Financial Lock 5 - & 6 02/01/2013 17:01 16/01/2013 17:00 16/01/2013 17:01 Submission of online bids- Final 17/01/2013 Stage (Re-encryption of bids) 17:01 Manual Submission of 02/01/2013 10:00 additional documents 17/01/2013 17:00 18/01/2013 17:00 18/01/2013 17:00 - 7 Open EMD & /PQ bid 18/01/2013 17:01 21/01/2013 17:00 8 Eligibility criteria evaluation 21/01/2013 17:01 22/01/2013 17:00 9 Open Financial / Price-Bid 22/01/2013 17:01 23/01/2013 17:00 4. The Bidders can download the tender documents from the Portal : Tender Documents Fees has to be paid online through payment gateway during the “Downloading of Tender Document & Payment of Tender Document fees” stage and Earnest Money Deposit has to be deposited through RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) / NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) in the name of Executive Engineer , Public Health Engineering Division No. 3, Bhiwani bank account No. 910020034944570 in Bank name AXIS Bank & Bank IFSC CODE UTIB0000402. Following particulars are to be given online at the e-tendering web portal of the department. 1. Name of a/c holder from whose a/c payment for earnest money has been made by the agency 2. A/C No. 3. Name of the Bank 4. Transaction ID 5. Date & time of transaction 6. Amount of Payment Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 14 Willing Contractors shall have to pay the Tender Document Fees through payment gateway during the “Downloading of Tender Document & Payment of Tender Document fees” stage. However, the details of the EMD are required to be filled at the time of “Online bid preparation and submission of bid- Ist stage”, the Bidders are required to keep the EMD details ready beforehand. 5. The tender shall be submitted by the bidder in the following two separate envelops online: 1. Earnest Money and all the documents in support of eligibility criteria - Envelope ‘ED’ 2. Price Bid - Envelope ‘C I’ Note: Online Bidders shall submit the EMD through RTGS/ NEFT. EMD will not be accepted in parts i.e. whole amount of EMD should be deposited in one instance. Documents in support of eligibility criteria shall also be submitted in Envelope ‘ED’. Price Bids are to be submitted mandatory online and shall not be accepted in any physical form. Reference of the EMD is to be mentioned online. In the first instance, the Envelop – ‘ED’ of all the Bidders containing the statement of Earnest Money and documents supporting eligibility criteria shall be opened online as well as physically. If the Earnest Money and eligibility of bidder is found proper, the Envelop ‘C1’ containing financial bids shall be opened online in the presence of such bidders who either themselves or through their representatives choose to be present. The financial bid shall be opened only if the bidders meet the eligibility criteria as per the Bid document. The bidder will submit the necessary documents as under. Envelope ‘ED’ – Earnest Money Deposit and eligibility criteria Envelope Physical EMD Envelope – Photocopies in support of eligibility criteria and photocopy of document of transaction made in support of deposit of Earnest Money. Online EMD Envelope—Reference details of the Earnest Money Deposit instrument and scanned copy of documents supporting deposition of EMD and eligibility criteria. Envelope ‘CI’ – Price Bid Envelope To be submitted mandatory online- “Information related to Price Bid of the Tender”. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 15 The bidder can submit their tender documents as per the dates mentioned in the schedule above. CONDITIONS:1. Nit, if required, can be seen on any working day during office hours in office of the undersigned. 2. Conditional tenders will not be entertained & are liable to be rejected. 3. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any tender or all the tenders without assigning any reason. 4. The societies shall upload & produce a copy of the resolution of the Co-operative department for e-tendering. 5. The tender without earnest money payment will not be opened. 6. The jurisdiction of court will be at Bhiwani. 7. The tender of the bidder who does not satisfy the eligibility criteria in the bid documents will be rejected summarily without assigning any reason and no claim whatsoever on this account will be considered. 8. Bids would require to be valid for 3 months from the date of expiry of online “Online bid preparation and submission of bid- Ist stage” stage. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance during the bid validity period to be reckoned from the expiry date of “Online bid preparation and submission of bid- Ist stage” stage. If any bidder withdraws his bid during bid validity period, any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited. For and On Behalf of Governor of Haryana Executive Engineer PHE Division No. 3, Bhiwani Endorsement No. Dated A copy of above is forwarded to the following for information and wide publicity: 1. Deputy Commissioner, Bhiwani at Bhiwani 2. Engineer-in-Chief Haryana, PHED, Panchkula 3. All Superintending Engineers/Executive Engineer, PHED Haryana. For and On Behalf of Governor of Haryana Executive Engineer PHE Division No.3, Bhiwani Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 16 ANNEXURE-A CONDITIONS OF E-TENDERING Instructions to Contractors on Electronic Tendering 1. These conditions will over-rule the conditions stated in the tender documents, wherever relevant and applicable. 2. All the Contractors intending to participate in the tenders processed online, are required to get registered for the Electronic Tendering system on the Portal For more details, please see the information in “Guidelines to Contractors for online Registration” link on the Home Page. Contractor is required to register on the portal as per the procedure defined in the guidelines. After successful completion of the registration process by the contractor, a registration no. and Company ID generated by the portal will be issued to the contractor and the request for registration of the contractor will be automatically sent to Nextenders India Pvt. Ltd. for approval. For the approval of registration by M/S Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd, the contractor is required to send a copy of the Enlistment Certificate and PAN Card along with the print of the registration no. and company ID to Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. Address: M/s NexTenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. O/o PWD (B&R) Haryana, Nirman Sadan Building, (Basement) Plot No.-1, Dakshan Marg, Sector-33, Chandigarh160020 or Email at [email protected] for verification. Nextenders India Pvt. Ltd will verify the documents and approve the registration. Registration will not be approved until the above mentioned documents are submitted by the contractor. Contractor may register himself on the portal considering the fact that the process for approval may take about 5 days. 3. Obtaining a Digital Certificate: 1. The Bids submitted online should be encrypted and signed electronically with a Digital Certificate to establish the identity of the bidder bidding online. A digital signature certificate has two keys i.e. Public Key and Private Key. Public Key is used to encrypt the data and Private Key is used to decrypt the data. Encryption means conversion of normal text into coded language whereas decryption means conversion of coded language into normal text. These Digital Certificates are issued by an approved certifying authority, by the controller of Certifying Authorities, Government of India. 2. A Digital Certificate is issued upon receipt of mandatory identity proofs and verification letters attested by the Notary Public / Charted Account / Any Gazatted Officer whose stamp bears emblem of Ashoka. Only upon the receipt of the required documents, a digital certificate can be issued. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 17 3. The contractors may obtain Class II B digital certificate from any Certifying Authority or Sub-certifying Authority authorized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities on the portal or may obtain information and application format and documents required for issue of digital certificate from one such certifying authority given below which is :- 1. TATA Consultancy Serivces Ltd. 11th Floor, Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021 website – 2. Sify Communications Ltd. III Floor, Tidel Park, 4 Canal Bank Road, Taramani, Chennai600113. Website – 3. MTNL Trustline CA O/o DGM (IT-CA), 5515, 5th Floor, Core-V Mahanagar Doorsanchal Sadan, CGO Comples, MTNL, Delhi-110003. Website – 4. iTrust CA (IDRBT) Castle Hills, Road No.1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Andhra Pardesh -500057. Website – 5. (n)Code solutions 301, GNFC Tower, Bodak Dev, Ahmedabad-380054, Gujarat. 6. Website – 7. National Informatics Centre Ministry of Communication and Information Technology A-Block CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. Website 7. e-Mudhra CA 3i Infotech Consumer Serivces Ltd 3rd Floor, Sai Arcade, Outer Ring Road, Devarabeesanahalli, Bangalore560036, Karnataka Website – Contractors may also obtain information and application format and documents required for issue of digital certificate from the following:1. Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. YUCHIT, Juhu Tara Road, Mumbai-400049 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 18 [email protected] 2. M/s NexTenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. O/o PWD (B&R) Haryana, Nirman Sadan Building, (Basement) Plot No.-1, Dakshan Marg, Sector-33, Chandigarh-160020 Contact Person: Manmit Sharma - 09815034028 Kanwarjeet Singh- 09592259876 4. Bid for a particular tender may be submitted only using the digital certificate, which is used to encrypt the data and sign the hash during the stage of bid preparation and hash submission. In case, during the process of a particular tender, the user looses his digital certificate (i.e. due to virus attack, hardware problem, operating system problem), he may not be able to submit the bid online. Hence, the users are advised to keep their Digital Signature Certificates in safe custody. 5. In case of online tendering, if the digital certificate issued to the authorized user of a firm is used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered equivalent to a no-objection certificate/power of attorney to that User. The firm has to authorize a specific individual via an authorization certificate signed by all partners to use the digital certificate as per Indian Information Technology Act 2000. Unless the certificates are revoked, it will be assumed to represent adequate authority of the user to bid on behalf of the firm for Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana tenders as per Information Technology Act 2000. The digital signature of this authorized user will be binding on the firm. It shall be the responsibility of management / partners of the registered firms to inform the certifying authority or Sub Certifying Authority, in case of change of authorized user and that a fresh digital certificate is procured and issued an ‘authorization certificate’ for the new user. The procedure for application of a digital certificate will remain the same for the new user. 6. The same procedure holds true for the authorized users in a private/Public limited company. In this case, the authorization certificate will have to be signed by the directors of the company. 4. Set up of machine In order to operate on the electronic tender management system, a user’s machine is required to be set up. A help file on setting up of the system can be obtained from NexTenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. or downloaded from the home page of the website ->> “Information for new users”. 5. Online Viewing of Notice Inviting Tenders: The contractors can view the N.I.T and the time schedule (Key Dates) for all the packages floated using the electronic tendering system on the Haryana Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 19 PHED website Contractor may refer to NIT in the office of Executive Engineer. 6. Opening of an Electronic Payment Account: 6.1 For purchasing the tender documents online, contractors are required to pay the tender documents fees online using the electronic payments gateway service as mentioned at S.No.8. 6.2 For the list of payments using which the online payments can be made, please refer to the Home page of the Portal 7. Submission of Earnest Money Deposit: 7.1 Contractors have to deposit EMD into the account of the concerned Executive Engineer through RTGS/NEFT. Earnest Money in parts either through different banks or on different dates will not be accepted. EMD should be deposited through RTGS / NEFT as consolidated amount in single transaction so that there is no difficulty in accounting and also that there is no ambiguity for relating a transaction to a particular tender. 7.2 Refund of Earnest Money Deposit to the unsuccessful bidders will be made through cheque issued in the name of contractor / agency. 7.3 Payment of EMD may be made upto specified time of “Online bid preparation and submission of bid- Ist stage” as per key dates schedule of tender. Scanned copy of the proof i.e receipt of transaction of EMD should be uploaded while submitting the tender. A photocopy of document of transaction made should also be physically submitted in envelop ED. 7.4 If any agency withdraws its bid after “Submission of bids- Final Stage (Reencryption of bid)” then the Earnest Money Deposit of such agency shall be forfeited. 8. Submission of Tender Document Fees: The Payment can be made by eligible contractors online directly via Credit Card / Internet Banking Account / Cash Card / Debit card. The contractors have to pay for the tender documents online by making online payment of tender document fees using the service of the secure electronic payment gateway. The secure electronic payments gateway is an online interface between contractors and credit card / online payment authorization networks. If the tenders are cancelled or recalled on any grounds, the tender document fees will not be refunded to the agency. 9. Purchase of Tender Documents: Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 20 Download of Tender Documents: The tender documents can only be downloaded from the Electronic Tendering System on the Portal 10. Submission of bids (Ist Stage) i.e. Bid Seal/ Hash submission: Submission of bids will be preceded by submission of the digitally signed bid seal (Hash) as stated in the tender time schedule (Key Dates) of the Tender. Bidders should take note of any corrigendum being issued on the web portal on a regular basis. They should view and note down the tender Hash and ensure that it matches with their previous noted Hash before confirming the rates. The bidder will not be able to change the rates after the expiry time of this stage. 11. Generation of Super Hash: After the time of submission of Bid Seal (Hash) by the bidders has lapsed, the bid round will be closed and a digitally signed tender Super Hash will be generated by authorized Haryana PHED official. This is equivalent to sealing the tender box. 12. Submission / Re-encryption of bids (IInd & Final stage) Bidders have to submit their encrypted bids online and upload the relevant documents for which they generated the hash at the “Online bid preparation and submission of bid- Ist stage” after the generation of Super Hash within the date and time as stated in the Notice Inviting Tenders (Key Dates). The electronic bids of only those contactors who have submitted their bid seals (Hashes) within the stipulated time, as per the tender time schedule (Key Dates), will be accepted by the System. A bidder who does not submit his bid seal (Hash) within the stipulated time will not be allowed to submit his bid after the permitted time as per key dates. 13. Key Dates: 13.1 The bidders are strictly advised to follow dates and time as indicated in the Notice Inviting Tender. The date and time will be binding on all the bidders. The bidders are required to complete the stage within the stipulated time as per the schedule to continue their participation in the tender. All online activities are time tracked and the system enforces time locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the start and end dates and time of the stage as defined in the Notice Inviting Tender. The bidder should check the status of a particular stage by following the below mentioned procedure:- 1. Click on “Main” after login into the portal. 2. Select “Tender Search” and click on “Go” 3. Next screen will appear on the screen and click on “Search” button to view the list of various tenders. 4. Select the tender whose status is to be viewed by clicking on the tender no. 5. Click on “Action page” button. The status of all the stages i.e. whether “Pending” or “Completed” can be viewed. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 21 The bidder should ensure that the status of a particular stage should be shown as “Completed” before the expiry date and time of that particular stage and he should possess a copy of receipt of completion of each stage to be performed from his end. It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder if the status of a particular stage is “Pending” till the expiry date and time of that stage and he is not able to proceed further in the etendering process. Other Information: 1. The intending bidders shall fill the lumpsum rate / item rate / Percentage rate in the online templates of the online tender. The Price Bid has to be submitted mandatory online. In case the bidder does not submit the rates of Nonschedule items, intentionally or unintentionally, then the rates of such items will be considered as Free of Cost. If the bidder does not agree to execute such N.S. Items for which he has not quoted rates, free of cost, then his EMD will be forfeited. 2. The photocopy of the receipt of transaction made for payment of Earnest money Deposit should be put ‘ED’ sealed envelopes and these sealed envelope and delivered to this office before the date and time mentioned in the Tender Notice alongwith documents listed below: i. A list of all documents accompanying the sealed envelope containing the tender documents. ii. Duly accepted power of Attorney in original along with its two certified copies in the name of bidder or authorized representative to act on behalf of the agency. 3. Tenderer must strictly abide by the stipulations set forth in notice inviting tender & while tendering for the work, the bidder shall adopt only the two envelope system. 4. The ‘CI’ envelope – Price Bid envelope has to be submitted mandatory online and shall not be accepted physically under any circumstances. In case any bidder does not comply with procedure given above, it will be presumed that he is not interested in the work and the work shall not be let out to him. Further he may be de-listed without further notice to him for failing to abide by the strictly approved terms of notice inviting tender for this work. 5. The tenders which are not accompanied by the earnest money or proof of earnest money or do not strictly follow the technical requirement, are liable to be rejected summarily. 6. Tenders / quotations which are dependent upon the quotations of another bidder shall be summarily rejected. Note: - Bidders participating in e-tendering shall check his/her validity of Digital Signature Certificate before bidding in the specific work floated online at e-tendering portal of Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana on the website Also, the bidder will be held liable solely, in case, while bidding in particular stage - Date & Time expired as per the key dates available on the tender document. Key dates are subject to change in case of any amendment in schedule due to any reason stated by concerned Executive Engineer of the Department. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 22 Name of work :- DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. Approx Cost Rs. 1300.00 lacs PRICE BID 1.1 General (i) The price Schedule shall be with reference to the Notice Inviting Tender, Instruction to Bidders, Conditions of Contract, Scope of Work and Technical Specifications of the Tender Documents. (ii) Each item in the price Schedule shall be individually priced and the same shall be added up to the Bid Cost. No column in the price Schedule shall be left blank. (iii) The rates and prices in the price Schedule shall, except in cases separately provided for, be deemed to cover all the contractual obligations under this contract. (iv) Break-up of Price (Table 1.4 (iii), (iv) & (v)) for different parts of work has been mentioned only for the purpose of release of payment. Only the price quoted in table 1.4(i) will be considered as quoted price. (v) In case of any discrepancy between the amount quoted in words and figures, price quoted in words shall be considered as final and valid. 1.2 Validity of Offer The Price Offer is valid for a period of 90 days from the opening date of price bid. 1.3 Taxes The total price quoted by the bidder shall include sales tax, income tax, service tax, work tax and all other Central Govt. and State Govt. taxes / duties/ royalties or octroi as applicable. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 23 1.4 Price Schedule (i) Total Price Sr. No. Description A-1 Designing, Construction, Erection Commissioning and Testing of Intermediate Pumping Station at Jituwala Johar complete in all respect including non-clog submersible pumps, transformer, DG Set and contingent all mechanical and electrical equipments, piping and instrumentation works of Main Pumping Station complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. Designing, Supply, Erection, Commissioning and Testing of non-clog submersible pumps and contingent all civil, mechanical and electrical equipments, piping and instrumentation work at existing under construction MPS complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. Designing, Construction, Erection, Commissioning & Testing of 15 MLD capacity Sewage Treatment Plant based on Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR Technology with all civil, mechanical, electrical equipments & instrumentation at Sewage Treatment Plant complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. Designing and Construction of RCC framed single/double storeyed office building, approach road, street lights, staff quarter and platform for DG Set, transformer etc. including sullage carrier from Sewage Treatment Plant to existing effluent channel complete in all respects and all other works contingent thereto. Operation and Maintenance A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 Amount in Words and Figures a) Operation and Maintenance during defect liability period for 12 months after 3 months trial run period b) For 1st year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. c) For 2nd year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. d) For 3rd year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. e) For 4th year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. f) For 5th year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. Total (A-1 to A-5) Rupees : _______________________________________________________ only (ii) Chlorine (The rate for supply of chlorine gas will not be considered for financial evaluation of the tender). SNo Description Unit 1 Rate for Supply of Chlorine Gas kg Value Rupees : _______________________________________________________ only Date : Contractor Notes:(i.) It is clarified that no material of any kind shall be issued by the department for execution of this work. (ii.) This price bid is to be submitted online only without any change & condition. (iii.) Any condition given on this page shall not be considered and offer will be summarily rejected. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 24 MEMORANDUM General Description (Name of work/ Contractor) -> Name of Work :(a) Estimated Cost (as given in Notice Inviting Tender): - Rs. 1300.00 lacs (b) Earnest Money (as given in Notice Inviting Tender): - Rs. 26.00 lacs (c) Performance security (including earnest money) @ 3% of contract value, including earnest money. (d) Retention money/ security deposit @ 2 % of gross amount of each bill (which will be deducted from bills). This is in addition to performance security. (e) Time allowed for the work from date of written order to completion 15 months. In case this tender is accepted I/ we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all terms and provisions of the said conditions of contract annexed hereto so far as applicable or in default thereof forfeit to pay to the Haryana Public Health Engineering Division or its successor in office, the sums of money mentioned in the said conditions. The sum of Rs. 26.00 lacs deposited vide deposit at call in the name of Executive Engineer through RTGS as earnest money, the full value of which is to be absolutely forfeited to the Haryana Public Health Engineering Division or its successor in office should I/we fail to commence the work specified in the above memorandum the said sum of Rs. 39.00 lacs shall be retained by the Haryana Public Health Engineering Division No. 3, Bhiwani on account of the security deposit specified in Clause I of the said conditions of contract should I/We withdraw or modify the tender within four calendar months from the date of opening of tender, my/our earnest money will stand forfeited to the side of Haryana Public Health Engineering Division No. 3, Bhiwani. Dated the …………………… Day of ……………..20…. Witness …………………….. Occupation ………………… The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf of Governor of Haryana. Dated the …………………… Day of ……………..20…. Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division No. 3, Bhiwani. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 25 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT This will be the Clause – 1 same percentage as The person/persons whose tender may be accepted (hereinafter called that in the tender the Contractor) shall permit the Executive Engineer, Haryana Public Health Engineering Division No. 3, Bhiwani hereinafter called the Engineer-in-charge at the time of making any payment to him for work done under the Contract to deduct such sum as well (with the earnest money deposited by him) amount to five percent of all moneys so payable. Such deductions to be held by Govt by way of security deposits. Compensation of Clause – 2 delay The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall be strictly observed by the Contractor, and shall be reckoned from the date on which the order to commence work is given to the Contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated period of the Contract be proceeded with all due diligence (time being deemed to be the essence of the Contract on the part of the Contractor) and the Contractor shall pay as compensation an amount equal to one percent which the Engineer-in-Charge may levy on the amount of the estimated cost of the whole work as shown by the tender for every day that the work remains un commenced or unfinished, after the proper dates. And further, to ensure good progress during the execution of work the Contractor shall be bound, in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month to complete one-fourth of the whole of the work before one-fourth of the whole time allowed under the Contract has elapsed, one-half of the work before one-half of such time has elapsed and three-fourth of the work before three-fourth of such time has elapsed. In the event of the contractor failing to comply with his condition he shall be liable to pay as compensation an amount equal to one percent which the Engineer-in-Charge, may levy on the said estimated cost of the whole work for every day that due quantity of work remains incomplete provided always that the amount of compensation to be paid under the provisions of this Clause, shall not exceed ten percent of the estimated cost of the work as shown in the tender. The Superintending Engineer on representation in writing for the Contractor may reduce the amount of compensation and his decision in writing shall be final. Clause – 3 In any case in which under any Clause or Clauses of this Contract, the contractor shall have rendered himself liable to pay compensation the Executive Engineer on behalf of the as best suited in the interest of Government shall have power to adopt any of the following courses, as he may deem best suited to the interests of Haryana Public Health Engineering deptt.. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 26 Action when To rescind the Contract (of which rescission notice in written to the whole security Contractor under the hand of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be deposit is forfeited conclusive evidence) and in which case the security of the Contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of Government. b) To employ labor paid by the Public Works Department & to supply material to carry out the work or & part of the work debiting the contractor with the cost of the labor & the price of the materials (of the amount of which cost & price a certificate of the Executive Engineer shall be final & conclusive, against the contractor) & crediting him with the value of the work done, in all respects in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the contractor under the terms of his contract the certificate of Executive Engineer as to the value of the work done shall be final & conclusive against the contractor. c) To measure up the work of the contractor, & to take such part there of as shall be unexecuted out of his hands & to give to another contractor to complete, in which case & expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to the original contractor of the whole work had been executed by him (of the amount of which excess the certificate in writing of the Executive Engineer shall be final & conclusive) shall be borne & paid by the original contractor & may be deducted from any money due to him by Government under the contract or otherwise or from his security deposit. In the event of any of the above courses being adopted by the Executive Engineer, the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by reason of his having purchased or procured and materials, or entered into any engagement for made advances on account or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case the contract shall be rescind under the provision aforesaid the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or paid any sum for any work therefore, actually performed under it is contract unless & until the Executive Engineer will have certified in writing the performance of such work & the value payable in respect there of, & be shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified. Contractor remains liable to pay, compensation if action not taken under clause –3 Clause – 4: In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon Executive Engineer by clause 3 hereof shall have become exercisable & the same shall not be exercised, the not exercise there of shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof & such powers shall not withstanding be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the contractor for which by any clause or clauses there of, he is declared liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of this security deposit & the liability of the Contractor Witness Power to take possession of or require removal of or sell contractor’s plant, Executive Engineer 27 contractor for past & future compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the Executive Engineer putting in force either of power (a) or (c) vested in him under the preceding clause he may, if he of desires, take possession of all or any tools, plant, materials & stores in or upon the works, or the site there of belonging to the contractor of procured by him intended to be used for execution of the work or any part thereof paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract rates, or in case of thee not being applicable & correct market rates to be certified by the Executive Engineer whose certificate there of shall be final, otherwise the Executive Engineer may be notice in writing to the contractor or his clerk’s of the works, foreman or other authorized agent require him to remove such tools, plant materials or sores from the premises within a time to be specified in such notice and the event of the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition. The Executive Engineer may remove them at the contractor’s expenses or sell them by action or private sale, on account of the contractor & at his risk in all respect & the certificate of Executive Engineer as to the expense for any such removal & the amount of the proceeds & expense of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against the contractor. Extension of time Clause – 5: If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time for completion of the work on the ground of his having been unavoidable hindered in its execution or on any other ground of his having unavoidable hindered in its execution or any other ground, he shall apply in writing to the Superintending Engineer, Public Health Engineering Circle, Bhiwani through the Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division, No.3, Bhiwani within 30 days of the date of hindrance but before the expiry of the contractual period on account of which he desires such extension as aforesaid, but before the expiry of contract period & the Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer shall in his opinion (which shall be final) reasonable ground be shown therefore authorize such extension of time if any as may, in his opinion be necessary or proper. Contractor to submit returns every months for any work claimed as extra District rates mean the Haryana Public Health Engineering Division rates Contractor Clause 5 (a) – The Contractor shall deliver in the office of the Executive Engineer, on or before the 10th day of every month during continuance of the work covered by this contract, a return showing details of any work claimed or as a return showing details of any work claimed as extra & as such return shall contain the value of such work as claimed by the Contract, which value shall be based upon the rates and prices mentioned in the Contract or in the schedule of rates in force in the district for the time being. The Contractor shall include in such monthly return particulars of all claims of whatever kind and however arising which at the date thereof he has or may claim to have against the Executive Engineer under or in respect of, or any manner arising out of the execution of work and the Contractor shall be deemed to have waived all claims not included in such return will have no right to enforce any such Witness Executive Engineer 28 for that claims not so included whatsoever be the circumstances. District. Final Clause – 6 – Without prejudice to the rights of Government under any Clause Certificate hereinafter contained on completion of the works, the Contractor shall be furnished with a certificate by the Executive Engineer (hereinafter called the Engineer-in-charge) of such completion, but no such certificate shall be given, not shall the work be considered to be complete until the Contractor shall have removed from the premises on which the work shall be executed all scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and cleaned off the dirt from all wood works, doors, windows, walls, floors or other parts of any building, in upon or about with the work to be executed, or of which he may have had possession for the purpose of the execution thereof and the measurements in the said certificate shall be binding and conclusive against the Contractor, if the Contractor shall fail to comply with the requirements of this Clause as to removal of scaffolding surplus materials and rubbish and cleaning off dirt on or before the date fixed for the completion of the work, the Engineer-in-charge may at the expense of the contractor remove such scaffolding, surplus materials & rubbish and dispose off the same as he think and clean off such dirt aforesaid; and the Contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of all expense so incurred and shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof less any expenses by the Engineer-in-Charge in connection there with.. Payment on intermediate certificate to be regarded as advances Clause 7 - No payment shall be made for work estimated to cost less than one thousand, till after the whole of the works shall have been completed and a certificate of completion given. But in case of works estimate to cost more than One thousand the Contractor shall be submitting the bill thereof be entitled to receive a monthly payment proportionate to the part thereof then approved & passed by the Engineer-in-Charge whose certificate of such approval and passing of the sum so payable shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor. But all such intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by ways of advance against the final payments only and not as payments for work actually done and completed and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsounded and imperfect or unskillful work to be removed and taken away and reconstructed or re-erected, or be considered as an admission of the due performance of the Contract or any part thereof in any respect, or the accruing of any claim, nor shall it conclude or any of them as to the final settlement & adjustments of the account or otherwise or in any other way or vary or affects the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the Contractor within one month of the date fixed for completion of the work otherwise the Engineer-in-Charge’s certificate of the measurement and of the total amount payable for the work accordingly shall be final and binding on all parties. Clause 7 (A) The deductions referred to in Clause 1 herein before or such part thereof as may be due to the Contractor under this Contract shall be payable to Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 29 the Contractor as under. I. 50% of the Performance security and Security Deposit shall be payable to contractor after testing & commissioning of the plant including trial run for a period of 3 months or till prescribed parameters are attained (whichever is later). II. 50% of the balance Performance security and security deposit shall be payable to the contractor after successful completion of defect liabilities period of one year against equivalent amount of Bank Guarantee submitted subsequently in five parts of equal amounts, Each one to be released after successful completion of each O&M year. Clause 8- A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or Bill to be before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-charge for all work executed in the submitted monthly previous month & the Engineer-in-charge shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurement for the purpose of having the same verified & the claim as far as admissible; adjusted if possible, before the expiry of ten days from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor does not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in the presence of the Contractor, whose counter signature to the measurement list will be sufficient warrant & Engineer-in-charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall be binding on the contractor in all respects. Clause 9: - The contractor shall submit all bills in triplicate on printed Bill to be on forms to be had on application from the office of the Engineer-in-charge, & printed forms the charge in the bill shall always be entered at the rate specified in the tender or in the case of any extra works ordered in pursuance of those conditions, & not mentioned or provided for in the tender at the rates hereinafter provided for such works. Clause 10: - If the specification estimate of the work provide for the use of any special description of materials to be supplied from Engineer-incharge’s store or if it is required that the contractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-in-charge (Such materials and stores, and the prices to be charged therefore as hereinafter mentioned being so far as practicable for the convenience of the contractor but not so as in any way to control the meaning or effect to this contract specified in the schedule or memorandum hereto annexed), the contractor shall be supplied with such materials & stores required from time to time to be used by him for the purpose of the contract only, & the value of the full quantity of materials & stores so supplied to the rates specified in, the said schedule or memorandum may be set off or deducted from any sums then due, or hereafter to become due to the contractor under the contract, or otherwise, against or from the security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof if the same is held in Government securities the same of the sufficient portion thereof being in this case sold for the purpose. All material supplied to the Contractor Witness Stores supplied by the Government. Executive Engineer 30 Contractor shall remain the property of the Contractor but shall not on any account be removed from the site of the work without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge, & shall at all times be opened to inspection by him. Any such materials unused and in perfectly good condition at the time of the completion of the Contract, shall be returned to the Engineer-in-charge’s store if by a notice written under his hand he shall or require, but the contractor shall not be entitled to return any such materials unless with such consent and shall have no claims for compensation on account of any such materials so supplied to him as aforesaid being unused by him, or for any wastage in or damage to any such materials. Clause – 11: - The contractor shall execute the whole & every part of the work in the most substantial & workman like manner & both as regard materials and otherwise every respect in strict accordance with the Haryana PWD specifications or otherwise as may be specifically provided for, the contractor shall also confirm exactly, fully & faithfully to the designs, drawings, and instructions in writing relating to the works signed by the Engineer-in-charge & lodged in the office & to which the contractor shall be entitled to access, at such office or on the site of the work for the purpose of Inspection during office hours and the contractor shall, if he so requires be entitled at his own expense to make or cause to be made copies of the specifications & of all such designs, drawings and instructions as aforesaid. Works to be executed in accordance with specifications, drawings, orders etc. Clause 11 (a): - The Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers at all times to objects to employment of any workman, foreman or other employee on the works by the contractor, and if the contractor shall receive notice in writing from the Engineer-in-charge requesting the removal of any such man or men from the work, the contractor to comply with the request forthwith. Removal of employees, workmen and foremen. No such workman, foreman or other employee after his removal from the works by the Engineer-in-charge shall be re-employed or re-instated on the works by the contractor at any time except with the previous approval in writing of the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall not be entitled to demand the reason from the Engineer-in-charge for requiring the removal of any such workman, foreman, or other employee. Alterations in specifications & design do not invalid contracts. Contractor Clause – 12: - The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any alteration or omissions or additions to, or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings designs & instruction, that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work & the contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-charge & such alteration, omissions, additions or substitutions shall not invalidate the Witness Executive Engineer 31 Extension of time in consequence of alterations. Rates for works not in estimate or schedule of rates of the district. contract, & any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work, & at the same rates as specified in the tender for the main work. The time for the completion of the works shall be extended in the proportion that the altered additional or substituted work bears to the original contract work, & the certificate of the Engineer-incharge shall be conclusive as to such proportion. And if the altered, additional of substituted work includes any class of work, for which no rate is specified in this contract, then such class of work shall be carried out at the rates entered in the schedule of item of the district, subject to the same percentage above or below as for the items included in the contract, & if such class or work is not entered in the schedule of item of the district then the contractor shall within seven days of the date of his receipt of the order to carry out the work inform the Engineer-in-charge if does not agree to his rate, he shall give notice in writing be at liberty to cancel his order to carry out such class of work, & arrange to carry to out in such manner as he may consider advisable, provide always that the contractor or shall commence work or incur any expenditure in regard thereto before the rates shall have been determined as lastly herein before mentioned, than & in such case he shall have been determined as lastly herein before mentioned, than & in such case he shall only be entitled to be paid in respect of the work carried out or expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of the determination of the rates as aforesaid according to such rate or rates as shall be fixed by Engineer-in-charge. In the event of a dispute the decision of the Superintending Engineer, Public Health Engineering Circle Bhiwani shall be final. No compensation for alteration in restriction of work to be carried out. Clause 13: - If at any time after the commencement of the work, the Government shall for any reason whatsoever not require the whole work thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out, the Engineer-in-charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no claim to any payment compensation, whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage, which he might have derived from execution of the work in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall have any claim for compensation by reason of any alteration having been made in the original specification, drawings, design & instructions which shall invoice any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated. Action & compensation payable in case of Clause 14: - If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the work, that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with material of any inferior Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 32 bad work. description or that any materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to the contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall on demand, in writing from Engineer-in-charge specifying the work materials or articles complained of not withstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed certified & paid for forthwith rectify, or remove & reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part as the case may require or as the case may be, remove the materials or articles so specified & provide other proper & suitable material or articles at his own proper charge & cost & in the event of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-charge in his demand aforesaid, then the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation to the rate of one percent of the amount of the estimated cost of work covered by this contract for every day not exceeding 10 days, while his failure to do so shall continue & in case of any such failure the Engineer-in-charge may rectify or remove & re-execute the work remove & replace with other materials or articles complained of as the case may at the risk & expense in all respects of the contractor. Clause 15: - All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall at all times be open to the inspection & supervision of the Engineer-in-charge and his subordinates and the contractor shall at all times, during the usual working hours, and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate to visit the work shall have been given to the contractor, either himself be present for that purpose order given to the contractor’s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the contractor himself. Work to be open to Inspection Clause 16: - The contractor shall give not less than five day’s notice in writing to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate –in-charge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement any work in order that same may be measured & contract dimensions thereof be taken before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement & shall not cover or place beyond the reach of measurement any work without the consent in writing of the Engineer-incharge or his subordinate –in-charge of the work, & if any work shall be covered up or placed in behind the reach of measurement without such notice having been given or consent obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the contractor expense, or in default thereof no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or the materials with which the same was executed. Notice to be given before work is covered up. Clause –17: - If the contractor or his work people or his servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of a building in which they may be working or any building, road, fence, enclosure or grassland cultivated ground continuous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is Contractor liable for damage done & for imperfections for 3 months after Contractor Witness Contractor or responsible agent to be present. Executive Engineer 33 being executed, or if any damage shall happen to the work while in certificate. progress from any cause whatever or any imperfections become apparent in three month after the certificate final or other of its completions shall have been given by Engineer-in-charge as aforesaid the contractor shall make the same good at his own expense or in default the Engineer-in-charge may cause the same to be made good by other workman, & deduct the expense (of which the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final) from any sums that may be then, or at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor or from his security deposit or, of a sufficient portion thereof. Clause-18: - The contractor shall supply at his own cost all material except such special materials if any may in accordance with the contract be supplied from the Engineer-in-charge’s stores plants, tools appliances, implements, ladders, tackle, scaffolding & temporary works, requisite or proper execution of the work, whether original, altered or substituted & whether included in the specifications or other documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions or not, or which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of the Engineer-in-charge as to any matter as to which under those conditions he is entitled to be satisfied or which he is entitled to require together with carriage therefore to & from the work. The contractor shall also supply without charging the requisite number of persons with the means & material necessary for the purpose of setting out works & counting, weighing & assisting in this measurement of examination at any time & form time of the work or material, failing which the same may be provided by the Engineer-in-charge at the expense of the contractor & the expense may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under the contract, or from his security deposit or the proceed of sale thereof, or of a sufficient portion thereof the contractor shall also provide all necessary fencing & lights required to protect, the public from accident & shall be bound to bear the expenses of defense or every suit, action or other proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained due to neglect of the above precautions, & to pay any damages & cost which may be awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings to any such persons or which may with the consent of the contractor be paid to compromise any claim by any such person. Contractor to supply ladders, plant, scaffolding etc. And be liable for damages arising from nonprovision of lights fencings etc. Clause-18 A: - The final bill of the contractor shall not be paid unless or until he furnishes to the satisfaction of the Engineer – in – Charge a proof of the proof of the earth used for the works having been fully paid to the owner of the land from which the earth was removed or of the matter having been amicably settled with them. The contractor shall also be liable to indemnify the government against all claims made proceedings & action taken by any person in respect of the price of earth removed by the contractor from his land for the work against Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 34 all losses, damages, cost & expenses which the government may suffer or incur as a result of such claims. Labor Clause 19 A: - No labour below the age of 18 years shall be employed on the work. Clause 19 B: - The contractor shall pay his laborer not less than the wages determined under minimum wages act for the District. Work on Sunday Clause 20: - No work shall be done on Sunday without the sanction in writing of Engineer-in-charge. Contractor liable for payment of compensation to injured workmen or in case of death to his relations. Clause 20 A: - In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of Section 12, sub section (1) of the workman’s compensation Act, 1923 The Government is obliged to pay compensation to workman employed by the contractor, in execution of works The Government will recover from the contractor the amount of the compensation so paid & without prejudice to the right of the government under Section 12, sub section (2), of the said Act, the government shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due by The government to the contractor whether under this contract or otherwise. The Government shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under section 12 sub section (1) of the said act except on the written request of the contractor & upon his giving request to Government full security for all costs for which Government might become liable in consequence of contesting such claims. Works not to be sublet. Contract may be rescind & security deposit forfeited for subletting bribing or if contractor becomes insolvent. Clause 21: - The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Sum payable by way of compensation to Clause 22: - All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of Government without reference to the actual loss or damage Contractor And if the contractor shall reassign or sublet his contract or attempt to do so or become insolvent or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any compensation with his creditors or attempts so to do or if any bribe gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward or advantage, pecuniary or otherwise shall either directly or indirectly be given, promised or offered by the contractor or any of his servants or agents to any public officer or person in the employment of Government in any way relating to his office for employment or if any such officer or person shall becomes in any way directly or indirectly in the contract, the Engineer-in-charge may thereupon by notice in writing rescind the contract & the security deposit of contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited & be absolutely at the disposal of Government & the same consequences shall ensure as if the contract has been rescinded under clause 3 hereof & in addition the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work therefore actually performed under the contract. Witness Executive Engineer 35 be considered as reasonable compensation without reference to actual loss. Deductions of amounts due to The Government on any account whatsoever to be permissible from sums payable to a contractor sustained & whether or not any damage shall have been sustained. Clause 22-A: - Any excess payment made to the contractor inadvertently or otherwise under this contract or on any account whatsoever & any other sum found to be due to the Government by the contractor in respect of his contract or any other contract or work order of any to account may be deducted from any sum whatsoever, payable by the Government the contractor either in respect of this contract or any other work order or by any other account by any other department of the Government. Changes in constitution of firm Clause 23: - In the case of tender by partners any change in the constitution of the firm shall be forthwith notified by the Contractor to the Engineer-inCharge for his information. Work to be under direction of Superintending Engineer. Clause 24: - All works to be executed under the Contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all respects of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle for the time being who shall be entitled to direct at what point and in what manner they are to be commenced & from time to time carried on. Claims for payment of an extra ordinary nature to be referred to Government for decisions. Clause 25: - No claim for payment of an extraordinary nature, such as claim for a bonus for extra employed in completing the work before the expiry of the Contractual period at the request of the Engineer-in-Charge or claims for compensation where work has been temporarily brought to a standstill through no fault of the Contractor, shall be allowed unless and to the extent that the same shall have been expressly sanctioned by the Government under the signatures of one of its secretaries. ARBITRATION CLAUSE Clause 25 A: – 1. If any question difference or objection whatsoever shall arise in any way between the Governor of Haryana / his authorized agent and the contractor in connection with or arising out of the contract, or the execution of the work that in (I) whether before its commencement or during the progress of the work or after its completion. (ii) And whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the contract, it shall in the first instance be referred to for being settled by the Executive Engineer-in-charge of the work at the work at the time and he shall within a period of sixty days after being requested in writing by the contractor to do so, convey his decision to the contractor, and subject to arbitration as hereinafter provided, such decision in respect of every matter so referred, shall be final and binding upon the contractor. In Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 36 case the work is already in progress, the contractor will proceed with the execution of the work on receipt of the decision by the Executive Engineer-in-charge as aforesaid, with all due diligence whether he or the Governor of Haryana / his authorized agent requires arbitration as hereinafter provided or not. If the Executive Engineer-in-charge of the work has conveyed his decision to the contractor and no claim to arbitration has been filed with him by the contractor within a period of sixty days from the receipt of letter communicating the decision, the said decision shall be final and binding upon the contractor and will not be a subject matter of arbitration at all. If the Executive Engineer in charge of the work fails to convey his decision within a period of sixty days, after being requested as aforesaid the contractor may, within further sixty days of the expiry of first sixty days from the date on which request has been made to the Executive Engineer-in-charge request the Engineer in Chief, that the matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. 2. All disputes of differences in respect of which the decision is not final and conclusive shall at the request in writing of either party, made in a communication sent through Registered A.D. post, be referred to the sole arbitration of any serving Superintending Engineer or Engineer in Chief of Haryana Public Health Engineering Branch at the relevant time. It will be no objection to any such appointment that the arbitrator so appointed is a Government servant or that he had to deal with the matters to which the contract relates and that in the course of his duties as a Government servant, he had expressed his views on all or any of the matters in dispute. The Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred being transferred or vacating his office, his successor-in-office, as such shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. In case the arbitrator nominated by the Engineer in Chief is unable or unwilling to act as such for any reason, whatsoever, the Engineer in Chief shall be competent to appoint and nominate any other Superintending Engineer or Chief Engineer, as the case may be, as arbitrator his place and the Arbitrator so appointed shall be entitled to proceed with the reference. 3. It is also a term of this arbitration agreement that no person other than a person appointed by the Engineer in chief Public Health Engineering Branch shall act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter shall not be referred to arbitration at all. In all cases where the aggregate amount awarded exceeds Rs. 25000.00 (Rupees Twenty Five thousand only) the arbitrator must invariably give reasons for his award in respect of each claim and counter-claim separately. 4. The arbitrator shall award separately giving his award against each claim and dispute raised by either party including any counter-claims individually and that any lump-sum award shall not be legally enforceable. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 37 5. The following matters shall not lie within the purview of arbitration: (a) Any dispute relating to the levy of compensation as liquidated damages, which has already been referred to the Superintending Engineer and is being heard or / and has been finally decided by the Superintending Engineer in charge of the work. (b) Any dispute in respect of substituted, altered, additional work / omitted work / defective work referred by the contractor for the decision of the Superintending Engineer In charge of the work if it is being heard or has already been decided by the said Superintending Engineer. (c) Any dispute regarding the scope of the work or its execution or suspension or abandonment that has been referred by the contractor for the decision of the Government of Haryana and has been so decided finally by the Haryana Government. 6. The independent claim of the party other than the one getting the arbitrator appointed, as also the arbitrator notwithstanding will entertain counter-claims of any party that the arbitrator has been appointed at the instance of the other party. 7. It is also a term of this arbitration agreement that where the party invoking arbitration is the contractor, no reference for arbitration shall be maintainable unless the contractor, furnishes to the full satisfaction of the Executive Engineer In charge of the work, a security deposit of a sum determined according to details given below and the sum so deposited shall, on the termination of the arbitration proceedings, be adjusted against the cost, if any, awarded by the arbitrator against the claimant party and the balance remaining after such adjustment in the absence of any such cost being awarded, the whole of the sum will be refunded to him within one month from the date of the award. Amount of Claims Rate of security deposited i. For claims below Rs. 10,000 2% of amount claimed ii. For claims of Rs. 10,000 and above 5 % of amount claimed and below Rs. 1,00,000 iii. For claims of Rs. 1,00, 000 and 10 % of amount claimed above The stamp fee due on the award shall be payable by the party as desired by the arbitrator and in the event of such party’s default the stamp-fee shall be recoverable from any other sum due to such party under this or any other contract. 8. The venue of arbitration shall be such place or the arbitrator in his sole discretion may fix places as. The work under the contract shall continue during the arbitration proceedings. 9. Neither party shall be entitled to bring a claim for arbitration if the appointment of such arbitrator has not been applied within six months: Of the date of completion of the work as certified by the Executive Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 38 Engineer In charge, or Of the date of abandonment of the work, or Of its non-commencement within six months from the date of abandonment, or written orders to commence the work as applicable, or Of the completion of the work through any alternative agency or means after withdrawal of the work from the contractor in whole or in part and/or its recession, or Of receiving intimation from the Executive Engineer In charge of the work that final payment due to or recovery from the contractor had been determined which he may acknowledge and/or receive whichever of (a) to (e) above is the latest. If the matter is not referred to arbitration within the period prescribed above, all the rights and claims of any party under the contract shall deemed to have been forfeited and absolutely barred by time even for civil litigation notwithstanding. 10. It is also a term of this arbitration agreement that no question relating to this contract shall be brought before any Civil Court without (I) Involving and completing the arbitration proceedings as above if the scope of the arbitration specified herein covers issues that can be brought before the arbitrator i.e. any matter that can be referred to arbitration shall not be brought before a Civil Court. The pendency of arbitration proceedings shall not disentitle The Government to terminate the contract and make alternative arrangements for the completion of the work. Fluctuation Railway Freight Contractor 11. The arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the day he issues notices to the parties fixing the first date of hearing. The arbitrator may, from time to time, with the consent of the parties enlarge the initial time for making and publishing the award. 12. If also a term of arbitration agreement that subject to stipulation here in mentioned the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1996 or any other law in force for the time being. Clause 26 (a): Any fluctuations in Railways freight, which may occur during the subsistence of and affecting freights of any materials to be supplied under this contract shall be brought to the notice of the “Engineer-in-charge” by the contractor within Fifteen (15) days, from as such without prejudice to the right of The Government should the contractor failed to comply with the above requirements any excess or short charge on account of such increase or decrease shall be admissible in consequence of fluctuation in railway freight when such railway freight is on account of material which is required by a contractor in the manufacture of an article to be supplied under this contract e.g., fluctuations of railway freight on coal required for Witness Executive Engineer 39 burning bricks will not be taken into consideration, or for an article which form part of a finished work, for purposes of this clause or similarly no alteration in rates will be allowed when manufactured articles are transported by rail from place A to place B to form part of finished work. Clause 27: The contractor shall be responsible for making his own arrangements for securing priorities & licenses for material & transportation require for the works & Engineer – in – charge shall not be held responsible in any way for making such arrangements for any of them. Action where no specification Clause 28: - Definition of work Clause 29: The expression “Work” or “Works” where used in these conditions shall, unless there be something either in the subject or context repugnant to such constructions be constructed and taken to mean the work by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed whether temporary or permanent and whether original, altered, substituted or additional. In the case of any clause of work for which there is no such specification as is mentioned in rule 1, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the district specifications and in the event of there being no district specification, then in such cases the work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the Engineer-inCharge. Clause – 30: The percentage referred to at page 3 of the tender will be calculated on the gross amount value of finished work including cost of materials whether purchased from The Government or direct of (1) the items of works to which the rates in the tender apply any also (2) the items of work to which rates exist in the schedule of rates of the district Bhiwani. Clause – 31: The terms and conditions of the agreement have been explained to me / us and I / we clearly understand them. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 40 ADDITIONAL CLAUSE Clause 32 The contractor states that he is not related to any of the officers employed by the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department. Clause 33 No pit shall be dug by the contractor near the site of the work for taking out earth for use on the work. In case of default, the department at the cost of the contractor will fill in the pit so dug. Clause 34 Fair wages clause attached. Clause 35 The contractor shall have to pay sales tax to Excise and Taxation Department in accordance with the rules in force time to time. Clause 36 All payment for work done under this contract shall be made by cheque to the contractor. The work covered by this contract as shown on the plans, which have been signed by the contractor, is annexed herewith. Clause 37 Should the tenderer withdraw or modify his tender after opening the Envelope ‘B’ containing rates of tender he is liable to be black listed and earnest money forfeited. Clause 38 All royalty and compensation for building stone, bajri, and stone metal etc. should be included in the rates to be quoted and is payable by the contractor. Clause 39 The rates given are for the finished work inclusive of octroi, sales tax & excise duty etc. if any. Clause 40 It will be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all trees at the site of work and in the vicinity or their fruit etc. are not damaged by his labour or agent assessed at the cost of such damage, if any, will be at the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge and deducted from the bill of the Contractor. Clause 41 The contractor shall provide at his own cost separate latrine, bathing, enclosure and platform for use of the men and women labour and keep them clean to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. He should also arrange at his own expense for clean drinking water, housing, medical facilities necessary for the welfare of the labour employed at his work. In case of his failure The Government shall provide the same at contractor’s cost. Any dispute regarding this will be settled by the Engineer-inCharge whose decision will be binding. Clause 42 Any material left at the site of work after one month from the completion of the work shall become a property of the Govt. and no payment shall be made for it. Clause 43 The amount of work can be increased or decreased according to the requirement of the department and no claim whatsoever on this account will be entertained. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 41 Clause 44 The Department reserves option to take away any items of the work or part thereof any time during the currency of the contract and re-allot it to another agency with due notice to contractor without liability or compensation. Clause 45 It is not obligatory on the contractor to employ labour through employment exchange but he may avail the facilities offered by the Employment Exchange in case he wises to do so. Clause 46 No claim on account of fluctuation in prices due to war or any other cause will be entertained. Clause 47 The contractor shall be liable to make good all damages caused by breakage from the moment of the stores; pipes and fitting etc. are handed over to his charge. Clause 48 No compensation whatever will be payable on account of any delay or default in the supply of material mentioned in the “list of material to be issued to the contractor” by the Department and consequent delay in the execution of work. Clause 49 The contractor will inform the CMO about the employment of labourer on the work for carrying out Malaria Surveillance. Clause 50 Sales tax / Income Tax will be deducted from gross payment as per Government instructions. Clause 51 The works covered by this contract are shown on plan, which have/has been signed by the contractor and are/is annexed herewith. Additional Conditions of Contract Clause 52 The Engineer-in-Charge Haryana Public Health Engineering Department reserves the right of negotiations as per policy approved by the state Government in case the prices quoted are felt to be higher side. The negotiations will be carried out with 1st lowest contractors. Conditions 53 : The Engineer-in-Charge can opt for 3rd party inspection other than department in addition to inspection by department staff, the 3rd party would inspect the work during its execution to ensure execution of work as per specifications/ agreement and also quality control i.e. drawl of samples, testing and other items etc. the report of the same would be submitted to Engineer-inCharge by the 3rd party. The agency/contractor shall be bound by the report of 3rd party inspection and shall take remedial measures of execution of work as per specifications in agreement. The inspection and sample charges will be borne by department. 1. Appointment of Arbitrator (i) In so for as the Engg. Deptts. Are concerned, the Engineer-in-Chief, Chief Engineer will make the Appointment of arbitrator at their. Own level in the cases, where the cost of the work including interest dose not exceed Rs. 5.00 lacs. in each individual cases, the case involving more than Rs. 5.00 lacs. shall be submitted to the Administrative Department for final approved for such cases (involving more than Rs. 5.00 lacs.) the department shall, prepare panel of Arbitrator and submit to the Administrative Department for final approved. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 42 (ii) In order to avoid unjustified benefit to the contractor/Agency two or three Arbitrator may be appointed for cases involving financial implication of more than Rs. 5.00 lacs. the possibility of appointment of arbitrator other than the office of Department concerned should not be ignored, especially in case of world bank project works the appointment of out sided arbitrator in respect of the world bank project cases. Keeping in view the merit and circumstances of the case may also be kept in view. FAIR WAGES CLAUSES a. The contractor shall pay not less than the fair wage to labour engaged by him on the work. Explanation: - Fair wage means wage whether for time or piece of work notified at the time of inviting tenders of the work and where such wages have not been so notified, the wages prescribed by the Public Health Engineering Branch for the district in which the work is done. b. The contractor shall, not withstanding the provisions of any agreement to the contrary, caused to be paid fair wages to labourers, indirectly engaged on the work including any labour engaged by his sub contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labourers had been directly employed by him. c. In respect of labour directly or indirectly employed on the works for the performances of the contractor’s part of this agreement the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with Haryana Public works Department Contractor’s Labour’s Regulation made by The Government from time to time in regard to payment of wages, period deductions unauthorizedly made maintenance of wage work, wage slip publication of wages and other terms of employment, inspection and submission of periodical returns and all other matter of a like nature. d. The Executive Engineer or Sub Divisional Engineer concerned shall have the right to deduct, from the moneys due to the contractor, any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non fulfillment of the conditions of the contract for benefit of the workers, non payment of wages or deductions made from his or their wages, which are not justified by the terms of the contract for non observance of the regulations referred to in Clause c above. e. Vis-à-vis the Haryana Government, the contractor, shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made under and for the observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub contractors. f. The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract. g. The contractor should invariably issue attendance card to their worker, which should be returned to the contractors concerned at the time of receiving payment of their wages. h. Before making payment to the contractors the authorities concerned should obtain certificate from the contractors that he has made payment to all the workers connected with the execution of the work of which the payment is being made. i. Contractors employing 50 or more workers on the site of a particular work should provide facilities of housing, latrines, water and light to their workers at their own expense. j. The normal working hours of workers employed by contractors for the execution of work allotted to them should be 8 hours per day with a break of 2 hours during summer, one hour, during winter after continuous work of 4 hours at the latest. The spread over should in no case exceed 10 hours. Workers working beyond these hours should be paid over time wages at the double ordinary rate to their wages calculated by the hour. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 43 HARYANA PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR'S LABOUR REGULATION 1. Short title These regulations may be called Haryana (1) Public Works Department Contractor's labour Regulations. 2. Definition In these regulations, unless otherwise expressed. or indicated the following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to say. (1) Labour means workers employed by a Public W orks Department contractors directly or indirectly a sub-contractor or other persons or by an agent on his behalf. (2) Fair wages means. whether for item or piece work. notif ied at the time of inviting tenders for the work and where such wages have not been so notified the wages prescribed by the Public Works Department for the district in which the works done. (3) Contractor shall include every person whether a sub-contractor or headman or agent employing labour on the work, taken on contract. (4) "Wages" shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of Wages Act and includes time and piece rate wages. 3. Display of notice regarded wages etc. The contractor shall before he commences his work on contract, display and correctly maintain and continue to display and correctly maintain a clean and legible condition at conspicuous places on the work notice in English and in the Local Language spoken by the majority of the workers. giving the rate of wages which have been certified by the Executive Engineer, the Superintending Engineer. the Chief Engineer or Regional Labour Commissioner as fair wages and the hours of work for which such wages are earned and a copy of such notices to the District Labour W elfare Officer. 4. Payment of Wages (I) Wages due to every worker be paid to him direct. (II) All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency or in both. 5. Fixation of Wage Periods (I) The contractor shall fix the wage periods in respect of which the wages shall be payable. (II) No wage period shall exceed one month. (III) Wages of every workman employed on the contract shall be paid before the expiry of ten days after the last of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable. (IV) When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of succeeding the one on which his employment is terminated. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 44 (V) All payment of wages shall be made on a working day except the work is completed before the expiry of the wages period in which case final payment shall be made within 48 hours of the last working day. Notes: - The terms working day means a day, on which the work on which the labour is employed is in progress. 6. Wages Book and Wages S lip etc. (i) The contractor shall maintain a wage book of each worker in such a form as may be convenient but the same shall include the following particulars: (a) Rate of daily or monthly wages. (b) Nature of work f or which employed. (c) Total number of days worked during each wage period. (d) Total amount payable for the work during each wage period. (e) All deductions made from the wages with an indication in each case of the ground for which the deduction is made from the wage. (f) Wages actually paid for each wage period. (ii) The contractor shall also maintain a wage slip for each worker employed on the work. The wage slip shall contain all the particulars given in the wage book. (iii) The Executive E ngineer, may grant exemption from the maintenance of Wage Book and Wage Slips to a contractor who in his opinion, may not directly or indirectly employ more than 50 persons on the work. 7 Fine and deductions which may be made from wages 1 The wages of workers shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except the following: (a) Fines (b) Deductions for absence from duty viz., from the place or places where by the terms of his employment is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in proportion to the period for which he was absent. (c) Deductions for damage to or loss of goods, expressly, entrusted to the employed person for custody, or for loss of money for which he is required to account, where such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default. (d) Any other deductions which the Government may from time to time allow. 2 No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss be made until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such fines or deductions. 3 . The total amount of fine which may be imposed in anyone wage period on a worker shall not exceed an amount equal to half an anna in a rupee of the wage payable to him in respect of that wage period. 4 No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installments, or af ter the expiry of 60 days from the date in which it was Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 45 imposed. 8. Register of Fine etc. 1.. The contractor shall maintain a Register of fine and of all deductions for damage or loss. S uch Register shall maintain the reason for which fine was imposed or deduction for damage or loss was made. 2 The contractor shall maintain. both in English and local lndian Language, a list approved by the Chief Labour Commissioner clearly stating the acts and commissions for which penalty or fine may be imposed on workmen and display it in a good condition at a conspicuous place on the work. 9. Preservation of Registers The wage book, the wage slips and the Register of fines, deductions required to be maintained under these regulations shall be preserved for 12 months after the date of last entry made in them. 10. Power of Labour Welfare Officer to make Investigation Enquiry The Labour Welfare Officer or any person authorised by the Government on their behalf shall have to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the fair wage clause and provisions of these Regulations. He shall be investigating into any complaint regarding the def ault made by the contractor or sub-contractor in regard to such provision. 11. Report of Labour Welfare Officer The Labour Welfare Officer or any other person authorised as aforesaid shall submit a report of the result of his investigation or enquiry to the Executive Engineer concerned, indicating the extent if any to which the default has been committed and the amount of fine recoverable in respect of the acts of omission and commission of the labourer with a note that necessary deduction from the contractor's bill be made and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. 12. Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officer Any person aggrieved to the decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare Officer or other person so authorised may appeal against such decision to the Regional Labour Commissioner within 30 days from the date of decision forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to Executive Engineer concerned but subject to such appeal, the decision of the Labour Welfare Officer shall be final and binding upon the contractor. 1. Representation of Parties (I) A workman shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or inquiry under these regulations by (a) An officer of a registered Trade Union to which he is a member. (b) An officer of Federation of Trade Unions to which the trade union referred it in clause (a) is affiliated. (c) Where the worker is not a member of any registered union, an officer of registered trade union connected with, or by any other workman employed in the industry in which the worker is employed. (2) An employer shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or inquiry under these regulations by : (a) An officer of an association of employers of which he is a member. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 46 (b) An officer of an association of employees to which the association referred to in clause (a) is affiliated. (c) Where the employer is not a member of any association of employees by an officer of an association of employers connected with or by any other employer is engaged. 14. . Inspection of Books The contractor shall allow inspection of Wage Book, the Wage Slips and Register of Fines and deduction to any of his workers or his agent at a convenient time and place after notice IS received or to the Labour W elfare Officer or any other person authorised by the Government on his behalf. 15. Submission of returns The contractor will follow the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970) and the contract labour (Regulations and Abolition Central Rule 1971) enforced by Haryana Labour and Employment Department Memo No. 12 (26-78-4- Labour dated 10-6-79). The contractor shall submit periodical returns as specified from time to time. 16. Licensing of Contractor Every contractor who employs or who employed on any day of the proceeding 12 calendar months 20 or more workmen is covered by the Act and is required to obtain a license. The contractor should obtain the necessary license as required under section 12 of contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970) before commencing the work. 17. Amendments The Haryana Government may from time to time amend these regulations on any question as to application, interpretation or effect of these regulations The decision of the Labour Commissioner to Haryana Government in that behalf shall be final. 39 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 47 SECTION – 2 PROJECT OBJECTIVE & SCOPE OF WORK Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 48 1. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of the work of the bidder under this project includes DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. 1.0. Project: 1.1 Location: Bhiwani Town is located in central part of Haryana on 28°-78’ latitude & 76°-30’ longitude the average elevation is 214 Mtr. above M.S.L. Bhiwani is an important Railway Junction of RewariBathinda Hisar-Jaipur & Bhiwani Delhi & well completed by Road with Delhi (120 Km) Hisar (65 Km) The topography of the town is almost flat & General slope of the town is from north south. 1.2. Disposal Works: At present untreated waste water from area is disposed off through Jitu Wala Johar Disposal Work in the Katcha Sullage carrier near ROB Loharu Road, Bhiwani. 1.2 (a) Jitu Wala Johar Disposal Work Road Level = 215.56 m Average Ground Level = 216.00 m Formulation Level = 216.06 m Water Table = 214.17 m Invert Level of incoming sewer = 210.51 m Size of incoming sewer = 600 mm i/d RCC pipe NP-3 1.3. Proposed Site For Sewage Treatment Plant: The Site for the proposed STP has already been acquired on Bhiwani-Dadri Road. Site plan is enclosed along with this tender document. Other site details are as given below : Average G.L. at proposed site = 214.40 m Water table = 213.60 m Invert Level of proposed feeding drain/sewer to MPS Bed level of Katcha sullage carrier leading to near proposed STP= 214.80 m Formation Level to be maintained at site = 216.57 m Level of the existing Dadri Road =216.07 m Bed Level of Bhiwani Ghaggar Drain = 213.10 m FSL of Bhiwani Ghaggar Drain = 214.50 m All the structures shall be structurally designed considering spring level as 214 m. 1.4. Estimation Of Sewage Flow: The capacity of the proposed STP has been taken as 15.0 MLD with a peaking factor of 2.25 times the average flow. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 49 1.5. Raw Sewage Characteristics: For the design purpose of the proposed STP following parameters have to be adopted. SNo Parameter Value Unit 1. pH 7–8 2. BOD5 250 mg/l 3. COD 450 mg/l 4. Suspended Solids 400 mg/l 5. Foecal Coliform Count 1 x 107 MPN/100 ml 6 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (as N) 45 Mg/l 7 Ammonia Nitrogen (as N) 10 Mg/l 8 Total Phosphorous 5 Mg/l 1.6. Treated Sewage Characteristics: Following norms for discharge of treated sewage are to be attained. SNo Parameter Value Unit 1. pH 6.5 – 8.0 2. BOD5 <5 mg/l 3. COD <100 mg/l 4. Suspended Solids <10 mg/l 5. Faecal Coliform Count <1000 MPN/100 ml 6 Ammonical Nitrogen <2 Mg/l 7 Total Nitrogen <10 Mg/l 8 Total Phosphorous <1 Mg/l Note : If there is any presence of any heavy metal in the incoming sewage, the contractor is not expected to provide any treatment for that metal. However, treatment for all the parameters as defined above has to be provided at all times. 1.7. Scope of Work for Contractor: The tender is for turn-key job where the responsibility of the contractor will include all preparatory work, topographical and soil surveys, leveling and dressing of site, detailed design, manufacturing, procurement, excavation works including dewatering & lowering of sub soil water if required, disposal of all surplus earth at suitable site, civil works, installation of equipments, testing and commissioning and operating during defect liability period of the plant for 12 months & 60 months thereafter. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 50 The scope of work of the turn-key contract for the contractor shall include all preparation, execution and testing works within the defined limits of the contract as per details given herein after and will also includes: a) Submission of all documents required according to the contract. b) Submission of a guarantee that the treated water will correspond to the table given above. c) The contractor shall carry out detailed survey work and submit both soft and hard copies of contour drawings with spot levels with 5m x 5m grid to the department. Necessary information such as references to the location as proposed for the treatment plant by him with respect to site boundary, pumping station and also existing plant. d) Though the soil investigation report is annexed with this NIT; however the bidder shall conduct detailed soil survey at the site with view to analyses the safe bearing capacity, swelling properties, angle of friction, cohesion, the lateral resistance of the soil and the general soil conditions, grain size, attire’s limits specific gravity etc. or any other test for his satisfaction. e) The Details of existing Intermediate Pumping Station at Jituwala Johar and Layout of existing STP are attached for reference. The bidder shall submit his layout for the proposed STP showing location and arrangement of all units taking into account the interfaces to the other project compliments. The Layout of the STP shall be submitted on topographical survey plan got done by the contractor at site and shall clearly show all existing structures / buildings etc. The Layout Plan proposed by the contractor is subject to approval by the Engineer-in-charge before opening of the price bid. f) Process & hydraulic design of the complete Sewage treatment plant, location and arrangement of all treatment plant units, taking into account the interfaces must be submitted. The agency shall also submit kinetic calculations for the treatment process. g) Preparation of detailed designs and drawings of all civil works, mechanical, electrical and Electro-mechanical equipment on the basis of the approved process design, layout and arrangement. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the technical suitability of the design based on the specifications, sound engineering practices, the relevant standard designs and I.S. provisions. The designs and drawings too have to be approved by the Engineer in Charge. h) Preparation of the structural design and drawings (including reinforcement detailing) for all the work. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the structural safety of the buildings. These designs and drawings too if required by department have to be verified by a proof consultant or an institution approved by the Engineer in Charge. i) The successful bidder shall follow the following procedure for submission of design & drawings for approval by competent authority : - Detailed sizing calculations for all units, Technical specifications, G.A. Drawings of all mechanical, electrical & instrumentation equipments at first stage. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 51 - P & I Drawing, detailed plant layout with all mechanical & electrical equipments installed at various/ different levels at second stage. - Detailed hydraulic calculations, by the successful bidder with all sections showing therein head loss at all inlets & outlets in accordance with fixed level for effluent discharge & invert level of influent sewer. Dead & Live loads shall also be furnished for structural design. - Detailed structural design with drawings. - Detailed working drawings showing there in all mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, civil dimensions etc. These drawings shall be submitted initially in triplicate & after approval shall be submitted in six sets with CD. The entire duration for above design & drawing process is included in the completion period, for this process total 2 months have been ear marked. j) Final site clearance and leveling, excavation of the working spaces for all structures, trench excavation for pipes and other ancillary works in all sorts of soil, refilling and disposal of surplus earth at suitable site as directed by the engineer in charge. k) Erection of all buildings, water retaining structures, channels and other civil engineering structures. l) Manufacturing, shop testing, inspection, transportation to site, installation and testing of all the hydraulic, mechanical, electrical and Electro-mechanical equipment. m) Trial runs and testing of the complete plant, and commissioning. n) Submission of ‘As Built’ drawings and preparation of O& M Manuals. o) Operation, preventive maintenance and repairs of Pumping Machinery, Rising Mains covered under scope of work and Sewage Treatment Plant for trial run period of 3 months or longer till prescribed parameters are attained, which ever is later. p) Operation, preventive maintenance and repairs of Pumping Machinery, Rising Mains covered under scope of work and Sewage Treatment Plant up to the end of the defects liability period of 12 months & 60 months thereafter. q) Training of the operational staff for the plant. r) The successful bidder shall also assist technically the Employer in obtaining N. O. C. from Haryana State Pollution Control Board for discharging treated sewage water after achieving prescribed parameters as mentioned above. s) No separate payments will be made for the reconnaissance, survey, laboratory tests, design, drawings, factory and performance tests, inspections etc. unless they are specifically provided and quantified. They shall be included in the rates and prices of the physical works itemized. The payments are to be made for all supplies and physical works as per prorate payments as approved. t) Cost of shifting of poles, cable, pipe lines etc if required shall be borne by the contractor. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 52 u) All the connections such as electricity, water supply, sewage etc. should be arranged by the contractor. All other cost related to obtaining such approval is in the scope of work. It will be the total responsibility of contractors to obtain approval of entire electrical installation from electrical inspector. No expenses will be paid by PHED Haryana on this account. All the design & specifications required for the plant should be approved by the technology provider before submitting to the department. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1. Construction of IPS at Jituwala Johar Disposal for average flow of 9 MLD 2. STP of 15 MLD Capacity at Dadri Road 3. Effluent Channel for peak discharge 1) Intermediate Pumping Station:The proposed IPS is located at Jituwala Johar Disposal work. The sewage of the area is transported to the IPS by gravity sewer/channel. The IPS shall include the following units: a) Inlet & Screen Chamber. There shall be one receiving chamber constructed in RCC M-30 with minimum sizes as out lined in attached sketch with 45 seconds hydraulic detention time at peak flow of 21 MLD for connecting raw sewage line with main pumping station screen chamber. Two coarse screening chamber/channel (one working & one stand by) Manually operated each designed for peak flow shall be provided. The material of construction for screen shall be SS-316 flat having 40mm clear spacing between four bars each of 10 mm thickness & 50 mm depth, designed at self scouring velocity i.e. between 0.8 MPS to 1.3 MPS to remove suspended or floating matters in sewage is to be provided. The screening material will be removed manually & lifted above ground. b) Pump sump: It shall be a circular structure in two compartments constructed in RCC (M-30) in continuation to screen chamber- having capacity not less than 10 minutes hydraulic retention time for average flow of 9 MLD discharge. The inflow of sewage from screen chamber in this Sump shall full fill the criteria of free fall & shall have sufficient & suitably designed liquid depth over pumps for continue pumping of sewage. This pump sump shall be covered with suitable openings with gratings for lowering, lifting of pumps; gas release for maintenance & movement of man/material. Each compartment of this sump shall have CI, PVC coated foot steps/ rungs for access & maintenance. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 53 The width & length of this sump shall be minimum as per the sketch enclosed or as required for installation of pumps with delivery duct foot bend, guide rail with chain & for vortex free operation. c) Pipe & Valves gallery: This gallery shall have minimum 3.0 meters width open to sky constructed in RCC (M-30) adjacent & in front of pumps in sump with facility to drainage into sump & suitable for each pump delivery line pressure indicator with gate value NRV & Sluice valve manually (Geared) operated with dismantling joint between NRV & SV & suitable extra space for movement for repair & maintenance of valves & common delivery header. d) Delivery header: The delivery line of each pump & common header with in the pipe & valve gallery shall be in DI double flanged & designed at velocity not more than the limits fixed/ free zed in technical data sheets in this tender documents. The rising main about 20 mtr. long from above pipe & valves gallery to existing Rising main will be of DI with tyton rubber joints. TABLE: Specification of submersible sewage pumps and other ancillaries for I.P.S. at Jituwala Johar, Bhiwani Town Haryana. S.No. Pumps Details Quantity 1. Non-Clog Submersible sewage 4 Nos. Capacity/Material Size pumps 2. Liquid Sewage 3. Discharge for Pumps 78 LPS 4. Total head, MWC. 15.00 5. Specific Gravity 1.03 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 54 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 55 2. STP at Dadri Road The components of the Main Pumping Station (MPS) and STP at Dadri Road include in the DNIT are as under. (a) MPS: (i) Structures with respect to the following are already existing/under construction at MPS Dadri Road. => Inlet Chamber => Screens => Main Pump Sump => Valve chamber cum pipe gallery. (ii) But all Civil, Mechanical and Electrical works i.e. Main Control, Transformer, DG Set, Piping etc. related to installation and commissioning of following pumping machinery are included in the scope of work. Sr. No. Pump Detail Quantity Size/ Material/ Size 1. 2. Non-Clog Submersible sewage 5(4W + 1SB) pumps Liquid Sewage 3. Discharge for pump 360 M 3/h 4. Total head, MWC 15 5. Specific Gravity 1.03 6. Pump motor HP/RPM (i) Rated temp. oC Considering 1000 (Sync.) or 1500 RPM (Nom) (ii) Electric Supply 40 (iii) Solid handling cap. In mm 3ph, 50Hz 415 V + 10% RPM =100mm (iv) Efficiency of pump 7. Material of Construction (i) Casting 2 to 2.5% Ni. C.I. (ii) Impeller SS(CF8M) (iii) Motor body CI (iv) Seal cover CI (v) Shaft (Chrome plated) EN 8 (vi) Fasterners/Foundation bold SS-316 (vii) Lower SI Cr/SI Cr. Contractor 65% or better performances Curve shall be submitted. Witness Executive Engineer 56 (b) STP:Civil works. i) Inlet chamber ii) Fine Screen Chamber {1 Working (Mechanical) + Standby (Manual)} iii) Grit Chamber {1 Working (Mechanical) + 1 Standby (Manual)} iv) Distribution box/Splitter Box v) SBR Technology Reactors vi) Sludge Sump vii) DWPE Dosing Tank (Dewatering Polyelectrolyte Dosing Tanks) viii) Sludge Pump House ix) Centrifuge Building x) Sludge Storage Platform xi) SBR Air Blower Platform xii) Motor Control Centre (MCC) Room, Program Logic Controller (PLC) xiii) Process Piping & Drain piping xiv) Stairs as per requirement xv) Railing along all the platforms and stairs xvi) Painting White washing and allied works xvii) External Sewerage system xviii) Lowering of ground water table during construction if any. xix. Effluent Disposal pipe including end protectings xx. Chlorination Room, Chlorinnation Mixing Tank, tonner shed & contact tank etc. xxi. Roads & Pathways with proper drainage Electrical and Mechanical work i. Mechanically Operated Fine Bar Screens ii. Manually operated Fine Bar Screens iii. Mechanical Detritor iv. Air Blowers (SBR) v. Waste Activated Sludge Pumps vi. Air Blowers (Sludge Sump) vii. Centrifuge Feed Pumps viii. Centrifuge units ix. Polyelectrolyte Agitator x. Polyelectrolyte Dosing Pumps xi. Manual Hoists for centrifuge unit & SBR MPS xii. Chain Pulley Block for Sludge Pump House xiii. Manual Valves for the plant xiv. Control gates (Sluice Gates) at inlet of screening chamber and sluice valves of inlet of Sewer. xv. STP Main Electrical Panel xvi. Cabling xvii. Automation & control xviii. Instrumentation xix. Chlorination system xx. Street Lighting xxi. Fine Bubble Diffusers xxii. Stainless Steel Decanters xxiii. Surplus Activated Sludge Pumps Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 57 SECTION NO.1: - PROJECT OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK 1.0 PROJECT OBJECTIVE With a view to improve the quality of environment for the residents of Bhiwani Public Health Engineering Division intends to undertake the following works: DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. The offers shall be based on the bidder’s own design and operating philosophy which is to be based on the cyclic activated sludge process/ sequential batch reaction process and should be within the overall frame work and guidelines specified by PWD in the bid document and its specifications. The bidder’s design for the following Sewage Treatment Plants and automation for above shall be such that the project: Shall be such that the project Requires minimum land space, Requires minimum energy for treatment of sewage, Generates treated effluent which meets the parameter as specified and can be recycled if required. Planning of the entire system should be done in such a manner so as to optimize capital and operational costs of treatment of sewage and maintenance of allied works. 1.1 BRIEF SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of the work shall include but not be limited to the following: Design construction, supply, erection, testing and commissioning IPS and 15 MLD capacity STP. Preparation and submission of process, hydraulic, electrical, mechanical and piping design, all civil, mechanical, electrical and piping drawing including architectural, construction and as built drawings for approval of the department. Construction of civil engineering works for all the units plus all the ancillary structure as detailed in Civil specifications. Supply, erection testing & commissioning of all the mechanical equipment as detailed in Mechanical Specifications. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 58 Required sate development in dilating leveling and grading to improve the aesthetics and so facilitate the vehicular movement and also including clearing the site of frees/shrubs, debris etc. Works connected in respect of obtaining power supply to proposed STP from state electricity department. Supply, erection testing & commissioning of all the Electrical & Instrumentation equipment as detailed in Electrical Specifications. Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of all the piping & valves as specified in Civil Specification. UPGRADATION OF SEWERAGE FACILITIES IN BHIWANI TOWN UNDER ESP PH-II. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. Water proof cement painting to all units with oil painting with corrosive treatment to railing and all MS, CI and GI works, every year during O&M period. All the specifications are as per CPHEEO manual and relevant BIS standards. Any other items of work which have not been specifically mentioned in specification but are necessary for construction of the plant as per engineering practice and safety norms and operation and guaranteed performance of the entire plant shall be deemed to be included within scope of work of this specifications and shall be provided by contractor without any extra cost. 1.1.1 General UPGRADATION OF SEWERAGE FACILITIES IN BHIWANI TOWN UNDER ESP PH-II. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. Repairing & reconditioning of all the civil, electrical, mechanical units & equipments in the concluding year of operation & maintenance with regular preventive and recommended maintenance. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 59 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 60 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 61 The Project shall have following major units: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Pumping Machinery Inlet Chamber Fine Screen Channels with suitable mechanical & manual coarse screens. Mechanical Grit removal facility Flow measurement arrangement only at the inlet of receiving chamber open channel ultrasonic Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR Process Units Sludge sump and pump housing Mechanical sludge dewatering system Air Blower unit with canopy on plat form. Effluent Channel RCC NP3 of required capacity max upto 100 meters. Interconnecting Piping Sampling & test of material: - The Engineer-in-Charge shall have full authority that the sampling of any material like RCC steel machinery etc. So drawn as per relevant BIS codes will be got tested from NIT KKR/PEC Chandigarh/any reputed Govt. Institute. The charges of the same shall be borne by the contractor. Automation only of the complete SBR basis in STP to facilite its automatic operation using PLC SCADA system and computer for control room. 1.3.1 Design Basic Sewage Treatment Plant Capacity shall be: Average Flow Peak Factor Peak Flow Contractor : : : STP IPS at Jitu Wala Johar 15 MLD 2.25 of average flow 34 MLD 9 MLD 2.25 21 Witness Executive Engineer 62 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 63 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 64 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (STP) 3.1 CIVIL WORKS OF STP 1. Inlet Chamber 2. Fine Screen Chamber {1 working (mechanical) + 1 Standby (Manual)} 3. Grit Chamber {1 Working (Mechanical) + 1 Standby (Manual)} 4. SBR Technology Reactors 5. Sludge Sump 6. DWPE (Dewatering Polyelectrolyte) Dosing Tank 7. Sludge Pump Plate form 8. Centrifuge Building 9. Chlorination Room, Chlorination Mixing Tank, tonner shed & contact tank etc. 10. Sludge Storage Platform 11. Process Piping & Drain Piping 3.1.1 Inlet Chamber Inlet Chamber will receive raw sewage from the Main Pumping Station through the common header of raw sewage submersible pumps. RCC access platform minimum 1.0 m wide shall be provided around the chamber: RCC staircase 1.0 m wide shall be provided for access from ground level to the top of the unit. Average flow : 15 MLD Peak factor : 2.25 Peak Flow : 33.75 MLD Say 34 MLD Number of Units : (1) One Detention period : 30 sec on peak flow Min Free board : 0.5 m 3.1.2 Fine Screen Chamber One mechanical working with one manual standby screens are proposed in the screen chamber. RCC Platforms 1 m wide shall be provided at suitable level and location to enable operation of the unit. The component / unit shall be designed for following : Number of Units : 1 Nos. Mechanical Working + 1 No. Manual Standby Average flow for each screen : 15 MLD Peak factor : 2.25 Design Flow for each screen : 34 MLD Approach Velocity at Average Flow (m/sec) : 0.3 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 65 Velocity through Screen at Average Flow (m/sec) : 0.6 maximum Velocity through Screen at Peak Flow (m/sec) : 1.2 maximum Free board : Min 0.3 m on upstream side of the Screen at maximum water level Minimum Length : 6m The Mechanical and manual screen channels shall be controlled by C.I sluice gates at the upstream and downstream end to regulate the flow. Each screen channel shall have a down take CI / DI DF pipe with a sluice valve to drain out sewage into collecting chamber from where the spillage and drain water will be discharged into the collection sump of MPS through external sewerage system of SW/RCC pipes. The opening of mechanical bar screen shall be 6 mm. The angle of inclination of the manual bar screen with the horizontal shall be approximately 60 degrees. The manual bar screen shall be fabricated from 50 mm x 8 mm thick SS flats with 10 mm clear opening. The assembly (bars and frames by using S.S, 75 mm X 40 mm X 6 mm) shall be installed in such a way that it can be installed and removed as and when required. 3.1.3 Grit Chambers One Working (Mechanical) and One Standby (Manual) mechanical grit chambers are proposed after fine screen units. The mechanical grit chambers shall be Square Mechanical Detritus Tanks. Each Detritus tank chamber shall have the following: • One tapered inlet channel running along one side with deflectors for entry of sewage into the grit chamber. The minimum SWD of the units shall be adopted on the basis of design requirement of the unit. • One tapered outlet channel for collecting the degritted sewage, which will overflow over a weir into the outlet channel. Outlet channel of adequate size and shape to ensure that no settling takes place. • One sloping grit classifying channel into which the collected grit will classified. • The grit from classifier will be collected in a wheel barrow of approx. 0.5 m3 capacity. • A grit scraping mechanism. • Adjustable influent deflectors. • Reciprocating rake mechanism / screw mechanism to remove the grit. • Organic matter return pump To enable easy operation, RCC platforms with railing shall be provided. Also access is provided from this level to the mechanism support beam of the grit chamber. Design Criteria: No of units : {1 Working (Mechanical) + Standby (Manual)} Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 66 Average Flow for each grit chamber : 15 MLD Peak Factor : 2.25 Design peak Flow for each grit chamber : 34 MLD Type : Mechanical + Manual Free Board : 0.50 m Side Water Depth : Min 0.7 m Bypass arrangement with sluice gates shall be provided to bypass either of the grit chambers for maintenance. 3.1.4 SBR Reactors with Diffusers RCC Channel shall convey sewage from grit chambers into SBR Reactors. The channel shall have provision of gates to control the continues flow into the SBR reactors. Minimum Two (2) SBR Reactors each along with platforms, railings and Staircase are to be provided. 1 m wide plinth protection consisting of CC 1:2:4, 50mm thick laid over 75mm thick CC 1:3:6 along with toe wall shall be provided around the reactors. The reactors shall have provision for installation of Recirculation and Surplus Sludge Pumps and also pits for the same. The Decanting Mechanism shall be by motorized valve at the discharge pipe. One Decanter for each Reactor shall be provided to remove water from the surface of the basin. Provision shall be made for transfer of waste water from one reactor to another for the purpose of maintenance of reactors through piping from RAS pumps along with provision of sluice valves. Design Criteria: Average Flow - 15 MLD Peak Flow - 34 MLD No of Reactors - Minimum 2 Nos Minimum HRT - 14 hrs of Average flow MLSS - 3000 – 5000 mg/litre F/M - 0.08 – 0.15 d-1 DO level during Aeration Phase - Min 2 ppm Free Board - Min 0.5 m SWD - Max 5.5 m SVI - < 120 Retention Time of anoxic zone - Min 30 minutes Recirculation Ratio - 20 – 30% of feed flow Sludge Age - 10 – 15 days Sludge Yield - 0.6 – 1.2 Kg Sludge/kg BOD Load Cycle Time - 4 to 8 hrs Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 67 Oxygen Requirement - (Cyclic time / Aeration time) x (1.2-2 kg O2 /kg BOD5 Load) Decant Depth - Upto 2.4 m Decant Volume - Not more than 30% of Volume of Reactor at TWL Waste Activated Sludge - Total Solids in System/Sludge Age. 3.1.5 Sludge Sump The excess sludge from SBR reactors shall be pumped by SAS pumps into the sludge sump. There shall be one common Sludge Sump for all reactors. The Sump shall be equipped with coarse Bubble Air Grid made from stainless steel pipes to facilitate mixing of contents of sludge sump on continuous basis. Number of Units : 1 (One) nos. Free Board : 0.5 m Capacity : 4 hr holding of average daily sludge production 3.1.6 DWPE Dosing Tank Two number (One working + One stand bye) DWPE dosing tanks with provision of mixer shall be provided. Polymer dosing - 0 - 1.5 kg / MT of dry sludge Solution Strength - 0.1 % Capacity of each tank - Sufficient for 8 hours dosing Tanks should have provision for slow speed mixer. 3.1.7 Sludge Pump House Sludge Pump House shall be near sludge sump. This shall be RCC frame and brick masonry structure. Minimum height of the pump house shall be 4 m from the plinth level. It shall be provided with rolling shutter and doors and windows. A chain pulley block of adequate capacity along with girder and pillar arrangement shall be provided. The pump house shall be painted from inside and outside with approved colour and make as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. The Pump house shall house – - Centrifuge Feed Pumps (Screw Type) - Air blowers for Sludge Sump - DWPE dosing pumps Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 68 3.1.8 Centrifuge Building Centrifuge Building to accommodate Centrifuge Units shall be constructed with sufficient floor height above Ground Level to park sludge collection vehicle directly under the sludge discharge line of centrifuge. The room shall have a RCC roof at a height suitable for installing a manually operated gantry system. Minimum area of the building shall be 50 m2. It should be RCC framed structure with the top roof also in RCC. A RCC staircase, minimum 1.0 metre wide, shall be provided upto 1st floor. 3.1.9 Chlorination Room, Chlorine Mixing Tank, Tonner Shed & Contact Tank The Chlorination System having components such as Tonner Shed (Equipped with 3 ton capacity HOT Crane), Chlorination Room, Chlorine Mixing Tank and chlorine contact tank along with suitable size in-let and outlet channels/ pipe shall be constructed. The sizes of various components shall be designed in such a way to meet the desired effluent parameters as specified in the tender document. Decanted treated water from SBR Process shall be taken to chlorine mixing tank by RCC channel/pipe. Chlorine solution (chlorine & water) of required concentration shall be added in the chlorine mixing tank. From here, waste water shall pass on to chlorine contact tank. Baffles shall be provided to achieve proper mixing and disinfection. The tank shall be constructed in M 30 grade concrete and as per IS 3370. RCC platform, 1 m wide, as per specifications shall be provided. The inlet and outlet pipe shall be designed for peak flow or decant flow, whichever is more. Design Flow : maximum decant flow No. of Units : One No. (1) Detention Time : Minimum 20 minutes Freeboard : 0.5 m The number of tonners provided shall be sufficient to hold 30 days chlorine dose required for achieving the desired results. The tonner shed shall be of sufficient size to accommodate all the tonners. Minimum area of tonner shed shall be 25 sqm. The chlorination room which shall house the chlorinators & booster pumps shall be of sufficient size subject to minimum area 12 sqmt. The Chlorine Tonner shed have a neutralization pit adjacent to it. 3.1.10 Sludge Storage Platform A Platform of minimum 120 m² area shall be made at a suitable location within the plant area for storage of sludge from centrifuge. Flooring of the platform shall be 75 mm thick PCC (1:2:4) laid over 100 mm thick stone / brick ballast. Level of platform shall be at least 20 cm above the level of approach road. Suitable arrangement shall be made to collect filtrate and disposal of the same in the external sewerage system. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 69 3.1.11 Process Piping & Drain Piping This shall include the interconnecting pipeline between different units of STP as given below: SL NO 1. FROM TO SBR Air Blowers: Discharge MOC Common Discharge Header MS SBR Reactors MS 3. 4. SBR Air Blowers: Common Discharge Header SBR Basins: Downcomers (Vertical) Selectors: Air Header 5. Selectors: Downcomers (Vertical) 6. RAS Pumps: Discharge Selectors DI K-9 7. SAS Pumps: Discharge Sludge Sump Air Blowers: Discharge Sludge Sump : Downcomer and laterals Sludge Sump DI K-9 Sludge Sump MS 2. 8. 9. SS 304 MS SS 304 SS 304 10. Sludge Sump Centrifuge Feed Pumps: Suction DI K-9 11. Centrifuge Feed Pumps: Discharge Centrifuges DI K-9 12. DWPE Dosing Tanks SS 304 13. DWPE Dosing Tanks Drain/Overflow DWPE Dosing Pumps: Suction Header 14. DWPE Dosing Pumps: Discharge Header Centrifuge Inlet SS 304 15. SBR Reactors Chlorine Mixing Tank 16. 17. Concentrate from centrifuge Drain Pipes for various units Nearest Chamber Nearest Chamber 18. External Sewerage System 19. Any other SS 304 RCC Channel / RCC NP-3 / DI K-9 Pipe DI K-9 DI K-9 SW / RCC NP-3 Pipe Notes : (a) All pipe networks shall be designed for peak flow. (b) Combination of pipes and channels can be used for conveyance of waste water as per requirement of site conditions. (c) The sizes of pipes shall be calculated to meet following criteria (i) Air pipe velocity range 12 - 18 m/Sec (ii)Water/Waste water pipes 0.6 to 2.5 M/Sec (d) Piping shall include specials like elbows, wyes, sluice valves and Non return valves etc (e) Drain pipe for various units shall not be less than 80 mm dia. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 70 (f) Any other pipe not mentioned above but required for proper operation and functioning of the plant is also included in contractor’s scope. 3.2 ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL WORKS OF STP 1. Mechanically Operated Fine Bar Screens 2. Manually operated Fine Bar Screens 3. Mechanical Detritor 4. Air Blowers (SBR) 5. Fine Bubble Diffusers 6. Decanters 7. Return Activated Sludge Pumps 8. Surplus Activated Sludge Pumps 9. Air Blowers (Sludge Sump) 10. Centrifuge Feed Pumps 11. Centrifuge units 12. Polyelectrolyte Agitator 13. Polyelectrolyte Dosing Pumps 14. Manual Hoists for centrifuge unit, & Tonner shed & MPS 15. Chain Pulley Block for Sludge Pump House 16. Control gates (Sluice Gates) C.I 17. STP - Main Electrical Panel 18. Capacitor Bank/ APFCR Capacitor Panel 19. Cabling 20. Automation & Control 21. Instrumentation 22. Chlorination System 23. Laboratory Equipment 3.2.1 Mechanically Operated Fine Bar Screens This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1 number Mechanical Fine bar screen. This shall be provided in the screen chamber after the flow is received in the inlet chamber. The clear opening for mechanical screen shall be 6mm. The mechanical bar screens shall be of 2 mm thick Stainless Steel (SS-304) flats. Conveyor Belt and chute arrangement shall be provided to take the screenings. Mechanical Bar Screen Contractor - 1 Number Working Witness Executive Engineer 71 3.2.2 Manually operated Fine Bar Screens One number manual bar screen shall be provided as standby. The angle of inclination of the manual bar screen shall be 600. The manual bar screen shall be fabricated from 50mm X 8mm SS flats with 10mm clear opening the assembly shall be installed into the suitable size SS 304 channels fixed to the main RCC structure in such a way that it can be installed and removed as and when required. Manual Bar Screen 3.2.3 - 1 Number Standby Mechanical Detritor This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Mechanical Detritors, Classifier and organic return pump with all the accessories of suitable size and capacity. Mechanical Detritor 3.2.4 - 1 Working (Mechanical) + 1 Standby (Manual) Air Blowers (SBR) The air blower arrangement shall be capable of handling Total Water Level and Bottom Water Level operation conditions, controlled by process sensors such as DO, temperature and level. The air blowers shall be with canopy. In one set of blowers, one blower shall be operated through Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and other blowers including standby shall be provided with soft starters. The blowers shall be positive displacement (roots) type, and head for blowers shall be decided on the basis of Standard Oxygenation Rate of diffusers and maximum liquid depth in tank duly considering the losses governing point of delivery (diffusers) and the blowers. Blowers shall be complete with motor and accessories like base frame, anti vibratory pad, silencer, non return valve, air filter etc. as per requirements. Vibration due to operation of blowers should not damage the structures. Further, blowers shall have acoustic enclosure to ensure that the noise level at 3 m from blowers is below 80db. The blower room shall have sufficient ventilation, lighting and working space. The room will be equipped with sufficient capacity HOT (Min 1.5 times the weight of blower / motor) to facilitate removal of blower/motor etc. for repairs. The room will also have rolling shutter. The blower shall be operated through PLC on variable frequency drives and capable to operate at different speeds as per requirement of the system. The header / rising main shall be adequately supported at suitable intervals. The sub header shall have auto valves to facilitate switch on aeration cycle from one reactor to other by PLC operation. The header shall supply air to basin at various locations through air supply pipes. Air supply pipe above water level shall be in MS and below water level it shall be in SS-304 for vertical down comers and UPVC for horizontal lateral. Junction between Horizontal sub hadder and vertical air supply pipe shall be suitably protected against corrosion due to dissimilar materials Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 72 Blower Details :- 3.2.5 MOC : CI Type - : Twin lobe roots type Duty : As per design Discharge Head : suitable No. of units : Minimum 3 Nos. (2 W + 1 SB) Fine Bubble Diffusers Only fine bubble type, EPDM/PU membrane diffusers shall be acceptable in SBR Reactors with adequate number of diffusers required as per detailed design of oxygen requirement. Diffusers shall be fixed type, submerged fine bubble / fine pore, high transfer efficiency, low maintenance, non-buoyant type. Diffusers shall be tubular (membrane) type made up of silicon based rubber. In case tubular type diffusers are used, only top half surface area of diffuser shall be considered for supply of air. Material of construction for (entire under water system including accessories) shall be non corrosive. Any support for under water system shall be of adjustable type and made of SS 304. Complete diffuser as a unit shall be assembled at the manufacturing factory level. 3.2.6 Decanters The decanting mechanism shall of Stainless Steel (SS-304) and all the other accessories such as gear box etc. shall be provided on the operating platform. The hydraulic discharge capacity of the decanting mechanism shall be proportional to the selected basin area. Each Decanter mechanism shall be inclusive of local control boxes with manual operation selection and function buttons, communication to main PLC on SCADA base system by DH485 or Ethernet. Rope driven decanters are not allowed. 3.2.7 Return Activated Sludge Pumps Pumps Capacity and Head : As per requirements Type : Submersible suitable for sludge Liquid : Bio-sludge of 1 – 2% solids consistency Specific gravity : 1.05 Solid size handling : 40 mm (Maximum) Installation : Removable from the top of Tank Platform Quantity : 1 no. per reactor + 1 No reserve in store Suitable lifting arrangement shall be provided to install / uninstall RAS pumps. 3.2.8 Surplus Activated Pumps Pumps Capacity and Head : As per requirements Type : Submersible suitable for sludge Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 73 Liquid : Bio-sludge of 1 – 2% solids consistency Specific gravity : 1.05 Solid size : 40 mm (Maximum) Installation : Removable from the top of Tank Platform Quantity : 1 no. per reactor + 1 No reserve in store Suitable lifting arrangement shall be provided to install / uninstall SAS pumps. 3.2.9 Air Blowers (Sludge Sump) The blowers shall be positive displacement (roots) type, and head for blowers shall be decided on the basis of maximum liquid depth in tank duly considering the losses governing point of delivery and the blowers. Blowers shall be complete with motor and accessories like base frame, anti vibratory pad, silencer, non return valve, air filter etc. as per requirements. Vibration due to operation of blowers shall not damage the structures. Blower Capacity & No. : 1 Working + 1 Standby Type : Twin Lobe, Root Installation : Fixed. 3.2.10 Centrifuge Feed Pumps Sludge Transfer Pumps shall be provided in Sludge Pump House to feed secondary Sludge to Mechanical Dewatering Device. The pump shall be of screw type suitable for handling biological sludge of 1 – 2% solids consistency. Pumps Capacity and Head shall not be less than : sufficient for handling total daily sludge in 16 hours Type : Screw Type Liquid : Bio-sludge of 1 – 2% solids consistency Specific gravity : 1.05 Solid size : 40 mm (Maximum) Efficiency : more than 30% Installation : Fixed. Quantity : 2 no. (1 W + 1S) 3.2.11 Centrifuge Units The centrifuge shall be solid bowl centrifuge of co-current/countercurrent design. The centrifuge shall have sufficient clarifying length and differential RPM so that separation of solids is effective. The centrifuge shall have central lubrication system. The centrifuge and its accessories shall be mounted on a common base frame so that entire assembly can be installed on an elevated structure. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 74 Suitable drive with V- belt arrangement and turbo-coupling shall be provided along with overload protection device. Centrifuge shall be with SS304 wetted parts. Differential speed and bowl speed should be adjusted by changing the pulleys; differential speed may be adjustable by use of epicyclical-gear. The bowl shall be protected with flexible connections so that vibrations are not transmitted to other equipment. The base frame shall be in epoxy painted steel construction and provided with anti-vibration pads. All steps necessary to prevent transmission of structure borne noise shall be taken. The noise level shall be 85 db (A) measured at 1 m distance under dry run. The vibration level shall be below 50 micron measured at pillow blocks under dry run condition. Adequate sound proof shall be carried out the housing the centrifuges to ensure that the noise level at 5 m distance from the enclosure is less than 75 db(A). A Hoist shall be provided above Centrifuge for maintenance purpose. The hoist shall be such that it shall be possible to erect or de-erect the centrifuge while one centrifuge is in operation. Other Key Requirements : a.) The Centrifuge system should be so located that the dewatered sludge falls into trolleys/ drums / bins directly without requirement of another material handling unit. b.) The dewatered sludge should be truckable & should be suitable for disposal by open body truck and should have a minimum solid concentration of 20% or more (measured as dry solids w/w basis) c.) The Centrifuge unit should have a 90- 95 % solid recovery. d.) The centrifuge Centrate should not contain more than 1000 mg/l solids. e.) The centrifuge should be capable of being operated at lower solid feed concentration in case of maintenance. Number of Centrifuges : 2 Nos. (1 W + 1 SB) Type : Horizontal Operating Hours : 16 hours per day maximum Mixing arrangement : Online mixing of Dewatering Polyelectrolyte (DWPE) and sludge RPM : Maximum 2900 Dewatering polyelectrolyte Dosing system is to be provided to dose Poly Electrolyte solution to the incoming sludge at entrance to the centrifuge. 3.2.12 Polyelectrolyte Agitator The equipment shall include drive motor, direct coupling, impeller assembly, and such other fittings, devices or appurtenances necessary for a complete operating installation. The drive motor shall not exceed rpm of 1,500 and directly coupled with the gearbox. It Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 75 shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service factor of 1: 1.5. The rotary speed of the impeller shall not exceed 100 rpm. Number = 1 W + 1 SB. 3.2.13 Polyelectrolyte Dosing Pumps Dosing pumps shall be of the duplex type diaphragm type hydraulically operated. These shall permit manual override and variable flow control at both sides of the chosen median duty point for the duty already stated herein. These shall be able to handle a flow variation of plus 25 % of the required flow. The construction shall be totally enclosed and corrosion proof. Parameters Number of pumps 1W+1S Capacity of each pump to suit each centrifuge requirement Material of construction of wetted parts SS 304 / PP 3.2.14 Manual hoist for Centrifuge unit, Blowers & Chlorine Tonner Shed This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning three way movement electrically operated mechanism with all the accessories complete in all respects. The three way movement shall be as : (i) Vertical, (ii) Longitudinal and (iii) Transverse Electric Hoist of suitable capacity : 3 Nos. (1 for Blower room, 1 for centrifuge shed and 1 for chlorination toner shed). 3.2.15 Chain Pulley Block (for Pump House) This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of adequate capacity Chain Pulley Block with all the accessories. It should be compatible with the lifting chain of the pump. Chain Pulley Block of adequate Capacity : 1 Nos. 3.2.16 Control Gates Control gates shall be provided at following locations for flow control. 1) Upstream & downstream of screen channels – C.I 2) Upstream of grit bypass channel – C.I 3) Inlet to Mechanical Detritor – C.I 4) Inlet to the SBR Reactor (Auto) – CI 5) Any other location, as per process requirement The gates shall be single faced non rising spindle, flush bottom closing, and wall mounted flange back frame. C.I. sluice gates suitable for seating water head and mounting on the flat face of a wall, water sealing at two vertical sides, top and bottom side of gate frame by means of neoprene rubber seal fitted in gate aperture and having forced contact with gate slide, to be provided with C.I. frame and shutter, SS 304 spindle to suit distances as Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 76 specified in the bill of quantities. All fasteners shall be in SS 304 and anchor bolts, EPDM rubber seals, SS 304 rubber seal retainer bars, CI stem guide bracket, SS 304 coupling, CI manually operated head stock. 3.2.17 STP – Main Electrical Panel This includes supply, installation, testing and commissioning of STP Main Electrical Panel (MCC) housing individual starter panels for various loads complete in all respects with suitable switchgear. It shall be provided with metering, ACB’s with S/C & O/L releases, switch-fuse units, lamps, bus bars etc. The accessories used shall conform to the latest IS codes. 1. Mechanical Screens 2. Mechanical Detritor 3. Classifier 4. Organic Return Pump 5. Air Blowers for SBR and Sludge Sumps 6. Submersible RAS pumps 7. Submersible SAS pumps 8. Centrifuge units 9. Centrifuge Feed Pumps 10. Dosing Pumps 11. Agitators 12. Decanters 13. Electric Actuators for Air Piping and Sluice Gates 14. Manual Hoist 15. Plate form Light and other requirements 16. Operations Building’s Light and other requirements 17. Toilet Block for Workers’ Light and other requirements 18. Street lighting. 19. Chlorination System 20. Any other 3.2.18 Capacitor Bank/ APFCR Capacitor Panel Capacitor Panel is to be provided in order to improve the Power-Factor of the STP electrical load. The panel shall be of suitable rating with Automatic Power factor Correction Relay. The panel shall consist SFU of suitable rating. START/STOP Push buttons, Fuses, Indicating Lamps for ON position provided separately for each Capacitor bank. Relay shall be 6 stage suitable for 415V, 3 Phase, 115A, 50 Hz supply. PF meter shall be provided with selector switch and LED’s along-with the relay. In addition it will consist of Push Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 77 buttons for AUTO/MANUAL/ON/OFF operations. Panel shall be floor mounted made out of 14 CRCA steel sheets with IP-54 enclosure protection. 3.2.19 Cabling, Cable Trays and Junction Boxes This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of L.T Power & Control cabling required for inter-connecting all the control panels / LDB to their respective sources and loads at STP. The cabling shall be complete in all respects. Civil works like construction of cable trenches with angles, chequered plates etc. are also included in the scope. Cable trays & junction boxes shall be installed to accommodate the cables wherever required. For Indoor Cabling, Cable Trays or civil cable trenches shall be provided as suitable. Outdoor cabling shall be directly buried underground as per norms. Cable Trays shall be GI ladder / perforated type. Power Cables shall be 1100V, XLPE insulated, PVC inner & outer sheathed, GI armoured, Aluminium conductor. Minimum power-cable size shall be 3C x 4 sq mm. Control Cables shall be XLPE insulated, PVC inner & outer sheathed, GI armoured, solid copper conductor. Minimum control cable size shall be 1.5 sq mm Power & Control Cables : LOT Junction Boxes : LOT Cable Trays : LOT 3.2.20 Automation and Control (PLC, PC etc) PLC based automation system with application software based on Rockwell Automation to control all pumps, valves, blowers, VFD, decanting mechanism, limit switches and probes of SBR as per bidder’s design including I/Os with 20 % spares, power supplies, UPS, etc. complete. 1. Stand alone/ or integrated PLC panel having Suitable PLC, HMI and MODEM/ROUTER. 2. Non contact type ultrasonic level transmitter on sump/ collection tank. 3. Digital energy meter along with CT’s and protective switchgears on each MCC which shall be connected on MODBUS communication with PLC to have all parameters like, Voltage, current, Power Factor, active and reactive power 4. Interfacing of PLC panel with MCC - HMI Panel to comprise of latest PC with 22” LCD monitor, printer, multimedia kit mouse, RS-view, RS-links (gateway version), entire process and operator software with dynamic flow charts, pictures, screens, alarms, historical trends, reports etc. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 78 - SCADA based Automation system to monitor continuously in each tank the followings: (a) Filling volume (b) Discharge quantity (c) DO-level (d) Temperature (e) Oxygen Uptake Rate (f) Blower speeds (g) Decanting mechanism The components of Automation are 1 PLC-Cum-Control Panel 1 No 2 Online 2 KVA UPS with 1/2 Hour Battery Back-up 1 No 3 PC with SCADA, Printer & Desk 1 No PLC / SCADA system shall be provided for following components of the plant : a. Mechanical Coarse Screens shall be controlled through PLC based on differential level across the screen. b. Pumps for the proposed 15.0 MLD STP shall be controlled by PLC based on the inputs from level transmitter in sump. c. Mechanical Fine Screens shall be controlled through PLC based on differential level across the screen. d. Grit mechanism, grit classifier, grit wash pumps/organic return pumps shall be started / stopped from PLC. e. SBR including blowers - complete operation through PLC. f. Chlorination system - Automatic changeover of chlorine tonners, feedback from chlorine analyser, booster pump operation shall be done from PLC. g. Feedbacks of Sludge pumps, centrifuges, blowers for sludge sump, level in sludge sump etc. shall be available in PLC. Operation will be done manually. h. Also, energy meters for each MCC shall be connected to PLC so that power consumption can be monitored for each unit. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 79 3.2.21 Instrumentation This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of various instruments used. The details of the instruments are as follows: Sr. No. Instrument Location Quantity 1. Level Transmitter SBR Reactor One for each reactor 2. Sludge flow meter Inlet pipe of sludge sump from SAS pumps 1 3. Level Transmitter Fine Screens 1 4. Pressure Gauges Discharge of all Pumps and Air Blowers As per requirement 5. Level Switch Sludge Sump 1 6. Variable Frequency Drive Blowers As per requirement 7. Variable Frequency Drive Decanter As per requirement 8. DO meter SBR Reactor One for each reactor 9. Actuators for valves & gates Valves / Gates As per requirement Note : The above given quantities are the minimum quantities and may increase as per the requirement for proper functioning of the plant. 3.2.22 Chlorination System: Chlorination system covering chlorine tonners, chlorinator, piping, booster pumps, ejector, trunions, lifting device with weighing scale, leak detection and leak absorption system, safety equipments like canisters, gasmasks etc. and other ancillary shall be provided in the chlorine house. It shall have sufficient ventilation as per the latest norms for safety purpose with necessary lifting arrangement and HOT of minimum 3 T capacity, etc. complete. Neutralisation Pit of sufficient capacity shall be provided at ground level to emergency use. Flow : Maximum decant flow of concerned STP Number of Chlorinators : 2 (1W+ 1 S) Type : Vacuum Type Chlorine Dosing : As per requirement Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 80 3.2.23 Laboratory Equipment 1 2 3 EQUIPMENT : The list of lab equipments to be supplied is as follows PH Meter Digital pH Range : 0 to 14 pH Milli Volt Range : 0 to + 1999 mV Accuracy : 0.01 pH + 1 digit. Reproducibility : 0.01 pH Temperature compensation : 0 to 100o C Power Supply : 230 V + 10% 50 Hz Accessories : 2 Nos combined electrodes Centrifuge Maximum speed : 3200 rpm Maximum centrifuge force : 1600 x G. Maximum capacity : 6 x 15 ml Dissolved Oxygen Meter The instrument should be capable of DO and temperature measurement in raw and treated sewage water :- 4 Range : 0 to 20 mg/1. Temperature : o to 60o C Resolution : DO – 0.1 ppm Accuracy : DO - + 0.3 ppm Temperature + 0.2o C Temperature compensation : 0 to 50o C Censor : DO – Amperometric (Gold / Silver) Power : 230 V + 10% 50 Hz Temperature 0.1o C. Chlorine Comparator Comparator should have capacity to measure the residual chlorine from 0.1 to 2 PPM and pH from 6 to 8.4 (phenol red indicator disk) by moveable disk arrangement. 5 Accessories : Orthtolidie solution test tube brush and cover separate movable disk 6 Counter Colony counter with digital display electrically operated suitable for bacterial plate count complete with counting plates and lenses etc. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 81 7 Binocular Microscope Binocular research microscope with built in illumination with variable transformer. Two ` pair eye pieces 5 x 10 and four objectives 5x, 10x, 45x, 100x, oild (springs). 8 Distilled Water Plant Electrically heated with boiling chamber lid and cooling jacket, made of stainless steel, provided with two automatic injection type heater, constant water level device, stout valve, hanging brackets complete in all respects. 9 Power : 220 – 230V AC Capacity : Approx – 4 L/Hr Rating of Element : 1.5 KW each Water Bath (Serological) Rectangular water bath should be completely made of copper, heavily tinned inside and outside finished in enamel. The cover should be chrome plated and should have 12 holes of 7.5 cm O concentric rings (3 sizes of each hole) with lid. The water bath should have built in constant level arrangement and fitted with swan type ejection electric heaters. 10 Dimensions : 40 cm x 30 cm x 9 cm Rating : 1.5 KW Power : 230 Volt AC Accessories : 2 M long cord with 3 Pin and adopter for power. Electric Oven Should be double walled with inner chamber of aluminium sheets and outer body made of MS sheets. The gap should be filled with good quality glass wool for proper insulation, space for inserting thermometer control system of the accuracy of +/- 1o C. Temperature Range 10 : Room temperature to 250o C +/- 1o C. Power : 220-250 Volt AC Chamber size : 45 x 45 x 45 cm. Autoclave Autoclave should be vertical type, sturdy double walled construction with boiler made of stainless steel 18 SWG, sheet and easy to operate. Outer shell should be made of mild steel finished with enamel paint. The boiler and outer shell should have air insulation. Lid should be made of stainless steel plate and tightened all round by wing nuts. Moulded, jointless, gaskets should be made of neoprene rubber. It should be fitted with water level Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 82 arrangements to indicate water position inside the boiler, pressure gauge, air/steam release cock, spring loaded safety valve which can be set any selected point from 10 PSI to 25 PSI +/- 3 psi and drain. ISI marked immersion type heating element heats the water stream to desired temperature and pressure, supplied complete with SS basket, cord and plug to work in 220 volts 50 cycles AC supply. 11 Chamber size (O x depth) : 300 x 500mm Load : 2 KW Incubator (1 No) for bacteriological tests Incubator made of aluminum sheet , inner door of glass with 3 adjustable shelves with temperature control system and accuracy of +/- 0/5o C. Double wall should have proper glass wool insulation system, thermostatically controlled. 12 Size (w x d x h) : 61 x 45 x 45 cm Operating temperature : 5o C above ambient to 60o C. Power : 220 – 250 Volts AC. BOD Incubator Suitable to work at 230 V with automatic control beating or cooling circuits according to environmental temperature, made of mild steel all with enamel paint, inside chamber should be anodized, adjustable shelves made of aluminum and full inner view glass doors. Chamber capacity should be 286 L. Temperature control device German thermostat. Chamber size : 87 x 57 x 55 cm Temperature Range : 5 - 50o C. Operating sensitivity : +/- 0.5o C. Forced air circulation to maintain uniform temperature with dial thermometer. 13 Magnetic Stirrer with HOT Plate Magnetic stirrer with hot plate of 2 L capacity with separate stirring and temperature controlled regulator for setting stirring rate and temperature complete with plug, 2M long cord. Adapter and Teflon paddle 1” long (Rotor 3 Nos) capacity 2 liters, maximum speed 1200 rpm. 14 Analytical Balance Analytical balance complete with case, weight box and beam of gun metal. Flat beam sprayed with colorless cellulose lacquer edges are of best selected agates ground to optical precision case finally polished with two side doors and counter poised front slide. Case made of teak wood having sun mica base. Capacity Contractor : 20 gm Witness Executive Engineer 83 15 Sensitivity : 1/10 mg Diameter of pan : 3 inches slightly nickel chromium plate Length of beam : 5 inches Watch glasses : 2 Nos, light weight to be provided on each of the pan Graduation : Graduated in to 100 divisions with 0 in centre. Electronic Balance Readability : 1 mg/10 mg Weighing capacity : 60 mg/310 mg Repeatability : 0.2 mg/0.5 mg Linearity : +/- 2 mg / +/- 10 mg Stabilization : 5 seconds Power Supply : 230 V AC +/- 10%, 50 Hz Facility of piece counting, 0% weighing, display various weighing units, provision for attachment of printer. 16 Vacuum pump single (with suction flask/Liter capacity) Electrically operated should be compact and smooth in operation with effective cooling, high power water vapor tolerance and guaranteed ultimate vacuum. 17 Air Displacement : 150 L/Minute Ultimate vacuum : 10 microns Mcleod HP of motor : 0.5 or 1/3 Pump speed : 375 rpm approx Power supply : 220/230 V AC Refrigerator Minimum 300 liters capacity of reputed make. 18 Muffle Furnace Quick heating type light weight, fibre wool insulation to keep heat loss too low. Heating chamber made of Ceramic Fibre Muffle, surrounding with canthal wire, max. Temp. 10000C, continuous working temp. 9300C Outer casing made of mild steel duly painted with heat resistant paint, with plug & cord. Size of inner chamber 6"x6"x12". 19 Laboratory Thermometer Mercury in glass yellow back, range: - 10 to 500 0C - 2 Nos 0 - 2 Nos - 10 to 1100 C Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 84 20 Stop Watch Digital Display electronic hand held stop watch with extra facility for day date and time reading 1/100 Sec. 21 Laboratory Retort Stand (3 Nos) Rectangular heavy type with Rod, Base size 7" x 5" duly painted. 22 Pipette Stand (3 No) Made of teak wood, polished. 23 Set of clamp & Boss Heads made of brass - 2 Nos. 24 Burette clamp fischer type made of brass - 1 No. 25 Stainless steel tongs - 2 Nos. 26 Asbestos hand gloves size 14" - 2 Nos. 27 Bottle cleaning brush nylon best quality - 4 Nos. 28 Dissolved Oxygen Sampler - 1 No. 29 Conductivity Meter - 1 No. 30 C.O.D. Apparatus - 1 No. 31 Filtration Assembly - 1 No. 32 Kjehldahl Digester unit - 1 No. GLASSWARE : The list of glassware to be supplied is as follows SNO 1 2 GLASSWARE Gooch crucibles disc dia 40mm porosity G-3, Borosil R. Vacuum flask i.e. filtration flask cap. 500 ml. with side tabular Borsil R. QTY UNIT 2 m 2 No. 3 Evaporating dishes. 50 No. 4 Desiccator large with cover size 250mm Borosil R. 1 No. 5 Buchner Funnel cap. 80 ml. disc dia 40 mm porosity G-3. 2 No. 6 Measuring cylinder graduated Borosil R. 10000 ml capacity 2 No. 500 ml capacity 4 No. 100 ml capacity 6 No. 100 ml capacity 2 No. 50 ml capacity 2 No. 1000 ml capacity 2 Nos. 500 ml capacity 10 Nos. 100 ml capacity 15 Nos. 7 8 Burette with straight bore stop cock Borosil R. Conical flask Borosil R. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 85 SNO GLASSWARE QTY UNIT 8 Nos. 1000 ml capacity 4 Nos. 500 ml capacity 8 Nos. 100 ml capacity 8 Nos. 50 ml capacity 4 Nos. 12 No. 50 ml capacity 2 Nos. 20 ml capacity 2 Nos. 10 ml capacity 2 Nos. 5 ml capacity 2 Nos. 2 ml capacity 2 Nos. 20 ml capacity 2 Nos. 10 ml capacity 4 Nos. 5 ml capacity 4 Nos. 2 ml capacity 2 Nos. 1 No. 1000 ml. Capacity 2 Nos. 500 ml capacity 8 Nos. 250 ml capacity 8 Nos. 100 ml capacity 6 Nos. 50 ml capacity 2 Nos. 12 No. 16 Imhoff cones Borosil R 2 No. 17 Separating Funnel pear shape Borosil R capacity 250 ml. 2 No. 18 Filter Funnel dia 4" Borosil R. 8 No. 19 Plastic filter funnel dia 4". 1 Nos. 20 Labolene solution 3 Nos. 50 ml capacity 9 10 Volumetric flask Reflux flask i.e. COD flask cap. 250 ml with B-24 joint Borosil R. 11 Volumetric pipettes i.e. Bulb pipette borosil R. 12 Serological pipettes i.e. graduated pipette Borosil R. Orsat gas analysis Apparatus 4 test comprising of levelling 13 bottle, gas burette with outer jacket, four absorption pipettes, 4 test manifold, calcium chloride tube and rubber below. In wooden case with slliding doors made from Borosil R. 14 Breaker Borosil R 15 Allhin Condenser length 400 mm with B-24 cone & socket Borosil R. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 86 SNO QTY UNIT 4 Nos. 22 Glass rod 8mm dia length 12". 4 Nos. 23 Glass beads 1 No. 24 Connecting tube 'T'' shape 2 Nos. 10 Nos. 50 Nos. 21 GLASSWARE Wash bottle polythene fitted with stopper & dlivery tube capacity 500 ml. 25 Sample bottle with screw capacity Borosil R. Capacity 30 ml. 26 BOD bottles capacity 300 ml. Borosil R. Notes 1.0 All aforesaid instruments should be supplied along with operation and circuit diagram manual, dust cover, 2 M long cord and plug and related accessories required for the satisfactory working of the instruments. 2.0 All necessary chemicals in sufficient quantity of reputed made shall be supplied and maintained. 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK FOR OTHER WORKS COMMON TO MPS & STP i) ii) Transformer & its Accessories (Substation) For prime movers with peak flow conditions Transformer Yard iii) Operations Building iv) Toilet Block for Workers v) Platforms and Stairs vi) Railings along all the Platforms & Stairs vii) Painting, White Washing and allied works viii) External Sewerage System ix) Lowering of ground water table during construction, if any x) External water supply system in the plant xi) Roads & Pathways xii) Plant Lighting xiii) Site Development xiv) Plant Utilities xv) Treated Effluent Disposal Channel xvi) Diesel Generating Set (For prime movers with 15 MLD as average flow for MPS & STP). xvii) Contractor Energy Meter Witness Executive Engineer 87 xviii) General Points 4.1 Transformer & its Accessories (Substation) This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of transformer along with cabling etc., of sufficient rating to serve the total electrical requirement of MPS and STP. The transformer system shall be sufficient to cater the operation at peak load of following : (a) Complete MPS load including screens, pump for 15.0 MLD STP. (b) Complete 15.0 MLD STP operation at peak load. All working drives of both STP as well as MPS with 10% extra shall also be considered while calculating the capacity of transformer. Suitable synchronization system shall be provided to synchronize the transformers, if multiple in number. An existing 11 kVA power supply line passes along the road of the STP site The contractor shall take connection from this 11 KVA line including provision of GO switch, cabling, protection devices etc. The components of this work for the bidder are as under: A. Transformer & its Accessories for Main Pumping Station and Sewage Treatment Plant B. Electricity Department Panel (H.T. Panel + L.T. Panel) C. Alarm Annunciation Panel D. Cable Work E. Earthing Work The number of transformers along with their rating and other technical details shall be supplied by the bidder in his technical bid. 4.2 Transformer Yard A Transformer yard of sufficient size shall be constructed for placement of transformers and accessories. This enclosure will be open from top but will have fencing all around up to minimum height of 1.2 m. However the circuit breaker and metering panels shall be placed inside the MPS panel room. The fencing shall be with MS angle complete & 10 mm SWG galvanized iron wire chain link mesh. Provision of gate made of thick wire mesh shall be made. 4.3 Operations Building The Operations building shall be two storey RCC framed structure consisting of following : Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 88 (i) Plateform for blower : (ii) Admin Room : Minimum Area = 50 sqm sludge pump + blower + Dosers 1 UPS + Dosing tank Minimum area = 35 sqm (iii) MCC Room : Minimum Area = 50 sqm (iv) PLC Room : (v) Laboratory : Minimum Area = 20 sqm Minimum Area = 25 sqm (vi) Toilet Block for officers : Minimum Area = 6 sqm (vii) Chlorine room Minimum Area = 15 sqm st (viii) Centrifug Bldg (G.F. + 1 Floor) Minimum Area = 84 sqm (ix) H.T. Metre + VCB Room = 20 Sqm (x) Operator room with toilet = 20 Sqm (xi) Tomer shad = 20 Sqm The Blower Room shall be on ground floor. Rest rooms can be on ground floor or on first floor as per suitability and functional requirement. The MCC room shall have panels for all the electric units of MPS and STP (as defined in the respective scope of work of MPS and STP). The MCC and PLC rooms shall be so arranged so that the operator sitting in PLC room can have good view and easy access to the MCC. The toilet block for officers shall be provided with following : (a) One white porelain Orissa pan minimum 580 mm long with flushing cistern of 10 litres capacity. (b) Two number urinals of glazed vitreous china of size 610x400x80mm conforming to BIS 2556(Part VI) with 25mm dia. GI waste pipe coupling. (c) One wash basin of size 510 mm x 400 mm in white porcelain with inlet, outlet and overflow arrangements. (d) One mirror of size 400 mm x 600 mm wall mounted type fitted over wash basin. (e) One plastic liquid soap bottle (f) One chromium plated brass towel rail minimum 750 mm long. (g) All stopcocks, valves and pillar cocks shall be heavy-duty chromium plated brass. (h) All fittings such as “P” or “S” traps. Pipes, down take pipes etc. The waste water from toilet shall be connected to external sewerage system so that waste water is conveyed to the Main Pumping Station A HDPE / RCC storage tank of minimum 1000 litres capacity shall be provided on roof for conveying water to toilet and laboratory. A RCC staircase, minimum 1.0 metres wide, shall be provided for access to roof. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 89 All internal lighting, internal water supply, sanitation and joinery shall be provided by the contractor. The waste water from toilet block shall be connected to external sewerage system so that waste water is conveyed to the Main Pumping Station. PLC room and administrator room shall be provided with Air Conditioners (Split type) of 1.5 Ton capacity each. 4.4 Toilet Block for Workers A separate toilet block shall be provided for workers / field staff with provision of lighting, ventilation, water supply, sanitation and joinery. It shall consist of minimum 2 number urinals, 1 WC, 1 bath room and 1 wash basin along with mirror, towel rail, stopcocks, valves, pillar cocks, “P” or “S” traps etc. It shall be RCC framed structure. The waste water from toilet block shall be connected to external sewage system so that waste water is conveyed to the Main Pumping Station. A RCC staircase, minimum 1.0 metres wide, shall be provided for access to roof. The toilet block shall receive water from the storage tank of 1000 litres provided on the roof of Operations Building. Minimum area for toilet block for workers shall be 15 sqm. Specifications of Blower Room, Operations Building and Toilet Blocks Sno Description of Items Specifications Flooring 1. i Air Blower Room Ironite flooring ii Entrance Lobby, Stairs and Toilet Block Marble Flooring (19mm to 25mm) iii Admin Room, PLC Room / MCC Room Ceramic Tiles (Minimum Size 450mm and Laboratory to 450mm) 2. Roof Water Proofing Brick Bat Coba 3. Plaster i Walls both inside & outside Cement mortar 1:4 12mm thick ii Roof including cantilever Cement mortar 1:3 12mm thick 4. Painting i External Cement based paint ii Internal Synthetic Enamel 5. Dado /Skirting Same Material as on Flooring 2.10 high in toilet block & 0.15 m high in all other rooms/spaces 6. Contractor Doors & Windows Aluminum Witness Executive Engineer 90 List of Furniture to be provided in Operations Building:S.No Equipments A. Laboratory B. C. D. Contractor Quantity Executive Table 1 No Revolving Table 1No Visitor chair 4 Nos Steel Almirah 1 No Side Almirah 2 Nos MCC Room Executive Table 1 No Revolving Table 1No Visitor chair 4 Nos Steel Almirah 1 No Side Racks 2 Nos Admin Room, PLC Room Executive Table 1 No Revolving Table 1No Visitor chair 4 Nos Steel Almirah 1 No Side Racks 2 Nos Computer Table 1 No Printer Table 1 No Revolving Chair 1 No Local Panel and Blower Room Visitor chair 4 Nos Steel Almirah 1 No Side Racks 2 Nos Witness Executive Engineer 91 Specification of Furniture: (a) Executive Table : Godrej or Equivalent make table frame of 25 x 25 mm tubular section of 16 gauges ERW MS pipe, with standard size to drawer on right side operate on precision made slides, using 22 gauge MS sheet. Tabletop of 18 mm thick particle board laminated with veneer top (shade to be approved by EIC) and back panel having teal wood beading all around. Drawers to be provided with suitable locking arrangement and with Godrej type handle. Size 2135 mm x 865 mm x 735 mm (height). (b) Table: Godrej or equivalent make table frame of 25 x 25 mm tubular section of 16 gauges ERW MS pipe, with standard size two drawer on right side operate on precision made slides, using 22 gauge MS sheet. Tabletop of 18 mm thick particle board laminated with veener top(shade to approved by EIC) and back panel having teal wood beading all around. Drawers to be provided with suitable locking arrangement and with Godrej type handle. Size 1675 mm x 865 mm x 750 mm (height) (c) Computer Table: Godrej or equivalent make table frame of 25 x 25 mm tubular section of 16 gauges ERW MS pipe, ‘C’ class frame, designed with sliding keyboard on nylon rollers & table top and sliding board of 18 mm pre laminated particle board with PVC topping. Size 73 mm (W) x 88 mm (D) x 75 mm (H). (d) Printer Table: Godrej or equivalent make table frame of 25 x 25 mm tubular section of 16 gauges ERW MS pipe, ‘C’ class frame, designed on nylon roller. Table top and sliding board of 18 mm pre laminated particle board with PVC topping. Size 73 mm (W) x 77 mm (D) x 75 mm (H). (e) Revolving Chairs with Arms: Godrej or equivalent make table frame of 25 x 25 mm Tubular pipe frame of 25 mm diameter ERW MS pipe of 14 gauge having high back with push back system and PU arms on five pronged base with ball coaster and pneumatic seat height adjustment. Moulded PU foam on seat and back and covered with good quality tapestry, color and quality of tapestry should be used as approved by EIC Size : 66 mm (d) x 66 mm (w) Height: 102.5 mm x 114.5 mm Seat height: 44 mm 56 mm Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 92 (f) Visitor Chair: Godrej or equivalent make chair made of 25 x 25 mm tubular pipe frame of 25 mm diameter ERW MS pipe of molded PU foam on seat and back with upholstered seat and back by good quality tapestry as approved by EIC. Size: 46 mm (w) x 82 mm (h) Seat height: 45mm (g) Steel Almirah: Godrej or equivalent make office store well made from high quality CRCA steel of 20 gauges having anti rust treatment equipped with Godrej precision lock and four adjustable shelves with powder coated finish of following size: Big: 1270 mm x 765mm x 440 mm (h) Filling Cabinet: Godrej of Equivalent 4 drawer Lateral filing cabinet made of premium quality CRCA corrosion resistant steel of 20 gauges with 25 mm teak wood table top and powder coated finish. Drawer should be moved on precision balls slide with anti tipping and anti rebound mechanism provided with full length drawer pulls. (i) Ordinary Cane Chair: Godrej or equivalent make made of 25 diameter tubular MS ERW pipe of 14 gauge seasoned teak wood seat and back with canning without arms, cantilevered chair duly polished and painted and using half round canning. Size: 43 mm 9w) x 57 mm (d) x 88.5mm (h) (j) Side Racks: Godrej or equivalent make made of 35 mm x 35 mm MS ERW angle section with five shelves. Shelves material should be 20 gauge ERW MS sheet 5 tier: 1800 mm x 900 mm 375 mm 4.5 Platforms and Stairs RCC platforms (minimum 1.0 m wide, unless specified otherwise) shall be provided at sufficient locations for movement across all the units and for operation & maintenance of all units. RCC / MS staircase (minimum 1.0 m wide, unless specified otherwise) shall be provided to access all the platforms provided/required for all the units above ground level. The tread shall not be less than 250 mm and rise shall not be more than 160 mm. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 93 4.6 Railings Railing shall be provided along all the platforms above the Ground level and staircases. The railings shall consist of two Horizontal rows of 40mm i/d G.I. Pipe Class B supported on vertical GI post 40 mm dia Class B at a spacing of 1.5 m c/c. 4.7 Painting, Whitewashing and Allied Works All the internal surfaces of the walls, ceiling of the Blower, MCC / PLC Rooms etc shall be painted with synthetic enamel paint. All the external surfaces of buildings shall be painted with cement based paint. Water Retaining Structures The inner concrete surfaces of all the water retaining structures including channel shall be painted (two coats) with approved make bitumen paint. Pipes and specials All the MS/DI/CI pipes & specials and other equipment shall be painted with two coats of approved make anti corrosive paints. 4.8 External Sewerage System The wastewater collected through down take pipes of grit chamber/screen channel / inlet chamber & sludge pump house shall be carried through GSW / RCC NP3 pipe upto inlet chamber of existing MPS. In addition to this, the wastewater of Toilet/MCC/PLC room shall be carried to this pipe with GSW / RCC NP3 pipe. Provision shall also be made for collection of sludge filtrate from sludge platform and its connection to external sewerage system. Adequate number of manholes shall be constructed as per drawing submitted by the bidder and approved by Engineer-in-charge before execution of the work. The bedding and haunches of the GSW / RCC NP-3 pipes shall be as per the specifications approved by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.9 Lowering of Ground water table during construction The Ground water table, if encountered during construction shall be lowered sufficiently so as to enable construction in dry conditions. 4.10 External water supply system in the plant External water supply system shall be provided within the plant area to make available the water for maintenance, cleaning, flushing and day to day use near various units such as toilet, Laboratory, screening chambers, Grit Chambers, Dosing Pumps, Centrifuge unit, etc. The system shall comprise of GI Class B connection of 2” dia, 6 kg/m² rating shall be taken Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 94 from existing estate water line on main road outside STP area. This GI pipeline shall feed the Overhead Storage Tank of Operations Building. Provision of service water to other units of the STP such as centrifuge, screens, grit chambers, dosing pumps, etc shall also be made by the contractor. All required Pumps, piping, specials and valves shall be provided by the contractor. 4.11 Roads & Pathways Roads shall be constructed so that all major units of STP are approachable to facilitate carrying materials/ sludge/screenings/grit by truck. Similarly pathways shall be made around all units for easy movement during operation and maintenance of the plant. The reduced level of internal roads should be kept in accordance with the approach road to STP area. The Roads shall be minimum 3.75 m wide and pathways shall be minimum 1.2 m wide. The length of roads and pathways shall be 250 mtr. and 150 mtr. respectively. Specifications for Roads : CC 1:1½ :3 = 175 mm thick over PCC 1:4:8 =100 mm thick Specifications for Pathways : CC 1:2:4 = 80 mm thick over PCC 1:6:12 =100 mm thick 4.12 Plant Lighting The plant lighting including lighting poles, fixtures etc complete, is included in the scope of work of the contractor. The contractor shall submit lighting plan to the EIC for approval and the lighting work shall be as per the satisfaction of EIC. The plant area shall be fitted with following minimum streets lights poles & fixtures : 1. 16 Nos 250 W metalide to be fixed on top of buildings or at suitable locations on 9.50 m high tubular poles. 4.13 Site Development The contractor shall develop the entire STP site consisting of removal of bushes, weeds etc, grading and maintaining the site. Original horticulture work shall be done by the department and the contractor shall maintain the same during completion O&M period. 4.14 Treated Effluent Disposal Channel A RCC Channel/ RCC NP3 pipe of sufficient size from Chlorine Contact Tank outlet shall be constructed. The channel shall be provided with adequate size and slope such that it is able to carry peak flow or maximum decant flow (whichever is maximum). The channel shall be terminated to the existing Bhiwani Ghaggar Drain (Ghaggar Drain). The total length of treated effluent disposal channel shall be 75 M. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 95 4.15 Diesel Generating Set This includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of outdoor type, silent Diesel generating sets. The DG set system shall be sufficient to cater the operation at peak load of following: (a) Complete MPS load including screens, pump for average flow of 15.0 MLD. (b) Complete 15.0 MLD STP operation at peak load. Manual change over switch shall be provided. The DG sets should be provided with Acoustic Hood, Earthing arrangement, Cabling, etc complete. Suitable RCC foundation shall be provided for the DG sets which shall be minimum 230 mm above Formation Level of the site. 4.16 Energy Meter An energy meter shall be provided for metering of the entire MPS and STP. The energy meter shall be connected to PLC / SCADA for display / recording / data logging of energy consumption of the complete plant and history data generation in PC. 4.17 General Points The scope of work for electrical items shall also include following : (a) Wiring of substation and provision of standard safety equipments in the same as approved by the Electricity Department. (b) The tenderer has to obtain from Electricity Department / any other approving authority, all necessary approvals right from the approval of scheme sanction of load to the releasing of power supply and bringing completion report from Electricity Department. The department shall help the contractor in documentation to obtain such approvals, however the responsibility to achieve the same lies with the contractor. The contractor will be fully responsible to obtain regularized and functional power connection from Electricity Department for proposed MPS and STP within time frame stipulated in the tender. No time extension will be granted on this ground. (c) Provision of 1100 V grade LT XLPE insulated extruded inner and outer PVC sheathed aluminum conductor, armored cable adequate sized from the transformer up to PCC in the substation and up to MCC Panel up to the load point etc. complete along with the end termination with gland and crimping type of lugs. (d) The main MCC panel shall comprise sufficient number of incoming feeders for transformer; DG set etc and sufficient outgoing MCCB feeders for various loads in the STP. These may include loads such as main pumps, valve actuators, degritter panel, Manual hoist, EOT crane, instrumentation / control panels, plant lighting, area lighting etc. Necessary metering, protections and indications shall be provided on the LV switchboard. (e) Complete plant indoor and outdoor lighting system shall be provided, which shall be controlled from lighting panels/switches installed in respective plant areas. The entire Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 96 lighting system shall be as per the approved drawings with required Lux level as per relevant IS codes. Lux level calculation should be submitted. (f) Complete plant indoor and outdoor Earthing and lighting protection system comprising electrode pits and conductors shall be provided inside and outside the plant to ensure proper system neutral Earthing and safety Earthing. The entire Earthing and lightning protection system shall be as per the approved drawings and IS codes / Indian Electricity Rules / Act. (g) LV capacitor bank, with control panel consisting of automatic power factor correction (APFC) relay, shall be provided to improve the overall plant ‘PF’ up to a maximum of unity. (h) Local Start/Stop push button stations shall be provided near those motors, which are not controlled from a local console/panel. (i) All the motors shall conform to the requirements of latest editions of application Indian Standards. The motors shall be squirrel cage, TEFC type and shall be rated for continuous duty. The winding insulation shall be of Class ‘F’ while the temperature rise shall be limited to that for Class ‘B’. The degree of protection of enclosure shall be IP 54 for indoor motors and IP 55 for outdoor motors and IP 56 for outdoor motors located near water bodies. (j) Complete electrical works within the terminal points comprising of the following: i. 3 panel Ring Main Unit 11 KV SF6 gas filled with sufficient number of isolators. ii. Transformer of suitable rating. iii. LT Panel for the motors list/ sub panel as per requirement. iv. Local Panels & Start Stop Push Button Stations. v. Internal Illumination Lux levels indicated in the electrical specifications. vi. External Illumination to the Lux levels indicated in the electrical specification. vii. Power & Control Cables. viii. Earthing with earthing pits. 5.0 GENERAL INFORMATION / CONDITIONS 1. Bearing Capacity : Bearing capacity test of the STP area has not been got done by the department. However, the bidder may himself get the bearing capacity of the STP area checked before submitting the bid. The successful bidder/contractor shall get the bearing capacity of the plant area tested (in the presence of Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representatives) and the design shall be based on the tested bearing capacity. In case the results of bearing capacity test done by the contractor and done by the department are in variance, the design value of bearing capacity shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge, keeping in view the test results of bearing capacity reports got done by the contractor and the department. Any financial claim on account Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 97 of difference in bearing capacity shall not be entertained afterwards. It is again reiterated that the contractor shall be responsible for soundness, safety and stability of all the structures. The worst spring level shall be ascertained by the agency and approved by the Department. 2. All the structures are to be designed / built considering worst spring level. No pressure release valves are allowed for release of uplift pressure. 3. Unless otherwise specified, the entire RCC structures are to be constructed in design mix M-30 grade of concrete as per IS 456-2000, IS-10262-1982, SP-23 1982 IS:3370 with upto date correction slips and revisions. 4. RCC access platform, Staircase and Railings shall be provided as a necessary item to all the units. 5. 1 m wide plinth protection consisting of CC 1:2:4, 50mm thick laid over 75mm thick CC 1:3:6 along with toe wall shall be provided around all the structures. 6. The minimum areas given for various buildings / sheds are the minimum requirement. However, if for proper functioning and workability, greater area is required, then the contractor has to provide the greater area within the same scope of work. 7. All the sluice valves with diameter equal to or more than 400mm shall be geared and motorized. 8. Wherever sluice valves, or any other valve is to be installed below formation level of the area, the associated haudi / valve chamber shall also be constructed by the contractor within the scope of this contract. 9. The detailed technical specifications for all the items are covered in this part of the tender documents. In case any item is not covered or missing, Haryana PWD specifications and relevant IS codes shall have to be followed upon approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 10. In case of any discrepancy between specifications laid down in this document and Haryana PWD specifications / relevant IS codes, the decision of the Engineer-inCharge will be final & applicable. 11. Safety Equipments shall be provided by the Contractor at STP site as per the recommendation of inspector of Industries. Contractor shall also take care of safety compliance as applicable from time to time as per safety rules / Factory act / Indian Electricity regulations / manuals / manufacturer’s specials instructions. 12. Wherever reference is made to Indian Standard Specifications, the latest specifications are applied. 13. The contractor shall use one of the approved makes as per availability in the list of approved makes provided in this DNIT. 14. The scope of the work under the contract is deemed to include the following works. The rates quoted by the contractor for the items in the BOQ shall include scope of work Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 98 mentioned above and also the following works. Nothing extra shall be paid on these accounts. a. Physical inspection of the inlet sewer terminating at the last manhole of sewer line and reconfirmation of invert level of the sewer at the site in consultation with Engineer in Charge. b. Carrying out & confirming the detailed topographical survey of the treatment plant site, including the invert level of inlet sewer and establishing bench marks at least three locations within the STP site. c. The contractor will also provide luminous painted warning / caution notice boards with flickering light arrangements at least 10 meters before the approach to the area of working place on either side, where the work is in progress. d. The sub-soil water can be met during excavation at the STP site location. The Contractor is advised to carry out its own investigations and gather information on the water table/subsoil conditions. The suitable and approved dewatering system should be adopted for execution of work. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. e. The sub-soil water pumped will be drained off to the proper disposal points. Contractor will have to make arrangements to dispose off the pumped sub-soil water to satisfaction of Engineer in Charge and nothing extra for dewatering of sub-soil water drain etc. will be paid. The contractor will have to carry sub-soil water at sufficient distance from the site of work at his own cost. The sullage / storm water side drains will be kept cleaned regularly to avoid unhygienic conditions in area. The instructions precautions / procedure of the health department will be binding and no claim on any ground will be entertained. f. The contractor will arrange sufficient number of diesel engine driven pumps for lowering down the water table below the required excavation level to keep the excavation dry for sufficient period of construction. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. g. If as result of excavation of trenches, the underground services such as water, mains, electric-poles, cables, telephone cables and sewer lines etc., become exposed and unsupported it will be the responsibility of the contractor to make suitable & necessary arrangement for supporting and to keep them functional such arrangement will be done as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. No payment for supporting such utility services will be made. Any damage caused to the above mentioned underground services due to negligence of the contractor or otherwise shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. h. The side slopes for excavation shall be decided by the contractor depending upon the sub-soil, strata and availability of land. In case wider excavations are not possible due to site conditions, close / open timbering shall be done by the contractor as per direction of the Engineer in charge to prevent caving-in of the trenches. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 99 i. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for labour camp site and its hutments. On completion of work, these shall be removed by the contractor, failing which the department will arrange to dismantle the same at the risk and cost of the contractor and the dismantled material will become the property of the department for which the contractor shall have no legal claim. The expenditure so incurred will be recovered from the dues of the contractor. The contractor shall also be responsible for keeping all hygienic conditions in his labour camp / hutments as desired by Local Health Authorities. j. The contractor shall take all precautions for the safety of existing nearby/adjoining main or lateral sewers and any damage to existing sewers or infrastructure shall be repaired free of cost by the contractor. k. The contractor will provide a board indicating the name of work, name of contractor, name of division, cost of work, date of start, date of completion; telephone number etc., at site at his own cost and nothing will be paid by the department on this account. l. The contractor will be solely responsible for any mishaps, during the execution of the work. The contractor must get his labour insured before the start of work, for the entire period of completion of work. m. The contractor shall not disturb/damage or pull down any hedge, tree, building etc within the site or his area of operation without the written permission of the Engineer-inCharge. n. The contractor shall at all the times during the progress of work take all requisite precautions and use his best endeavors for preventing any riotous or unlawful behavior by or among the workers and other employees at the work and shall preserve peace and protection of the inhabitants and the security of property in the neighborhood of the work. o. If the contractor or his workmen break, deface, injure or destroy any part of building in which they may be working, or any building, road, road curb, fence, enclosure, water pipe, cables, drains electric or telephone post or wires, trees, grass or grasslands, or cultivated ground contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part is being executed or if any damage shall happen to the work while in progress, from any cause whatsoever, the contractor shall make the same good at his own expense or in default the Engineer-in-Charge may ask the same to be made good by other workman and deduct the expense from any sums that may be due or at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor, or from his security deposit thereof. p. On completion of the work the contractor shall remove hutments failing which the department will dismantle and clear the site at contractor’s risk and cost. 15. Construction Works : The contractor shall construct the civil units of the plant (including intermediate) to accommodate all the units to fulfill the requirement of Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 100 process design. There shall be adequate working space, accessibility considerations like RCC stair, walkway with proper width, hand railing of steel work, adequate height for pumping station etc. For buildings, there shall be additional items like ventilation and lighting requirements, flooring and finishing as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The civil units shall be constructed such that there is proper accessibility for repair or replacement of mechanical equipments. Any concreting shall be done only after approval of Engineer-in-charge . All construction work shall be carried out as per the provision of Haryana PWD specifications unless otherwise mentioned in the document. 16. Equivalency of Standards and Codes : Wherever reference is made in the contract to specific standards and codes to be met by the goods and materials to be finished, and work performed or tested, the provisions of the latest current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless otherwise stated in the contract. Where such standards and codes are national or related to a particular country or region other authoritative standards which ensure an equal higher quality than the standards and codes specified will be acceptable subject to the Engineer’s prior review and written approval. Difference between the standards specified and the proposed alternative standards must be fully described in writing by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the contractor desires the Engineer’s approval. In the event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure equal or higher quality, the contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the Bid Documents. 17. Board :The Contractor at his own cost, shall provide sign boards at approved locations, in English at the site of the works of approved size and design which provides (i) the name of the Project, (ii) the name and addresses of the Employer, the contractor and the consultant; (iii) the name and short description of Project, (iv) the amount of the contract Price; and (v) the starting and completion dates, contractor shall take care of signboard and re-do it in case of loss, damage, theft etc, as desired by the Engineer-inCharge. 18. Assurance Programme/Sample Tests : Contractor shall be responsible to develop a quality control program and do all necessary materials, apparatus, instruments, equipment, facilities and qualified staff for sampling testing and quality control of the materials and the under the contractor. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing, the contractor shall either(i) establish a testing laboratory at the site of works which be adequately equipped and staffed to carry out all sampling and testing in accordance with the requirement set out in the tender document specifications provide all field equipment and apparatus as necessary to conduct all in situ tests and /or any Tests on completion, or (ii) arrange for routine sampling testing and reporting, as required, through a certified independent laboratory acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 101 contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the quality control programme developed by him and incorporate any modifications suggested by the Engineer-in-charge at no extra cost. All costs of such sampling, testing and reporting of test results will be borne by the contractor, and the contractor shall include sufficient provisions in his tendered rates to allow for independent sampling and laboratory testing under the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall furnish certified copies of all test reports to the Engineer-in-charge within 3 days of completion of the specified tests. The Contractor shall, within 14 days after the date of the issue of Letter of Acceptance, submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for his consent a detailed description of the arrangements for conducing the quality control programme during execution of the work, including details of his testing laboratory, equipment, staff and general procedures. If following submission, or at any time during the progress of works, it appears to the Engineer-in-charge that the contractor’s quality control programme is not adequate to ensure the quality of the works, the contractor shall produce a revised programme, as desired by the Engineer-in-charge, which will be adequate to ensure satisfactory quality control, in case of the contractor will fail to ensure quality control program action as deemed fit will be taken against the contractor. PHED Haryana shall carry out supervision and quality control and monitoring the progress of works. 19. Protection of utilities : The contractor is required to carefully examine the location of the works and their alignments and to make specials enquiries with all authorities concerning utility lines such as water supply sewers, gas pipe, telephone (underground and /or overhead) lines, electric cable (underground and /or overhead) etc. and determine and verify to his own satisfaction the character, sizes, position and lengths of such utilities from authentic records. The contractor shall be wholly responsible for the protection and /or facilitating relocation of such utilities as may be required and shall not make any claim for extra work or extra time that may be required to protect or facilitate relocating such utilities. If any major shifting realignment of water supply, sewers, gas pipes, electric and telephone lines is necessary due to their interference with the proposed works, the same may done by the contractor. The cost of such relocations will be borne by the contractor. 20. Erection : Bidders to note that various items to be procured/executed under this contract are subject to inspection by Haryana PHED or their authorized representatives at manufacture’s premises. Cost of inspection shall be borne by contractor. 6.0 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS After construction and commissioning of all civil works mentioned above, the contractor shall submit the five complete sets (2 Nos CDs i.e. softcopy) of As-built Drawings to the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 102 department. The As-built Drawings are the Detailed Engineering Drawings showing the actual details on which the Construction / Fabrication / Erection has been carried out. The contractor shall have to obtain approval of the As-built Drawings from the department. 7.0 ACTIVITY BAR CHART The successful bidder shall submit Activity Bar Chart, giving Time Schedule for each activity. The construction activities shall be based on this Bar Chart, after it has been approved by the department. Whenever there is a deviation from the approved Bar chart, a revised Bar chart shall be submitted by the Contractor. During the construction duration the updated Bar Chart shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge every month. 8.0 CONTRACT LIMITS I 75 M long Treated waste water outlet channel in RCC upto Bhiwani Ghhagar Drain will be constructed by the contractor. Further channel is out of contractor’s scope. II Contractor shall store sludge on the sludge storage platform. Further disposal shall also be the responsibility of the contractor. The dried sludge cakes shall be disposed off by the contractor at a suitable location which is away from the residential area. The place of sludge disposal shall be as per the decision of the Engineer-in charge. The responsibility of sludge withdrawal and disposing off lies with the contractor within the operation and maintenance period. The contractor should explore the possibility promoting it as manure. III Electricity : During the operation and maintenance for stabilization and maintenance period electricity charges will be paid to the electricity department directly by the department. IV During construction, water shall be arranged by the contractor itself. If supplied by the department, recovery @ 0.5% of agreement cost will be made from the contractor. V Collection & transportation of screening, Grit is the responsibility of the bidder. VI Disposal of scour flow from various units & waste water from toilet upto Main Pumping Station. VII 11 kVA HT line is passing near the boundary wall of the STP site. The contractor shall take connection from to this HT line himself. All other works including HT, LT cabling, GO switch, panels, substation, energy meter with CT / PT units, Electrical Panels, distribution thereof will be in scope of contractor Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 103 SECTION – 3 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 104 SECTION-3 : INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Name of Works DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. 1.2 Cost of Bidding The Bidder shall bear all expenses associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid and the Government shall in no case be responsible or liable for reimbursement of such expenses, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process. 1.3 Site Visits (a) The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain for himself on his own expense all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into contract. The costs of any such visits shall be entirely at the Bidder’s own expense. (b) The Bidder and any of his personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Engineer-in-charge to enter upon their premises lands for the purposes of such inspection, but only upon the express condition that the Bidder, his personnel and agents will release an indemnify. The Engineer-in-charge, their personnel and agents from and against all liabilities in respect thereof and will be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused which but for the exercise of such permission would not have arisen. 1.4 Brand Names Specific reference in the specification to any material by trade name or catalogue number shall be construed as establishing a standard of quality and the performance. Bidders may prepare any other product if the specified brand names are not available subject to approval of Employer. 1.5 Stamp Duty and Legal Charges. Whenever required under Govt. regulations, it shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty on the contract agreement, as per ruling on the date of execution of the contract agreement. 1.6 Payment Terms The terms of payments are defined in Section 17 (Price Bid) of this tender. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 105 2.0 BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1 Content of Bidding Documents 2.1.1 A set of Bid Documents issued for the purpose of Bidding includes the following Sections, together with any Addenda thereto which may be issued and the proceedings of pre-Bid meeting. The tender document consists of : Section No 1 Tender Notice & Forms 2 Project Objective & Scope of Work 3 Instructions to Tenderers 4 Conditions of Contract 5 Letter of Tender 6 Basic Requirements of Department 7 Site Formats 8 Technical Specifications for Civil Works 9 10 11 2.1.2 Title General Specifications for Electrical, Mechanical & Instrumentation Works Special Specifications for Electrical, Mechanical & Instrumentation Works Inspection Testing, Erection Commissioning of Mechanical & Electrical Equipment of Plant 12 List of Approved Makes 13 Specification for Startup & Performance Run 14 Specification for Operation and Maintenance of Work 15 Bid Form 16 Technical Schedules 17 Price Bid 18 Bearing Capacity & Drawings The Bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms, appendix to Bid terms, specifications, annexure, schedules and specifications, plans in the Bid Documents annexure of specification and plan shall be inspected in the office of Executive Engineer and failure to comply with the requirements of Bid submission will be at the Bidder’s own risk. Bidders, which are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bid Documents, will be rejected. 2.1.3 The Bidder shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and to have satisfied him before submitting his. Bid as to the nature of site conditions having taken into account any information in connection therewith which may have been Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 106 provided by or on behalf of Executive Engineer the extent and nature of work, the means of communication with and access to the site, the accommodation he may require and in general shall be deemed, to have obtained for himself, all necessary information as to the risks contingencies and all other circumstances influencing or affecting his Bid. 2.2 Interpretation and Clarification of Bidding Documents 2.2.1 Bidders shall carefully examine the Bidding Documents and fully inform themselves as to all the conditions and matters, which may in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in or omission from the specification or other Documents or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once address a query to the Engineer-in-Charge in writing or by cable (Which is deemed to include telex/ fax transmission) to: By Mail: The Executive Engineer, Haryana Public Health Engineering Division No 3, Bhiwani. The Executive Engineer will entertain and offer clarification to any such queries only of these are received prior to or on the date fixed for the Pre-Bid meeting. Written copies of the Executive Engineer’s response (including a description of enquires but without identifying its source) will be sent to all prospective Bidders who have received the Bidding Documents as an Addendum. Verbal information and/or clarification given by any representative of the Executive Engineer shall not be binding on the Executive Engineer. 2.3 Amendment of Bidding Documents 2.3.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Executive Engineer may, for any reason, whether at his own initiative or in response to clarification requested by prospective Bidders modify the Bidding Documents by issuing Addenda. Addenda will be issued in 2 copies. 2.3.2 Such Addenda will be sent in writing or by cable to all prospective Bidders who have received the Bidding documents and will be binding upon them. The Bidders shall duly sign and return the Addenda along with their Bids, which shall from a part of their Bids. 2.3.3 In order to afford prospective Bidder’s reasonable time in which to take such Addenda into account in preparing their Bids, the Executive Engineer may at their discretion extend the deadline for the submission of Bids. 2.3.4 No alteration whatsoever may be made in the text of the Bid form by the bidder. Any remark or explanation should be set out in a covering letter. The contract form of agreement is bound up with other Documents so that the Bidder may know what their liability and duties are and the entire Bid form should be submitted to the Executive Engineer while submitting the Bid. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 107 3.0 PREPARATION OF BIDS 3.1 Language of Bid 3.1.1 The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and Documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Executive Engineer shall be written in English Language. Supporting Documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder with his Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an appropriate translation of pertinent passages into English language. Failure to comply with the condition may disqualify a Bid. For the purpose of interpretation of the Bid, the text in the English Language shall prevail. 3.2 Document Comprising the Bid 3.2.1 The Bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components. (a) Bid security furnished in the form of Earnest money. (b) Standard Form of Agreement. (c) Schedules of guarantees. (d) Schedules of prices (e) Schedules of supplementary Information, if any. (f) Performance guarantee (g) Documentary evidence established that the goods and services to be supplied by the Bidder are eligible goods and services and conform to the Bidding Documents. (h) Annexure, if any. (i) A covering letter stating any other matter in relation to his Bid, which the bidder considers, should be drawn to the particular notice of the Executive Engineer or the Engineer-in-Charge. (j) General program for execution of the works. Failure to furnish any of the above information may lead to the rejection of the offer. 3.3 Bid Prices 3.3.1 Unless stated otherwise in the Bidding Documents the Contract shall be for the whole works as described in vol. II. Technical Specification based on the Schedule of unit rate and prices submitted by the Bidder. 3.3.2 The Bidder shall fill in rate and prices for all items of works described in the schedule of Prices. Items against which no rate or price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department, when executed and shall be deemed to be covered by the other rates and / or prices quoted in the schedule of Prices. 3.3.3 All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the contract, or for any other cause, shall be included in the rates and prices and total Contract price submitted by the Bidder and the evaluation and comparison of Bid by Executive Engineer shall be made accordingly. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 108 3.4 Currencies of Bid and Payment 3.4.1 The Bidder shall quote the unit rates and prices entirely in Indian currency. All payment to the successful Bidder under the proposed contract shall be made entirely in Indian Rupees (Rs) 3.5 Earnest Money Deposit; - As detailed in earlier paragraphs 3.6 Bid Validity 3.6.1 Bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after date of Bid opening. 3.6.2 In exceptional circumstance, prior to expiry of the original Bid validity period, the Executive Engineer may request the Bidder for a specified extension in the period of validity. The request and the responses there-to shall be made in writing or by cable or telex. A Bidder may refuse the request without the forfeiting of his Bid Security. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required nor be permitted to modify his bid but will be required to extend the validity of his Bid Security correspondingly. The Provisions of Clauses regarding discharge and forfeiture of Bid Security shall continuously apply during the extended period of Bid Validity. 3.6.3 Failure to sign the Bid will result in rejection of the Bid. 3.7 Variations in Bid Conditions 3.7.1 Bidder shall submit offers, which comply fully with the requirements of the Bid Documents, including the basic requirement for technical design as indicated in the Technical Specifications. 3.9 Format and Signing of Bids 3.9.1 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid. No Bidder may participate in the Bid of the other for the same Contract in any relation whatsoever. The complete Bid shall be without alterations, interlineations or ensures except those in accordance with instructions issued by the Executive Engineer or as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder in which case corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Bid. 3.9.2 If a limited company or a limited corporation makes the Bid, a duly authorized person holding power of Attorney for signing the Bid in which case a certified copy of the Power of Attorney shall accompany the Bid shall sign it. Bids submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms, as partners shall comply with the following requirements. (a) The Bid and in case of a successful Bid, the Contract Agreement shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. (b) One of the partners shall be nominated, as submitting a power of Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners shall evidence being in charge and this authorization. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 109 (c) The partner in charge will be authorized to incur liability and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture and the entire execution of the Contract including the payments shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge. (d) All partners of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severely for the execution of Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under (b) above as well as in the Bid Documents and Contract Agreement (In case of successful Bid) (e) A copy of registered joint venture agreement confirming above aspects duly signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners in the presence of a magistrate of an India Govt. Court of Law/ Notary Public on a stamp paper shall be submitted with the Bid. 3.9.3 All witnesses and sureties shall be persons of status and probity and their full names, occupations and addresses shall be stated below their signatures. 3.9.4 All signatures in the Bid Documents shall be dated. 4.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS 4.1 Sealing, Marking and Submission of Bids As detailed earlier in tender document. 4.2 Deadline for Submission of Bids. As detailed earlier in tender document. 4.3 Late Bids 4.3.1 Any Bid received by the Executive Engineer after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. 4.4 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids As detailed earlier in tender document. 5.1.3 Price Bid of those tenderers will not be opened whose Technical Bids are not acceptable. 5.2 Process to be confidential 5.2.1 After the public opening of bids information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of bids and recommendations concerning the award of contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award of the contract to the successful bidder has been announced. 5.2.2 Any effort to influence the Executive Engineer’s personnel or representatives on matters relating to Bids under study in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Bids and in decisions concerning award of Contract, may result in the rejection of the Bidder’s Bid. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 110 5.3 Clarification of Bids 5.3.1 To assist him in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Bids, the Executive Engineer may ask Bidders individually for clarification of their Bids including breakdown of unit rates/prices. The request for clarification and the response shall be in the writing or cable or Telex/ fax, but no change in the prices or substance shall be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered by the Executive Engineer during the evaluation of Bids in accordance with Clause 3.5.5. 5.4 Determination of Responsiveness 5.4.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of Bids, the Executive Engineer will determine whether each Bid is substantially responsive to the requirements of Bidding Documents. 5.4.2 For the purpose of this Clause, a substantially responsive. Bid is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of the Bidding Documents or reservation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality performance of the works, or which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Documents the Executive Engineer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligation under the Contract and rectification of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly the competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive Bids. 5.4.3 If a Bid is not substantially responsive to the requirement of the Bidding Documents it will be rejected by the Executive Engineer and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder having corrected or withdrawn the non-confirming deviation or reservation. 5.4.4 The Executive Engineer may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a Bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, or reservation in Bid providing that the acceptance thereof does not prejudice to affect the relative ranking order of any Bidder in the evaluation of Bids. 5.5 Correction of Error 5.5.1 The Executive Engineer for any arithmetical errors in computation and summation will check bids determined to be substantially responsive. Error will be corrected by the Executive Engineer as follows: (a) Where there was a discrepancy between amount in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern; and (b) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total amount derived from the multiplication of unit rate and the quantity, the unit rate as quoted, will govern and the total amount will be corrected. 5.5.2 The total Bid price stated will be adjusted by the Executive Engineer in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors, and with the concurrence of the Bidder shall be considered as binding upon the Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected price of his Bid, his Bid will be rejected and the Bid security will be forfeited. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 111 5.6 Revised Price Bid 5.6.1 Department also reserves the right to obtain revised commercial bid. For this the bidders may revise their price bids by submitting ‘Revised-Price’ in a sealed cover within prescribed time as intimated to tenderers. 5.6.2 It shall be the sole discretion of the department to obtain revised price bid or not. 5.7 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 5.7.1 The Executive Engineer will evaluate and compare only those bids, which have been determined to be substantially responsive to the requirements of Bidding Documents. 6.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT 6.1 Award Criteria 6.1.1 The Executive Engineer will award the Contract to the Bidder whose bid had been determined to be substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents and who has offered the lowest Lifecycle Cost of the Bid. The Public Health Engineering Department reserves the right of negotiation as per policy approved by the State Government with the tender in case the prices quoted are felt to be on higher side or otherwise. The negotiations will be carried out with the first, second and third lowest contractors. The highest amongst them will be called first and the lowest tenderer in the last. If during negotiation tenderer other than lowest reduces his prices/ amount below then those of the lowest than lowest tenderer will be counter offered this price/ amount and in eventuality of him not accepting the counter offer the same shall be offered to second lowest and so forth. Tenderer who refuse the counter offer will not have any right to the bid later on. 6.1.2 Executive Engineer’s right to accept any bid and to reject any or all the bids. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Executive Engineer’s action. 6.2 Notification of Award 6.2.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity prescribed by Executive Engineer, the Executive Engineer will notify the successful Bidder by cable or telex/fax to be confirmed in writing by registered letter that his Bid has been accepted. This letter (hereinafter and in the condition of the Contract called ‘Letter of Acceptance’) shall name the sum which the Executive Engineer will pay to the completion, operation, maintenance and guarantee of the works by the Contractor as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the condition of the Contract called ‘The Contract Price’) No further correspondence will be entertained by the Executive Engineer from the unsuccessful Bidders. 6.2.2 The Letter of Acceptance will constitute the formation of a Contract. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 112 6.2.3 Upon notification of award to successful Bidder the Executive Engineer will promptly notify the unsuccessful Bidder that their Bids have been unsuccessful and return their Bid security / Earnest Money. 6.3 Signing of Agreement 6.3.1 Within 30 days of the letter of Acceptance, the successful Bidder shall sign the Contract Agreement with the Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division No 3 Bhiwani. Failing to execute the Contract Agreement within the said period may result in forfeiture of Bid security and disqualification. 6.4 Security & Performance Guarantee 6.4.1 Security Deposit and Deduction Security deposit and deduction will be 5% of the total agreement cost including 2% earnest money, 1% security to be deposited within one week of allotment or otherwise to be deducted from the first running bill and 2% performance guarantee to be deducted from each running bill. 6.4.2 Release of security deposit and deduction 50% of the total retention money (i.e. earnest money, security and performance guarantee) shall be released after 3 months of final payment of the work excluding Operation and Maintenance part and remaining 50% will be released against Bank Guarantee (BG) of equivalent amount on completion of defect liability period of one year. This Bank Guarantee shall be submitted in five parts which will be released in the following manner:i) 1st Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after one year of satisfactory completion of O&M period after defect liability period. ii) 2nd Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after two year of satisfactory completion of O&M period after defect liability period. iii) 3rd Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after three year of satisfactory completion of O&M period after defect liability period. iv) 4th Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after four year of satisfactory completion of O&M period after defect liability period. v) 5th Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after five year of satisfactory completion of O&M period after defect liability period. 6.5 Mobilization Advance: No Mobilization advance shall be provided by the department. 6.6 Sub-Contractors: The bidder shall indicate if he intends to subcontract any of his work, and if so, for which of the items. He shall list the names and address of his proposed subcontractors and the work to be performed by each, with temporary facilities to be provided by each, with full Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 113 description, availability, location and condition of each major piece of equipment. The proposed subcontractor’s qualifications and previous experiences of similar types of works shall be listed. 7.0 DECLARATION BY THE CONTRACTOR: 1. I/we ……………….. have read the general and special conditions of the contract which are appended to the Bid and I/we agree to the conditions laid therein if the contract is awarded to me/ us. 2. I/we have also read the specifications, studied the drawings, understood the scope of works include in the bid and to be executed by us. 3. I/we have visited the site of works and am/are well acquainted with the local practices, availability of the materials and labour and their prevailing market rates. 4. I/we agree to abide by the departmental rules regarding deductions made in the bills like income tax, sales tax, security deposits etc. 5. I/we have noted the issue rates and conditions of supply of departmental materials. 6. I/we do not ask for revision of rates due to any escalation in rates of materials or labour in the rates quoted by me /us in this offer through out the period of construction and completion of the works. 7. I/we undertake to complete the works and hand over the works within the stipulated/ allotted time for the completion of the works in good workman like manner. 8. I/we keep the validity of our offer for 90 days from the date of opening of the price Bid. 9. I/we stand guarantee for the repair of the works to the full satisfaction of the department during the maintenance period. 10. I/we have no doubts or uncleared ambiguities regarding the specifications, details in the drawings, scope of the works and have fully understood our responsibilities in executing and completing the work to the full satisfaction of the department. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 114 11. We shall commence the work on site within ………… from the award of work. The contractor commence construction operations on site within …………. Days there after except as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the employer or be wholly beyond the contractor’s control. 12. I/we have based our Bid rates having the full knowledge of the statements and facts. Place ………………………. Signature ………………….. Date ……………………… Name ………………….. Address …………………… 8.0 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE That I, ……………….. (Name and address of the contractor) as principal hereinafter called Contractor, guarantee to the following: 1. “DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND THEREAFTER OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 5 YEARS ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA.” 2. That the contractor agrees to strictly adhere to the process hydraulics structural design technical specifications drawing given by him with bid documents, its principal following the details provided in the tender documents and approved by the Engineer in charge. 3. The contractor agrees that the MPS & STP and its components shall be successfully tested to give the desired results of treated effluent. The desired results are prescribed at Clause 1.6 Section-1 of the tender document. 4. The contractor also agrees that he stands guarantee for proper performance of the plant to give the desired results of treated effluent. The desired results are prescribed at Clause 1.6 Section-1 of the tender document. 5. The contractor further agrees that he shall be responsible for these results upto the expiry of Defect liability period and during complete Operation & Maintenance period. If the plant does not give desired performance the contractor shall cause the same to such level at his own cost at first notice served upon him in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge. In case, the contractor fails to execute the corrective measures, the Engineer-in-Charge will be at Liberty to get the shortcomings rectified at the risk and cost of the contractor. Also Penalty as per Clause for Non performance of STP shall be imposed on the contractor till the time plant does not give desired performance. 6. The contractor agrees that the commissioning of the Plant means that all units have been constructed and tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge for desired end results. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 115 7. The contractor agrees that the approval of design and drawings by the Engineer-in-charge does not absolve the contractor from any of his responsibility to the soundness and satisfactory performance of the structures, plant and it’s functioning. 8. That the contractor guarantees against any construction or manufacturing defect due to faulty workmanship for a period of 72 months from the date of commissioning of the plant & during 6 years operation & maintenance period thereafter During this period the contractor will replace/ repair the faulty equipment to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost to the department’ 9. The Contractor agrees that water Tightness tests shall be carried out for all liquid retaining structures to the full satisfaction of the Engineer in charge. The concrete surfaces shall not be plastered or covered with any other external hydro insulation before carrying out such tests. Incase of under ground structures back filling shall not be done before such tests. Any defect or leakage noticed during such tests shall be immediately rectified by the contractor in an approved manner and the structure shall be retested at no extra cost to the department and the contractor will be responsible for 24 months after commissioning of these works. 10. The contractor agrees that all electrical erections are to get approved from Chief Electrical Inspector, Haryana at the cost of contractor, as per rule. 11. The contractor agrees that import license if required by the contractor shall be arranged at his own cost. 12. The contractor fully agrees to security deposit and deduction amount of 5% of contract value to the Public Health Engineering Department and the same will be deposited & returned as per Clause 6.4 i.e. “Security & Performance Guarantee” Date at ………………………………………………………………. This…………………Day of………………………………………… Bidder……………………………………………………………….. By……………………… Title………………………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………… Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 116 SECTION – 4 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 117 SECTION-4 : CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 DEFINITIONS In this contract as here in after defined, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them (except where the context requires otherwise) 1.1 ‘Owner’ means Haryana Public Health Engineering Department. 1.2 ‘Employer’ means the party named in Section 2.1.1 that will employ the Contractor and the legal successors in title to the employer, but not, except with consent to the Contractor, any assignee of the employer. 1.3 ‘Contractor’ means the person(s), firm or company whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and who has concluded a contract with the employer to execute the works included in the tender and contract agreement. This includes the contractor(s) personal representatives, successors and assignees. 1.4 “Sub contractor’ means any person, firm or company other than the contractor named in the contract for any part of the work, or any person to whom any of the works/part of the works included in the contract has been sublet with the consent in writing of the Engineer, and to sub contractor’s legal personal representatives, successors and permitted assignees. 1.5 ‘Tender’ means the bid. 1.6 ‘Bidder’ means the contractor/agency who submits the bid against the invitation for bid. 1.7 Award means the written acceptance of bid by the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department to the successful bidder. 1.8 Engineer/Engineer-in-Charge’ means the Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division No 3 Bhiwani, who is in-charge of execution of the works and administration of the contract on behalf of the employer. The Engineer-in-Charge may assign his duties to his sub-ordinates who assist him in execution of works and administration of the contract. His subordinates shall be termed as Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer as the case may be. These subordinates shall be Engineer-in-Charge’s representatives at the site of works. The Engineers representatives will carry out such duties of the Engineer’s like issuing of instructions certificates and orders as are required in the execution of the works. Engineer’s representative will watch and supervise the works, test and examine the materials, equipment, plant and machinery and workmanship employed in connection with the works under the contract. The Engineer’s representatives with the approval of the Engineer will have the authority to relieve the contractor of any of his obligations under the contract and to order any extra work involving delay in completion of the works and also requiring any extra payment to the contract. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 118 1.9 ‘Department’ means the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department. The words department and Superintending Engineer and his representatives have been used interchangeably at places and mean the same i.e. the engineer or his representatives. 1.10 Consultants means the consultant appointed by the Government for the purpose of preparation of Design, DPR, Drawings, Tender Documents, construction, supervision at appropriate level, advise in commissioning and carrying out start-up and monitoring of the entire contract at Bhiwani Town. 1.11 ‘Works’ means all items of Work to be Design, Construction, Supply, erection, Testing and commissioned by the contractor, under the contract, testing and handing over the same in complete manner compliance to provision of the contract. 1.12 ‘Contract’ means promise to execute the ‘Works’ in accordance with the conditions of contract, specifications, drawings, schedules, tender, the letter of acceptance and the contract agreement. 1.13 Entire Works means design, construction, supply, erection, Testing & commissioning of Main sewage pumping station & Sewage Treatment Plant, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period & two years thereafter covered under this tender document. 1.14 ‘Site’ means the land and other places where the permanent works or temporary works desired by the engineer are to be executed and any other lands and places provided by the employer for working space or any other purpose as may be specifically designated in the contract as forming part of the site. 1.15 Public Health Engineering Department shall mean Public Health Engineering Department Haryana. 1.16 ‘Drawings’ means the drawings referred to in the list of drawings attached to the tender and any modification of such drawings approved/ issued in writing by the Engineer and such other drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Engineer. 1.17 The ‘contract sum’ means the sum identified in the contract for the completion of works as per contract. 1.18 ‘Contract price’ means a portion of the contract sum adjusted to give effect to such additions or deductions as are provided for in the contract which is properly apportion able to the work or plant in question having regard to the state conditions and location of the plant, the amount of work done and all other relevant circumstances in the cost of executing the works. 1.19 ‘Contractor’s equipment’ means all appliances or things of whatsoever nature required for the purpose of completing the works but does not include plant, material or other things intended to form or forming part of the works. 1.20 Deleted. 1.21 ‘Portion of the work’ means a part of the work or section of the work. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 119 1.22 ‘Sections of the works’ mean the sections into which the works are divided for the purposes described and set out in the specifications. 1.23 Specifications and particular specifications mean the regulating guidelines contained in the Haryana PWD specifications, Manual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment published by the Central Pubic Health and Environmental Engineering Organization (CPHEEO) under the Ministry of works and Housing. Indian Standard specifications and codes, all of latest editions and those contained in the tender documents and also those based on good engineering practices. 1.24 ‘Month’ means 30 days. 1.25 ‘Day’ means calendar day. 1.26 ‘Week’ means seven consecutive days. 1.27 ‘Time for completion’ means the time as stipulated for completion of the works or any section or portion there-of as stated in the contract or as extended under clause and shall be calculated from the date specified in the contract. It will be the date when the contract enters into force for fulfillment of any obligation as per necessary legal, financial or administrative requirements. 1.28 ‘Defect liability period’ Defect liability period for the work is 12 months. It shall be counted after the successful trial run for a period of 3 months or till prescribed parameters is not attained & whichever is later of the two. During the defect liability period the contractor shall be responsible for repair and replacement of any defective material used on the entire work & he will carry the full liability to make good to the complete satisfaction of the engineer, any defects in the completed work or any bad work visible or detected after words. 1.29 ‘Cost’ means the amount which shall be deemed to include all overhead costs whether incurred on or off the site, all taxes, excise duties, royalties etc. as applicable on the materials labor or any other item which is required to complete the works. 1.30 Headings or Notes’ the headings and marginal notes in these conditions of contract shall not be deemed to be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the contract. 1.31 ‘Temporary Works’ mean temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution of works. 1.32 ‘Permanent Works’ means the permanent works to be executed and maintained in accordance with the Contract. 1.33 Trial run, Trial run period for the work is 3 months of the entire scheme including achievement of prescribed performance parameters. In the event of non-achievement of prescribed parameters within a period of 3 months, specified above the trial run period could be extendable to a period till the parameter parameters are achieved. During the trail run period the contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of the entire scheme including all staff, Labor material etc. repair of any defects/ replacement of the defective Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 120 material used at the cost at his own cost excluding energy & P.O.L. charges which will be borne by the department. 2.0 ABBREVIATIONS The abbreviations used in the tender documents or any other correspondence will stand for the full forms given as under ACB = Air Circuit Breaker CAD = Computer Aided Design CPHEEO = Central Public Health and Environment Engineering Organization CC = Cement Concrete CI = Cast Iron DPR = Detailed Project Report E&M = Electrical & Mechanical FSL = Full Supply level GA = General Arrangement GL = Ground level GP = Generator Panel HDPE = High Density Polyethylene HRT = Hydraulic Retention Time HFL = Highest Flood level KWH = Kilo Watt Hour KVA = Kilo volts Ampere LP = Lightning Panel MEP = Main Electrical Panel MLD = Million Liters Per day M.S. = Mild Steel O&M = Operation and Maintenance PFR = Project Feasibility Report PM = Project Manager/Plant Manager P&I = Process and Instrumentation PDB = Power Distribution Board MCC = Motor Control Centre MCCB = Molded Case Circuit Breaker MPS = Main Sewage Pumping Station RCC = Reinforced Cement Concrete RL = Reduced Level RS = Rolling Shutter SB = Stand By Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 121 SBC = Soil Bearing Capacity SS = Stainless Steel TOR = Terms of Reference T&P = Tools and plant STP = Sewage Treatment Plant TSS = Total Suspended Solids. BOD5 = Biological Oxygen Demand of 5 days. COD = Chemical Oxygen Demand. TOC = Total Organic Carbon. MLSS = Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids. MLVSS = Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids. MPS = Main Pumping Station. SBR = Sequential Batch Reactor. 3.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT As per standard Performa of the Department. < To be attached > 4.0 ADDITIONAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 4.1 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT All conditions of standard form of agreement shall form part of this agreement. In addition to that, following additional conditions shall be applicable. 4.1.1 Site Facilities : The contractor shall its own cost construct a site office and store shed for materials. He shall provide in the premises of the site office place for the engineer and his representatives/visitors for joint discussions and meetings. He shall also dismantle the same after three works are completed, and arrange for site cleaning operations by removal of soil and debris. If the contractor fails to dismantle the temporary structure after the works are completed it shall be treated as unauthorized occupation of the owner’s land and necessary action as deemed fit under such circumstances shall be initiated for the vacation of the land. 4.1.2. Time for full Completion Of Contract: - Contract Time The time allowed for carrying out the works shall be as stated in Notice Inviting tenders of the tender document and shall be strictly observed by the contractor and shall be rechecked from the date of the receipt of the written order to commence the works. The total contract time shall be 15 (fifteen) months for design construction and commissioning of works. Thereafter, there will be a period of 3 months for startup of Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 122 the plant during which the plant is expected to reach steady state condition. The start up will be carried out by the contractor as guided by the engineer in charge During the start up period the contractor will have to supervise the operation and maintenance of the of the plant as described. On completion of the plant, in case of non availability of electricity through HVPN, the STP shall be commissioned through DG sets. The cost of Diesel shall be reimbursed by the department on production of bills of actual consumption as per hour meter reading. In case sewage is not available after completion of work, work may be treated as commissioned. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss or damage occasioned by or arising out of acts of God, and in particular, unprecedented flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake or other convulsion of nature and other acts such as but not restricted to invasion, the act of foreign countries, hostilities or warlike operation before or after declaration of war, rebellion, military or usurped power which prevent performance of the contract and which could not have been foreseen or avoided by a prudent person. Extension of time No extension of time except under force majeure clause shall be allowed. Engineer’s certificate of completion Completion certificate shall be issued only on satisfactory completion of construction and commissioning of works and achievement of desired results as stipulated the in design specifications and performance guarantee given in the DNIT. 4.1.3 Payments The payments will be made as per provisions of the price schedule. Revision of Rates No claim on accounts of revision of taxes, duties labour and material rates fuel lubricants equipments or any other reason that can influence the rates quotes shall be entertained when the contract is operative. 4.1.4 Contractor’s Liability Observance of laws, local regulations, notices and attachments. The contractor shall confirm to all laws of the land, the regulations and by-laws of any local authority and/or of any water or lighting companies with those whose systems the works are proposed to be connected. He shall before making any variations from the drawing or specifications that may be necessitated for so confirming give to the engineer written notice, specifying the variation proposed to Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 123 be made and the reasons for making them, and apply for instructions thereon. Incase the/contractor shall not receive such instructions within 7 days proceed with the work confirming to be provisions, regulations or by laws in question and any variations in the drawings or specifications so necessitated shall be dealt with under clause The contractor shall give all notice required by the said acts regulations or bylaws and pay all fees in connection therewith. He shall also ensure that no attachments are made against materials or works related to the contract. In every case to in this clause, the contractor shall protect and indemnify, Government against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of such law, ordinance, regular decree or attachment by him or by his employees. Compensation to workmen The contractor on occurrence of accident, arising out of the work, which results in serious injuries to the person or property, shall within 24 hours of such occurrence, report to the engineer, stating clearly and in sufficient details the facts and circumstances of the accident and the action taken by the contractor. In all cases the contractor shall indemnify the Engineer against all loss or damage including penalties or lines sustained by Government resulting directly or indirectly from contractor’s failure to give notice under the Workman’s Compensation Act or otherwise. Contractor dying, becoming insolvent, Insane or imprisoned. (a) Liquidation, the contract may be terminated by notice in writing posted at the site of the works and advertised in one issue of the local newspaper and all acceptable, works shall be paid for after recovering all the contractors dues to Public Health Engineering Department, there from, at appropriate rates to the person or persons entitled to receive and give a discharge for the payment. (b) If the contractor becomes bankrupt or has received order made against him or compound with the creditor or being a corporation commence to be wound up not being a voluntary winding up for the purpose only of amalgamation or reconstruction or carry on its business under a receiver for the benefit of the creditors or any of them, the Government shall be at liberty. (i) To give such liquidator, receiver, or other person the option of carrying out the contract subject to his providing a guarantee for the faithful performance of the contract up to an amount to be determined by the Government. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 124 (ii) To terminate the contract forthwith by notice in writing to the contract or to the liquidator or to any person in whom the contract become vested and to act in the manner as provided in the clause “Breach of contract”. 4.1.5 Contractor to supply labor, plant, ladders, scaffolding: The contractor shall supply at his own cost all labor, skilled and unskilled, and all things necessary (except such special things, if any, as, in accordance with the specification that may be supplied from the Engineer’s stores) such as plants, tools, appliances, implements, ladders, cordage, tackles, scaffolding, shoring, strutting, pumps, fuel oil, packing derricks, boring tools, winches and power as well as other apparatus and temporary works requisite for the proper execution of the work whether original, altered or substituted and whether included in the specifications or other document forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions or not which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying, with the requirement of Engineer as to any matter as to which under these conditions he is entitled to be satisfied, or which he is entitled to require, together with carriage hereto for and from the work. The contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite number of persons with the means and things necessary for the purpose of setting out the works, and counting, weighing and assisting in the measurement and examination at any time and from time to time, of the works done, or materials supplied by him. The Engineer at the expense and risk of the contractor may provide failing his so doing the same and the expenses (of which the certification of the engineer shall be final) may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under this contract or from his Earnest Money Deposit. The contractor shall also provide at his own expense all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from accident and shall assume all the liability for and indemnify the Engineer against all actions or suits arising out of or in connection with neighboring owners or workmen employed on the works. With the carrying of the works, whether such actions are brought by members of the public, the contractor shall carry out the works conforming to the statutory and other legal enactments applicable to them and gives all notices and pay all fees payable to local authorities and others in respect of them. The contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, strength and safety of all shoring, strutting, curbing, bonding, brickwork, masonry, concrete, permanent or temporary appliances, matters and things furnished by him for the purpose of this contract. Materials and plant of contractor All materials brought by the contractor upon the site of the works shall be deemed to be the property of the Government and shall not or any account be removed from Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 125 the site of the works during the execution of the works and shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Engineer. The Engineer on the completion of the works or upon the stoppage of the works shall have an option of taking over any such unused materials at prevailing market rates, with the provision that the price allowed to the contractor shall not exceed the amount originally paid by him for the same, as he (the Engineer) shall desire upon giving a notice in writing under his signature and within 15 (fifteen days) of the completion of the works to that effect, and all materials not so taken over by the Engineer shall cease to be the property of the Public Health Engineering Department and the contractor shall have no claim for compensation on account of any such material as aforesaid which are not so taken over by the said Engineer unused by him (the contractor) or for any wastage in or damaged to any such materials. Employment of an experienced site engineer The contractor shall employ a site engineer of the rank of a Resident Engineer who is well experienced in the type of the works he has to handle and shall have worked in similar such projects earlier. He shall be well acquainted with all latest Indian Standards, codes of practice, and local practices of construction and has good managerial qualities, capable of handling labor force tactfully and extract good quality of workmanship and plant execution of works efficiently. He shall be well conversant with specifications, construction equipment use, testing, inspecting and supervising the works. He shall have good ability to guide his subordinates. His name and Bio-data should be submitted along with the list of other key technical staff at the time of submission of bid. In addition to this other technical staff shall have to be employed from time to time as directed by the Engineer. Changes in staff will be upon the approval of engineer. Contractor to Employ competent, agents and foreman During the execution of the works and until the work is taken over by the order of the Engineer, the contractors shall employ competent agents and such foremen as may be necessary for the proper execution of the works (and when work is carried on day and night there shall be a foremen in charge of each shift) who shall be engaged constantly on the work to ensure proper management and efficient control. Experience of Labor Force The contractor shall employ in his pay roll only such workers who are well experienced in the trade of job for which they have been employed. The engineer shall have full power to direct the contractor to removed and engaged on work persons to do not possess any experience in the trade and whose work is not Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 126 satisfactory. If in the opinion of the Engineer a person is found to be incompetent an experienced person to the satisfaction of the Engineer shall replace such person. Working on Sundays and holidays and Night Work Prior permission in writing should be taken from the Engineer-in-Charge to work on Sundays, Holidays, during Nights and to work Overtime. No women labor should be engaged on works during night work. Conduct of Labour The contractor is solely responsible for the peaceful and orderly conduct of labor in the neighborhood of work site. The Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers to order the contractor to prevent undesirable labor force from entering the work site. Further the Engineer has full powers to ask the Contractor to remove from the site of the work any person who misconduct’s himself and is undesirable at site. Labor Welfare All facilities to the welfare of the labor shall be provided by the contractor at his cost as per the existing labor laws, and as described in the tender documents. The contractor shall make all arrangement for supply of safe drinking, bathing and washing water to the labor, at his own expenses. .Adequate first aid and medical facilities shall be provided. Proper, Separate toilet facilities for Men and Women shall be provided. Protective accessories like gumboots, gloves, goggles etc. as found necessary shall be provided to the laborers. Caution lights The contractor shall provide caution signs/lights near excavations, trenches, fencing etc. and employ watchmen during nights and off working days and hours. Safety of Workers The contractor shall ensure that all precaution are taken to avoid accidents, by providing scaffoldings, platform, etc. of adequate strength which can be safely take the loads of labor and materials and shock loads, by properly bracing, tying and anchoring as necessary. No extra cost shall be claimed for all the above safety works. The contractor shall provide at his own cost, all safety requirements to the laborers like fencing barricades, temporary crossings, bringing etc. to prevent accidental slips, falls, injuries etc. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 127 The contractor shall make his own arrangements for conveyance of materials and labor to the work site by making if necessary any temporary paths, roads, accesses etc at his cost. Stud is to be purchased by the contractor for use on the works. 4.1.7 Drawings and specifications Alteration in specification or drawings As per clause 12 of conditions of contract Action where no specifications are provided In the case of any class of work of which there is not mention in the specification, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the Engineer. Deviations from drawings and specifications No deviations or changes shall be made by the contractor himself without the expenses approval of the Engineer, from the dimensions, sizes, material or workmanship specifications of works etc. shown in the drawings, specifications, instructions issued on the same by the Engineer or his authorized representative. All the works shall be executed strictly according to the drawings, and specifications using best quality of raw and finished materials and best workmanship to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. Copies of supply orders and other literature of articles procured from the trade. Copies of supply order and other literature of articles procured from the trade shall be furnished to the Engineer. The technical literature, dimensional and material specifications, guarantees of materials procured from the trade along with operation, maintenance and installation manuals also should be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. Shop drawings and schedules Drawings showing workshop fabrications etc shall be submitted in advance and approvals shall be obtained before commencement of works from the Engineer or his authorized representative. However, the approvals shall not absolve the contractor from the responsibility of the performance of the plant. Workmanship All civil, electrical, and mechanical works included in the tender shall be properly coordinated so as not to wait for each other and shall be completed in time in a Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 128 complete manner and handed over in a perfect workmanship manner, in good working condition after testing to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. Engineer’s rights in case of use of inferior materials, workmanship and plant. As per clause 11 of conditions of contract Setting out of works The contractor is responsible for setting out the works as indicated in the Approved drawings and instructions given in the regard and to obtain the approvals of the same from the Engineer or his authorized representative before commencing the works. The contractor shall provide free of cost, all facilities like labor, instruments, etc. and all cooperation to the Engineer to check all dimensions, alignment level etc. This shall however not absolve the contractor of his own responsibility of maintaining the accuracy of work. 4.1.8 Inspection, testing and miscellaneous Access to the work The Engineer-in-Charge, his superiors in Public Health Engineering Department or his authorized representatives shall be provided with all facilities for access to the site of works, lubrication shops, stores of materials, labor camps, testing shops and other premises connected with the execution of works in any way at all time, for inspection, supervision, examination of all related works. Guarantees Not withstanding the detailed drawings supplied and specifications given in the tender, the contractor can not claim any relief from his responsibility towards the performance of mechanical and electrical equipment and the whole functioning of the works for which it is intended. The contractor is deemed to possess the above knowledge absolutely, before tendering without any ambiguities or doubts which if any may be got clarified from the Engineer and then only submit this tender. Power and water required for construction/ testing Contractors shall make their own arrangements for power and water required for execution and testing of works at their own cost and the rates quoted shall be deemed to include all such expenditure. The above required for testing shall also be the contractors responsibility. Dewatering and extra work in foundations Dewatering of foundation, trenches etc. shall not be paid extra over and above the rates quoted and the rates quoted shall be deemed to be inclusive of the above Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 129 items of work. Shoring and strutting work required for excavation, excavation in difficult conditions of soil shall not be paid extra except in case the above items of work are separately agreed to be paid as indicated in the bill of quantities. Existing utility Services The contractor at his own cost shall protect the existing electric, telephone, water supply and sewerage utilities if met with during excavations by properly supporting the same by singing or otherwise as required at site, without allowing for any disruption of services. If any damage is caused to the above said public utility services or any other properly the contractor shall be responsible to make good the damages at his own cost to the entire satisfaction of the concerned owner of such public utility service for private properly. Drawings On completion of the works before issuing of the completion certificate by the Engineer the contractor shall submit 3 (three) sets of drawings as built drawings. One will be on tracing cloth and remaining on reproduction paper. Site Clearance No extra money will be payable to the contractor for removal of shrubs, debris, rubbish mounds of earth or any such unevenness in the ground levels before commencement of the works. Similarly he will remove from site above said materials and spoil and surplus materials as directed by the Engineer and leave the site in a condition that is acceptable to the engineer as far as the cleanliness of work site is concerned without any additional payment. His rates shall be deemed to include all expenditure. Except with prior permission in writing of the Engineer, the contractor shall not divert his plant labor, materials to any other work. In granting such permission the Engineer may impose any conditions as may be found necessary to ensure that no delays or interruptions are caused in execution of the works under the contract. The contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation resulting from such delays. Granting such permission shall not absolve the contractor from the responsibility of completing the works as per time schedule specified in the contract. Except with prior permission in writing of the Engineer, the contractor shall not divert his plant labour, material to any other work, In granting such permission the Engineer may inpose any condition as may be found necessary tio ensure that no delays or interruptions are caused in execution of the works under the contract. The contract shall not be entitled to any compensation resulting from such delays. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 130 Granting such permission shall not absolve the contractor from the responsibility of completing the works as per time schedule specified in the contract. Making available drawings and documents at site. One set of drawings and all other documents relating to the works under contract shall be kept in the site office and made readily available for discussions, examinations of the Engineer or his representatives. Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge Except where otherwise specified in this contract, the decision of the Engineer-inCharge for the time being shall be final, conclusive and binding on parties to the contract upon all questions relating to the meaning of the specifications, drawings and instruction herein before mentioned and to the quality of workmanship and materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right matter to things, whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions, or otherwise concerning the works or the execution of failure, to execute the same, whether arising during the progress of the work or after the completion or the sooner determination there of the contract Tests Inspection and rejection of defective materials and work The contractor shall without extra cost provide samples and cooperate in the testing of materials and inspection of work. The Engineer shall have access at all times to the places above materials are being made for use under the contract, to determine that manufacturer a proceeding in accordance with the drawings and specifications and to the place of work. The Engineer may reject at any stage, any work, which he considers being defective in quality of materials or workmanship and he shall not be debarred from rejecting, wrought materials by reason of this having previously passed them in an un-worked condition. Any portion of the work or materials rejected shall be removed from the work site at the contractor’s expense after written instructions to that effect by the Engineer for replacement of such work in lieu of removing the work or materials which are not in accordance with the contract. The equipment shall be inspected and passed by the manufacture’s inspector. A certificate issued by the manufacture’s inspection monitoring that the said equipment conforms to the required specifications shall accompany each consignment. In addition, the Engineer or his representatives shall be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture and before dispatch of the goods to inspect, examine and test on the contractor’s premises, the materials and workmanship of Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 131 all equipment to be supplied under the contract, and if part of the said equipment is being manufactured on other premises, the contractor shall obtain for the Engineer, permission to inspect, examine and test as if the said equipment were being manufactured on the contractor’s premises. Such inspection, examination or testing if made shall not relieve the contractor from any obligations under the contract. The contractor shall give the Engineer thirty (30) days notice in writing of the date and the place at which a plant will be ready for testing as provided in the contract, unless the Engineer shall attend to the place so named within ten (10) days of the date which the contractor has stated in his notice, the contractor may proceed with the test which shall be deemed to have been made in the Engineer’s presence and shall forth with forward to the Engineer duly certified copies of the results. The Engineer shall give the contractor 24 hours notice in writing of his intention to the tests. The inspection and testing will be carried out generally as per Indian Standards for domestic supplies and as per the relevant equivalent Standards prevailing in the country of manufacture for imported supplies. As and when any plant shall have passed the tests referred to in this article. The Engineer shall furnish the contractor a certificate in writing to that effect. The contractor shall provide all facilities (labor, material, apparatus, instruments etc.) for inspection and tests and such inspection and tests will be free of charge to the owner. Programme of Works As soon as the letter of intent is issued to the contractor, he will submit to the Engineer his program to complete the works by the time indicated in the contract, in the form of a bar chart for review of the Engineer and make suggested modifications before his approval of the same. The approved bar chart shall be diligently and strictly followed with a view to complete the works as per schedule. The Engineer shall review the programmers of works from time to time and he may modify the same depending upon the exigencies of the work and stage of the works. Insurance The contractor shall unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, insure the plant and shall keep it insured against destruction or damage by fire, earthquake, flood, storm under exposure to the weather, or through riot, civil, emotion, war or rebellion, for the full value of the plant and materials until the plant is taken over. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 132 The insurance for the equipment shall cover the risks towards handling transit, storage at the re- transporting up to erection, erecting, testing and commissioning of the equipment at site. The contractor shall take the policy in the name of the consignee of the department. The insurance shall be full and shall cover any loss or damage in accordance and what is said above. The damage materials will be set right or replaced by the contractor, free of cost, The claims arising out of the Composite insurance Policy shall be deal with or handed by the contractor at his own cost after receipt of preliminary damage/loss intimation given by the Engineer. Patents rights etc. The contractor shall fully indemnify the purchaser against all actions, suits, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses arising from, or incurred by reason of any arrangement for any letters, patent designs, trademark or name, copyright or other protected rights in respect of any machine, plant, work material thing or system or method of using, fixing, working or arrangement used or fixed or supplied by the contractor but this indemnity shall not extend or apply to any action, suit, claim demand cost charges or expenses arising from or incurred by reason of the use of the works or any part thereof otherwise than in the manner or for a purpose contemplated by the contract. All royalties and other similar payments which may have to be paid for the use of any such machine, plant work, material thing, system or method as aforesaid (whether payable in one sum or by installments or otherwise) shall be covered by the contract price and payable by the contractor. In the event of any claim or demand being made or action or suit brought against the purchaser in respect of any such matter or matters as a foresaid the contractor shall be duly notified thereof, and he shall conduct all negotiations for the settlement of such claims or demand and such action of suit shall also be conducted by him subject, if and as far as the owner shall think proper, to the supervision and control of the owner through the officer duly authorized in his behalf. Other Contractors When two or more contractors are engaged on work in the same vicinity they shall work together in a spirit of cooperation and accommodation. The contractor shall not take or cause to be taken any steps or actions that may cause disruptions, discontent or disturbance to the works, labor and other arrangements of other contract in neighboring and the project localities. In case of any difficulties amongst the contractors, the Engineer shall direct the manner in which each contractor shall conduct shall conduct his work so far as it affects others. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 133 4.1.9 Discrepancies and adjustment of errors: The several documents forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another, detailed drawings being followed in preference to smallscale drawing and the required dimensions in preference to scale. There are varying or conflicting provisions made in any document forming part of the contract, the accepting officer, i.e. the Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Department shall be the sole deciding authority with regard to the intention of the document and his decision in this respect shall be final and binding. Any error in description in the bid of quantities or any omission there from shall not vitiate the contract or release the contractor from the execution of the whole or any parts of the works comprised therein according to the drawings and specifications or from any of obligations under the contract. If there are any discrepancies found in the tender documents and the same have not been clarified before submission of the tender, the interpretation or clarification given by the Engineer is final and conclusive. 4.2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 4.2.1 Contractor’s Design of Equipment Contractor is advised to read carefully all chapters and give complete information regarding his proposals, substantiating the same with calculations, drawings literature, with clear reference to any standards adopted (which are not mentioned in the tender), in such manner that there is no ambiguity or nothing is left to chance. All relevant information, so as to make the proposal understandable shall be given. Vague remarks and remarks like “will be given later” are not acceptable. If in the opinion of the engineer, the proposal is grossly incomplete, this will form sufficient reason for complete rejection of the tender on technical grounds. Contractor shall note that this is a lump sump rate tender. The bidder shall give rate for complete work. However his proposals are subject to scrutiny and approval for unit wise / sub unit wise progressive payments by the competent authority. He shall therefore take utmost precaution to offer very standard equipment manufactured by only reputed manufacturers (wherever the makes are specified, the same shall be offered). However the bidder should note that after the tenders are opened, all modifications, corrections, changes should be carried out entirely to the satisfaction of the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 134 Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost to Public Health Engineering Department. The contractor shall not be allowed to change the price quoted. 4.2.2 Equipment Guarantee: All the equipment supplied shall be guaranteed for entire Defect Liability Period and Operation & Maintenance Period for completely trouble free performance. The complete duration of Operation & Maintenance Period shall also be considered as defects liability period for such equipment supplied under this contract. All the equipment installed shall be thoroughly tested at the time of commissioning the plant and all initial defects shall be rectified to the entire satisfaction of the engineer. Damaged or non-working parts shall be replaced at no extra cost to Public Health Engineering Department. 4.2.3 Training of the Public Health Engineering Department, Bhiwani, Haryana Staff before Handling over the Equipment/Instruments. As there is fair amount of automation specified, there will be very large number of small components, which form units of equipment. In order that the Public Health Engineering staff engaged on operations and maintenance becomes proficient in understanding and handing the equipment correctly, the contractor will have to organize training program in the manufacturers’ shops as well as on site during actual operation of the plant. For this purpose he will have to employ suitably qualified, trained personnel to carry out this training. The training period is for 7 days after commissioning of the plant or for such extra period before commissioning in the workshops. A mutually agreed program shall be formulated during the execution, which will be binding on the contractor. After successful Trial Run of the plant the tender shall have to give the following document as a part of the scope of the work. i) 6 complete sets of approved design & drawings of the work as executed for structural, civil and architectural duly bound. Once set of drawing shall be pasted on cloth. ii) 6 sets of operational manual iii) Supply of one model of the plant properly mounted and enclosed in 6 mm plastic case in scale to be intimated by the engineer in charge. 4.2.4 Construction of Bar Chart A construction bar chart up to the stage of commissioning of MPS & STP, testing procedures shall be carefully studied. The bar chart also should compare well with Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 135 the proposed machinery and plant to be used for construction under this contract. The same bar chart shall be expanded into a detailed program of work. 4.2.5 To define terms and explain plans The various parts of the contract are intended to be complementary to each other, but should any discrepancy appear, or any misunderstanding arise as to the import of anything contained therein, the explanation of the Engineer shall be final and binding. Whenever, in the specifications or on the drawings which re a part of this contract or which may be furnished by the contractor for use on this work, the terms and description of various qualities of workmanship, material. Structures, processes, plant or other features of the contract described in general terms, the meaning of fulfillment of which must depend on judgment then in all such cases the question of fulfillment of such specification or requirements shall be decided by the Engineer and said materials shall be furnished, said work shall be done, and said structures, Process, plant or feature shall be constructed, furnished or carried on in full and complete accordance with, his interpretation of the same and to Engineers full satisfaction and approval, provided such interpretations is not in direct conflict with the drawings and specifications and generally accepted good practice. Matter shown either on the drawing or in the specifications shall be done and furnished as it shown in both except where expressly excepted either in the specifications or on the drawings, figured dimensions shall be in all cases be taken in preference to scaled dimensions shall be in all cases be taken in preference to scaled dimensions or measurements and detailed drawings consistent with general drawings in preference to general drawings of the same part of the work. 4.2.6 Water, Electricity and other facilities Contractor shall have to make, his own provisions for supply of water and electricity from various agencies or from his sources for the execution of work. 4.2.7 Engineer to direct work and order alternations, modifications, deletions The Engineer shall have the right to direct the manner in which all work under this contract shall be conducted in so far as may be necessary to secure the safe and proper progress and the specified quality of the work, and all work shall be done and all material shall be furnished to the satisfaction an approval of the Engineer. Additional drawings and explanations to exhibit or illustrate details may be provided by the contractor. The written decision of the Engineer as to the true construction and meaning of the drawings and explanations shall be binding on the contractor. If at any time the contractors methods, materials or equipment appear to the Engineer to be unsafe, insufficient or inadequate for securing the safety of the workmen or the public, the quality or work or the rate of progress required, he may Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 136 order the contractor to increase their safety, efficiency and adequacy, and the contractor shall comply with such orders. If at any time the contractors working force and equipment are, in the opinion of the Engineer, inadequate for securing the necessary progress, as herein stipulated, the contractor shall, if so directed, increase the working force and equipment to such and extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of completion. The failure of the Engineer to make such demands sall not relieve the contractor of his obligations to secure the quality, the safe conducting of the work and the rate of progress required by the contract, and the contractor alone shall be and remain liable and responsible for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of his methods, materials, working force, equipment and timely completion of job irrespective of whether or not he makes any change as a result of any order or orders received from the Engineer. The department/Engineer shall have the power to make any alterations in omissions from, additions to the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor shall bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instructions that may be given to him in writing by the Department/Engineer and such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall not invalidate the contract. Any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work, shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work and the similar rates as are specified in the tender for the main work, unless such alterations are not similar to or derivable from the items of work and form extra items. The time for completion of the work shall be extended in the time proportion that the altered, additional or substituted work bears to the original contract and the decision of the Department shall be conclusive and binding on the contractor. 4.2.8 Contractor’s Supervision The contractor shall, during the whole time the work is in progress, employ a qualified engineer to be in charge of the works with adequate experience in handling of jobs of this nature and with the prior approval of the Department/Engineer. Sub Engineer shall be constantly in attendance at the site during working hours. During Contractors/ Residents Engineers absence during working hours, if unavoidable, and also beyond working hours, when it may be necessary to give directions, orders may be given by the Engineer/Department and shall be received and obeyed by the contractors superintendent or even foreman who may have charge of the particular part of he work in reference to which orders Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 137 are given. If requested to do so, the Engineer/Department shall confirm such orders in writing. Any directions, instructions or notices given by the Engineers/Department to him, shall be deemed to have been given to the contractor. The representative of the contractor shall have all necessary powers to engage labour or purchase materials and proceed with the work as required for speedy execution. None of the Contractors superintendents, engineers, supervisors or labour should be withdrawn from the work without due notice being given to the Department/Engineer, further no such withdrawals shall be made if in the opinion of the department/engineer such withdrawals will jeopardize the required pace of progress/successful completion of the work. The contractor shall employ in or about execution of the works only such persons as are careful, skilled and experienced in their respective trades. The department shall be at liberty to object to and require the contractor to remove any persons employed by the contractor, in or about execution of works who in the opinion of the department/engineer misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties and all such persons shall not be employed upon the works without prior permission of the department. 4.2.9 Setting out works The contractor shall set out the works and shall be responsible for true and perfect setting out of the same and for the correctness of the positions, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts thereof. If at any time any error shall appear during the progress of any part of the work the contractor, shall at his own expense rectify such error, if called upon to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The contractor shall provide all facilities, instruments and attendance to the Engineer or his deputed representative to check his work. Instrument brought by the contractor shall be in good working condition and are subject to approval of the engineer. Checking in part or full or any setting out or any line or level by the engineer shall not in any way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the correctness thereof. The contractor shall establish and maintain base lines and bench marks adjacent of tilt: various sections of work. All such marks and stakes must be carefully preserved by the contractor and in case of their destruction be him or any of his employees, they will be replaced at the contractor’s expense. 4.2.10 Access The Engineer, his representatives and the department shall at all reasonable times have free access to the works and / or to the workshops, factories or other place where materials are being prepared or constructed for the contract and also to any place where the materials are laying from which they are being obtained, the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 138 contract shall give every necessary facility to the Engineer and his representatives for inspection and examination and test of the materials and workmanship even to the extent of discontinuing portions of the work temporarily or of uncovering or taking down portions of finished work. When finished work is taken down for the purpose of inspection, the contactor shall stand all the expenses incidental thereto in the event that the work taken down is found to be in accordance with the specifications. In the latter case, the replacing or the covering up or the making good of any of the parts removed shall be paid for by the Department at the Contract Prices for the items of work done and uncovering or taking out of materials or parts shall be paid for on the basis of actual direct cost of material, labour and incidental expenses plus reasonable plant charges except that no percentage for the contractors profit shall be added to actual direct cost of material, labour and incidental expenses. However, no extension of time will be given for completion of works on this account. If the contractor shall fail to replace any defective work or materials to be replaced and the expenses thereof shall be deducted from the amount to be paid to the contractor. If any work is to be done at a place other than the site of the works, the contractor shall obtain the written permission of the Engineer for doing so. 4.2.11 Failure by the contractor to comply with the Engineers instructions. If the contractor after receipt of written notice from the Engineer requiring compliance with such further drawings and/ or the Engineers instructions fails within seven days to comply with the same, the Engineer may employ and pay other agencies to execute any such work whatsoever as may be necessary to give effect thereto and all costs incurred in connection therewith shall be recoverable from the contractor by the Department on a certificate by the Engineer as a debt or may be deducted by him from any moneys due or to become due to the contractor. 4.2.12 Construction supervision and workmanship The Department will engage his own supervisory staff of works as may be deemed fit. The contactor shall afford the supervisors every facility and assistance for examining the works and materials for checking and measuring the works and materials. The supervisors shall have no power to revoke, alter, enlarge or relax any requirement of the contractor, but may sanction only day work, additions, alterations, deviations or omissions, or any extra work whatever as may be authorized by the Engineer. The supervisors will act as representatives of the Department and shall have the power to give notice to the contractor or to his Foreman of non approval of any work or materials, and such work shall be suspended or the use of such material shall be discontinued, until the decision of the Engineer is obtained. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 139 The work shall be conducted under the general direction of the Engineer and is subject to inspection by his supervisors to ensure strict compliance with the terms of the Contract. No failure of the Engineer or his supervisors during the progress of the work to discover or to reject materials, or work not in accordance with the requirements of this contract shall be deemed as acceptance thereof or a waiver of defects therein and no payment by the Engineer on partial or entire occupancy of the premises shall be constructed to be an acceptance of the work or materials which are not strictly in accordance with the requirement of this Contract. No changes whatsoever to any provision of the specifications shall be made without written authorization of the Department. The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workmanlike manner as regard material and in all other respects. The provisional acceptance of sections of the work shall not be construed so as to prevent the Engineer for requiring replacement of defective work that may become apparent after the said provisional acceptance and shall not be construed in any way on the basis for a claim of extra compensation for any cause whatsoever by the contractor. 4.2.13 To remedy defective work and defects liability period If the work or any portion thereof shall be damaged in any way excepting by the acts of the Department, or if defects not readily detected by proper inspection shall develop before the final completion and acceptance of the whole work, the contractor shall forthwith make good, without compensation, such damage or defects in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer/Department, hi no case shall defective or imperfect work be retained. Sixty calendar months from the date of successful completion of performance run of the plant unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Department/Engineer will be deemed as the “Defects Liability Period”, in case any defects in the work due to wrong assumptions in designs, bad materials and/or bad workmanship develop in the work before the expiry of this period, the contractor on notification by the Department shall rectify or remedy the defects at his own Cost and he shall make his own arrangements to provide materials, labour, equipment and any other appliances required in this regard. In case even on due notification by the Department, the contractor fails to rectify or remedy the defects, the department shall have the right to get this done by other agencies and recover the cost incurred, by deductions from any money due or that may become due to Contractor. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 140 The Department may in lieu of such amending and making good by the Contractor, deduct from any money due to the Contractor a sum to be determined by the Department equivalent to the cost of amending such work and in the event of such due payment becoming insufficient, recover the balance from the contractor together with any expense to the Department may have incurred in connection with such recovery. The contractor shall remain liable under the provisions of this clause notwithstanding the passing by the Department of any certificate, final or otherwise or the passing of any accounts. The contractor shall see that the excavated material or debris from the work under the contract shall be replaced at a place and in a manner, as designated by the Engineer and he shall remove it from time to time as required by the Engineer so that their shall not be any, interference or obstruction to the departments or other Contractors work in the adjacent areas. 4.2.14 Night holiday working - Permission The contractor is normally expected to work during day time only and is required to complete the work in all respects as stipulated elsewhere. However, night work or holiday work may be permitted in exigencies with prior approval of the Engineer. Sufficient light shall be provided to safe guard the workers and the public and to afford adequate facilities for property placing and inspecting the material when the night work is in progress. 4.2.15 Force Majeure Force Majeure is herein is defined as (1) any clause which is beyond the control of the contractor or the Department, as the case may be, (2) natural phenomenon like floods, drought, earthquakes and epidemics notified by the Government, (3) acts of any Government authority, domestic or foreign, like war, declared or undeclared, government priorities, quarantine, embargoes, licensing control or production or distribution restrictions, (4) accidents and disruptions like fire and explosions, (5) transportation delay to force majeure or accidents, (6) strikes, slowdowns, lockouts and sabotage by the persons other than those under control of the contractor, (7) riots and civil commotion, (8) Failure or delay in contractors/Departments source of supply due to force majeure causes enumerated at 1 to 7 above. 4.2.16 Work in monsoon and dewatering The construction and erection work may entail working in monsoon also. The contractor must maintain labour force as may required for the job and plan execute the construction and erection according to the prescribed schedule. No extra working period or payment will be considered for such work in monsoon. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 141 During monsoon and other period it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to keep the construction site free from accumulation of water at his own cost. 4.2.17 Penalty Clause for Non Performance of the STP In case if the treated effluent quality whatsoever may be the reason does not satisfy the standards given in this tender, the contractor will be penalized on double the prorata basis in the form of deduction of payment admissible to him on the per day basis desired from the quoted rates mentioned in price bid for that particular year of O&M. Any recovery made by the Electricity Department on account of misuse & nonfunctioning of any equipment of electricity will be deducted from the contractors bill. The department reserves the right to get the sewage tested from any external laboratory, charges for which shall be borne by the department. The contractor or his authorized representative has to make himself available at the time of collection of sample. If contractor or his representative fails to present himself, the sample will be collected in his absence. The same thus collected shall be tested in the external lab and it would be binding on the contractor to abide by the test results. 4.2.18 Other Special Conditions : 1. The cement will be arranged by the contractor/agency/firm at his own level. The contractor /agency /firm may quote his rates accordingly 2. The cement will be arranged by the Contractor / Society / Agency / Firm at his IS 8112 with latest amendments. The cement manufactured by mini Cement Plant shall not be used. In case contractor is allowed by the department to use PPC cement duly ISI marked & confirming to Is-1489 with latest amendments then the recovery of Rs. 25/- per bag of 50kg cement be made as per notification on revision of ceiling premium date 10.11.2011 3. The cement and steel shall be purchased from authorized distributor or manufacturer or authorized Dealer 4. The cement arranged by the contractor / Agency will be brought at site and shall be kept in the store maintained at site provided with dual locking system i.e 1st key of lock with representative of the department and 2nd key of lock with authorized representative of agency. 5. The Contractor/ agency will inform the Executive Engineer / Sub Divisional Engineer for the quantity of the cement brought at site with bill/ challan in the name of that agency before using the same and Executive Engineer in charge or his authorized representative may check the actual receipt of cement at site. 6. The Engineer –in-Charge or his authorized representative may if need be also send the cement for the testing to any Govt. Lab/reputed Lab. The sample of the cement will be collected as per BIS specification in the presence of the Contractor / agency or his authorized representatives. In case the cement is Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 142 found as per ISI specification then the cost of testing will be borne by Department but incase the cement sample fails to meet the BIS requirements, then appropriate action as per contractor agreement will be taken. The cost on the testing of cement along with any loss caused to Govt shall also be recovered from the Contractor/agency and no claim in this respect will be entertained 7. The stock of cement at site shall not be more than one month consumption and only sufficient quantities shall be kept to ensure continuity of the work. 8. The cement consumption register showing date of cement brought at site by the Contractor / agency and its day-to-day utilization will be maintained. The said register shall be open to inspection by representatives of the Engineer-in-charge during his visit at site. The consumption and receipt of cement in the register shall be initialed jointly by the authorized representative of the Contractor / Agency and representative. The said register will be issued by office of concerned Sub divisional engineer under his dated signature for each agreement separately. The register will also contain the columns for work executive against the cement issued. 9. Quality check register will be maintained at site and regular sampling of work executive every month shall be recorded in the same. 10. The PHED Haryana reserves the right of negotiations as per policy approved by the state Government with the tenderer in case the prices quoted are felt to be on higher side or otherwise. The negotiation will be carried out with 1st, 2nd & 3rd lowest contractors. The highest amongst them will be called first and lowest tenderer in the last. If during negotiation tenderer other than lowest reduces his prices / amount and in eventually of him not accepting the counter offered the same shall be offer to second lowest and so forth, tenderer who refuses the counter offer will not have any right to the bid later on. 11. The Engineer-in-charge will opt for 3rd party inspection other than Department. In addition to inspection by department staff. The 3rd party would inspect the work during its execution to ensure execution of work as per specification/ agreement and also quality control i.e drawl of sample testing & other items etc. the report of the same would be submitted to Engineer-in-charge by the 3rd part. The agency/contractor shall be bound by the report of 3rd party inspection and shall take remedial measures for execution of work as per specifications in agreement, the inspection and sample testing charges will be borne by department. 12. The labour cess @ 1% of cost of work done by contractor shall be deducted from bill. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 143 ESSENTIALITY CERTIFICATE It is specifically clarified Department’s Engineer will assist if possible and permitted to do the contractor to obtain any lawful exemptions from payment of Excise Duty or Import Duty or Sales Tax or Income Tax or any other admissible exemption from any kind of Tax or Duty on plant and materials which are to be incorporated as a part of the permanent works by issue of an “Essentiality Certificate” in the format indicated as Annexure-I, which certified the estimated quantities of materials that are to be incorporated into the works. The responsibilities for obtaining any such exemptions from competent authorities will remain with contractor and Department’s shall not in any way be responsible for admissibility of the claims or eligibility of the contractor. Department’s will not bear any responsibility of financial or any other sort on behalf of such issuance of certificate. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 144 ANNEXURE - I TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN ESSENTIALITY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the work of “DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA.” has been awarded to M/S _________________________________________________(Name of Contractor) amount of Rs.________________________________(Rupees____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________) (Amount of Contract Agreement) only, by the Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No 3 Bhiwani Haryana, India and their representatives, Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division No 3 Bhiwani, Haryana and being implemented from _________________________ to ________________________. It is certify Contractor) that for M/S_________________________________________________(Name the above project work requires to of purchase _____________________________________________________________________(Quantity of materials and name of material) for the work of “DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA.” It is further certified that the aforesaid material is required for the execution of the said project. The validity of this certificate is from ________________________ to ____________________ (Construction duration as per Agreement) Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division, No.3 Bhiwani. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 145 SECTION – 5 LETTER OF TENDER Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 146 SECTION -5 : LETTER OF TENDER To The Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No 3, Bhiwani, Haryana Phone:Fax :Name of Contract UPGRADATION OF SEWERAGE FACILITIES IN BHIWANI TOWN. “DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA.” Dear Sir, We have examined the Conditions of Contract, Employer’s Requirements, Scheduled etc. of the above named works. We have examined, understood and checked these documents and have ascertained that they contain no errors or other defects. We accordingly offer to design, execute and complete the Works (including trial-run), remedy any defects therein, operate and maintain during defect liability period and Operation and Maintenance for a period of 72 months before handing over in conformity with this Tender which includes all these documents and the enclosed proposal, for the lump sum costs. Further we agree to extend the O & M construct for a further period of 6 years, if desired by the department at out quoted rates and present terms and conditions. We agree to abide by this tender until………….(90 days after the latest date of submission) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix forms part of this Letter of Tender. If this officer is accepted, we will provide the specified Performance Security, commence the works as soon as is reasonably practicable by the Commencement date and complete the works in accordance with the above named documents within the Time for Completion. This letter shall form a part o the agreement. Signature in the capacity of Duly authorized to sign tenders for and on behalf of Address: Date:………………………… …………………………. Company Seal Contractor Signature of Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 147 SECTION – 6 BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF DEPARTMENT Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 148 SECTION : 6 DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL NOTES The department requires that all goods and materials to be used in the works are new unused, of the most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and material. 2.0 DESIGN, DRAWINGS, DOCUMENTS AND DATA 2.1 General Obligations The contractor shall carry out, and be responsible for, the design of the works. Design shall be prepared by qualified designers/professional who comply with the criteria stated in the Department requirements. The contractor undertakes that the designers shall be available to attend discussions with the Engineer-in-Charge at all reasonable times during the contract period. 3.0 BASIC DESIGN PARAMETERS The bidder is required to examine and check the Departments design criteria, specifications etc., as included in the bid documents to confirm their correctness in its bid and to assume full responsibility for them, thereafter. 4.0 SUBMISSION OF DESIGN CALCULATIONS, DRAWINGS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS BY THE CONTRACTOR. (a) After signing the contract, within 28 days from the date intimated by the Department to proceed with the work, the contractor shall supply to the Engineerin-Charge(Six) hard copies (along with workable soft copies in a CD) each of the design calculations for the process and sizing of all components of the plant including mechanical and electrical equipment, supported by flow diagrams, and general arrangement drawings, reference catalogues/literature of manufactures, other reference documents used for the design purpose, for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall incorporate all necessary comments of the Engineer-in-Charge in the above design and drawings, if any, and shall resubmit further 6 (six) copies each of the revised design and drawings within 14 (fourteen) days for final approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall thereafter submit 6(six) copies each of the approved design and 6(six) copies each of the approved drawings together with one copy each of the reproducible tracings and workable soft copies of all approved designs, calculations and drawings. The entire cost shall be borne by the contractor. Drawing and tracing papers shall be laminated and bound properly with civil, mechanical and electrical drawings in separate bindings. The contractors shall also supply the following: Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 149 1. Layout diagram of Sewage Treatment Plant-2 plastic laminated boards of size 1.2mx0.75m. (b) Design calculations and drawings shall be submitted in sequence as per schedule to be drawn and agreed upon mutually, immediately after submission of the general arrangement drawing. The entire process of submission of all such documents by the contractor in initial copies and final copies after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be completed within 90 days from the date of the work order. These documents shall cover: Site Plan. Layout plan and hydraulic flow diagram, process design, P & I diagram Architectural Drawings/Renderings. GA Drawing of each/individual unit. Detailed structural design and good for execution drawings pertaining to all components of the plant and other associated works. Wiring diagrams, pressure control, pumps and motor control gear particulars. Drawing showing the size position & other necessary details of all mechanical and electrical equipment and fixtures Details of foundations, position of opening etc. for the pumps, motors, starting cubicles, LT/HT panels, etc. Elementary diagram and manufacturers’ shop and part drawings for all equipments. Services like internal illumination and ventilation, building water supply, sanitation and plumbing, service roads, lighting etc. Power and control cable layout. ANY OTHER DESIGN AND DRAWINGS TO FULFILL PHED’S REQUIREMENT. 4.1 Format of Drawings All drawings submitted for approval shall be ISO standard size sheets. Every drawing shall have a title block in the bottom right corner showing: Public Health Engineering Department Haryana Contractor Contract No. : Contractor : Project : Drawing Title : Drawing Number : Revision Number : Date : Witness Executive Engineer 150 Each drawing shall bear the signature of the Project Manger on behalf of the contractor to the effect that the drawing whether his own or from any other source has been checked by the Contractor before submission to the department. Each revision shall be properly recorded to show the number, date, specific description of revision(s) carried out, and signature of the Project Manager in the revision block. The contractor shall be responsible for incorporating all the comments issued by the Engineer-in-Charge. 4.2 Construction Documents The contractor shall prepare Construction Documents in sufficient detail to satisfy all regulatory approvals, to provide suppliers and construction personnel sufficient instructions to execute the Works, and to describe the operation of the completed works. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to review and inspect the preparation of Construction Documents, wherever they are being prepared. Six copies of the construction documents shall, when considered ready for use, be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for pre-construction approval. If the Engineerin-Charge notifies the contractor that such Construction Document fails to comply with the Departments Requirements, it shall be rectified and submitted and reviewed at the Contractor’s cost. Construction shall not commence prior to the approval of the Construction Documents by the Engineer-in-Charge. If the contractor wishes to modify any design or document, which has been previously submitted for such pre-construction review, the contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer-in-Charge and shall subsequently submit revised documents. If the Engineer-in-Charge instructs that further Construction Documents. Error, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies inadequacies and other defects shall be rectified by the Contractor at his cost. The design, the Construction Documents, the execution and the completed works shall comply with the Indian specifications, technical standards, building, construction and environmental regulations, regulations applicable to the product being produced from the works and the standards specified in the Departments requirements, applicable to the Contractor’s Proposal and Schedules or defined by law. The contractor shall provide all design, calculations, drawings and all construction documents in six hard copies, soft copies and workable CDs along with 6 sets of all designs and drawings and 3 additional cloth mounted sets of all drawings for the use of Engineer-in-Charge. 4.3 As Built Drawings The contractor shall prepare, and keep up to date a complete set of laminated “As Built” records of the execution of the works, showing the exact “as built” location, Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 151 sizes and details of the work as executed, with cross references to relevant specifications and data sheets. These records shall be kept on the Site and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this sub-clause. Two hard copies shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge prior to the Tests on Completion. In addition, the contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer-in-Charge “As Built Drawings” of the works, showing all works as executed. The drawings shall be prepared as the works proceed, and shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for his inspection. The contractor shall obtain the consent of the Engineer-in-Charge as to their size, the referencing system, and other pertinent details. Prior to the issue of substantial completion certificate, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge one soft copy, workable CD, one full size original copy and six printed cloth mounted copies of the relevant “As Built Drawings”, and any further Construction Documents specified in the Departments Requirements. The works shall not be considered to be completed for issue of substantial completion certificate until such documents have submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge. Failure in submission of “As Built” records shall attribute the delay in completion of the work and issue of substantial completion certificate, on the part of the contractor. 4.4 Co-ordination Drawing Coordination drawings shall be prepared and shall comprise composite section drawings showing coordination of mechanical and electrical work to structural work. The composite drawings shall be in sufficient detail to show overall dimensions of ductwork, piping, conduit, and related items and clearance between structural members, lighting and related features for review and approval of relative locations of work in allocated spaces. The drawings shall indicate any conflicts of clearance problems between various trades. Coordination drawings shall be submitted to Employer’s Representative. Coordination drawings will not be submitted for approval but for review only. 4.5 Equipment and Interconnection Diagram Equipment room layout drawings shall be based on actual requirements of equipment furnished and be consolidated for all trades, shall be to scale and shall show all pertinent structural and penetration features and other items, such as electrical cabinets, which affect available space. All mechanical and electrical equipment including electrical conduits, accessories, ductwork and piping shall be shown to scale in plan and also in elevation and / or section and resolve any conflicts or clearance problems. Physical descriptions of the various mechanical and electrical items shown on these drawing shall be submitted concurrently. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 152 4.6 Quality Proof of quality of manufacture and reliability in field application. Such proof will normally constitute evidence that the product/ equipment has been manufactured by the manufacturer, or fabricator of the quality assured for a unit or item over a period of time and has an established field service record. It shall include installation locations, dates and year of operating service. If there is no experience for an identical unit or item it may relate to a similar unit or item by the same manufacturer. 4.7 Manufacturer’s Data Manufacturer’s data shall include catalog cuts, broachers, circular, specifications, equipment operations and maintenance manuals and other printed information in sufficient detail and scope to verify compliance to the requirements. 4.8 Performance Data Performance Data shall include certified copies of equipment responses and performance characteristics as required. 4.9 Manufacturer’s Color Charts and Samples Manufacturer’s Color Charts and samples of all applicable materials, products and items of equipment required. 4.10 Parts and Special Tools Lists a) Parts list shall include a complete list of component parts of an item of equipment together with an expanded view or equivalent means to identify the parts. b) Special Tools lists shall include all tools and devices required for assembly, disassembly, operation and maintenance of the equipment and an indication of the use of each item. c) The lists shall further identify the sources of manufacture and supply of consumable supplies and those parts, special tools and supplies that are normally furnished with the purchase of the equipment or are specified to be furnished. d) In additions, a list shall be provided showing items recommended by the manufacturer to support normal maintenance based on the manufacturer’s anticipated life cycle of the part for continuous normal operation. 4.11 Certificates of Compliance Certificate of compliance shall include material or product manufacturers statement that the supplied items or systems conform to the specifications. 4.12 Test Reports Test reports shall be provided as required and as follows : Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 153 a) Shop tests shall show the results of required shop tests of equipment of systems certified in writing by the manufacturer or its authorized representative. However, department along with contractor is free to visit and inspect the equipment and systems at manufacturing unit as and when required. The cost toward such inspections shall be borne by the contractor. b) Field Test reports shall show the results of required filed tests and compliance with approved procedures and shall be certified in writing. 4.13 Maintenance Instructions Maintenance Instructions shall cover finish material including but not limited to hard surfaced materials. Instructions shall include cleaning, tarnishing, dents and stains from various chemicals. 4.14 CONSTRUCTION PHOTORGRAPHS i) Work shall include progress photographs for each work of construction taken from minimum six view points each month made by a professional photographer. Take one photograph from each view point. ii) Photographs shall show general extent of the works by both exterior and interior views. Each view point will be selected and the number of monthly repetitive photographs taken from exactly the same view point as decided by the department. iii) Submit six 200mmx254mm glossy color prints of each photograph to the department at the first of each month duly attached/pasted in the progress report. iv) Title and month of each photograph per the department requirement. As a minimum include on title: Project name, direction of view, and date when taken. v) Video shooting during major constructions stages of plant or at least once every month must be carried out by the contractor and shall be submitted to the department. 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE The contractor shall institute a quality assurance system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the contract. Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the contractor of his duties, obligations or responsibilities. Quality assurance shall include, but shall not be restricted to as noted herein. The Quality Assurance system should ensure the quality and quantity continuously through monitoring systems as envisaged in Project Management and Construction performa so as to give daily progress report, labour/manpower Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 154 deployed, quantity executed on periodic basis, observations thereof through following performa placed at the end of this subsection. Bar bending schedule. Pour Card Post Concreting check ups Form work check up Tests of materials. The above shall be conformed through records of precious materials viz. Cement, steel, anti-termite chemicals, water proofing chemicals etc. a) The contractor’s provision and maintenance of a quality assurance program in conjunction as approved by the department. The program shall provide inspection and testing of products during fabrication and installation as department may deem necessary to ensure that work in performed in compliance with the contract. Such inspection and testing shall be performed at no additional expense to the department. b) Inspection and testing required by the orders, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of local authorities. c) Provision of inspection and testing instruments and devices required to ensure proper performance of quality assurance at the job site. d) Verification by certification that specified products meet requirements of reference standards as specified in applicable codes/specification. e) Testing, balancing and adjusting of equipment as specified in applicable codes. 5.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN GENERAL i) Maintain continuity of quality assurance surveillance throughout fabrication of products and execution of work. ii) Submit details of quality assurance tests and methods inclusive of the specification. iii) Perform inspection and testing in accordance with specified reference standards, or as otherwise approved by the department. iv) Calibrate measuring and testing devices periodically against certified standard equipment. Calibration shall be verified by inspection firm. 5.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE OF THE WORKS ON SITE i) Provide an assurance system to ensure quality assurance by phased inspection as follows: Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 155 Preparatory Phase Inspection Perform inspections prior to commencement of each part of the works which shall include a review of requirements with the supervisors directly responsible for that part of the works. Such review shall be in the form of written statements of the processes to be followed and critical characteristics, tests and similar evaluations which will be a part of inspection procedures. Verify that products incorporated with that part of the works which have been tested and applicable submissions have been made for control testing. Verify that preceding work has been completed and approved. Verify products incorporated with that part of the works conform to submission data and Contract requirements and that necessary materials and equipment are easily and readily available. Continuing Inspection Perform inspection on a continuing basis as each part of the works commences and on a regular basis to ensure constant compliance with the requirements : ii) Provide samples of materials to be tested in required quantities at locations where testing is performed. iii) Provide labour, instruments, testing devices, facilities and required shelter at the site : a) To determine ambient and material temperature by thermometers with Celsius scale. b) To determine relative humidity of air and moisture content of materials. iv) c) To facilitate inspection and tests. d) For obtaining and handling of samples at site and plant. Upon receipt of items at the job site, the Contractors quality assurance representative at the site shall be responsible on receipt of items at the site for noting damage suffered by them during transit and for directing that they be replaced. v) The contractor shall be responsible for protecting and maintaining items on the site free from damage during storage, erection, installation and maintenance. vi) When it is discovered on inspection that work is proceeding with incorrect materials or methods, ensure that corrections are immediately made and that improperly complete work is replaced. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 156 5.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE OF OFF-SITE WORKS i) The contractor shall impose quality assurance methods at the location of manufacture, fabrication and assembly of items to be incorporated in the works to ensure that they conform to requirements of the Contract Documents. ii) The contractors quality assurance representative off-site shall be responsible for the release of items for transit to the job site. iii) In addition to the contractor shall provide notice to the department in writing at least 4 weeks in advance of packing of every batch of product components or assemblies so that the Employer or department and their designated representatives may have opportunity at his/their choice of inspection nay such product components or assemblies prior to transportation at the cost of the bidder. iv) the products requiring factory shop suppliers inspection are identified in relevant specifications in the specific code. v) Acceptance of product components or assemblies prior to transportation shall not imply final acceptance under the contract. 5.4 SCHEDULE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE OPERATIONS Provide the department with a minimum of three copies of a schedule of quality assurance operations, both on-site and off-site, to outline the procedures, instructions and reports which will be used, as follows : i) Quality assurance organization. ii) Qualifications of quality assurance personnel. iii) Authority and responsibilities of each quality assurance person. iv) Schedule of inspections and tests with personnel assigned to each task and duration of each task. 5.5 v) Schedule of required services to be provided by inspection and testing firms. vi) Coordination required in order that quality assurance is integrated. vii) Test methods which will be utilized. viii) Methods of performing and documenting quality assurance operations. TESTS REQUIRED BY JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITIES i) The contractor shall be responsible for inspection and testing required by jurisdictional authorities in conformance with the performance requirements. If the Engineer-in-Charge so desires, he may delegate inspection and tesing of materials or Plant by an independent body/agency. Any such delegation shall be effected for this purpose shall be considered as an assistant of the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 157 Engineer-in-Charge. Notice of such appointment shall be given by the Engineer-in-Charge to the Contractor. 5.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORTS i) Document each test and inspection on a report and submit the report in triplicate to the department. ii) Reports shall be in an approved format and shall certify off-site items produced correctly for on-site work of installed correctly, as applicable. Similarly the report shall certify items that are defective with a statement of records on corrective measures taken. iii) Include on each report the purpose of the inspection or test, a description of methods used, observations made and personnel involved. iv) The contractor shall also maintain in the approved format a long book of all tests performed which shall include the date of test type of test and the results of the test. If inspection and testing procedures are sub-contracted to an approved inspection and testing firm, only copies of test reports signed by the approved inspection and testing Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 158 SECTION – 7 SITE FORMATS Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 159 Name of the Project DAILY PROGRESS REPORT S.No. Activity Contractor Start Date: Finish Quantity Witness Unit Work done till Work done on Target Target Actual Executive Engineer Actual Cumulative work Overall done Target Actual Completion 160 DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Name of Project : ……………………………………………………………………………….. Client : M/S………………………………………………………………………….. Contractor : M/S………………………………………………………………………….. Name of Unit : ………………………………………………………………………………. Sr.No. Item Description 1 Excavation 2 Anti Termite Treatment a) Footing 3 PCC a) Footing 4 RCC a) Footing b) Pedestals c) Columns d) Plinth e) Walls 5 RCC M-25 a) Pedestals b) Column Contractor Unit Witness Previous Qty Work Done Executive Engineer Date…………………… Cum Qty. Remarks 161 Sr.No. Item Description 6 Shuttering 7 Reinforcement 8 Water Proofing 9 Brick work in foundation a) Brick work in plinth b) Brick work in SS 10 Plastering 11 Flooring a) Mosaic b) Kota Stone c) CC Flooring d) Granite 12 External Finish 13 Painting 14 Doors and windows a) Aluminum b) Steel Contractor Unit Witness Previous Qty Work Done Executive Engineer Cum Qty. Remarks 162 BAR BENDING SCHEDULE Name of Project : …………………………………………………………….. Client : M/S………………………………………………………… Contractor : M/s………………………………………………………… Name of Unit : DRG.No. Date…………………. Member Bar No. Dia of No. per No. of Total Cutting Bars Member member No. of Length Bars Calculated by Contractor Total Length Shapes Checked by Witness Executive Engineer 163 POST CONCRETE CHECK LIST Name of Project : Client : Contractor : Name of Building : Inspection Required on : Concrete Element and Location : Approved Drawing No. Date:…………. Time…………….. : Inspection Request No. : Y=Yes, N=No and NA = Not Applicable Date:…………. Time…………….. Sr.No. Name of the Activities 1 Concrete started on 2 Concrete completed on 3 Curing satisfactory 4 Cube strength 5 Concrete surface condition 6 Any repairing required (k) Contractors Engineer Engineer in charge Remarks for Rectification by Engineer-inCharge Concrete Quality Acceptable : Yes/No INSPECTED BY BY: (Contractor’s Engineer) (Engineer-in-Charge) Name: Signature & Date Name Signature & Date Contractor APPROVED Witness Executive Engineer 164 SLUMP TEST REGISTER Name of Project : Client : Contractor : S.No. Date/Time Contractor Mix/Grade of Concrete Location of Concrete Pouring Witness Slump in mm Contractors Engineers Sign. Engineerin-Charge Executive Engineer 165 BRICK TESTING REGISTER (DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCE) Name of Project : Client : Contractor : Date of Test 1. Dimensions of Brick Make……………………………. Limits as per PWD specification for Class 10 Length of 20 bricks Length : 441 to 459 cm. Width of 20 bricks Width : 218 to 226 cm. Height of 20 bricks Ht./thickness : 138 to 142 cm. INSPECTED BY: APPROVED BY: (Contractor’s Engineer) (Engineer-in-Charge) Name: Name: Signature and Date Signature and Date Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 166 SECTION – 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL WORKS Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 167 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL WORKS 1.0 GENERAL This section deals with Civil construction of the entire plant, piping etc. complete work under this contract. i) All the civil and structural works shall be carried out as per latest PWD specifications with up to date corrections slips issued upto the date of submission of tender unless otherwise specified herein. In case the PWD specifications are not found applicable or inadequate, then the relevant BIS specifications(latest version) on the date of submission of tender shall be used. ii) All raw materials including cement and reinforcement/structural steel wherever to be used by the contractor shall confirm the latest PWD specifications. All mandatory tests as required by PWD specifications shall be carried out and test certificates to be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge. However, the contractor shall be fully responsible for required performances of civil/structural work. Costs of such tests are to be borne by the contractor. iii) For testing of all materials, following shall be strictly adhered to a) All the tests shall be done in laboratories approved by Department. The contractor is required to take written approval from Engineer-inCharge, in this respect. b) Cement and Steel shall be of a make approved by the Department as detailed out in respective material sections of this document. 2.0 MATERIALS 2.1 Cement i) The cement used shall be of 43 grade, unless otherwise stated separately confirming to BIS specifications, ordinary Portland cement, as required in the work only, from reputed manufacturers having a production capacity of one million tones per annum or more, and as approved by Department, Ministry of Industry, Government of India and holding license to use BIS certification mark for their product, whose name shall be got approved from Engineer-in-Charge. Supply of cement shall be taken either in silos or in 50 Kg. bags bearing manufacturer’s name and BIS marking. ii) The cement godown of the sufficient capacity should be constructed by the contractor and at all time it should have a stock of minimum of 500 bags. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 168 Engineer-in-Charge at any time. Storage of cement shall be as per PWD specification. iii) Cement brought at site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.2 Steel (a) Corrosion Resistant Steel and Structural Steel i) The contractor shall submit test certificate of the steel brought by him to site of work. Also the sample of steel may be got tested by the Engineer-inCharge. The steel shall be ISI marked and Fe 500, BIS code 1786-1985) from main producers such as SAIL, TISCO, RINL, IISCO TOR or as approved by the Ministry of Steel. The steel reinforcement, structural steel shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tones or more or as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge, For small or occasional quantities of TOR steel reinforcement bars that less than 10 MT, the Engineer-in-charge may authorize the contractor to purchase the same from authorized dealers of the approved manufactures. The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in this regard in relevant PWD/BIS codes. Cost of such tests shall be borne by the contactor. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to PWD/BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site of work by the Contractor at his cost within a week ii) The steel reinforcement, structural steel shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as to prevent distortion and corrosion. Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stores separately. iii) For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, band test, re-band-test etc. specimen of sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random at frequency not less than that specified below :- Size of Bar For consignment below For consignment over 100 tones Under 10mm dia 100 tones One sample for each 25 One sample for each 40 tones or part thereof. tones or part thereof. 10mm to 16mm One sample for each 35 One sample for each 45 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 169 Size of Bar For consignment below For consignment over 100 tones 100 tones dia tones or part thereof. tones or part thereof. Over 16mm dia One sample for each 45 One sample for each 50 tones or part thereof. i) tones or part thereof. Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.3 Quarry Materials The contractor shall be wholly responsible to identify the suitable sources for quarry materials required for the works, such as earth, sand, stone, murrum etc. and to make his own arrangements for collection and transportation of the material irrespective of the leads and lifts required. The quarry thus identified by the contractor should have proper license from the concerned Government. All materials supplied by the contractor shall satisfy the requirements sets forth in the Specifications and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall take this into account while offering his rates, and no claims whatsoever shall be entertained for extra costs on this account. 2.4 Precautions during Execution i) The successful tenderer shall comply all instructions in all respects issued by the Department in respect of road maintenance and inter utility code of conduct for excavating trenches across and along various roads and other places. In case of non compliance he will liable to pay penalty for various lapses as indicated below: ii) The contractor shall have to provide GI sheet barricading up to a minimum height of 2 meters above ground level all around the site of excavation and trenches as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Such barricading must be provided before taking up the excavation work and must remain in position till complete filling back of excavated trenches and resurfacing work, if any. The GI sheets must be paid in red and white stripes with fluorescent paint. iii) Proper supporting of all underground services such as water mains, sewers, cables, drains, water and sewer connections shall be provided by the contractor without any additional cost. If the services/connections are damaged the contractor will be responsible for the restoration of the same to original specifications at his own cost. iv) The contractor shall provide necessary red flickering lights (blinkers) at all roads and required places at night for diversion/smooth flow of traffic without Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 170 any extra cost. He shall also provide necessary sign boards painted and written with luminous paint for traffic diversion as per direction of Engineerin-Charge. The warning notice boards should be put at least 100metres before the approach to the area on either side where the work is going on. In addition proper lighting arrangement will be made for all excavations works. v) Proposed alignment of rising mains are to cross cables, water mains and other underground services. Contractor shall be required to work under these constraints. Costs of such items are to be included in the bid of the contractor. vi) As a result of excavation of trenches, the underground services (UGS) such as water mains, electric poles/cables/telephone cable and sewer line etc. may become exposed and unsupported. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to make suitable and necessary arrangement for supporting such UGS to keep them functional. Such arrangement will be done as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. No separate payment for supporting the services will be made by the department. Any damages caused to the above mentioned underground services due to negligence of the contractor or otherwise shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. After laying the pipe, the contractor shall have to construct masonry pillars, to support the water lines/U.G.S before the temporary supports are removed and filling of trenches is done. vii) If necessary, the excavation below sub soil water level shall be classified as excavation in saturated soil. The trench shall be kept in dry condition during the laying of pipe line and construction of manholes etc. viii) Existing drains shall not be blocked by excavated earth or any other materials, the contractor shall ensure that sullage/storm water flow uninterrupt. 2.5 Rebound Hammer Test As per PWD specifications Rebound Hammer Test for concrete is mandatory and the same shall be carried out as per the provision. Rebound Hammer required for conducting the test shall be procured by the contractor at his own cost for testing and the same shall be made available at site as and when required by the Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 171 2.6 Bar Bending Schedule The contractor will be required to prepare the bar bending schedule prior to taking up all the reinforcement cutting and bending works at site. No reinforcement work will be allowed without the bar bending schedule. Note : All the data and details as provided are indicative only and bidders are advised to verify them before submission of their offer. No extra payments shall be made against any discrepancy found anywhere in the bid document. 3.0 CIVIL AND BUILDING WORKS 3.1 GENERAL This part of the specification covers the design loads to be considered and specifications of material and workmanship for the civil works. Material used and workmanship for the civil works of Sewage Treatment Plant, campus development, civil works associated with pipe laying etc. to be done under the contract will adhere to the provisions laid down in this chapter. The bidder shall have to get Soil Analysis carried out for determining the Safe Bearing Capacity (SBS) of the soil as per relevant code through a reputed firm. The charges for the same shall be included in the offer. The bidder should ascertain about the actual Sub Soil Water Table at site. Price quoted shall be inclusive of cost of pumping Sub Soil Water/Seepage Water from any other source required for execution of work. No extra payment shall be made due to variation in Sub Soil Water Level if mentioned any where in the tender documents either for designing or execution, on account of fluctuation due to any reason whatsoever. Materials for which specifications are not given the requirement of respective Indian Standards are to be fulfilled. The contractor shall get prior approval of the materials proposed to be used under the contractor from the Engineer-in-Charge. 3.2 Design Considerations: 3.2.1 Design Submissions The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of structures, correctness of design and drawings, even after the approval for the same by Engineer-in-Charge. Complete detailed design calculations of foundations and superstructure together with general arrangement drawings and explanatory sketches shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge. Separate calculations for foundations or superstructures submitted independent of each other shall be deemed to be incomplete and will not be accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge. The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic requirements of plain and reinforced concrete structures, masonry structures and Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 172 structural steel works. However, any particular structure shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for which the same is being constructed. 3.2.3 Design Loading General All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the following loads/stresses under test and working conditions : dead load, live load, wind load, seismic load, stresses due to temperature changes, shrinkage and creep in materials dynamic load, vehicular load and uplift pressure etc. Dead Load This shall comprise all permanent construction including walls, floors, roofs, partitions, stairways fixed, service equipments and other items of machinery. In estimating the loads of process equipment for the purpose of design, the empty weight of the equipment including all fixtures and attached piping, but excluding contents, shall be considered. Dead loads shall be taken as per relevant BIS codes. Live Load Live loads shall be in general as per BIS : 875. However, the following minimum loads shall be considered in the design of structures: a) b) Live Load Building(non-plant) : 350 kg/sqm. Roof of Building Structures : 150 kg/sqm. Live load on floors supporting : 1000 kg/sqm. : 500 kg/sqm. equipment as pumps, blowers, compressors etc. c) Live load on all other floors and walkways cable trench covers. d) Live load on roof of tanks/plant structure : 250 kg/sqm. e) Live load on stairways : 500 kg/sqm. f) Surcharge load for underground : As per actual condition. : As per manufacturers Structures, if any. g) Equipment load specification. In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in BIS codes or as given above for any particular type of floor of structure, assumptions made must receive the approval of the Department/ prior to taking up the design work. Apart from the specified live loads or any other load due to material stored, any other equipment load or possible overloading during maintenance or erection shall be considered and shall be partial or full whichever causes the most critical condition. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 173 Wind Load Wind loads shall be as per BIS : 875 Earthquake Load Earthquake load shall be computed as per BIS 1893 taking into consideration soil foundation system, importance factor appropriate to the type of structure, basis horizontal seismic coefficient/seismic zone factor and average acceleration coefficient as applicable for zone v. Dynamic Load Dynamic Loads due to working of machines/equipments such as pumps, blowers, compressors, switch gears, traveling cranes etc. shall be considered in the design of structures as given by the manufacturers or in BIS code, which ever is more. Vehicular Load IRC Class AA (wheeled vehicle) loading shall be considered for design of structures under or by the side of roads. 3.2.4 Design Conditions for Underground or Partly Underground Liquid Retaining Structures. Liquid retaining/conveying structures including the members covering the same (such as roof of a chamber, channel etc.) shall be designed by un-cracked method of design as per BIS: 3370 and 6494. Basement RC walls and slabs below ground shall also be designed by un-cracked method of design as liquid retaining structures. Shear shall be checked by working stress method as per BIS: 456. Minimum temperature and shrinkage reinforcement shall be as per provision of BIS:3370 All underground or partly underground liquid containing structures shall be designed for the following conditions: liquid depth up to full height of wall including free board : no relief due to soil pressure from outside to be considered; structure empty(i.e empty of liquid, any material, etc) : full earth pressure and surcharge pressure wherever applicable, to be considered; partition wall between dry sump and wet sump : to be designed for full liquid depth up to full height of wall; i/e free board. partition wall between two compartments : to be designed as one compartment empty and other full including free board; structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions with the water table an due care should be taken for seasonal variation on higher side. Factor of safety against uplift shall be 1.2. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 174 walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist earthquake forces from earth pressure mobilization and dynamic water loads; underground or partially underground structures shall also be checked against stresses developed due to any combination of full and empty compartments with appropriate ground/uplift pressures below base slab. The design shall be such that the minimum gravity weight (empty conditions) exceeds the uplift pressure at least by 20%. For design purpose, sub soil water level is to be considered as one meter below the average natural ground level. 3.2.5 Foundations Foundation depths and the type of footings shall be appropriately computed from the parameters given in the soil report obtained during the soil testing by the contractor and got reviewed and approved by department. Earth fill above virgin ground level till formation level shall be taken as a surcharge load and shall be added in the loads coming on foundations appropriately: In some special cases, where contractor whishes to provide the footing in continuation of the sloping floor and taking the wall footing to the minimum depths as mentioned below is not possible, the shortfall in the founding depth shall be made up by PCC fill of grade M-10. i) The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipments, buildings and frame foundations and load bearing walls shall be as per the recommendation of BIS provided adequate bearing pressure is available at that depth. ii) Bearing capacity of soil shall be determined as per BIS: 6403. iii) Care shall be taken to avoid the foundations of adjacent buildings or structure foundations, either existing or not within the scope of this contract. Suitable adjustments in depth, location and sizes may have to be made depending on site conditions./ No extra claims for such adjustments shall be accepted by department. iv) A structure subjected to ground water pressure shall be designed to resist floatation. The dead weight of empty structure shall provide a factor of safety of 1.2 against uplift during construction and service. v) Where there is level difference between the natural ground level and the foundations of structure or floor slab, this difference shall be filled up in the following ways In case of non-liquid retaining structures the natural top soil shall be removed till a firm strata is reached (minimum depth of soil removed Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 175 shall be 500mm) and the level difference shall be made up as per specifications. However the thickness of each layer shall not exceed 150mm. The area of backfilling for floor slabs shall be confined to prevent soil from slipping out during compaction. In case of liquid retaining structures, the natural top soil shall be removed as described above and the level difference shall be made up with Plain Cement Concrete of M-10 grade. vi) Wherever the plinth level is above the ground level, a curtain wall shall have to be provided from plinth level up to 300mm below ground level, but not less than 1m in total height. vii) If pile foundations are used, the contractor shall conduct the initial routine test as per IS 2911 at his own cost, to determine the safe load bearing capacity of piles. If pile foundations are considered desirable by the tenderer for some/all the units the piles shall be bored cast-in-situ piles only. To verify the load carrying capacity of the piles a minimum of two initial load tests shall be conducted and routine load tests as required as per the relevant BIS code shall also be conducted. Soil report should provide capacity of various dia of pile considering the lowest sub soil condition. 3.2.6 Pressure Release Valve Use of pressure release valves to reduce uplift pressure due to ground water table shall not be allowed. 3.2.7 Design Requirements General The Civil and Structural design shall be carried out in accordance to BIS : 456, and BIS: 3370 and other relevant Indian Codes. For the seismic forces, the structure should be designed as per IS:1893 and all the factors as applicable for zone V. Special care should be taken for design of base slab of Tanks having liquid depth more than 5 meter such base slabs should be designed for a settlement of 40mm before laying the mud mat concrete. The area for the base slab should be compacted with coarse sand till 90% proctor density is achieved. The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete structures. a) All blinding and leveling concrete shall be of minimum 100mm thickness of concrete mix-M10, unless otherwise specified. b) Contractor Liquid Retaining Structures/Buildings : Witness Executive Engineer 176 All structural reinforced concrete for liquid retaining structures or buildings shall be of a minimum M30 grade with a maximum 20mm aggregate size. c) The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs of liquid retaining structures in each of two directions at right angles shall be 0.3% using HYSD bars. d) All buildings shall be provided with damp proofing for basement and floors and water proofing for roofs as specified in specific requirements. e) Any structure or pipe line crossing below roads shall be designed for class AA of IRC loading or as classified by the respective authority. NP-3 RCC Pipe(with encases) shall be used below roads inside the plant. f) All pipes and conduits laid below the structural units such as PST, fST etc. shall be embedded in reinforced concrete of grade M20 of minimum thickness 150mm. g) Suitable admixtures may be used with the approval of engineer in charge. Minimum Thickness The following minimum thickness shall be used for different reinforced concrete members, irrespective of design thickness. i) Walls for liquid retaining structures except at (x) below. :150mm ii) Roof slabs for liquid retaining structures (other than flat :125mm slabs) iii) Bottom slabs for liquid retaining structures : 125mm iv) Floor slabs including roof slabs, walkways,canopy slabs: 125mm v) Wall of cables/pipe trenches, underground pit : 150mm vi) Column Footings : 200mm vii) Parapets Chajja : 100mm viii) Pre-Cast trench cover : 75mm ix) Beams, columns : 230mm x) Channels, launder : 150mm Minimum Cement Content: The minimum cement content shall be as per the relevant IS code with latest amendments. 3.3 Materials and Standards The term “materials” shall mean all materials, goods and articles of every kind whether raw, processed or manufactured and equipment of every kind to be supplied by the contractor for incorporation in the works. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 177 Except as may be otherwise specified for particular parts of the works the provision of clauses in “Materials and Workmanship” shall apply to materials and workmanship for any part of the works. All materials shall be new and of the kinds and qualities described in the Contract and shall be at least equal to approved samples. Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant PWD specification (with amendments) current as on the date of submission of the tender. Where the relevant standard provides for the furnishing of a certificate to the Engineer-in-Charge, at his request, stating that the materials supplied comply in all respects with the standard, the contractor shall obtain the certificates and forward it to the Engineer-in-Charge. The specifications, standards and codes listed below are considered to be part of this bid specification. All standards, specifications, codes of practices referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions as on the date of submission of the tender. In case of discrepancy between two standards the provisions more stringent shall be followed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIS No. Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4082 Recommendation on stacking and storage of construction materials at site (first revision). 7969 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials. 1498 Classification engineering and identification purposes (first of revision) soils for general (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed) 2682:1984 Chlordane emulsifiable concentrates (second revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1994) 3764:1992 Excavation work – Code of safety (first revision) 6313(Part 2) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: part 2 Pre-constructional chemical treatment measures (Reaffirmed) 875 (Part 1) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: part 1 Dead loads – Unit weights of building material and stored materials. 875 (Part 2) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 2 Imposed loads. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 178 875 (Part 3) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 3 Wind loads. 875 (Part 4) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 4 Snow loads. 875 (Part 5) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 5 special loads and load combinations. 1080:1986 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on soils (other than raft, ring and shell) 1904 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations in soils: General requirements. 2950(Part 1) Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations: part 1 Design. 2974 (Part I) Code of Practice for design and construction of machine type foundation: Part I foundation for reciprocating type machines. 2974(Part 2) Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 2 Foundations for impact type machines (hammer foundations) 2974(Part 3) Design and construction of machine foundations – Code of practice: Part 3 Foundations for rotary type machines (medium and high frequency) 2974(Part 4) Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: part 4 foundations for rotary type machines of low frequency. 2974(Part 5) Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 5 foundation for impact machines other than hammers (forging and stamping press, pig breakers, drop crusher and jolter) 6403 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundations. 8009(Part 1) Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations: part 1 Shallow foundations subject to symmetrical static vertical loads. 8009(Part 2) Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations : Part 2 Deep foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loading. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 179 11089 Code of practice for design and construction of ring foundation. 13094 Guidelines for selection of ground improvement techniques for foundation in weak soils. 13301 Guidelines for vibration isolation for machine foundations. SP 36(Part 2)1988 Compendium of Indian Standards on soil engineering : Part 2 Field Testing. 2720(Parts 1 to 41) Methods of test for soils. 6452 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use. 6909 Specification for super sulphated cement. 8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement 8042 White Portland cement 8043 Hydrophobic Portland Cement 8112 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement 13330 Sulphate resisting Portland Cement. 383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. 432(Part 1 & 2) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement. 456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete 516 Method of test for strength of concrete 650 Standard sand for testing of cement 1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete 1343 Code of practice for Pre-stressed Concrete. 1566 Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement. 1786 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement. 2386(Part 1 to 8) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete. 2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement. 2595 Code of practice for radiographic testing. 2645 Integral cement waterproofing compounds. 3025 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and chemical) for water used in industry. 3085 Method of test for permeability of cement mortar and concrete Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 180 3370(Part 1 to 4) Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids. 3466 Masonry Cement. 3812 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture 4031(Part 1) Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 1 Determination of fineness by dry sieving. 5816 Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete cylinders. 6452 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use. 7861(Part 1) Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 1 Recommended practice for hot weather concreting. 7861(Part 2) Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 2 Recommended practice for cold weather concreting. 8142 Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance. 9012 Recommended practice for concreting. 9013 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens. 9077 Code of practice for corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in RB and RCC construction. 9103 Admixtures for concrete 9284 Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete 10262 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. 13311(Part1) Non destructive testing of concrete – Methods of test: Part 1 Ultrasonic pulse velocity. 13311(Part2) Non destructive testing of concrete – Methods of test: Part 2 Rebound hammer. SP 20 (S&T) Handbook on masonry design and construction. SP 21(S&T) Summaries of Indian Standards for building materials. SP 23 (S&T) Handbook on concrete mixes(Based on Indian Standards) SP 24(S&T) Explanatory handbook on Indian Standard Code for plain and reinforced concrete Contractor SP 34(S&T) Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing. 3696(Part 1) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders : Part 1 Scaffolds. 4014(Part1 & 2) Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding. 2116 Sand for masonry mortars. 2212 Code for practice for brick work. Witness Executive Engineer 181 2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars. SP 25(S&T) Handbook on caused and prevention of cracks in building. 1123 Method of identification of natural building stones. 1127 Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stones for masonry work. 1129 Recommendation for dressing of natural building stone. 1597(Part 1) Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 1 Rubble stone masonry. 3622 Specification for sandstone (slab and tiles) 4101(Part 1) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: Part 1 stone facing. 303 Plywood for general purposes. 4990 Plywood for concrete shuttering work. 6313(Part 1) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 1 Constructional measures. 6313(Part 2) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: part 2 Pre-constructional chemical treatment measures (first revision) (Amendments 3) 737 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet and strip for general engineering purposes. 883 Design of structural timber in building – Code of practice 1003 (Part 1) Timber paneled and glazed shutters: Part 1 Door shutters. 1003 (Part 2) Timber paneled and glazed shutters: Part 2 Window and ventilator shutters. 1038 Steel doors, windows and ventilators. 1081 Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and aluminum) doors, windows and ventilators. 1361 Steel windows for industrial buildings, ventilation blinds for windows 1826 Venation blinds for windows. 1948 Aluminum doors, windows and ventilators. 1977 Structural steel (ordinary quality) 2062 Steel for general structural purposes. 2191(Part 1) Wooden flush door shutters(cellular and hollow core type) : Part 1 Plywood face panels. 2202 (Part 1) Wooden flush door shutters(solid core type) : Part 1 Plywood face panels. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 182 2202 (Part 2) Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type) : part 2 Particle board and hard board face panels. 3548 Code of practice for glazing in building. 3629 Specification for structural timber in building (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1991) 4020(Part 1-16) Door shutters, method of test. 4021 Timber door, window and ventilator frames. 4351 Specification for steel door frames. 4913 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of timber doors and windows. 4962 Specification for wooden side sliding doors. 5509 Fire retardant plywood 5539 Specification for preservative treated plywood. 6248 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills. 7205 Safety code for erection of structural steel work. 7452 Hot-rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators. 12896 Classification of Indian timbers for door and window shutters and frames. 2074 Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide zinc chrome, priming 809 Rubber flooring materials for general purposes. 1195 Bitumen mastic for flooring. 1196 Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring 1197 Code of practice for laying of rubber floors. 1198 Code of practice for laying, fixing and maintenance of linoleium floor. 1237 Cement concrete flooring tiles 1322 Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp proofing. 1443 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles. 1580 Bituminous compounds for water proofing and caulking purposes. 1609 Code of practice for laying damp proofing treatment using bitumen felts. 1661 Code of practice for application of cement an cement lime plaster finishes. Contractor 2114 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish. 2571 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring. Witness Executive Engineer 183 3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp proofing. 3414 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings. 3461 Specification for PVC-asbestos floor tiles. 3462 Specification for un-backed flexible PVC flooring. 3478 Specification for high density wood particle boards. 3502 Steel Chequered plates. 3629 Specification for structural timber in building. 3670 Code of practice for construction of timber floors. 4443 Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars 4457 Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tile. 4631 Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings. 4860 Acid resistant bricks 4971 Recommendations for selection of industrial floor finishes. 5318 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile flooring. 5389 Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood block floors. 5491 Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete flooring topping. 9197 Epoxy resin, hardness and epoxy resin composition for floor toppings. 9472 Code of practice for laying mosaic parquet flooring. 10440 Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and roofs. 459 Corrugated and semi corrugated asbestos cement sheets. 777 Glazed earthen ware wall tiles. 1414 Code of practice for fixing wall covering. 1661 Code of practice for application of cement and cement lime plaster finishes. 1946 Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings and floors of solid construction. Contractor 2095 Gypsum plaster boards. 2098 Asbestos cement building boards. 2402 Code of practice for external rendered finished. Witness Executive Engineer 184 2441 Code of practice for fixing ceiling covering. 3630 Code of practice for construction of non load bearing gypsum block partitions. 4671 Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes. 5390 Code of practice for construction of timber ceiling. 5509 Fire retardant plywood 7316 Decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative faces. 1322 Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp proofing. 1346 Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen felts. 1580 Bituminous compounds for water proofing and caulking purposes. 1609 Code of practice for laying damp proofing treatment using bitumen felts. 1834 Hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete 2508 Low density polyethylene films. 2527 Code of practice for fixing rain water gutters and down pipes for roof drainage. 2645 Integral cement water proofing compounds. 3037 Bitumen mastic for use in waterproofing of roofs. 3067 Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work for damp proofing and waterproofing of buildings. 3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp proofing. 4365 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for water proofing of roofs. 5871 Bitumen mastic for tanking and damp proofing. 6494 Code of practice for waterproofing of underground water reservoirs and swimming pools. 7198 Code of practice for damp proofing using bitumen mastic. 7290 Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for waterproofing of roofs 9759 Guidelines for dewatering during construction 13182 Waterproofing and amp proofing of wet areas in building recommendations. 1172 Code of basic requirements of water supply, drainage and sanitation. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 185 1239(Part 1) Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings: part 1 Mild steel tubes. 1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage 1592 Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes 3114 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes 5822 Code of practice for welded steel pipes for water supply 1626(Part 1) Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings L Part 1 (Pipe and Pipe fittings) 2064 Selection, installation an maintenance of sanitary appliances – Code of practice. 2065 Code of practice for water supply in buildings. 3076 Low density polyethylene pipes of potable water supplies; sewage and industrial effluents. 4984 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies; sewage and industrial effluents. 4985 Specification for un-plasticized PVC Pipes for potable water supplied. 7634(Part 2) Code of practice of plastics pipe work for potable water supplies : Part 2 Laying and jointing polyethylene(PE) Pipes. 7634(Part 3) Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies : Part 3 Laying and jointing of UPVC pipes. 1916 Steel cylinder pipes with lining and coating. 4127 Code of practice for laying of salt glazed stoneware pipes. 12709 Glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes, joints and rings for potable water supply. 3597 Concrete pipes-methods of test. 7319 Perforated concrete pipes. NBC National Building Code of India SP35(S&T) Handbook of water supply and drainage with special emphasis on plumbing. Contractor 277 Galvanized steel sheet(plain and corrugated) 458 Pre-cast concrete pipes(with and without reinforcement) 651 Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings. 782 Caulking lead Witness Executive Engineer 186 783 Code of Practice for laying of concrete pipes. 1626(Part 1) Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutter and gutter fittings and roofing fittings : part I (Pipe and pipe fittings) 1726 Cast iron manhole covers and frames. 1742 Code of Practice for building drainage. 3006 Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware pipes and fittings. 4111(Parts 1 to 5) Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system. 4733 Methods of sampling and test for sewage effluents. 12592 (Parts 1 & 2) Pre-cast manhole covers and frames 2470 (Parts 1 & 2) Code of Practice for installation of septic tank. 784 Pre-stressed concrete pipes. 1893 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures 4326 Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildingsCode of practice. 13920 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces – Code of practice. 13935 Repair and seismic strengthening of buildings – Guidelines 2190 Selection, installation and maintenance of first aid fire extinguishers – Code of practice. 3696 (Part 2) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders : part 2 ladders 4912 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards 10005 S.I units and recommendations for use of their multiples and of certain other units. 6060 Code of practice for day lighting of factory buildings 3103 Code of practice for industrial ventilation 3483 Code of practice for noise reduction in industrial buildings 2440 Guide for day lighting of buildings 1200( 1 to 28) Method of measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works 7973 Code of practice for architectural and building working drawings Contractor 962 Code of practice for architectural and building drawings. 13415 Code of safety for protective barrier in and around buildings. 8969 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures. Witness Executive Engineer 187 In addition to the above referred codes, CPHEEO manual on sewerage and sewage treatment and other relevant codes shall be applicable as per requirement. Copies of all relevant codes, reference literature to be submitted to the Public Works Department, Haryana. 3.4 Samples and Tests of Materials The contractor shall submit samples of such materials as may be required by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall carry out the specified tests directed by the Engineerin-Charge at the site, at the supplier’s premises or at a laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Samples shall be submitted and tests carried out sufficiently early to enable further sample to be submitted and tested if required by the Engineer-in-Charge. The cost of such test and material shall be borne by the contractor and nothing shall be paid on this account. 4.0 EARTHWORK 4.1 GENERAL Excavation may be involved in all types of soils including rock including saturated soil, sub soil water or running sand including pumping or bailing out of water. The contractor shall furnish all tools, plant instruments, qualified supervisory personnel, labour, materials, any temporary works, consumables, any and everything necessary, whether or not such items are specifically stated herein for completion of the work in accordance with the Department’s Requirements. The contractor shall survey the site before excavation and set out all lines and establish levels for various works such as grading, basement, foundations, plinth filling, roads, drains, cable trenches, pipelines etc. Such survey shall be carried out by taking accurate cross sections of the area perpendicular to established reference/grid lines at 10m in case of buildings and 30 m in case of roads and pipe lines works intervals or nearer, if necessary, based on ground profile and thereafter properly recorded. The excavation shall be carried out to correct lines and levels. This shall also include, where required, proper shoring to maintain excavations and also the furnishing, erecting and maintaining of substantial barricades around excavated areas and warning lamps at night. Excavated material shall be dumped in regular heaps, bunds, riprap with regular slopes and leveling the same so as to provide natural drainage. Rock/soil excavated shall be stacked properly as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. As a rule, all softer material shall be laid along the centre of heaps, the harder and more weather resisting materials forming the casing on the sides and the top. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 188 Top soil shall be stock piled separately for later re-use. 4.2 Cleaning The area to be excavated/filled shall be cleared of fences, trees, plants, logs, stumps, bush, vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. and other objectionable matter. If any roots or stumps of trees are encountered during excavation, they shall also be removed. The material so removed shall be disposed off as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where earth fill is intended, the area shall be stripped of all loose/soft patches, top soil containing objectionable matter/materials before fill commences. 4.3 Excavation Excavation for permanent work shall be taken out to such widths, lengths, depths and profiles as are shown on the approved drawings or such other lines and grades as may be agreed with the Engineer-in-Charge. Rough excavation shall be carried out to a depth of 150mm above the final level. The balance shall be excavated with special care. Soft pockets shall be removed below the final and extra excavation filled up with material as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The final excavation should be carried out just prior to laying the blinding course. To facilitate the permanent works the contractor may excavate, and also backfill later, outside the lines shown on the approved drawings or as agreed with the Engineer-in-Charge. Should any excavation be taken below the specified elevations, the contractor shall fill it up with concrete up to the required elevation at no cost to the department. Any undulation in ground level, loose pockets or extra excavation done at “wherever necessary due to soft soil or low lying area shall be made good with M10 cement concrete and no extra claim shall be entertained on this account. All excavations shall be to the minimum dimensions required for safety and ease of working. Prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained by the contractor in each individual case, for the method proposed for the excavation, including dimensions, side slopes, dewatering, disposal, etc. This approval shall not in any way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for any consequent loss or damage. The excavation must be carried out in the most expeditious and efficient manner. Side slopes shall be as steep as will stand safely for the actual soil conditions encountered. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent slips. Should slips occur, the slipped material shall be removed and the slope dressed to a modified stable slope. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 189 All loose boulders, detached rocks partially and other loose material which might move therewith not directly in the excavation but so close to the area to be excavated as to be liable in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, to fall or otherwise endanger the workmen, equipment, or the work shall be stripped off and removed from the area of the excavation. The method used shall be such as not to render unstable or unsafe the portion, which was original sound and safe. Any material not requiring removal in order to complete the permanent works, but which, in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, is likely to become loose or unstable later, shall also be promptly and satisfactorily removed. 4.4 Fill, Backfilling and Site Grading 4.4.1 General All fill material shall be subject to the Engineer-in-charge’s approval. If any material is rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall remove the same forthwith from the site. Surplus fill material shall be deposited/disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge after the fill work is completed. 4.4.2 Material To the extent available, selected surplus soil from excavations shall be used as backfill. Backfill material shall be free from lumps, organic or other foreign material. All lumps of earth shall be broken or removed unless otherwise stated. Where excavated material is mostly rock, the boulders shall be broken into pieces not larger than 150mm size, mixed with properly graded fine material consisting of murrum or earth to fill the voids and the mixture used for filling. If fill material is required to be imported, the contractor shall make arrangements to bring such material from outside borrow pits. The material and source shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The approved borrow pit areas shall be cleared of all bushes, roots of trees, plants, rubbish etc. Top soil containing foreign material shall be removed. The materials so removed shall be disposed of as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall provide the necessary access roads to borrow areas and maintain the same if such roads do not exist. 4.4.3 Filling in pits and trenches around foundations of structures, walls etc. The spaces around the foundations, structures, pits, trenches etc. shall be cleared of all debris and filled with earth in layers not exceeding 15cm, each layer being watered, rammed and properly consolidated to the satisfaction of Engineer-inCharge. Earth shall be rammed with approved mechanical compaction machines. Usually no manual compaction shall be allowed unless the Engineer-in-Charge is satisfied that in some cases manual compaction by tampers cannot be avoided. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 190 The final backfill surface shall be trimmed and leveled to a proper profile to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The filling shall be done after the concrete or masonry in fully set and done in such a manner as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure. 4.4.4 Plinth Filling Plinth filling shall be carried out with approved material such as soil, sand or murum as in layers not exceeding 15cm, watered and compacted with mechanical compaction machines. When filling reaches the finished level, the surface shall be flooded with water, unless otherwise directed, for at least 24 hours, allowed to dry and then the surface again compacted as specified above to avoid settlement at a later stage. The finished level of the filling shall be trimmed to the level/slope specified. Compaction of large areas be carried out by means of 12 ton rollers smooth wheeled, sheep-foot or wobbly wheeled rollers. In case of compaction of granular material such as sands and gravel, vibratory rollers shall be used. A smaller weight roller may be used only if permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. As rolling proceeds, water sprinkling shall be done to assist consolidation. Water shall not be sprinkled in case of sandy fills. The thickness of each unconsolidated fill layer can in this be up to a maximum of 300mm. The contractor will determine the thickness of the layers in which fill has to be consolidated depending on the fill material and equipment used and the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge obtained prior to commencing filling. The process of filling the plinth, watering and compaction shall be carried out by the contractor in such a way as not endanger the foundation, column, plinth walls etc. already built up. Under no circumstances black cotton soil shall be used for plinth in filling. Rolling shall commence from the outer edge and progress towards the centre and continue until compaction is to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge, but in no case less than 10 passes of the roller will be accepted for each layer. The compacted surface shall be properly shaped, timed and consolidated to an even and uniform gradient. All soft spots shall be excavated, then filled and consolidated. At some locations/areas, it may not be possible to use rollers because of space restrictions etc. The contractor shall then be permitted to use pneumatic tampers; rammers etc. and he shall ensure proper compaction. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 191 4.4.5 Sand Filling in Plinth and Other Places Where backfilling is required to be carried out with local sand it shall be clean, medium grained and free from impurities. The filled-in-sand shall be kept flooded with water for 24 hours to ensure maximum consolidation. The surface of the consolidated sand shall be dressed to required level or slope. 4.5 General Site Grading Site grading shall be carried out as indicated in the approved drawings. If no compaction is required, the fill may be deposited to the full height in one operation and leveled. If the fill has to be compacted, it shall be placed in layers not exceeding 200mm and leveled uniformly and compacted before the next layer is deposited. To ensure that the fill has been compacted as specified, field and laboratory tests shall be carried out by the Contractor. Field compaction tests shall be carried out in each layer of filling until the fill to the entire height has been completed. The fill will be considered as incomplete if the desired compaction has not been obtained. The contractor shall protect the earth fill from being washed away by rain or damaged in any other way. Should any slip occur, the contractor shall remove the affected material and make good the slip. 4.6 Fill Density Unless otherwise specified the compaction, where so called for, shall comply with minimum 90% compaction by standard Proctor at moisture content differing not more than 4% from the optimum moisture content. The contractor shall demonstrate adequately by field and laboratory tests that the specified density has been obtained. 4.7 Timber Shoring The provisions of relevant BIS shall apply. 4.8 Dewatering The contractor shall ensure at his cost that the excavation and the structures are free from water during construction and shall take all necessary precautions and measures to exclude ground/rain water/seepage water so as to enable the works to be carried out in reasonably dry conditions in accordance with the construction programme. Sumps made for dewatering must be kept clear of the excavations/trenches required for further work. The method of pumping shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, but in any case, the pumping arrangement shall be such that there shall be no movement of subsoil or blowing in due to differential head of water during pumping. Pumping arrangements shall be Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 192 adequate to ensure no delays in construction. The dewatering shall be continued for at least (7) seven days after the last pour of the concrete. The contractor shall, however, ensure that no damage to the structure results on stopping of dewatering. The contractor shall study the sub-soil conditions carefully and shall conduct any test necessary at the site with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge to test the permeability and drainage conditions of the sub soil for excavation, concreting etc., below ground level. The scheme for dewatering and disposal of water shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall suitably divert the water obtained from dewatering from such areas of site where a build up of water in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge obstructs the progress of the work, leads to unsanitary conditions by stagnation, retards the speed of construction and is detrimental to the safety of men, materials, structures and equipment. When there is a continuous inflow of water and the quantum of water to be handled is considered in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, to be large, a well point systemsingle stage or multistage, shall be adopted. The contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, details of his well point system including the stages, the spacing number and diameter of well points, headers etc., and the number, capacity and location of pumps for approval. If any foundation pits are filled due to accumulation of surface flow during the progress of work or during rainy season, or due to any other cause, all pumping required for dewatering the pits and removing silt shall be done without extra cost. 4.9 Rain Water Drainage Grading in the vicinity of excavation shall be such as to exclude rain/surface water drainage into excavated areas. Excavation shall be kept clean of rain and such water as the contractor may be using for his work, by suitably pumping out the same. The scheme for pumping and discharge of such water shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. 5.0 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE 5.1 GENERAL Cement used shall be of minimum 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement All plain or reinforced cement concrete shall comply with the following specifications unless specified otherwise: a) Lean/blinding concrete below foundations shall be in the following minimum thickness and grades. Contractor Below all foundations/rafts unless mentioned otherwise- 100mm(M-10) Below column footings, cable trenches 100mm(M-10) Witness - Executive Engineer 193 b) Structural concrete shall be of the following grades. Mix Type of Structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M30 -RCC woks for all tanks holding sewage/sludge or treated effluent. M25 - For all plant buildings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minimum cover to main reinforcement shall be as follows. a) Walls and foundation of Liquid retaining/Conveying structures. i) Sewage face/foundation/raft(top and bottom): 50mm ii) Other face : 25mm b) Bottom cover of building foundation : 75mm c) For other structures cover shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 456 & BIS: 3370. d) For proper cover, plastic cover block of different sizes shall be used and ready made steel spacers shall be provided by the contractor. Necessary lapping of the reinforcement shall be done as per BIS codes of practice and tied with GI binding wire of required gauge as per IS codes of practice. Welding of reinforcing bars shall not be done. Welding can be permitted by Engineer-inCharge in exceptional cases where due care will be exercised as per IS specifications. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right at all times to inspect all operations including the sources of materials, procurement, layout and storage of materials, the concrete batching and mixing equipment and the quality control system. Such an inspection shall be arranged and the Engineer-in-Charge’s approval obtained, prior to starting of concrete work. This shall, however, not relive the Contractor of any of his responsibilities. All materials which do not conform to the specifications shall be rejected. Volumetric mix concrete will not be allowed. Materials should be selected so that they can satisfy the design requirements of strength, serviceability, safety, durability and finish with due regards to the functional requirements and the environmental conditions to which the structure will be subjected. Materials complying with codes/standards shall generally be used. Other materials may be used after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge and after establishing their performance suitability based on previous data, experience or tests. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 194 5.2 Foundation Bedding All earth surfaces upon which or against which concrete is to be placed, shall be well compacted and free from standing water, mud or debris. Soft or spongy areas shall be cleared out and filled with either soil-cement mixture, lean concrete or clean sand compacted as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The surfaces of absorptive soils shall be moistened. 5.3 Repair and Replacement of Unsatisfactory Concrete Immediately after the shuttering is removed, all defective areas such as honeycombed surfaces, rough patches, holes left by form bolts etc. shall be inspected by Engineer-in-Charge who may permit patching of the defective areas or reject the concrete work. Rejected concrete shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the employer. For patching of defective areas all loose materials shall be removed and the surface shall be prepared as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Bonding between hardened and fresh concrete shall be done either by placing cement mortar or by applying epoxy. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the method of repairs to be adopted shall be final and binding on the contractor. The surface shall be saturated with water for 24 hours before patching is done with cement sand mortar. The use of epoxy for bonding fresh concrete shall be carried out as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. 5.4 Hot Weather Requirements Concreting during hot weather shall be carried out as per BIS 7861 (Part I). Adequate provision shall be made to lower concrete temperatures, which shall not exceed 40 degree C at time of placement of fresh concrete. Where directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall spray non-wax based curing compound or unformed concrete surface at no extra costs. 5.5 Cold Weather Requirements Concreting during cold weather shall be carried out as per BIS:7861(Part II). The ambient temperature during placement and upto final set shall not fall below 5 degree C. Approved antifreeze/accelerating additives shall be used where directed. For major and large scale concreting works temperature of concrete at this of mixing and placing the thermal conductivity of the form work and its insulation and stripping period shall be closely moistured Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 195 5.6 Testing Concrete Structures for Leakage The contractor shall take special care for concrete for liquid retaining structures, underground structures and those others specifically called for to guarantee the finish and water tightness. The contractor shall make all arrangements for hydro-test of structure as per BIS:3370 part I for all tests or subsequently during the defects liability period and 5 years thereafter shall be effectively stopped either by cement/epoxy pressure grouting, grunting or such other methods as may be approved by the Engineer-inCharge. All such rectification shall be done by the contractor to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost to the department. Hydrostatic test for water tightness shall be done at full storage level i.e. free board as may be directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, as described below: In the case of structures whose external faces are exposed, the requirements of the test shall be deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no sign of leakage or sweating and remain completely dry during the period of observation of seven days after allowing a seven day period for absorption after filling with water. In the case of structures whose external faces are buried and are not accessible for inspection, such as underground tanks, the structures shall be filled with water and after the expiry of seven days after the filling; the level of the surface of the water shall be recorded. The level of water shall be recorded again at subsequent intervals of 24 hours over a period of seven days. The total drop in surface level over a period for seven days shall be taken as an indication of water tightness of the structure. The Engineer-in-Charge shall decide on the actual permissible nature of this drop in the surface level, taking into account whether the structures are open or closed and the corresponding effect it has on evaporation losses. Unless specified otherwise, a structure whose top is covered shall be deemed to be water tight if the total drop in the surface level over a period of seven days does not exceed 20mm. Each compartment/segment of the structure shall be tested individually and then all together. For structures such as pipes, tunnels etc. the hydrostatic test shall be carried out by filling with water, after curing as specified, and subjecting to the specified test pressure for specified period. If during this period the loss of water does not exceed Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 196 the equivalent of the specified rate, the structure shall be considered to have successfully passed the test. 5.7 Sand Only good washed sand conforming to PWD specifications shall be used for the concrete and masonry work. The sand will not contain more than 8% silt. In all plain and reinforced concrete work coarse sand shall be used. 5.8 Shuttering The centering and shuttering for all RCC and concrete work shall be of steel/plywood as per PWD specification and as approved by the Engineer-inCharge. Joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of cement slurry from concrete. All joints and holes in form work shall be caulked with putty, cloth or other approved material. Care shall be taken to ensure that such filling is kept away from reinforcement. All form work shall be leveled, aligned and all rubbish particularly clippings, wood shavings, sand dust and adhered grout shall be removed from the interior of the forms before the concrete is place. All formwork shall be removed without causing shock vibration to the concrete. Before the soffit and struts are removed, the concrete surface shall be exposed wherever in order to ascertain that the concrete has sufficiently hardened. Contractor shall submit and obtain approval of design calculations for centering and shuttering for pump house. No through bolts shall be permitted in the form work for liquid retaining structures. Wall ties with plastic cones as per PWD specification shall be used. The surface on the RCC/concrete work obtained after removal of shuttering shall be smooth and without honey combing/pin holes, undulations and shall be such that it does not require any plastering. If at all any pin hole/undulations are required to be made good, this shall be done with cement mortar 1:2 using coarse sand and finished smooth with steel trowel or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 6.0 STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK 6.1 GENERAL As much fabrication work as is reasonably practicable, shall be completed in shops, where steel work is fabricated. All workmanship and finish shall be of the best quality and shall conform to the best approved method of fabrication. All materials shall be finished straight and shall be machined/ground smooth true and square where so specified. All holes and edges shall be free of burrs. Shearing and chipping shall be neatly and accurately done and all portions of work exposed to view shall be neatly finished. Tolerances for Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 197 fabrication of steel structures conform BIS 7215. Tolerances for erection of steel structures shall conform to BIS 12843. 6.2 Minimum thickness of metal – Corrosion Protection Unless, otherwise specified, the thickness of steel section shall be governed as below: a) Steel work exposed to weather Where steel work is directly exposed to weather and if fully accessible for clearing and repairing the thickness shall not be less than 6mm (excluding corrosion allowance); and where steel is exposed to weather and is not accessible for cleaning and painting, the thickness shall not be less than 8mm. This shall not apply for hot rolled sections covered by Indian Standards. b) Steel work not directly exposed to weather The thickness of steel work not directly exposed to the weather shall be not less than 6mm. The thickness of steel in secondary members shall be not less than 6mm. For hot rolled sections to Indian Standards, the mean thickness of flange be considered and not the web thickness. c) The requirements(a) and (b) above does not apply to light structural work or sealed box section or to steel work in which special provision against corrosion has been made and also in case of steel work exposed to highly corrosive fumes or vapor in which case the thickness shall be as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. d) Corrosion allowance of 2mm shall be taken over and above the minimum thickness as mentioned above or design thickness. 6.3 Drawings prepared by the contractor The contractor shall prepare all fabrication working and erection drawings for the entire work. The drawings shall preferably be of one standard size and the details shown there in shall be clear and legible. All fabrication drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval. No fabrication drawings will be accepted for Engineer-in-Charge’s approval unless checked and approved by the contractor’s qualified structural engineer and accompanied by an erection plan showing the location of all pieces detailed. The contractor shall ensure that connections are detailed to obtain ease in erection of structures and in making field connections. Fabrication shall be started by the contractor only after Engineer-in-Charge’s approval of fabrication drawings. Approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of any of the drawing shall not relieve the contractor from the responsibility for correctness of Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 198 engineering and design of connections, workmanship, fit of parts, details, material errors or omissions or any and all work shown thereon. The drawing prepared by the contactor and all subsequent revisions etc. shall be at the cost of the contractor for which no separate payment will be made. 6.4 Connections Shop/field connections shall be as per approved fabrication drawings. In case of bolted connections, taper washers or flat washers or spring washers shall be used with bolts as necessary. In case of high strength friction grip bolts, hardened washers shall be used under the nuts or the bolts heads whichever are turned to tighten the bolts. The length of the bolt shall be such that at least one thread of the bolt projects beyond the nut, except in case of high strength friction grip bolts where this projection shall be at lest three times the pitch of the thread. In all cases where bearing is critical, the unthreaded portion of bolt shall bear on the members assembled. A washer of adequate thickness may be provided to exclude the threads from the bearing thickness, if a longer grip bolt has to be used for this purpose. All connections and splices shall be designed for full strength of members or loads. Column splices shall be designed for the full tensile strength of the minimum cross section at the splice. All members, likely to collect rain water shall have drain holes provided. 6.5 Riveting Rivets shall be heated uniformly throughout their length without burning or excessive scaling and shall be of sufficient length to provide a head of standard dimensions. They shall, when driven, completely fill the holes and if counter sunk, the counter sinking shall be fully filled by the rivet; any protrusion of the countersunk head being dressed off flush if required. Riveted members shall have all parts firmly drawn and held together before and during riveting and special care shall be taken in this respect for all single riveted connections. For multiple riveted connections, a service bolt shall be provided for every third or fourth hole. Wherever practicable, machine riveting shall be carried out by using machines of the steady pressure type. All loose bored or otherwise defective rivets shall be cut out and replaced before the structure is loaded and special care shall be taken to inspect all single riveted connections. Special care shall be taken in heating and riveting long rivets. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 199 6.6 Inspection 6.6.1 General The contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer-in-Charge in advance of the works being made for inspection. All rejected material shall be promptly removed from the shop and replaced with new material for the Engineer-in-Charge’s inspection. The fact that certain material has been accepted at the Contractor’s shop shall not invalidate final rejection at site by the Engineer-in-Charge if it fails to conform to the requirements of these specifications, to be in proper condition or has fabrication inaccuracies which prevent proper assembly nor shall it invalidate any claim which the employer may make because of defective or unsatisfactory materials and/or workmanship No materials shall be painted or dispatched to site without inspection and approval by the Engineer-in-charge unless such inspection is waived in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge. Cost of such inspections shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall provide all the testing and inspection services and facilities for ship work except where otherwise specified. 6.6.2 Material Testing For fabrication work carried out in the same standard of supervision and quality control shall be maintained as in shop fabricated work, inspection and testing shall be conducted in a manner satisfactory to the engineer –in-charge inspection and tests on structural members shall be as set forth below:If mill test reports are not available for any steel materials the same shall be tested by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge’s satisfaction to demonstrate conformity with the relevant specification. 6.7 Tests on Wells (a) Radiographic Inspection All full strength butt welds shall be radio graphed in accordance with the recommended practice for radiographic testing as per relevant IS code. (b) Dimensions, Workmanship & Cleanliness Members shall be inspected at all stages of fabrication and assembly to verify that dimensions, tolerances, alignment, surface finish and painting are in accordance with the requirements shown in the Contractor’s approved fabrication drawings. 6.8 Test Failure In the event of failure of any member to satisfy inspection or test requirement, the contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor must obtain permission from the Engineer-in-Charge before any repair is undertaken. The Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 200 quality control procedures to be followed to ensure satisfactory repair shall be subject to approval by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge has the right to specify additional testing as he deems necessary, and the additional cost of such testing shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall maintain records of all inspection and testing which shall be made available to the Engineer-in-Charge. 6.9 Shop Matching For structures like, bunkers, tanks etc. shop assembly is essential. For other steel work, such as columns along with the tie beams/bracings may have to be shop assembled to ensure satisfactory fabrication, obtaining of adequate bearing areas etc. if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. All these shop assemblies shall be carried out by the contractor. 6.10 Shop Assembly (a) The steel work shall temporarily shop assembled complete or as arranged with the Authority so that accuracy of fit may be checked before dispatched. The parts shall be shop assembled with sufficient numbers of parallel drifts to bring and keep the parts in place. (b) In case of parts drilled or punched, through steel jigs with bushes resulting in all similar parts being interchangeable the steel work may be shop erected in such position as arranged with the Authority. 6.11 Packing All projecting plates or bars and all ends of members at joints shall be stiffened, all straight bars and plates shall be bundled, all screwed ends and machined surfaces shall be suitably packed; and all rivets, bolts, nuts, washers and small loose parts shall be packed separately in cases so as to prevent damage or distortion during transit. 6.12 Inspection and Testing (a) The Engineer-in-Charge shall have free access at all reasonable items to those parts of the manufacturer’s works which are concerned with the fabrication of steel work and shall be afforded all reasonable facilities to satisfy that the fabrication is being undertaken in accordance with the specifications. (b) Unless specified otherwise, inspection prior to dispatch shall not interfere with the operation of the work. 6.13 Site Erection (a) Contractor Plant and Equipment Witness Executive Engineer 201 The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used for erection shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. (b) Storing and Handling All structural steel should be so stored and handled at the site that the members are not subject to excessive stresses and damage. (c) Setting Out The positioning and leveling of all steelwork, the plumbing of stanchions and the placing of every part of the structure with accuracy shall be in accordance with approved drawings and to the satisfaction of Engineer-inCharge. (d) Security during Erection Safety precaution during erection shall conform to BIS 7205:1974. During erection, the steel work shall be securely bolted or otherwise fastened and, when necessary, temporarily braced to provide for all load to be carried by the structure during erection including those due to erection equipment and its operation. No riveting, permanent bolting or welding should be done until proper alignment has been obtained. 6.14 Field Connections All field assembly by bolts, rivets and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirements of shop fabrication excepting such as manifestly apply to shop conditions only. Where the steel has been delivered painted, the paint shall be removed before filed welding for a distance of 50mm at least on either side of the joint. 6.15 Painting after Erection (a) All the surfaces of structural steel shall be cleaned by sand blasting. (b) Before painting of such steel which is delivered, all surfaces to be painted shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned form all loose scale and rust. (c) The specified protective treatment shall be completed after erection. All rivet and both heads and site welds after de-slugging shall be cleared. Damaged or deteriorated paint surfaces shall be cleaned. Damaged or deteriorated paint surfaces shall be first made good with the same type of paint as the sop coat. Where specified, surfaces which will be in contract after site assembly shall receive a coat of paint(in addition to any shop priming) and shall be brought together while paint is still wet. (d) Where the steel has received a metal coating in the shop, this coating shall be completed on site so as to be continuous over any welds and site rivets Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 202 and bolts; but subject to the approval of Authority, protection may be completed by painting on site. Bolts which have been galvanized or similarly treated are exempted from this requirement. (e) Surfaces which will be inaccessible after site assembly shall receive the full specified treatment before assembly. (f) Site painting should not be done in frosty or foggy weather, or when humidity is such as to cause condensation on the surfaces to be painted. 6.16 Marking of Members After checking and inspection, all members shall be marked for identification during erection. This mark shall correspond to distinguishing marks on approved erection drawings and shall be legibly painted and stamped on it. The erection mark shall be stamped with a metal dye with figures at least 20mm high and to such optimum depth as to be clearly visible. All erection marks shall be on the outer surface of all sections and near one end, but clear of bolt holes. The marking shall be so stamped that they are easily discernible when sorting out members. The stamped marking shall be encircled boldly by a distinguishable paint to facilitate easy location. Erection marks on like pieces shall be in identical locations. Members having lengths of 7.0m or more shall have the erection mark at both ends. 6.17 Errors Any error in shop fabrication which prevents proper assembling and fitting p of parts in the field by moderate use of drift pins or moderate amount of reaming will be classified by the Engineer-in-Charge a defective workmanship. Where the Engineer-in-Charge rejects such material or defective workmanship, the same shall be replaced by materials and workmanship conforming to the Specifications by the Contractor, at no additional cost to department. 7.0 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY WORKS 7.1 Sanitary Installation All Sanitary appliances including sanitary fittings, fixtures, toilet requisites shall be of size, and design as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. All porcelain fixtures, such as washbasin, sink drain board, water closet pan, urinal, “P” trap etc., shall have hard durable glazed finish. They shall be free from cracks and other glazing defects. No chipped porcelain fixtures shall be used. The colour and shades of fixtures must be got approved from department. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 203 Joints between iron pipes shall be made perfectly air and watertight by lead caulking. 7.2 Indian Type Water Closet This shall be the long pan pattern with separate footrests made of glazed earthenware, glazed vitreous china or of glazed fire clay. The general requirements shall conform to BIS : 2556(Parts III and X). Pans shall be provided with 100mm vitreous china trap ‘P’ or ‘S’ type with a minimum 50mm water seal and 50mm dia. Vent horn, Pan shall be laid at the correct location and level over a bed of cement sand admixture. It shall be 1st quality WC, Orissa pan of size 580mmx440mm. 7.3 European Type Water Closet Water closets shall be of glazed vitreous china as specified and shall be of “Double Siphonic Type” conforming to BIS: 2556(Part VIII). The closets shall be of one piece construction with approved plastic/bakelite seat and cover. Each water closet shall have 4 fixing holes having a diameter of 6.5 mm for fixing to floor and shall have an integral flushing rim of suitable type. 7.4 Urinals Urinals shall be of the bowl pattern, either flat back or angle back type lipped in front. They shall be of glazed vitreous china and of size 610x400x80mm conforming to BIS 2556(Part VI) with 25mm dia. GI waste pipe coupling etc. The urinals shall be of one piece construction. Each urinal shall be provided with not less than two fixings holes of a minimum dia of 6.5mm on each side. Each urinal shall have an integral flushing box rim of suitable type and inlet or supply horn for connecting the flush pipe. The flushing rim and inlet shall be of the self draining type. It shall have a weep-hole at the flushing inlet of the urinal. At the bottom of the urinal, an outlet horn for connection to an outlet pipe shall be provided. The exterior of the outlet horn shall not be glazed and the surface shall be provided with grooves at right angles to the axis of the outlet to facilitate fixing to the uniform and smooth throughout to ensure efficient flushing. 7.5 Flushing Cisterns The flushing cisterns shall be automatic or manually operated high level or low level, as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. For water closets and urinals high level cistern is intended to operate with minimum height of 125cm and a low level cistern a maximum height of 30cm between the top of the pan and the underside of the cistern. They shall be glazed vitreous china or of PVC as per BIS 774. Automatic flushing cistern for urinals shall conform to BIS 2326. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 204 7.6 Wash Basins a) Wash basins shall be of glazed vitreous china as approved by the Engineerin-Charge and conforming to BIS 2556. b) Type Size Flat Back 630 x 450 mm Flat Back 550 x 400 mm Wash basins shall be of one piece construction, including a combined overflow. All internal angles shall be designed so as to facilitate cleaning. Each shall have rim sloping side towards the bowl on all sides except skirting at the back. Basins shall be provided with single or double tap holes as approved. The tap holes shall be square. A suitable tap hole button shall be supplied if one tap hole is not required in installation. Each basin shall have a circular waste hole to which the interior of basin shall drain. The waste hole shall be either rebated or beveled internally with diameter of 65mm at top and a depth of 10mm to suit a waste plug having 64mm diameter. Each basin shall be provided with a non ferrous 32mm waste fittings. Stud slots to receive the brackets on the under side of the wash basins shall be suitable for a bracket with stud not exceeding 13mm diameter, 5mm high and 305mm from the back of basin to the centre of the stud. The stud slots shall be of depth sufficient to take 5mm stud. Every basin shall have an integral soap holder recess or recesses which shall fully drain into the bowl. The position of the chain stay-hole shall not be lower than the overflow slot. A slot type of overflow having an area of not less than 5sqcm. Shall be provided and shall be so designed as to facilitate cleaning of the overflow. The departments requirements for waste plug, chain and stay shall be the same as given for sinks. c) All the waste fittings shall be chromium plated, bottle trap shall conform to BIS 5434. The chromium plating shall be of service grade no.2 conforming to BIS 1068. 7.7 Sinks a) The sinks shall be of glazed vitreous china as approved by the Engineer-inCharge conforming to BIS 2556(Part V) and shall be of the following sizes. 450x300x150mm 600x450x200mm b) They shall be of one piece construction, including a combined overflow. The floor of the sink shall gently slope towards the outlet. The outlet shall in all cases be suitable for waste fitting having flange of 64mm diameter and the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 205 waste hole shall have a minimum diameter of 65mm at the bottom to suit the waste fittings. The waste hole shall be either rebated or beveled having a depth of 10mm. Each sink shall be provided with a non-ferrous 40mm dia waste fitting. The sink shall have overflow of the weir type and the inverts shall be 30mm below the top edge. Each sink shall be provided with a waste plug of suitable dia chain and stay. The plug shall be of rubber or other equally suitable material and shall be water tight when fitted. Plug chains shall be of brass wire chromium plated. It shall have an overall length from the collar to the stay of not less than 300mm. There shall be a triangular of D shackle at each end, one of which shall be brazed to the plug and the other securely fixed to the stay. The 150mm long shank of the waste shall be threaded conforming to the requirements of BIS 2556 for sinks only. The waste fittings and plug fittings shall be chromium plated. The chromium plating shall be of service grade No.2 conforming to BIS 1068. 7.8 Stop Cock and Bib Cock A bib cock (Bib tap) is a draw off tap with a horizontal inlet and free outlet an stopcock (stop tap) is a valve with a suitable means of connections for insertion in a pipeline for controlling or stopping the flow. They shall be of specified size and shall be of the screw down type. The closing device should work by means of a disc carrying a renewable non metallic washer, which shuts against water pressure on a seating at right angles to the axis of the threaded spindle which operates it. The handle shall be either crutch or butterfly type securely fixed to the spindle. The cocks shall open in anti-clock wise direction. The bib cocks and stop cocks are required to be chromium plated, the chromium plating shall be of service grade No.2 conforming to IS 1068 in finish and appearance, the plated articles shall be free from plating defects such as blisters, pits, roughness and shall not be stained or discoloured. These fittings shall be of brass heavy class, chromium plated (C.P) and of approved manufacture and pattern with screwed of flanged ends as specified. The fitting shall in all respects comply with the requirement of BIS 781. The standard size of brass fittings shall be designated by the nominal bore of the pipe to which the fittings are attached. A sample of each kind of fitting shall be approved by the Engineer-inCharge and all supplies made according to the approved samples. All cast fitting shall be sound and free from laps, blow holes and fittings, both internal and external surfaces shall be clean, smooth and free from sand etc. Burning, plugging stopping or patching of the casting shall not be permitted. The bodies, bonnets, spindles and other parts shall be truly machined and when Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 206 assembled the parts shall be axial, parallel and cylindrical with surfaces smoothly finished. The area of the water way of the fittings shall not be less than the area of the nominal bore. The fittings shall be fully examined and cleared of all foreign matter before being fixed. The fittings shall be fitted in the pipe line manner. The joints between fittings and pipes shall be made leak proof. The joints and fitting shall be leak proof when subjected to a pressure test approved by the Employer’s Representative and the defective fittings and joints shall be replaced or redone. 7.9 Cast Iron Soil Waste and Vent Pipes and Fittings All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of uniform thickness with strong and deep sockets, free from flaws, air holes, cracks, sand holes and other defects and conform to BIS 1536. The diameter approved shall be internal diameter of pipe. The pipes and fittings shall be true to shape, smooth and cylindrical and shall ring clearly when struck over with a light hand hammer. All pipes and fittings shall be properly cleaned of all foreign material before being fixed. All plug bends of drainage pipes shall be provided with inspection and cleaning caps, covers, which shall be fixed with nuts and screws. Popes shall be fixed to the wall by W.I or M.S holder bat clamps, unless projecting ears with fixing holes are provided at socket end of pope. The clamps shall be fixed to the walls by embedding their hooks in cement concrete blocks (1:2:4) 10cm x 10cm making necessary holes in the walls at proper places. All holes and breakages shall be made good. The clamps shall be kept 25mm clear of the finished face of the walls to facilitate cleaning and painting of pipes. C.I pipes and fittings which are exposed shall be first cleaned and then painted with a coat of red lead primer. Two cots of zinc paint with white base and mixed with pigment of required colour to get the approved shade shall be given over the base primer coat. The thickness of fittings and their socket and spigot dimensions shall conform to the thickness and dimensions approved for the corresponding sizes of straight pipes. The connection between the main pipe and branch pipes shall be made by using branches and bends with access for cleaning. Floor traps shall be provided with 25mm dia puff pipe where the length of the waste is more than 1800mm or the floor trap is connected to a waste stack through bends. All cast iron pipes and fittings including joints shall be tested by a smoke test to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and left in working condition after completion. The smoke test shall be carried out as stated under. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 207 Smoke shall be pumped into the pipe at the lowest end from a smoke machine which consists of a bellow and a burner. The material usually burnt is greasy cotton waste which gives cut a clear pungent smoke which is easily detectable by sight as well as by smell if there is a leak at any point of the pipe line. Water test and air test shall be conducted as stipulated in BIS 5329. 7.10 Galvanized Mild Steel (G.I) Pipes The pipes shall be galvanized mild steel welded pipes and seamless screwed and sockets types conforming to the requirements of BIS 1239, for medium Grade. They shall be at the diameter (nominal bore) approved. The sockets shall be designated by the respective nominal bores of the pipes for which they are intended. The pipes and sockets shall be finished neatly, well galvanized on both inner and outer surfaces, and shall be free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations and other defects. All screws, threads shall be clean and well cut. The ends shall be cut cleanly and square with the axis of the tube. All screwed tubes and sockets shall have pipe threads conforming to the requirements of BIS 554. Screwed tubes shall have taper threads while the sockets shall have parallel threads. The fittings shall be of galvanized or mild steel types complying with all the appropriate requirements as approved for pipes. The fittings shall be designated by the respective nominal bores of the pipes for which they are intended. The fittings shall have screw threads at the ends conforming to the requirements of BIS 554. Female threads on fittings shall be parallel and male threads (except on running nipples and collars of unions) shall be tapered. The pipes shall be cleaned and cleared of all foreign matter before being laid. In jointing the pipes, the inside of the socket and the screwed end of the pipes shall be oiled and rubbed over tight white lead and few turns of spun yarn wrapped around the screwed end of the pipe. The end shall then be screwed in the socket, tee etc. with the pipe wrench. Care should be taken that all pipes and fittings are properly jointed so as to make the joints completely water tight and pipes are kept at all times free from dust and dirt during fixing. Burrs from the joint shall be removed after screwing. After laying, the open ends of the pipes shall be temporarily plugged to prevent access of soil or any other foreign matter. Any threads exposed after jointing shall be painted or in the case of underground piping thickly coated with approved anticorrosive paint to prevent corrosion. For internal work the galvanized iron pipes and fittings shall run the surface of the walls or ceiling(not in chase) unless otherwise specified. The fixing shall be done by means of standard pattern holder bat clamps, keeping the pipes about 1.5cm clear Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 208 of the wall. Popes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical/horizontal, when it is found necessary to conceal the pipes, chasing may be adopted or popes fixed in the ducts of recesses etc. provided there is sufficient space to work on the popes with the usual tools. The popes shall not ordinarily be buried in walls or solid floors. Where unavoidable, pipes may be buried for short distances provided adequate protection is given against damage, but the joints in pipes shall not be buried. M.S pipe sleeve shall be fixed at a place where a pipe is passing through a wall or floors reception of the pipe & to allow freedom to expansion / contraction and a movement / maintenance. In case the pipe embedded in walls or should be painted with anti-corrosive bituminastic paint of approved quality. The pipe should not come in contract with lime mortar or lime concrete as the pipe is affected by lime. Under the floors the pipes shall be laid in layer of sand filling or as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The work of excavation and backfilling shall be done true to line and gradient in accordance with general requirements for earthworks in trenches for pipes laid underground. The pipes shall be laid on a layer of 10.0cm sand and filled upto 15cm above the pipes. A sand cushion of 15cm on either side of the pipe shall also be provided. The remaining portion of the trench shall then be filled with excavated earth. The surplus earth shall be got rid of as directed. When excavation is done in rock the bottom shall be cut deep enough to permit the pies to be laid on a cushion of sand 75mm minimum. The pipes and fittings after they are laid and jointed shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure test as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall satisfactorily pass the test. Pipe Line system shall be tested in sections as the work proceeds, keeping the joints exposed for inspection. Pipes shall be slowly and carefully charged with water allowing all air to escape. All draw off taps shall then be closed and water pressure gradually raised to test pressure. Care shall be taken to ensure that pressure gauge is accurate and preferably should have been recalibrated before the test. Pump used having been stopped, the section of the pipe line shall maintain the test pressure for at least half an hour. Any joints or pipes found leaking shall be removed and replaced by the contractor. The exposed pipes shall be painted with two coats of white paint over a ready mixed priming coat and all underground pipes should be painted with two coats of anti-corrosive bitumastic paint. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 209 7.11 Soak Pit Soak pit shall be constructed at the location specified by the Engineer-in-Charge. Earthwork excavation shall be carried out to the exact dimensions. Brick masonry lining with open joints shall be constructed in the pit up to 150mm below the outlet pipe line. Brick in cement mortar 1:6 shall be constructed above this level up to ground. Well burnt brick aggregates of nominal size 40mm to 80mm and coarse sand shall be filled within the chamber. Construction of pit lining and filling of the brick ballast shall progress simultaneously. 7.12 Frame and Covers Frame and covers for manholes shall be of required type and dimensions as per the relevant drawings prepared by the Contractor. The following information shall be clearly marked on each cover. i) Year of manufacture ii) Identification mark of the purchaser. iii) Sewers/Storm Water Drainage(SWD), a) D.I Cover 8.0 BUILDING WORK 8.1 BRICK WORK 8.1.1 Materials Bricks used in the works shall conform to the requirements laid down in PWD specification bricks shall be sound, hard, homogeneous in texture, well burnt in kiln without being vitrified, hand/machine mouleded, deep red, cherry or copper coloured, of regular shape and size and shall have sharp and square edges with smooth rectangular faces. The bricks shall be free from pores, cracks, flews and nodules of free lime. They shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in colour. Hand moulded bricks shall be moulded with a frog and those made by extrusion process may not provided with a frog. Bricks shall give a clear ringing sound when struck. Brick shall conform and be tested as per relevant PWD specification. 8.1.2 Preparation of mortar Materials i) Water Water used shall be clean and reasonably free from injurious or deleterious materials such as oils, acids, alkalis and salts. Quality of water shall confirm to requirement of PWD specification for construction purposes. ii) Contractor Cement Witness Executive Engineer 210 Minimum 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement shall be used and conform to the requirements of BIS: 8112. iii) Sand Sand for masonry mortars shall conform to BIS: 2116. Mortars shall be prepared and tested as per BIS: 2250, Mixing of cement mortar shall be done in a mechanical mixer. 8.1.3 Workmanship Workmanship of brick work shall conform to BIS: 2212/PWD specification. All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in clear water for at leas tone hour immediately before being laid. The cement mortar for brick masonry work shall be as specified in the respective item of work prepared by the contractor. Brick work 230mm thick and over shall be laid in English Bond unless otherwise specified. 100mm/115mm thick brick work shall be laid with stretchers. For laying bricks, a layer of mortar shall be spread over the full width of suitable length of the lower course. Each brick shall be slightly pressed into the mortar and shoved into final position so as to embed the brick fully in mortar. Only full size bricks shall be used for the works and cut bricks utilized only to make up required wall length or for bonding. Bricks shall be laid with frogs uppermost. All brickwork shall be plumb, square and true to dimensions shown. Vertical joints in alternate courses shall come direly one over the other and be in lie. Horizontal course shall be leveled. The thickness of brick courses shall be kept uniform. In case of one brick thick or half brick thick wall, at least one face should be kept smooth and plane, even if the other is slightly rough due to variation in size of bricks. For walls of thickness greater than one brick both faces shall be kept smooth and plane. All interconnected brickwork shall be carried out at nearly one level so that there is uniform distribution of pressure on the supporting structure and no portion of the work shall be left more than once course lower than the adjacent work. Where this is not possible, the work be raked back according to bond (and not saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45 degree. But in no case the level difference between adjoining walls shall exceed one meter. Brick work shall not be raised more than one meter per day. Bricks shall be so laid that all joins are well filled with mortar. The thickness of joints shall not be less than 6mm and not more than 10mm. The face joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 10mm/15mm by raking tools during the progress of work when the mortar is still green, so as to provide a proper key for the plastering/pointing respectively to be done later. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be uniform in thickness and be struck flush and Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 211 finished at the time of laying. The face of brickwork shall be cleaned daily and all mortar droppings removed. The surface of each course shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt before another course is laid on top. During harsh weather conditions, newly built brick masonry works shall be protected by tarpaulin or other suitable covering to prevent mortar being washed away by rain. Brick work shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for at least seven days after 24 hours of laying. The arrangement for curing shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. Double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided to facilitate execution of the masonry works. The scaffolding shall be designed adequately considering all the dead, live and possible impact loads to ensure safety of the workmen, in accordance with the requirements stipulated in BIS:2750 and BIS:3696(Part-I). Scaffolding shall be properly maintained during the entire period of construction. Single scaffolding shall not be used on important works and will be permitted only in certain cases as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where single scaffolding is adopted, only minimum number of holes by omizing a header shall be left in the masonry for supporting horizontal scaffolding poles. All holes in the masonry shall be carefully made good before plastering/pointing. In the event of usage of traditional bricks of size 230mmx115mmx75mm, the courses at the top of the plinth and sills as well as at the top of the wall just below the roof/floor slabs and at the top of the parapet shall be laid with bricks on edge. All brickwork shall be built tightly against columns, floor slabs or other structural members. To overcome the possibility of development of cracks in the brick masonry following measures shall be adopted. For resting RCC slabs, the bearing surface of masonry wall shall be finished on top with 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 and provided with 2 layers of Kraft paper grade 1 as per BIS:1397 or 2 layer of 50 micron thick polyethylene sheets. Steel wire fabric shall be provided at the junction of brick masonry and concrete before taking up plastering work. RCC/ Steel beams resting on the masonary wall shall be provided concrete bed bricks of 150 mm thickness , projecting 150 mm on either sides of the beam, duly finished on top with 2 layer of Kraft paper Grade I as per BIS: 1397 or 2 Layers of 50 Microns thick polyethylene sheets. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 212 Bricks for partition walls shall be stacked adjacent to the structural member to pre deflect the structural member before the wall is taken up for execution. Further, the top most course of half or full brick walls abutting against either a de shuttered slab or beam shall be built only after any proposed masonry wall above the structural member is executed to cater for the deflection of the structural element. Reinforced cement concrete transoms and mullions of dimensions as indicated in the construction Drawings to be prepared by the contractor are generally required to be provided in the half brick partition walls. Where the drawings prepared by the contractor indicate that structural steel sections are to be encased in brickwork, the brickwork masonry shall be built closely against the steel section, ensuring a minimum of 20mm thick cement sand mortar 1:4 over all the steel surfaces. Steel sections partly embedded in brick work shall be provided with bituminous protective coating to the surfaces at the point of entry into the brick masonry. 8.2 Uncoursed Random Rubble Masonry, in Foundation Plinth and Superstructure 8.2.1 Materials Stones for the works shall be of the specified variety which are hard, durable, fine grained and uniform in colour(for superstructure work) free from defects like cracks, sand holes, patterns of soft/loose materials veins, other defects. Quality and work shall conform to the requirements specified in BIS: 1597(Part-I). The percentage of water absorption shall not exceed 5 percent as per test conducted in accordance with BIS: 1124. The contractor shall supply sample stones to the Engineer-inCharge for approval. Stones shall be laid with its grains horizontal so that the load transmitted is always perpendicular to the natural bed. Cement-sand mortar for stone masonry works shall be as per BIS: 2250. 8.2.2 Scaffolding Type of scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in the section of brick masonry. 8.2.3 Workmanship For all works below ground level the masonry shall be random rubble uncoursed with ordinary quarry dressed stones for the hearting and selected quarry dress stones for the facing. For all R.R masonry in superstructure the masonry shall be well bounded, faced with hammer dressed stones with squared quoins at corners. The bushing on the face shall not be more than 40mm on an exposed face and on the face to be plastered it shall not project by more than 12mm nor shall it have depression more than 10mm from the average wall surface. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 213 Face stones shall extend back sufficiently and bond well with the masonry. The depth of stone from the face of the wall inwards shall not be less than the height or breadth at the face. The length of the stone shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on base shall not be greater than three-fourths the thickness of wall nor less than 150mm. The height of stone may be upto a maximum of 300mm. Faces stones or hearting stones shall not be less than 150mm in any directions. Chips and spalls shall be used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar joints and to ensure that no hollow spaces are left in the masonry. The use of chips and spalls in the hearting shall not exceed 20 percent of the quantity of stone masonry. Spalls and chips shall not be used on the face of the wall and below hearting stones to bring them to the level of face stones. The maximum thickness of joints shall not exceed 20mm. All joints shall be completely filled with mortar. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished as the work proceeds. Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20mm by a raking tool during the progress of the work while the mortar is still greed. Through or bond stones shall be provided in wall upto 600mm thick and in case of wall above 600mm thickness, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping each other by t least 150mm shall be provided in a line from face to back. Each bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sqm. of wall surface. All stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water from the mortar. All connected walls in a structure shall be normally raised uniformly and regularly. However if any part of the masonry is required to be left behind, the wall shall be raked back (and not saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45 degree. Masonry work shall not be raised by more than one meter per day. Complete work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. Masonry work shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum period of seven days for proper curing of the joints. 8.3 Coursed Rubble Masonry(First Sort) for Superstructure 8.3.1 Materials The materials specification for the work shall be as specified in the section of random rubble masonry above. 8.3.2 Scaffolding Type of scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in the section of brick masonry. 8.3.3 Workmanship All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and shall be of the same height in any course. The height of course shall not be less than 150mm and not more than Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 214 300mm. The width of stone shall not be less than its height. Face stones shall tail into the work for not less than their height and at least 1/3rd the number of stones shall tail into the work for a length not less than twice their height but not more than three-fourths the thickness of the wall whichever is smaller. These should be laid as headers and stretchers alternately to break joints by at lest 75mm. The face stones shall be squared on all joints and bed; the bed joints being hammer or chisel dressed true and square for at least 80mm back from the face and the side joints for at least 40mm. The face of the stone shall be hammer dressed so that the bushing shall not be more than 40mm on an exposed face and 10mm on a face to the plastered. No portion of the dressed surface shall show a depth of gap more than 6mm from a straight edge placed on it. The remaining unexposed portion of the stone shall not project beyond the surface of bed and side joints. No spalls or pinning shall be allowed on the face. All bed joints shall be horizontal and side joints shall be more than 10mm in thickness. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished as the work proceeds. Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20mm by raking tools, during the progress of the work shall the mortar is still green. Hearting shall consist of flat bedded stones carefully laid on their proper beds and solidly bedded in mortar. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of interstices between the adjacent stones in hearting and these shall not exceed 10 percent of the quantity of the stone masonry. Care shall be taken so that no hollow spaces are left any where in the masonry. The requirement regarding through or bond stones shall be as specified in clause with the further stipulation that these shall be provided at 1.5m to 1.8m apart clear in every course but staggered at alternate courses. The quoins, which shall be of the same height as the course in which they occur, shall not be less than 450mm in any direction. Quoin stones shall be laid as stretchers and headers alternately. They shall be laid square on their beds, which shall be rough chisel dressed to a depth of at least 100mm from the face. These stones shall have a minimum uniform chisel draft of 25mm width at four edges, all the edges being in the same plane. 8.4 Damp Proof Course 8.4.1 Materials and Workmanship All the walls in a building shall be provided with damp proof course covering plinth to prevent water from rising up the wall. The damp proof course shall run without a break throughout the length of the wall, even under the door or other opening. Damp proof course shall consist of minimum 50mm thick cement concrete of 1:2:4 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 215 nominal mix with nominal reinforcement and approved water-proofing compound admixture conforming to BIS: 2645 in proportion as directed by the manufacturer. Concrete shall be with 10mm sown graded course aggregates. The surface of brick work/stone masonry work shall be leveled and prepared before laying the cement concrete. Side shuttering shall be properly fixed to ensure that slurry does not leak through and is also not disturbed during compaction. The upper and side surface shall be made rough to afford key to the masonry above and to the plaster. Damp-proof course shall be cured properly for at least seven days after which it shall be allowed to dry for taking up further work. 8.5 Miscellaneous Inserts, Bolts etc. All the miscellaneous inserts such as bolts, pipes, plate embedment etc. shall be accurately installed in the building works at the correct location and levels, all as detailed in the construction drawings to be prepared by the Contractor. Contractor shall prepare and use templates for this purpose, if so directed by the Engineer-inCharge. In the event, of any of the inserts are improperly installed, contractor shall make necessary arrangement to remove and reinstall at the correct locations/levels all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 8.6 Wood work in doors, windows, ventilators and partitions Timber to be used shall be first class Teak wood as per BIS:4021. Timber shall be of the best quality and well seasoned by the suitable process before being planed to the required sizes. The maximum permissible moisture content shall be from 10 to 16 percent for timber 50mm and above in thickness and 8 to 14 percent for timber less than 50mm in thickness for different regions of the country as stipulated in BIS:287. Timber shall be close grained, of uniform cooler and free from decay, fungal growth, boxed heart, pitch pockets of streaks on the exposed edges, borer holes, splits and cracks. Flush door shutters of the solid core type with plywood face panel shall conform to BIS:2202(Part-1) Transparent sheet glass conform to the requirements of BIS: 2835 or BIS: 2553(Part-1). Wired and figured glass shall be as per BIS: 5437. Builder’s hardware for fittings and fixtures shall be of the best quality from approved manufactures. Each wooden door shutter shall have a minimum of three hinges and two fastenings like tower bolt, handle and latches, mortise lock etc. floor stoppers, handles, kick plats etc. shall also be provided. Each window shutter shall have minimum of 3 hinges and one fastening like tower bolt and one handle for opening and closing. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 216 8.7 Steel Doors, Windows and Ventilators Hot rolled steel sections for the fabrication of steel doors, windows and ventilators shall conform to BIS:7452 which are suitable for single glazing. Pressed steel door frames for steel flush doors shall be out of 1.25mm thick mild steel sheets of profiles as per BIS:4351. Transparent sheet glass shall conform to the requirements of BIS:2835. Wired and figures glass shall be as per BIS:5437. Builder’s hardware of fittings and fixtures shall be of the best quality from the approved manufacturers. Hot rolled sections shall confirm to BIS 7452 Fire check doors shall conform to BIS:3614 Part 1 & 2. Steel windows for industrial buildings shall confirm to BIS 1361. All steel doors, windows and ventilators shall be of the type as specified in the respective items of work prepared by the contractor and of sizes as indicated in the drawings prepared by the contractor. Steel doors, windows and ventilators shall conform to the requirements as stipulated in BIS: 1038. Steel windows shall conform to BIS: 1361 if so specified. 8.8 Aluminum Doors, Windows, Ventilators and Partitions 8.8.1 Materials Aluminum alloy used in the manufacturer of extruded sections of the fabrication of doors, windows, ventilators shall conform to designation HEP-WP of BIS: 733. Transparent sheet glass shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 2835. Wired and figured glass shall be as per BIS: 5437. All aluminum doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be of the type and size as specified. The doors, windows, ventilators shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 1948. Aluminum windows shall conform to BIS: 1949; if so specified. All aluminum units shall be supplied with anodized finish, the minimum anodic film thickness shall be 0.015mm. Doors windows and ventilators shall be of an approved manufacture. Fabrication of the units shall be with the extruded sections, cut to correct lengths, mitred and welded at the corners to a true right angle conforming to the requirements of BIS:1948. Tolerance in overall dimensions shall be within + 1.5mm. The frames and shutters shall be free from warp or buckle and shall be square and truly plane. Punching of holes, slots and other provisions to install fittings or fixtures later shall be made at the correct locations, as per the requirements. Aluminum swing type doors, Aluminum sliding windows, partitions shall be as specified. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 217 BIS: 1948 and BIS: 1949 referred to incorporates the sizes, shapes, thickness and weight per running meter of extruded sections for the various components of the units. However, new sizes, shapes, thickness with modifications to suit snap-fit flazing clips etc. are being continuously being added by various leading manufacturers of extruded sections, which are available in the market as such, the sections of the various components of the unit proposed by the contractor, will be reviewed by the Engineer-in-Charge and will be accepted only if they are equal to or marginally more than that given in the codes/ad specified. The framework of partitions with mullions and transoms shall be with anodized aluminum box sections. Anodized aluminum box sections shall be in-filled with timber of class 3(silver oak or any other equivalent) as per BIS:4021. The outer frame shall be of size 101.6x44.45x3.11mm rectangular tubular section of size for sill member shall be 99.2x44.45x3.18mm including glazing of 5.5mm thick plain glass PVC/Neoprene weather stripping screw less aluminum bidding fixer such as lock, handle, tower bolt and self closing devise of approved make. Panels of double/single glazing/plywood shall be fixed as per details indicated in the Drawing to be prepared by the contractor. Partitions shall be fixed rigidly between the floor and the structural columns/beams including provision of necessary shims for wedging etc. Finished work shall be of rigid construction, erected truly plumb to the lines and levels, at locations as per the construction Drawings to be prepared by the contractor. Specific provisions as stipulated for steel doors, windows, ventilators under clause 7.6 shall also be applicable for this item work. Glazing beads shall be of the snap-fit type suitable for the thickness of flazing proposed as indicted in the items of works prepared by the contractor, a layer of clear transparent lacquer shall be applied on aluminum sections to protect them form damage during installation. This lacquer coating shall be removed after the installation is completed. 8.9 Steel Rolling Shutters Rolled shutters shall be of an approved manufacture, conforming to the requirements specified in BIS:6248. The type of rolling shutter shall be self coiling type(manual) for clear areas upto 12 sqm., gear operated type(mechanical) for clear areas upto 35sqm. and electrically operated type for areas upto 50sqm. mechanical type of rolling shutters shall be suitable for operation from both inside and outside with the crank handle or chain gear operating mechanism duly considering the size of wall/column. Electrical type Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 218 of rolling shutter shall also be provided with a facility for emergency mechanical operation. Rolling shutters shall be supplied duly considering the type, specified clear width/height of the opening and the location of fixing as indicated in the Drawings prepared by the contractor. Rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80x1.25mm MS laths interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with mechanical device chain and crank operation for operating rolling shutters exceeding 10.00sqm. including spring books, providing and fixing necessary 25.3cm long wire springs grade No.2 and MS top cover 1.25mm thick(RS). Shutters shall be built up of interlocking laths 75mm width between rolling centers formed from cold rolled steel strips. The thickness of the steel strip shall not be less than 0.90nn for shutters upto 3.50m width and not less than 1.20mm for shutters above 3.50m width. Each lath section shall be continuous single piece without any welded joint. 8.10 Flooring 8.10.1 Base Concrete The thickness and grade of concrete and reinforcement shall be as specified in items of works prepared by the contractor. Before placing the blinding concrete, the sub-base of rubble packing shall be properly wetted and rammed. Concrete for the base shall then be deposited between the forms, thoroughly tamped and surface finished level with the top edges of the forms. Two or three hours after the concrete has been laid in position, the surface shall be roughened using steel wire brush to remove any scum or laitance and swept clean so that the course aggregates are exposed. The surface of the base concrete shall be left rough to provide adequate bond for the floor finish to be provided later. 8.10.2 Terrazzo Tile Flooring Terrazzo tiles shall generally conform in all respects to standards stipulated in BIS:1237. Tiles shall be of the best quality manufactured adopting hydraulic pressure of not less than 14 N/mm2. The type, quality, size, thickness, colour etc. of tiles for flooring/dado/skirting shall be as specified. The aggregates for terrazzo topping shall consist of marble chips which are hard, sound and dense. Cement to be used shall be white cement with light colouring pigments. The bidder mix shall be with 3 parts of cement to 1 part of marble powder Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 219 by weight. The proportion of cement shall be inclusive of any pigments. For every one part of cement-marble powder binder mix, the proportion of aggregates shall be 1.75 parts by volume, if the chips are between 1mm to 6mm and 1.50 parts by volume if the chips are between 6mm to 25mm. The minimum thickness of wearing layer of terrazzo tiles shall be 5mm for tiles with chips of size varying from 1mm upto 6mm or from 1mm upto 12mm. This shall be 6mm for tiles with chips varying from 1mm upto 25mm. The minimum thickness of wearing layer of cement/coloured cement tiles shall be 5mm. This shall be 6mm for heavy duty tiles. Pigment used in the wearing layer shall not exceed 10 percent of the weight of cement used in the mix. Laying and finishing of tiles shall conform to the requirements of workmanship stipulated in BIS:1443. Tiling work shall be commenced only after the door and window frames are fixed and plastering of the walls/ceiling is completed. Tiles which are fixed to the floor adjoining the wall shall go 10mm under the plaster. Wall plastering shall not be carried out upto about 50mm above the level of proposed skirting/dado. 8.10.3 Kota Stone Slab Work Materials The slab shall be of approved selected quality, hard, sound, dense and homogeneous in texture, free from cracks, decay, weathering and flaws. The percentage of water absorption shall not exceed 5 percent as per test conducted in accordance with BIS:1124. The slabs shall be hand or machine cut to the required thickness. Tolerance in thickness for dimensions of tile work than 100mm shall be + 5mm. This shall be + 2mm on dimensions less than 100mm. Slabs shall be supplied to the specified size with machine cut edges or fine chisel dressed to the full depth. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true and square, free from any chipping giving a place surface. Slabs shall have the top surface machine polished (first grinding) before brought to site. The slabs shall be washed clean before laying. Workmanship The type, size, thickness and colour/shade etc. of the slabs for flooring/dado/skirting shall be as specified in the respective items of works prepared by the contractor. The thickness of the slabs for dado/skirting work shall not be more than 25mm. Slabs shall be so placed that the back surface is at a distance of 12mm. If necessary, slabs shall be held in position temporarily by suitable method. After Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 220 checking for verticality, the gap shall be filled and packed with cement sand mortar of proportion 1:3. After the mortar has acquired sufficient strength, the temporary arrangement holding the slab shall be removed. 8.10.4 Glazed Tile Finish Glazed earthenware tiles shall conform to the requirements of BIS: 777. Tiles shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer. The tiles shall be flat, true to shape and free from flaws such as crazing, blisters, pinholes, specks or welts. Edges and underside of the tiles shall be free from glaze and shall have ribs or indentations for a better anchorage with the bedding mortar. Dimensional tolerances shall be as specified in BIS: 777. The total thickness of glazed tile finish including the bedding mortar shall be 20mm in flooring/dado/skirting. The minimum thickness of bedding mortar shall be 12mm for flooring and 10mm for dado/skirting work. The bedding mortar shall consist of 1 part of cement to 3 parts of sand mixed with just sufficient water to obtain proper consistency for laying. Sand for the mortar shall conform to BIS:2116 and shall have minimum fineness modulus of 1.5. Tiles shall be soaked in water for about 10 minutes just before laying. Where full size tiles cannot be fixed, tiles shall be cut to the required size using special cutting device and the edges rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints. All the joints shall be cleaned of gray cement with wire brush to a depth of at least 3mm and all dust, loose mortar etc. shall be removed. White cement with or without pigment shall then be used for flush pointing the joints. Curing shall then be carried out for a minimum period of 7 days of the bedding and joints to set properly. The surface shall then be cleaned using a suitable detergent, fully washed and wiped dry. 8.10.5 PVC Sheet/Tile Flooring PVC floor covering shall be of either unbaked homogeneous flexible type in the form of sheets/tiles conforming to BIS: 3462 or homogeneous PVC asbestos tiles conforming to BIS: 3461. The surface of the sheet/tiles shall be free from any physical defects such as pores, blisters, cracks etc. which affects the appearance and serviceability. Tiles/sheets shall meet with the tolerance limits in dimensions specified in the BIS. Contractor shall submit the test certificates, if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. Each tile/sheet shall be legible and indelibly marked with the name of the manufacturer of his trade mark, BIS certificate mark, and batch number. The adhesive to be used for laying the PVC flooring shall be rubber based and of the make as recommended and approved by the manufacturer of PVC sheets/tiles. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 221 PVC floor covering shall be provided over an under bed of cement concrete floor finish over the base concrete or structural slab. It is essential that the sub-floor and the under bed are perfectly dry before laying the PVC flooring. This shall be ensured by methods of testing as stipulated in Appendix-A of BIS : 5318. The surface of the under bed shall have toweled finish without any irregularities which creates poor adhesion. Surface shall be free of oil or grease and thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt and wiped with a dry cloth. PVC sheets/tiles shall be brought to the temperature of the area in which they are to be laid by stacking in a suitable manner within or near the laying area for a period of about 24 hours. Where air-conditioning is installed, the flooring shall not be laid on the under bed until the A/C units have been in operation for at least 7 days. During this period, the temperature range shall be between 20 degree C and 30 degree C and this shall be maintained during the laying operations and also for 48 hours thereafter. Metallic edge strips shall be used to protect the edges of PVC sheets/tiles which are exposed as in doorways/stair treads. Hot sealing of joints between adjacent PVC sheet flooring to prevent creeping of water through the joints shall be carried out, using special equipment as per manufacture’s instructions. 8.10.6 Granite Topping Floor Hardener topping shall be provided either as integrally finished over the structural slab/grade slab or laid monolithically with the concrete granolithic floor finish on top of hardened concrete base of 40mm thickness. Floor hardener of the metallic or non-metallic type suitable for the performance of normal/medium/heavy duty function of the floor, the quantum of ingredients and the thickness of topping shall be as specified in the respective items of work prepared by the contractor. For monolithic application with the floor finish/slab the thickness of the layer shall be 12mm. The topping shall be laid within 2 to 3 hours after concrete is laid when it is still plastic but stiffened enough for the workmen to tread over it by placing planks. The surface for the concrete layer shall be kept rough for providing adequate bond for the topping. Laitance shall be removed before placing the topping. The topping shall be screed and thoroughly compacted to the finished level. Trowelling to smooth finish also to be carried out. After the surface has hardened sufficiently, it shall be kept continuously moist for at least 10 days. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 222 The procedure for mixing the floor hardener topping shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions. Surface shall be prevented from any damages due to subsequent building operations by covering with 75mm thick layer of sand. 8.10.7 Acid Resisting Brick/Tiling Work The ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tiles shall conform to the requirements of BIS:4457. Acid resistant bricks shall conform to the requirements of BIS:4860. The finished tile/brick when fractured shall appear fine grained in texture, dense and homogeneous. Tile/brick shall be sound, true to shape, flat, free from flaws and any manufacturing defects affecting their utility. Tolerance in dimensions shall be within the limits specified in the respective BIS. The tiles/bricks shall be bedded and jointed using chemical resistant mortar of the resin type conforming to BIS:4832(Part II). Method of usage shall generally be as per the requirements of BIS:4443. The mortar joins shall be cured for a minimum period of 72 hours with 20 to 25% hydrochloric acid or 30 to 40% sulphuric acid. After acid curing, the joints shall then be washed with water and allowed to thoroughly dry. The joints shall then be filled with mortar to make them smooth and plane. Acid curing is not required to be carried out if epoxy or polyester and furnace type of resin is used for the mortar. Resin mortars are normally self curing. The area tiled shall not be put to use before 48 hours in case epoxy, polyester and furnace type of resin is used for the mortar. If phenolic or cashew nut shell liquid resin is used for the mortar, the area tiled shall not be put to use for 7 to 28 days respectively, without heat treatment. This period shall be 2 to 6 days respectively, if heat treatment is given with infrared lamp. 8.11 Epoxy Lining Work The epoxy resin and hardener formulation for laying of joint less lining work in floors and walls of concrete tanks/trenches etc. shall be as per the requirements of BIS: 9197. 8.12 Cement Plastering Work The proportions of the cement mortar for plastering shall be 1:4 (one part of cement to four parts of sand). Cement and sand shall be mixed thoroughly in dry condition and then just enough water added to obtain a workable consistency. The quality of water and cement shall be as per relevant BIS standards. The quality and grading of sand for plastering shall conform to BIS : 1542. Preparation of surfaces and application of plaster finished shall generally conform to the requirements specified in BIS : 1661 and BIS : 2402. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 223 Plastering operations shall not be commenced until installation of all fittings and fixtures such as door/window panels, pipes, conduits etc. are completed. All joints in masonry shall be raked as the work proceeds to a depth of 10mm/20mm for brick/stone masonry respectively with a tool made for the purpose when the mortar is still green. The masonry surface to be rendered shall be washed with clean water to remove all dirt, loose materials etc. Concrete surfaces to be rendered shall be roughed suitably by hacking or bush hammering for proper adhesion of plaster and the surface shall be evenly wetted to provide the correct suction. The masonry surfaces should not be too wet only damp at the time of plastering. The sampness shall be uniform to get uniform bond between the plaster and the masonry surface. a) Interior plain faced plaster This plaster shall be laid in a single coat of 20mm thickness. The mortar shall be dashed against the prepared surface with a trowel. The dashing of the coat shall be done using a strong whipping motion at right angles to the face of the wall or it may be applied with a plaster machine. The coat shall bet trowelled hard and tight forcing it to surface depressions to obtain a permanent bond and finished to smooth surface. Interior plaster shall be carried out on jambs, lintel and sill faces, etc. as shown in the drawing and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. b) Plain Faced Ceiling Plaster This shall be applied in a single coat of 6mm thickness. Application of mortar shall be as stipulated in above paragraph. 8.13 Water Proofing Admixtures Water proofing admixtures shall conform to the requirements of BIS:2645 and shall be of approved manufacture. The admixture shall not contain calcium chloride. The quantity of the admixture to be used for the works and method of mixing etc. shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 8.14 Painting of Concrete, Masonry and Plastered Surfaces 8.14.1 Materials Oil bound distemper shall conform to BIS: 428. The primer shall be alkali resistant primer of the same manufacture as that of the distemper. Lead free acid, alkali and chlorine resisting paint shall conform to BIS: 9862. Colour wash shall be made by addition of a suitable quantity of mineral pigment, not affected by lime, to the prepared white wash to obtain the shade/tint as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 224 All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the brand of manufacture and the colour/shade. All materials shall be brought to the site of works in sealed containers. 8.14.2 Workmanship Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the readiness of the surfaces to receive the specified finish, before commencing the work on painting. Painting of new surfaces shall be deferred as much as possible to allow for thorough drying of the sub-strata. The surfaces to be treated shall be prepared by thoroughly brushing them free from dirt, mortar droppings and any loose foreign materials. Surfaces shall be from oil, grease and efflorescence. Efflorescence shall be removed only by dry brushing of the growth. Cracks shall be filled with Gypsum. Workmanship of painting shall generally conform to BIS:2395. 8.15 White Wash The prepared surfaces shall be wetted and the finish applied by brushing. The operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brush first given horizontally from the right and the other from the left and similarly, the subsequent stroke from bottom upwards and the other form top downwards, before the first cot dries. Each coat shall be allowed to dry before the next coat is applied. Minimum of 2 coats shall be applied unless otherwise specified. The dry surface shall present a uniform finish without any brush marks. 8.16 Colour Wash Colour wash shall be applied in the same way as for white wash. A minimum of 2 coats shall be applied unless otherwise specified. The surface shall present a smooth and uniform finish without any streaks. The finished dry surface shall not show any signs of peeling/powdery and come off readily on the hand when rubbed. 8.17 Cement Paint The prepared surfaces shall be wetted to control surface suction and to provide moisture to aid in proper curing of the pain. Cement paint shall be applied with a brush with stiff bristles. The primer coat shall be a thinned coat of cement paint. The quantity of thinner shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions. The coats shall be vigorously scrubbed to work the paint into any voids for providing a continuous paint film free form pinholes for effective water proofing in addition to decoration. Cement paint shall be brushed in uniform thickness and the covering capacity for two coats on plastered surfaces shall be 3 to 4 Kg/sqm. A minimum of 3 coats of the same colour shall be applied. At least 24 hours shall be left after the first coat to become Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 225 sufficiently hard before the second coat is applied. The painted surfaces shall be thoroughly cured by sprinkling with water using a fog spray at least 2 to 3 times a day. Curing shall commence after about 12 hours when the paint hardens. Curing shall be continued for at least 2 days after the application of final coat. The operations for brushing each coat shall be as detailed above. 8.18 Oil bound distemper The prepared surfaces shall be dry and provided with one coat of alkali resistant primer by brushing. The surface shall be finished uniformly without leaving any brush marks and allowed to dry for at least 48 hours. A minimum of two coats of oil bound distemper shall be applied, unless otherwise specified. The first coat shall be of a lighter tint. At least 24 hours shall be left after the first coat to become completely dry before the application of the second coat. Broad, stiff, double bristled distemper brushed shall be used for the work. The operations for brushing each coat shall be as detailed above. 8.19 Acid, Alkali Resisting Paint A minimum of 2 coats of acid/alkali resisting paint shall be applied over the prepared dry surfaces by brushing. Primer coat shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions. 8.20 Acrylic Emulsion Paint Acrylic emulsion paint shall be applied in the same way as for plastic emulsion paint. A minimum of 2 finishing coats over one coat of primer shall be provided unless otherwise specified. 8.21 Painting and Polishing of Wood Work 8.21.1 Materials Wood primer shall conform to BIS : 3536. Filler shall conform to BIS : 110 Varnish shall conform to BIS : 337 French Polish shall conform to BIS : 348 Synthetic enamel paint conform to BIS : 2932 All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the brand of manufacture and the colour/shade. All materials shall be brought to the site of works in sealed containers. 8.21.2 Workmanship The type of finish to be provided for woodwork of either painting or polishing, the number coats, etc. shall be as specified in the respective items of work to be prepared by the contractor. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 226 Primer and finish paint shall be compatible with each other to avoid cracking and wrinkling. Primer and finish paint shall be from the same manufacturer. Painting shall be either by brushing or spraying. Contractor shall procure the appropriate quality of paint for this purpose as recommended by the manufacturer. The workmanship shall generally conform to the requirements of BIS: 2338(Part I). All the wood surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly dry and free from any foreign matter. Surfaces shall be smoothened with abrasive paper using it across the grains and dusted off. Wood primer coat shall then be applied uniformly by brushing. The number of primer coats shall be as specified in the item of work to be prepared by the contractor. Any slight irregularities of the surface shall then be made-up by applying an optimum coat of filler conforming to BIS:110 and rubbed down with an abrasive paper for obtaining a smooth surface for the undercoat of synthetic enamel paint conforming to BIS:2932. Paint shall be applied by brushing evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off in the direction of the grain of wood. After drying, the coat shall be carefully rubbed down using very fine grade of sand paper and wiped clean before the next coat is applied. At least 24 hours shall elapse between the application of successive coats. Each cot shall vary slightly in shade and this shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The number of coats of paint to be applied shall be as specified in the item of work to be prepared by the contractor. All the wood surfaces to be provided with clear finished shall be thoroughly dry and free from any foreign matter. Surfaces shall be smoothened with abrasive paper using it in the direction of the grains and dusted off. Any slight irregularities of the surface shall be made up by applying an optimum coat of transparent liquid filler and rubbed down with an abrasive paper for obtaining a smooth surface. All dust and dirt shall be thoroughly removed. Over this prepared surface, vanish conforming to BIS:337 shall be applied by brushing. Varnish should not be retouched once it has begun to set. Staining if required shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. When two coats of varnish is specified the prepared surfaces of wood shall be applied with the polish using a pad of woolen cloth covered by a fine cloth. The pad shall be moistened with polish and rubbed hard on the surface in a series of overlapping circles to give an even finish over the entire area. The surface shall be allowed to dry before applying the next coat. Finishing shall be carried out using a fresh clean cloth over the pad, slight dampening with methylated spirit and rubbing lightly and quickly in circular motions. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 227 The finished surface shall have a uniform texture and high gloss. The number of coats to be applied shall be as specified. 8.22 Painting of steel work 8.22.1 Materials Zinc chrome primer shall conform to BIS : 2074 Synthetic enamel paint shall conform to BIS:2932 Aluminum paint shall conform to BIS : 2339 All the material shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the brand of manufacture and the colour/shade. All the materials shall be brought to the site in sealed containers. 8.22.2 Workmanship Painting work shall be carried out only on thoroughly dry surfaces. Painting shall be applied either by brushing or by spraying. Contractor shall procure the appropriate quality of paint for this purpose as recommended by the manufacturer. The workmanship shall generally conform to the requirement of BIS: 1477(Part 2). The type of paint number of costs etc. shall be as specified in the respective items of work. Primer and finish paint shall be compatible with each other to avoid cracking and wrinkling. Primer and finish paint shall be from the manufacturer. All the surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil, grease, dirt, rust and scale. The methods to be adopted using solvents, wire brushing, power tool cleaning etc. shall be as per BIS: 1477(Part-1) and as indicted in the item of work. It is essential to ensure that immediately after preparation of the surfaces; the first coat of red oxide-zinc chrome primer shall be applied by brushing and working it well to ensure a continuous film without holidays. After the first coat becomes hard dry, a second coat of primer shall be applied by brushing to obtain a film free from ‘holidays’. After the second coat of primer is hard dry, the entire surface shall be wet rubbed cutting down to a smooth uniform surface. When the surface becomes dry, the under cost of synthetic enamel paint of optimum thickness shall be applied by brushing with minimum of brush marks. The coat shall be allowed to hard dry. The under coat shall then be wet rubbed cutting down to a smooth finish, taking adequate care to ensure that at no place the undercoat is completely removed. The surface shall then be allowed to dry. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 228 The first finishing coat of paint shall be applied by brushing and allowed to hard-dry. The gloss from the entire surface shall then be gently removed and the surface dusted off. The second finishing coat shall then be applied by brushing. At least 24 hours shall elapse between the application of successive coats. Each coat shall vary slightly in shade and this shall be got approved by the Engineer-inCharge. 8.23 General requirements: All the building and structure works shall generally comply with the following Requirements: (i.) All building works shall be reinforced concrete frame work with concrete floors and roofs. (ii.) All internal partition walls except for toilet shall be in 230 mm thick brick masonry built in cement mortar 1:5 with transoms and mullions as in (2) above. Toilet partition walls shall be in 115 mm thick brick masonry built in cement mortar 1:4 and shall have transoms and mullions similar to (2) above and shall from panels not exceeding 1200 mm x 1200 mm in size. (iii.) Toilet floor slab shall be filled with brick bat coba (broken bricks in lime) and provided with waterproofing. (iv.) The finished floor level in toilet areas shall be 25 mm below general finished floor level else where in building. (v.) All staircase shall have 25 mm thick chequred mosaic tiles for treads and 25 mm thick plain mosic tiles of approved shade for riser set in cement mortar or lime mortar to give an overall thickness of 50 mm. (vi.) All floor cut outs and cable ducts, etc shall be covered with pre cast concrete cover in outdoors areas and mild steel chequered plates of adequate thickness in indoor areas. All uncovered opening shall be protected with galvanized MS hand railing . (vii.) All staircase shall be provided with SS galvanized and SS hand railing for protection. (viii.) For the entire finished roof surface shall have adequate slope to drain quickly the rainwater to rainwater down take inlet points. (ix.) For roofing drainage, CI rainwater down takes with CI bell mouth and MS grating at top shall be provided. For roof areas up to 40 sqm minimum two nos. 100 mm diameter down take pipes shall be provided. For every additional area of 40 sqm or part thereof, at least one no. 100 mm diameter down take pipe shall be provided. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 229 (x.) Top roofing of chajjas and canopies shall be made water proof by providing a screed layer of adequate slope or application of an approved roof membrane and sloped to dram the rainwater. (xi.) All doors, windows and ventilators shall have lintels above. Chaija protection to lintels on external walls shall be such as to prevent the rainwater splashing into the building. The minimum width of chajja for doors, windows, and rolling shutter shall be 750 mm, 600 mm, and 900 mm respectively. (xii.) All windows and ventilators shall have 25 mm thick Tandoor/ Kota stone still bedded in cement mortar (1:3) (xiii.) All concrete channels and ducts use for conveying liquid shall have inside width, be less than 500 mm. All open channels shall be provided with hand railing. All such channels, which are more than 1000 mm above finished plot level, shall provided with walkways for access. (xiv.) Kerbs to be provided below the hand railing on the catwalks/pathways should be per relevant sections of Factor Act. (xv.) Wherever equipment and machinery are to be moved for inspection, servicer replacement etc. suitable movable gantry of minimum capacity of 2 tons or more required shall be provided with monorail and operating equipment. (xvi.) The design of building shall reflect the climatic conditions existing on site. Prose building shall be as far as is possible permit the entry of natural light. (xvii.) The Laboratory, Chlorine House and office building shall be provided with a sink with two drinking water taps of 20 mm size with adequate inlet and out connections. (xviii.) The sidewalls of building shall, except those for storage and handling Chlorine gas comprise at least 15% ventilation areas. Ventilated brick work louvers shall not be used where the ingress of driven rain could affect plant or stored materials. (xix.) All walkways, staircase, platforms etc, shall be minimum 1200 mm wide and will provided with hand railing on one or both sides as required. (xx.) All hardware fittings and fixtures for doors, windows and louvers (e.g. Hinges, locks, latches, stay doorstops, door closers, floor springs) shall be heavy matching to the size and weight of the door window/ventilator shutter. These operate easily without hindrance secure properly without jamming require nominal maintenance durable under prevailing site/ weather conditions. (xxi.) Suitable steps and / or ramp with overhead RCC Canopy shall be provided as requirement, at the entrances of the buildings. (xxii.) 1000mm wide Plinth Protection (apron) shall be provided all around Building/ sheds. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 230 9.0 VALVE CHAMBERS The valve chamber shall be provided to house the different valves. A leveling course of 150mm thick PCC(M-10) shall be provided at the base. The walls of chambers shall be constructed in brick or grade specified in IS 456 and 150mm thick CC(M-20) shall be provided in the chamber at the bottom. The roof of valve chamber shall be of RCC two way slab with two clear opening of size and covered with Ferro Cement cover sheet with cast iron frame and having lock and key arrangement to facilitate removal of appurtenance by crane/chain pulley blocks for maintenance through larger opening and valve operation through a smaller opening. The walls shall be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures. The roof and slabs shall be designed to withstand load as per IS:875. Pre-cast removable Ferro cement covers shall be provided in the center portion of the chamber roof and a manhole size 900mm x 900mm having locking arrangement is to be provided to provide access within the chamber. The roof of scour valve chamber shall have manhole of size 900x900mm foe entry and maintenance purpose. Wherever longitudinal forces can occur due to closing of a isolating valve/scour valve, these have to be taken into account by anchoring the valve either in an anchor block or against the walls of the chamber. The same applies for reducers and tees installed in chambers. The forces have to be calculated with the maximum pressure, which can occur due to hydraulic, static or transient conditions. The minimum force has to correspond to a pressure of 2 bar. The calculations for the dimensions and the type of such anchoring and the clamps have to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The backfill of the chambers has to be compacted to required density. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 231 SECTION – 9 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL & INSTRUMENTATION WORKS Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 232 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL & INSTRUMENTATION WORKS 1.0 GENERAL All the E&M works shall be carried out as per latest department Electrical Specifications with up to date corrections slips issued up to the date of submission of bid. In case the department specifications are not found applicable and adequate than the relevant BIS specifications shall be used. Further in case any of these are not applicable to particular tools, Equipments and machinery, then the manufacturer’s specifications or their relevant instructions shall be followed. 2.0 Lighting System 2.1 Drawings and Data a) The contractor shall furnish relevant descriptive and illustrative literature on lighting fixtures and accessories dimensioned drawings/data for the respective lighting fixtures with manufacture’s catalogue numbers. b) It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to work out a detailed layouts in order to provided the level of installations as indicated under design Criteria and shall be furnished for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge before commencement of installation. General Requirements The Lighting system includes the following items:i) Lighting fixture complete with Lamps and accessories ii) Lighting system equipment Light control switches, receptacle units with control switch units, lighting wires, conduits and other similar items necessary to complete lighting system. 3.0 Lighting fixture supports and street lighting poles. Lighting main distribution board, lighting panels. iii) Multi core cable for street, boundary and flood lighting iv) Provision of automatic on-off road switches through solar system. Design Requirements It shall be responsibility of the contractor to work out a detailed layout for different units/areas in order to provide the levels of illumination as indicated in the design requirement above. The contractor shall be responsible for measuring the levels of illumination after installation and establish compliance with the specification. i) The Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No 3 Bhiwani reserves the right for pre-dispatch inspection of Equipment at the manufacture’s place in India or abroad by the representatives of the board and consultants along with contractor or his/their representatives. The total cost of to & fro by Air or any other better conveyance charges, wherever the air routes Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 233 are not available, boarding and lodging etc shall be borne by the contractor. In case the equipments are not found suitable for dispatch or whatsoever the defects may by and another inspection is required that visit also shall be arranged and borne by the contractor. The department shall not entertain any request on this account, even such inspection may be one or more, as may be required, before the dispatch of the Equipments. The discrepancies of such equipments as pointed out by the representatives of the department and the shall be rectified at the cost of the contractor or the Manufacture and the department shall not hold any liability on this account, what so ever may be. ii) A mutually agreed quality assurance plan will be developed which provides for inspection and certification by department at specified times during the manufacture and fabrication of such items. All coats for independent inspection or testing will be borne by the contractor, and the contractor shall be fully responsible to ensure that adequate provision are made in his tendered rates to cover independent inspections and testing for the following equipments and machineries to be incorporated in the Permanent works SNo Name of the Equipment 1 Pumps Stages of Inspection 1 Review of material test certificate for pump casing, bowls, shaft, impeller bearings, columns pipe etc. 2 Review of heat treatment certificate if any 3 Dynamic balancing or rotating parts/impeller 4 Examination of the shaft 5 Hydro test of casing 6 Performance test at 49Hz and 50 Hz frequency including vibration measurement covering following tests i) Capacity in LPM/LPS ii) Delivery Head in mtrs iii) Efficiency at the specified duty iv) Power absorbed by the pump at the specified duty v) N.P.S.H required. vi) Maximum power required by the pump. vii) Shut off Head of the pump viii) Discharge of the pump when only on pump is operated in the system. ix) Delivery pressure when only on pump is operated in the system Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 234 SNo Name of the Equipment Stages of Inspection x) Power absorbed by the pump when only one pump is operated in the system xii) Visual and dimensional check xiii) Strip test xiv) Speed test at 49 Hz and 50 Hz frequency 2 Motors 1. Dynamic balancing of rotor and visual examination of rotor assembly. 2 Visual inspection and testing of stator assembly. 3 Review of Test Certificate for conductor, Stator Coils, shaft Bearings etc 4 Routine test no load x load test vibration measurement as per IS 3 5 Verification of type test report 6 Visual and dimensional check. Switch Gear and Electrical 1 Visual and dimensional check Panels 2 Verification of bill of materials. 3 Functional Test. 4 H.V/I.R Test 5 Verification of type test reports 6 Voltage ratio, burden class, induced high voltage, applied high voltage test for potential transformers 7 Current ratio, burden, class of accuracy, test for current transformers. 8 Rate symmetrical breaking capacity, rated making capacity, rated short time current, auxiliary voltage for release coils, impulse with standard voltage test for Switch Gear Panels. 9 4 Transformer Test results of Relay provided. Visual inspection dimensional check and verification of bill of materials. Iron losses and copper losses test at 90% of the rated voltage 100% rated voltage and 110% of the rated voltage. Resistance voltage test at HV side and L.V side Routine tests as per IS 2026 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 235 SNo Name of the Equipment Stages of Inspection Verification of type results, temperature rise, impulse test, insulting oil test etc. 5 Capacitor All routine and type test as per IS 2834 such as sealing test, test for output / capacitance, insulation resistance test between terminals. Containers and loss angle measurements, test for efficiency of discharge divide, test for dielectric loss angle, thermal stability test, self healing test, voltage test between terminals. 6 Cables 1 Visual Inspection and dimensional check. Routine test as per IS 1554 Insulation test, resistance test, current rating test, star reactance test, star capacitance test, short circuit current test, voltage drop test. 7 Valves Visual and dimensional check Review of material test certificate for valve body and internal parts. Operational smoothness. Hydrostatic test/ leakage test as per applicable code. 8 Pipes & specials 1 Visual and dimensional check 2 Review of chemical and physical test certificates as per the relevant Indian Standard specifications. 3 Hydrostatic pressure test as per the relevant Indian Standard specifications. 4 Ultrasonic testing of welded joints for MS pipes 5 Checking the integrity of epoxy lining for MS pipes at joints after laying and jointing pipes. 9 Penstock Gate 1 Visual and dimensional check. 2 Review of chemical and physical test certificates as per the relevant Indian Standard Specification. 3 Hydrostatic pressure test as per the relevant Indian standards specifications. 10 DG Set 4 Checking the integrity of epoxy lining. 1 Visual check up 2 All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 236 SNo Name of the Equipment Stages of Inspection to perform the same at no extra cost 11 Compressor / Blower 1 Visual check up 2 All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange to perform the same at no extra cost 12 Screening Equipment 1 Visual and dimensional check up 2 All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange to perform the same at no extra cost 13 Aeration Equipment Diffuser 14 / 1 2 Visual check up Oxygen transfer capacity Thickening / Dewatering 1 Visual and dimensional check up Equipment All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. 2 If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange to perform the same at no extra cost 15 Sedimentation units 1 Visual and dimensional check up 2 All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange to perform the same at no extra cost 16 17 EOT Crane Actuators 1 Visual and dimensional check 2 Load test at 25% in excess of rated load 3 Test for deflection 4 Test for lifting speed. 1 Visual and dimensional check 2 Speed for actuation 3 All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange to perform the same at no extra cost 18 Motors and Reduction 1 Gears Visual and dimensional check 2 Test for speed 3 All the manufacture test certificates shall be submitted. If department desires any test, contractor shall arrange to perform the same at no extra cost 19 PLC, Contractor Automation Field 1 Visual and dimensional checkup Witness Executive Engineer 237 SNo Name of the Equipment Stages of Inspection equipments Checking for suitability in terms of connecting, fitting, along with 2 SCADA system auxiliary voltage, necessary change over contracts. 3 Test certificate of all equipment and performance of equipment after connecting all controllers at local level and at remote level through controller. 4 Display in terms of appropriate units and satisfactory calibration . Any error shall be removed. 5 Coding and addresses of all inputs and outputs 6 Graphical representation alarm generation. In addition to these the contractor shall carry out test of the other equipment in the presence of Department engineers and shall submit test certificates for approval. 4.0 GUARANTEE i The Contractor shall guarantee all plant and machinery and their equipments supplied under the contract, including erection and commissioning works, to be suitable for the application for which it is designed, and against defects due to manufacture or poor workmanship for a period of 72 months after the date of satisfactory completion of the stipulated trial run period. The Contractor shall be responsible to replace, free of cost, the whole equipment or parts thereof which may be found defective during this period, and to ensure the proper working of the equipment during the guarantee period. In case the contractor fails to repair or replace by defective equipment & machinery and equipment or part (s) thereof within 30 days from the date of intimation of any defects by the Engineer-in-charge, the same will be done by the department / Engineer-in-charge at the contractor’s cost ii If it become necessary for the contractor to replace or renew any defective portion of the plant or equipment under this Sub-Clause, the plant and equipment, so replaced and the work so renewed shall be guaranteed for a further period of 72 months from the date of replacement or renewal. Only genuine spare parts are to be used under the supervision and with approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 5.0 Certificates and Drawings for Electrical Installations. The contractor shall furnish all the necessary data, drawings, layouts and test certificates etc as may be required by the power distribution agency and the electrical inspectorate Authorities in respect of all electrical installations and shall obtain any required approvals or clearances. Necessary assistance will be given by the department in this respect. It would be obligatory on the part of the Contractor to obtain such sanctions and approval of the electrical load from the concerned authorities. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 238 6.0 Installation of Plants & Machineries In case of all electrical & Mechanical Equipment, plant & Machinery and fittings etc the tendered rate shall include the costs of supplying, installation/erection, fixing in position, testing and commissioning etc at the site of work. No extra charges shall be payable on this account by the department. 6 sets of completion drawings, complete set of equipment brochures, dimensional details approved drawings installation manuals, pre commissioning tests, commissioning tests required to be carried out, shall be kept & made available at site from inspection of department officers. These sets will be given to Engineer-in-charge before commencement of supply/erection of equipment. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 239 SECTION – 10 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL & INSTRUMENTATION WORKS Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 240 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL & INSTRUMENTATION WORKS 1.0 1.1 MANUAL & MECHANICALLY OPERATED FINE BAR SCREENS Manual Bar screen The manual bar screen will be of opening not more than 10 mm for FINE screen and inclination about 60° with respect to horizontal. Specifications for Manually raked screen shall be as under. The trash screen shall be rectangular in shape. The screen shall be fabricated out of stainless steel SS 304 of not less than 8 mm thick and 50 mm wide in section. The assembly (bars and frames by using ISLC, 75 mm X 40 mm X 6 mm) shall be installed in such a way that it can be installed and removed as and when required. 1.2 Belt Conveyor The conveyor shall be common to the mechanical and manual screens. The conveyor system shall be a combination of a horizontal conveyor and upward inclined conveyor (if required) and shall have a capacity to transfer the maximum screenings anticipated at the peak flow. The conveyor provided for discharge of screenings shall be inter-locked with all the screenings discharging on to the conveyor so that it operates when the screenings are discharged on to it and stops automatically after a time lag when the screen stops discharging the screenings on top the conveyor. Conveyor type Horizontal Capacity To handle screenings of peak flow Speed 15 m / minute (maximum) Type Troughed Belt 3 ply Z duck, 3 mm top, 1.5 mm bottom, rubber cover CR M –24 1.3 Mechanical Bar Screens GENERAL : Mechanically operated step Screen completely made of Stainless Steel having 6 mm clear spacing between the bars shall be provided in inlet screen channel for screening out floating materials such as plastic pouches, bags, rags, floating debris, weeds, paper wastes and other floating materials from the raw sewage coming from the pumping station / gravity mains. The screen shall include discharge chute as required to discharge the screenings on the belt / screw conveyor without employing any external mechanism / rake mechanism. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 241 The screen shall be factory assembled & movement tested at plant before dispatch to site & shall only be installed at the site in factory assembled condition thereby avoiding chances of misalignments. SCOPE : Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of screening equipment consisting of following: Mechanized step screen having 6mm spacing between bars and suitable for installation at an inclination of 40 degrees in channel. Level sensing instrument connected to control panel for automatic operation of screen mechanism and allied accessories. Local control panel installed near screen. Belt/screw conveyor to discharge the screened material of the screen to the waste bin. SPECIFICATION : Material of construction: The fixed as well as movable bars, mechanism, support frame, fixings discharge chute shall be manufactured from stainless steel for long life in the aggressive sewage environment. No component of the screen assembly shall be made of carbon steel or any other material, which can get corroded in sewage environment. Screen Construction The step screen shall be a complete unit comprising of main frame with an integral mechanism containing movable bars located in between fixed bars with out engagement of external mechanism / rake mechanism for pulling out the screened material ensuring minimum movement of the mechanism. The mechanism comprising of movable bars located between fixed bars shall gradually move the screened material upward in the form of a mat and deliver on the up to the discharge chute. The fixed as well as movable bars shall contain a series of steps to prevent the screenings from falling back into the main flow. The mechanism shall be mechanically operated by Electro-motor or hydraulic system and shall be suitable for automatic operation controlled by a level sensor. - The screen shall operate automatically when the upstream water level of the screen increases beyond a pre-set limit and it shall stop when the upstream level decreases to a preset low level due to upward travel of screened material. The fine bar screen shall be capable of being tilted out of the sewage flow up to horizontal position for the purpose of cleaning & maintenance. The base of the screen shall be fitted with a specially profiled stainless steel plate to direct any grit that may be present towards the screen and taken out along with other screened material thus reducing the possibility of building up of grit in front of the screen. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 242 Level Controller The level controller shall be upstream type Ultrasonic level switch. Electrical Motor The motor shall be TEFC type with IP 55 protection and shall be suitable for operation on 415V + 10% and frequency of 50Hz + 5%. Control Panel The Control Panel shall have IP 55 protection, painted with Epoxy paint and shall be comprising of Mushroom Head Emergency stop Overload relays for motor protection MCB’s, HRC Fuses and Glass Fuses Circuitry to operate the screen with level sensors. Selector Switch to operate the screen on JOG mode TESTING The Fine bar screen shall be Factory assembled and subjected to following tests at the manufacturer’s premises. Dimensional Check: The overall dimensions of the screen shall be conforming to the approved drawings. Operational Test: The complete screen including its mechanism, Electro-motor/hydraulic operating mechanism level probing system and control panel shall be integrated and mechanically operated to verify free movement and satisfactory working. 2.0 2.1 MECHANICAL DETRITOR Working Principle A compact grit plant consists of a Square Grit Settlement Chamber with scrapers, reciprocating type mechanical classifier, and organic return screw pump. The grit chamber is designed on the principle of differential sedimentation. By producing suitable conditions of flow and retention time, the grit particle contents in a sewage flow can be separated from the putrescible organic matter and settled out of the flow by virtue of its higher settling velocities leaving bulk of organic matter in suspension. The bottom scour velocity of scraper is so adjusted that the organic particles, if settled any, are re-suspended back in the sewage and the grit is pushed towards the opening of the classifier at the bottom level. The Classifier, during its reciprocating action, washes the grit and pushes it towards the upper delivery end of the classifier from where the washed grit is released on scrapers or trolleys for further disposal. In the reciprocating classifier, there are no movable parts under the sewage and thus there is very negligible wear of the components. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 243 The Organic return pump (screw pumps) returns the washed organic material from the grit back to the grit chamber and the same is kept in suspension and passed on further for treatment. 2.2 Units of Mechanical Grit Removal System (Detritor) The Detroiter mechanism for grit removal comprises of Detroiter proper, classifier and organic return screw pumps. Detroiter tank is fitted with reciprocating classifier on one side in an inclined position. Detroiter mechanism will comprise of central drive located over RCC / MS bridge along with handrails and central drive shaft will be guided at the lower end in the guide bearing. Scrapers will be connected to the lower end of the shaft and MS epoxy painted squeezes will be provided on the scrapers in such a way so as to push the grit towards circumference and subsequently to push through the opening to the bottom end of the classifier. Detroiter drive shall be of suitable rating and overload protection by way of shearing pin arrangement. Turning vanes for flow control in Detroiter shall be provided to obtain uniform velocity gradient. Classifier will have reciprocating rake mechanism driven through link mechanism for rendering reciprocating action and link mechanism will be driven by suitable motor through geared drive. Classifier will have raking stroke adjustment feature. 2.3 Organic return pump Organic return pump will be located by the side of classifier so as to return organic back to the Detroiter. The organic mixer will have specifically designed impellers to create washing action and a suitable motor through worm gear drive will drive the mixer. 3.0 RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMPS & SURPLUS ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMPS Return sludge pumps shall pump the return sludge from the SBR Reactor (main) to Selector Zone. Surplus Activated Sludge Pumps shall pump the sludge to sump. Pumps shall be submersible type of non –clog design. They shall be suitable for pumping soft solids of size 80 mm. Only pumps with maximum 960 rpm shall be provided. In addition to this, the pumps shall be fitted with a special tearing system on the suction side for tearing soft solid material. The impeller shall be of a nonclog design with smooth passage and solid handling capability of 40-mm size. Maintenance-free anti- friction bearing, deep grooved permanently greased filled ball bearings shall be provided to take care of all the axial and radial forces at any point of operation. The pump installation design shall be such as to facilitate automatic installation and removal of the pumps without having to Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 244 enter into the sewage pit. The motor shall be squirrel cage type, suitable for three phase supply continuous duty with class ‘F’ insulation. Motor shall have integral cable parts and the cable entries shall be sealed. The cables must be leak tight with respect to liquids and firmly attached to the terminal block. The motor shall be designed for non-overloading characteristics. There shall be thermal protection against overheating of the motor winding. The pump design shall ensure that seal does not come directly in contact with the liquid being pumped as well as cooling / lubrication by oil is provided. The moisture sensor of the tripping unit shall be located inside the oil chamber. The pump unit shall be supplied along with the special duck foot bend, flanged elbow, lifting chain with shackles, enough guide wire / pipe, sufficient tough rubber sheeted water proof cable, as well as stainless steel foundation bolts and nuts. Alternatively pump unit can be with SS wire rope guiding system and pedestal cart integrated with the discharge head. Reverse Rotation The pump shall be designed to operate safely in the reverse direction of rotation, due to wastewater returning through the pump. PUMP CONSTRUCTION (a) Pump Casing The pump casings shall be of cast iron and conform to IS: 210 Gr FG 260. The internal surfaces shall be free of rough spots. The casing shall have centre line discharge. (b) Impellers The material of impellers shall be as specified and they shall be of the single vane type. They shall be dynamically balanced. The leading edge of the vanes shall be rounded and cut back to prevent rags, stringy material etc. from impinging on the impeller vanes. (c) Pump Shaft The pump shaft shall be hard chrome plated alloy steel or stainless steel. The shaft shall be of one-piece construction. (d) Pump Bearings Pump bearings shall be of the antifriction type. The bearings shall be able to take normal axial thrust loads due to unbalanced hydraulic loads on the impellers plus the weight of all rotating parts of the pumps. Pump bearings shall be designed with a minimum life of 40,000 hours. The bearings shall be grease lubricated for life and shall be maintenance free (e) Guide Arrangement The assembly may have C.I. pedestal, bracket, delivery bend, SS 316, guide rail pipe, upper guide rail holder, etc complete. The pedestal and bracket may provide automatic coupling between pump delivery and discharge bend. Alternatively, the guiding system can be with S.S. wire rope and the pedestal cast integrated with the discharge bend. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 245 (f) Mechanical Seals: A double mechanical seal of approved type shall be provided to prevent pumped liquid entering into the motor winding. The seals shall be running in oil bath. The oil bath shall have moisture sensors to sense water leakage. The sensors shall be used for tripping the pump and also for alarm. (g) Pump Balance: All rotating parts shall be accurately machined and shall be in rotational balance. Excessive vibration shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the equipment. The mass of the unit and its distribution shall be such that resonance at normal operating speeds is avoided. In any case the amplitude of vibration as measured at any point on the pumping unit shall not exceed the limits set forth in the latest edition of Indian Standards. At the operating speed, the ratio of relative speed to the critical speed of the unit or its components shall be less than 0.8 or more than 1.3. (h) Lifting chain Each pump shall be provided with galvanized steel lifting chain of suitable capacity. One end of the chain shall be attached to the pump and the other end fixed near the upper bracket for guide rail / wire rope assembly, by means of GI D shackle. The chain shall have GI rings fixed at an interval of about 1 meter for engaging the hook of the chain pulley block. (i) Submersible Cable Each pump shall be provided with submersible cables of equal length for power and control so that the pump positions can be interchanged with each other. The cable shall be terminated in a common weatherproof junction box. (j) Moisture Sensor The moisture sensor shall be provided in the oil chamber to detect the failure of the mechanical seal. (k) Motor The motor shall be integral part of the pump. The enclosure for motor shall be IP-68. Each phase of the motors shall be provided with thermistor. The motor winding shall be suitable for star delta/soft starter. The motor shall be designed for minimum 10 starts/stops per hour, irrespective of whether it is DOL start or otherwise. Materials of construction: Pump casing : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260 Discharge casing : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260 Impeller : CF 8 M Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 246 Shaft : SS AISI 431 Mechanical Seal : Silicon Carbide Fasteners : SS AISI 304. Protective Coating: The pumps shall be epoxy painted. 4.0 AIR BLOWERS (AERATION TANK) The blowers shall be provided for providing adequate oxygen into the reactor tank for aeration. The air requirements shall be calculated for summer and winter as well as mixing power at 15 Normal cum / minute per 1000 cum of tank volume and the higher duty installed. The summer sewage temperature shall be taken as 38 degrees C and that in winter at 15 degrees C. The blowers shall be capable of developing the required total pressure at the rated capacity for continuous operation. The blowers shall be Twin lobe type. One number VFD drive shall be provided with each set of blower. Directly coupled design shall be preferred. VFD motors shall be suitably derated. The blowers shall be provided with suction air filter, silencer, dead weight pressure relief valve and pressure gauge and the air delivered shall be clean, dry and oil free. The blower noise level and velocity of vibration shall be within 90 dB(A) and less than 4.5mm/s at a distance of 1.86 m respectively. The blower shall be driven by squirrel cage induction motor The speed of the blowers should not be more than 1500 RPM. The power rating of motor shall be at least 10% above the maximum power requirement by the blower. The kW of single blower shall not exceed 220 kW. The blowers shall be mounted at a level necessary to avoid back flow or siphoning of sewage into the blower. The accessories shall be complete with common base plate for blower and motor, suction and discharge connection, non return valve, safety valve, pulley and V- belt guard, eye bolts etc. Material of construction: Casing : C I conforming to IS: 210 Gr FG 260 Rotor : Alloy steel Shaft : Carbon steel C40/EN 24/19 Timing gear : Cast alloy steel Pulley and gear side plates and cover: CI conforming to IS 210 Gr FG 260 Parameter: Type Contractor Twin lobe Witness Executive Engineer 247 Discharge pressure To suit process requirement Power transmission direct drive preferred Cooling Air cooled Code BS 1571 Tests No Tests Specs 1 Hydrostatic tests Twice the maximum working pressure 2 Performance test As per BS : 1571 3 Strip test Clearances with tolerance limit 4 Mechanical balancing ISO 1940 Gr. 6.3 or better 5 Visual Inspection Before painting 5.0 FINE BUBBLE DIFFUSERS This comprises piping to diffusers and the diffusers. Type of diffuser system A fine bubble diffused aeration system shall be applied to both the selector zone and aeration tank for oxygenation. The number of diffuser elements can be varied by the bidder depending on the manufacturer selected, subject to the condition that sufficient design calculations are attached along with it and the manufacturer is a standard one having supplied the diffusers to various waste water treatment plants for at lest two years. The membrane shall be EPDM with size equipment or more than 500 mm. 5.1 Diffuser Elements The diffuser elements shall be membrane type and resistant to such ingredients as hydrocarbons, oil and grease. This shall afford a high oxygen transfer rate coupled with a minimal pressure drop besides permitting simple erection onto the horizontal air manifold. They shall have minimal coupling / attachments to the air manifold and shall have self-cleaning properties while in action. The diffuser unit shall be of corrosion resistant material. The membrane diffusers shall permit connection to the air manifolds of circular or square cross section and the entire lot of diffusers shall be capable of discharging designed flow of air at an average flow (maximum of summer and winter requirement) with the nominal air flow per diffuser per element shall not exceed 60 Nm3/h/m2 of diffuser surface area when installed in the said aeration tanks. The headers into which the diffusers are fixed shall be of standard UPVC pipe sections of suitable inner bore and shape with custom fixtures of the diffuser elements as directed by the membrane manufacturers. The headers shall also be procured from the equipment manufacturers who are the suppliers of the membrane diffusers. These headers shall have enough counterweight or alternative arrangement to surmount any buoyancy lift from the floor during air charging. The Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 248 connection between the headers and the air piping from the compressor shall preferably permit a “quarter-turn” fitment and “quarter-turn” dismantling. This segment shall be assembled and installed above the water level and in the horizontal travel of the air piping. The coupling shall have a minimum of two neoprene washers to ensure against chance leakage of air. Alternatively flanged fittings of SS 304 material shall also be permissible. Each header shall travel downward from the air piping by aligning itself onto the sidewall of the aeration tank and thereafter travel horizontally onto the tank floor. Isolating valves of polypropylene shall be provided upstream of the coupling to cut off the flow through the specified header for purposes of attending to the diffuser header and also diffusers. 5.2 Air Supply Piping The air piping from the blower to the basin header (above water) shall be of MS epoxy painted material and pressure rated for the sewage depth plus frictional losses etc. These shall be fixed securely to the concrete surfaces in the horizontal plane and vertical plane so that they are not clamped horizontally onto vertical sides of the walls. The clamping shall be so designed as to permit. “in-situ” screw driven fittings. Breaking open concrete surfaces shall not be permitted. The air vertical downcomers shall be of SS304 and horizontal Lateral of UPVC. Two spare drop pipes with diffuser elements shall be supplied by the Contractor one for each compartment. This will be used to replace the choked diffusers drop pipe or on preventive basis on rotation. The choked one will be attended to and used as spare drop pipe. 6.0 STAINLESS STEEL DECANTERS The decanting device shall be made of stainless steel. The device shall be capable of decanting the waste water from top surface. The weir loading of the device shall be as per limit prescribed in the CPHEEO waste water manual. Decanter mechanism shall be fully automated with PLC SCADA with essential manual operation in case of failure of PLC SCADA. 7.0 CENTRIFUGE FEED PUMPS These pumps shall be used for pumping sludge to centrifuge. The pumps shall be designed to operate satisfactorily without detrimental surges, vibration, noise, or dynamic imbalance. Over the required head range, the head-capacity curve of the pump shall have a continuously rising head characteristic with decreasing capacity over the whole range of total head. The pump shall have the maximum efficiency at the specified duty point. The unit shall be designed to operate safely at the maximum speed attainable in the reverse direction of rotation due to sewage returning thro the pump at times when power supply of the motor is interrupted. The first critical speed of the pump set shall be at least 30% above the operating speed. The pumps shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. The velocity of vibration shall be within 4.5 mm/sec. The noise level shall be limited to 85 dBA at a distance of 1.86m. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 249 All rotating parts shall be statically and dynamically balanced as per ISO standards. A stationary coupling guard shall be provided for the coupling conforming to all relevant safety codes and regulations. Guards shall be designed for easy installation and removal. They shall be complete with necessary support accessories and fastener. The pumping unit shall be provided with a common base plate. The base plate shall be of sufficient size and rigidity to maintain the pump and motor in proper alignment and position. The pump design shall be as per IS 6595 and pump performance shall be as per IS 9137 The power rating of the pump motor shall be the larger of following (i) 115 % of power required by the pump at the duty point (ii) 110 % of maximum power required by the pump from zero discharge to the runoff point total head Material of Construction Type Screw Rotor Alloy Steel / SS 316 Casing CI Stator Synthetic Rubber Shaft SS 316 Base plate CI / MS Epoxy painted Fastener SS AISI 304. Parameters of Pump Capacity As per bidder Head To pump to Centrifuge Efficiency Minimum 30 % Pump speed 960 rpm (maximum) Ball passing size 40 mm minimum Applicable code Design IS 6595 Performance IS 9137 Testing Material test certificate Casing, Impeller, Shaft Hydrostatic test 1.5 times shutoff head or twice the rated discharge head whichever is greater Performance test IS 5120 and IS 9137 at full speed Mechanical balancing As per ISO 1940, Gr. 6.3 or better Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 250 Visual inspection Pump shall be offered for visual inspection before shipment. The pump components shall not be painted before inspection Field Tests Field performance tests required for satisfactory operation 8.0 AIR BLOWERS (SLUDGE SUMP) The blowers shall be provided for providing air mixing through Coarse bubble aeration in the Sludge Sump. The blowers shall be capable of developing the required total pressure at the rated capacity for continuous operation. The blowers shall be Twin lobe type. The blowers shall be provided with suction air filter, silencer, dead weight pressure relief valve and pressure gauge and the air delivered shall be clean, dry and oil free. The blower noise level and velocity of vibration shall be within 90 dB(A) and less than 4.5mm/s at a distance of 1.86 m respectively. The blower shall be driven by squirrel cage induction motor The speed of the blowers shall be below 1500 rpm. The power rating of motor shall be at least 10% above the maximum power requirement by the blower. The blowers shall be mounted at a level necessary to avoid back flow or siphoning of sewage into the blower. The accessories shall be complete with common base plate for blower and motor, suction and discharge connection, non return valve, safety valve, pulley and V- belt guard, eye bolts etc. Material of construction: Casing : C I conforming to IS: 210 Gr FG 260 Rotor : Alloy steel Shaft : Carbon steel C40/EN 24/19 Timing gear : Cast alloy steel Pulley and gear side plates and cover : CI conforming to IS 210 Gr FG 260 Parameter: Type Twin lobe Discharge pressure To suit process requirement Power transmission Direct drive preferred Cooling Air cooled Code BS 1571 Tests S.No. Contractor Test Specs 1 Hydrostatic tests Twice the maximum working pressure 2 Performance test As per BS : 1571 Witness Executive Engineer 251 9.0 3 Strip test Clearances with tolerance limit 4 Mechanical balancing ISO 1940 Gr. 6.3 or better 5 Visual Inspection Before painting CENTRIFUGE UNIT Centrifuge shall be capable of handling sludge consisting of minimum 1% solids by weight. The dewatered cake shall be based on minimum consistency of 20% to 25% by weight dry solids. The centrifuge shall be solid bowl centrifuge of co-current/countercurrent design, as decided by the bidder. The centrifuge shall have sufficient clarifying length and differential RPM so that separation of solids is effective. The centrifuge shall have central lubrication system. The centrifuge shall have adjustable weir plate, so that its pond depth can be raised. The centrifuge and its accessories shall be mounted on a common base frame so that entire assembly can be installed on an elevated structure. Suitable drive with V- belt arrangement and turbo-coupling shall be provided along with overload protection device. The wetted parts of Centrifuge shall be stainless steel, 304. The tungsten carbide lined conveyor liner across surface, feed chamber and solid discharge outlet shall be provided. Differential speed and bowl speed should be adjusted by changing the pulleys; differential speed may be adjustable by use of epicyclic-gear. The bowl shall be protected with flexible connections so that vibrations are not transmitted to other equipment. The base frame shall be in epoxy painted steel construction and provided with anti-vibration pads. All steps necessary to prevent transmission of structure borne noise shall be taken. Interlocking with centrifuge feed pump, polyelectrolyte dosing pump shall be provided. The noise level shall be 88 dB (A) measured at 1m distance under dry run. The vibration level shall be below 50 micron measured at pillow blocks under dry run condition. Adequate sound proof shall be carried out for the housing the centrifuges to ensure that the noise level at 5 m distance from the enclosure is less than 75 dB (A). 10.0 CHAIN PULLEY BLOCK Geared Chain Pulley Blocks shall be adopted.. The trolley and chain pulley block shall be hand driven. The capacity of the trolley and the chain pulley block shall be for the maximum weight to be lifted during erection and maintenance of the equipment but should not be less than 1 tonne. The travelling trolley shall run on the lower flange of the rolled steel joist. The trolley shall have two wheels on both sides of the joist web. The trolley wheels shall be single flanged with treads machined to match the flange of the beam. The wheels shall be of carbon steel casting conforming to IS 1030. The trolley shall have an arrangement for the fixing chain pulley block and sling. Pushing the load shall move the trolley. Suitable arrangement shall be provided on the joist to Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 252 prevent over travelling. The chain pulley block shall have frame housing gears load sheave, brake unit, hand chain wheel and load chain wheel shall have hooks on both sides, one fixed with travelling and other for the load. The frame shall be of welded construction. The gears shall be of spur type incorporating high grade hardened carbon steel pinion and heat treated carbon steel wheels. The width of the gear shall be adequately sized for long life. The driving pinion shall be integrated with the driving shaft. The load hook (bottom hook) shall rotate on the ball bearing. The chain shall be electrically welded, accurately calibrated, pitched and polished. The length of the load chain shall be sufficient for taking out the blower/pumps from their location. The hand chain wheel shall be provided with roller type guarding to prevent slipping the chain. The hand chain wheel shall hang to cleat of the hook. The braking shall be automatic, the screw and friction disc type and shall offer no resistance. The load shall be sustained in any position of lift when effort for hoisting or lowering is removed. Each chain pulley block shall be supplied with one set of 1 tonne sling with galvanized D- shackles and clamps. The slings shall be about 3 m long. The monorail shall be ‘I’ section. The exposed mild steel surfaces shall be enamel painted. The fasteners shall be GI or Cadmium plated. The chain pulley block shall be tested for 150% overload through a length of lift which will be ensure that every part of the block mechanism and every teeth of gears come under load. 11.0 AUTO VALVES Valve Actuators General All actuators shall be motorized type and local controls shall be protected by a lockable cover. Each actuator shall be adequately sized to suit the application and be continuously rated to suit the modulating control required. The gearbox shall be oil or grease filled, and. capable of installation in any position. All operating spindles, gears and head stocks shall be provided with adequate points for lubrication. The valve actuator shall be capable of producing not less than 1½ times the required valve torque considering valve spindle jamming and shall be suitable for at least 5 continuous operation. The actuator starters shall be integrally housed with the actuator in robustly constructed and totally enclosed weatherproof housing. The motor starter shall be capable of starting the motor under the most severe conditions. The entire electrical system shall be tropicalised. The starter housing shall be fitted with contacts and terminals for power supply, remote control and remote positional indication, and shall also be fitted with internal heaters so as to provide protection against damage due to condensation. Heaters shall be suitable for single phase operation. The heaters shall be switched “ON” when the starters are “OFF” and shall be switched “OFF” when the starters are “ON”. Each actuator shall be equipped as follows: Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 253 (a) AC electric motor with engage/disengage clutch mechanism of the dry type. (b) Reduction gear unit (with thrust bearing if required) (c) Torque switch mechanism (d) Limit switch mechanism (e) Geared hand wheel for manual operation of valve. (f) Valve position indicator – open/closed (g) Auto-Manual lever with suitable locking arrangement (h) Valve position transmitter (i) Reversing contactor starter complete with overload relays of suitable range and adequately rated control fuses (j) Actuator with integral starter shall have selection between local/remote operation (k) Local control switch/push buttons (l) 415 V/110 V AC control transformer (m) A white lamp for supervision of main supply to be provided locally. (n) A potential free contact shall be provided to annunciate over-load trip/main supply failure on remote panel (o) Provision for local as well as remote operation Special Features (a) Two (2) nos. interposing relays for matching the control voltage of remote commands. (b) The motor shall be specially designed for valve operation, combining low inertia with a high torque and with linear characteristics. (c) All motor actuators shall be provided with visible local valve position indicators mounted on the actuator assembly itself. (d) The torque switch shall function to stop the motor on closing or opening of the valve, on actuation by the torque when the valve disc is restricted in its attempt to open or close. A minimum of two (2) torque switches, one for closing direction and one for opening direction shall be provided. (e) The non-adjustable limit switches shall stop the motor and give indication when the disc has attained the fully open or close position. Provision shall be made for indication of stuck or jammed valve. (f) All wiring connections from the various switches shall be brought out on to separate terminal box mounted on the valve, having liberal space for wiring and making connection. (g) The terminal box shall be suitable for outdoor use and shall be weather-proof and dust tight. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 254 12.0 ELECTRIC HOISTS The construction of the hoist, its components, the design, testing and commissioning shall conform to IS 3832. All lubrication points shall also be easily accessible without the need for any dismantling of other equipment or accessories. The hoist must be equipped with adequate safety devices. The hoist shall be designed, supplied, installed and tested in conforming to the relevant Indian standards. 12.1 Construction A. Frame The frame is fabricated from steel sections and is of very robust construction. The traveling trolley frame shall be made of rolled steel conforming to IS:2062. The side plates of trolley frame shall extend beyond wheel flanges, thus providing bumper protection for wheels. The two side plates shall be connected by means of an equalising pin. B. Rope Drum Rope drum is of fabricated mild steel plate or seamless pipe and machined & grooved at working surface accurately to receive the wire rope in single layer. The Drum is supported on anti-friction ball / roller bearings. C. Rope Guide A sturdy, specially designed rope guide is provided to guide wire rope in correct grooves while fitting and lowering D. Gear box Totally enclosed, oil bath lubricated gearbox houses the gears machined out of steel and teethed on precision hobbing machines. E. Wire Rope Extra flexible wire rope of best plough steel is used to provide a minimum FOS as per ISS: 3938. The rated capacity of the rope should be 4-5 time the maximum load to be lifted. F. Cross Travel Trolley The trolley wheel is provided by a separate motor and a separate totally enclosed greased packed / oil bath lubricated gearbox. The runner wheels are mounted on ball bearings and are adjustable for various sizes of hoists. G. Bottom Block Rope Sheaves of forge / fabricated steel are provided. The load hook that is of forged steel and tested as per IS 3815, is supported on a Thrust bearing so that the load may swivel freely. 13.0 MAIN ELECTRICAL PANELS Electrical Panels would be provided for feeding and controlling the various electrical loads. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 255 13.1 General Specifications Material specifications are given below and bill of quantity for each equipment given in the description against each item. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to match the rating to the various equipments. Under no circumstances will the rating of the Electrical Equipment be less than that specified in bill of material for each equipment. The Control Panels would be fabricated from 14SWG CRCA sheet, cubical type, floor mounting and free standing, suitable for indoor installation with a separate base rolled channel of 40 x 75 x 9 mm section. All gland plates shall be manufactured to 3.15 mm thickness. Adequate bus bar supports should be provided for better fault withstanding. The Panel will be made dust and vermin proof by providing good quality gaskets on doors, removable covers, gland plate etc. It will have a compartmental design, where in the incoming and outgoing feeders, bus bars etc will be mounted in separate compartments having its own front door. The Panel will be made extensible type; the main switch of each feeder will be inter-locked with its front door so that the door can not be opened in the closed position of the switch. All the live parts inside the panel would be covered with perforated sheet from the rear and with fiberglass / acrylic from the front as per the degree of protection specified. The Panel will be completely wired internally with brought out terminal blocks for external wiring. Due to heavy corrosive atmosphere in the surroundings, the sheet metal work of Panel will be Powder coated of 60 Micron after going through 7-tank treatment with shade of RAL-7032 OF IS5. The construction method would conform to Indian Standards. The Panel height would not exceed 2450mm and operating height will be limited to 2000 mm from finished floor to the top of the cabinet. Cabinet doors will be equipped with concealed or detachable type hinges and with flush or semi-flush., spring catch type, flush cylinder locks. All joints and connections will be made by galvanized or cadmium plated high tensile strength bolts, nuts and washers between feeder compartments between bus bar chamber and feeder compartments & vertical partition between feeder compartments and cable alleys would be provided in order to prevent short circuiting of Power and/or control terminals due to accidental dropping of maintenance tools. Access from front and top only will be limited to buses and cables. All other equipment will be mounted on the front side and will be accessible from the front through he hinged doors, Selector Switches, Ammeters, Voltmeters, and indicating Lamps, Push Buttons etc will be mounted on doors. Opening of Bus Bar Chamber will be permitted with special tools only. Compartments door will be interlocked against opening when the Air Circuit Breaker is in ‘ON’ Position. However it will be possible to bypass this interlock for inspection purpose. Opening for natural ventilation will be provided and will have screen of perforated sheet. All unpainted steel pats will be cadmium plated to prevent rust corrosion. If these parts are moving elements, then they will be greased. Suitable lifting lugs will be provided which will not leave any openings when removed separate Air Vent Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 256 Boxes at least 2 Nos. will be provided on top of the panel for proper heat dissipation. Name Plates will be provided for each piece of equipments such as lamps, push buttons, switches, ACB’s, measuring instruments etc. mounted on the panel. Special warning plates will be provided on all removable covers or doors giving access to cable or brushes, identification tag will be provided inside the panel for switches, fuses etc. Engraved nameplates will be preferable of 3-ply (redwhite-red or black-white-black) lamicoid sheets. Size of the ‘Letter’ will be 5 mm height. ‘Screws’ and not adhesives will fasten nameplates. Sizes of ‘Letter’ of the main nameplates will not be less than 20mm in height. The Manufacturer will furnish the test certificates of the components where ever applicable. 13.2 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) The MCCB (Moulded Case Circuit Breaker) will conform to the latest IEC947-2 & IEC 947-3 1989. The Service Short Circuit Breaking Capacity (Ics at 415V AC) would be as specified at the required level. The MCCB will be Current Limiting type and comprise Of Quick Make – Break switching mechanism, preferably Quick Break Contact system, are extinguishing device and the Tripping unit, contained in a compact, high strength, heat resistant, flame retardant, insulating moulded case with high withstand capability against thermal & mechanical stresses. All MCCBs will be capable of defined overload adjustment. All MCCB’s rated 200A and above will have required Magnetic short circuit pick up. The Trip command will over ride all other commands. The MCCB will employ maintenance free double break contact system to minimize the let thru’ energies and capable of achievements Discrimination up to the full short circuit capacity of the downstream MCCB. The manufacturer will provide all the technical information and I-t Characteristic curves. The MCCB shall have distinct Line / Load connections. The handle position will give positive indication of ‘ON’, ‘OFF’ or ‘Tripped’ thus qualifying to Disconnection as per the IEC947-3 indicating the true position of all the contacts. In case of 4 Pole MCCB, the neutral will be fully rated and capable of suffering protection. The MCCB will have protection against Overload, Short Circuit & Earth Fault, minimum breaking capacity of MCCB will be 25 KA. 13.3 Volt and Ampere Meter with Selector Switch 96mm square, Voltmeters (0-500V) and Ampere Meters of suitable range of high quality industrial ‘A’ grade conforming to latest relevant IS specifications. The Voltmeter and Ammeter should be of Panel type. Selector Switch shall be rotary type. 13.4 Indicating Lamps Two Indicating Lamps green and red coloured will be oil and dust proof, LED type bulb rating about 230V for showing ‘Pump Off’ and Pump Running’ respectively. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 257 13.5 Starter For Motors upto 10HP Air Break Direct on line starter would be provided. For motor above 10HP upto 50HP Star Delta starter shall be provided. For motors above 50 HP, Soft starters shall be provided. 13.6 Contactors The contactors should comply with the latest IEC947-4 and the corresponding IS13947-4 standards. They will have CPRI test Certificates. It would be manufactured by a company having got ISO9001 approval. The contactor would be rated for AC3 duty at 415V and 50HZ. The Contactors would be fast closing and fast opening type. The making and breaking capacity values of the contactors would be as follows (as per IEC947-4) :For AC3 Duty Making Capacity more than 10 Ie Breaking Capacity more than 8 Ie For AC4 Duty Making Capacity more than 12 Ie Breaking Capacity more than 10 Ie The Contactors would be capable of frequent switching and should operate without derating at 55 degree C for AC3 applications. They should be climate proof as standard. The coil of the Contactor would have class H insulation to support frequent switching. The rated voltage of the contactor will be equal or superior at 440V and rated insulation voltage will be 690-1000V. The rated impulse voltage of the contactor would be 8KV. The contactor will have 2 NO+2 NC Auxiliary Contact Block. The Contactor would be modular in design and would be suitable for the addition of auxiliary contacts and other electrical auxiliaries without any compromise on the performance or the operations of the contactors. The Contactors from 4KW to 400KW will be designed to accept the respective auxiliary contact block range. The contactor upto 80 A would have a mechanical life of more than 10 million operations. Contactors from 95-550A would have mechanical durability of more than 10 million operations. There will safety clearance distance on the front of the contactor. In case of screw or lug terminals, the terminals will be delivered in closed position resulting in safety during installation time. All Contactors will be having terminal marking as per standards. The thermal over load relay if used will be direct/separate mounting over the contactor without any specific connections. For Capacitor use, the Contactor would be suitable for Capacitor Duty i.e AC-4 Category as per the required current ratings as per the cap. Banks. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 258 13.7 Over Load Relay The overload relay would comply with the latest IEC947-4 and the corresponding IS13947- 4 standard. They will be having CPRI certification. They will be manufactured in an organization in accordance with the requirements of ISO9001 standard. The Relay would be direct contactor mounting type and should have the provision to be mounted separately also. The Over load Relay would be ambient compensated type and would be operable up to 55oC. It will be design ed for utilization category AC3. the Relay will be tripping as per the specified tripping curves given in the technical data. The overload Relay would have build in phase loss and phase unbalance protection as per IEC947-4. The Over load Relay would be capable to withstand up rated currents and inrush currents. The overload relay would have the possibility to select manual / auto reset at site. In case of screw clamp terminals or connectors they will be delivered in closed position resulting in safety in wiring time. The rated operational voltage will be greater than or equal to 690V. The rated impulse should be 6KV. All over load relays would have been subjected to variable ambient conditions. The Selection of the overload relay would be such that up to 93 A thermal bimetal over load relay would be used and beyond ratings of 90A only CT operated overload relay would be used. The Relays will have to assure protection of the connected equipment in case of overload and partial single phase as per the characteristics. Correct operation of over load relay contacts will be checked by pressing the test button on the relay. A trip indicator. Will indicate the relay status. Reset following tripping would be automatic or manual. This is selected by the user by toggle switch on relay. For ratings greater than 45 KW reset will be manual & auto both. The Over Load Relay will have potential free contact for indication / alarm purpose. In combination with a contactor and a short circuit protective device the resulting motor starter will be Type 1 or Type 2 co-ordinated conforming to IEC 947-4-1. Co-ordination will be in accordance with tables tested and certified by the manufacturer of the respective switchgear. 13.8 Air Circuit Breaker The ACB will conform to IEC 947-2 1989. The Service Short Circuit Breaking Capacity will as specified and equal to the Short circuit Withstand values. The ACB will be provided for controlling the in coming supply feeder or as required and specified in schedule. Shall be available in 3 or 4 Pole with left aligned mechanism, fixed or draw out, manually or electrically operated versions as specified. ACB will be capable of providing short circuit, over load and earth fault protection (30 – 40 –50 %), Zone Selective Interlocking, thermal memory thru microprocessor based control unit sensing the true RMS values to ensure accurate protection as per standards. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 259 The breaker would have at least 3 distinct positions from – Service / Test / Isolated/ Maintenance within cradle. It should be possible to withdraw the breaker for testing while fitted on cradle. Safety interlock must be provided to prevent the ACB from Falling out in a fully withdrawn position. The ACB will be provided with a Door interlock. The contact would be copper and silver plated alloy only with a feature of replacing the arcing contacts for enhancing the life of main contacts. The ACB will have proper insulation as per the standards. All 4 pole ACBs should have fully rated Neutral pole. All electrical closing of breaker would be with Electrical motor wound stored energy spring closing Mechanical indicator to provide. ON/OFF status of ACB. For all ACB’s the Operating handle would be provided for charging the spring in continuous action. The spring will be released with ON/OFF Push Button command in one operation at the correct speed independent of operator speed. A direct Mechanical coupling would indicate the ACB in ON to OFF position thus qualifying to disconnection as per the IS/IEC indicating the true position of all the contact. One Set of NO/NC potential free contacts to be provided for operation on building Management System. All accessories like shunt, under voltage releases shall be fitted to the ACB to ensure the interlocking arrangements. The manufacture will provide details of opening time and duration with temperature to ensure discrimination and proper selection for feeders protection. 13.9 Safety Features The safety shutter prevents inadvertent contact with isolating contacts when breaker is withdrawn from the Cradle. It should not be possible to interchange tow circuit breakers of tow different thermal ratings. There would be a provision of positive earth connection between fixed and moving portion of the ACB either thru connector plug or sliding solid earth mechanism. Earthing bolts must be provided on the cradle or body of fixed ACB. Arc Chute covers wherever necessary. The incoming panel accommodating ACB will be provided with indicating lamps for ON-OFF positions, voltmeter and ammeter of size not less than 96mm selector switches, fuses for potential circuit and current transformers. The cradle of the ACB shall be welded structure to ensure better mechanical strength to take care of vibration & shocks at the time of fault in the circuit during abnormal conditions. 13.10 Protections The Electro magnetic and thermal release or Microprocessor based unit with zone selective interlocking, thermal memory would be provided on circuit breaker for short circuit, over current and earth fault protection. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 260 Specific indication should be provided for over current and earth fault operation. Protection Release would be CT operated and direct acting on the trip bar. Under Voltage relays would be provided. Minimum 6 No and 6 Nc Auxiliary contacts will be provided on each breaker. Rated insulation voltage is 1000Volt AC. 13.11 Danger Plate A Danger Plate of suitable size would be fixed on the front side of the Pump Controller. 13.12 Bus-bar The bus bar shall be of electrolytic grade (E91E) Aluminium as per IS specifications. The current carrying capacity should not be less than 0.8 A/mm2. Neutral bus bar should be rated for 50% capacity. the bus bar shall be duly insulated with heat shrinkable colour coded sleeves in case of links and droppers. However the main bus should be powder coated with black paint after proper pre treatment of the Aluminium. The Vendor should have a in-house conductivity test facility & primary current shall be conducted for temp. rise test. The bus bar should be duly supported on fibre glass based finger type / pyramid type supports with minimum glass contents25mm. 13.13 Single Phase Preventor S.P.P. should be current sensing suitable for checking the Negative Sequence current having built-in time delay relay up to 40 Millisecond, so that this may not trip while starting at NO load , shall be provided. Rating of CT’s, if required, may also be indicated. 13.14 Shop Tests required for Control Panel The design of the Control Panels shall be type tested as per IS. 8623 and shall comprise the following: - Verification of short time current withstand and peak current withstand of main and vertical bus-bars. - Through fault withstand on power draw-out contacts with HRC fused in series. - Through faults withstand of control draw-out contract with HRC fuses in series. - Temperature rise tests on main busbars, vertical risers, power and control contacts. Routine tests shall be conducted on each panel as per ISA. 8623 and shall comprise the following: - Inspection of panel including inspection of wiring and electrical operational tests where necessary. - Insulation resistance test. - High voltage test of bus bars, power and control wiring. - Any other tests and checks not mentioned above but relevant to the panel. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 261 14.0 AUTOMATION AND CONTROL PLC based automation system with application software based on Rockwell to control all pumps, valves, blowers, VFD, decanting mechanism, limit switches and probes as per bidder’s design including I/Os with 20 % spares, power supplies, UPS, etc. complete. HMI Panel to comprise of up-to-date standard PC with monitor, printer, mouse, internet - connection, RS-view, RS-links (gateway version), entire process and operator software with dynamic flow charts, pictures, screens, alarms, historical trends, reports etc. SCADA based Automation system to monitor continuously in each tank the followings: - (a) Filling volume (b) Discharge quantity (c) DO-level (d) Temperature (e) Oxygen Uptake Rate (f) Blower speeds (g) Decanting mechanism The components of Automation are 1 PLC-Cum-Control Panel 1 No 2 Online 2 KVA UPS with 1/2 Hours Battery Back-up 1 No 3 PC with SCADA, Printer & Desk 1 No 15.0 CABLING 15.1 Scope This specification covers design, manufacture, testing and supply of Medium Voltage PVC Cables and High Voltage XLPE Cables. 15.2 Standards The cables shall conform to latest edition of the relevant Indian Standard Specifications with amendment upto the date of issue of Enquiry, particularly the following Standards: IS 1554 : PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables for working voltages upto and (Part 1) including 1100 Volts IS 1554 : PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables for working voltages from 3.3kV (Part 2) upto & including 11kV IS 7098 : Cross – linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables for working (Part 1) voltage upto and including 1100 V. IS 7098 Contractor : Cross – linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables for Witness Executive Engineer 262 working (Part 2) voltage from 3.3kV upto and including 33 kV IS 7098 : Cross – linked polyethylene insulated thermoplastic sheathed cables for (Part 3) working voltages from 66 kV upto and including 220 kV IS 8130 : Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords IS 5831 : PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables IS 3975 : Mild Steel wires, formed wires and tapes for armouring of cables IS 2633 : Methods for testing uniformity of coating of zinc coated articles IS 3961 : Recommended current ratings for cables PVC insulated and PVC (Part 2) sheathed heavy duty cables IS 10418 : Drums for Electric Cables A. General 1. This specification covers wires and cables for general construction. 2. Provide new wire and cable manufactured within one year prior to installation. The wires & cables shall be ISI marked and fulfil the standards mentioned here .The manufacturers name, conductor size, insulation type, volt rating shall be as per IS standards. 3. Where not otherwise specified or indicated, wire sizes are referenced to a capacity of 98 percent conductivity copper conductors. Do not install wire and cable having conductors of other metal unless approval for any such changes is obtained in writing. B. Products 1. Provide stranded conductors for 16 mm2 and larger, and solid conductors for 10 mm2 and smaller. Stranded conductors in wire size smaller than 16 mm2 may be used where subject to vibration or frequent flexing, and shall be used for control systems wiring. 2. The conductors are made from annealed high conductivity copper. The conductor for control cables shall be copper. Normally Copper conductors, upto size 10 sqmm are solid, circular in cross section, and sizes above 10 sq. mm. are stranded. In case of single core and twin core cables, they are circular in cross section while for 3 core and 4 core cables conductors of cross section 50 sq. mm and above are normally sector shaped. 3. Insulation The conductors shall be insulated with the high quality PVC based compound. as per I.S. specifications. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 263 4. Inner Sheath For all cables having two or more cores a common covering (inner sheath) is applied over the laid up cores either by extruded sheath of non-vulcanised rubber compound or wrapping of plastic tapes. Single core cables do not have inner sheath. 5. Armouring Armouring is applied over the inner sheath. In case of cables where diameter over the inner sheath does not exceed 13 mm the armour consists of galvanised round steel wires; above this size, normally the armour is of galvanised flat steel wires (strips). 6. Outer Sheath Over the armouring, or in case of un-armoured cables, over the inner sheath (for single core cables over the insulation), a tough outer sheath of PVC is extruded. This is always black in colour, for best resistance to outdoor exposure. The manufacturer's name and trade mark alongwith the year/year code of manufacture are embossed on the outer sheath; additionally in the case of HT cables the voltage grade is also embossed, and the voltage grade along with the year/year code of manufacture. The embossing script that repeats in such a way that every meter of the cable bears the same. 7. Type Designation Type designations of cables is based on the following alphabet nomenclature: C- Copper conductors - when first letter of type designation. Y- When at first or second or last place in type designation, it stands for PVC insulation. R- Round steel wire armouring. F- Flat steel wire (strip) armouring. Number of cores, Conductors cross section, Voltage grade are written in the usual manner. Cable shall be IS marked 8. LT Cable Cable shall comply with IS 1554 part I, cables shall be 650/1100 voltage grade. Joint in the cables shall be permitted only if the length of the cable is more than standard drum size. Execution 1. Unless otherwise indicated or specified do not install Aluminium conductors of less than 4 Sqmm. For control conductors protected by 15 ampere or lower, 2.5 Sqmm copper conductors shall be installed. 2. Colour code power wire and cable for feeder and branch circuits is as follows, unless otherwise required by local codes or the electrical utility company. Phase 440V/230V A Red B Yellow C Blue Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 264 Neutral Black Ground Green Splices and Termination A. Termination Provide brass or copper indent type connectors or cables lugs crimping/solder type at both ends of the cable. Aluminium or ferrous metal connectors are prohibited. Dowell's make conductivity grease to be used while using crimping type cable lugs/sockets. All motors shall be connected using copper or brass ring-torque terminals, brass bolts and nuts. The cable lugs/connectors shall fit the conductor to which it shall be connected. The compression tool shall be equipped with a ratchet attachment, which shall assure proper crimping pressure on the connectors. Connections shall be made tight and insulated with PVC electrical tape of colour as per I.S. Provide a compression type cable glands at each end to the cable. Glands shall be of nickel-plated brass, with PVC shrouds over it. Before applying a PVC shroud, all bare metal shall be wrapped with pressure-sensitive adhesive PVC tape. Double compression H type nickel plated brass cable glands with PVC shroud over it shall be used for termination of cable at flame proof junction boxes or flame proof P.B. station instead of single compression type cable gland. B. Saddle and Clips Saddles and clips shall be PVC covered or of G.I. Fixing screws shall be round head brass. Where bolts are used nuts shall be of brass, square pressed type. C. Jointing Sleeves Jointing sleeves shall be of brass with standard terminations. Solder type cable connectors/cable sleeves shall be used to join the cable/conductors. Non corrosive flux only shall be used. D. Joints in Cables Joints in cables shall be kept to a minimum and conductors shall be joined using solder ferrules or Siemens make jointing compound. Joints shall be enclosed within standard adaptable boxes. Siemens make tropolin type or equivalent shall be used. For preference straight through joints shall be enclosed within brass jointing sleeves where joints are enclosed in other than brass sleeves and are buried in the ground, bitumen base filling compound shall be used to completely fill and seal the joint box after the cover is secured. Where joints are enclosed in brass sleeves and are buried in the ground, the ends of the sleeves shall be plugged with plastic filling compound before the glands are screwed into the sleeves. Jointing shall be done by using Siemens make cable jointing kits taking due care as specified by Siemens. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 265 E. Identification of Conductors Colour of the sleeves complying with I.S. shall be used to identify all conductors at terminations and joint boxes. F. Test Prior to shipment, cable manufacturer shall test and inspect each length of cable in accordance with I.S. in presence of Engineer-in-charge or any other authorised personnel. Openings, Chassis and Sleeves A. Products 1. Sleeves for General Use Use galvanised steel pipe B. Execution 1. Provide openings, chases, cutting, patching, sleeves and other products, necessary to permit the electrical raceways and cables to pass through the structure. 2. Establish locations for openings, chases and sleeves sufficiently in advance of construction to avoid cutting and patching. Perform any required cutting and patching for electrical work and obtain approval for cutting prior to work being done. 3. Repair damages to finished work and surfaces caused by cutting, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 4. Install sleeves wherever raceways of any type pass through walls or floors. Earthing A. General 1. Unless otherwise indicated, ground each single or poly-phase system neutral conductor at source. 2. Unless otherwise indicated earth, ground exposed non-current carrying metal components of electrical equipment, cable trays, raceway system, cable grounding conductors armour or shielding and enclosures shall be earthed. 3. Maintain continuity of system and equipment grounds throughout the electrical installation. Provide grounds, bushings and jumpers where normal metallic ground paths are interrupted. 4. Grounding shall comply with the Engineer-in-charge drawings and specifications, and with the requirements of State and local Code enforcement bodies. 5. Alternate grounding methods in accordance with good accepted practice for this type of work which cover conditions not indicated on the approved drawings or described in these specifications and which meet with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall be used in order to secure a good substantial and permanent grounding system. Under no conditions Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 266 shall the maximum ground resistance exceed five ohms when measured in accordance with recommended standards. B. Products 1. Provide ground conductors and jumpers of copper/ GI wire size as required by relevant code. 2. Provide GI pipe electrode 40 mm minimum diameter and 3400 mm minimum length. 3. Earthing for motor above 40 HP- 40 x 6mm Copper strip, push button station / Auxiliary item 12 SWG Copper wire to be used. 4. For motor 40 HP and below-25 x 3mm Copper strip, push button station/ Auxiliary item 12 SWG Copper wire to be used. 5. Number of Earth pits shall be selected to keep overall earthing resistance of 1 ohm. C. Execution 1. Provide ground grids with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge. 2. Provide all interconnections, risers, cable, fittings and welding for grounding substations, transformers and other equipment. Bonding jumpers shall be equal in cross section to the corresponding ground connectors and attached by solderless lugs, compression connections, or clamps providing bonding jumpers around all high voltage junction boxes. 3. Minimum size ground conductor shall be 10 SWG-GI conductor, the conductor shall be securely bonded to the conduit at each end. 4. Ground the enclosures of electrical equipment with separate grounding conductor. Connect to the nearest suitable ground point of the electrical ground system. Ground all metal noncurrent carrying parts of electrical equipment, cable tray, raceways, and bus supports. 5. Ground all motors by running two separate equipment ground conductors and connected to grid. At the motors connect the ground wire solidly to the frame with lugs. 6. Provide a ground conductor from 110 and 240 volt ground terminals to associated outlet boxes. D. Grounding 1. Install ground conductors in the earth at least 450 mm. below grade. 2. The earth pits shall be provided as per I.S. 3043 with GI pipe of 40 mm dia and 3400 mm length and top of the pit shall be covered with chequered plate. 3. Drill and tap equipment frames and attach ground connections with bronze cap screws. 4. Underground taps or splices shall be completed with cadweld connectors. 5. All conduits shall be rigid metallic galvanised. Where PVC or non- metallic conduit is substituted underground, provide an additional equipment ground wire and increase conduit size as required. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 267 6. All equipment except lighting fixture and those rated above 230 V shall be grounded by two separate connections as per I.S. 3043. For equipment rated 230 V below can be provided with one ground connection. 7. A ring main grounding system shall be followed. The main ring shall be GI flat of 50 mm x 6 mm size covered with hessian tape and bitumen at the joints. The submain ground connections to panel boards, M.C.C. etc. shall be 25 mm x 6 mm GI flat. 8. All joint to the ring main shall be welded and painted with bitumen. All connections at ground bus and at equipment shall be bolted type. 9. Grounding conductor shall be run alongwith Power / Control / Lighting cable. 10. All equipment intended to be live shall have an effective ground connection in accordance with Indian Electricity Rules and I.S. 3043. 11. Suitable bond shall be provided between cable tray section and also conduit to make them electrically continuous and shall be connected to Earthing System at two points. 12. All 20 A receptacles, junction boxes, light fixtures shall be earthed suitably by 14 gauge copper wire. 13. Size of earthing conductor to be used for earthing of various equipment shall be as per I.S. 3043. 16.0 POLYELECTROLYTE AGITATOR The agitator equipment shall be provided along with independent supports. The drive motor shall not exceed rpm of 1,500 and directly coupled with the gearbox. It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service factor of 1: 1.5. The rotary speed of the impeller shall not exceed 100 rpm. The drive motor output shaft and the impeller rotary shaft shall be connected by a direct coupling using such couplings as “Lovejoy” type to avoid cumbersome erections and de-erections. The drive assembly for each agitator shall consist of a suitable drive motor, directly coupled to a helical gearbox. The Gear reducer shall be of heavy duty, high efficiency type with a rugged housing. It shall have a minimum service factor of 2.0 and suitable for 24 hours continuous service. The gear reducer shall have oil bath lubrication and dry well construction on the vertical out put shaft to prevent leakage of the lubricant. The casing of the gear reducer shall be of CI. The gears shall be hardened and ground for precision. The impellers of the each agitator will consist of a single, axial flow design. The inclined SS304 blades shall be bolted to the centre hub. The impeller assembly will be securely keyed to the shaft. Each impeller shaft shall be solid SS304 shaft of suitable diameter designed to resist the applied radial and axial thrust loads. Reinforced flanges at both ends will be used to attach the impeller at Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 268 the bottom and to the rigid drive coupling at the top. All fasteners used in the assembly will be of SS304. The rotating shaft is best designed as a tubular structure for better torque resistance. All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be of such metallurgy that they are compatible with the stipulated duty conditions shall be used. 17.0 POLYELECTROLYTE DOSING PUMPS The Polyelectrolyte solution from the preparation tanks shall be pumped by the use of Polyelectrolyte solution dosing pump to the Centrifuge. These pumps shall be capable of pumping the upto 0.5 % Polyelectrolyte solution. There shall be two pumps of which one shall be working and the other standby at any time. Dosing pumps shall be of the duplex type diaphragm type hydraulically operated. These shall permit manual override and variable flow control at both sides of the chosen median duty point for the duty already stated herein. These shall be able to handle a flow variation of plus 25 % of the required flow. The construction shall be totally enclosed and corrosion proof. The liquid end shall be in SS 316. Parameters Capacity of each pump to suit each centrifuge requirement Material of construction of wetted parts AISI SS 304 18.0 18.1 INSTRUMENTATION Flow Measuring System Flow measuring system shall consist of flow sensor/ transducers, flow computer and flow transmitter. Flow transducers shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for continuous operation. Flow transducers shall have waterproof construction and shall be suitable for installation in underground/ above ground pipeline. To avoid the effects of disturbances in the velocity profile, a straight and uninterrupted run, upstream as well as downstream from the location of the flow sensor shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the flow meter manufacturer. The flow transmitter shall be suitable for field or panel mounting and shall accept an input from the flow sensor. It shall process the input signal and provide 4-20 mA dc output proportional to flow rate. The flow range shall be adjustable. A zero span adjustment facility shall be provided for flow transmitter and indicator. Flow measurement shall not be affected by physical properties of sewage viz., temperature, pressure, viscosity, density etc., within given limits. Contractor shall provide compensating electronic circuits if required. The overall accuracy of flow measuring systems shall be at least ±1.0% of the measured value unless otherwise stated. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 269 Electromagnetic Flow meter Full bore electromagnetic flow meter shall consist of flow sensors (i.e. flow tube), transmitter and remote flow indicator cum integrator. The flow meter shall have flanged connection and shall be inserted in the sludge line. The flow computer/ transmitter shall be microprocessor based and shall have diagnosis facility. Remote flow indicator cum integrator shall be provided on the control panel. To ensure full electromagnetic compatibility the flow tube flanges and transmitter housing shall be connected earth. 18.1.2 Open Channel Flow Meter Open channel flow measuring system shall consist of level transducer, flow computer and flow transmitter. The level of the fluid in the flume shall be measured by the ultrasonic level transducer. The level measured shall be used along with the physical characteristics of the flume to compute the flow rate. The level transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required and shall be environmentally protected as per IP65. it shall have ambient temperature compensation and adjustable datum setting facilities. The design and application of ultrasonic level meter shall take into account the channel construction, the material size, shape, environment, process fluid or material, the presence of foam granules, size etc. The installation shall avoid any degradation of performance from spurious reflections, absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area, temperature fluctuation, specific gravity changes and condensation. For application where spurious reflections are unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with facilities for spurious reflection rejection. The structure required for supporting the level sensor, platform, railings etc. shall be in the Contractor’s scope. 18.2 Level Measuring System 18.2.1 Ultrasonic Level Meters Ultrasonic level measuring devices applied for liquid level measurement shall comprise a transducer, control unit and remote indicator. The transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required and shall be environmentally protected to IP 65. The design and application of ultrasonic level meters shall take into account the vessel or channel construction, the material, size, shape, environment, process fluid or material, the presence of foam granules, size etc. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 270 The installation shall avoid any degradation of performance from spurious reflections, absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area, temperature fluctuations, specific gravity changes and condensation. For applications where spurious reflections are unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with facilities for spurious reflection rejection. If turbulence exists, shielding, stilling tubes or other measures shall be provided to avoid effects on the measurement. 18.2.2 Conductivity Level Switches The electrodes used for conductivity level switches shall be stainless steel. Single electrode systems (one electrode per holder) shall be used (except where their use is impractical) with insulated electrodes such that only the tip of each electrode is exposed to the liquid at the operating level. Relay or control units operating with level electrodes shall have adjustable sensitivity. Electrodes for use in fluids of low or variable conductivity shall be fitted with conductivity discs. Where relay or control units are not mounted in control panel, they shall be provided with surface mounting enclosures with a degree of protection to IP-54 for indoor locations or IP 65 for outdoor location. 18.2.3 Ultrasonic Differential Level Measuring System The ultrasonic type differential level measuring system shall consist of ultrasonic type level sensors on upstream and downstream of screens, differential level computer / transmitter and indicator. The flow computer / transmitter shall be microprocessor based and shall have facility for programming (i.e. adjustment of set points). The ultrasonic transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required and shall be environmentally protected as per IP-65. It shall have ambient temperature compensation and adjustable datum setting facilities. 18.3 Pressure Gauges Pressure gauges shall comply with BS 1780. Snubber shall be provided where the gauge is subjected to pressure pulsations and / or vibrations. The internal parts of pressure guage shall be of stainless steel material. In chlorine applications the diaphragm shall be silver or tantalum for other fluids an appropriate diaphragm material shall be used. The pressure gauges shall be provided with diaphragm seal arrangement. The minimum diameter for round pressure gauges shall be 150mm unless specified otherwise or where the gauge forms part of a standard item of equipment. The accuracy of pressure gauges shall be ±1% over the operating range. The zero and span of pressure gauges shall not change by more than ±0.1% of the span per °C changes in ambient temperature. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 271 18.4 Surge Protection Devices Surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be suitable for with standing the surge arising out of high energy static discharge / lighting strikes and protect the instrument to which it is connected against damage. SPDs shall provide protection through the use of quick acting semi conductors like Tranzorb, zener diodes, varistors and an automatic disconnect and reset circuit. SPDs shall be passive and shall require negligible power for operation. During the occurrence of a surge it shall clamp on the allowable voltage and pass the excess voltage to the ground. The SPD shall be self resetting to minimize the down time of the measurement loop. SPDs shall be provided to protect devices transmitting and receiving analogue and digital signals derived from field devices located outdoors. The surge protection device shall be rated for surge rating of 10kA. 18.5 Cabinets for Field Instruments Wall mounted cabinets shall be provided for enclosing transducer unit and associated accessories which are mounted outside the main control panel. The cabinet shall be of die-cast aluminum, field provided not less than IP-55 protection and shall be lockable. The cabinet shall have facilities for earthing. A steel plate shall be provided inside the cabinet for mounting instrument and accessories. 18.6 Alarm System Alarms shall be initiated by the opening or closing of volt-free contacts which shall remain unchanged throughout the periods in which the alarm conditions exit. Alarm Circuits shall be cable of conversion from open-healthy to open-alarm or vice versa by a simple modification after installation requiring no additional parts or special equipment. Each alarm shall initiate the operation of both visual and audible devices. Audible devices in the same room or area shall have distinguishable sounds and adjustable sound levels. 18.7 Matrix Type alarm Annunciators The alarm annunciator shall be microprocessor based, modular, split type unit with alarm windows mounted on the front door and electronic modules inside the panel. The weather protection class for alarm annunciator shall be IP-54 of IS 13947, Part-I. Each alarm shall initiate a visible and audible indication of the specified condition. Unless otherwise specified, alarm indicators shall be grouped together in annunciator units each having at least 20% spare ways. Alarm indicator lamps (Cluster LED type) and shall have transparent screens engraved with appropriate legends. The legend area of each indication shall not exceed 40mm high and 75mm wide. When any alarm condition occurs, a condition device common to an alarm annunciator system shall sound and the appropriate indicator shall flash on an off. The flashing rate shall not be less than 2 Hz and shall not exceed 5 Hz. On pressing an accept pushbutton, the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 272 audible device shall be silenced and the flashing light shall become steady. The alarm indicator shall remain illuminated until the alarm condition ceases and a reset pushbutton has been operated. The operation or acceptance of one alarm shall not inhibit the operation of the audible device or the flashing of the appropriate alarm indicator if a further alarm condition occurs. At unmanned locations alarms operated on two or more annunciators shall require acceptance at each annuciator. Alarms shall be accepted automatically and the appropriate audible device silenced after an adjustable period of 1 to 5 minutes. An integral ‘test’ pushbutton shall be provided to illuminate each lamp in the appropriate group and to operate the audible device but shall not cause a spurious alarm condition on any other annunciator. Alarm circuitry shall be arranged so that spurious or transient alarm states persisting for less than 0.5 seconds do not initiate any action. Alarm annunciator / indicator legends or labels shall be arranged with three lines of text as follows: • Topline Location • Middle Line Parameter • Bottom Line Status e.g. reservoir 1 level high & level low 18.8 Direct Digital Controllers (DDC) 18.8.1 Design and Construction Requirements: Standalone DDC panels shall be microprocessor-based, multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control processors. Each standalone DDC panel shall consist of modular hardware with plug-in enclosed processors, communication controllers, power supplies, and input/output modules with connectivity to the Network Controller through a RS485 or Ethernet communication bus. The DDC’s should be application specific and should be located as near as possible to the controlled equipment reducing cabling runs. The DDC’s should be able to control the equipment connected to it on a standalone mode so that in case of failure of the first tier network the DDC’s will be able to perform the minimum control functions assigned to it. The DDC’s should have a inbuilt display on its facia with keypad to access all the information being monitored by the DDC. 18.8.2 Programming: All the DDCs should be equipped with electrically erasable PROMs and the control software for the DDC can be downloaded through the central operator workstation. It should additionally provide a serial port for downloading and reconfiguring of software through a Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 273 laptop locally. The control logic for the DDCs should be programmed through a user-friendly graphic programming language with control algorithms like PID loops, ladder logic, sequencers etc inbuilt into the software. 18.8.3. Input/Output point types: Each DDC panel shall support the following types of point inputs and outputs: Analog inputs shall monitor the following analog signals: 4-20 mA Sensors 0-10 VDC Sensors 1000ohm RTDs Binary inputs shall monitor dry contact closures. Input shall provide filtering to eliminate false signals resulting from input “bouncing.” Counter inputs shall monitor dry contact pulses with an input resolution of one HZ minimum. Analog outputs shall provide the following control outputs: 4.20 mA – Sink or Source 0-10 VDC Binary outputs shall provide SPDT output contacts rated for 2 amps at 24 VAC and they shall not activate main contactors of starter thus avoiding burdening of relays. 18.9 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) The UPS shall be floor mounted, self contained and metal clad and shall be suitable for operating on a non linear load. It shall be front door accessible. The UPS system shall be true ON-Line. The ON LINE UPS shall be incorporating a six-pulse rectifier and pulse width modulation inverter technology with 100% microprocessor control with built in static and manual bypass switch. The UPS shall incorporate a DC under voltage trip circuit to electrically trip the UPS in order to protect the battery. The noise level of the unit shall not exceed 60dB (A) at 1m from the UPS cabinet. The output of the inverter shall be a sine wave having less than 5% THD for linear loads and less than 4% to 50% non linear load. It shall be suitable for load power factor 0.8 lag. The unit shall have dynamic response such that a 100% step load causes an output voltage transient of less than ±4% with a recovery time of less than 4 ms. For three phase output units the output voltage shall not very by more than ±1% for an unbalance for 10%. The load crest factor shall not be less than 3:1. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 274 The efficiency at full load and 0.8 power factor shall be greater than 88%. Indicators to indicate • UPS status • UPS alarm conditions The UPS shall provide a volt free contact output to indicate: • Warning. i.e low battery capacity • Fault • Static bypass in use. The UPS shall have an overload capacity of 150% for 30 seconds and shall be protected in the event of a short circuit of the output. The batteries shall be housed, either within the UPS enclosure or within a separate matching battery cubicle suitable for location adjacent to the UPS. The batteries shall be maintenance free lead acid type sealed for life. Terminals shall be shrouded to prevent accidental contact. The battery enclosure shall be corrosion resistant and ventilated to prevent the build up of gases. Warning notices shall be provided for wall mounting to warn of the presence of charge gases. The battery supply of the UPS shall be via a fused load break switch dis-connecter circuit breaker. The battery recharge time to 90% of full charge shall be approximately ten times the discharge time at full load. The UPS battery shall have a back up of 30 minutes at full load and supported with inverter of suitable capacity. 18.10 Testing / Inspection : 18.10.1 Tests on cables : Check details are in accordance with the specifications. Check for physical damage, Continuity Check, meggar test for insulation Connections. No dark visible marks of armouring onto external surface. 18.10.2. Tests on electrical installation Check all closing, tripping, supervision and interlocking of control devices. Check operation of all alarm circuits. Check CT polarities, give primary & secondary injection. Carry out relay calibration 18.10.3. Test on complete control system On completion, the functioning of the complete system shall be tested to demonstrate its correct operation in accordance with the Specification. For control system testing, the contractor may provide temporary means to simulate operating conditions, but the system will not be finally accepted until correct operation has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer when all the pumps are operating. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 275 The system shall be shown to operate correctly whatever the selection of duty and standby equipment may be. Conditions to be tested shall include: • Normal automatic operation. • Normal manual operation • Emergency manual operation 18.10.4 Commissioning Tests Correct operation of controllers shall be verified by observing that the final control element moves in the proper direction to correct the process variable as compared to the set point. All logic sequences shall be verified to operate in accordance with the specifications. All defects and malfunctions disclosed by test shall be corrected immediately. New parts and materials shall be used as required and approved and tests shall be repeated. A report certifying completion of validation of each instrument system indicating calibration values, verification that the system performs as per requirements and any provisional settings made to devices shall be provided. A format for commissioning checklist to be provided for approval before performing the commissioning tests. 18.10.5 Final Operational Testing and Acceptance Upon completion of instrument calibration and system validation, all systems shall be tested under process conditions. The testing shall include, but not limited to all specified operational modes, taking process variables to their limits (simulated or process) to verify all alarms, failures, interlocks and operational interlocks between systems and/ or mechanical equipment. Any defects or malfunctions shall be immediately corrected using approved methods and materials and the tests shall then be repeated. Upon completion of final operational testing, a report shall be submitted, indicating that the total control system provided meets all the functional requirements specified herein. This report shall be made in the format approved by the Engineer. The Engineer shall certify this report and it shall constitute final acceptance of the control system. 19.0 19.1 SUBMERSIBLE RAW SEWAGE PUMPS General The submersible sludge pump should be of single stage mono-block type with non clog design and shall be suitable for pumping all kinds of sewage/sludge/storm water containing long fibers, plastic pieces, cigarette butts, solid admixes etc. The pump should be capable of passing soft solids of minimum 65 mm diameter and capable of dealing with the sewage / sludge with a specific gravity of 1.05. Impeller shall be of single/double Vane with solid handling capacity of 65 mm dia. for selected duty parameter. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 276 Maintenance free anti-friction deep grove, permanently grease filled ball bearings should be provided and this should take care of all the axial and radial forces at any point of operation. The pump installation design should be such as to facilitate automatic installation and removal of pumps without having to enter into the sewage pit. Profile gasket should be provided in automatic coupling system so as to avoid metal to metal contact between the pump and duck foot bend to ensure leak proof joint. The casing of pump set should be of CI as per IS 210 Gr FG 260 and CF 8M impeller. The pump set shall be supplied along with the guide rail, duck foot bend, lifting chain with shackles, guidepipe, SS foundation bolts and nuts complete. The pump will have reputed make mechanical seal & moisture sensor, thermistor for tripping of pump in case of any leakages or high temperature. It will be provided with its electronic control unit for such protection. For easy installation and removal of the pump, a single guide rail system shall be provided. This being a permanent installation, a Pedestal and a Bracket should be provided to enable the pump to be removed from sump without the necessity of removing any nuts and bolts. The pumps should be provided with a reverse rotation trip feature to stop the unit instantly if connected to start in the wrong direction. Pump Details Capacity /Size /Material Submersible Sludge Pump 2 Nos. Liquid Sewage Discharge in m3/hr of one pump As per requirement Total Pumping Head in m. As per requirement. Specific Gravity 1.05 Liquid Temp. 0C max. 40 Pump Motor RPM Upto 1450 0 Motor rated temp. C 40 Electric Supply 3ph. 50 Hz, 415 V Solid handling cap. in mm 65 mm Material of Construction Casing CI IS 210 Gr Fg 260 Impeller C.F 8M Motor body CI IS 210 Gr Fg 260 Shaft SS 410 Fasteners / Foundation bolt. SS 316 Lower Seal Si Cr Guide Rail System CI with SS 304 Nuts, Bolts and Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 277 Fasteners Guide pipe SS 304 Chain with shackles SS 304 19.2 Reverse Rotation The pump shall be designed to run safely in the reverse direction of rotation due to wastewater returning through the pump. The pumps should be provided with reverse rotation trip feature for instant stoppage on long electrical connection. The mechanical seals shall be suitable for running in both directions without damage. The pumps should be provided with reverse rotation trip feature for preventing running in opposite direction in case of wrong electrical connections i.e. interchange of phase sequence. 19.3 Pump Construction: 1. Pump Casing The pumps casing should be of cast iron as per IS 120 Gr FG 260.. The internal surfaces should be free of rough spots. The casing should have Centre line discharge. The finishing of the outer surface should be uniform and smooth. 2. Impeller The material of impellers should be of Stainless Steel grade CF8M, of single/double vane, nonclog semi-open design. Additionally, a special contra-block cutting and tearing system should also be incorporated on the suction side of the pump for disposing off soft materials like plastic pouches, small jute pieces which is a very typical type of Indian sewage, and which would otherwise clog the pump. 3. Pump Shaft The pump shaft should be hard chrome plated alloy steel (EN8). The shaft shall be of one-piece construction. 4. Pump Bearings Pump bearings should be of the anti-friction type. The bearings should be able to take normal axial thrust loads due to unbalanced hydraulic loads on the impellers plus the weight of all rotating parts of the pump. Pump bearings shall be designed with a minimum life of 35,000 hours. The bearings should be grease lubricated for longer life and shall be maintenance free. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 278 5. Guide Rail Assembly The assembly should have CI pedestal, however the fasteners and foundation nuts and bolts should be of stainless steel with upper guide rail holder etc. The pedestal and bracket should provide automatic coupling between pump delivery and discharge pipe. 6. Mechanical Seals Double mechanical seal should be provided to prevent pumped liquid entering into the motor winding. The seals should be situated in the oil chamber to ensure proper lubrication. The sensor will be used for tripping the pump and also for alarm. The face combination of lower mechanical seal should be Silicon Carbide Vs Silicon Carbide and upper seal should be Carbon Vs Chrome Steel. Recommended Make: Burgemann 7. Moisture Sensor Moisture sensor or seal monitor should be provided in the oil chamber to detect the failure of the mechanical seal. The sensor should trip the pump motor in the event of ingress of moisture into the oil chamber. 8. Lifting Chain Each pump should be provided with SS 308 lifting chain of adequate strength. One end of the chain shall be attached to the pump and the other end fixed near the upper bracket for guide rail assembly by means of SS 304 Shackle. The chain shall have SS 304 rings fixed at an interval of about 1 m for engaging the hook of the manual hoist. A SS 304 Chain 5 m long shall be provided to hold the ring of shackles and another end shall be tied to the platform being accessible to the operator. 9. Fasteners All pump fasteners should be in stainless steel SS 304. 10. Foundation Nuts & Bolts All foundation Nuts & Bolts should be in stainless steel SS 316. 11. Protective Coating The pumps should be epoxy coated. 12. Pump Balance All rotating parts shall be accurately machined and shall be in rotational balance. Excessive vibration shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the equipment. The mass of the unit and its distribution shall be such that resonance at normal operating speeds is avoided. In any case the amplitude of vibration as measured at any point on the pumping unit shall not exceed the limits set forth in the latest edition of Indian Standards. At the operating speed, the ratio of relative speed to the critical speed of the unit or components there of, shall be less than 0.8 or more than 1.3. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 279 13. Submersible Cable Each pump shall be provided with submersible cables of equal length for power as well as control so that the pump position can be interchanged with each other. The cable shall be terminated in a weatherproof junction box, which should be located outside the main pump sump. Cable between junction box & control panel can be non-submersible type. Power cables should be selected so as to carry at least 1.5 times the full load current at existing Power Factor of 0.8. 14. Spare Parts Each installed pump should be supplied with one impeller duly machined, one set of mechanical seals, one set of wear rings (if applicable), and one set of O-rings and gasket, bearing set, set of fasteners. 19.4 Performance Tests 1. Shop Test Each assembled pump shall be shop tested by the manufacturer to determine the following characteristic within the operating range as specified in the schedule. a. Head Capacity Curve b. Brake Horsepower Curve c. Efficiency Curve d. NPSHR Curve e. Balancing (Impeller only) f. Vibration (Bare pump on no load) g. Total Power consumed. All tests shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the latest Indian Standards. In the event of any pump failing to meet the specified test requirements, it shall be rejected. Each pump performance shall be documented by obtaining concurrent readings showing motor voltage and amperage, pump suction head and pump discharge head. Such readings shall be documented for atleast five pumping conditions. One test shall be at the shut off head. These tests shall be carried out through reputed and authorised agencies with the involvement of CMC officials. After it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge that the pumping equipment complies with these specifications the Engineer-in-charge In-charge shall be furnished with the Manufacturer's Test Certificates for the following. Hydraulic test on casing. ● Routine test certificates on motor including HV test, Megger test, slip test, temp. rise test. ● Material test certificates certifying the grades of the materials used. Type Test ON /OFF for the motors shall be carried out by the Engineer-In-Charge. 2. Field Test General operational check shall be carried out after installation and before commissioning. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 280 19.5 Submersible Motor: 19.5.1 General The motor should be an integral part of the pump. The enclosure for motor shall be IP-68. Each phase of the motors shall be provided with thermistor or Bimetallic Electromechanical Temperature Detectors. The motor winding shall be suitable for Star – Delta Starter. The motor should be designed for minimum 10 starts per hour, irrespective whether it is star-delta start or otherwise. The rating of the motor shall be designed for 20% extra power margin at duty point & 15% at the lowest head. 19.5.2 Scope This specification covers the design and manufacture of squirrel cage induction motors required for wastewater treatment plant. Contents of this specification are integral part of the contract documents. For other details refer specifications for motors (wherever applicable). The motor shall operate satisfactorily at all operating levels in Sludge Sump. 19.5.3 References Unless they are at variance with the clauses of this specification, the squirrel cage induction motors and their components shall comply with the applicable Indian Standards listed below. Where Indian Standards do not exist, the relevant British or German (VDE) Standards shall apply. IS 325 Three phase induction motors IS 1231 Dimensions of three phase, foot mounted induction motors IS 2223 Dimensions of flange mounted AC induction motors IS 2253 Types of construction of mounting arrangement of rotating electrical machine IS 4691 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical machinery IS 4889 Methods of determination of efficiency of electrical machines IS 4722 Rotating electrical machines IS 4029 Guide for testing 3 phase induction motors 19.5.4 a. Operating Conditions Ambient Conditions Motors shall be suitable for operating satisfactorily in humid and corrosive atmospheres found in sewage treatment plants. If not scientifically mentioned therein, a maximum ambient temperature of 40 0C and an altitude not exceeding 300 meters above mean sea level, shall be taken into consideration. b. Frequency and Voltage Fluctuations Motors will be required for continuous, satisfactory operation at rated output under the following conditions: a. At rated frequency with voltage variations of + 10% of nominal value. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 281 b. At rated voltage with frequency variations of + 3% of nominal value. c. With a simultaneous and combined variation in frequency and voltage of + 7.5% from the nominal values but with frequency variation not exceeding + 3%. c. Starting Unless otherwise specified motors shall be designed for Star Deltastarting across full line voltage. Motors shall be designed for re-start under full load after a momentary lack of voltage, with the possibility of the restored supply voltage being 100% out of phase with respect to the motor residual voltage. The minimum starting torque should be 140% of Full Load Torque, with minimum torque during running up shall be 100% of Full Load Torque and minimum starting torque shall be 200% of Full Load Torque. The submersible pump motors shall be designed for minimum 10 starts per hour. d. Direction of Rotation The motors shall be suitable for operating in both directions of rotation. The direction of rotation is defined as that looking towards the motor from the non-driving end. e. Noise The noise level shall be within the permissible limit as specified in the Indian Standard. f. Performance 1. Starting Current For squirrel cage motors working in the voltage range of 360 V - 420 V the starting current shall be limited to 6 times the full load current. 2. Torque Characteristics For motors working in the voltage range of 360 V - 420 V, the minimum starting torque shall be 140% for full load torque, with minimum torque during running up 100% FLT and minimum starting torque 200% FLT. 19.5.5 General Requirements and Construction Details The motor should be dry, squirrel cage type, suitable for 3 phase 415V supply, continuous duty with Class F insulation. Winding of the motor should be impregnated by resin in order to achieve required thermal withstanding capacity. Motor should have integral cable port and cable entry should be sealed. The cable must be leak-tight in respect of liquids and firmly attached to the terminal block. The motor should be designed for non-overloading characteristics. There should be thermal protection against overheating of motor winding. Motor should be sealed against entry of liquid being pumped by using two mechanical seals. The lower seal provided should have silicon carbide Vs silicon carbide face combination. Pump design should ensure that seal does not come directly in contact with liquid being pumped as well as cooling/lubrication by oil is provided. Moisture sensor of the tripping unit should be located inside the oil chamber. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 282 A. Windings All motors shall be provided with Class F insulation. The windings shall be so treated as to resist the action of corrosive agents as may be present in the atmosphere of sewage treatment plant and that tend to dissolve the insulation. Windings shall be adequately braced to prevent any relative movement during operating conditions and in this respect, particular attention is drawn to the stator windings of Star – Delta squirrel cage motors. Adequate insulation shall be provided between coils of different phases, which lie together. Star/ delta starting is required, as shown on drawings, the motors windings shall be fully insulated for delta connection. The rotor shall be balanced to provide a low vibration level and a long life for the bearings. B. Shaft Extension Motors shall be provided with a single extended shaft with key way and key as per requirements. C. Lifting Hooks All motors shall be provided with lifting arrangement of adequate capacity. D. Terminals, Terminal Boxes and Cable Entries The ends of the windings shall be brought out into a terminal box. The terminals shall be of adequate size. The terminal box shall be housed in the motor housing itself. The cable entries should be sealed to prevent water seepage into the terminal box/ motor winding. E. Phase Marking Appropriate phase markings as per IS 325, 1978 shall be provided inside the terminal box. The markings shall be non-removable and indelible. F. Motor Casing The motor enclosure shall be IP 68. The housing shall be of C.I. air-filled and water-tight. The housing shall be coated with epoxy after applying primer coating. G. Bearing and Lubrication Motors shall have grease-lubricated ball or roller bearings. In all cases, the bearing shall be chosen to provide a minimum operating life of 40,000 working hours. Bearing shall be adequate to absorb axial thrust. The bearing shall be maintenance free with grease fill for life. H. Special Tools and Spanners Each rating and frame size of motor shall be provided with 2 sets of any special tools required for dismantling and maintenance of the motor. I. Name Plates A nameplate as required under IS 325 shall be provided on each motor. J. Test and Test Certificates The motor shall be tested in accordance with IS 325 and IS 4029. Eight copies of the test report should be submitted for approval. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 283 K. Fasteners All fasteners shall be SS 316 19.5.6 Instrumentation A. Float switches In each pump sump, 1 ultrasonic level switch with transmitter is to be provided for automatic start / stop of the pumps. Also low level and high level signal is to be transmitted to the Main Electrical Panel Room. 20.0 EXHAUST FANS The fans shall be as per IS 2312 and the blades shall of mild steel dynamically balanced to avoid noise and vibration. The blade and its carriers shall be securely fastened to avoid loosening in operation and shall have a SS AISI guard as a grill inside and a 10 sq mm mesh screen to safeguard birds from getting sucked in. The duty of the fans shall be calculated to ensure 3 to 10 air changes per hour in the command area depending on requirement. Materials of Construction Casing M.S. as per IS 2062 Impeller Cast Aluminium Test As per IS 2312 21.0 STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM Scope of Work The street lighting for the road shall be designed as per IRC, I.S. Codes and specifications and National electric code. The street lighting shall be designed with average illumination (E.A.V) of 30 lux and minimum illumination of 12 lux and uniformity ratio of 0.4. For the junctions, the average illumination level should be kept move. Scope of work covered under this tender shall be supply of the necessary equipment, installation, erection, testing and commissioning of the Street Lighting system as per the drawings/specifications, but not limited to following: Indian Standard Specifications The particular specification for the work is as detailed hereinafter. These specifications shall be read in conjunction with the relevant Indian Standard, Chief fire officer’s recommendations and the obtainable local practice as detailed in various regional handbooks of practice and the work shall be executed accordingly. Where the specifications in any of the standards are at variance with the Specifications detailed herein, the most stringent amongst them shall govern. Contractor shall ensure that execution of total work is in accordance to this. Scaffolding All scaffolding and ladders required for the proper execution of the work shall be provided by the nominated subcontractor. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 284 Measurements The mode of measurements for shall be as per provisions of the relevant Indian Standards. The nominated subcontractor shall provide all the measuring tapes and other accessories necessary. Guarantee Equipment and the installation shall be guaranteed for a period of one year for defective materials or workmanship from the date, the plant and installation has been finally taken over. The Nominated Sub-contractor shall rectify the defects or replace defective materials at his own cost during the guarantee period. Approvals The Nominated Subcontractor shall arrange to obtain necessary statutory approvals / drawing approval including following before starting the work:All statutory approvals from: Electrical Inspector (Engineer) Electric supply company Workmanship Good workmanship and neat appearance are the prerequisites for compliance with the various sections of these specifications. Work shall be carried out in accordance with the statutory rules and local regulations in force and conform to relevant I.E Rules and I.S. Specifications. Tools and Spare Parts The contractor shall obtain himself all special tools and tackle required for erection and assembly of the equipment covered by the contract himself. All other materials such as foundation bolts, nuts etc. required for the installation of the plant shall be supplied and included in the Contract. Tenderer shall quote separately for spares recommended by him for two years operation of each type of equipment covered by these specifications. Earthing Stations The earthing stations required for establishing an equipment earthing grid shall consist of Galvanised Steel or copper pipe / plate into ground. The minimum depth, type of electrode, soil treatment shall be shown on drawings and in accordance with I.S. Code of Practice 3043-1966 complete with masonry chamber, watering pipe C.I. cover etc. The number of earthing stations shall be as shown on the drawings Earthing of feeder pillar shall be done by 2 nos. of 25 x 6 mm GI strip connected to earth stations as per IS-3043. Earthing of lighting pole shall be done as per specification of pole and drawing enclosed. Testing: The following earth resistance values shall be measured with an approved earth meggar and recorded: - Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 285 1. Each Earthing Station 2. Earthing System as a whole ( shall be less than one ohm) 3. Earth Continuity conductors. Lighting Poles and junction box Lighting Poles shall be steel tubular type as per drawing enclosed and as per bill of materials. Lighting Poles shall be complete with fixing bracket and junction box as per enclosed drawing and bill of materials. Junction box shall be suitable for loop-in and loop-out of three cables of 4c x 25 The lighting poles shall be coated with bituminous preservating paint on inside as well as on the embedded outside surface. Exposed outside surface shall be coated with two coats of metal primer. The galvanised sheet steel junction box for the street lighting poles shall be completely weatherproof confirming to IP-55 made of 14 SWG sheet steel and provided with lockable door, fixing bracket and HRC fuse mounted on the fuse carrier and fuse base assembly. Wiring from junction box at the bottom of the pole to the fitting at the top of the pole shall be included in the installation charges of the pole. Earthing of the pole shall be carried out by 4# SWG GI wire as per enclosed drawing. Lighting Fittings And Accessories SCOPE OF SPECIFICATION: This specification covers the design, material specification, manufacture, testing, inspection, delivery to site and installation & commissioning of lighting fittings and their associated accessories. CODES AND STANDARDS: The lighting fittings and their associated accessories such as lamps/ tubes, reflectors, housings, ballasts, etc. shall comply with the latest applicable standards as specified. Where no standards are available, the supply items shall be backed by test results, shall be of good quality and workmanship & any supply items which are bought out by the Contractor shall be procured from approved manufacturers acceptable to the Engineer. PRODUCTS Lighting Fittings - General Requirements i) Fittings shall be designed for continuous trouble free operation under atmospheric conditions as specified (in Sections B & C of project information) without reduction in lamp life or without deterioration of materials and internal wiring. Outdoor fittings shall be weather-proof and rain-proof type. ii) The fittings shall be designed so as to facilitate easy maintenance, including cleaning, replacement of lamps / starters etc. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 286 iii) Connections between different components shall be made in such a way that they will not work loose by small vibration. iv) For each type of lighting fitting the Contractor shall supply the utilization factor to indicate the proportion of the light emitted by the bare lamps which falls on the working plane. v) All fittings shall be supplied complete with lamps suitable for operation on a supply voltage and the variation in supply voltage. vi) The fittings and accessories shall be designed to have low temperature rise. The temperature rise above the ambient temperature shall be as indicated in the relevant standards. vii) All mercury vapour, metal halide lamp and sodium vapour lamp fittings shall be complete with accessories like lamps, ballasts, power factor improvement capacitors, starters wherever applicable, etc. These shall be mounted as far as possible in the fitting assembly only. If these cannot be accommodated inside, then a separate metal enclosed box shall be included to accommodate the accessories and in addition with a fuse and a terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-out connections. Outdoor type fittings shall be provided with outdoor type weather-proof box. viii) All fluorescent lamp fittings shall be complete with all accessories like ballasts, power factor improvement capacitors, lamps, starters and capacitors for correction of stroboscopic effect. ix) Each fitting shall have a terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-out and T-off connection by 250/440V, 1 core , PVC insulated Cu conductor cable upto 4 in size unless otherwise specified. In hazardous areas, the termination at the fittings shall be suitable for 1100V, PVC, armored cables of sizes specified and terminals shall be of stud or clamp type. The internal wiring should be completed by the MANUFACTURER by means of stranded copper wire and terminated on the terminal block. x) The mounting facility and conduit knock-outs for the fixtures shall be as specified. xi) All hardware used in the luminaire shall be suitably plated or anodized and passivated for use in chemical industrial and power plants. Earthing i) Each lighting fitting shall be provided with an earthing terminal suitable for connection to the earthing conductor. ii) All metal or metal enclosed parts of the housing shall be bounded and connected to the earthing terminal so as to ensure satisfactory earthing continuity throughout the fixture. Painting / Finish i) All surfaces of the fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned and degreased. The fittings shall be free from scale, rust, sharp edges and burrs. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 287 ii) When enamel finish is specified, it shall have a minimum thickness of 2 mils for outside surface and 1.5 mills for inside surface. The finish shall be non-porous and free from blemishes, blisters and fading. iii) The housing shall be stove-enamelled / epoxy stove-enamelled-Vitreous enamelled or anodized as indicated on flame-proof fittings is prohibited. iv) The surface shall be scratch resistant and shall show no sign of cracking or flaking when bent through 90o over v) " dia mandrel. The finish of the fittings shall be such that no bright spots are produced either by direct light source or by reflection. Street Lighting Fittings i) Street lighting fittings shall be suitable for mercury vapour lamps, fluorescent tubes or sodium vapour lamps and shall be of the cut off, semi-cut off or non-cut-off type as specified. ii) The fittings shall be of the tope entry/ side entry /post top/ suspension type as specified. i) The means for attaching the fittings shall be designed to sit the weight of the fitting and shall ensure that the strength of the connection is adequate to withstand a wind speed of 150 Km/h equivalent to the following wind loads on the projected surface of the fitting in relation to its mounting height: Mounting Height ii) Wind Load Less than 8 m - 15 N/m2 8 to 16 m - 20 N/m2 Above 16 m - 24 N/m2 The size of threads, length of threads, socket bores of various types of fittings mentioned in 8.2 above shall comply with relevant standards specified. v) The fittings shall be designed such that the glare value is controlled below an acceptable level. The light distribution patterns of cut-off, semi-cut off and non-cut-off fittings shall be as per relevant standards specified. vi) The required control gear such as ballast and capacitor shall be provided integral with the fitting. The housing shall be of cast aluminium stove-enamelled and provide with anodized, mirror or polished aluminium reflectors. The covers shall be of transparent acrylic sheet and neoprene gasket shall be provided for sealing the unit for outside atmosphere. Lamp/Starter Holders i) Lamp holders shall comply with relevant standards. They shall have low contact resistance, shall be resistant to wear and shall be suitable for operation at the specified temperature without deterioration in insulation value. They shall hold the lamps in position under normal condition of shock and vibration met with in normal installation and use. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 288 ii) Lamp holders for the fluorescent lamps shall be of the spring loaded bi-pin rotor type. Live parts of the lamp holder shall not be exposed during insertion or removal of the lamp or after the lamp has been taken out. The lamp holder contacts shall provide adequate pressure on the lamp cap pins when the lamp is in working position. iii) Lamp holders for incandescent and mercury vapour lamps shall be of bayonet type upto 100W and Edison Screw type for higher Wattage lamps. iv) Starter holders for fluorescent lamps shall conform to the standards specified. All material used in the construction of the holder shall be suitable for tropical use. v) The starter holders shall be so designed that they are mechanically robust and free from any operational difficulties. They shall be capable of withstanding the shocks met within normal transit, installation and use. Ballasts i) The ballasts shall be designed, manufactured and supplied in accordance with the relevant standards. The ballasts shall be designed to have a long service life and low power loss. ii) Ballasts shall be mounted using self locking, anti-vibration fixings and shall be easy to remove without demounting the fittings. They shall be in dusting, non-combustible enclosures. iii) The ballasts shall be of the inductive, heavy duty type, filled with thermosetting, insulating, moisture repellent polyester compound filled under pressure or vacuum. Ballasts shall be provided with tappings to set the voltage within the range specified. End connections and taps shall be brought out in a suitable terminal block, rigidly fixed to the ballast enclosure. The ballast wiring shall be of copper wire. They shall be free from hum. Ballasts which produce humming sound shall be replaced free of cost by the CONTRACTOR. iv) Separate ballast for each lamp shall be provided in case of multi-lamp fittings, except in the case of 2 x 20 watts fittings. Starters i) Starters shall have bimetal electrodes and high mechanical strength. starters shall be replaceable without disturbing the reflector or lamps and without the use of any tool. Starters shall have brass contacts and radio interference capacitor. ii) The starters shall generally conform to the relevant standards. Capacitors i) The capacitors shall have a constant value of capacitance and shall be connected across the supply of individual lamp circuits. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 289 ii) The capacitors shall be suitable for operation at supply voltage and shall have a value of capacitance so as to correct the power factor of its corresponding lamp circuit to the extent of 0.95 lag or better. iii) The capacitors shall be hermetically sealed preferably in a metal enclosure to prevent seepage of impregnant and ingress of moisture. Lamps i) The fluorescent lamps shall be `Day-light colour' type unless otherwise specified and shall be provided with features to avoid blackening of lamp ends. ii) Mercury or sodium vapour lamps shall be of high pressure, colour corrected type. iii) The constructional features of gas discharge lamps for special applications as stated or for instant start fluorescent lamps if specified, shall be clearly brought out in the bid. iv) The lamps shall be capable of withstanding small vibrations and the connections at lead in wires and filaments/ electrodes shall not break under such circumstances. v) Lamps / tubes shall conform to relevant standards and shall be suitable for supply voltage and frequency specified. Spare Parts i) Unit prices of the items shall be quoted together with catalogue numbers. ii) The unit prices shall not however be limited to the above items. The CONTRACTOR may recommend additional spare items and quote the unit prices of the respective items. Tests And Test Reports Type tests, acceptance tests and routine tests for the lighting fittings and accessories covered by this specification shall be carried out as per the relevant standard for the respective fittings and their accessories. The Manufacturer’s type and routine test certificates shall be submitted for tests conducted as per relevant standards for the fittings and accessories. The TENDERER shall submit with his proposal copies of available test certificates of the fittings offered. 22.0 CHLORINATION SYSTEM SNo Material Description A. Tonners/ Trunions i Empty chlorine tonners Contractor Qty 30 days of chlorine Witness Executive Engineer 290 SNo Material Description Qty dose ii Trunions ----do---- B Gas Piping 1. Auxiliary valve with yoke 2 nos 2. Copper tube 2 nos 3. Manifold valve 2 nos 4. Gas pressure gauge 2 nos 5. Isolating valve for PG 2 nos 6. Gas filter 2 nos 7. Wall manifold with dripleg, heater, built-in filter, header valve. 2 nos 8. Mild steel piping for gas under pressure with pipe and specials As per requirement C Chlorinator Capacity(as per requirement ) 1. Vacuum Regulator 2 nos 2. Automatic vacuum switchover unit 1 no 3. Floor cabinet chlorinator with gas flow meter gate valve 2 nos 4. Ejector 2 nos 5. PVC vacuum manifold with 2 PVC ball valve. 1 no 6. 5/8” Vacuum tube 3/8 inch vent tube As per requirement D Water Booster Pumpset: Water booster pump complete with electric drive motor of 2 Set suitable capacity mounted on a common base plate with coupling. Pump capacity ( as per requirement) Motor rating : ( as per requirement) E) Water Side Piping 1. Gate Valve As per requirement 2. Non Return Valve As per requirement 3. Y- Strainer As per requirement 4. Water pressure gauge with isolation cock As per requirement 5. Water Piping in GI (C Class) comprises with specials As per requirement F Solution Side Piping 1. PP ball valve 2 2. PP Non return valve 2 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 291 SNo Material Description Qty 3. PVC Diffuser 1 4. Rigid PVC Pipe of suitable size with specials As per requirement G. Chlorine Gas Detector for one point (tonner shed) 1. Indicator Alarm unit with digital readout 1 2. Gas Sensor 1 3. Audible Hooter 1 H) Safety Equipment 1. Self contained air breathing apparatus c/w 30 minute duration 2 air cylinder with full face mask, demand valve pressure regulator, carrying case 2. Canister Gas Mask 2 3. Protective clothing Comprises 1 set - PVC overall - Safety goggle - Safety helmet - Pair of Gloves 4. Ammonia Torch 5. Emergency Repair kit for toners 6. Emergency Shower & eye wash fountain I) Material Handling Equipment 1. 3 T Capacity lifting bar for toners 2. 3 T capacity crane type weigh scale J) Electric Panel/Cable 1. Electric Panel for chlorination system 2) Electric Cables K) Mandatory Spare Parts 1. Maintenance kit for vacuum regulator, chlorinator, ejector 1 2. Copper tube 2 3. Impeller, shaft bush for pump 4. Electrolyte solution for gas sensor 5. Lead Washers L) Chlorine Gas Leak absorption Equipment 100M As per requirement FRP Half Hoods Two (2) Nos Caustic Solution tank in PP-FRP complete with solution inlet, One (1) No Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 292 SNo Material Description Qty gas inlet, overflow, drain, manhole and PP diffuser. Tank Capacity : 5m3 Caustic solution pump in polypropylene c/w electric drive motor One (1) No. (415V/50HZ/3Ph/2900 RPM) mounted on a common base plate with coupling. Air blower having impeller and inside casing in MS with FRP One (1) No lined directly mounted on a electric motor shaft. (415V) 50HZ/3Ph. 2900RPM) PP/PVC air duct piping between hood, chlorination room and As per requirement blower inlet. PP/PVC air duct piping between blower discharge and to caustic tank. PP piping for caustic solution comprise of Lot 2-PP ball valve 1-PP NRV 1- PP V- Strainer 1-Pressure gauge with PP ball valve for caustic solution 12MPP piping. Gas sensor (2 for FRP hood and one for chlorination room) Three No. The list of equipments as well as, the detail of components, is indicative only, the contract shall be required to provide complete chlorination system along with safety devices as approved by Engineer-in-charge. 23.0 23.1 1. DIESEL GENERATING SET GENERAL It will be complete responsibility of successful agency to carry out following Work without any extra cost. If any minor Work other than the considered items in required being carried out without any extra cost, which may please be noted. 2. The successful agency will be responsible to operate the D.G. Sets. The agency should take care of the required operation and maintenance of D.G. sets during power failures in coordination with regular maintenance and repair agency or as specified by Engineer-incharge. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 293 3. The agency is required to provide Diesel for the D.G. Sets as per the requirements. The diesel tank should be full / 90% capacity at all times. No laps on any accounts shall be tolerated. The payment of the same will be paid as per actual after producing required documents such as diesel consumption/cash memo etc. 4. The manual operation required for the D.G. Sets is also included in this scope. The successful agency will have to operate the D.G. Sets in coordination with the Haryana State Electricity Board (HSEB) and other Electrical departments. 5. The agency is to bring adequate diesel required for the DG Set. They should operate the D.G. Set at least 10 minutes in a day and keep the D.G. set in full working condition at all times. 6. The D.G. Set is to be provided in fully automatically operative condition. However, in case of any emergency, if the D.G. Set is not operating in its automatic mode, then the operator should be in a position to operate the D.G. Set in manual mode. 7. It will be the responsibility of the successful agency to obtain the necessary approval/sanctions from concerned authorities like HSEB, Pollution Control Board etc. before commissioning of the D.G. Set and same shall be submitted to Engineer-in-charge within the stipulated Contract period. 9. Successful agency will also be responsibility for carrying out comprehensive maintenance of total installation under Contract. This also included the replacement/ repairs of any defective parts and fuel and oil required, so as to ensure the required operation schedule. 23.2 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The entire electrical Work shall be carried out in accordance with specification without any extra cost. The Work shall conform to relevant Indian standard, Indian Electrical Acts and requirements of local electricity board. 1.2 For supervision, Contractor must depute qualified electrical engineer with sufficient experience for similar type of Work. 1.3 The Contractor shall employ only experience and licensed electrical / wiremen for the Work. Only licensed electrical Contractor are allowed to Work. 1.4 When the electrical installation is complete, the same shall be tested as per I.S. code, i.e. Regulations in front of Engineer-in-Charge and result are to be submitted in four sets. 1.5 The Contractor shall carry out all minor civil works connected with electrical Work. The Contractor shall repair and make good damage caused to the civil structure while carrying out the electrical works. 1.6 The foundation for panel board grouting of frames in wall etc is required to be carried out by the agency. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 294 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of D.G. set of desired rating, Auto transfer panel and power and control cabling Work and sound proof Enclosure (Acoustic canopy). 2.2 The scope of Work also including the operation and maintenance of the D.G. set during the defect liability period as well as operation & maintenance period. It also includes any breakdown maintenance / replacement of defective parts and providing required manpower for daily operation of same round the clock or completely as per the requirement of Engineer-in-charge. 2.3 DRAWING & SPECIFICATION Drawing and specification shall be followed and if any deviation from the same is necessary to make the Work conform to the requirement, the same shall be called to the attention of the Engineer. If any discrepancy between specification, Drawing and BOQ is noticed the same shall be informed to the Engineer-in-charge before execution of the Work and higher standard among the three will take precedence. 3.0 SHOP DRAWINGS 3.1 The Contractor prepares detailed shop drawing and submits for the approval of the Engineer before commencing the Work. The shop drawings showing all setting out details and physical dimensions of all complements in the system like conduits and cable, routes, location if HT & LT pane's, D.G. sets AMF panels, sound proof canopy and fixing details. Work shall not be commenced without the approval from the Engineer for each working drawings. The drawing should include circuit diagram of the AMF panel. 4.0 BROCHURE AND DATA 4.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge four copies of all brochures, Manufacturer description data and similar literature. One copy will be returned to the Contractor after approval. 5.0 SCALE 5.1 Electrical layout plans shall be drawn to scale as established on drawings and shall indicate the size and location of all equipment and accessories herein. The Contractor shall obtain all dimensions preferably at the building and check those plans for interference with the building structure and other plans for interference with the building structure and other equipment. 6.0 APPROVAL 6.1 The engineers approval of such drawings, schedule, brochures, etc. will be an approval of general details and arrangements only and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviation from drawings or specifications unless he Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 295 had, in writing, called the Engineer attention to such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or commissions of any kind in the shop drawings when approved. 7.0 STORAGE 7.1 All materials and requirements shall be stored properly to the satisfaction of the Engineer so that physical handling and climatic conditions do not affect the equipment. 8.0 CUTTING & PATCHING 8.1 Cutting, patching and reading shall be kept to the minimum. Whenever this is required, advance approval of the Engineer shall be obtained before cutting and patching Work is taken up during the installation of Work. Those shall be subsequently finished properly to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Care shall be taken to prevent spreading of dust and debris and for protection of equipment and finishes. 9.0 PROTECTION 9.1 All Work equipment and material shall be protected at all times to prevent obstruction, damage or breakage. All equipment shall be covered and protected against water, dust and sand as well as chemical and/or mechanical damage. At the completion of the Work, all equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and delivered in a perfect unblemished and working condition. 10.0 TESTING & COMMISSIONING Testing and commissioning of complete electrical, accessories/equipment/ installations shall be carried out in the presence of Engineer-in-charge/ HSEB officials as per the required norms/ directives at Manufacturers place and at site. 11.0 The Contractor shall furnish all labour and materials called for in this specification and accompanying drawings and shall install the system complete in every respect. Only license approved electrical Contractor/Sub Contractor are permitted to execute the Work. 12.0 GUARANTEE The Contractor shall furnish guarantee on all equipment and appliances. This shall include guarantee against defects in workmanship or material in any part or accessory. If any defects are found, the Contractor at no additional cost shall replace the defective part or Work. 23.3 GENERAL SPECIFICATION 1. INTENT OF SPECIFICATION This specification is intended to cover the design engineering manufacturing, fabrication. Assembly, testing at Manufacturer Work/delivery properly packed for Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 296 2. transport, transportation up to site, erection, testing and commissioning at site suitable design capacity of D.G. Set. The D.G. Set shall run with HSD oil and shall be supplied complete with all the accessories described below for safe and trouble free commercial operation, in manner accepted to the department. CODES & STANDARD The design, manufacture, shop testing, erection and commissioning of compression ignition diesel Engines and accessories shall conform to the standards and codes, with latest revisions in addition to the relevant standards and manufactures own standards. 3. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of Work includes design, manufacture, supply, transport to project site, handing erection testing and commissioning of Diesel Engine driven Generating sets in conformity with the specification given herein and the schedule of quantities. The scope of Work covers the design, Manufacturer; testing supply of suitable capacity D.G. set which including the following: a) Alternator along with its excitation system auxiliaries, circuits, control panel, metering and protection circuits. b) Diesel engine along with its accessories and starting system. c) Flexible / semi flexible couplings. d) Common heavy-duty channel for base frame supported by anti-vibration damper at bottom. e) Cooling arrangements etc. f) Exhaust piping with heavy-duty residential type silencer, insulation of exhaust piping and etc height of piping as per pollution control regulation. g) Starting lead Acid batteries with battery charger having trickle and boost charging arrangements complete with Ammeter with switch and voltmeter with fuse and switch to read battery voltage, starting motor, fuel oil, service tank, fuel oil piping etc. h) All control and power wiring between D.G. set, control panel batteries, safety controls, pumps and AMF panel etc. i) First fill of fuel oil, lubricating oil; etc including cleaning and flushing out of the system after the test at manufacture facility. j) Fuel and oil for testing, trials runs and up to commissioning k) Obtaining all licenses, approval from local authorities including but not limited to any or all of the following: 1) Haryana State Electricity Board (HSEB) 2) Pollution Control Board. 3) Fire Department of the local Fire Brigade. 4) Municipal Corporation. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 297 All requirement offered shall be provide design and reliable in operation. Diesel Generator set capacity specified is at site condition. Both engine and generator shall be rated for continuous duty at full load and have an overload capacity of 10% for an hour in 12 Hr. operations. The excitation system shall be designed to maintain the rated voltage constant even if a load of 150% of rated load is imposed on the Generator for duration of 15 Sec. Tendered to indicate power consumed by auxiliaries along with quotation. The Tenderer shall specify in detail all equipment offered including auxiliaries, associated piping, cabling based on typical layout 23.4 PAINTING, PACKING AND TRANSPORT All metal surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of scale, rust and grease, etc. prior to painting. Cleaned Surface shall be given two coats of primer and prepared for final painting. Final finish shall be free from all sorts of blemishes. The equipment shall be shipped to site suitably packed to present any damage. Each package shall have labels to show purchaser name, purchase order and equipment number, suitable lifting lugs, etc. shall be provided and lifting points shall be clearly marked on the package. Packing shall be suitable for storage at site for a minimum period. 23.5 TEST AND INSPECTION The owner or his authorized representative may visit the works during manufacture or equipment to assess the progress of Work as well as to ascertain that only quality raw materials are used for the same. He shall be given all assistance to carry out the inspection. Detailed test procedure along with the facilities available at Contractor works shall be furnished as and when called for. Owner representative shall be given minimum four-week advance notice for witnessing the final testing. The Contractor shall furnish test certificate including test records and performances curves, etc. The Contractor shall prepare and submit detailed shop drawing depicting the general arrangement of D.G. Sets, connected accessories, fuel tank, fuel oil piping, pumps, control panels, single line electrical diagrams for power and controls, exhaust piping, chimney, foundation details, etc. within 10 days of award of Work. 23.6 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUALS SPARE PARTS, TOOLS ETC. The Contractor shall furnish operation and maintenance manuals in triplicate after installation of the D.G. Set. One set of special tools required shall be supplied at the time of handing over of the set to the Corporation. The price of these special tool set is deemed to be included in the rates quoted by the Tenderer. The bid letter shall list out such tools that will be handed over to the Corporation. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 298 23.7 COMPLETION DRAWING On successful completion of the installation and before issuance of the certificate of virtual completion, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner "as built completion" drawings of the entire installation. The completion drawings shall include: a) Layout of D.G. St and accessories. b) Exhaust piping arrangement. c) Fuel oil tank and piping. d) Electrical single line diagram, control wiring single line diagram, cable layout, panel GA drawings, etc. e) Location of earth pits and Earth conductor with sizes. 23.8 TESTING 1. The following test shall be conducted on each alternator and D.G. Set. 2. Factory Test i) Routine Tests. ii) High Voltage Test. iii) Short circuit Current Test. iv) Instantaneous short-circuit withstand test. v) Insulation resistance test. These tests shall be conducted as per the requirements of the original test certificates shall be furnished to the department. 3. Site Tests After the erection and wiring and earthing for DG set, the following tests shall be conducted: i) Insulation resistance of the generator. ii) Speed, no load voltage and full load voltage regulation. iii) Frequency at no load, half load and full load. The readings shall be observed with calibrated meters. Only one meter shall be used for the tests. The reading shall properly tabulated and submitted in triplicate to the Engineer-incharge. 4. Testing of Controls All the safety controls and protective devices of the DG set shall be tested for correct calibration and operation. The result of the tests shall be tabulated and submitted in triplicate. 23.9 OPERATION DG set with individual Auto Transfer starting facilities is required to provide electric power to the essential loads in the events of failure of normal power supply or when normal supply is switched off under abnormal conditions like fire. When normal power fails or is tripped manually, the D.G. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 299 set should start automatically and restore electrical supply for essential loads. It should have provision to start all the equipments one by one so as to reduce higher starting current. The DG set shall also run continuously to supply power to the loads till restoration of normal power supply. A potation free Contract (NO) closing on under voltage will be made available by means of a suitable control cable at the Auto Transfer control panel to indicate failure or absence of normal supply. The DG set shall start on receipt of this signal with an adjustable time delay of 0.5 secs, the time shall be of self - reset type. The starting time of each of the DG set should be as less as possible, but not exceeding 15 sec. to come on load. In case the first starting operation is not successful, two more attempts with preset time intervals should be attempts; the particular set should be locked out. When an engine speeds up and alternator develops desired voltage in frequency, generator circuit breakers will be switched on. 23.10 INSTALLATION The Contractor shall carry out the installation of the DG sets including but not limited to the following: a) Installation of the DG Set, testing, commissioning, alignment, mounting along with AVM pads on ready floor, foundation to be made by the Contractor and the cost shall be included in the rate for supply and installation of the D.G. set. b) Installation of fuel oil system complete with day tank and Lube oil system with necessary piping, valves, fittings, supports, etc. c) Installation of air intake system, exhaust gas system complete with residential type silencer, expansion bellows, etc. and necessary piping, valve, fitting. Supports etc. d) Installation of Auto Transfer Switch and any other electrical panel. e) The Contractor to supply and install the required 8" dia MS exhaust pipe upto the required height (as stipulated by Pollution Control Board Authorities) above the building in which the D.G. set are housed. The scope also includes providing insulation. f) Installation and charging of battery along with leads, battery stand, etc. 23.11 CAPACITIES The capacity of each of the D.G. set shall be suitable as per design of STP. Both the engine and Generator shall be rated for continuous duty at full load and have an overload capacity of 10% for an hour in 12 hours operation. The excitation system shall be designed to maintain the rated voltage constant even if a load of 150% of rated load is imposed on to the Generator for duration of 15 secs. Tenderer shall indicate power consumed by auxiliaries along with the Tender document. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 300 23.12 DIESEL ENGINE The engine shall be suitable for continuous operation to develop design capacity of DG set at site conditions as mentioned above. The diesel engine shall be indoors type, multi cylinder, totally enclosed, continuous duty, direct fuel injection, series Turbo charged compression ignition, complete with its self-contained lubricating system. The lube oil system shall be provided with Engine Driven Lube Oil Pump only. Following accessories shall be supplied with the engine and the quoted rate for supply and installation of DG set shall be deemed to have included for the accessories described below: a) Air filter Air restriction gauge. b) Lube oil filter. c) Fuel oil filter. d) Coupling. e) Day service Tank. f) Fly wheel with Guard. g) Corrosion Resister. h) Scroll type fuel injection system. i) Residential type silencer. j) Electronic governor. k) Starter motor. I) Instrument panel. m) Laid Acid Battery. n) Exhaust Bellows. o) First fill of lube oil 23.12.1 DAY FUEL TANK The fuel oil day tank shall be provided with gauge glass, filling, drainage and vent connections with valves. Fuel Transformer pump between Engine & Day tank should by engine driven only. 23.12.2 LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM The Lubricating oil for engine lubrication shall be collected in the oil pan located at the bottom of the cylinder block. From oil pan, the lubricating oil shall be let off to a separate lube oil sump, if required. From the oil pan or from the oil sump the lubricating oil shall be drawn by engine driven lubricating oil pump through foot strainer (in the oil sump) and then Through oil filter of suitable capacity . The lube oil pump shall be of Gear type and Engine driven only and the entire assembly should be filter inside the sump. All the inter connecting oil piping together with valves, fittings, hangers, supports, etc. shall be provided by Contractor. 23.12.3 AIR / EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust gas Driven Turbocharger shall be fitted to each bank and each turbocharger shall have its own self-contained lubricating oil system. Ai shall be normally supplied and ducted to the turbo- Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 301 charger of low & high pressure one. Air from the Turbocharger compressor passes to the after cooler and then to the engine manifolds. The cooler shall be of Tabular constructed with aluminium bronze MS and cat-Iron water Boxes. An Engine Drive water ump shall cool it. The engine turbo charging system including exhaust and intake Manifolds, valve timing and arrangement of the cylinder Head shall be designed for optimum performance at High boost pressure with subsequent high specific Engine Power output. 23.12.4 GOVERNING SYSTEM Electronic governing system shall be provided with the necessary sensors. The governor shall be suitable for operating without external power supply ad shall be provided with adequate speed control system. 23.12.5 FLYWHEEL The Contractor shall be responsible for determining and providing the necessary flywheel effect. The flywheel shall be both statically and dynamically balanced and capable of rotating at 125% of rated speed without injury. Flywheel guards shall be furnished. 23.12.6 ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Radiator shall be offered by the Contractor to cool the water received from the engine or any other cooling system as specified by Engineer-in-charge. 23.12.7 ENGINE STARTING SYSTEM Manual Electrical starting arrangements of the engine in case of power failure shall be provided. The system will consist of DC starter motor mounted on turning gear will receive power from the set of 24V DC Batteries. 23.12.8 FUEL OIL SYSTEM The fuel used for the DG set shall be High-speed diesel (HSD) only. The day tank shall be filled manually by operating Hand pump. In order to transfer fuel from day tank to engine has to be done through fuel transfer pump which should be engine driven only. 23.13 ALTERNATOR The generator shall be driven by the diesel engine as described in this specification and shall match the same in all respects. The generator shall also conform to 15 4722 or equivalent. 23.13.1 1. TESTS Equipment shall be tested to conform to the appropriate standard and the following tests shall be conducted in the presence of purchasers. 2. Functional tests, continuity tests and high voltage test on control panel to establish the performance called for in the specification. 3. Power frequency voltage test on switchgear and mechanical / electrical operation check. 4. Routine test for alternator as per IS 4722. 5. Over speed test (1.2 times the rated speed for 2 minutes). Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 302 6. Transient response tests for sudden application and rejection of loads of 25°/0/ 50%, 75%, and 100% of rated capacity. 7. Wave from test (type test result are acceptable ). 8. Please sequence test. 9. Vibration test. 10. Noise level test 11. Dimensional and alignment. 23.14 DG WITH STANDERD MANUAL CONTROL PANEL DG set shall be supplied with standard manual control panel. This panel shall be floor mounting, free standing, dust tight, vermin proof/ sheet metal enclosed, cubicle type. Cable entry to the control panel shall be from the top or bottom (depending upon site condition) for power and control cable, outgoing cable, of auxiliary equipment and outgoing cable to power center. 1. The panel shall be free standing, fabrication from 14/16SWG CRCA sheet metal enclosed, dust and vermin proof type with a hinged door and having a degree of protection IP 52 as per IS 2147 unless otherwise specified. The panel shall be powder coated with Siemens gray color shade after completing 7-tank pre-treatment process. Curing shall be by baking. Finish shall be structural finish (70-80 microns). Power and control equipment shall be segregated inside the Panel as far as practicable. The maximum height of the operation handle / switches shall not exceed 1000 mm and the minimum height sha'l not below 300 mm. All hardware shall be made corrosion resistant and bolts, nuts and washer shall be made of galvanized zinc passivated cadmium plated high quality steel. Unless otherwise specified the panel shall be suitable for bottom cable entry. Necessary glands shall be provided with panel. All auxiliary devices for control, indication, measurement and alarm such as push buttons control/selector switches, indicating lamps, metering instruments, annunciation, etc. shall be mounted on the front door of the panel. Adequate number of potential free contact shall be provided in the control panel for any remote control, monitoring of the generator set. 2. All switches shall be load-break, heavy-duty type. All fuses shall be non-deteriorating HRC cartridge pressure filtered, link type. The Contractor shall be air break type having AO3 duty rating. Thermal overload relays shall be three elements, positive acting, ambient temperature compensated type with adjustable setting range and built in protection feature against single phasing. All control/selector switches shall be rotary back connected type having cam operated contact mechanism with knob type handle 'STOP' push buttons shall be stay put type. 3. Wiring for power, control and signaling circuits shall be done with PVC insulated copper conductors having 1100V grade insulation. Minimum size of control wires shall be 2.5 mm. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 303 "ELEMEX" type terminals shall be acceptable for wires upto 10 sq mm size and for conductors larger than 10 sq mm bolted type terminals with crimping lugs shall be provided. A minimum of 10% spare terminals shall be provided on each terminal block. 4. An adequately sized earth bus shall be provided in the panel for connection to the main earth grid. All non-current carrying metallic parts of the mounted equipment's shall be earthed. Doors and movable parts shall be earthed using flexible copper connections. 5. Engraved nameplates shall be provided for all devices mounted on the front of the panel. Nameplate or polyester adhesive stickers shall be provided for ach equipment mounted inside the panel. The AMF control panel shall be provided with, but not limited to the following devices: 23.15 STANDERD MANUAL CONTROL PANEL: The Manual Panel shall have provision such that on switching over to DG supply; it shall not put all the drives into operation on load at a time. But the same shall be put into operation one by one with suitable time lag. The panel shall be Cubical type, floor mounted, dust and vermin proof control panel with hinged doors, CAM type doorknob, undrilled bottom gland plate, load manager each fitted with: > Suitable rating Amps 4 phase 36KA MCCB - Similar to MD's make Cat No.25606 with frame size of DPX 630, S-l, Electronic type - 2 NOS. > Shunt Release 220V A.C coil similar to MDs make, Cat No.26164 & frame size of DPX630 - 2 Nos. > Remote control front operated, motor operated similar to MDs make - Cat No.26144 & frame size of DPX-630 - 2 Nos. > Auxiliary contacts similar to MDs make Cat No.26160 & frame size of DPX-630 - 2 Nos. > Spreader lines similar to MDs make Cat No.625008 & frame size of DPX-630 - 4 Sets. > Electronic control unit automatic supply inverter similar to MDs make of Cat No.26196 & frame size DPX-630 - 1 No. > Digital Ammeter of adequate rating with selector switch & CTs - 1 No. > 0 - 500V digital voltmeter with selector switch & CTs. - 1 Set > RYB indicating lamp - 2 sets. > MCCB ON/OFF indicating lamp - 2 sets. > 2 No. + NC Auxiliary contactor 220V ac - 2 Nos. > Frequency meter. > Digital hourly running meter. > KW meter, Digital. > KWH meter, Digital. > Current transformers of suitable ratio of class 1 for metering. > 3 Nos. current transformers of suitable ratio of Class-I for metering. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 304 > 4 Pole ALB Microprocessor based EDO type contact operated by charging motor and incorporated with shutter Assembly, shunt release etc. > Micro switch for service position, Test service, 3 indicators for DG ON/OFF/TRIP. > CT for above ACB's > Copper Bus Bar (TPN) of adequate rating. Mains supply Monitor to identify low voltage/complete failure and initiate necessary single for operation of automatic control gear. > 1 Set Window Annunciation's with audio visual alarm & Trips for: i) High Water Temp. ii) Low lubes Oil pressure. iii) Over speed stop iv) Set fails to start. > 1 No. Electronic Hooter. > 1 Set push button hooter accept/fault clear. > 1 No. Control switch (ON/OFF - for DG Manual control) > 1 No. Mode Selector Switch (AUTO/MANUAL/aEST/OFF) > 1 Set Indicating Lamps for s Load on Set', ' Load on Mains' etc. > 1 No. Battery Charger consisting of: Transformer Rectifier D.C. ammeter D.C. voltmeter Charger selector switch (TRICKLE/BOOST/OFF) Lamp for battery charging indication. > 1 Set Instrument fuses. > 1 Set Bus bars of adequate capacity. > 1 No. of Automatic Transfer Switch fixed version (750 Amps). The AMF panel shall be provided with, but not limited to following: Sr. No. Description Range / Rating Allen Bradley make for A, V, KW, KWH, KVA Rand P.F. Freq. KVA, Parameters. 16 Amps. 16 Amps. 1. Load manager with CTS 2. 3. Voltage choosing switch (Alt/manual/Load) 4. Mode selector switch (Auto Manual/ Test) 16 Amps. 5. Battery charge switch 16 Amps. 6. Current Transformers 1250/5A, CL1 Contractor Voltage selector switch Witness Executive Engineer 305 Sr. No. 7. Description 800/400 Amps 4 pole MCCB 36KA with 0/C, S/C shunt release remote control, front operated auxiliary contact block & spreader link. Range / Rating MDS make 8. Line Voltage Monitor - 9. Auxiliary Contactors 6A, 230V. 10. AC Timer ON/OFF Delay 230V. A.C. 11. DC timer 24 Volts D.C. 12. Hooter 24 Volts D.C. 13. Charging Resistor 14. Battery charger transformer 15. Battery charger rectifier 25A, 200V Over current Earth fault English Elect CDG3/Type Microprocessor based. 16. 17. 100 DHMS : 200 W Automatic transfer switch fixed version electronic control unit & supply inverter mounting plate. 360VA 230V MDS make 23.16 INDICATING LAMPS AND PUSH BUTTONS SNo Description Range / Rating 1. Load Mains 230 A.C. 2. MAINS Healthy 230 A.C. 3. Set fails to Start 24V D.C. 4. D.G. ON 230V A.C. 5. Low oil pressure Trip 24V D.C. 6. High Water Temperature Trip 24V D.C. 7. Engine over Speed Trip 24V D.C. 8. Load on Set 230V A.C. 9. D.C Supply on 24V D.C. 10. DIODE Test Lamps Start Stop Test Acknowledge Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 306 SNo Description Range / Rating Reset ALT ACB Close/Trip DIODE Lamp Test 11. Protective relay functions to be provided Over Voltage Under Voltage Over Frequency Under frequency Over Current Reverse Power 23.17 TECHNICAL PARTICULARS AND INSTALLATION The Technical particulars of the DG set offered shall be furnished in the format indicated in the Data Sheet. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR DIESEL GENERATOR AND ACCESSORIES SR. NO. PARTICULARS DATA Make of Diesel Engine Model No. of engine Power rating of the Engine Gross Engine BHP Gross engine KW Radiation fan Power No. of Cylinders Bore & Stroke Displacement Compression Ratio BMEPof the Engine Direction of Rotation Aspiration of Engine Piston speed of the Engine Max Over speed allowed Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 307 SR. NO. PARTICULARS DATA Friction HP lost Mech Eff. Of the engine Thermal Eff of the engine EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust System back pressure Noise reduction silencer Exhaust Gas Flow Rate Exhaust Gas Temp. LUBE OIL SYSTEM Lube Oil sump capacity Filter type Oil Temp Max. Filter type Filtration capacity in microns Filtration system Engine Lube Oil Consumption Lube Oil consumption @ 100% load Lube Oil consumption @ 75% load Lube Oil consumption @ 25% load Lube oil change period Recommended Lube oil DERATION DETAILS Deration of the Engine - Altitude @ Normal DerationTemp. of the Engine - Altitude @ 50 Degree DerationC. of the Engine-Temp. Deration of the Engine Humidity INTAKE SYSTEM Air Intake restriction - with clean element Air intake restriction - with dirty element Filtration capacity in microns Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 308 SR. NO. PARTICULARS DATA Max intake manifold temperature Intake manifold pressure Combustion air inlet flow rate FUEL SYSTEM Fuel system type Filter type Filtration capacity Priming pump (HP) manual Max head on transfer pump Fuel filter change period Max lift of fuel transfer pump Fuel transfer pump flow 24.0 TRANSFORMER & ACCESSORIES Transformer shall be of suitable rating along with HT VCB, gang operated switches, Heat shrinkable cable boxes, H.T. cabling & other required accessories. 24.1 Specifications 11000/433 volts. 3 phase 50 Hz., copper wound, oil immersed naturally cooled (ONAN), delta/star connected, non-sealed type, no loss, core type, out door, floor-mounting, step down, continuously rated, distribution transformer conforming to I.S-2026-1977 with up to date amendments. Transformer must be complete with oil conservator, drain valve, dehydrating breather, uni-Directional rollers, explosion vent, bucholz relay, filter valve, tank, earthing terminals within and diaphragm plates, thermometer pocket with 100 mm dial type thermometer with control contacts, MRP & RSD completer with radiator fins, lifting lugs, air release and oil filling plug, magnetic oil level gauge with min &max level marking marshalling box. Additional externally brought out neutral bushing for earthing should be provided +5 %, + 2 ½ %, -2 ½ %, -5%, -7 ½ %, -10%, 12.5%, -15% tapping on HT side with nine positions ON-load tap changing switch with position indicator locking device with lock and keys must be included. The transformer should be complete with first filling of transformer oil. The material of construction should be such that it should give lower core losses, higher efficiency, better regulation and long years of trouble free service. The impedance volts must be clearly specified. The temperature rise shall not exceed 50 oC in oil considering ambient temperature of 450 C, considering ambient temperature maximum at 50o C and minimum as –5o C as per IS-2026 Part I Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 309 The efficiency and losses of transformer at various loads must be specified. Standard Rating & Electrical Characteristics Rated HT Voltage 11 KV Rated LT Voltage 433V Frequency 50 HZ No. Of Phases 3 Connection (HT) Delta Connection (LT) Star Vector group DYN-II Type of cooling ONAN Taps from - 15% to +5% in 8 steps The tap changing shall be carried out with transformer ON load with RTCC and AVR in various tap positions. Tap positions shall be numbered as per rating and terminal marking plates. 24.2 Winding Connections And Vectors The winding wire shall be copper with double paper cover insulation representing class B insulation as per IS 1180, No strip conductor wound on edge shall have a width exceeding 3 times its thickness. During winding HV & LV windings shall be provided with vertical ducts and spacers for free circulation of oil so that a very low temp. gradient between copper and oil is ensured and chances of excessive local heating are eliminated. The tow windings shall be so placed that they remain electro magnetically balanced under all conditions of services. The primary winding shall be connected DELTA and secondary winding as STAR (vector symbol DYN-II), so as to produce a positive displacement of 30 0 from the primary to secondary winding and brought out to separate insulated terminal. 24.3 Terminal Arrangement And Bushing The high and low voltage terminals shall be outdoor porcelain bushing type for bare copper connection. The bushing rod with at least 3 nuts and 2 washers shall be of brass. Each terminal including the neutral shall be distinctly marked on both primary and secondary sides in accordance with IS-1180 (Part-1) 1981 with up to date amendments. The HV Bushing shall conform to IS-2099-1973 and IS-1180 with up to date amendments. The LV bushing shall be as per IS-7421/74 with up to date amendments. All porcelain used in the bushing shall be homogenous free from other flaws effecting its mechanical strength or dielectric quality. These should be well vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture. A minimum phase to phase external clearance of live parts i.e. 75 mm for LV bushings and 255 mm for HV bushings shall be obtained with the bushings mounted on the transformers. 24.4 Core The core shall be constructed from cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel laminations of grade 41, at least one side of each lamination shall be coated with hot oil proof insulating material such as Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 310 oxide silicate. The lamination shall be held rigidly by a steel framework. The core shall be provided with lifting lugs for lifting the complete core and coil assembly of transformer without transmitting the stresses to the, laminations. The flux density should not be more than 1.6 2 tasle/m . Laminations used should be free from burns and rust at the edges and finally assembled core is free from distortion. 24.5 Tank And Mounting Arrangement The main tank of the transformer shall be made of good quality tested rolled steel sheet and painted outside with IP55 protection, inside of the tank should be painted with 2 coats of Zincromated primer. 24.6 Lock Nuts Bolts and nuts shall be provided with lock washers or lock nuts, split pins shall be used for the purpose of lock nuts. 24.7 Vibration And Noise The manufacturer will ensure that the noise level is not more than 5DB above the NIMA standard publication 24.8 Transformer Oil The transformer oil used in the transformer shall conform to IS-335 / latest edition with up to date amendments. 24.9 Rating And Terminal Marking Plate: - These shall be non-detachable plates. 24.10 Limits of temperature rise The temp. rise shall not exceed the limits of 500 C for transformer windings and 400C (measured by thermometer) in top oil when tested in accordance with IS 2026 Part II-1977. Hot spot temp. not to exceed 950C when calculated over an annual weighted temp. rise mentioned above will have to be satisfied by the manufacturer by carrying out heat run test at the lowest tap by feeding loses corresponding to rated current at this tap proportional to guaranteed max. loss at normal tap Losses and Impedance Values The No Load Losses and No Load Current shall not exceed the values given in the following table No load losses (Fixed Loss) AS PER IS CODE Load losses at 0 75 C(Watts) AS PER IS – CODE No load current 3% of rated current The above losses are max. allowable without any tolerance on positive side. Impedance:- the %age impedance at 750 C shall be 5% (without any +ve tolerance. Over flux in the core shall be limited to 12.5%. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 311 The current density on H.V. side should not be more than 3 A/mm2 and that on LV side 3.2 A/mm2. The current density in the tow windings should as for as possible be equal in order to have min. copper loss. Schedule of Technical Particulars should also be given alongwith bid as per Appendix ‘A’ Fitting should be provided as per Appendix ‘B1 & Appendix B2’. APPENDIX – A SCHEDULE OF TECHINICAL PARTICULARS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER 1. Name of the manufacture 2. Service 3. kVA rating: a) HV winding b) IV winding c) LV winding 4 KVA KVA KVA Rated voltage : a) HV winding b) IV winding c) LV winding KV KV KV 5 Rated frequency Hz 6 Number of phases 7 Connections: a) HV winding b) IV winding c) LV winding 8 Connection symbol [ IS : 2026 ( Part – IV) – 1977*] : a) HV-IV b) HV-LV 9 Tapping: a) Range b) Number of steps c) For high voltage variation/ For intermediate Voltage variation/ for low voltage variation. 10 Reference ambient temperatures: a) Maximum ambient air temperature b) Maximum daily average ambient air temperature. c) Maximum yearly weighted average ambient temperature. d) Maximum ambient air temperature. e) Maximum cooling water temperature. 11 Type of cooling.[ IS : 2026 ( Part II ) – 1977*] 12 Temperature – rise. [ IS : 2026 (Part II ) – 1977*]: a) Top oil b) Winding Contractor Witness C C C C C C C Executive Engineer 312 13. Total loss at rated voltage at principal tapping and rated frequency. KW 14. Component losses: a) No load loss at rated voltage on principal tapping and at rated frequency. b) Load loss at rated current at principal tapping at 750 C 15. Impedance voltage at rated current for the principal tapping: a) HV – IV b) HV – LV c) IV – LV 16. Reactance at rated current and rated frequency: a) HV – IV b) HV – LV c) IV – LV 17 No load current at rated voltage and rated frequency. 18 Input to cooling plant 19 Insulation level [ IS : 2026 ( Part III ) – 1977 *]: a) Separate source power- frequency voltage withstand: i) HV winding ii) IV winding iii) LV winding b) Induced over voltage withstand: i) HV winding ii) IV winding iii) LV winding c) Full wave lightning impulse withstand voltage: i) HV winding ii) IV winding iii) LV winding d) Switching impulse withstand voltage : i) HV winding ii) IV winding iii) LV winding 20 Stabilizing/ Tertiary winding : a) Rated voltage b) Normal rating c) Normal rating ( expressed as percent of main winding Rating in the case of stabilizing winding) d) Delta closed inside/outside ( in the case of Stabilizing winding) 21 Efficiencies at 75 C at unity power factor: a) At full load b) At ¾ full load c) At ½ full load 22 Regulation at full load at 75 C: a) At unity power factor b) At 0.8 power factor lagging 23 Equipment for ONAN or ONAF /ONAN cooling : a) State: i) Radiators on main tank ii) Separate cooler bank b) State ONAN rating in case of mixed cooling 24 Equipment for OFAF/ODAF cooling : a) State: i) Radiator bank ii) Separate enclosed type coolers Contractor Witness kW kW Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent kW kVrms. kVrms. kVrms. kV rms. kV rms. kV rms. kV Peak kV Peak kV Peak kV Peak kV Peak kV Peak kV kVA Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Executive Engineer 313 25 26 27 28 29 30 b) State OFAN/ODAN, ONAF, ONAN rating ( kVA) Whichever is/are applicable in case of mixed cooling: i) OFAN/ODAN ii) ONAF iii) ONAN Number of coolers or cooler banks per transformer. Rating of each cooler or cooler bank. In case of OFF circuit voltage variation, state (a) or (b): a) Off circuit tap switch b) Off circuit links Details of on – load tap – changer : a) Make b) Type c) Rating : i) Rated voltage ii) Rated current iii) Step voltage iv) Number of steps d) Control e) Auxiliary supply details f) Voltage control g) Parallel operation h) Protective devices i) Approximate overall weight j) Approximate overall dimensions k) Approximate overall quantity of oil Terminal arrangement : a) High voltage b) Intermediate voltage c) Low voltage d) Neutral Approximate masses: a) Core and winding b) Tank fittings and accessories c) Oil d) Total mass 31 Approximate quantity of oil required for first filling 32 Approximate overall demensions: a) Length b) Breadth c) Height 33 Despatch details: a) Approximate mass of heaviest package c) Approximate dimensions of largest package: i) Length ii) Breadth iii) Height 34 Untanking height 35 Reference Standards kg mm liter kg kg kg kg liters mm mm mm kg mm mm mm mm APPENDIX – B FITTINGS B-1. The fittings as given below shall be provided: Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 314 S.No. Item Transformer to which fitted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Inspection cover Rating plate Terminal – marking plate Two earthling terminals Lifting lugs Drain cum sample valve with screw plug Dehydration breather with Silica Gel one one one set one set one set one 1 No.( 800 gms) 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. Oil – level indicator indicating 0%,30% & 98% Thermometer pocket Oil – filling hole with cover Conservator with drain plug Air release device Jacking lugs Filter valve with plug one one one one one one set one set B-2. The additional fittings as given below may be provided, along with offer: S.No. 1. Rollers Item Remarks Details of rollers to be stated with the offer. Type to be stated with offer. To be stated with offer. Details of requirement to be stated with offer. Details to be stated with the offer. Type to be stated with offer. Type to be stated with offer. 2. Thermometer 3. Additional thermometer pockets 4. Winding temperature indicator 5. Explosion vent 6. 7. Gas –and Oil – actuated relay Skids 24.11 Specifications of OLTC On load Tap changer suitable for application at all locations of 11 kV, 3 phase , Star or Delta connected transformers. It is a linear gear, requiring a potentiometric tapping arrangement with a Wander lead. The Tap Changer has a max. of 9 positions so that it can be applied to a winding of 8 steps, to give 9 different voltages. The functions of the tap selector and diverter Switch are combined in a selector switch. The Selector Switch and its integrally mounted stored energy type Driving Mechanism, are housed in a sheet steel tank, with a Flange suitable for mounting on a port on the Transformer tank. Leads can be brought out of the transformer through a Port Flange mounted, oil tight , Terminal Barrier Board, which is part of the Tap changer supply. The Tap changer must be connected to a conservator, through an Oil Surge Protective Relay. The Oil Surge Protective Relay forms part of Tap changer Supply. The Tap changer must be filled with oil by the Transformer Manufacturer. The Tap changer must conform to Type tests and Routine tests as per IS : 8468. 24.11.1 Contractor Technical Data : Witness Executive Engineer 315 Rated Voltage : 11KV Maxm. System Voltage : 12 KV No. of positions : 9 No. of Phases : 3 Maxm. Continuous current : 200 A Maxm. Operating step voltage : 300 V : 6000V Maxm. Operating voltage over Tapping range Maxm. Continuous voltage to ground : 12,000V Maxm. Continuous voltage Between phases : 12,000V Peak emergency current : 450 A Time per tap change : 4-6 Sec. Weight of Tapchanger without oil : 370 Kgs. Weight of Tapchanger with oil : 610 Kgs. Oil content : 230 Lts. Transition switching time : 50 milli.secs. 24.12 Automatic Voltage Regulating Relay Automatic Voltage Regulating Relay designed for maxm. Operational simplicity for regulating the secondary voltage of power transformers with On Load Tap Changer. The dead band(band width) can be set by setting the nominal value adjustment (NVA) to the required value (110V+10%) & then setting the L & R Limits around the NVA within 0.5 V to 5 V. The desired time delay can be set up on the front panel and the control action will take place only if the voltage continues to remain outside the dead band after the time delay has elapsed. For voltage corrections requiring more than one tap change, time delay is initiated again before further tap change. The relay is reset automatically after the voltage is brought within the selected dead band, the time delays is effectively reduced to provide a voltage time integral response of the regulator. Operation of the Raise Control Relay is automatically inhibited when the voltage falls below the specified under voltage limit or it falls. One pair of normally open relay contacts are provided to effect the tap changer during Raise and Lower operation and to trigger an alarm in case of under voltage/ P.T fail conditions. 24.12.1 Contractor SPECIFICATIONS: - Witness Executive Engineer 316 Auxiliary supply : 110 V/ 230V AC + 15% 50Hz, 15 VA PT Supply( Regulating : 110V + 10%, 50Hz.,1.5VA : 1 Nominal value adjustable (NVA) between Voltage ) Sensitivity ( Dead Band ) And Nominal value Range +10% of 110V and readable on DPM. : 2 L setting adjustable between 0.5v to 5v above the NVA and readable on DPM. : 3 R ` Setting adjustable between 0.5v to 5v below the NVA and readable on DPM. : Time delay setting 4 Actual PT voltage also readable on DPM. : Fixed (voltage independent) time delay continuously adjustable from 10 to 120 seconds. Time delay Resetting : Instantaneous resetting with voltage deviation occurring in opposite direction. Under voltage Blocking : Internal blocking at 80% of NVA Restoration at 85% of NVA (other values available on request) Controls Relays : One pair of normally open potential free contacts of rating 5A at 250V AC of 24V DC resistive load for each lower, raise and under voltage control relays. Control Operation : Single Pulse operation with 5 seconds (appeox.) on time. Operating Temperature : O – 500C. Size : Panel cutout dimensions 330 x 135mm Depth 260mm approx. Mounting Hole dimensions 360mm + 2mm x 100mm + 2mm ( ¼” Ø x 4). 24.13 VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS: - VCB Breaker panel ,630A, 350MVA, 11kV with IDMTL Relays ( O/C & E/F) and Auxiliary Relays. Panel with C.T., P.T. Ammeter & voltmeter. The VCB should conform to routine test as per IEC 56 and IS 13118. The panel along with breakers should conform to routine test as per IS 3427 and IEC 298. Technical Specification Type : M – 500 Rated voltage : 12kV Rated current : 1250Amps Rated Symmetrical Breaking : 25 kA Current (RMS) capacity Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 317 Short time current with stand : 26.2kA : 65.5kA Rated insulation Level : 28/75kV Operating Sequence : 0-0.3 sec. (RMS) capacity. Rated Making Current (Peak) Capacity. -CO-3min – CO Auxiliary Switch Contacts : 8 NO + 8NC 25.0 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE The drive should be designed to meet the following specifications: NEMA ICS 3.1 – Safety standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Operation of Adjustable Speed Drive Systems. IEC 146 – International Electrical Code. Input Power The drive should be self adjustable to accept an input supply voltage of AC, 3 phase & neutral of 415 V ± 10%, 50 C/s ± 5%. Environment Storage ambient temperature range: -10 to 50 degree centigrade. Operating ambient temperature range: 5 to 50 degree centigrade without derating. Output Power The output voltage should be adjustable from 0 to rated input voltage. The output frequency range should be adjustable from 0 to 100Hz. The inverter section shall produce a pulse width modulated (PWM) waveform using latest generation techniques. Control Logic The drive should be programmable or self-adjusting for operation under the following conditions. Operate drive with motor disconnected. Controlled shut down, when properly fused, with no component failure in the event of an output phase to phase or phase to ground short circuit and annunciation of the fault condition. Adjustable PWM carrier frequency within a range of 2-25kHz. Selectable Sensor less Vector or V/Hz mode. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 318 Selectable for variable or constant torque loads. Selection of variable torque shall provide 115% of rated VT current for up to one minute. Selection of constant torque shall provide 150% of rated CT current for up to one minute. Multiple programmable stop modes including – Ramp, Coast, DC-Brake, Ramp-to-Hold and S-curve. Multiple acceleration and deceleration rates. All adjustments to be made with the door closed. Power Conditioning The drive should be designed to operate on an AC line which may contain line notching and up to 10% harmonic distortion. An input isolation transformer shall be required for protection from normal line transients and the K factor shall be 4.0 or less. PF shall after rectification if required for lower frequencies shall not be lower than 0.95. Features Interface The drive shall provide a removable Human Interface Module with integral display to show drive operating conditions, adjustments and fault indications. The display should be removable under power without causing a fault and shall be visible and operable without opening the enclosure door. The module also shall provide LED indication of drive direction and commanded direction. The display should be capable of remote mounting by means of cable connection up to 10 meters (33ft) from the drive and shall be capable of being used as a hand-held terminal. Control Mode Programming shall provide the ability to select sensor less vector or v/hz mode. The sensor less vector mode shall use the motor nameplate data plus motor operating data, such as IR drop, nominal flux current and flux up time. The volts per hertz mode shall be programmed for squared, cubed, straight line, pre programmed or full custom patterns. Current Limit Programmable current limit shall be from 20% to 160% of constant torque rating. Current limit should be active for all drive states; accelerating, constant speed and decelerating. The drive shall employ Pl regulation with an adjustable gain for smooth transition in and out of current limit. Acceleration/Deceleration Accel/Decel setting shall provide separate adjustments to allow either setting to be adjusted from 0 seconds to 3600 seconds. A second set of remotely selectable Accel/Decel setting shall be accessible with Control interface option. An adaptive current limit circuit shall be disabled in programming for fast acceleration of low intertia loads. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 319 Speed Regulation The programmable speed regulation modes shall include the following: Open Loop Slip Compensation with 0.5% speed regulation Droop – Negative Slip Compensation with 0.5% speed regulation Traverse Function Closed loop encoder feedback with 0.1% speed regulation Process PI control Speed Profiles Programming capability shall allow the user to produce speed profiles with linear acceleration/declaration or “S-Curve” profiles that provide changing accel/decel rates. SCurve profiles shall be selectable for fixed or adjustable values. Adjustments The digital interface should be used for all set-up, operation and adjustment settings. All adjustments shall be stored in nonvolatile memory (EEPROM). No potentiometer adjustments shall be used. The drive shall provide EEPROM memory for factory default values. Process Pi Control The internal process Pl regular shall have both proportional and integral gain adjustments well as error inversion and output clamping functions. The feedback shall be configured for normal or square root functions. If the feedback indicates that the process shall be moving away from the set point, the regulator shall adjust the drive output until the feedback equals the reference. Process control shall be enabled or disabled with a hardwire input. Transitioning in and out of process control shall be tuned for faster response by preloading the integrator. Protection should be provided for a loss of feedback or reference signal. Fault Reset/Run The drive shall provide up to nine automatic fault reset and restarts following a fault condition before locking out and requiring manual restart. The automatic mode should be not applicable to a ground fault, shorted output faults and other internal microprocessor faults. The time between restarts shall be adjustable from 0.5 seconds to 30 seconds. Skin Frequencies Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 320 Three adjustable set points that lock out continuous operation at frequencies which may produce mechanical resonance shall be provided. The set points shall have a bandwidth adjustable from 0Hz to 15 Hz. Run On Power Up A user programmable restart function should be provided to automatically restart the equipment after restoration of power after an outage. A maintained 2-wire start input shall be provided for this function. Line Loss Restart This programmable function shall select the reconnect mode of the drive after recovery from a line loss condition. The reconnect modes shall be – Last Speed. Speed Search, Track Volts, or Use Encoder. Disabling this feature will force the drive to start from zero hertz. Fault Memory The last four faults as well as operating frequency drive status and power mode shall be stored at the time of fault. Information should be maintained in the event of a power loss. Overload Protection The drive shall provide Class 20 motor overload protection. Overload protection should be speed sensitive and adjustable for motors with speed ranges of 2:1, 4:1 and 10:1. A viewable parameter shall store the overload usage in percent. An alarm bit shall be used to adjust a process to eliminate an overload trip. Auto Economizer This feature automatically shall reduce the output voltage when the drive shall be operating in an idle mode (drive output current less than programmed motor FLA). The voltage should be reduced to minimize flux current in a lightly loaded motor thus reducing kW usage. If the load increases, the drive shall automatically return to normal operation. Terminal Blocks Separate terminal blocks shall be provided for control and power wiring. Flying Start The drive should be capable of determining the speed and direction of a spinning motor and adjusts its output to “pick-up” the motor at the rotating speed. The flying start feature should be operable with or without encoder feedback. Reference Signals The drive should be capable of the following input reference signals: Digital pulse input Digital MOP Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 321 Remote potentiometer Serial 0 – 10 V DC HIM (program/Control panel) 4 – 20 mA The remote potentiometer should be also programmable to be used as a trim pot for the 0 – 10V DC or 4 – 20 mA signals. Programmable gain adjustments for both upper and lower setting shall allow for system calibration. The analog inputs shall be programmable for normal, inverted or square be root operation. Loss Of Reference In the event of loss of the 4 – 20 mA reference signal, the drive should be user programmable to the following: Fault and stop Alarm and maintain last reference within 10% Alarm and go to preset speed Alarm and go to minimum speed Alarm and go to maximum speed Active for Process Pl reference or feedback Operator Devices The drive shall provide an option for Start, Stop, Jog. Reverse and Speed Control as an integral part of the Human Interface Module. Control Interface All control interface cards shall provide input terminals for access to fixed drive functions that include start, stop, external fault, speed, and enable. Four additional inputs shall be to be programmed to one of 24 different input Modes for functions such as reverse, preset speed access, jog, second accel/decel time access, process trim, speed/troque, and local control selection. Inputs shall be programmable to configure the drive for standard 3-wire, 2-wire, EC, 4-20 mA DC and serial operation requirements. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 322 SECTION – 11 INSPECTION TESTING, ERECTION COMMISSIONING OF MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF PLANT Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 323 INSPECTION TESTING, ERECTION COMMISSIONING OF MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF PLANT 1.0 Scope The bidder’s/contractor’s scope cover the design, shop testing, supply, transport, storing at site, erection, testing and commissioning of all electrical and instruments required for the plant, as per enclosed General Specification, Specific Requirement, typical power distribution scheme and typical control system architecture. Where there is any contradiction between General Specification and Specific requirements mentioned in this document, the specific requirements will rule the project requirement. 2.0 Design Basis 2.1 The Bidder/Contractor shall strictly follow the typical power distribution single line diagram which is to be proposed by him and approved and accepted by department. The bidder shall visit the site to satisfy himself about availability of voltage level, its condition, its probable route, etc. before quoting. The department will provide 415V, 3 Phase electrical power at one point within the premises. From this point onwards the successful bidder shall extend 1 supply to MCC room (Motor Control Centre). 2.2 Bidders shall follow the BIS guideline for voltage rating of motors while designing and selection of electrical motors. All motors of 100 HP/75KW and above shall be provided with RTD’s (at least two RTD’s) 2.3 All motors shall be provided with class-F insulation and their temperature rise shall be limited up to Class-B. All motors above 100 HP(75 KW) shall be provided with RTD’s(at least two RTD’s per winding) earth leakage protection, comprehensive micro process based protection having locked current/over load, negative phase sequence relay, under load, over current, earth fault, start Nos., transit currents etc. 2.4 All LT cables shall be designed and selected after considering a minimum de-rating factor of 0.65. Exact de-rating shall be calculated taking into consideration designed ambient temperature; grouping and minimum size as per fault level calculation of main generating station and upto all distribution points. 2.5 Bidder shall carry out the earth resistivity test on his own and based on this result they should design the total earthing system to maintain a overall resistance value less than one ohm. 2.6 The electrical and instrumentation in gas handling area like etc. shall be flame proof type and adhere to CPCB norms. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 324 2.7 Noise level(db levels & insertion level) inside and outside blower room shall be strictly as per latest amended pollution control board norms applicable at installation time. Whatever extra equipments required like scrubber, acoustic shall be provided to meet statutory guide lines as well as building should be able to accommodate all equipments. 2.8 The control system and instrumentation for the total plant shall be provided as per typical control system architecture provided with this tender. 2.9 LT cable/control cable/lighting cable inside the plant shall be done on overhead cable tray mounted on steel structure etc. 2.10 Measuring instruments shall be provided by bidder as per standard measurement scheme enclosed herewith. 2.11 LT capacitor bank shall be provided with automatic power factor correction system. Its panel shall incorporate timer circuit to allow capacitor to discharge at minimum 50 V before re-energisation of any individual bank. 2.12 Capacitor bank shall consist of many small capacitors so that banks can be in circuit as per system p.f requirement with the help of Automatic Power Factor Correction relay. Minimum 0.95 p.f will be maintained at power distribution agency meter on H.T side. Capacitor bank calculations submitted along with bid shall also take into consideration the transformer impendence. Each capacitor should be able to switch ON either in manual or auto mode independently. 3.0 Bidder’s Obligation Bidder shall provide preliminary details for the items given below. However, if department requires any further details during technical bid evaluation stage, the bidder shall provide the same. 3.1 Load List(as per enclosed typical format) 3.2 Maximum demand in KVA with duration(period) of the plant. 3.3 Minimum demand in KVA with duration(period) of the plant. 3.4 Normal demand in KVA of the plant. 3.5 Detailed bill of material for electrical as well as instrumentation scope of work. 3.5 P & I diagram of the total plant. 3.6 Instrument index (as per enclosed typical format) 3.7 Input/Output List (as per enclosed typical format) 3.8 Instrument Data sheet foe each tag No. 3.9 Interlock logic diagram. 3.10 Control system architecture. 3.11 Instrument air requirement. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 325 3.12 Uninterrupted power supply(UPS) capacity requirement. 3.13 UPS capacity and it’s battery backup calculation sheet. 3.14 Lighting fixture capacity and quantity calculation. 3.15 Single line diagram for LT Power(main panel) LT distribution boards. 3.16 Single line diagram for lighting and small power. 3.17 Cable schedule of total plant, along with voltage, drop calculation and deratings. 3.18 Operating power factor of each equipment. 3.19 Power factor improvement capacitor calculation. 3.20 LT Panel Board(Department, MCC etc.) Data Sheets. 3.21 LT Cable, control cable, telecommunication cable Data Sheet. 3.22 UPS Data Sheet. 3.23 Battery and Battery Charger Data Sheet. 3.24 ACSR Conductor Data Sheet. 3.25 Guaranteed Power 3.26 Bus Duct Data Sheet 3.27 Power mounted Isolator Data Sheet. 3.28 Maximum Power Consumption of the plant per day. 3.29 Minimum Power Consumption of the plant per day. 3.31 Battery Charger Capacity Calculation Sheet. 3.32 Battery Capacity Calculation Sheet. 3.33 Motor List(as per typical format enclosed herewith) 3.34 Control Valve sizing calculation sheet. 3.35 DDC sizing calculation sheet. 3.36 GA drawings of all electrical panels like MCC, Battery chargers and batteries, AC distribution board, DC distribution boards, UPS and its batteries, Pole mounted Isolators, Lighting Arrestors etc. 3.37 Typical drawings of earthing station. 3.38 A drawings of all analyzers, control room equipments. 3.39 Typical drawing cable laying under the ground. 3.40 Typical structural drawing showing LT cable tray for power, control etc. in outdoor areas. 3.41 Layout for each section, layout with appropriate clearance as per IER and appropriate clearance for maintenance. 3.42 Control room layout. 3.43 Room size and quantity for total plant electrical and instrumentation work. 3.44 List of Safety Items. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 326 4.0 INDIAN STANDARDS/OTHER INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS For the benefit of bidders, a few Indian Standards and Codes of practices and other international standards are listed below. Unless otherwise noted, equipment/devices/accessories/installations/testing etc. shall comply with relevant standards/codes mentioned herein. Where Indian Standards are not available equipment/devices etc. complying with relevant British or IEC standard, the latest revision/edition shall govern. Bidders are advised to include in their bid a list of equipment/devices and corresponding standards to which they conform. Translation in English of standards, which are available in other languages, shall be furnished along with the bid, in such cases the English translation shall govern. 4.1 LIST OF IS & OTHER INTERNATIONAL CODES(FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT/ACCESSORIES) 1. IS 5 - Colours for ready mixed paints and enamels 2. IS3 - Three phase induction motors. 3. IS 374 - Electric ceiling type fans and regulators. 4. IS 694 - PVC insulated cables for working voltages upped and including 1100V. 5. IS 722 - AC electricity meters. 6. IS 1248 - Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories. 7. IS 1271 - Thermal evaluation classification of insulating material. 8. IS 1293 - Plugs and socket outlets of rated voltage upped and including 250 V and rated current upped and including 16A. 9. IS 1364 - Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A and B 10. IS 1534 - Ballast’s for fluorescent lamps. 11. IS 1554 - PVC insulated(heavy duty) electric cables. 12. IS 1777 - Industries luminaries with metal reflectors. 13. IS 1913 - General and safety requirements for luminaries. 14. IS 2086 - Carrier and bases used in rewire able type electric fuses for voltages upped 650V. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 327 15. IS 2223 - Dimensions for flange mounted AC induction motor. 16. IS 2253 - Designation for type of construction and mounting arrangement of rotating electrical machines. 17. IS 2254 - Dimensions of vertical shaft motors for pumps. 18. IS 2259 - Methods of tests for determination of insulation resistance of solid insulating materials. 19. IS 2419 - Dimensions for panel mounted indication and recording electrical instrument. 20. IS 2544 - Porcelain post insulators for system with nominal voltages greater than 1000V. 21. IS 2551 - Danger notice plates. 22. IS 2667 - Fitting for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring. 23. IS 2705 - Current transformers. 24. IS 2713 - Tubular steel poles for overhead power lines. 25. IS 2834 - Shunt capacitors for power systems. 26. IS 3156 - Voltage transformers. 27. IS 3231 - electrical relays for power system protection. 28. IS 3725 - Resistance wire, tapes and strips for heating elements. 29. IS 3854 - Switches for domestic and similar purposes. 30. IS 3961 - Recommended current rating for cables. 31. IS 4029 - Guide for testing 3 phase induction motors. 32. IS 4691 - Degree of protecting provided by enclosure for rotating electrical machinery. 33. IS 4728 - Terminal marking and direction rotation for rotating electrical machinery. 34. IS 4889 - Method for determination of efficiency of rotating electrical machines. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 328 35. IS 5216 - Guide for safety procedures and practices in electrical works. 36. IS 5578 - Guide for marking for insulated colours. 37. IS 6098 - Method of measurement of air borne noise emitted by rotating electrical machinery. 38. IS 6875 - Control switches(switching devices for control and auxiliary circuits, including contractor relays) for voltage upped and including 1000V AC and 1200 V DC. 39. IS 7098 - Cross- linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables. 40. IS 8623 - LV switchgear and control gear assemblies. 41. IS 828 - Circuit breakers for over current protection for house hold and similar installations. 42. IS 10322 - Luminaries. 43. IS 12729 - General requirement of switchgear and controller. 44. IS 13032 - MCB boards for voltage upped and including 1000V AC. 45. IS 13947 - Low voltage switcher and controller. 46. IS 732 - Code of practice for electrical wiring installations. 47. IS 3043 - Code of practice for earthing. 48. IS 3646 - Code of practice for interior illumination. 49. IS 10118 - Code for practice for selection, installation and maintenance of switchgear and control gear. 50. IS IEC 309 - Plugs, socket outlets and couplers for industrial purpose. 51. IS 2026 - Transformers. 52. IS 13118 - Vacuum circuit breakers. For all other process equipments and instruments contractor shall follow IS/ISO specifications and submit a copy of the same. 5.0 CLEARANCE FROM STAUTORY AUTHORITIES Bidders shall note that the successful bidder shall be responsible for obtaining statutory clearance from all the relevant bodies (such as electrical inspector, safety, Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 329 Pollution Control Board, Fire Insurance and Explosive Department Authorities etc.). Payment in respect of feeds, deposit, etc. of such bodies shall be made by successful bidder Department shall assist the contractor in obtaining such clearances expeditiously by way of issue of introductory letters to relevant bodies but this will not absolve the contractor from his responsibility of obtaining in writing clearances mainly from Electrical inspector, Chief Explosive Officer, Pollution Control board or any other local/central authority entirely at his own cost. No extra sum will be paid for these services. 6.0 CONTRACTOR’S LICENCE: 6.1 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain necessary license/authorization /permit for work for his personnel from the licensing board of the state. The persons deputed by the contract’s firm should also hold valid permits issued or recognized by licensing board of the state where the work is to be carried out. 7.0 WORKMANSHIP: The contractor shall ensure workmanship of good quality and shall assign qualified supervisor/engineers and competent labour who are skilled, careful and experienced in carrying out similar works, departments shall reserve the right to reject non competent persons/s employed by the contractor, if the workmanship is found unsatisfactory. 8.0 POWER DISTRIBUTION PHILOSOPY The bidder shall design the power distribution scheme for this site on the basis of following guidelines and single line diagram. Voltage drop from transformer output to the last point in electrical distribution shall not be more than 5%. Voltage drop in any cable for installed load or any single circuit for installed load shall not be more than 2%. Only aluminum conductor with PVC insulation armored cables shall be used for size 2.75mm2 and above. All power cables upto 2.75mm2 shall be copper conductor PVC insulated armoured cables. 8.1 An indoor substation shall be planned to house switchgears for incoming and outgoing power supply circuits, metering equipments, communication equipment, control panels, auxiliary power supply distribution boards, DC system equipment etc. The following voltage of load factor and diversity factor shall be considered for calculating the maximum running load. The sizing of transformer shall be included along with the bid. LOAD FACTOR Contractor Main Pump Motor : 0.9 Aux. Loads : 0.9 Witness Executive Engineer 330 Lighting loads : 1.0 Socket outlet, receptacle diversity factor : 0.50 : 1.0 DIVERSITY Main pump motor for working loads Lighting Loads : Socket outlet, receptacle 8.2 1.2 : 1.2 Main incomer switchgear in various plant/process areas shall be fed by duplicate(two), 100% capacity feeders and outgoing feeders shall be so designed that at least 20% spare subjected to minimum of one feeder of every type shall be available. All control voltage inside switchgear panel shall be at 230V AC for contractors and control supply. Single line diagram of all panels shall be attached with bid giving cable sizes in single line diagram. 8.3 DC system equipment (comprising batteries, chargers and DC distribution board) with adequate capacity shall be proposed for protection/control circuits and other vital devices of each sub station. Further, in plant areas/sub station a few lighting fixtures, suitable for operation on battery voltage shall be proposed in strategic areas. DC system calculation of DC battery size, DC battery charger, Voltage should be attached with the bid. 8.4 Following protections for income feeders in main MCC location for each process area of the plant. Each MCC shall be provided with 4 Pole two incomers and bus section with draw out ACB/MCCB as incomer. MCC’s shall be metal clad floor mounted, with cable entry from bottom (preferred) and environmentally protected to IP-52. MCC shall have fault rating of not less than the applicable fault levels. The two incomer neutral shall completely be isolated by using 4 poles ACB/MCCB. Mechanical and electrical interlocking shall be provided between the incomers and the bus section ACB/MCCB to prevent parallel operation of main switchgear feeders. MCCs shall be housed within brick built buildings segregated from injurious effects of process fluids/gases are present. The major components of each starter shall comprise. Contractor Door interlocked isolator. Fuse gear/MCCB Contractor, overload relay with single phasing protection. Start/Stop push botton. Local/remote selector switch. Manual/off/auto sector switch. Ammeter as per starter requirement. Witness Executive Engineer 331 Indication light for run, trip, emergency stop operated, power On, run dry protection operated(where such tanks are used) i) Incomer feeder shall have electrostatic/microprocessor based control releases for over current, short circuit, earth fault with time delay and these releases shall directly work on tripping mechanism of draw out air circuit breaker. Outgoing feeder upto 630 Amps shall be switch fuse unit/MCCB and beyond 630 Amps shall be air circuit breaker. All outgoing Air Circuits Breakers will be manual drawn out type. ii) Each motor upto 5KW shall have DOL starter with O/C, short ckt protection, over load relay with single phasing protection along with ammeter, manufacturers with components of same make. Each starter shall have On/Off/Trip indication. All necessary selectors switches like auto manual switch and local remote switches shall be installed. iii) Motors above 5 KW and upto 30KW shall have Star/Delta starter with O/C short ckt protection, over load relay with single phasing protection along with ammeter, provision for remote start/stop O/C relay shall be reset from front of panel. All starter components shall follow type-II coordination chart of established manufactures with components of same make. Each starter shall have on/off/trip indication. All necessary selector switches like auto, manual switch and local, remote switches shall be installed. iv) Motor from 30 KW and above shall have auto transformer start and auto transformer shall have taps at 40%, 60% and 80%. Over load relay shall be reset from front of panel. All starter components shall follow type-II coordination chart of established manufacturers with components of same make. Each starter shall have on/off/trip indication. All necessary selector switches like auto, manual switch and local, remote switches shall be installed. Motor from 75KW and above shall have numeric type micro processor based relays along with short circuit protection. Each starter shall have on/off/trip indication. All necessary selector switches like auto manual switch and local, remote switches shall be installed. Since these motors will be slip ring, necessary either liquid rotor starter or air break contractors in minimum faultages shall be installed. 8.5 Cables proposed shall be suitable for operation on earthed/unearthed system as applicable. LV cables shall be armoured PVC insulated. Outer sheath of all cables shall be of general purpose PVC and shall be of extruded type meeting latest IS1554 requirements. The cable shall be designed after taking de-rating factors of Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 332 ambient, grouping into consideration for its design. Power cables for cross section above shall be with aluminum conductors. All cables of cross section upto shall be with copper conductors. Unless otherwise stated all the cables shall be armoured. LV cables shall be of the armoured heavy duty type and of 1100 V grade. Voltage drop on cable for installed current shall not exceed 2% on installed load. Design ambient temperature shall be taken as 47 degree Celsius. All cables shall also confirm to the relevant fault level of switch board for one second and supporting calculations must be submitted for fault level. 8.6 Cable Terminations i) For termination of MV cables, single compression type glands shall be used for indoor locations. Glands shall be of brass, lugs of Al/Cu or tinned copper shall be used as applicable, lugs shall be properly crimped on conductors. All glands used must be of heavy duty type. ii) In out door areas, except within outdoor sub station area, cables shall be laid directly buried between building entry/exit points. Within buildings, cables shall be laid on cable trays to be supported from building walls columns/beams/floors/ceilings. In outdoor sub station area, cables shall be laid on cable trays in build up cable trenches. Ladder and perforated type cable trays shall be proposed. Ladder type cable trays widths shall be restricted between 300mm and 600mm. Perforated cable trays widths shall be restricted between 100mm and 250mm. Side members of ladder type cable trays shall be fabricated using structural steel angles of at least 6mm thick. Perforated cable trays shall be of the formed type made from 2mm thick sheet steel. For supports structural angles or channels of appropriate strength shall be proposed. Vertical runs of cable trays shall be enclosed using perforated sheets as above. Cable trays, supports and covers shall be painted with epoxy paint of shade acceptable to department. Tray width shall be so sized that at least 30% margin is available for addition at later date. This distance between the cables shall be minimum equal to outer dia of cable. iii) At road crossings hume pipe/s of adequate size shall be provided at a depth of 1000mm (center line depth) of passage of cables, earthing conductors etc. At building entry points pipe sleeves of GI or PVC shall be provided for the passage of cables and earthing conductors, such sleeves shall have projections on either side to facilitate extension. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 333 9.0 ILLUMINATION 9.1 All internal and external areas shall be provided with lighting. The illumination levels to be achieved shall be follows: AREA LUX Office and labs : 300 Lux Switchgear Room : 200 Lux Control Room : 300 Lux Pump House : 200 Lux DG Set room : 200 Lux Chemical and general store : 150 Lux Chemical Plant room : 200 Lux Other indoor areas : 100 Lux Outdoor plant from and walkways : 50 Lux Building entrance : 100 Lux Indoor Plant Area : 200 Lux Outdoor Plant Area : 50 Lux Transformer Area : 100 Lux Roads : 10 Lux Fluorescent luminaries shall be used primarily for internal lighting. High pressure vapour or metal halide type luminaries shall be used in indoor application where their use is appropriate. If mercury or metal halide is used in indoor then they should be supplemented with fluorescent luminaries to assure that minimum illumination levels are maintained following momentary power dips. All other internal areas shall be lit with fluorescent luminaries. Where specific recommendations of lux level are not covered above, illumination level in such areas shall be finalized in consultation with PWD. Contractor shall be required to measure levels of illumination after completion of lighting installation work and short fall in illumination level shall be made good by the contractor. Complete set of calculations showing, room, index, copy MF shall be given during detailed. 9.2 Switches/sockets of piano type shall be used in general and in offices of staff, control room, MMI room, decorative modular switches shall be used. Suitable fans shall be provided in rooms/plant areas as per PWD standards. For exhaust fans it must be provided in panel rooms, pump rooms, chemical rooms, stores, toilets and at least 20 air changes per hour must be maintained. 9.3 The following type of lighting fixtures shall be proposed: a) Decorative type 2x36W fixtures for fluorescent luminaries inside office/administrative buildings and control rooms. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 334 b) Corrosion resistant fixture with canopy made of FRP for fluorescent luminaries for corrosive areas like chlorine handling or chemical store or area with corrosive smell/grass etc. c) Industrial type vitreous enameled fixture for fluorescent luminaries inside 415V switchgear, MCC room and pump house. d) In outdoor process areas, lighting fixtures shall be sodium vapour type subjected to minimum of IP protection class. e) All outside lights as plant field lights, building outside lights, flood lights etc. which are to be switched on only during night hours should be controlled through photo cell/clock switch installed at a central place. All lights shall have minimum IP65 protection class. f) Street lighting wiring shall be through buried underground. g) All bulb fittings (except fluorescent lamps) will have screw type caps. h) For outdoor lighting, the lighting feeder shall be operated through a contractor, controlled by photocell/clock switch and shall also have a manual by pass switch. 9.4 Luminaries shall be installed to permit case of maintenance i.e. it shall not be necessary to shut down plant in order to carryout maintenance or to access luminaries located over areas of water etc. The contractor shall provide all equipment necessary to carryout maintenance on the lighting installation and demonstrate its operation to the satisfaction of the department. 9.5 Indoor lighting circuit will be arranged in such a way that 50% lighting can be put off in each room through switches. All lighting circuits will be wired with stranded copper wire or through 2.75 sqm. armoured cable in cable trays, sub circuit from switch to fixture could be wired with 1.5sqm. stranded copper wire in MS conduits or armoured copper cable of similar size provided total voltage drop in any lighting point shall not exceed 2%. All lighting circuits will have separate neutral, separate earth from Lighting Distribution Board. 9.6 For illumination of roads, outdoors areas where operation of equipment or units required and sub station area, lighting fixtures of appropriate type( such as street lighting type, flood lighting type, post top lanterns etc.) incorporating high pressure sodium vapour lamps shall be proposed. Street light poles shall not have less than 7500mm height above the finished road level and the arm shall not project more than 1200mm along the road width. Poles of bigger heights may also be used if some outdoor areas are to be illuminated. Poles of 4/4.5 mtrs. using post top lantern may be used in gate office, walk way or in front of office area. Complete area, streets, lanes, boundary shall be covered with street lighting. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 335 9.7 Receptacles(Lighting and Small Power) : a) Decorative and industrial type units of above shall be proposed in all plant areas, offices, stores, workshop, plant room and they shall be located at least two numbers in each room. Distance between two receptacles shall not be more than 8-10mtr. All small 5 amps 5 pin lighting and small power sockets shall be wired by multi stranded copper wire of laid in rigid MS conduits along with earth wire of 1.5 flexible copper wire or equivalent size armoured cables. All wiring shall be coded with Red, Yellow, Blue and Black as per the phase used. If required, wiring can be done alternatively through armoured copper cables of similar size laid in MS perforated trays of minimum 2.0 mm thick. b) Three phase power receptacles (convenience outlets) suitable for operation of 415 V, 3 Phase 4 Wire, 50 Hz power supply shall be proposed. In indoor areas one such unit shall be provided to cover areas of 20 meter radius (or at least one in each room housing plant items) and in outdoors areas on such unit shall be provided at 50 meter interval. Actual requirement of such units shall be finalized by department during detailed engineering. One three phase receptacle shall be provided near entrance of each building for utilities like welding. c) Single phase 15 Amp. 5 Pin/6 Pin receptacles will be provided in each room and in halls they will be provided in such a way that with 15 meter cord we should reach every place in building. These shall be wired with 4 sq. mm copper earth wire in MS rigid conduits along with 2.75 sq. mm earth wire. Not more than two sockets shall be looped in one circuit. Alternatively they can also be connected through armoured cable of 4 running in appropriate cable trays. 9.8 Separate lighting panels and lighting distribution boards shall be installed and they shall not take tapping for power from motor control centers of power distribution boards. 10.0 EARTHING AND LIGHTING PROTECTION 10.1 Bidders are advised to carry out soil resistively measurement for designing the earthing system. Further, bidders are also required to study the guidelines in respect of lightning protection covered in relevant Indian Standards and accordingly include proposals for the same. The bidder shall make sure that earthing resistance value of both neutral conductor and body earthing shall be less than one ohm. All earthing station shall conform to latest amended IS 3043. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 336 10.2 The contractor shall provide an earthing installation at each site. Protective conductors shall be provided for all electrical installations and associated mechanical plant, exposed steel work and buildings. Protective conductors shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of IS-3043 or equivalent. The earthing system shall be designed for the earth fault current occurring at the point of supply. The neutral point of the 11/0.433KV transformer secondary windings shall be solidly earthed. The calculation of earthing system and earthing valves must be submitted at detailed engineering stage. 10.3 The electrical installation shall be connected to the general mass of the earth by an earthing electrode. The earth electrode system shall be established adjacent to the transformer compound. GI plate earth electodes shall be proposed in earthing system. MS conductors with allowance for corrosion shall be used for conductors to be buried in ground and they shall withstand fault for three seconds. GI conductors for earthing shall be used for above ground installations. Tocuh and step potentials shall be kept within permissible limits as per IS and this should be supported with earthing calculatons. No earthing resistance shall be less than on ohm. Size of earthing conductor shall be arrived as per calculations subjected to minimum rating suggested below: (Minimum size of earthing strip) 10.4 a. Main switch board and stand bye : 50x6mm GI Flat b. Interconnection to lighting protection system : 50x6mm GI Flat c. Interconnection to MCC’s : 50x6mm GI Flat d. Interconnection to control panels : 25x3mm GI Flat e. PF correction panel : 50x6mm GI Flat f. Local push botton : 14 SWG GI g. Lighting distribution boards : 4 SWG GI h. Lighting & receptacle system : 12 SWG GI i. Outdoor street lighting : 8 SWG GI j. Ladder rack and cable tray at suitable points : 25x3mm GI k. Hand rails and metallic structure : 25x3mm GI l. Steel structure comprising storage tanks : 25x3mm GI The complete plant shall have lighting protection in the form of lighting finals, horizontal earth continuity conductors, verticals risers, inspection links, earthing pits as per IS 3043. As detailed lightning calculations shall be submitted at the detailed engineering stage. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 337 COMMUNICATION : 11.1 Bidders are required to provide communication facilities at site. The site shall also have facility to communicate with outside agencies through local telephone network. Bids shall take into account the above requirement. Bidders are free to propose means of communication within site; however communication with outside agencies shall be through local telephone network only. 11.0 INSTRUMENTATION 12.1 INTRODUCTON TO INSTRUMENATION Department wants to have latest technology with compatible automation system ON LINE to run the plant from a single location. A typical control system architecture is enclosed with bid which is to be strictly followed by bidder/contractor while designing the control system and instrumentation. AIM - To provide latest technology for ONLINE monitoring and control of Parameters department hopes to achieve following aim: Improvement in effluent quality. Control methane emission to reduce water pollution. Proper monitoring and correction. Low manpower Generation of all faults and trends Correct display of input raw material and output treated effluent Long term historical storage of process data Analysis and graphical plots of historical data Prevention maintenance management Inventory Control. Maintain plant operation summaries Maintain record of generation of methane gas and consumption. Improve plant efficiency and increase the plant life. Bidder shall provie one centralized control room with PLC based SCADA system based on latest technology with following minimum feature. Four Nos. of Pentium-IV PC with 17” colour monitors with one No. laster printer, one No. Deskjet and one No. Dot Matrix Printer. All field instruments shall be controlled locally as well as by centralized control room. In case of PC failure, the local control shall be able to control all the field instruments. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 338 There should be two networks laid from first tier network to second tier network and one of them shall be only redundant. Local display of parameters for all instruments shall be available near filed instruments also. SCADA should have graphics, alarm reports, process trends, history, etc. Minimum 25% spare capacity for each analogue and digital I/O’s shall be left at DDC level meaning 25% spare analogue inputs and outputs(app.12% each) and 25% digitial input and output(app.12% each) shall be made available for future use. The software propriety shall be in the name of department. Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No 3 Bhiwani. Instrumentation control system shall have dedicated earthing and shall not be joined with electrical earthing. Control system earthing shall have ideal zero voltage value. 12.2 Large General Product Description The Automation system shall integrate multiple sewage treatment plant functions including equipment supervision and control, alarm management, energy management, information management and historical data collection and archiving. The automation system shall consist of the following: i) Standlone Network Controllers. ii) Application specific direct digital controllers. iii) Personal Computer Operator Workstations. The system shall be modular in nature, and shall permit expansion of both capacity and functionality through the addition of sensors, DDC’s Network Controllers and operator devices, while re-using existing controls equipment. System architectural design shall eliminate dependence upon any single device for total alarm reporting and control execution. Each Network Controller shall operate independently by performing its own specified control, alarm management, operator I/O, and historical data collection. The failure of any single component or network connection shall not interrupt the execution of control strategies at other operational devices. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 339 Network Controllers shall be able to access any data from, or send control commands and alarm reports directly to any other Network Controller or combination of panels on the network without dependence upon a central processing device, such as a central file servicer. Network Controllers shall aos be able to send alarm reports to multiple operator workstations, terminals, and printers without dependence upon a central processing device or file server. 12.3 System Architecture A First Tier Network The first tier network shall be based on a PC industry standard of Ethernet TCP/IP or ARCNET. PC workstation LAN controller cards shall be standard “off the shelf” products available through normal PC vendor channels. The FMS shall network multiple operator workstations, network controllers, system controllers and application specific controllers. The first tier network shall provide communications between operator workstations and first tier DDC(Direct Digital Control) controllers. The first tier network shall operate at a minimum communication speed of 10 M baud with full peer-to-peer network communication and shall in corporate minimum 32 bit processor. Network controllers shall reside on the first tier. Network Controller: The Network Controller shall be a fully user-programmable, supervisory controller. The Network Controller shall monitor the network of distributed application-specific controllers, provide global strategy and direction, and communicate on a peer-topeer basis with other network controllers. First Tier Network: The Network Controller (NC) shall reside on the first tier network. Each NC shall support a sub-network of a minimum of 100 controllers on the second tier network. This shall have redundant supervisory control in full “HOT BACK UP” configuration. Processor : Controllers shall be microprocessor-based with a minimum work size of 32 bits and a maximum program scan rate preferably 2-3 msecs but less than 1 second. They shall be multi-tasking, multi-user, and real-time digital control processors. Controller size and capability shall be sufficient to fully meet the requirements of this specification. Memory : Each controller shall have sufficient memory to support its own operating system, databases, and control programs, and to provide supervisory control for all second tier controllers. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 340 Hardware Real Time Clock : The controller shall have an integrated, hardwarebased. Real-time clock. Communications Ports : The NC shall provide at least two RS-232 serial data communication ports for operation of operator I/O devices, such as industrystandard printers, operator terminals, modems and portable operator’s terminals. Controllers shall allow temporary use of portable devices without interrupting the normal operation of permanently connected modems, printers or terminals. Diagnostics: Controller shall continuously perform self-diagnostics, communication diagnosis, and diagnosis of all panel components. The network controller shall provide both local and remote annunciation of any detected component failures, low battery conditions, or repeated failures to establish communication. Power failure: In the event of the loss of normal power, there shall be an orderly shutdown of all controllers to prevent the loss of database or operating system software. Nonvolatile memory shall be incorporated for all critical controller configuration data, and battery backup shall be provided to support the real time clock and all volatile memory for a minimum of 72 hours. During a loss of normal power, the control sequences shall got to the normal system shutdown conditions. Upon restoration of normal power and after a minimum off-time delay, the controller shall automatically resume full opration without manual intervention through a normal soft-start sequence. Should a controller memory be lost for any reason, the operator workstation shall automatically reload the program without any intervention by the system operators. Certification: All controllers shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories(UL) Second Tier Network DDC System Controllers shall reside on the second tier. Standalone DDC panels shall be microprocessor-based, multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control processors. Each standalone DDC panel shall consist of modular hardware with plug in enclosed processors, communication controllers, power supplies, and input/output modules. Input and output card module shall be replaceable under POWER ON conditions. The DDCs should be application specific and should be located as near as possible to the controlled equipment reducing cabling runs. The DDCs should be able to control the equipment connected to it on a standalone mode so that in case of failure of the first tier network the DDCs will be able to perform the minimum control functions assigned to it. The DDCs should have inbuilt display on its fascia with Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 341 keypad to access all the information being monitored by the DDC.All the DDCs should be equipped with electrically erasable PROMs and the control software for the DDC can be downloaded through the central operator workstation. It should additionally provide a serioal port for downloading and reconfiguring of software through a laptop in case of second tier of network failure. All DDCs shall have minimum 16 bit processor. DDC System Controllers Point Types : Each DDC panel shall support the following types of point inputs and outputs: Analog inputs shall monitor the following analog signals: 4-20 mA Sensors 0-10 VDC Sensors 1000 ohm RTDs Binary inputs shall monitor dry contract closures. Input shall provide filtering to eliminate false singnals resulting from input “bouncing”. Counter inputs shall monitor dry contact pulses with an input resolution of one HZ minimum. Analog outputs shall provide the following control outputs: 4.20 mA-Sink or Source 0-10 VDC Binary outputs shall provide SPDT output contacts rates for 2 amps at 24 VAC. Operator Interface – Personal computer operator interface The automation system Contractor shall provide and install a personal computer workstation for command entry, information management, network alarm management, and database management functions. All real-time control functions including scheduling, history collection and alarming, shall be resident in the network controllers to facilitate greater fault tolerance and reliability. Workstation System Architecture – The architecture of the workstation shall be implemented to conform to industry standard APIs(application programming interfaces), so that it can accommodate applications provided by the automation system Contractor and by other third party applications suppliers, including but not limited to Microsoft Office Applications. Specifically it must be implemented to conform to the following interface standards. All historical information contained in Time Series Databases and all configuration data contained in relational databases must be accessed via ODBC (utilizing ANSI SQL database query specifications). Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 342 All real time online plant data must be accessible by all application (including but not limited to graphics, reports etc) via OPC (OLLS for process control) All real-time event data (including alarms, change of state events, warning events, etc.) shall be accessible by all applications via OPC (OLE for Process Control). The Automation system Contractor shall provide all necessary OPC servers for communicating to the DDC controllers that are provided as part of this contract. In addition, the system shall accommodate installation and registration of OPC servers provided in the future by other equipment suppliers. Workstation Operator Applications architecture : Major operator viewing applications shall be implemented utilizing the current Micorsoft Model of an ActiveX control, to be contained in one or more Active-X complaint containers. Specifically, the graphics application shall be provided as an Active-X control(for example it shall be possible to embed a graphic in a web page and view it in Internet Explorer). Conversely, it shall be possible to embed other Active X controlssuch as trends and other third party available controls – in the real time graphic application. PC Hardware : The personal computers shall be configured as follows: Memory : 1 GB (Minimum) 533 NHB DDR2 RAM upgradeable upto 4GB Intel Pentium D 945. CPU : Chipset Dual Core; 3.4 GHz 2 x MB L2 Cache and 800 Hz FSB . Intel 945 G Hard Disk Drive 160 GB Serial ATA or grater hard disk drive@7200RPM Combo Drive 48 x 24 x 48 x or higher speed CR R/W and 16x or higher speed DVD writer. Ports 6 USB ports(including 2 in front), 2 Serial port, 1 parallel port. 1 PS/2 keyboard port and 1 PS/2 mouse ports. Keyboard & Mouse 107 Mechanical keyboard and optical Mouse with 2 button and Scroll, Mouse Pad. Monitor 17inch TFTP LCD Monitor with 12MS response time built in Speaker and resolution 1024x1024 support. Networking Features 10/100/1000 onboard integrated Network Port, including Network Card, with remote booting facility, remote system Installation, remote wake up provision of in built modem. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 343 12.4 Operating System Software: Windows XP minimum Complete operator workstation software package, including any hardware or software keys. Include the original installation disks and licenses for all included software, device drivers and peripherals. Peripheral Hardware Alarm printers: Printer Make : Epson or equal Printing Method : 24-Pin Impact Dot Matrix Print Speed : 270 characters per second, per line Buffer : 64K Input Print Buffer Workstation Application Components: Operator Interface An integrated software package shall be used as the operator interface program. All Inputs, Outputs, Set points and all other parameters as defined or required as part of the system software, shall be displayed for operator viewing and modification from the operator interface software. The operator workstation software shall provide context-sensitive help menus and instructions for each operation and/or application currently being performed. All controller software operating parameters shall be displayed for the operator to view/modify from the operator workstation. These include set points, alarm limits, time delays, PID tuning constants, run-times, point statistics, schedules, and so forth. The operation of the control system shall be independent of the operator workstation, which shall be used for operator communications only. Systems that rely on the operator workstation to provide supervisory control over controller execution of the sequences of operations or system communications shall not be acceptable. Alarms: Each workstation shall receive and process alarms sent to it by the control system. The alarm management portion of the operator workstation sofrtware shall, at the minimum, provide the following functions: Long date and time of alarm occurrence Generate a “Pop-up” window informing an operator that an alarm has been received. Allow an operator, with the appropriate security level, to acknowledge, delete, or disable an alarm. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 344 Provide an audit trail for alarms by recording operator acknowledgement, deletion, or diabling of an alarm. The aduit trail shall include the name of the operator, the alarm, the action taken on the alarm, and a time/date stamp. Records all alarms received at an operator’s workstation to that workstation’s hard drive. Allow the operators to view/manage the alarm data archived to hard disk. Selection of a single menu item or tool bar button shall allow the user to acknowledge, diabale, delete, or print the selected alarm. Alarms shall be generated by the operator workstation for any controller that is “offline” and is not communicating. Changes made to alarm set points from the Operator Workstation shall directly modify the controller alarm management database. Selection of a single menu item or tool bar button shall print any displayed alarm report on the system printer for use as a building management and diagnostic tool. Reports Reports shall be generated and directed to one of the following: workstation displays, printers or disk. As a minimum, the system shall provide the following reports : All points in the network. All points in a specific controller. A listing of a user defined group of points in the network. There shall be no limit to the number of user defined groups. All points currently in alarm. All disabled points. All weekly schedules. All or selected point attributes, including, but not limited to : Values Set points Alarm Limits Run Times All programmed holidays and associated schedules. All disabled alarms. All active, unacknowledged alarms. All active, acknowledged alarms. Any and all other controller operating parameters. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 345 The system shall allow for the creation of custom report point groups that shall be capable of including points from multiple controllers. Systems limiting point report displays to only a single controller’s point data base shall not be accepted. The number of custom reports or display groups shall be limited by the amount of available system memory. Selection of a single menu item, tool bar item, or tool bar button shall print any displayed report on the system printer for use as a building management and diagnostic tool. Multiple-level password access protection shall be provided to allow the user/manger to limit workstation control, display, and database manipulation capabilities as he or she deems appropriate for each user, based on an assigned password. Each user shall have the following : a user name; a password, and an access level(from 1-5). The system shall allow each user to change his or her password at will. When entering or editing passwords, the system shall not echo the actual characters for display on the monitor. A minimum of five levels of access shall be supported as follows: Level 1 = Data Access and Display Level 2 = Level 1 and Operator Overrides Level 3 = Level 2 and Database Modification Level 4 = Level 3 and Database Generation Level 5 = All privileges, including password Add/Modify A minimum of 100 unique passwords, including user initials, shall be supported. Operators shall be able to perform only those commands available for their respective passwords. Display of menu selections shall be limited to only those items defined for the access level of the password used to long-on. User-definable, automatic log-off timers of from 1 to 60 minutes shall be provided to prevent operators from inadvertently leaving the operator workstation logged on. Within applications the user shall easily be able to navigate to new information (for example, launch a new graphic within a graphic). Graphics The graphics shall be able to display and provide animation based on real time data that is acquired, calculated or entered. Multiple graphic applications shall be able to execute at any one time on a single workstation. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 346 The operator shall be able to configure the speed at which data will be updated on the specific graphic. Basic graphical objects: all graphics shall be able to be constructed from the following basic graphical objects: 1. Single or multi-segment lines of any thickness: Line styles at a minimum shall include solid, dotted, and dashed. 2. Rectangles : User may fill with any color or not fill, and may configure the thickness of the outline. 3. Ploygons : User may fill with any color or not fill, and may configure the thickness of the outline. Arcs. 4. Circles and Ellipses : user may fill with any color or no fill, and may configure the thickness of the outline. 5. Text boxes : User may configure text boxes with any W98 True Type Font, any foreground color, any background color, and with 8 or more thickness levels. 6. Animation : Any basic object, any group of basic objects, or any symbol or group of symbols, shall be capable of being animated in the following manner. 7. Size : Any object’s size shall be able to be animated based on the value of an analog variable. 8. Movement : Any object can be animated to move either in a straight line, or can follow a configured path of any number of line segments. 9 Rotation : Any object shall be able to be animated to rotate up 360 degrees. 10. Visibility : It shall be possible to make any object dynamically appear or disappear based on the true/false result of any Boolean equations. Operation from graphics : It shall be possible to change values(set points) and states in system controlled equipment by any of the following methods of operator interaction: By selecting the object with either the left, middle, or right mouse button: Load a specific graphic. Drag/Drop to load a graphic in a selected window. Link forward or backward to another graphic. Change or toggle the value of an object. Launch an executable application. Slider action : Any object can be defined to be a slider and configured to change a set point or other variables as the user slides an object over a configured geometry. Dial action: Any object can be configured so that it can change a configured analog value over a range as the object is rotated. This is most often used to represent dials. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 347 Data Entry : A variable is displayed on a graphic. By selecting the variable, the data entry function for the value is enabled and the operator is able to enter a new value for the variable. Graphic editing tool : A graphic-editing tool shall be provided that allows for the creating and editing of graphics files. The graphic editior shall be capable of performing all drawing functions, defining all calculations to be executed as part of the graphic, defining all animations, and defining all calculations to be executed as part of the graphic, defining all animations, and defining all runtime binding. It is not acceptable for separate programs to be required to do these various functions. The graphic-editing tool shall in general provide for the creating and positioning of objects by dragging from tool bars and positioning where required. It shall provide the ability to create, at a minimum, all of the object types, all of the animation algorithms, and all of the action types referenced in this section. In addition, the graphic editing tool shall be able to add additional content to any graphic by importing any Windows metafile(.wmf) or any bitmap file(.bmp) Historical trending and data collection: Each network controller shall store trend and point history data for an analog and digital inputs and outputs, as follows: Any point, physical or calculated, may be designated for trending. Each network controller shall have a dedicated RAM-based buffer for trend data, and shall store 96 samples for each physical point and software variable, including an individual sample time/date stamp. Points may be assigned to multiple history trends with different collection parameters. Trend and change of value data shall be stored within the controller and then uploaded to the trend database(s). Uploads shall occur based upon one of the following : user-defined interval, manual command, or when the trend buffers are full. The system shall provide a configurable data storage subsystem for the collection of historical data. Data can be stored in either Microsoft Access or SQL database format. To enable users to easily access stored data, the system shall provide the capability to store historical data in more than one file system(i.e. removable media, separate hard drives, or a remote network file system). Trend data viewing and analysis Provide a trend viewing utility that shall have access to all database points. Provide database access through an Open Database Connectivity(ODBC) interface a standard Application programming Interface (API) for accessing data from Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 348 relational databases. Client applications can reside within a Windows 95, Widows 98, Windows NT or other latest windows environment. Graphic displays shall be able to be single or stacked graphs with on-line selectable display characteristics, such as ranging, color, and plot style. It shall be possible to display trend data in histogram(X-Y plots) format as well as area and bar graphs. Display magnitude and units shall both be selectable by the operator at any time without reconfiguring the processing or collection of data. This is a zoom capability. Display magnitude shall automatically be scaled to show full graphic resolution of the date being displayed. This function shall also be operator selectable. The display range shall consist of magnitude and units fields. The units are seconds, minutes, hours, days and months. 12.5 Instrumentation Design Criteria The design criteria to be applied to instrumentation system shall be as follows: o All instruments shall suitable for continuous operation. o All transmitting instruments shall have a 4-20mA/0-10VDC liner output. o All digital out puts shall be volt free. o Instruments shall be designed for the ambient conditions of temperature and humidity. o All wetted parts of instrument sensors shall be non-corrosive and suitable for use with sewage. o All instrumentation system for use out of doors shall be protected to IP 65. o All analogue displays shall be of the digital type with no moving parts utilizing back lit liquid crystal diode LCD/LED technology. o Instrumentation shall utilize solid state electronic technology and avoid the use where practical of any moving parts. o Minimum maintenance requirements. o Instrumentation shall resume operation automatically on the application of power following a power failure. Analogue instrumentation system shall be provided to monitor the following. Contractor Biochemical Oxygen demand, if used. Treated Sewage Flow Raw Sewage Flow Sump level Clogging of screens through differential level monitoring. Total Power consumed by Plant. Witness Executive Engineer 349 Digital systems shall be provided as detailed in the Employer’s Requirements and as necessary for the efficient and safe operation of the treatment plant. The contractor shall provide plant to measure any other parameter required for the efficient and safe operation of the treatment plant. Instrumentation sensors shall be suitable for the environment in which they are expected to work. Sensor located in hazardous(flammable) or potentially hazardous atmospheres shall be certified for use in these areas. 12.5 Flow Measurement Flow metering as specified will be either open channel type or full bore electromagnetic type as applicable. a. Open Channel Flow Meter The open channel flow meter should employ a ultrasonic principle to measure level and level to flow conversion should be inbuilt in the unit. It should provide isolated 4-20mA/o-10VDC output based on flow rate. It should have inbuilt LCD display and housed in a IP65 enclosure. It should have inbuilt temperature sensor automatic compensation for changes in air temperature to ensure measurement accuracy. Maximum error in measurement should within +/-0.2%m at had change of 3m at 22 degree Celsius and 40-70% RH. The probe unit should be in-corrosive and unaffected by H2S laden atmosphere. b. Electromagnetic Flow Meter The electromagnetic flow meter should provide isolated 4-20mA/0-10VDC output based on flow rate. It should be housed in IP65 enclosure. It should have a accuracy of +/-0.5% of flow rate at maximum mean velocity of 15m/sec/. It should have a non-full pipe detection system inbuilt in it. The lining of material should be polyurethane with transducers. No rubber lining will be allowed. 12.7 Level Measurement Ultrasonic level type measurement devices shall be used to monitor all tanks. They should be housed in a IP68 enclosure with a integrated display unit. It should have a 4-20mA/0-10VDC output based on level and a resolution of at least 1mm. Measuring range should be at least 0.3 to 8m. The unit should be CE/UL certified. 12.8 Dissolved Oxygen Measurement The DO measuring device should have a 4-20mA/0-10VDC output and integral LCD display for connectivity to automation system and display DO data. It should be housed in IP54 enclosure. It should have a max lag time of 15 min. for generation of DO data with a measurement range of 0.1mg/liter DO Minimum. The unit should be CE/UL certified. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 350 12.9 Instrumentation Cables All signal cables(Analog/Digital) shall be 660V, PVC insulated with stranded tinned copper conductors and laid up as twisted pairs with approximately one twist per 30mm approx. Each cable shall be overall screened of aluminium-mlyar type including drain wire giving coverage of 85% and overall PVC sheath. The analog signals shall have conductors of All external cables should be armored. 12.10 Control System Protection Short Circuit All power supplies to DDCs, instrument power supplied shall be protected against short circuit by the provision of adequate numbrs of fuses or miniature circuit breakers. 12.11 Duty/Standby Drives The duty pump for each duty drive shall be selected on basis of minimum runtime and will be rotated for runtime equalization. The control logic shall automatically stat an ‘available’ standby in the event of the duty dirve failing. 12.12 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) All the DDCs and control instrumentation should be powered through centralized UPS. The Network Controllers and Operator workstation should also be powered through online UPS. Bidder shall rpvode true ON Line 3 Phase UPS system with rated working load plus 100% standby with paralledl redundant in a room. The UPS system shall be provided with necessary by pass arrangement. Each UPS shall have minimum 30 minutes battery back up. The batteries shall be of maintenance free type. All DC or AC voltage required for instrumentation system shall be derived within the control panels by providing a regulated DC power supply units or transformers. Generators of small capacity sufficient to feed UPS, shall be supplied and installed along with control gear, changeover scheme, exhaust and earthing. 12.13 PROCESS PLANT CONTROL PHILOSOPHY General The control system in addition to providing the facilities detailed in the preceding clauses shall provide the following process plant specific requirements. The automation system should automatically on the restoration of power(following a power failure) start the plant operation sequence after expiry of delay timers and follow a startup sequence to prevent the simultaneous start up of various drives. The typical input/output (I/O) requirements of various drives to be controlled and monitored through DDCs are shown in Table 1.1 Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 351 12.14 Intercom System An intercom system with 3x24 EAPBX shall be provided at all suitable locations especially between the following points within the treatment plant. Control Room All rooms with the Administration and Control Building. The pump and compressor room with the adjacent main distribution panel room. The laboratory Duty Room Security Cabin at the entrance of the campus. TABLE 1.1: TYPICAL I/O SCHEDULE Sno 1 DDC I/O, Controls Items DI DO AI AO Controls Alarms Tanks and associated Pumps Tank Level(Through Ultrasonic level x Level Control High and low transmitter) Pump Start/Stop(2A rated potential X Duty cycling on free relay contact output) demand and runtime equalization. Standby to come online in case of duty failure. Pump Status(Through current relay) x Fail to start Pump trip status(Through potential x Trip Alarm x Manual Mode free contract of overload relay) Pump auto manual switch status(Through auxiliary potential free contract of auto manual switch) Pump current consumption(Through x Over Current current transducer) 2 All Electrical drives (aerators, fans etc.) Start/Stop(2A rated potential free relay contact output) Contractor x Duty cycling on demand Witness and Executive Engineer 352 Sno DDC I/O, Controls Items DI DO AI AO Controls Alarms runtime equalization. Standby to come online in case of duty failure. Status(Through current relay) x Fail to start Trip x Trip Alarm x Manual Mode x Over Current status(Through potential free contract of overload relay) Auto manual switch status(Through auxiliary potential free contract of auto manual switch) Current consumption(Through current transducer) 1. Control sensors for automatic x x High/low operation of the drives if required. 3. value alarm 2. Power failure x Power failure alarm 4. 3. Power failure restart Restart plant in Power failure sequence. restart mode ON 5 4. Plant energy consumption and x electrical parameters monitoring. Notes: i. The I/O schedule detailed is indicative. The contractor shall provide all the I/Os necessary in order to achieve the complete control and monitoring of the plant. ii. 25% spare for each type of digital and analogue I/Os shall be provided in each DDC. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 353 INSPECTION, TESTING, ERECTION, COMMISSIONING OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF PLANT. 1.0 GENERAL: All equipments prior to dispatch for the site shall be tested at works as per relevant IS codes. International codes shall be used wherever Indian standards are not available. 1.1 TEST INSTRUMENTS: The contractor shall satisfy the Engineer as to the accuracy of all the instruments used for tests and if required shall produce recent calibration tests, or otherwise have them calibrated at his own expense by and independent authority. 1.2 TEST CERTIFICATES: Copies of certificates of all works, routine tests shall be provided as detailed. The contractor shall obtain and submit to the Engineer and to other parties as may be directed, certificates of test of all items, certifying that they have been satisfactorily tested and describing and giving full particulars of such tests. 1.3 MANUFACTURER’S WORKS INSPECTION TESTS AND GAURANTEES: All Schedules of Particulars shall be completed and the Guaranteed Particulars and the efficiencies of the equipment offered at the duties specified will be binding and may not be varied expect with the consent in writing of the Engineer. The Engineer shall be provided with facility for inspection of all equipment and material and shall be given at least 10 days notice when such equipment and material is ready for inspection at manufacturer or vendors workshops. Full witness testing to the relevant standards and to prove guarantees given will be required for the following items. i) All pumps for performance testing. ii) Electric motors for type on routine one motor of each size. iii) All control panels. iv) All transformers for routine and type test on. EOT Crane as per relevant standards. In addition all other items of equipment not subject to witness testing shall be temporarily erected at the manufacturer’s works and tested for satisfactory Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 354 operation and shall be offered for inspection. Copies of manufacturer’s test readings shall be submitted to the Engineer, all prior to packing for shipment. Such inspection, examination or testing shall not release the Contractor, manufacturer or supplier of any item from any obligation under the Contract. Certified copies of manufacturer’s test readings of all items shall be submitted to the Engineer within 7 days of the satisfactory completion of the tests. The Engineer shall be provided with facilities for witness testing and / or inspection of all items of equipment at the manufacturer’s works, he may at his discretion advise that the tests shall proceed in his absence. These tests shall be made as if in his presence, and duly certified copies of test readings shall be submitted. Where items of equipment are of identical size and duty it may be required, at the Engineer’s discretion, that a reduced number of the items be subjected to witness tests; however this shall not relieve the manufacturer from the requirement of carrying out the performance tests on all items prior to offering a witness testing. If after inspecting, examining or testing any material or equipment, the Engineer shall decide that such items or any part there of is defective, or not in accordance with the specification or performances, he may reject the said items or part thereof, giving to the manufacturer within a reasonable time, notice in writing of such rejection, stating therein the ground upon which the said decision is based. All retesting shall be at the Contractor’s expense. 1.4 SITE TESTING: The Contractor shall arrange for the full site testing of all items of equipment and shall include provision of. a) All skilled and qualified operating and test staff for the testing of all equipment. b) Provision and disposal of all services, lubricants and fuels other than electricity. c) All measuring and testing instruments to demonstrate equipment operates to the fulfillment of the works sheet. 1.5 Manufacture’s Work Tests 1.5.1 Power Transformers Contractor i) Measurement of winding resistance. ii) Ratio polarity and phase relationship. iii) Impedance voltage. iv) Load Losses. v) No-load losses and no load current. vi) Insulation resistance. Witness Executive Engineer 355 1.5.2 vii) Included over voltage withstand. viii) Separate source voltage withstand. Type Tests i) Impulse voltage withstand both chopped and full wave. ii) Temperature rise. Unless otherwise stated by the Engineer, evidence of type of tests carried out on identical transformers to those being provided under the contract will be accepted in lieu of actual tests. 1.5.3 CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND CONTROL GEAR: i) Routine tests including pressure test, milli-volt drop(Ductor) tests. ii) To ensure operation of the closing coil and satisfactory closing of the circuit breaker with the voltage on the coil down to 80% of its rated voltage, and that mal-operation does not occur with a voltage on the coil of 120% of its rated voltage. iii) To ensure the satisfactory trip operation of the circuit breaker at no load conditions with the trip coil energized at 50% of its rated voltage. iv) Test figures for heat-run tests performed on identical panel types shall be made available. v) 1.5.4 All interlocking, circuit breaker draw in and draw out operation. PROTECTION AND CONTROL CIRCUITS: Base on the completeness of the circuits in the final manufactured form within the manufacturer’s works, the following tests shall be carried out:. i) Primary injection tests to ensure correct operation of the current operated protection relays and direct acting coils over their full range of settings. ii) Balanced earth fault stability tests by primary current injection. Care must be taken to reproduce accurately the burdens of interconnecting cables. A further test to ensure correct polarity must be made after assembly. With different pilot wire schemes it may not be possible to apply primary injection testing. In this case the circuits shall be proved by secondary injection. Current transformer characteristics and calculations associated with the above tests shall be available for inspection by the Engineer. iii) Correct operation of control circuits at normal operating voltage by operating voltage by operation of local control switches, and simulation of operation from remote control positions. 1.5.5 MOTORS Motors over 100 KW site rating shall be subject to full performance tests which may be witnessed by the Engineer at the Motor manufacturer’s works. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 356 Motors of 5.5 KW to 22 KW site rating shall be subject to performance tests but will not be witnessed. Motors under 5.5 KW site rating shall be subject to “type test” standards. Type test certificate shall include the following shall be provided for all motors 1. Manufacture of BS 2. Class of msulutorn 3. Type of Cable fitting 4. Type of bearing size and tubes coats 5. Type and rating of motor heaters Motor testing shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements 1.5.6 INSTRUMENTS AND METERS: Tests to ensure operation of all ammeters, voltmeters and transducers and checks for correct calibration KWH meters shall be checked for correct rotation and creep tests shall be carried out to ensure that the meter is inoperative with voltage along, if the secondary of the current transformer is left connected with the primary current interrupted. 1.6 TESTS ON CABLES DURING MANUFACTURE: All cables supplied under the Contract shall be subject to routine tests in accordance with the relevant British Standard. Cables will not be accepted on Site for installation until certificates giving proof of compliance with the Specification and date of tests have been received and approved by the Engineer. A certificate shall be applicable to each drum. The test to be carried out on every drum at manufacturer’s premises shall include a) High voltage AC insulation pressure test between cores, each core to earth metallic sheath or armour as applicable. 1.7 b) Insulation resistance test. c) Core continuity and identification. d) Conductor resistance test. PROCESS CONTROL AND INDICATING INSTRUMENTS: All flow, level and process measurement controllers, transmitters, recorders, indicators, vacuum and pressure gauges shall be subject to routine in accordance with BS 88, BS 1780 and BS 3680. Test Certificates shall be provided against each item of equipment. 1.8 ELECTRICAL, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND METERS: Tests to ensure accurate operation of all meters, voltmeters and kwh meters shall be undertaken in accordance with BS 89 and BS 37. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 357 1.9 ALARM SYSTEMS: The contractor shall be responsible for testing all items of equipment comprising the works alarm system for correct operation and sequence action. 1.10 SITE TESTS: Leakages Tests at the test pressure shall be carried out on all erected pipe work and valve immediately after erection and before being built in. The contractor shall advise the Engineer when these tests are to be carried out. 1.11 TESTS ON CABLE DURING INSTALLATION: During the period of site installation the Engineer will carry out inspection of the Works to ensure the standards of workmanship meet the specification and are to his satisfaction. In the even of any part of the cabling installation failing to meet these requirements the contractor shall remedy the deficiency to the satisfaction of the Engineer. After completion of various parts of the installation the Contractor shall provide a test engineer, labour and materials to demonstrate to the Engineer that the cables have been correctly installed. The contractor shall inform the Engineer prior to the testing of cables and shall be responsible for liaison with any other contractor to whose equipment the cables may be terminated to ensure all parties concerned are aware of the impending tests, to guarantee safety of personnel and that isolation of any particular equipment has been completed. Any special isolation or preparation required to be carried out before cable testing will be completed by the Contractor responsible for that equipment. All tests shall be carried out by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 1.12 PUMPS SETS: Tenders shall complete the Schedule of particulars and Guarantees and shall state therein, inter alia, the guaranteed efficiencies of the pumps and motors offered, and the overall guaranteed rates of energy consumption of the complete pump sets at the duties specified. The contractor’s guarantees given when tendering in respect both of performance and efficiency shall be binding and considered part of the contract. The fulfillment of these guarantees shall be verified at the test works to be witnessed by PWD and at Site trials in accordance with the procedure given in British Standards 5316 and 4999 etc. This site trials shall be carried out under the control of the contractor’s staff to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The contractor shall provide all the necessary labour and instrumentation to conduct the tests. The discharge from the pumps shall be Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 358 measured wherever possible by the volume drawn from a sump or delivered to a tank over timed intervals. ELECTRICAL PLANT: After all the deficiencies apparent during the installation inspection have been rectified to the Engineer’s satisfaction, the following tests shall be carried out. 1.13.1 CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND CONTROL GEAR: i) 1.13.2 Routine tests, including H.V pressure tests. PROTECTION AND CONTROL CIRCUITS: Tests at 1.5.4 with the addition of satisfactory operation of all inter-tripping circuits in conjunction with other items of plant. TESTS ON CABLES AFTER INSTALLATION: Every cable shall be subject to the following tests after installation. High voltage pressure tests: The following D.C test voltages shall be applied at full valve. i) PLYSWS 11,000 volt grade cable Between cores 30,000 volts. Between any core and armour 17,500V. ii) iii) XLPESWAPVCC 3,300 volt grade cable Between cores 10,000 volts. Between any core and armour 5,800 V. XLPESWAPVC OR PVCSWAPVC 1,100 volt grade cable. Between cores 3,000 V Between any core and armour 3,000V Witnessed high voltage pressure tests shall not be carried out on PVCSWAPVC control cables, but it shall remain the responsibility of the Contractot to test the insulation of these cables both between cores and between cores and earth during installation with a “Megger” 5000 volt hand generator. The contractor shall test all cables after installation to ensure correct phasing out of cores, continuity of cores sheath and armour over the whole length of the cable. 1.14 EARTHING SYSTEM TESTS: The contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that the resistance of the electrodes to earth and the earth conductor continuity is in accordance with the Specification and IS 3043. The tests shall be made on completion of the installation. The test shall be performed form each major item of plant, by using an “Earth Megger” and auxiliary return conductor. The each earthing station shall be separately tested and value of earthing resistance shall be displaced under man hole cover. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 359 1.15 INSTALLATION INSPECTION: In additional to the progressive supervision and inspection by Department the Contractor shall offer for inspection to Engineer, the completely created plant/part of plant on which tests are to be carried out. After such inspection by Engineer, each equipment/sub system shall be tested by the contractor in accordance with the applicable standards in the presence of Engineer. Such tests shall include but not be limited to the tests specified in following clauses. 1.16 PRECOMMISSIONING TRIALS, TESTS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS 1.16.1 START UP : On completion of erection of the equipment and before start-up, each item of the equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and then inspected jointly by the Engineer and the Contractor for correctness, completeness of installation and acceptability for start-up, lading to initial pre-commissioning tests at site. The list of precommissioning tests to be performed shall be as mutually agreed by the Engineer and Contractor. 1.16.2 INITIAL OPERATION (INITIAL RUN) After the pre-commissioning tests are satisfactorily over, the complete plant shall be place on Initial Operation during which period the complete equipment shall be operated integral with sub systems and supporting equipments as a complete plant and necessary adjustments made while operating over the full load range enabling the plant to be made ready or commissioning. The period of Initial Operation shall be as mutually agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor. An initial operation report comprising of observations and recordings of various parameters to be measured in respect of the above initial operation shall be prepared by the Contractor. This report, besides recording the details of the various observations during initial operation shall also include the dates of start and finish of the initial operation and shall be signed by the representatives of both the parties. The report shall have sheets, recording all the details of interruptions occurred, adjustments made and any minor repairs done during the initial operations. Based on the observations, necessary modifications repairs to the plant shall be carried out by the contractor to the full satisfaction of the Engineer to enable to latter to accord permission to carry out the commissioning the conduct. Performance and Guarantee Tests on the Plant. However, minor defects which do not endanger the safe operation of the equipment shall not be considered as reasons for with holding the aforesaid permission. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 360 The cost of all labour, energy and consumables other than water required for precommissioning, Initial Operation shall be borne by the Contractor. Water required for running the plant will be supplied free by the Department. 1.17 COMMISSIONING : The plant shall then be commissioned and put on Trial Operation at full load when Performance Guarantee Tests shall be conducted. During the period of trial operation the contractor shall i) Operate the full works on behalf of the Department. ii) Supply the labour and materials including consumable required for the operation and maintenance of the works and bear the cost of electrical energy. iii) Instruct the Department’s Operators in the operation and maintenance of the work; a program shall be submitted by the contractor for the training of operators, both supervisory and subordinate levels. This program shall be submitted to the Engineer three months before the scheduled start of commissioning. The training of the departments staff shall be carried out with reference to the operation and maintenance manual furnished by the contractor. iv) Carry out maintenance repairs of defects immediately. During the period of trail operation of working hours of the contractors shall be 24 hours daily, 7 days week. The contractor shall provide for the expenditure on all the consumables any energy required during the trial operation. All labour and cost of any other materials shall also be met fully by the contractor. Water for operating the plant will be supplied free by the department. The trial Operation shall be considered successful, provided that each item of the equipment can operate continuously at the specified characteristics, for the period of Trial Operation and the Performance Guarantees are successfully met. Any special equipment, tools and tackles required for the successful completion of the Performance and Guarantee Tests shall be provided by the contractor free of cost. The guaranteed performance figures of the equipments shall be provided by the Contractor during the Performance and Guarantee tests. Should the results of these tests show any decrease from the guaranteed values, the contractor shall modify the equipments as required to enable them to meet the guarantees. In such case, Performance and Guarantee Tests shall be repeated within one month from the date the equipment is ready for re-test and costs for modifications including Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 361 labour, materials and the cost of additional testing to prove that the equipment meets the guarantees, shall be borne by the contractor. Performance and Guarantee Tests shall make allowance for instrumentation errors as may. 1.18 COMPLETION a) The works will be certified as virtually completed by Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No. 3 Bhiwani Haryana only after it has successfully completed trial operation for a continuous period of six months. b) A Virtual Completion Certificate for plant shall not be issued unless the following documentation are duly compiled and submitted in final formats in duly bound volumes. c) A completion of all shop inspection results/reports of the plant/machinery with due attestation that the plants have been manufactured to specified standards (6 copies) d) All erection/construction quality control checks in appropriate approved formats for installation works with attestation that installation has been carried out as per acceptable/stipulated standards (6 copies) Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 362 SECTION – 12 LIST OF APPROVED MAKES Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 363 LIST OF APPROVED MAKES OF VARIOUS ITEMS S.NO. ITEM 1. Cement 2. Structural Steel 3. HDPE Pipes 4. MS Pipes 5. CI Pipes, Fittings & Dismantling Joints 10. 11. DI Pipes GI Pipes GI Fittings C.P. Pillar Cock, Bibcock, Stopcock and other CP Fittings Brass Bib & Stop Cock Gun Metal Valves 12. UPVC Pipes 6. 7. 8. 9. 14. 15. Self Sustaining Breathing Apparatus Gas Mask Glazed Tiles 16. Epoxy Paint 17. Bituminous Paint 18. 19. 20. Synthetic Paint Cement based paint Doors & Windows 13. APPROVED MAKES L&T, ACC, Gujarat Ambuja, Cement Corporation of India, Vikram, J.P, JK/Shree SAIL/TATA/Rashtriya Ispaat Udyog/RINL Finolex / Supreme / Reliance (Nocil) / Duraline / Jain Irrigation Tata Steel / Surya Roshni / Jindal Baroda Rolling Mills / The Indian Iron & Steel Company Ltd. / Bharat Industrial Corporation / Oriental Castings / Upadhayay Castings Calcutta / Electric Steel Castings / Tata Iron and Steel Co. Jindal / Electrosteel Castings /Rashmi Tata / Jindal / Nezone / Prakash HB / Zoloto / KS Unik / R Brand Essco, Jaquar, Kingston, Soma GPS, Sant, L&K Leaders, Kent, Zoloto Supreme, Finolex, Prince, Ori-Plast, Reliance, Jain Irrigation or an equipment makes as provided by services provided Drager Drager Somany, Kajaria,Orient Hindustan Ciba Giegy Fosroc , Naptha, Seiko Roffec & Berger. Berger, Asian Paints and Shalimar Tar Products. Berger, Asian, Nerolac, Dulux, Shalimar Super Snowcem, Duracem, Accrocem Hindalco, Jindal, Mahavir, Indian Aluminum Modi, Saint Gobain Earl Bihari or equivalent Kit ply, Nova pan Hindalco, Jindal, Mahavir, Indian Aluminum Jash / Oriental Castings / IVC/Updhya Sintex / Diplast Hindware / Johnson / Parryware / Cera (a) Aluminium Section 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. (b) Glass Section (c) Hinges (d) Laminated Board Fabrication of Aluminium Items Sluice Gates Water Tanks Sanitary wares Sluice Valves, NRV, Reflux Valves, Check Valves, Butterfly Valves Gate Valves Ball Valve Needle Valve Anti-Termite Treatment Contractor Indian Valve Company (IVC) / Kirloskar / VAG Valves / AVK Fouress / VAG / Audco / IVC / AVK / Kirloskar Fouress / Audco / VAG / AVK Fouress / Audco / VAG / AVK NOCIL or Equivalent Witness Executive Engineer 364 S.NO. 30. 31. ITEM Zinc cromate primers Glass 32. Water proofing compound admixtures 33. 34. Dash Fasteners Concrete Admixtures 35. Lab Equipments 36. Water Proofing 37. PLC / SCADA 38. Computers 39. Cables 40. 41. 42. 43. Cable Trays / Glands Starters for motors Ceiling Fan Exhaust Fan 44. Bus Duct 45. Distribution Boards 46. Crimping Lugs / Glands of double compression type Dowells / Jainson / Lotus 47. MCC / L.T Panels / PDB / LDB Panel Manufacturers with Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) Test Certificate 48. Current Transformer AE, Gilbert & Maxwell, IMP,VM Electricals, SEGC(C.S.) 49. Distribution Transformer 22/11 KV / 433 V Crompton, Kirloskar, Emco, Bharat Bijalee, Voltas, Andrew Xule, Pactil, NGEF, Voltamp. 50. 22/11 KV VCB breaker & panel ABB, Schneider, Siemens, Alstom, Kirloskar, Crompton. 51. 22/11 KV SF6 insulated 3 panel / 4 panel extensible type RMU. Crompton, ABB, Siemens, Alstom, Schneider, L&T. 52. ACB 8 way / feeder pillar 6 way / 4 way & minipillars Popular brass metal works, ABAK, Manish, fitwell, Super Panel, Control & switchgear. 53. Control Cables 54. 11 KV End termination & straight through joint 55. Measuring Instruments MECO, IMP, KEW, Rishiline (L&T). 56. 57. Air Conditioners Cables (a) PVC Insulated Cable Samsung, LG, Voltas, Carrier, Hitachi Contractor APPROVED MAKES Shalimar, Asian Paint, Berger, ICI Modiguard, Saint Gobin, Asahi, Atul Choksey, Sika Qualcrete, Degussa, Fosroc, Roffe, Ciro, Impermo, ACCO proof, Overseas Waterproofing Corpn., India, Waterproofing, Hindustan Waterproofing Hilti Fischer Sika, Fosroc, STP, CICO Hach USA / Weiber / DBK Instruments Mumbai / ELICO / Emerson / Forbes Marshall / Endress Hauser / Orion / Analytical Instruments / Royce / Polymetron / DR. Lange Fosroc / Sika / Kryton Siemens / Allan Bradley / Schneider / Rockwell Automation / Tata Honeywell / Alstom HP / Compaq / Dell Indian Cables Ltd. / Cable Corporation of India / Universal Cables / Indian Cable Co. / Asian Cables Corporation Ltd. / Finolex Cables Ltd. / Havells Elcon / Sales Link / Comet / Cosmos L&T / Schneider / ABB / Siemens / Kilburn / MEI / BHEL Usha / Khaitan / Orient / Crompton / GEC / Havells Bajaj / Crompton Greaves / GE / Khaitan Best & Crompton Engg. Ltd., Power Gears Pvt. Ltd., Control & Switchgear Zeta Switchgear, Advance Panels & Switch Gear (P) Ltd., MDS / Siemens / Schneider / Hager LAPP, Finolex, PolyCab . Raychem, Xicon. Finolex, Asian, Polycab, Reliance, Fixolite, Torrent, Witness Executive Engineer 365 S.NO. ITEM for working voltage up to 1.1 KV as per IS : 694:1990 APPROVED MAKES Universal, Fortgloster, Vardhaman, Fixolite, Macro, CCI. (b) XLPE – LT Cables as per IS:7098 Part – I : 1988 CCI, Asian, Finolex, Torrent, Macro, Fixolite, KEI, Polycab with Nitrogen Corring, Gloster. (c) XLPE – HT Cables as per IS:7098 Part II – 1985 CCI, Asian, Finolex, Torrent, Macro, Fixolite, Polycab, Vardhaman. (d) PVC Insulated (HD) Cable up to 1.1 KV as per IS:1554 Part I – 1988 Torrent, Macro, Vardhaman, Finolex, CCI, Asian, Polycab. 58. Lamps HPMV/HPSV Metal Hallide Lamps & Accessories Vallient, Fixolite, Bajaj, Philips, Wipro. 59. Ring Main Unit/HT, switch and fuse unit ABB, Schnieder, Crompton, South Andrew Yule 60. Soft Starter Rockwell, Schneider, Innovative Technomatics, Siemens L&T, Danfoss 61. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) ABB, Rockwell, Nord, Mitsubishi, Siemens L&T, DNFORS 62. Capacitors 63. Steel Tubular Poles 64. Chokes/Ignitors 65. Compressor 66. Instrument Control Panels 67. CTS & PTS 68. HRC Switch Fuse Unit / Fuses 69. Luminaries 70. 71. Receptacles Actuators Pressure Switches/ Pressure transmitters 72. 73. Switchgear 74. Control Gear 75. Indicating Meter Push Buttons / Indicating Lights 76. Contractor Crompton Greaves Ltd. / Universal Cables Ltd. / NGEF / Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited / MEHER(L&T) / DULATI / Manohar Brothers / Madhav / Khatau and Junker / VOLTAS Ltd. Indian Electric Poles, Bombay Tubes, Nityanand, Rajan Tubes, Bajaj Bajaj, Wipro, Crompton, Philips, Genlec, Keselac, GE-Apar, Glolite, ECE, Indo-Asian Ingersoll Rand, Elgi. Industrial Control & Appliances (P) Ltd. / Electric Automation / Jaisum & Hutchison Controls (P) Ltd. / Industrial switch gear & Controls. Kappa, Automatic Electric, Control Switchgear Siemens, General Electric, L&T, Schnelder, Electric control Gears Pvt. Ltd., Crompton Greaves, Control Switch Gear, Standard, HPL Wipro / Phillips / Crompton / Osram / SSK / Bajaj / Anchor / Havells Anchor / Kalinga / SSK / Crompton Marsh Automation (Pune) / L&T / Rotork / AUMA Danfoss / Switzer / Fiebig / Varna Trifag / H.Guru / High Tech(Orion) / Gluck / Waaree L & T / Siemens / GE / ABB / BCH / Control & Switchgear / Alstom / Kirloskar Electricals Ltd / Crompton Greaves L & T / Siemens / GE / ABB / BCH / Control & Switchgear / Technic AE / IMP/ UE/MI Siemens / L&T / BCH / Hansu / Pustron / Elcon Witness Executive Engineer 366 S.NO. ITEM 77. Transformer 78. Vacuum Circuit Breakers 79. Air Circuit Breaker 80. Instrument & Meters 82. 83. Volt and Ampere Meter with Selector Switch Selector Switch Indicating Lamps 84. Contactor 85. Over Load Relay 86. Battery 87. Battery Charger 88. Fire Extinguishers 89. Multimeter 90. Motors Contractors 91. Gear Reducers 92. PCC/MCC 93. Scrubber 94. UPS 81. Lighting Fixtures Lightening Protection 96. Unit Instrument Transformers 97. (CT’s & PT’s) Aluminium Bus Bar 98. Bus Bar Supports 99. 100. Single Phase Preventor 95. 101. Engine for DG set 102. DG Set 103. Mechanical Bar Screens 104. Belt Conveyor 105. Gear Box 106. Mechanical Detritor Contractor APPROVED MAKES Kirloskar / NGEF / Alstom / Crompton Greaves / Voltamp / BHEL / Jyoti / ABB Kirloskar Electric Co / Schneider / Crompton Greaves / Siemens / BHEL / ABB / L&T English Electric Ltd / Larsen & Toubro Ltd / Siemens India Ltd Universal Electrics Ltd. / Automatic Electric ltd. / Meco Instruments P Ltd. / Industrial Motors P Ltd. / Havells Pvt. Ltd. / Gollica Electrical P Ltd. L&T / AE L&T Salzer L&T / Esbee / Siemens BHEL / L&T / Siemens / Schneider / ABB / GE / Havells / BCH L&T / Siemens / Schneider / ABB / GE / Control & Switchgear / ALSTOM Standard Batteries Ltd. / Chloride Indian Ltd. / Amco Batteries Ltd. / Exide Uptron Powertronics(Shreetron) / Statcom / Automatic Electric Ltd. / Chabi / Kerla State Electricity Corp. / APCO Steelage Industries / Kooverji Devshi & Co. Ltd. / Vijay Fire Protection System Pvt. Ltd Excrop / Motwane Bhartia Cutler Hammer / Larsen and Turbo Ltd. / Siemens / GE Power Essen Pro / Radicon / Elecon / Greaves Advance Electro Control / Vidyut Control / Tricolite / Larsen & Turbo / Siemens / Jakson / Associated Electrical / Bhartiya Cutler Hammer / Control & Switch Gear / GE Power / Chavare Engineering / Spark Electro Excellent Engine / Pilani / Enuirotec Tata Emerson / Merlin Gerin / Mitsubishi / Sukam / Microteka / Luminous Bajaj, Wipro, Philips, Crompton, Havells, National Radio and Electronics Co. Ltd. Mysore Electrical industries / Automatic Electric Pvt. Ltd. / Kappa Electricals Indal / Valco / Balco / Hindalco Powermat / Everest Electricals L&T / Minilec Cummins / Kirloskar / Caterpillar / Ashok Leyland / Greaves Cotton / Volvo Penta Crompton Greaves / Alstom / BHEL / Jyoti / Leroysomers / Kirloskar / Jash / Voltas / Triveni HUBER Indiana / Konal Corporation / Voltas / Batliboi / Dynamic/Micro Transmission Radicon – Greaves / Elecon / Flender Voltas / Triveni / Shivpad / HUBER/ Micro Transmission Witness Executive Engineer 367 S.NO. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. ITEM Submersible Raw Sewage Pumps Air Blowers Diffusers Centrifuge Feed Pump Centrifuge Unit 112. Electric Hoist 113. Chain Pulley Block 114. Motors 115. Agitators / Mixers 116. Dosing Pumps Instrumentation : Level Transmitter , Flow 117. transmitter, Level Switch, DO Meter, Air Flow Meter, Wastewater Flow Meter 118. Chlorinators APPROVED MAKES Kishor / Grundfos / KSB / ABS / Kirloskar / Mather & Platt Usha / Everest / Kay / Swam/Beta OTT / EDI USA / REHAU ROTO / Tushaco / Ramo / Alpha Laval Humboldt / Pennwalt / Alpha Laval Reva / W.H. Brady & Co / Hercules Hoists Ltd / Delta Engineering Works / Sharps Engineering Works / Avon Cranes / Electrotechnics/INDEF Reva / W.H. Brady & Co / Hercules Hoists Ltd/INDEF Siemens / Crompton / Bharat Bijlee / Kirloskar Electric Co / Jyoti / ABB Milton Roy / Fibre & Fibre / Remi / Voltas / Asia LMI Milton Roy / Positive Metering Forbes Marshall / Endress Hauser / ABB / Emerson / Toshniwal / Nivo Control / Fischer Rosemount / HACH / Emerson / Fitzer Instruments / George Fitcher / Toshniwal Jesco (USA), Metito, Pennwalt, Capital Control NOTE: CTS & PTs of the makes, guaranteed by switchgear manufacturer for its performance and as per specification shall be acceptable subject to approval by Board. Any other equipment whose make is not given above will be got approved from Department, before supply. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 368 SECTION – 13 SPECIFICATION FOR STARTUP & PERFORMANCE RUN Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 369 START UP AND PERFORMANCE RUN 1 TEST ON COMPLETION: 1.1 GENERAL Prior to the commencement of Tests on Completion the Contractor shall submit the following. Site Acceptance Test Documents As built drawings Operation and Maintenance Manuals Test on completion shall not be commenced until the aforementioned documents are approved by the competent authority. The initial charges necessary for Tests on Completion shall be borne by the contractor. Electricity required for Tests on Completion will be provided by Department free of charge for a period not exceeding 30 days. In case the test on completion period exceeds 30 days, the cost of power upto the start of the performance run shall be borne by the contractor. The cost towards any consumables and chemicals required for the tests shall be borne by the contractor. 1.2 Dry Test Requirements 1.2.1 General As a minimum requirement, the following dry tests shall be carried out as a general requirement. A general inspection to check for correct assembly and quality of workmanship. A check on adequancy and security of Plant fixing arrangements. A general check to ensure that all covers, access ladders, water proofing, guard railings etc. are in place. A check on damp proofing, rust proofing and vermin proofing and particularly the sealing of aperture between building structure, chambers, etc. and the outside. 1.2.2 Civil and Building Works As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the civil engineering and building works: 1.2.3 Check for the presence of foreign bodies in pipe work and structures. Mechanical Works As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the mechanical systems. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 370 Carry out preliminary running checks as far as is permitted by circumstances in order to ensure smooth operation of Plant. 1.2.4 Electrical Works As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the electrical systems: Check phasing and polarity. Carry out point to point check on all cables. Check on security of cable terminations. Check on completeness and adequacy of earthing system Check setting on protection relays, sizes of fuses and motor overload Carry out checks on cabling systems in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards Check operation of main circuit breakers by secondary injection methods Check rotational direction of plant. Check instrument loop integrity, functionality and calibration Check operation of standby generator installation and mains/generator changeover procedures; a 4 hours load test (using the normal load/works) shall be carried out on the generator when the load is available. 1.3 Check plant functionality Check functionality of the central MMI and its power supply. Process Plants Equipments All process plant items equipments shall be tested to ensure that they meet the Department’s requirements for quality of workmanship, construction and performance. 1.4 Hydraulic Wet Test Requirement Hydraulic wet tests shall be carried out on completion of dry tests. Potable water shall be used for hydraulic wet tests. The purpose of this is to prove, as far as is practical the hydraulic performance of the works. In order to demonstrate this, the contractor shall ensure that each part of the works is hydraulically loaded to its maximum rated load throughout for a period of at least seven days at twenty-four hours intervals. In order to ensure a sufficient supply of potable water to carry out these, the contractor shall provide facilities for the disposal off site in an approved manner. In order to remove doubt the following tests inter-alia shall be carried out : Pressure testing of all piped systems laid direct in ground in accordance to the relevant standards; Contractor Fill all structures and check for leaks as per IS:3370; Witness Executive Engineer 371 Running of all pumped systems in order to check for Correct functionality. Absence of leaks Correct running temperatures Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress Check drive running currents. Carry out calibration of instruments where appropriate Carry out valving, diversion etc. to fully hydraulically load each element( or where there is a requirement to withstand an overload,(overload each process element;) Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems. The contractor shall simulate, where practical, the conditions that will be when operating as a process in order to demonstrate the correct functions, process control, loop etc. During these tests a check on the performance of Plant shall be made as far as site facilities will allow to compare its site performance with the factory test data & to identify any concentrate on the performance due to site condition. 1.5 Process Wet Test On approval by the department the contractor shall carry out process wet tests. Raw water shall be used as the primary feed stock for process wet tests. These tests shall be carried out to demonstrate the process performance of the Works. In order to demonstrate this, the contractor shall ensure that each part of the Works is loaded to its rated throughput (including a period of overload if required in order to demonstrate compliance with the Department’s Requirements) for continuous stable operating period of rot less than 48 hours. The contractor shall provide facilities for the disposal off site in an approved manner. The following tests inter alia shall be carried out Check and rectify leakage on civil structures, pumps and pipe work; Running of all pumped systems in order to check for Correct functionality Absence of leaks Correct running temperatures Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress Check drive running currents where the solution pumped is different from that pumped during hydraulic wet tests; Contractor Carry out calibration of instruments; Witness Executive Engineer 372 Carry out valving, diversion etc. to fully hydraulically load each process element(or where there is a requirement to withstand an over load), overload each process element; Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems not checked during dry or hydraulic wet tests or which may have changed as a result of the different operating conditions now prevailing. On completion of process wet test on the various parts of the works, the contractor shall run the plant as a whole in order to demonstrate the full functionality and performance of the works at various throughput rates for a continuous period of not less than 7 days. This shall be considered as completion of Test on completion and shall be certified by department. 2 PERFORMANCE RUN AFTER START UP 2.1 GENERAL On successful completion of “Test on Completion’ i.e. start up and commissioning, certified by department, contractor should start the performance run of the plant for 72 months. The contractor is to carry out Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the whole plant including civil works for 72 months under performance run department shall monitor the operation and maintenance by the contractor. (1) Staff : As mentioned ahead (2) Chemicals and consumables : As required (3) Spares : As required for replacement during performance run period. The spares used from the spare supplied under the contract shall be replaced by the contractor. All the consumables for laboratory testing & running of Electrical / Mechanical items including gas, Diesel etc. during trial run of the plant shall be arranged by the contractor at no extra cost except Electric power. However during defect liabilities period & O&M period, the cost of Chlorine Gas shall be reimbursed by the department at quoted/negotiated rates on actual consumption basis. Diesel shall be arranged and consumed by the contractor which shall be reimbursed by the department at prevailing rates on actual consumption basis to be calculated from the hour meter of the generator. The electric power shall also be supplied by the department during trial run period, defect liability period and O&M period thereafter. The contractor shall provide operators for various units/plants for three shifts and other staff/supporting personnel in general shift. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 373 The contractor shall submit a weekly report to the Department, about the operation and maintenance indicating the manpower, electric power, chemicals/consumables consumed and also problems faced and rectified. During this period, the contractor shall ensure that the design treated quality standards are met in accordance with the specification within the rate of power and chemical consumption as committed by the Contractor. The treated sewage analysis pH, SS, BOD and oil and grease shall be carried out on daily basis from the day of commissioning at a reputed laboratory as approved by Engineer-inCharge. 90% of the treated sewage samples should fall within prescribed limits of the treated sewage. The sampling location for raw sewage shall be at raw sewage sump and that of treated sewage shall be at chlorine contact tank. The analysis of sewage for the above parameters at different locations at outlet of SBR Process basin shall also be carried out on weekly basis Contractor shall take immediate steps to correct the operation of the meet the guaranteed performance. The charges for analysis at the laboratory to be borne by the contractor. The contractor’s responsibility includes the safety and security of works/plants during the course of performance run of 72 month after trial run period. The Contractor shall provide key personnel for performance run with minimum qualification and experience as given below SNo Personnel 1 Plant Manager (Graduate in Engineering) 2 3 Operators (Diploma, ITI qualified) Electrician (Diploma, ITI qualified) Minimum Experience Main Task of the Personnel 1 3 years Co-ordination of activities for satisfactory performance of the STP and reporting to the Engineer-in-Charge and responsible for the proper functioning & maintenance, data collection of STP 3 3 years Responsible for overall operation for STP 1 3 years Responsible for overall operation for electrical equipments No 4 Fitter (Diploma ITI Qualified) 1 3 years 5 Sweeper/ Casual labour/ Sewerman 4 -- 6 Security guard cum Gardener 3 -- Contractor Witness Responsible for overall operation for Mechanical Equipments Responsible for keeping STP premises clean, cleaning of sewer lines and also they will assist operators in day to day activities To maintain the garden / landscaping of the plant and for security. Executive Engineer 374 3. PERFORMANCE RUN CERTIFICATE The conditions for issuance of a Performance Run Certificate as detailed in the Conditions of Contractor shall comprise : The completion of the 72 months operation and maintenance under performance run of the treatment plant to the satisfaction of department. 90% of treated sewage samples fall within the prescribed limits of the treated sewage mentioned in the tender document. Operation and Maintenance Manual have been updated following 72 month’s operational experience and approved by department. All defects during the 72 months operation of the works have been rectified. All required replacements of equipment or part thereof during 72 months of operation & maintenance have been rectified. Department shall issue a Completion Certificate for “Performance Run of Plant” after successful completion of Performance Run of plant for 72 months by contractor to the satisfaction of department. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 375 SECTION – 14 SPECIFICATION FOR OPERATON AND MAINTENANCE OF WORK Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 376 SPECIFICATIONS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WORKS 1. SCOPE OF WORK “DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA.” Salient features of works are 1) To operate and maintain the Raw Sewage Pump House, Sewage Treatment plant, all instruments and mechanical, electrical equipments in accordance with the aim and purpose of treatment. The plant and equipments covered under the above contract will be totally attended to, by the contractor including any “Trouble shooting” to ensure smooth and trouble free operation. 2) The contractor will monitor the performance of the sewage treatment plant; conduct the analysis of the inlet sewage and water quality after treatment. Contractor shall initiate and take adequate actions to ensure smooth and satisfactory performance/running of the plants on a 24 hours/round the clock basis. 3) The contractor shall prepare and implement an effective plant maintenance program in consultation with Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No.3 Bhiwani except during major overhauling, if required in a year. Department will not provide any skilled or unskilled work force. It is absolutely the contractor’s responsibility to look after all sorts of maintenance whether preventive, Minor, Major or break down. The contractor will determine operating parameters, select settling (Chemical doses etc.) and generally optimize the process, and working of the treatment plant. Excessive chemical dozing i.e. doze more than normal should be avoided otherwise penalty shall be levied and recovered from the contractor. The contractor should plan and procure all spares, Polyelectrolyte and all consumables including chemicals, grease, lubricating oil, cleaning agents, laboratory reagents etc. Further the contractor will plan about the requirement well in advance (at least 4 months) and procure the material from the market. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 377 6) The contractor will be responsible for keeping up-to-date record of documents including History Card for equipments and maintaining every day log book relating to various analysis performed. The contractor shall maintain and update logbook, in which details of operations parameters are recorded in every shift and at regular interval say hourly or as decided mutually. 7) The contractor will prepare and submit a daily report of plant performance and will assist the department in preparing the necessary documents for their purpose and records. 8) The contractor will be responsible to carry out day to day periodic maintenance, necessary to ensure smooth and efficient performance/running of all equipments/instruments comprising the sewage treatment plant and maintaining the record of the same. 9) The contractor will have to issue identity cards with photographs to all the staff employed for Operation and Maintenance. The list of the same shall be submitted to department mentioning qualification and experience. 10) Deleted. 11) The contractor will employ minimum staff for operation and maintenance of the Plant as per the list mentioned in the detailed scope of work. The above staff shall be distributed in three shifts as per mutual agreement between Contractor and department. As per agreement the number of staff in each shift should always remain present otherwise penalty towards absence of any staff shall be levied and recovered from the contractor. The Engineer-in-Charge of the Department shall decide the penalty. The contractor shall make the arrangement of reliever for weekly off/holiday etc. Absence on any ground like weekly off or holiday shall not be considered. The presence of staff in each shift should be marked in muster to be maintained at office of shift in charge at Sewage Treatment Plant that shall be considered as final. The contractor’s staff must mark their presence in this muster. The contractor may maintain a separate register for his own purpose. 12) The staff of contractor will always remain in contact with the Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer/Electrical Supervisor, In charge of the Drainage Department/Sewerage Project Department of the Corporation and follow their instructions. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 378 13) Unsatisfactory and inefficient running of the plant and unnecessary and excessive usage of spare, consumable etc. supported by the reasons which are under the control of contractor will be highly objected. In such cases Engineer-in-charge’s decision will be final and binding to the contractor. 14) It is required that at least once in every one month a technical expert other than the monthly staff of the contractor will visit the plant and will suggest if required, to improve the efficiency and working of the plant etc. No separate payment will be made for such visits. The visit must be recorded in department’s document and out come of the visit/minutes of the meeting should be got signed by department’s authorities without which the visit shall not be considered. 15) Contractor will comply with all safety rules and regulations and all inter disciplinary as followed by the department. 16) The department will not be responsible for any accident injury to the staff of the contractor. Further the department will not provide any insurance or medical facility to the staff of contractor. The responsibility lies with the contractor. 17) All Central/State Government/Semi-Government/Local Body’s Rules and Regulations pertaining to this contract shall be followed and observed by the contractor without any extra cost to the department. 18) No accommodation/guesthouse/transportation facility will be provided by the department to the contractor. Operation and maintenance staff will not be allowed any accommodation facility inside the plant premises. 19) The duration of the O&M shall be 72 months from the date of successful commissioning of the STP. The same can be extended for the further period if Department so desires. However, department reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time by giving one month notice to the contractor. 20) The contractor should employ all the staff within two days of successful commissioning. 21) The contractor will provide the necessary tools ad tackles required for dayto-day maintenance and self cleaning of all the sensors. 22) The scope of work also includes cleaning of complete plant area including floor, toilet block railing, door, windows, light fixtures and ceiling etc. The entire premises of the plant area shall also be cleaned and maintained by the contractor regularly. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 379 23) This work is inclusive of but not limited to operation, maintenance, house keeping, cleaning, removing sludge by its own carrier arrangement an dispose it off as per departments instructions. Preparing data recording, correspondence work to department and Government Departments etc. All this work should be done as per standard practices and by following labour, factory, electrical, Haryana Pollution Control Board, and all other old and new law and order, Indian standards etc. as applicable of Local, state and Central Government of India. 24) The contractor shall not employ any offensive, guilty or indiscipline persons. 25) Department reserves the right to suspend, dismiss or terminate any officer/staff employed by the contractor. The contractor shall take prior permission of the Department to employ or to terminate the services of his personnel. 26) No watch and ward, safety insurance, security, storage, housing accommodation etc. will be provided by department. This will be responsibility of contractor. 27) Consumable items like rubber bush, graphite packing, rubber sheet, nutbolts, material required for cleaning and house keeping etc. are to be brought by the contractor. 28) Electricity required for operation and maintenances of the plant will be provided by department. The contractor should provide all other consumables like polyelectrolyte, oil & grease etc. All the formalities to all Government authorities for factory, Electrical, Haryana Pollution Control Board etc. for having NOC, water consent. Hazard waste concern approval etc. shall be done by the contractor. 29) Monitoring should be done as per guideline given by the Engineer-inCharge. Contractor has to maintain all the parameters of effluent within stipulated limit or he will be penalized for not maintaining the parameters given by Haryana Pollution Control Bard and department. All expenditure incurred for the same like suit fee, court fee, case fee, or the penalty as decided by Engineer of department and penalty charged by Haryana Pollution Control Board will be charged to the contractor and deducted from his bills, S.D etc. 30) Contractor shall have to test the effluent/influent at his own cost at the plant laboratory on daily basis. The same shall be verified by and checked by department whenever required. The contractor shall also have to test the Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 380 effluent/influent at Haryana Pollution Control lab for different parameter on weekly basis at his own cost. 31) No equipment shall remain idle or un-attended or damaged for a period of more than 3 days. If any equipment is not repaired, rectified and or replaced within 3 days, the contractor will be penalized with no limit at the rate of Rs.2000/- per day delay per each individual equipment of the plant. 32) If the staff on duty remains absent, the contractor will be penalized at the rate of Rs.500/- per man per day upto no limit. 33) The payment of O&M charges will be made as per the tender conditions. 34) All Retention money/BG shall be released on successful completion of O & M period. 35) The other terms and condition described in these complete tender documents, wherever applicable shall remain unchanged. In case of any discrepancy, the decision of Engineer-in-Charge will remain final and binding on the contractor. 36) During Operation and Maintenance period, contractor has to supply all the spares, at his cost during preventive, major-minor breakdown, replacement and maintenance work. No extra payment will be made for such maintenance on any ground. The payment for the same will be made strictly as per tender document irrespective of the number of break down/minor, major repairs replacements. 37) Contractor will have to maintain required Power Factor as per Haryana Electricity rules and regulations. In case penalty is levied by Haryana Electricity Department for not maintaining the Power Factor the same will be recovered from the contractor. 38) Maintenance of Garden, Lawns, Plants, Bushes, Plantation of new Plants, Lawns etc. and feeding, gardening, cleaning etc. is in the scope of the contract. No separate payment will be made for the same. 39) The contractor during his O&M period will have to follow all the guidelines set by Haryana Pollution Control Board. 40) Operation and Maintenance of all General facilities and utility services including all other components of work done under this contract. 41) Operation and maintenance of PLC based automation system on SCADA lease and all instruments installed in the STP. All repairs, replacements towards the entire instrumentation works during the O & M period shall be in the scope of the contract. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 381 42) Any other services required for smooth running of the scheme. 43) The contractor shall also dispose off the sludge, screenings, grit and any other material, as per specifications and to the satisfaction of the Engineerin-Charge. It is to be noted that all costs during the O&M period, excluding the cost of power and chlorine are to be borne by the contractor. Within his quoted cost, the contractor is to ensure that the following guarantees are maintained during the operation and maintenance period. 44) o For quality of treated effluent. o For consumption of chemicals o For automation. The contractor shall provide on job training to the department staff as per specifications. 45) At the end of every year of operation and maintenance period, an assessment of the condition of the plant has to be done by the contractor through third party inspection at his own cost and based on that assessment the contractor shall, at no extra cost to the department, repair and recondition all the mechanical equipments in the concluding year of the O&M contract to a condition so that they are in running condition with regular preventive and recommended maintenance as per manufacturer’s recommendations or as per CPHEEO manual. The contractor’s scope shall include supply of all necessary spares, lubricants and other consumables that may be required to operate for another 2 years. The list of critical spares shall be drawn up depending upon the maintenance record of equipments in the penultimate year of the contract and the spares shall be supplied in the concluding year of the contract. Based on the performance of the plant for 6 years, the O&M contract can be extended by department for another 2 years. 2. OUTPUT AND OPERATIONAL GUARANTEES The contractor is fully responsible for treating all the Sewage reaching at the inlet chamber. The performance of the contractor shall be treated as unsatisfactory if he fails to treat the complete sewage or does not maintain the guarantees listed in this clause except in force majeure condition or fails to fulfill other conditions of the contract. 2.1 Treated Effluent Quality The contractor shall operate the Sewage Treatment Plant in such a way that at all times the treated effluent quality attains the parameters as specified in section 1 of scope of work. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 382 2.2 Treated Sludge Disposal The contractor shall operate the Sewage Treatment Plant such that the sludge produced is of a spade-able consistency and the volume of sludge produced after necessary process is minimum. The sludge generated from the STP shall be disposed off by the contractor outside the plant site and at or promote it as manure. 2.3 Chemical Requirements All the chemicals including chlorine consumed to operate the Sewage Treatment Plant shall be arranged by the contractor. Only chlorine shall be reimbursed by the department on allotted rate. 3. TESTS TO BE CARRIED OUT DURING O&M PERIOD The sampling and testing to be carried out twice a day and at least at the points given below. This schedule shall also be maintained during the O&M period. Inlet chamber at sewage treatment plant for flow, BOD, pH, SS, temp., COD and oil & grease, TDS Outlet of the sedimentation units for BOD, suspended solids, PH, COD and oil and grease, TDS. Inlet of the reactor unit for MLSS, Dissolved Oxygen and pH. Outlet of the reactor unit for Dissolved Oxygen, Sludge volume Index and pH. Outlet of the secondary treatment units for BOD, Suspended solids, pH, COD and oil and grease. Outlet of the SBR for BOD, Suspended solids, pH Excess sludge for Volatile suspended solids, total solids, specific gravity. Various parameters to be tested by online monitoring system at these locations as per specific requirements of Instrumentation. REPORT FORMAT FOR DAILY TESTING SCHEDULE FOR VARIOUS PARAMETERS TIME (1000&1600 HOURS) Test/Parameter Contractor Inlet to Coarse Screen Chamber of MPS Inlet to SBR Reactor Witness Outlet of SBR Reactor Final Discharge Executive Engineer 383 Laboratory Chemicals and Haryana Pollution Control Board Testing Charges: Contractor should run the laboratory (both chemical and biological) by expertise hand to evaluate the results and different parameters stated above and for that he should supply required chemicals, reagents filters & glass wares etc. complete He should analyze the treated and untreated sewage samples for Fecal Coliform Count once in a week for that also contractor should support and supply necessary chemicals. Contractor shall procure all chemicals required to carry out the different tests as per Department requirements, HPCB Guidelines for Operation and Maintenance should be followed for performing different laboratory tests, record keeping, as well for Operation and Maintenance of the entire plant. All the cost there of shall be borne by the contractor during the O&M of months Haryana Pollution Control Board Testing Charges The contractor should get analysed / checked the untreated as well as treated sewage samples every month from HPCB Laboratory for parameters like BOD, COD, TSS, SS, PH, etc. The necessary HPCB testing charges are to borne by the contractor. The HPCB testing charges for samples directly collected by HPCB shall also to be borne by the contractor. 4. STAFFING The work shall be carried out on a 24 hr basis, without intermission and the staff deployed by the contractor shall be in accordance with this contract. The contractor shall give or provide all necessary superintendence during the O & M and as long thereafter as the Engineer –in-charge may consider necessary. Such superintendence shall be given by a competent person having adequate knowledge of the operation and Maintenance to be carried out (including the methods and techniques required). The hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing accident) as may be required for the satisfactory working of the entire plant. SNo 1 2 3 4 Personnel Plant Manager (Graduate in Engineering) Operators (Diploma, ITI qualified) Electrician (Diploma, ITI qualified) Fitter (Diploma ITI Qualified) Minimum Experience Main Task of the Personnel 1 3 years Co-ordination of activities for satisfactory performance of the STP and reporting to the Engineer-in-Charge and responsible for the proper functioning & maintenance, data collection of STP 3 3 years Responsible for overall operation for STP 1 3 years Responsible for overall operation for electrical equipments 2 3 years No 5 Sweeper/ Casual labour/ Sewerman 4 -- 6 Security guard cum Gardener 3 -- Contractor Witness Responsible for overall operation for Mechanical Equipments Responsible for keeping STP premises clean, cleaning of sewer lines and also they will assist operators in day to day activities To maintain the garden / landscaping of the plant and for security. Executive Engineer 384 No labour below the age of 18 years shall be employed by the contractor on the work. List of staff of to be given by the agency to the Engineer-in-charge and advance intimation to be given before deputing/removing any staff from site during the period of contract. Not more than one of the contractor’s key staff shall be absent from the project site at any given time, the contractor shall provide replacement with equivalent or better qualifications. The CVs of such replacements shall be got approved from department in advance. Engineer-in-charge shall be authorized to direct the contracting agency to remove any or all staff employed on O&M of the plant if in his opinion the continued presence of such staff is detrimental to safety or proper O&M of the plant. The contractor shall comply with such directions and post suitable substitute(s) thereof. Whenever the Engineer has to inform the contractor in writing that any persons on the work is in his opinion unsatisfactory or/incompetent or unfaithful or dishonest, untruthful or disorderly or to be otherwise unsuitable such person shall be discharged by the contractor from the work and shall not be employed again on it. 5.0 SAFETY/SECURITY The contractor shall take all safety precautions under various Acts/Rules under Central/State Govt. from time to time and he shall be responsible for safety of its staff and the consequences thereof. The contractor shall deploy round the clock security personnel at entrance of plant’s premises and in the compound for the safety of the plant and premises during the 6 years O&M period. The contractor shall be completely responsible for the safety of the plant, equipment and personnel during this period. Responsibility for damages The care of the whole of the permanent works shall remain with the contractor who shall be responsible for all accidents or damages from whatever cause arising and chargeable for any thing that may be stolen, removed, destroyed or damaged to whomsoever belonging and also for making good all defects and damages to the said works or to any property adjoining or any cause whatever, whether such damage or defects were occasioned by the negligence of the contractor or not or may be or might have been discovered during the progress to be known after the completion whereof or whether payment may wholly or partially have been made or the works approved as supposed to have been properly done and no certificate of approval of any works by any officers or members of the Board shall affect or prejudice the right of the Board against the contractor or be considered or held as at all conclusive as to the sufficiency of any work materials. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 385 Adequate safety precautions against fire, flooding, lightening, electrical shocks, accident due to moving/non-moving heavy/light equipment shall be strictly observed by the contractor at his own cost. Suitable safety measures like gumboots, gloves, safety belts, ladders, safety lamps, gas masks, Oxygen apparatus, insulated tools, alarms etc. shall be provided by the contractor except those provided by the Department. Necessary medical first aid kit shall be made available all the time. In absence of observance of above safety precautions, the contractor shall be responsible for any unforeseen loss of the equipments or persons dealing with it. Special care shall be taken by the contractor while carrying out the work in sewage gas zone. Any incidence of human life or accident will be totally contractor’s responsibility. The contractor shall ensure that the staff employed takes all necessary precautions while carrying out the work either in shift duties or any general shift as per Indian Electricity Rules/Factory Act/CPHEEO manual, or manufacturer’s specials instruction for safety/gas handling. The staff should use Gas masks, Oxygen apparatus, Gum Boots, Safety Belts and Safety Lamps, etc. while carrying out the work in Bar Screens, sumps etc. The contractor will make arrangement for all necessary safety equipments for persons working at STP as per Factory Act/Safety Rules. In the event of any accident on or off site, in which the contractor or his personnel are involved, in which an injury occurs to any person whether directly concerned with the project or a third party, the contractor shall inform department within 24 hours of the occurrence of the event. The plant will be open to local/state/central agencies for verification of safety/emission/acts compliance. During night hours, the main gate should be locked. However, shift duty staff should be alert and open the gate during surprise checking of department staff or any other Government Authorities or his nominee without any wait. Only bonafide persons be allowed in the plant premises being a prohibited area. Smoking and drinking are prohibited in the plant. The staff engaged shall wear common uniform with name plate indicating name and designation during duty hours. 6.0 REPORTING The contractor will prepare daily and monthly reports(in department format) of pumping/treatment and project performance and submit to the Engineer-in-Charge and will assist the Department in preparing the necessary documents for this Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 386 purpose and record as per Performa given from time to time. The reports shall contain, inter-alia the following. Raw Sewage quantity and quality and effluent quality as per the on line monitoring programme and other tests as specified in Clause 3.0 of this section and print outs of online monitoring shall be submitted to Engineer-inCharge. A description of the maintenance work carried out in the reporting period. A report on major failures, if any, their causes and remedial actions taken. Sludge quality and quantity(daily basis) in the reporting period. Power and chemicals consumed in the reporting period. An inventory of the chemicals and spare parts available at the end of the reporting period. O&M staff deployed by the contractor during the reporting period. Any major repair works, if any. Contractor is required to maintain separate register/computerized records at all sites of following information. Pumping register. Quantity of sewage treatment and performance register. Working hours register Electric break down register Maintenance Register Staff attendance register. Equipment breakdown, repair record and extent of repair. Site Order Book Site order book shall be kept by the Engineer-in-charge at the plant site. Orders entered in this book by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative shall be held to have been formally communicated to the contractor. The Engineerin-Charge or his authorized representative shall sign each order as it is entered and will hand over the duplicate to the contractor or his agency, who shall sign the original in acknowledgement of having received the order. Record Keeping Running Records are required to be kept for various operating machines such as Mechanical Screens, Mechanical Grit Removers, Pumps, Motors, Scrapers, Air Blowers, Chemical Consumption, Chlorine Consumption etc. as maintained by the operators and kept at Control Room or Duty Room of the operators that is closer to the location of the machines. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 387 The records of effluent quality and other laboratory tests are kept in the laboratory as per daily sample collection and testing schedules. The record with respect to flow shall be maintained by operators as per Table below. The operator passes the daily log sheet to the plant Manager on the subsequent day duly signed in the first shift. All operators shall be responsible to fill up their part of observations and calculations. The plant Manager shall verify the daily record as well as the calculations and shall be responsible to generate further data using these. It is pertinent to mention that there shall be a requirement of drawing site-specific procedures and formats/forms for keeping records. This shall be the responsibility of the plant manger. Hourly record of Flow as measured/recorded through the Notch/Weir/Flow Meter: Date/Time ----/---/--- Head over the Notch/Weir/meter METERS Average Rate Rate of flow of Flow in Past Hour CUM/HOUR Flow Quantity CUM/HOUR CUM 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 7.0 OPERATION In case, the motor or any other equipment is burnt or damaged due to negligence of the contractor or due to faulty operation, it shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to rewind/replace/repair it as per standards of the equipment, free of cost. In case of any fault in operation and performance of the plant, contractor or his staff at duty will immediately report to the Engineer-in-Charge about it. The contractor shall run the plant unit after ensuring proper voltage. He shall also record all the power failures and voltage in daily log sheet. He will bring into the notice of power supply agency as well as control room and Departmental Engineer Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 388 about the break down/power failure. He will also get the electricity restored simultaneously. Any dispute with the workmen shall be contractor’s responsibility as per Labour Laws/Govt. Rules and Regulations. In no way the Department shall be responsible for the disputes between them. The contractor shall follow the rules and regulations as per Factory Act as applicable. The contractor shall arrange all necessary required tools, tackles and instruments in advance for proper operation and maintenance of the entire plant. The contractor shall operate and maintain all (E&M) equipment as per the recommendations of the respective equipment manufacturer. He shall further maintain and operate the plant, as per CPHEEO manual to obtain the treated effluent results as per approved norms specified in this document elsewhere along with the Technical Bid. The contractor shall be free to follow manufactures manual in this regard. However in case of any doubt, the department shall refer to best of the above standards and the contractor shall be bound to carry out the works accordingly. The floating material/scum should be collected in bins and dispose the same in open pits away from the plant, machinery which should be dried and disposed off regularly at a location outside the plant and approved by statutory authority. During rainy season, this should be buried after using lime. The treated effluent should be disposed off or to be recycled for using for any purpose within the plant. The conveyance of treated and chlorinated sewage should be by means of closed conduit made by RCC or any RCC box channel. The screened material, grit and the dried sludge cake from the centrifuge should be collected in trailers, trunks or tractor and the same should be disposed off at appropriate place away from the plant on his own. Suitable site for this purpose shall be identified by the contractor himself. Regarding cost of sludge manure if sold, the contractor has to follow department practice and rules. The tenderers shall know all Central/State Government/Semi-Government/Local Bodies rules regulations to this contract without any excuse. Gas coming out of sewage is hazardous containing Methane, CO, CO2 and H2s etc. Therefore, necessary precaution and measures are to be taken in regard to human life and installations. No structure of any kind will be allowed to be constructed within the plant premises, without the permission of department. Nothing is to be paid by department for any addition if allowed. In case of damages to the building/machines and shortcoming to Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 389 the machines, the same has to be made good as per original shape/good running condition by the contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final and binding. 8.0 MAINTENANCE Every part of the works and all the materials to be used therein shall be subjected to such tests from time to time during the execution of the work as the Engineer-incharge may direct and the whole of such tests shall in all cases be made at the contractors sole expense. The work shall be carried on and completed under the exclusive control, direction and supervision and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-inCharge shall likewise have full power to reject or condemn any work or material that he may deem unsuitable. In case of any work or material being rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor shall immediately remove and replace the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge or the Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers to get the same removed and replaced and deduct the expenditure incurred in the process from any amount due or that may become due to the contractor. The contractor shall use only the original and genuine spares of the original equipment as per recommendations given in the maintenance booklet of the manufactures/as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Adequate stock of such spares is to be maintained by the contractor. Test certificate of all major equipment will be submitted from the manufacturer. If any material brought upon the site of works or to the places where any Operations have been or are being carried out in connection with or for the purpose of the works, be in the judgment of the Engineer, of any inferior or improper description or improper be used in the works, the said materials or workmanship shall where required by the said officer be removed or amended by the contractor forthwith or within such period for every breach by the contractor in this clause, the Engineer is hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed the materials and workmanship so objected to or any part thereof and replace the same with such other materials and workmanship as shall be satisfactory to him and there upon the contractor shall or demand repay to the board the expenses incurred thereby or to which the board may be put or be liable in connection therewith, the amount thereof to be certified by the Engineer whose certificate shall be final. He shall be responsible for civil maintenance of buildings and roads changing of broken glasses, white washing and painting every years and watering of lawns/plants within the plant premises daily. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 390 The contractor shall also be responsible to maintain cleanliness in around the plant including machineries, disposal of floating removed from the Bar Screens/reactors, etc. Grit and other unwanted material. All the steel structures and machines installed in open areas should be painted after monsoon period after cleaning the surface as per PWD manual. Entire plant including all civil structures, mechanical equipments, HT panel and Transformers etc. shall be repainted every year as per original painting specifications. Surface drains shall be cleaned every year before start of monsoon. All leakages should be attended promptly to avoid any nuisance etc. choakages should be removed at once. All the valves/gates which are not used regularly should be operated at least once a week and make sure that they are properly lubricated/greased. All safety valves should be checked daily and ensure that they are working properly. In case of any fault the same should be attended immediately without any wait. The maintenance of the plant shall be as per maintenance manuals of the manufacturer for all equipments. Contractor shall keep all the safety devices in working order. The contractor should make sure that no unwanted material should gloat/grow in and around different units. In case it is found the same shall be removed/cleaned immediately. He shall also be responsible for cleaning/sweeping the plant buildings inside and outside, roads, foot path etc. Launders/Weirs etc. of reactors etc. to be maintained clean round the clock. During preventive/breakdown maintenance, the contractor has to visit the unit/units as and when needed. The pumping units or other machineries required if any shall have to be arranged by the contractor at his own costs for completing the work. In case of battery operated auto system panels and also system alarm etc. batteries are required to be maintained and replaced as and when needed by the contractor. The contractor has to make sure that proper fire extinguishers are used to cover any kind of fire during any mishaps within the total boundary area including plant machineries. The expiry period of refills of various fire extinguishers should be watched and maintained during the period of contract. The contractor has to maintain all the toilets for proper use of the staff etc. In no case, in-sanitation conditions are developed. The contractor has to maintain minor repair in Civil structures including replacement of sanitary items, glass panes etc. as and when needed. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 391 The contractor shall provide all consumable items in the office provided for department for the 6 year O&M period. The contractor shall maintain the PLC system on SCADA base in working condition for the complete O&M period. The contractor shall not remove/shift any equipments/machinery even temporarily without written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge or authorized representative. Though the contractor has to operate and maintain all the equipments/machineries, lighting (plant area, boundary walls, gate lightening etc.) but the machine of the equipment under warranty should not be dismantled without prior permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. The list of such equipments (under warranty), if any, will be given by the contractor. The contractor shall have to carry out periodical testing of the installations/equipments as per PWD specifications, CPHEEO manual and I.E rules as amended up to date and shall have to maintain complete record in the maintenance register. The contractor has to provide necessary protection systems wherever necessary including alarms and fire extinguishers. Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana will be at liberty to post its staff for surveillance/inspection at the plant along with access to all units, control room and records, log books, MIS (Management Information System), data etc. round the clock as required. The log books and other records shall be properly maintained and any cutting should be attested by the staff from authorized department Officials and this record shall be open for further inspection/checking the department and all other Government Agencies CPCB etc. for further action/improvements/rectifications. The staff in each shift shall mark their attendance on the log sheet individually. The plant and equipments covered under the above contract shall be totally attended by the contractor including any “Trouble Shooting to ensure smooth and trouble free operation. All the consumables for laboratory testing & running of Electrical / Mechanical items including gas, Diesel etc. during trial run of the plant shall be arranged by the contractor except Electric power at no extra cost. However during defect liabilities period & 5 years thereafter, the cost of Chlorine Gas shall be reimbursed by the department at quoted/negotiated rates on actual consumption basis and Diesel also arrange and consumed by the contractor shall be reimbursed by the department at prevailing rates on actual consumption basis to be calculated from the hour meter of the generator. The electric power shall also be supplied by the department during trial run period , defect liability period for one year & 5 years thereafter however the rate of chlorine gas is to be quoted by the contractor separately in the price bid. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 392 In case of major repair due to normal wear and tear/break down the contractor should bring the same to the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge immediately and necessary measures for its repair should be taken simultaneously. Break down, all repairs of any kind are to be attended by the contractor. Any unit/equipment being irreparable in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge will be replaced by the contractor at no cost to department. During 6 years O&M period, the machinery/media to be replaced from time to time as per manufacturer’s recommendations/CPHEEO manual. All relays and HT equipment shall be calibrated and tested at least once a year and the report shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge. The Department reserves the right to carry out any work including capital works in the STP and RSPS for improvement of the parameters including coli form reduction. The contractor shall not obstruct/create hindrance object to any such work/works by department or its authorized agencies. The contractor shall give his telephone No. , Contact addresses etc. to the department as well as shift duty staff to contact him during emergency/odd hours etc. The contractor will be responsible to carry day to day as well as periodic maintenance, necessary to ensure smooth and efficient performance/running of all equipments instruments installed at the Sewage Treatment Plant. He shall be responsible for maintenance/replacement of street light poles and light etc. Also the plant, building land, Sewage treated/untreated/sludge etc. shall remain the property of department. Oil & Grease Schedule Routine and preventive maintenance of electrical/mechanical/hydraulic/machines and equipments is to be carried out as per the operation and maintenance manual. Minimum oil and grease requirement for one year Operation and Maintenance of the Plant is to be procured by the contractor well in advance. Routine, Preventive, Minor and Major maintenance of al Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, hydraulic machines and equipments of the plant. The contractor should prepare schedule of daily maintenance and preventive maintenance of all the equipments and machines operated and run by him in the premises of the plant. The schedule should be as per the guidelines mentioned in the tender and as per the O&M manual. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 393 The scope covers Routine, Preventive, Minor and Major maintenance of all the instrumentation system installed like PLC, Actuators, Flow meters level indicators etc. The scope covers Routine preventive minor major maintenance of all major minor requirements and mechanics plant litr submersible pumps, coarse fine screen, grit removal mechanism,channel gates decanters, sludge pump, centrifuge pumps centrifuges all dosing system including chlorine dosing equipments etc. The contractor should also carry out Routine, Preventive, Minor and Major maintenance of all major/minor electrical equipments like Electrical Panels, Switch Gears, Power Cables, Control Cables, 11 Kv/22kv Switch yard, Changeover switches, DG set etc. so as to ensure uninterrupted round the clock operation of the plant. The contractor should maintain all civil structures including administrative building, Store Room, Store Drains, Retaining walls Compound Walls etc. in Sturdy manner. He should maintain all civil structures of the plant sturdy to complete the natural/design life time. The contractor should carry out the safety audit of the plant and obtain necessary certificate from competent authorities. This item includes all types of Routine, Preventive, Minor and Major maintenance of all Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, hydraulic machines and equipments of the plant covering supply erection test and trial run of the part/machine to be repaired/replaced with material and labour expenses, necessary hardware, sundry materials, lubricant oils, power oils, grease other materials plus machining charges etc. No extra payment will be made during 72 months of O&M for any repair and replacement of material The contractor should procure all the spares required for all types of maintenances in advance. The part/equipment/machine to be repaired/replaced should be as per the department approved list and as per the O&M manual or as per the existing manufacturer’s brand. 9.0 RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS SUSBTANCES OR HAZARDOUS WASTE The contractor, after first notifying the Board shall be responsible for fulfilling all requirements associated with any release of any substance into the environment(from the facility or the site) as required by applicable law or by and Legal Entitlement including but not limit to the notification or reporting of release of Hazardous substances of Hazardous Waste. The contractor shall prepare a memorandum evidence of such notification or reporting and provide copies thereof to the Board, along with any documents provided to the relevant regulatory agency regarding such release. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 394 The contractor shall process and obtain the clearance of all such agencies as required for the purpose including all clearances during 6 years O&M period. He shall be fully responsible to comply with all requirements of Laws including hazardous substances, emission standards for air discharge standards for effluent oil, sub-soil pollution. The contracting agency shall not release any hazardous/toxic materials inside the premises. 10.0 TECHNICAL AUDIT The Board has the right to conduct a technical audit of the facility and to perform any analysis or inspection it deems necessary. Before any such inspection, the Board shall give a prior written notice of three days to the contractor. The contractor shall at the contractor’s sole cost and expenses provide all assistance the Board requires to complete these inspections. Such audits may cover all or any of the obligations of the contractors, including without limitation. (a) Verification of the system/capacity for normal wear and tear during the O&M period. (b) Verification of the performance standards and useful life of the individual assets of the facility, for normal wear and tear during O&M period. (c) 11.0 Verification of the capacity of the facility to meet Output standards. FACILITY VISITS (i) At any time or at the end of each twelve month period, or at the initiative of the board, a visit shall be organized so that both parties can check the condition of the installations at the facility. (ii) A report shall be drawn up to record the opinions of the both parties. The Board reserves the right to call the equipment manufacturers or specialized technicians for these visits. All expenses are to be borne by the contractor for the purpose. 12.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL a) The contractor shall provide six copies of draft O&M Manual to department, at the time of commissioning of the project and on approval of draft, 10 copies of operation and maintenance manual shall be supplied by the contractor. b) The O&M Manual shall include in elaborate detail, all operating and maintenance procedures and policies which are required, advisable and/or necessary for the facility to achieve full compliance with the operational Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 395 guarantees and to achieve maintenance and repair standard for the facility which will ensure compliance with the maintenance specifications. c) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the O&M Manual shall include descriptions, procedures and shall comply with the requirements set forth in the provisions of the Bid Documents. d) The draft of the O&M Manual shall be subject to the review and approval of department, which shall have the right to make any changes and revisions to the O&M Manual as it may deem appropriate. The contractor shall revise such draft O&M Manual prior to the commencement of the O&M period. e) During the construction period, the contractor shall revise the draft O&M Manual to reflect any updates, changes or revisions it deems appropriate, inter-alia based on its experience and as necessary to reflect any modifications or adjustments of the plant. Without limiting the above, the contractor shall annually fully review, revise, update and modify the draft O&M Manual as may be necessary or appropriate. Any revision to the draft O&M Manual shall be subject to the review and approval of department, department shall have the right to require revisions to the draft O&M Manual as it may deem appropriate. The contractor shall prepare and submit to department, for its review and approval, 30 days prior to the proposed ate of “Taking Over” a revised draft O&M Manual which reflects all changes, revisions and modifications. The contractor shall prepare the )&M Manual, as approved by the Department, prior to the date of Taking Over. f) During the term of this Agreement, the contractor shall promptly notify department of any revisions, additions or modifications which he, in his professional opinion, believes should be made to the )&M Manual, whether as a result of additional experience in operating and maintaining the Facility, changes in influent quality or volume, changes or modifications to any equipment, part, component or structure incorporated in the Facility. Such notification shall set forth the reason for the proposed revision. Any proposed revision shall be subject to the approval of the Department. In addition, during the term of this Agreement, Department shall have the right to requisite relevant changes, revisions, or additions to the O&M Manual as it, shall deem appropriate to ensure full compliance with the O&M standards. g) The contractor shall submit 10 copies of the final O&M manual along with a soft copy in Microsoft Word Format. 13.0 Contractor TAKING OVER Witness Executive Engineer 396 The plant will be taken over by department on satisfactory completion of the Operation and Maintenance of the plant provided that. The plant/equipment are in good, smooth running condition. The result of the treated wastewater quality for last six months of operation of the plant is within the limits specified. In case of major repairs/replacement of equipment, the performance guarantee for such unit/equipment is extended from the date of putting back into satisfactory operation of such unit/equipment for at least 1 year. The contractor shall submit affidavit for such guarantees. All records of operation and maintenance are handed over to department in proper condition. The Third Party Inspection of the plant viz: Civil units, Mechanical units/equipments, Electrical units/equipments, instruments and all other Major and Minor units/machines has to be carried out and the defects/unsatisfactory working performances of the equipments/machines are to be corrected by the contractor at his own cost. The necessary Third Party Inspection Charges are also to be borne by the contractor. The contractor should repaint the plant including all civil structures, mechanical, electrical equipments/units/structures as per the tender specifications. In case taking over is delayed on account of contractor’s failure, the operation and maintenance period will be extended further till it meets the requirement without any extra cost to department. The contractor will also be penalized for such delays. Superintending Engineer, Public Health Engineering Circle, Bhiwani. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 397 SECTION – 15 BID FORM Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 398 FORM (WITH OUT PRICE) Bidders are required to fill up all blank spaces in this Bid form Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division No. 3 Bhiwani Subject DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. 1 Having visited the site and examined the Bid Documents, Drawings, Conditions of Contract, Specification, schedules, Annexure, Preamble to and the Pricing schedules etc and to the above, for the execution of the above contract, we the undersigned offer to procure engineered items, construct, complete, commission, operate and maintain the whole of the said works for five years which is extendable by another two years as given in conditions of contract, instruction to bidders and in conformity with the said drawing, special conditions of contract, specifications, Preamble to and pricing schedules, schedules, Annexure, Bidding Documents. 2. We agree that 1. If we fail to provide required facilities to the Engineer’s Representative for carrying out the inspection and testing of materials and workmanship. 2. If we incorporate into the works materials before they are tested and approved by the Engineer’s Representative. 3. If we fail to produce treated effluent of required quality or fail to satisfy other performance parameters, according to the conditions/stipulations of the contract, the Engineer-in-Charge will be at liberty to take any action as per the condition of this contract. 3 We undertake, if our Bid is accepted to complete and deliver the works in accordance with the contract within 72 months, inclusive of monsoons, from the commencement date. 4. We agree to abide by this Tender until …………(90 days after the latest date of submission) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix forms part of this letter of tender. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 399 5. In the event of our Bid being accepted, we agree to enter into a formal contract Agreement with you incorporating the conditions of contract hereto annexed but until such agreement is prepared this Bid together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between us. 6. We agree, if our Bid is accepted to furnish Performane Security in the forms and of value specified in the specials conditions of contract for due performance of the contract. 7. We have independently considered the amount of liquidated damages as specified in conditions of contract and special conditions of contract and agree that they represent a fair estimate of the damage likely to be suffered by you in event of the work not being completed by us in time. 8. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive Dated this ……………… Day of …………………200… ___________________ (Name of the Person) ___________________ (In the capacity of ___________________ (Name of firm) Company Seal Duly authorized to sign bid for and on behalf of (fill in block capitals) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Witness Signature : ___________________________ Name : ___________________________ Address : ___________________________ _______________ __________________ Company Seal Signature of the Bidder Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 400 SECTION – 16 TECHNICAL SCHEDULES Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 401 TECHNICAL SCHEDULES The schedule formats given on following pages for technical details of the bidders are to be necessarily filled in by the bidders. However, the bidder, should feet that the formats or items are not sufficient to cover all types of plant, machinery, automation system etc that are to be provided by him he is free to provide additional formats for the other items. Those formats however must provide all technical details of items supplied to enable the employer to scrutinize the adequacy or functionality of these items in the plan. However, no financial data or cost is to indicated in the Technical Proposal as the same are to be indicated in a separate financial proposal. __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 402 SCHEDULE- I DEVIATIONS FROM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS NIL We undertake that our bid is strictly as per technical specifications, where given in the bid document. __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 403 SCHEDULE-II DEVIATIONS FROM CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT NIL We undertake that our bid is strictly as per technical specifications, where given in the bid document. __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 404 SCHEDULE-III WORK SCHEDULE The bidder shall submit the following along with the bid in sufficient details to enable evaluation of their grasp of the work and ability to execute it within the times of completion. 1.0 Construction Schedule 1.1 This shall consist of a details bar chart showing in sufficient details completion of various sections of work and the date and order in which the bidder proposes to carry out different part of the works. The bar chart shall indicate the principal quantities of work forecast for execution monthly and payments expected to be in connection therewith. In preparation of the program appropriate allowance should be made for loss of time due to inclement weather. This construction schedule shall form the basis of preparation of detailed CPM schedule to be furnished after the award of the Contract. The bidder shall keep above in view while preparing his work schedule, which should be in conformity with the following. Cumulative Value as a percentage of total Description of works, Sr. Period from the date of letter of award value of work to be to be completed during No. (LOA) completed till the end the quarter specified of Period specified under column No.2 under column No.2 1 1. 2 1 st 3 4 period i.e. w.e.f. the date of official 20% date of start upto the end of the 2nd month 2. 2nd period i.e w.e.f the first day of the 2nd 40% month and upto the end of 4th month 3. 3rd period i.e. w.e.f the first day of the 4th 65% month and upto the end of the 6th month 4. 4th period i.e w.e.f the first day of the 6th 90% month and upto the end of 8th month 5. 5th period i.e w.e.f the first day of the 8th 100% month and upto the end of 9th month Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 405 Note: 1) The percentage in column 3 indicates works to be done under the schedule of items in that period. 2) The contractor shall indicate the item is to be executed against each quarter in blank column 4. ___________________ _________________ Company seal 2.0 Signature of the bidder Employment schedule This shall consist of a chart showing deployment of monthly manpower (including skilled and unskilled labour of various categories) commensurate the construction. 3.0 Equipment Use Schedule This shall consist of a chart sowing deployment of monthly construction equipment (under various categories) commensurate with the construction schedule. ___________________ _________________ Company seal Contractor Signature of the bidder Witness Executive Engineer 406 SCHEDULE-IV METHODOLOGY The bidder shall submit a detailed work plan and Methodology i.,e a write up with full technical particulars indicating the method of construction). In case of the Pumping station and STP the technical write-up shall clearly delineate the treatment adopted by the bidder along with electrical load calculation. Each type of unit in the process and the number of each type shall be listed clearly. The bidder shall also state the additives (chemicals/coagulants) used, if any. A comprehensive layout of the Pumping station, STP a hydraulic flow diagram, a P&I diagram and single line electrical diagram along with preliminary design calculations and drawing shall be submitted by each bidder. In addition he shall submit all other data and documents required as per tender document. Similarly, related details for the buildings will have to be provided. The bidder will also provided extensive details of civil electro- mechanical and automation of the project for the understanding of Department __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 407 SCHEDULE-V LIST OF RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS The bidder shall give below a list of spare parts recommended for the two year trouble free performance (after one year warranty period) of the equipment offered by him. Delivery Sr. Eqpt. No. No. Manfg & Part No Qty Period (weeks) Descri- from ption Set Material 2 3 4 Remarks unit date of Locally available Imported eqpt. LOI 1 per 5 6 7 8 9 10 All unused spare parts shall become employer’s property at the end of operation and maintenance period. Price of all above items are deemed to be considered in lump sum prices and no separate payment shall be made. Any additional spare parts required for O & M but not covered in the above list shall be supplied by the contractor free of cost to the employer. The contractor will keep department, informed time to time the details of using of spare parts. During the O&M period the contractor will give the list of major replacements proposed by him year wise. __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 408 SCHEDULE-VI LIST OF MAINTENANCE TOOLS AND TACKLES The bidder shall give below a list of special maintenance tools and tackles offered by him and included in the price quoted by him. Sr No. Particulars Numbers In case any additional tools & tackles are required by the contractor for O&M but not included in the above will be supplied by the contractor free of cost to the employer. The contractor shall hand over all the maintenance tools & tackles in good condition to the employer at the time of handing over the works on expiry of O&M Contract of 6 years. The contractor shall keep department, informed time to time about the usages of tools and Tackles. __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 409 SCHEDULE-VII LIST OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & PLANT (PROPOSED AND OWNED) SNo 1 Description Quantity Capacity or Make and Year of Owned or Present output Model Manufacture Leased Location List of principal Plant / Equipment owned by the contractor (a) Cranes (Mobile) (b) Crane (Tower) (c) Trucks / Dumpers (d) Excavators (e) Concrete Transit Mixers (f) Concrete Batching Plant (g) De-watering Pump (h) Site lab facilities (i) Slip from shuttering (j) Electrical tooling kit (k) Other (Bidder to list) 2 List of principal Plant/ Equipment owned, leased, hired which Contractor considers necessary for the contract. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 410 SNo Description Quantity Capacity or Make and Year of Owned or Present output Model Manufacture Leased Location (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) ………………………… (Signature) ………………………….. (Name) Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 411 ………………………….. (Designation) ………………………….. (Company) COMPANY SEAL (Date) Note :- Attach copies of form as necessary. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 412 SCHEDULE-VIII MANPOWER KEY PERSONNEL The technical qualification and experience of key staff will form an important part of the evaluation process should be attached for each of the staff categories with areas of responsibilities as follows:During Construction Period During O & M Period …………………………….(Signature) …………………………….(Name) ……………………………(Designation) …………………………… (Company) COMPANY SEAL Contractor ______________________ (Date) Witness Executive Engineer 413 SCHEDULE-IX PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN (PEP) The bidder is required to furnish Project Execution Plan (PEP) in the following format. A brief but clear PEP is required for describing planning and programming of the works (a) Project Strategy : Outline statement of the organization and methods to be employed by the applicant to undertake the work. (b) Organization Chart : Preliminary Organization chart indicating relationship between the design team, site management and the head/ branch office, the on site direct works operating, the sub contractors, suppliers and the supervising consulting Engineer. (c) Responsibilities of Key Identify key personnel with management responsibilities by activity or section of work. Personnel. (d) Quality Management Provide a description of the quality Assurance/ Quality Control System organization and procedures in use and system identify the accreditation authority. (e) Project Safety Plan Provide statement outlining the Health and safety Plan operated by the company. (f) Contractor shall indicate any permanently established groups within the organization which would provide specific functions in the execution of the contract. (g) Program/Bar chart showing major activities. …………………………….(Signature) …………………………….(Name) ……………………………(Designation) …………………………… (Company) COMPANY SEAL Contractor ______________________ (Date) Witness Executive Engineer 414 SCHEDULE-X TECHNICAL SCHEDULE : MAIN PUMPING STATION & SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT The bidder shall provide following : 1. Layout Plan, Hydraulic Flow Diagram, P&I Diagram, Process Calculations, Hydraulic Calculations. 2. List of Pipes along with material in the entire project along with Pipe Sizing Calculations 3. List of all electric drives in the entire project including working, standby, operating load. 4. List and specification of all instrumentation in the entire project. 5. He shall also submit capacity and other details (along with calculations) for all electrical & mechanical equipment and instrumentation which shall be used in the project as per the DNIT. 6. Capacity & other Details of Transformer as specified in the specifications of transformer 7. Capacity & other Details of DG set as specified in the specifications of DG set. 8. Any other details as mentioned in the tender document. The bidder shall sign and stamp on each page of all documents and each of the drawings submitted. __________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 415 SCHEDULE-XI SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT – OPERATING DETAILS Bidder shall furnish the O&M Manual highlighting the following aspects but not limited to: Daily Maintenance Weekly Maintenance Annual Maintenance Tests to be carried out for preventive maintenance of Daily, Weekly and Annual basis. Staffing acquirement, structure and skill set for each type of staff. Operating instructions Safety measures/precaution Replacement of spare parts, tools & tackles Requirement of consumable. SNo Item 1 Electrical Loads Unit Total connected load kVA 2 Maximum running load kVA 3 Average running load kVA 4 Expected maximum demand for 20 kW Description min period when the work is operating at full capacity 5 Average power factor 6 Annual average power requirement kWH for the 6 years O&M period II Chemical Usage 1 (a) Average dose for Chemical 1 Mg/l (b) Maximum dose for Chemical l Mg/l 2(a) Average dose for chemical 2 Mg/l Maximum dose for Chemical 2 Mg/l (b) (Bidder to specify name of the all Chemicals used item wise) III Coagulant Usage (if required by Process) Coagulant dose. Mg/l _________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 416 SCHEDULE-XII CONTRACTORS FUNCTIONAL GUARANTEES 1 General This schedule sets out the functional guarantees required for the calculation of Liquidated Damages for failing O&M performance guarantees The Bidder shall provide of electrical energy and chemical usage for the quantity and quality of raw sewage given in the technical specification 2 Functional Guarantees The contractor’s guarantee for the performance in the O&M period to be as follows 2.1 Quality of Treated Effluent The quality of treated effluent shall be as follows: As specified in “Section-1-Project objective-scope of work” 2.2 Chemical Usage The bidder should list the consumption of the chemicals at the project site to be used by them for the STP. Chemical / Utilities Daily Consumption In kg Sludge dewatering polymer Chlorine Any other _________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 417 Schedule-XIII SCHEDULE OF MAJOR MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT To be finalized after discussion with selected bidder _________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 418 SCHEDULE-XIV POWER AND FUEL NORMS OF THE FACILITY (A) Electricity supply Specification Annual requirement for fixed units of electricity (kWh) Variable Electricity requirement per million gallons of treated sewage (kWh per MG of treated sewage) Nominal flow First year of O& M period Second year of O&M period 3rd year of O&M period 4th year of O&M period 5th year of O&M period 6th year of O&M period _________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 419 SCHEDULE-XV SLUDGE PRODUCED FROM THE STP Year of O&M Period Average monthly sludge Produced in Cum 1 2 3 4 5 6 Net Electricity Consumption Year of O & M Period Peak (hourly) Average for the year Consumption (KWH) (KWH) 1 2 3 4 5 6 _________________ _________________________ Company Seal Contractor Signature of the Bidder Witness Executive Engineer 420 SECTION – 17 PRICE BID Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 421 Name of work :- DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INTERMEDIATE PUMPING STATION AT JITUWALA JOHAR AT JITUWALA JOHAR DISPOSAL AND 15 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT BASED ON CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (SBR) TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR 12 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER ON BHIWANI DADRI ROAD, BHIWANI TOWN HARYANA. Approx Cost Rs. 1300.00 lacs PRICE BID 1.1 General (i) The price Schedule shall be with reference to the Notice Inviting Tender, Instruction to Bidders, Conditions of Contract, Scope of Work and Technical Specifications of the Tender Documents. (ii) Each item in the price Schedule shall be individually priced and the same shall be added up to the Bid Cost. No column in the price Schedule shall be left blank. (iii) The rates and prices in the price Schedule shall, except in cases separately provided for, be deemed to cover all the contractual obligations under this contract. (iv) Break-up of Price (Table 1.4 (iii), (iv) & (v)) for different parts of work has been mentioned only for the purpose of release of payment. Only the price quoted in table 1.4(i) will be considered as quoted price (v) In case of any discrepancy between the amount quoted in words and figures, price quoted in words shall be considered as final and valid. (vi) Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of life cycle cost as detailed earlier in the tender document. 1.2 Validity of Offer The Price Offer is valid for a period of 90 days from the opening of price bid. 1.3 Taxes The total price quoted by the bidder shall include sales tax, income tax, service tax, work tax and all other Central Govt. and State Govt. taxes / duties royalties & Octroi as applicable. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 422 Price Schedule Sr. No. Description A-1 Designing, Construction, Erection Commissioning and Testing of Intermediate Pumping Station at Jituwala Johar complete in all respect including non-clog submersible pumps, transformer, DG Set and contingent all mechanical and electrical equipments, piping and instrumentation works of Main Pumping Station complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. (i) Complete Civil Works (ii) Complete Mechanical Works (iii) Complete Electrical Works (iv) Complete Instrumentation Designing, Supply, Erection, Commissioning and Testing of non-clog submersible pumps and contingent all civil, mechanical and electrical equipments, piping and instrumentation work at existing under construction MPS complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. (i) Complete Civil Works (ii) Complete Mechanical Works (iii) Complete Electrical Works (iv) Complete Instrumentation Designing, Construction, Erection, Commissioning & Testing of 15 MLD capacity Sewage Treatment Plant based on Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR Technology with all civil, mechanical, electrical equipments & instrumentation at Sewage Treatment Plant complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. (i) Complete Civil Works (ii) Complete Mechanical Works (iii) Complete Electrical Works (iv) Complete Instrumentation Designing and Construction of RCC framed single/double storeyed office building, approach road, street lights, staff quarter and platform for DG Set, transformer etc. including sullage carrier from Sewage Treatment Plant to existing effluent channel complete in all respects and all other works contingent thereto. (i) Complete Civil Works (ii) Complete Mechanical Works (iii) Complete Electrical Works (iv) Complete Instrumentation Operation and Maintenance A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 Amount in Words and Figures a) Operation and Maintenance during defect liability period for 12 months after 3 months trial run period. b) For 1st year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. c) For 2nd year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. d) For 3rd year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. e) For 4th year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. f) For 5th year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 423 1.4 Price Schedule (i) Total Price Sr. No. Description A-1 Designing, Construction, Erection Commissioning and Testing of Intermediate Pumping Station at Jituwala Johar complete in all respect including non-clog submersible pumps, transformer, DG Set and contingent all mechanical and electrical equipments, piping and instrumentation works of Main Pumping Station complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. Designing, Supply, Erection, Commissioning and Testing of non-clog submersible pumps and contingent all civil, mechanical and electrical equipments, piping and instrumentation work at existing under construction MPS complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. Designing, Construction, Erection, Commissioning & Testing of 15 MLD capacity Sewage Treatment Plant based on Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR Technology with all civil, mechanical, electrical equipments & instrumentation at Sewage Treatment Plant complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto. Designing and Construction of RCC framed single/double storeyed office building, approach road, street lights, staff quarter and platform for DG Set, transformer etc. including sullage carrier from Sewage Treatment Plant to existing effluent channel complete in all respects and all other works contingent thereto. Operation and Maintenance A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 Amount in Words and Figures a) Operation and Maintenance during defect liability period for 12 months after 3 months trial run period b) For 1st year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. c) For 2nd year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. d) For 3rd year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. e) For 4th year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. f) For 5th year operation and maintenance after defect liability period. Total (A-1 to A-5) Rupees : _______________________________________________________ only (ii) Chlorine (The rate for supply of chlorine gas will not be considered for financial evaluation of the tender). SNo Description Unit 1 Rate for Supply of Chlorine Gas kg Value Rupees : _______________________________________________________ only Date : Contractor Notes:(i.) It is clarified that no material of any kind shall be issued by the department for execution of this work. (ii.) This price bid is to be submitted online only without any change & condition. (iii.) Any condition given on this page shall not be considered and offer will be summarily rejected. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 424 (iv.) Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 425 Break of Civil Works stage wise Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6. Item Excavation E.W PCC Wall footing RCC Bed flooring Wall upto half staging Wall upto full staging Payment 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% Component wise breakup of electrical & Mech. Parts 1. Air Blowers 2. Decanters 3. Diffusers 4. Pump Set 5. Sluice gates/valves 6. Centrifuges units 7. Chlorination System with Tonner 8. SCADA SYSTEM 9. CI Pipes & specials 10% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 05% 05% A-3 Building , Roads, Blower and Panel Room etc. 1. Civil Work 2. Electrical and mechanical 60% 40% Breakup of Civil work Component wise 1. Effluent carrier channel 2. Building Administration 3. Road and paths 4. Blower & Panel Room Building (Sullage Sump House) 30% 40% 10% 20% Breakup of Electrical and mechanical 1. Transformer 2. DG Set 3. Panel for DG set 4. Main Control Panel (H.T. Sub Station) 20% 50% 10% 20% Break of Civil Works Stage wise Sr. No. Item 1. Excavation EW 2. PCC 3. Building up DPC Level 4. Building up half staging 5 Building up roof level 6. Roof slab 7. Plaster & work 8. Flooring & finishing Contractor Payment 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 05% 05% 100% Witness Executive Engineer 426 2.1.4 Operation, Maintenance & Monitoring for 60 months after stabilization. The payment for this work shall be released after stabilization of the plant at the following. 1 On completion of one month basis. 100 % Note: In case for any item / unit the Schedule of Payment is not mentioned above, it shall be decided by the Engineer- in – charge during execution and his decision shall be final and binding. Contractor Witness Executive Engineer 427