December 2012 Newsletter - Tuskegee Airmen San Diego
December 2012 Newsletter - Tuskegee Airmen San Diego
Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. Editor: Oscar D. Teel President: Paulette Mello THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE President Paulette Mello Greetings Chapter Members: Happy New Year’s! Hard to believe 2013 is already upon us. It was great seeing those who attended the Annual Meeting/Christmas Party last month. The food and fellowship was great and I have vowed to fast for the rest of 2013… well, not really. 2012 was an interesting year that had good and not so good times (speaking on a personal note). The world did not end, we kind of made it through the Fiscal Cliff (I am so burnt out hearing that phrase), and we are blessed to embark on a new year. Make it count. As you all should know by now, this will be my last newsletter submission as President of our chapter. My decision to step down came from some “advice” from my teenage daughter (she is wise beyond her years) who observed that I was burning the candle at both ends. I am truly thankful for the support I have received, and also for the service you have indebted for me to undertake. I have had the opportunity to have met some wonderful chapter collaborators, supporters and even a few celebrities who General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Chapter San Diego San Diego, CA. December 2012 acknowledged the significance of the Tuskegee Airmen. I will continue to be an active member of the chapter and I look forward to playing my part as a volunteer to ensure the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen is sustained in San Diego. They are and will continue to be my heroes. I am pleased to announce that our new President (now former VP of the chapter) is Mr. Jeffrey Woodson. I consider Mr. Woodson as one of my mentors as I admire his leadership and ability to bring a team together. We all wish him the best success in this role and I know he will do great things as President. I look forward to 2013 being an exciting year, especially with the future naming of a section of I-15 near MCAS Miramar as the “Tuskegee Airmen Highway.” What a great opportunity to honor and pay tribute to the Airmen. Thank you for allowing me to share the respect and admiration of the Tuskegee Airmen with you. It is also nice to know there are a few of you who share my love of the roar of an aircraft engine and the smell of jet fuel! It has been a privilege being able to serve you as chapter President. I bid you adieu. Respectfully, Paulette Mello We close this last newsletter of 2012 with many thanks to our outgoing President, Paulette Mello. Paulette worked tirelessly for this Chapter by organizing a very successful social at the San Diego Air Museum, being present at ALL our events including Wing over Gillespie, the Ramona Air show, Capt Rowe being honored at Mt Soledad, taking care of our equipment which included bringing it to each event. We will miss her leadership, that smile and those dimples as she, from the head of the table, quietly performed her duties as President. Page 2 By Request Capt. Claude Rowe Honored With Plaque on Mt Soledad By Request Page 3 RAMONA AIR SHOW The Annual Ramona Air Show was held on 22 September 2012. Unlimited thanks go to our Chapter President Paulette Mello and husband Joe Mello for getting out to Ramona at 6 AM and setting up our displays. This is the kind of support and dedication we need from all of our members. More on that subject in a letter to our membership. Paulette, ever the salesperson, was active selling our wares. Her truck was lighter when she returned home because she sold out portions of our stock.. Chapter members present included Tuskegee Airman Captain Claude Rowe who was accompanied by wife Winnie Rowe and daughter Dorothy Rowe. Captain Rowe is to be commended for his participation in our activities. Age-wise, he is our senior Chapter member and always manages to be available.. Many thanks to Arlys Erickson who made stickers announcing our Tuskegee Airmen Highway project and used them to solicit donations. She pasted the stickers on children and anyone else who slowed down. Arlys had a container for donations to the Tuskegee Airmen Highway project and It was not empty. Colonel James Trotman drove over from Palm Desert accompanied by George Edwards a WWII Buffalo Soldier. Captain Claude Rowe, Colonel Trotman, who flew Air Force One, and DOTA Buford Johnson were the hits of the show. Where else can you find Tuskegee Airmen accompanied by a pilot, African-American no less, who flew Air Force One at the same show? We appreciate Buford Johnson taking time out of his very busy schedule to attend this air show. He came and he is not even a member of our Chapter. Nevertheless, he was kept busy autographing books and anything else that could be written on. George Watson, our Immediate Past President, was present and working. He is currently managing two airports, Ramona and Fallbrook but he managed to make a lot of the announcements during the day since he was the Airport Manager on duty.. He also flew his T-34 a couple times. One other pilot from George’s flying group also flew formation with George. We would be remiss if we did not mention the Tuskegee Airmen Motor Cycle Club San Diego. This group of gentlemen with their colorful jackets were not only a great addition to our last Chapter meeting but came to Ramona on their motorcycles and really added to the festivities. This is the Mission Statement of the group: Our mission as the Tuskegee Airman Motorcycle Club of San Diego California (TAMCSDC) is to enlighten the wise, emancipate the ignorant and to continue to stimulate the consciousness of the American people. We do this by honoring the legacy and contributions of the 332nd Fighter Group known as the Tuskegee Airman. We ride as a reminder of each and every Tuskegee airman who had to overcome great adversities and unconscionable challenges presented before them. We ride in spirit of our airman and their tenacity to see their dreams and admirations com e true. We ride to educate, stimulate the thoughts of future airman regardless of race or gender. The roar of their motorcycles as they left was very loud and dramatic. If they can be encouraged to join our Chapter, they will be a great addition. Please visit their web site Chapter President Paulette Mello and Colonel James Trotman Page 4 By Request Christine Robinson with son Wesley and DOTA Buford Johnson Winnie Rowe, Captain Claude Rowe and Dorothy Rowe next to an AT-6 A family visits with Chapter President Paulette Mello Members of the Tuskegee Airmen Motorcycle Club San Diego Craig (Show Me) Bonner, Marcus (Gunner) Creighton and Tony (Ace) Williams Linda Stull and Vicki Moen Both are members of the Commemorative Air Force from El Cajon great supporters of our Chapter. Colonel James Trotman and DOTA Buford Johnson. Trotman flew Air Force One. Johnson was Intelligence Officer in the 332nd. By Request Page 5 Winnie Rowe, Alrys Erickson (Chapter Treasurer) standing in back of Captain Claude Rowe and George Edwards Rachel Carter with Anne Marie Richardson with children Harmony, Prince and Lyric. Rachel Carter holds the record of being the youngest female pilot to fly to NY and back in 1994. Alex Harris, VP of the Tuskegee Airmen Motorcycle Club Immediate Past President George Watson with Air Traffic Controller Morgan Helmstetler Joe Mello (Not a Chapter member but a really hard worker) with Winnie Rowe Everybody get a lunch break Tuskegee Airmen Motorcycle Club member Craig Bonner and wife Hilda. Page 6 By Request and knowledge as a member of NABVETS Chapter 67 and the Veterans Claims Division of BLC72. His comprehensive knowledge regarding these important initiatives is valuable to NABVETS mission. Better Life Chapter 72 Better Life #72 is a team of veterans that on December 18, 2010, received its charter becoming the nation’s 72nd chapter, as an extension of a National Veterans Service Organization that began as Interested Veterans of Center City (IVOCC), founded in 1969 Milwaukee, Wisconsin by seven veterans. Effective April 2, 1998, the Veterans Administration designated NABVETS as a chartered veteran’s services organization. The Former Commander of BLC#72 is Master Chief Othan “Nate” Mondy, USN, (Retired). Master Chief Mondy is the first Black Master Chief of Naval Air Force Pacific. BLC#72 is a not for profit 501c (3), whose mission is to assist the Department of Veteran Affairs in finding creative ways of addressing the growing needs of an estimated 190,000 Black veterans’ in California. San Diego has the nation’s largest military installation. On February 4, 2012, Master Chief Mondy was installed as the Commander of the California State Command Council. His commitment is to increase membership state -wide, communicate and assist in the development of the existing California State Chapter Commanders by guiding and communicating the principles and mission of NABVETS, Inc,. State Commander Mondy brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that he intends to utilize on developing California into becoming a model example that will be used throughout the NABVETS, Inc., organization. Former Commander of the California State Command Council, McCail Smith, Jr., stepped down and is now serving as the Veterans Service Officer for BLC 72. Former Commander Smith utilizes his experience NABVETS, Inc., as a Veterans Service Organization, utilizes the customer service model, a quality approach, providing technical assistance, bridging the void for mainstream services to all veterans, and bringing health and human services. Phillip J. Harris, Sr., USN (Ret.) is the first Secretary of the California State Command Council, National Association for Black Veterans becoming a member of NABVETS in October 2010. Phillip’s tours of duty included the West Coast, Newport, RI, the Pentagon and was appointed to serve as a member of the 1981 Inaugural Committee for President-elect Ronald R. Reagan. He completed his Masters Degree in Human Resources Management. He developed strategic programs for geriatric and indigent residents of HUD’s Suburban Chicago residents and received an appointment in 2000 with the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of the U.S. Census, where he managed the State of Wisconsin’s Census Operation. Phillip Sr, also retired as a Commissioned Sales Associate with JC Penney and is a Professional Stock Photograph Model. Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. 42nd National Convention July 31 - August 3, 2013 Millennium Hotel St Louis 200 South 4th Street St Louis, MO 63102-1804 By Request Page 7 TUSKEGEE AIRMEN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION In order to continue to preserve the Tuskegee Airmen legacy, the "Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation" (TASF) was established in 1979 to serve as a vehicle to provide annual scholarships to outstanding young people in their academic quest for excellence. For more information visit TUSKEGEE AIRMEN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION GALA On Thursday evening, October 4, 2012, the Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation held its Gold Medal Gala at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, CA. Thirteentime Emmy Award winning KABC News Anchor David Ono served as Master of Ceremonies. Jazz Legend Barbara Morrison and the Farrell Chiles Vice President Tuskegee Charles Owen Band Airmen Scholarship provided outstanding Foundation musical entertainment. National Aviation Hall of Fame pilot, Clay Lacy, Founder and CEO of Clay Lacy Aviation, served as the Honorary Chair. The Gala's deserving honorees were SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who received the Distinguished Achievement Award; Caltech President Dr. JeanLou Chameau, the Gold Medal Education Award; and NASA Administrator Major General (Retired) Charles F. Bolden, received the General James H. "Jimmie" Doolittle Memorial Award. In attendance at the gala event were several Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen (DOTAs), to include Ted G. Lumpkin Jr., Leo Gray, Lowell C. Steward Sr., Buford Johnson, Mitchell L. Higginbotham, Elbert T. Hudson, Clarence C. Finley and Levi H. Thornhill. Left to Right) La Trycee Fowler, actress and TASF National Spokesperson; Charles F. Bolden; Lowell C. Steward, Jr., TASF Vice President; and David Ono KABC News Anchor and Gala Master of Ceremonies DOTAs - Ted G. Lumpkin, Jr. and Clarence C. Finley TASF AND EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCE NEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Beginning in 2013, the annual $2,000 scholarship is targeted for Embry-Riddle students enrolled in at least the sophomore year who exhibit leadership qualities and show financial need. The students must be enrolled full time at the Daytona Beach campus in any of the degree programs, including the aviation maintenance program (A&P). The University scholarship selection committee composed of faculty and staff Cont’d next page Page 8 By Request will review applications and make the final selections. The award will be used to pay for tuition, textbooks, fees, and any other items included in the cost of education. "We are excited to partner with Embry-Riddle by providing scholarships to worthy students in pursuit of aviation maintenance careers and other degree programs at Embry-Riddle. These scholarships pay tribute to the crew chiefs and aviation maintenance teams who supported the pilots and played an integral part in the success of the Tuskegee Airmen Experience." said Jerry Hodges, President of TASF and a Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the world's largest fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace, is a nonprofit independent institution offering more than 40 baccalaureate, masters, and PhD degree programs in its colleges of Arts and Sciences, Aviation Business and Engineering. (By Farrell Chiles) Mrs. Zellie Rainey Orr was the panel moderator. She asked former members of the B-24 squadron to describe their treatment at Ramitelli. One crewmember responded that living with the ‘colored’ troops changed his outlook forever. Farrell Chiles, Vice President Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation, Zellie Rainey Orr, TAI Historian, and Oscar Teel, representing the San Diego TAI Chapter “TUSKEGEE AIRMEN: HEROES AT RAMITELLI” On November 17, Hilda and I attended the 8th Annual Tuskegee Airmen Celebration held at the University of California, Riverside. Of great interest was the discussion on the event of December 29, 1944, when a number of B-24s could not land at their home base and landed at Ramitelli instead. This event marked the first unofficial integration of the Army Air Corps. The B24 crew members, all 170, dined and bunked with the Tuskegee Airmen. Col. Charles McGee gave an overview of life at Ramitelli. He said in May of 1944 he was in his fifth month of combat flying P-40s.. Ramitelli was a wheat field. The “runway” was 150’ wide and 5500’ long with steel planking. The farmer’s house was headquarters for the 332nd Fighter Group. There were no beacons, no lights so no night flying. The field was never attacked by the Germans. The 332nd received P-47s hand-medowns from the 325th Fighter Group. In July 1944 they received P-51s. Each of the four fighter squadrons of the 332nd Fighter Group usually provided 16 aircraft for each mission. The 15th Air Force picked the Tuskegee Airmen to escort B-17s and B-24s. . Diane Esters-Rafalski, Western Region President DOTA Colonel Charles McGee By Request Page 9 DOTA Buford Johnson, Inland Empire Chapter, and DOTA Alfonso Harris and his wife Rose Marie.. CHRISTMAS MEETING/DINNER Thanks to the efforts of Bill and Mary SnearMcNeil we were able to hold our annual meeting/ dinner at the Bernardo Heights Community Center. Particulars were covered in correspondence mailed to all members on 22 December. Included here are some photos taken my Mary SnearMcNeil on her IPad. Two Woodsons. Seated is the mother of Jeff Woodson, our incoming president, and standing is Jeff’s wife, Paula. Margaret Maxwell and her mother, Mrs. Jean Maxwell. Jean Maxwell is the widow of our longtime president, Bob Maxwell. Welcome to 2013! Four of the Chapter members who helped to display the abundance of food. Hilda Teel, Audra Kimble, Paulette Mello and Dorothy Rowe. We have work to do this year including finalizing the Tuskegee Airmen Highway project which will include a ‘sign installation event’, and a new project with the Mt Soledad Commission to install a plaque honoring the Tuskegee Airmen. Are you with us? 17870 Frondoso Dr San Diego, CA 92128
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