May, 2015 - The Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer


May, 2015 - The Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
May, 2015
Our Redeemer’s Voice
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Altar Guild Request
Inside this issue:
Worshipping Members and Friends of LCOR:
May Birthdays
You are I’m sure familiar with the bookmarks that are in the hymnals (ELW – cranberry books)
used mainly at our traditional worship service. Well, it seems that there are quite a few hands
that just can’t resist using these bookmarks to help ‘pass some of the time’ through the weekly
worship service – by braiding them, by playing with them in ways that they are getting worn,
and ratty and so on. Admittedly, these are certainly quiet ways to occupy hands (large or
small). However, it does cost time, and $$ to repair/replace and return them for worshippers to
use at the traditional service.
May Anniversaries
Remember in Your
PawSox Outing
From the Pastor’s Desk
Spotlight on Child
Care Center
Save the Date—Pool
VBS News
Sunday School
Teachers Needed
I kindly request that parents discourage small hands from playing with the bookmarks. Your
cooperation is most appreciated. The bookmarks do need replacing now and again, but it has
become and nearly never ending job lately. – Thank you for your kind attention. Alice
Wuschke, Altar Guild member.
Maine Mission Trip
Our trip is on and we will have about 9 people going. This is going to be very exciting to go off
for a week helping others. Pictures and stories will follow upon our return. In the meantime
our accommodations will be sparse and we will be responsible for our own food and to assist in
a Bar-B-Q to be held for the workers and those being helped. If there are some who cannot go
but would like to help there are ways in which the Congregation can help. Two ways.
The first is to make a donation. If you would like to make a donation to help us defer
expenses then please submit your donation in a mission envelope or a plain envelope and write
on it "For Maine Mission Trip". There are fees to go, gas and food expenses and help would be
Second, there will be a sign up sheet on the board to help us with food or drinks that too
would be a great help. We can work out the details later. Maybe food we can reheat or non
perishables. Just an idea.
Any help would be appreciated. There are not many of us so not much will be needed.
Thank you all, Outreach Committee
Automatic Payments for Pledges
Automatic Payments for Pledged Amounts
Did you know LCOR accepts automatic payments for your financial contributions? Currently
about a dozen members take advantage of this option. Payments can be set up weekly, every
other week, or monthly. This is not electronic funds transfer; we are not able to accept
electronic payment. Your bank, credit union, or employer in some cases mails a check to LCOR
on a schedule you set up in advance. If you are interested in this option, talk to your financial
institution or employer to see if it is available. The Finance Committee can provide additional
May Server Schedule
May Calendar
May Birthdays and Anniversaries
Courtney Barros
Katie Barros
Matthew Barros
Brian Behlmer
Rich Behlmer
Harry Biedermann
Lily Biedermann
Judy Cargill
Shamus Dennehy
Julia DiCanzio
Philip DiCanzio
Jeff Dumas
Cassie Edgecomb
Christian Edgecomb
Lynn Edgecomb/Dognazzi
Colin Fairchild
Susan Franceschelli
Nancy Giese
Julia Haugen
Meagan Keaney
Susan Kennedy
Jack Manning
Dave Masciarelli
Richard Meyer
Brendan Murphy
Bill Niemann
Emery Ossenfort
Dan Pearson
Benjamin Reinbold
Steve Reinbold
Alexander Rudsit
Suzanne Schulhaus
Callie Schweitzer
John Silvis
Norma Smith
Shane Stenehjem
Sherry Stenehjem
Dan Taft
Oliver Vekasy
Brian Williams
Rich Wuschke
Rick & Maryanna Biedermann
Joe & Maiju Frisoni Jr.
Dan & Karen Giovanoni
Cliff & Susan Phillips
If you do not see your name listed, then your information is
missing from our database. Please contact the church secretary
with the information so we can update our records. We don’t want
to leave anyone out.
Remember in Your Prayers
Those homebound, in nursing homes, recovering and/or taking treatments, who face difficult
situations or problems, those who are hurting or struggling or have lost loved ones, those serving
our country both home and abroad. Prayer request cards are available on the ushers’ stand. Place
the completed card in the Prayer Box. Your request will be forwarded to the LCOR Prayer Chain by
Dot Whiting. Please pray for the following: Cheryl, Connie, Gladys, Gretchen, J.T., Linda, Luke,
Maggie, Molly, Terrie, Torey, Justin Bayoug, Marilyn Benaski, Ron Benaski, Lou Boette, Rev. John
Brndjar, Mark Bombelli, Judy Champagne, Paul Cobb, Angelica DiSanto, Phyllis Everson, Forbes
Family, Lynne Fraatz, Susan Franklin, David Frongillo, Don Hallee, Toini Hallsten, Gerry Hannon,
Meghan Helgeson, Joe Hillstrom, Michael Jeffers, Martha Jensky, Kelly Family, Linda Knott,
Norma Larson, Lois Mansen, Richard Mansen, Greg Maze, Dan McCarthy, Trudy McCoy, Lori
McInerney, Becky Oag, Doug Olsen, Linda Olsen, Myrna Pearson, Arv Poshkus, Jaime Rodrigues, Amy Runge,
Mike Sheppard, Louise Sneider, Cheryl Suess, Rick Tula, Ray VanDyke Family, Judy Whiting, Dave Whitty, Doris
Wright, Pat Zimmerman.
PawSox Outing
PawSox Group Outing Community Life is hosting a group outing to the PawSox on July25th at 6:05 p.m. at McCoy
Stadium. We will reserve an area so we can all sit together. The price is $9.00 ($6.00 for kids and seniors.) Please
sign up and pay by the 5th of July. Tickets must by picked up from church by July 19th.
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Our Redeemer’s Voice
From the Pastor’s Desk
Can you believe it? In just over a month from now, we just may start
complaining about the heat! Isn't that possibility a matter of astonishing joy
when you think about this past winter with all of its blizzards, snow storms
and freezing temperatures! With April closing and the month of May upon
us, it will not be long now till summer is in full steam!
May is usually a beautiful month and this May will be so not only because of the spring weather but
because of the many important milestones we will observe along the way. Can you believe it, we
will celebrate not one but two baptisms on May 10th (Mother's Day) during our Contemporary
Worship Service. During this liturgy newborn Jennifer Mansen and Logan Burton will be baptized.
Jennifer is the daughter of Mike Mansen and Julie (Masciarelli). Logan is the son of Geoff and
Estelle Burton. The Burton family is not new to LCOR. In fact, their children have regularly
attended Sunday School and the entire family has been with us in many worship services.
Additionally, the Burton family (Geoff, Estelle, Mackenzie and Camilla) will all be formally joining
LCOR during our Contemporary Worship Service on the 10th. (Logan will automatically become a
member of LCOR by virtue of his baptism here.) We are thrilled to celebrate two more baptisms
and to receive another family into our growing LCOR congregation!
Sunday, May 24th is Pentecost Sunday. It is customary for LCOR to celebrate the Rite of
Confirmation on this important festival. This year is no different. During our Contemporary
Worship Service on May 24th, both Christian Edgecomb and Justin Wilson will be Confirmed. They
have faithfully attended Confirmation classes for two years along with faithfully attending our
worship services as well. Both Christian and Justin have been a joy to have in class for the past two
years. I know I will miss them from my Confirmation classes. Please join me in wishing the best
for Christian and Justin as their involvement in LCOR will take on a new dimension because of
their status as Confirmed members of LCOR! Fortunately we have six first-year students
(Alexander Behling, Harry Biedermann, Lily Biedermann, Tyler Newman, Hayden Phillips, and
Christian Tofteroo) who will be returning for their second year of instruction in September of this
year. Additionally, we will welcome a number of new first-year students at that time too.
The LCOR Men's Group is sponsoring a tour of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday, May
30, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Thus far, we have more than a dozen people who have indicated their
intention to join in on the tour. If you are interested in making a reservation to go with us, please
notify me no later than Monday, April 27 as I have to phone in the final number of our group on
Tuesday, April 28. The guided tour that begins at 10:30 will last approximately an hour. After the
tour is concluded, participants are free to tour the museum on their own for as long as they like.
The cost is $30 per person which includes admission to the museum along with the cost of the
guided tour.
As you can see, the Month of May is a very merry month indeed for us at LCOR! Good things keep
happening all the time at the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer!
God Bless,
Pr. Rick Schlak
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Spotlight on Child Care Center
Board of Directors’ Meeting, April 7, 2015
Our Redeemer Child Care Center has an enrollment of 93% of the
available spots which means that 313 spots are taken. The breakdown is as follows: The Infant
room is at 60% of capacity; Yearling room--94% capacity; Toddler 1--91% capacity; Toddler 2-96%; Pre-school --101%; and Pre-K--96% capacity.
The summer session will begin June 15th. Because of the harsh winter and the fact that public
schools will be running later in the month, many ORCCC children will be in attendance longer
in June. The projected enrollment is at 74%. Many calls have been asking about openings for
the fall, mostly for infants and yearlings. September enrollment is projected to be 84% at this
Liz is looking for quotes from painters to paint the classrooms.
It was no surprise that the plowing bills and electricity bills were extremely high for February.
Everyone is happy to see spring arrive. In order for children to get fresh air outside, drawing
with chalk on the sidewalks became a fun activity. The playground is in need if new mulch and
sand but will get some attention the end of this month when other outdoor work will be done by
congregation members. Everything will get spruced up then.
Save The Date—Pool Party
SAVE THE DATE!! The annual Summer Party is once again being graciously hosted by the
Donahoe Family on June 28th at 1 p.m. The Donahoe's have a lovely back yard and a great pool
making this a fun multi-generational event. More info to come.
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Our Redeemer’s Voice
Mark your calendars for July 20th-24th at 9 am-12 noon to come
experience an arctic adventure with Group’s Everest VBS! Childrenand volunteers alike- will have the chance to explore God’s love and
the work of the Bible while venturing through Mount Everest! Along
with great community time, participants will enjoy the opening/
closing ceremony, creative science experiments, lively Bible stories,
and fantastic, Arctic games! Along with having fun throughout VBS
through games and crafts, we also provide an outreach program which will be through
Operation Kid to Kid. The children will be collecting money throughout VBS to help provide Kid
-friendly bibles for children in Thailand.
Throughout the VBS program, participants will learn that God has the power to provide, to
comfort, to heal, to forgive, and to love us forever! I hope you can join us in our fun-filled, arctic
adventure around Mount Everest and God’s love! All are welcome!
If you have any questions or are interested in helping out, please contact Brianna McKay at
[email protected] and/or (508) 446-3235.
2015-2016 Sunday School Teachers Needed
The Christian Ed. Committee will need at least 3 new Sunday school teachers to help with the
2015-2016 school year. Thank you
VBS Interest Day—Informational
Come join us for our Vacation Bible School/ Sunday School Interest Day on June 7th starting at
the end of the 11:00 service till around 1:30/2:00!! We will be giving an overview of the Sunday
School Spark curriculum and hope anyone interested in volunteering or sending their child to
Sunday school will come! As well as Sunday school, we will also be going over the VBS Everest
Curriculum. We will be listening to songs, playing games, doing crafts, and eating snacks from
the Everest VBS! Anyone interested in volunteering or sending their children is welcome to
Page 5
You can find updated Server Schedules as well as the monthly calendar on the church’s website at
www.LCOR.ORG—The Calendar and Server Schedule are updated on regular basis.
Page 6
Our Redeemer’s Voice
7:00 PM Council
7:00 PM Stephen
8:30 AM Cont.
Worship/Mansen &
Burton Baptisms
9:45 AM Christian Ed
11:00 AM Trad.
8:30 AM Cont.
9:45 AM Christian Ed
11:00 AM Trad.
Memorial Day
Church Office Closed
8:30 AM Cont.
Worship with
9:45 AM Christian Ed
11:00 AM Trad.
8:30 AM Cont.
9:45 AM Christian
Ed/Sundae Sunday
11:00 AM Trad.
BOD Mtg.
4:30 PM Outreach
7:15 PM Finance
6:00 PM Community
Life Mtg.
7:00 PM Social
Ministry Mtg.
8:30 AM Cont.
9:45 AM Christian Ed
11:00 AM Trad.
6:00 – 8:00 PM
ORCCC Workshop
10:30 AM Boston
Museum of Fine Arts
Deadline June
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
212 Main Street
Foxboro, MA 02035
Phone: 508-543-4071
E-mail: [email protected]
Flowers for the Altar
If you’d like to put flowers on the altar, simply
sign up on the large flower chart on the
bulletin board in the hallway leading to the
education wing.
They may be given in honor of someone, in
memory of someone, an event (anniversary
birthday etc.), or simply to the glory of God! If
the flowers are being given in honor or
memory of someone, please write that on the
flower chart. If no reason is stated on the
chart then flowers will be given to the “Glory
of God.”
You must sign up a minimum of 7 days in
advance. Flower arrangements are $35 each.
Please place your payment in the offering
plate and be sure you designate the payment
as “altar flowers.”
These flowers belong to you, after the flowers
adorn the altar area for both services, please
take your flowers home.
Receiving E-Mail Newsletter
If you are interested in receiving the newsletter
by e-mail rather than the regular mail, please
sign up on the E-Mail signup sheet on the
bulletin board, or leave a note on the
secretary’s desk (providing your name and email address). You can also send an e-mail to
[email protected] with your request to be added.
Each month the e-mail version of the newsletter
will be e-mailed out generally 3 days prior to
when the printed copy comes out. The e-mail
version is in color. You can print out only what
you want printed. The format of the e-mail
bulletin is normal sized paper.
For those of you concerned with computer
viruses, the church computer is updated and
checked weekly and all e-mail addresses are
kept confidential. The e-mail bulletin is sent
out to all as a blind copy so if it is forwarded the
only email address that is seen is the church’s.