LGSTX Distribution Services, Inc. (LDS) Benefits
LGSTX Distribution Services, Inc. (LDS) Benefits
LGSTX Distribution Services, Inc. (LDS) LGSTX Distribution Services, Inc., (LDS) has in depth knowledge of managing large distribution operations. Drawing from its experience of servicing first Airborne Express and then DHL in the transportation industry for their global operations, LDS parlayed that expertise to the United States Postal Service (USPS). LDS currently operates multiple mail processing facilities within the USPS network. With over 30 years of experience, LDS is well equipped to provide turnkey solutions that will ensure operations at your distribution facility are running efficiently. LDS offers training support to facilities looking to make better use of space, staffing, equipment, and transportation. LDS can also assist in the start-up of new operations in short time frames. LDS can provide a comprehensive facility assessment to determine the effectiveness and costs of your operation. We will provide a report detailing your labor usage. This report will clearly acknowledge the positives and negatives to help you cut costs, increase customer an ATSG Company satisfaction, and most importantly—meet your core objectives. Constant equipment malfunctions can be detrimental to your bottom line. LDS’ preventive maintenance program reduces equipment downtime which in-turn increases reliability and customer satisfaction. Benefits • Reduce unscheduled maintenance needs. • Safer work environment. • Increased customer satisfaction due to decrease in parcel damage. • Increase facilities efficiency and maximize capacity. 145 Hunter Dr. Wilmington, Ohio 45177 866.931.2337 www.lgstx.com Contact us for more details! Bill Schuck | Sales Account Executive | 937.725.4233 | [email protected] ATSG Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (ATSG) is a leading provider of air cargo transportation and related services to domestic and foreign air carriers and other companies that outsource its air cargo lift requirements. Through four principal subsidiaries, including two airlines with separate and distinct U.S. FAA Part 121 Air Carrier certificates, ATSG provides air cargo lift, aircraft leasing, aircraft maintenance services, airport ground services, specialized transportation management, and air charter brokerage services. ATSG’s subsidiaries include ABX Air, Inc.; Air Transport International, Inc. (ATI); Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Inc. (AMES); and Airborne Global Solutions, Inc. (AGS). www.atsginc.com Affiliates ABX AIR ABX Air is a FAR Part 121 air cargo services provider and operates the largest fleet of Boeing 767200 cargo freighters in the world. It provides charter services to a diverse group of customers in the U.S. and around the world. www.abxair.com ATI Air Transport International (ATI) is a FAR Part 121 Air Carrier providing B767-200, B757-200, and DC-8 freighter capacity. ATI serves a multiple-mission capability through an in-service fleet of freighters and Combi aircraft. www.airtransport.cc AMES Airborne Maintenance & Engineering Services (AMES) provides a fully integrated set of aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul services to airlines and operators. AMES holds a Part 145 FAA Repair certificate and offers heavy maintenance, line maintenance, parts sales and service, component repair and overhaul, and engineering services. AMES has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Airborne Material Services. www.airbornemx.com AGS Airborne Global Solutions (AGS) specializes in developing bundled, turn-key cargo airline solutions through strategic alliances with the ATSG family of companies. AGS is comprised of two whollyowned subsidiaries: Cargo Aircraft Management (CAM); LGSTX Services, Inc.; and a division, Global Flight Source (GFS). www.airborneglobal.com CAM Cargo Aircraft Management (CAM) is a lessor that provides services that include dry/wet leasing, passenger-to-cargo aircraft conversion management services, route and aircraft operations analysis, sale leaseback transactions, aircraft ownership joint ventures, and ongoing aircraft management services. CAM is wholly-owned subsidiary of AGS. www.cargoleasing.com GFS Global Flight Source (GFS) is an all-inclusive provider of flight dispatching, flight following, flight planning, flight control/dispatch training, and other flight support services. GFS is a division of AGS. www.globalflightsource.com
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