Recruitment Through Social Networking Sites


Recruitment Through Social Networking Sites
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
Recruitment Through Social Networking Sites and It’s Impact
Social networking sites such as Facebook ,Orkut, Twitter ect are some of the most
powerful tools available to recruiters today. The increasing impact of social networking sites
in communication and socializing worldwide brings attention to how they affect recruitment
processes. Role of social networking sites is increasing drastically in day to day life. New
hires looking for work turn to the Internet first, lesser looks in the local newspaper. It's not
enough for employer anymore just to post a job vacancy on,, or other online job boards. Employers are spammed with hundreds of resumes
from unqualified applicants when they post on the big boards. Employers recognize that as
the online social networking world is expanding, there are better ways to recruit superior
employees .Since world of recruiting is changing; Employers are using Linkedin, Facebook,
Viadeo popular networking sites for recruitment. Most people at the end of the day are hired
through a referral -- a friend of a friend of a friend. This is the basic structure behind social
networking sites -- the trusted one-to-one-to-one relationship. This research paper contributes
impact of social networking sites in organization and for jobseeker positive as well as
negative also. They are useful for jobseeker as well as employer .But its increasing popularity
also giving threat to privacy of an individual. Whatever people are posting can help them or
hurt them in regards to their career.
Study has been conducted with the help of inputs received from various sources like
publications, websites, Research paper, survey, etc. Comprehensive analysis of the shifting
trend has been done and explained through various graphs and figures Overall, social media
has improved the recruitment process by making it more open and democratic. Using this
method alone however, takes the ‘personal touch’ out of relationship building and candidate
identification. It is therefore unlikely to completely replace the traditional recruitment
methods in the coming period.
Keywords:- Social Networking Sites, Requirement, Employers , Employees
Research Scholar
Pursuing Ph.D. from Punjab Technical
University Jalandhar (Punjab)
Phone no- 9828630660
E-mail: [email protected]
Postal address
Palvinder Kaur d/o Mukhtyar Singh
V.p.o. -Inderpura, Via- Dholipal, Th.Sangaria, Dist.-Hanumangarh(rajasthan)
Pin Code-335064
HOD, Faculty of Commerce &
LCET Ludhiana,
Punjab Technical University Jalandhar
E-mail: [email protected]
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.1
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
1. Introduction :
Increasing use of technologies like the Internet has pervaded many aspects of life.
Nowadays, people are fond of communicating and interacting through online sites to have
different, interesting and worldwide experiences. The growth of social networking websites
like Facebook, MySpace and others is now a worldwide phenomenon. These websites have
gained more than 100 million worldwide up to 2007 (Brockett, 2007), and now store large
volumes of data of their users. For instance, a latest reported statistics is that ‘Facebook and
MySpace now carry details of around 12 million people in the UK alone’ (Marriott, 2007:25).
More recently, in March 2010 it has been reported by the media that Facebook gets more hits
per week than the popular search engine Google (Financial Times, 2010). This suggests that
individuals’ data could now be made available online to anyone accessing it. Studies Show
that there are probably as of September 2012, Face book has over one billion active users. In
India, Face book has 50 million users.
Employee selection and recruitment has not been fully understood or managed by companies,
and both recruiters and recruited could post or access data for different purposes. People,
especially college or university students and graduates are interested in so-called ‘cool’ stuff
(e.g. photos, diaries, ideas) to help them signify their individuality, diversity and ‘cool’
lifestyles (Gittlen, 2008) among other things. Companies might be using social networking
sites to verify information provided by candidates through other means (CVs, interviews).
How will a person’s data affect his/her future job prospects? How could different uses of the
same data be reconciled for the benefit of both companies and candidates? In this paper we
investigate the impact of social networking sites data in activities of recruitment. We adopt a
theoretical perspective based on activity theory which enables us to establish a common
ground to appreciate the use of such data by both employers and potential employees. With a
common framework we enquire about the role(s) of sites currently being played according to
candidates’ perceptions, and we discuss how sites could be better aligned to what companies
are currently and should be doing in terms of recruitment. Our insights suggest that there is a
mismatch between how different groups use social networking data and that jobseekers
should pay more attention to the data they make available to others, in other words how they
present themselves in the cyber-world.
Social Media is the current big buzzword in the world. It is already such a big part of
the Internet culture. Social Networking means simply one person meeting another person via
internet. It includes sites such as Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Videos, and MySpace etc.
Use of Social Networking Sites:1. Purely Personal Reason- Due to large demographic people like to be connected with
friends or want to make new friends. People use these sites, which gives entertainment as
well. Face book is more popular for this. One great way of taking advantage of the personal
side of Face book is keeping in touch with people hundreds of miles away, maybe somebody
who has gone travelling or moved to the other side of the world.
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.2
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
2. Business-Connecting with Customer -Due to large use of internet organization use Social
networking sites for directly connecting with customer. They can chat with customer directly
using sites. Twitter is being mostly used for this.
3. Business – Networking-Especially entrepreneur use social networking sites to promote
their business. To form solid networking.
4. Marketing-Another Twitter success story is Dell and their recent Internet Marketing
strategy. Their outlet site sells refurbished PCs, and they post details about the newest ones
on their Twitter feed. They also post special offers just for Twitter users, and they send
information about sales, along with discount vouchers to their Twitter followers. The
company has generated $6.5million in revenue from this venture.
5. Entertainment-The newest craze is on Face book, with all the game applications that have
appeared over the last couple of years. The most popular of these is a game called Farmville
which has managed to acquire 72.9 MILLION users per month. That is a crazy amount of
people to be playing a game about running a virtual farm.
6. For Recruitment-Sites Used for Recruitment:-LinkedIn, Viadeo, Facebook, Twitter.
2. Review Of Literature
Studies reveal that so many time, the hiring process is the deciding factor in
establishing whether the recruiter will get a good performer or not.
Social networking is one of the most sought out solution for sourcing and recruiting
employees in companies as it offers an exciting means for linking employers and potential
employees. Employee recruitment across levels has become more challenging as the market
for qualified job applicants is shrinking.Giving advertisements in newspapers and internet
based job boards is expensive and it is a constant challenge to target the narrowly defined
candidate types through mass advertising. This is when social networking becomes an
emerging and an exciting imperative.
As Ashish Garg, Director of Recruitment for Convergys Customer management
operations in India,reveals, recruiters perform more than 30 % of their sourcing activities
through social networking sites. They have a team of social media recruiting specialists and
hope to developmany more such specialists in the next According to a US survey of 2,667
HR professionals, 45 per cent check job applicants’ social network profiles before hiring
while a further 11 per cent intended to do so over the next year( 2009).
Zarrella (2010) says the roots of online social networking can be traced to the 1980s bulletin
board systems (BBS). These systems allowed the users to create personal profiles, helps to
share information by sending private messages, public messages and post events at low speed
connectivity. After emanation of social networking technology in the internet world, it grew
higher and popular among the internet user.
Lacy and Hernandez (2009) says Twitter gives the ability to share nearly 140characters thoughts in a split second, where user can easily share links to press releases and
stories about their business, service or product. Making tweets interesting and diverse, there
is a more possibility of increasing the followers, by consider with news sharing and stories
about the industry that they serve.
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.3
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
Smith (2010) says that Face book is becoming one of the great internet communications of
people time now days. Whereas many companies have tried to emulate Face book’s success
or challenge it in one geography or another, Face book has proven that the core asset on
which all of its services are built - the social graph - is much more defensible and powerful
than many others once anticipated.
A smaller UK survey found that only 27 per cent of employers did so, although it was
a more common practice in media, professional services and finance industries and less
common among charities and retailers (Peacock 2008). It should also be noted that sites such
as LinkedIn are professional networking sites that can be used explicitly for recruitment .
Allen, Van Scotter, and Otondo (2004) completed a study on recruitment
communications. Through a study conducted on 989 undergraduate students, they found that
media and media features have a direct effect on communication outcomes, attitudes,
intentions, and behaviours related with potential employees for an organization. Conveying a
constant recruiting message and utilizing media features such as two-way communication,
personal focus, social presence, symbolism, and including a proper amount of organization,
led to a positive opinion of the organization. In addition, these features were positively
connected to the communication process. The findings show that media and media features
have a significant effect on potential employees. Moreover, with a sample of 175
undergraduates, Braddy, Foster, Wuensch, and Grossnickle (2003) completed a study on
Internet recruiting. Their research found that maintaining a favourable recruitment image is
related to being successful when attracting potential employees. The navigational ease of a
website led to a favourable notion of the company versus websites that were difficult to
navigate. The study addresses the potential of the Internet and the recruitment opportunities a
company has through a userfriendly site.
Overall, the Internet can be used to increase communication outlets and
influencepotential employees. Using the Internet for communication purposes can lead to
anincrease in the number of job applicants a company can receive. In addition, an applicant
can develop a lasting positive impression of the organization through the company’s official
web page. Although these studies address traditional Internet websites, the forms of
communication mentioned are exercised on social networking sites.
Famous Sites used for Recruitment
Linked In-LinkedIn is one of the social networking sites in India which are used by many
professionals When anyone searches in Google for you, it is always a positive if you can be
easily visible and this is possible with LinkedIn as the page rank of such social networking
sites in India is high. So care must be invested in making the profile and things must be added
based on priority as people see the stuff in your profile. Not only you get connections but also
advices from the experts from the features available in LinkedIn. Along with these features
LinkedIn help finding your friends or your old associates of business.
LinkedIn now counts over 200 million members as part of our network, with
representation in more than 200 countries and territories and in 19 languages around the
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.4
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
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Highest Percentage of Traffic by Countries on Linked In
1. United States 42.8%
2. India 13.7%
3. United Kingdom 6.7%
4. Netherlands 3.7%
5. Canada 2.8%
6. Italy 2.3%
7. Germany 2.3%
Viadeo - Viadeo is often labeled as LinkedIn’s rival in professional social networking,
however it is important to note that the site is relatively unheard of in the USA; where
LinkedIn dominates the market. To extend its presence on the Asian Pacific continent,
Viadeo opened a new office in San Francisco in 2010
Users of Viadeo Country wise
Latin America 11.3 million
Europe 8.1 million
China 5.5 million
France 4.5 million
USA 5 million
India 3 million
Other countries 2.1 million
Face book-It was initially started as college networking site. Later on this expanded and now
each and everyone can be included. With Face book you can share your status updates,
photos, videos etc and your friends can like and comment on your shares. Studies Show that
there are probably as of September 2012, Face book has over one billion active users. In
India, Face book has 50 million users. The UK, Italy, France and Germany are the highest
represented European countries on Face book. Open networks such as Twitter and LinkedIn,
it is assumed, are the most useful tools for professional networking and recruitment rather
than closed networks such as Face book.
How to use Social Networking Sites for Recruitment:
Develop and expand a personal network of professionals to whom the employer or
recruiter can send a request for a referral of a recommended candidate for a particular job
Stay in touch with former, valued, trusted colleagues for potential future employment relationships. You don't want to lose touch with people who have worked successfully for you or with you in the past. They could be your best future employees – or send you
your best future employees.
Actively search for candidates among LinkedIn members by searching on keywords
for people with the required qualifications listed in their LinkedIn profile. (This is why keyword rich, well-developed, complete profiles are recommended for professionals on
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.5
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
LinkedIn.) Share your contact information so others can easily contact you whether you are
actively or passively job or employee searching.
Develop a complete, keyword-rich profile for your company on LinkedIn. Prospective
employees, who are looking for employers, search LinkedIn by keywords, too. They also
look at company profiles to make up lists of companies for whom they'd like to work. Potential employees may even contact you through LinkedIn's mailing system, In mail. Be prepared to respond as you want to hire these social media savvy candidates.
Search for potential employees by past or current employer who may have employed
people with the skills and experience you seek for your company.
Search for employees based on references from recommenders you trust, the process
used on LinkedIn in which members of your network can write notes of recommendation for
Can ask your current employees to activate their networks to reach out to potential
passive candidates for jobs. (Not everyone is looking, but most people are open to discussing
the right opportunity.) Employee referrals are valued because most employees will only refer
to you people with whom they want to work.
3. Assessing Return On Investment Of Social Media Hiring
According to an article published by the Human Capital, due to shifting HR
recruitment metrics, assessment of recruiting tools has become very important. Following are
the ways of assessing the social networking tools in order to gauge their effectiveness:
1. Influence: Twitter influence is measured using tools like Twinfluence or Twitter Grader.
Facebook business pages can also be measured with some beta tools like FB Grader.
2. Traffic: The goal of traffic is to specifically get people to look up the career website and
possibly, specific job postings, which motivate them to apply for jobs.
3. Chatter: To measure chatter specifically about ones career opportunities, the interview /
selection process and what it’s like to work in the company etc., some of the influence tools
mentioned above can be used but periodic auditing of the chatter and monitoring of the social
media is equally important.
4. Intelligence and candidate experience: Focus groups or online surveys can be used for
finding the candidate’s experience. Companies are taking this approach to embrace
uncertainty, using small-scale tests to find ways to improve discrete functions and practices.
They aim to learn by listening to customers and employees on platforms such as Twitter and
Facebook. The HR fraternity is using social networking mainly for recruitment related
activities. Professional sites like LinkedIn are helpful tool in sourcing various profiles.
recruitment related activities. Professional sites like LinkedIn are helpful tool in sourcing
various profiles.
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Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
4. Objectives
1. To understand the impact of social networking sites on the recruiters hiring practices
2. To identify the authenticity of these channels on the minds of the job seekers
3. To analyze the future prospects of these sites as a breakthrough in new age recruitment
5. Research Design And Methods
Sample design: The present research study covers various companies across different
“Random Sampling Technique” has been used for choosing the respondents.
Data Used: Both primary data and secondary data have been used for the purpose of study
(1)Primary Data- Primary data have been collected through the “Survey Method” with the
help of structured questionnaires. Two types of questionnaires were developed: a) One for the
recruiter and b) One for the job seeker Questionnaires were administered personally for
nearly 180 respondents and 100 were mailed out, out of these 264 (100 from recruiters and
164 from job seekers) valid questionnaires have been received, thus the response rate has
been approximately 94 %.
(2) Secondary Data-Secondary data used have been collected through published books,
articles in magazines and journals and Internet websites.
Questionnaire Development: For the purpose of analysis, a structured questionnaire was
developed in 2 stages as follows:
1st Stage: An exploratory study was carried out using personal interviews. This was done to
understand the influence of social networking sites on the recruitment practices of the Human
Resource Department of various firms and also to understand the usage rate and relevance for
job seekers.
2nd Stage: Based on the findings of the exploratory study, a closed-ended questionnaire was
developed which were then mailed out to different respondents as well information was
collected through personal interviews.
Scope of the study: Employees from the following companies across different locations in
India extended their cooperation as respondents for this study.
Job seekers
Amtek Auto Ltd.
Tata Motors
Larsen and Toubro
Jindal Steel
Philips Electronics Ltd
Analysis technique: The responses of the two types of questionnaires were analyzed with the
help of graphical representations, bar diagrams and pie charts & analysis and conclusion
drawn thereby.
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Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
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5. Results And Discussion
Recruitment trends of any industry are judged with the help of both the recruiters as
well as the individuals seeking job in that industry. Therefore keeping this in mind, we have
analyzed the influence of these sites from both the angles.
Number of users for every social networking platform
From the previously mentioned it is ascertained that the majority of those questioned has
created a Facebook account/page.
Recruiters’ perspective:
The most popular and widely used medium of recruitment in most of companies is through
internal referrals followed by job portals. Preference of social networking sites is at par with
print media. While other companies also recruit potential candidates through campus
Diagram . Social media use according to age group
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.8
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
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We see that in all age groups a large proportion of users keeps a profile on Facebook.
But it seems that as age increases the smaller the % rate on the number of users in each age
group. The percentage of Linkedin users seems to increase with age increasing, which may be
due to the use of that specific social networking platform. On the other hand, MySpace and
Hi5 are being reduced by age increasing and in the older age groups present with no users
share. This is because most are aimed at young audience Age. Finally, with age increasing, a
larger percentage of people who either do not use, or use some of the less popular social
networks appear
Diagram Social media use according to sex
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.9
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
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We observe that the largest proportion of users in both sexes has Facebook users. A
higher percentage is that of women users on Facebook, on twitter and hi5. Male users of
Myspace and Linkedin have a higher percentage. Finally, a higher percentage of men has a
profile on another social platform, or do not have a profile on any social platform.
Diagram .Social media use according to educational level
Facebook has high percentages in all educational levels. Notable is the fact that Linkedin
seems not to be used at all by high school graduates.
Diagram . CV upload in web based job search page
A great percentage say they have never put a CV on a job search web page and a
respectable percentage of respondents are not aware or did not answer this question. Of the
rest, the main reasons that posted a resume is the speed of communication with the employer
and the opportunity to send to multiple employers, followed by the non-use of paper and the
reliability of the Internet over traditional methods.
Majority of the companies are using the social networking sites mainly as a supplementary
tool for approaching potential candidates for filling up job vacancies. Recruiters feel as of
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.10
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
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now they cannot rely only on one particular form of recruitment tool and have to combine
various tools in order to attract the right talent for the right job vacancies.
Recruiters are mainly using the social networking sites for searching talents in the middle
management level positions, followed by top level management positions and then for lower
level. The reason being, for lower level positions there is plenty of talent available in the
market while for the top level positions not many individuals rely on these sites so experience
has revealed the most lucrative segment is the middle level managers (Managers,Asst.
Managers, Dy. Managers etc)
Reference and background checks play a very important role in understanding an
individual’s psychology, behavior patterns, professionalism and sociability. So majority of
the firms do refer to a candidate’s social profile in order to get a deeper understanding of an
individual and also to analyze the employee-job-fit.
There has been a positive response rate of almost 61 % from most of the candidates
approached for.
Linked In tops the chart in the list of the most sought after recruitment site through social
networking with 52 % firms using it to shortlist candidates, followed by Facebook (23 %)
while 23 % firms under the survey preferred a combination of both.
49 % of the firms do not blindly rely on the information provided in the social networking
sites of a candidate (even if it is the most professional site like Linked In). They always
supplement it with proper reference checks and background checks
These sites are mostly preferred for candidates with Niche skills
Almost 83 % of the firms feel that social networking sites will revolutionize the trend of
recruitment and will emerge as a new age tool for recruitment with only 16 % saying that is
an overhyped tool for recruitment.
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Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
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Sociability is the most important aspect of one’s personality that is judged through these
sites to some extent. Behavior and psychology is also judged in order to ascertain proper
cultural fit for the organization.
Job seekers’ perspective:
Most of the job seekers, today, have their profile uploaded on both Facebook as well as
Linked In while Orkut is gradually losing ground.
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.12
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
Diagram . Account creation in web based job seeking places
It is ascertained that only the 24% of those questioned has created an account in web based
job seeking places.
The survey has also revealed that on an average respondents have been active on the social
networking sites for more than 2-3 yrs
Most of the professionals spend approximately21- 30 hours every week on these sites
Information pertaining to both jobs and socializing are the main motivators for being
active on these sites.
Linked In tops the charts when it comes to approaching potential candidates through social
networking sites followed by Facebook
Referrals for jobs through acquaintances still remains the most favored source to getting
placed while social networking sites are closely gaining ground on this front as well.
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Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
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A majority of the respondents have admitted that they provide authentic information about
their professional backgrounds in these sites which shows the growing levels of seriousness
amongst professionals for this mode of job hunting
Candidates view companies recruiting through these sites as having good employer
branding and modern and up to date. They feel that these companies know how to blend into
the existing trends of the market thus work culture is expected to be global and employer
5. Recommendations
The findings above have revealed that social networking sites are indeed a
breakthrough in new age recruitment. Its merits coupled with certain drawbacks are gradually
coming to the forefront. However the advantages of this modern technique of recruitment by
and large outweigh its demerits. Thus certain recommendations have been laid down in order
to improvise its usage and implementation:
1. Cheaper alternative- Social networking sites can be used as an exciting imperative and a
cheaper alternative to advertisements in newspapers and job portals given the mounting
expenses and the requirement for targeting a narrowly defined candidate types through mass
advertisement. It also gives an opportunity to engage with passive job seekers.
2. Candidates’ psychology-The wealth of information that is available on these sites can be
used for understanding the psychology of the potential candidates and thus helps us in
understanding the employee-job-fit. This will not only give a boost to successful recruitment
but also help in enhancing employee retention initiatives.
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.14
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research
3. Employer branding is the latest buzz word in the business world today. These sites can be
effectively used by organizations to establish themselves as good employer brands in order to
attract the best talents of the industry.
4. Niche skills- With people spending almost 30 % of their online time on social media, this
medium can be initially utilized for tapping people having niche skills followed by an all
pervasive approach at a later stage as the study above has revealed that job seekers respond
quite positively to opportunities offered to them through these sites.
5. Early adopters- Companies which can gain the first movers advantage will remain ahead of
its competitors who might face entry barriers afterwards. It always pays to be constantly
updated with the latest trends of the market. So it’s always better to be an early adopter and
encash on the situation when the completion is low.
6. Training and motivational sessions- Organization can also implement this new strategy
through planned phased out training and motivational sessions for their recruitment team.
They need to highlight the benefits and ways in which recruiters can tap potential talents. For
example, alumnus is an important pool and social media is emerging as a convenient platform
to keep in touch with them.
6. Conclusion
The social media recruiting is here to stay and with the combined efforts of both the
recruiters as well as the job seekers it will revolutionize the recruitment metrics and practices.
As of now in o rder to reap the benefits of this medium, we need to run it in tandem with
other recruitment channels as well. However, its success and importance will depend on the
reach, cost and the kind of people it attracts. Thus, it very important to target the right
professionals for the right job.
7. References
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Zikmund. G. William, Business Research Methods, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2011.
Berger and Berger, The Talent Management Handbook, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
Gupta. C.B, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2005.
Deb. Tapomoy, Training and Development, Ane Books India, New Delhi, 2008.
“ Will social networking be the future of recruiting”, Human Capital- Vol. 15 No. 3, August, 2011
“Is hiring metrics playing a greater role”, Human Capital- Vol. 14 No. 11, April, 2011
“5 Trends in Software Development for 2012”, PC Quest- Nov 11
“What’s your social media strategy ”, Harvard Business Review, July-August, 2011
Juusola, T., (2010), Recruitment & Social Networking The Future for International Recruitment Agency A, Thesis in
International Business, Degree Programme in International Business, Lahti University of Applied Sciences
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.15
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®
ISSN 2320 – 2939 (Print)
ISSN 2320-2793 (Online)
Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Sciences & Technology
Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Swamy, Dept. of Commerce & Management, Govt. First Grade College & P.G.Centre, Channagiri.
International conference On Empowering employability in Business Education on 6th May 2014
Let your Research be Global search– An Ultimate search of Truth-
Reforms through Research,28804,2036683_2037183,00.html
Jobvite, (2011), Social Recruiting Survey,, [accessed on 27/11/2011]
Juusola, T., (2010), Recruitment & Social Networking The Future for International Recruitment Agency A, Thesis in
International Business, Degree Programme in International Business, Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Survey questionnaire.
A Questionnaire regarding the effectiveness of brand communication through Social Networking Sites
1. Age: _________
2. Educational Qualification: _________________________
3. How often do you use internet?
--- Once a week ---- 2 to 3 days a week ---- 1 or 2 hrs a day ---- more than 3 hrs
4. Are you aware of social networking sites?
----Yes ---- No
5. How often do you log in those networking site?
--- Daily --- 2 to 3 times a day --- once a week --- more than 3 times a day
6. How many SNS profile do you have?
---- Orkut ---- Face book ---- Twitter Others _____________
7. In which SNS do you find ads communicated well?
--- Face book ---Orkut ---Twitter ----Others
8. What kinds of ads have you come across in these sites?
--- Web banner ---Pop up ---Flash ads ---Video ads others _________
9. Do you agree ads appearing in SNS?
--- Agree --- Neutral --- Disagree
10. Have you ever accessed these ads coming on your way?
--- Often --- sometimes --- never --- depending on ads
11. What kinds of brand communication attract you in SNS?
--- Interactive --- Flash ads --- Banner ads --- Games, quiz, updates --- video ads
12. Did these kinds of ads made an impact over you?
--- Agree --- Neutral --- Disagree.
13. You have any account creation in web based for job ?
”Aano bhadraa krathavo yanthu vishwathaha”-"Let the noble thoughts come to all from all directions". Page No.16
Acme Intellects Research Center- A wing of Help to Help Charitable Trust®