Projects boost rural income RFMF builds defence ties Civil Service


Projects boost rural income RFMF builds defence ties Civil Service
Vol. 1
No. 11
F I J I ,
13th November, 2010
Eucalyptus, the
next big thing
Fiji Pine Limited will sign a memorandum
of understanding with Japanese trading giant
Itochu Corporation to set up a eucalyptus
industry which is estimated to skyrocket
earnings into the $100m sphere within five
The deal, to be signed in December, will
make eucalyptus the next big thing in the
timber industry.
Fiji Pine Group chairman Ratu Tevita
Uluilakeba Mara said eucalyptus would
provide a better alternative to pine.
Unlike pine trees which are harvested
after 20 years, eucalyptus trees can be
harvested after three years and have three
harvests within ten years.
Fijian Holdings Limited chief finance
officer Aiyaz Musa said Fiji Pine would strike
partnerships with landowning groups around
the country for the planting of eucalyptus
“The industry looks promising – because
with pine, landowners will wait for 20 to 30
years, but with eucalyptus in 10 years we cut
three times – 4th year, 7th year, 10th year –
and you get cash,” Mr Musa said.
“So we will be supplying the seeds to
landowners – they will hold the lease of
the land but we will have a back to back
agreement where they sell to Fiji Pine.
“Surely there is a lot of money – on
average one can earn $1.5m in 10 years from
a 100-acre-land of eucalyptus trees.”
The MOU will require Itochu to come in
and set up the industry like doing research
work, soil sampling, nurseries and form a
Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember
them … His Excellency the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, Minister for Defense Ratu Epeli Ganilau and Prime Minister
Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama at the war memorial site in Suva. Inset: Kepeli Tikoitoga, 9, was among the hundreds to
commemorate Rememberance Day for our heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.
Budget to focus
on key objectives
Prime Minister and Minister
for Finance Commodore
Voreqe Bainimarama has
outlined seven key objectives
of the 2011 National Budget
which will be delivered on
November 26 at the FIRCA
complex in Suva.
Bainimarama said the 2011
Budget would continue
to focus on government’s
objectives which include:
n prudent management
of government’s finances;
n provide impetus to
sustained economic growth;
n provide targeted
assistance to the
marginalised and the poor;
n create export and
manufacturing opportunities;
n create a competitive
and liberalised economy for
the benefit of consumers
and investors;
n build and maintain
infrastructure; and,
n improve government
In July this year, Prime
Minister Bainimarama
announced a Revised Budget
for 2010 where he said that
Government remains
committed to the mandate
given by His Excellency
the former President, Ratu
Josefa Iloiloivatu Uluivuda.
That is, to strengthen the
foundations of economic
growth and prosperity for
Fiji and all Fijians, based on
common and equal citizenry,
through a responsible and
transparent Government.
He said the Government
believes that fiscal
accountability and prudent
financial management was
central to fulfilling this
The sacrifices we make
today will reinforce the
foundation for future growth
and economic stability.
The 2010 Revised
Budget estimated a total
revenue of $1.496 billion
and a total estimated
expenditure of $1.715
Government had planned
to reduce expenditure
by about $75 million
in total, comprising of
a $44m reduction in
operating expenditure and
a $24m reduction in capital
expenditure whilst $7m
was reduced from the VAT
In addition to
reductions in expenditure,
the Government
forecasted additional revenue
of about $10m through new
PAGES 8 -16
Ministry of Information, National Archives & Library Services of Fiji
Civil Service Excellence Award Winner -
November 13, 2010
Platform for economic growth
Information, National Archives and
Library Services of Fiji
Welcome again readers.
The Prime Minister
and Minister of Finance
Commodore Voreqe
Bainimarama will
announce the 2011
National Budget on
November 26 at the
FIRCA complex in
The National Budget
is the single most
important document of
the Government, which
details the expenditure
on the various policies,
programmes and
activities for 2011.
The 2011 Budget will
provide the platform for
economic growth and
development for the
next four years. From
2011 to 2014.
The Government
is putting in place a
number of strategies
aimed at building on the
notable achievements
of Government and
growing the economy
during the next year.
Prime Minister
Bainimarama has taken
into consideration
the needs of all
stakeholders in this
budget as well as
those factors that affect
our global and local
The ministries
of finance, strategic
planning and all
those involved must
be congratulated for
working tirelessly in
the preparation of 2011
Budget estimates.
The media will be
given the full opportunity
to scrutinise the Budget
and clarify certain
issues so that they
can inform the people
of the government’s
commitment to improve
the living standards of
its citizens.
This is part of
government’s belief
A writer suggests that the future of these young ones depend alot on the type of teachers they
Commission’s lifeline
Dear Editor,
The Commerce Commission’s
decision to slash food prices is a
good one.
I know it will not help in filling
the businessmen’s coffers but it
will certainly help the poor people
in our country.
There are so many poor people,
who cannot afford to have three
square meals a day, and this move
is good for them.
I wonder if some people really
believe in the philosophy of live
and let live. But this is not true for
some people.
Finally I wish to applaud the
Government in making this move.
And please do take to task people
who are not abiding by the laws
of Fiji.
Some people need to be
brought back on the right track.
Ram Krishna,
Food prices
Dear Editor,
The Commerce Commission has
reduced food prices and it is good
for Fiji.
I hear that a lot of businessmen
are removing items from their
shelves and give all kinds of
excuses when questioned.
This reminds me of the Indian
trade shows organised by certain
It was so good, the prices were
so cheap and people flocked to the
shows so that they could benefit
from the cheap prices.
The Fiji businessmen never
brought items sold.
When the businessmen found
out they were not getting people in
their shops they complained and
trade shows were stopped.
This was a wrong move and it
did not benefit the poor people.
It only helped the businessmen
in Fiji who could once again
charge exorbitant mark ups on the
goods that they brought from India
at very cheap prices.
Now once again they are crying
about reduced prices and this is not
unusual. Isn’t your wholesale price
so low and mark ups so high?
I challenge the business
community to prove me wrong.
Siddharth Sharma,
Agriculture Flourish
Dear Editor,
I would like to make a comment on
the increased agricultural activities
in our country.
Of course the Sugar Industry
is suffering, perhaps because
of mismanagement and other
related factors, but there is
notable change in other agricultural
sectors. This is what we need in
Fiji. We will pave better paths once
we provide more facilities like
electricity to the villages.
And more awareness
programmes should be held so
that more people are confident
in earning a living through
The Fiji Focus of course
gives us a very fair idea of what is
happening in terms of agriculture.
Perhaps it may be considered
a political move but as an ordinary
citizen I see it as a way to a better
Steven Prasad,
Good thought
Dear Editor,
in the free flow of
information and
its overall policies
of openness,
inclusiveness and
The Government
expects the media
to play a vital and
responsible role in
accurately informing the
public of the contents
of the 2011 Budget so
that people can make
informed decisions and
utilise the opportunities
provided for them to
earn and enjoy a better
A lot is being said about the
Education Ministry and parents
are keeping a close tab on the
decisions the ministry is making in
terms of its so-called reforms.
I was really surprised when
a writer questioned the ability of
the ministry to use the Teachers
Personal File to promote officers.
Perhaps there is a lot of merit
in that thought.
Sometimes people in
big offices cannot think and
sometimes, they do not want to
think. In other circumstances they
just do not care.
I wonder how many teachers
are there in the profession and it
would also be interesting to know
how many teachers are officers in
the ministry.
The queue at the beginning of
the year in the ministry’s office
is evidence that work is done in a
haphazard manner.
So the Ministry of Education
should start getting its acts together
in terms of service delivery and
that too in an efficient manner.
The lives of our children are
in your hands because the type
of teachers you send into their
classrooms will be important in
determining what sort of future our
children will have.
Alfaz Hussein,
As PM Bainimarama
said during the 2010
revised budget
announcement “every
single citizen of our
beloved country must
work in collaboration to
ensure that we realise
our true potential.
“We are in an
exciting phase of the
development of our
country. A phase that
has policies that will
lay the foundations for
long term and sustained
economic growth for the
well being of Fiji and all
her people.”
First casino
Dear Editor,
The article on the introduction of a
casino in Fiji is not a good one.
While it may be a way of
getting overseas currency into our
country it may not be good for our
country as a whole.
So many of our children
will be seen at casinos. Being
at casinos and forming a habit
to regularly be in a casino is
not healthy. It ruins the lives of
families and creates hardships in
Already we are suffering as
a nation and a casino will only
lure more islanders into wasting
money, which could otherwise be
spent on the needs of a family.
The Government should
relook at the idea of setting up a
casino in Fiji. I think the beautiful
beaches the clean tranquillising air
and of course the friendly smiles
of the Fiji Islanders should be
used to get tourists to our shores.
I request the Government to
relook at this issue and weigh the
moral issues well before venturing
into casinos.
Vasiti Naba,
Role models
Poultry farming
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
Brigadier-General Ioane
Naivalurua’s work as the Prisons
Commissioner is an example
of the kind of forward-thinking
leadership that is required to solve
pressing issues in our nation.
His work to bring selfsustainability in operations and
facility management should set the
benchmark for all in leadership
roles seeking to lower costs and
manage budgets.
As part of the Yellow
Ribbon campaign, his efforts
at promoting education and
entrepreneurship gives new hope
to the incarcerated.
A real shot at becoming
productive members of society is
our best remedy for preventing
As the new Commissioner of
Police, we can look forward to
seeing the same kind of ingenuity
and thinking as he tackles a new
set of challenges.
A lot can be done in terms of
poultry farming if the Police starts
playing a more effective role in
terms of making sure thieves do
not steal people’s chicken.
Sometimes a lot of people
start a small business but they
find it hard to sustain because of
thieves, who use all means to steal
livestock. These are actions that
frustrate ordinary farmers in Fiji.
Ducks and chicken are always
in short supply. This is simple
economics; the demands are high
and the supply is low.
The solution to this is more
police patrols on the streets and
more vigilance on their part in
terms of attending to complaints.
All in all, it means that a
strategic plan needs to be put in
place so the communities feel safe
to do small businesses like poultry
Paulini Uluilakeba,
Krishneil Maharaj,
Fiji Focus welcomes your opinion. If you have comments or suggestions about Government issues please send your letters to The
Editor, Fiji Focus, P.O. Box 2225, Government Buildings, Suva or email to [email protected].
November 13, 2010
The Sugar Cane Growers
Council (SCGC) is hoping
for more funds for its cane
planting programme and
the continuation of fertilizer
subsidy in the 2011 Budget.
Acting chief executive
officer, Mr Sundresh Chetty
said the SCGC expects an
allocation similar to this
year’s Budget allocation.
“As far as the growers are
concerned, this year $1.8m
was given for upgrading of
Cane Access Roads, $1.1m
for upgrading of roads in
Olosara sector to enable
growers deliver their cane
by road after collapse of
Sigatoka Rail Bridge, $6m
for accelerated cane planting
programme and $9.8m for
fertilizer subsidy to the South
Pacific Fertilizers Ltd,” said
Mr Chetty.
“The funds that were
given this year have been put
to best use.
“The cane access road
fund has been utilised by
growers in all the 38 sectors
of four mill areas. This fund
was handled by Ministry of
The cane planting fund was
handled by FSC and this has
enabled growers to plant
additional 6000 hectares of
“Allocation was made
for land preparation at a rate
of $1000 per hectare. South
Pacific Fertilizer Ltd was
allocated $9.8m through
which growers received a
subsidy of $14.09 per bag of
fertilizer,” Mr Chetty added.
He also expects major
policy changes in Fiji Sugar
Corporation to take the sugar
industry to a new level.
is doing its best to revamp
the Sugar Industry and has
emphasised on a number of
occasions that Sugar Industry
is here to stay, we expect
major policy changes in the
affairs of FSC,” Mr Chetty
“Growers are looking
improvement in milling
efficiencies. Land lease
issue has also been a major
problem and we expect the
Government to come up with
Tourism uses allocation wisely
The Tourism sector is hopeful the
Government will continue to provide
the same incentives as in the 2010
allocations when the 2011 Budget to be
announced on November 26 at FIRCA
complex in Suva.
The president of the Fiji Islands Hotel
and Tourism Association, Mr Dixion
Seeto said the 2010 allocation of $23.5
million for the Tourism sector resulted in
a record of visitor arrivals says
The association is adamant it will
reach its target of close to 600, 000
visitor arrivals this year.
Mr Seeto said the funding from this
year’s budget was used to expand and
renovate the existing hotels in Fiji.
“Our expectation for next year’s
budget is that the Government will
continue funding the Tourism sector
so we can market Fiji internationally
especially China and Indonesia,” Mr
Seeto said.
“The major aim of the Tourism
industry is to continue marketing
Australia and New Zealand because they
contribute to 60 per cent of the visitor
“We continue to work with our
stakeholders especially with Air Pacific
and the new chief executive officer, Mr
Dave Pflieger and Tourism Fiji.
“With the increase in visitor arrivals,
we also want to increase their length of
stay. Also increase the yield in terms of
hotel rates.”
Mr Seeto added this would also
provide employment opportunities to the
people of Fiji.
Tourism Fiji needs funds to market Fiji internationally to China and Indonesia.
Cabinet considers proposals
Consultations on the makeup of the 2011
Budget are ongoing with the Cabinet
subcommittee considering proposals
from all government ministries. The
subcommittee met last week to receive
submissions on capital projects for 2011.
Planning and National Development Peter
Wise said the budget would be focused
on the achievement of the four national
priorities that include:
q Growing the Economy;
q Improving Food Security;
q Export led growth; and
q Rural Development.
“In terms of budget preparations we
work closely with the ministry of finance
since the ministry of strategic planning
is responsible for the coordination of all
capital programs,” Mr Wise said.
“We also look after the Public Sector
Investment programmes, we do it on a
three yearly basis, and so the process is that
in June or in May each year the ministry
sends out a circular to the ministries,
requesting them to submit their requests.
“However, we give a very clear
guideline in terms of the terms of the types
that they can submit. The guideline is clear
for the 2011 Budget so when we look at the
requests from the different ministries those
are the things that we give priority to.”
Retailers eye consistency
While the people of Fiji are
now awaiting the 2011 Budget
announcement in a couple of
weeks time, the Fiji Retailers
Association is hoping to see
consistency in budgets.
Association president, Mr
Himmat Lodhia said this would
enable businessmen to predict
and plan their budgets.
“The unpredictable
elements do not allow proper
planning and often throws a
lot of plans out of the window.
This has led to frustrations and
also a few businesses to close
down,” Mr Lodhia said.
“We have seen very few
drawbacks this year.
“This may be the right time
to further introduce Downtown
Duty Free shops to attract the
islanders and to be able to sell
a broader range of products to
the visitors to Fiji.”
He added that the 2010
Budget has been very practical
and useful because it had
introduced a lot of duty free
incentives, which was excellent
for the visiting friends and
relatives (VFR) market.
“We suddenly found an
increase in interest by our VFR
clientele. In fact as the word
goes around in the normal VFR
markets, more visitors seem to
want to come and shop in Fiji,”
Mr Lodhia said.
“There was a time when
the VFRs started shunning our
market, especially the shopping
“But now shopping is an
essential ingredient as the
visitors save a lot of money
and Fiji has become competent
with most of the markets
selling similar goods which
attract tourists and our VFR
Rural solution to turn poverty into prosperity
The two faces of READ FIJI is to do
with the context the word ‘READ’ is
written and applied; ‘READ’ as in
the Literacy context, and ‘R.E.A.D.’
and as an acronym for “Rural
Education And Development.”
The READ FIJI project merges
the two faces – LITERACY and
activities as Community Literacy
The lack of educational,
economic and social resources in
rural communities, is what libraries
believe, is the single most important
cause of poverty and social problems
in Fiji.
By providing access to education,
November 13, 2010
technology, vocational training, and
programmes covering a wide range
of locally relevant needs, READ
will produce resources and educate
individuals with the means to raise
themselves out of poverty without
having to migrate to urban centers.
The READ solution encourages
reading as a habit and a lifelong
activity for empowerment and
development; and model partnership
for profit business enterprise with
READ centers or community
information centers.
The approach allows the local
community to sustain the operations
of the READ center while creating
generation activities.
The READ team has worked
with communities to establish
READ centres to meet the local
needs of each community or village.
These centers will provide access
to books, computers, educational
activities, Government information,
and training on leadership, financial
literacy, and vocational skills.
With these resources, individuals,
families and communities can learn,
grow and given the opportunity to
reach their full potential.
READ partners with community
members and leverages local talent
to build sustainable enterprise to
meet their socio-economic needs
and improve their quality of living.
We live in a global community
where the fates of rural communities
impact on urban communities. What
happens in rural villages shapes
the peace and prosperity in urban
READ respects the ideas,
traditions and capacities of rural
communities/villages and work
with them to harness knowledge and
The READ model enhances
rural capabilities, it does not replace
Library Services will work
closely and respect the partnership
with local communities to leverage
their resources and skills to meet
their specific educational, and
community employment needs.
The READ model enhances
rural capabilities, it does not replace
them. Library Services will work
closely and respect the partnership
with local communities to leverage
their resources and skills to meet
their specific educational, and
community employment needs.
READ has a strong emphasis on
both education and enterprise.
The READ solution brings
communities together to share ideas
and build relationships that enable
individuals and families to stay and
thrive in their communities.
READ provides an innovative
rural solution that turns poverty to
prosperity for the long term.
Think tank’s vital roles
THE Ministry of Strategic
Planning, National Development
and Statistics play a vital role in
the strategic planning and decisionmaking machinery for national
As the central strategic planning
arm of Government, it comprises
of the National Planning Office and
Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics
(FVBOS) which facilitates policy
formulation and monitoring of
projects and programmes.
Functions of national
planning are to:
Coordinate and monitor all
development efforts, coordinate
and formulate implementation of
national development plans and
strategies, provide technical and
policy advice, undertake economic
aggregate forcasting, formulate
public sector investment pro
grammes and Capital Budget
and monitor the implementation
of capital projects, coordinate
implementation of the integrated
human resource development pro
gramme, coordinate government’s
reform agenda, coordinate man
power planning in priority areas,
coordinate and monitor special
projects (current projects include the
northern development programme
and the housing assistance grant),
chair and provide secretariat
services to various government
The Sectoral/Regional Division
which plays advisory role on
issues relating to socio-economic
development polices.
The division provides on a
regular basis, briefs and policy
papers to the permanent secretary
on existing and new policy
initiatives implemented by
It also reviews policies in
the roadmap for democracy and
sustainable socio-economic
development 2010-2014.
A key activity of the division
is its participation in various
consultative forums involving other
line ministries.
Natural resources
grows economy
FOR the first time, Vanua Levu has a proper
documented development strategy that is
aimed at harnessing the power of its largely
rural economy.
The strategy is developed with a focus on
utilising natural resources like land, sea and
forests. It was formulated through partnership
of stakeholders and the Strategic Planning
Permanent Secretary Strategic Planning
and National Development Peter Wise said
four senior economic planning officers have
been seconded to the four divisions and in the
north to help guide the development of the
Vanua Levu strategy.
“This is in line with the integrated rural
development planning machinery,” Mr Wise
“The officers are there to strengthen
the planning and coordinating capacity of
the divisional planning offices within the
commissioner’s office to assist in the planning
and implementation of government’s policies
and development programmes at divisional
“If you look at Vanua Levu the two
things that are available are land and marine
resources. So you have to look at the best way
with the highest return and with the least cost
to develop it.”
The plan involves the construction of
infrastructure that will open up mobility and
access for the people.
“So we have forestry – that’s why we
have that $25million wharf in Wairiki to
support the pine industry but of course the
intention is to have an integrated port not
only for pine but also for the development of
our fisheries sector and other resource based
sectors,” Mr Wise said.
Commissioner Northern Lieutenant
Colonel Inia Seruiratu said the provision of
infrastructure and utilities was badly needed
for the growth of the northern economy.
Another division is the
project planning evaluation which
formulates and monitors annual
public sector investment program.
This includes:
- Formulation of capital
expenditure program through
consultation with line ministries
- Undertake appraisals and
field visits to prioritise projects and
programmes to be funded in the
annual budget
- Project monitoring -Undertake
quarterly monitoring of projects in
the annual budget
The Macroeconomics Division
provides advice on macroeconomic
policy and strategies along with the
Reserve Bank of Fiji.
The division also analysis
trends from data collated by the
It forecasts movements in gross
domestic product, exports and
imports and balance of payments.
The division also reviews trade,
fiscal and tax policies.
The ministry’s Human Resource
Planning Division covers two main
areas of work - human resource
development and human resource
The focus is on medium to long
term policy advice on manpower
Human resource development
addresses supply side issues of the
labour force.
It focuses on how best to
prepare the current and future
labour force to meet the country’s
demand for qualified workers and
improvement in skill levels.
Human resource
utilisation addresses:
- Human resource issues in
Fiji, training needs analysis, skill
shortages, productivity and wage
- Review human resource
sections of the roadmap and
implement and monitor IHRDP
- Update Computerised Human
Resource Information System
(CHRIS) website, labour market
survey and consultation with data
sources on MDG Goal.
The Intergrated Human
Resource Development Programme
focuses on:
- Advanced vocational training,
human resource development for
the hotel and tourism industry, eco
tourism development, co-operative
development, labour market
information analysis, policy and
The Good Governance
Division is responsible for:
Monitoring public sector reform
programmes, secretariat support
for public sector reform steering
committee, ensuring ministry’s
compliance with Public Service
indicators in relation to corporate,
business and individual work plans
and annual reports
Finally the corporate services
division enables the ministry to
achieve its six key outputs and
meet Public Service Commission
A Naduru framer in Tailevu South works on his intergrated farm
Projects create changes, boost income
ABOUT 3900 jobs have been created
with the injection of $7m into
projects funded through the Northern
Development Programme.
The programme which falls
within the ambits of the Ministry
of Strategic Planning, National
Development and Statistics
was initiated on November
26, 2007 to fund micro, small
and medium enterprises with a
focus on agriculture, fisheries,
forestry, tourism and small scale
Government provided part of
the project funding while the rest
is acquired through a loan either
through the Fiji Development Bank
or the Micro Finance Unit.
NDP received 2939 applications
valued at $9.4m for the period
November 26, 2007 to September
Of these, 2501 projects with a
value of $5.67m have been approved.
NDP paid out $3.36m for the
1313 projects while the lending
institutions granted $3.76m worth of
NDP manager Waisale Tuidama
said these projects were now
operating and have provided jobs
and supported the livelihoods of
about 19,500 people in the Northern
“The programme has helped
about 14 per cent of the population
that stands at 135,961,” Mr Tuidama
“We are witnessing changes
as family members, workers and
labourers find employment,” he said.
“One of our major objectives is
poverty eradication and by starting
small businesses we hope to create
“We are maintaining projects
at a sustainable level and we see
that the income level of households
and their household asset base and
even the ability to purchase farming
implements have improved.”
nFishing – 194 projects
nDalo and yaqona – 549 projects
nSugarcane farming – 125 projects
nLivestock farming – 101 projects
nRice farming – 39 projects
nMarket vendors – 44
nRural canteens and shops - 52
nVegetable farming – 59
Plan will
fix labour
draft human resource plan
will begin in December.
The $200,000 plan takes
into account the needs of
the economy in terms of the
labour market.
Producing the plan is
an output of the Human
Resource Planning Division
of the Ministry of Strategic
Permanent Secretary
Peter Wise said the plan
addresses the two critical
issues of demand and supply
in the labour market.
“When you talk about the
supply side what is coming
out of the institutions which
is the supply to fulfill the
labor market and the demand
side is really how many are
absorbed into the labour
market,” he said.
“We look at the type of
skills that is needed in the
labor market so these are
things we have to strike a
balance with.
“You know about 14,000
people come out of the
school system yearly but how
many enter the formal or
informal sector. So we have
to put into place the plan to
make sure that the demand in
the labour market is met by
the supply.
“The plan will highlight
the areas of priority in terms
of the skills training needs.
“Then scholarships will
not be decided on an ad hoc
basis so the plan sets into
trend the skills needed say in
the next five years.
“We hope to come out
come out with a draft plan in
December for consultation
because we need to consult
the employers, the union,
civil society so that they
take ownership of the plan
because from a planning
perspective when we all take
ownership then it will work.
“Otherwise it will be
just collecting dust after
Views of stakeholders
will be drafted into the plan
before it is taken to Cabinet.
November 13, 2010
Creation of quality
job opportunities
new skills
Project type: Vocational
Location: Naicabecabe,
Moturiki, Lomaiviti
Estimated IHRDP
Investment: $12,000
Target group: Unemployed
men and women
Objective: To determine
appropriate and sustainable
economic development for
Naicabecabe Village, tikina
of Moturiki in the province
of Lomaiviti.
To provide incomegenerating activities to create
a sustainable means of living
– equipping them with new
skills that they can turn into
business opportunities
Concept: Unemployed
youths have been trained on
sewing and screen printing
with SPC. One of the aims
is to make school uniforms
for schools in the province of
Number employed:
Strategic partners:
Naicabecabe Local Resource
Committee, IHRDP ,
Secretariat of the Pacific
Community, Levuka
Chamnber of Commerce.
The Integrated Human Resource Development
Programme (IHRDP) is an initiative of the
Fiji Government that was developed in close
consultation with the International Labour
Organisation (ILO).
The IHRDP formulates, implements and
monitors projects in consultation with the Human
Resource Planning Division under the Ministry
of Strategic Planning, National Development and
IHRDP creates an enabling enviroment for
investment; and creating jobs through direct
intervention both in the formal and informal
sectors, covering the rural and urban areas.
IHRDP seeks to create sustainable jobs
through skill development and encouraging selfemployment.
In recognition of the opportunities and
potentials of the IHRDP, Government has provided
funding to the programme since 2000 as one of
its long-term strategies to create employment
opportunities in Fiji, particularly for the informal
The programme has focussed on the creation of
‘quality’ or real job opportunities that can provide
new livelihoods and a way out of poverty for those
In August 2009, Cabinet endorsed the
Integrated Rural Development Framework
(IRDF). In line with the IRDF and the need for the
programme to realign to the government’s strategic
way forward, the focus of the programme shifted
from a sectoral based to an integrated approach
through the divisional Comissioners.
This approach has been facilitated by
placement of IHRDP sub programme managers
in each of the four divisional commissioners
offices who will be using the Local Economic
Development (LED) approach and the Training
for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE)
The four sub programme managers are based
in the respective four divisions to support the
integrated approach to rural development, planning
and implementation.
Some of IHRDP’s programmes consist of:
nAdvanced Vocational Training
nHuman resource development for the Hotel
and Tourism Industry
nEco-Tourism Development
nCo-operative Development
nLabour Market Information Analysis
nPolicy and Coordination
Apart from on-going projects, IHRDP will be
submitting at least 20 new projects for funding
consideration in the coming weeks. Below are
projects by IHRDP that are on-going.
piggery farm
employs 20
Naicabecabe vocational students
Colonel Mosese Tikoitoga makes a point
Villagers and guests at the opening of the farm
Bird farm lifts egg output
The project type:TREE - Rural chicken farm
Location: Naluwai, Rara District in Naitasiri Province
Estimated IHRDP Investment: $13,500
Community contribution: Land and labour
Target Group: Unemployed with some experience with
raising chickens.
Objective: To create an informal rural chicken farm to provide
jobs and income.
The facility houses chicken in an open environment thereby
providing high quality meat and eggs.
Employment concept: The facility will employ 10 people
who work together as a cooperative to drive the project.
The chicken farm houses 250 chickens. The total egg output
will average 200 eggs per day.
Within two years, it is anticipated the operation will expand
to 1000 birds averaging 900+ eggs per day.
Number employed: 10
Strategic partners: Government (IHRDP), Pacific Feeds
Limited (Private sector partner) and the
community of Naluwai.
type: Rural commercial
Location: Koroibici, Nausori
Estimated IHRDP investment:
Community contribution: $10,500,
land and labour
Target group: Youth (18year-35years)
Objective: To provide a model that
is consistent with the Koroibici’s
existing local development resource
management plan and emphasises the
(i) Promote the best utilisation of
available village resources, land, human
capital and technical skills.
(ii) Enhance community
participation in income generating
projects and provide development
assistance to the community.
(iii) Reduce poverty and promote
sustainable employment for the village.
Employment concept: The
piggery facility will have six pens and
at full capacity will house 60 pigs at
a time, producing 20 pigs a month for
The facility will employ 20 people,
who will work together as a cooperative
to drive the project.
Every two years the incubator will
graduate the piglets to larger individual
pig pens and a new group will then be
taken on.
Number employed:
Strategic partners: Koroibici
Village, Leylands Limited, Agricultural
officer Animal Husbandry (Tailevu),
Koroniva Research Station - Piggery
Unit, Simon Cole, Vuda Piggery, Fiji
Meat Industry Board abattoir
Tracking ... tourists and a tour guide begin their journey
Tour guide business thrives at Bouma heritage park
The project type: Eco Tourism
Location: Bouma, Taveuni
Estimated IHRDP investment:
Private Sector Contribution: ANZ
loan $39,000
Community contribution:
$1250 per village - $5000 total
Target group: Bouma villagers
Objective: To create employment
for villagers as tour guides. To
create a business for BNHP to
November 13, 2010
provide income for the four
Employment concept:The
project is to provide employment
to the distressed villagers on the
Eastern side of Taveuni Island.
The four Bouma villages enjoy
popular natural attractions that
tourist want to visit.
The villagers have not been
realising income from tourist visits
offered by hoteliers. With tour
guide training the villagers can
now offer tourist tours that bring
the money to them rather than the
Twenty-seven villagers from
the four villages were provided two
levels of TPAF tour guide training
and a Red Cross First Aid for
tourist training programme. They
are now some of the most capable
tour guides in Fiji.
A second obstacle to tourist visit
was high cost of the transportation
to the villagers from Matei and
other areas.
Averaging as much as $120
returns for taxis. By providing
the BNHP a luxury mini-van
for the transporting tourist in an
economical manner, tourist now
have low cost transportation for
visiting the natural attractions.
Thus encouraging more tourists
to visit especially the backpackers
segment. The combination of tour
guides training and the mini vans
mean the villagers now benefit
from the income generated through
tourist visits to their natural
Around 30 new sustainable jobs
have been created.
Number Employed: 32
Strategic Partners: Government
(IHRDP), Maravu Plantation
Resort, ANZ Bank, BNHPTT.
Kitchen deals in cash
UNIMONO villagers
in Nausori are
running a commercial
kitchen that is proving to be
a success.
The kitchen caters for
primary and secondary
schools in the village.
The project assisted
through the Integrated
Human Resource
Development Programme
(IHRDP) is aimed to lift
the livelihood of the village
This will grow
capacity and train villagers
in commercial food
The kitchen started
in 2008 but because of
poor management it was
revived three months
ago after it went through
corrective actions with a new
IHRDP’s project officer,
Una Raileqe met with the
village community and
discussed ways to work
“Government wanted to
revive the project to give the
community a livelihood,” Ms
Raileqe said.
“The workers employed
are all from the village.
IHRDP bought them
ingredients to help them start
off and we will pull out after
three months.
“We check their finances
every week to discuss their
loss and profit and advise
them on proper business
What’s cooking ... Marica Lutumailagi inside the Vunimono Village kitchen
management. We bought
National Food and Nutrition
trained by TPAF. Kitchen
them some more material
Centre (NFNC), Training
hand Marica Lutumailgi, 34,
and equipments.”
Productivity Authority of
said after they graduated they
The strategic partners
Fiji (TPAF) and Nausori
started off the business.
for the project are the
Chamber of Commerce.
“There are five of us here
Vunimono Village local
The project started after
working on shifts starting
resource committee, IHRDP,
eight of the villagers were
5am, cashier starts at 6am
ack in the olden days of
the 13th century, a fierce
tribe existed that protected
their people and land from outside
These men were skilled and
feared in battles while their women
were talented in the traditional arts
of weaving and pottery.
The ruins of Naikawakawalevu
in Tailevu originally called
Molituva depicts a prehistoric
fortified ring ditch where its
ancestors sought refuge away from
hostile tribes.
Molituva Village in Kuku is
one of the largest eco-tourism
development projects in Tailevu
South. It was initiated in 2009.
Kuku Village is about 10minutes
drive from Nausori Town.
The village has a historical
fort site - a traditional ring ditch,
which is now a major tourist
The discovery was made
in 2006 by the Fiji Museum’s
archeology department with
assistance from the Ministry of
Tourism and guidance provided by
the Integrated Human Resource
Development Programme
(IHRDP). Under the Ministry of
Strategic Planning the communitybased tourism programme was
Eroni Rokoue manages the old
fort and also organises activities
when tourists visit the village. The
37-year-old, who also runs a grass
cutting business said the old village
was used as a burial site for the
“Through this project we
potray mekes, oil making, pottery
making, mat weaving and wood
carving to display our traditional
arts,” Mr Rokoue said.
The old village site is
surrounded by a ditch and the site
was untouched.
The village site was not known
and the kitchen hand starts
at 7am. I used to work from
home catering but, now,
work here for $1.50 an hour,”
Ms Lutumailagi said.
“I have five children and
my husband works and I
assist in
paying bills and other needs
for the family.
The kitchen sells lunch
packs to the schools at
a cheaper price such as
chicken pie at $1.50, chicken
tomatoes sauce $1.50,
muffins 40 cents and other
different menus each day.
The estimated investment
by IHRDP is $15,000 with
the community providing
laborers for the kitchen
construction. There are plans
to expand the business.
“We want to expand
through village partnership
where the kitchen buys
products from the village
garden such as cassava,
vegetables and chicken,” Mrs
Raileqe said.
“We just increased the
price a bit because of food
price increase in the market
but the pricing is reasonable.
The three month timeframe
is lapsing and IHRDP will
soon pull out and let the
community handle the
The kitchen belongs
to the village committee
and they pay rent, water
and electricity. There is
a manager, chairman and
secretary and IHRDP
contacts the committee to
follow-up on its progress.
The Vunimono kitchen
also plans to do catering for
the Suva business houses
during the Christmas season.
Village uncovers historical site
as a tourist attraction
Prehistoric ... Molituva Villgae in Kuku outside
Nausori. Inset: Site of the fortified ring.
to descendants of those who lived
there until the archaeological team
uncovered it.
“When we cleaned the village,
we found they were used by our
forefathers,” Mr Rokoue said.
IHRDP came in to train
and start off the project with a
contribution of $55,000 and the
community provided labour for the
construction of the bures.
The old village fort site was
restored and different old lifestyle
village chores, activities, and
cultural entertainment was bought
back to be practised by members of
the community.
The project provides
to dancers,
craftspeople and
Training was
provided in the
areas of tourism
awareness, tour
guids, general
cleanliness and
including all aspects
of managing and
operating a tour village community
Originally 25 people had
training in the areas of tour
guides, catering and cultural
performance. There are also 50
youth entertainers and five village
businesses employed. The income
generated from the tourist visits
is used to upgrade the village
surroundings and pay bills.
However, their main focus is on
Mereani Vuladula
proper housing and education.
Molituva is a must see day tour
for those visiting Suva and from
cruise ships.
This is the actual ground where
real tribal battles were fought and
where many warriors’ lives were
claimed making it a unique tourist
The target market is cruise liner
passengers with average number
of cruise liner visits of 25 per year
and the number vary from 1500 to
2500 passengers per ship.
Mereani Vuladula, 49, is one
of the craftspeople at Molituva,
who sells ear rings made from
coconut shell, printed sulus, mats
and baskets.
“I am the head of the women’s
group here at Molituva for the
project and there are only a few
us selling and bringing the old
traditions back. The money I
get from selling my products to
tourists is used for family needs,”
Ms Vuladula said.
The business employs a
full time manager and parttime catering staff, part-time
entertainment staff and part-time
tour guides. There is also a board
of directors made up of clan
representatives from the village.
The next cruise ship is due on
November 19 and passengers are
scheduled to visit the village.
November 13, 2010
Fiji chosen as site for Pacific USAID centre
Despite pressure from some
countries, the United States of
America stands firm on its decision
to choose Fiji as the site for its
expansion of aid to the Pacific - the
USAID centre.
Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton made the announcement
before her eight-country tour of the
Asia-Pacific area.
The US abandoned its Pacific
aid post 15 years ago, leaving a
gap that has been keenly filled
by China, which is expanding its
international influence through aid.
The US has publicly said for
some time that it believes it was a
mistake to turn its attention from
the Pacific.
It had been considering other
locations for its USAID base,
including Honiara in the Solomons.
But the fact that Fiji is a hub for
the Pacific, it chose Fiji.
The USAID will begin with a
budget of $27.5million specifically
for climate change mitigation.
Cabinet here has approved the
establishment of the office, which is
where the secretariat of the Pacific
Islands Forum is also based.
The Secretary of State in
her speech made it clear that
the US intends to step up its
engagement in the region on every
front - development, military,
bilateral relationships and regional
organisations such as the East Asia
Summit and Asean.
She said the Pentagon was
Ambassador calls
for regular review of
UN operations
office in
Because of their growing
relation and the location
of the Peoples Republic of
China in the Asian region,
there is a proposal to set up a
Fiji Consular General’s office
in Shanghai.
Minister for Foreign
Affairs and International
Cooperation and Civil
Aviation Ratu Inoke
Kubuabola said: “The office
will pursue consular, tourism
and trade related matters in
In the interim, Tourism
Fiji has set up office and has
applied for a permit from the
Chinese Tourism Bureau.
The Ministry of Industry
and Trade had also obtained
Cabinet’s approval in 2009
on the setting up of a Trade
Consular Office.
Given the difficulties
in obtaining diplomatic
privileges for the office, the
ministry is now working
with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs to change the status
of the office to a “Consulate
General’s Office”.
Fiji joins
Foreign Affairs Minister
Ratu Inoke Kubuabola
represented Fiji at the first
ever global conference
in Laos in a campaign to
rid the world of cluster
munitions - to ban its
production and use.
He is among leaders
at the inaugural meeting
of State Parties to the
Convention on Cluster
Munitions as it’s formally
known. Delegates from
more than 100 countries
and activists from nearly
400 non-governmental
organisations converged at
Laos capital, Vientiane.
China, India, Pakistan,
Israel, and Russia are the
biggest producers of cluster
munitions that have given
the convention the cold
Laos has been at the
vanguard of this campaign
to give the international
treaty more teeth in Asia,
becoming the first in the
continent to ratify the
convention. The four
countries in the region that
have signed and ratified
the treaty are Fiji, Japan,
Samoa and New Zealand.
November 13, 2010
engaged in a comprehensive
“global posture review” effectively a white paper that would
set out the plan for the US military
presence in the region.
That plan would have
to become “more politically
sustainable, operationally resilient,
and geographically dispersed”.
Fijian soldiers on peacekeeping duties
Our commitment to world peace
Fiji has extended its unwavering
commitment to United Nations peacekeeping
and peace building processes.
Permanent Representative to the United
Nations Peter Thomson says Fiji will
continue to strive to responsively engage
with all the relevant stakeholders, the UN
Secretariat, Troop Contributing Countries
and Police Contributing Countries to
further enhance our capacity to fulfil our
peacekeeping role.
International peace will only be attained
if there is a collective will and if this will
is effectively harnessed to meet our new
“The Fiji delegation trusts that it is
here in the UN peacekeeping family that
this collective will can most effectively be
found,” ambassador Thomson said.
“Fiji remains fully committed to the
implementation of Resolution 1325.
This commitment is exemplified in our
continuous efforts to meet the goals set
out in the four broad thematic areas of the
United Nations System-Wide Action Plan.”
He added that in the area of participation,
“our policies strongly encourage the
recruitment of women in our security
forces and their deployment, with equal
opportunities, to peacekeeping missions”.
“We are committed to the global effort to
increase the participation of women in UN
police peacekeeping roles to 20 per cent by
Ambassador Thomson said that Fiji
supports the other UN Security Council
Resolutions 1820, 1888, 1889 which
reinforce the principles enshrined in
Resolution 1325 through strengthening
women’s participation in decision making,
and ending sexual violence and impunity
In addition, he said Fiji reaffirms its
support for UN Security Council Resolution
1894, adopted in November 2009,
underlining that mandates for peacekeeping
operations should properly address the issue
of civilian protection.
Fiji’s Permanent
Representative to the United
Nations, Mr Peter Thomson
says there should be
constant review and reforms
of peacekeeping operations
in the face of increasing
challenges confronting
the United Nations in
addressing peacekeeping
He made the call
while addressing the 4th
committee of the UN
general assembly in New
“In this regard, we
commend the Department
of Peacekeeping Operation,
Global Field Support,
and Dafur Peacekeeping
Agreement in the case of
United Nations Assistance
Mission for Iraq for
their efforts to improve
peacekeeping operations
through better strategies
and renewed political
consensus,” ambassador
Thomson said.
“These improvements
have emerged from better
dialogue and engagement
involving the Security
Council, Troop Contributing
Countries, Police
Contributing Countries and
host countries,”
He added that the
complexity of today’s
peacekeeping operations
demands that the UN and
peacekeepers continue to
strive for improvements in
coordination, cooperation
and partnerships.
“It is thus that we
welcome the new horizon
process as an essential
framework for this global
partnership,” ambassador
Thomson said.
“The Fiji delegation
believes all peacekeeping
operations must have
sufficient logistical and
administrative support.”
He said that while the
need to be accountable and
transparent was important,
even more critical was
the need for peacekeeping
missions to be performancefocused with regular reviews
to ensure valid service was
being provided.
“Consequently, we
support the development
and implementation of
the Global Field Support
Strategy in order to ensure
work is carried out more
efficiently in the field with
smoother deployment
processes,” ambassador
Thomson added.
“Let us always
appreciate that the success
of peacekeeping missions
relies on command and
control. There must always
be clear links and channels
of command between the
officers in the field and
the decision-makers in
New York, to ensure that
informed decisions are made
in a timely manner for all
Ambassador Thomson
said as a developing country,
“Fiji looks towards our
development partners for
support through partnership
in the form of triangular
“We believe triangular
cooperation can be designed
to produce cost-effective
and mutually advantageous
models to better meet some
of the demands of UN
peacekeeping and peace
RFMF cultivates defence co-operation
The Republic of Fiji Military
Forces now anticipates
formulating a new Defence
Co-operation with its
Chinese counterpart says the
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ratu Inoke Kubuabola
This is to revamp its
basic military hardware/
logistics and related
peacekeeping requirements.
“A number of Chinese
based military equipment
suppliers had visited Fiji
to further deliberate on the
scope of assistance,” Ratu
Inoke said. “That could
either be funded through
the Chinese Government
via Defence Development
Assistance Grants or Soft
Loan Facility.”
Since the opening of the
Fiji Embassy in Beijing in
2001, the Chinese People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) and
the Ministry of Defence had
established close cordial
relationship with the RFMF.
This resulted in
series of high level visits
between the two forces,
increase in exchange
training programmes and
development assistance in
the forms of grants such as
the provision of military
equipments and construction
of a computer lab at the
RFMF Queen Elizabeth
Barrack to name a few.
In the past three years,
RFMF has been sending four
senior military officers for a
11-month training course in
the China National Defence
Universities in Beijing and
Currently there are 11
officers on long term (more
than six months) training
and these exclude those
who participate in short
term training exchanges and
seminars in China
“Fiji has requested for
the appointment of a military
attaché at the Embassy in
Beijing and still waiting for
approval from the China,”
Ratu Inoke said.
“The rationale behind
the above appointment is to
cultivate the huge potential
of defence co-operation
between the RFMF and
Chinese PLA in support
of international peace and
security as China being an
active member of United
Nations Security Council.”
Applications are invited for the following Permanent
Secretary positions in Government Ministries.
Permanent Secretaries are heads of Government Ministries
and are responsible to their Ministers for the proper and
effective management of their Ministries and for policy advice
and support. They are also responsible for implementing
Government policies and programmes in a cost effective
and efficient manner. The remuneration and benefits for
the positions includes a base salary ranging from $73,640
to $96,276 with 8% of base salary as superannuation,
12.5% of basic salary as housing allowance, the provision
of a government vehicle with driver for official business,
telecommunication expenses
on a reimbursable basis,
business class air travel with per diem allowance that
includes a 10% loading and other civil service terms and
conditions including annual leave etc.
The principal accountabilities of these roles include:
* Knowledge, skills, personal qualities
* Ability to provide leadership and personally contribute to
shaping the strategic direction of the Ministry and develop
strategies on how to achieve objectives using a wide range
of sources of information and consultation.
* Ability to identify and grasp complex issues, critically
analyze and evaluate issues and apply intellect and sound
judgment to arrive at conclusions
* Must be able to work closely with other Government
Permanent Secretaries and stakeholders to develop
* working partnerships that facilitate the achievement of
* Steer the process of planning through to implementation
and ensure that intended results are consistently delivered
by building an organisational capability that inculcates a
culture of achievement and improvement.
* Exemplify professionalism and integrity in personal
behaviour and takes personal responsibility for getting
things done.
* Clear communication skills and ability to negotiate with
others in a credible and persuasive manner that takes into
account the views of others.
* Must have an Academic Degree in the relevant field.
All applications must state the Permanent Secretary
position being applied for, the vacancy number as
advertised and to be accompanied with updated
Curriculum Vitae.
Applications are to be sent to:
The Chairman,
Public Service Commission,
P O Box 2211,
Government Buildings,
Applications will close at 4.30pm on the 28th
November, 2010.
The roles of the positions are as stated below:
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for providing
Government with sound economic and financial forecasting,
advisory and analytical services, Budget Management
services, Accounting services and overseeing of the tax
collection function exercised by the Fiji Islands Revenue
and Customs Authority (FIRCA). The Permanent Secretary
will ensure that prudent financial policies and practises are
in place in order to maintain financial and macro-economic
stability. He/she will continue to spearhead and implement
the public financial management reform. The incumbent will
monitor the progress of all capital projects within Government
and ensure that these are completed in a timely and efficient
manner to minimise cost over-runs and delays. The
Permanent Secretary is required to manage Government’s
financial position, budget system and provides advice on
national economic and financial policy issues. He/She will
be responsible to the effective management of Government
assets and liabilities develop and implement fiscal, financial
and monetary policies and coordinate, control and monitor
Government spending and revenue collection. The role will
also include the timely preparation of accurate economic
and financial reports for decision making purposes,
implementation of sound risk management policies and
enhancing the Government’s financial management
information systems. The incumbent is responsible for the
Technical Support Service programme which includes the
budgeted activities for the Central Coordinating Agency for
Roads, Printing and Stationery Department, Information
Technology and Computer Services and Fiji Procurement
Office. The post holder is expected to have an exceptional
knowledge of economic, financial and fiscal policies. As
the Public Service Commission’s “Delegate” and “Chief
Accounting Officer”, the incumbent is also required to
effectively and efficiently manage the Ministry’s Human and
Financial Resources. He/She must ensure the development
of a competent and motivated workforce and the provision
of policy advice to government including the coordination
of statues and regulations that are applicable to the sector.
The Permanent Secretary is required to exercise prudence
and accountability in the management of Ministry’s finance
and assets and adhere to the reporting requirements. The
focus on customer service and public relations is essential
and must be a primary concern in the delivery of services.
The Commissioner of Prisons is responsible to the Minister
for the formulation, coordination and implementation of the
policies and strategies of the Fiji Prison Service in terms of
proper treatment and safe custody of prisoners and welfare
of its officers. The incumbent should be a highly motivated
individual with vast and proven experience in manages large
organizations. The applicant must be visionary, able to
think strategically and have vibrant personality to influence
and charter the way forward for the Fiji Prisons Service.
The appointee must be able to conform and fulfills the
requirements of al legislations directly affecting the running
of the Fiji Prison Services. Ensure that good relationships
with stakeholders and communities are developed and
maintained to enhance the implementation of the correctional
and Rehabilitation Act. Provide leadership to strengthen
the capacity of the Prison institution leaders through
coordination, collaboration and partnership with government
organizations and non government organizations.
As the Public Service Commission’s ‘”Delegate” and
“Chief Accounting Officer”, the incumbent is also required
to effectively and efficiently manage the Department’s
Human and Financial Resources. He/She must ensure the
development of a competent and motivated workforce and
the provision of policy advice to government including the
coordination of statutes and regulations that are applicable
to the sector. The Permanent Secretary is required to
exercise prudence and accountability in the management of
Ministry’s finance and assets and adhere to the reporting
requirements. The focus on customer service and public
relations is essential and must be a primary concern in the
delivery of services.
For further enquiries of the advertised vacancies
please contact: Mr. Keverieli Ratusaitadra on telephone
3314588 extension 287, Public Service Commission. or
email [email protected].
Applications on completed GP 142 for the following
posts should be addressed to:
The Permanent Secretary
Public Service Commission
P O Box 2211
Government Buildings
560/2010 - DIRECTOR
To provide land reform policies and standards. Ensure the
effective implementation of Government’s programmes
through efficient use of resources and staff. Monitor
production of maps and reports to enable a Land Market
through the establishment of a Land Bank, within
budgetary allocation. Supervise all land reform activities
to ensure standards and efficiency are maintained. Advise
management on developments in the land reform initiative.
Identify training needs to maintain expertise level . To
develop an effective and efficient management system /
plan for the Department through liaison with other directors/
managers within the Ministry and other government
departments. To develop strategies for the provision of
accurate and timely information on land and its resources
to co-ordinate and assist in identifying demand required
by government and private sectors. To establish / address
staff and training needs to make appropriate changes
to bring about efficiency. To best utilise available human
resources to ensure continuity and sustainability in the
efficient management of the Land Reform Division.Deploy
staff in accordance with overall program and work priorities
of the Division and submit recommendation on staff. Advise
Permanent Secretary for Lands & Mineral Resources and
Deputy Secretary on planning issues. Consult with Directors
and senior officers of the Ministry/Department in order to
achieve efficient services.
Qualification: Previous experience with policy matters
and assessed ability to give advice to the Permanent
Secretary at political level is required and an experience
of negotiation/discussion with senior staff of Government
and non-Government Agencies. Officers should have
shown evidence of well-rounded forceful personalities with
and ability to take far-reaching decisions. Proven ability to
manage manpower and physical resources effectively is
required. The best graduate with specialist degrees entering
the Service at SS03/04 or equivalent levels may achieve this
level after not less than 13 years of service including at least
3 years at Principal level in their discipline. Non-specialist
graduates and non-graduates may achieve this level with
not less than 18 and 21 years service respectively unless
specialized training leading to appropriate higher-level
qualifications has been completed during their career.
Salary: US03 $48,291 - $60,523
The position is responsible to the Director of Lands for the
supervision and Management of the Mapping and Land
Information Division and development of the Geospatial
Information System Strategy for the Government of Fiji and
other natural resources stakeholders. Advise and coordinate
all national mapping programs and activities. Prepare and
submit reports and updates to management meetings, and
workshops. Assist in the preparation of policy papers and
carry out other duties as required by the Minister, Permanent
Secretary and the Director of Lands.
Qualification: Previous experience with policy matters
and the assessed ability to give advice to the Permanent
Secretary at political level is required, is experience of
negotiation/discussion with senior staff of Government and
Non-Government Agencies. Officers should have shown
well-rounded forceful personalities with proven intellectual
capacity and the willingness and ability to take far-reaching
decision. Proven ability to manage manpower and physical
resources effectively is required in positions at this level,
which have a bias towards Senior Management rather
than policy and considerate work. The best graduate with
specialist degrees entering the Service at SS04/03 or
equivalent levels may achieve this level after not less than
13 years of service including at least 3 years at Principal
level in their discipline. Non-specialist graduates and nongraduates may achieve this level with not less than 18 and
21 years service respectively unless specialized training
leading to appropriate higher-level qualifications has been
completed during the career.
Salary: US04 $45,198 - $54,776
Applications on completed GP 142 for the following
posts should be addressed to:
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health
P O Box 2223
Government Buildings
562/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent, CWM Hospital
for the day-to-day running of the Medical Unit. Duties
include patient care, administration, staff supervision, and
participation in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate
students of the Fiji School of Medicine. Promotes the interest
and the development of the unit through strategic planning.
Ensures cohesion of the overall functions of the unit i.e.
to work effectively with internal and external stakeholders
and maintains positive interpersonal relationships. Leads in
peer reviews to ensure corrective measures are undertaken
to provide efficient services. To promote succession
planning and also responsible for medical reports &
medico-legal assessments. Attends & actively participates
in the organisation committee(s) to review and implement
changes. Administers to patient high quality clinical care by
ensuring they receive treatment, care, support and review
to obtain the best possible outcome. To provide excellent
Medical services by working with colleagues and key staffs
and attend to other duties assigned from time to time
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
563/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent CWM Hospital
for the day-to-day running of the Obstetrics & Gynaecology
unit. Duties include patient care, administration, staff
supervision, and participation in teaching undergraduate
and postgraduate students of the Fiji School of Medicine.
Promotes the interest and the development of the unit
through strategic planning. Ensures cohesion of the overall
functions of the unit i.e. to work effectively with internal and
external stakeholders and maintains positive interpersonal
relationships. Leads in peer reviews to ensure corrective
measures are undertaken to provide efficient services. To
promote succession planning and responsible for medical
reports & medico-legal assessments. Attends & actively
participates in the organisation committee(s) to review and
implement changes. Administers to patient high quality
clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment, care, support
and review to obtain the best possible outcome. To provide
excellent Medical services by working with colleagues and
key staffs and attend to other duties assigned from time to
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
November 13, 2010
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
564/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent CWM Hospital
in co-ordination with other Consultants for the Clinical
duties and day-to-day running of the Pediatrics unit. Duties
include patient care, administration, staff supervision, and
participation in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate
students. Promotes the interest and the development of
the unit through strategic planning. Ensures cohesion of
the overall functions of the unit i.e. to work effectively with
internal and external stakeholders and maintains positive
interpersonal relationships. Administers to patient high
quality clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment,
care, support and review to obtain the best possible
outcome. To provide excellent Pediatrics service by working
with colleagues and key staffs and attend to other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
565/2010, 566/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent CWM Hospital
in co–ordination with other Consultants for the clinical
duties and day to day running of the Surgical Unit. Duties
include patient care, administration, staff supervision and
participation in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate
students of the Fiji School of Medicine. Promotes the interest
and the development of the unit through strategic planning.
Ensures cohesion of the overall functions of the unit i.e.
to work effectively with internal and external stakeholders
and maintains positive interpersonal relationships. Leads
in the peer reviews to ensure corrective measures are
undertaken to provide efficient services. To promote
succession planning and responsible for medical reports &
medico-legal assessments. Attends and actively participates
in the organisation committee(s) to review and implement
changes. Administers to patient high quality care by ensuring
they receive treatment, care, support and review to obtain
the best possible outcome. To ensure effective and efficient
delivery of health care by working with team and attend to
other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
Responsible to the Consultant [Pediatrician] for the
management of all medical and allied health services
within the Paediatric Unit ensure the effective and efficient
delivery of health care and contributing to the overall
hospital strategic planning as a member of the Executive
management Team. The incumbent will assist the Consultant
Pediatrician in the preparation of the Unit’s Master Plan, coordinate and direct major projects and develop short term
and long term strategic plans for medical and allied health
services, monitor and evaluate the overall performance
of the Pediatric Unit to ensure activities are efficiently
and effectively maintained within the determined budget
parameters. The incumbent is expected to provide advice on
workforce planning, educational initiatives, medical practice
and appropriate legislation as required. To promote a quality
customer service approach and ensure compliance with
Health Service Management Standards, Quality Assurance
and other management activities are operational and
monitored in the hospital; conduct and facilitate ongoing
medical & management/administrative or other staffs. Attend
relevant workshops and conferences as approved by the
Hospital Administrator at regional, national and international
levels and ensure that all medical and allied health staff in
the hospital is appropriately instructed on the requirement
for confidentiality.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant [Medicine] for the management
November 13, 2010
of all medical and allied health services within the Medical Unit
to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of health care
and contributing to the overall hospital strategic planning as a
member of the Executive management Team. The incumbent
will assist the Consultant Medicine in the preparation of the
Unit’s Master Plan, co-ordinate and direct major projects and
develop short term and long term strategic plans for medical
and allied health services, monitor and evaluate the overall
performance of the Medical Unit to ensure activities are
efficiently and effectively maintained within the determined
budget parameters. The incumbent is expected to provide
advice on workforce planning, educational initiatives,
medical practice and appropriate legislation as required. To
promote a quality customer service approach and ensure
compliance with Health Service Management Standards,
Quality Assurance and other management activities are
operational and monitored in the hospital; conduct and
facilitate ongoing medical & management/administrative or
other staffs. Attend relevant workshops and conferences as
approved by the Hospital Administrator at regional, national
and international levels and ensure that all medical and
allied health staff in the hospital is appropriately instructed
on the requirement for confidentiality.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant [Surgical - ENT] for the
management of all medical and allied health services
within the Surgical Unit to ensure the effective and efficient
delivery of health care and contributing to the overall
hospital strategic planning as a member of the Executive
management Team. The incumbent will assist the Consultant
Surgical in the preparation of the Unit’s Master Plan, coordinate and direct major projects and develop short term
and long term strategic plans for medical and allied health
services, monitor and evaluate the overall performance
of the Surgical Unit to ensure activities are efficiently
and effectively maintained within the determined budget
parameters. The incumbent is expected to provide advice on
workforce planning, educational initiatives, medical practice
and appropriate legislation as required. To promote a quality
customer service approach and ensure compliance with
Health Service Management Standards, Quality Assurance
and other management activities are operational and
monitored in the hospital; conduct and facilitate ongoing
medical & management/administrative or other staffs. Attend
relevant workshops and conferences as approved by the
Hospital Administrator at regional, national and international
levels and ensure that all medical and allied health staff in
the hospital is appropriately instructed on the requirement
for confidentiality.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant Anaesthetist through the Chief
Medical Officer (Anaesthetic) for the day-to-day operation of
the Unit. Duties include general clinical work and supervising
of staff in the Unit. Responsible for the daily provision of safe
and reliable anaesthetic to patients who are scheduled for
major and minor procedures. Manage the Intensive Care
Unit as stipulated in work schedule, to participate in the
education of nurses, allied health professionals and other
staff as requested and other duties as may be assigned from
time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Consultant [O & G] through the Chief
Medical Officer [O & G] CWM Hospital for the day-to-day
operation of the Unit. Administers to patients high quality
clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment, care,
support and are reviewed to obtain the best possible
outcome. Attend and actively participate in the organization
committee(s) to review and implement changes. The
incumbent is responsible for medical reports and medicolegal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the overall functions
of the unit and undertake any other duties assigned from
time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
572/2010, 573/2010, 574/2010 - SENIOR
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer (Anaesthesia)
CWM Hospital through the respective Principal Medical
Officer [Anaesthetist] for the daily provision of safe and
reliable anaesthetic duties to patients who are scheduled for
major and minor procedures, to assist in attending to after
hours emergency calls and also assist the Senior Officer in
managing the ICU as stipulated in the work schedule. Provide
supportive role to the Consultant for the ICU management
and provide anaesthesia to patients undergoing investigation
procedures in radiology department and in recovery ward
for chemotherapy patients. Ensure that management of all
clinical services in the department are efficient, cost effective
and patient focused. Assist in the review and compliance of
clinical protocols and undertake any other duties assigned
from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
575/2010, 576/2010 - SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer[Medicine] through
the Principal Medical Officer [Medicine], CWM Hospital for
the efficient day-to-day operation of the Medical Unit. The
incumbent has to ensure that management of all clinical
services in the department are efficient, cost effective and
patient focused. The incumbent is responsible for mentoring
and re-orientation of new members. Assists in the clinical
audit and carries out research in the department accordingly.
Responsible for implementation of the outreach program,
planning of activities and ensuring that department goals are
achieved and undertake any other duties assigned from time
to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
577/2010, 578/2010 - SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer (Obs & Gynae)
through the Principal Medical Officer (Obs & Gynae),
CWM Hospital for the day to day operation of the Obstetric
& Gynecology Unit. The incumbent has to provide quality
patient care using an evidence base, cost effective approach
to get the best possible health outcome through the execution
of plans and activities of the Unit. Responsible for mentoring
new registrars and responsible for the Patient Information
System (PATIS) in the unit and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer [ Pediatrician]
through the Principal Medical Officer [Pediatrician], CWM
Hospital for the efficient day to day operation of the Unit.
Duties include general medical duties, administration, and
supervision of staff and undertake any other duties assigned
from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
580/2010, 581/2010 - SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER
Responsible to the Consultant Pathology, CWM Hospital for
the day-to-day operation of the Pathology Unit. Duties include
general clinical work, writing of reports and undertake any
other duties assigned by the supervisor from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
582/2010, 583/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent Lautoka Hospital
for the day-to-day running of the Obstetrics & Gynaecology
unit. Duties include patient care, administration, staff
supervision, and participation in teaching undergraduate
and postgraduate students of the Fiji School of Medicine.
Promotes the interest and the development of the unit
through strategic planning. Ensures cohesion of the overall
functions of the unit i.e. to work effectively with internal and
external stakeholders and maintains positive interpersonal
relationships. Leads in peer reviews to ensure corrective
measures are undertaken to provide efficient services. To
promote succession planning and responsible for medical
reports & medico-legal assessments. Attends & actively
participates in the organisation committee(s) to review and
implement changes. Administers to patient high quality
clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment, care, support
and review to obtain the best possible outcome. To provide
excellent Medical services by working with colleagues and
key staffs and attend to other duties assigned from time to
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
584/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent Lautoka Hospital
for the day-to-day running of the surgical Orthopaedic
unit. Duties include patient care, administration, staff
supervision, and participation in teaching undergraduate
and postgraduate students of the Fiji School of Medicine.
Promotes the interest and the development of the unit
through strategic planning. Ensures cohesion of the overall
functions of the unit i.e. to work effectively with internal and
external stakeholders and maintains positive interpersonal
relationships. Leads in peer reviews to ensure corrective
measures are undertaken to provide efficient services. To
promote succession planning and responsible for medical
reports & medico-legal assessments. Administers to patient
high quality clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment,
care, support and review to obtain the best possible
outcome. To provide excellent Surgical services by working
with colleagues and key staffs and attend to other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
Responsible to the Consultant [Pediatrician], Lautoka
Hospital for the management of all medical and allied health
services within the Paediatric Unit to ensure the effective
and efficient delivery of health care and contributing to
the overall hospital strategic planning as a member of the
Executive management Team. The incumbent will assist
the Consultant Pediatrician in the preparation of the Unit’s
Master Plan, co-ordinate and direct major projects and
develop short term and long term strategic plans for medical
and allied health services, monitor and evaluate the overall
performance of the Pediatric Unit to ensure activities are
efficiently and effectively maintained within the determined
budget parameters. The incumbent is expected to provide
advice on workforce planning, educational initiatives,
medical practice and appropriate legislation as required. To
promote a quality customer service approach and ensure
compliance with Health Service Management Standards,
Quality Assurance and other management activities are
operational and monitored in the hospital; conduct and
facilitate ongoing medical & management/administrative or
other staffs. Attend relevant workshops and conferences as
approved by the Hospital Administrator at regional, national
and international levels and ensure that all medical and
allied health staff in the hospital is appropriately instructed
on the requirement for confidentiality.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant Anaesthetist Lautoka Hospital
for the efficient day-to-day running of the Anaesthetic Unit.
The incumbent will assist in the preparation of the Hospital
Master Plan, coordinate and direct major projects and
develop short and long term strategic plans for medical
and allied health services, monitor and evaluate the overall
performance of the Anaesthetics Unit to ensure activities are
efficiently and effectively maintained within the determined
budget parameters. The incumbent would be expected
to provide advice on workforce planning, educational
initiatives, medical practice and appropriate legislation as
required; promote a quality customer approach and ensure
that health services standards, quality assurance and other
management activities are operational and monitored in the
hospital. Ensure that all medical and allied health staff within
the unit is appropriately instructed on the requirement for
confidentiality. Undertake clinical work as required and any
other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant Medicine, Lautoka Hospital
for the management of all medical and allied health services
within the Medical Unit to ensure the effective and efficient
delivery of health care and contributing to the overall
hospital strategic planning as a member of the Executive
management Team. The incumbent will assist the Consultant
Medicine in the preparation of the Unit’s Master Plan, coordinate and direct major projects and develop short term
and long term strategic plans for medical and allied health
services, monitor and evaluate the overall performance
of the Medical Unit to ensure activities are efficiently
and effectively maintained within the determined budget
parameters. The incumbent is expected to provide advice on
workforce planning, educational initiatives, medical practice
and appropriate legislation as required. To promote a quality
customer service approach and ensure compliance with
Health Service Management Standards, Quality Assurance
and other management activities are operational and
monitored in the hospital; conduct and facilitate ongoing
medical & management/administrative or other staffs. Attend
relevant workshops and conferences as approved by the
Hospital Administrator at regional, national and international
levels and ensure that all medical and allied health staff in
the hospital is appropriately instructed on the requirement
for confidentiality.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant Pathologist, Lautoka Hospital
for the efficient day-to-day running of the Pathology Unit.
The incumbent will assist the Medical Superintendent in
the preparation of the Hospital Master Plan, co-ordinate
and direct major projects and develop short term and long
term strategic plans for Pathology Unit and allied health
services, monitor and evaluate the overall performance of
the unit to ensure activities are efficiently and effectively
maintained within the determined budget parameters.
The incumbent would be expected to provide advice on
workforce planning, educational initiatives, medical practice
and appropriate legislation as required; promote a quality
customer service approach and ensure that Health Service
Management Standards, Quality Assurance and other
management activities are operational and monitored in the
hospital. Ensure that all medical and allied health staff within
the unit is appropriately instructed on the requirement for
confidentiality. Undertake clinical work as required and any
other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant [Medicine] through the Chief
Medical Officer [Medicine] Lautoka Hospital for the dayto-day operation of the Unit. Administers to patients high
quality clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment,
care, support and are reviewed to obtain the best possible
outcome. Attend and actively participate in the organization
committee(s) to review and implement changes. The
incumbent is responsible for medical reports and medicolegal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the overall functions
of the unit and undertake any other duties assigned from
time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Consultant [O & G] through the Chief
Medical Officer [O & G] Lautoka Hospital for the day-today operation of the Unit. Administers to patients high
quality clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment,
care, support and are reviewed to obtain the best possible
outcome. Attend and actively participate in the organization
committee(s) to review and implement changes. The
incumbent is responsible for medical reports and medicolegal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the overall functions
of the unit and undertake any other duties assigned from
time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Consultant (Surgeon) through the
Chief Medical Officer [Surgical], Lautoka Hospital for
the day-to-day operation of the Unit. Administers to
patients high quality clinical care by ensuring they receive
treatment, care, support and are reviewed to obtain the
best possible outcome. Attends and actively participates
in the organization committee(s) to review and implement
changes. The incumbent is responsible for medical reports
and medico-legal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the
overall functions of the unit and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Consultant [Anesthesia] through the
Principal Medical Officer [Anesthetic], Lautoka Hospital
for the daily provision of safe and reliable Anesthetic
duties to patients who are scheduled for major and minor
surgical procedures and to assist in attending to after
hours emergency calls and also assist the Senior Officers
in managing the Intensive Care Unit as stipulated in the
work schedule. Provide labour analgesia by inserting &
maintaining a continuous epidural infusion regime and
Anesthesia for ECT to Psychiatric patients and undertake
any other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Consultant Ophthalmologist Lautoka
Hospital for the efficient day-to-day operation of the Eye
Department. Duties include general clinical work and
undertake any other duties assigned from time to time
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
594/2010, 595/2010 - SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer [Medicine] through
the Principal Medical Officer [Medicine], Lautoka Hospital for
the efficient day-to-day operation of the Medical Unit. The
incumbent has to ensure that management of all clinical
services in the department are efficient, cost effective and
patient focused. The incumbent is responsible for mentoring
and re-orientation of new members. Assists in the clinical
audit and carries out research in the department accordingly.
Responsible for implementation of the outreach program,
planning of activities and ensuring that department goals are
achieved and undertake any other duties assigned from time
to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
November 13, 2010
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Principal Medical Officer [Surgical/
Orthopedic Unit] Lautoka Hospital for the day-to-day
operation of the Orthopedic Unit. Duties include general
clinical work and undertake any other duties assigned from
time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer [Pediatrician],
Lautoka Hospital through the Principal Medical Officer
[Pediatrician] for the efficient day to day operation of the
Unit. Duties include general medical duties, administration,
and supervision of staff and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer [Pathologist]
through the Principal Medical Officer [Pathologist], Lautoka
Hospital for the day-to-day operation of the Pathology Unit.
Duties include general clinical work, writing of reports and
undertake any other duties assigned by the supervisor from
time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer Western
through the Subdivisional Medical Officer [Lautoka/Yasawa]
for the efficient day to day operation of the Hub Centre.
Duties include general medical duties, administration and
supervision of staff facilitate. Monitoring and implementation
of all necessary health care services delivered and any
other health activities carried out and undertake any other
duties assigned from time to time. The incumbent would be
expected to see to the management of the Hub Center, clinical
management – STI/HIV. Association of PPTCT with Lautoka
Hospital and other subdivisions, STI/HIV management, point
of referral from subdivisions. Overseeing Health Promotion
of STI/HIV prevention generally, divisional & subdivisional
trainings and workshops to organize and facilitate.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Permanent Secretary for Health through
the Deputy Secretary Health Services for the planning,
co-ordination, implementation, evaluation, supervision
and control of the medical and general management of
all health services and facilities including the delivery of
planned services in the Divisional Hospital within agreed
budgetary parameters and compliant with standards of
service developed by the Ministry of Health. The incumbent
would have overall responsibility for the preparation and
monitoring of the annual Divisional hospital budget; plan,
co-ordinate and implement a Hospital Development Plan for
the management and operation of the Divisional hospital;
promote and develop community involvement in the
provision of hospital care; oversee and provide advice on
the implementation of clinical standards in Sub-divisional
hospitals and the exercise of inter-hospital referral protocols;
oversight the supervision and evaluation of the activities
of all medical and allied professions, support services,
un-established and volunteer staff within the Divisional
Hospital. The incumbent would also be expected to plan and
direct a hospital-wide Risk Management programme with
particular emphasis on Clinical Risk Management; promote
a quality customer service approach and ensure that
Quality Assurance/Management activities are operational
and monitored in the hospital and develop programmes
November 13, 2010
to improve the quality and care and customer services
provided at the hospital are in accordance with OHS policy;
ensure that health education programmes are organised in
the hospital and that disease outbreak surveillance, disaster
and other emergency issues are appropriately handled;
collect and consolidate specific returns, health reports
and other information for Division and Headquarters use;
attend relevant workshops and conferences as approved
by the Director, Divisional Health Services at regional,
national and international levels; and ensure that all staff
in the divisional hospital are appropriately instructed on the
requirement for confidentiality. The incumbent should have
an extensive experience in the successful management
of complex operations, staff and budgets; have excellent
communication (verbal and oral) skills; reputation for the
exercise of discretion and sound judgment in sensitive
political and personal matters; demonstrated ability for
strategic planning.
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
601/2010 - CONSULTANT
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent Labasa Hospital
for the day-to-day running of the surgical unit. Duties
include patient care, administration, staff supervision, and
participation in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate
students of the Fiji School of Medicine. Promotes the interest
and the development of the unit through strategic planning.
Ensures cohesion of the overall functions of the unit i.e. to
work effectively with internal and external stakeholders and
maintains positive interpersonal relationships. Leads in peer
reviews to ensure corrective measures are undertaken to
provide efficient services. To promote succession planning
and responsible for medical reports & medico-legal
assessments. Administers to patient high quality clinical care
by ensuring they receive treatment, care, support and review
to obtain the best possible outcome. To provide excellent
surgical services by working with colleagues and key staffs
and attend to other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered Specialist in the Specialist Roll in
the Fiji Medical Council Register. Perceived ability to operate
as the top specialist in an area of medicine. Consistently
good peer assessment and ability to supervise staff. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade. Recognition as an expert in a
field of medicine. Those without membership or fellowship
at one of the colleges and/or other equivalent recognised
post graduate qualification in the specialist field must have
extensive experience and at least 13 years post registration
Salary: MD01 $57,662 - $73,590
Responsible to the Consultant [Obstetrics & Gynecology] for
the provision of high quality patient care using evidence base
cost effective approach to obtain possible health outcomes.
To manage the unit and be responsible for the effective
delivery of an excellent service by effectively communicating
and ensuring the implementation of all relevant policies to
achieve the hospital’s goals and objectives in alignment
with government and the Ministry of Health’s plans. Ensure
provision of leadership and direction in the department and
in particular training of staff associated with the delivery of
Obs & Gynae services. Provide expert opinion on Obstetrics
& Gynecology cases and promote the interest of the
hospital. Attends and actively participates in the organization
committee(s) to review and implement changes. Administers
to patient high quality clinical care by ensuring they receive
treatment, care, support and review to obtain the best
possible outcome.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant [Anaesthetist] Labasa Hospital
for the efficient day-to-day running of the Anaesthetic Unit.
The incumbent will assist in the preparation of the Hospital
Master Plan, coordinate and direct major projects and
develop short and long term strategic plans for medical
and allied health services, monitor and evaluate the overall
performance of the Anaesthetics Unit to ensure activities are
efficiently and effectively maintained within the determined
budget parameters. The incumbent would be expected
to provide advice on workforce planning, educational
initiatives, medical practice and appropriate legislation as
required; promote a quality customer approach and ensure
that health services standards, quality assurance and other
management activities are operational and monitored in the
hospital. Ensure that all medical and allied health staff within
the unit is appropriately instructed on the requirement for
confidentiality. Undertake clinical work as required and any
other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Consultant [Anaesthesia] through the
Chief Medical Officer (Anaesthetic) for the day-to-day
operation of the Unit. Duties include general clinical work
and supervising of staff in the Unit. Responsible for the daily
provision of safe and reliable anaesthetic to patients who
are scheduled for major and minor procedures. Manage
the Intensive Care Unit as stipulated in work schedule,
to participate in the education of nurses, allied health
professionals and other staff as requested and other duties
as may be assigned from time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent, Labasa Hospital
for the day-to-day operation of the Unit. Administers to
patients high quality clinical care by ensuring they receive
treatment, care, support and are reviewed to obtain the
best possible outcome. Attend and actively participate in
the organization committee(s) to review and implement
changes. The incumbent is responsible for medical reports
and medico-legal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the
overall functions of the unit and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent, Labasa Hospital
for the day-to-day operation of the Unit. Administers to
patients high quality clinical care by ensuring they receive
treatment, care, support and are reviewed to obtain the
best possible outcome. Attend and actively participate in
the organization committee(s) to review and implement
changes. The incumbent is responsible for medical reports
and medico-legal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the
overall functions of the unit and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Consultant [O & G] through the Chief
Medical Officer [O & G] Labasa Hospital for the day-to-day
operation of the Unit. Administers to patients high quality
clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment, care,
and support and are reviewed to obtain the best possible
outcome. Attend and actively participate in the organization
committee(s) to review and implement changes. The
incumbent is responsible for medical reports and medicolegal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the overall functions
of the unit and undertake any other duties assigned from
time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Consultant (Surgeon) through the Chief
Medical Officer [Surgical], Lautoka Hospital for the dayto-day operation of the Unit. Administers to patients high
quality clinical care by ensuring they receive treatment,
care, support and are reviewed to obtain the best possible
outcome. Attends and actively participates in the organization
committee(s) to review and implement
changes. The incumbent is responsible for medical reports
and medico-legal assessments. Ensures cohesion of the
overall functions of the unit and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: An officer of high caliber. At least 2-3 years
service in the Senior Medical Officer grade and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation. Consistently good reports and ability to
manage staff. A recognized postgraduate training/diploma in
a relevant specialist field is desirable.
Salary: MD03 $44,131 - $55,435
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent through the
Principal Medical Officer [Ophthalmology] Labasa Hospital
for the efficient day-to-day operation of the Eye Department.
Duties include general clinical work and undertake any other
duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04
$32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer [ Pediatrician]
Labasa Hospital through the Principal Medical Officer
[Pediatrician ]for the efficient day to day operation of the
Unit. Duties include general medical duties, administration,
and supervision of staff and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Salary: MD02 $51,940 - $67,270
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer, Western
through the Principal Medical Officer [SDMO Nadi] Nadi
Hospital for the efficient day to day operation of the Namaka
Health Centre. Duties include general clinical duties,
administration, supervision of staff, facilitate and monitor
the implementation of all necessary health care services
delivered and any other health activities carried out and
undertake any other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Applications on completed GP 142 for the following
posts should be addressed to:
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer, Western
through the Principal Medical Officer [SDMO Nadroga/
Navosa] Sigatoka Hospital for the efficient day to day
operation of the Hospital. Duties include general clinical
duties, administration, supervision of staff, facilitate and
monitor the implementation of all necessary health care
services delivered and any other health activities carried out
and undertake any other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent through the
Chief Medical Officer [ Pathology], Labasa Hospital for the
day-to-day operation of the Pathology Unit. Duties include
general clinical work, writing of reports and undertake any
other duties assigned by the supervisor from time to time.
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer, Northern
for the efficient day to day operation of the Hospital and
Bua Subdivision. Duties include general clinical duties,
administration, supervision of staff, facilitate and monitor
the implementation of all necessary health care services
delivered and any other health activities carried out and
undertake any other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer, Northern
through the Principal Medical Officer [SDMO Cakaudrove]
Savusavu Hospital for the efficient day to day operation
of the Hospital. Duties include general clinical duties,
administration, supervision of staff, facilitate and monitor
the implementation of all necessary health care services
delivered and any other health activities carried out and
undertake any other duties assigned from time to time.
Responsible to the Chief Medical Officer [Surgical] through
the Principal Medical Officer [Surgical], Labasa Hospital
for the efficient day to day operation of the Surgical Unit.
Duties include general clinical duties, administration, and
supervision of staff and undertake any other duties assigned
from time to time.
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Medical Superintendent Tamavua/
Twomey Hospital the provision of high quality patient care
using evidence base cost effective approach to obtain
possible health outcomes. To manage the unit and be
responsible for the effective delivery of an excellent service by
effectively communicating and ensuring the implementation
of all relevant policies to achieve the hospital’s goals and
objectives in alignment with government and the Ministry
of Health’s plans. Ensure provision of leadership and
direction in the department and in particular training of
staff associated with the delivery of Dermatology services.
Provide expert opinion on Dermatology cases and promote
the interest of the hospital. Attends and actively participates
in the organization committee(s) to review and implement
changes. Administers to patient high quality clinical care by
ensuring they receive treatment, care, support and review to
obtain the best possible outcome.
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer, Northern
through the Principal Medical Officer [SDMO Macuata] for
the efficient day to day operation of the Health Centre. Duties
include general clinical duties, administration, supervision
of staff, facilitate and monitor the implementation of all
necessary health care services delivered and any other
health activities carried out and undertake any other duties
assigned from time to time.
Qualification: A recognized post graduate training/diploma
qualification and/or at least 2-3 years service in the Principal
Medical Officer grade and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
capability and ability to manage staff and physical resources
day-to-day operation of the Health Centre. The incumbent
has to supervise, facilitate and monitor the implementation
of all necessary health services and activities required to
be delivered to the grass root people of the community.
Ensure that clinical standards are maintained and upgraded
continuously in all aspects of health care delivery within the
area and undertake any other duties assigned from time to
Qualification: Registered under Part II of the Fiji Medical
Council Register. At least 4 years post registration experience
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Consistently good reports and
assessed potential and ability in performance of the role of
Medical Officer.
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
Responsible to the Divisional Medical Officer Northern
through the Principal Medical Officer, Macuata for the efficient
Salary: MD04 $32,853 - $38,781
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Fisheries and Forests
P O Box 2218
Government Buildings
Responsible to Director - Fisheries for theoverall
implementation and managing of PSIP Projects, policy
initiatives pertaining to thesustainable and development of
the Fisheries sector. Manage, control and monitor human
and financial resources, maintenance and servicing of all
assets in ensuring the smooth operation of all activities.
Provide progress reports to the Director-Fisheries on the
status of various capital projects, policy initiatives for regional
and community benefits. Manage the delivery of outputs
according to the Annual Corporate Plan and Business Plan.
Coordinate co-operation between the different stakeholder
agency such as various government departments, nongovernment organisations and international organisations
for efficient and effective implementation of fisheries
resource assessment, research and development programs.
Manage implementation of international agreements and
conventions that are in line with local aspirations, national
interest and international conventions. Promote sustainable
development practice according to national and international
requirements in line with government strategic development
plans. Promote resource owners participation in fisheries
resources economic activities.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Senior Fisheries Officer and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation with meritorious
performance or relevant degree or postgraduate qualification
Salary: PR01 $35,466 - $44,787
621/2010, 622/2010 - FISHERIES OFFICER - 2 POSTS
Responsible to Senior Fisheries Officer of the division
for undertaking resource assessments, surveys for
impact assessments in foreshore areas proposed to be
developed by developers or resource owners. Provide
community awareness of inshore/coastal, offshore, inland
and aquaculture fishery resource management and policy
initiatives. Promote industry development and resource
owner’s participation. Fulfill all responsibilities as outlined in
the respective fishery management plan including scoping
and processing of fishery development proposal, monitoring
and enforcing any environmental or resource management
conditions of an approved EIA report. Prepare monthly/
quarterly progress reports on all activities and outputs of the
Extension & Advisory services unit of the division.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Assistant Fisheries Officer and at least 2-3 years service
in that grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and
experience in this particular field in any other organisation.
Consistently good reports with demonstrated ability to
supervise and control staff and ability to perform effectively
in rural situations OR A good degree in Fisheries, Marine
Biology or suitable alternative in Biological Sciences and
successful performance as a Graduate and recommended
for transfer to this grade.
Salary: PR03 $20,335 - $26,810
623/2010, 624/2010, 625/2010, 626/2010 - FISHERIES
Responsible to Fisheries Officer [Research Assessment &
Development] on developing fisheries management plan,
compilation of resource inventory and profiling of customary
fishing areas. Promote investigation and research on
fishery resources, marine environment, agriculture, fishing
technology and value-added products. Facilitate research
for the development of fisheries, socio-economic surveys,
biological and ecological assessment. Establish system
for efficient monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing
Formulate and implement comprehensive
research development plans. Prepare monthly/quarterly
progress reports on all activities and outputs of the unit.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
November 13, 2010
Fisheries Assistant with a pass in Z(1) and Z(2) exams and
at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent and/or
relevant skills and experience in this particular field in any
other organisation. Consistently good reports and assessed
potential and ability to supervise and control staff. Ability
to perform effectively in rural situations; OR A good degree
and assessed at interview to have potential to reach at least
Principal level.
Salary: PR04 $15,689 - $20,018
Responsible to Fisheries Officer – MC&S for licensing,
monitoring, control, surveillance and technical support
services. Provide training and maintenance at the technical
workshop facilities, ensuring compliance to regulations and
quality standards. Coordinate market sampling surveys,
collation of data and distribution of statistics.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Fisheries Assistant with a pass in Z(1) and Z(2) exams and
at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent and/or
relevant skills and experience in this particular field in any
other organisation. Consistently good reports and assessed
potential and ability to supervise and control staff. Ability
to perform effectively in rural situations; OR A good degree
and assessed at interview to have potential to reach at least
Principal level.
Salary: PR04 $15,689 - $20,018
628/2010, 629/2010 - TECHNICAL OFFICER II – 2 POSTS
Responsible to Senior Fisheries Officer for the management,
maintenance and servicing of Ice Plants. Prepare monthly
service schedule and carry out preventative maintenance.
Attend to Ice Plant breakdowns. Liaise with electrician on
any electrical issues on the servicing and maintenance of Ice
Plants. Prepare monthly reports on all activities and outputs
of the unit
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Senior Technical Assistant and around 2-3 years service in
that grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience
in this particular field in any other organisation. Ordinary
Technicians Diploma or equivalent relevant qualification in
his field.
Salary: ST04 $15,689- $20,018
Responsible to Fisheries Technical Officer – MC&S on
the general upkeep of all vessel documents. Ensure safe
moorings and dry docking at all times. Responsible for the
sailing of the vessels and safety precautions at all times. Upkeeping of records on vessel equipment, ledgers and Log
books. Provide vessels return monthly. Ensure sheltered
anchorage with 24 hrs watch during cyclones. Facilitate
the maintenance and the certification of the life saving
apparatus. Facilitate sight survey and full survey with
the FIMSA Surveyors.
Qualification: Grade 5 Masters Certificate or equivalent
with relevant sea-going experience. Consistently good
reports and assessed ability to provide supervision of staff;
OR Mate Fiji or Second Mate Pacific Islands Certificate,
with relevant sea-going experience. Consistently good
reports and assessed ability to provide supervision of
staff; OR Master 50 Ton Certificate with relevant sea-going
experience. Consistently good reports and assessed ability
to supervise staff.
Salary: TG04 $15,114 - $18,466
Responsible to the Principal Forestry Officer-Research
for the implementation and coordination of tree research
program preparation of annual work budget, preparation
of research trials, data collection analysis interpretation
and writing scientific papers.
Develop appropriate
systems and methods to control diseases attacking forest
plantation, document findings and advise on technical
matters pertaining to quarantine.
Plan and conduct
field and laboratory experiments and research data for
analyzing and interpretation of results. Develop, design and
implement research programs. Publish research work in
form of scientific papers and leaflets. Survey and identify
forest disease. Monitor and diagnose disease outbreaks
and advice on control and eradication procedures. Assist
Principal Forestry Officer-Research in the administrative,
financial, human resource management/development and
organization of the Forestry research section.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as a
Scientific Officer and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation. Particular specialist
experience will be required for most posts, and the ability to
manage and train staff.
Salary: SC02 $27,597 - $38,315
The successful appointee will report to the Deputy
Conservator of Forests [Services] and assist management
November 13, 2010
in the compilation of the annual budget and monitor the use
of funds for capital projects with progress reports required.
Process data and provide analysis to develop and document
strategic development plans. Process and verify SCARF,
subsidy and other government related programs that require
timely submissions of reports including rural assistance on
a quarterly basis.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Forestry Officer and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation with meritorious
Salary: PR02 $26,063 - $34,175
Responsible to Senior Fisheries Officer of the division
for ensuring compliance to the Fisheries Legislation.
Responsible for relevant infrastructure development,
business development in fisheries sector and efficient
Management Information System [MIS]. The incumbent
is responsible for the facilitation of effective training and
communication and awareness programs to increase quality
investment in the marine resources commodities. Assist in
the compilation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports on
each activities and outputs.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Assistant Fisheries Officer and at least 2-3 years service
in that grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and
experience in this particular field in any other organisation.
Consistently good reports with demonstrated ability to
supervise and control staff and ability to perform effectively
in rural situation, OR A good degree in Fisheries, Marine
Biology or suitable alternative in Biological Sciences and
successful performance as a Graduate and recommended
for transfer to this grade.
Salary: PR03 $20,335 - $26,810
634/2010, 635/2010 - FORESTRY OFFICER – 2 POSTS
Responsible to the respective Principal Forestry Officers
of the divisions for ensuring compliance to the Forest
Act. Responsible for relevant infrastructure development,
business development in forestry sector and efficient
Management Information System [MIS]. The incumbent is
responsible for the implementation of effective training and
communication and awareness programs to increase quality
investment in the forest resources commodities. Assist in
the compilation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports on
each activities and outputs.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment
as Forester and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation. Consistently good
reports with demonstrated ability to supervise and control
staff and ability to perform effectively in rural situations; OR
A good degree in Forestry.
Salary: PR03 $20,335 - $26,810
Responsible to the Chief Administrative Officer-Fisheries
& Forests on matters relating to staff appointments, staff
training, post processing, OH&S standards, transport and
to ensure uniformity and consistency in the application of
policies and procedures. The position provides advice and
assistance relating to Human Resource Management on
appointments, promotions, retention, discipline and staff
rotation. The position is responsible for the preparation
of Position Descriptions and Individual Work Plan for the
Administration Division, preparation of the Annual Corporate
Plan and monitoring and supervision of staff of the division.
Coordinate and facilitate Senior Management/HOD
meetings. Compile Commission Information Paper on the
status of activities undertaken by the divisions and sections
of the Department of Fisheries & Forests. Respond to audit
queries for the Administration division. Liaise with Principal
Accounts Officer to ensure that all financial requirements
are addressed and met within the required timeframe.
Oversee the administrative process and assessment carried
out by Administrative staff, verify, provide feedback and
make recommendation on assessed cases for decision by
Permanent Secretary for Fisheries & Forests through Chief
Administrative Officer and Deputy Permanent Secretary.
Qualification: An officer of high calibre. Qualifications
required for appointment as Senior Administrative Officer
and at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent
or relevant degree or Postgraduate qualification and/or
relevant skills and experience in this particular field in any
other organization. Ability to manage staff and resources.
Must have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive,
determination and flair in existing grade and proven to be a
meritorious performer.
Salary: SS01 $35,466 - $44,787
Applications on completed GP 142 for the following
posts should be addressed to:
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources
P O Box 2222
Government Buildings
637/2010, 638/2010, 639/2010 - TECHNICAL OFFICER II
To assist the hydrogeologist in conducting hydrogeological
investigation, assessment and monitoring work on the
main and outer islands. The work include geological and
groundwater sampling and testing, geophysical surveys,
drilling (augering) and drilling supervision. Other duties
include data entry, collation and preparation of reports and
taking care of all hydrogeological and geophysical equipment
and any other geological / hydrogeological duties that may
be assigned by the Manager Geological Services Division.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Assistant and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience
in this particular field in any other organisation. Ordinary
Technicians Diploma or equivalent relevant qualification in
his field eg. Meteorological Observer Junior Examination Q
Salary: ST04 $15,689 - $20,018
640/2010, 641/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
Responsible to the Senior Technical Officer for General
and daily administrative routines within the Mines section,
including the maintenance of the Mines section files registry,
the recording and collating of Mining and related Data, the
preparation of licence and permits for endorsement and the
entry and checking of information within the Mines section.
Provide logistical support to field officers (confirm travel
arrangements, check and test field equipment, maintain
condition and security of equipment while on field work).
Perform on-going liaisons with established contacts for
progress updates and courtesy calls.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15, 001
Responsible to the Senior Engineer Mines on the
Preparation of legal documents for licensing purposes,
Maintain hard-copy legal registers. Document management
(copy, package (bind, staple etc...), present for filing) of legal
requests/legislation and related documents (guidelines) for
customer service, Perform field observations and sampling.
Provide logistical support to field officers (confirm travel
arrangements, check and test field equipment, maintain
condition and security of equipment while on field work).
Perform on-going liaisons with established contacts for
progress updates and courtesy calls.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15, 001
643/2010, 644/2010, 645/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
Responsible to the Senior Scientific Officer in carrying
out: 1) ground geophysical surveys – seismic refraction
and resistivity. Carry out geotechnical site investigations
including carrying out in-site tests and sampling. Prepare
soils samples for laboratory testing, assist in carrying out
material laboratory testing according to standards, and
2) Ground geological surveys and mapping. Collect and
prepare samples for geochemical analysis and prepare rock
samples for petrographic analysis and maintain the Sample
Preparation Room and Lapidary according to OHS standards.
Maintain geological and geophysical field equipment, assist
in carrying out geotechnical/geological research work, assist
in production of reports – drafting and map production, assist
in developing a database for the Geological Survey Division.
The position is accountable for assisting in the release of
correct geotechnical/geological data by the department.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15, 001
Reports to the Principal Scientific Officer (Data Management)
in ensuring the efficient installation and set-up of computer
hardware, ensure the efficient installation and configuration
of software applications on all computers. Provide sound
and effective technical support in resolving computer related
hardware and software problems. Contribute to network
management in particularly the management of network
protocols such as IPX and TCP/IP, network connection
problems and network printing and file sharing problems.
Provide assistance and training to users on the use of
software and hardware supported by the department.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15, 001
647/2010, 648/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
Responsible to the Principal Scientific Officer [Seismo] in
undertaking guided tours of primary school students. Ensure
that seismograph recorders are operational on a daily basis,
locate earthquakes and enter into database and ensure that
papers are changed and ink pens are maintained.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15, 001
649/2010, 650/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
Responsible to the Senior Technical Officer [Drilling] for the
operation of small water well drilling machines and diamond
drilling machines, assist in other drilling work. Supervision
of one or two unestablished staff, assist Technical Officer
II in operating bigger drilling machines, ensure proper
maintenance and servicing of drilling rigs and vehicles,
ensure that proper drilling practice is followed on a safety
first basis at the drill site, ensure that proper details drilling
records are kept (daily and weekly), File completion report
on every bore drilled and drive vehicle for the department on
official drilling assignments.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15, 001
Responsible for the supervision of the Mining Unit staff
and administer the activities of the Unit in line with
approved policies and objectives. Supervise the inspection
and investigations of mining, quarrying and exploration
operations and other allied activities in Fiji in order to enforce
compliance with the provisions of the Mining Act, Quarries
Act, Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation Act and the
Explosives Act. Initiate prosecution when appropriate. Initiate
policies and make recommendations on Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) issues in the Mining and Quarries
Sector. Implement policies in relation to the provisions of
the Explosives Act. Advise commercial operators, other
Government bodies, consultants and non-governmental
organizations appropriately on matters relating to mining,
quarrying, explosives and associated subjects. Consult with
and advise the Manager Mining Division as appropriate and
receive and carry out policy directive
Qualification: Corporate membership of a recognised
Institute or equivalent qualification. An officer of high calibre.
Qualifications required for appointment at EP04 level and
at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent and/
or relevant skills and experience in this particular field in
any other organisation or relevant degree or post graduate
qualification. Consistently good reports with at least one
superior performance assessment at the EP04 level.
An ability to manage staff and resources, demonstrated
intellectual capacity, drive, determination and flair in existing
grade. Particular specialist experience may be required for
some posts.
Salary: EP03 $43,109 - $55,267
Responsible to the Drilling Superintendent in ensuring that
customers demand (water) are met with timely basis. Train
staff to the level required to be the best drillers and ensure
that accurate report is submitted on weekly and monthly
basis. Ensure that workers are working in a healthy working
environment and performing their duties in accordance
to OHS Regulations. Ensure that proper procedures
are followed in accordance to the site selection forms for
accurate results. Negotiate with landowners and responsible
for construction work
Qualification: Technician Diploma or equivalent qualification
in relevant specialisation. At least 2-3 years service in ES04
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Consistently
good reports with at least one superior performance
assessment and with demonstrated ability to supervise and
control staff and manage capital resources.
Salary: ES03 $20,335 - $26,629
Responsible to the Principal Scientific Officer in the operation
of the National Seismograph Network, New site selection and
installations, Purchasing of new equipment and installations
and Update ledgers for equipments. Ensure the upkeep
of section vehicle. To communicate and liase with various
internal and external personnel when required. Assist the
Senior Seismologist on earthquake 7 risk assessment
project and direct and supervise field work programmes
Salary: ST01 $35,465 - $44,786
Drawing Office staff and resources.
Responsible for
accuracy and quality of all maps and plans, arrange and
organize training of staff, carry out market research and
indenting of cartographic/drafting equipments and materials,
control funds and prepare budget estimates of the Section,
attend to staff matters, preparation of monthly, quarterly
and annual reports, preparation of weekly and monthly
attendance return of the section. Assist Geologists on
regional and detailed geological mapping projects, advise
management on the progress of the mapping assignment
and the services rendered by the Section. Responsible
for the overall supervision of the MRD Library and Library
Assistant. To be a member of the Fiji Public Service Survey
Draughting Examination Committee. Plan and programme
production of maps and diagrams using computers through
the implementation of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) and any other duties assigned by the Director.
Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class I and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
ability to control and manage staff and resources.
Salary: ST02 $26,063 - $33,154
Responsible to the Manager Mines in the Administration of
the Mining Act and its related acts and subsidiary legislations.
Management of safety health and environmental issues
in mining, quarrying and mineral exploration operations.
Conducting investigations into accidents and dangerous
incidents covered under the Act. Conducting examinations
for issues of blaster’s licenses, field inspections of mining,
quarrying, exploration and explosives storage sites .Providing
administrative support and preparing legal documents to
provide advice and liaisons with key stakeholders. Advise
and train technical and other subordinate staff. Conducting
regulatory enforcement tasks such as inspections and
investigations. Development and implementation of
guidelines, codes of practices and adopting standards
for application in the local industry .Provision of advice to
stakeholders in areas of OHS and legal matters.
Qualification: Corporate membership of a recognised
Institute or recognised equivalent qualifications and at least
3 years post graduate experience and/or relevant skills and
experience in this particular field in any other organisation or
relevant degree. Consistently good reports with at least one
superior performance assessment at EP05 and assessed
potential and ability to contribute at Senior level. Particular
specialist experience may be required for some posts.
Qualification: Technician Diploma or equivalent qualification
in relevant specialisation with at least 2-3 years service
at ES03 level and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation.
Salary: EP04 $30,836 - $41,068
Responsible to the Director Mineral Development for the
overall operation and monitoring of the Western office. To
oversee and assist all technical staff in carrying out their duties
in relation to groundwater investigation, assessment and
development. Ensure the formulation and implementation
of Annual Work Plans in co-operation with scientific officers
for efficient management of technical staff. Prepare progress
reports when required by Manager and Directorate. Provide
training to junior officers in the technical field and perform
any other duties that may be assigned by the Director.
Qualification: An officer of high calibre. Qualifications
required for appointment as Senior Technical Officer and
at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent and/
or relevant skills and experience in this particular field in
any other organisation or relevant degree or postgraduate
qualification. Ability to manage staff and resources. Must
have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive, determination
and flair in existing grade and proven to be a meritorious
Assist senior staff in performing and supervising the
functions of the section and division therefore ascertaining
the smooth running of operations in regulating the mining
and quarrying industries. Cordinate and plan programs to
undertake investigations and research into environmental
issues that are related to development proposal submitted to
the department by developers Facilitate in the environmental
assessment and monitoring of the environmental aspects
of quarries, exploration sites , mining operations and
related areas or other departments hence ensuring the
sustainable development of natural resources. Facilitate
in the field assessment and monitoring of social issues in
mineral exploration and development activities and including
quarries and related sites. Prepare reports on environmental
matters therefore ensuring that control strategies by the
department are carried out in accordance with processes
and procedures outlined in the Act. . Facilitate and assist the
Principal Environment Officer in the review, formulation and
administration of environmental management and community
policies for the sector in line with the stipulations of the
Mining Act Cap. 146, the Quarries Act, the Environmental
Management Act and Cabinet directives on environmental
policies generally; Advice the Manager Mining Division
and the Director on the above, and with regards to related
issues when required in accordance to the Environmental
Management Act. Assist with the implementation of the
relevant parts of the National Environment Strategy in liaison
with the Department of environment and other organizations.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as a
Scientific Officer and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation. Particular specialist
experience will be required for most posts, and the ability to
manage and train staff.
Salary: SC02 $27,597 - $38,315
Responsible for carrying out Draughting and Cartographic
functions towards productions of multicolour Geological and
other maps and plans. Maintaining spatial base data to assist
in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) development.
Check work of the subordinates and ensure their quality
and completeness maintain optimum accuracy. Officer will
supervise and train junior officers.
Qualification: Technician Diploma or equivalent qualification
in relevant specialisation. At least 2-3 years service in ES04
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Consistently
good reports with at least one superior performance
assessment and with demonstrated ability to supervise and
control staff and manage capital resources.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class II and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
ability to supervise and control staff and resources.
Salary: ES03 $20,335 - $26,629
Responsible to the Principal Technical Officer (Drawings)
in the overall administration and general supervision of
Salary: ST03 $20,336 - $26,806
Responsible to the Manager Geological Services in assisting
the technical staff in carrying out their duties in relation to
groundwater investigation/assessment and development.
Formulate and implement annual work plan in co-operation
with Scientific Staff for efficient management of technical
staff. Assist the Manager and undertake other duties as
assigned in preparing reports on progress and provide
relevant training to junior staff in technical work. Assist in
Project planning and implementation of work program.
Undertake field investigations and research and provision of
appropriate information for groundwater. Provide advice and
guidance to sectional staff, internal and external customers
and drilling supervisor and provide Water Quality analysis.
Salary: ES02 $26,505 - $33,777
The main role of the position is to advice the Assistant
Director Mapping & Land Information, Assistant Director
Surveys, Director of Lands & Surveyor General and the
Permanent Secretary for Lands and Mineral Resources on
all matters relating to survey plans submitted for checking
and approval. The position is also responsible in the general
management role which requires the incumbent to plan,
organize, control and supervise functions carried out in
the section, that is, train subordinates, supervision of the
plan examination staff; analysis of the survey requisition,
organize, purchase and allocate stationary; issue survey
instructions to surveyors, instigate with Inspecting surveyor
on investigation/field checks and boundary disputes and all
survey matters as and when required by Assistant Director
Mapping and Land Information, Assistant Director Surveys,
and Director of Lands & Surveyor General. To uphold the
Fiji Public Service Survey Draughting examination syllabus
in parity with the modern technology – Chairperson to the
FPSSD examination committee.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Senior Surveyor and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation with meritorious
performance or relevant degree or postgraduate qualification.
Salary: LB01 $36,237 - $46,895
662/2010 - SURVEYOR
Responsible to the Divisional Surveyor for carrying out
Cadastral, Control and Engineering Surveys, allocate and
supervise work of the Survey Staff and attend to any other
duties as assigned by the Section Head from time to time.
Qualification: Registered Surveyor (Fiji) or equivalent
qualification and recommended for appointment to this grade;
OR A graduate with full accreditation in a relevant degree
course and progressing towards qualifying for registration.
Note: Registration must be gained before advancement past
step 3 within LB03.
Salary: LB03 $20,335 - $27,690
663/2010, 664/2010, 665/2010 - TECHNICAL OFFICER I
Responsible to the Senior Technical Officer for the
supervision of staffs in the capture, verification and supply
of hard copy maps and digital of cadastral and NLC maps
into digital forms. Responsible to the public for the supply
of digital or hard forms of land information ie. graphical and
attribute data captured in the section. Responsible for the
update of standard sheets and Vanua view by charting all
approved as to survey plans, responsible for the capture of
unregistered leases and for any project required for the use
of Cadastral or NLC data and any other duties assigned by
the Assistant Director Mapping and Land Information.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class II and at least 2-3 years service in
November 13, 2010
that grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience
in this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
ability to supervise and control staff and resources.
Salary: ST03 $20,336 - $26,806
666/2010, 667/2010, 668/2010, 669/2010,
Responsible to the Technical Officer I for general land
research, and investigation, preparation of plans, diagrams
and reports on land matters, compilation and updating
cadastral, land tenure and valuation record maps, checking
survey plans accuracy, assisting counter service on map
searches, distribution and reprography, stereo plotting of
topographical maps for mapping developments.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Assistant and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade. Assessed potential to contribute to the management
of a section; OR Relevant experience and qualifications
that enable an applicant to enter at this grade and perform
at an acceptable level, i.e a pass in the Fiji Public Service
Draughting Examination and 12 months post qualifications
relevant experience.
Salary: ST04 $15,689 - $20,018
692/2010, 693/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
To inspect all Crown Land leases in the Division for renewal,
transfer, water meter, FEA power and application for Crown
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Assistant and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade. Assessed potential to contribute to the management
of a section; OR Relevant experience and qualifications
that enable an applicant to enter at this grade and perform
at an acceptable level, i.e a pass in the Fiji Public Service
Draughting Examination and 12 months post qualifications
relevant experience.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience with a minimum of
5 years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST04 $15,689 - $20,018
To be directly responsible to the Director Corporate Services
for the maintenance and upkeep of Nukulau Island. Duties
include being a watchman, recording of visitors, compiling
monthly reports, maintaining the grounds, in charge of all
Government improvements, carryout light maintenance
work on improvements and equipment on the island etc.
672/2010, 673/2010, 674/2010, 675/2010, 676/2010,
677/2010, 678/2010, 679/2010, 680/2010, 681/2010,
682/2010, 683/2010, 684/2010, 685/2010 - TECHNICAL
The appointees would be required to perform general
drafting work, research on land, collect and compile
related information, localities, leases and other diagrams,
elementary mapping, planning, checking and general
computation, survey plan drawings, tenure recordings,
charting and general reprographic duties.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience with a minimum of
5 years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15,001
Responsible for analyzing the clients business and
identifying the user needs. Design, build, test, install and
document the application and support the user’s during the
transaction stage. Advice/ Liaise with the user on new work
and or enhancements to be done on the existing systems,
plan, allocate and obtain resources in conjunction with the
FLIS Manager and Applications supervisor, according to
prevailing systems. Ensure that standards and methodology
are enforced and quality assurance procedures are followed.
Report on data inconsistency and omission and developing
routines and procedures for management. Keep abreast of
development in Land Information Systems and IT, carry out
ministerial support duties.
Qualification: A meritorious performer with at least 2-3
years experience as a Asst Programmer and/or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organisation and demonstrates the analytical ability to
partake in development and design work.
Salary: IT05 $23,791 - $31,730
687/2010, 688/2010 - VALUER - 2 POSTS
Responsible to the Senior Valuer for undertaking general
duties relating to valuation of property for various purposes,
training and supervision of subordinate staff and undertake
any other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Fiji Certificate of Competency in Valuation or
equivalent qualification and recommended for appointment
to this grade; OR A relevant degree and progressing
towards qualifying for registration. OR Registered Valuer
(Fiji) or equivalent qualification in that grade or equivalent
OR A Graduate with full accreditation in a relevant degree
course and progressing toward qualifying for registration.
Salary: LB03 $20,335 - $27,690
689/2010, 690/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
Assist the Principal Valuer, Senior Valuer, and Valuer to
undertake different aspects of valuation. Assist Technical
Officer II to prepare Monthly Sales Information Reports.
Assist in updating of Valuation Data (Transfers, Leases,
Variations, etc. Undertake searches at Titles Office and
other duties assigned by the Supervisor from time to time.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience with a minimum of
5 years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15,001
Responsible to the Technical Officer I for general land
research and investigation; preparation of plans, diagrams
and reports on land matters: compilation and updating
cadastral, land tenure and valuation record maps; checking
survey plan for accuracy; assisting counter service and map
searches, distribution and reprography, stereo plotting of
topographical maps for mapping development.
November 13, 2010
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15,001
Qualification: Fiji Junior Certificate together with some
training and experience in the provision of domestic or general
services in a large institution, domestic establishment, or
office environment. Officers should have a very clear sense
of responsibility.
Salary: TG06 $7,608 - $9,402
Responsible to the Director Corporate Services through
the Director Land Use in conducting staff audit at all times
in the Land Use Division. Collate, record and submit staff
requirements and needs. Collate weekly, monthly, quarterly
and annual reports of the land Use Unit. Collate Vehicle
reports of the Unit and submit monthly returns. Provide
Support Services for the Land Reform Division and general
office management of the Land Reform Unit.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Executive Officer with a pass in service exam E and at least
2-3 years service as an Executive Officer or equivalent
or relevant skills and experience in this particular field in
any other organization. Assessed potential and ability to
progress beyond Administrative Officer level. OR A good
University degree in Management/Public Administration/
Business Studies or equivalent.
Salary: SS03 $20,335 - $25,990
To provide efficient quality typing services to the Director
Land Use and also provide efficient quality support services
that is related to state land administration to the public,
departmental staff, government departments and statutory
Qualification: Diploma in Secretarial Studies and
assessed as having considerable potential OR 60wpm
typing on manual typewriter or 70wpm typing on electronic/
electric typewriter and at least 3 years service as a typist
or Stenographer typist or equivalent. Consistently good
reports and considered to have discretion and ability to
work effectively under pressure. 100wpm shorthand and
word processing knowledge is essential. OR 60wpm
typing on manual typewriter or 70wpm typing on electronic/
electric typewriter and at least 3 years service as a typist
or Stenographer typist or equivalent. Consistently good
reports and considered to have discretion and ability to work
effectively under pressure. Word processing knowledge and
Computer Management skills are essential. Shorthand skill
is advantageous.
Salary: SS04 $15,689 - $20,018
Overall supervision of the Registry Section, including,
opening of all incoming mails, in charge of messengers,
cleaning and opening of offices. Assist the Personnel
Officer in the maintenance of PSC Act, Regulations, General
Orders, Vehicles and Stationery.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Clerical Officer and a pass in Service Exam H (1), (2) and S
and 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent or relevant
skills and experience in this particular field in any other
organization. Assessed potential and ability to contribute in
a management role. A good Form 7 pass with Computing
Skills is desirable.
Salary: SS04 $15,689 - $20,018
698/2010, 699/2010 - CLERICAL OFFICER - 2 POSTS
Responsible to the Executive Officer for the opening
of inward mails, maintain inward and outward register,
dispatch all outgoing correspondence, filing photocopying
and ensure proper security of files. Marking of files correctly
to respective officers, ensure mails are sent to HQ as and
when required and counter services. Prepare schedule of
bills, and submission of monthly attendance return.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate or
Form 7 or equivalent. Note: Officers must have passed the
Service Exam H (1) before confirmation of their appointment.
Salary: SS05 $8,092 - $15,001
Responsible to the Director of Land Use for the supervision
and direction of day to day survey activities of the Divisional
Office. Administer state land in the division, Control and
organize survey activities, prepare and implement sub
divisional schemes for residential, agricultural and other
purposes on State Land, monitor developments and attend
meetings as and when required. Submit recommendation
for leasing of State and Native Land. Make decision on
disputes relating to lease State and Native under the Land
Use Decree 2010 (e.g. boundary and access disputes) or
alternatively submit recommendation to Director of Land
Use for a decision. General Supervision of the Survey
Section expeditiously and in accordance with Departmental
and Government policies and needs. Liaise with other
Government Departments on all matter relating to land
requirements for public purposes and Government needs.
Representative of the Director of Land Use in any assigned
meetings or forums.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Senior Surveyor and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation with meritorious
performance or relevant degree or postgraduate qualification.
Salary: LB01 $36,237 - $46, 895
Registered Surveyor with at least three (3) years in the
Surveyor grade or equivalent. Consistently good reports and
potential and ability to supervise and contribute at senior
level. General Land Surveying and General Draughting
knowledge, understanding of Surveyors Act, Notice to
Surveyors and Regulations. Use of Total Station, GPS,
Survey Programmable calculators, Computers and Survey
software. Knowledge of Civil Service and Leadership/
Management Skills. Survey calculation, ability to solve fairly
complex calculations and adjustment, ability to plan, organize
and control staff performance. Analytical and strategic
thinking ability, public speaking, presentation and training
abilities. Negotiation, counseling and written communication
skills and ability to work in a team environment, plan and
manage resource management. Knowledge of principles
and techniques of goal setting, measuring performance,
time management and personal assessment. Ability to
solve fairly complex work related problem and to complete
allocated task within strict deadline.
Qualification: Qualifications for appointment as Surveyor
and at least 2-3 years experience in that grade or equivalent
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field in
any other organisation.
Salary: LB02 $27,585 - $37,064
702/2010, 703/2010 - SURVEYOR - 2 POSTS
Responsible to the Senior Surveyor for carrying out
Cadastral, Control and Engineering Surveys, allocate and
supervise work of the Survey Staff and attend to any other
duties as assigned by the Section Head from time to time.
Qualification: Registered Surveyor (Fiji) or equivalent
qualification and recommended for appointment to this grade;
OR A graduate with full accreditation in a relevant degree
course and progressing towards qualifying for registration.
Note: Registration must be gained before advancement past
step 3 within LB03.
Salary: LB03 $20,335 - $27,690
704/2010, 705/2010 - TECHNICAL OFFICER II
Assist in preparing and drafting of scheme plans and submit
for approval. Carry out field operation on road acquisition,
geodetic and cadastral surveys.
Carry out scheme
reconnaissance. Carry out data processing & computation.
Prepare survey plans. Assist in checking of survey plans
before lodgment to Computing office.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Assistant and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience
in this particular field in any other organisation. Ordinary
Technicians Diploma or equivalent relevant qualification in
his field eg. Meteorological Observer Junior Examination
Salary: ST04 $15,689 - $20,018
Reports to the Director Land Use in providing effective and
efficient valuation services to the Central Government,
Statutory bodies and general public. These services includes
advice on valuation policy matters, land management,
valuation methods and practices, and infrastructure
development to enhance economic activities. Carry out
accurate valuation of native land, State land, and other
lands leased by the State, land acquisition and any special
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Senior Valuer and at least 2-3 years service in that grade
or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in this
particular field in any other organisation with meritorious
performance or relevant degree or postgraduate qualification.
Salary: ST02 $26,063 - $33,154
Salary: AC04 $17,687 - $22,724
Salary: LB01 $36,237 - $46,895
Contribute to the technical functions of the Land Reform
Division and its relevant Projects. Plan and assign field
inspections, consultations and co-ordinate collection of
data and processing for information. Liaise with relevant
Government Departments, Statutory organisations for
consolidating data that will help the establishment of a
land bank. Identify training needs to upgrade and maintain
proficiency in accordance to the changing technology and be
aligned to the intent of the government. Closely monitor and
liaise with other relevant heads of division within the Ministry
and relevant government departments in order to maintain
a clear line of communication. Marketing of the Land Bank.
707/2010 - SENIOR VALUER
Responsible to the Principal Valuer. To assess unimproved
values of all properties within Towns and Cities and
compile valuation rolls of the property subject to rating
after each valuation or re-valuation as required under the
Local Government Act 1992. Provide maintenance of
such valuation rolls as and when required under the Local
Government Act 1992. Provide values and apportion UV’s of
all leased and native land under the Land Use Decree 2010
and provide and present evidence on valuation matters in
various courts, tribunal and arbitrators where so required in
the course of normal duties. Collect, analyze and compile
basic valuation details as such property sales, rentals,
building costs, sub-divisional costs, roading and other
statistics etc. Supervise and train junior staff. Valuation
of properties for leasing, purchase for other purpose as
required by Government and Statutory bodies under the
Land Use Decree 2010 and negotiations with the owners
so affected. Assessment and re-assessment on rentals on
all leased state and native land under the Land Use Decree
and to provide valuation and recommendation for loan as
required by the Public Trustee and also for Gifts, Deaths
and Stamp Duty Act. Determination of rents under the Fair
Rents Act and Counter Inflation Acts.
Qualification: Qualifications for appointment as Valuer and
at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent and/or
relevant skills and experience in this particular field in any
other organisation with meritorious performance.
Salary: LB02 $27,585 - $37,064
708/2010, 709/2010, 710/2010, 711/2010,
713/2010, 714/2010 - VALUERS - 7 POSTS
Responsible to the Senior Valuer for undertaking general
duties relating to valuation of property for various purposes,
training and supervision of subordinate staff and undertake
any other duties assigned from time to time.
Qualification: Fiji Certificate of Competency in Valuation or
equivalent qualification and recommended for appointment
to this grade , OR A relevant degree and progressing
towards qualifying for registration. OR Registered Valuer
(Fiji) or equivalent qualification in that grade or equivalent
OR A Graduate with full accreditation in a relevant degree
course and progressing toward qualifying for registration.
Salary: LB03 $20,335 - $27, 690
Responsible to the Director of Land Use for the supervision
and direction of day to day activities of the Technical Section
within the Land Use Division. Administer and manage
the Land Bank through compilation and properly analysis
of gathered datas and accurate inputting into the Land
Bank database; and provision of these datas efficiently to
investors and developers of leased state and native land
under the Land Use Decree 2010. To develop strategies
for the provision of accurate and timely provision of
accurate information on land its resources through proper
research and development; to identify trend of demand in
land development. Ensure the proper documentations of
all new leases to be issued and/or renewed for all lands
designated under Land Use Decree 2010, including all
other required agreements. Provide efficient and effective
technical and corporate support services to the Division
to fulfill its core corporate objective, in accordance with
Department, and Government policies and needs. Lease
with other Government Departments on all matters relating
to land required under Land Use Decree 2010. Ensure the
leadership and management of the section is in accordance
with good governance and ensures capacity building of the
staffs continuously pursued.
Qualification: An officer of high calibre. Qualifications
required for appointment as Senior Technical Officer and
at least 2-3 years service in that grade or equivalent and/
or relevant skills and experience in this particular field in
any other organisation or relevant degree or postgraduate
qualifications. Ability to manage staff and resources. Ability
to demonstrate technical expertise and give technical
guidance to subordinates.
Salary: ST01 $35,465 - $44,786
State Land Information Management. Enhancement and
data quality assurance of GIS application. Analysis &
Development GIS user Requirements. Keeping abreast
with new technologies. Enhancement / Maintenance of FLIS
Spatial Data Processes, Polices and Standards. Maintenance
of Geo-Spatial Software Licenses. Supervision/Allocation
of Work to GIS subsection subordinates. Verification of
Land Tenure/Ownership boundaries. Provision of Support
Services and Training to end-users and staff. Provision of
Administration/Management Support. Provision of GIS
technical and mapping Support Services and Software
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class I and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
ability to control and manage staff and resources.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class I and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
ability to control and manage staff and resources.
Salary: ST02 $26,063 - $33,154
718/2010, 719/2010 - SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER
Has traditional and customary capacity to be able to reachout to the Landowners Community and the village level and
be able to convey the intent by government for the Land
use Decree. Has ability to think analytically and exercise an
analytical thinking process. Explains and interprets policies,
rights, and responsibilities to fellow workers and the land
owners.Provision of Support Services to the Director Land
Reform. Contribute to the research & data collection for
land use and soil suitabilities for Land Information & landuse
database to determine un-utilised land. Enhancement and
Technical Support for the capture and manipulation of data
for land use information for the Land BankMarketing of the
Land Bank. Assists fellow workmates and the public with
answers to complex questions on the Land Bank.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class I and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade or equivalent and/or relevant skills and experience in
this particular field in any other organisation. Demonstrated
ability to control and manage staff and resources.
Salary: ST02 $26,063 - $33,154
720/2010, 721/2010 - TECHNICAL OFFICER I
Responsible to the Senior Technical Officer for the
supervision of staffs in the capture, verification and supply
of hard copy maps and digital of cadastral and NLC maps
into digital forms. Responsible to the public for the supply
of digital or hard forms of land information ie. graphical and
attribute data captured in the section. Responsible for the
update of standard sheets and Vanua view by charting all
approved as to survey plans, responsible for the capture of
unregistered leases and for any project required for the use
of Cadastral or NLC data and any other duties assigned by
the Assistant Director Mapping and Land Information.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Officer Class II and at least 2-3 years service
in that grade or equivalent with meritorious performance
and/or relevant skills and experience in this particular field
in any other organisation. Ability to make sound technical
judgements with minimal “professional” guidance.
Salary: ST03 $20,336 - $26,806
722/2010, 723/2010, 724/2010, 725/2010, 726/2010 TECHNICAL OFFICER II - 5 POSTS
Responsible to the Technical Officer I for general land
research, and investigation, preparation of plans, diagrams
and reports on land matters, compilation and updating
cadastral, land tenure and valuation record maps, checking
survey plans accuracy, assisting counter service on map
searches, distribution and reprography, stereo plotting of
topographical maps for mapping developments.
Qualification: Qualifications required for appointment as
Technical Assistant and at least 2-3 years service in that
grade. Assessed potential to contribute to the management
of a section; OR Relevant experience and qualifications
that enable an applicant to enter at this grade and perform
at an acceptable level, i.e a pass in the Fiji Public Service
Draughting Examination and 12 months post qualifications
relevant experience.
Applications on completed GP 142 for the following
posts should be addressed to:
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Works, Transport and Public Utilities
Private Mail Bag
The position reports to Director through Principal Scientific
Officer. The appointee will be responsible to assist the
implementing officers in hydroelectric resource assessment
program, wind resource assessment program, solar
resource assessment program, wave and OTEC resource
assessment program, National Biogas program, assessment
and upgrade of focal point projects, compilation of internal
management reports for activities projects within Policy
Analysis portfolio, installation, operation and maintenance of
REDP assessment and monitoring equipment.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15,001
729/2010, 730/2010, 731/2010, 732/2010,
The position reports to Director through Principal Technical
Officer (Rural Electrification Unit). The appointee will be
responsible to carry out site survey of rural communities for
electricity supply request and types of electrification options
available to them, carry out engineering design works of
proposed power supply installation, draft community cost
estimates, carry out inspections of rural electrification
projects contracted undertaken by electrical companies,
carry out inspection of works on maintenance and repair
contracts sanctioned under the rural electrification program,
provide reports on findings, receive and accommodate
rural customers concerns and complaints regarding rural
electrification projects offering technical advice whenever
necessary, test repaired generators ensuring the standard
specifications as stipulated under the statutory confines
of the electricity act, documenting test results, assist store
man in identifying and ordering electrical equipment/ parts
required for rural electrification works, assist information
Officer in terms of providing technical information and
attending Provincial Council and District Advisory Council
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15,001
735/2010, 736/2010, 737/2010 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
The position reports to Director through Principal Technical
Officer (Rural Electrification Unit). The appointee will be
responsible to carry out inspection on all mechanical servicing
works done by private companies on generating plants
under jurisdiction of the Department, carry out checks and
repairs on renewable energy plants uninstalled to produce
either coconut oil as fuel for generators or bio-diesel as fuel
for cars and generating sets, attend to engine break down
and carry out necessary repair works, assist STOs and PTO
in identifying faulty engine parts and ordering of components
for replacements, provide comprehensive technical reports
on works carried out on the field after returning from field
trips, inspect new generators and witness testing of same
before recommending acceptance or rejection of plants,
assist electricians in carrying out preliminary site surveys,
overhauling of engines which need comprehensive servicing
and possible replacing of parts and undertake any other
duties assigned by the supervisor.
Qualification: A pass in Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Form
7 or equivalent; OR Relevant experience for a minimum of 5
years in an appropriate area and demonstrated ability.
Salary: ST05 $8,092 - $15,001
Salary: ST04 $15,689 – $20,018
General Supervision of the Accounts Salaries/Wage Staff.
Prepare salary reconciliation, IDC reconciliation and verifying
of salary, wages input. Checking and Passing of payment
vouchers. Preparation of Quarterly reports for capital
projects. Maintain & replenish imprest account. Signing of
cheques. Prepare FNPF contributions paid to FNPF at the
end of the month. Any other duties required by the Accounts
Officer and the Senior Accounts Officer
Qualification: A minimum of a degree in accounting or
related discipline or equivalent from a recognized institution.
OR A pass in service exam U. Appointee must have served
at least one year in SS05 grade and have passed H1 & H2
service and have demonstrated intellectual capacity, drive,
determination and flair in existing grade or position; or
successfully completed Form 7 examination with a pass in
For further enquiries of advertised vacancies
please contact the respective Post Processing
Managers of Ministries and Department.
However, should you require additional
information, do not hesitate to email
[email protected] or call salote Keteiwai on
331 4588 ext 238 of the Public Service Commission.
You can download GP 142 Form and the
Fiji Public Service Official Circulars
from our website:
CLOSING DATE: 14 days from 15th of November,
2010/ the date of the Fiji Public Service Official
November 13, 2010
November 13, 2010
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Applications are invited from members of the public for the leasing of the
above Agricultural land situated at Waitavala Subdivision, Taveuni.
A plan showing the exact location of the afore-mentioned lot can be viewed
at the Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources headquarters at Government
Buildings in Suva and the Divisional Surveyor Nothern’s office, Macuata
House, Labasa.
The successful applicant will be issued with a lease for a term of 30 years
for Agricultural purposes. The lease will be subject to the Crown Lands Act
and Regulations made there under.
To qualify for consideration, the applicant should be a Fiji citizen, should
have farming experience, be married and neither the applicant nor the spouse
should have any other agricultural holdings.
Applications must be made on the prescribed forms available at the
Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources offices and should be addressed to:
Director of Lands
Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources
P O Box 2222,
Government Buildings
Divisional Surveyor Northern
P O Box 96
Macuata House
Application close on 13th December 2010. Late or incomplete
applications will not be considered.
Lt-Col Neumi Leweni
Permanent Secretary
November 13, 2010
Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday
Monday - Thursday
8.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm - 4.30pm
8.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Monday - Thursday
8.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm -4.30pm
8.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Monday - Thursday
8.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm -4.30pm
8.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm
November 13, 2010
 
Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday
Monday - Thursday
8.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm - 4.30pm
8.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Monday - Thursday
8.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm -4.30pm
8.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Monday - Thursday
8.00am-1.00pm & 2.00pm -4.30pm
8.00am -1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm
 
November 13, 2010
Tei raisi
ni oti e
20 na
ira na dauteitei
ena koro ko
ena yasana
ko Tailevu era sa vinakata
vakalevu mera teivaka tale na
raisi ni mai oti e 20 vakacaca
na yabaki.
Dua na lewe ni koro e
Natalaira ko Vuniani Naitau
e vakaraitaka nia mai basika
vei ira na gagadre oqo me ra
sa teivaka tale na raisi ni mai
cava edua na vuli lekaleka
ni teitei raisi cokovata kei
na kena vakatovotovotaki na
tei raisi ena dua na vanua ni
vakatovotovo vakarautaki
ena yasa ga ni nodra koro.
“Ni keimami raica tale
na bula kei na vua vinaka ni
raisi ena vanua era dau tei
raisi tu kina eliu na neimami
qase sa dua na veivakadeitaki
levu vei keimami ni keimami
na rawa ni teivaka talega nai
tei oqo me vaka na nodra dau
tea tu eliu,” kaya ko Naitau.
“E rauta ni 100 na eka
na neimami qele ia ena
gauna keimami dau sarava
kina nai teitei ni neimami
vakatovotovo okoya keimami
teivaka, keimami dau
raitayaloyalotaka ni na dua
na gauna na bucabuca levu
oqo e na robota tu na vei raisi
vuavua vinaka,” e kaya ko
Vakaraitaka ko Naitau ni
ko ira na nodra qase era dau
tei raisi tu e eliu ena vanua
vata ga koya ka caka kina na
vakatovotovo ni tei ka dau
dua tu nai vurevure levu ni
lavo kei na kakana.
“Mai vakatakila vei ira
na neimami qase na cakacaka
ni tei raisi e dua na turaga
ni Idia, ka volia na nodra
bulumakau ni siviyara kei
nai siviyara kei na yaro ka
tauyavutaka talega edua na
nonai qaqi ni raisi ena nona
qele volekata ga na koro.”
“Oqo e yaco tiko ena
gauna vakoloni, e na gauna
era dau tamusuka kina na
raisi oira na neimami qase,
na turaga oqo edau qai qaqia
na nodra raisi ka tikica tani
nai sau ni bulumakau ni
siviyara, siviyara kei na yaro
ka veisaumitaki ira ena vo ni
Vakaraitaka ko Naitau ni
gauna oya e lewe vuqa era
dau gole sara mai Wainibuka
mera mai cakacaka ena nodra
veiraisi ka qai dau soli vei
ira e yadua na taga raisi mera
dau qai kauta ena gauna era
sa lesu tale kina.
“Ena ruku ni lawa
makawa ni bula vakoro kei
na lawa ni Tikina, oira kece
era dau voroka na lawa ni
November 13, 2010
koro se sega ni sauma na
nodra soli ni yasana, era dau
“Edua na tiki ni totogi
oya mera cakacaka tiko ena
loma ni tikotiko se cakacaka
cava ga me rawa nira sauma
na nodra soli ni yasana.”
“Oira mai Wainibuka
era dau takosova mai na
veitokaitua ki Natalaira mera
mai cakacaka ena nodra
veiraisi na neimami qase me
rauta ni rua kina tolu na vula
mera sauma kina na nodra
soli ni yasana se na kedrai
totogi ni bera nira qai takoso
lesu tale ki na nodra dui
“Na raisi edua nai tei
ka gadreva vakalevu na
wai kevaka e vinakata na
dauteitei me vuavuai vinaka.
Ena gauna era a tei raisi tu
kina na qase keimami era
vakadrodroya mai na wai
mai na dua na so ni wai mai
veidelana voleka ga ki na
“Na kena vakasuasuataki
na vanua bucabuca, era kelia
nai keli me vakadrodroya
sobu mai kina na wai ena
ulunivanua ki na vanua mera
tei raisi kina ka sat u ga ni
kua na mawe ni keli o ya
dina ga ni sa mamaca.”
“Ena neimai teitei ni
vakatovotovo, keimami
vakayagataka na katavila
me vagolea na wai mai na
uciwai ka toka volekata ga
na koro ka qai kelia edua na
salaniwai me vakadrodroya
mai na wai ki nai teitei.”
Vakaraitaka nai Liuliu Ni
Tabana Ni Kelikeli ni Tabana
Ni Teitei ko Lakshman
Mudaliar ni nona tabana ena
vakarautaka nai tuvatuva
ni kena vakasuasuataki na
vanua era vinakata mera
teitei kina na lewe ni koro ko
“Nai tuvatuva ni kena
vakasuasuataki na vanua ni
teitei ena vinakati kina na
vakadrodroi ni wai mai na
ucuwai ki na na veibucabuca
ena vanua e vinakati me
teivaki kina na raisi ka na
gadreva talega me dua na
katuba ni wai mai matasawa
me rawa ni tarova na kena
drodro mai na waitui ena
gauna ni ualevu.”
Vakaraitaka ko Jone
Matawalu, nai Vakailesilesi
ni Tabana Ni Teitei, ni
vuli a vakayacori oqo e
vakavoutaka na nodra
gagadre na dauteitei mera sa
tei raisi tale ka qaravi ena rai
mera vakayaloqaqataki na
dauteitei me vakayagataki
na qele me rawa ni veivuke
ena kena vakatoroicaketaki
na bula ni tu vinaka ni noda
E vakatovolea tiko oqo na iqaqi ni ni raisi vou mai Natalaira e Tailevu na Vunivola Tudei ni Tabana ni Teitei o
Kanala Mason Smith kei ira na kena ivakalesilesi (taba e ra).
vanua, rawa ilavo kei na
kena rawa me vakayagataki
ena noda bula ni kana ena
“Mai qaravi edua na
vuli siga tolu kivei ira na
dauteitei kara vakavulici
enai walewale vovou ni
teitei kei na veiqaravi
dodonu me vakayacori
kinai tei oqo na raisi,
qaravi na vuli ena mataka
ka qai vakatovotovotaki
na veika e vulici ni oti na
vakasigalevu,” kaya ko
“Ena nodra veigauna
kece ni vuli-tara, era dau
tea e tolu na vanua ni teitei
ena yasa ga ni nodra koro
me rawa nira yadra mai ena
veimataka, nai matai ni ka
mera raica na loga ni raisi
era a teivaka kei na nodra
marautaka na kena bulabula
E vakaraitaka ko
Matawalu ni ko ira na lewe
ni koro era teivaka na kena
mataqali ka vakatokai na
“Star” ena nodra vanua ni
vakatovotovo ia mai na nona
vakadikeva tiko na kena
bulabula vinaka, e namaka
me na rawata e rauta ni 2.7
na tani ena dua na ekatea.
“Na veika era rawata e
totoka sara ni vakatauvatani
keina 2.3 kina 2.5 na tani dua
na ekatea era rawata tiko na
dautei raisi ena noda vanua.”
“E vakaraitaka na
gagadre esa tiko ena vanua
kei na ka era rawa ni rawata
na dauteitei kevaka era
taura matua na vuli era a
vakatavulici kina ena loma ni
tolu na siga sa oti.”
“Keitou kauta mai edua
na misini ni musu raisi
kei nai misini ni qaqi raisi
mai na neitou siteseni e
Dreketi mai Vanua Levu
me mai vakaraitaki kina
na yaya esa tiko rawa me
vakamamadataka e levu
na cakacaka bibi ka dau
vakayalolailaitaki keda kina
meda teivaka nai tei oqo.”
Vakadeitaka na Vunivola
Tudei Ni Tabana Ni Teitei
ko Mason Smith ena nona
sikovi ira na gone vuli ka
mai vakadinadinataka sara na
levu ni veika era sa tamusuka
rawa ka kaya ni na vukei ira
na lewe ni koro ena nodra
“Oira na neitou
vakailesilesi era na vukei
kemudou ena kena
vakarautaki na nomudou
pepa ni kere veivuke ki na
matanitu kana okati kina
nai tuvatuva ni teitei, veika
ena rawa moni vukei kina,
veivuke ni gaunisala kei na
vakarautaki ni kena makete.”
“Au vakabauta ni sana
rawa ni dou vukei ena yabaki
mai oqo mai na Tabana
Ni Teitei ena veivuke ena
porokaramu ni Teitei Me
Sotava na Gagadre ni Kakana
ena noda Vanua (DDA).
“Ena gauna oqo, eda
volia tiko mai vanua tani e
rauta ni $40 na milioni nai
sau vakailavo ni raisi, ka
sai koya oya na takete ni
lakolako oqo mera vukei na
dautei raisi me rawa nida
vakabula nai lavo levu oqo
ka veiwaseyaka ga vei ira na
noda dauteitei ka kakua vei
ira na dauteitei mai vanua
Na raisi edua nai tei
nuitaki ka sa raica tiko
vakabibi na matanitu ena
ruku ni Porokaramu ni Teitei
me –Sosomitaka Na Kakana
eda Volia mai Vanua Tani
(ISP) ka na qai kalawa yani
me vukei ira na dauteitei era
sa teivaka tiko nai tei oqo”.
Veivakadreti ko Naitau
ni na sega ni rawarawa nai
lakolako oqo me vaka ni sega
vei ira nai yaya ni cakacaka
mera na samaka kina na
tiki ni qele ka sa sega tu ni
vakayagataki ena dua na
gauna balavu ka sa veikau
levu tu ena gauna oqo.
“Me vaka ga na nodra
teivaka na tiki ni qele oqo
na neimami qase en raisi,
keimami vakadeitaka nina
rawa talega ni keimami
teivaka na qele oqo ena raisi
kana vukei keimami ena kena
cakacakataki na matanitu”.
“Keimami nanuma ni
gauna era sa yali kina na
neimami qase, sana tyali
vakadua tale ga na kena
teivaki na raisi ena neimami
vanua. Ia nikua keimami
qai kila ni sa cila edua na
matanisiga vou vei keimami
nai taba oqo ni sa tekivu
qaavi tale na cakacakani tei
Na koro ko Natalaira e
toka ena batini matasawa
e Dawasamu, sivita ga na
koronivuli na Vulinitu mai
Matavatucou, ka tiko kina
e rua na vanua ni nodra
vakacegu kei na sarasara
na saravanua ka kilai ena
yacana “Na Talei’ Eco Lodge
kei na Tekalana ka ra dau
mai sikova vakawasoma na
saravanua ena vuku ni ika na
Vakaraitaka nai Liuliu
Ni Tabana Ni Teitei e
Tailevu ko Saiasi Tubuna ni
ko Dawasamu kei na kena
koro e tolu ko Qelekuro,
Luvunavuaka kei Natalaira
era tiko kina e eso na qele
Vinaka ni teitei.
“E vanua levu na kena
qele bucabuca ka rawa ni
vakayagataki ena tei raisi,
kakana draudrau, painapiu
kei na weleti,” kaya ko
“E tiko edua na vale ni
bucibucini volekati ira ka
rawa ni vakarautaka vei
ira nai tei eso kevaka era
vinakata mera teitei kara
vakania na makete ena
wasewase e loma.”
Me vaka ni rai
ni matanitu me
vakatorocaketaka na teitei
me vurevure ni lavo ena
loma ni Porokaramu ni Teitei
me Maketaki Ki Vanuatani
(EPP) kei na ISP, sai koya
oqo na gauna vinaka vei
ira na dauteitei e tiko na
nodra qele me ra toso mai
ka vakayagataka na gauna
vinaka oqo.
“Na digidigi sa toka sara
ga vei ira na dauteitei, me
vaka sa vakaraitaka oti na
matanitu na nona gagadre
me tokoni ira na dauteitei ka
keimami sa kauta voli nai
tukutuku vei ira na dauteitei
ka tokoni ira ena nodrai
lakolako ni vakayagataki
Kaya ko Tubuna ni tiko
e dua na misini ni kelikeli
ni Tabana ni Teitei ka
cakacaka tiko ena dua nai
teitei e Dawasamuka rawa ni
saumi ena $28 dua na aua me
vakarautaka na qele ni teitei.
Ni donu na vakanananu
ka salavata kei na cakacaka
vakaukauwa, au sega ni
vakabekataka nina veivuke
saea vakalevu na yasayasa
oqo ena kena rawati na
raisi, kakana draudrau kei
na vuata kina noda makete
me Gaunisala ni nodra rawai
lavo na lewena ka veivuke
sara tale ga ki na kakana
me bula kina na nodra dui
a Tabana ni
Teitei sa vukei
ira e vuqa na
dauteitei mai
na vica vata na
yabaki sa oti ka levu era sa
rawa ni cicivaka vakataki
ira na nodra bisinisi ni
vakayagataki qele.
Sa oti na gauna ni kena
dau qaravi ga na teitei mei
vurevure ni kakana ni vuvale,
ka ni sa tekivu vukei ira na
dauteitei lalai na Matanitu
mera veisautaka nai vakarau
ni nodra -oya mera teitei
vakalevu ka volitaka me rawa
kina na bula torocake.
E vuqa na dauteitei era sa
qarava tiko mai na cicivaki ni
nodra bisinisi ia na veivuke ni
Matanitu era vukei kina esa
rauti ira vakavinaka me tosoi
ira tale vakalailai ki liu kina
nodra takete ka tarava.
Sai koya oya na vuna e
tauyavutaka kina na matanitu
na Porokaramu ni veivuke ni
teitei me sotava na gagadre
ni noda vanua ka okati tiko
kina na veivuke baleti ira na
tiko ena taudaku ni taoni, ira
na tiko ena noda veiyanuyanu
lailai(ROI), teitei me
sosomitaka na veika eda volia
mai vanuatani(ISP), Teitei me
maketetaki ki vanuatani(EPP)
veitokoni kina tabana ni
loba sucu (DIS) kei na
Veivakatorocaketaki ena
bucabuca ko Sigatoka(SVIP).
Tekivu mai na kena
tauyavu ena 2007, e
172 taucoko na levu ni
veivakatorocaketaki esa
qaravi oti ena Vualiku ka
sovaraka kina na matanitu e
rauta ni $2.6 na milioni na
kenai sau vakai lavo.
Na porokaramu ni
EPP, ISP kei na ROI e
sa vakayagataki tiko mai
na Vualiku ka vuqa na
dauteitei era sa taura tiko
na veivuke oqo, dina ga ni
na vakarautaki nai vola ni
kerekere me qai soli kivei
iratou nai vakailesilesi
veiqaravi ena tolu na Yasana
ena Vualiku.
E na tarai cake ni bula
se tiko vinaka mai na teitei
ena koro, na vei tei eso e
taketetaki sai koya na yaqona,
weleti, kakana draudrau kei
na susu manumanu okati kina
na bulumakau, toa, vuaka,
sipi kei na me.
E dua vei ira na vukei ena
veivuke ni ROI ena yabaki
2009 ko Luke Sivonawaqa
yabaki 60 mai na koro ko
Nasolo ena tikina ko Nadi
mai Bua.
Ko Luke e vukei enai
Yalodina ena
teitei o Bua
E vakaroro tu o Luke Sivonawaqa vei ira na ivakalesilesi ni Tabana ni Teitei ena nona iteitei mai Nasolo, Bua.
ni Tabana niTeitei ni tiko e
ka vaka kina na tavioka kei
yaya ni teitei kei nai tei eso
noqu bula kau vakabauta ni
rauta ni 100 na eka na qele ni
na painapiu.
ka sa vakayagataka tiko
veikacivi ni qele esa vanua
“Au tei kakana draudrau
vakavinaka me tosoi cake
au kacivi kina,” kaya ena
Ena gauna oqo au se qai
talega me kakana ga ni
kina nai vakarau ni nona
doudou ko Luke.
samaka ga eso na vanua ka
vuvale, ia na tei kakana
“Ia na ka era dau kaya
sa tekivu tiko kina na tei
draudrau me maketetaki
E dau tukuni vakawasoma na qase, na tamata dauteitei,
dalo ia se levu tale na ka e
e sa tiko talega ena noqui
ni gaunisala ki na rawa-ka
e tamata kaukauwa baleta ni
dodonu me na vakayacori
tuvatuva.” Ko Luke e sa
e sega ni rawarawa ka rau
rawa me vakarautaka na ka
ka’u vakabauta ena yabaki
nanuma tiko me na tara edua
veikilai voleka sara ga kei na
e bibi duadua ki na bula sai
mai oqo, keitou sa na rawa ni
na nodratou vale levu ka me
turaga daucakacaka oqo ni
koya oya na kakana bulabula
tea e 100,000 na dalo,” kaya
na tauyavutaka talega kina
sa rawa me valuta na dredre
ka vinaka,” vakamacalataka
ko Luke.
edua na nona sitoa.
kece e donumaka ena nona
ko Luke.
Ko Luke e sa tea rawa
Na voli yaya lalai me
“Au se digitaka makawa
e rauta ni 20,000 na dalo na
vaka na suka,falawa kei na
Nai vakatakilakila ni
me’u na dua na dauteitei ia
Tausala ena rua wale ga na
waiwai ni vakasaqa e dua na
cakacaka vakaukauwa kei na
ena sega ni na vakasukai
eka na qele ka kaya ni sa tiko
ka edau dredre vei keimami
gugumatua e da rawa ni raica
tale na digidigi oqo baleta
tale eso na nonai tuvatuva.
na tiko e na koro, ka’u sa
vua, ia e sega ni na vakasuka
ni’u a sega ni vakaotia na
Na turaga oqo, e walu
gadreva kina me sa tauyavu
kina vakatotolo ni oqo ga
noqu vuli ka’u a vinakata ga
na luvena ka tinikava na
na noqu sitoa me’u rawa ni
na nona cakacaka tudei ka
me’u dauteitei,” e cavuta ena
makubuna ka vakaraitaka ni
vakarawarawataka vei ira e
a vulica mai na gauna a biu
dredre ko Luke
gaunisala ni nona tauyavu e
na koro ka vaka kina vei ira
vuli kina ni se gone.
Eratou vakaitikotiko ko
sega ni ka rawarawa ka ni
na veitikotiko eso e volekati
Ni oti na nona tokitoki
Luke kei na nona vuvale ena
vuqa na gauna e ratou sa bula keimami,” kaya ko Luke.
mai Viti Levu ki Bua, mai
dua nai tikotiko vagalala
sara tu ga vakavuvale ena ti
Vakaraitaka nai
saga vakaukauwa ko Luke
volekata na koro ka sa
cakacaka vakavoleka tiko
kei na tavioka se dalo.
vakailesilesi ni tabana ni
me semati koya ena bula
mai kei iratou na vakailesilesi
Oya na noqu se qai
Teitei e Bua ko Ilisoni
ni tu vaka na koro ka vaka
ni Tabana ni Teitei e
tekivu, ia ena gauna oqo, au
Banuve ka kaya ni ko Luke
kina ena veika era bula
sa vakarautaka na ka kecega
esa taucoko na nona vakarau
wavolivoliti koya ka sega tale Nabouwalu.
“Keitou vakaitikotiko
e vinaka ka rawarawa vei
ni cakacaka ka dau vakamuria
ni veivutunitaka na digidigi
ena ruku ni vei ulunivanua
iratou na noqu matavuvale,”
vakamatua nai vakasala ni
ena vuku ni takete e sa
volekata na veikau se bera
kaya ena dredre ko Luke.
vakailesilesi e qarava na
vakarau okati koya kina.
ni tarai vakadua, ia mai na
E sega walega ni tei dalo,
nodratou tikotiko.
“Au sa kila tu mai ena
veika keitou mai raica vata
ko Luke, e tea talega na niu
“E dau cakacaka
vuni yaloqu ni sa vakarau tu
kei iratou nai vakailesilesi
leka wavolita na nonai teitei
vakavoleka kei keitou ka dau
vei au na veika lelevu ena
tu vakarau talega me toso ki
liu sai koya oya na vuna e
rawaka kina vakalevu,” kaya
ko Banuve.
“E tikina bibi vei ira na
dauteitei mera sikova yani
na vale volavola ni tabana
ni teitei me ra laki raica na
veivuke eso sa vakarautaki
tu me baleti ira,” tomana ko
“Na dauteitei e sega ni
dodonu me tu wale tu ga ena
gauna dredre oqo sa dodonu
me sasaga yani kiliu me rawa
ni sotavi kina na tatadra ni
veisiga ni mataka,” kaya ko
“E levu vei ira na
dauteitei era vukei era se
teitei tu mai ena dua na gauna
balavu ka ra sa vakaidinataka
me sotavi na nodra takete ka
sai koya oya na veika saraga
e vevakayaloqaqataki tiko
kina na tabana ni teitei me ra
cakava na dauteitei.”
“Cakava rawa na nomui
tavi ena qai cakava na
Matanitu na nonai tavi mena
veivuke ena gaunisala cavaga
e gadrevi kina na veivuke
baleta sa oti na gauna ni
Matanitu edau solia walega
nai vola dusidusi,kaya ko
“Sa noqu kerekere mo
ni cakacaka vata kei iratou
na nomuni vakailesilesi e
qaravi kemuni meratou vukei
kemuni enai tuvatuva ni teitei
kei na veika tale eso,” kaya
ko Banuve.
Ko Luke ena dua na
yasana esa marautaka na
nona cakacaka vaka dauteitei
ka kaya ni lakolako oqo e
tosocake tiko na kena vinaka
ena veisiga.
“Keimami marautaka
na veika sa vakayacora
tiko na Matanitu ena
nona sa vinakata me
vakatoroicaketaka na bula
ni teitei ena noda vanua kau
tudei meu tukuna ena veivuke
ni ROI au ciqoma au rawa
kina ni tosoya cake tale kina
nai vakarau ni noqu cakacaka
enai teitei.”
E volitaka ko Luke na
nona dalo vua na kena itini
e dau sikovi ira vakavuqa
na dauteitei e Bua ena
“Ena gauna oqo keimami
marau ni volitaka na neimami
dalo enai sau e $2.00 dua na
kilo ka mai qaravi sara tiko
ga na volivoli e na neimami
teitei. E sa gagadre talega nei
Luke oya vei ira na cauravou
ni noda vanua mera raica na
vinaka levu e rawa ni solia
na qele.
Nodra vukei na vaqara cakacaka
A vaka oqo na veika e vola o
Thomas Carlyle e dua na dau vola
ivola: “Na nona sega ni raica rawa
edua na tamata na nona cakacaka
e vaqara cakacaka, sa rui bibi,
baleta ni ivakaraitaki ni raici
Ia, ena dua tale na rai a kaya
o Proffesor Biman Prasad mai na
Univesiti ni Ceva ni Pasifika ni
sega ni sega ni cakacaka e Viti e vu
mai na leqa ni bula vakailavo kei na
leqa ni bula vakapolitiki.
Tabaka talega na Reserve Bank
of Fiji ni lima tiko na mataqali sega
ni cakacaka (unemployment) ka sa
koto oqo na kena ivakamacala.
Na imatai ni sega ni cakacaka
e vakatokai me ‘cyclical
unemployment’, qo edau yaco ena
gauna e lutu kina na kaukauwa ni
bula valailavo se ‘recession’.
Na ikarua e dau kunei ena
tabana ni teitei ka kilai me
‘seasonal unemployment’ se na
kune cakacaka vakagauna.
A ikatolu e dau yaco ena gauna
e vakayagataki kina na misini me
vakavinataka na cakacaka kei na
kena tosoi cake na ivakatagedegede
ni kilaka vaka cakacaka me tiko
vua e dua.
Na ikava ni sega ni cakacaka
e dau yaco ena gauna era kerea
kina nodra vakacegu eso me ra laki
cakacaka ki veivanua e isau vinaka
cake se ‘greener pastures’.
A ikalima ni sega ni cakacaka
e tabaka na RBF me ‘disguised
unemployment’ se vakalecaleca.
Oqo e dau yaco ena gauna era laki
cakacaka kina e lewe levu ena dua
na cakacaka ka rawa walega ni
cakava na lewe vica wale.
E levu beka na ka era tabaka
na dau vola itukutuku ka ra
vakalelewa talega kina eso na
tamata baleta na sega ni cakacaka
e Viti. Ia, eda vakavinavinaka ki na
Matanitu ni sega ni vosa walega,
e sa cavuikalawa sara tikoga ena
nodra vukei na vaqara cakacaka ka
saga me vakavinakataka na leqa esa
bini mai na veiyabaki sa sivi yani.
Sa mai vakatulewa kina na
Bose Yaco ena ika 10 ni Noveba
2009 na kena vakaduri na National
Employerment Centre (NEC).
Edaidai era sa vakacurumi
kina kina vuli cakacaka e sivia na
8000 na lewenivanua dauvaqara
E kaya o Filipe Bole na
Minisita ni Cakacaka ni gagadre
ni NEC me vakalailaitaka na
sega ni cakacaka e Viti mai na
8.6 na pasede ena 2007 ki na
4.2 na pasede ena 2012. E kuria
ni sa vakalawataki talega mera
dauciqomi ena veivanua ni
cakacaka lelevu na vuli cakacaka
mai na NEC.
Na isevu ni kabani levu e Viti
me vakamuria na ivakaro vakalawa
oqo na Baqe ni Pasifika se BSP. Esa
ciqoma na BSP mera na laki vuli
cakacaka kina e 40 na lewenivanua
ka ra sa curuma mai na NEC.
Kaya na Vunivola Tudei ni
Minisitiri ni Cakacaka o Taito
Waqa ni cavuikalawa oqo ni
BSP sa ivakaraitaki ni nodratou
vakabibitaka na bibi ni tamata
cakacaka ena bula vakabisinisi.
E na gauna oqo ese vakayacori
tiko kina na ‘Lifeskills Training’
ka ra vakaitavi tiko kina e rauta
ni 574 na vaqara cakacaka ka
ivakaritaki ni nodra gagadre mera
bau cakacaka ena dua na gauna.
Sa cavuikalawa talega na
Matanitu ena yabaki oqo ena
kena vakadonui ena Feperueri me
vakayacori edua na vakadidike
ni sega ni cakacaka ka vakatokai
me ‘2010-2011 Employment and
Unemployment Survey’.
E kaya na iliuliu ni matanitu
o Komadoa Voreqe Bainimarama
ni yaga na mataqali itukutuku ni
vakadidike vakaoqo beleta ni kilai
kina na bula raraba kei na bula
vakailavo ni noda vanua.
Ia, e sega ni rawa ni da cakitaka
ni iwiliwili ni lewenivanua e Viti
e toso cake tikoga ka na toso
cake vakatalega kina na iwiliwili
ni gonevuli era biu vuli mai ena
Ena 1996 e rauta ni 775,077
na levu ni lewenivanua e Viti ka sa
tubu sara kina 837,271 ena 2007.
E 14 na pasede ni sega ni
cakacaka e Viti era sa rawata tu na
sitivikiti, diploma kei na degree.
A tabaki talega ena macala
ni wili lewenivanua ni 2007 ni
iwiliwili ni tamata cakacaka e Viti
e 594,150 ka 326,988 walega era
cakacaka tiko. Sa kena ibalebale ni
267,162 era sega tu ni cakacaka.
Sa da vakavinavinaka kina
vakalevu ki Matanitu ni tu
vakatagane me vaqara na iwali ni
leqa ni sega ni cakacaka.
November 13, 2010
‘Me vakayagataki na qele’
E vakabibitaka na Turaga Prime Minister, Komadoa
Voreqe Bainimarama ena Bose ni Yasana o Ra na
kena vakayagataki na qele ena tei dovu.
Oya me vaka ni dau vakanuinui tu na kabani ni
suka ki na yasana o Ra ena vuku ni nodra cau na ena
cakacaka ni suka.
E vakadeitaka vei ira na lewe ni yasana o Ra
O Komodoa Bainimarama ni dei tu na taukeni ni
nodra qele na lewenivanua ka na sega ni dua na
lewa ena veisautaka na kena taukeni na qele.
E vakauqeti ira mera tei dovu vakalevu ni sa
sasagataka tiko na matanitu me vukea na cakacaka ni
suka ka me kua ni vakasosataki ena ile vakapolitiki
me vaka e dau yaco e liu.
“Mo ni tea na dovu na galala tu na nomuni
qele,” a kaya o Bainimarama.
“Au vakauqeti kemuni mo ni tea se solia me
lisitaki me tei kina na dovu.
“Sa tu vakarau na Land Use Unit ni matanitu me
solia na ivakasala me rawa ni tubu na rawa-ka mai
na qele se solia na qele me lisitaka na matanitu,” a
kaya o Bainimarama.
Ena yabaki sa oti 2009 e vakayagataka na
matanitu erauta ni $1 na milioni ena cakacaka ni
veivakatorocaketaki e na gaunisla ni teitei kei na
loga dovu, na veivuke ena veikoro, koro ni vuli,
qaravi ni vei tikotiko kei na vukei koya vakaikoya.
Veivakatorocaketaki ni 2011
E taroga tiko vua na iliuliu ni matanitu Komadoa Voreqe Bainimarama o Nemani Baraki mai Koro ena Bose ni Yasana
o Lomaiviti ka vakayacori e Suva ena siga Tusiti ni macawa sa oti.
Namaki me toso na veiqaravi ni matanitu
E dolava na Bose ni Yasana o Lomaiviti
na iliuliu ni matanitu, Komadoa Voreqe
Bainimarama e Suva ena siga Tusiti.
E kaya ni sa sasaga tiko va’gumatua na
Matanitu me kauta mai na bula sautu kei na
veiyaloni vei keda kece na lewe i Viti.
E vakadeitaki ira na lewe ni yasana o
Lomaiviti o Bainimarama ni na sega ni
dua e kauta tani na itutu ni noda taukena
na noda qele na itaukei e Viti ena vuku ni
nuiqawaqawa sa basika tiko mai vei keda
na itaukei.
E kaya ni sa vuqa na vakatulewa sa
vakayacora na matanitu me vinaka kina na
noda itutu ni bula na lewe i Viti.
E dua vei ira oqo na kena vakalailaitaki
nai sau ni kakana era volitaki ena sitoa
ni volivoli ka ra vakauqeti kina na dau
volivolitaki mera lavaka na isau dodonu
ni yaya e veiganiti kei na ivakatagedegede
ni bula ka veiraurau kei na ituvaki ni noda
bula vakailavo e Viti.
E qai kaya o Bainimarama ni valuti
ni bula dravuadravua edua na ulutaga ena
sasaga vagumatua tiko kina na matanitu.
Ena yabaki sa oti e vakayagataka
na matanitu e rauta e $5.6 na milioni
ena veivakatorocaketaki me vaka na 29
na votavota ni cakacaka ni vukei koya
vakataki koya, na vakavinakataki ni
gaunisala e Ovalau, Gau, Koro kei na wavu
e Qarani, vakavinakataki ni veiqaravi ni
Tabacakacaka ni Bula, vakavinakataki
ni iqaqi ni waicevata mai Ovalau,
veivakacokotaki ni cagilaba o Tomas kei
na veivakalivalivataki.
E tinia o Bainimarama ka kaya ni
sa ciqoma oti na matanitu na nodratou
kerekere e va (4) na kabani ka ratou
kerea na cakacaka ni kena tamusuki ka
vakawainimatetaki na veikau ena loma ni
Yasana vakaturaga o Lomaiviti.
Kerei na veiqaravi ni baqe ena
yanuyanu o Koro
Vakaraitaka ena gauna ni veivosaki
kei na Prime Minister o Nemani Baraki
mai tikina o Mudu ni sa lailai tiko na
ilavo ni veiqaravi ni Positovesi e Koro ena
gauna oqo ka ra gagadre kina vakalevu
na lewenivanua de rawa ni veivuke na
matanitu ena kena laki vakadaberi e Koro
na veiqaravi ni baqe na BSP.
Kaya o Baraki ena gauna e vakatarogi
kina ena noda pepa oqo ni loma ni dua na
macawa e ciqomi e na loma ni tikina o
Mudu e rauta ni $12,000 ka vuqa na ilavo
oqo era vakayagataki tu ga vakaveitalia,
oya na vuna era gadreva kina me dua na
baqe me laki veiqaravi ekea me maroroya
na nodra ilavo.
Kuria na nona ivakamacala o Baraki ni
tolu (3) na kabani dau voli dalo eratou cici
tiko yani e Koro me ratou laki volia tiko
mai na dalo, “e lailai ga na ilavo eratou
kauta yani ni sa vutuniyau sara tu ga o
Koro ena ivoli na dalo kei na yaqona”.
Vakaliuci na vuli e Namosi
Ena Bose ni Yasana Vakaturaga
o Namosi e Navua, e bolei ira kina
na Turaga ni vanua o Namosi na
Vunivalu na Tui Namosi o Ratu
Suliano Matanitobua me sa tutaki
ka vakabibitaki na nodra vuli na
gone ni vanua o Nabukebuke.
itavi era qarava na vakailesilesi
ni matanitu ena nodra colata na
itavi ena yalo dina, na cakacaka
vakadodonu me vaka sa tutaka
tiko na matanitu e cicivaki keda
tiko edaidai.
Ea vakavinavinaka tale ga vua
na Turaga Roko Tui Namosi kei
ira nona ivakailesilesi ni talevi na
veivanua taucoko e Namosi kei
na kena tokoni na ituvatuva ni
matanitu ena veivakatorocaketaki
ena vula 10 sa vakanadakui.
E vakadeitaka tale o Ratu
Siliano ni na tokona tiko ga o Namosi
na matanitu veiliutaki edaidai ena
nodra vukei na lewenivanua e
Namosi ena veivakatorocaketaki e
kauta yani mera tiko vinaka kina
na lewenivanua.
Qai vakabibitaka o Ratu vei ira
November 13, 2010
na turaga ni vanua, mata ni tikina
kei ira na lewenivanua ka kaya:
“Dou lako dou laki vakadewataka
ena loma ni nomudou tikina ni sa
na yabaki ni vuli na 2011.”
“Oya me yabaki ni vuli ena loma
ni yasana o Namosi. Au vinakata
me tarai cake na vuli baleta ni
yaragi oqo ka na kauta mai na
kalougata eda na vakaukauwataki
kina,” a kaya o Ratu Suliano.
lewenivanua kei na iliuliu ni
vuvale me gunuvi vakayalomatua
na yaqona ni Viti ni sa rui levu
na vakasabusabutaki gauna ka
dodonu me vakayagataki vei ira na
lewe ni vuvale.
E kaya ni bibi na liutaki ni
vuvale me ra qarauni vakavinaka
na gone ena nodra susugi cake.
E qai kerea vei ira na leweni
bose ni yasana me sa veisau na
nodra rai ena yabaki vou.
“E liu dau biu e muri na
veika me baleta na vuli ka liu na
“Au sa kerei kemuni me
veisautaki ka me liu na vuli.
Vei kemuni na mata ni tikina,
mera sikovi na lewe ni tikina me
vakadewataki na itukutuku oqo,”
a kaya o Ratu Suliano.
E kaya ni na vakayacori
talega e dua na Bose Vanua ni
vanua vakaturaga o Nabukebuke
ena itekivu ni yabaki vou me
veivosakitaki kina na veika bibi me
baleta na itovo ni vanua vakaturaga
o Namosi.
Era na kacivi taucoko kina na
Turaga ni Vanua mera kauta vata
tale ga yani na veivakadeitaki ni
vanua e baleta na nodra itutu vakaTuraga ni Mataqali kei na Liuliu ni
E kaya ni sa vaka era lecava
tiko na lewenivanua e Namosi na
itovo e kilai kina o Nabukebuke, e
sega ni yali e tiko ga, ia e vaka me
sa taurivaki tiko ga na itovo vou.
Edua tale na itukutuku e
vakaraitaka na Turaga Tui Namosi
ni vuqa vei ira na lewenivanua e
sega ni dodonu mera vosa ena vuku
ni vanua era sa vosa tiko, ka kaya
ni sa levu tiko na viavialevu kei na
Esa na wasea na Matanitu e $250,000 ki na Yasana
o Ra ena yabaki vou (2011) me vukea na ituvatuva
ni teitei ni yasana ka vakatokai na Sigavou Valley
Agriculture Development Programme.
Oqo ena vukea na kena teivaki, sauni vakavinaka
kei na kena maketetaki na ivoli ki na kena makete
na ivoli e rawa mai na ituvatuva ni teitei oqo.
E oka ena ituvatuva oqo na kena tara e Namarai
e dua na iqaqi ni wai cevata (Ice Plant) me
rawarawa vei ira na dauqoli se na kena volitaki na
sasalu ni waitui ena baravi kei Ra – oya me rauta
na $606,000.
Ena tarava sara na kena tara e dua na itikotiko
vou ni matanitu e Namarai ka na veiqaravi kina e
dua na kena vakailesilesi ena itutu ni DO me qarava
ka vukea na gagadre ni lewenivanua e baleta na toso
ni veivakatorocaketaki ni matanitu ena baravi kei
Vakadeitaka tale ga ena nodra veitalanoa na
Vunivola Tudei ni veitabacakacaka vakamatanitu
kei ira na lewenivanua na Tui Navitilevu o Ratu Meli
Bolobolo ni sa vakadonuya oti na Vunivola Tudei
ni Veivakatorocaketaki vakayasana ni na veivuke
na matanitu ena votai ni ose vei ira na veikoro era se
bera vakalevu ena veivakatorocaketaki ni gaunisala
me rawa ni vukei ira ena kau ni nodra ivoli ki
gaunisala ni lori.
Sa vakadonuya tale ga na Vunivola Tudei
o Kanala Manasa Vaniqi ni sa na solia na nona
vale ni volavola edua na boto kei na kena idini
cavu me vukea na nodratou veiqaravi se veisiko
na vakailesilesi ni Valenivolavola ni Yasana ena
veikoro e sega ni yacovi rawa ena gaunisala koto
ena toba na Navitilevu Bay.
Dei koto o Moi
ena vakau ivoli
E bolei ira na Turaga ni vanua o
Nabukebuke o Peni Moi edua na
dau vkau ivoli ki vanuatani.
E vakaraitaka o Moi ena Bose
ni Yasana o Namosi ena macawa
rua sa oti ni sa dodonu me ra
gumatua na Turaga ni vanua ena
kena tosoi cake na levu ni teitei me
rwa ni vakatubura na volivolitaki ki
Ena kena roro voleka tiko mai
na veisisivi se veiqatitaki ni icovi
dau valataki vei ira na dau vakau
ivoli i vanuatani, e nuidei tiko o
Moi ni na sega ni dua ena siviti
koya ena uasivi ni vakau dalo i
Kaya o Moi ni sega ni dua na
dau vakau dalo i vanuatani e Viti
e uasivi cake na isau e solia ni
vakatauvatani kei na nona isau ni
dalo e volivoli kina.
Edaidai e vakauta tiko i valagi
ena makete ni kakana dina o Moi
e rauta ni 16 na kisi ni wai liliwa
(container) dua na macawa se 10 na
tani na dalo dua na container.
E tovolea tale tiko ga o
Moi me tomana tiko na nona
veiqaravi ka bolei ira kina na
lewe ni yasana o Namosi mera
cakacaka vakaukauwa ka gumatua
vakalevu ena teitei me rawa ni
sotavi na gagadre ni matanitu ena
kena vakadeitaki na kakana me
vakayagataka na vuvale ka qai
vakau na kena vo ivanuatani.
Esa lomasoli kina o Moi ka
kaya “kevaka era via tosoya cake
na nodra sasaga na lewe ni vanua
e Namosi ena vakau ivoli, ena solia
na nona kabani e $1500 ki na koro
yadua e vakatawana rawa e dua na
container dalo ena dua na vula.
Ena volia na container dalo
ka qai solia tale na ilavo oya
me qaravi kina na cakacaka ni
veivakatorocaketaki ni koro.
E uqeti na lewe ni yasana o
Namosi o Moi mera tosoya cake na
ivakarau ni teitei, veisau na rai ena
vakasama ni bisinisi ka vakalevu
na teitei ni sa ivurevure uasivi ni
rawa ilavo na vakayagataki qele.
Veivakadeitaki na
tei yaqona e Cavaga
Vol. 1
No. 11
F I J I ,
Minisitiri Ni Vakayagataki Qele
Na Matanitu esa kacivaka oti e
levu na porokaramu ni veivuke me
vukei kina oira na tiko ena taudaku
ni taoni kei na veiyanuyanu lalai ka
vuqa talega na veivakatorocaketaki
sa qaravi tiko ena noda veikoro kei
na veitikotiko eso.
Na Tabana ni Teitei sa biuta vata
e vica na porokaramu me taketetaki
ira na dauteitei era rawa ni sotava na
gagadre ni noda vanua.
Na porokaramu ni veivuke eso
sai koya na veivuke baleti ira na
tiko ena taudaku ni noda taoni kei
ira na tiko ena noda veiyanuyanu
lailai (ROI), teitei me sosomitaka na
veika eda volia mai vanuatani (ISP),
teitei me maketetaki ki vanuatani
(EPP) kei na Veivakatorocaketaki
ena bucabuca ko Sigatoka (SVIP).
Na koro ko Cavaga e tiko ena
yasana ko Bua mai na Vualiku ka
wili tiko ena tikina ko Nadi. Na koro
oqo e tukuna vakamatata na veivuke
e solia kina na Matanitu.
E rua na kena yavusa ka va na
kena mataqali, ia esa sasaga tiko
vakaukauwa na koro oqo mera
rawa-ka mai na teitei.
E na tatadra ka bucini ena 11
na yabaki sa oti, na koro ko Cavaga
esa toso cake tiko vakamalua enai
kabakaba ni rawa - ka ia era vakila ni
se vo tale edua na gaunisala balavu
mera na muria.
Ena 100 na eka na qele ni teitei
ka tiko rauta ni vitu na kilomita na
kena yawa mai na koro, era sa tekivu
cavu yaqona tiko kina na cauravou
enai walewale ni teitei lelevu mai
na kena vakayagataki e veimama
walega ni qele kara sa liga batabata
tiko kina.
Edua vei ira na lewe ni soqosoqo
ko Lorasio Lolo (yabaki 64) ena
mataqali Nadilau sa vakadindinataka
na veisaulevu sa vakayacori tiko ena
loma ni koro mai na veiyabaki sa oti.
“Era vakila na Vinaka ni lotu
na kaukauwa ni lotu katolika e sala
muri ira, oira na qase ni koro oqo,
era digitaka ena 11 na yabaki sa oti
mera tauyavutaki edua nai teitei
ni koro me sotavi kina na nodra
gagadre ni veisoqo ni koro kei na
lotu,” kaya ko Lolo.
vakavotukanataki na tatadra oqori,
e mai basika vakaukauwa kina na
‘solesolevaki” sai koya na neimami
me toso na
qaravi nei
E duri tu oqo o Lorasio Lolo kei na dua na lewenikoro mai Cavaga, Bua ena yasa ni nodratou lori e
voli mai ena ilavo e rawati ena tei yaqona.
cakacaka vata, yalovata me qaravi
kina na cakacaka enai teitei.”
“E cakacaka oca dina, ia na
bolebole e tarai keimami na lewe
ni koro me keimami cabeta cake na
drakidrakita ni gaunisala kina nodrai
teitei ni yaqona,” vakamacalataka
ko Lolo.
“Keimami se vakila tikoga na
dredre ni gaunisala kinai teitei ia
ena sega ni vakataotaki keimami
ena neimami na tosoya tikoga na
cakacaka ni teitei ena gaunisala
vakabisinisi,” kaya ena dredre ko
Ni oti e vica na tatamusuki ni
yaqona, oira na qase kei na komiti
era mai raica ni sa vinaka mesa voli
edua na neimami lori ka mani saumi
rawa kina e $20,000 nai lavo qaqa
ka qai sausaumi tiko vakalailai na
vo ni $20,000 me yacova sara ni sa
saumi oti vakadua.
“Keimami tara talega e 22 na
valelailai (flush toilet) ni veivale
yadua ena koro me vaka ni oqo
edua na gaunisala ni tiko bulabula
ena kena dau laurai ni vuqa na mate
dauveiveitauvi edau tara mai na
noda vanua.”
“Keimami sa vakarabailevutaka
na neimami vale ni soqo, ka’u
Ilavelave ni
TABANA E 8 - 16
doudou meu tukuna ni oqo e rawa
kecega mai nai lavo ni neimami
yaqona.” kaya ena dredre ko Lolo.
“Keimami dau volitaka na
neimami yaqona enai sau e $30 dua
na kilokaramu kina na neimami
tini ni makete e Suva vua ga edua
na neimami gone ni koro ka sa
gagadre me laki tiko e Suva me laki
vakavotukanataka na nona tadra ka
sa rawarawa sara kina vei keimami,”
vakaraitaka ko Lolo.
“Era dau vakananumi vakavuqa
na cauravou ena koro ena vuku ni
nodrai tavi vaka liuliu ni veisiga ni
mataka ka sa dodonu me vinaka ka
13th November 2010
dodonu talega na nodra vakatulewa
kina nodra bula me vinaka kina na
nodra siga ni mataka,” kaya ko Lolo.
“Ena gauna dau vakayacori kina
na bose vakoro, era dau vakadreti
na cauravou ena vuku ni nodra
porokaramu ni teitei ni veivula mera
teivaka e 300 na yaqona kei na 300
na dalo dua na tamata,” kaya ko
“Ena vei bose kece dau
vakayacori, e sega ni dau guilecavi
tabagone mai vei ira na qase ena
vuku ni nodrai gu ni cakacaka kara
vakayaloqaqataki enai tavi sa tiko
kei na kena vinakati mera taura
vakabibi na teitei ena gaunisala ni
teitei lelevu.”
vakalevu na nodra veitokoni na
neimami marama ia kevaka e a sega,
ena dredre me keimami yacova
na veika keimami sa rawata tu e
daidai,” kaya ko Lolo.
“Ko ira na marama era dau
gumatua ena nodra cakacaka mera
raici ira na tagane ni koro era lako
enai teitei oqo ena vuku ni kedra
kaka, tiko bulabula ka vaka kina
na kena vakarautaki na nodrai sulu
kevaka mera la’ki keba enai teitei,”
kaya ko Lolo.
E vuqa era vakabauta ni nodrai
tovo ni bula na marama mera dau
veivakayaloqaqataki ka solia vei
keda na kakana vinaka kei na
veiqaravi, ka dodonu me keimami
qarava vakavinaka talega na
neimami tavi enai teitei me neimami
vakavinavinaka vei ira,” kaya ena
dredre ko Lolo.
Ena gauna oqo sa tiko rawa ena
neimami teitei e rauta ni 5000 na vu
ni yaqona vakarau mera cavui kei na
5000 na yaqona teivaki veilutuki me
tomani tiko kina na kena vakauti na
yaqona kina kena makete.
Ko Lolo e marautaka vakalevu
na veivuke ena kena gauna donu mai
na Matanitu ena ruku ni porokaramu
ni teitei me veisosomitaki (ISP).
Vakaraitaka nai Vakailesilesi ni
Tabana ni Teitei e Bua ko Ilisoni
Banuve ni koro ko Cavaga e ciqoma
e $2603.00 nai sau vakailavo ni yaya
ni teitei, nai tei ni yaqona, misini ni
varo kau, kei na taqe ni suisui.
“Ena veivuke lailai eratou
ciqoma, era se rawata ga mera
sotava na oga kei dredre kece era
lako curuma,” kaya ko Banuve.
teitei o
November 13, 2010