introduction and definitions
introduction and definitions
Fife Corporation P.O. Box 26508, Oklahoma City, OK 73126, USA Phone: 405.755.1600 / Fax: 405.755.8425 / E-mail: [email protected] DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Operating Manual Web Edge Detection With Adjustment Module 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COPYRIGHT Copyright All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this Instruction Manual, in any form, in whole or in part, requires the prior written consent of FIFE. The information given in this Instruction Manual is subject to change without notice. We have compiled this Instruction Manual with the greatest possible care and attention: however, the possibility of error can not be completely excluded. FIFE accepts no legal liability for incorrect information given and the consequences arising therefrom. Copyright 2003 FIFE Corporation P.O. Box 26508, Oklahoma City, OK 73126, U.S.A. FIFE GmbH Postfach 1240, D-65762 Kelkheim/Ts., Germany 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 CONTENTS Table Contents 1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................... 1-1 General Introduction and Operating Instructions ............................................................................................... 1-1 Proper Usage of the DAC-004 Camera ............................................................................................................ 1-1 Option .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Description of Camera ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Mode of Operation.............................................................................................................................................. 1-2 Measuring Range ............................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Aperture and Exposure Time ............................................................................................................................. 1-3 Material Web Edge............................................................................................................................................. 1-3 Direction of Scanning ......................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Analog Signal ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Joker Control Using Single Edge Guiding with Single INTB-30 ......................................................................... 1-4 Signal Threshold ................................................................................................................................................ 1-5 Video signal ................................................................................................................................................. 1-5 Marking Signal.................................................................................................................................................... 1-6 Connector Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 1-7 2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................. 2-1 Installing the Camera Unit in the Plant ............................................................................................................... 2-1 Physical Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 2-1 Mounting ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Dismounting................................................................................................................................................. 2-2 Connecting the Oscilloscope.............................................................................................................................. 2-2 3 COMMISSIONING ............................................................................................................................................. 3-1 Aligning the Camera........................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Requirements for commissioning ................................................................................................................ 3-1 Camera and installation components .......................................................................................................... 3-2 Aligning the Camera Mechanically ..................................................................................................................... 3-3 Aligning the camera parallel to the measuring field lamp ............................................................................ 3-3 Aligning the camera on the A axis ............................................................................................................... 3-4 Aligning the camera on the B axis (optional) ............................................................................................... 3-4 Adjusting the Lens.............................................................................................................................................. 3-4 Adjusting the aperture.................................................................................................................................. 3-5 Adjusting the distance setting (distance - focus) ......................................................................................... 3-5 Adjusting the Measuring Range (focal length - zoom) ..................................................................................... 3-6 4 ADJUSTMENT MODULES................................................................................................................................ 4-1 Adjustment Module Setting (FIFE part no. 585274-001).................................................................................... 4-1 Joker control ................................................................................................................................................ 4-1 Exposure time.............................................................................................................................................. 4-1 Trigger threshold.......................................................................................................................................... 4-1 Terminal assignment ................................................................................................................................... 4-2 Setting the INTB-30 Adjustment Module (FIFE Part-No. 573334-00Z).............................................................. 4-3 Operating elements ..................................................................................................................................... 4-3 Joker control ................................................................................................................................................ 4-3 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 CONTENTS Exposure time.............................................................................................................................................. 4-4 Monitoring of dirt contamination................................................................................................................... 4-4 Signal threshold ........................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Circuit diagram............................................................................................................................................. 4-5 Assignment of the terminals ........................................................................................................................ 4-6 5 TECHNICAL DATA............................................................................................................................................ 5-1 Product Specifications........................................................................................................................................ 5-1 Nameplate ................................................................................................................................................... 5-1 Protection type ............................................................................................................................................. 5-1 Operating temperature................................................................................................................................. 5-1 Ambient conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1 Output signal to X1 ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1 Power supply voltage................................................................................................................................... 5-1 Dimensions .................................................................................................................................................. 5-1 Standards .................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 5-2 Replacement part ........................................................................................................................................ 5-2 Accessory .................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 6 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................. 6-1 Maintenance Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 6-1 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-1 1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS General Introduction and Operating Instructions These operating instructions are designed to facilitate commissioning, operating and maintaining of the DAC-004 diode line camera and provide important information for proper use of the system. These operating instructions are directed to both the system integrator as well as the operator who uses the DAC-004 diode line camera in production. They must be read and used by all persons who have the responsibility of installing, operating and maintaining the DAC-004 diode line camera. Note: These operating instructions use the term web for purposes of simplification. The term may be used to refer to a material web in the paper or sheet processing industries or strip in the steel industry. Proper Usage of the DAC-004 Camera The DAC-004 diode line camera is used to detect a material web edge. The DAC-004 is suitable: • • For web edge guiding For guiding the web center in paired usage The DAC-004 diode line camera can be used to control both opaque and partially transparent material. Applications can be implemented for light passing through or simply striking a surface. The DAC-004 represents the next step in development beyond the DAC-003 diode line camera. It is thus used as a replacement device for the DAC-003. Option In addition to the basic version described in these operating instructions, the DAC-004 diode line camera is also available with special software. This addition provides enhanced functionality for the camera, for example to record two web edges. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-2 Description of Camera A diode line camera basically comprises the camera housing, the lens and the protective tube. In the camera housing there is a CCD chip with over 7450 lightsensitive diodes (photodiodes). These photodiodes are arranged adjacent to each other in a row or line; hence the name “diode line camera.“ As in a photographic camera, the lens is used to adjust the focal length, aperture and distance. Mode of Operation The camera is mounted over a light source (measuring field lamp). The measuring field lamp is connected to a high-frequency ballast. The high frequency guarantees an interference-free camera signal. The camera must be aligned so that light falls onto all photodiodes. If part of the measuring field lamp is covered by the material web, a corresponding number of the photodiodes are no longer exposed, and the analog output signal changes proportional to the number of darkened diodes. Measuring Range The measuring range, and thus the resolution, of the camera depends on the distance of the camera from the material web. If a zoom lens is used, the measuring range can be changed without changing the distance. Short focal lengths (e.g. 35 mm, corresponding to a wide angle lens) produce a larger measuring range. For long focal lengths (e.g. 210 mm, corresponding to a telephoto lens) the measuring range is correspondingly smaller. A customer drawing is produced for each application, detailing the following data: • • • • 09-03-2003 Distance: camera - material web Distance: camera - measuring field lamp Measuring range (focal length) Direction of scanning DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-3 Aperture and Exposure Time The photodiodes require a certain amount of light (intensity). This amount of light can be altered with the aperture and the exposure time. If the aperture size is increased (low aperture index, e.g. 5.6) more light can strike the diodes. If too much light strikes them, the camera signal is overshot. A long exposure time has the same effect. The settings of the aperture and the exposure time are mutually dependent. The camera has an automatic exposure mechanism with a time range from 45 ms to 1.585 ms. A proportional voltage signal of 0V (45 ms) to 10.7V (1.585 ms) is provided to monitor the exposure time. The exposure time can also be set externally. Material Web Edge In relation to scan direction, the first transition is interpreted by the camera as a web edge. It makes no difference whether the camera detects the bright measuring field lamp first, and then the dark material web, or vice versa. Direction of Scanning The DAC-004 with this configuration will only evaluate one web edge, even when there is more than one edge in the measuring range. The direction of counting the edges is dictated by the direction of scanning. The direction of scanning of the camera is indicated by an arrow on the rear of the camera housing. Analog Signal The analog output signal (0–10 mA) of the camera is determined by the position of the first edge in the camera measuring range. If the edge is at the start of the scanning range, the camera delivers a low analog signal close to 0 mA. If the edge is at the end of the scanning range, the camera delivers a high analog signal close to 10 mA. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-4 Joker Control Using Single Edge Guiding with Single INTB-30 If the camera detects no edge, the edge may be outside the camera measuring range to the right or left. The camera is not able to distinguish those two cases, so a definition must be set for the analog output signal. This is done by means of the joker control. The setting of the joker control depends on the direction of scanning. The following example illustrates the point. Direction of Scanning Diode Line Camera Direction of Scanning Diode Line Camera Plant Center C L Web mA 10 Plant Center C L Web Measuring Field Lamp Measuring Field Lamp Output Signal mA 10 Output Signal 0 0 Camera Measuring Range Camera Measuring Range Figure 1 – Scan direction from center: outward Figure 2 – Scan direction from center: inward Figure 1) The direction of scanning is from the inside to the outside (the reference point being the center of the plant). If a test material is then pushed from the center of the plant into the measuring range, the analog signal will rise steadily from the starting value 0 mA (maximum value 10 mA). Figure 2) The direction of scanning is from the outside to the inside (the reference point being the center of the plant). If a test material is then pushed from the center of the plant into the measuring range, the analog signal will fall steadily from the starting value 10 mA. In this case the joker control must be set so that the analog signal of the camera with no web is 0 mA. 09-03-2003 In this case the joker control must be set so that the analog signal of the camera with no web is 10 mA. DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-5 Signal Threshold The signal threshold defines the exposure level as from which photodiodes are rated as bright or dark. In scanning of opaque web material, the difference between the bright measuring field lamp and the dark material web is very clear. The signal threshold can be set in the middle between the bright and dark levels (see Figure 3). In scanning of transparent materials, the difference between the bright and dark levels is dependant on the material transparency. The setting of the signal threshold should be adjusted accordingly. The choice of a suitable signal threshold also depends on the ambient conditions. Ambient light reflections in the material web have less influence when the signal threshold is set higher. If the measuring field lamp is contaminated with dirt, it is better to set the rating threshold to lower signal levels. Video signal To be able to adjust the camera the video signal must be represented on an oscilloscope. The video signal begins with a negative trigger pulse, followed in succession by the levels of the photodiodes (camera measuring range). The interval between the trigger pulses represents the exposure time. Camera Measuring Range Bright Level with Marking Signal Trigger Pulse Exposure Time Dark Level without Marking Signal Figure 3 – Shown with light partially obstructed 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-6 Marking Signal To identify the signal threshold on the oscilloscope, a marking signal is superimposed on the video signal. Signal levels above the rating threshold are marked. Signal levels below the rating threshold are represented without markings. Marking Signal Signal Threshold Camera Measuring Rrange Figure 4 – Marking of signal edge 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 1 1-7 Connector Configuration The connectors shown in Figure 5 are used in different configuration setups for the DAC-004. The list that follows explains their primary function and use. X1(analog: -Single edge guiding using Adjustment Module -Oscilloscope using Adjustment Module or VPA-01 X2(analog): -Not used. (Second edge output) -Serial connection to PC X3(digital): -Not used. (Connection to FifeNet) Fife-Tidland GmbH FifestraBe 1 D-65779 Kelkheim DAC 004-XXZ-YY/YYY FW: 999999-999 SW: 999999-999 S/N: 99999/ZZZZ X1 DC 00001 44Z X2 X3 Figure 5 – DAC-004 connection diagram 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INSTALLATION 2 2-1 2 INSTALLATION Installing the Camera Unit in the Plant A customer drawing is produced for each application, detailing the following data: • Distance: camera - material web • Distance: camera - measuring field lamp • Measuring range (focal length) • Direction of scanning Installation is based on this customer drawing. Note: The cameras are calibrated and tested prior to shipment on the basis of the installation and camera drawings (focal length, aperture and distance). If these data are maintained on installation in the plant, only the alignment of the camera to the measuring field lamp will need to be checked at the commissioning stage. Physical Installation The cameras are fastened in place with a support in which the fine adjustment is also located. This fine adjustment can be used to align the camera so that the photodiode line is precisely aligned to the system or lighting. In contrast to other web edge sensors, attention must also be paid to adjusting the lens and the scanning direction for diode line cameras. The scanning direction is indicated by an arrow on the camera housing (Figure 7). Note: If the DAC-004 camera you are installing is a replacement unit (DAC-003), it is absolutely essential to observe the section entitled Dismounting. Mounting Proceed as follows while mounting the DAC-004 (see Figure7): a.) Fasten the support (5) with the four screws (6). b.) Insert the camera. If you have just finished dismounting a camera, the information on distances or the scanning direction obtained from that camera must now be observed (see the section entitled Dismounting. c.) Secure the camera in place with the clamping screws (7). d.) Attach the connection cable and screw it tight. e.) 09-03-2003 Replace the desiccant cartridge if it has turned pink. (Fife-Tidland part number M134973) DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 INSTALLATION 2 2-2 Dismounting Note: Before dismounting a camera, we recommend that you determine and write down some important information. This information will make it easier to set up and commission a new camera when it is installed. • The distance from the rear edge of the camera to the support OR The distance from the rear edge of the camera to the measuring field lamp Depending on the application, however, other suitable distances can be measured. • Scanning direction Dismounting a camera is done in the reverse order to the procedure for mounting a camera. Connecting the Oscilloscope Further calibration of the camera requires an oscilloscope. It is connected either to the BNC socket of the camera module (in the switch cabinet), on the terminal box, or directly on the camera with a VPA-01 test adapter (FIFE part no. 534169-001). Note: If the VPA-01 test adapter is used, the signal cable must be disconnected from the camera and connected to the test adapter. The other end is connected by way of the test cable (FIFE part no. 519 314-XXX) to the camera. The signal cable is then connected to the oscilloscope (FIFE part no. 511511-XXX) at the BNC socket. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COMMISSIONING 3 3-1 3 COMMISSIONING Aligning the Camera To obtain optimum guiding, the camera must be aligned precisely to the measuring field lamp. This requires an oscilloscope. The “Installation“ section describes where the oscilloscope can be connected. Requirements for commissioning The camera must be mounted as detailed on the installation drawing. The arrow on the camera body indicates the direction of scanning. Align the camera so that the arrow runs parallel to the measuring field lamp. Guiding configurations with two cameras must have either both arrows pointing toward the center of the plant or both arrows pointing outward. The measuring field lamp must be mounted at right angles to the direction of running of the web. Measuring Field 90° Diode Line Camera Plant Center C L Figure 6 – Top view: Diode line camera and measuring field lamp There must not be any objects in the measuring range of the camera. All photodiodes must be receiving as much light as possible. If web is covering part of the camera measuring range, the web must be removed. Narrow webs can be shifted as appropriate. If a test material is used during camera setup, the web concerned must be positioned at the same distance from the camera as the regular material web. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COMMISSIONING 3 3-2 Camera and installation components 1 2 8 3 7 10 8 4 15 5 9 6 16 14 17 13 18 19 7 20 21 12 11 B A Figure 7 – DAC-004 camera and camera light source assemblies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 09-03-2003 Desiccant cartridge Camera Direction of scanning arrow Adjuster device Bracket Fixing screws M6 x 125 Clamping screw for camera Locking screw Adjuster screw, B axis Adjuster screw, A axis Light source 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Protective tube for lens Multifunction adjuster ring (focus / zoom) Lens Aperture adjuster ring Nuts (M4) x 8 Threaded pins Rubber ring Fixture Securing screws (M5 x 5) x 4 Nuts (M4) x 4, self-locking DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COMMISSIONING 3 3-3 Aligning the Camera Mechanically Turning the DAC-004 aligns the scanning direction of the camera to the lighting. Swiveling the camera about the A and B axes aligns the position of the scanning field to the lighting. The correct alignment of the camera is evaluated on the oscilloscope using the camera video signal. It is described below. a.) Turning the camera: Slightly loosen screws (7) then tighten them again - see Align the camera parallel to the measuring field light, Page 3-3. b.) Swivel the camera: Loosen the locking screws (8). c.) Swivel the camera about the A axis: with adjustment screw (10) - see Aligning the camera on the A axis, Page 3-4. d.) Swivel the camera about the B axis: with adjustment screw (9) - see Aligning the camera on the B axis, Page 3-4. e.) Carefully tighten the locking screws (8) as far as they will turn freely and then tighten in a criss-cross sequence. Aligning the camera parallel to the measuring field lamp Uniform illumination of the photodiodes produces a virtually horizontal bright-level characteristic on the oscilloscope screen (Figure 9). An oblique characteristic (Figure 8) means that the photodiode line is not aligned parallel to the measuring field lamp. Rotate the camera in its fixture until the video signal improves. Figure 8 – Not parallel to the measuring field lamp 09-03-2003 Figure 9 – Parallel to the measuring field lamp DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COMMISSIONING 3 3-4 Aligning the camera on the A axis Check that the camera is also aligned to the center of the measuring field lamp (maximum brightness). To do so, tilt the camera on the A axis until the video signal has reached its maximum amplitude with fixed exposure time or until shortest exposure time is achieved with automatic exposure. A Aligning the camera on the B axis (optional) Extend a plumb line from the center of the camera fixture mount and place the edge of a test web material. The output current (0 – 10 mA) of the camera can be measured at contact B (wire 2, camera cable) and must be 5 mA. If it is not, swivel the camera on the B axis. B Adjusting the Lens The following settings are only required if the factory setting of the camera is not suitable for the installation situation at hand. Proceed in this manner to make the settings: a.) Unscrew the protective tube. b.) Loosen the locking screws (20 – Qty 4) (see Figure 7). c.) 09-03-2003 Adjust the aperture - see Adjusting the aperture, Page 3-5. DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COMMISSIONING 3 3-5 d.) Adjust the zoom - Adjusting the measurement range (focal length – zoom), Page 3-6. e.) Adjust the focus - see Adjusting the image sharpness (focus – distance), Page 3-5. f.) Tighten the locking screws (20 – Qty 4) slightly. g.) Screw on the protective tube again. Adjusting the aperture When the aperture is set correctly an almost square signal is to be seen on the oscilloscope. The intervals between the trigger pulses as shown in Figure 3 should be as short as possible (< 20 ms), but there should be no saturation. To change the setting, rotate the aperture ring on the camera. Figure 10 – Signal saturated Figure 11 – Signal not saturated Adjusting the distance setting (distance - focus) Change the distance setting on the multifunction adjuster ring of the lens until the bright-to-dark transition of the video picture is as vertical as possible. Figure 12 – Camera out of focus 09-03-2003 Figure 13 – Camera focused DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 COMMISSIONING 3 3-6 Adjusting the Measuring Range (focal length - zoom) A test material slightly narrower than the camera measuring range is required. The test material is placed in the center of the measuring range, so that both edges are visible on the oscilloscope. The test material must be at the same distance from the camera as the regular material web. The measuring range can be changed with the multifunction adjuster ring on the lens. If the automatic exposure time is also used to monitor lamp contamination, it must be ensured that the measuring range is not set too small, as otherwise too little light will strike the photodiodes. The exposure time should not reduce significantly in relation to the video picture with no web. Direction of Scanning Diode Plant Center Line C L Camera Web Camera Measuring Range Measuring Field Lamp Figure 14 – Camera drawing 09-03-2003 Figure 15 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 ADJUSTMENT MODULES 4 4-1 4 ADJUSTMENT MODULES Adjustment Module Setting (FIFE part no. 585274-001) Joker control If scanning is toward the center of the plant, a jumper is required between terminals 22 and 24. For scanning in the opposite direction no jumper is required. Exposure time Under normal circumstances the camera will work with the automatic exposure mechanism. In such cases terminals 25, 27, 29 and 31 on the camera module must not be connected. The exposure time is also used to monitor dirt contamination of the camera and of the measuring field lamp. A voltage signal proportional to the exposure time is applied to terminal 8. It may be necessary to limit the exposure time. To do so, a jumper must be connected between terminal 25 and terminal 27 or 29 or 31. Trigger threshold The trigger threshold is adjustable in steps by way of a jumper. The level of the trigger threshold is identifiable on the oscilloscope by the marking signal. Jumper Between Terminal 10 and terminal 12 terminal 14 terminal 16 terminal 18 terminal 20 09-03-2003 Trigger Threshold 8.3 Volts 6.7 Volts 5.0 Volts 3.3 Volts 1.7 Volts DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 ADJUSTMENT MODULES 4 4-2 Terminal assignment Connection to the signal amplifier: 2. +12V external (not required) 4. Ground (GND) 6. Camera output signal 0 - 10mA 8. Exposure time - See Exposure time, Page 4-1 10. Adjustment of the evaluation threshold (wire jumpers) - see Trigger threshold table, Page 4-1 12. Adjustment of the evaluation threshold (wire jumpers) 14. Adjustment of the evaluation threshold (wire jumpers) 16. Adjustment of the evaluation threshold (wire jumpers) 18. Adjustment of the evaluation threshold (wire jumpers) 20. Adjustment of the evaluation threshold (wire jumpers) 22. Joker control (wire jumper) - See Joker control, Page 4-1 24. Joker control (wire jumper) 26. Ground (GND) 28. Ground (GND) 30. Power supply voltage +24V 32. Power supply voltage +24V Connection to the camera: 09-03-2003 1. Video signal 3. Camera output signal 0 - 10mA 5. Light-dark threshold (evaluation threshold) - See Evaluation threshold, Page 4-1 7. Not used 9. Exposure time -See Exposure time, Page 4-1 11. Joker control - See Joker control, Page 4-1 13. Ground (GND) 15. Power supply voltage +24V 17. Power supply voltage +24V 19. Ground (GND) 21. Ground (GND) 23. Ground (GND) 25. Adjusting the Exposure time (wire jumper) - see Exposure time, Page 4-1 27. Adjusting the Exposure time (wire jumper) 29. Adjusting the Exposure time (wire jumper) 31. Adjusting the Exposure time (wire jumper) DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 ADJUSTMENT MODULES 4 4-3 Setting the INTB-30 Adjustment Module (FIFE Part-No. 573334-00Z) Operating elements Switch: S1: JOKER control S2: automatic exposure system Potentiometer: (fixing screw) R1: exposure time setting R2: Alarm threshold for exposure time R3: Trigger threshold BNC jack: X1: Video signal (output) LED display: H1: dirt contamination monitoring Joker control Switch S1 determines the value of the analog output signal if the web edge has left the camera range. The scanning direction must be noted for this. • Scanning direction towards the center of the system: Without web (field of view free): With web (field of view covered): analog signal = 10mA analog signal = 0mA • Scanning direction away from the center of the system: Without web (field of view free): With web (field of view): 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA analog signal = 0mA analog signal = 10mA Figure Sheet 1-863 ADJUSTMENT MODULES 4 4-4 Exposure time With switch S2 it is possible to select between manual setting of the exposure time and an automatic exposure time system (see Aperture and exposure time on Page 1-3). • Manual exposure time: Potentiometer R1 is used to set the exposure time manually. • Automatic exposure time with limit: The limit of the automatic exposure time is adjusted with potentiometer R1. Monitoring of dirt contamination The exposure time is also used for monitoring of the camera and measuring field lamp for dirt contamination. These signals are present on terminals 9 and 11. Dirt contamination of the camera and the measuring field lamp are indicated by light diode H1. The alarm threshold for initiating dirt contamination monitoring can be set individually with potentiometer R2 depending on the web material and the environment. To set the alarm threshold with R2, the camera and measuring field lamp should be contaminated with the appropriate amount of dirt. If it is not possible to contaminate them with dirt, the manual exposure time setting can be used to simulate the reaction of the camera to dirt contamination. NOTE: Follow these steps to simulate the dirt contamination procedure. 09-03-2003 a.) Set switch S2 to 'Manual exposure time' b.) Set the exposure time according to the desired alarm threshold for dirt contamination monitoring with potentiometer R1. DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 ADJUSTMENT MODULES 4 4-5 The factory setting for the alarm threshold is about 22ms, control value on terminal 5 = 5V c.) Set potentiometer R2 so that light diode H1 displays the switchover point d.) Set the exposure time back to the previously set value with potentiometer R1 (generally as far as possible to the right, thus for the maximum exposure time) e.) Set switch S2 to the desired function. (generally for the automatic exposure time) Signal threshold The threshold for the bright-dark rating of the photo diodes is set with potentiometer R3. The signal threshold can be verified with an oscilloscope on BNC jack X1. A measurement signal can be generated for this purpose by partially covering the camera directly on the lens (See Figure 13). Circuit diagram The variable z in the FIFE Part Number describes the assignment of the jumpers in the circuit diagram. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 ADJUSTMENT MODULES 4 4-6 Assignment of the terminals Terminals 1 through 12: Control box connection (Corresponds to terminals 1 through 12 on the front side of the module) 1. Supply voltage (+24V) 2. Connection for cable shielding 3. Ground (GND) 4. Camera output based on edge position (0–10mA) 5. Exposure time 6. Ground (GND) 7. Ground (GND) 8. Power supply (+24V) 9. For Version 573334-003 potential-free,for versions 573334-001 and -002 potential-bound switch output for exposure time errors 10. power supply (ground) for terminals 11 or 9 11. For versions 573334-002 and -003 potential-free, for version 573334-001 potential-bound switch output for exposure time errors 12. Power supply (ground) for terminals 11 or 9 Terminals 13 through 24: Camera connection (Corresponds to terminals 13 through 24 on the front side of the module) 13. JOKER control 14. Exposure time: Input for automatic exposure time Output for manual exposure time 15. Bright-dark threshold 16. Video signal 17. Camera output based on edge position (0–10mA) 18. Cable shielding 19. Ground (GND) 20. Ground (GND) 21. Ground (GND) 22. Ground (GND) 23. Power supply (+24V) 24. Power supply (+24V) 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 TECHNICAL DATA 5 5-1 5 TECHNICAL DATA Product Specifications Nameplate The following information will be found on the nameplate: 1. 1 Address Fife-Tidland GmbH DAC-004-XXX: model designation FW: revision number of the firmware SW: software number Fife-Tidland GmbH FifestraBe 1 D-65779 Kelkheim DAC 004-XXZ-YY/YYY FW: 999999-999 SW: 999999-999 S/N: 99999/ZZZZ X1 DC 00001 Year of construction X2 44Z 2. Serial number (Identification code DC and 5-digit number) 3. Model number X3 2 3 Protection type Classified as per IP 67 (DIN 40050) Plug connectors that are not used must be closed off with a blind stop. Operating temperature 0 - 55°C Ambient conditions Non-condensing Output signal to X1 0 - 10mA Power supply voltage 12V - 24V Dimensions For customer-specific dimensions, please refer to the customer drawing. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 TECHNICAL DATA 5 5-2 Standards The DAC-004 camera has been constructed according to the standards and regulations of the European Union. A declaration of conformity is available on file. EMC test based on: EN 55011 EN 61000-602 Options Adjustment module INTB-30 Drawing number 573334-00z Adjustment module Drawing number 585274-001 Replacement part Desiccant cartridge M134973 Accessory Test adapter VPA-01 M135871 Signal cable for connecting the oscilloscope 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863 MAINTENANCE 7 6-1 6 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Procedures Carry out the following maintenance work at regular intervals (depending on on-site dirt contamination levels and temperature fluctuations). Camera Replace the desiccant cartridge when it turns pink. (FIFE part no. 529217-002) Clean the glass on the protective tube with a soft, non-linting cloth. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Measuring field lamp Clean the measuring field lamp with a soft, non-linting cloth. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. 09-03-2003 DAC-004 DIODE LINE CAMERA Figure Sheet 1-863