The Filipino Express v28 Issue 08


The Filipino Express v28 Issue 08
VOL. 28 w
NO. 08 w
FEB. 21-27, 2014 w
(201) 434-1114 w
By Kristine Angeli Sabillo
MANILA -- Despite complaints from
motorists and commuters about heavy traffic,
Malacañang on Feb. 18 said it believes the
construction of major road projects is a
welcome improvement for the public.
“I think we should also recognize that many
of our people are willing to do the necessary
sacrifice that is needed and they are willing to
bear with the inconvenience,” Communications
Secretary Herminio Coloma said during a
Palace press briefing.
Referring to the simultaneous construction
of the Skyway Stage 3 and the Ninoy Aquino
International Airport Expressway Phase 2,
Coloma said Filipinos also want to see
additional infrastructure, similar to those in
other countries.
The secretary recalled how for four years he
drove his daughter to school from Muntinlupa to
Quezon City amid the heavy traffic caused by
the construction of Skyway.
“Pinagtiyagaan namin 'yon nang apat na
taon. Maganda naman 'yung epekto ngayon,” he
said. (We persevered for four years. It resulted
in something good.).
WORSE YET TO COME. Rush hour sees traffic almost at a standstill along Edsa near Guadalupe, Makati City. But Metro Manila residents are expecting even worse traffic nightmares as construction of the
Skyway Stage 3 project started, with completion seen in four years. Leo M. Sabangan II
P370M for 4 senators
No explanation why they got money ahead of others
By Michael Lim Ubac
Inquirer file photo
MANILA -- The P370 million
that went to Senators Jinggoy
Estrada, Ferdinand Marcos Jr.,
Vicente Sotto III and Ramon
Revilla Jr. in March 2012, at the
height of the impeachment trial
of then Chief Justice Renato
Corona, was part of a stimulus
fund of the Aquino
administration, Malacañang
said on Thursday.
Presidential spokesman
Edwin Lacierda confirmed that
the amount came from the
Disbursement Acceleration
Program (DAP) - a little-known
impounding mechanism for
government savings that came
to light in September last year
after Estrada said each senator
who voted to convict Corona
had received P50 million in
additional pork barrel funds as
Lacierda, however, did not
offer any cogent explanation for
why the four senators were
given DAP funds in March 2012
ahead of their colleagues, who
started receiving DAP funds
only in late August.
“I think most of them - they
were asked also if they have any
(project). If I recall, they were
asked if there were projects,”
Lacierda said.
He said he would examine
the documents and could not
say if the four senators were just
the “early birds.”
The constitutionality of the
DAP, specifically the juggling of
funds from one department to
another from the program
described as President
Page 4
Obama visit to boost 'enduring alliance’
ByTarra Quismundo
Only authors of libelous content face penalties
Foreign Secretary Albert del
Rosario said Obama's first visit to
MANILA -- US President Barack Manila, after a postponement in
Obama's visit to the Philippines in October, would underscore the strong
April is expected to further boost the ties between the two allies - a
enduring treaty alliance between the relationship the Philippines has been
By Christine O. Avendaño
two countries, one which currently counting on as it faces Chinese
stands as “our deepest bilateral provocations in the disputed West
MANILA -- The Supreme
engagement,” according to the Philippine Sea (South China Sea).
Court on Tuesday upheld the
country's top diplomat.
Page 9
constitutionality of a provision
in the controversial Cybercrime
Prevention Act of 2012
penalizing online libel amid
fears it infringed on Internet
Likewise, the high court
endorsed a provision that seeks
HONOLULU -- Joey Manahan, current Honolulu
to penalize authors of libelous Militants gather in front of the Supreme Court building in Manila on
City Council Member and Filipino immigrant,
online content but not those Feb. 18 to protest against the cybercrime law. Niño Jesus Orbeta
declared his candidacy for Hawaii's First
receiving and reacting to it.
Congressional District House seat. If elected,
The court, however, struck constitutionality of certain law in September 2012 to fight
Manahan would be the first Filipino immigrant to
down a section in the law that provisions in the cybercrime crimes committed on the
serve in the US House of Representatives.
allows the Department of law that were raised by 15 Internet, like cybersex and child
“The American Dream is what led my mother to
Justice (DOJ) to block access to petitioners.
p o r n o g r a p h y, h a d b e e n
bring me to the US from the Philippines when I was
online content.
The implementation of suspended for over a year. The
just ten years old.
After more than a year, the Republic Act No. 10175, which law can now be implemented
Page 9
Joey Manahan
high tribunal finally ruled on the President Aquino signed into
Page 5
SC: Online libel law legal
Fil-Am Honolulu City Councilor
to run for US Congress
February 21-27, 2014
Page 2
Inquirer photo
POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO TRAFFIC MESS. A tugboat cruises along the Escolta side of the Pasig River on Feb.
17, 2014. The government is considering the revival of the ferry system in the Pasig River to ease vehicular
traffic in Metro Manila which is expected to get worse with the implementation of 15 major road projects
this year. (Tony Pionilla)
The DOTC said the special coaches
will run four times a day, with fare
MANILA -- Special coaches boasting ranging from P60 to P120 per trip.
lounge sections and reclining seats will
‎In a separate announcement over
soon run in the Philippine National Twitter, the DOTC said that the service
Lacierda said.
Railways to provide convenience amid will run at the Tutuban station at 5:47
He said these are just “birth
jams in Metro Manila.
a.m and 4:17 p.m.
pangs” and the public will
‎The special coach service is meant
As for Sta. Rosa station, the special
benefit from it in the future.
to offer a “convenient alternative” to the coach service will leave at 8 a.m. and
“I think we are in a situation
anticipated traffic congestion in areas 6:08 p.m.
right now that we're going
affected by the construction of new
It added that more trips will be
through the birth pangs,
depending on the volume of
talagang we have to go through
O n M a rc h 3 t h i s ye a r, a i r - commuters.
it,” Lacierda said.
conditioned train sets with on-board
“The PNR will also extend its regular
“We ask the public for some
line service, from the current
understanding. We will do our
lounge sections will start plying the 5 a.m. to 7 p.m., to extended hours of 4
best to inform the public, to find
Tutuban, Manila to Sta. Rosa, Laguna a.m. to 8 p.m.,” the DOTC said‎.
ways to mitigate the traffic
PNR route, the Department of
The commuter line is serving an
situation, if necessary, to find
Transportation and Communication average of 65,000 commuters on 70
Page 8
said in a statement Wednesday‎.
trips per day.
Traffic nightmare begins
By Madel Sabater - Namit
MANILA -- Malacañang on
Feb. 17 reiterated its appeal for
public understanding and
support for the construction of
the Skyway Stage 3 as heavy
traffic in major thoroughfares
are expected to worsen as the
project progresses.
Motorists and commuters
got the first taste of traffic
nightmare with the start of the
Skyway project yesterday. This
will likely worsen and drag on
for four years or before
President Benigno S. Aquino
III's term ends in 2016 as other
projects are also set to begin
With the Skyway project,
heavy traffic is expected in
Makati City through Manila as
well as EDSA for those who will
be taking alternate routes.
“We would like to ask the
public to bear with us. I know
this is going to be a difficult
s i t u a t i o n f o r t r a f f i c ,”
Presidential Spokesman Edwin
Special coaches with lounge sections,
reclining seats soon in PNR trains
By Julliane Love De Jesus
February 21-27, 2014
Page 3
People power rites in Cebu, not at Edsa
By Christian V. Esguerra
MANILA -- From Edsa to
Malacañang to Cebu.
For the first time in nearly three
decades, the anniversary of the
historic 1986 Edsa People Power
Revolution will not be celebrated at
the place where it happened.
Organizers on Thursday said the
festivities marking the Feb. 22-25,
1986, uprising that ended
Ferdinand Marcos' dictatorial rule
would be held not on Edsa but in the
“Queen City of the South”- Cebu City
- partly to accommodate President
Aquino's wish “to be one with the
Unlike in the past, Aquino will
commemorate the 28th anniversary
of the 1986 revolution by holding
“town hall” meetings with victims of
Typhoons “Pablo” and “Yolanda”
and the 7.2-magnitude earthquake
that struck the Visayas region.
Solidarity with victims
“He wants to be one with the
people, especially those who were
affected by the natural calamities,”
presidential spokesman Edwin
Lacierda said in a press briefing.
Lacierda said the
meetingscalled “pulongbayan”would give Aquino with a
“good opportunity” to show his
“solidarity with those people
affected” by the natural disasters.
A group of Yolanda victims has
traveled all the way to Manila to
express their concern over the
Cateel, Davao Oriental province,
which suffered from the onslaught
of Typhoon Pablo in 2012, and then
to Loon, Bohol province, which was
hit by a big earthquake last October.
After the traditional Edsa
“salubungan (encounter)” at the
Cebu provincial capitol, the
President will proceed to Bantayan
Island, then to Leyte and Samar
provinces, which were devastated
by Yolanda in November.
THE REVOLUTION HAPPENED HERE. A worker puts small Philippine flags in the hands of statues representing the Filipino
people in the People Power Monument on Epifanio de los Santos Avenue in Quezon City on Feb. 20, ahead of the 28th
anniversary of the Edsa Revolution next Tuesday, Feb. 25. Marianne Bermudez
supposedly slow pace of
rehabilitation in the Leyte area.
The group appealed for a
P40,000 cash aid for each of the
affected families to help them get
back on their feet.
P40,000 not enough
The President has rejected the
appeal, saying: “It's easy to suggest,
'Come, join us, you'll get P40,000.’
But how long would it sustain their
families? Would they be able to
rebuild their houses with that?”
Lacierda defended Aquino's
remarks, saying that “the actions of
the President have shown that he is
anything but insensitive.”
“We cannot discount the fact
that there are people who will not be
satisfied with the work that we do,
but that's free expression,” Lacierda
said. “We will continue to do our
He reiterated the government's
rehabilitation plan, which is
anchored on the so-called “buildback-better” approach.
Homes better than money
“We have a reason why it is
better to give them homes rather
than give them money,” Lacierda
said. “We would prefer to give them
employment rather than give them
P40,000. We'd rather give them the
tools to fish rather than just give
them the fish.” On the eve of the Edsa
rites in Cebu, the President will fly to
Malaysia visit
Communications Secretary
Herminio Coloma earlier said the
Edsa rites would be held at the
Malacañang complex. But the Edsa
People Power Commission (EPPC),
which organizes the affair, said later
it would be held in Cebu.
“The decision to move the
celebrations away from Edsa is also
to give consideration to commuters
who use the thoroughfare where
various government infrastructure
p ro j e c t s h ave a l re a dy b e e n
initiated,” the commission said in a
media advisory.
In his latest statement, Coloma
said the original plan was “shelved”
after the President met with
Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa
“and conveyed his decision to revisit
the areas affected by recent natural
calamities before he leaves for his
official state visit to Malaysia on Feb.
27 to 28.”
Ochoa chairs the EPPC.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 4
Marcos: I did not
receive any DAP fund
By Maila Ager
MANILA -- Senator
Ferdinand “Bong-Bong”
Marcos, Jr. on Feb. 20
slammed as “rehashed”
allegation linking him to the
controversial Disbursement
Acceleration Program (DAP)
“I did not receive any DAP
fund. And if it was indeed a
bribe to secure the conviction
of Corona, it was illogical for
me to be rewarded with the
DAP funds because I voted to
acquit him,” Marcos said in a
H e wa s re a c t i n g t o
reports that he was among
the four senators, who had
allegedly received a total of
P370 million from the DAP
funds during the
impeachment trial of then
Chief Justice Renato Corona.
The three others were
Senators Jose “Jinggoy”
Estrada, Ramon “Bong”
Revilla Jr. and Vicente “Tito”
Sotto III.
Marco said he already
answered and denied the
allegation in a statement he
issued in September last year
when his name was first
linked into the DAP
He reiterated that his
signature in the documents
i nvo lv i n g t h e N a t i o n a l
Livelihood Development
Corporation (NLDC)
identified with Napoles was
“falsified, citing on an
internal investigation
conducted by his own office.
The results of the
investigation, Marcos said,
were transmitted to the
Commission on Audit “in the
hope that it could aid the
agency with its audit.”
“Considering all these
facts, it is reasonable to
conclude that some people
must have maneuvered the
documentations and
appropriated the DAP funds
themselves,” Marcos added.
But Senator Miriam
Defensor-Santiago said the
test for bribery was not
whether it was given before,
during or after Corona's
impeachment but whether
the amount was “sufficient”
to change a person's decision.
“So, you have to ask
yourself, was the amount
sufficient to make the senator
c h a n g e h i s m i n d ? Fo r
example, it is a basket of
mangoes; he's not going to
change his mind. But if you
gave him P50 million, that
would change his mind,”
Santiago said when asked
about the issue during a
press conference at the
“Senators are notorious
for fickleness of mind. You
have to understand,
therefore that whether it is
given before, during, or after
is not a valid point. The only
point we consider is was it
sufficient to make the senator
make up his mind, or change
his mind if he already made it
up, or at least change the
perspective from which he is
viewing the proceedings of
the impeachment trial,” she
further said.
Asked about the case of
Marcos, who voted against
Corona's impeachment ,
Santiago said: “According to
my test, no. Maybe because it
was not enough. So bribery
also has a certain calculus of
its own. Remember what I've
said, it must be sufficient to
c h a n g e h i s m i n d .”
Clockwise, from top left: Sen.Vicente Sotto III, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, Sen. Ramon “Bong”
Revilla Jr. and Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.
P370M for ... From page 1
Aquino'spork barrel, has been
questioned in the Supreme Court
following Estrada's revelations in a
privilege speech.
Estrada went on the offensive after
being named, along with Senators Juan
Ponce Enrile and Ramon Revilla Jr., in a
complaint filed in the Office of the
Ombudsman in connection with an
alleged P10-billion racket involving
the diversion of the lawmakers'
a l l o c a t i o n s f ro m t h e P r i o r i t y
Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)
to ghost projects and kickbacks.
Secretary Florencio Abad of the
Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) later confirmed
what the senators got - as revealed by
Estrada - came from the DAP but
denied the additional funding was a
Termination of DAP
During hearings in the high
tribunal last month, Abad and Solicitor
General Francis Jardeleza announced
that the DAP had achieved its objective
of stimulating the economy and had
been terminated, a point repeated by
Lacierda on Thursday in a news
Abad and President Aquino
introduced the DAP in 2011 primarily
to “ramp up spending and help
accelerate economic expansion.” Since
2012, the DAP has been used,
according to Abad, as a source of
additional funding for the senators'
development projects on top of their
annual P200 million PDAF allocation.
Following revelations that the
legislative pork barrel funds had been
coursed through dubious
n o n g o ve r n m e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n s
controlled by detained
businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles,
the Supreme Court declared the PDAF
The high court is expected to rule
on the constitutionality of the DAP
after the contending parties submit
their memos summing up their
respective positions.
Abad on Sept. 28, 2013, released a
list of senators who were granted
additional funds taken from the DAP
“in the interest of transparency”
following the Estrada bombshell. It
showed that the senators began
receiving DAP funds the following
month, in August, not March, as the
Inquirer said in a report yesterday.
“To suggest that these funds were
used as 'bribes' (in the impeachment
trial) is inaccurate at best and
irresponsible at worst,” Abad then
Implementing agency probed
A ledger submitted by a whistleblower in the PDAF scam to the
Department of Justice showed that the
DAP releases of the four senators were
coursed through the state-owned
National Livelihood Development
Corp., whose head, Gondolina Amata,
is among those under investigation in
the P10-billion pork barrel scam.
In a text message on Wednesday,
Abad clarified that the Saros (special
allotment release orders) for the DAP
funds were issued in October 2011, or
about eight months before Corona's
conviction. The notice of cash
allocations (NCA) were released in
March 2012, he said. He said NCAs, like
the Saros, were never released to
legislators but to implementing
agencies “to pay for work done or
goods delivered.”
P1.107B from DAP
Following Estrada's disclosure in
September last year that senators who
voted for Corona's conviction
subsequently received at least P50
million in additional funding for their
pet projects, Abad confirmed that
P1.107 billion from the DAP went to
the senators in 2012.
Abad said the funds were released
after the conviction of Corona for
dishonesty in his statement of assets,
liabilities and net worth.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 5
Santiago urges Estrada to name
Tuason's 'client-senators'
By Maila Ager
Between Estrada and
Tuason, Santiago said, she
MANILA -- It may help
would tend to place her
improve the credibility of
“presumption” on Estrada,
Senator Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada
pointing out the latter's exposé
if he would identify his
about the alleged anomalous
colleagues, who have also been
Disbursement Acceleration
allegedly approached and
Program (DAP) funds.
offered projects by “pork
“…Perhaps we should grant
barrel” scam suspect-turnedhim the benefit of the doubt
Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano.
whistleblower Ruby Tuason.
that there were other senators
This was how Senator
(who have been approached by
Miriam Defensor-Santiago on
Tuason). I'd really like to know
Thursday prodded Estrada to
who they are. In the first place,
name the other senators who
I'm just curious by nature. Sino
might also had dealings with
kaya itong mga ito…”
Senator Santiago
Unlike Estrada, Santiago
“Yes, because it places all of
repeatedly asked Tuason
said Tuason was expected to
us under a cloud. And it's
during the last hearing of the
say only the things that would
By Norman Bordadora
had linked to the funds abuse.
unfair to those who are not
blue ribbon committee if she
qualify her to be a state
“What's the logical thing to do for
implicated,” Santiago said
had approached other
MANILA -- Senate Majority
a senator? Isn't it to fire and file cases
during a press conference at
senators other than Estrada
“So she (Tuason) can't be
Leader Alan Peter Cayetano on
against his employees if he thinks
the Senate when asked if
and Senator Juan Ponce-Enrile
expected to reveal all but only
Tuesday dared Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile
they were the ones that committed
Estrada should identify his
through his former chief of
what she seems will make the
to file charges against his former chief
the irregularity?” Cayetano told
colleagues, who he said had
staff, Atty. Jessica “Gigi” Reyes,
government approve her
of staff, Jessica Lucila “Gigi” Reyes,
reporters just before Tuesday's
been visited and offered
in connection with their “pork
application for state witness so
and deputy chief of staff, Jose Antonio
projects by Tuason.
barrel” funds. Tuason denied
she can be acquitted in the
Eva n g e l i s t a , a f t e r t h e y we re
“But he has allowed Attorney Gigi
“And it also will prove that
approaching other senators.
complaint sheet to be filed in
implicated in the P10-billion pork
to leave. Mr. Evangelista, according to
he's in good faith when he
But Estrada claimed
the Sandiganbayan,” she
barrel fund scam.
reports, is still with his office. In fact,
Cayetano said that if Enrile was
according to my information, is still
makes statements like this,
Tuesday that it was Tuason
pointed out.
denying any hand in the racket that
also with his office,” Cayetano added.
when he makes general
herself, who told him about the
Estrada, Enrile, Reyes, and
converted his Priority Development
Cayetano said there were only
statements and then backs
other incumbent and former
Tuason are all facing plunder
Assistance Fund (PDAF) allocations
two choices to make whenever a
them with specific details. It
senators, whom she had
charges at the office of the
into millions of pesos in kickbacks, he
subaltern was found to have
will improve his credibility,”
supposedly offered projects.
Ombudsman in connection
was expected to pursue cases against
committed malfeasance.
she added.
The senator though refused to
with the pork scam.
Page 7
members of his staff that witnesses
It was Santiago, who
identify them.
Cayetano dares Enrile
to sue Gigi Reyes
SC: Online libel
law legal
From page 1
without the provisions that were
struck down.
S o l i c i t o r G e n e ra l Fra n c i s
Jardeleza, who was at the high court
to attend the last oral arguments on
the Disbursement Acceleration
Program, refused to comment on the
ruling until he has read it.
At a media briefing, Supreme
Court spokesman Theodore Te said
the tribunal had “partially granted”
the relief sought by the petitioners.
Of the 19 questioned provisions,
the court declared four
unconstitutional: Sections 4(c)(3),
which penalizes the posting of
unsolicited commercial
communications (or spam); Section
12, which authorizes the collection
or recording of traffic data in real
time; Section 19, which authorizes
the DOJ to restrict or block access to
suspected computer data; and
Section 7 “as far as it authorizes the
prosecution of an offender under
online libel and libel under the
Revised Penal Code (RPC) and also
where it pertains to child
pornography for being in violation
of the prohibition against double
The court noted that “online libel
is admittedly not a new crime but
one already punished under Article
353 (which defines libel in the RPC);
Section 4(c)(4) (or online libel)
merely establishes the use of a
computer as another means of
publication. For this reason,
charging the offender under both
laws would be a violation of the
guarantee against double jeopardy
under Article III Section 27 of the
1987 Constitution,” said the
statement released to the media.
Te said the court upheld the
constitutionality of online libel as a
cyberoffense. It said that online libel
was “not unconstitutional with
respect to the original author of the
post but unconstitutional only when
it penalizes those who simply
receive the post or react to it.”
Bayan Muna Rep. Neri
Colmenares, one of the petitioners,
said they would challenge the
“No one should go to prison just
for expressing oneself, especially on
the Internet, where people express
their frustration with government,”
he said.
“Under cybercrime law, tweets,
likes, shares, comments crimes.
Everyone under surveillance,”
activist Vencer Crisostomo said in a
Also, the court qualified that
Section 5 of the law, which penalizes
anyone who aids or abets the
commission of cybercrimes and
anyone who attempts to commit
cybercrimes was “not
unconstitutional” in connection
with the commission of the
following: illegal access, illegal
interception, data interference,
system interference, misuse of
devices, cybersquatting, computerrelated fraud and identity theft and
But this was deemed
unconstitutional “only in relation to
o f f e n s e s p u n i s h e d by c h i l d
pornography and unsolicited
commercial communications and
online libel.”
February 21-27, 2014
Page 6
Forbes mansion owner seeks cops'
help in evicting Fabian Ver's ex-love
By Niña P. Calleja
Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala. From the official Twitter account of the Armed forces of
the Philippines
Military general relieved, charged
with sexual harassment
By Bong Lozada
MANILA -- Soldiers may be
quick with their triggers, and
sometimes also with their
A military general was
relieved from his post on
Thursday after he was charged
with a sexual harassment case
filed at the Sandiganbayan by
the Office of the Ombudsman on
Valentine's Day.
Brigadier General Noel
Miano was suspended for six
months after his victim, a
classmate of his daughter who
wo rke d a s h i s p a r t - t i m e
secretary, claimed that he
groped her on the chest and
thighs and kissed her, according
to the records at the
The incident happened in
2011 when Miano was still a
colonel serving at the Munitions
and Control Center and the
victim was just 18-years-old.
According to Lieutenant
Colonel Ramon Zagala, Armed
Forces of the Philippines
Spokesman, Miano is currently
relieved of his duties at the
Headquarters Service Group
while serving the suspension.
Olivarez warehouses
yield fake shoes, bags
By Jaymee T. Gamil
Parañaque City Mayor Edwin
Olivarez was put on the spot on
Tuesday after a raid conducted by
Bureau of Customs agents on two
family-owned warehouses yielded
millions of pesos worth of
counterfeit goods.
In a statement, Olivarez denied
knowledge of the contraband valued
at around P800 million and said he
would not condone or tolerate
He explained that the
warehouses managed by his sister
were leased less than a year ago to a
company called ZQL Enterprises
owned by Richard Gonzales Chang.
Following the incident, his family
has decided to terminate the lease
agreement, he added.
“We will not tolerate this,”
Olivarez said. “We will cooperate
with the proper authorities to get to
the bottom of this case and we will let
the law take its course.”
“I have instructed our police
chief, Senior Supt. Ariel Andrade, to
conduct a separate inquiry to get to
the bottom of this incident and to file
charges against anyone found
violating the law,” he added.
The BOC said the warehouses
located at the Olivarez Compound in
Barangay San Dionisio, Parañaque
OLIVAREZ. Niño Jesus Orbeta
City, were raided after a month-long
surveillance operation. Jessie
Dellosa, BOC deputy commissioner
for intelligence, said among the
items seized from the warehouses
were imitation Havaianas flip-flops
and Converse and Skechers rubber
shoes, bags and luggage, and other
According to Dellosa, the
consignees of the fake goods would
face charges for violating the Tariff
and Customs Code of the Philippines
and Republic Act 8293 or the
Intellectual Property Code of the
MANILA -- The petitioner
who had asked the Makati court
to evict from a North Forbes
Park mansion, the former
longtime partner of the late
General Fabian Ver, the Marcos
era chief of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines, is now seeking
police assistance to avoid any
violence that might erupt once
the eviction order is executed.
Judge Joselito Villarosa of
Makati Regional Trial Court
Branch 66 has ordered Edna
Camcam to be immediately
evicted from the Forbes Park
mansion which was said to be
lent rent-free by Dr. Daniel
Vazquez since 1994.
“We specifically asked the
court to order the police to assist
us. Based on our previous
experience, they (the other
camp) may be capable of
violence,” lawyer Estrella
Elamparo, the counsel of
Vazquez, the petitioner in the
Vazquez lent the house on
Cambridge Circle, North Forbes,
in Makati City, to Camcam upon
the request of her longtime
companion General Ver.
In a 13-page decision dated
February 10, Judge Villarosa
declared Vazquez as the rightful
owner of the property and
ordered Camcam to vacate the
mansion and pay him P250,000
per month from the time she
received the demand letter in
January 2012 up to the time she
would actually leave the
Elamparo said that when
Vazquez had asked Camcam to
vacate the mansion after
securing a Writ of Preliminary
Mandatory Injunction from the
Metropolitan Trial Court of
Makati City in January 2012,
Camcam hired 30 security
guards and sought the police's
help to prevent him from taking
over the property.
The contested property was
originally owned by Camcam
but she failed to pay her loan to
the United Coconut Planters
Bank (UCPB) in which the
m a n s i o n wa s p l e d g e d a s
The UCPB then sold the
property to Benjamin Bitanga
who in turn sold it to Vazquez,
according to the court order.
In her defense, Camcam
claimed that she was out of the
country when UCPB “extraj u d i c i a l ly fo re c l o s e d h e r
After learning of the
foreclosure, she filed a civil case
at the Makati RTC in 1991 to
annul it.
The court, however, allowed
her to redeem the property from
UCPB for P26 million. It was
Bitanga, she said, “who acted as
her trustee” to redeem the
property on her behalf. She said
she had also sought assistance
from Vazquez who used the
credit facility of his family's
corporation, Peak Development,
Inc. to secure a loan from Urban
Camcam told the court that
she was able to fully pay all her
loans to redeem the property in
Elamparo said in another
ownership case, Makati judge
W i n l o v e D u m a ya s r u l e d ,
however, that Vazquez had all
the legal documents to prove
ownership including the title.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 7
Charter change could lead to
instability, employers warn
By Leila B. Salaverria
MANILA -- Constitution
where the economic provisions
could be amended by law and
subject to the whims of Congress
c o u l d l e a d to i n s t a b i l i t y,
according to local employers and
private school associations
opposed to the mode of Charter
change being proposed by House
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte.
Belmonte is spearheading a
campaign to ease the
constitutional restrictions on
foreigners doing business here
by changing the economic
provisions of the Constitution.
H o w e v e r, i n s t e a d o f
convening a constitutional
convention to effect the changes,
Belmonte proposes inserting the
phrase “unless provided by law”
to the economic provisions,
thereby opening the way for
Congress to pass the needed
laws to bring about these
Edgardo Lacson of the
Employers Confederation of the
Philippines on Thursday warned
that this “might degrade the
fundamental law to the level of
an ordinary piece of legislation.”
The proposed changes could
lead to “instability” because
future legislators might change
Cayetano dares
Enrile ...
From page 5
“Why hasn't Senator Enrile
f i l e d a ny c a s e a g a i n s t h i s
employees? If I found out that there
was an anomaly in my office, I have
only two choicesfire them and file a
case or coddle and hide them,”
Cayetano said.
“You know I will not discuss my
case in public, please, OK? I have
been charged so please respect my
right not to comment on it,” Enrile
told reporters when asked for
Enrile's lawyer, Enrique de la
Cruz, in a radio interview in 2013
said that the senator didn't
endorse projects to be undertaken
by Janet Lim-Napoles' dubious
nongovernment organizations
“Senator Enrile's instruction
was clear… In the endorsements
that he signed, he allocated his
the economic provisions any
time by just passing a law, he
This might even have farreaching implications even for
the political and social aspects of
the Constitution, he said.
“What will prevent other
Congresses in the future from
inserting the phrase in every
other [provision] of the
Constitution?” he said.
Lacson said ECOP was not
opposed to the idea of amending
the Constitution, but it believes
that a constitutional convention
would be the wise way of going
about it.
A constitutional convention
with elected members would
promote participatory
democracy, he said.
Also objecting to the
Belmonte mode of changing the
Charter's economic provisions is
the Coordinating Council of
Private Educational Associations
“We're afraid that the
economic provisions can be
reduced merely to a statute and
such therefore can be changed at
any time,” said Antonio Abad, the
Cocopea's chief legal counsel,
adding that Cocopea also favored
a constitutional convention.
f u n d s to l o c a l g ove r n m e n t
unitsprovinces, towns and
barangays. If he had employees
that didn't follow this or did
something to divert the said funds
to NGOs, it wasn't in compliance
with Senator Enrile's instructions,”
De la Cruz said then.
“Perhaps it might not be
justified to make Senator Enrile
accountable for the said
wrongdoing or violation of the
law,” De la Cruz added.
Cayetano, in a statement on
Tuesday, said that there are
documents that showed Enrile
authorized Reyes and Evangelista
to sign PDAF papers on his behalf.
Both Reyes and Evangelista
were implicated by plunder
respondent and now provisional
state witness Ruby Tuason in the
hearing last week of the Senate
blue ribbon committee on the pork
barrel scam.
Cayetano said the documents
were allegedly signed by Enrile
and addressed to the Commission
on Audit.
More needs to be done for
Yolanda victims - UN
The United Nations warned on
Saturday that millions of survivors
of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon
were still without adequate shelter
100 days after the disaster.
“The authorities, UN agencies
and nongovernment organizations,
and the Filipino people should be
commended for the pace of progress
… But we cannot afford to be
complacent,” UN resident and
humanitarian coordinator for the
Philippines Luiza Carvalho said.
“The need for durable shelter for
millions of people whose homes
were damaged or destroyed is
critical,” she said in a statement.
S u p e r t y p h o o n “ Yo l a n d a ”
(international name: Haiyan) tore
across the central islands on Nov. 8
last year, killing 6,200 people and
leaving nearly 2,000 others missing.
It also destroyed or severely
damaged 1.1 million houses, leaving
more than 4 million people
Carvalho said millions of jobs
were also destroyed or impaired
after the supertyphoon tore down or
damaged 33 million coconut trees,
flooded fields with saltwater and
swept away or wrecked 30,000
fishing vessels.
Apart from addressing food and
health needs, the international aid
effort provided tents and tarpaulin
shelters to half a million families,
while emergency employment
programs pumped money into the
devastated local economies, the
BIRD'S EYE VIEW. One hundred days after Supertyphoon “Yolanda” struck,
children look at the tent city where their homes once stood from Tacloban City
Convention Center. Raffy Lerma
United Nations said. Many of the
devastated areas rely on subsistence
fishing and farming, and are on the
path of most of the 20 or so typhoons
and storms that strike the Asian
country each year.
“As the Philippines marks 100
days since the devastating super
typhoon struck, our thoughts are
very much with the survivors who
mourn the loss of so many friends
and loved ones,” Carvalho said.
“ We a r e s u p p o r t i n g t h e
authorities to help survivors find
closure and ensure that the affected
regions build back better and safer
so that the next massive storm does
not bring the terrible levels of
devastation that we saw with
Haiyan.” She said the United Nations
had raised more than $300 million
for the humanitarian effort this year
that was expected to cost $788
million. Priority would go to
providing durable shelters and
livelihoods, she added.
A b i g a i l Va l t e , d e p u t y
spokesperson for President Benigno
Aquino III, acknowledged on
Saturday that disaster aid “can never
be fast enough” for the areas
devastated by Yolanda.
“ We c o n t i n u e t o a s s u r e
everybody that the national
government agencies that are
involved will continue to push for
what needs to be done in the areas
that have been hit,” she said in an
interview on government radio.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 8
No Sabah talk when
Aquino visits Malaysia
this month
By Kristine Angeli Sabillo
DFA Secretary Albert del Rosario with Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop after their joint press conference on
the fourth Philippine-Australia Ministerial Meeting February 20
PH-Australia agree to continue
defense, security cooperation
By Matikas Santos
MANILA -- Australia and the
Philippines have agreed on
continued defense and security
c o o p e ra t i o n p a r t i c u l a rly i n
counter-terrorism efforts,
Department of Foreign Affairs
Secretary Albert del Rosario said
“ We a g re e d to c o n t i n u e
advancing our defense and security
cooperation including focusing on
c o u n te r- te rro ri s m w i t h t h e
holding of the fourth round of
b i l a t e ra l c o u n t e r - t e r ro r i s m
consultations this year,” del
Rosario told reporters in a press
Traffic nightmare
begins ... From page 2
alternate roads and so government,
on our side, we will make sure that
we try to exert all efforts to
mitigate,” he added.
Lacierda recalled that traffic
had also been terrible in the
southern part of Metro Manila
during the construction of the
Skyway Stage 1 & 2.
“Yet, we went through it, we
passed through it,” he said.
“Again, we would ask for
understanding and support from
the general public. In the end, this
will benefit us in the long run, it's
just that we are traversing those
pathways, we'll be bearing the
traffic so we'll ask for some
understanding,” he added.
A total of 13 infrastructure
projects are scheduled to begin this
year until 2016 before the end of
President Aquino's term.
“We are informing the general
public to brace for the traffic
situation which we will be
encountering for the next four
years,” said Francisco Manalo,
executive director of the
Metropolitan Manila Development
Authority 's traffic office, as angry
commuters took to social media to
vent their frustrations.
Traffic 'Armageddon'
Manalo warned that once
construction began, vehicles on the
city's main roads would literally be
reduced to crawling speed of one to
nine kilometres (0.6 to 5.6 miles)
an hour, compared to the already
slow normal 20 kilometers per
Motorists and commuters
conference on Feb 20.
“We also agreed on convening
the second strategic dialogue
which brings together our foreign
affairs and defense officials in
discussing and coordinating on
issues of mutual and strategic
concerns,” he said. Del Rosario met
with Australian Foreign Minister
Julie Bishop Thursday for the
fourth annual Philippine-Australia
Ministerial Meeting.
The Philippines' Status of
V i s i t i n g Fo r c e s A g r e e m e n t
(SOVFA) with Australia was
entered into force on September
2012 and del Rosario believes that
this agreement will improve the
way P h i l i p p i n e s a d d r e s s e s
maritime security as well as
humanitarian assistance and
disaster response.
Del Rosario said that the
bilateral agreement “facilitated the
humanitarian and disaster
response operation of the
Australian Defense Force in the
typhoon affected areas in the
central Philippines.”
Department of Trade and
Investment Secretary Gregory
Domingo was also present in the
meeting to discuss trade and
economic ties with his Australian
c o u n t e r p a r t A n d r e w Ro b b .
fearful of getting stuck on the roads
left home earlier than usual
But with so many vehicles on
the road as the day began, traffic in
and around Manila was snarled for
hours Monday morning.
“Traffic armageddon begins in
Manila!!,” tweeted San Crisselle Tiu,
while Chay1007 said she had to
bring “extra (supply) of patience”.
Once actual construction
begins, it could take a vehicle at least
two hours to travel the 19-kilometre
stretch down the city's main
thoroughfare, warned Vicente
Lizada, spokesman for the MMDA
traffic monitoring office.
from Buendia, Makati City, to
Balintawak, Quezon City. It shall
connect Skyway Stage 1 at Buendia
and run along Osmeña Highway,
Quirino Ave. toward Plaza Dilao,
cross Pasig River, then cut through
the back of SM Sta. Mesa toward G.
Araneta Ave., crossing Aurora Blvd.,
E. Rodriguez Blvd, and Quezon Ave.
towards Sgt. E. Rivera then along A.
Bonifacio toward Balintawak.
The Projects
The authority has asked
contractors to provide staff to help
direct traffic.
Apart from the Metro Manila
Skyway Stage 3 project, other major
road work projects for construction
are the Ninoy Aquino International
Airport (NAIA) expressway in Pasay
City; Light Rail Transit Authority
projects; and the Epifanio Delos
Santos Avenue-Taft flyover; the Sen.
Gil Puyat/Makati Avenue-Paseo De
Roxas vehicle underpass; Bonifacio
Global City to Ortigas Center Link
Road Project (Sta. Monica StreetLawton Bridge Phase 1 and II A) that
will cross Pasig River along J.P. Rizal
St. in Makati near the Makati Park
and Garden to Sta. Monica St. in
Pa s i g C i t y ; a n d M a g a l l a n e s
Interchange repair; the South Luna
and McKinley Ramps of the Bases
Conversion and Development
Authority (BCDA) in Taguig City;
and the EDSA-North interchange in
Quezon City.
The Metro Manila Skyway Stage
3, on the other hand, shall stretch
No More Window Hour?
With this traffic nightmare in
mind, MMDA Chairman Francis
Tolentino said the removal of
“window” hours for vehicles
covered by the Unified Vehicle
Vo l u m e Re d u c t i o n P ro g ra m
(UVVRP) or the “number-coding”
scheme is among the ideas that
popped up during last week's traffic
Participants of the summit
stressed that removing the window
hours between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
would greatly relieve the
anticipated problems of traffic
volume that may be caused by the
overlapping construction of 15
major road projects in the
“If it will be implemented, the
number-coding scheme will be
synchronized with other cities
which do not have window hours,”
said Tolentino. Currently, the cities
of Makati and Las Piñas do not
implement window hours.
Tolentino said he will include
the proposal for discussion with the
Metro Manila Council, which is
composed of all the mayors of
Metro Manila. Another idea that
also gained favor during the
summit is the four-day work week
and flexible time for workers.
Manila Bulletin
MANILA -- President Benigno
Aquino III won't be discussing the
country's claim on Sabah when he
visits Malaysia by the end of the
month. Instead, he will discuss
peace, trade and commerce.
“Sabah was not part of the
agenda,” Aquino said Wednesday
after his inspection of the Estero de
San Miguel project in Manila.
The President, who will visit
Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 27 and 28,
said they would instead discuss
trade and the government's peace
agreement with the Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF), especially
livelihood opportunities for the
residents of Mindanao.
However, Aquino said he would
also ask about the situation of
Filipinos arrested for their
involvement in the Sabah standoff.
Malaysia is the third-party
facilitator for the peace talks
between the Philippines and the
MILF. Early last year, the late Sultan
Jamalul Kiram III, heir to the Sulu
Sultanate, sent his men to Lahad
Datu to press their claim on Sabah,
which Malaysia considers one of its
13 states.
President Aquino
Aquino said he has yet to
receive proof of human rights
abuses allegedly perpetrated by
Malaysian forces against Filipinos.
“Ang klaro sa akin may mga
dinedeport sila na wala daw
kaukulang mga work permits,” he
(What is clear to me is the
ongoing deportation of Filipinos
without work permits.)
The President said around 140
to 150 Filipinos were included in
the last group that was deported,
far from what was earlier feared as
massive deportation of thousands
of Filipinos living in Sabah.
Nadjoua Bansil (left) and sister Linda (right). AP file photo
Two Filipino sisters free
from 8 months of captivity
Associated Press
MANILA -- Philippine military
officials say two Lebanese-born
Filipino sisters have either
escaped or were freed by Abu
Sayyaf extremists after eight
months of jungle captivity.
Marine brigade commander
Col. Jose Cenabre says marines
found Nadjoua and Linda Bansil
on Feb. 20 in Buhanginan village
in the mountainous town of
Patikul on Jolo island. Police say
Abu Sayyaf gunmen abducted the
sisters last June in Patikul, where
they traveled to do a video
documentary on the
predominantly Muslim area's
poor coffee farmers.
Cenabre said the Abu Sayyaf
had demanded a ransom for the
sisters' release but it was not clear
if any money changed hands.
He said the kidnappers may
have been pressured to release
the captives because of constant
military assaults and search
Only $30 for 25 words (deadline is Wednesday noon)
February 21-27, 2014
Page 9
Filipinas join 'One Billion Rising'
flash mob against domestic violence
By Vivian Zalvidea Araullo
mob of hundred people danced
i n f ro n t o f C i t y H a l l o n
Valentine's Day as part of the
global campaign to end violence
against women and girls.
Filipina women joined the
“One Billion Rising” campaign,
spearheaded in the Filipino
American community by the
nonprofit Filipina Women's
Network (FWN).
Marily Mondejar, FWN CEO,
noted that after more than 10
years of calling attention to
domestic violence within the
Filipino community, Filipina
women are now more aware of
their rights. Mondejar said she
and FWN were initially derided
when the nonprofit began its
“When we launched our
'Filipinas against Violence'
campaign in 2003, many of our
community members ostracized
me and FWN for daring to talk
about violence in our homes,”
Mondejar said. She and her
organization were criticized for
speaking about what many
Filipinos then believed was a
“private matter.”
But times have changed.
“There is now huge awareness
among sexual violence victims
that what happened to them is
not their fault,” Mondejar said.
“That they can seek help, they
can demand justice and know
that resources are available to
Mary Benito, a physiology
Obama visit ...
From page 1
“President Barack Obama's
visit reaffirms the enduring
treaty alliance and the strategic
and economic partnership
between the Philippines and the
United States,” Del Rosario told
the Inquirer via text.
“Our bilateral cooperation
covers many key areas, including
defense, trade, investment,
tourism, development and
humanitarian assistance and
people-to-people ties, all of
which reflect the fact that it is
with the US that we maintain our
San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee and Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada at the wreath-laying
ceremony at Rizal Monument in Luneta. Photo by Rudy Adlawan
Manila, San Francisco renew ties
Crowd in front of San Francisco City Hall dance-protest against
violence inflicted on women and girls. Photo/Vivian Zalvidea Araullo
By Bong Lozada
student at San Francisco State
University came to join the flash
mob. She said after she and her
friends went to last year's event,
they decided to make it their
Valentine's Day tradition.
Benito said she grew up
witnessing abuse at home. “I was
always seeing my mom getting
abused by my dad,” she said. She
said her mother's experience
taught her a valuable lesson.
“Whatever abusive relationship
or friendship, you have you have
to leave that,” said Benito.
Ronnie Ferrer, a Filipino
national who works at the
Philippine Consulate in San
Francisco said violence against
women in the Philippines is still
a problem.
“Nasa kultura din natin 'yun
(It's also in our culture),” Ferrer
noted. “Pero nababawasan dahil
sa mga batas. Dapat ma-educate
and mga babae tungkol
sa mga batas, pati ang mga
lalaki tungkol sa equality with
women (But laws are helping
lower the incidents of violence
against women.
Women need to be educated
about the laws, and men too,
about equality with women),” he
Filipino American superstar
Apl.De.Ap of the Black Eyed Peas
performed during the event.
He said he was unaware of
violence against women in the
Philippines, until he learned of
the alarming number of women
who were raped during the
aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan.
One Billion Rising began on
Valentine's Day last year,
launched by Eve Ensler, who
created the “Vagina
The name is based on a
United Nations statistic that says
one in three, or about one billion
wo m e n w i l l b e ra p e d o r
MANILA -- Cities of “golden” stature.
Manila, which boasts its golden sunset,
and San Francisco, which has the famed
Golden Gate Bridge, renewed its ties as
sister cities Wednesday (Feb. 19)
afternoon at the Manila City Hall.
Manila Mayor Joseph Ejercito Estrada
and San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee
exchanged signatures to strengthen the
bond of the two cities which was first
officially made in 1961.
Lee, who is the first ChineseAmerican mayor of San Francisco, said
that the ties of the two cities go deeper and
older than 53 years of paperwork.
“Although our sister city relationship
was established over half-a-century ago in
1961, our ties are much deeper and older,”
Lee said. “San Francisco's Filipino
community has without doubt enhanced
the city's status as an international center
for culture, trade, commerce and tourism,”
he added.
Lee said Manila and San Francisco
have similar ideals as both city
governments are committed in improving
their economies and making sure the
fruits of their labor reach every single
member of the populace. The San
Francisco mayor also expressed his, and
deepest bilateral engagement,”
said the foreign secretary,
formerly the ambassador to
Obama is scheduled to visit
Manila in the final leg of a fournation swing through the Asia
Pacific in April. Exact dates have
yet to be set, but the White
House said Obama's stops will
include Japan, South Korea and
His visit fulfills his promise
to return to the region and push
through with trips to Kuala
Lumpur and Manila, which he
was supposed to visit in October
but had to postpone amid the
partial US government
shutdown. In Obama's stead,
Secretary of State John Kerry
visited the region, including
Manila, in December. While in the
Philippines, Obama will hold
talks with President Aquino on
the two countries' wide-ranging
relations, particularly in the
areas of defense and economic
“The meeting will be
between the presidents of two
democratic nations, representing
peoples that share common
values - democracy, freedom,
liberty - and peoples who have a
history of shared sacrifice for
these values,” Del Rosario said.
Fil-Am ... From page 1
This country gave us opportunities
we otherwise would not have had and
I'm so grateful for that,” said Manahan.
“But today, too many Hawaiians feel
that dream slipping through their
fingers. We need leaders in Congress
who understand what it takes to ensure
that every person living in this great
nation has the chance to succeed,”
Manahan added.
Manahan was born in Makati,
Philippines and came to America with
his mother, Maite. They first lived in San
Jose, California, before moving to
Honolulu. His grandfather was Dr.
Constantino Manahan, a prominent
[email protected]
his city's, condolences for the victims of
Super Typhoon Yolanda saying that the
pain they endured were the same as if
their “next-door neighbors” were hit with
the calamity. As part of the visit, Lee
brought with him a team from the San
Franciso Deparment of Emergency
Management to share practices with
Manila in preparation for another
Honoris Causa
After the signing of documents, Lee
went directly to the Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Maynila to receive his
honorary degree as Doctor of Public
Management. The mayor, who has worked
for 20 years at the San Francisco City Hall,
said that he was a “radical” during his
younger years. “We raised our voices
against the decisions for war, be it
Vietnam or Afghanistan,” the graduate
student from the University of California
at Berkeley. “We tried to make the world a
better place, we were young and ready to
change the world”
PLM President Justice Artemio
Tuquero and PLM Executive Vice
President Doctor Virginia N. Santos
presented the degree of Honoris Causa to
Lee at the PLM auditorium.
obstetrician in the Philippines.
In addition to his current role as City
Council Member, Manahan previously
was elected to the Hawaiʻi State House of
Representatives and spent two years as
the Vice Speaker of the Hawaiʻi
Legislature. He has focused on upgrading
schools and housing projects and
promoting Hawaiʻi's tourism industry for
job creation.
Manahan also authored the first
successful legislation in any state to
designate October as Filipino-American
Heritage Month.
He has advocated for improved
veterans' benefits and reunification
among the families of Filipino veterans of
World War II.
Editorial & opinion
February 21-27, 2014
Page 10
Honor in the PMA
Three not unconnected moments from the annual
homecoming rites of the Philippine Military Academy last Feb.
15: Former senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson called on his fellow
PMA alumni to live by the academy's honor code, Secretary
Manuel “Mar” Roxas II joined the parade of alumni as an
“honorary member” of the Class of 1984and members of the
Class of 1976 denied reports that controversial businessman
Cedric Lee had ever been adopted as an honorary classmate.
“Mr. Lee is not connected, is not associated and is not a
member [of our class, which is] being dragged into this
controversy,” Edgardo Acuña, a retired police general and
president of the class, told the Inquirer.
Lee is the alleged mastermind behind the beating of TV
personality Vhong Navarro. The reports stemmed from Lee's
business partnership with police officials, including at least one
from the Class of 1976. “Most of us do not know him,” Acuña
Roxas did not break new ground when he marched at the
PMA rites; the academy's tradition of allowing each class and
the alumni association as a whole to bestow honorary
membership on civilians, especially businessmen, celebrities
and politicians, is a longstanding one.
It is also unfortunate. The idea is to link members of a class
or of the alumni association as a whole with influential
civilians; the consequence has been to cheapen the worth of a
PMA education and to reinforce the continuing politicization of
the military. Consider, for instance, the situation at the
homecoming last year, an election year: Vice President Jojo
Binay, leader of the United Nationalist Alliance, and
businessman Eduardo Cojuangco Jr., founder of the Nationalist
People's Coalition, took their oath as honorary members of the
PMA Alumni Association. Four of the senatorial candidates who
went on to win in May 2013 (Loren Legarda, Chiz Escudero, JV
Ejercito and Cynthia Villar) were either honorary class
members or the spouse of one.
The problem is widespread, and respects no political
boundaries. In 2010, another election year, the four sisters of
presidential candidate Benigno Aquino III were inducted as
honorary members of the Class of 1980.
This tradition adds layers of complication to Lacson's
speech as homecoming guest speaker. He drew a more or less
accurate portrait of the moral test that PMA graduates face
when entering active service. “Every single day of our lives after
graduation becomes a test of endurance, not of physical [trials]
but of our moral strengths,” Lacson said.
“The idealist - still very much armed with academy virtues suddenly comes face to face with practically everything that is
opposite of what was taught on the hallowed grounds of Fort
Del Pilar - corruption, treachery and cowardice.”
“So when young graduates encounter in their fields of
assignment some upperclassmen who had already succumbed
to the temptations of misplaced values or had countenanced
[such acts], the effects [on the young graduates] could be very
frustrating if not disastrous,” he said.
The description is not unproblematic - because of who is
doing the describing. Lacson, in 2001, very soon after the start
of his first term in the Senate, had a famous encounter with
another PMA alumnus, Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes. An
Widespread Support
for TPS for Filipinos
More than 100 days have
passed since Typhoon Haiyan
ravaged many parts of the
Philippines and the country is still
suffering from the devastation. The
scale of the destruction prompted
members of both the United States
Senate and the House of
Representatives to submit requests
to the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) to offer temporary
protected status (TPS) to Filipino
nationals in the U.S.
This was followed by a letterpetition joined by over 140
organizations appealing to the DHS
to issue TPS for Filipinos. On
December 16, 2013, the Philippine
government formally requested
the Obama administration for TPS
The USCIS in its letter to the
American Immigration Lawyers
Association (AILA) last December
stated that they would “continue to
monitor the situation in the
Philippines and are actively
engaged with the Department of
State and other agencies.”
Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate
submitted its second letter early
this February reiterating its
request to designate the
Philippines for TPS. Efforts have
also been made by over 200
Filipino-American organizations
across the US including the Catholic
Church urging the U.S. government
to grant TPS to Filipinos.
Temporary Protected Status is
a humanitarian form of relief
granted by the United States
government to noncitizens who are
in the U.S. and who are temporarily
unable to return to their countries
safely due to conditions in the
country such as armed conflict,
violence, and environmental
disasters. TPS is a “blanket form of
relief” which provides a safe haven
for aliens who are not eligible for
asylum or refugee status.
A TPS status grants eligible
applicants temporary
authorization to remain and work
in the U.S. for a set period of time. It
may be extended if the conditions
in the country do not change. TPS
does not lead to permanent
The decision to grant TPS lies
with the executive branch of the
federal government. Under the
Immigration and Nationality Act
(INA), the Secretary of Homeland
Security, in consultation with the
Department of State, has the
authority to designate a foreign
country for TPS. Congress does not
have to vote for the designation
under this process.
Congress, however, may also
issue TPS through legislation.
When the TPS statute was enacted
in 1990, it also granted TPS to
nationals of El Salvador in the U.S.
Page 13
Page 12
this week. “A country of the future
Forget about competing with
got stuck in the past… The the Germans. The Chileans and
country's 100 years of decline Uruguayans, whom Argentines
taught that good government looked down on, are now richer.
matters.” Has this lesson been Children from Brazil and Mexico do
better in international education
Yet, “a century ago, Argentina tests. (In the early 1970s, the
“Don't cry For Me Argentina” is stood out as the country of the Philippines was second only to
a song from a 1978 Broadway future.” Its GDP per head was Japan in economic performance. By
musical. Evita Peron sang this from higher than that of Germany. The the time the Marcoses scrammed to
t h e C a s a R o s a d a b a l c o n y, country had fertile land and benign escape People Power crowds, the
expressing regrets and defiance. climate. It introduced universal country had been gutted to Asean's
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Lito A. Gajilan, Jr.
“No llores por mi Argentina/ The male suffrage in 1912ahead of the pauper status.)
truth is I never left you / All Philippines in 1935. “(It also had)
“The danger today is not
Columnists: Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq.,
through my wild days / My mad an educated population and the totalitarianism,” The Economist
Juan L. Mercado, Joseph G. Lariosa
existence/ I kept my promise….”
world's most erotic dance. wrote: “If Indonesia were to boil
Correspondent: Grace G. Baldisseri
Few remember that the Marcos Immigrants tangoed in from over, its citizens would hardly turn
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do
dictatorship banned that song. everywhere….”
to North Korea as a model.” (Hear
not reflect the opinion of the paper nor that of the publisher.
Officials of the Cultural Center of
Now, the country is a wreck. that, National Democratic Front's
the Philippines were told the play Argentina is at the center of an Joma Sison and Luis Jalandoni?
was verboten. Uneasy emerging-market crisis again. From the bourgeois comfort of
Email: [email protected]
censors thought Imelda Marcos' “President Cristina Fernandez is Holland, they threaten to wage
Phone: 201-434-1114 Fax 201-434-0880
life cloned that of Evita.
merely the latest in a succession of people's war here.)
“The parable of Argentina economically illiterate populists,
So, where is the danger? That of
2711 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07306
o f f e r s l e s s o n s f o r m a n y stretching back to Juan and Eva “inadvertently becoming the
Page 12
governments,” The Economist said (Evita) Peron, and before.”
February 21-27, 2014
Page 11
life worth
Ellen Tordesillas
We did not fully get what we
asked Supreme Court regarding the
Republic Act 10175 otherwise
known as the Cybercrime
Prevention Act of 2012 which was
to declare the whole of it as
unconstitutional primarily because
of its libel provisions. But we can
live with the Supreme Court
decision released last February 17.
We still have to fully analyze the
SC decision which upheld the
constitutionality of the
controversial law but struck down
the most odious “take down”
provision which empowered the
Department of Justice) to restrict or
block access to any online post
which it deemed violating the law
without any court order.
SC decision on Cybercrime law: OK, but…
The court also said only original
authors of libelous material are
covered by the cybercrime law, and
not those who merely received or
reacted to it. So those who “liked”
and shared a libelous online item
won't be punished. Good luck to
whoever is tasked to trace the
original author after a post is
shared and reposted thousands of
But what we are not happy
about the SC decision is that, not
only did it uphold the
constitutionality of the libel law as
a criminal offense but also
sustained the increase in penalty.
R.A 10175 increased the
penalty for computer-related libel
twelvefold. From a minimum
punishment of six months
imprisonment under the Revised
Penal Code, the Cybercrime
Prevention Law increased it to six
years. The maximum punishment
was doubled from six to twelve
years in prison.
VERA Files, a group I'm
affiliated with, is one of the
petitioners against the Cybercrime
Prevention Act of 2012 with
Alexander Adonis, the Davao
correspondent, who was convicted
and imprisoned for libel, and other
journalists. With Harry Roque, our
lawyer, we asked the High Court to
declare the law illegal because it
violates basic human rights
(freedom of expression) and the
Constitution (freedom of
expression provision).
In a statement issued from
Bangkok, where he is attending a
forum on freedom of expression,
Roque said “Centerlaw and our
client, Alexander Adonis welcome
the other provisions of the Act such
as the Take Down clause and the
decision to strike down the real
time gathering of information. This
is indeed a major victory for File photo of Anti Cybercrime Law rally at SC. Photo by Mario Ignacio IV for
Page 12 VERA Files
Prepare for China
I have Chinese blood. More than
200 years ago, a Chinaman married
a native from Iloilo City. From that
union, a whole clan was born - that
that clan keeps growing and
growing. I am not against the
Chinese. How can I be when we have
shared blood?
But I cannot say the same thing
of the Chinese government. I have
no blood ties with China the
government, only with one Chinese
native who came here to become
Filipino by choice and be an
ancestor to new Filipinos by blood.
My clan, though, from that first
union, has become predominantly
Filipino by intermarriage with
more Filipino natives than Chinese
over the last two centuries.
I know, too, of many other
families, of many other clans, who
have absorbed Chinese blood
among their members throughout
history. After all, Chinese presence
in the Philippines precedes Spain,
Japan and America. If we are to trace
the percentage of families with
some Chinese blood in them, we
might possibly be referring to the
majority of Filipinos.
Patriotism and citizenship,
though, may be blood-oriented but
not blood-dependent. By loyalty
and my citizenship is Filipino,
totally. My citizenship may have
been affected by my birthplace and
the citizenship of my parents, but
my love of country and my loyalty to
the Philippines are purely by choice,
my choice.
From what I have experienced
and observed all my life, most
Filipinos are like me. As such, we
have no doubt about our identity
and about our loyalty. That is the
way it should be if one is Filipino,
even if one has Chinese blood, has
American blood, has Spanish blood
mixed with his or her Filipino blood.
Or, even without Filipino blood, but
by the laws of the Philippines and by
the loyalty to this country, one can
be a true Filipino as well.
By Jose Ma. Montelibano
In the last few years, a brewing
conflict with China has disturbed
us. It is not the first time, of course,
as China had once openly chosen to
support an internal rebellion in the
Philippines. China chose to side
with a communist-inspired
domestic revolution against the
Philippine government. While
claiming to be about social justice,
that rebellion under a communist
ideology has failed to attract the
marginalized, also representing the
majority of Filipinos, for whom the
revolution was supposed to be for.
The occupation of the United
States was a sad period of our
history, not because the American
rule had not brought benefits, but
because America chose to use force
to impose its will on the Filipino
people. Whatever good may have
come out of that occupation, it will
not erase the bitterness of betrayal,
of brutal conquest, of teaching
democracy through the ugliest
undemocratic manner.
Today, though, 68 years after
independence in 1946, Filipinos
have a choice. We can choose to
forgive America, Spain and Japan for
their terrible transgression against
Filipinos. We can also choose to
forgive China for meddling in an
internal conflict that has caused so
much death, destruction, and
division among the Filipino people.
If we are to utilize the many
facets of our ties with China and
America, China has a clear edge. We
are fellow Asians. By blood, we have
more fusion than any other race in
the world. And economically,
Chinese interests through their
cheaper products and Chineseblooded taipans control the
Philippines. If there is competition
between China and America for
world dominance, China should use
our shared history and blood to woo
back the Filipino people if the
American influence has become
Former Senator Leticia Shahani
has recently written that the
Filipino people should use a multidimensional approach in engaging
China, that we should use our assets
food, language, intermarriage, the
rise of taipans to remind the
Chinese (I assume she meant the
Chinese government) of our long
tradition of friendship, peace and
tolerance between our peoples.
Our challenge, though, is not
because we do not agree with
Senator Shahani, but because we do.
And despite all these, including
tolerating the collusion between the
Page 12
actually carrying on like he's
never been implicated in what
could be the biggest corruption
scandal this graft-prone country
has ever seen.
Lim's unfettered movement is
helped, in part, by the fact that no
one is really trying very hard to
look for him, I'm told.
This is because part of the deal
struck by Napoles for
surrendering to no less than
President Noynoy Aquino himself
was that her beloved brother
would not be arrested.
It is also convenient that there
are no clear photographs of Lim in
the possession of the authorities.
So Lim who is not nearly as
prominent, before or since the
pork scam exploded can continue
living his life as if nothing has
The Aquino administration,
which is expending so much
money, time and effort in
pursuing lawmakers implicated
in the scandal (but only
lawmakers who are, conveniently,
not allies of the President), has
not appeared to be too serious
about going after the alleged
Even the media, which used to
camp out outside of the Sta. Rosa
SAF facility, has not given any
updates on the current
circumstances of Ma'am Jenny.
There has to be a reason why
the government is treating
Napoles like she was a star
witness in the scandal instead of
the purported brains. And I guess
we'll find out what that reason is,
Ma'am Jenny's crib
The court hearing the illegal
detention case against alleged
pork scam mastermind Janet Lim
Napoles has denied the motion
she filed to allow her release on
The Makati court had already
denied the original request; what
it threw out yesterday was a
m o t i o n fo r c o n s i d e ra t i o n ,
effectively ensuring that she will
stay, in the meantime, in her Sta.
Rosa, Laguna detention cell in
what is also known as Fort Sto.
But sources at the national
police headquarters in Camp
Crame suggest that Napoles does
not need to post bail at all, if
getting out of jail is what she
really wants to do. They say that
almost since the beginning of
“Ma'am Jenny's” confinement in
August at the PNP Special Action
Forces camp, she was already
being allowed to leave on a daily
basis, for several hours each day.
According to these sources,
Napoles would leave early in the
morning and return before noon
u s i n g u n m a r k e d ve h i c l e s .
Apparently, Napoles would
perform her daily ablutions
outside of the camp most likely,
I'm told, in one of her houses in
the south of Metro Manila and
return to the camp bathed, coiffed
and ready for the day ahead.
On special occasions like last
Christmas, these sources say,
Napoles even gets a whole-day
furlough without the court's
permission. Now, who needs to
post bail when you've got a sweet
deal in detention like that?
Of course, the PNP has
announced that keeping Napoles
at her SAF crib is costing the
taxpayer P5,000 a day, or
P150,000 a month.
But perhaps what the PNP
leadership should really look into
is what it's costing Napoles to get
out of jail every day and how
some police officials are getting
rich by allowing her to do so.
Then there's the strange case
of Ma'am Jenny's supposedly
“missing” brother, Reynald “Jojo”
Lim, who is also her co-accused in
the illegal detention case filed by
whistle-blower and former
trusted Napoles aide Benhur Luy.
The same sources say that
Lim, who is officially listed to be
“at large” by the authorities, is
February 21-27, 2014
Page 12
The devil is in the details
(If the US could spend billions of
dollars in countries like Egypt,
Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan to deter
the advance of Islamic extremists and
the Al-Qaeda in those countries, why
not in the Philippines to keep an
aggressive China at bay? The rental
money should be used solely for the
modernization of our armed forces
that would eventually give us a defense
posture more credible than what the
IRP is supposed to.)
Based on his own utterances, it
appears that President Noynoy
Aquino has already made up his mind
to have the Increased Rotational
Presence (IRP) of US forces in the
country even before the “devil in the
details”, his words, has been sorted
Bad strategy but that's water
under the bridge. I only hope Noynoy
has the balls to stand up to the
Americans to make sure that, in his
words, “the principles that we want to
uphold are clear…”
Those “principles”, in my view, are
the following:
1) The agreement should be
embodied in a separate treaty ratified
by both parties as prescribed by our
Constitution, not in a mere executive
Prepare for ... From page 11
thieves and plunderers serving in
government here and the corruptors
serving in the Chinese government
and its corporations, China chooses to
claim what is ours and takes a bullying
role to grab Philippine territory.
Beyond cordoning Scarborough
Shoal and preventing Filipino
fishermen from partaking of the fruits
of their patrimony, and doing this
unilaterally from an arrogant military
superiority, China has its eyes set on
many other pearls of the Philippines.
It is not only using belligerent
language, it is also flexing its muscles.
That is why it is called “bullying.”
In defense of its own sovereignty
and all territory within the
parameters that nations of the world
observe, the Philippines is ultimately
2) Rental of $2 to $3 billion
annually, in cash, for using our
military bases and for putting up
military facilities here;
3) Immediate settlement of what
is rightfully due to all our WWII
veterans commissioned by the US
4) The agreement must be for a
maximum of five years only, with
either party having the right to
terminate it before the end of that
5) Everything that is brought in by
the US and still in place at the
expiration of the agreement must be
left behind and become ours, just as
they did in Iraq and will be doing in
6) No nuclear weapons or
materiel should be brought into the
country (no more of that “neither
confirm nor deny” bullshit);
7) Clean up their toxic wastes
when they leave; and
8) Equal access to places where
US troops and facilities will be located.
On No. 2 above, if the US could
spend billions of dollars in countries
like Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq and
Pakistan to deter the advance of
Islamic extremists and the Al-Qaeda
in those countries, why not in the
Philippines to keep an aggressive
China at bay?
The rental money should be used
vulnerable to superior manpower
volume and superior firepower. As a
quick reaction, psychologically and
militarily, the Philippines embraces
the American forces in the region,
hoping that these will be a strong
buffer against more Chinese landgrabbing. Or possibly even invasion.
Dependence, whether to China or
to America, is not to the interest of
Filipinos. But Filipinos will take
America anytime because their
sentiments still prefer America today.
China has not reached out except in
three ways so far ever since
independence in 1946. China
supported the communist rebellion in
the Philippines, exacerbating a
domestic problem. Chinese
government owned or controlled
corporations got involved with the
thieves and plunderers of our
government. Lastly, China claims
solely for the modernization of our
armed forces that would eventually
give us a defense posture more
credible than what the IRP is
supposed to.
US Secretary of State John Kerry
reaffirmed that the Senkaku islands
(Diaoyu to the Chinese) in the East
China Sea “falls under the security
treaty that obliges the US to intervene
on Japan's behalf if it is attacked by
another country.”
“That is the position of the United
States with respect to those islands,”
he said.”
In contrast, the US has already
stated in no uncertain terms that she
is “neutral” in the territorial disputes
between China and the Philippines, an
affirmation that she does not
recognize our sovereignty over those
areas in the South China Sea that are
ours according to pertinent
international laws and the UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea.
We should, therefore, be wary of
US assurances that she would come to
our aid if China were to take over
those areas by force, notwithstanding
the existence of a defense treaty
between us. The treaty speaks only of
attacks on the national territory of
either party by an aggressor. In such
an eventuality, all that the US will do is
From page 10
Argentina of the 21st century.
Slipping casually into steady
decline is not hard. Weak
institutions, nativist politicians,
lazy dependence on a few assets
and a persistent refusal to
confront reality will do the trick.”
The economic crunch of the
early 2000s left Argentines
permanently suspicious of
liberal reform. But its “decline
has been largely self-inflicted.
The Perons built a closed
economy that protected its
inefficient industries that Chile's
generals opened up in the 1970s
and pulled ahead. Argentina's
protectionism undermined
Mercosur, the local trade pact.”
Fernandez's government does
not just impose tariffs on
imports. It shoots itself in the
footby taxing farm exports.
Argentina did not build
institutions to protect its
democracy from the army,
(Remember our Rolex 12? Juan
Ponce Enrile, Eduardo
Cojuangco, plus 10 generals, got
Rolexes from the dictator for
imposing martial law.) So,
petitions to declare the
Cybercrime Prevention Act
From page 11
“For while the high court
privacy and the right of the rightly declared a number of
provisions of the statute
Roque said, “The high court unconstitutional, it otherwise
should not abdicate its duty to upheld the law and, worse, online
protect freedom of expression. No libel, thus adding yet another
less than the U.N. Human Rights element ironically the very
Committee has already declared frontier we all believed would be
that Philippine Criminal Libel Law most immune to attempts to
is contrary to Freedom of suppress free expression to an
Expression. The Court's decision offense that former colonizers
fa i l i n g to d e c l a re l i b e l a s had, a hundred years ago, declared
unconstitutional is therefore criminal in nature to stifle dissent,
contrary to Human Rights Law to a n d w h i c h s u c c e e d i n g
be secure in their communication. governments have conveniently
Page 13
“Roque said the fight is not over: retained in our Revised Penal
“We will continue the fight to Code for the very same reason and
nullify criminal libel. Cyber libel as a convenient tool for the
territories we know are ours. How,
infringes on free speech.”
corrupt and the inept in power to
then, can we recover the lost
DOJ Assistant Secretary harass and muzzle those with the
relationship of history?
Geronimo L. Sy, head of the Office temerity to bring their venalities
of Cybercrime, said R.A 10175 will to light.
What is left for us to do?
take effect minus the provision
“By extending the reach of the
We have to prepare ourselves for
struck down by the Supreme antediluvian libel law into
any eventuality. We have to prepare
our minds, our hearts, and our bodies.
cyberspace, the Supreme Court
“Meanwhile we will endorse has suddenly made a once infinite
Conflict can escalate in a day from
to Congress an upgraded and venue for expression into an arena
verbal to physical, and we have to
better version of the Cybercrime of fear, a hunting ground for the
prepare to fight and die, in the
thousands, in the hundreds of
law,” Sy said adding that they have petty and vindictive, the criminal
thousands, in the millions.
already prepared Version Two of and autocratic.
Because we are Filipinos. Because
the Cybercrime Prevention Act of
“We can only hope that the
we remember our ancestors who
2012. They will now be crafting Supreme Court will not remain
fought and died, against Spain, against
the implementing rules.
blind to this when appeals to the
America, against Japan. Because we
Statement of the National r u l i n g a r e f i l e d .
wish no ill will against any nation but
Union of Journalists of the “But if it does, then there can only
must not run away against ill will
Philippines: “A half-inch forward be one response lest we be forced
directed towards us. Because we are
but a century backward.
to surrender all our other rights
the children of the motherland, the
“This best describes the resistance.”
only land in this planet that is meant
Supreme Court's decision on the
for Filipinos.
SC decision ...
Honor in the PMA
From page 10
editorial on the incident summarized the
matter thus: “Which, as a matter of public
concern, is more important to the nation? The
honor code of the PMA [as invoked by Lacson],
or the rule of law as symbolized in the oath that
Reyes took?”
There's more. Lacson during his second
term went into hiding rather than face an
investigation into his alleged role in the double
murder case of Estrada publicist Bubby Dacer
and his driver Emmanuel Corbito. In this same
space, we wrote: “We … add our voice to the
practically universal call for Lacson to submit
himself to the legal process - if only to show
that the constitutional injunction that 'all men
are equal before the law' is for real; and one's
position in government, no matter how lofty,
does not put anyone above the law.”
In other words: It is good that Lacson has
put the spotlight on the PMA's honor code
again. As we can see from the misuse of the
honorary-member system, however, we regret
that Lacson did not go far enough, and
acknowledge that the PMA's highest values courage, integrity, loyalty - must serve even
higher ends.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 13
Widespread ...
From page 10
Last November, H.R. 3602, the
Filipino Temporary Protected
Status Act of 2013 was introduced
in the 113 Congress. The bill was
referred to the Subcommittee on
Immigration and Border Security by
the House Judiciary in January
The bill, sponsored by
Congressman Al Green of Texas,
would provide 18-month
temporary protected status to
Filipino nationals. Under the bill, an
applicant must satisfy the
following: (1) continuous physical
presence in the U.S. since November
8, 2013; (2) admissibility as an
immigrant and; (3) timely
registration for TPS with DHS.
Countries currently designated
for TPS are El Salvador, Haiti,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia,
South Sudan, Sudan, Syria. There
are over 300,000 TPS beneficiaries
in the U.S. Data from the USCIS
showed that El Salvador has the
highest number of nationals
currently benefitting from
te m p o ra r y p ro te c te d s t a t u s
(212,000), followed by Honduras
(64,000) and Haiti (60,000). Sudan
has the least number with only 300
nationals registered for TPS.
Honduras and Nicaragua were
placed under TPS in 1999 after the
devastation of Hurricane Mitch. El
Salvador was granted TPS
designation after earthquakes in
2001 and the most recent, Haiti,
after the earthquake in 2010. These
countries were granted temporary
protected status after a natural
Similarly, the destruction in the
Philippines brought on by Typhoon
Haiyan, which has killed more than
6,000, displaced 4 million and
affected in total 16 million people,
calls for TPS designation. It will
assist thousands of Filipinos while
rehabilitation is underway and will
without doubt serve its
humanitarian purpose.
has been practicing law for over 30
years. For more information, you may
log on to his website at or call (212) 6955281.)
The devil is in the details ... From page 12
talk with the Chinese to cool it or bring the latter to the UN Security
That is why Admiral Jonathan Greenert, US Navy operations
chief, was hard put to reply when asked if the US will help us defend
Pag-asa island (also claimed by China), a fifth class municipality of
Palawan, if China seizes it.
“Of course we would help you and now I don't know what that
help would be (given) specifically, I mean we have an obligation
because we have a treaty, but I don't know in what capacity that
help is,” he said.
Vietnamese, Filipinos blast China
on 35th year of Indochina war
By Nestor Corrales
MANILA -- China should stop
unjustified war and using force to
occupy islands.
T h i s wa s t h e e m p h a t i c
statement of a group of Filipino
and Vietnamese protesters on
Feb. 17 as they staged a rally in
front of the Chinese embassy in
Makati to commemorate the 35th
year of the Indochina war that
killed thousands of Vietnamese
soldiers including civilians.
“We are gathering here to pay
tribute to the Vietnamese people
who died in the 1979 border war.
We firmly believe that under any
circumstances, peace remains the
most valuable,” said Janicee
Bucco, spokesperson of the
A sso c i a t i o n o f Vi e t n a m e se
She said countries worldwide
should cooperate to negate
coercive diplomacy and refrain
from using threat or using force in
international relations.
“We would like to express our
deepest concerns over what is
going on in the West Philippine
Sea which is a potential flashpoint
of the region where the danger of
war is eminent,” said Bucco.
She stressed that China is
playing bullying tactics with its
neighbors by pursuing
unreasonable claims over the
Photo by Nestor Corrales/
West Philippine Sea.
“We all expect responsible
behaviors from China to stop the
scourge of war and play its role in
making and preserving peace for
human beings as enshrined in the
United Nations Charter.
A Vietnamese, meanwhile,
recounted how the war tortured
and killed his brother.
Huyn Cuc-Villoria said his
brother died in the ChineseVietnam war.
She said she cannot explain
the feelings as she joined her
fellow Vietnamese commemorate
the tragic event.
“We are a peace-loving people
and there should be no more war,”
said Villoria who is married to a
She recalled that the war was
very tragic and traumatic to her
even if he was already in the
Philippines when the war in
Vietnam broke out.
“I don't want that to happen
again,” she said.
Another Vietnamese Minh
Nguyen also called for China to
stop illegal wars and to stop its
greed in claiming islands in the
Asia Pacific region.
The peaceful assembly was
attended by almost 200 members
of the Association of Vietnamese
Filipinos who were all in unison in
hoping a peaceful and diplomatic
means to resolve disputes among
countries in the region.
The group said they do not
want the Vietnam-China war that
claimed innocent lives and
displaced many families to
happen again.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 14
El Hogar to be torn down?
By Edgar Allan M. Sembrano
The iconic building of El Hogar,
one of Manila's remaining Americancolonial era landmarks, is facing an
uncertain future. Its tenants have
been asked to leave by Feb. 20.
“The building is not accepting
new tenants. I think they are going to
demolish it,” says Anson Yu, writer of
Coconuts Manila and tour guide of
Old Manila Walks.
Remaining tenants have been
advised to vacate the building, which
has a new owner.
“In connection with the demand
letters and notices to vacate sent
individually to you by our legal
counsel in December 2013, we expect
all tenants to vacate the premises on
or before closing business hours of 20
February 2014,” reads part of the
administration letter posted at the
The copper plaque with the
engraved name of El Hogar Filipino
Building at its façade has also been
removed. “This is no longer El Hogar.
We're not sure what will happen (to
this building) because there's already
a new owner,” says a tenant who
refused to be identified.
A building manager doesn't say
who the new owner is.
“It won't be demolished because
it's a heritage building,” says Maricris
Rivera, an administrative officer.
“Pero baka gawin siyang bodega. (It
may be used as a warehouse.)”
Built in 1914 and located at the
corner of Juan Luna Street and Muelle
de Industria in Binondo, Manila, the f
EL HOGAR along Pasig River as viewed from Santa Cruz Bridge.
our-floor structure was designed by
Ramon Irureta-Goyena and Francisco
Perez-Muñoz with elements of
Neoclassical and Renaissance styles.
Described as airy and arcaded, it
housed the Sociedad El Hogar
Filipino, a financing cooperative
founded by Don Antonio Melian, and
the offices of Smith Bell and Co.
It survived World War II and a
number of earthquakes and is one of
t wo re m a i n i n g A m e r i c a n - e ra
structures in the area facing Pasig
Right across, on its northern
front, is another important edifice the Pacific Commercial Company
Building (now Juan Luna E-Services)
built in 1922. It has been converted
into a call-center hub.
Eric B. Zerrudo, director of the
University of Santo Tomas Graduate
School-Center for Conservation of
Cultural Property and Environment
in the Tropics and professor in the
Master of Arts in Cultural Heritage
Studies program of UST, says El Hogar
has architectural and historic value.
“It has architectural significance
because it is very representative of
t h e a rc h i te c t u re o f b u s i n e s s
establishments of that era,” says
Zerrudo, who's also the Philippine
representative to the World Heritage
Committee of the Unesco.
He says the building has a very
impressive central staircase. The
stairs are European in style. “The
significance of the interior is more
outstanding than the exterior,” he
Zerrudo says the building is
representative of the rise of American
business and industry - a
EL HOGAR at the corner of Juan Luna and Muelle de Industria Streets in
representation of American boom
The setting is significant as well
because “it is one of few surviving
American-period buildings along
Pasig River.”
In case El Hogar is going to be
renovated, Zerrudo says he hopes the
interior finish of the building will be
preserved while accommodating
new functions.
He admitted there may be
“considerations to make it (El Hogar)
efficient at this point in time.”
February 21-27, 2014
Page 15
February 1945:
By Joan Orendain
To this day, much is heard of the Rape of
Nanking when the rampaging Japanese Imperial
Army killed 300,000 from 1937 to 1938, and
raped 20,000 women in that Chinese capital.
Pitifully few, though, in the Philippines and
even fewer elsewhere, know that in Manila, in
February 1945, World War II at its agonizing
climax brought forth 100,000 burned,
bayoneted, bombed, shelled and shrapneled
dead in the span of 28 days. Unborn babies
ripped from their mothers' wombs provided
sport: thrown up in the air and caught, impaled
on bayonet tips.
With rape on the streets and everywhere
else, the Bayview Hotel became Manila's rape
center. After the dirty deed was done, nipples
were sliced off, and bodies bayoneted open from
the neck down.
William Manchester in his book “American
Caesar,” wrote that “Once Rear Adm. Sanji
Iwabuchi had decided to defend Manila, the
atrocities began, and the longer the battle raged,
the more the Japanese command structure
deteriorated, until the uniforms of Nipponese
sailors and marines were saturated with Filipino
“The devastation of Manila was one of the
great tragedies of World War II. Seventy percent
of the utilities, 72 percent of the factories, 80
percent of the southern residential district, and
100 percent of the business district were
razed…Hospitals were set afire after their
patients had been strapped to their beds. The
corpses of males were mutilated, females of all
ages were raped before they were slain, and
babies' eyeballs gouged out and smeared on
walls like jelly.”
From 'Pearl' to rubble
The envy of other Far Eastern cities before
the war, lovely Manila, a melting pot of four
cultures and the acknowledged Pearl of the
Orient, turned completely to rubble and
smoldering ash, wrack and ruin in the 28 days it
gasped its last. Its face changed forever, national
as well as city administrators since then have
barely seen to its proper post-war urban
planning and reconstruction, with the exception
of a few government buildings rebuilt to their
original states. (Zoning laws? What's that?)
In dramatic foreshadowing, the Irish
Columban priests at Malate Church got a taste of
what was to come. An unknown volunteer
worker at the Remedios Hospital wrote that on
Dec. 22, 1944, “most beloved” Father Patrick
Kelly and Father John Lalor, were taken away by
enemy soldiers.
On Christmas, Dec. 25, 1944, the priests
offered dinner for 200 poor folks. “We had to put
up a brave front with smiles on our faces and
lead in our heart.” The missing priests returned
to Malate on Dec. 29 to great rejoicing, but they
never talked about what strife they had
A timeline of bloody events as they unfolded
helps to remind us that war is hell, through
which Manila agonized.
Feb. 1, 1945: “Roll out the barrel, Santa
Clause is coming,” is the note wrapped in goggles
dropped by a plane to starving Allied countries'
civilians interned at the University of Santo
Tomas (UST).
Feb. 3: American troops arriving from
Lingayen liberate the 3,700 interns at UST.
Japanese troops commence burning buildings
and homes north of Pasig River.
Feb. 4: Japanese marines commanded by
Rear Adm. Sanji Iwabuchi retreat to Intramuros,
blowing up all the bridges across the Pasig.
Feb. 9: Ermita and Malate are put to the
torch. Nicanor Reyes' living room is piled high
with furniture and drapes; gasoline is poured
over them. The founder of Far Eastern
University and some members of the family burn
there after being bayoneted, but young daughter
Lourdes who has hidden in a closet, and her
wounded mother and aunt, flee to Leveriza to
join her grandmother. Against a wall, the four set
up a makeshift shelter with burned GI sheets. In
the shelling, Lourdes' mother who is shielding
her, and her aunt, and grandmother, are killed.
Sen. Elpidio Quirino's wife and two
daughters, fleeing to his mother-in-law's home,
are felled by Japanese machine guns.
Jesus Cabarrus Jr. has shrapnel embedded in
his skull to constantly remind him of the terrorfilled days in Ermita. Ordered by enemy troops
to converge at nearby Plaza Ferguson, the men
are separated from the women and children, and
brought to Manila Hotel (where Jesus Sr. and
other men become water boys, and where he
saw Walter Loving, the Constabulary Band chief,
stabbed to death).
Hotel turns into hell
Wives and children are ordered to Bayview
Hotel where the only water is out of toilet water
tanks, and females are wantonly raped. Amid
screaming when the building begins to burn, the
Cabarruses flee, stepping over bloodied bodies
dead and dying. They run to Judge Felix's house
on Arquiza, where 150 refugees have taken
cover. His grandmother and baby sister lie on a
bed, with the rest on the floor. Shelling,
explosions and finally, a cannon shell, flames,
screams and smoke. Older sister Maria Ines and
he wait in the garden, their mother dashes into
the flames for her baby, emerging with the infant
whose legs are severed, and head bloodied. She
soon expires. An aunt's head has been blown off,
while his grandmother burns to death.
Fleeing into Celso Lobregat's home, in their
new shelter, his mother sustains multiple
shrapnel to her head, face, arms and chest, while
his sister suffers a deep leg wound. He is
unconscious with many pieces of shrapnel in his
head. His mother, an American citizen, is
brought in a US Army ambulance to the UST
Military Hospital, but she lies in a coma for six
months. Jesusito also survives after a
craniotomy at the US Military Hospital in
Feb. 10: Massacre of scores at the Philippine
National Red Cross in Ermita. At the German
Club, five Germans and 400 refugees including
the family of former Ambassador to Spain Juan
Rocha, the Beech y Rochas numbering 11. One of
them, a 15-year-old, is raped and gutted. At the
Malate Church, Fathers Kelly, John Henaghan,
Peter Fallon and Joseph Monaghan, together
with a group of parishioners, are marched from
the convent to nearby Syquia Apartments, never
to be seen again.
Feb. 11: Under artillery fire by Americans,
the German sisters at Saint Scholastica's
College, seeing a spotter-Piper Cub in the air, lie
on the ground to form the letters SOS and are
Feb. 12: Hundreds are slaughtered at Saint
Paul's College. Doctor Rafael Moreta's residence,
other homes in Paco, the Mandaluyong Mental
Hospital, and in Binondo and New Manila, suffer
the same fate.
Across the street from where the Century
Park Hotel now stands on Vito Cruz, the Carlos
Perez-Rubio home, like the Reyes', is set to the
torch. Escaping from their home, Carlos is
instantly shot, and his son Javier, 23, bayoneted
to death. The matriarch, Milagros Alvarez de
Perez-Rubio, and other members of the family
and house help, together with refugees, are all
killed wherever they hide. Their son Miguel, 19,
future presidential Protocol Officer, escapes the
massacre because he is being held prisoner by
the Japanese in Baguio. He says his sister Lupe,
17, who tried to escape, was killed, but may also
have been raped. His brother, Carlos II, was
DEAD bodies could not be buried as relatives fled the carnage. Photo courtesy
of Albert Montilla
THE BATTLE of Manila left the city in total devastation and killed 100,000
Filipino civilians. Photo courtesy of Albert Montilla
beheaded at the Masonic Temple together with
his fiancée Helen McMicking and her family,
some of whom were bayoneted.
La Salle Brothers
Still talked about until today are the brutal
killings of 40 Christian Brothers and refugees at
De La Salle College on Taft Avenue - some shot
and others bayoneted. Among the dead refugees
are members of the Carlos, Aquino, Uychuico
a n d Va s q u e z - P r a d a f a m i l i e s , t h e i r
helpers and three college employees. Fernando
Vasquez-Prada, 5, watches his family die.
Traumatized, he is unable to speak for two years.
Doña Lorenza Bibby Baltazar is hit by
shrapnel as she runs out of her home on Taft. The
mother-in-law of Cinema King Ernesto Rufino is
rushed by her children, Victoria and Paco, to her
doctor, who amputates her leg; she expires some
hours later, but all her children can do before
fleeing is to tie a handkerchief with her name on
it around her other leg, to reclaim her body
another day.
Feb. 13: Refugees at the Remedios Hospital
numbering over 400, as well as doctor Tony
Lahorra and Father John Lalor, are all killed by
friendly fire.
In the same episode, tens of thousands of
Malate residents lose their lives, including
Josephine Perez Rocha, 33, mother of
Ambassador Rocha, who in the lull, runs from a
neighbor's house to her home and is felled by an
American shell.
At Philippine General Hospital (PGH), 7,000
patients and refugees cower in fear. Edgar Krohn
Jr., 16 at the time, hides under a walkway with his
parents. He says American troops were firing at
the University of the Philippines and the Bureau
of Science next door, but PGH was never in
danger of receiving American fire.
Desperate for water
The problem at PGH is water. It gets so bad
that “at one point, my 1-year-old brother, Xavier,
and I had to drink our own urine,” Carlos Z.
Ortoll, 3 at the time, says.
Feb. 17: PGH is liberated, but many women
have by then been raped and others bayoneted.
At San Agustin Church in Intramuros, Jose Maria
Zabaleta Sr. reports that “my father was killed by
the Japanese, together with over a hundred
Spaniards. They were marched from the church
to be shot and bombarded with grenades. The
next day, the Americans liberated the church and
saved what was left of my family.”
Both Japanese and Americans destroyed six
of seven grand old churches in Intramuros. Only
San Augustin still stands.
In Malate, a baby had to be smothered with
Araceli Limcaco's pillow, lest her entire family,
their neighbor and his maid and infant who cried
a lot, be discovered in the foxhole in which they
Prisoners at Fort Santiago were simply
disposed of by burning them alive in their
packed dungeons, after gasoline was poured
over them.
In the end, seeing the futility of their cause,
Iwabuchi and his men killed themselves on Feb.
26. But not before the Manileños had been
brought to near-despair and abject grief.
As for the city itself, erstwhile cochero
Enrique Zobel who had harnessed his polo
ponies to calesas (four-passenger two-wheeled
affairs), earning fares to support his mother
while his father Jacobo fought with the US Army
Forces with the Far East in Bataan, arrived in
Manila from Calatagan, shocked by what he
beheld. Not only was their “Most Beautiful
Home of 1929” a burnt ruin. “I could see all the
way across from Dewey Boulevard to Taft
Avenue, and from Malate to Intramuros.” The
city was gone.
Annually in February, a day is set aside to
remember at the Memorare monument in
Intramuros. Composed of members whose
families were war victims, Memorare-Manila
1945 Foundation has Ambassador Rocha as
president and Lourdes Reyes-Montinola as vice
president. At this year's rites held Saturday, the
guest speaker was Brother Armin Luistro,
education secretary and former president of De
La Salle University, where 40 were massacred.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 16
Domestic tourism and Bangon Tours
take center stage at the
By Jacky Lynne A. Oiga
The domestic tourism industry gets a big
boast in this year's Travel Tour Expo (TTE)
as the Department of Tourism (DoT) and its
marketing arm, the Tourism Promotions
Board (TPB) rally together to promote
more participation to Bangon Tours, a
domestic tourism project in line with the
government's rebuilding efforts in Eastern
Visayas, among participating industry
players and domestic tourists.
While affected provinces some tourist
destinations themselves in Eastern Visayas
are being rebuilt, DoT and TPB are actively
engaging more Filipinos to travel more to
the different regions of the Philippines,
visit as many destinations as possible and
at the same time contribute their share to
the Philippines' recovery and rebuilding
efforts through Bangon Tours.
At the TTE 2014, happening today at Halls 1
to 4 and Function Room 5 of the SMX
Convention Center, DoT's Bangon Tour
Booth is one of the biggest in the expo that
brought together over 500 booths and
more than 200 exhibitors from both local
and international private
Travel entities.
DoT and TPB involved its regional tourism
offices and other attached agencies to
endorse and publicize Bangon Tours'
featured destinations, products, packages,
and participating establishments.
TPB Chief Operating Officer Doming
Ramon Enerio III said the Bangon Tours
program was the focus of participation by
the local tourism industry's government
sector. Enerio also revealed that the
Philippine Travel Agencies Association
(PTAA), the organizing committee of TTE,
has agreed to donate a substantial amount
of the TTE's proceeds to Bangon Tours. This
amount will be in addition to the donation
of individual PTAA members who have
signed up with TPB.
“Domestic tourism is big. Special events
like the annual TTE make it even bigger.
When people take holidays, short breaks,
and day trips in their own country, they
make tremendous socio-cultural, economic
and environmental impacts,” said Enerio.
Next Page
February 21-27, 2014
Page 17
Enerio added that if properly implemented,
domestic tourism in the Philippines
achieves the goal and impact of the
National Tourism Development Plan
(NTDP), which is to have an
environmentally and socially responsible
tourism that delivers more widely
distributed income and employment for
Filipinos, especially the local people of the
host communities in the tourist
destinations. With the tagline “Bakasyon
Mo, May Meaning,” Bangon Tours runs
from December 1, 2013 until February 28,
2014 with the offering of specially designed
domestic tour packages in collaboration
with the Philippine tourism industry's travel
trade as well as non-tourism companies
and public sector agencies.
“Participating tourist establishments are
initially offering special tour packages to 16
tourist destinations nationwide and more
destinations will be added. These
establishments are being asked to share at
least five per cent of their net income from
the tour packages/room nights sold via
Bangon Tours. The percentage share will be
directly given to the company's chosen
non-government organization (NGO) or
charitable foundation involved with the
disaster-affected communities.”
Data from the DoT indicate that
international tourism had 4.27 million
visitor arrivals in 2012, with a P3,874
average expenditure per day, and total
receipts of P129.7 million. On the other
hand, domestic tourism had 37.5 million
local trips for the same period and P995.7
million in tourism earnings, which does not
include the backyard economy.
For 2016, the target is 10 million foreign
visitor arrivals and 56.1 million in domestic
trips with 18.7% in employment
contribution to the Philippine economy.
Manila Bulletin
February 21-27, 2014
Page 18
PIDCI Presents First Batch of Mrs. Kalayaan
and Diwa Ng Kalayaan Candidates for 2014
NEW YORK, Feb. 19 -- This
year's countdown to the 116th
Philippine Independence Day
celebrations in New York City,
which fall on June 1, officially
kicked off with the Philippine
Independence Day Council Inc.'s
(PIDCI) search and presentation
of its first batch of Mrs. Kalayaan
(married or formerly married
Filipinas) and Diwa Ng Kalayaan
(single Filipinas) beauty pageant
contestants held February 15 at
the Philippine Consulate on Fifth
Besides the honor to become
an Ambassador of Goodwill for
one year and a round-trip ticket
to the Philippines, the winning
Mrs. Kalayaan (Mrs.
Independence) and Diwa ng
Kalayaan (Spirit of
Independence) contestants will
also ride on a festive parade float
during the Philippine
Independence Day parade along
Madison Avenuethe largest
parade of its kind outside the
Philippinesand will be formally
introduced to the public during
the cultural festival program held
near Madison Square Park after
the parade. In addition, this pair
of beauty queens will be honored
at PIDCI's Grand Independence
Ball set June 7 at Teaneck Marriot
at Glenpointe (100 Frank W Burr
Blvd., Teaneck, New Jersey).
“ T h e s e l a d i e s a re ve r y
beautiful; and each one is a
staunch supporter of PIDCI's
mission to promote the rich
historical and cultural heritage of
Filipinos through the annual
celebration of the Philippine
Independence Day,” says PIDCI
President Fe Martinez.
2014's first batch of Mrs.
Kalayaan candidates in
attendance on February 15
included Michelle Loretto Llado,
D iv i n a Ru l e , a n d L o u rd e s
Sardoma, mother of 2013 Diwa ng
Kalayaan Kistine Liwag.
The Mrs. Kalayaan pageant, a
mere popularity contest, was the
brainchild of President Martinez
launched three years ago. This
year's coronation night will be
held on April 12, 7 p.m. to 12 a.m.,
at Double Tree by Hilton Airport
(128 Frontage Road, Newark,
New Jersey). The reigning Mrs.
Kalayaan is Rose Pacia Labelle of
Elmhurst, NY. Last year's bevy of
beauties also included Mrs.
Kalayaan Filipino-American
Ernestine Hollins (NY), Mrs.
Kalayaan Philippines Leila
First batch of 2014 Diwa ng Kalayaan candidates include Kristine Joy Poraque,
25; Illin Bangug, 17; Stella Marie Cabrestante, 19; and Ria Lalaine Rius, 25.
(Photo by Monico Rabara)
Mrs. Kalayaan and Diwa ng Kalayaan beauties with Philippine Independence
Day Council Inc. board members and friends.
Fernandez Morales (NY), Mrs.
Kalayaan Luzon Jeanette Corpuz
(CT), Mrs. Kalayaan Visayas
Josephine A. Guarana (NY), and
Mrs. Kalayaan Mindanao Susan
Tobias (NY).
Prospective Mrs. Kalayaan
candidates may still submit
application to PIDCI Vice
President and Committee Chair
Albert Diala, [email protected],
tel. no. 347-260-8063 or Pageant
Director and Board Member
E l v i r a
R e y e s ,
[email protected], tel.
no. 551-208-4986.
This year's first batch of Diwa
ng Kalayaan candidates, on the
other hand, will include Kristine
Joy Poraque, 25, Glendale, NY;
Illin Bangug, 17, Hackettstown,
NJ; Stella Marie Cabrestante, 19,
Glendale, NY; and Ria Lalaine
Rius, 25, Jamaica, NY.
The Diwa ng Kalayaan: A
pageant of Filipina beauty,
brains, and talent, was launched
by Philippine Independence Day
Committee (PIDC) 1991 Overall
Chair Nilda Jaynal on the second
year of the Philippine
Independence Day Parade in the
Big Apple. This year's coronation
night will be held on May 3, 7 p.m.
to 12 a.m., also at Double Tree by
Hilton in Newark. The reigning
Diwa ng Kalayaan is Kristine
Liwag (NY). Last year's beauty
titlists also included Miss
Filipino-American Riana Aldana
(NJ), Bituin ng Luzon (Star of
Luzon) Allysson Prada (NY),
Bituin ng Visayas (Star of
Visayas) Judith Ashley Quilapio
(NY), and Bituin ng Mindanao
(Star of Mindanao) Kirsten Claire
Fernandez (NJ). Of note, former
Diwa ng Kalayaan titleholder
Christine Sienicki now dances
for Radio City Hall's The
Prospective Diwa ng
Kalayaan candidates may still
submit application to the
Chairpersons of the Committee
and Board Members Rolly
P o s t a d a n ,
[email protected], tel. no.
201-724-7634; and Margie
Wisotsky (1 st Mrs. Kalayaan
w i n n e r ) ,
[email protected], tel. no.
347-526-3271; or to Pageant
Director and Board Member
E l v i r a
R e y e s ,
[email protected], tel.
no. 551-208-4986.
T h e P h i l i p p i n e
Independence Day Council Inc.
(PIDCI) is a nonprofit
organization best known for the
biggest Philippine
Independence Day parade
outside the Philippines, which is
held first Sunday of June (June 1
this year) along Madison Avenue,
accompanied by an all-day street
fair and cultural festival. These
events are attended by about
100,000 predominantly
Filipinos and Filipino Americans
from the New York Tri-State area
and Pennsylvania, visitors from
neighboring states and
California, and Canada.
PIDCI's pre-Independence
Day celebrations are as follows:
Presentation of Candidates for
Mrs. Kalayaan and Diwa ng
Kalayaan (February 15); Grand
Marshal Gala (March 15) at
World Astoria Manor (25-22
Astoria Blvd., Astoria, NY); Mrs.
Kalayaan Pageant (April 12), and
Diwa ng Kalayaan Pageant (May
3). PIDCI's post-parade event,
the Independence Ball, is set
June 7.
2014 marks the 25th
anniversary of the Philippine
Independence Day celebrations
in NYC.
For more information, visit
February 21-27, 2014
Page 19
Pope's marriage
Fr. Julian Jagudilla O.F.M. welcoming the guests
Pope Francis greets couples gathered in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Friday, Feb. 14, 2014. Pope
Francis met a group of engaged couples on Valentine's Day. AP/Alessandra Tarantino
Associated Press
Fr. Julian with Grace Baldisseri, Vicie Allam,
Martha Baltazar and Ma. Chona P. Hosalla
Women Connecting Women members: (L-R)
Kathy Gunn, Donna Samuel, Rosa Charles,
Grace Baldisseri & Dorothy Berman (center)
A Moment of Fun and Fellowship
By Grace G. Baldisseri
NEW YORK -- The St. Clare's Room at St.
Francis of Assisi Church in New York,
opened its doors to ladies of diverse cultures
on February 12, 2014 to launch "Women
Connecting Women," a project of the
Migrant Center headed by Fr. Julian Jagudilla
O.F.M., Director of the Center.
Some 50 women brave the cold wintry
weather to come to the Ladies' Tea Time and
have fun, laughter and fellowship. The
ladies' tea time is a venue for women in New
York City to come together and enjoy each
other's company over tea and cookies.
Fr. Julian welcomed the guests who are a
mixture of residents, transients and tourists.
They were there because they read about
this 'special event for women' in the
newspapers, the church bulletin of St.
Francis and word of mouth.
There were professionals,
businesswomen, lady lawyers, caregivers
and students who came to the Ladies' Tea
Time. As it was a Pre-Valentine's
celebration, the Women Connecting Women
(WCW) members - Kathy, Joanne, Dorothy,
Rosa and
Grace wore red or a tinge of red as red is
the color of LOVE. Red is the hottest of the
warm colors and also the color of blood,
ruby and strawberry.
A powerful word was attached to the tea
bag given to everyone. Examples are: love,
hope, peace, fear, freedom, etc. Each one
would explain her experience as related to
the word or simply say anything about it. It
was so exciting to listen to them share their
personal story as related to the word they
Some physical and mental exercises
were performed in that event led by Kathy
Gunn. And it was so relaxing. BUT the one
that thrilled the women's group is when
almost everyone in the room asked; "when is
the next meeting?"
Everyone in the group agree that having
a 'safe, non-judgmental and relax
environment' to go to and just listen to one's
issues affecting their lives, and of all places,
St. Francis of Assisi Church in New York City,
is such a blessing!
Rockland Centennial Lions Club recently held the 2014
Scholarship Dinner-Hawaiian Luau at New City.
From left: Rheci Abustan, Elviza Aberion, Nanding Mendez, president of Fiesta in
America, Cherique Loyola Po, president of Rockland Centennial Lions Club, and Dr.
Francisco Yuvienco
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis has offered some Valentine's Day advice for a lasting
marriage, saying the recipe for success lies in saying three simple words: “Please, thanks and
Francis told some 10,000 couples gathered in St. Peter's Square on Friday that expressions
of courtesy, gratitude and contrition go a long way toward conserving and enhancing love over
Francis has on several occasions met with young couples to give them advice before
embarking on marriage. The need for such counseling is a theme he's expected to elaborate on
at a major Vatican meeting on the family next October.
Francis joked that we all make mistakes and that no one is perfect: “The perfect family
doesn't exist, nor the perfect husband or wife. Let's not even talk about the perfect motherin-law!”
Filipino overseas workers line up to send money at a remittance center in the central district of Hong Kong in this
2008 file photo. AFP/Ted Aljibe
Remittances hit all
time high in 2013
Record $2.2B in December brought total to $22.8B
By Paolo G. Montecillo
Cash sent home by migrant
workers, one of the main drivers of
the country's economic growth,
rose to record levels last year
despite the continued weakness of
the global economy.
The Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP) Monday reported
that growth in remittances from
overseas Filipino workers (OFWs)
beat expectations in 2013, helping
prop up consumer demand despite
the high unemployment in the
“The solid growth of
remittances from OFWs remains
supportive of economic activity,
with cash remittances accounting
for 8.4 percent of the country's
gross domestic product in 2013,”
the BSP said in a statement.
Cash remittances in December
rose by 9.1 percent year-on-year to
a record $2.2 billion. This brought
the full-year figure to $22.8
billionalso the highest on record
for any 12-month period
representing an increase of 6.4
percent from the previous year.
The expansion in 2013 was
better than the 5-percent growth
projected by the BSP at the start of
the year.
These cash transfers from
If the planned PhilippinesEuropean Union free trade
agreement (FTA) materializes, it
can help expand the variety of
fisheries products exported to the
EU and the other destinations of
these exports.
Such will benefit fish
processors and exporters and
boost the Philippine economy,
according to a position paper
obtained from the Philippine
Exporters Confederation
However, PhilExport said not
everybody will win, and safety
nets will have to be provided for
Filipino small-scale fishermen and
small-scale fish processors and
marketing agents who will face
greater competition from
i m p o r t e d
f i s h .
In addition, domestic fish stocks
and marine resources will have to
be managed better to avoid the
risk of over-exploitation,
according to a recent study.
The Philippines and the EU
signed a framework partnership
and cooperation agreement in July
2012 and are expected to begin
formal negotiations soon,
according to the Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA).
The agreement provides for a
comprehensive framework for
Page 20
Business groups back
moves to amend economic
provisions in Constitution
MANILA -- Business groups
expressed their support for the
proposed resolution in the House
of Representatives that seeks to
amend the economic provisions of
the Philippine Constitution.
The House resolution filed by
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr.
s e e k s t o e a s e t h e f o re i g n
restrictions in the Constitution by
inserting the “unless otherwise
provided for by law” phrase in the
provision granting 60-percent
ownership to Filipinos and 40
percent to foreign investors.
Makati Business Club chair
Ramon Del Rosario Jr. said the
restrictions impede the flow of
foreign direct investments (FDI) in
the country.
He said foreign investments
would create more jobs to address
“The message we would like to
convey here is that we really need
to put everything we've got
together to try and address this
issue, including things like looking
at our Constitution and what are
the restrictions there that impede
the inflow of our investments into
our economy,” Del Rosario said.
The lower chamber met on
Wednesday with the Joint Foreign
Chamber of Commerce and
Philippine business groups for the
latter to discuss their proposed
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte. Inquirer photo
measures and their priority
reform bills in the 16th Congress.
European Chamber of
Commerce vice president Henry
Schumacher added that it is time
to remove the restrictions on FDI.
“I think the time is now to do it.
I think we need more (FDI) and
from that point of view, it makes
sense to remove the obstacles,” he
Charter change main
proponent Belmonte had said he
would make sure that the
resolution would only be limited
to economic provisions and would
not be used to change the system
of government.
Charter change has failed in
the previous Congresses due to
criticisms that it could be used to
extend the term limits of public
officials. Belmonte said the
resolution would reach the
plenary for debate before March
OFWs are the biggest source of
foreign exchange for the country,
ensuring the ample supply of
dollars and other currencies that
the economy needs for doing
business with the rest of the world.
Remittances are also the major
driver of domestic consumption,
which makes up about two-thirds
of GDP. The country's economy as
measured by GDP grew by 7.2
percent in 2013, beating
By Roy Mabasa
Domingo, for the 4th
government estimates and the
second highest in Asia after
Australia's Foreign Affairs Ministerial Meeting (PAMM).
and Trade and Investment They are also scheduled to meet
Late last year, BSP officials said
Ministers, together with the New other Cabinet secretaries.
remittances would grow more than
South Wales Premier, are visiting
Bishop and del Rosario, on
Page 22
the Philippines this week for the other hand, will join
meetings with government Association of Southeast Asian
o f f i c i a l s a n d b u s i n e s s Nations (ASEAN) Secretarycommunity
General Le Luong Minh for the
Australia's Minister of official launch of the ASEANForeign Affairs Julie Bishop and Australia 40th Anniversary
Trade and Investment Minister Commemoration.
Andrew Robb will be
This is Bishop's second visit
accompanied by the Premier of to the Philippines in three
the state of New South Wales months. Last December, he
(NSW) Barry O'Farrell during visited Manila, Tacloban and
their visit, the Australian Ormoc to see first-hand the relief
Embassy in Manila announced efforts undertaken by the
improved bilateral cooperation in
on Monday.
Australian Government, in
various areas, including politicoAccording to the Australian p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e
security, economy, trade, culture,
embassy, Ministers Bishop and Philippines, in responding to
education and technology.
Robb are scheduled to meet with typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan).
The EU, along with Japan and
their Philippine counterpart,
Meanwhile, this will be the
the United States, is one of the
visit of Robb to the country
world's top three importers of
del Rosario and Trade and as Trade and Investment
fisheries and aquaculture
Industry Secretary Gregory Minister. Manila Bulletin
Fisheries products are an
important and growing part of
Philippine exports to the region.
Fisheries shipments rose from
a mere 8.8 percent of total exports
to the EU market in 2001 to 2002,
to 12.9 percent in 2005 to 2006,
and then to 27.7 percent in 2009 to
EU trade pact to boost RP
fisheries industry - study
By Ed Velasco
February 21-27, 2014
Australian foreign,
investment ministers
to visit Philippines
February 21-27, 2014
Page 21
Aquino tells businessmen: Now’s the
time to invest in PH
By Kristine Angeli Sabillo
Inquirer photo
BPO in PH is
pride of UK
By Niña P. Calleja
Since the Philippines became
the first business process
outsourcing (BPO) hub for the
United Kingdom's foreign offices
two years ago, the British
government has saved roughly 2.3
million pounds (P192 million).
“When you talk about the BPO
industry in the Philippines, we can't
think of anything better than what
we are running here,” British
Ambassador to the Philippines Asif
Ahmad said during a recent visit to
the Inquirer office in Makati City.
Ahmad sat for discussions with
Inquirer executives and editors,
including chair Marixi Prieto,
president Sandy Prieto-Romualdez
and publisher Raul Pangalangan.
Ahmad takes pride in the UK's
own BPO center in the Philippines,
the first to be run by a diplomatic
office and which handles the key
office transactions for the British
government's offices in almost half
of the world.
“We have taken over all the
financial processing and purchasing
for the entire world, except for what
is done in the UK,” Ahmad said.
Serving 40 countries
The British Embassy's Shared
Service Center, run by a 50-member
team on one of the floors of the
embassy building in McKinley Hill in
Taguig City, serves 40 countries in
the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle
East, South Asia and Central Asia.
Even some of the operations in
the British Embassy in India, a
global leader in the outsourcing
industry, have started to be done in
the center in Taguig. Ahmad
disclosed that the full financial
processing transactions in India
would be absorbed by the Philippine
team in May.
In 2010, the Philippines
overtook India to become the No. 1
business outsourcing center in the
world, with an annual revenue of
$5.7 billion and an industry
population of 600,000, larger than
the Indian BPO sector.
The Philippine BPO industry
remains at the top, with 2013
revenue estimated at $15.5 billion
and an industry population of
900,000. Acknowledging the
Philippine advantage, the UK sent all
the workload that the British office
could not handle to the Philippines.
The UK office handles European
countries, the United States, Africa
and Central and South America.
European investors are expected
to inject $500 million worth of
foreign direct investments into the
Philippine energy sector, primarily
in renewable energy (RE)
The investment pledge, it was
emphasized, will be poured mainly
into five projects across the RE chain,
including the capital outlay of
Bronzeoak for the San Carlos solar
farm which is targeted on stream this
This was highlighted in a press
statement issued by Thomas Lloyd
group about the investors' Congress
held recently in Germany.
The investment financing firm
has also been setting its eyes on
President Benigno Aquino III.
Inquirer photo
building on our economic
momentum,” he said.
Aquino reiterated that despite
the disasters that befell the country
in 2012, the Philippines posted one
of the fastest growth rates in Asia at
7.2 percent.
He devoted a large part of the
speech on the reconstruction
efforts in areas hit by the various
calamities last year, encouraging
the investors to take part in the
Aquino's appearance at the
Philippine Investment Forum came
a day after Economic Planning
Secretary Arsenio Balisacan told
media that while the economy
continues to grow, the government
still has to address
underemployment and poverty.
A week ago, Aquino presided
over a full Cabinet meeting that
tackled ways to push inclusive
growth. It was held after a Social
Weather Stations survey showed
increasing unemployment in the
Gov't unveils updated
PH development plan
The government has unveiled
were learned and would guide the
details of the updated Philippine
policy directions through 2016.
Development Plan (PDP), which is
One is the ability of good
targeted to provide better quality
g ove r n a n c e to a t t ra c t j o b British Deputy Ambassador to
of life for Filipinos by 2016
generating investments, he said.
Page 22
through measures that would cut
Another is the need to tailor-fit
jobless rate, underemployment
poverty-reduction strategies to
and poverty.
the peculiarities of communities,
Economic Planning Secretary
he added.
and National Economic
Balisacan also cited the need
Development Authority Director
for measures that would help
General Arsenio Balisacan on
make concerned communities
Monday said that under the latest
resilient to natural disasters. He
PDP, the country's poverty rate
noted the tendency of calamities to
Arsenio Balisacan. Inquirer photo
was targeted to go down to 16 to
pull nonpoor households into
18 percent by 2016, from 25.2
He also said public
poverty due to the resulting
percent in 2012.
investments in projects and
disruption to business and farm
The underemployment rate,
programs that will boost priority
various investments in the country,
which economists said was a more
sectors would be made. These
Given these lessons, he said,
including biofuel and biomass
serious problem than joblessness,
sectors include information
the government would classify
facility developments.
is aimed to be reduced to 17
technology-business process
provinces/communities of the
During the Congress, it was
percent two years from now from
management (IT-BPM), tourism,
country under three categories.
19.8 percent last year.
construction, manufacturing and
The anti-poverty measures differ
noted that prospective investors
The unemployment rate is
across the categories, he said.
were apprised on “investment
targeted to go down to 6.5-6.7
The sectors are considered
In provinces with the biggest
locations, technologies and project
percent from 7.3 percent last year.
priority in the belief these have the
number of poor population, he
partners in the field of Asian
Overall economic growth is
ability to create the most number
said, the government would invest
renewable energy infrastructure.”
targeted to stay within the band of
of jobs if given ample support.
heavily in skills training.
According to Thomas Lloyd
7 to 8 percent.
“Accelerating job creation
In provinces that are less
Group chairman Michael Sieg,
Balisacan said the Aquino
requires building up of capital.
populated and disconnected from
development of RE policies in the
administration was bent on
Investments must continually rise
commercial centers, he said, the
Asia Pacific region “will not only play
achieving inclusive economic
for the economy to continue to
applicable measure would be
a decisive role globally for present
growth through higher
grow, and this requires a stable
infrastructure development.
and future generations.” He added
investments in skills training and
and predictable market
In provinces that are most
that the propounded shift into
infrastructure, implementation of
environment,” Balisacan said in a
prone to natural disasters, he said,
cleaner energy options “will create
employer-employee matching
the key strategy would be
the basis for further growth within
program, easing the process of
Based on economic
investments in measures that
the region and become an essential
setting up a business and
developments in the first half of
would help make them resilient to
factor in shaping the 'Asian Century'.
rationalizing the regulatory
the Aquino administration,
calamities. Michelle V. Remo.
Page 22
Balisacan said, several lessons
European investors
eyeing RE projects
By Myrna Velasco
MANILA -- Strike while the iron
is hot.
President Benigno Aquino III
told foreign and local businessmen
on Monday that now is an
opportune time to invest in the
With a large number of
Filipinos reaching working age in
2015, and the Philippine economy
continuing to grow, reforms will
further result in uninterrupted
growth, he told around 600
business leaders and investors at
the Philippines Investment Forum
at the Solaire Resort & Casino in
“On average, hitting such a
'sweet spot' has led to a ten-year
period of 7.3 percent yearly
growth. So one can only imagine
the possibilities for us, considering
our workers are renowned for their
resilience, creativity, and loyalty,”
he said.
Aquino explained that it is vital
to match the “demographic sweet
spot” with substantial changes in
the system such as creating a
conducive business environment.
“We must cement the reforms
we have made, and make certain
that we extend our aim of
uninterrupted growth from years,
to decades, and hopefully, even to
generation,” he said.
He said among the things the
administration is looking into is the
amendment of the Build Operate
and Transfer (BOT) Law. He also
boasted of the increase in the
budgets of the Department of
Education (DepEd) and the
Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority.
“If you invest in the Philippines,
human capital will be the least of
your worries,” Aquino told the
audience as he assured them of a
properly equipped Philippine labor
At one point, the President told
the investors to speak with Finance
Secretary Cesar Purisima, subtly
mentioning that he was hailed
Finance Minister of the Year in
“Going beyond expectations
has become so common in our
administration that I sometimes
joke that some of my Cabinet
members are becoming very
erratic: they keep giving me targets,
but they almost always end up
exceeding them. So I guess they are
hedging their promises,” Aquino
said in jest.
During the speech, the
President boasted of the
government's achievements,
i n c l u d i n g t h e c re d i t ra t i n g
upgrades given by Fitch Ratings,
Standard & Poor's and Moody's.
He also claimed that the
administration had succeeded in
its plan to rehabilitate the
manufacturing sector.
“In 2013, the manufacturing
sector grew by 10.5 percent, and
was one of the main factors in
February 21-27, 2014
Page 22
Are Your Meetings
a Waste of Time?
In survey after survey, meetings
get knocked by everyone from
employees to senior executives as
being among the biggest waste of
work hours.
In one poll, by Office Team, 45
percent of senior executives said
their firms would be more
productive if they banned all
meetings at least one day a week!
“The problem that often occurs beyond the obvious, like lacking a
clear agenda - is the underlying
current of competition that each
person brings to the table,” says
Berny Dohrmann, chairman and
founder of CEO Space International,
and author of “Redemption: The
C o o p e r a t i o n R e v o l u t i o n ,”
“Competition pulls people apart;
cooperation brings them together.
Signs that competition is causing
unproductive meetings include one
or two people dominating the floor;
individuals touting their
achievements; people consistently
failing to contribute their ideas
because they fear being criticized or
The drive to compete is so
ingrained in most of us, we often
don't recognize it, Dohrmann says.
“We get it culturally. We learn it
in school. It's often reinforced within
our own families as we're growing
up. We have to be aware of that and
identify the culture we want, and
then set about creating it beginning
with our meetings.”
Cooperative meetings yield far
better results, he says. People
working together toward a goal are
EU trade pact ...
From page 20
For canned tuna, for example,
about 57 percent of the $253
million worth of the product
exported in 2009 went to the EU
If fisheries tariffs are eliminated
under the proposed FTA, it can help
increase fish production and
exports to the EU, particularly of
seaweeds, fish corals, shrimp,
prawn, other aquaculture products
and processed products.
This will benefit the economy by
boosting local production and
more efficient, more productive, and
even happier. The group pulling
together toward the same goal will
achieve that goal far more quickly
than individuals each pulling in
opposite directions, Dohrmann says.
How can you turn competition
into cooperation and wasted
meetings into fruitful gatherings? He
offers these suggestions:
Begin instituting culture
change by rewarding cooperative
behavior. When someone makes a
suggestion that can help another
individual or department, publicly
acknowledge and praise that
te a mwo r k . E n c o u ra g e i n te r departmental interest, empathy and
even personal bonds by allowing
employees from one area to shadow
employees from another. Remind
everyone that when one department
succeeds, everyone succeeds. Look
for managers and employees who
tend to be naturally cooperative and
enlist them as mentors and leaders
to encourage and spread the new
Identify and curb competitive
behavior in meetings. Avoid
discouraging the behavior with
tactics that rely on public criticism,
scorn or ridicule. Rather, set
egalitarian standards, such as time
limits for each person to speak, and
stick to them. When someone strays
off topic, discern whether he or she
is sharing a potentially valuable idea
or seeking a personal competitive
advantage (i.e. by laying blame, selfpromoting, etc.) before steering him
back on topic.
Participation is essential to
improving the balance of trade with
the EU.
It will also likely diversify the
fisheries products exported to the
market, presently dominated by
processed products, particularly
At the same time, it is seen to
increase the number of
destinations. The Philippines'
biggest importer in the trade bloc is
Germany, followed by the United
Kingdom and Spain.
Study author Danilo Israel of
the Philippine Institute for
Development Studies (PIDS),
suggested further studies on the
impact of the proposed FTA,
cooperation. Require everyone to
participate in meetings. Circulate
the agenda in advance with the
stated expectation that each
attendee will come to the table
prepared to address at least one item
even if it's not an item within their
area of responsibility. Participation
is a key component of a cooperative
work group and making it the norm
is often as simple as getting
everyone into the habit.
About Berny Dohrmann
Berny Dohrmann is chairman
and founder of CEO Space
International, one of the largest
support organizations for business
As the inventor of Super
Teaching, a Title I technology that
accelerates retention for public
schools, he is a frequently a guest
speaker to various nations, VIP
conferences and television
programs. As a member of the
Dohrmann family, which operated
the largest global resort-outfitting
firm as Dohrmann Hotel Supply for
several generations, he grew up with
several business mentors, including
Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Walt
Disney, Warner Earnhardt, Bucky
Fuller, Dr. Edward Deming and Jack
Kennedy. He has learned from both
success and adversity: Indicted for
criminal contempt for a $86,000
junk bond from an investment
banking firm he had sold, he fought
the charge in court, but lost in 1995
and went to prison for 18 months. He
has since made a documentary
about the experience.
particularly on cushioning the
consequences for poor fishermen
and other small-scale players, and
for the country's diminishing
fisheries resources.
He also urged the government
to negotiate for the removal not just
of tariffs but of non-tariff measures
as well, since they significantly
impede freer flow of fisheries
products from the Philippines.
The administration should
likewise implement “the needed
resource and environmental
management that will allow
sustainable exploitation of fisheries
resources even with increased
trade.” The Daily Tribune
BPO in PH ...
From page 21
the UK was the first foreign office in
the Philippines to outsource jobs to
“It's the first time we have done
this. It has been two years [since]
we started the whole process for
the Asia-Pacific and it turned out to
be a success. That is why we are
expanding and taking over other
countries,” Lewis said in a separate
interview at the British Embassy.
Lewis said the primary reason
for setting up a BPO hub in Manila
was to reduce overhead costs and
improve efficiency in all office
“It is about money to a certain
extent and then it is also about the
efficiency of services,” Lewis said.
Satisfactory results
The results have been
satisfactory. From 2012, when the
Shared Service Center began
operations, the British government
has been saving 1.3 million pounds
(P95.9 million) a year.
And there is less chaos in the
systems today. Before the new
setup, Lewis said, British
embassies and diplomatic posts in
different countries were “doing
things their own way.”
“There was no standardized
processing. Now we have been able
to standardize the systems we are
using. And this has been giving us
savings as an organization,” he said.
C a t h e r i n e D a y, r e g i o n a l
corporate services director for the
Asia-Pacific Regional Corporate
Services of the UK foreign office,
explained that all invoices and staff
expense claims were processed
through the Manila office while the
payment for bills and purchases
were done electronically.
Why Manila?
Manila was not the only
location considered for the BPO
center. In the beginning, according
to Day, the UK looked at other cities
like Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia,
Singapore and Hong Kong.
“The reason Manila was chosen
was because of its big BPO industry.
Remittances hit ...
From page 20
expected as OFWs with families in
areas affected by Supertyphoon
“Yolanda” send more money to
finance the reconstruction of
In its statement, the BSP
boasted that more than threefourths or 77.1 percent of all
remittances in December came
from land-based workers with
contracts of one year or more - an
indication of the sustainability of
the flows. Cash transfers from seabased workers rose at a faster rate
of 7.9 percent versus 6 percent for
land-based OFWs.
The major sources of
It has a good reputation and the
Philippines has overtaken India in
terms of the number of people
employed in this industry,” Day
Apart from the competitive
labor rates in the Philippines, the
UK banked on the country's “good,
skilled workforce” made up of
English speakers, she said.
Currently, there are 47 Filipinos
and three British nationals on the
British Embassy's BPO center team.
The center intends to hire 20
more people by September to allow
an expansion that will take over
office work that is not
geographically specific in 12 more
countries by the end of the year.
In the two years that it has been
operating, Day said, the Manila
office barely suffered setbacks and
resistance from UK diplomatic
posts in other countries because of
the efficiency of its team.
No major downside
The Philippines is hit by an
average of 20 typhoons a year and
flooding is a worsening problem in
Manila, but the British Embassy
does not consider this a downside.
“Even if there were floods in
Manila in the last two years, we
were able to keep the operations
running. Actually, there was no
major downside. Even in the UK, we
have snow that affects the people's
ability to go to work,” Day said.
Lewis noted that mainly due to
the success of the UK BPO center
here, more foreign offices in Manila
are following suit.
“Quite a few embassies are
interested in moving here in
Manila,” Lewis said, adding that
some foreign government officials
had been visiting the UK BPO center
to see how it worked.
Philippines as teammate
Ahmad likened the UK BPO
center in Manila to a “hospital pass.”
“It comes from the game rugby.
If you see a big opponent coming
near you, you pass the ball to a
teammate,” he said.
With the BPO center at the
British Embassy, the UK looks at the
Philippines as a teammate.
remittances were the United States,
Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom,
United Arab Emirates, Singapore,
Canada and Japan.
Apart from the sustained
demand for Filipino labor, the BSP
said the ever-expanding global
presence of local banks and other
financial institutions through the
establishment of new offices or tieups with foreign partners has made
it easier for OFWs to send money
home safely.
A s o f e n d - D e c e m b e r,
commercial banks' tie-ups,
remittance centers and
correspondent bank branches and
representative offices in other
countries stood at 4,740 locations.
European investors ... From page 21
Bronzeoak Philippines president Jose Maria P. Zabaleta noted during
the Congress that the event convened by ThomasLloyd Group “is a
tremendous opportunity to present the world with key renewable energy
projects and valuable political insight into this fast-growing industry.”
With the developed world relatively saturated already on RE
technology installations, many foreign firms have been eyeing Asia as
potential growth areas for clean energy investments.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 23
Charice camp accuses Rex
Smith of starting ruckus
But the American singer blames 'rude' director of Pempengco
By Allan Policarpio
MANILA -- “I'm not just speaking
for Charice, but for other local artists, as
well. We give respect to all visiting
foreign acts, so I hope they reciprocate,”
Charice Pempengco's manager Glenn
Aldueza said, after his ward was
reportedly insulted by American
recording artist Rex Smith, while
rehearsing for a corporate event at the
Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu City on
Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Aldueza said that Charice was in the
middle of doing a sound check with her
Filipino-American musical director,
Troy Laureta, at the hotel's ballroom at
around 2 p.m., when Smith stormed the
stage and caused a commotion.
“Smith started pointing his finger at
Charice, and told her to stop what she
was doing. Smith then engaged Laureta
in a verbal tussle when the latter
pointed out that they were rehearsing,”
Aldueza told the Inquirer.
Smith, who's also a theater actor,
became famous in the 1970s for his hits
“You Take My Breath Away” and
“Simply Jessie.”
“He started it,” Aldueza stressed.
“Charice was shocked, but didn't
answer back. She told me that she has
performed around the world and
worked with many foreign artists, but
this was the first time she was treated
with such disrespect.”
Meanwhile, in a statement sent to
the Inquirer, Ovation Production's
Renen de Guia insisted that the incident
was a case of misunderstanding, and
that it was Charice's “rude” musical
director who caused the altercation,
yelling “Get the f***of my stage” at
De Guia described Laureta's actions
as “un-Filipino.” Smith decided to drop
Vhong Navarro
Charice. Photo by Arnold Almacen
by the ballroom just to take a quick look
at where he will be performing. He was
not even aware that there will be
another act featured before him, which
was Charice,” he said.
“He went straight to the stage and
made a comment about the setup; he
thought it was his…Smith was suddenly
shouted at by Charice's musical
director. We were all shocked!” De Guia
related. “It was only then that we
realized that it was Charice who was
having a sound check.”
“Smith would not have gone on
stage if he knew someone else was
having a sound check,” De Guia pointed
out, adding that the shouting match
wouldn't have happened had Smith
been politely informed by Laureta.
“Smith loves Filipinos immensely
and Filipinos love him back,” De Guia
The veteran concert promoter said
he approached Charice and his group to
“sincerely apologize” for the untoward
incident. Still, Aldueza said his camp
was seeking for a personal apology
from Smith, “especially since Charice is
a girl and is much younger.”
“They said Smith will personally
apologize to us, but that didn't happen,”
he said.
Jake Cuenca ready for
haters as TV bad guy
MANILA -- Actor Jake Cuenca is
getting ready for the hate as he is set
to play the villain in the upcoming
series "Ikaw Lamang" with Kim Chiu,
Julia Montes and Coco Martin.
Cuenca, who just finished ABSCBN's hit series "Maria Mercedes"
with Jessy Mendiola, is excited to be
playing the bad guy again.
"I miss being the villain. After
being the lading man in 'Mercedes' it
feels brand new being the bad guy
again," he said.
The actor feels viewers will really
hate his character in the series, a
period teleserye set in a hacienda in
the 1960s.
It also stars veteran actors
Ronaldo Valdez, Cherie Gil, Angel
Aquino, John Estrada and Tirso Cruz
"I think a lot of people will get
mad at me after watching this show.
If they don't that just means I'm not
doing my job well. I am not planning
to portray this role grey, I want this
character to be as dark as possible,"
Cuenca said.
Deniece loses
early rounds
versus Vhong
A local court on Friday, Feb.
14 dismissed Deniece Cornejo's
petition for protection and gag
orders against Vhong Navarro,
the actor and TV host she had
accused of rape.
The commercial model
suffered an early setback in her
legal battle with Navarro, who
in turn had accused her and her
friends - including businessman
Cedric Lee - of setting him up for
extortion and having him
mauled at her condominium
unit on the night of Jan. 22.
Cornejo, Lee and six other
respondents also failed to show
up Friday for their first
preliminary investigation
hearing at the Department of
Justice in connection with
Navarro's complaints for
serious physical injuries and
serious illegal detention.
Earlier in the day, Judge
Lorifel Pahimna of the Pasig
Regional Trial Court Branch 69,
which holds its sala at the
Taguig Hall of Justice, junked
Cornejo's petition after a 30minute hearing attended by the
22-year-old model, her lawyer
Howard Calleja, and Navarro's
lawyer Alma Mallonga.
Cornejo accused Navarro of
Deniece Cornejo
raping her at her condo, with
Lee claiming that he and his
friends caught him in the act
that's why Navarro got a severe
beating. She later asked the
court for a protection order
against Navarro and a gag order
to keep the ABS-CBN star from
discussing the case in the
The petition cited Republic
Act 9262 or the Anti-Violence
Against Women and Children
Act, but Pahimna ruled that it
did not apply to Navarro,
according to Mallonga in an
interview with the Inquirer.
The law protects women
from violence committed by a
husband or a partner, or
someone with whom she has “a
sexual or dating relationship,”
Mallonga said.
Dismissing the petition as a
mere “delaying tactic,” Mallonga
said Cornejo's camp also failed
to prove that there was a threat
committed or likely to be
committed by Navarro against
Cornejo that would merit a
protection order.
“There is no factual basis.
Vhong is not attempting to see
her or call her. Vhong and his
family are not stalking her,” she
said. In a text message, Calleja
said they would file a motion for
At the DOJ, Cornejo and the
other respondents were noshows in the 2 p.m. hearing set
by an investigation panel
headed by Maria Elvira Herrera.
Lawyer Arleo Magtibay,
who in the DOJ represented
Cornejo, Lee and his sister
Bernice, showed up to explain
that Cornejo could not make it
because of the court hearing in
Taguig concerning her petition
for a protection order.
But Magtibay said Cornejo
would appear in the next
hearing set on Feb. 21.
Magtibay also explained
that his clients had yet to
receive their copies of the two
supplemental affidavits
executed by Navarro last week,
and asked for more time to
comment on these documents.
The DOJ panel also issued
subpoenas to three other
suspects - Simeon “Zimmer”
Raz Jr., Jed Hernandez and JP
Calma - asking them to
comment on Navarro's
complaint and appear before
the DOJ with their counteraffidavits.
Juday recalls falling in love
with Wowie
MANILA - Judy Ann Santos admitted there
was a time when she fell in love with Wowie De
Guzman, who was the first actor paired with
her when she was still doing “Mara Clara” in
the 1990s.
Santos explained that it was inevitable for
her to develop feelings for De Guzman because
they were together almost every day.
“May part naman talaga kasi nung time na
sobrang ang dami naming ginagawa, as in
araw-araw, umaga, tanghali, gabi, kami lang
ang magkasama from movies to tapings to out
of town shows. Monday to Sunday kami talaga
'yung magkasama so walang chance na hindi
kami nagkikita. Siguro doon na-develop,” she
Unlike how love teams are being built
today, Santos said she and De Guzman didn't
have to undergo auditions or workshops to see
if they have an onscreen chemistry.
“Sobrang sikat na sikat ang (Universal)
Motion Dancers tapos si Wowie 'yung sobrang
tinitilian ng mga babae nung time na' yun. Eh
“More important for me is I
perform well and again be different
from my other projects in the past,"
he added.
Judy Ann Santos
Page 24
February 21-27, 2014
Page 24
'Be Careful's' 'endless' tale
Has love come for
continues to enthrall viewers Kris Aquino anew?
By Nestor U. Torre
If there's such a thing as
endless love, especially on this
current Love Week, can there also
be - an “endless” teleserye? This
thought comes to mind, because
the producers of the hit series,
“Be Careful With My Heart,” have
just announced that, contrary to
previous speculations, their
show isn't about to fold up its
tents just yet, even after running
daily for many months!
Why so? Because viewers still
want to see more of the show's
resident lovebirds, Maya and “Ser
Chief,” who are now married and
expecting their first bambino.
The long-running show is a
fantasy-romance (poor girl weds
rich and good-hearted boss - how
much more “fantasticating” can a
story get?), hence its loyal
viewers' refusal to wake up and
face the real world just yet!
After all, other hit series like
“May Bukas Pa” stretched their
storytelling for over a year, so “Be
Careful…” can't be blamed for
wanting to keep the profitable
commercials and endorsements
Trouble is, all that profitable
stretching has distended the
organic integrity of its plot and
character development, as the
s i t u a t i o n s t h a t t h e s e ri e s
dramatizes feel more and more
like twice-told tales. Sure, laugh
all the way to the bank, but do
Yap. Too good to be true.
make sure that the storytelling
seams and splices don't show - !
In any case, “Be Careful…” can
resolutely claim that it hasn't
overstayed its welcome, as some
of its fans vouch for the fact that
watching it has become a daily
habit for them.
Shows that achieve that level
of reliable and bankable love and
devotion have the best of all
worlds, so who are we to rain on
their parade? - provided that they
do their best to keep their
storytelling as fresh as possible.
In this regard, the presence of
Aiza Seguerra on the longrunning show is definitely a plus
factor, since the actor-singer has a
rare knack for keeping things
bracingly real and vital, even as
other cast members are on smug
and lazy autopilot, or have gone
too excessively melodramatic for
At the other end of the
success spectrum is male lead
star Richard Yap, who has
become very popular, but has yet
to come up with an excitingly
dynamic portrayal. What's the
problem? His personification of
“Ser Chief” is just too good to be
true, and we keep praying that the
fantasy “dream boss” character
will reveal some “humanizing”
flawsand get really angry, for a
bracing change!
Fact is, we've been supportive
of the mature actor's TV work
since he belatedly made his debut
in a Kim Chiu TV starrer (“My
Binondo Girl”), but it's been many
years since then, so we expect
him to grow and deepen as a
performer, and that simply hasn't
happened - yet.
Is the culprit the series'
escapist scripting, or is the actor
himself partly to blame, because
he doesn't want to or can't come
up with a more believable and felt
If it's the former, the show
still has time to make up for the
slack and give Richard some
really meaty and juicy acting
moments that he can sink his
thespic teeth into. If, however, it
turns out that the actor's limited
emotional range and thespic
“passion” is the problem, then
we're in trouble!
P.S.: TV veterans recall that
the longest-running teleserye of
all time was “Flordeluna,”
starring Janice de Belen and
Dindo Fernando - it ran for more
than five years!
By Jecelyn V. Macahindog
It seems Kris Aquino has totally
closed her heart to love as she is now
reportedly entertaining a suitor.
The host-actress' close friend,
comedian Vice Ganda, revealed in an
interview with ABS-CBN News,
“Hindi niya pa sinasabi sa akin 'yung
pangalan pero happy siya na meron
na siyang manliligaw.”
According to Vice Ganda, Kris,
whom he calls “Asawa,” is happier
He went on to share how Kris
described the guy: “Matalino daw.
Sobra daw siyang impressed sa
katalinuhan nung lalaki,” adding, “I'm
sure mayaman.”
Vice Ganda continued, “Sabi ko,
'Gwapo?' Sabi niya, 'Hindi masyado,
pero matalino!'”
The “It's Showtime” host is
“happy” for his friend. “Sabi ko nga sa
kanya, 'Deserve mo na 'no! Ano'ng
edad mo na, 'no? Go ka na!' Ako pa nga
'yung pumipilit sa kanya,” he said.
He also describes Kris as “Masaya
siya ngayon. Ang ganda-ganda ngayon
ni Kris, masaya. Blooming.”
Meanwhile, Kris' ex-husband
James Yap was asked to comment on
“Aquino & Abunda Tonight.” He
simply said, “Oh talaga? Good.” For
Kris, who turned 43 last Feb. 14, his
wish was for her to “enjoy life lang.”
Kris Aquino has a new suitor according
to Vice Ganda
Kris separated with Yap in 2010.
Their marriage nullified last year.
Since then, a number of men were
romantically linked to the Kapamilya
host-actress, among them modelactor Daniel Matsunaga, Makati
Mayor Junjun Binay and film director
Lino Cayetano. Manila Bulletin
PH teener wins in India
Sandy Talag
Filipino teener
Sandy Talag won
Best Actress for
Jacco Groen's “Lilet
Never Happened” at
t h e
J a i p u r
International Film
Festival, in India
(Feb. 1-5). The 15year-old Talag won
i n O a xa c a ( B e s t
Actress) and
Manhattan (Best
Ensemble) fests.
She's an honoree in
the 2013 Inquirer
Indie Bravo Awards.
Bayani San Diego Jr.
Juday recalls ... From page 23
kami yung magka-age. Tapos parang naisip ni Direk Emil na 'Oo nga
nagdadalaga na si Mara tapos may extra conflict pa with Clara. Kailangan
magpasok ng ibang layer ng story sa 'Mara Clara,'” she explained, referring to
Emil Cruz Jr., the original writer/director of the soap.
Little did Santos know that her tandem with De Guzman at that time would
mark a new milestone in her career. Over two decades since she first had a love
team, Santos has had numerous onscreen partners including the late Rico Yan,
Piolo Pascual and Ryan Agoncillo, who is now her husband.
February 21-27, 2014
Page 25
Will Anne Curtis get Luis proudly admits being
engaged in Myanmar? Angel Locsin’s ‘boyfriend'
By Jojo Panaligan
By Mikee Delizo
She just turned 29, has a longtime
boyfriend in Erwan Huessaff, and some
of her friends had already announced
getting married if they haven't already
done so. Is Anne Curtis next?
In an interview, the “Dyesebel” star
said she is not yet going down the path of
celebrity couples Karylle and Yael Yuzon
and Drew Arellano and Iya Villania
who've all decided to tie the knot. Anne
said that her target to walk down the
aisle is at age 32 and Erwan knows it.
“We don't talk about marriage as
much kasi alam naman niya na hindi pa
ako handa, bale three, four years from
now pa kung sakali,” the actress said to
that effect.
However, the two will have time
together in Myanmar in April for Holy
Week vacation and some think Erwan
just might spring that biggest of
surprises on her. Some had even pointed
out that while he is a few years her junior,
Anne's beau is already financially
capable of settling down what with at
least three restaurants under his name.
And being one of those born in
February who are said to have very
spontaneous personality“baliw baliwan,
kulang kulang,” as Anne put it tongue-incheekthen, as the song goes, perhaps,
perhaps, perhaps?
“I don't think so because…they say
guys only think about those things when
they're around 30 years old so malamang
hindi pa talaga,” said Anne, who once
Luis Manzano and Angel
Locsin are officially back in each
other's arms.
“I'm proudly her boyfriend,”
the Kapamilya heartthrob said
on the status of their
relationship in a live interview
on “Buzz Ng Bayan.”
Luis and Angel first became
a couple in 2007 then broke up
in 2009.
After almost three years of
“effort na iwasan,” Luis revealed
that his communication with
Angel resumed days after last
Christmas months after calling
Anne Curtis (Photo by Bhenj Agustin)
it quits with Jennylyn Mercado
a n d P h i l Yo u n g h u s b a n d ,
went bungee jumping in Thailand with
Erwan “on a whim ….one the craziest
In their exchange of text
things I've done with him so far.”
messages, Luis admitted that “a
Still, this doesn't stop Anne from
bit of spark was rekindled.” It Luis surprised Angel with a bouquet of flowers on the set of 'The Legal
talking about her dream wedding when
was when he visited Angel right Wife' last Valentine's Day (Photo from her Instagram account)
asked about it.
around New Year's Day that
“Gusto ko sunset yung wedding ko
“fell into place.”
and outdoors kasi the lighting is
that they time for us to talk after so long. orchestrated, and that it didn't
beautiful, haha! Parang ang ganda na
already have mutual feelings for But when she came on TV, we cause their split with their most
habang papalubog yung araw, tipong
e a c h o t h e r w h e n A n g e l were already talking before, we recent exes.
'You may kiss the bride,'” she said,
confessed her love for him in a got to spend time with each
“For three years na walang
press interview a few weeks other, we're already enjoying text, walang kahit ano. In fact,
Anne wants to have two, three babies
each other's company once Angel was even scared to see me
tops and she'd like to continue working
“Some people believe kasi again,” he said.
for the first time dahil iniisip
even when she's hanged her last name.
na when she came out on TV
T h e T V h o s t - a c t o r niya na there would be so much
“Kasi ma-bo-bore naman ako kung titigil
saying na mahal pa niya ako, na I m a i n t a i n e d t h a t t h e i r negativity between us. That's
Page 26
had no idea, na it was the first r e c o n c i l i a t i o n w a s n o t
Page 26
February 21-27, 2014
Page 26
Original Darna was a movie queen Arnel Pineda
By Lena Strait Pareja
Now that Angel Locsin has been
tapped to star in the latest “Darna”
incarnation on TV, it's timely for us
to recall the life and career of the
movie queen who originated the
role of Darna in the 1950sRosa del
Rosa was the seventh of 13
children born in Manila to US Army
Lt. Frank Stagner and Aquilina del
Rosario. Already statuesque at 13,
she wanted very much to join her
elder sisters, Tina and Norma, in
the movies, but they advised her to
first learn how to speak Tagalog
well. After months of learning
under Lazaro Francisco, she was
cast by Malayan Films producerdirector Jose Nepomuceno in the
film, “Anak ni Satanas,” as the first
love of the gangling 15-year-old sixfooter, Regidor dela Rosa, who was
the nephew of actor Gregorio
The two hit if off so well that, for
their next movie team-up in “Ligaw
n a B u l a k l a k ,” N e p o m u c e n o
renamed the youngsters “Rogelio
dela Rosa” and “Rosa del Rosario.”
The movie was cited as the
Most Outstanding Philippine Film
of 1932. For her part in the movie,
Rosa was paid P500, but Rogelio
got only P100“because I was the
sister of an actress,” Rosa proudly
explained. Early in her career, she
was already making waves when
she agreed to make the film,
“Lantang Bulaklak,” a prequel to the
highly successful “Ligaw na
Bulaklak.” It was about the sad
plight of a woman who loved
readies all
Arnel Pineda and his
bandmates raised
$350,000 for
“Yolanda” survivors.
Del Rosario.The premier actress originated the iconic role in 1951.
First talking picture
After her first talking picture,
1934's “Doktor Kuba,” Rosa made
the movie, “Mag-Inang Mahirap,”
which was chosen Outstanding
Movie of the Year.
Other important films made by
Rosa in the prewar talking-picture
period: “Anting-Anting,” “Ang
Gulong ng Buhay,” “Ang Buhok ni
Ester,” “Gamu-Gamong Naging
L a w i n ,” “ Z a m b o a n g a ,” w i t h
Fernando Poe Sr., “Walang Sugat,”
“Buena Vista,” the Best Picture of
1940, and finally, 1941's “Ang
Maestra,” where she was reunited
with Rogelio dela Rosa under her
own R-D-R Productions.
Del Rosario was chosen Actress
of the Year in 1940 for her two
pictures, “Buena Vista” and “Huling
When World War II broke out,
Rosa, who was an American
mestiza, was in Hollywood, where
she played the seventh wife of the
King in “Anna and the King.” When
the war ended in 1945, Rosa
returned to the Philippines, where
she resumed her career with such
big movies as 1947's “Bakya Mo,
Neneng,” opposite Leopoldo
Salcedo, and “Himala ng Birhen,”
with Rogelio dela Rosa.
But, the biggest hit and most
important movie of her life was
directed and produced by
Fernando Poe Sr. (her former costar
in “Zamboanga”). The film was
“ D a r n a ,” re l e a s e d by Roya l
Productions on May 31, 1951, and
shown at the Clover theater in
Also in the cast were Ben Perez,
child stars Mila Nimfa and Manuel
Ubaldo, featured star Cristina
Aragon (as Valentina), as well as
character actresses, Elena Mayo
and Leonora Ruiz.
Since then, there have been
more than a dozen “Darnas”
including Vilma Santos, Anjanette
Abayariand even Dolphy! But,
there's nothing like the original Rosa del Rosario!
By Marinel R. Cruz
Journey frontman Arnel Pineda
said he would soon come out with
an all-original album to show
Filipinos his “other side.”
“I've been working on my own
songs since last year. Journey tours
every year; however, this album
will have songs different from what
the band normally plays, but it will
still be rock. It's been my kind of
music since I joined my first band at
15,” Pineda said, adding that the
tunes would tackle love, social
issues and personal experiences.
His single, “This Christmas,”
has been available on iTunes since
December. Two more songs,
“Paumanhin” and “Ewan Ko Ba,” are
up for release soon. “I release one
song at a time,” he said. That's how
local artists deal with piracy these
daysif you release them all at the
same time, you'd see bootleg copies
on the streets soon after.”
Possible visit
During his launch as
Luis proudly
admits ... From page 25
why we also didn't want to see each
other. Iniisip namin na kapag nakita
kami, it would breed negativity. We
were on that stage. How could I be
the reason of their breakup and how
could she be the reason of my
breakup?” he pointed out. In
addressing marriage speculations,
Luis teased TV host Boy Abunda,
“This year, maybe not. (In 2015),
we'll call you.”
Will Anne Curtis
get ... From page 25
ako pagwork. Siguro mag slow down
lang ako two, three years to devote
my all dun sa baby then more active
na ulit ako sa work. Siguro din ay
matutuloy ko na yung dream ko na
maging pre-school teacher by then.
We'll see,” she said.
It's a dream that really has to
wait, if not find a way to find a slot in
Anne's very busy calendar. Right
now she's taping on location for the
“Dyesebel” series while shooting the
movie “The Gifted” and another
soon. Her sophomore album
tentatively titled “The Forbidden” is
also underway and it comes with a
major concert.
Anne's also not given up cohosting the daily show “It's
Showtime” so that takes up a lot of
time, too.
All these goings-on way before
summer is over and she's just
starting to start, so to speak. “As you
can see, my plate is so full in the next
ambassador for the “Win Against
A s t h m a To d a y ” c a m p a i g n
organized by healthcare company
GlaxoSmithKline, Pineda also
hinted at the possibility of Journey
revisiting Manila this year.
The American rock band is
scheduled to tour the United States
and Canada from May 14 to
September. “We'll be doing 55
shows in all,” he told the Inquirer.
“We might come to Asia around
mid-October. Our supporters in
Japan are requesting for us to
perform there. Since we'll be in the
region, [we're thinking,] we might
as well visit the Philippines.”
Pineda also reported that his
bandmates, with the help of his
newly formed Arnel Pineda
Foundation Inc., were able to raise
$350,000 for “Yolanda” survivors.
“It is still being discussed which
projects and institutions the fund
will go to,” Pineda pointed out. “I'm
so pleased that my friend, (singer)
Martin Nievera, decided to join in.”
Page 27
The “Minute It To Win It” host
said he's grateful for what he has
now, crediting everything to his
patience and faith.
“I am so happy. Grabe how happy
I am. Ang pinanggagalingan nun is
faith faith that there is something
called 'in God's perfect time.' It
proves that for every smile, for every
tear you go through in life has its
reason. And you're supposed to be
who you are no matter what you've
experienced in the past, whether it
be happiness or a low point, you're
supposed to be there for a reason,”
he said. Manila Bulletin
few months, busier than I've ever
been,” she was quoted to have said in
a release. “But no complaints
because these are all very
worthwhile projects. I'm super
excited. I feel so blessed.”
At the party held at Friday's
restaurant inside Hotel Rembrandt,
Anne was joined by her Viva family,
who stood by her amid controversy
late last year. Though she didn't talk
about the incident anymore, Anne
sincerely thanked media for their
“After everything I've been
through, I don't think there's
anything that can hurt me more.
Everything will be nothing
compared to what I've been
through,” she said.
Making Anne's bash even more
special is the support of her
corporate families including
American Tourister, WOW Grand
Videoke, GSM Blue, Lactacyd, Belo
Deodorant and Belo Sun Expert,
Avon, Athena, Cherry Mobile,
Swatch, SM Accessories,
Primadonna, Eureka, and Wrigley's
Double Mint Gum. Manila Bulletin
February 21-27, 2014
Page 27
West End performers join Ballet
Manila in 'Ballet and Ballads’
By Brylle Tabora
Ballet Manila's long-running
“Ballet & Ballads,” with its unique
fusion of dance and song numbers,
has always been a crowd-pleaser.
The production has become a
must-watch for ballet-lovers who
want an extra musical treat. But the
show is also for concert-goers who
get to enjoy a sampling of ballet.
Ballet Manila artistic director
Lisa Macuja-Elizalde says putting
together a “Ballet & Ballads”
production is always a nice
challenge. BM's latest installment,
“Heart 2 Heart,” doubles as a postValentine show and goes onstage at
Aliw Theater starting Feb. 21.
“I always try to have a good mix
of Filipino, neoclassical and classical
ballets,” says Macuja. “But I
prioritize the new ballets. We
always need new repertoire. As a
ballet company, we constantly need
a new infusion of dancers and
talents to continue to grow.”
Three choreographies are being
premiered: Ernest Mandap's “Lune,”
Francis Jaena's “Shutter,” and
Gerardo Francisco's “Corvus.”
“Lune” is a short, witty take on
the 1920s era of the Charleston and
the two-step. “Shutter” is
characterized by jazz-like
“Corvus,” the Latin word for
“crow,” combines fast movements
and defined showmanship to
articulate the powerful image of the
bird it is named after.
Also performing are the all-male
“Aramica” and the edgy neoclassical
choreography “MAZN,” both by
Augustus “Bam” Damian III.
“Heart 2 Heart” features the
music of the London-based West
End Mamas and Papas.
“The West End Mamas made its
Philippine debut in last year's 'Ballet
& Ballads,' and they ended up
winning an Aliw Award as Best New
Artist,” says Macuja-Elizalde, who is
excited that sister Gia MacujaAtchison, a member of the group,
will be home again. “That's why this
year we decided to double the fun by
bringing in the Papas, too - that is,
their husbands who are all seasoned
Accomplished artists
West End Mamas and Papas are
all accomplished artists. Gia was in
the original cast of “The Lion King”
for five years where she played
Princess Nala. She also performed
both the roles of Gigi and Ellen in the
West End run of “Miss Saigon.”
Maya Barredo-Duffy performed
as Kim in “Miss Saigon” for many
years around the UK and in
London's Theatre Royal Drury Lane,
and was in the cast of “The Lion
King” London. She also played
Eponine in the Asian premiere of
“Les Miserables.”
Cez Campos-Bonner has played
Ariel Pineda ...
From page 26
Aside from spreading awareness on
fighting asthma, Pineda said he visited
children's hospitals and distributed
medicines to those afflicted with
hydrocephalus. “It's a serious illness that
I think the government should look into…
I hope foundations created to help sick
kids will be able to give more,” the singer
Replacement rumor
Pineda, who is occasionally seen as
Kim in “Miss Saigon” in Asia,
Australia and Europe, including
London's West End run. She has also
played Mabel in “The Pirates of
Penzance” at London's Savoy
Theatre and the roles of Tuptim and
Lady Thiang in “The King and I.”
Nick Bonne played Jesus in
“Jesus Christ Superstar.” He also
played the lead role of Rusty in
“Starlight Express” and was in the
cast of “Miss Saigon” where he met
Cez. Gerard Duffy has just finished
playing the lead role of Judas in
“Jesus Christ Superstar.” He was in
the West End run of “Mamma Mia”
playing the role of Father Alexander
and covering the main roles of Sam,
Bill and Harry. Other West End
credits include the lead role of Chris
in “Miss Saigon” and
Enjolras/Feuilly in “Les Miserables.”
Robert Atchison is currently the
orchestra leader of “The Lion King”
in the West End. He is the violinist
for the internationally acclaimed
L o n d o n P i a n o Tr i o , to u r i n g
regularly all over the world, and is
artistic director of the Gibbs Music
Festival in Danbury, Essex.
Atchison will play the music to
the moving dance piece “The Last
Poem,” featuring Macuja-Elizalde
and Ballet Manila principal dancer
Rudy de Dios, as choreographed by
The Bonners and the Duffys will
take on the bouncy “Eto Na Doobidoo” number. There will also
judge on the ABS-CBN noontime variety
program “It's Showtime,” also gave a
message to friend and TV host Vhong
Navarro, who was allegedly mauled by
seven men three weeks ago.
“I believe that justice will be served,”
he said. “We know that Vhong will
eventually bounce back, especially since
he has his support group.” On the rumor
that he would replace rapper apl.d.ap as
one of the judges in the reality talent
search “The Voice of the Philippines,”
Pineda said, “I'm hearing this for the first
time, but I'll gladly accept it if the position
is offered to me. It will be a huge honor.”
The London-based West End Mamas and Papas composed of three real-life
couples: (clockwise, from center) Robert Atchison and Gia Macuja-Atchison; Maya
Barredo-Duffy and Gerard Duffy; and Nick Bonner and Cez Campos-Bonner.
be medleys featuring the West End
Mamas and Papas, notably the hit
tunes from the musical “Les
Kids, too
For “Heart 2 Heart,” even their
kids are getting in on the act. Macuja
says audiences should watch out for
a piece called “Jammin',” featuring a
violinist, a surprise guest-trumpet
player and 16 ballerinas on pointe.
Another highlight is the
“Harlequinade” pas de deux, which
has special significance for the
ballerina. “I first danced this in St.
Petersburg as a graduating student
from the Russian Ballet Academy in
1984, with Bakhitjan Smagulov as
my Harlequin. It was a full-circle
moment teaching it to my daughter
Missy, who is dancing it in some
February 21-27, 2014
Page 28
Manny Pacquiao
starts gym
Pacquiao and
Inquirer photo
Michael Christian Martinez of the Philippines competes in the men's short program figure skating competition at the
Iceberg Skating Palace during the 2014 Winter Olympics, Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014, in Sochi, Russia. (AP Photo/Ivan
By Roy Luarca
MANILA -- Fighter of the Decade Manny Pacquiao returned to the gym
Monday and did light workouts with Filipino trainer Buboy Fernandez.
Trusted assistant Roger Fernandez told the Inquirer that Pacquiao and
Buboy did five rounds with the mitts and then two rounds each with the
speed ball, double end ball and the heavy bags plus two rounds of skipping
rope at Pacman Wild Card Gym in Gen. Santos City.
Pacquiao will try to regain his World Boxing Organization
welterweight crown from Timothy Bradley on April 12 in Las Vegas.
Zinedine Zidane. AFP file photo
Zidane, Ronaldo to play
for 'Yolanda' victims
By Matikas Santos
MANILA -- Football superstars
Zinedine Zidane and Ronaldo are
set to play in the annual Match
Against Poverty (MAP) organized
by the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) for
the benefit of survivors of super
typhoon Yolanda (international
name Haiyan).
“Two-thirds of the funds
raised from ticket sales and
te l ev i s i o n r i gh t s w i l l h e l p
communities affected by the
biggest storm ever recorded
globally to rebuild their lives in the
Visayas regions of the Philippines,”
UNDP said in a statement released
after football star David Beckham
visited Tacloban City, Leyte to
bring cheer to the evacuees still
living in tents.
“Many of the people here were
already living in extreme poverty,
reliant on subsistence agriculture
or fisheries. We must help them
restore their lives quickly,” UNDP
Country Director in the
Philippines, Maurice DeWulf, said
in the statement.
Zidane is a retired football
player who previously played for
the French national team Juventus
and Real Madrid. The Union of
European Football Associations
(UEFA) has named him as the best
European football player for the
past 50 years.
Ronaldo, a retired Brazilian
football player, is among the
awardees of the Fédération
I n te r n a t i o n a l e d e Fo o t b a l l
Association (FIFA) World Player of
the Year. He and Zidane have both
been awarded three times.
Both players will play against
Bern professional football club,
the BSC Young Boys and Friends.
This year's MAP will be held in
Bern, Switzerland on March 4th. It
will be the 11th MAP organized for
the benefit of UNDP programs
aimed at alleviating poverty.
Ac c o rd i n g to t h e U N D P
website, around $1.3 million have
been raised in two MAP events in
Athens, Greece and Lisbon,
Portugal for the recovery efforts in
Haiti where a Magnitude 7.0
earthquake killed around 100,000
to 150,000 people. The first MAP
in 2003 held in Switzerland raised
around $1 million.
Michael Martinez to get $10,000 bonus
from businessman Manny Pangilinan
By Mark Giongco
MANILA -- After inspiring a
nation and earning the world's
attention, Michael Christian
Martinez is set to receive a $10,000
bonus from business tycoon and
sports patron Manny V. Pangilinan
through his MVP Sports
Martinez, the lone Philippine
competitor in the 2014 Sochi
Winter Olympics and first Olympic
figure skater from Southeast Asia,
put on a gutsy performance to
finish 19th in the medal round of the
men's figure skating competition.
“Just emailed Mrs. Martinez
that MVPSF (Manny V. Pangilinan
Sports Foundation) at request of
@iamMVP (Manny V. Pangilinan)
has authorized a bonus of US$10k
in recognition of Michael's historic
p e r f o r m a n c e ,” C h o t R e y e s
(@coachot) posted on his Twitter
account early Saturday morning.
Reyes has been working closely
with Pangilinan in sports
development in the Philippines. He
is currently coaching Gilas
Pilipinas, which will compete in the
Fiba World Cup in Spain in August.
“We're hoping he makes it and
some companies support him,” his
mother, Maria Teresa Martinez,
said in an interview with the
Associated Press. “Otherwise he
will just have to stop. We cannot
afford it anymore. It's just so
expensive and we can't do another
four years.”
The 17-year-old Martinez's
family home had been mortgaged
to financially support his skating
and after proudly representing a
tropical country, where snow is
only a child's dream, help is on its
February 21-27, 2014
Page 29
Chevrolet donates
over 17,000 footballs
MANILA -- In the pursuit of
bringing the healing “power of
play” to disadvantaged children
and youth, Chevrolet has made a
special delivery of more than
17,000 nearly indestructible One
World Futbols to schools and
communities in the Philippines.
O n Fe b r u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 4 ,
Chevrolet handed over the ultradurable footballs to seven nonprofit organizations and
programs in a ceremony held at
the Philippine Marine
Headquarters in Taguig City.
Representatives of recipient
organizations, namely World
Vision Philippines, SOS Children's
Village Philippines, Fairplay for
All, Young Men's Christian
Association of the Philippines,
Salesian Society of St. John Bosco
Philippines, LBC Foundation and
the Philippine Marine Corps and's “Footballs for
Peace” Project were present
during the ceremony to receive
the footballs on behalf of their
sponsored communities and
Chevrolet is the founding
sponsor of One World Futbol
Project, a mission-driven, Bcorporation which was
established in July 2010. One
World Futbol inventor Tim
Jahnigen was inspired to start the
company after watching news
footage of youth in Darfur playing
a football game using a ball of
trash made from twine. With
children living in war-torn and
poverty-stricken communities in
mind, and musician Sting's initial
funding, Jahnigen developed the
ultra-durable footballs which are
designed to outlast and outplay
hundreds of regular soccer balls,
sustaining play in any
Ac c o rd i n g to C h ev ro l e t
P h i l i p p i n e s P re s i d e n t a n d
Managing Director Atty. Alberto
Arcilla, “The One World Futbol is
an invention that addresses the
needs of children to play and
Fu rt her, he a dded t ha t
“Working together, Chevrolet and
One World Futbol Project are
bringing the joy of football and
play to children and youth in
disadvantaged communities and
schools so that children can learn,
grow and interact no matter their
circumstance and hopefully will
build their confidence, provide
direction and purpose to better
their future.”
One World Futbols will be
distributed to communities and
schools in Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao in the first quarter of
BECKHAM IN TACLOBAN. Football superstar David Beckham visits children living at the Tacloban City Convention
Center tent city who have been displaced by Super Typhoon “Yolanda.” The English footballer is an ambassador
of goodwill for the United Nations Children's Fund. Raffy Lerma
Football icon Beckham 'humbled'
by Tacloban trip, visits Tanauan
By Celest R. Flores
MANILA -- International
football icon David Beckham said
that he was humbled by his trip to
Tacloban, the worst-hit town by
super typhoon “Yolanda” on Feb.
13. Beckham, who flew halfway
across the world to mingle with
the Yolanda survivors, was moved
by the Filipinos' resilient spirit
amid the widespread destruction
“I was humbled to visit
HOW TO PLAY: Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9
Solution to Issue 07 Sudoku
Solution to Issue 07 Crossword
Tacloban and see how people are
still so full of spirit despite the
devastation they have suffered,”
Bckham said in a post on his
official Facebook account.
Beckham, who suited up for
prestigious clubs in Europe in his
illustrious career, is a Goodwill
Ambassador of the United
Nations Children's Fund (Unicef).
“A s a U n i c e f G o o d w i l l
Ambassador, seeing how children
are being given a sense of
normality amidst the rubble of
their communities has been
amazing,” he said on the same
“I want to show people around
the world how their generous
donations have had an enormous
impact on children and their
families and how thankful people
here are for their kindness.”
After his visit to Tacloban, the
laid-back Beckham proceeded to
Tanauan, Leyte, on Friday where
he was seen playing a fun game of
football with the kids.
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