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PDF - University of New Hampshire
AMUAL HEPDHTS for the Town of Greenville New Hampshire for the twelve months ending December 1953 31, Annual RepwtA for the Town of GREENVILLE New Hampshire For the Year Ending DECEMBER 31, 1953 Transcript Printing Company — Peterborough, N. H. ^5S ,07 6 ,'& [ L> I3 52> Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportofto1953gr TOWN OFFICERS REPRESENTATIVE TO GENERAL COURT O. John Fortin Term Expires TOWN T. CLERK March 1954 A. Eaton MODERATOR November 1954 William H. Doonan TOWN Albina TREASURER March 1954 Cournoyer SELECTMEN March 1954 March 1955 March 1956 Willard Buttrick A. Ernest Pelletier Joseph C. Caouette J. HIGHWAY AGENT Clyde S. March 1954 Eaton WATER COMMISSIONERS Maurice H. Dow Clyde S. Eaton Wilfred Caouette March 1954 March 1955 March 1956 FIRE WARDS Lazore John Rodier Andrew Alphonse Bergeron George Fournier March 1954 March 1954 March 1954 SUPERVISORS OF CHECK LIST November 1954 November 1954 November 1954 Rose Alma Pelletier Oliva Bouley Albert Paradis TAX COLLECTOR William H. Doonan March 1954 AUDITORS J. W. March 1954 March 1954 Buttrick, Jr. Maurice Paradis BOARD OF HEALTH Harlan E. Karr, M. D., Health Officer Willard Buttrick A. Ernest Pelletier Joseph C. Caouette J. Appointed by State March 1954 March 1955 March 1956 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE March 1954 March 1955 March 1956 Willard Buttrick, Overseer A. Ernest Pelletier Joseph C. Coauette J. POLICE OFFICERS March March March March March Joseph Boisse, Jr., Chief, appointed Louis Emond, Special, appointed Charles W. Roots, Special, appointed L. John Rodier, Special, appointed George Lanthier 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 Robert Pelletier Leon W. Langille JANITOR Charles W. TOWN HALL March 1954 Roots, appointed SURVEYORS OF WOOD AND LUMBER William H. Doonan Camille J. Vaillancourt Joseph Bernier Clyde Eaton March March March March 1954 1954 1954 1954 March March March March March March 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 PUBLIC WEIGHERS Joseph Bernier William H. Doonan Camille J. Vaillancourt A. E. Rouse, Jr. Honore Rousseau Arthur Bernier PARK COMMISSIONERS Alfred Caouette, appointed Alexander M. Joseph Boisse Taft, appointed James C. McCuddy TRUSTEES OF CHAMBERLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY March 1954 Mary M. Taft March 1955 Dr. Harlan E. Karr March 1956 Eugene H. Coffin SEXTON Clyde Eaton, appointed TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS Linus E. Nutting William H. Doonan Alexander Taft March 1954 March 1955 March 1956 SYNOPSIS OF 1953 MARCH Number TOWN MEETING 10. 1953 of Ballots Cast 348 The Meeting was called to order by the Moderator, William H. Doonan and the Polls were opened at 10 O'clock A. M. At 5:00 M., P. it was voted For results of voting for of this report. M. to close the polls at 6:00 P. Town Officers, see pages 3 and 4 At 8:00 P. M. the Meeting was again called to order by the Moderator and the articles in the Warrant were disposed of as follows: Article For I. Town Officers chosen —see pages and 4 of 3 this report. Article 2. See Selectmen's report for appropriations made. Article 3. Voted to accept reports of Agents, Auditors, mittees and Officers heretofore chosen as printed in the Report. ComTown Article 4. Voted to authorize the Selectmen and surer to borrow money in anticipation of taxes. Town Trea- Article 5. Voted not to petition the State Tax to have an audit made. Commission Article 6. This article regarding $250.00 to install new street on Kimball Heights already voted for under Article 2. lights Article 7. Voted to raise and appropriate the $2500.00 to complete the road at Kimball Heights. Article 8. Voted to authorize the to sell the oldest fire engine. sum of Selectmen and the Fire Wards Article 9. This article regarding road to residence of Ernest Bernier passed as Selectmen stated that the right of way had not yet been deeded to the Town. Article 10. Voted to authorize the Selectmen to make a new Contract with the Greenville Electric Lighting Company for the purpose of Street Lighting. Article I I . Voted not to purchase the Tennis Courts from the Pease Estate. Voted to adjourn at 9:30 P. M. T. A. EATON, Town Clerk 6 TOWN WARRANT THE STATE OF To the NEW HAMPSHIRE Town of Greenville in the County of said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs: Inhabitant's of the Hillsborough in You ere hereby notified to meet at Town Hall in said Green- on Tuesday, the 9th day of March next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to bring in your ballot for the following town officers: ville Town Clerk for one year; one selectman for three years, town treasurer for one year; tax collector for one year; highway agent for one year; one water commissioner for three years; one trustee of trust fund for three years; one library trustee for three years; two auditors for one year; three firewards for one year. And at the at eight of the clock in the afternoon of the to act upon the following subjects: same day, same place Article I. To choose Australian ballot. all necessary officers not chosen by Article 2. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same. hear reports of agents, auditors, committees heretofore chosen and pass any vote relating Article 3. To and officers thereto. Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the selectmen and town treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of taxes, or take any action thereon. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to petition the State Tax Commission to have an audit made by the Division of Municipal Accounting and raise and appropriate a sum of money to cover the expenses of such an audit. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to change the wording of the vote taken on March 14, 1944 under article 12 which read "for Post War construction of the Fitchburg Road," to read "for improvements of Highways and sidewalks in the Town of Greenville." Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to widen and surface the west side of Main Street from the Odd Fellows building to Dunster Avenue and transfer the sum of $2,500 from the Post War Construction fund, so-called, to pay for same. Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money necessary to dig out and open the channel of the brook which flows between land of Auguste Deschenes and Antonia Proulx or take any action thereon. Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money not exceeding $1,000 to paint the Auditorium and entrance and stair wells of the Town Hall and authorize the Selectmen to accept bids for same according to Dupont specifications, or take any action thereon. Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of chapter 83, laws of 1951 as amended by chapter 31, laws of 1953 and to authorize the Selectmen to borrow on notes or bonds an amount of $6,000 for the completion of the Town Road between Lapierre's corner and Mason Line at Dressers, such sum to be raised in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Bonds Statute and amendments thereto and to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such notes and to determine the time and place of payment thereof, under such terms and conditions as they may deem to be in the best interests of the Town. To see if the Town will vote to purchase a new and authorize the selectmen to borrow a sum of money not exceeding $7,000 to pay for same, or take any action Article fire I I . truck, thereon. Article 12. Selectmen to To see if the Town will vote to authorize the sell any land which has been acquired by Tax title. Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to transfer to the Greenville Electric Lighting Company its share of ownership on all the poles and fixtures, overhead conductors, and street light equipment or take any action thereon. in Given under our hands and seal, this 20th day of February, the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-four. J. A. Willard Buttrick E. Pelletier Jos. C. Caouette Selectmen of Greenville A true copy of Warrant — Attest: J. A. Willard Buttrick E. Pelletier Jos. C. Caouette Selectmen of Greenville BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing Year January I, 1954 to December 31, 1954. Compared with Estimated and Actual Revenue, Appropriations and Expenditures of the Previous Year January I, 1953 to December 31, 1953. Sources of Revenue Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Previous Previous Year 1953 Year 1953 Revenue Ensuing Year 1954 Estimated From State: Interest & Dividends Tax Railroad Tax Savings Bank Tax $750 00 275 00 1,600 00 $939 90 282 32 1,519 70 Reimbursement a/c Exemption of Growing Wood & Timber 144 85 For Fighting Forest Fires 241 Reimbursement a/c Old Age As. From Local Sources Except Taxes: Dog Licenses Business Licenses, Permits & Filing Fees & 170 00 230 00 200 00 100 00 120 00 208 62 470 00 577 79 75 00 100 00 150 00 Rent of Town Hall & Other Bldgs. 500 00 Forfeits, Income from Trust Funds Dump 75 00 Income from Municipally owned Utilities: Electric Light Departments (poles) Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 3 500 00 Refund Sale of Town Property Insurance Adjustment Credit Int. 27 87 05 Municipal Court Fines $800 00 275 00 1.500 00 Wilton Bank 150 00 450 00 500 00 75 00 364 25 4,067 98 6 06 35 00 145 00 4 3,800 00 17 From Local Taxes Other Than Property Taxes: (a) (b) — Poll Taxes Regular at $2 National Bank Stock Taxes 1,000 00 1,032 00 1,000 00 14 50 14 50 14 50 Total Revenue from all Sources Except Property Taxes Amt. to be raised by prop, taxes TOTAL REVENUES $8,134 50 $10,420 61 $9,009 35 92 59.981 $68,991 27 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE Appropriations Previous Year 1953 Purposes of Expenditures Actual Expenditures Previous Year 1953 Estimated Expenditures Ensuing Year 1954 Current Maintenance Expenses: General Government: Town Town Officers' Salaries $1,533 75 Officers' Expenses 1,250 00 & Registration Expenses $1,533 75 1,145 63 $1,533 75 1,250 00 133 00 200 00 400 00 200 00 3,000 00 150 00 225 00 2,600 00 2,020 66 Police 3,400 00 3,553 69 3,400 00 Fire 3,225 00 3,225 00 3,000 00 275 37 595 15 400 00 Election Municipal Court Expenses Exp. Town Hall & Other Town Bldgs. Protection of Persons and Property: Department Department Forest Fires Insurance (Liability) Civil Defense 400 00 200 00 25 00 !00 00 Health: Health Dept., Dump Incl. Vital Statistics Sewer Maintenance 900 00 75 00 150 00 1,045 59 73 25 291 10 900 00 75 00 150 00 4 00 Bounties Highways and Bridges: Town Maintenance Summer Town Maintenance Winter — — 76 3,000 00 2,981 5,000 00 4,210 26 3,000 00 4,000 00 Street Lighting 3,600 00 3,434 62 3,600 00 Tarring 2,500 00 2,653 90 2,500 00 Town Road Aid Libraries: 1 17 51 700 00 51 122 65 700 00 700 00 1 17 Public Welfare: Town Poor 2,000 00 1,675 18 1,700 00 Old Age Assistance 1,500 00 1,203 29 1,200 00 300 00 300 00 627 92 300 00 100 00 170 150 00 Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day & Vet. As. Aid to Soldiers & their families Recreation: Parks & Playground, Band Concerts 50 00 14 10 Appropriations Previous Purpose of Expenditures Tear 1953 Actual Expenditures Year 1953 Estimated Expenditures Year 1954 Public Service Enterprises: 200 00 500 00 Cemeteries Recreation 777 79 500 00 200 00 Unclassified: Damages & Legal Exp., Incl. Dog Damage 157 00 Advertising & Regional As. 129 00 129 00 142 00 Employees' Retirement & Social 267 87 Security Interest: On Temporary Loans On Long Term Notes & 350 00 150 00 394 56 Kimball Heights 2,500 00 2,379 95 Kimball Heights Light 250 00 350 00 1,000 00 Bonds 1 18 75 375 00 200 00 Highways and Bridges: Sidewalk Maintenance Sidewalk Construction Dog Expenses Payment on 241 04 98 60 500 00 1,203 20 31 35 Principal of Debt: (a) Head Tax (b) Long Term Notes (c) Temporary loans Payments to Other Governmental County Taxes School Taxes TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,962 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 25,000 00 Divisions: 6,345 92 27,404 12 6,345 92 24,697 45 $73,155 30 $102,207 38 6,500 00 28,000 00 $68,991 27 II TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 1953 Received for Filing Candidacies Received for 487 Automobile Permits Received for Dog Licenses: 55 Males at $2.00 24 Spayed at $2.00 8 Female at $5.00 Kennel at $12.00 Kennel at $20.00 $8 00 4,067 98 00 48 00 40 00 12 00 20 00 $1 10 1 1 $230 00 Paid to Town Treasurer $4,305 98 Respectfully Submitted, T. A. EATON, Town Cleric TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT Taxes for 1949 Amount due, Jan. I., 1953 Less abatements, per list Paid $20 42 2 00 Town Treasurer Amount due, Jan. I., $18 42 Taxes for 1953 1 950 $618 71 2 80 Plus interest collected Less Abatements, per $621 51 4 00 list $617 51 Paid Town Treasurer 571 Balance unpaid Jan. Amount due, Jan. 57 1954 Taxes for 1951 $45 94 I, 1953 Plus interest collected $1,532 62 37 65 Less abatements, per $1,570 27 2 00 Paid I, list $1,568 27 1,550 27 Town Treasurer Balance unpaid, Jan. I, 1954 $18 00 12 Taxes for 1952 Amount due Jan. I, 1953 Plus interest collected $7,277 65 150 01 $7,427 66 Less abatements, per Paid 2 list $7,425 66 6,503 73 Town Treasurer Balance unpaid, Jan. I, 1954 $921 93 Taxes for 1 953 Selectmen's Warrant: Property tax Polls: 601 at $2.00 Plus 00 73 1,202 00 $65,561 $66,763 73 14 50 bank stock tax Plus unlisted taxes $66,778 23 8 00 Plus interest collected $66,786 23 10 27 Less abatements per $66,796 50 132 00 Paid list $66,664 50 59,655 18 Town Treasurer Balance unpaid, Jan. I, $7,009 32 1954 During January 1954, over $1,000 has been paid to Collector. Respectfully submitted, W. H. DOONAN, Collector 13 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS Local taxes: Property taxes committed to Collector Bank stock tax 73 14 50 $65,561 Plus unlisted taxes $65,576 23 8 00 Plus interest collected $65,584 23 10 27 Plus $65,594 50 32 30 timber tax Less abatements, per list $65,626 80 92 00 Less uncollected property taxes $65,534 80 6,879 32 Plus Poll taxes collected $58,655 48 1,032 00 $59,687 48 Property and Poll taxes previous years actually collected Total collections Head tax collections 1952 Head tax collections 1953 Timber tax collected 8,643 99 $68,331 302 3,290 32 47 50 00 30 14 COLLECTION OF HEAD TAXES 1952 $295 00 15 00 Uncollected, Jan. I, 1953: 59 at $5.00 Less abatements, per list $280 00 28 00 Plus penalties Paid Cash $308 00 302 50 Town Treasurer in $5 50 Collector's hands 1953 $3,730 00 120 00 Selectmen's warrant, 746 listed at $5.00 Less abatements, per list Paid Town Treasurer, to Dec. $3,610 00 3,290 00 I $320 00 Collected from Dec. of Collector Uncollected, Jan. I to Jan. I , in hands no $210 00 1954 I, 00 Respectfully submitted, W. H. DOONAN, Collector ABATEMENT OF TAXES 1950 $2 00 Richardson, Rose, no funds Lizotte, Imelda, left town 2 00 $4 00 1951 Lizotte, Imelda, left town $2 00 $2 00 $2 00 $2 00 1952 Corey, Leonard, veteran 1953 Gunn, Henrietta, over 70 Morneau, Edmund, over 70 Ouellette, Angelina, over 70 Plante, Arthur C, over 70 Bedford, Ovila, over 70 Beausoliel, Louis, over 70 Cournoyer, Lizzie, over 70 Prescott, Frederick, left town Prescott, Dorothy, left town $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 2 2 2 00 00 00 00 15 Tosca, Clarence, left town Tosca, Diana, left town Blease, Wilfred, veteran Boulay, George, veteran Duval, Amedee, veteran Desrosiers, Adelard, veteran Petrosky, Stephen, deceased Basha, Doris, paid in New Ipswich Basha, Dorothy, paid in Jeffrey Bernier, Loretta, not taxable Blanch, Katherine, not taxable Ceteroni, Albert, over taxed Martin, Adelard, over taxed 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 46 00 46 00 $132 00 HEAD TAX ABATEMENTS 1952 Ouellette, Amede, over 70 Francavilla, Louis, left town Francavilla, Isabelle, left town $5 00 5 00 5 00 $15 00 1953 Beausoliel, Louis, over 70 Bedford, Ovila, over 70 Gunn, Henrietta, over 70 Morneau, Edmund, over 70 Mowatt, Andrew, over 70 Ouellette, Angelina, over 70 Plante, Arthur, over 70 Coffin, Winifred, over 70 Prescott, Frederick, left town Prescott, Dorothy, left town Tosca, Clarence, left town Tosca, Diana, left town Basha, Ronald, paid in New Ipswich Basha, Doris, paid in New Ipswich Basha, Dorothy, paid in Jaffrey Ouellette, Arthur J., non resident Doonan, Kenneth, non resident Blanch, Katherine, non resident Thibault, Camille, non resident Rey, Andrew, non resident Rey, Maria, non resident Desrosiers, Cyril, in service Petrosky, Stephen, deceased $5 00 5 00 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $120 00 16 1 SOLDIERS EXEMPTIONS Alix, Adrien Appel Arthur Alton, Ted Beauvais, Warren Berube, Andre I 000 000 000 000 | ,000 $ , , , Basha, Ronald Blanch, Nelson I | Beausoleil, Joseph E. Bernier, Arthur E. Buttrick, J. Willard, Jr. I I 1,000 Bedard, Theodore I 000 700 q00 Q00 | |oOO I Banks, Howard Brouillette, Omer I Brougeois, Frederick Bergen, Irene Blanchette, Edward Caron, Alfred J. Q00 000 I I Clow, Howard j 000 000 Q00 00 B. |oOO | Ceteroni, Albert Q00 200 Q00 900 Q00 I Chouinard, Jules Deschenes, Auguste Deschenes, Gilbert Desrosiers, Roland I I Desrosiers, Emile ,'oOO | Desmarais, Emile QOO I Emond, Fernand Enright, Nellie G. Enright, Michael 1,000 ||q00 |oOO 1,000 | Fortin, Francois H. Fournier, Raymond Fournier, Doria Greene, Howard Q00 Q00 Q00 Q00 300 j I E. | Gagnon, Olivier I Gauvin, Marcel Hogan, Amelia Harrigan, Carlton Hallock, Louis B. Hollingsworth, Harold Jean, Benoit Knight, Roland | ,000 | Q00 1,000 1,000 Lizotte, Jean J. Lafreniere, Treffle Lafreniere, Nelson Leg er Yv on ;, La BBel e, Irv.ng i , Langille, Leon ,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 i!ooo | Lafreniere, Robert 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 500 ,000 00 000 00 l| | I 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 1,000 00 Martin, Adelard 700 00 00 00 00 00 00 900 00 500 00 500 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 100 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 Neveu, Adelard Paradis, Charles 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Bertrand Laurent Pelletier, Robert Pelletier, Pelletier, Parent, Henry Pelletier, Arthur E. Rodier, Phillipe Rodier, Phillipe Rodier, John L. Robichaud, Adrien Racine, Henry Sullivan, Robert L. Thibault, Leon Thibault, Emile Tolman, Paul A. Vaillancourt, Jean U. Wheeler, George Wirtanen. Robert $63,300 00 SCHEDULE OF Town Town TOWN & buildings & equipment Library, equipment Police Department, equipment Fire Department, pipe & hydrants Fire Department, equipment Highway Department, equipment Park & Playground Water System Electric Light, fixtures & poles Schools, land & building Schools, equipment Hall, land Hall, furniture Land Dump PROPERTY $74,000 00 2,500 00 5,000 00 100 00 1,500 00 6,875 00 850 00 3,000 00 36,000 00 5,000 00 20,000 00 2,000 00 380 00 1 100 00 2,800 00 Sewer System $170,105 00 ASSETS Cash on hand War Fund Uncollected taxes: 1953 1952 Post 25 9,050 62 $1 1,183 7,009 32 921 93 18 00 45 94 1951 1950 Excess of $28,229 06 17,925 68 (net debt) debt liabilities $46,154 74 LIABILITIES Balance due schools Post War Fund Long Term Notes: $15,404 12 9,050 62 1,500 00 Temple Fire Extension No. 6 Bridge Water System 2,500 00 17,700 00 $46,154 74 Net Debt Dec. 31, 1952 Net Debt Dec. 31, 19533 $20,855 50 17,925 68 $2,929 82 Decrease of debt TOWN TREASURERS REPORT Dr. Balance on hand December 31, 1952 Received from: H. Doonan, Tax Collector: 1949 taxes 1950 taxes $7,092 55 Wm. 1951 1952 1953 1952 1952 1953 T. taxes taxes taxes 6,503 73 59,655 18 302 50 32 30 3,290 00 head taxes timber taxes head taxes A. Eaton, Town Clerk: Candidates Dog $18 42 571 57 1,550 27 filing fees licenses Auto taxes John F. McCuddy, Post Office, rent Town Hall, rent Junk licenses justice, court fees 8 00 230 00 4,067 98 208 62 400 00 70 00 32 00 19 Pool licenses Circus license Beano fees Sale of Fire Truck Town of Mason, use of dump N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co.; V2 cost of replacing poles N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co.; refund Wilton National Bank, credit interest Indemnity Ins. Co.; damage caused to Cemetery gates Town of New Ipswich, N. H. reimbursement forest fire Town of Temple, reimbursement forest fire State of N. H.; State share forest fire State of N. H.; Recovery of Old Age Mason Village Savings Bank, int. on Cemetery trust funds State Treasurer: Savings Bank tax Railroad tax Interest and dividend tax Mason Village Savings Bank, temporary notes Wilton National Bank, temporary notes 20 00 10 00 50 00 35 00 75 00 364 25 6 06 4 17 145 00 198 19 30 39 78 87 05 3 577 79 1,519 70 282 32 939 90 15,000 00 10,000 00 $1 13,390 63 Cr. Paid 452 Selectmen's orders Balance on hand Jan. I, 1954 Less outstanding checks $102,207 38 $12,843 06 1,659 81 I 1,183 25 $1 13,390 STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS AND TAXES ASSESSED Town Town Officers' salaries Officers' expenses Election & Registration Municipal Court Town Hall Department Department Police Fire Liability Insurance Defense Health Department Civil Vital Statistics $1,533 75 1,250 00 150 00 225 00 2,600 00 3,400 00 3,225 00 400 00 200 00 900 00 75 00 63 20 Sewer Maintenance Summer Roads Winter Roads Street Lights Tarring T. R. A. I Libraries Town Poor Town Poor Deficit Old Age Assistance Memorial Day Parks & Playground Cemeteries Monadnock Region Temp Loans Int. Int. 150 3,000 5,000 3,600 2,500 Long Term Kimball Hts. Lights Sidewalk Maintenance Sidewalk Construction Long Term Notes Kimball Heights Road County Tax Schools 00 00 00 00 00 17 51 700 00 1,500 00 500 00 1,500 00 300 00 650 00 200 00 129 00 350 00 150 00 250 00 350 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 2,500 00 6,345 92 27,404 12 $73,155 30 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUES Interest and Dividends Tax Railroad Tax Savings Bank Tax Reimbursement a/c exemption of growing wood and timber Motor Vehicle Permit Fees Dog Licenses Business Licenses and Permits Municipal Court Fines and forfeits Rent of Town property & Equipment — AND CREDITS $933 15 275 00 1,600 00 85 00 00 00 00 500 00 144 3,500 170 100 150 $7,373 00 Total Revenue and Credits $65,782 30 995 93 Plus overlay $66,778 23 Net Amount to be raised by Taxationn taxes at $2.00 National Bank Stock taxes Less: 601 poll $1,202 00 14 50 $1,216 50 21 Amount to be raised by property taxes is to be figured $65,561 on which tax rate Taxes to be Committed to Collector: Property Taxes Poll Taxes at $2.00 National Bank Stock taxes 73 $65,561 73 1,202 00 14 50 $66,778 23 Total taxes to be committed Tax Rate $4.60 SUMMARY INVENTORY OF VALUATION $991,400 66,875 575 Land & Buildings Electric Plants Horses, Asses & Mules Cows 5,800 75 Sheep & Goats Fur Bearing Animals 40 2,400 2,600 254,035 162,655 Portable Mills Gasoline Pumps & Tanks Stock in Trade Mills & Machinery $1,486,455 61,200 Total Valuation Less Soldiers' Exemptions Net Valuation on which Tax Rate SUMMARY OF Town Town Officers' Salaries Officers' Expenses & Registration is computed $1,425,255 EXPENDITURES $1,533 75 1,145 63 Liability Insurance 133 00 200 00 2,020 66 3,553 69 3,225 00 595 15 Defense Health 1,045 59 Election Municipal Court Town Hall Police Fire Civil Vital Statistics Sewer Maintenance Summer Roads Winter Roads Street Lights Tarring Town Road Aid 73 25 291 10 2,981 76 4,210 26 3,434 62 2,653 90 1 17 51 22 700 00 Libraries Town Poor Old Age Assistance Memorial Day Parks Cemeteries Monadnock Region —Temporary Loans — Long Term Loans Interest Interest Kimball Heights Lights Sidewalk Maintenance Sidewalk Construction Long Term Notes Kimball Heights Road County Tax Schools Temporary Loans Damages Dogs Soldiers' Aid Bounties Forest Fires Head Tax Total Expenditures 1,675 18 1,203 29 300 00 670 14 777 79 129 00 394 56 I 18 75 04 98 60 1,203 20 1,000 00 2,379 95 6,345 92 24,697 45 25,000 00 157 00 31 35 627 92 4 00 275 37 6,962 00 241 $102,207 38 DETAILED REPORTS SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE Appropriation $350 00 Paid: Clyde S. Eaton Greenville Auto Service Transferred to other accounts $83 60 15 00 $251 40 $350 00 RIVER STREET SIDEWALK Appropriation Taken from other revenue $1,000 00 203 20 $1,203 20 Paid: Clyde S. Eaton Security Fence Co. Arthur Whitcomb $367 00 292 00 544 20 $1,203 20 23 KIMBALL HEIGHTS LIGHTS Appropriation $250 00 Paid: Greenville Electric Lighting Co. Transferred to other accounts $241 04 8 96 $250 00 INTEREST — — Appropriation Temporary Loans Appropriation Long Term Loans Refund Wilton National Bank Taken from other revenue — $350 00 150 00 4 17 9 $513 Paid: Mason Village Savings Bank Temporary Wilton National Bank Temporary Mason Village Savings Bank Long Term — — — 14 31 $220 24 174 32 118 75 $513 31 FOREST FIRES Received: of New Ipswich of Temple State of N. H. Town Town Taken from other revenue $198 19 3 30 39 78 $241 27 34 10 $275 37 Paid: J. W. Warden Buttrick, Jr., $275 37 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS Appropriation Taken from other revenue $650 00 20 14 $670 14 Paid: Sumner Dodge Playground Committee Derby & Little Roland Champagne $118 39 500 00 1 75 50 00 $670 14 24 SOLDIER'S AID $627 92 Taken from other revenue Paid: Rosario Bernier G. A. Market Rousseau's Market I. T. A. Lizotte Derby & Little C. D. Proulx Blue Cross Lanthiers' Dairy Greenville Electric Lighting Co. $43 91 40 00 90 00 110 00 22 00 259 00 27 45 15 96 19 60 $627 92 DAMAGES TO CEMETERY Received from Insurance Co. Taken from other revenue $145 00 12 00 $157 00 Paid: T. Kivimaki Security Fence Co. Clyde S. $15 00 112 00 30 00 Eaton $157 00 SCHOOL Balance 1952-53 Appropriation 1953-54 $12,697 45 27,404 12 $40,101 57 Paid: Balance 1952-53 Part 1953-54 $12,697 45 12,000 00 $24,697 45 Balance 1953-54 15,404 12 $40,101 57 25 KIMBALL HEIGHTS ROAD $2,500 00 Appropriation Paid: S. Eaton C. Hazelton Milford Public Works Greenville Grain Co. P. J. Keating $2,204 90 85 50 35 00 18 00 36 55 Transferred to other accounts $2,379 95 120 05 Clyde R. $2,500 00 WINTER ROADS $5,000 00 Appropriation Paid: N. H. Fence Co. $3,472 00 89 84 21 92 52 00 442 00 82 50 50 00 Transferred to other accounts $4,210 26 789 74 Clyde S. Eaton Garage Greenville Auto Service Laitala Charles F. Dyer Greenville Grain Co. Concord Woodworking Co. $5,000 00 SUMMER ROADS Appropriation $3,000 00 Paid: Clyde S. Eaton Ace Construction Co. Keating C. Hazelton Greenville Grain Co. Casseline Venable Co. Greenville Auto Service P. J. R. John J. Casey Derby & Little Transferred to other accounts $1,887 65 258 88 169 13 629 98 1! 60 6 90 7 00 4 32 6 30 $2,981 76 18 24 $3,000 00 26 TARRING $2,500 00 153 90 Appropriation Taken from other revenue $2,653 90 Paid: $1,266 69 1,382 36 4 85 Clyde S. Eaton Trimount Bituminous Co. Greenville Auto Service $2,653 90 TOWN HALL $2,600 00 400 00 70 00 Appropriation Rent of Post Office Rent of Town Hall $3,070 00 Paid: Rosario Bernier Greenville Electric Lighting Co. Charles Roots, Janitor Derby & Little Cleary's Market J. J. Casey Peter J. Aube Greenville Auto Service $1,033 34 302 03 600 00 90 7 50 42 54 5 00 29 35 Transferred to other accounts $2,020 66 1,049 34 $3,070 00 FIRE Appropriation Sale of Old Truck DEPARTMENT $3,225 00 35 00 $3,260 00 27 Paid: Greenville Auto Service $1,986 67 2 48 1,200 00 31 05 2 30 2 50 Transferred to other accounts $3,225 00 35 00 Clyde S. Eaton, Treas. George Fournier Security Fence Co. Recreation Commission J. W. Buttrick, Jr. $3,260 00 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Appropriation Town of Mason — Dump $900 00 75 00 $975 00 Taken from other revenue 70 59 $1,045 59 Paid: Harlan Harlan E. Karr, E. Kerr, Subsidy Health Officer Clyde S. Eaton Derby & Little $600 00 25 00 419 00 59 1 $1,045 59 SEWER MAINTENANCE Appropriation Taken from other revenue $150 00 141 10 $291 10 Paid: Barber Tree Service Clyde S. Eaton Greenville Grain Co. $32 50 257 40 20 1 $291 10 28 LONG TERM NOTES $1,000 00 Appropriation Paid: Mason Village Savings Bank: 500 00 500 00 Temple Fire Extension No. 6 Bridge $1,000 00 POLICE 00 00 00 00 10 00 $3,400 32 20 50 Appropriation Junk licenses Pool licenses Beano licenses Circus licenses $3,512 00 41 69 Taken from other revenue $3,553 69 Paid: $2,860 150 140 116 Joseph Boisse Robert Pelletier Leon Langille John Rodier 00 45 88 61 260 00 25 75 Director of Internal Revenue Smith & Bennett $3,553 69 TOWN POOR $1,500 00 500 00 Appropriation Deficit $2,000 00 Paid: Delia Bourgault Philip Rodier Oliva Deschenes Greenville Electric Lighting Co. Rosario Bernier $248 00 380 00 140 00 45 58 164 13 29 330 00 12 90 335 37 16 20 3 00 Lizotte Blue Cross State of N. H. Lanthier's Dairy T. Dr. James Jones $1,675 18 324 82 Transferred to other accounts $2,000 00 DOG TAX Received from Town Clerk $230 00 Paid: T. A. Eaton, expenses Transferred to other accounts 31 25 198 65 $230 00 LIBRARIES $700 00 Appropriation Paid: Chamberlin Free Public Library $700 00 MEMORIAL DAY Appropriation $300 00 Paid: Leclair-Caron Post American Legion $300 00 T. R. A. Appropriation $117 Paid: State of N. H. $117 51 51 COUNTY TAX Appropriation Paid: Albert Beaudet, Treasurer $6,345 92 $6,345 92 30 TEMPORARY LOANS Paid: Village Savings Bank Wilton National Bank Mason $15,000 00 10,000 00 $25,000 00 STREET LIGHTS Appropriation N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., Vi interest in poles $3,600 00 364 25 $3,964 25 Paid: Greenville Electric Lighting Co. Greenville Electric Lighting Co., repairs, etc. $3,353 70 80 92 Transferred to other accounts $3,434 62 529 63 $3,964 25 VITAL STATISTICS $75 00 Appropriation Paid: A. Eaton C. G. Cayward H. E. Karr Rev. E. A. Rebmann T. Henry F. Howard $62 50 4 75 3 50 50 00 1 1 Transferred to other accounts $73 25 75 1 $75 00 MONADNOCK REGION Appropriation $129 00 Paid: Region Treasurer $129 00 31 MUNICIPAL COURT $225 00 208 62 Appropriation Received, John F. McCuddy, Fees $433 62 Paid: John F. McCuddy, $200 00 233 62 Justice Transferred to other accounts $433 62 LIABILITY INSURANCE $400 00 Appropriation 195 Taken from other revenue 15 $595 15 Paid: T. A. Eaton Agency $595 15 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE $1,500 00 87 05 Appropriation Received from State $1,587 05 Paid: $1,203 29 State of N. H. Transferred to other accounts 383 76 $1,587 05 BOUNTIES Taken from other revenue $4 00 Paid: J. W. Buttrick $4 00 32 TOWN OFFICERS' EXPENSES Appropriations $1,250 00 Paid: N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. Edson C. Eastman $112 47 20 50 Register of Deeds Register of Probate Joseph Desrosiers (postage) Transcript Printing Co. Brown & Saltmarsh L. H. Hardy (book binding) Sawyer Joseph C. Caouette Fred L. Tower Charles A. E. E. Pelletier W. Buttrick W. H. Doonan J. Albina Cournoyer T. A. Eaton Association of Assessors Wheeler & Clark 15 40 13 51 421 20 12 00 60 00 34 50 26 00 12 90 12 00 6 25 19 85 13 68 332 30 3 00 50 4 15 7 00 6 00 8 27 1 Branbaum Pub. Co. Garrison Co. (book) Ida 18 M. Horner Wilton National Bank $1,145 63 104 37 Transferred to other accounts $1,250 00 TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES Appropriation $1,533 75 Paid: W. Selectman Selectman J. C. Caouette, Selectman Maurice Paradis, Auditor J. W. Buttrick, Jr., Auditor W. H. Doonan, Tax Collector J. A. Buttrick, E. Pelletier, T. A. Eaton, Town Clerk Albina Cournoyer, Treasurer $312 50 312 50 312 50 25 00 25 00 258 75 143 75 143 75 $1,533 75 33 CEMETERIES $200 00 577 79 Appropriations Mason Village Savings Bank $777 79 Paid: $401 00 76 25 23 59 Clyde S. Eaton Greenville Grain Co. Derby & Little 2 20 252 75 4 00 18 00 Greenville Auto Joseph Pelletier Raymond Valliere Rodney C. Woodman $777 79 ELECTION AND REGISTRATION $150 00 Appropriation Paid: Albina Cournoyer, ballot clerk Alexina Duval, ballot clerk Marietta Fowler, ballot clerk Helen Nutting, ballot clerk Oliva Bouley, Supervisor Albert Paradis, Supervisor Rose Alma Pelletier, Supervisor $8 00 8 00 8 8 12 12 12 W. Moise Champagne H. Doonan, Moderator Charles E. Sawyer 5 10 15 Newell's Restaurant 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $133 00 17 00 Transferred to other accounts $150 00 POLICE REPORT FOR 1953 Failing to reasonably turn to right Reckless operating Leaving the scene of an accident Drunk Speeding Operating without a license I I I 2 2 I 34 18 7 House disturbance Arrest for out of town police Summons for out of town police Investigating automobile accidents Doors unlocked Report lights out Dogs put away 9 17 4 247 9 JOSEPH BOISSE Chief of Police MUNICIPAL COURT REPORT December 31, 1953 the Court. Of these claims cases. One case of neglected children also came before the Court during the year. Below is the financial report for the year: During the year 53 cases 41 were criminal and came before small 12 Receipts Fines and damages, criminal cases Small claims cases, fees & collections Writs sold $318 00 100 37 50 $418 87 Disbursements $117 00 7 20 Motor Vehicle Dept., Fines Fish & Game Dept., Fines Witness fees 2 I 8 4 80 79 07 65 00 Justice fees, Small claims cases Creditors, Small claims cases Town of Greenville, Damages Town of Greenville, Fines & fees Town of Greenville, Writs sold 143 12 50 $418 87 JOHN F. McCUDDY Justice REPORT OF THE GREENVILLE PARK COMMISSION To the Citizens of Greenville: We respectfully submit our annual report as your Park Commissioners. Taft Memorial Playground plans for any major improvement were made for the past year; consequently our efforts were devoted to maintaining that which we had. The field was kept well mowed and the grounds picked up to maintain an orderly appearance. Less vandalism No 35 was evident this year than in some of the previous years although some damage was done to the grandstand screen. It is our hope that a program of evergreen planting may be started this coming year on the northern border of the playground. Recreation Program the past several years through the efforts of the Civic Playground Committee another recreational program was offered. Although the leader of the summer program did not prove to be quite as capable as in the past year, in spite of excellent recommendations, there was a large attendance for the swimming program which was held twice weekly, the weekly dance and trips which were taken. During the last week of the program Mr. Macey kindly replaced the previous instructor and brought the playground to a highly successful close. Monthly dances have been held under the supervision of Mr. Macey throughout the year. Basketball has been offered for both the boys and girls during the winter months. An attempt has been made to provide skating facilities and plans are under way for further accomplishments in this field next winter. As in WATER COMMISSIONER'S REPORT Accounts Receivable Dec. 31, 1953 Baillargeon, Philias Beaudette, Alec Belanger, Paul Bergeron, Elphege Bourke, Albert Caron, Alfred L. Caron, Ernestine Caron, Joseph E. Caron, Leon Casey, Mrs. John Castonguay, Olande Ceteroni, Albert Chouinard, Arthur Chouinard, Alfred Cleary, William Jr. Cleveland, George Coffin, Eugene Crisafulli, S. Deschennes, Gilbert Desrosiers, Albert Desrosiers, Mrs. Dolores Desrosiers, Joseph A. $56 00 55 00 1 12 82 44 89 128 91 5 10 15 10 25 14 15 10 00 97 00 00 00 60 00 00 163 91 29 10 15 00 17 53 67 40 35 15 00 5 00 1 12 12 36 55 00 10 00 7 76 5 52 10 46 57 86 10 00 15 00 5 00 35 00 20 00 5 00 22 05 21 27 35 37 10 99 6 02 5 00 Drinane, William Dube, Joseph Emond, Ernest Enright, Micheal Enright, Nellie Fortin, Albert F. H. Fortin, Albert For+in, Florida For+in, Joseph H. For+in, Omer P. Fowler, John Gagnon, Oliver Greene, Howard Gulian, John Hayward, Roy Hardy, Leon Heikinen, William Hogan, Emila Howard, Henry 1 83 20 00 5 00 10 5 6 61 5 15 12 15 92 55 20 96 00 33 9 59 Oulton, Ted Pelletier 1 10 00 Lafreniere, Nelson Laprise, Augustine Main Street Garage Ouellette, Amadee & Desrosiers Proulx, Charles Proulx, Emile Rodier, Oswald C. Rodier, Philip Sawyer, Charles Souhegan Hotel 6 10 44 1 Thibault, Cyrille Tyler, Russell 1 30 00 33 03 Vaillancourt, Amadee Vaillancourt, Emile 44 92 26 00 33 48 Whitanen, Robert Whitney, Myron $1,497 68 Expenses 1953 January Maurice Dow Electric Light Alice $49 85 Company Dow Municipal Services Rosario Bernier John Casey 71 85 19 83 17 13 01 151 76 1 1 1 $423 41 37 February $27 39 54 80 Rosario Bernier A. Eaton Agency Electric Light Company T. Maurice 73 51 Dow 50 50 6 00 Wilfred Caouette $212 20 March Greenville Grain Rosario Bernier Company $3 55 14 45 62 09 2 68 66 32 46 00 158 75 John Casey Greenville Auto Service Greenville Electric Light Co. Maurice Dow Albert Currier $353 84 April John Casey Electric Light $102 83 57 32 30 29 Company Rosario Bernier Mason Village Savings Bank 2,181 Dow Dow Maurice Alice 25 46 50 20 20 $2,438 39 May Maurice Dow Electric Light $45 00 48 80 Company $93 80 June Greenville Grain Maurice Company Dow Greenville Auto Service Electric Light Company Municipal Services John Casey Derby & Little Clyde Eaton Desgine Caron Well Machinery & Supply Co. $5 25 46 50 22 45 99 2 97 99 21 7 94 1 401 75 00 553 00 1 $1,164 83 38 July $2 67 65 30 22 Greenville Grain Company Greenville Electric Light Co. Wilfred Caouette Dow Dow Maurice Alice 90 37 00 00 05 $187 32 August Maurice $56 50 49 77 130 00 75 00 Dow Electric Light Company Mason Village Savings Bank Doris & Elsie Wheeler $311 27 $661 53 September Wilfred Caouette John Casey Mason Village Savings Bank Electric Light Company $46 50 523 II 37 50 54 42 October k Village Savings Bank 0. Greenville Electric Light Co Mason Maurice Dow Alice Dow Greenville Grain Company $118 75 63 83 45 50 21 87 5 25 $255 20 Noveml >er !^o. Greenville Electric Light Co. Maurice Dow Wilfred Caouette John Casey Own P. Fiske Rosario Bernier John Darrais Company 66 46 75 20 00 104 05 243 77 20 27 10 00 $71 $516 50 39 December Wilfred Caouette Rosario Bernier R. C. Hazelton Company, Electric Light $45 00 13 92 123 48 94 04 555 50 2,005 94 75 00 50 00 18 05 22 85 Inc. Company Clyde Eaton Derby & Little, Maurice Dow Clyde Eaton Inc. Rosario Bernier Greenville Auto Service $3,003 78 Dr. $8,880 00 4,709 94 2,008 62 Sales 1953 Cash on Hand Dec. 31, 1952 Accounts Receivable 1952 $15,598 56 Cr. $9,622 07 1,497 68 181 65 4,297 16 Expenses 1953 Accounts Receivable 1953 Abatements Cash on Hand Dec. 31 1953 $15,598 56 REPORT OF ROAD AGENT WINTER ROADS Clyde S. Eaton, 275 hrs. at $ Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. I, 83 hrs. at $4.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 2, 272 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 3, 9 hrs. at $5.70 Clyde S. Eaton, Loader, 194 hrs. at $5.00 Edward Elliott, Shovel, 5 hrs. at $9.00 Leon Bruneault, 29 hrs. at $1.00 Patrick Beausoleil, 205 hrs. at $1.00 Roland Desrosiers, 42 hrs. at $1.00 Conrad Desrosiers, 84 hrs. at $1.00 1 . 1 $309 50 332 00 1,224 00 51 970 45 29 205 42 84 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 $3,472 80 SEWER MAINTENANCE Clyde Clyde Clyde 64 hrs. at $1.10 Eaton, Truck, 4 hrs. at $4.00 S. Eaton, Bulldozer, 5 hrs. at $8.00 Patrick Beausoleil, 97 hrs. at $1.00 Roland Desrosiers, 34 hrs. at $1.00 S. Eaton, S. $70 40 16 00 40 00 97 00 34 00 $257 40 40 SUMMER ROADS Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Eaton, 73 hrs. at $ Eaton, Truck No. I, 19 hrs. at $4.00 S. Eaton, Truck No. 2, 12 hrs. at $4.50 S. Eaton, Truck No. 3, 20 hrs. at $4.50 S. Eaton, Grader, 13 hrs. at $6.00 Roland Desrosiers, 52 hrs. at $1.00 Roland Bell, 41 hrs. at $1.00 Patrick Beausoleil, 152 hrs. at $1.00 Conrad Desrosiers, 32 hrs at $1.00 S. I . 1 1 S. I Roy Heywood, 22 hrs. at $1.00 Leonard Vaillancourt, 15 hrs. at $1.00 Eino Helstein, Cutting Brush, 20 hrs. at $3.00 Edward Elliott, Shovel, 44 hrs. at $9.00 Harold Wilson, 4 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Bulldozer, 12 hrs. at $8.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Gravel, 496 yds. at $.10 Clyde S. Eaton, Grader, 3 hrs. at $5.25 $190 30 76 00 504 00 90 00 78 00 52 00 41 00 152 00 32 00 22 00 15 00 60 00 396 00 18 00 96 00 49 60 15 75 $1,887 65 RIVER ST. SIDEWALK Clyde Clyde Clyde Eaton, 75 hrs. at $1.10 Eaton, Lumber, 900 ft. at $.10 S. Eaton, Truck, 9 hrs. at $4.50 Roland Desrosiers, 69 hrs. at $1.00 Patrick Beausoleil, 79 hrs. at $1.00 Ronald Vaillancourt, 7 hrs. at $1.00 S. S. 50 00 50 00 00 6 00 $82 90 40 69 79 $367 00 DUMP Clyde S. Eaton, Bulldozer, 23 hrs. at $8.00 Clyde S. Eaton, 4 hrs. at $1.10 Clyde S. Eaton, Gravel, 120 yds. at $.10 Clyde S. Eaton, Grader, 4 hrs. at $6.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 1,4 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 2, 4 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 3, 4 hrs. at $4.50 Harold Wilson, Truck, 4 hrs. at $3.90 Wilson, Truck, 4 hrs at $4.50 Elliott, Shovel, 4 hrs. at $9.00 Leon Bruneault, 71 hrs. at $1.00 R. Edward $184 00 4 40 12 00 24 00 00 00 00 60 18 00 36 00 71 00 18 18 18 15 $419 00 41 KIMBALL HEIGHTS $133 436 220 67 67 Clyde S. Eaton, 121 hrs. at $1.10 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. I, 97 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 2, 49 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 3, 15 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 4, 15 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Bulldozer, 22 hrs. at $8.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Grader, 29 hrs. at $6.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Loader, 4 hrs. at $5.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Gravel, 700 yds at $.10 Edward Elliott, Shovel, 61 hrs. at $9.00 Harold Miller, 13 hrs. at $3.30 176 174 20 70 549 42 29 50 57 25 27 36 $3.30 $3.90 Richard Wilson, 13 hrs. at $4.50 Patrick Beausoleil, 25 hrs. at $1.00 Leon Bruneault, 27 hrs. at $1.00 Ronald Jones, 36 hrs. at $1.00 Roland Bell, 14 hrs. at $1.00 Conrad Desrosiers, 8 hrs. at $1.00 Earl Bullard, 9 hrs. at Harold Wilson, 13 hrs. at 14 6 10 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 90 70 70 50 00 00 00 00 00 $2,204 90 TARRING Clyde S. Eaton, Asphalt, 900 gals, at $.152 Clyde S. Eaton, 68 hrs. at $1.10 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. I, 64 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 2, 33 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck No. 3, 10 hrs. at $4.50 Clyde S. Eaton, Loader, hrs. at $5.00 Harold Miller, Grader, hrs. at $3.25 Clyde S. Eaton, Sand Roland Desrosiers, 27 hrs. at $1.00 Conrad Desrosiers, 18 hrs. at $1.00 I $136 80 74 80 288 00 148 50 44 50 55 00 I 35 75 339 84 27 00 18 00 33 00 15 00 28 00 22 00 I I Ronald Jones, 33 hrs. at $1.00 Leon Bruneault, 15 hrs. at $1.00 Patrick Beausoleil, 28 hrs. at $1.00 Roland Bell, 22 hrs. at $1.00 $ I 266 69 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE Clyde Clyde Eaton, hrs. at $ hrs. at $4.50 Eaton, Truck, Roland Bell, 5 hrs. at $1.00 Conrad Desrosiers, 12 hrs. at $1.00 Ronald Jones, 5 hrs. at $1.00 S. S. I 1 I I I . 1 $ 1 1 49 50 5 00 12 00 5 00 $83 60 42 CEMETERY 00 24 00 30 00 10 00 316 00 5 00 5 00 Clyde S. Eaton, 10 hrs. $1.10 Clyde S. Eaton, Truck, 6 hrs. at $4.00 Clyde S. Eaton, Fence Clyde S. Eaton, Lumber Moise Champagne, 316 hrs. at $1.00 James $1 Bell, Leander Vaillancourt, 5 hrs. at $1.00 $401 00 REPORT OF FOREST FIRE WARDEN During 1953, we had one serious brush fire in the Town of Greenville. This fire started in New Ipswich and quickly spread into Greenville on the land of Earl Young, burning over about 20 acres of land. Help was called from New Ipswich and Temple. This fire started from careless burning in an incinerator on a very windy day. Greenville furnished men and equipment to the State of New Hampshire (Shaw Mt. Fire) and to the Towns of Temple and New Ipswich during the Forest Fire Season. As in the past when the Woodlands are closed and the fire ban is in effect the proclamation will be posted on the front of the Town Hall and no permits will be allowed. The Town Dump continues to be a major forest fire menace and it is unlawful to start a fire there. Let the proper authorities do it! J. WILLARD BUTTRICK, Forest Fire FIRE Jan. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May June June June I Cash on hand in DEPARTMENT Townsend National Bank 4 Rodney C. Woodman 4 John J. Casey 4 T. Archibald Eaton 4 Deposit 9 Peterborough Fire Department 21 Deposit 13 13 $6 61 $12 50 33 85 41 00 500 00 36 20 500 00 Hope Rubber Co. Wilton Fire Department Milford Fire Department Fitchburg, Mass., Fire Department 16 Greenville Electric Light Co. 13 13 16 Justin 16 Derby JR. Warden McCarthy & Little 520 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 2 10 45 43 14 87 43 June July July July Aug. Sept. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 6 25 65 41 16 N. H. Fire & Safety Equip. Co. Justin McCarthy 1 40 20 00 41 00 49 31 18 00 233 90 27 George Fournier 27 Robert Pelletier 10 T. A. Eaton Agency 21 15 Greenville Auto Service 10 Sudbury Laboratories 30 R. D. Wood 30 29 29 29 Deposit Greenville Electric Light Co. Derby & 500 00 5 Little Inc. 1 486 67 Deposit Joseph Boisse 31 John Rodier 31 William H. Doonan 20 00 63 40 17 30 65 67 61 40 15 80 14 80 19 80 17 80 20 05 16 00 25 90 17 40 20 70 22 30 20 80 44 00 17 00 16 50 10 00 24 40 22 70 24 50 17 60 29 20 31 00 20 80 21 50 10 40 12 70 31 31 George H. Fournier 31 Robert Pelletier 31 Amadee Chouinard 31 Joseph Bernier Alfred Caron Adrian Alix John J. Casey Leander Vaillancourt 31 31 31 31 31 Oswald C. Rodier Romuald Thibault 31 Amedee 31 Donat Duval Maurice LaCroix Clyde S. Eaton Joseph P. Caouette 31 31 31 31 Vaillancourt 31 Emile Proulx Ronald Vaillancourt 31 Joseph Saunders 31 Howard Clow 31 31 Philip Alix 31 John Lizotte Theodore Bedard Josephat Belanger Robert Sullivan Ernest Newell Joseph Boucher Luke Belanger 31 31 31 31 31 3 1 72 96 Total Receipts Expended as per account $1,993 28 $1,970 32 12 96 Balance on hand $1,993 28 $1,993 28 44 REPORT OF FIREWARDS During the year 1953 we had a serious fire causing the complete destruction of the Deschenes property, at the same time causing serious damage to the Arsenault home, slight damage to the property of Mr. Archie Eaton, the late Mrs. Pease and Greenville Mills Inc. regret that this fire caused the death of Mr. David Proulx. Roger Vaillancourt suffered a serious broken bone, requiring hospitalization, in rescuing the victims. received assistance from six surrounding towns, New Ipswich, Temple, Wilton, Milford, Peterborough, N. H., and Fitchburg, Mass. The origin of this fire was unknown to the We We Wards and State Fire Wardens. Assistance was given in New Ipswich on two occasions and Fire Mason. would like to bring to everyone's attention that the town dump has come to be quite an expense due to frequent fires. We would appreciate everyone's cooperation in their once in We prevention. Two new hydrants have been purchased, and two have been replaced. All hydrants have been checked, and are in very good order. There is one new hydrant on hand as a reserve. Fire Alarms have been checked and are satisfactory. One ladder was burned at the Deschenes fire, and has been replaced. Respectfully submitted, JOHN RODIER, Chief GEORGE S. FOURNIER ROBERT L. PELLETIER CHAMBERLIN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Report of Librarian to the Trustees I hereby submit report of the Library for year ending December The 31, 1953. library has had a successful year, and taken its place in service to the Community in many ways. Several groups have held committee meetings in the back room of the library, and benefit food-sales and a Christmas sale have been held in the main room during the past year. In April Governor Gregg proclaimed a New Hampshire "Whoopee Week." This library, at the request of the State Librarian, had a display of adult and children's books written by New Hampshire authors, and a collection of history, poetry and non-fiction books extolling New Hampshire. Some of the books on display were loaned by our library patrons. 45 Except for Christmas, the library has been open each Monday and Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon during the year. Christmas decoration in the main room added a festive touch during the holiday season. The Bookmobile has made its usual visit every three months during the year, leaving us the use of about 40 books on each The first visit was in February 1949, and up to its last visit. 0th, we have had the use of 1030 books. trip of this year, Dec. In addition, direct requests to the State Library for about 20 books on various subjects have been sent us for the use of our patrons. 4413 Visitors during the year (Adults 662, Young People 3751 3653 Books Loaned (Fiction and Non-Fiction) 1 ) 1279 Magazines Loaned New Books Purchased (53 for Young People) Gift Books Received We sincerely thank all those who have made I 18 35 gifts of books to the library. Respectfully submitted, GERTRUDE S. KIMBALL Librarian Treasurer's Report Receipt's Balance on Hand January Town Appropriation I, 1 $315 33 700 00 8 00 95 3 Library Book Fines $1,023 33 Expenditures Gertrude $312 43 56 207 43 S. Kimball, Librarian Greenville Electric Lighting Co. T. A. Eaton Agency, Insurance New England News Co., Books R. M. Baker, Books Gaylord Bros., E. Supplies Robbins, Clock Repairs Charles W. Roots, Janitor Unexpended Balance January I, 19 4 95 20 05 5 00 35 00 Encyclopedia Britannica, Year Book George 00 80 25 82 $728 06 $295 27 1954 $1,023 33 Respectfully submitted, EUGENE H. COFFIN Treasurer 46 TRUST FUNDS Post War $9,050 62 10,275 00 5,000 00 1,000 00 6,817 44 Fund Cemetery Trust Fund M. M. Marsh Cemetery Marsh-Curley Fund Marsh-Village Improvement AUDITORS' REPORT We have examined the accounts of the following town Selectmen, Town Treasurer, Tax Collector, Town Clerk, Water Commissioners, Fire Wards, Library Trustees, Town Hall Rent Book, Municipal Court and Trustees of Trust Funds for the fiscal year ending December 1953 and find them correctly cast and properly vouched. We find that the Road Agent's bills rendered to the Selectmen correspond with the orders issued to him. As required by the State Tax Commission, we examined the list of unpaid taxes and found this list correct. officers: WILLARD BUTTRICK, MAURICE R. PARADIS J. Auditors JR. 47 SCHOOL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS Term Expires March 1954 March 1954 June 1954 March 1954 Moderator, William H. Doonan Clerk, J. Willard Buttrick Treasurer, Mrs. John C. Fowler Auditors, Messrs. Archie Eaton & Russell Kimball SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Harlan Karr, E. Chairman March March March March Mrs. Russell Kimball, Secretary Mr. Clyde S. Eaton (Resigned) Mr. Raymond Fournier (Replacing Mr. Eaton) 1956 1954 1955 1955 SUPERINTENDENT Mr. Newell J. Paire SCHOOL NURSE Miss Sybil M. Beatham, R. N. TEACHING STAFF FOR YEAR 1953-54 Mr. Benjamin Macey, Principal, Grades Mrs. Mary Pelletier, Grades 3, 4, 5 Mrs. Edna LaPierre, Grades I, 2, 3 Miss Elsie Wheeler, Music Supervisor 6, 7, 8 SCHOOL CALENDAR 1953-54 January 954 to February 19 to April 23 3 to June 18 March May 4, 1 I Holiday: Memorial Day, May 7 7 7 weeks weeks weeks 31 1954-55 — — — — — — — School opens Sept. 8, 1954 Closes Nov. 24 at 12:15 School opens Nov. 29, 1954 Closes Dec. 17 School opens Jan. 3, 1955 Closes Feb. 18 School opens Feb. 28, 1955 Closes April 22 School opens May 2, 1955 Closes June 17 Holidays: Armistice Day Nov. II, Closes 12:15 (one session) Memorial Day May 30 Teachers' Convention October 14 and 15 Total number of School Days 80 Total number of School Weeks 37 I 48 SCHOOL WARRANT District in the Town of Greenville qualified to vote in district affairs: You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the ninth day of March 1954, at nine o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects: To the Inhabitants of the School 1. 2. 3. To choose a Moderator for the coming year. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year. To choose a Member of the School Board for the ensuing three years. 3a. To choose a Member of the School Board for the ensuing one year. 4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year. 5. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agent of the district. 6. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto. 7. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant. 8. To see what sum of money the district will raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the district, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the state foundation aid fund together with other income; the school board to certify to the selectmen the balance between the estimated revenue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the town. 9. To see if the district will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $550 for the purpose of installing a chain link fence on the East side of the school property or take any action relating thereto. Given under our hands at said Greenville February 1954. HARLAN A true E. KARR GERTRUDE S. RAYMOND L. copy of Warrent — this fifth KIMBALL FOURNIER School Board Attest: HARLAN E. KARR GERTRUDE S. RAYMOND L. KIMBALL FOURNIER School Board day of 49 SCHOOL BOARDS ESTIMATE FOR YEAR School Board's statement of amounts required to support public schools and meet other statutory obligations of the district for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1954 and comparative analysis of expenditures. Estimated Expended Budgeted Budget 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 A. Administration: Salaries of District Officers 1. Supt.'s Salary 3. 4. Tax for State Wide Supervision Salaries of other adm'n personnel 5. Supplies and expenses 6. Teachers' Salaries 7. Textbooks & instructional aids Scholars' supplies 8. 10, I Other instructional expenses C. Operation of School Plant: Janitor's Salary „ 12. Fuel 13. Water, D. 14. E. $240 00 437 92 172 00 274 30 433 51 $240 538 204 315 486 00 93 00 84 16 $240 00 527 62 222 00 321 00 471 27 Instruction: B. I (local share)* 2. light & other expenses 8,162 50 462 20 658 63 94 72 9,260 00 327 00 557 80 168 00 10,270 00 341 00 577 20 168 00 840 00 22 299 25 1,140 00 1,140 00 631 600 00 300 00 600 00 300 00 218 75 140 00 140 00 Maintenance of School Plant: Repairs & replacements Auxiliary Activities: 15. Health Supervision 316 57 445 00 445 00 16. Transportation 2,000 00 2,600 00 3,000 00 Tuition 6,000 00 7,750 00 276 44 250 00 9,550 00 250 00 340 71 293 84 399 39 275 00 479 79 285 20 495 00 200 00 180 00 200 00 310 00 328 59 500 00 37 00 500 00 32 00 500 00 27 00 $27,040 12 $30,105 08 I 7. 18. Special Fund Activities Fixed Charges: Teacher Retirement 20. Insurance, Bonds & Expenses F. 19. G. Capital Outlay: 21. Land & New Buildings 22. Additions & Improvements 23. Equipment H. Debt and Interest: Payment on Principal 25. 26. Payment of Interest Total Current Expenses $23,328 15 50 00 50 I. Income of District: Actual Tuition, Balance on Hand June 30, 1952 Elementary Other Sources: Miscellaneous $1,544 84 50 00 131 04 Local Taxation 21,697 45 Total Receipts: Balance on Hand July I, 1953 $23,423 33 95 18 Total Assessment To Cover School Board's Budget $21,697 45 Total Assessment To Cover School Board's Budget & Special Appropriation $21,697 45 Estimated Estimated None None None None $27,404 12 $30,! 05 08 $27,404 12 Supervisory Union Share of Supt. Salary $3,925.00, State Share $2,275.00. . 51 DETAILED STATEMENT Fiscal OF DISBURSEMENTS Year July 1.1952 to June 30, 1 953 A. Administration: Salaries of District Officers: 1 $50 00 100 00 50 00 30 00 5 00 5 00 Harlan Karr, Chairman Gertrude Kimball, Secretary Clyde S. Eaton Marietta Fowler, Treasurer T. Archibald Eaton, Auditor Russell M. Kimball, Auditor $240 00 Superintendent's Salary: Supervisory Union No. 63 (local share 3. Tax for State Wide Supervision State Treasurer 4. Salaries of other Administrative Personnel: Supervisory Union No. 63 (local share) $244 30 10 00 Joseph Boisse, Jr., truant officer Doris Wheeler, Census Enumerator 20 00 2. $437 92 : $172 00 $274 30 Supplies and Expenses: 5. New England Tel. & Tel. Co. $1 19 Edson C. Eastman Co. 18 Supervisory Union No. 63 159 Gertrude Kimball, postage & phone calls calls 7 Sec.-Treas. N. H. School Board A: iation 3 90 14 69 98 00 $433 51 Instruction: B. 6. Teachers' Salaries: Benjamin Macey Edna LaPierre Mary Elsie Pelletier Wheeler Isabelle Alix, substitute $2,650 2,600 2,500 375 37 00 00 00 00 50 62 50 Books and Other Instructional Aids i\ids: L. W. Singer Co. $13 42 Arlo Publishing Co. 16 91 Noble & Noble Publishers 19 65 Supervisory Union No. 63 3 33 O. H. Toothaker Co. 4 96 Scott, Foresman & Co. 141 65 Allyn & Bacon 7 40 Silver Burdett Co. 29 25 Rand, McNally Co. 24 45 Houghton Mifflin Co. 24 79 Lyons & Carnahan 13 45 7. 52 Visual Curriculum Center Iroquois Pub. Co. Denoyer Geppert Co. S. Hammond Co. C. 70 70 95 23 55 16 74 51 $462 20 8. Scholars' Supplies: Scott, Foresman & Co. Allyn & Bacon Silver Burdett Co. $184 88 38 62 26 Rand, McNally Co. Houghton Mifflin Co. The Continental Press Henry S. Wolkins Supervisory Union No. 63 J. L. Hammett Co. Beckley-Cardy Co. Milton Bradley Co. Iroquois Pub. Co. Master Products Co. Bostitch Northeast Co. L. W. Singer Co. Charles Scribners' Sons Francestown School District Graphic School Supply 1 1 53 13 93 1 1 7 06 52 32 38 10 123 83 86 120 77 6 42 4 00 30 7 02 5 27 9 55 6 06 1 1 $658 63 9. 10. Salaries of Clerical Assistants: Supplies and Other Expenses: American Education Press O. H. Toothaker Co. Row, Peterson Co. H. Owen Pub. Co. Supervisory Union No. 63 F. Scholastic Magazines Film Rentals J. L. Hammett Co. $26 00 2 42 2 39 4 00 3 50 28 00 15 00 13 41 $94 72 C. Operation of School Plant: I. Salary of Custodian: $840 00 I 12. Fuel: Rosario Bernier Lights and Janitor Supplies: Greenville Electric Lighting Co. $631 22 13. Wilton School District Central Paper Products Co. Caswell-Hawthorne Co. Derby & Little Co. $209 63 24 20 12 54 1 1 41 35 53 «900 ?K 53 Maintenance of School Plant: Repairs and Replacements: D. 14. James Bell Clyde Eaton Robert Fish A. H. Rice & Co., Inc. $2 50 204 00 10 65 60 1 $218 75 E. 15. Auxiliary Activities: Health Supervision: M. Beatham, R.N. Harlan Karr, M. D. deary's Drug Store Sybil $160 00 150 00 6 57 $316 57 16. Transportation: $2,000 00 Leon Russell 17. Tuition: S. Malci, Treas. Appleton Academy Special Activities and Special Funds: $2 44 G. Schirmer 150 00 Benjamin Macey, Spec. app. 31 Lyons Band Instrument Co. Hjalmar $6,000 00 18. I Maude Adams University of N. H., film rental The Art Center Lynch's Sport Equipment Co. R. C. Woodman Class trip 60 60 00 I 5 87 7 22 9 00 30 00 $276 44 Fixed Charges: Teacher Retirement: 20. Insurance & Treasurer's Bond & Expenses: $288 84 A. Eaton Agency 5 00 A. Eaton Agency Treasurer's Bond F. 19. T. T. $340 71 $293 84 G. Capital Outlay: 21. Lands and New Buildings: 22. Additions and Improvements to Buildings: A. W. B. $310 00 Therrien, re-roofing New Equipment: Beckley-Cardy 23. & M. R. R. Railway Express Co. Southwestern Trans. Co. Derby & Little Co. Manchester Technical Institute $267 72 20 21 00 7 66 20 00 12 00 1 $328 59 54 H. Debt and Interest': $500 00 $37 00 25. Principal of Debt: 26. Interest on Debt: Amount Expended for Cash Balance on Hand July Total Grand all I, $23,328 15 95 18 Purposes 1953 $23,423 33 Total Respectfully submitted, HARLAN E. KARR GERTRUDE KIMBALL RAYMOND FOURNIER School Board FINANCIAL REPORT OF SCHOOL BOARD Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1953 SUMMARY A. Administration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. $240 00 437 92 172 00 Tax for State Wide Supervision 274 30 Salaries for other admin, personnel 433 51 Supplies and expenses Salaries of District Officers Supt.'s Salary (local share) Instruction: 6. Teachers' Salaries 7. Textbooks and instructional aids 8. Scholars' supplies Supplies and other expenses C. Operation of School Plant: I. Salary of custodian 10. I 12. Fuel Water, light, supplies & expenses D. Maintenance of School Plant: 14. Repairs and replacements 13. Auxiliary Activities: 15. Health supervision 16. Transportation 8,162 50 462 20 658 63 94 72 840 00 22 299 25 631 218 75 E. 316 57 2,000 00 6,000 00 17. Tuition 18. Special Activities & Special Funds Fixed Charges: 276 44 Retirement 340 71 293 84 F. 19. 20. Insurance, bonds Total Current Expenses $22,152 56 55 G. Capital Outlay: $310 00 328 59 22. Additions and improvements 23. New equipment H. Debt and Interest: 25. Payments on Principal of debt 26. Payments of Interest on debt Total Receipts from all Cash on Hand June Grand Total 500 00 37 00 $21,878 49 95 18 $23,423 33 Sources 1953 30, RECEIPTS Local Taxation: $21,532 45 165 00 Current Appropriation Special Appropriation Other Sources: Elementary Tuitions All other I Total Receipts from Cash on Hand Grand all 50 00 3 04 I Sources at beginning of Year July 1 , 1 952 $21,878 49 ,544 84 1 $23,423 33 Total Respectfully submitted, HARLAN E. KARR GERTRUDE KIMBALL RAYMOND FOURNIER School Board REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER Fiscal Year July 1. 1952, to June 30, 1953 SUMMARY Cash on Hand July 1952 Received from Selectmen: Current Appropriation Received from Elementary Tuitions Received from all other Sources $1,544 84 I, $21,697 45 50 00 131 04 $21,878 49 Total Receipts Total amount available for fiscal year Less School Board orders paid Balance on Hand June 23,423 33 23,328 15 $95 18 30, 1953 MARIETTA Dated July 8, 1953 C. FOWLER District Treasurer 56 AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Greenville of which the above is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953 and find them correct in all respects. T. ARCHIBALD EATON RUSSELL M. KIMBALL July 14, 1953 Auditors 57 SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT To the School Board and Citizens of Greenville: respectfully submit my seventh annual report as your SuperI intendent of Schools. INSTRUCTION Our school opened this fall with the same staff as last year namely, Mr. Benjamin Macey, Mrs. Mary Pelletier and Mrs. Edna La Pierre. We are indeed fortunate in being able to hold The work being accomplished by these our present staff. teachers is of a very high quality. Proper attention is being given to the development of the fundamentals with as much time devoted to individual problems as multiple graded rooms will permit. The teachers and are eager to discuss in detail with parents any area of the educational program offered at the Greenville Public School. It is recommended that parents avail themselves of every opportunity to learn how the reading program is developed through the grades; how penmanship and spelling are taught; what makes a good arithmetic program and how our English and language program is developed and integrated with the social studies. This information can be much better obtained by discussion and conference, than by means of a I written report. Miss Elsie Wheeler, teacher and supervisor of our music proMusic activities in our school is continuing her fine work. cover a five point program consisting of singing, listening, rhythm, creating and performing. In singing, the songs range from simple melodies for the first grade to four-part singing in the Grammar Room. Victrolas purchased with money earned by the children's operetta and play, and a growing library of The rhythm band, records, broadens listening experiences. marching, skipping and clapping to music have their place in the lower grades. Rhythm is further developed with singing games, folk and square dancing. Creating either by dramatizing a song, responding to rhythms, or composing a melody deperforming, the children develop In velops self-confidence. poise as they sing as a class, a small group, or individually. All pupils are given an opportunity to perform in one or more of the following activities: rhythm band, song flute band, school assemblies, operettas, and graduation exercises. Thus, it can be seen that music plays an important part in the school life of our children. gram HEALTH SUPERVISION Excellent health services are being provided for both public and parochial schools by Miss Sybil Beatham, School Nurse 58 and Dr. Harlan Karr, School Doctor. Every fall each child attending school receives a thorough physical examination and the parents are informed of any conditions that need further attention. Frequent visits by the Nurse to the schools and with parents gives us an opportunity to keep a careful check on the health status of each child. The School Nurse's Report explains the details of her work. NO SCHOOL POLICY The Greenville School Board has established the following policy relative to keeping school on stormy days. Our school will be open every day regardless of the weather unless is should be so extreme that the bus cannot operate. Thus parents will be assured that when they send their children to school there will always be somebody there to receive them. On extremely stormy days, parents are encouraged to use their own judgment and keep their children home if they feel that it is in the best interests of health and safety to do so. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Our building is in excellent condition and Mr. Charles Roots to be commended for the fine job that he is doing. The playground area that has been recently tarred has helped a great deal in providing a cleaner building and at the same time giving the children a cleaner and more adequate play area. Many will recall the wooden fence that surrounds the Public School property separating our property from that of the abuttors. Over the years this had deteriorated to the extent that not only was it unsightly but it created a definite safety hazard to the younger children. A year ago the last section was torn down. Consequently, it is felt that the voters of the district should be given an opportunity to decide whether or not a portion of this fence should be replaced. The portion under consideration would extend along the east boundary of the school property, and consist of a chain link fence, four feet high. is An analysis of the School Board's budget for 1954-55 will reveal that it calls for a net increase of $2,700.96, over last year's budget, exclusive of any special articles in the warrant. This increase is reflected in tuitions $1,800. (We are budgeting for 33 pupils at $280 and one pupil at $310. This item reflects the increased costs experienced in the two schools to which our tuition pupils go, namely Appleton Academy and Peterborough High School); Expenses of instruction $1,043.40; Transportation $400; Fixed Charges $90.60. Decreases in other areas of the budget result in the net increase quoted above. — 59 CONCLUSION am deeply grateful to the Greenville School Board, school personnel, parents and friends of our school, for the fine support and cooperation extended to me this past year. I NEWELL PAIRE J. Superintendent of Schools SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JUNE STATISTICS FOR 30, 1953 ENROLLMENT Grades Primary Intermediate 3 4 5 13 14 12 2 1 7 6 7 8 Total 9 20 39 25 13 Grammar 10 6 84 ATTENDING SCHOOLS ELSEWHERE 24 Appleton Academy Sacred Heart Parochial Private School Outside District Parochial Schools Outside Distr ict 109 4 22 ATTENDANCE Average School Membership Primary Intermedi ate Grammar Average Attendance 27.13 28.97 24.62 Percent of Attendance 90.86 95.30 93.54 24.65 27.61 23.03 Tardinesses Per Pupil Total 37 47 20 1.27 1.47 .80 Visits: 4 By School Board By Superintendent of Schools By Citizens 59 45 ROLL OF PERFECT ATTENDANCE One Year: Edward Bell STATISTICS FOR FIRST Census: (Ages I day — 18 TWENTY WEEKS yrs. incl.) 1953-54 Boys 245; Girls 202: Total 447. Attending Attending Attending Attending Attending Attending Greenville Public Schools Sacred Heart Parochial Appleton Academy Wilton High School Peterborough High School Parochial Schools Outside District 88 122 27 I I 27 60 ENROLLMENT BY GRADES Grades I Primary Intermediate 14 2 3 9 4 7 4 5 14 12 Grammar 8 Total 10 27 33 28 7 6 7 II 88 ATTENDANCE School Average Average Membership Attendance Percent of Attendance 24.20 28.80 90.80 92.50 94.38 Primary Intermediate 26.65 31.10 27.77 Grammar 26.21 REPORT OF SCHOOL NURSE As School Nurse in the Town of Greenville made ten visits to the Greenville Public School and ten visits to the Sacred Heart School for the purpose of checking the children for signs of communicable disease. There were a few incidents of mumps in the schools but the chief problem was swollen glands and in in the Public School, pediculosis. By means of the Snellon Chart tested a greater number of the children for visual defects and found that eight were in need of correction. Notes were sent to their parents. used the single audiometer to re-check children who were deficient on the screening test but found that there were none who needed I I I hearing aids. Mrs. Fahey, the State Public Health Nurse, held a Well-Baby Clinic in April and May and assisted her with the clinic. It is hoped that we may have another in 1954 and that all preschool children will have been vaccinated before entering school in the Fall. During the summer attended a special course at Keene Teachers College on the subject of School Health Nursing. Dr. Karr examined the children and found that an improvement is being shown in the health of the children. I I Public School Defects found: Eyes, red in ears Wax Enlarged tonsils Enlarged glands Overweight Acne Defective teeth 1 6 17 2 4 3 17 61 Sacred Heart School Defects found: Eyes, strabimus in ears 7 Wax Enlarged tonsils Enlarged cervical 3 10 gl anc Is Heart murmur 3 1 Defective teeth Defective hearing 24 4 Cold 1 Respectfully su bmitted, ' SYBIL M. BEATHAM, R. N. School Nurse 62 VITAL STATISTICS Births Registered in the Town of Greenville, N. For the Year Ending December Date & Name Place Name of Child 1953 Peterboro Steven James Wilfred Feb. 13 Peterboro Joseph L. Belanger Feb. 22 Peterboro Joseph Luke, Jr. Dennis George Mar. 18 Fitchburg, Suzanne Alice Mass. Mar. 19 Peterboro Mar. 24 Donna Lee Concord Peterboro Richard Gerard Peterboro Dennis Leonard Apr. 24 Maiden Name of Mother of Father Jan. 30 Apr. 5 H. 31st, 1953 Blease J. Janice MacCracken Vodden Natalie A. Heywood Emily M. LeBlanc Robert H. Moore Sara A. Bourgault Roy F. Frederick E. Bourgeois Yvonne E. Desrosiers Steven Alan Lionel A. Dancause Emil Desrosiers J. Jeanne M. Gay Jeanne R. Pelletier Alina G. Vaillancourt Philip G. Alix Woodbridge 1 Peterboro Richard Sutherland Tracy A. Eaton Anna 8 Peterboro Sharon Lynn George A. Lord Charlotte A. LaFleur 27 Fitchburg, Jo-Anne Marie Mass. Clarence Tasca Olga Hynda June 2 Peterboro Denise Ann Robert D. Robichaud Jacqueline B. Bourgoin June 4 Peterboro Steven Bernard Everett E. Arnhold Pauline L. Paradise May May May June 12 June 18 June 22 Peterboro Joseph Paul Joseph Peterboro George Paul Maurice Peterboro July 25 Peterboro Maurice Robert Bernard Richard Aug-. 7 Peterboro Janis Eileen Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Earl Nelson Ronald George Peterboro Rachel Elaine Peterboro Paul Roger Fitchburg, Cynthia Anne Aug. 24 Sept. 2 Sept. 6 C. Boucher LaCroix Robert A. LaFreniere Z. Gerard G. Frenette Emile J. Desmarais Nelson E. LaFreniere Peterboro Peterboro E. Germaine M. Pelletier Cecile A. Caron Laurette M. Pelletier Blanche L. St. Peter Georgette R. Fortin Gladys A. Cheney Anne M. Vaillancourt George P. Bouley Gilbert J. Deschenes Yvette A. Morin Omer Laurianna P. Fortin Ronald J. Johnson S. Roy Lois Livingston Mass. Monique Royer Sept. 17 Gardner, Mass. Annette Alexcina Theodore Oct. 2 Peterboro James Philip Walter A. Gedenberg Bessie M. Oct. 4 Ernest F. Morin Pauline Oct. 6 Omer Delphis Peterboro Mary Linda Everett E. Goen Bernadette L. Fortin Oct. 30 Peterboro Michael Eugene Eugene Nov. Peterboro Deborah Ann Francis H. Duval Patricia J. Nutting Gerard E. Boisse Laurette T. Paradis 5 Peterboro A. J. Alton Maki Dec. 4 Beverly Ann Raymond Victor, Peterboro Marshall Adams Dec. 18 Peterboro Maurice Richard Alexander Dec. 26 Peterboro Diane Jane Joseph R. Champagne Nov. 11 Peterboro Nov. 28 Peterboro Birth Record received May Jr. J. Raymond Vaillancourt Geraldine B. Paradis Raymond V. Bourgault Therese R. Thibault Violet Wilkins John W. Buttrick, Jr. J. Beaudet Annette D. Paradis Rita V. Enright 6th, 1953 1952 Aug. 9 Nashua Pamela Jane William J. Cleary, Jr. Ruth W. Anderson 63 Marriages of Greenville Residents Registered in the Town of Greenville for the Year Ending December 31, 1953 Names Date and Place Name and Station of Person Officiating 1953 March 27 Fred R. Ramsey, Peterborough, N. H. Harriet J. Jr. Fairchild Algie A. Holt Justice of the Peace August 29 Arthur L. Whitney Greenville, N. H. Elaine R. Bourgeoise September Rev. Ernest E. Brodeur Greenville, N. H. Virgil B. Rassier Carmen E. Leger September 12 Roland A. R. Thibault Rev. C. Manchester, N. H. Marjorie C. September 19 Greenville, N. H. John R. Buffington Ada M. Kimball Rev. Edward A. Rebmann Ordained Minister October 17 Grrenville, N. H. Robert L. Caron Rev. Ernest E. Brodeur November Raymond Nutting 7 Mary LaFlamme G. Christian Rev. Ernest E. Brodeur Roman Roman Catholic Priest Catholic Priest Edward Roman Desilets Catholic Priest Roman Catholic Priest Greenville, N. H. Pauline E. Jowders Rev. Edward A. Rebmann Ordained Minister December David E. Weeks Julliette M. Farrar Rev. Edward A. Rebmann Ordained Minister Wilfred R. Deschenes Betty A. McQuade Rev. E. A. 25 5 Greenville, N. H. December 12 Wilton, N. H. Murphy Catholic Priest 64 Deaths Registered in the Town of Greenville for the 31, 1953 Year Ending December Date and Place Name of Deceased Age Yrs. Mos. Days 50 2 5 Saluste Desrosiers 78 1 1 David M. Proulx 75 7 20 77 3 14 69 4 1 91 10 26 1953 February Andrew 2 Greenville, N. March A. Bergeron H. 11 Bedford, N. H. March 22 Peterborough, N. H. May 31 Greenville, N. H. Joseph L. Vaillancourt, June Stanley Petrowski 3 Sr. Goffstown, N. H. July 25 Peterborough, N. H. Nellie August 17 Greenville, N. H. Alice M. Livingston 69 11 29 September 4 Edgar Philip Ouelette 63 4 2 Lydia Emond 64 10 18 Marie Odelide Champagne 71 6 17 Pierre Beausoleil 67 10 17 4 14 10 24 Greenville, N. September Whitney H. 16 Peterborough, N. H. November 11 Greenville, N. H. November 25 Peterborough, N. H. December 23 Greenville, N. H. Earl Nelson LaFreniere December Mary Mullen 29 Greenville, N. H. 87 Burials in the Pleasant Street Cemetery, Greenville, N. H., from Out-of-Town For the Year Ending December 31, 1953 Age Date and Place of Death Name Days Yrs. Mos. 73 — — 87 11 29 73 — — 78 11 29 49 6 18 1953 Robbins April 17 Quincy, Mass. Arthur October 19 Perley W. Hale I. Winchendon, Mass. April 17 Quincy, Mass. Arthur October 19 Perley I. Robbins W. Hale Winchendon, Mass. January 3 Fitchburg, Mass. Joseph B. Melanson Part of this Report printed by Charles E. Sawyer, Greenville, N. 1954 1-8.