Winter 2014 Recall Issue - St. Mary`s Catholic School
Winter 2014 Recall Issue - St. Mary`s Catholic School
37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 1 DS OF ST . MARY’ S SCHOOL , S L E EP Y ND F R I E N EYE, MN • A I N VOLUME 30 • NUMBER 1 • WINTER 2 0 1 4 L UM A R O F T T ER SLE W E AN a memorable marathon ǯ Little did kindergartner, Ella Pollard, know that her letter would come to mean so much to Colleen (Olsen ¶ 0DOWE\¶VIDPLO\DQG6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO High school principal, Jerry Neubauer and elementary princiSDO 0DU\ *DQJHOKRII DFFHSW WKH JLIW IURP WZR RI &ROOHHQ¶V children, Kelly McCullough and Mike Maltby. Each year, the development office provides names and addresses of alumni to the teachers so their students can write letters asking for donations for the Marathon. This \HDU(OODUHFHLYHG&ROOHHQ¶VQDPHZURWHKHUOHWWHUDQG sent it off in the mail to Las Vegas. However, shortly after the letter was mailed, Colleen passed away. As the family was contemplating what to do with WKHLUPRWKHU¶VPHPRULDOVWKH\QRWLFHG(OOD¶VOHWWHUWKDW arrived for their mother. It was an answer to their prayers and they instantly knew what to do with ColOHHQ¶V PHPRULDOV $QG VR LW EHFDPH WKH IDPLO\¶V ZLVKHVWKDWPHPRULDOVEHJLYHQWR6W0DU\¶V6FKRROLQ Sleepy Eye. We even received a memorial from Jeff )R[ZRUWK\DIULHQGRI&ROOHHQ¶VVRQ0LNH Colleen was brought home to rest in October. It was then that her children, Kelly and Mike, made a visit to the school and presented the principals with a gift of $2,500.00 in memory of their mother. As Kelly shared their story DERXW (OOD¶V OHWWHU ZLWK WKH principals, Mrs. Gangelhoff thought it only fitting that they meet Ella. After meeting her, with tears in her eyes, Kelly Kelly, Ella & Mike meet. made it known that she wanted to be on the list to receive future Marathon letters from Ella. A request we will gladly fulfill! 6W0DU\¶V6FKRROLVWUXO\JUDWHIXOIRUDOOWKHPHPRUL als received in memory of Colleen (Olsen) Maltby! Letter to Lou Holtz Scores Each year incentives are offered to motivate the students to get pledges for the Marathon. Third grader, Abby Schwartz was motivated by the incentive offered in the grade school to the student who brought in the most money. They could choose to be the principal or teacher for a ½ hour. $EE\¶V IDWKHU 0DUN 6FKZDUW] ¶, suggested writing a letter to Lou Holtz, well-known retired football coach. Abby composed her letter and sent it off to Mr. Holtz in hopes he would respond and maybe send a donation. He was kind HQRXJK WR UHVSRQG WR $EE\¶V OHWWHU HQFORVLQJ KLV FRQWULEXWLRQ RI ZLWKDW\SHGQRWHWKDWUHDG³*RRGOXFNRQWKH0DUDWKRQ´ Abby achieved her goal of being the student who brought in the greatest amount of money in the grade school for the Marathon, over $1,000! Since Abby loves books, she chose to be librarian for her 1/2 hour of teaching time. Congratulations Abby and thank you to Mr. Lou Holtz! MARATHON BRINGS IN $58,893! Thank you to all of our alumni, parents, parishioners, and friends who donated to our Marathon for Non-Public Education on October 11. The day began with Mass, and then the band led the way to Allison Park. The Marathon concluded with games on the football field. 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 2 2013 Hall of Fame Banquet Congratulations to four deserving individuals who were LQGXFWHGLQWRWKH6W0DU\¶V$OXPQL+DOORI)DPHRQ1R vember 16, 2013. The Distinguished Alumni Service Award is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to their community or society through service or a distinguished career while exhibiting the qualities of FKDUDFWHU FLWL]HQVKLS DQG IDLWK 7KLV \HDU¶V 'LVWLQJXLVKHG Service inductee (seated) is /LOOLDQ +DDOD ¶ 6WLPSHUW. The Distinguished Athletic Alumni Award is given to alumni/coaches with significant athletic achievements during and after high school who demonstrate the qualities of FKDUDFWHU FLWL]HQVKLS DQG IDLWK 7KLV \HDU¶V 'LVWLQJXLVKHG Athletic Achievement inductees (standing l-r), are Mike 6FKXPDFKHU¶, -LOO6FKXPDFKHU¶:HLVV, and Bill (FNVWHLQ ¶ To read their complete biographies or to nominate someone, please visit our school website ( and click on the alumni tab for the Hall of Fame page. -RH¶V*LIWWR6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO 6W 0DU\¶V LV VR EOHVVHG ZLWK IDLWKIXO alumni, both the living and the deceased. In December, we received $10,000 from Carolyn Schueller in memory of her husband, Joe Schueller, ZKR JUDGXDWHG IURP 6W 0DU\¶V +LJK 6FKRRO LQ 6W0DU\¶V ZDV important to Joe and this was his request. We truly appreciate all those ZKR UHPHPEHU 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO It is through the faithfulness of God and people dedicated to 6W0DU\¶V6FKRROWKDWPDNHLWSRVVLEOHWRFRQWLQXHWRSUR vide a quality education while passing on the Catholic faith. Fall Sports Update The Lady Knights volleyball team, under the direction of new head coach Jen Walter, ended their season at 15-12 (2-8 in the conference). Highlights of the season include taking third place at the Sleepy Eye Tournament and being named Consolation Champions at the St. Clair tournament. The Lady Knights were seeded seventh and defeated Sleepy Eye Public School 3 to 1 in the first round of playoffs. In the second round, the Knights played second seed BOLD and lost 0 to 3 to end their season. The Lady Knights received several individual honors for their talent on the court. Becca Schmitz, daughter of 7RQ\ ¶ and /LVD 0DJHV ¶, was named team MVP, All Conference and to the All Journal Team. Bethany Berkner, daughter of 3DW ¶ and Patty 6SDHWK ¶, earned her 1000 career set assists, an incredible feat. She was named an All Conference Honorable Mention and to the All Journal Second Team. Deonna Brinkman, daughter of 'HDQ ¶ and Sandy, received the Leadership Award while Andrea Schwartz, daughter of 0DUN ¶ and Anita, was selected as Most Improved. Nikki Carr, daughter of Mike and Tammy, and Lexie Weiss, daughter of Mike ¶ and Lori, earned Academic All State Honors while Laura Pelzel, daughter of 6WHYH ¶ and Lynnae, Tori Anderson, daughter of Paul and Julie, Schmitz, Carr, and Weiss earned All Conference Academic Awards. Congratulations to the Lady Knights and their coaches! The Knights cross country team, a combined effort EHWZHHQ 6W 0DU\¶V-Sleepy Eye-New Ulm Cathedral, blossomed from 12 runners last year to 27 runners this year! Coached by Scott DeMaris, the JLUOV¶ WHDP ZRQ WKH ILUVW PHHW RI WKH \HDU DW 6W 3HWHU They also won the Conference Meet. Brianna Polesky (8th grade) was the individual Conference Champion as well as being voted the Conference Most Valuable Runner. Also earning All Conference awards were freshman Mary Joyce, daughter of Jerry and Kathleen, in second place, freshman Jenny Lax, daughter of Randy and Diane, in fifth place and freshman Cassidy Hacker in seventh place. Senior Emily Schumacher, daughter of Ken and -R$QQ 6HOOQHU ¶, earned All Conference Honorable Mention. The girls finished 7th out of 19 teams at the section meet which is their highest finish in many years. For the boys, junior Stephen Joyce, son of Jerry and Kathleen, placed third to earn All Conference as KHOHGWKHWHDPWRDWKLUGSODFHILQLVK7KHER\V¶WHDPSODFHG 16th out of 20 teams. Best Runner Awards were given to Stephen Joyce and Brianna Polesky. Leadership Award winners were Nick DeMaris, son of Scott DeMaris and Mary Kay Bougie, and Schumacher, while Most Improved Runners were Ruben Astorga and Mariah Salfer, daughter of Ron and Kim. Congratulations to these talented runners! The River Valley Wildcats Tennis team ended their season with a record of 5 - 6W 0DU\¶V SOD\HUV include Erika Ries and Karlie Ries, daughters of Bill and Julie, Kacie Goblirsch, daughter of Dave and Michelle, Alyssa Rubey, daughter of 'DYH ¶ and Judy, and Madison Hoffman, daughter of Jeff and Amy %UDXOLFN ¶ (ULND 5LHV was named Honorable Mention for All Conference. As it was a young team with no seniors, the hopes are high for next year! Page 2 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 3 Three-3HDWIRU.QLJKWV¶)RRWEDOO By Brent Kucera, head coach The 2013 season was another one to remember with a lot of great memories and lessons learned. From the first game of the season to the last game, I would say that we were a completely different team. Players figured out their roles and did what was needed for the team. One of the highlights of our season was beating Cathedral in triple overtime at the Homecoming game; this is a game that will always be remembered! Other highlights included winning our second straight Conference Championship which was a huge accomplishment. Prior to this, it had been 37 years VLQFH6W0DU\¶VKDGZRQRQH)HZ.QLJKWVIDQVZLOOIRU get the amazing way we won our state quarterfinal game against Lester Prairie/Holy Trinity with a score of 20-14. We drove 90 yards in 10:38 and ended the game on the 1yard line without scoring. It was also a great accomplishment to get to play in the Dome before it was torn down. It was incredible to see the team running around on the field two hours before the game. We were the only ones on the field. Those are memories the team will never forget. Coach Matt Andres and 'XVW\ 0DQJHQ ¶ have really changed the mentality of St. Mary's football. Coach 0DUN6LPRQ¶ has helped to turn the lineman around. We averaged 215 pounds on the front line. The linemen were led by senior Andy Steffl, son of 'DQ ¶ and Lisa, who was a scoring threat as well. He had a receiving TD and an interception for a TD. That is impressive considering he is 6'4" and 260 pounds. It was great to see a player actually wanting to be a lineman now and not just a QB. That shows how much Simon has done. All of the recent success has been great to be part of. I still look back to the 2011 season and give that senior class credit for getting this program on the right track. They gave this program the motivation and confidence it needed to reach its potential. Shortly after our last game this year, the team was in the weight room already working for next season. We are setting high goals for ourselves again. We will be a senior dominated team. It is up to them to get this team motivated for another great season! Our coaches and players amassed many well-deserved awards. Andrew Steffl earned the title of Lineman of the Year, Play of the Year (pick 6 vs. Springfield during playoffs), the Charlie Hale Award, All Conference and All Journal Team. Junior Carter Krzmarzick, son of Clint ¶ and Kelly, was awarded Defense MVP, Leadership, All Conference and All Journal Team. Junior David Surprenant, son of Scott and Judy, was awarded Offense MVP, All Conference and All Journal Team. He also had a career game with 250 yards on 34 carries. Senior Mike Hirsch, son of 7RP ¶ and 6KDURQ 6LPRQVHQ ¶, was awarded the Charlie Hale Award and All Conference Honorable Mention. Senior Nathan Lax, son of Randy and Diane, and juniors Lucas Heiderscheidt, son of 7HUU\¶ and Shelly, and Brandon Helget, son of Bill ¶ and -HQQ\ %UDXOLFN ¶, were also named All Conference, with senior John Brandl, son of Doug and Deb (Schueller ¶76), as All Conference Honorable Mention. Helget was also included in the All Journal Team. Sophomore Kodan Kosak, son of *DU\¶ and Shelly *URHEQHU¶, was named Most Improved, while junior Cody Gilliland, son of Rick and /RUL 0HUW] ¶, was Rookie of the Year. Alumni Fans Cheering at the Dome! 1968 grads, Dick DeBlieck, Shelley Schwab and Wayne L-U0LNH¶0DU\¶1DQ¶'DYLG¶&DUUROO Pelzel enjoy the game. Cheering our football team on to their many victories were our fall cheerleaders under the direction of 7LIIDQ\%HUWUDQG¶+RIIPDQQ. Cheerleading awards were given to Taylor Pelzel, daughter of Larry ¶ and Lisa, for Spirit Award, Larissa Helget, daughter of David ¶ and Tammy, for Leadership, and Mariah Salfer, daughter of Ron and KimIRU&RDFK¶V$ZDUG Senior cheerleaders included Helget; Salfer; Andrea Schwartz, daughter of 0DUN ¶ and Anita; Leah Schneider, daughter of Kevin Schneider and Amy Wendinger; Jamie Marti, daughter of Dell and Cindy; Nikki Carr, daughter of Mike and Tammy; Deonna Brinkman, daughter of 'HDQ¶and Sandy; Lexie Weiss, daughter of 0LNH¶and Lori; and Bethany Berkner, daughter of 3DW¶and 3DWW\6SDHWK¶. Rounding out this year's cheer squad were sophomore Kaitlyn Krzmarzick, daughter of /HRQ¶ Page 3 and .LP+RIIPDQQ¶and freshman Sarah Berkner, daughter of 3DW¶and 3DWW\6SDHWK¶. 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 4 60 Year Class Reunion 6W0DU\¶V&ODVV5HXQLRQV The Class of 1953 held their 60 year class reunion on September 14, 2013 at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row are (l-r): Arlene (Pelzel) Tauer, Sleepy Eye; Dorothy (Hoffmann) Waibel, New Ulm; Pat (Sellner) Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Judy (Goblirsch) Norvell, Duluth; Barbara (Ubl) Hirsch, Inver Grove Heights; Sr. Claren Sellner, Rochester. Second row (l-r): Mary Ann (Remiger) Berle, New Ulm; Bernette (Hillesheim) Schumacher, Sleepy Eye; Bernice (Hillesheim) Ludewig, Comfrey; Rose (Braun) Goldschmidt, Lake Lillian; Theresia (Schroepfer) Kretsch, New Ulm; Gilbert Marso, Parkers Prairie; Marv Krzmarzick, Burnsville; Myrtyce (Ibberson) Remus, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Ervan Moldan, Sleepy Eye; Rex Savage, Rochester and Martin Hillesheim, St. Cloud. Thank you to the Class of 1953 for their donation of $75 to our Alumni and Friends Annual Appeal. 55 Year Class Reunion The Class of 1958 held their 55 year class reunion on July 20, 2013 at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row are (l-r): Bob Cleary, Colfax, WI; Pat Hillesheim, Griffin, GA; Jerry Sellner, Apple Valley; Marlyn Schroepfer, Bella Vista, AR. Second row (l-r): Roger Hengel, Sleepy Eye; Jerry Prescott, Bloomington; Rita (Kral) Marthaler, Osakis; Rosemary Riederer, Sleepy Eye; Arlene (Moldan) Tauer, Morgan; Elaine (Pelzel) Briggs, Faribault; Shirley (Schmitz) Wendinger, Gibbon; Pat (Soukup) Reddy, Burnsville. Third row (l-r): Shirley (Weicherding) Staupe, Morristown; Margaret (Peichel) Moulton, Greenville, SC; Bernadette (Braulick) Schneider, New Ulm; Alice (Rengel) Parsons, Saint Michael; Mary Frances (Wilms) Peterson, Perham; Fran (Sellner) Bertsch, Brooten; Barb (Sellner) Mielke, Brookings, SD; Fran (Guhlke) Schumacher, Sleepy Eye; Dorothy (Turbes) Weller, New Ulm. Back row (l-r): Ron Kral, Roswell, GA; David Runing, White Bear Lake; Ed Schotzko, Sleepy Eye; Dick Rasmussen, Marion, OH; Tom Ries, Edina; Pat Reynolds, Sleepy Eye; Jim Losleben, Mendota Heights; Gerald Windschitl, Andover. Page 4 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 5 6W0DU\¶V&ODVV5HXQLRQV 50 Year Class Reunion 45 Year Class Reunion The Class of 1963 held their 50 year class reunion on August 17, 2013, at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row are (l-r): Mike Dietz, Sleepy Eye; Luverne Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Mike Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Charles Hauser, Richfield; Ken Riebel, Sleepy Eye. Second row (l-r): Doug Fromm, Brooklyn Park; Don (Toby) Schmid, Sleepy Eye; Luella (Lux) Ries, Jackson; Judy (Rasmussen) Lange, Grand Rapids; Charlene (Goblirsch) Forster, Sleepy Eye; Lois (Olsen) Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye; Jeanette (Steffl) Bruckbauer, Remer; Roseanne (Seidl) Fix, Redwood Falls. Third row (lr): Bob Forster, Park Rapids; Steve Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye; Diane (Bertrand) Coffield, Monticello; Mary DeBlieck, Sleepy Eye; Louise (Soukup) Forster, Sleepy Eye; Sr. Marlene Pinzka, Rochester; Kathleen Huberty, Bloomington; Kathleen (Wagner) Roberts, Nevis; Kathleen (Steffl) Robinson, Deerwood; Shirley (Seidl) Kuck, New Ulm; Myra (Schmitz) Bastian, Fairfax; Ann (Kruzich) Long, St. Paul; Donna Weiss, Gaylord. Back row (l-r): Charles Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Ron Helget, Sleepy Eye; Bob Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye; Ed Reynolds, Naples, FL; John Suess, Sleepy Eye; Gary Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye; Marlin Helget, New Ulm; Dick Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye; Jerry Peichel, Fairfax, David Soukup, Minneapolis. Thank you to the Class of 1963 for their donation of $417 to our Alumni and Friends Annual Appeal. The Class of 1968 held their 45 year class reunion on June 22, 2013 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured in the front row are (l-r): John Hirsch, Sleepy Eye; Mike Seidl, New Ulm; Martha (Seifert) Anderson, Albert Lea; Ron Witt, Richfield; Nancy (Mages) Strate Weseman, North Mankato; Daryl Helget, New Ulm. Second row l-r: Lester Braulick, New Ulm; Bob Weiss, Sleepy Eye; Dick DeBlieck, Bloomington; Paul Krzmarzick, Davenport, IA; Jane (Boettger) Mathiowetz, Middleton, WI; Wayne Cook, Redwood Falls; Ray Kral, Sleepy Eye; Linda (Ludewig) Braulick, New Ulm. Third row l-r: Pat Mathiowetz, Middleton, WI; Sandy (Haala) Langbehn, Sauk Rapids; Gary Hoffmann, Worthington; Marie (Seifert) Hoffmann, Worthington; Kathleen Steffen, Arvada, CO; Mark Konz, Sleepy Eye; Marjorie (Hoffmann) Balint, Burnsville; Dan Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Mary (Lux) Dubois, Elk River; Patti (Groebner) Sprow, New Ulm; Shelley Schwab, Sleepy Eye; Susan (Hillesheim) Schewe, Sleepy Eye; Judy (Guldan) Anderson, Ames, IA, Sylvia (Gilland) Newfield, Minnetonka. Present but not pictured: Doug Rono, New Ulm and Mary Lou (Soukup) Schwartz, New Ulm. Page 5 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 6 6W0DU\¶V&ODVV5HXQLRQV 40 Year Class Reunion 35 Year Class Reunion The Class of 1973 held their 40 year class reunion on August 24, 2013 at the home of Paula (Schwab) Huiras in New Ulm. Seated in the front row are (l-r): Kevin Hillesheim, St Cloud; Lynn Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Bruce Braun, St Cloud; Bob Hertling, New Ulm. Seated in the second row (l-r): Betty (Mages) Jass, Lake Crystal; Denice (Deibele) Teipel, Mankato; Renee (Hillesheim) Wendinger, Sleepy Eye; Laurie (Hertling) Seifert, New Ulm; Brenda (Fischer) Langehennig, Lexington, Texas; Yvonne (Osmonson) Haala, Springfield; Debbie (Sellner) Moldan, New Ulm. Third row (l-r): Jane (Pelzel) Mages, Sleepy Eye; Linda (Baumann) Erlandson, Jacksonville, North Carolina; Lynette (Koll) Lundgren, Mankato; Perry Pietig, Sleepy Eye; Janet Simonsen, Sleepy Eye; Annette (Sellner) Dressel, Hutchinson; Paula (Schwab) Huiras, New Ulm; Janet Tauer, Minneapolis; Tom Moldaschel, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Mike Helget, Sleepy Eye; Mary (Lee) Lyons, Duluth; Pete Eichberger, Sleepy Eye; Mark Krzmarzick, Kasota; Gary Tauer, Sleepy Eye; Frank Kral, New Ulm. Present but missing from picture: Brenda (Bohnen) Guldan, New Ulm and Marilyn (Hillesheim) Schauman, Sleepy Eye. The Class of 1978 held their 35 year class reunion on August 3, 2013, at the Railway Bar & Grill in Sleepy Eye. Pictured seated in the front row are (l-r): Kayla (Koll) Hanus, Chanhassen; Debra (Soukup) Buley, Mankato; Mahree (Riederer) Morin, Peoria, AZ; Maggie (Hillesheim) Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye and Lisa (Schroepfer) Pietig, Sleepy Eye. Second row (lr): Joan (Sellner) Windschitl, Comfrey; Shirley (Sellner) Stavedahl, West Fargo, ND; JoAnn (Schroepfer) Theobald, Granada; Mary (Hoffmann) Gangelhoff, Sleepy Eye; Laurie (Bushard) Edick, Gibbon; Mike Groebner, Shakopee and Pat Riederer, Sleepy Eye. Third row (l-r): Barb (Trost) Timm, Rochester; Corinne (Lee) Losleben, Steven Eischen, Willmar; Greg Gangelhoff, Sleepy Eye and Dr. Thomas Schmidt, Cottage Grove. Thank you to the Class of 1978 for their donation of $161.00 to the Adopt-A-Student fund. Page 6 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 7 6W0DU\¶V&ODVV5HXQLRQV The Class of 1983 held their 30 year class reunion on July 27, 2013, at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured seated in the front row are (l-r): JoAnn (Sellner) Schumacher, Sleepy Eye; Kathy (Helget) Larson, New Ulm; Sandy (Schumacher) Hoffmann, Mankato; Renae (Schewe) Sabatino, New Ulm; Laurie (Wurtzberger) Berg, Hanover; Sue (Schmidt) Horne, Hastings; Chris (Meyer) Braun, Sleepy Eye; Lori (Mertz) Gilliland, Sleepy Eye. Second row (l-r): Charles Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Linda (Scherer) Bassett; Hinckley; Jeff Zinniel, Sleepy Eye; Steve Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Gary Walter, Sleepy Eye; Mark Rausch, Plymouth; Mike Mages, Sleepy Eye; Tom Scherer, Cannon Falls; Stephen Steffl, Roseville. Third row (l-r): Gary Nelson, Sleepy Eye; Janet (Schotzko) Bolstad, Wildwood, MO; Todd Treml, Maple Grove; Todd Heiderscheidt, Sleepy Eye; Joan Marso, Albany, NY; Suzanne (Huiras) Lang, Burnsville; Roger Schroepfer, Huntley, IL; Glen Broich, Mound; Todd Forster, Grand Forks, ND; Loran Sellner, Sleepy Eye. The Class of 1993 held their 20 year class reunion on August DW &UDLJ 6XHVV¶ UHVL dence in Comfrey. Front row: Amy (Rubey) Lencowski, Sleepy Eye; Aaron Hoffmann, Welcome; Becki (Dietl) Herzog, Sleepy Eye; Faye (Ibberson) Nelson, Lake Crystal; Amy (Lochner) Taulelle, St. Michael; Kari (Krebs) Mattson, Albert Lea; Marnee (Schwab) Currans, Sleepy Eye; Craig Suess, Comfrey. Back row: Anthony Schroepfer, Edina; Greg Rosenhammer, Sleepy Eye; Robert (Butch) Mathiowetz, Slayton; Troy Windschitl, Springfield; Scott Schroepfer, Eagan; Bill Helget, Sleepy Eye; Vicky (Wurtzberger) Larson, Sleepy Eye. Thank you to the Class of 1993 for their donation of $130.00 for gym bleachers. The Class of 1998 held their 15 year class reunion on August 3, 2013, at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured seated in the front row are (lr): Sara (Schroepfer) Wendt, Crystal; Deanna (Fuchs) Schwint, Hutchinson; Jenny Blick, Sleepy Eye, Lisa (Moldaschel) Welle, Mapleton and Jessica Novotny, Minneapolis. Standing in the second row (l-r): Dean Walter, Springfield; David Tauer, Hanska; Judd Walter, Sleepy Eye; Matt Moldan, Sleepy Eye and Briana (Sellner) Wurtzberger, Chaska. Thank you to the Class of 1998 for their donation of $265.00 to the Adopt-AStudent fund. Page 7 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 8 130TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION HIGHLIGHTS on September 14, 2013 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Eighteen teams participated with proceeds of $3,755.25. Congratulations to the winning team of Bryan Weiss, Judd :DOWHU ¶ $GDP )LVFKHU ¶ 'DQ 6FKPLG ¶ Second place team was -HQQ\ +HLGHUVFKHLGW ¶ 6WH vens, -LOO6FKXPDFKHU¶:HLVV, Kevin Weiss and Karl Weiss. The longest drive for men: -DNH %RKQHQ ¶ and for women: -HVVLFD 1RYRWQ\ ¶; longest putt for men: 0DUN 7DXHU ¶, and for women: Ronda Mathowetz; closest to pin for men: Jake Bohnen, and women: Jenny Stevens. Thank you to everyone who participated in this 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO KHOG WKHLU UG DQQXDO JROI WRXUQDPHQW tournament and to our sponsors! Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament Alumni & Friends Annual Appeal Kickoff Big Success! What better way to kickoff our Alumni and Friends Annual Appeal than to celebrate 130 years of Catholic education at our school! On Saturday, September 14, 2013, the day began with the Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament. Later tours were given of the school with Mass at 5:30 PM followed by a delicious dinner prepared by our 6W 0DU\¶V &DWHULQJ Ladies and served to 163 guests by some of our teachers and students. During the din- Drs. Karlyn & Adam Don Lausen & Sally Svoboda ner, Dr. Adam Arm- Armbruster EUXVWHU ¶ and 6DOO\ 6DOIHU ¶ 6YRERGD shared the impact of a Catholic education on their lives. The evening was full of entertainment with violin music provided by 5XVW\ ¶ and 7LIIDQ\ %HUWUDQG ¶ +RIIPDQQ¶V four daughters, McKenzie, Lauren, Isabella, and Reese; %LOO 6WHIIO ¶ played piano singing with &LQGHH 6WLPSHUW ¶ Schewe; and Aaron Hirsch Aaron Hirsch & Joel Fischer. ¶ played piano to accompany -RHO )LVFKHU ¶ who also sang. The fun continued as our grade school principal, Mary +RIIPDQQ ¶ *DQJHOKRII decorated a purse purchased from the Nex-Tu-Nu II store and, with the help of our high Jerry Neubauer presents Roxanne & school principal, Jerry 5DQG\ $UPEUXVWHU WKHLU 3ULQFLSDO¶V Neubauer, persuaded guests Purse. WRILOOWKH³SULQFLSDOV¶SXUVH´ZLWKFDVKWREHDXFWLRQHGRII to our guests later. Randy and Roxanne Armbruster became the proud owners of the ³SULQFLSDOV¶ SXUVH´ with their high bid of $1,200.00. Randy Krzmar]LFN ¶ concluded the evening with his witty and humorous appeal to our guests to make a donation. All of the donations that evening went to our Alumni & Friends Annual Appeal fund which is used to help pay for increased salaries for our teachers and school personnel. Once the money is received to satisfy the budgeted amount for this year, the extra funds will be factored in to help pay for the inFUHDVHGVDODULHVIRUWKHQH[WILVFDO\HDU¶VEXGJHW We were astonished at the generosity of our guests! Donations surrounding this event alone exceeded $62,000! People who were unable to attend also contributed. In October following this event, our alumni and friends all received the Alumni and Friends Annual Appeal brochure. As of February 2, 2014, we have received an additional $29,000 bringing the grand total to $91,000 toward our goal of $100,000 by June 30, 2014! All of this is due to the outstanding generosity of you, our alumni and friends, who believe in the importance of a Catholic school! Due to this overwhelming success, we plan to make this an annual event. Please mark your calendars for next \HDU¶V$QQXDO$SSHDO.LFNRII'LQQHUZKLFKZLOOEHKHOG Saturday, September 13, 2014. Thank you for giving to our Alumni & Friends Annual $SSHDO)XQGDW6W0DU\¶V&DWKROLF6FKRRO Page 8 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 9 :KDW(YHU+DSSHQHG7R«" Sister Kay Wagner Many of you may remember her as Sister Kay Francis. Sister Kay resides in La Quinta, California. However, last summer, %ULDQ ¶ and &KULV 0H\HU ¶ %UDXQ were fortunate enough to schedule a visit with Sister Kay while she was at Assisi Heights the same week Brian had a doctor appointment in Rochester. Sister Kay was Brian DQG &KULV¶ IDYRULWH teacher and she remembers them vividly, excited to hear they married. Reminiscing as they paged through the school scrapbooks that Brauns brought along, Sister Kay fondly remembered her students, as she wondered where they were and what they were doSister Kay, Brian & Chris Braun. ing. Thank you to Brian and Chris for providing this opportunity to update everyone on Sister Kay Francis and her years DIWHU6W0DU\¶V What grade did you teach and when? I felt so blessed to JR RXW RQ P\ YHU\ ILUVW ³0LVVLRQ´ WR WHDFK DW 6W 0DU\¶V Grade School in Sleepy Eye. The first two years I was there (1972-1974), I taught second grade. The first year I taught in a traditional classroom. The second year, Mrs. Lillian Stimpert and I taught the 2nd JUDGH FODVVHV DW ³/LWWOH 6W 0DU\¶V´)URP-1980, we taught third, fourth and fifth JUDGHUVLQWKH³2SHQ&ODVVURRP´,ORYHGHYHU\VLQJOH\HDU RIP\PLQLVWU\DW6W0DU\¶V,IHOWWKDWHYHU\VLQJOHVWXGHQW of mine was very special. All of the teachers and staff were so good to work with. We developed a great support system filled with much sharing, fun, and dedication. What is one of your fondest memories from your time here? ,WLVYHU\GLIILFXOWWRQDPH³a´IRQGHVWPHPRU\IURP P\ WLPH RI WHDFKLQJ DW 6W 0DU\¶V«WKHUH ZHUH VR PDQ\ One of the big highlights for sure was the opportunity to design, work on and build an ungraded, open classroom that provided the children with opportunities to be so creative and individually challenged to move through the years DW HDFK RQH¶V RZQ SDFH DQG DELOLW\ 6LVWHU /RLV %DUEDUD and I were able to be available and had the opportunity to provide guidance and assistance to each individual child according to his/her needs. The whole experience was so exciting and fun and fulfilling for teachers and students alike. :KDW LPSDFW KDV 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO KDG RQ \RXU OLIH" The impact that St. 0DU\¶V KDV KDG RQ P\ life has been and continues to be very powerful. First of all, for many of us Sisters, I think, the first place we minister at IS our favorite place! I know that is true for me. The memories stay so vividly alive. Being a teacher is absolutely the best experience if one ever changes careers. I became a social worker after my teaching experience not because I GLGQ¶W OLNH WHDFKLQJ EXW EHFDXVH , ZDV EHLQJ HGXFDWHG WR be a social worker before I was asked to teach so I said yes and took a break for 8 years to teach in Sleepy Eye, and then went back to continue my studies to finish my education to be a social worker. Even in Social Work and Pastoral Counseling, I always would draw on the skills and experience of being a teacher. God blessed me abundantly to lead me to a very unexpected reality of being a teacher. I thank God that I was gifted with the experience of teaching the most wonderful children and living in a very, very special place, Sleepy Eye, and working with the greatest staff and people in our parish. I hold you all in love and prayer. May God bless each and every one of you. Many thanks for who you are and how you blessed my life. ~Sister Kay Wagner 'HDU$OXPQLDQG)ULHQGVRI6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO After much soul searching and prayer, Mr. Neubauer has submitted his resignation as principal of St. 0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRRO+HZDVKLUHGDVSULQFLSDOLQWKXVKHOHDYHVEHKLQGDOHJDF\RI\HDUVDV SULQFLSDODQGVHYHUDO\HDUVRIWHDFKLQJDVZHOODVFRDFKLQJ6W0DU\¶VKDVEHQHILWHGIURPKLVZLVGRP and dedication to the well being of each and every student as well as each and every faculty member, support staff and school personnel. He put his heart and soul into the school. +HKDVZRUNHGKDUGWRIRVWHU6W0DU\¶VDQGLWVPLVVLRQ7KH school has flourished in many ways under his care and watchful eye. He has also shared his wisdom be\RQG6W0DU\¶VDVKHZDVLQYROYHGLQGLRFHVDQDQGVWDWHZLGHFRPPLWWHHV$VKHVKDUHGZLWKWKHPKH was able to enrich our school with that broader vision. :HZLVKWRH[SUHVVRXUJUDWLWXGHIRUKLVSUHVHQFHDQGGHGLFDWLRQDQGZLVKKLP*RG¶VEOHVVLQJDVKHWUDQVLWLRQVWRDQHZ phase in his life. Hopefully, it will be a life with a lot less stress thus allowing him the luxury to pursue his avid love of fishing and spending time with his family. His presence in the office, hallways and lunchroom, as well as the kitchen, will be missed, but not forgotten. May God bless him now and always. He has been a faithful servant. May Jesus Christ be praised in all we do and are. Msgr. Eugene Lozinski, Pastor-Superintendent Page 9 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 10 Homecoming 2013 32nd Alumni Basketball Tournament 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO held their basketball tournament on Saturday, December 28, 2013 with eight teams participating. Winning the tournament this year was the 1995-98 team as they defeated 2005ODVW\HDU¶VZLQ ners) with a score of 44-30. Members of the 1995-98 team Congratulations to our Homecoming Queen Larissa Helget pictured here are (l-r): front row, 0DWW/XGHZLJ¶ and and King Mike Hirsch. Larissa is the daughter of 'DYH¶ -XGG :DOWHU ¶ holding his son, Cooper. Second row and Tammy and Mike is the son of 7RP ¶ and Sharon is (l-r): 'DQ6FKPLG¶and 'DYLG)RUVWHU¶. Back 6LPRQVHQ ¶. The Homecoming court consisted of Beth- row is (l-r): $GDP $UPEUXVWHU ¶, Mark Severson any Berkner, daughter of Pat and 3DWW\6SDHWK¶; Lexie and %RE 6FKPLG ¶. Thank you to all the teams who Weiss, daughter of 0LNH ¶and Lori; Nikki Carr, daugh- participated. Thank you to everyone who purchased sweepter of Mike and Tammy; Deonna Brinkman, daughter of stakes tickets. Congratulations to our raffle prize winners: 'HDQ ¶ and Sandy; Nathan Lax, son of Randy and Judd Walter-$600 prize, $ODQ 'LHW] ¶-Apple iPad Diane; John Brandl, son of Doug and 'HE 6FKXHOOHU ¶; (chose $375 cash instead), /\QQ ¶ & Mary (Rubey Andrew Steffl, son of 'DQ¶and Lisa and Mike Zinniel, ¶%HUWUDQG-$300, Scott & 0\UD 6HOOQHU¶ 6LPRQson of &KXFN ¶ and Lorette. The student council planned $100, Barbara Mages-$100, 0DUN.RQ]¶-$100, Sue a week full of exciting activities for the students. The week 5LHEHO ¶ Lueck-$100, Jolene Eickhoff²$25, Paul ended with an exciting football game on Friday, September ¶ & Connie Steffen²$25 (donated back), Bob Van 27, defeating the New Ulm Cathedral Greyhounds in triple Hee-$25 and Eileen Krmarzick-$25. Thank you to the following sponsors: .LP 6FKPLG ¶ $XWK, 7RQ\ ¶ overtime, 20-14. & Joyce Hoffmann, 'DQ¶/LVD6WHIIO, -XGG¶ & Jen Walter, 'DQ¶6KHLOD6HOOQHU¶6FKPLG, Haala Becomes Letterman After 49 Years! %ULDQ 0DWKLRZHW] ¶, %UDG ¶ &KULVWLQH Mathiowetz, 7RP 6FKPLG ¶, 7RE\ ¶ *ZHQ Schmid, 7LP 6KDQQRQ 6FKPLG ¶ <RFXP, Bob 6FKPLG ¶, %UHQW 5DFKHO 0DWKLRZHW] ¶ Kucera, Bill & Anita Walter, Kevin & Marnee (Schwab ¶&XUUDQV, &KXFN¶/RUHWWH=LQQLHO, Schwartz Farms, Sleepy Eye Electric, 6W 0DU\¶V &DWHULQJ /D dies, Chuck Spaeth Ford, Thriveon, Zinniel Electric, St. 0DU\¶V &&:, Knights of Columbus, Catholic United Financial, Catholic Order of Foresters, Stark Farmers, 6W 0DU\¶V 6WXGHQW &RXQFLO and Schweiss Meats. We truly appreciate your support with this fundraiser. Our proPictured are (l-r): Nathan Schroepfer, Nic Helget, Andrew Kiecker, Lynn Haala , Logan Zuhlsdorf, Noah Krzmarzick and Sean Salfer. ceeds were $8,176.00! /\QQ³3RUN´+DDODhad one item on his bucket list of wishes that did not seem too likely to come true. His dream was to KDYHD6W0DU\¶VOHWWHUMDFNHWRIKLVRZQ A 1965 graduate of 6W0DU\¶V&DWKROLF6FKRROKHZDVQ¶WDOORZHGWRSDUWLFLSDWH in high school sports because of his large family and the lengthy distance from his family farm to school. However, this did not discourage his love of sports as he became one of WKH.QLJKWV¶ELJJHVWIDQV For the past forty years, he has attended every home game and many of the away games and he truly cares about the players and their successes. Because of KLV GHGLFDWLRQ WR 6W 0DU\¶V WKH IUHVKPDQ IRRWEDOO SOD\HUV surprised him with an early Christmas present: his longGHVLUHG6W0DU\¶VOHWWHUMDFNHW He can already be seen cheering on the Knights, proudly wearing his well deserved jacket! Congratulations Newlyweds! &RU\:DOVHU¶married Geri Swenstad on 8/10/13. (OL]DEHWK+DYHPHLHU¶married Craig Fischer on 8/24/13. -RVK6WHIIO¶married Jillian Kaehler on 8/31/13. $OH[/X[¶married -XOLD6ROPD¶on 9/7/13. +HDWKHU.DFKHOPHLHU¶married Matthew Rhinehart on 9/21/13. -DPLH3LHWLJ¶married 0HOLVVD/D[¶on 9/28/13. &UDLJ%HUNQHU¶married 6WHSK6WHIIO¶on 10/19/13. 0DWW*DQJHOKRII¶married Laura Phelps on 10/26/13. /HVOLH3HO]HO¶married Shaun Rodeberg on 11/23/13. 1LFKROH6FKXPDFKHU¶married John Scheidnes on 12/28/13. 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 11 /HW3HUSHWXDO/LJKW6KLQH8SRQ7KHP« (Includes obituaries received through January 28, 2014) Anthony H. Krzmarzick, GLHGRQ$XJXVW$QWKRQ\JUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLV VXUYLYHGE\KLVZLIH'RURWK\DQGWKHLUFKLOGUHQ.HQ¶(LOHHQ-DPHV¶'LDQH3HWHU¶&RQQLH0LFKDHO ¶-HURPH¶-RKQ¶'HERUDK3DWULFN¶-DFTXH/DGG¶6U0'RQQD¶/RLV¶.HLWK(]]R DQG/HRQ¶-DQLQH Mildred (Schaupp) Bertrand, GLHGRQ$XJXVW6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUFKLOGUHQ3DWW\¶-HUU\6WHHEHU 'DYH¶/LQGD1HLG¶-HUU\¶(PLOLH&DURO¶:H[OHU-LP/LQGD.DWK\¶'DYH6XNHUDQG0DUN ¶*DLO5HLQDUWV¶ Mark HammerschmidtGLHGRQ$XJXVW0DUNJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXU vived by his wife, Cheri and their children, Zach (Jessi), Danielle (Jacob) Firle, Courtney, and Shelby. Kathy Ann Schroeder, GLHGRQ$XJXVW6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUSDUHQWV'ZD\QHDQG9HURQLFD0DUVR¶ and her sisters, Janelle (Michael) Roban and Ann. Colleen (Olsen) Maltby, GLHGRQ6HSWHPEHU6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLVVXU vived by her children, Mike (Sandy), Jeff (Denise), Kelly (Darryl) McCullough, and Kathy Jo (Robert) Gutierrez. Adeline (Weiss) Witt, 89, died on September 18, 2013. She was a member of the class of 1943. She is survived by her FKLOGUHQ%HYHUO\¶(G¶5H\QROGV5RQ¶DQG*UHJ¶0RQD Victor J. Weiss GLHG RQ 6HSWHPEHU +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH .DUHQ DQG WKHLU FKLOGUHQ &KULVWD ¶ 'HQQLV6WHIIODQG9LFN\¶ Jeanne (Paulson) Goblirsch , GLHG6HSWHPEHU6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLV survived by her husband, Gary and their children, Bradley (Virginia) Kodet, Jerilyn Kodet, Daniel (Erika) Kodet, Todd (Traci) Kodet, Jennifer Kodet, Aaron (Amber) Kodet, and Jonathon (Lisa) Kodet, and stepchildren, Scott Goblirsch and Kelly (Jason) Steffl. Audrey (Fischer) Bruess, GLHG2FWREHU6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUFKLOGUHQ6KHUU\%DKU¶-LP¶-HUU\ ¶DQG'RQ¶ Lucille (Hornick) SellnerGLHGRQ2FWREHU6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUFKLOGUHQ-RDQ5LFKHUW¶-LP9DO ¶DQG'HQQLV(ODLQH Shirley ( Joos) CallananGLHGRQ2FWREHU6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUKXVEDQG5LFKDUG¶DQGWKHLUFKLOGUHQ 7RP¶0DU\¶3DW¶/LVD¶DQG'DQ¶ Jan (Cook) Seidl, GLHGRQ1RYHPEHU6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\ her children, Laura and Brady. Stephen Horvat GLHG 'HFHPEHU +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH 'RURWK\ DQG WKHLU FKLOGUHQ -HDQHWWH ¶ 6FKPLGNRQ]0DUMRULH¶5XXG&DUPHQ¶-RKQVRQ%HUQLFH¶$QGHUVRQ.HQ¶/HQRUH¶(OOHUWVRQ DQG6KDURQ¶'DOH+LQLNHU +LODULXV ³/DUU\´ 6HOOQHUGLHG'HFHPEHU+HLVVXUYLYHGE\KLVZLIH*ORULDDQGWKHLUFKLOGUHQ&DURO¶ -HII:HQGW6KLUOH\$OOHQ6WDYHGDKO(LOHHQ¶7UDF\¶)LW]JHUDOGDQG0DUWLQ.ULV3URHOO¶ Robert Kunkel, 64, died on December 11, 2013. He is survived by his wife Judy and their children, Darren (Amy), Tonya /DQFH:HQGLQJHUDQG%UDQGRQ-HQQ\%UDXQ¶ Thomas W. FischerGLHGRQ'HFHPEHU+HJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXUYLYHG by his wife, Marilyn, and children, Angela (Dan) Flock, Rick (Kristi) Fischer and Gary Dey. Thomas HoffmannGLHGRQ'HFHPEHU7KRPDVJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXU vived by his wife, Mary and their children, Lori Fenske, Rita, Julie Triplett, Paul, Mark, Diane Kochel, Karen Distad, and Brian. Mark HelgetGLHGRQ-DQXDU\+HJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXUYLYHGE\KLV PRWKHU$JQHV+RIIPDQQ¶-XOLH¶-HII:LQGVFKLWO)UDQQ\¶*HUPDLQH¶:D\QH0LFKHOV*HUL¶ 6WHYH9RJHO$QWKRQ\¶3DXO¶0HGDUG¶7LP¶&RQQLHDQG&ROHWWH¶7LP6PLWK Sylvia (Marso) StefflGLHGRQ-DQXDU\6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLVVXUYLYHG E\KHUVRQV0LNH¶6WHSKHQ¶'DQLHO¶/LVDDQG3DXO¶ Cynthia (Schildberg) TauerGLHGRQ-DQXDU\6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUKXVEDQG6FRWW¶DQGFKLOGUHQ1H YDGD'RPLQLF¶'DPLDQDQG6DPDQWKD¶ Maybe you always wanted to do something special for your school during your lifetime, but were concerned that you might need the money in your later years. By remembering your school in your will, you can have the security of knowing the money is available if you need it during your lifetime. Leaving a special gift for your school in your will allows you to PDNHDGLIIHUHQFHDIWHU\RX¶UHJRQHDQGQRORQJHUQHHGWKHPRQH\ Please UHPHPEHU6W0DU\¶V6FKRRODV\RXSUHSDUH\RXUZLOO Page 11 37548_SMSE_Alumni_Winter 2014_Layout 1 2/11/14 1:53 PM Page 12 6W0DU\¶V5HFDOO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 36 SLEEPY EYE, MN 6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRRO 6W0DU\¶V6WUHHW1: Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 507-794-4121 [email protected] Return Service Requested Welcome to SMS! We wish to welcome the new teachers on staff this 2013-14 school year. Pictured (l-r) are Jacob Flaherty, religion teacher for grades 10-12 and the parish &DHFLOLDQ FKRLU GLUHFWRU -DFRE¶V ZLIH Esther helps with Religious Ed); Katie Moosbrugger, the media center/ computer lab and journalism teacher; Julie Carlson, guidance counselor and .HOO\ .U]PDU]LFN ¶, fourth grade teacher. We also welcomed Fr. Aaron Johanneck who was assigned parochial vicar to our parish on July 1, 2013. UPCOMING CLASS REUNIONS The Class of 1954²60 year reunion will be September 5, with QRRQ OXQFKHRQ DW 'DQJHUILHOG¶V LQ 6KDNRSHH &RQWDFW 0DYLV (Marks) Davis at 507-276-9808. The Class of 1959²55 year reunion will be August 2, at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club in Sleepy Eye. Contact Colleen (Hengel) Berkner at [email protected]. The Class of 1964²50 year reunion will be September 6, at the 6HUYLFHPHQ¶V &OXE LQ 6OHHS\ (\H &RQWDFW 'DUOHQH %RHWWJHU Tauer at 507-794-6324. The Class of 1979²35 year reunion will be August 2, at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Contact Loren Ludewig at [email protected]. The Class of 1984² \HDU UHXQLRQ ZLOO EH -XO\ DW &DUO¶V Corner in Essig. Contact Nancy (Reiniger) Reed at [email protected]. ,W·V7LPHIRUWKH6W0DU\·V&KXUFK Calendar Raffle There will be $12,000 in prizes awarded in our annual 6W0DU\¶V&KXUFK&DOHQGDU5DIIOH There are 377 chances to win! Three drawings for $200 T11 drawings for $100 49 drawings for $50 T314 drawings for $25 Many of you have supported this important parish fundraiser in the past. Please buy a raffle calendar again this year. The calendar tickets are $25 each and a limited number will be sold. The drawing will be held on July 1 so please send your check for $25 per calendar by June 27. (Checks received after July 1 will be kept as donations). Thank you! Please make checks payable to 6W0DU\¶V&KXUFK. And send to: 636 1st Ave N, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Please include this slip with your calendar order: Check enclosed for $___________ for_____ calendars. Name: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________
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