July 13, 2014 - St. James Parish
July 13, 2014 - St. James Parish
St. James Parish 820 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 60004 www.stjamesah.org 224-345-7200 July 13, 2014 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. James Contemporary Ensemble Inside this issue: A Reflection from Marianne Dilsner, Pastoral Associate 2 Summer Backyard Masses 3 Our Stewardship and GiveCentral 4& 5 Jubilation at James 7 School Supplies for Marillac House 11 Upcoming Care Ministry, Lector, & Eucharistic Ministry Workshops 15 20 Parish and Staff contact numbers St. James newly formed Contemporary Ensemble (CE) is made up of musicians, both singers and instrumentalists 8th grade through college age, from our Parish to support our youth and young adult programs. Their first Mass was on June 29th to Kickoff our summer St. James Young Adult Youth Ministry (SJYAM) Program. The second CE Mass will be on July 13th and is the blessing and send off mass for the parish mission teams. The third event on August 9th is coordinated with our end of summer celebra on, StJamesFest, which marks the send off of our college students back to school and the end event this summer for SJYAM. CE con nues to grow in numbers with both singers and instrumentalists! It is not too late to join! Please contact Mary McDermo at: mmcdermo @stjamaesschoolah.org if you are interested in being a part of this dynamic group! Page 2 A Reflection… from Marianne Dilsner, Pastoral Associate July 13, 2014 Greetings – Happy July – Happy Summer! Marianne Dilsner Next Sunday’s Scripture Wis 12:13, 16-19 Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16 Rom 8:26-27 Mt 13:24-43 [24-30] For many people this is their favorite time of year – summer days, summer BBQs, days at the pool and vacation time with family and friends. I am hopeful these are good days for you and your family. A couple of weeks ago, I went down to Orlando, Florida to celebrate my sister and brother in law’s 25th Wedding Anniversary. It was a fun celebration… with all the usual components: family, friends, music, food, and as always a few surprises! Twenty-five years ago my parents and the 4 of us ‘kids’, had a family portrait taken the day before the wedding; during this last visit we agreed to take another family portrait of all 6 of us – sitting in the same order, ready to smile like we did 25 years ago! Of course, all of us are a bit older and wiser this time around. My immediate family lives in New York, New Jersey, Florida and Illinois – so to have all of us together for the photo was wonderful! As I compared the 2 photos… it made me truly reflect on all that has transpired during those 25 years… nieces, a nephew, new addresses, new jobs, graduations, health issues, and the more obvious changes… clothing, hair, weight gain / loss… etc…! All of it passes us by quickly in retrospect – but it all comes down to gratitude. How can I or any of us not be filled with gratitude when we come together to celebrate, to remember, to reminisce…? It is God’s gift to each of us to have the ability to look back and remember not only the changes in hairstyles, but the kindnesses that were extended to us, the laughing that wouldn’t stop at a silly joke and the reconciliations that needed to happen. In all families, there are good days and bad days – talking and no-talking days, there are busy days full of chaos and days of loneliness and anxiousness. Within all of this is God’s grace, helping us to maneuver through the difficult times and celebrating with us on the days that seem to go by rather smoothly! All of it is real – and I would hope, as Catholic Christians, we look at all of these dimensions of our lives in the context of God’s unfailing love, accompanying us through all of it. I am sure this is very basic and true for many, but sometimes, we need a reminder…sometimes we need a celebration in our lives to look back, to ponder all that has been and to give thanks for where we are today and where we may be called in the future. So this summer, as you and family and friends gather to celebrate at a backyard party, or a wedding or even a funeral, celebrating one’s passing into the joy of eternal life… remember to look back with gratitude… to ponder the blessings in your life and enjoy the life God has given to each of us! Wishing You Many Blessings – Marianne (A podcast of this week’s reflection is available on the St. James website and mobile website.) ST. JAMES STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION! Fathers Matt, Joji and Gilbert are bringing Mass and the Eucharist to parish “backyards” this summer! Page 3 Page 4 Our Stewardship Stewardship Collection June 29....(600 env.) . . $26,874.60 This week last year. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23,701.00 Collection Year-to-Date.* . . . . . . . . .$1,907,042.96 Collection previous Year-to-Date. . . $1,772,065.53 THANK YOU! Thank you for your involvement in the Baby Bottle Project. In Gratitude….the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated at Noon on Monday, July 28th, 2014, in the St. Jude Chapel of The Women’s Center, for special blessings and graces on all who diligently organize and support the Baby Bottle Project. OUR CHARITY and STEWARDSHIP (This includes gifts using GiveCentral.) Please pray for our Youth Ministry teens, as we send them forth in service on their annual Mission trips—this year to Catholic Heart Work Camp in Michigan and to St. Malachy Parish in Chicago. They will be joined in their work by parent and staff volunteers. Please keep them and those they serve in your prayers this month. Fr. Matt celebrated 8:30am morning Mass outside on Friday, July 4th. Sacristans Needed! Come and join the St. James Sacristan Ministry. Two or three parishioners are needed to join our Sacristan Ministry to help with some chores in the Church and Parish Center. Please contact Norma Aguila at 847-6301647, or email Norma at [email protected] Duties of Sacristans: Mondays: Washing of purificators, towels, altar cloth, etc. (alternate duty) Fridays: Taking care of church cleanliness: Helping clean up in Church: 1. Changing holy water 2. Cleaning candle holders 3. Changing candles for altar and tabernacle Helping other ministries during the Christmas season and Holy Week. OUR STEWARDSHIP —GiveCentral Page 5 Page 6 Rosary Group Join the Rosary Group in prayer before daily Mass: Monday: Human Life Tuesday: Military Wednesday: Marriage Thursday: Priests and Religious Friday: Sick Saturday: Souls of the Faithful departed Fr. Matt’s Monday Family Prayer and Adoration 4pm in the Church on Monday, July 14th. All are welcome! Eucharistic Adoration Adoration takes place from 8am to 4pm every Thursday in the Church. Contact: Jo Jozwiak at 847-259-2433. SPIRITUAL LIFE St. James Ministry of Praise The Ministry of Praise is a spiritual ministry in which members offer their prayers to God to help others in need. This ministry was developed especially for the sick and homebound so that they can experience a closer relationship with the parish. Their prayers will provide a wealth of spiritual treasures that can bring God’s blessings on themselves and on the parish at large. There are no dues or meetings. If you or a loved one is interested in participating in this ministry, please contact parishioner Marilyn Neuman at 224-345-7200 or [email protected] Now and at the Hour of Our Death Now and at the Hour of Our Death is a practical guide for families regarding topics of medical treatment, finances, and death and funeral arrangements. Its purpose is to encourage informed decision making and discussion among family members. The book offers an outline of the Church’s funeral rite, with helpful information and suggestions, and assists in making preparations for the wake and funeral liturgy. There is also a section that presents consumer information about funerals, burial and cremation. This book is available in the Parish Office for $5.00. If you have any questions, please contact Marianne Dilsner, Pastoral Associate, at 224-345-7203. PARISH LIFE Page 7 Page 8 PARISH LIFE PARISH LIFE Page 9 Exodus Trekker Note: The following introduction to an interview with our Pastor, Fr. Matt Foley, was originally posted October 27, 2014 in the bulletin. He had arrived here the previous August. It will again be posted during the entire week of July 13th. To read the entire story of Fr. Matt’s warzone experience in Afghanistan and several other interviews of parish members you might know, type in your computer’s address bar: http://exodus trekkers.blogspot.com/ Or, you can reach it by going to “stjamesah.org” and then typing “Exodus Trekkers” in the search window. Clicking on that will take you to “Blogs.” Click on that and you’ll be on the launch page. The regular Trekker schedule will resume at the end of September. “It was beautiful. We would have singing and great prayer.” It was a Catholic Mass alright, but not the kind which the St. James parishioner is ever likely to participate in. This one, as described by our Pastor, Fr. Matt, was held in an undisclosed location in Afghanistan. A few miles away were Taliban-planted road mines and the frequent sound of mortar and small arms fire. And then there were our helicopters coming in with the wounded. Ministering to them and to the dying was all part of Fr. Matt’s job. But thank God for Sunday Mass (actually celebrated on Saturday night) that he celebrated for our men and women in uniform, including a two-star general…. ===================================================================================== Lutheran Home Mass Here is a great opportunity to pray with our elderly parishioners and friends. Join us every Wednesday at 10:15am for Mass at the Lutheran Home, 800 W. Oakton St. in Arlington Heights. We are seeking musicians and singers for Mass. Please contact Fr. Matt at the Parish Office, 224-345 -7222. HELP!! St. James Theater Ministry Needs Your Help! Do you or someone you know have an empty garage or storage facility near St. James which can be donated for our ministry? We are in need of a place to store our lumber (2X4’s, 2X6’s, Plywood sheets, etc.) from the end of July until early May. Each year we disassemble our sets and reuse the lumber to help keep costs down; however, we have lost our space due to the selling of the property. We need approximately 500 square ft. or a decent size garage. If you can help, please contact Robert Sanetra at 630-247-4687. Page 10 HUMAN CONCERNS HUMAN CONCERNS Page 11 ST. JAMES WOMEN’S CLUB is sponsoring a collection of School Supplies for Marillac House August 9th & 10th, 2014 (after all the Masses) Marillac House is located on the west side of Chicago. Under the direction of the Daughters of Charity, they provide: Day Care services, Recreation Programs, Adult Education, Emergency Food Pantry, Infant Nutrition Program, Child Abuse Program, Outreach to Seniors and Project Hope for teen mothers. Your generosity in helping to assist the children in these programs is greatly appreciated! Supplies most in need are notebooks, binders, pens, pencils, looseleaf paper and backpacks. (If you would like to donate a “complete backpack”, please include: 2 folders, 2 notebooks, pens, pencils, a ruler, glue stick and looseleaf paper.) However, any donations are most appreciated! Please bring donations directly to the designated cars in the parking lots behind the Church and Parish Center after the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. If questions, please contact Bernie Tolzien, 847-253-5396 or [email protected] OR Marianne Dilsner at the Parish Office, 224-345-7203. Page 12 HUMAN CONCERNS St James… In Mission Dominican Republic: The St James Mission Trip to the NPH Orphanage in the Dominican Republic scheduled for October 25 – November 1, 2014 is moving along with approximately 15 volunteers signed up! During our recent meeting, we discussed possible work projects in the local community doing home improvements, home extensions, etc… We also talked about engaging the children in social and recreational activities and medical services. We practiced the “Our Father / Padre Nuestro” in Spanish and it was suggested that participants begin a journal to begin reflecting on this wonderful opportunity. Haiti: The St James Mission Trip to Haiti is also being finalized and will take place in January, 2015. This trip is being organized by our Peace and Justice Committee and has been in dialogue with Fr. Pascal of the Les Cayes Diocese. Fr. Pascal has expressed an interest that our Haiti volunteers build and establish gardens in local schools… not only to provide food for school lunches, but to teach the students (and local community members) about caring for the land, cultivating the land and harvesting the food. This is an exciting project being undertaken and developed that will bring about change for some people in Haiti. India: A Mission trip to India with Tom and Geetha of FCN (Family and Children in Need) is also being formulated at this time and details will be here soon! =========================== It is anticipated that other mission trips will be undertaken and planned in the months ahead. These trips will be open to College Students and Young Adults! Sr. Faustina, our new Director of Youth Ministry will be working to coordinate future mission trips for our High School Students! Mission trips are more than going and doing – they are about leaving one’s comfort zone, to encounter a new reality, oftentimes, one that is completely new and different from one’s own. Mission trips are a process, an experience of transformation for both the hosts and guests – it is good work because it is GOD’s work and we are the heart and hands of our loving God – responding to an awesome invitation to be with brothers and sisters - in prayer, work, fun and companionship. As we all move forward on our faith / life journeys… As Kathy McGourty noted in a recent communication to the Haiti volunteers, “we will share our stories…” Despite language barriers, sharing stories thru pictures, smiles and cooperation… new friends are made, respect is generated and honoring one another as members of the Body of Christ is really what it is all about. For those not physically going on a mission trip this year, please consider becoming a “Prayer Partner” for the success and safety of these endeavors! More information regarding this opportunity will be in the bulletin soon! - Marianne Dilsner, Pastoral Associate St. James School Council Page 13 Year of Sacraments Mark Your Calendars! Page 14 CATHOLIC FORMATION Young Adult Mass & BBQ 4:30- 5:45pm St. James Young Adult Ministry—Kick-off Barbeque took place on Sunday, June 29th! Are you a Young Adult looking to get involved in your Church and Community? Find out more on facebook @ facebook.com/STJAMESYAM CATHOLIC FORMATION—Upcoming Training Events Page 15 Archdiocese of Chicago—Vicariate I—DEF Eucharistic Minister Workshops 2014 Fall Basic Training and Formation for New Ministers of Care These free workshops will offer the education and training to become a mandated Eucharistic Minister (EM) Questions? Contact Mary Pietro at: [email protected] This program is designed for persons to be commisThis workshop preparation session will focus on: sioned and mandated as Ministers of Care who will visit and/or take the Eucharist to residents of nursing homes, ♦ The Ministry of Eucharist—Our Baptismal call to Ministry the hospitalized, and the homebound. (Registration at ♦ A Theology of Eucharist as Celebrated in the Roman Catholic Tradition each of the six sessions listed below is required.) ♦ Rooted in Scripture and the early Church, through the St. Edna Church (Doherty Center) 2525 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 60004 SATURDAYS, SEPTEMBER 6 and 13 Gathering 8:30am Presentations 9:00am-3:00pm Saturday, September 6 9:00am—10:45am Spirituality of the Ministry Speaker: Marlene Sweeney (Break—15 min.) 11:00am-12:30pm Prayer in Care Ministry Speaker: Greta Rusk (Lunch 30 min.) 1:00pm-2:30pm Theology of the Eucharist Speaker: Fr. Michael Ahlstrom Saturday, September 13 9:00am– 10:45am Pastoral Communication Skills Speaker: Amy Florian (Break—15 min.) 11:00am-12:30pm Ministerial Procedures Speaker: Ron Frost (Lunch 30 min.) 1:00pm-2:30pm The Experience of Suffering Speaker: Sr. Jane Schlosser 2:30pm Closing Ceremony Please bring your own brown bag lunch each Saturday. Coffee and water will be provided. ♦ ♦ ♦ Second Vatican Council Historical aspects of our celebration of Eucharist in practice and devotion Review of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and how our ministry as EMs “fits” Questions and Answers Lector Workshops Attend a workshop and sign up to be a lector at your Church. Questions? Contact Mary Pietro at [email protected] This training will provide the skills and self-confidence needed for those who wish to become lectors in their own parish or for newer lectors who would like a “refresher course.” To register for Lector or Eucharistic Minister, please contact the Parish Contact below: August 23, 2014 At St. Cecilia Church—700 S. Meier Rd. Mt. Prospect 9am-12:00Noon Registration and Hospitality at 8:30am CONTACT: Mary Catherine Meek—847-437-6208 x120 or [email protected] EM Workshop—Bernardin Room Trainer: Sandy Book Lector Workshop—Church Trainer: Denise Thompson September 13, 2014 At St. Mary of Vernon Church—236 U.S. 45, Indian Creek, IL 9am-12:00Noon Registration and Hospitality at 8:30am CONTACT: Sue Matousek 847-223-0010 [email protected] EM Workshop: Trainer: Fr. Ron Gollatz Lector Workshop: Trainer: Denise Thompson Please call Deacon Tom Westerkamp at: 847-253-3090 for details or if questions. October 11, 2014 At St. Theresa Church—455 N. Benton, Palatine, IL 9:00am-12:00Noon Registration and Hospitality at 8:30am CONTACT: Marie Paul 847-358-7760 x 119 or [email protected] EM Workshop—Chapel Trainer: Fr. Ron Gollatz Lector Workshop—Church Trainer: Deacon Allen Tatara Ministry Steering Committee: Deacon Larry Smith, Mary Hoffing, Deacon Michael Filipucci, Patsy Rhinehart, Deacon Tom Westerkamp, Kathy O’Neill EM Workshops—A follow-up workshop will take place in your own parish that will include a practicum on the particular practices for distribution of the Eucharist. This training meets the Archdiocesan requirements for mandation and remandation. Pre-Registration is required. Page 16 Community Groups and Events Respite Care—Gero Solutions Gero Solutions has trained volunteers who are available to provide up to 3 hours of respite care per week for family members caring for an older adult in their home. This free service is available by calling the Gero Solutions Office at 847-705-2123. Lunches by Catholic Charities Luncheons are served daily for seniors 60 and older at Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W. Central. Suggested donation of $4.00 on a reservation basis. Call 847797-5354 for reservations. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) - meets in the old St. James School Basement , 821 N. Arlington Heights Rd. (east side of Arlington Hts. Rd.) every Monday and Wednesday evening. (Monday is a Men’s Meeting.) Both the Monday and Wednesday meetings start at 8:30pm. Enter through Door A5. AA is a self-help group for people with a drinking problem. Cancer Research Network The American Cancer Society has Cancer Information Specialists available 24 hours a day, seven days a week - call 1-800-2272345. These specialists can provide: Information about your cancer, tools to help with Mended Hearts - a national non-profit support group for cardiac patients and fami- your treatment, help finding lodging and lies meets monthly at Northwest Communi- transportation, help with financial and insurance questions, answer ty Hospital on the first Monday. Call Jack Hanahan at 847-398-0791 for the schedule, prescription questions, provide clinical trials matching service, assist in finding support information and support. groups, identify online community for cancer patients and their families, and offer Senior Health Insurance Program cancer education classes. Information is Volunteers trained by the Illinois Department of Insurance offer a free coun- available on the Internet at www.cancer.org seling service to help you compare alterna- You may also call Ron Marwitz, the ACS tive Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Medi- parish contact, at 847-870-1862. care Drug, HMO or Long Term Care InsurFor Post-Abortion Counseling Help: ance Plans and to assist in processing billing or appealing denied claims for these Project Rachel - Catholic Charities: 312-337-1962 plans. http://www.hopeafterabortion.com Call 847-253-5532 for an appointment. Community Resources Alcoholics Anon. 312-346-1475 Alanon/Alateen 847-358-0338 Narcotics Anon. 708-848-4884 Families Anon. 847-795-8320 A self-help program for family and friends of those with substance abuse and/or behavioral problems. Meets regularly at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Arl. Hts. Office for Protection of Children and Youth www.archchicago.org 312-534-5254 NAMI—National Alliance on Mental Illness—Family support group, meets at 7:00pm, the third Wednesday of the month at Alexian Brothers Center for Mental Health, 3436 N. Kennicott, Arl. Hts. 847-899-0195 Stepping Stones Stepping Stones is a St. James ministry dedicated to increasing parish awareness and understanding of the problem of domestic violence and to serving victims and survivors of emotional, financial, physical or sexual abuse by a spouse or intimate partner. For information and referrals by compassionate, trained responders always confidential - call 224-345-7200 x 8535, or email: [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul - is an emergency source for food and short-term financial help for parishioners and those living within the parish boundaries. Please call 224-345-7200, ext. 8517. Requests will be handled with care and confidentiality. Escorted Transportation Escorted Transportation Services Northwest (ETS/NW) - is a service available for older adults in our community who are in need of rides to medical or dental appointments. It is a non-denominational outreach service to seniors. If you are in need of such assistance, please call Kelly at 847-222-9227. To volunteer to drive and LOSS - Loving Outreach to Survivors of be a part of this outreach team call Kelly at Suicide is a free, non-denominational program 847-222-9227. offered by Catholic Charities that offers supAnnulment Support Ministry Richard Nagengast 847-732-0970 port to individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. Please contact 312655-7283 or the website, at: www.catholiccharities.net/loss SHARE Job & Networking Ministry Are you in transition or looking for a better job? At each meeting, we have a speaker on various topics, followed by networking. Wednesdays 7- 9pm (Hurley Center) St. Edna’s Parish 2525 N. Arlington Hts. Rd. Wednesday, July 16th 7:00pm Hurley Center Jim Austgen—”25 Reasons You’ll Be Rejected for a Position and Never Told” (Jim is a seasoned internationsl HR professional, who is retired Corporate VP and Director of Human Relations at Motorola. In addition, Jim was the Senior VP of HR for Underwriter Laboratories and currently coaches and teaches at Career Place in Barrington. For information about upcoming meeting dates, please contact: Tom Mannard, [email protected] or leave a message at 847-398-3362. The Interfaith Committee for Detained Immigrants (ICDI) presents… An Afternoon at Sanfilippo August 2, 2014 from 1-5pm *Tour the Sanfilippo mansion *Enjoy an organ concert on the world’s largest restored pipe organ, by R. Jelani Eddington * Learn about the ministries of the Interfaith Committee for Detained Immigrants *Ice Cream Social, Raffle prizes Visit www.icdichicago.org or call: 773-779-6011 ext. 3846 to purchase tickets for this event. Combined Parishes St. Cecilia—St. Edna—St. Emily—St. James—Our Lady of the Wayside—St. Raymond—St. Theresa BIG BAND DANCES Featuring the Bobby Sanders 16-Piece Orchestra Recreating the sounds of Glenn Miller, Les Brown, Tommy Dorsey, Count Basie, and many others. VOCALS by Carol Kagy. METROPOLIS BALLROOM 6 South Vail, Arlington Hts., IL Sunday, July 20, 2014 Dancing—7:00pm—10:00pm Information: (847) 392-0918 Admission: $15.00 Page 17 Weekly Intentions In Loving Memory Please pray for our sick... Marlene Pfeifer, Ellie Grant James O’Brien…. husband of Mary Ann; father of Stephen (Kathy) O’Brien, Gerry (Lori) O’Brien, and Katherine O’Brien; step-father of Holly (Craig) Wood, and Jim (Amy) Hempleman; grandfather of Charlotte O’Brien, Jack Hempleman, Kate Wood, Caroline Hempleman, and Kendall Wood Harry Stevens… husband of Joan; father of John (Patricia) and Anne (Mark) Noffert; grandfather of 11 and great-grandfather of 2. Baptisms Madison O’Connor Schager...daughter of James & Jane (Salajka) Schager Zachary Nicholas Zapata...son of Rick & Erin (O’Nail) Zapata Wedding Banns July 18, 2014 Daniel Worst & Kristen Skoskiewicz July 26, 2014 Thomas Fioritto & Jacqueline Thornton Daniel Caceres & Crystal Sava August 2, 2014 Joseph Brundage & Jillian Valentino Michael Clarke & Allison Brinati Congratulations! Theodore & Anne Peloquin 50th Wedding Anniversary July 18, 2014 Rose for Life This week’s Rose for Life is donated by Randy, Julie, and Allison Baker in loving memory of Amanda on her 30th birthday. Remembrances Saturday Evening/Sunday Morning, July 13 Frank & Victoria Bosco Monday, July 14 Michael J. Mahoney (1st Anniv.), Joanne Pinski, Alexander Wrobel Tuesday, July 15 Lawrence Lehnis, Dana Mangi, Winifred McCall Wednesday, July 16 Richard & Catherine Lyons Thursday, July 17 Lucille Doyle, Lenore Rettig, Patricia Doyle, Linda Long, Catherine Sabay, Sam Varchetto, Meggan McDermott, Kathryn R. McCarthy Friday, July 18 Michael Vinicenzo, Jeffrey Helminski Saturday, July 19 Cornelius Vanderwiel, Brian Lazarz (1st Anniv.), Marge Boos, Joann Calzaretta, Louise Skelly, Gary Wienckowski Saturday Evening/Sunday Morning, July 20 Dana Mangi, Pearl Bleers, James Phillips O’Brien, Jane R. Downing Page 18 Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend of July 20, 2014 Presiders Saturday evening: 5:00 pm Fr. Joji Thanugundla Sunday: 7:00 am Fr. Matt Foley 8:30 am Fr. Matt Foley 10:00 am Fr. Gilbert Mashurano 11:45 am Fr. Gilbert Mashurano 5:00 pm Fr. Joji Thanugundla Altar Servers Saturday evening: 5:00 pm A. & G. Zimmerman, C.McMahon Sunday: 7:00 am A.Hahn, I. Hahn, L. Hahn 8:30 am A. & N. DiMarco, V. Carso 10:00 am C. & T. Reiss, T. Haisman 11:45 am M.Leno, M.Smith, C.Durkin 5:00 pm N.Gallant, T.Woolsey, W.Waltz Lectors Saturday evening: 5:00 pm J.Grib, B.Charland Sunday: 7:00 am C.Stenzel, D.Hacek 8:30 am R.Rapala, E.O Martin 10:00 am J.McDermott, M.Belter 11:45 am K.Sowa, K.Ponce 5:00 pm B.Mangi, P.Farrell Scripture Readings Eucharistic Ministers (A Team) Saturday evening: Church 5:00 pm G.Sherva, M.Dolan, E.Duque, E.Jarosz, L.Madden, M.Nugent, C.Stansbury, S.Szott, T.Szott Coordinators: D.Duque, T.Gallagher Sunday: Church 7:00 am J.Van Eck, C.Jensen, D.O’Grady, K.O’Grady, T.Panzica, Coordinator: M. Walsh, Jr. 8:30 am C.Burke, J.Burke, E.Crittenden, MJ.Jarosz, L.Poelking, K.Rayburn, I.Roller, T.Talbot, E.Turney E. Martin, D.Turney Coordinator: T.Stengren Sunday: Parish Center 10:00 am K.Imhoff, K.Kelly, S.Lindemann, J.Lippert, P.Lippert, T.McDonnell, B.Nielsen, B.Nielsen, M.Purtell, S.Reiss, D.Vlazny, B.Young, S.Moeykens, M.Young, J.Anderson (choir) M.Massa, R.Becker, V.Curtis, S.Gaske, S.Hussey, J.Lippert, J.McDermott, R.McDermott, M.Rutkowski Coordinators: D.Adam, T.Adam 11:45 am L.Behls, M.Byrne, B.Gedmin, S.Sharer, A.VandenAvont, C.Van Den Avont, S.Van Den Avont, M. Van Den Avont Coordinators: M.Brock Sunday: Church 5:00 pm C.Christophe, P.Farrell, G.Farrell, J.Sykes, P.Reilly, G.Hamilton, C.Starr Coordinator: P.Farrell READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 13, 2014 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30] How Are We Praying? Your Liturgy Board is interested in hearing about your experience of prayer and worship at St. James. We welcome your evaluation of Mass in the Church and Parish Center and your ideas about things we are doing well or ways we can improve our experience of praying together. E-mail us at: [email protected] Parish Life Manna Page 19 Orthodontics for Children & Adults Bryan P. Nakfoor, D.D.S., M.S. 102 S. Dunton Ave. • Arlington Heights (847) 392-0330 EROS RESTAURANT Since 1983 Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Dine In or Carry Out 818 Kensington Rd., A.H. 847-255-3171 M-Sat 6 am-11 pm “MR. FIX-IT” Call Today for a free, no obligation consultation Electrical * Carpentry * Doors Phone * Miscellaneous Maintenance If you don’t see it listed, ASK! Frank Zavaski (847) 690-9825 Phone: (847) 767-7737 • Housekeeping & Laundry • Errands • Companionship • Medication Reminders • Meal Preparation • Dressing Assistance • Bathing Assistance • Personal Care 36150 N. Green Bay Rd. Sun 7 am-10 pm Waukegan, IL 60087 A Division of FZ Sales & Services CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. SINCE 1980 4 GENERATIONS OF PLUMBERS Repairs & Remodeling Water Heaters - Disposals Sump Pumps Rodding 847-253-9181 TOM RYAN KEVIN RYAN IL Lic. # PL16019 Lic. # 055-012918 ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! Jonathan N. Sherwell MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT ATTORNEY AT LAW And Part D Rx Plan Help The free info will save you money. SUBURBAN BILL BRUCKS Tom Dressman, CLU, ChFC Call 847-991-8040 x142 Ask about Dental-Vision-Hearing Plans 847-385-3002 Do You Want To Know What Your Home’s Worth? Call Bill. St. James Parishioner Associates for Oral, Maxillofacial and Implant Surgery, Ltd. • Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Skilled, Sensitive Representation in Divorce & Other Family Law Matters • Dennis J. Spinazze, D.D.S. (847) 818-9904 • Russell P. Spinazze, D.D.S. The Law Offices of Jonathan N. Sherwell • Michael J. Zak, D.D.S. 773 736-3300 • Mark A. Spinazze, D.D.S. 1-847-259-0200 10 North Ridge Avenue - Mt. Prospect 847 255-7080 112 North Oak Avenue - Bartlett A Professional Corporation The One North Arlington Building 1500 W. Shure Dr., Suite 245 Arlington Heights, IL 60004 www.sherwellfamilylaw.com 4935-37 West Irving Park Road - Chicago 630 589-5002 800 Biesterfield Road - Elk Grove 847 593-0535 www.oralsurgeryIL.com • Sewer Rodding • Water Heaters • Boilers • Sump Pumps • 24/7 Service License #055-042911 www.qualityplumbingchicago.com WANTED WWII VETS! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 360600 St James Church (D) A day to remember, because we will never forget. Help us sign up our Chicagoland WWII veterans for an unforgettable day of honor in Washington, D.C. — at no charge to the veteran Contact us now for a Veteran Application. 773.227.VETS (8387) • www.honorflightchicago.org www.jspaluch.com ABLE TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding, Storm Protection, Certified Arborist 847-298-4657 TOM REZEK JOHN’S ROOFING, INC. 847-297-9984 Roofing • Gutters • Siding Insured Free Estimates For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 PARK CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CLINIC Jesus A to Z SPECIALIZED AUTO ACCIDENT INJURY • Diploma & Certificate Framing • Photos, Prints & Oils PHYSICAL THERAPY / ACUPUNCTURE / MASSAGE 10% OFF • Needlework & Mirrors YOUR CUSTOM FRAMING ORDER • Sports Memorabilia Jeanne Peters 847-952-0455 Parishioner 61 W. Golf Road, A.H. OPEN DAILY Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS 847-253-7600 MENTION THIS AD FOR A colorful Catholic ABC www.chiropractor2wellness.com 321 W. Prospect Ave., Mt. Prospect book for kids and Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. families! Includes a glossary of questions For further information, please call the Parish Office. $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com • Communions • Confirmations • Baptisms • Graduations • Catering • Specialties on Private Parties Member SIPC Thin Crust Pizza Delivery & Carry Out Stocks • Bonds • Mutual Funds 16 S. Evergreen Arl. Hgts 847-255-9049 401K Rollovers • IRA’s • CD’s 529 Plans • Long Term Care 10% OF PURCHASE PRICE DONATED TO CHURCH Craig Schuessler FOR ANY CASH & CARRY PURCHASE WITH BULLETIN Financial Advisor KNUPPER NURSERY & LANDSCAPE 1801 North Rand Road, Palatine 847-359-1080 • www.KnupperNursery.com Nicole Kosciuk, O.D. NEIGHBORHOOD EXPERIENCE CLEANING LADY 847-392-6870 1500 North Arlington Hts. Rd. Arlington Heights Ann Metzger Serving the Northwest WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR HOUSE Suburbs Since 1984 LIKE HER OWN! Parishioner CALL JOANNA [email protected] FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! 847-650-0531 847-242-8402 HOME \’hom\ noun. One’s place of residence (Miriam-Webster) Breakfast & Lunch Complete Breakfast Menu Variety of Salads & Sandwiches Open Daily 6:30am to 4pm 847-398-8900 306 E. Rand Road, Arlington Heights Fancy Continental Tortes and Pastries Sweet Table Breads 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE W/AD Open 7 Days www.honeyberry-cafe.com 101 S. Main 847-870-9500 The place one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household (Oxford Dictionaries) A safe haven for laughter, tears, giggles, birthday celebrations, dancing, smiles, holidays, hopes, dreams, love and family. (The Schwabe Group) Whatever you call HOME, we are here to help. We’ll find the house, you supply the giggles. DAVID 847-222-6824 SCHWABE Northwest Suburban Physicians Serving the local community • Certified Nursing Assistant • Caregivers & Companions • Short & Long Term Care • Live-in & Hourly Care • Personal Care & Assistance • Licensed-Bonded-Insured 880 Lee St., Ste. 210 • Des Plaines 847-824-5221 [email protected] 360600 St James Church (C) NATALIE PAWLOWICZ, PA-C THOMAS E. BLEASDALE, M.D. MARVIN S. PEIKEN, M.D., FACP DONALD L. CYBORSKI, M.D. GHANSHYAM M. SHAH, M.D. JONGHO HAM, M.D. HETAL SHAH, M.D. ANDREW S. KROCK, M.D., FACP STEPHEN F. MARSHALL, M.D. CATHERINE M. WOOD, M.D. 5999 NEW WILKE ROAD • BLDG. 2 • SUITE 200 ROLLING MEADOWS, IL 60008 TEL: (847) 253-0988 • FAX: (847) 253-4756 SANDRA H. GARRETSON, M.D., CMD LEO KANEV M.D. THEODORE M. HOMA M.D., CMD • STEVEN S. KIM, M.D. 800 W. OAKTON STREET, ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60004 TEL: (847) 222-9901 • FAX: (847) 754-3624 www.nwsphysicians.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 ARMAND’S BEAUTY SALON 1010 S. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ROAD JUST SOUTH OF CENTRAL RD. 847-392-8220 Mary Cay Chisholm Au.D., CCC-A, Director SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1968 Busse Center for Specialty Medicinie on Northwest Community Hospital Campus A Family Owned & Operated Business Since 1979 880 West Central Road, Suite 4300 Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005 Phone (847) 392-2250 O S M O N D S O N • Roof Removals Replacement R O O F I N G C O . •• Wood Chimney Caps, “THE RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS” Quality You Can Hear! Supporting local residents & parishioners Since 1977 Flashings • Chimney Rebuilding Professional Video Services Promotional, Testimonials, Live Events Interior Painting, Decorating & Drywall Repair • 10 YEAR Labor Guarantee 847-255-8696 • Licensed • Bonded • Insured STUDIO DENARO KELLY PAINTING • Chimney Tuckpointing Greg Kelly, Parishioner • Call Andrew for Special Bulletin Pricing 928-600-7010 www.studiodenaro.com 847-392-5929 FRED BIASIELLO, D.D.S. General Dentistry 847-367-5252 514 S. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS LENNOX • CARRIER 847-253-0866 www.ibbotsonheating.com TIM BUSHNELL,BUSHNELL, INC. LAUTERBURG & OEHLER FUNERAL HOME General Manager Parish Member Plastic Corrosion Resistant Materials For Industrial Applications Office (847) 297-4510 1900 Hollister Dr., Suite 150, Libertyville St. James & St. Viator Grad. 2000 East Northwest Hwy. • Arlington Heights Newly remodeled, all facilities are on one floor Jim Murray, Mgr., and Cari Yopchick, Parishioners Fax (847) 297-8617 2110 Oxford Road Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-253-5423 lauterburgoehler.com NOT JUST A HOUSE…YOUR NEXT HOME! Barbara Wolanska Insurance Agent 259 East Rand Road, Suite 100 Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 [email protected] RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 䡲 David Jaffe-Realtor ABR, SRES, CDPE 䡲 (847) 275-5528 P: (847) 749-3802 • F: (847) 749-3961 Shop Well Eat Well Live Well 802 E. Northwest Hwy. Arlington Heights E-Mail: [email protected] ~St. James Parishioner~ 14 Years Professional Experience 847.253.5439 Awarded 5-Star Professional-Chicago Magazine 2011 & 2012 MarianosFreshMarket.com Auto • Home • Business • Life • Commercial FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL • CREMATION SERVICES William Habericher • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Habericher, Directors Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 www.arlingtonrental.com 䡲 Experienced 䡲 Knowledgeable 䡲 Committed to Excellence MICHAEL PAUL PLUMBING Service • Remodeling Sewer Rodding • New Construction Parishioner and Veteran Discount Free Estimates Lic. # 058-186461 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows 847-253-0224 Cell 847-710-9333 A HOMECARE SERVICE LLC Providing Superior Home Care • CNA • Companionship • Medication Reminder • Personal Care • Meal Preparation • Housekeeping BREAKFAST • LUNCH 847-800-7000 or 847-877-4949 Open Daily 6am-3pm KATHLEEN E. RODRIGUEZ James C. Perkins Attorney at Law 2905 Algonquin Rd., R.M. 847-577-5552 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE W/AD • Real Estate • Wills & Trusts Parish Member 847-942-4395 [email protected] WWW.EGGLECTICCAFE.COM 360600 St James Church (B) CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION (847) 392-5675 [email protected] www.jspaluch.com $25 OFF on Service Call Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine • Not valid with any other offers. $100 OFF a New Furnace or Air Conditioner 500 E. Northwest Hwy., Palatine Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine Not valid with any other offers. 847-359-4500 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 COMPETENT CAREGIVERS • • • • • • • Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair Towing & Recovery $10 OFF ANY REPAIR OVER $50 Registered Nurse & LPNs Certified Nursing Assistant Highly Trained Caregivers & Companions Live-Ins & Hourly Care Personal Care & Assistant Nurse Conducts Monthly Visit Licensed/Insured/Bonded Mention ‘Jesus’ & Receive Parish Discount www.competenthhc.com 847-804-3207 (with coupon) 445 S. Arlington Heights Rd., A. H. Quality Work With Integrity Since 1960 (847) 394-2666 J.R. Auto Collision (847) 670-8881 ROOFING - SIDING GUTTER - HAIL DAMAGE 543 S. Arthur Ave., A.H. 847-702-7524 LICENSED & INSURED General Dentistry 217 S. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RD. 847-392-3344 August J. Durso, Jr. DDS DICK’S TILE SERVICE Cerec Crown • Whitening NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Heated Floors • Tile Repairs 847-635-0117 • Cultured Marble • Porcelain • Natural Stone • Granite Tops 1661 Feehanville Dr. Mt. Pros. • Custom Shower Doors Brian Schulz 847-228-0224 www.drdursoandassoc.com Grandt’s Auto Repair and Full Service Shell Station Pick up your FREE Lube and Oil Punch Card! • Tires & Brakes • Tune-Ups & Major Engine Work • Domestic & Foreign Repair • Air Conditioning Service 406 EAST NORTHWEST HWY., ARLINGTON HTS. See Google for More Coupons 847-392-4141 S MART R OOFING www.smartroofers.com SHINGLES WOOD SHAKES FLAT ROOFING GUTTERS CALL US TODAY! 847.797.0404 IL License #104-009220 OVERHEAD DOOR SOLUTIONS, INC. THE MOORINGS Sales & Service of Garage Doors & Controls Broken Springs & Cables OF Residential & Commercial • Exterior & Interior 331 West Northwest Hwy Suite 204 Palatine www.certapro.com 847-963-1820 (847) 359-3667 COUPON Welter Plumbing Inc. New Work • Remodeling • Repairs All Types of Sewer Rodding 8420 Lehigh, M.G. 965-1883 Parish Member Lic. #055-008817 At All About Kids Dentistry, we are well trained to address the specialized dental needs of children and set out to achieve a positive experience with each appointment. We understand every child is unique and know how to place a strong emphasis on prevention and education in a fun and entertaining manner. We especially welcome infants, teens and all children with special needs www.allaboutkidsdentistry.com www.drozdroofing.com 847.870.0475 Inc. HOME IMPROVEMENT & REMODELING Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Basements Interior & Exterior Renovations Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 847-202-9496 Cell: 847-417-1278 847-338-2642 1845 East Rand Rd. Suite 203, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 [email protected] Arlington Heights See the difference a specialist makes! SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! NO JOB TOO SMALL Photography for Children, Adults, and Pets INSURANCE 847-845-9694 YO U R S H I E L D F O R L I F E [email protected] WILLIAM S. HOIJER, D.D.S. GENERAL DENTISTRY Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Retirement Disability • Wealth & Estate Preservation EDWARD WENDLING, FIC (847) 305-4515 1430 N. Arlington Hts. Rd. [email protected] 2045 S. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ROAD, SUITE 115 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 Arlington Hts., Ste. 107 Mon-Sat & Evening Hours 847-818-1188 K.P. GARAGE DOORS When it comes to flooring...nobody does it better™ Carpet • Wood • Vinyl • Ceramic Tile • Laminate $100 Off Purchase w/This Ad ($1,000 Minimum) 520 W. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Hts. 00 847-870-0227 • New Garage Doors & Openers • Spring Repairs • New Installations & Repairs 24 Hour Service 847-255-2287 ASK FOR PARISH DISCOUNT! SENIOR ERRANDS DR. MICHELLE KUKLA COMPLETE MAINTENANCE SERVICE LAWN AERATION • SOD • TRIMMING SPRAYING OF WOODS / PLANTING Vincenzo Bondi, Parishioner 847-797-8361 360600 St James Church (A) Veteran Senior Residences Assisted Living Nursing Care Rehabilitation 847-956-4304 www.RetireNothing.org Knights of Columbus L & L PHOTOGRAPHY 800 W. Central Rd. Mount Prospect, IL 60056 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS HELPING BABY BOOMERS CARE FOR THEIR PARENTS 847-338-4771 Transportation • Companionship Shopping & More Psychologist in Palatine Child & Adult Specialist Instilling Resiliency Parish Member 847.701.4452 www.drmichellekukla.com www.jspaluch.com Heating and Air Conditioning Service and Installations Mention St. James Church and receive 10% off of your Dr.Yaroslav Yarmolyuk first clean and check Phone or email for service: 847-818-4300 [email protected] 3733 N. Ventura Drive, Arlington Heights www.atomatic.com Part Roomy We r Cate OF ARLINGTON RESTAURANT & LOUNGE BREAKFAST SAT/SUN 11AM-2PM Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm • Fri-Sat 11am-10pm DAILY SPECIALS ORTHODONTIST 847-749-4340 COMPLIMENTARY Consultations! 1020 S.Arlington Hts. Rd. Arlington Hts. orthodonticexprts.com M A Gic 847-577-1800 www.samsofarlington.com 1863 W. Central Rd., Arl. Hts. (In Arlington Senior Ctr. Shopping Center) 708 415 0590 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Page 20 Welcome to St. James! St. James Parish 820 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 224-345-7200 St. James Parish Website: www.stjamesah.org St. James Parish Council Contact: Lynne Luehrs 847-346-5563 Parish Pastoral Council E-Mail Address: [email protected] Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 5:00pm Parish Center Sunday Morning 7am & 8:30am Church Sunday Morning 10am & 11:45am Parish Center Sunday Evening 5:00pm Church Weekday Masses (Church) 831 N. Arlington Heights Road Monday – Friday. . . . . . . . . . . 7:30am Mass Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8:30am Mass Holy Day Liturgy Please refer to publicized special schedules for Holy Days, Sacramental Celebrations St. James Pastoral Staff Marianne Dilsner, Pastoral Associate 224-345-7203 - [email protected] Scott Arkenberg, Director of Music 224-345-7204 [email protected] Debbie Bolash, Business Manager 224-345-7212 - [email protected] Carrie Conley, Co-Director—Religious Education 224-345-7217 [email protected] Liz Czajkowski, Office Manager 224-345-7205 [email protected] Patricia Farrell, Director of Spiritual Formation, St. James School 224-345-7149 [email protected] Sr. Faustina Ferko, Director of Youth Ministry 224-345-7214 [email protected] Rebecca Linscott, Co-Director—Religious Education 224-345-7216 [email protected] JoAnne Mullen-Muhr, Director of Faith Formation 224-345-7215 [email protected] Baptism Parishioners must notify the Parish Office of preferred Baptismal date at least one month in advance. Judy Pappas, Principal 224-345-7145 [email protected] Marriages Congratulations on your engagement! We warmly welcome you to contact the Parish Office and arrange to meet with one of our priests, who will explain the process of preparing for Christian Marriage and assist you in selecting a date for your wedding liturgy. Judy Tomasiewicz, Bulletin/Liturgy 224-345-7206 - [email protected] Reconciliation Saturdays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:30—4:30pm In the Chapel—820 N. Arlington Hts. Road, or you may call for an appointment anytime at 224-345-7200. Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00am—8:00pm Saturdays 9:00am—1:00pm Sundays 9:00am—1:00pm Parish E-mail Address [email protected] Parish Fax Number 224-345-7220 St. James School St. James School Telephone Number 224-345-7145 St. James School Fax Number 224-345-7140 Priests Rev. Matthew Foley, Pastor 224-345-7222 –[email protected] Rev. Joji Thanugundla, Associate Pastor 224-345-7201 - [email protected] Rev. Gilbert Mashurano, Associate Pastor 224-345-7202 - [email protected] Rev. Bill Zavaski, Pastor Emeritus Permanent Deacons James Bannon (Laura) 847-577-6328 Matthew Hahn (Zuly) 847-222-1944 Paul Schmidt (Paulette) 847-253-3656 Pierce Sheehan (Midge) 847-259-1743 Tom Westerkamp (Diane) 847-253-3090 William Reinert (Joan) - Retired