The History of the Branham Tabernacle 1


The History of the Branham Tabernacle 1
 Many have seen and remember this concrete inset on the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Even more remember the story of William Branham “dedicating” the tabernacle in his name in the tales on recorded sermon, describing how this event took place in 1933. “I can remember 1933, August the 16th at two o'clock in the afternoon-­‐-­‐I mean June the 16th at two o'clock in the afternoon. I'd just recently been ordained a Missionary Baptist minister, and holding my first revival where three thousand something people attended.” 60-­‐0722 WATCHMAN.WHAT.OF.THE.NIGHT It well brings to my memory what's wrote there in that cornerstone on that morning when we dedicated-­‐-­‐or laid the cornerstone. When the Lord woke me up, not knowing what visions was in those days. I'm looking at the chimney on top of the house, five feet or more from where I was sitting when the vision taken place twenty three years ago in 1933. Be about twenty four years ago, I suppose. I'm looking at the chimney right now. 57-­‐0407M GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD May it long stand. May it be a house fully dedicated to God. The Tabernacle itself has been dedicated in 1933, but thinking this morning it would be a-­‐-­‐a very good thing for just a-­‐-­‐a small service of dedication again and especially to the people who's... (with their love and devotion to Christ), has made this all possible. 63-­‐0317M GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY The History of the Branham Tabernacle 1 The Branham Tabernacle sits on plot 16, block 4 on the corner of 8th and Penn St. Record 59. The History of the Branham Tabernacle 2 It was sold by William T. Ingram to the “Pentecostal Tabernacle” on the date of November 9, 1936. The History of the Branham Tabernacle 3 The History of the Branham Tabernacle 4 It was still named “The Pentecostal Tabernacle” as late as 1946: The History of the Branham Tabernacle 5 Part of the adjacent lot (parking) was purchased in 1949 The History of the Branham Tabernacle 6 The rest of the adjacent lot (parking) was purchased in 1953: The History of the Branham Tabernacle 7 Four plots were sold to the William Branham Evangelistic Association in 1984. Voice of God Recordings purchased the Branham Tabernacle in 2003 The History of the Branham Tabernacle 8 The Pentecostal Tabernacle. Otherwise known to the followers of the Branham religious movement as the “Branham Tabernacle.” The History of the Branham Tabernacle 9