Jam Night! - Musicians Hotsheet
Jam Night! - Musicians Hotsheet
musicians PITTSBURGH Issue #13 April 2013 www.druskyentertainment.com In Memory of Sage Venus In Furs is hosting, Prom Night on Friday, May 10th, 7pm-11:30pm, a special showing of ‘Carrie’ and a performance by the band to raise money for the H o l l y w o o d Theater. No doubt their "Electro-sexy" rock show will also be raising other things that night. We'll leave that to your imagination, or you can experience them for yourselves. Like baseball and porn, much more fun to be there in person! Tickets: $10. 18 and Over showclix.com/event/PigsBloodPro m reverbnation.com/show/10149866 Chip Dimonick and guitarist Tony Leone have parted ways. The band released a statement in which they made certain everyone knows there is no bad blood; “Over the past two years, Tony contributed immensely to Chip DiMonick's ascent in the music community. He is a great guitarist and a great guy. We wish him nothing but the best in his efforts to take his music career to a higher level. Please join us in supporting his next steps!” has landed the band growing media exposure, radio circulation, and a resounding buzz within the music industry. Leone tells us he loved his time with The CYNICS are back and we’re not Chip, but he wanted to do his own cynical about it at all! The Cynics have project called, Silk9. cemented Tony says he hasn’t got a permanent their place in lineup yet, but will debuting with guest Pittsburgh players, Kevin Michaels (vocals, music history SayAhh!) Marc Fassio (bass, formerly as the true of Homicide Black) Dan Slide (drums, godfathers of the Krush) when they open for TUFF garage rock. April 27th. Their live shows are And speaking of Chip DiMonick, the legendary band will perform as part of the longand explosive BIG WRECK awaited Lovebettie cd w h i l e t h e i r WITH SPECIAL GUESTS release party for, extensive body of recorded work SPIKE MERLOT AND STEELESQUE “Rise”, Saturday, displays a rich, diverse, history of Tue, April 09 7:00PM All Ages April 20 at Diesel on timeless tunes and rock and roll Altar Bar the South Side. classics. The band is doing a reunion THE SUPERVILLAINS Lovebettie, the tour with members: Guitar: Gregg WITH SPECIAL GUESTS self-described, Kostelich, Vocals: Michael Kastelic, CYNIMATICS AND THE ESCAPE GOATS “ P i t t s b u r g h Bass: Angel Kaplan, Drums: Pablo Fri, April 12 6:30PM All Ages based pioneers Gonzalez and it hits Mr. Smalls, April Smiling Moose - Upstairs o f “ S w a g g e r 5th. facebook.com/thecynics DJ SHADOW QUEEN BEATS, BLACKDADDY AND Rock”, were n a m e d “ P i t t s b u r g h ’s One of our most fav-o-rite bands RSK VS HIPSTER MAGEE (PRESENTED WITH SPINR & LEGIONS OF DANCE) Hottest Band” by Microsoft returns to Pittsburgh! Marah presents Fri, April 12 9:00PM All Ages Windows, and attract fans from all walks Mountain Minstrelsy (of Altar Bar of life with their neo-soul, rock-pop SEVENDUST mash up. This genre-bending, and WITH SPECIAL GUESTS Music News Continued page 2 refreshing, new take on modern rock PATRON SAINT, SHATTERED LUANNE’S ROUTE Frankies Squirrel Hill Live Bands Every Weekend! Tuesdays Food & Spirits Purple Tuesdays Jam Night 724-643-6508 sponsored by Musicians Hotsheet Wednesdays JAM NIGHT Wednesdayswith David Granati Domestic Bottle Specials KARAOKE Every Fridaywith Perry the One Man Band April 2- The Zoo (Classic Rock) 6- Karaoke w/ Perry 13- TRIPSHOD 20- Karaoke w/ Perry 27- OZO REMEDY 2424 Midland Beaver Rd, Industry, PA >>>Open Stage<<< Check out our website for weekend schedules! Check out our Facebook Page for upcoming shows and Regular Updates! The AND AFTERTHEFALL Mousetrap April Sat, April 13 8:00PM All Ages Altar Bar WHATS EATING GILBERT WITH SPECIAL GUESTS DIAMOND YOUTH, THE HERE AND NOW SAT. 6th ZERO FAME SAT 13th ROADHAWG SAT 20th ZUKE Sat, April 13 6:30PM All Ages Smiling Moose - Upstairs DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN WITH SPECIAL GUESTS THE FACELESS, ROYAL THUNDER & BLACK CLOUDS Thu, April 25 7:00PM All Ages Altar Bar SHANNON AND THE MERGER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS LOU LOMBARDIS STRANGELOVE AND MORE TBA! Fri, April 26 10:00PM 21+ Hard Rock Cafe musicians .com showcase series Sat, April 29th, 9:30pm VOODOO BUTTER KLAYMORE SUGAPABLO/SUN HOUND WED. IS 1.50 CAN NIGHT Thursday is JAM NIGHT (6pm start) MILLIONAIRES WITH SPECIAL GUESTS ASHLAND HIGH (TRACE CYRUS), BENEATH THE SUN, LANCIFER, CALL TO ATTRACTION & RAIN AUDIO Sat, April 27 7:00PM All Ages Altar Bar VALLEYS WITH SPECIAL GUESTS TBA Sat, April 27 9:00PM 18+ 6119 JAMEY JOHNSON (PRESENTED WITH KIRSCHNER CONCERTS) Mon / Wed / Fri 4pm -11pm EVERY FRIDAY IS KARAOKE .40 cent Wings! Old Steubenville Pike 5832 Forward Ave. 412-422-5027 frankiessquirrelhill.com 724-796-5955 Sat, April 27 8:00PM All Ages Carnegie Library Music Hall Bulger, PA For Updates and Ticket Info www.druskyentertainment.com Music News continued Pennsylvania) at the Kollar C l u b (Southside.) Doors open at 7pm, show at 8pm. This is your chance to see the whole band, who recently recorded an album with us for our latest project "Mountain Minstrelsy." Tickets: $17 at the door OR $15 in advance available at Dave's Music Mine - 1210 E. Carson St. Pittsburgh and online at: brownpapertickets.com/event/34785 9 Klaymore is a four-piece heavy metal band whose influences, “range from Dream Theater to Eric Clapton to AC/DC to Iron Maiden”. The band began in 2007, and has played shows all over the western Pennsylvani a a n d Eastern Ohio area. Klaymore has released two full length a l b u m s : "Primed For Destruction" (July 2011) and "It's Alive" (April 2012), and is currently preparing to release their latest EP entitled, "New Breed." Guitarist Sean Rock tells us what’s up: “It was recorded by Lee at several "home studio" locations. The recording process was about 4 months. We are launching our Kickstarter campaign, so people can be told to check on our facebook page to find the info on it (a link to it will be in the "caption" of our new cover photo). People will be able to pre order physical copies of the new EP through the kickstarter campaign.” Klaymore is: Lee Prisby Lead/Rhythm Guitar, Lead Vocals; Jesse Prisby - Bass, Backing Vocals; Sean Rock L e a d / R h y t h m G u i t a r, Synthesizers, and Snacks; Bob Moore - Drums, Percussion. For more info: klaymore.b andcamp.c om reverbnatio n.com/klay m o r e facebook.c om/fansofkl aymore Looks like two of our favorites are getting together. No, n o t chocolate and peanut butter (it’s been done). Sugapablo has released a teaser statement following the successful performance he shared with Sun Hound at our British Invasion show: “After collaborating during the MHS British Invasion how, local band Sun Hound and local artist Sugapablo have decided to team up for a mutual side project, possibly an all blues band." We’ll keep you posted. Zero Fame Guitarist John Picard tells us the band is hard at work writing and recording their debut CD. Known for high energy live shows, the guys have steadily built a solid fan base that continues to grow, We’ll keep you posted. Lucky Me The Deadhorse Cantina is hosting “Rock For Autism”, Sunday, April 7th, featuring Vermithrax, Klaymore, Lucky Me, Gods & Aliens and a few more SURPRISE BANDS This will still be an "all ages" show. Donation will be $8 and will be DONATED to "AUTISM SPEAKS". 6pm show time. Saturday June 8th at Club Café 7:00 show PIGS BLOOD PROM Friday, May 10th Hollywood Theater A special showing of Carrie and performance by Venus In Furs. Tickets: $10 18 and Over showclix.com/event/PigsBloodProm interview: Interview: LoveSick plans. The CD is self-titled? “The CD is, indeed, self-titled. It's sort of a 7-song demo. Where and when did you record it? “We recorded with our buddy Chris Procopio. The time frame is sort of misleading, because we did it here and there over the last year and a half, when Chris had time to fit us in among some of his other projects.” Any upcoming gigs we should know about? “We'd like to get out on the road for a week or two this year, if the Julie Michael is a protégé’of the Granati family and a long-time instructor. We asked her about the art of teaching guitar. How long have you been teaching? Julie: 15 years Do you have a set program or do you tailor lessons to the tastes of a student? Julie: I tailor it to the goals of the student and parents. Some students want to learn to play songs. Others want to learn to play songs and read, plus learn some theory. Others only want to read, so I gear each lesson individually. photo by: Tyler Kairy LoveSick, fresh off their exceptional show at the Hard Rock Café Winter X Challenge, releases their self-titled debut CD this month. Their release party h a p p e n s Saturday, April 6 at Deadhorse Cantina. We t a l k e d t o drummer Chris Harford about the new release and the band’s Guitar Instructor Julie Michael right opportunity arises. We'll be hitting it fairly heavily around the area, too. In terms of other upcoming events, we'll be at RPMs on May 11th and The Dead Horse on May 17th with Wildstreet. We also have a new website at www.lovesickrocks.com, which features band news, a full listing of upcoming shows, and some tracks from the CD. What are common problems you find students run in to? Julie: Positioning and fingering often making it difficult to play a song. Often students are just trying to get to the note that they often trip over their fingering making it more difficult to play. Usually suggesting some alternate fingering and positioning makes a big difference. Probably the other issue that I see a lot is that they stop a lot making it hard for them to hear the song. Also learning to play through the songs no matter how many mistakes helps them to develop their performance playing skills. Is there an age group you prefer to work with? Julie: All ages. I've taught from 6-85. Most students range from 7-45. What levels and styles do you teach? Julie: All levels but specialize in beginners-intermediate. Purple Purple Tuesdays Tuesdays BUSTED? Jam Jam Night! Night! Every Tuesday @ 8pm Frankie’s Squirrel Hill 412-422-5207 Patrick K. Nightengale Patrick K. Nightingale CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY 210 GR ANT STREET, SUITE 401 PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 (412) 454-5582 MARAH Returns to Pittsburgh April 6 Hailing originally from New Your City, Marah did a crash and burn that would have swallowed most bands in a fiery impact crater. Whether they fled their home, or wiped the dust off of their feet, remains to be seen. Either way, they moved to the hills of Pennsylvania, and in near-cliché manner, reinvented themselves. Or perhaps they found out who they’d been all along. And it matters not one whit. The results are wonderful. After arriving in PA, the two remaining members of Marah, got a house, cobbled together some gear and looked around. They recorded Life is a Problem, some of which is described as “equal parts Grandpa Jones, Led Zeppelin, and Biggie Smalls.” Marah is coming again. Tenacious as a goddam briar patch, this is a band that has been dealt seemingly mortal blows, yet continues to thrive, continues to make music that speaks to metal head and hill jack alike. We’re not even going to discuss genre here, for in Then something wonderful the words of Neil Young, “It’s all one happened—they discovered a book, song.” And Marah plays that song so Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania, that very nicely. would seemingly give a rather new direction, or at the very least, reaffirm the path that they had taken. It was a book filled with songs of the hills. Songs sung at lumber camps. Songs played around fires, and on sagging porches. The band decided to “to record an album that would attempt to capture the book's t r e m e n d o u s atmosphere and ‘sense of place’ using our own original soundtrack.” The results were beautiful. Marah will be bringing Mountain Minstrelsy to The Kollar Klub at 8:00 pm on April 6th. What to expect? Well, there will be wonderful music played by musicians who like to let the music do the talking. Yeah, this stuff is mountain music, traditional music, It’ll be music to stomp to. It’ll be music that will transcend genre—no matter what your taste, you will walk out with a smile. Because, like Neil Young says, “It’s all one song.” James Vanfossen April 7th Beaver Coutny Maple Syrup Festival with For Those About to Rock Academy April 23rd Opening Night for BIKE NIGHT at JERGELS May 5th Pittsburgh Marathon with For Those About to Rock Academy Every Tuesday- JAM Night at Jergels Hosted by David and Hermie Granati Every Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Joey Granati at Sing Sing in the Waterfront Every Wednesday! Jam Night hosted by David G! Luanne's Rt 68 Food and Spirits 2424 Midland Beaver Rd, Industry, PA (724) 643-6508 facebook.com/pages/Granati-Brothers CD REVIEW CD REVIEW MUSIC MARKET Long Time Divided (Self Titled) Heavy is the word which best describes Long Time Divided, as in old school heavy metal. Blistering guitar riffs, pounding drums and lyrics belted out with seismic force are the norms throughout this offering. Executed with real skill, this album is a blast from the past, the golden age of heavy metal. There is none of the selfindulgent pining of many of today’s bands. LE Shook Self-titled demo Eric Sweeney - Singer Patrick Eberz - Drummer Chris Ehrenberger - Bass / Guitarist Michael Lewandowski - Bass / Guitarist LE Shook has certainly turned some heads recently as a participant in the Hard Rock Rising Battle of the Bands. Their 3 song demo showcases the high energy rock sound which won them a spot in the competition and deservedly so. With a sound that can be compared to national artists without being too tied to any one influence, they are definitely on the right track. The overall drive and rhythm reminds one of a young Red Hot Chili Peppers, especially on the first 2 tracks, but does not fall into the dreaded ‘hero worship zone’ so many bands make the mistake of entering in their formative stages. Make no mistake; these gents are still finding themselves. But from this demo, it sounds as if the search will be a short one. “Main Street” features strong lyrics and an excellent guitar solo courtesy of Chris Ehrenberger, who along with fellow guitarist Michael Lewandowski, does double duty as a bass player. This is a factor which will most likely allow LE Shook to remain fresh and original as they introduce new material, as the 2 can trade off for different sounds on different songs. The constancy is provided by drummer Patrick Eberz and singer Eric Sweeney. Patrick’s drumming is as solid as an old oak door and he really hammers it on my favorite track, “All We Know.” Throughout it all, the rich sound of Eric Sweeney ties it together, ranging from fast paced nearrapping on “All We Know” to more melodic and introspective styling on “Leaving”, the last track. While still in development, this is nonethe-less a very good debut effort from a band we will probably be hearing more good things from in the future. Starting out can be tough, but LE Shook has entered the fray with fire and joy, as well as talent and good instincts. – Jay Belfiore facebook.com/ DaveWhaleySupport www.TheChurchRecordingStudio.com 2020 Dartmore St. Pittsburgh Pa. 15210 mobile: 412-818-1307 [email protected] One contrast with the metal of the past, however, is also the lack of selfindulgent guitar solos which songs sometimes seemed to be written around rather than vice-versa. And yet, there is enough gravity to the songs to keep them well above the simple party rock water mark. Two criticisms do loom large however. One is the tendency to channel influences too strongly. This was most apparent on track 3, “February Farewell”, which could’ve been a previously un-released Cinderella track. The other was a similarity of groove to many of the tracks which made them hard to distinguish from one another at times, especially during a casual listening. This was nicely broken up by “Night Runner” with its slower pace and plaintive vocals and guitar work. “Home From Sea” was another nice change of pace, with lyrics borrowed from the Robert Louis Stevenson novel Underwoods. A band that is well read tends to write more interesting songs than the “my life sucks/my girl broke my heart/mommy didn’t love me enough” whininess which is too prevalent these days. Simply put, whatever criticisms one can apply to Long Time Divided, the tendency to writeabout themselves too much is definitely not one of them. Definitely worth checking out if you like a more traditional metal sound. – Jay Belfiore THE SOUTH SIDE STARTS HERE CHARLIE MURDOCHS 1005 E. CARSON ST. 412-431-7464 t-shirts posters hair dye make up and more cool stuff than we could possibly 1321 east carson st. list here! 412.381-3911 www.facebook.com/slacker-southside-pgh 73 s13th st. 412 377 2765 Happy Hour Saturdays 6pm-9pm Open mic nights. BYOB! Get a Tropical Southside Smoothie for Only $3! Ask for the Hotsheet Special! facebook.com/pages/ For-Those-About-To-Rock-Academy Learn to Play Guitar or advance your playing skills! I am now taking on new private students as well as enrolling for the CCBC group guitar course beginning February 9th. You can enroll by contacting CCBC at 724-480-3575 Private Lessons contact Julie: [email protected]
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