File - BrigGen Noel F. Parrish Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen
File - BrigGen Noel F. Parrish Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen
Chapter C hapter ooff T Tuskegee uskegee A Airmen, irmen, Inc. #Jowftujoh!jo!Fevdbujpo!up! Fotvsf!U ifjs!Gvuvsf# Second Annual Where every little bit helps Tfqufncfs!29-!3126!bu!7;41qn! U if!Bwjbujpo!Nvtfvn!pg!Lfouvdlz 513:!Bjsqpsu!Spbe Mfyjohupo-!Lfouvdlz BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 1 9/25/2015 5:38:12 PM T Ground Support Col. B.O. Davis, Jr. Lt. Roscoe Roscoe Brown Brown and and Sgt Sgt Smith Smith Lt. BGNFP BGNFP FP BGNFP Willa Willa Brown, Brown,, Aviator Aviator “We Dare Not Fail” We are making Kentucky history... The Brigadier Th B i di G Generall N Noell F F. P Parrish i h Ch Chapter off T Tuskegee k Ai Airmen Airmen, IInc Inc. he heBrigadier BrigadierGeneral General Noel NoelF.F.Parrish ParrishChapChapter ter ofofTuskegee TuskegeeAirAirmen men was waschartered charteredwith withthe the help help ofof aa small small dedicated dedicated group group ofof history history buff buffssand and afi aficionados cionados ofof Tuskegee Tuskegee Airmen Airmen history history inin August August ofof2007. 2007. General General Noel Noel Parrish Parrish was wasborn bornininVersailles, Versailles,KY KY in1909; in1909;he hedied diedinin1982. 1982.As As aapilot, pilot,Captain CaptainParrish Parrishwent went on ontotobecome becomethe theCommanCommandant dant ofof Cadet Cadet Training Training atat Tuskegee Tuskegee Institute Institute inin AlaAlabama.While Whilehehe bama. waswas one one of of the whiteTuskegee Tuskegee the fewfewwhite Airmenassociated associatedwith withthe the Airmen “ExperimentatatTuskegee”, Tuskegee”, “Experiment washis hiscompassion compassionand and itit was fairness that that made made him him aa fairness highlyrespected respectedleader leaderwith with highly theTuskegee Tuskegeecadets cadetsduring during the their months months ofof training. training. their Tothis thisday, day,many manyyears yearsafafTo terhis hisascent ascentasasaa“Lonely “Lonely ter Eagle”he heisisfondly fondlyrememrememEagle” bered by by many many Tuskegee Tuskegee bered Airmenpilots. pilots. Airmen Thelate lateDr. Dr.Charles Charles“A“AThe Train”Dryden, Dryden,USAF-ret., USAF-ret., Train” said, Parrish Parrish was was referred referred said, the“Great “GreatWhite WhiteFaFatotoasasthe ther”. The The cadet cadet program program ther”. wasexpected expectedtotofail failbut butthe the was thenCol. Col.Parrish Parrishwas wasdeterdeterthen minedtotomake makeititaasuccess. success. mined of 2015, there are AsAs of 2015, there are 55 ac55 active Airmen tive TuskegeeTuskegee Airmen Chapters across the U.S. Chapters across the U.S. Airmen Cadet program. Col., Cadet program. Col.,USAF-ret. USAF-ret. entucky ururmission entucky has has aa rich rich missionisistotoalign align history itself historyininblack blackaviaviitselfwith withthe thetenets tenets ation ofofthe ation where wheretwelve twelve theNational NationalTAI TAI cadets cadets graduated graduated and and rere- Organization Organizationininhelping helpingtoto ceived ceived their their wings. wings. Some Some keep keepthe theTuskegee TuskegeeAirmen Airmen th were were assigned assigned totothe the477 477th history historyalive aliveand andtotoencourencourBomber Bom- age Bomber Group asasBombaragethe theyouths youthsofoftoday todaywho who bardiers and Navigators. diers and Navigators. Flight seek seekaacareer careerininaviation aviationtoto Flight and ground crews crews and ground support meet meetthose thosegoals. goals.MemberMembersupport came personnelpersonnel came from all ship shipisisopen opentotothe thegeneral general from all over Kentucky, over Kentucky, as far west public, public,students, students,youths youthsand and as west as toPaducah to military as far Paducah Williamsmilitarypersonnel personnelwithout without Williamsburg; to Ashland, burg; to Ashland, Louis- regard regardtotorace raceororgender. gender. Louisville, Frankfort, RichMost ville, Frankfort, Richmond Mostmembers memberswill willbebe mond and Owensboro. designated and Owensboro. designatedasasananAssociate Associate 992cadets cadetsgraduated graduatedasas Airman; Airman;there theremay maybebesome some 992 pilots;with withaa17-to-1 17-to-1ratio, ratio,itit who whohave havedirect directblood bloodrelarelapilots; reasonabletotoexpect expectthat that tions tionsand andwill willbebedesignated designated isisreasonable therewere werenearly nearly200 200ground ground aa “Heritage” “Heritage” member. member.All All there support personnel personnel from from original original Tuskegee Tuskegee Airmen Airmen support all over over Kentucky. Kentucky. They They are areidentifi identifiededasasD.O.T.A.s D.O.T.A.s all were part partofofthe theTuskegee Tuskegee Documented DocumentedOriginal OriginalTusTuswere Airmen experience experience under under kegee kegeeAirmen. Airmen. Airmen the leadership leadership ofof Colonel Colonel We welcome welcome all all who who the We Benjamin Davis, Davis, Jr.Jr. Gen. Gen. wish wishtotojoin, join,especially especiallyour our Benjamin Parrish isis enshrined enshrined inin students students whose whose membermemberParrish the Aviation Aviation Museum Museum ofof ship shipfees feesare areless lessthan thanhalf. half. the Kentucky’s Fame Fame along along As Asour ourmembership membershipgrows grows Kentucky’s with Willa Willa Brown, Brown, Julius Julius around aroundKentucky, Kentucky,we wehope hope with Calloway,Major, Major,USAF-ret., USAF-ret., totohave havemeetings meetingsatatsome some Calloway, Louisvilleand andWashington Washington ofofthose thoselocations locationson ona arotarotaLouisville Ross of Ashland, KY, Lt/ tional basis. Ross of Ashland, KY, Lt/ tional basis. K U U ntil August August 2007, 2007, ntil Kentuckynever neverhad had Kentucky itsown ownT.A. T.A.chapter chapter its and there there had had never never been been and one honoring a non-minorione honoring a non-minoriindividual.We Wefelt feltititwas was tytyindividual. timethat thatboth bothofofthose thoseconcontime ditionswere werecorrected. corrected. ditions Kentucky’s history history inin Kentucky’s black aviation starts with black aviation starts with Willa Beatrice Beatrice Brown, Brown, aa Willa littlebi-racial bi-racialgirl, girl,born borninin little GlasgowKentucky. Kentucky. Willa Willa Glasgow later became America’s rst later became America’s fifirst African American woman African American womanto issued Pilot’s toreceive receivea U.S. a U.S. issued PiLicense. She also went on lot’s License. She also went to receive a license as a ceron to receive a license as a tified mechanic. Willa and certified mechanic. Willa her husband, Cornelius Cofand husband, Cornelius fey her successfully operated Coff ey successfully an aviation school inoperChiated aviation in Willa andschool Cornelius Chicago. Willa and Corare credited with instructing nelius credited insome are 2,000 pilots with of which some 2,000 structin a goodg number wentpilots on to went ofbecome which a good pilotsnumber and instrucon to in become pilots and intors the Tuskegee Airmen structors in the Tuskegee O O BGNFPChapter Chapterof ofTAI; TAI; P.O.Box P.O.Box12467 12467- -Lexington, Lexington,KY KY40583 40583- -(859) (859)576-3636 576-3636 BGNFP BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 2 1-22-2015 Edition 1-22-2015 Edition 9/25/2015 5:38:18 PM Theme #Jowftujoh!jo!Fevdbujpo!up!Fotvsf!U ifjs!Gvuvsf# Mission of the Chapter T he mission focuses on two main areas which parallels the national Tuskegee Airmen organization. [1]Sustain the legacy and history of the Tuskegee Airmen through student lectures, speaking engagements and exhibitions. Our venues vary from school grades 4 thru 12, college institutions and to community organizations as well. [2]Create programs and experiences for students to develop their knowledge about careers in aviation -or- their academic studies in general. C G M Awarded March 29, 2007 I Purpose of Tonight’s Gala n keeping with our mission’s second objective, we are presenting our academic fund raiser. We as a chapter will be attempting to expand on our education assistance program to aspiring college bound Seniors. In the past few years we have made a modest contributions towards student assistance. It is our desire to expand on this program to cover more students in a variety of cities in the Commonwealth. This year we were able to sponsor and assist seven students from the Commonwealth Your attendance, support and participation in this year’s fund raising gala will help us to match and hopefully surpass the monies we raised from last year’s gala. To struggling students, “every little bit helps”. For Tax purposes, a $15 portion of your ticket will be allocated to the BGNFP Chapter’s Education Fund BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 3 9/25/2015 5:38:19 PM Ron Spriggs, President, is the Executive Director and Cofounder of RSETA, Inc. He’s a charter member of BGNFP, an oral historian, keynote speaker and lecturer on Tuskegee Airmen history. Ron retired from IBM after 28 years of service in which he held management and staff positions and later the Director of Business Training for CVC. Ron served 8 years in the U.S. Air Force, authored a book, “Amazing Management Styles“ and lobbied the Kentucky General Assembly for the KY I-75 designation of the “Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Trail”. Charles Walker, Vice President, and Education Co-Chair. Charles is a Heritage Member (son of a Tuskegee Airman) of B/Gen. Noel F. Parrish Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen Lexington, Kentucky. Charles has been with the BGNFP Chapter for 6 years. He’s a retiree from Webasto Roof Systems Lexington Kentucky after 10 years in the Quality Dept. and also worked for IBM for 23 years. Charles graduated from Eastern Kentucky Univ. with a Degree in Applied Electronics Technology Patricia Hayden, Treasurer is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and has served 6 years on the BGNFP Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen Board. She has diversified experience in business, state government, insurance administration and corporate and facilities. Patricia brings a wealth of experience in systems and application management, training facilitation, strategic planning and communications. She spent the majority of her career with IBM & Lexmark. Sarah Byrd, Secretary, is a native of Kentucky and mother. She is a graduate of Fugazzi Business College and has a 35 year tenure with IBM in which she worked with contract management and business partner support. Sarah is currently involved in the community as a Commissioner for Housing Authority of Versailles KY and serves on the Steele Cemetery Committee. She has been a member of BGNFP Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen Board for 2 Years Ali Robinson, Public Relations Officer, as enlisted in the United States Air Force where she attended the Community College of the Air Force. She joined Toyota Engineering and Manufacturing after her Air Force career. She has over 20 year of experience in automotive engineering and project management including executive level management and over 10 years of diversified experience as an IT professional. She’s on the Aviation Museum of Kentucky Board of Directors and has served on the BGNFP Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen Board for 3 years. BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 4 9/25/2015 5:38:19 PM Dr. William “Bill” McAtee, Chaplain is a retired Presbyterian Minister after 41 years in active ministry. He graduated from Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. He located DOTA William H. Cornish in 2007 while delivering meals-on-wheels to him. Bill is a BGNFP Charter Member, chairs the Elections Committee, special audit programs and Chairs the By-Laws committee. Dan Wooten, Education Co-Chair, is a charter member of BGNFP since 2007. He is a retired Marketing Manager for Kentucky Education Television and a former small business owner. Dan is a graduate of Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL. and has work experience with NASA and IBM. Please consider joining our chapter to provide your skills and experiences. We need and welcome skilled, motivated individuals to assist in the management of our chapter and to chair various committees. Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen 1/Lt. Frank “Doug” Walker P40 Pilot 2013 Lonely Eagle BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 5 Flt-Off Alvin LaRue, Sr. B25 Bombardier/Nav. 2014 Lonely Eagle Cpl. Frank Weaver Hangar Chief 9/25/2015 5:38:19 PM G ood evening and welcome to our second Annual Educational A Fund-raiser. This has Fu been another fantastic be and very active year an again for our chapter. ag It all began around September of 2014 when we decided to venture out into new territory. After seven years as a chapter, we began plans for our first educational fund-raising gala. This step of faith was taken so that we as a chapter could do more to provide seed money for some high school seniors heading off to college. I am extremely proud of the BGNFP Executive Board members and other volunteers who poured in tireless hours during the months, before and after the event to make it a resounding success. Our program book contained a congratulatory letter from President Barack Obama, Kentucky Governor, Steve Beshear and Lexington’s Mayor Jim Gray. Our chapter received a proclamation from the city designating September 19th as Tuskegee Airmen Day in Lexington. O ur event last year honored two Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen L/Col. Alexander Jefferson of Detroit, MI and Cpl. Frank Weaver of Louisville KY. While the September fund-raising Gala was our crowning event for the year, I am just as proud of these same individuals who participated in the Lexington Independence Day Parade and the Annual Roots and Heritage Festival. In each of these community appearances, it speaks volumes of the commitment we have as a chapter to keeping the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen alive. A s a result of last year’s inaugural fund raising event, we were able to present seven education assistance awards to the graduating class of 2015. This was made possible thru our ticket sales, and your generous donations individually or through our silent auction, Our “first time at bat” was so successful, that we decided to, “give it another try” for the Class of 2016. F inally, I wish to recognize and congratulate our seven freshmen honorees as our guests tonight - and the acknowledgement of them by Chrysler on Nicholasville. Ron Spriggs, President BGNFP Chapter of TAI BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 6 9/25/2015 5:38:19 PM R enee began her career at KET in 1997 as a public policy reporter and associate producer. In 2005, she launched the first statewide minority affairs program, Connections with Renee Shaw, on KET. As one of KET’s public affairs program producers, Renee is producer/managing editor and host of KET’s legislative coverage, co-hosts election night coverage, hosts KET’s health series, and produces numerous other issue-centered programs at KET. For more than a decade, she produced Comment on Kentucky, KET’s longest running public affairs program. She travels across the state moderating public issues forums and speaking about diversity, media, political, and state legislative matters Renee is a native of Portland, Tenn. She graduated from Western Kentucky University with degrees in broadcast journalism and political science in 1994 and a master’s degree in corporate communications in 1996. P Program 6:30PM Doors open, Meet and Greet. Table seating and escort by the Henry Clay High-school Army JROTC cadets and Silent Auction 6:55PM Opening by Mistress of Ceremony, Ms. Renee Shaw 7:05PM Posting of the Colors by the Henry Clay High-school Army JROTC cadets. Please rise for our National Anthem 7:15PM Invocation by Rev. Dr. William McAtee, BGNFP Chaplain 7:20PM Welcoming remarks: Ms. Renee Shaw, Mistress of Ceremony 7:30PM Dinner and Buffet Instructions: Ali Robinson, Chapter P.R.O. 8:05PM Musical performance: Ms. Margot Demaree 8:25PM Acknowledgements: Mr. Ron Spriggs, BGNFP Chapter President 8:35PM Musical performance: Mr. Jeremiah Muwanga 8:50PM Silent Auction Winners announced by Ms. Sarah Byrd, BGNFP Secretary 8:55PM Retreating of the Colors, by our guest school Color Guard unit 9:00PM Event Ends BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 7 9/25/2015 5:38:19 PM Tonight’s Entertainment Margot Demaree Photo by: Staci Marie J eremiah i h was bborn iin U Uganda d and d raised in Louisville. He came to Lexington as a vocal major at UK on a full ride. An accomplished vocalist, producer, and songwriter Jeremiah blends soulful vocals with a modern Rnb sound. Jeremiah has been fortunate to enjoy a long career as an ensemble performer and solo artist. He’s been on stages throughout the United States and Great Britain. Jeremiah is a Sales Executive and a Chrysler Certified Sales Consultant with over 10 years of sales and customer service experience. Contact: [email protected] Jeremiah Muwanga M argot is a classic jazz singer whose voice has an outstanding range that can captures a wide variety of songs. She has been the main singing talent and partner of R-C Smith and Company, primarily a jazz duo. She is often performing with Robert Smith and other musicians in many places and events throughout Lexington, Central Kentucky and other surrounding cities in the Commonwealth. Margot sings everything from blues, to jazz, R&B and has a deep seeded singing background in gospel. Photo by: Staci Marie BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 8 9/25/2015 5:38:20 PM Distinguished DOTA fom Kentucky F Mr. Frank F k Weaver W Cpl. Hangar Chief - DOTA rank Weaver was born December 28, 1926 in Louisville, Kentucky and was educated in the local school systems. Frank was drafted into the United States Armed Forces at the age of 18. He was sent to Camp Atterbury in Indiana for induction. From the induction center he was sent to Shepherd Field in Texas for his basic training. After completing basic he was assigned duty at Tuskegee Air Field in Tuskegee, Alabama. While at Tuskegee Army Air Field, Frank served as a hangar chief and was also a B-25 engine mechanic. Upon completion of his military obligation, Frank returned to Louisville and went to work for General Electric and remained there until his retirement 32 years later. Frank is presently involved in several organizations within his community including being a Deacon Emeritus in his church. Other Known Kentucky Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen Sgt. William (Wild Bill) Davis, Mechanic, Louisville/Houston Cpl. Virgil Jewell, Crew-chief, Louisville L/Col. Washington Ross, Pilot, Ashland/Detroit LONELY EAGLES (Deceased) Pvt. Thomas “T.B.” Miller Mail Clerk,Winchester Sgt. Harold Alston, Radio Repairman, Paducah Pfc Bill Cornish, Refueler, Lexington Capt. Morris Washington, B25 Pilot, Louisville Flt Off. Alvin Larue, Navigator, Louisville BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 9 9/25/2015 5:38:20 PM TUSKEGEE AIRMEN, INC (TAI) Membership Application Title/Rank: First Name -and- Last Name Address: City: State: Phone: Zip [ ] Land line or [ ] Mobile E-mail Address: Class Pick One Adult $65 Student $15 Military Enlisted $30 or Officer: $65. Checks made out and mailed to: BGNFP of TAI; P.O. Box, 12467, Lexington, KY 40583 Y ou are cordially invited to join our Tuskegee Airmen chapter which is opened to all ages, races, gender, students, military and non-military persons. We are looking for professional skills and experiences from those individuals eager to help us better manage our chapter’s mission and affairs. Please use the form above to join us today. Join now and your membership will be covered all the way until December 31st of 2015. That’s a savings benefit of 1/3rd membership at no extra cost. Look Ahead and... Make your plans to attend our Next Education Fundraiser S cholarships: There are two different scholarship grants program through our chapter for HS Seniors. One is directly related to tonight’s event through the B/Gen. Noel Parrish Chapter of TAI; the other is the National Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund. Feel free to circulate this information to your distribution list. Go to our web site of http://bgnfpchapter. or contact us at (859)576-3636 BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 10 Brig/Gen Noel Parrish Lt/Gen. B.O. Davis, Jr. 9/25/2015 5:38:20 PM The Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) would like to say “Thank You” for changing history and opening the doors of aerospace for so many people! Learn more about OBAP’s youth aerospace programs visit us at: WWW.OBAP.ORG click on project aerospace. BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 11 9/25/2015 5:38:20 PM &KU\VOHURQ1LFKRODVYLOOH ZRXOGOLNHWRUHFRJQL]HWKH %*1)3&KDSWHURI7XVNHJHH $LUPHQ6WXGHQW+RQRUHHV FFor Fo oor all your transportation needs contact Derrick Manager 859-885-3367 Derr Derr Derri rrri rri ricckk Miller,, Sales Manag rick M Mana Ma nagger 859 8 59 88 8 885 5 336 3367 3 Centerfold BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 12 9/25/2015 5:38:21 PM Class of 2015 High School Student Honorees John Barnes Caridad Echevarria Tamia Jackson Arron Riddick Ayanna Sullivan Kennedy Weathers Taeisha Wynder Centerfold 1010 010 Eliz Elizabeth Ellizabe Eliza iza zab zabe z abe eth t Drive D e • Nicholasville, Nich ho olasville, ol lasville asville, KY K 859-208-0699 BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 13 9/25/2015 5:38:32 PM Tuskegee Airmen "Gladiators of the Skies" "Honoring and Remembering Their Legacy" BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 14 9/25/2015 5:38:43 PM This is how we remember our Tuskegee Airmen Publication and Graphic Design by G&R DeskTop Publishing (c)2015 BGNFP 2015 Fundraiser.indd 15 9/25/2015 5:38:44 PM
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