SANDUR ECHO - Sandur Residential school
SANDUR ECHO - Sandur Residential school
No. 54 February 2013 For private circulartion only Unveiling MYG’s bust He was a hard task master, but very loving. Distinguished guests, teachers and my dear friends, He expected teachers and students to come to his I feel highly privileged to be a part of this class well prepared. Though he was strict, we all memorable function – the unveiling of MYG’s bust. liked his ways. He was very keen in making every Looking at the beautifully made statue of our dear one speak good English. MYG, brings back nostalgic memories. We will MYG’s dream was to make English the always remember MYG and his special English campus language of SRS. We are trying our best to classes. In his classes he would interact with each fulfill his dream. On this day, I call upon all my one of us directly and very affectionately. friends and request my teachers, to make MYG’s We miss his brightened up face whenever dream come true. MYG may be no more physically, we would tell the correct meaning of any particular but we know and feel that he is here with us, word, or make a sentence with a word given by everywhere in the school, and watching and hearing him. We also miss the very disturbed expression on everything we do and say. Let us make him happy his face whenever we could not read correctly. and in the process, we will all be happy. To speak and write better English will be the best tribute we can all pay to our dear MYG. Thank you Swati S Thippavanauar, Std VII – A 2 Especially, he concentrated on education for the Rajaiah’s Tribute to MYG children of workers and offered free education and (English translation) also to encourage these children, he introduced Honorable chair person and my dear merit based scholarship scheme, providing children! scholarship from Rs. 2500 to Rs. 42500 for various I would like to take this opportunity to say a types of studies after school. Under this scheme, I few words about our beloved Dr. M Y Ghorpade. have also been benefited and one of my sons at He was born on 7th December 1931 at present is studying in 3rd year B E at Bangalore and completed his childhood, primary Chikkaballapur, and my other two sons have and high school education at Sandur and went to completed their education and are working in the Bangalore for his graduation at St. Joseph’s College sister organizations of the SMIORE Company. in 1950. In 1952, he completed MA (Economics) I am basically from a rural back ground and from the Cambridge University, and later on in 1954 before joining the Company, my family was leading he entered politics. In politics, he had dreams of a life of poverty, now we are happy and leading a developing rural areas, reforming the economic peaceful life. system, provide health care and use of scientific methods in agriculture. He was the Finance Minister from 1972 to 1977, in the cabinet of Late Shri Devaraj Urs, Chief Minister of Karnataka. He also later served as Rural Development and Panchayath Raj Minister. M.Y. Ghorpade joined SMIORE as Administrative Officer in 1956. He became the Managing Director in 1978. As MD of the Company, he concentrated on welfare of the workers and their dependants, also he showed keen interest in health, education, shelter, food security, social status, cul- Our sir, Shri MYG, loved and cared for the tural change, economic changes of the workers and environment. Under his guidance, we have planted their dependants, and he treated the workers like nearly 31 lakh plants in our mining lease area and his own children. created a good environment in and around the Our beloved Sir was very keen in providing mining area. Our mining operations are being the basic human needs like food, clothing and carried out on scientific methods. Now, our shelter. Company has become one of the model Companies On the basis of the concept of food security, in the mining industry, which is the result of the Company introduced the subsidized ration Shri. M.Y.G’s foresight. scheme to its workers from 1972, and till today it is Jai Hind! Jai Karnataka Mathe! running very successfully and we are very happy for the same. The system he introduced is highly Rajaiah, appreciated by the workers and their families. SMIORE Employee He is also one of the best educationists. For example, he has established 14 educational institutions in and around Sandur. In these institutions, lakhs of children have been educated. 3 M.Y.Ghorpade A Multifaceted Personality who was the Chief Justice of India, still championPrincipal, Staff and Students of SRS, Ladies and ing the anti-corruption drive, was a reputed visitor Gentlemen to this land. Even Dr Raja Ramana, the nuclear We are indeed fortunate to be present today scientist, who headed the Atomic Energy Research to honour the memory of our beloved founder and Centre, came to enlighten and broaden our vision. I patron Dr MY Ghorpade. His bronze bust, which held him in special esteem because he was a was unveiled earlier, is a symbolic reminder of his metallurgist and had his schooling at Bishop Cotton ever pervading presence on this campus, where he Boys’ School where I was once a student. From this laid the first cornerstone way back in the 1950s. galaxy of dignitaries who graced our relatively From that time on, SRS has grown in leaps and small town in the woods where tigers once roamed, bounds, marked by the Golden Jubilee celebration it was clear that MYG did not want Sandur to in 2009. remain a frog in the well but had a dream of Asked to describe him in a nutshell I would growing it into a socio-cultural and educational hub say with little hesitation that he was a multifaceted for the betterment of society. personality, sparkling in all directions like a luminous star. He became friend-philosopher-guide to many, from all walks of life, who came in contact with him. The most touching and proud moment was when the world renowned Dr M.S. Swaminathan, a friend of his from Cambridge University days in the 50s, left an important conference mid-way in Switzerland to fly back to India and immediately took a helicopter to reach Sandur for opening the Golden Jubilee Hall and delivered the Adarsha Our father, the erstwhile Ruler of Sandur lecture, just to keep his promise and honor his State, then in the Madras Presidency, threw open friend’s invitation. This was the type of affection the doors of the Karthikeya Temple to the Harijans and regard MYG received. Several luminaries as early as 1930s. Mahatma Gandhi, who visited visited the small town of Sandur at his request. To Sandur in 1934 and epitomized it as an oasis in the name just a few, Dr. Karan Singh, the erstwhile desert, wrote “A small state in the south has opened the Sadar-I-Riyasat of Jammu & Kashmir at 18, doors of the temple to the Harijans, the heavens have not Governor, Philosopher, Educationist, Politician, a fallen.” The legacy of this social reform by the respected cabinet minister, who made India proud erstwhile Ruler was picked up by his eldest son as an Ambassador to the USA, not only to MYG, as the hereditary Trustee, when he lifted the strengthen bilateral ties but also to project our ban on women entering the temple to worship at the cultural image in true perspective. Then, there was Lord’s shrine in October 1996. Centuries of Shri Sukadia, elected thrice consecutively as Chief superstitious beliefs, forged by customs, came to an Minister of Rajasthan; also thrice Governor of end. These two historic events at our heritage site States. Then the much respected Venkatachaliah, 4 gave real dignity to our deprived and suppressed earnings on food. The housewife is ever grateful for citizens. MYG in his humanitarian wisdom was ever this benevolent bonanza. This benefit was passed on keen to champion the cause of secular and to all our associated institutions. This was his sense egalitarian state. of generosity and gratitude for those who served When he joined the Sandur Manganese and him with devotion. Iron Ores Ltd, at its inception in 1954, as an He always reminded us that nobody can administration Officer at Deogiri, he looked closely consider the mining lease as his private property. at the plight of the hardworking, deprived labour We only hold it in Trust for those who toil for us force. His knowledge and exposure as President of with so much devotion and determination. the Cambridge Majlis Society and a member of the Labour Club (affiliated to the UK Labour Party) came to the fore. Soon after returning from Cambridge, he entered politics as an ordinary member of the Indian National Congress. By 1959 he was elected from the Sandur Assembly Constituency with an overwhelming majority. This gave him the real impetus to work to upliftment of the rural poor, women in particular. In a privately published article entitled ‚Tryst with SMIORE‛, he recalled how a male His vision and foresight to educate the worker at mines was getting a miserly Rs.0.75 to children of employees and weaker sections of the Rs.1.75/day and a female senior worker was getting society in the rural areas launched him on the path Rs.1.50 per day. A family of five had to live on of education when the country was heralding Jowar, the staple cereal. This meant, 70% of their industrialization for economic growth, soon after it daily wages was spent on food. A pair of saree and became a Republic in 1950. Interestingly, SMIORE, blouse and a pair of dhoti and shirt would cost established in 1954, was ideally placed to adopt Rs.20, leaving a bare minimum for their three education as part of its Corporate Social children. Survival itself was a big question without Responsibility (CSR). Very early in his long service any health and education facilities. Hope for any to society, MYG fully realized that giving education improvement and advancements in life was to children was the best way of making them unthinkable. Yet by 2009, with MYG’s perseverance, self-reliant and employable. He was also convinced the earnings had gone up substantially. With basic that this was the truthful path for a socio-economic at Rs.1762, and a balanced set of incentives and change which would automatically raise all round allowances boosted the overall earnings to living standards. Further he was particular that the Rs.6380/- pm at the lowest level. This was a far cry girl child is given special attention. As a result, an from conditions prevailing in 1959. By far the most exclusive residential school was established in the effective scheme designed and implemented by ‘Year of the Girl Child’ in 1991. Today SGRS boasts MYG was the food grain subsidy, held at 1972 of 100 girls, and the student population at prices, which has grown from Rs.1330 to some Vyasankere near Hospet has grown to some 1300. Rs.1600 or so per month today. This is one popular The institutions are reputed among the best in the scheme that protects the real wages of a mine’s region. He also set up the Sandur Polytechnic at worker year after year. Now he spends 30% of his Yeshwantnagar for the benefit of rural students 5 aspiring for technical education. This, too, has entitled ‚A case for a steel plant Sandur-Hospet grown in stature in the State and beyond. region.‛ This was included in the report of the State Because of this long standing, the other day Estimates Committee published in October 1969 by the State Labour Minister, Shri Bache Gowda, who the Mysore Legislative Secretariat, Bangalore. The was accompanying the Central Minister for Labour foundation stone for this 2-Mt steel plant was laid and Education, surprised us all by sanctioning a by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in October 1970. grant of Rs.3 crore if we undertake to set aside two MYG’s daughter, my niece, Anuradha, who is on acres land for training 10 trades for employability. the stage with us today, presented a bouquet of This came as a boon in disguise when we had just flowers as a young SRS student to Madam Gandhi. launched a school for 20 children weaning them Ultimately, the long awaited JVSL emerged on the away from their hard labour in fields for sustaining horizon in 1990, now operating under the banner of their families. As compensation, we are offering Jindal South West Steel (JSW). This is expected to them a monthly stipend of Rs.150 and Rs.500 to grow further from the present 6-Mt to a 10-Mt steel their parents. I am sure MYG would have been plant provided constraints on iron ore supply are proud that his Karnataka Seva Sanga—a NGO—has relaxed after all regulatory compliances. taken the responsibility with SMIORE’s goodwill As a wild life enthusiast, conservationist and and support. We are trying to walk in his footsteps. a renowned black and white photographer, he In his honor the school has been named the ‚M.Y. initiated the Daroji Bear Sanctuary or ‘Karadi Ghorpade Special Residential School.‛ Dham’. Growing up in the close proximity of nature MYG’s presence was felt in several socio- is in itself a valuable education denied to students in economic activities in public life. As a Finance urban centres. Minister, he was instrumental in the construction of As an author, he published papers for the Narihalla Dam at Taranagar for providing water learned journals, wrote books not only on from the reservoir to the town of Sandur. He also economics and history but also on wildlife initiated the pension scheme which the elderly still photography. He wrote about the peace and remember gratefully. tranquility he experienced in the jungles. He wrote on birds in ‚Winged Friends‛. He taught children and the general public to appreciate their different shapes, sizes, brilliant colours and melodious sounds. Their soft and sharp calls are music to the ears. It is said that flapping of wings of pigeons is therapeutic to asthma patients. He soared high with the birds like in Richard Bach’s ‚ionath’an Livingstone Sea Gull‛ to lean towards spiritualism. MYG was a devout follower of As an educationist, he established the Post Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti, who blessed Graduate Centre for mineral science at Nandihalli Sandur by his long stay at the Eshwarswamy for the then mushrooming mining and metallurgical temple. President Sanjeev Reddy flew down to take industries. He recognized that the potential of the his blessings. MYG ultimately wrote a book on the rich iron ore deposits had to be exploited revered saint based on his meticulously kept diary. scientifically for value addition and economic Because of popular demand, the book was growth. Way back in 1967, he wrote an article translated into Kannada. His article on the ‚Human 6 Quest‛ clearly characterized his leanings, ever By installing his bust today, we have not searching for truth. The purpose of his search was to only paid solemn tribute to his immense find meaning between science and spiritual intuitive contributions but have also tried to perpetuate his knowledge. Like Pandit Nehru, he shunned memory that would ever remind us of his noble and superstitious beliefs. His curiosity embraced a lofty ideals for uplifting society. Let this be a scientific temper. constant source of inspiration for generations of As a Minister for Rural Development & students that will pass through the portals of SRS. Panchayat Raj, he championed the cause of governance at the grass root level. Looking back, we Wish you all a Merry X’mas and a Happy can never forget all that he has done for Sandur and New Year. the society at large. Thank you Such was the range of his interests in life. No wonder he became a friend, philosopher and S.Y. GHORPADE guide to many who came within his ambit. He 30 DECEMBER 2012 conveyed his sentiments in no uncertain terms, two years before he left for his heavenly abode. Actually, he has not left us but continues to oversee our development from a vantage point, always giving his benevolent blessings and wishing us god speed. 7 taste was and, with a smile would assist Daddy. On My Daddy one such visit to the shop, she requested Daddy’s M. Y. Ghorpade help in getting admission for her daughter in a particular school in Bangalore. Her desire was to 7th of December will remain a special day for give her daughter the best education. My father at many of us here, forever. once agreed to help her as he felt the mother knew A great person like M. Y. Ghorpade (Daddy) the value of getting her daughter good education, was born 81 years ago. This is probably the first which would enable her to stand on her own feet, year, ever since I remember Daddy, I was not and contribute to the society and become a good physically at Sandur for his birthday. Many of us human being. He kept his promise and got the girl made it a practice to be there on his birthday. It admission where she desired. He respected those made him so happy. He would be thrilled to have who wanted to get educated themselves and also us around. One year I landed up early in the educate others. morning, without any prior information, and gave He believed education trains the mind to him a surprise. On his 50th birthday we had a think analytically and gives one self confidence. surprise barbeque party. All friends & family Another little incident I would want to share gathered at our farm. Kasim, his friend, made lovely with you. dinner. He loved all of us getting together and I just attended my college reunion (25 years) having fun. at W.C.C Chennai. I did my BA (Psychology) there. I am a proud daughter, mother and an ex I met my Principal and Head of Dept, both retired student of SRS. I would like to share a couple of now. I was so touched when they both came up to Daddy’s values which made a strong impact on me. me and remembered my father and, most And, in turn made me into what I am today. importantly, his request to them. He had told them, ‚MY ONLY WISH IS TO GET MY DAUGHTER WELL EDUCATED‛. They told me that they will never forget him and the lovely book he gave them when I passed out, which they treasured. Just think; the teachers and Principal, who must be seeing hundreds and thousands of girls, year after year, yet remembered me. That was because of my father. I felt so honoured to be my father’s daughter. Giving Daddy always believed in giving. He would always say: give more than you get: This is a very rare quality in a human being. He would feel so happy to see others enjoying little things in life. Make others happy without any expectations. Learn to be satisfied and know that you are lucky to have what you have. That was Education is one thing that no one can take what I learnt from him. away, Daddy and I were shopping for music CD’s in Bangalore, the sales lady knew exactly what his 8 Accepting ones mistake I would like to bring to the attention of all Daddy and me used to occasionally have the students what I have gained and imbibed from small time fights and arguments. We would stop my father. talking to each other for a while too, and “Make the best of this opportunity and get well communicate through letters. My son wanted to do educated. engineering, but Daddy was keen he did business Enjoy all the little things in life. management. I stood up to it and got my son Help and give to others in any way, even a small way. admission in an engineering college. When Daddy When you are wrong, accept it and learn from it. realized my son was happy and doing well, he, in Never take anything for granted. his own way, conveyed to me that he accepted that When someone makes you happy or helps you, don’t he was wrong. That is his greatness. shy away from thanking. Learn the art of communication well, which will take Appreciation; you places.‛ Once, I got him a simple reading lamp as a These are a few values I learnt from my present. He was so thrilled and thanked me many a father which surely have made me a good human times. He used it till the last day. He valued the being. Though physically he is not here, I am sure thoughtful gestures. He greatly appreciated the he must be feeling so happy that we all remember pains I had taken to specially choose something him always, especially on his birth anniversary. which would suit him. He always made it a point to Most importantly, we respect and follow his value appreciate, recognize and acknowledge. system. Communication; Anuradha Communication was a very important aspect 7 December 2012 for him. He admired people who could communicate well and crisply. He always said that expression of thoughts must be clear. That is why he spent his retired life teaching written and verbal communication skills to the students of SRS, which he truly enjoyed. Author with Dr. Swaminathan and other family members 9 INTERVIEW WITH SHRI S.R.SRIDHAR, DIRECTOR (MINES), SMIORE Rahul : Sir, Could you please tell us about your lot of interesting activities also would go on. Up to school days? my 3rd standard I was a last bench student, not only Sridhar : My school days more or less is the same the last bench student but also a last rank student. as yours. In our school days no doubt, we used to But from 4th Standard onwards my ranking became study but also were interested in other things and much better because of the company of good more over no one used to force us to study, not even friends. From that point onwards there was a little our parents or the teachers. Nowadays, parents are bit of realization. From there I changed my school, more concerned about their children, because now it where I got new friends, and we had a good time, is more competitive compared to earlier days. We where I cultivated the habit of reading books. Our used to be involved in a lot of physical activities like school had one main library and at the same time, sports. Nowadays you people spend half your time we even had a class wise library where our class on computers, but during our days we used to teacher used to give us books to read. For each class spend half of our summer holidays on top of the there were about 40-50 books supplied. Every tree. You are really fortunate to study in SRS. You Friday we used to get one book, that was how I have such a good campus with dedicated teachers. developed interest in reading books and of course One of our teachers I will never forget, he used to this was the other reason for my rank to go up and teach us chemistry, he would come to teach us even even today I have the habit of reading books. Do after his retirement, though he did not get paid for you read books? Which books do you read it, only because he was interested in teaching and Sangarsh? ‚I am reading Kanchi Paramacharya was most dedicated to his profession. You all, have written by M.Y.Ghorpade.‛ good teachers, which is very important because But that is for the age group of 60 & above, don’t your career is shaped with the help of teachers. In you read some books like ‘Treasure Island’, our days, strength was about 15, so there was a ‘Fantastic Four’, ‘Chocolate Factory’? constant attention. Our school days were full of mischief too. Not only mischief, we enjoyed attending classes, because we had a lot of friends, Sangharsh : Sir, Where did you pursue your higher education? Sridhar : I pursued my higher education in IIT, 10 Kharagpur (Indian Institute of Technology). It is not easy to get. Of course, I had a job elsewhere and one of the oldest IIT Colleges. It is near Kolkata. this job was nearer to my home. Previously I was When we compare school and college, we had working in Bihar in an Uranium Mines. I left that more freedom in college. company and came here, the only reason is that this job was in Karnataka. Pragya : Sir, could you please tell us about your family. Who are your favourites and who are your Lubna : Sir, Since how many years are you serving idols in your family? the company? Sridhar : Naturally it is my mother and father, to Sridhar: I have an experience of 38 years. Without say it’s my parents of course. this experience, I wouldn’t have been here. The main thing is that I enjoy doing my work, which is Lubna : Which is your most memorable day? most necessary for all. Sridhar: The most memorable day, was when I got admission in IIT, Kharagpur, which is one of the most prestigious Engineering Colleges in India. Rahul: Sir, besides your family who is your most favourite personality and why? Sridhar : For all of us we have one favourite personality and it is Shri M.Y.Ghorpade, because of him we are all here. He was a person who had tremendous amount of goodwill towards everyone. Even if it was his worst enemy, he never thought ill about him. As far as I am concerned he had a lot of trust in me, not only in me, he trusted everyone. That was his main quality. Rahul: Sir, Tell us about SMIORE. How did it earn its reputation? Sridhar: SMIORE’S reputation basically starts with Sangharsh : Sir, What inspired you to take up M.Y.G. It totally reflects MYG’s thinking. MYG’s mining as a profession? thinking was that even a common man should be Sridhar: When I was in school, not even in college I taken care of, that was his first principle. He comes liked to do experiments. Mostly I liked to work with from a royal family and royal people always think my hands. When I was 12 years old, I used to repair like that, they have got a ruler’s mentality and think and also I used to do carpentry. I was also interested that people are their children. They look after them like parents, so that was his attitude. He developed in chemistry, so I used to prepare explosives at home. Today if I recollect, that was the most foolish the company also like that. No doubt, these mines thing I did, fortunately the explosives which I were there earlier, SMIORE started carrying on the prepared were not good, otherwise I wouldn’t be operations and the purpose was that the people who here. So my interest in explosives led me to this are employed here, are to be taken care of. Profit profession. Here we work with lot of explosives. was not much those days, even now it is not so much, the idea behind is that the people were taken Pragya: Sir, When did you join this organization care of. Today, because the mines are working and why did you prefer SMIORE? many people are employed, we can find Sridhar : First of all I joined SMIORE in 1974. Those development in Sandur, such as the schools, Arogya days there was not much to choose and jobs were Health Care Center, Adarsha Community Centre & 11 Kalyana Mantapa. Who else will do it? Nobody, exigency when the mining activities were MYG did this for the sake of Sandur because he was temporarily stopped. So, for everything we have to always for the people, that was his way of living. look up to him only. We live only for others and not for ourselves. That is Lubna: Mining activities have come to a halt for the what he has shown us and practiced, because he sacrificed so much for the sake of people that no one past 11/2 years. How do you manage the situation? Sridhar : We are managing to run the mines, as said else could have done it. earlier, we are paying employees their salary from Sangharsh : Sir, What are the safety facilities that the amount that is kept aside. We hope to start the have been provided to the employees who are mines early. working here? Rahul: Sir, Are you proud to be the Director (Mines) Sridhar: There are two things, one, safety that for this company? workers are provided with helmets, masks, gloves, Sridhar: Yes, of course, no doubt about it. these are common you know, but most important is the welfare measures we have extended to our Sangharsh : Sir, What advice would you like to give employees working here. We give them ration at a your subordinates? very low rate. We give them health facility, Sridhar: I won’t give any advice. I will do my work scholarship for their children to study medicine, and they will do their work. The good thing is that engineering and other higher studies. We provide they all know what to do. Everyone here is a them loans to build houses, so all these facilities are responsible person. They are all very intelligent, there, that is the main asset of our company. We not motivated and very well know what they have to only give safety to employees, at the same time we do. also see to the welfare of their family. SMIORE’s main strength is; we have very good Pragya: Kindly explain about the present scenario of Mining in Bellary? people with us and bad people won’t be happy, therefore don’t stay with us. Sridhar: There are some mines in Bellary District Pragya : What advice would you like to give to the indulging in illegal mining activities, because of that students of SRS? the entire mining industry has got a bad name. So, Sridhar: What advice can I give? Your teachers are the Supreme Court of India decided to stop mining there to give you enough advice everyday. activities and give permission for only those mines that are functioning legally. Now 18 months are Lubna: Tell us three things that you consider as over, since the closure of the mines. What these your strength? fellows have done, they have a lot of money and Sridhar : My strength is that I have a lot of good they have thrown out all their employees and made people with me. The second is, you know here we them jobless. But we will never do so. For the last 18 have routine work, all join hands together and work months we have not removed a single person from and no one says that, this is not my work, why I his job, we have 3000 employees and we pay them should do this, this is the main thing which you will full without any reduction in their salary until we not find in any other institution. Everyone does his have money. This was possible only because of work happily and not by force, this is the main MYG’s suggestion to keep aside a sum of rupees 100 reason, why we are able to survive for such a long crores to tide over any crisis that may crop up at any period. time. His foresightedness helped us meet this 12 Rahul : How is the company gearing up to face the Rahul : Sir, how do you define a good leader? challenges ahead? Sridhar : A Good leader is one who does not talk Sridhar : Gearing up, yes a lot of preparation is but acts. As speeches impress people only for a going on for getting clearances and permission. short period. First of all he must be a role model. See, if you want people to do something, they Sangharsh: Sir, What do you see as your great should have faith in you. You can’t be a hypocrite, accomplishments? saying ‚You don’t eat biscuits‛ and you yourself are Sridhar : My great accomplishment is to be the head of such a great organization. Here we have a lot of good people that itself is a great achievement. eating biscuits. We have to live and practice what we say, that’s most important. There is a saying ‚Action speaks louder than words‛. Here, we live in Pragya : Sir, If you were a teacher, first of all which a colony and people watch us 24 hours, so we must subject would you prefer? set an example for others. Sridhar: First of all I cannot teach. The question of liking this subject and that subject does not arise. I Students: Thank you sir for your valuable time and have a lot of stage fear as you know. response to our questions. Lubna: Sir, in your college days did you have any ambition? Sridhar: Yes, I always wanted to be an engineer and my father wanted me to become a doctor, because he could not be a doctor. 13 53rd Annual Day – Sandur Residential School WELCOME ADDRESS by Nazim Sheikh, Administrator I wish you all a very good evening, ladies and gentlemen. are good human beings. Though a Residential School, run on Public School lines, SRS admits day It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming scholars up to about 75 % of its strength. One will you all to the Annual Day celebrations of the Sandur find in this school, children coming from a cross Residential School. Parents of students of SRS, Old section of the society. We do not consider only merit Students of our school, Dignitaries of Sandur, while giving admissions, but admit children who Principals and Teachers of our schools and colleges, have the ability to learn, even if they may not have members of M.Y. Ghorpade family, Directors and done well academically in the past or in their Officers of SMIORE, members of the media and previous schools. For those who are keen on good teachers and students, I extend to you all a very education, have the intelligence, but have not been warm welcome. given the opportunity and cannot afford the fees, you all may be aware, the Sandur M.Y. Ghorpade has instituted several scholarship Residential School was established in 1959 by the seats. Nearly 25 % of the boarders, i.e., about 60 of Founder Patron, Shri M.Y. Ghorpade. From just the boarders are studying here under the M.Y. three students and three teachers then, the school Ghorpade or the SMIORE Scholarship Schemes, today has nearly a thousand students and about 50 which entitles the children to free boarding and teachers. SRS is a proud member of the Indian tuition. SRS has been securing 100 % results for the Public Schools’ Conference, which comprises of 77 last several years. of the best schools of India. SRS is striving and Sandur Residential School has doing its best to provide quality education at wholeheartedly welcomed the Right to Education affordable cost to children of Sandur and policy. So much so, to accommodate more children neighbouring areas, a dream of our Patron Shri M.Y. under the scheme, we have decided to increase Ghorpade. It is our aim to send out from this school, number of sections per class to three. In the next 3 to children who not only pass 10th Standard or PUC 5 years, SRS will have strength of 1600 to 1700 with good marks, but are educated in the true sense, students and about 75 to 80 teachers. We will have with all round development of body and mind, and dormitories for about 400 boarders and 100 of them 14 will be scholarship students coming from families sync with the idea and the ethos. Fortunately, after who cannot afford boarding fees but have the Shri M.Y. Ghorpade, who undoubtedly was the intelligence to learn and right attitude to education. genesis and driving force of all these social service As I said before, in SRS we try to provide activities undertaken by our organization, good all round development and inculcate good Shri S.Y. Ghorpade, Chairman & Managing Director values, ethics and ideals in our children. Sufficient of SMIORE and also President of our Shivapur emphasis is laid on extra-curricular activities and Shikshana Samiti which manages SRS and also sports & games. Realizing the importance of good SGRS, Vyaspuri PU College and the Sandur communication, M.Y. Ghorpade himself, personally, Polytechnic, has continued to fully support the monitored English learning in the school. English efforts and guide implementation. We are happy Labs have been set up, and MYG himself took you are here Sir, and I extend to you a very warm special English classes. welcome. We also endeavour and pay special attention It is important that children develop heroes to putting up a science and arts exhibition of high and role models, whom they could emulate for their standard and also a good play, which in fact is a good, cultured and ideal development of body and project by itself involving many of the children and mind. We therefore try to carefully select such teachers who themselves make the props and people to visit our school as Chief Guests on Annual costumes. We are grateful to Shri V.T. Kale who Days. takes a lot of trouble in putting up enjoyable We are very fortunate and happy that Kannada plays on such occasions. Kale master was Shri Chiranjiv Singh agreed to come to Sandur our arts teacher for33 years from 1964 to 1997. He is today and grace this Annual Day Celebrations of retired now, but continues to be associated with the our school. school. We cannot forget the Kannada dramas and For the benefit of the audience here and our GeetNataks he directed and we put up even when I children, I would like to repeat what I said while was studying here in the 60s, specially Vijaynagar introducing our Chief Guest this morning at the about Hakka and Bukka, Bonda Hendathi Ganda, a Adarsha Lecture. Shri Chiranjiv Singh has served Beechi play, Supriye and Pallavi. Kale Sir was our State of Karnataka and also at the National conferred the Honorary Doctorate by Gulbarga Level for more than 35 years, in various capacities, University in 2012. He was awarded the Karnataka ever since he joined the Indian Administrative Rajyotsava award in 2004, and the Nadoja award in Service in 1969 and until he retired in 2005. 2010 by Hampi University. Shri V.T. Kale was Karnataka greatly benefited from his services in the President of Karnataka Lalitha Kala Academy in departments of Finance, Agriculture, Mines & 2007-08.Shri Kale has directed today’s play, Yadva Geology, Irrigation,, Civil Supplies, Tourism and Tadva, and taken the trouble of preparing our Rural Development. He is particularly remembered children to put up an entertaining act. I thank you for his services in the field of culture and his great Sir. contribution to the resurrection and glorification of For any Organization, to do what is Hampi. Shri Chiranjiv Singh was also Ambassador necessary and do it well and fulfill its social of India to UNESCO in Paris. Shri Chiranjiv Singh obligations, proper guidance and support has to be was deservedly honoured with the Karnataka provided. Importantly, for social service in the field Rajyotsava Award in 2005. of education, health and generally welfare, as a social responsibility, the leader or head must be in Sir, you have today come to Sandur as a herald of great joy and elation for all of us. You have 15 proved to be a very lucky charm for us. After Next, the SMIORE Gold Medals having been asked to suspend our mining Sandur Polytechnic operations for the last 18 months, we have today Commercial Practice - Venkoji Rao M (74.8%) received written official communication to resume Computer Science - Dadapeer S (89.1%) our mining operations. Electronics & Communication- Basavaraj.C(86.2%) Sir, I most heartily welcome you to our Electronic & Electricals - Nagaraj B (90.9%) School and wish to express our sincere thanks and Mechanical - Chandrashekar K (84.3%) gratitude to you. I request the Principal Mrs. Bilquis Soudagar SMIORE Vyasapuri Comp PU College Shruthi Biradar (94%) and Head Boy Ritesh and Head girl Varuni, as a token of our gratitude and pleasure, to present Sri Chatrapathi Vidyamandir Comp PU College flowers to Shri Chiranjiv Singh, our Honourable Poornima H (76.5%) Chief Guest of the evening, and Shri V.T. Kale.I also request our President Shri S.Y. Ghorpade to kindly Smt. Mahalakshmi was our Founder present Shri Chiranjiv Singh a work of our Sandur Principal. She was here when the school was started Kushala Kala Kendra which we hope he will like in 1959. A large amount of credit for the and remind him of his visit to Sandur today. development and growth of SRS must be given to I would now request Shri Chiranjiv Singh to her. She was Principal and Administrator of the kindly give away the awards and request the school for 40 years from 1959 to 1999, when she awardees to please come up on stage as and when I suddenly passed away in the school itself. In her call their names to receive their awards from the memory we have instituted a few scholarships and Chief Guest. also an annual award for teaching— Smt. Mahalakshmi Award for excellence in First, the Sandur Residential School Awards Teaching. For the year 2011-12, The Mahalakshmi PUC Award for Excellence in teaching is being given to Best Student - Karthikeya Award Mala Kulkarni of SES Primary School. She has Bahirji A Ghorpade (557/600 = 92.83%) served the school for 37 years and has shown great Best All-rounder - Sandur Award Sharath S Jabannavar (529/600 = 88.17%) amount of devotion to the school and the education of children. Thank you, 10th Standard Nazim Sheikh, Best Student - Chatrapathi Award Administrator Jayashree (657/700 = 93.86%) Best All-rounder - Shivapur Award Sheikh Saif Ali (643/700 = 91.86%) 16 53rd Annual Day, SPEECH BY SHRI CHIRANJIV SINGH, CHIEF GUEST 24TH JANUARY 2013. Shri Ghorpade ji, Shri Kale ji, Shri Nazim And now in the evening, when we went Sheikh ji, Principal and members of staff and around the premises again, I saw how friends. Mr. Ghorapde’s dream of building the Society is taking shape here in this School. An organisation in Bangalore with which I am associated, has a Moto where they say ‘ children are the citizens of today’. So whatever you do for children is what is due to them. We owe it to them. Mr. Ghorpade was a naturalist and deeply interested in all matters related to nature and nature conservation. So it is in his character that the This has been a memorable day for me. Since as you know, is the National Bird. I also saw the morning, I have been here and I came here to offer Biology Expo in the morning. Probably some of you my personal homage to Shri.M.Y. Ghorpade. I am might have read about the Peacock or might have reminded of an incident in London where been told about it. The colourful feathers of the Christopher Wren, one of the greatest Architects, Peacock are not coloured. In fact they are colourless. has rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral after the great fire. It’s the light, which falls on them, which gives the There is a small plaque inside the Cathedral. There colour because they are designed in such a way that is no other monument for him apart from what he the light is refracted differently and you see the has left by way of the buildings and avenues colours. But otherwise there are no colours in the designed by him. The plaque says in Latin, ‘Si monumentum requiris circumspice’. That is, ‘if you want to see his monument, look around’. Same is true of feathers. If you see the feather from the other side, you see that it’s just brown. There is no colour. And it’s only the eyes of the feathers which reflect this Shri Ghorpade, he is present everywhere here. So, it light. Education is something like this. It lights you has been a great pleasure being in this school. up and then all the colours that are within you are In the morning we went around and saw the displayed. Education comes from the Latin word Science Exhibition and I was thinking how nice it ‘educare’, it means to draw out. So the idea is that would have been if, as children, we had been whatever is within you, your potential, you draw exposed to Science and Maths like this. It is a curious fact that, when I was in School, I did not like out and this is what the light does to the Peacock feathers. Also our concept is the same with Science and Maths, but later on in college, while I Vidyabhyasa. Vidya comes from the root Sanskrit, studied liberal arts, I suddenly developed an interest in Science. Because my younger brother was doing his M.Sc. in Physics, I started reading all insignia of the School features a Peacock. Peacock, which means, to know, so vidyabhyasa, means pursuit of knowledge. Now this school, I am happy to know is about Science. You will realise that, if you can have good Teachers in the beginning, a powerful foundation is laid and that is what is happening here. bridging both these concepts. You have on the one hand an attempt to draw the potential out which is there in the children and also to give them the 17 opportunities to pursue knowledge, their interests. a Carpenter is not. That’s where the problem is. The Unfortunately, our social system and ethos are such problem is with our cultural ethos. Again, in Japan, that in education we prepare children only for they have a very beautiful system, which was later competitions. Its competition for admission to an adopted by UNESCO, of designating these engineering college, its competition for admission to honoured Craftsmen as living human treasures. An a medical college, its competition for admission to expert sword maker or an expert kimono maker or an IIM or whatever it is. We prepare children for an expert origami artist are designated as living competition. human treasures. After the destruction in Japan, due to the I visited the craft centre today, a Marvellous Tsunami and Nuclear problem, etc., I was reading work is being done by the Lambani women and an article in the New York Times by an American others. All of these are living human treasures and who visited Japan, who had lived in Japan earlier, you don’t have to worry about what social status is and was reporting for New York Times. He wrote given to these people. It’s not anything else, except about his experience when he once invited the your own happiness. Again, happiness is within Japanese children along with other American you. You do not have to pursue happiness and its children to play party games such as musical chairs, pursuit of knowledge. I would say, ‘just be what where you compete with each other by pushing you are and let other things be taken care of’. somebody else to sit on the chair. But the Japanese children were not taught to compete. They were I am happy that the old boys of the School are here and it is a reunion for the school students. taught to co-operate and they just stood around and In ‚To the Light House‛, a very famous novel, by they did not know how to play musical chair, Jennifer Wolf, there is a line which says, ‘time stands because it’s not part of their culture. In their culture, still’. So, when all the old boys come together, it is they teach them to cooperate. And in our culture, ‘time stands still’. In the mean time, the clock goes we teach them to compete. That’s why every child is back and ‘time stands still’. These are the moments geared for the rat race. you cherish. I have a friend in Chandigarh. In front of his house he has put a plaque, which says ‘count your life, not in years but in friends.’ So this is what I can say. This school gives you the opportunity to make friends and this friendship will be lifelong and then you can count your life in friends not in years, because years don’t matter and it’s not pursuit of anything, it’s just ‘you be what you are’. ‘Be happy with what you have’. ‘Be happy with what you want to do’, and that’s it. But education as I mentioned is ‘educare’. I am happy that all of you are having this That is to draw out. If your innate nature pushes opportunity to study in such a school. All I can say you to be a theatre activist, be a theatre activist, if it is that do not get cut off from your roots. The pushes you to be a carpenter, be a carpenter. Not medium of instruction is English in a globalised everybody has to be a Doctor or an Engineer or an world. ‘English is the language of commerce’, not IAS officer, or whatever else. You might say that, necessarily that of culture, but certainly of Science, look an IAS officer gets invited as a Chief Guest but Technology and Commerce. So it is OK to learn 18 English, but what happens with English is that it flourish, and life is not just preparing oneself for a can cut you off from your roots. If your medium of career. It’s much more and your roots would enrich instruction is, let’s say Kannada or Telugu or Hindi you. Its customary to give all these homilies to the or whatever you internalise so much, many of you children and I am doing that though, I know, no one would have come across these vachanas which are really cares about these because each one follows distilled wisdom. A vachana which probably all of one’s own inclination. I am again saying, just be you know, ‘Kalabeda kola beda, husiya nudiyalu beda. It and just enjoy yourself. Enjoy your years in the ends with the words, ‘ide antaranga shuddhi, ide school, cherish them later. And God be with you. I bahiranga shuddhi, ide namma kudalasangana deva. Ide wish you all success. I am grateful that I have been given this antaranga shuddhiya mathu, ide bahiranga suddhiya mathu’. So these concepts you automatically imbibe opportunity to be with you today. I shall always through language, but sometimes English will give remember my visit to your school. you only Jack and Jill’s and Baba Black Sheep, etc. Thank you! It might not lead you necessarily to Shakespeare or Donne. It’s important to be rooted in ones soil. A plant, which is cut off from the roots does not Arrival of the Chief Guest 19 INDIA AT 65 A REVIEW Dr.Swaminathan introduced modern technology in agriculture in India and South Asian Countries. While India celebrates its 65 Independth As a result we have achieved buffer stocks ence day. I wish to go down memory lanes and leading to self sufficiency of food grains in India. look back for a while. Bapu an apostle of peace Building major dams across India provided more and non-violence got us independence from the irrigation facilities and less dependency on colonial British and on the eve of independence rainfall. Roads and infrastructure development each year Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech ‘tryst with have come a long way since then. destiny’ echoes throughout the nation. One of the India’s greatest achievements is Mother India was divided into two nations an independent foreign policy. The policy of and the scars of the partition still remain. As a non-alignment and peace has won India bold step Sardhar Vallabhai Patel abolished the appreciation all over the world. India’s foreign princely states and united India as a sovereign policy has stood the test of time, served our republic. Post Independent India had to fight national interest in the political and economic four wars with its neighboring countries, at the field to impart stability to Indian’s growth and same time shown that mutual co-existence in freedom. peace and harmony is the only solution. There is India’s new policy of economic no doubt caste, creed, communal and regional liberalization is based on disinvestment and to differences have posed and will continue to pose open doors for foreign investment leading to a constant threat to the nation. Despite many industrialization and economic growth. As a hurdles, India is all set to build a secular nation result, India accorded a measure of priority to around the principle of unity in diversity. India major economic powers such as United States, has a great history of several centuries with one of Britain, Germany and Japan and with the oldest civilizations of the world. India has international financial institutions like the World made amazing progress in many spheres. Bank to carry out her economic reforms. The post-colonial India built a stable and Our fight to be a democratic political system. India’s self rule is permanent member of based on parliamentary democracy, adult Security Council of franchise, a full range of civil liberties, an UNO is now taking independent judicial system and competing shape with the major political parties. The growth and sustenance of UN Security Council world powers joining democratic institutions and civil societies is a hands. India has successfully tested many missile major achievement of Independent India. modules namely the PRITHIVI and AGNI to join The first major shift on a long term basis the exclusive space club with missile capability. for economic growth and development has been a The INSAT modules, spacecrafts and satellite series of five year plans. The planning technology has raised telecommunication in India commission unfolded each plan on a road to to a new height. Not to forget we still have a long recovery in all sectors. The green revolution in way to go to eradicate illiteracy and poverty in 1960’s led to the harvest of multiple crops with the nation, Health, medical care and the introduction of high yielding varieties of food infrastructure growth should be our aim and be grains. The father of green revolution 20 Prithvi missile on Republic Day given top priority. resistant, these qualities help to make it the best Social issues like saleable man made commodity throughout the untouchability and world. Though a light weight container, it poses gender bias continue to many problems. The chemical content of plastic is plague the nation. The non biodegradable. Its accumulation in the NGO’s have done their ecosystems over a period of time produces a bit but we still need to pay more attention to irreversible change in the biosphere, which will make a free India. Modernization and up then pose a major problem to the very existence of gradation of science and technology is yet to be life on the planet earth. achieved to be on par with other nations. To The major countries of the world wish to conclude our heritage, civilization and culture ban or reduce the production of plastics but the will be held in highest esteem only if we achieve idea has to take shape in legislation and self sufficiency in all spheres of life. implementation. Today’s conservation of natural Madhukiran K.S, X Standard resources is based on the logo, ‚Reduce, recycle, reuse‛. So what is the next alternative to replace PLASTIC: A BOON OR A BANE IN THE 21ST CENTURY Plastic the world’s most seasoned traveler, journeys from beaches, drains and landfills to make its way from coast to coast not knowing where but lands up everywhere. A walk on the road side or along the beach tells the story. The light weight, easy to use plastic may sound convenient to use, but is gathering around the world, as a major waste. It is estimated that 300 million tonnes of plastic is produced globally and recycling of plastic waste poses a threat to life. One of the most omnipresent things on earth, plastic is affecting the land, oceans and all forms of habitat as a thrilling, chilling and saddening non-fiction murder mystery. The fact that it is a real problem, not only to our environment but also affecting our lives which is quite alarming. Our planet cycles in plastics, made by man with a hydrocarbon monomer bonded into chains. Plastics continue to benefit us. Being light, durable, formable, insulator, and corrosion this huge demon in use everywhere? Plastic, a boon or a bane is quite debatable and hence the confusion of its use or misuse throughout the world exists. As a substitute, natural fiber based biodegradable type of plastic could be the next alternative but it will take some time to market such a product. Is it too little, or too late, to think, over this problem which is gaining momentum, to huge proportion. I suggest every nation must launch an awareness campaign to highlight the consequences of over indulgence in plastics and its making. Very little effort is being carried out from government and NGO’s to recycle plastic waste. There are a few plastic recycling units in India with Tamil Nadu leading the way. While research on 100 percent biodegradable polymer is still being conducted, the cost would be ten times higher than the existing plastic. Dumping plastic waste in the backyard is not a solution to the problem. Mother Earth is being choked with man made disasters. Nature will support genuine needs forever but will treat greed with a backlash. Plastics though may be a boon to the mankind but will nature accept it on the increase. Profit at any cost and total disregard to the eco-system will 21 soon make the boon a bane, like in Hiroshima, of a meter. A sheet of paper may have a width of Chernobyl or Bhopal. about hundred thousandth nanometers and a All religions say protection of mother earth single gold atom is about one third of a is the ultimate good and a divine duty. But are we nanometer. The future of nanotechnology is doing this? We must pay heed to the sage, so that completely uncharted territory. It is almost inventions remain boon. Mother earth is precious impossible to predict everything that nano and it is our duty to protect it for a healthy and a science will bring to the world. Just some of the lasting environment. Give it a thought. recent breakthroughs have included the first Mallangouda. B. Patil, Std X integrated circuits using 3-D Carbon nano tubes. WHERE DID WE GET THE NAMES OF THE DAYS OF THE WEEK? The Romans and Saxons contributed much to the development of the English Water purification bottles having filters only 15nm in width enabling militaries to create safe drinking water even if the water comes from the filthiest source. Military equipments made lighter language. Originally, all the days of the week had and stronger. New fabrics which are highly Roman names representing the planets. After the resistant to liquids. Physicians could theoretically Saxon invasions, certain days were renamed after study nano-surgery and be able to attack cancer Teutonic Gods. The names of the days of the week and surgical implantations of new cells would soon follow. The future of nano science could are listed below: Sunday is an English translation of the very well include the use of nano robotics. These Latin ‘Sun’s Day’, the Teutonic people’s sacred have the potential to take on human tasks day of the Sun. Monday is from the Anglo-Saxon especially those in high tech positions. These ‘Monan-daeg’, meaning Moon’s Day. Tuesday is could break single atom of water pollution. But, if named in honour of the Teutonic god Tiw, the son we wipe out too many human jobs, then we threaten the world economy. While this sounds of Woden. Wednesday is named after the supreme Teutonic God Woden. Thursday is like a promising future, the natural process of life named for Woden’s son, Thor, God of thunder and death would be completely interrupted. and lightening Friday is from Without death the world would become over the Anglo-Saxon ‘Frigg-daeg’, populated and leave no space for the ecosystems named to honour Frigg, the that we rely on. We could potentially end up in a wife of Woden and the goddess world which needs personally controlled delivery of love and marriage. Saturday of oxygen and masks. Niranjan, Std VIII is from the Anglo-Saxon ‘Saeter -daeg’, and is named for the Roman God Roman God of Saturn, BT COTTON AND BT BRINJAL considered a day of bad omen. BT Cotton and BT Brinjal belong to the Lubna.T, Std IX category of the transgenic plants. Transgenic plants are the plants which are prepared by the THE FUTURE OF NANOTECHNOLOGY complex technique in which particular genes Nanotechnology in general refers to are introduced into the embryo to get required materials, processes and other applications on an character. First ever transgenic product was extremely tiny scale. A nanometer is one billionth 22 Pomato, a combination of Potato and Tomato. Bellary. We were in front of Basavarajeshwari When this was experimented on a rat, Public School at 9.30 A.M. After having the rat died and this shows how dangerous they stomach full of cream buns and alu buns we are. The seeds of these plants are manufactured stepped into the war field with our sole aim to by only those companies who have government win, with pens and paper as weapons, brain as permission. This is a complicated process and our guide and Helen Akka as our general. the seed manufacturing companies introuduce Soon after the inaugural function at a terminator gene into the seed by which BPSC, we were shocked to hear that our former farmers cannot reuse the seeds after the growth Prime Minister I.K. Gujral has expired. We of plant. These transgenic plants decrease the observed a minute’s silence and then we were soil fertility and also affect the biodiversity. guided into the debate hall. We were right in Another major draw-back of BT cotton and BT front of our enemies, we mean our opponents. Brinjal is that they Our first struggle was to fight against the have a very low warriors of Pupil Tree. It was a fierce battle to nutritional value. Our prove ‚Computers will replace Books‛. Our old traditional food offence became the best defense. After our crops are better than battle against Pupil Tree, we entered into the these new ones. This semi-finals with SGRS against the topic ‘BT is the sole reason behind the amazing health Cotton BT Brinjal’. We were astonished when condition of our ancestors. They may cause they announced that we had entered into the hazardous diseases which finals against the topic – ‘India is a rich country may lead us to the journey to inhabited by poor’. We fought with great our final destination that is courage and came out victorious. death. We have come here to In other competitions, Niranajan and live and so it is a kind request Simrin participated in the elocution. Khushi of mine, please do not use BT and Shifa participated in story telling. Simrin cotton, BT brinjal and any other product of won first prize in elocution and Khushi bagged these transgenic plants and also advice others the second prize in story telling which brought not to use them. laurels to our school. Sanju Kumar Patil, Std X This was indeed a good experience to compete with the society and we also had a INTERSCHOOL DEBATE COMPETITION ‘December 1’ Believe it or not, was one of the most memorable days in our lives as we were lucky few to participate in the ICSE Interschool Debate competition. 7 children, 2 teachers, 1 driver, 1 vehicle and 1 goal to win!! win!! and win!!. The day kicked off as we sat in the vehicle on our way to Winners all the way 23 wonderful time with the students of the other Following is the eight fold path of Yoga schools. We are indeed thankful to the Yama: Universal moral commandments management for the opportunity provided to us Niyama: Self purification by discipline Sanju, Shravna and Harish, Std X Asana: Posture Pranayama: Rhythmic control of the breath SWEET HOME Pratyahara: Withdrawal and emancipation of I love my sweet sweet home, the mind from the domination of the senses and Even though I roam, exterior objects. This is the place where I stay, Dharana: Concentration And enjoy every bit of the day. Dhyana: Meditation I feel I am in a palace. Samadhi: A state of super-consciousness When I climb up the terrace, brought about by profound meditation, in I am grateful to God, which the individual sadhaka becomes one’s For this beautiful abode/ object. That is of course my sweet home. Sai Krishna.P, Std IV-A Yama and Niyama control the yogi’s passions and emotions and keep him in harmony with his fellow men. Aasanas keep the body healthy YOGA-THE LORD OF HEALTH The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root and strong and in harmony with nature. ‚YUJ‛ meaning to bind, join, to direct and Finally, the Yogi becomes free of body concentrate one’s attention on, to use and consciousness. He conquers the body and apply. It also means union. It is the true union renders it a fit vehicle for the soul. The first of our will with God’s will. It basically means three stages are the outward quests. disciplining the intellect, the mind, the The next two stages, Pranayama and emotions, the will, which Yoga pre-supposes; it Pratyahara, teach the aspirant to regulate the means a poise of the soul, which enables one to breathing, and thereby control the mind. This look at the life in all its aspects evenly. Yoga is helps to free the senses from the want of the one of the orthodox systems of Indian objects of desire. These two stages of Yoga are philosophy. It was collated, coordinated and known as inner quests. systematized by Patnajali in his classical work, The last three stages, Dharana, Dhyana and the Yoga Sutras Samadhi take the Yogi into the innermost It is a vast collection of spiritual techniques and recesses of his soul. The yogi does not look heavenward to find God. He knows that HE is practices all aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit and achieving a state of enlighten- within, being known as Antaratma, the inner ment or oneness with the universe. In the sixth self. These stages keep him in harmony with chapter of the Bhagwad Gita, which is the most himself and the Maker. These stages help in the quest of the soul and also make us healthy and important authority on Yoga philosophy, Shri happy. Krishna explains to Arjuna the meaning of Yoga Sangarsh, Std X as a deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow. 24 29th Nov Mr. Nanda Kumar conducted a workshop for Std X and PU II students on Personality Development and interacted with English faculty about the Methodology and communication skills. He also observed English classes in English lab. Mrs. Suryaprabha A Ghorpade with M.Y.G Scholars 15th Dec Dr. Leela Shankar, a leading Gynecologist from Bangalore gave a talk on adolescence, puberty awareness and self defence. Senior girls & lady 7th Dec teachers from SRS and SGRS participated in the On the Founder’s Day, students and teachers of SRS workshop. celebrated our beloved M.Y. Ghorpade Anna’s birthday. The programme started with planting a sapling by Shri Ajai Ghorpade . 21st Dec Fancy Dress competition was held at Jubilee hall from LKG to Std II. Tiny tots were dressed showcasing different facets. Mrs. Suryaprabha A Ghorpade with recipients of academic achievement prizes of First Terminal Examination 2012 of students from LKG to PUC. 25 22nd Dec 5th Jan 22nd Dec is the birthday of Great Mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujam, on this occasion Shri 5th SES & SSS Interschool Sports Meet was conducted and Mr. Pattansetti Nagaraj was the S.Y.Ghorpade, CMD, SMIORE and President of SSS, Chief Guest. Overall championship was won by conducted a Maths workshop for teachers. SRS governed by SSS. 29th Dec Individual champions seen with the official Annual Sports Meet for 2012 were declared open by Mr Lakshman Rao Ghorpade, Principal (PU Section, SRS) who was the Chief Guest on the 12th Jan occasion. Yellow house was declared as Champion. Mrs. Rose Mary conducted a workshop for teachers on Transactional Analysis Individual champions with Principal & PTI’s 19th Jan 30th Dec Mr. Mayurnath Ganti, an old student of SRS delivered a speech on ‚Fundamental Rights under our constitution‛. Students from Std IX and above classes and teachers were benefited. Headman Rajaiah and Swati of Std VII who unveiled the MYG’s bust are seen with Ghorpade family at M.Y.Ghorpade Bal Bhavan. The officials of SMIORE and parents are also present on the occasion. 26 24th Jan 1st Feb 54th Annual Day of SRS was celebrated with During the Primary Sports Meet, a colourful great pomp and gaiety. A colourful cultural pro- housewise march-past was conducted followed by gramme was organized and important prizes were umbrella drill aerobics. A number of sporting events given away by the Chief Guest Shri Chiranjiv Singh. for different classes and for parents were organized. Mr. A.A. Siddhanti, Chief Coordinator, was the chief guest. ‘A dance sequence from Annual Day’ 25th Jan Cricket match between old & present students was Winners of the parent race conducted. Bahirji A Ghorpade captained the old students and Ritesh of Std X was the captain of present team Umbrella drill 12th Feb Bid Adieu Parting is a sweet sorrow. On this memorable day the outgoing students of class X and PU II were 26th Jan 64th Republic Day of India was celebrated given an impressive farewell by the students of class IX and PU I. They also put up a show to entertain in a colourful manner on the SRS play ground. The the outgoing students. The SRS community wishes students participated in an impressive march past them all the best of future. and drill. The chief guest Shri Krishna Madhav, Secretary, SES received the salute. 27