Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger
Murrells Inlet Messenger The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach JUNE VOL. 4 NO. 5 WWW.MURRELLSINLETMESSENGER.COM Council seeks to restore employee pay By Jackie Broach Georgetown County PIO When Georgetown County’s proposed 2014 budget went before County Council for second reading consideration on May 28, it included a 5 percent pay increase for all employees. The budget still has to undergo a public hearing on June 11 and third reading on June 25 before it is finalized. If given final approval, the move would not only restore the 3 percent employees lost in 2009 — an act that allowed the county to avoid layoffs during a difficult financial period — it would also begin the process of bringing salaries back in line with where they would have been before the cuts and a freeze in yearly cost of living raises that went in place the same year. A 14.52 percent increase would be required to bring salaries up to the level they would be at had salaries not been cut and the freeze not put in place. Like other residents throughout the county, county employees have experienced rising costs for food, fuel and other items, but their salaries have not increased to help them absorb those changes in costs, said County Administrator Sel Hemingway. Council gave the directive to move forward with a draft budget that includes the 5 percent increase during a budget workshop on May 23. That was one of several options presented, and means a millage increase will also be part of the proposed budget for the first time in seven years. The decision was not one council members Continued on page 10 Extra! Extra! Murrells Inlet • Garden City Send us your news Call us about ads Call Tim: 843-344-3197 E-mail: [email protected] FREE ‘Fore I Forget book is a celebration of life By Tim Callahan Editor/Publisher Irma Bellamy Hucks Dessertine’s niece called her to say she had read her book. “I laughed a bit,” the niece said. “I cried…and then I got hungry. Can I come over tomorrow?” “That about sums up our family,” Irma said, laughing with her daughter, Myra. Irma’s book she wrote is ‘Fore I Forget, and the 88-year-old calls it “a celebration of life.” It is also a means to “tell it for the ones who didn’t hear the stories.” The family sitting around the table or on the porch and telling stories has given way to television, computers and smart phones, Irma said. Her book is one way to preserve the stories and another way for the younger generation to learn them. She says several of the teenagers in the family are actually reading the book. “One read it in one sitting,” Irma said. “That pleased me.” She sold out her first printing of 200 and had to have another 100 printed up, she said. She used a (Irma Bellamy Hucks Dessertine) printing firm in Florida that she feels did a good job. (The cover is beautiful, a picture of the cross at Belin on top and the marsh on the bottom.) It is a story of growing up in Conway, Murrells Inlet and Pawleys Island, farming, tobacco warehouses, working, faith, marriage, the Great Continued on page 11 (The crossing of the government pier and Sing’s Place dock) MI History Project: before the Marshwalk By Steve Strickland Murrells Inlet History Project Before there was a Marshwalk and the string of marinas and docks that line the center of Murrells Inlet, only a couple places had access to the main channel in this section of the inlet. The channels that come into Divine Fish House, Drunken Jacks, and Crazy Sister Marina were all part of the tidal marsh that flooded at high tide and went dry at low tide. Access to the creek in the 1930’s was limited to the points where the main channel and Parsonage Creek (that comes in behind Belin Church) had long docks that extended out to the open water. Sing’s Place (owned by Alex Sing Sr.) had a long dock that stretched from the hill just south of Dead Dog Saloon to the south into Parsonage Creek, just in front of where the New Inlet Princess is docked. Small fishing boats could be rented here, people could fish off of the dock, or you could charter a wood boat to take you offshore (which was the blackfish bottoms about 5 to 15 miles out of Murrells Inlet). Captain Charlie Strickland ran the “Miss Olive” from Sing’s Place during the 1930’s, a 25-foot wood boat with a one cylinder Palmer marine engine, capable of 4 to 5 knots. He fished the local waters from Myrtle Beach to Pawley’s Island using wood spool hand lines to catch black sea bass, grunts, porgies and “Sailors choice.” Several other charter boats ran from here, Albert Jordan’s docks at Jordan’s Landing, or from Luther Smith’s docks. Capt. William Oliver also had a small dock just south of Belin Church that he used to take guests from Oliver’s Lodge fishing. Herbert Niemeyer’s dock was just north of Sing’s place (near Divine Fish House) and ran from the hill out to the main channel. The Niemeyer dock was put into service for the US Army in 1941 after Pearl Harbor, when they Continued on page 11 2/Murrells Inlet Messenger/June 2013 Guest column: conspicuous Cardinals By Linda Clos Backyard Birds Murrells Inlet Wearing bright red makes anyone stand out in a crowd and cardinals are no exception, which begs the question: How do cardinals survive predation? Also, fewer than 40 percent of cardinal nests fledge at least one young cardinal. How do cardinals prosper at all? Jason Martin, of NestWatch, explains that the answer may be that they have a long breeding season. Cardinals do not migrate and can begin building nests as early as late February and can continue nesting into late August or September, giving them plenty of opportunity to raise one or two broods of young per year. Not enduring the stress of migration also contributes to a high survival rate. The oldest recorded cardinals lived to be at least 15 ½ years old, a long life compared to most songbirds. Another helpful trait contributing to their survival is that cardinals are habitat generalists. That means they can nest in open woodlands, dry shrubby areas, tangles, suburbs, city backyards and even deserts! They will nest up to 15 feet high in a tree, but when they nest in tangles, they have better camouflage and therefore more protection from predators. When nesting season arrives, Mr. Cardinal brings nesting material to the Mrs., who does most of the building, using her big beak to crush twigs until they are pliable, then bends them around her body to make a nest cup that fits her. The nest is usually wedged into a small fork of branches for support. It will take her three to nine days to build the nest. As for Mr. Cardinal’s bright colors, he’s advertising what a fine mate he will make. Brighter males have higher reproductive success. They also hold better territories and offer more parental care and protection. The intensity of a cardinal’s redness is related to what he’s been eating. All of this is very eye catching to a future Mrs. Cardinal. Because female birds respond to colorful males, the process called “sexual selection” takes place leading to extraordinarily beautiful male birds, such as the birds-of-paradise. Male cardinals flaunt their snazzy red color most of the year, but you may have seen cardinals missing their head feathers. This can be caused by a harmless feather parasite, but there is another reason for their horrible appearance. Cardinals grow fresh body feathers in late summer and early fall, after breeding season is over and food is abundant. Some cardinals will molt their head feathers all at once rendering the birds bald. Even after his head is covered in feathers again, a newly molted male cardinal isn’t at his brightest. Many of his feathers, especially on the neck and back are tipped with gray during fall and winter. These tips slowly wear off, revealing more and more brilliant red. Mr. Cardinal reaches the peak of his brilliant redness right when he is seeking a mate and wants to look his dandiest. Timing is everything! You can help NestWatch (affiliated with Cornell University) learn more about cardinals by June 2013/Murrells Inlet Messenger/3 Murrells Inlet Messenger The local newspaper for Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach Editor/Publisher: Tim Callahan [email protected] Contributor: Debbie Callahan Freelance designer: Nathan Kirk [email protected] Circulation: 4,000 copies available at stores in Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach, Litchfield and Pawleys Island. Next edition: July 10 P.O. Box 612 Murrells Inlet, S.C. 29576 843-344-3197 843-979-0982 No subscriptions at this time. The Murrells Inlet Messenger, LLC, is a monthly newspaper serving the communities of Murrells Inlet and Garden City Beach, S.C. monitoring a nest, if you are lucky enough to find one. Read more at Click on NestWatch. Murrells Inlet Messenger delivery locations Murrells Inlet Studio Cafe Lee’s Farmers Market BB & T Lowe’s Earthworks Christ Church China Chef NBSC Hampton Inn Owens Development Waccamaw Hospital Fox’s Pizza Jersey Mike’s Grand Strand Bikes The Pig Kobe Express The Markette Hot Fish Club Nance’s Donahue’s Barber Shop Inlet Convenience and Fish Supplies Lee’s Inlet Kitchen Belin UM Church Murrells Inlet 2020 Creek Ratz Bubba’s Drunken Jack’s Booty’s Flo’s Place Lee’s Inlet Apothecary MI Community Center Atlantic Eye Vision Center Anderson Law Firm Conway National Bank Palmetto Heritage Bank of America Brian’s Tire Jiffy Lube Merchant’s Tire SCBT Edward Jones Strand Spine Institute Seven Seas Seafood Market Garden City Dunes Realty Produce Store Causeway Bar Gigi’s Sam’s GCB Pier Ice cream store Caldwell Banker Garden City Realty California’s Pizza Dennis Smith, attorney Garden City Furniture Twelve Garden City Beach Café Firm Foundations ASAP Computers Laundromat Holiday Inn Surf Beverage Curve’s O’Keefe’s Coastal Dental Hudak Chiropractic Pawleys Island/Litchfield Get Carried Away Southern Takeout Pawley’s Island Mercantile Island Shoes Pawleys Island Wear Low Country Jewelers This is a partial list of delivery locations. For more locations, contact publisher Tim Callahan at 843-344-3197 or email at [email protected] Edward Jones: Help elderly loved ones avoid financial abuse It’s unfortunate, but true: The elderly population may be the most vulnerable group in our society. In fact, in an effort to call attention to the problems of physical, emotional and financial abuse of the elderly, the United Nations has designated June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. If you have older parents, or even grandparents, can you do anything to help prevent them from being victimized, especially with regard to their finances? Actually, there’s a lot you can do. First and foremost, you need to maintain good communications and a trusting relationship with your older family members. As long as these elements are present, you should feel free to make the following suggestions: • Increase awareness — When it comes to financial fraud and scams, many seniors think: “It can’t happen to me.” But the facts suggest otherwise: Some 20 percent of Americans over the age of 65 admit to having been victimized by financial swindles, according to a survey by the nonprofit Investor Protection Trust. Let your loved ones know that no one in their age group is immune to financial predators. • Guard private information — Ask your parents or grandparents to not divulge personal information over the phone. In fact, urge them to get caller ID, if they don’t have it already, and tell them that if they don’t recognize the number, don’t answer. Legitimate callers are more likely to leave messages than scammers. • Don’t send money. Exhort your parents or grandparents to never wire money to a random account — no exceptions. • Ignore “limited-time offers” — Your loved ones should ignore callers, mailers or emails that demand they act immediately. These offers are often overblown at best and may be fraudulent at worst. • Don’t trust “no risk” offers — Financial offers that sound too good to be true are likely just that — untrue. Legitimate investments carry both potential risks and rewards. • Avoid “debt-settlement” claims — If your older loved ones have debt problems, they may be especially susceptible to offers that claim to “clear up” all their debts. But there’s no quick fix to this problem and any caller who claims otherwise is likely being deceitful. Encourage your parents or grandparents to discuss their debt situation with an honest, professional debt counselor or a financial advisor. Here’s one more thing you can do to help your parents or grandparents avoid financial fraud: If they don’t already work with a trusted, qualified financial professional, introduce them to one. If your parents have a relationship with such a professional, they will be less likely to listen to any questionable, unsolicited offers than if they were trying to manage their finances on their own. You’re in a good position to know how much, or how little, help your elderly loved ones may need in terms of avoiding financial abuse. So be willing to do whatever it takes to help them enjoy their retirement years comfortably. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Brenda J. Varnum, 651-9473. Making sure you have adequate life insurance coverage is an ongoing process. When your priorities change, so do your insurance needs. An insurance review from Edward Jones can ensure that: • You have the appropriate amount and type of coverage. • Your policies are performing as expected; your premiums are still competitive. • Ownership is structured properly and beneficiary designations are current. • Your policy is designed to fit your current situation. Edward Jones operates as an insurance producer in California, New Mexico, and Massachusetts through the following subsidiaries, respectively: Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C., Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C., and Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C. Call today for a complimentary review to help ensure your policies still meet your needs and those of your loved ones. Thank you to our loyal customers! Brenda J Varnum, AAMS®,CRPC® Buy one regular sub Get one for Financial Advisor . 4764 Hwy 17 South Bypass Ste E Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-651-9473 1.99 $ Valid only at Jersey Mike’s in Murrells Inlet. One coupon per customer. Call Ahead Phone/Fax order • 357-6978 4390 Hwy. 17 Bypass Suite C-4 Murrells Inlet, SC INS-4329A-A Member SIPC June 2013/Murrells Inlet Messenger/5 4/Murrells Inlet Messenger/June 2013 MURRELLS INLET MESSENGER MORE TIRE CHOICES! MORE $AVING$! SPECIAL SAVINGS! 80 MAY 1 TO JUNE 30! $ GET UP TO WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF FOUR SELECT COOPER® TIRES. Cooper: Receive up to $80 on a prepaid card by mail when you purchase a new set of four (4) qualifying in-stock Cooper Tires for household use in a single transaction from May 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013. Reward amount depends on qualifying tires purchased and availability of eligible new tires at time of purchase. Installation required. State tire and disposal fees where applicable. One rebate per customer at participating locations with ad. Not valid with other offers. No cash value. See store for details and rebate forms. SPECIAL SAVINGS! 80 MAY 24 TO JULY 7! $ GET UP TO WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF FOUR SELECT PIRELLI® TIRES. Pirelli: Purchase a set of four qualifying Pirelli tires and receive up to $80 by mail-in rebate. See rebate forms for details about qualifying tire lines and rebate amounts, available in-store only. Offer valid May 24, 2013 through July 7, 2013. Installation required. State tire and disposal fees where applicable. One rebate per customer at participating locations with ad. Not valid with other offers. No cash value. See store for details and rebate forms. SPECIAL SAVINGS! 80 APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30! $ GET UP TO WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF FOUR SELECT HANKOOK® TIRES. Hankook: Receive up to $80 on a prepaid card by mail when you purchase a new set of four (4) qualifying in-stock Hankook tires in a single transaction from April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013. Installation required. State tire and disposal fees where applicable. One rebate per customer at participating locations with ad. Not valid with other offers. No cash value. See store for details and rebate forms. GET A $ 50 PREPAID CARD by mail-in rebate with a qualifying purchase of $500 or more when you open a new Service Central® Credit Card. HURRY IN! Offer ends June 30th, 2013! $50 Visa® Prepaid Card offer valid for all new Service Central® Credit Card accounts. Qualified purchase of $500 or more (before tax) must be made on the new Service Central® Credit Card account. $25 Visa® Prepaid Card offer valid for new Service Central® Credit Card accounts with a qualified purchase of $250 to $499 (before tax). $25 Visa® Prepaid Card offer valid to all existing Service Central® Credit Card account cardholders with a qualified purchase of $250 or more (before tax). Expires June 30th, 2013. Brake Service Mechanical Service PER AXLE ANY SERVICE OVER $100 $ 50OFF 25OFF $ Valvoline Oil Change $ 1999 We’ll inspect them FREE! Just STOP in TODAY! HURRY IN TODAY! NOW’S THE TIME TO FIX THAT WATER PUMP, ALTERNATOR, STARTER OR WHATEVER MECHANICAL PROBLEM YOU HAVE. Extra charge for additional parts and/or kits if needed. Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted). Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad (see store for details). No cash value. EXPIRES: 06-30-13 Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted). Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad (see store for details). No cash value. EXPIRES: 06-30-13 Conventional oil change includes up to 6 quarts of conventional motor oil. Special blend oils available at additional cost. Plus $3 disposal fee. Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. At participating locations with this ad (see store for details). No cash value. EXPIRES: 06-30-13. 4 Tire Rotate & Balance Fluid Services Flat Repair HOW MANY MILES HAS IT BEEN? FREE TIRE WEAR AND BRAKE PAD INSPECTION INCLUDED! YOUR CHOICE: COOLANT, TRANSMISSION, POWER STEERING, BRAKES, DIFFERENTIAL $ 19 99* Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted). Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad (see store for details). No cash value. *TPMS reset additional, if needed. EXPIRES: 06-30-13 25 $ OFF ANY FLUID EXCHANGE SERVICE Plus up to 10% shop fee based on pre-invoiced retail price, not to exceed $35 or disposal fees (where permitted). Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad (see store for details). No cash value. EXPIRES: 06-30-13 CONVENTIONAL FREE Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. One coupon per customer. At participating locations upon presentation of this ad (see store for details). No cash value. *TPMS reset additional, if needed. EXPIRES: 06-30-13 OPEN EARLY, 3419 Hwy 17 S. - Murrells Inlet OPEN LATE, OPEN 4295 Pine Dr. - Little River 7 DAYS A WEEK! DIRECT CONNECT! 1-800-NEW-TIRE COMPANY CAR? WE SERVICE MOST NATIONAL ACCOUNTS! * 651-4816 843249-9959 843 Career Need a Tune Up? Visit Any location or Apply On-Line at: 3 X 15 06-05-13 WEDNESDAY R - 35 (A group of Carolina WWII veterans gather at the WWII Memorial in D.C.) Time is of the essence for Honor Flight and WWII veterans With the median age of living WWII veterans now at 92, there is growing concern about the future of the national program known as Honor Flight. “’Time is of the essence.’ That’s our slogan,” said Walter Kollet, chairman of Honor Flight Myrtle Beach. Honor Flight is a non-profit organization with “hubs” located throughout the U.S. Their mission is to provide no cost trips to Washington, D.C. for WWII veterans. While in D.C., the veterans are escorted to the WWII Memorial located on the National Mall, often referred to as the “jewel” of the mall. Honor Flight Myrtle Beach is one of four hubs still flying in South Carolina. “We’ve organized five flights since 2010,” said Kollet. “August 28 will be our sixth flight and we continue our mission to locate WWII veterans. It’s a privilege to escort these men and women to their WWII Memorial. We’ve taken 464 veterans so far.” The Myrtle Beach departure will be a day trip on a chartered plane capable of carrying up to 90 WWII veterans, plus a medical team for the veterans’ safety. In addition, many “guardians” accompany the veterans on the flight. “Guardian sponsors are crucial to the program,” said Kollet. “They make a donation of time to fly with the veterans and look after their needs. We travel with plenty of wheelchairs so veterans can get around D.C. with comfort.” A full day is planned for August 28. The Honor Flight will leave Myrtle Beach International Airport shortly after sunrise and will return just before sundown. Previous flights have returned to the airport with hundreds of Grand Stranders waiting with cheers of appreciation for the veterans. Bert Cassels founded the Myrtle Beach chapter of Honor Flight in early 2010. Both Kollet and Cassels are veterans and understand the importance of this trip. “These senior veterans deserve this trip. We need to find them. Please help us locate them,” said Kollet. He went on to say how difficult it has become to locate WWII veterans who are both willing and physically able. Although each Honor Flight has support systems in place, many veterans dismiss the opportunity due to failing health. The total cost of each Honor Flight is $60,000 and is paid for entirely by donations and fundraising events. Honor Flight Myrtle Beach is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The day trip will include a two-hour visit to the WWII Memorial on the National Mall, along with visits to the Korean, Vietnam and Iwo Jima Memorials. The day will conclude at Arlington National Cemetery for the “changing of the guard.” Honor Flight organizers can be reached at (843) 957-8212, or visit www. for information, flight applications or to make a secure on-line donation. Driver license checkpoints The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting driver’s license checkpoints in Georgetown County throughout the month of June. The sheriff’s office plans to have enough deputies at these checkpoints to minimize the inconvenience of motorists traveling the roads of Georgetown County. Eliminate golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow with dry needling By Dr. Richard DeFalco, DPT, OCS, CSCS, CWcHP As orthopedic physical therapists we treat musculoskeletal disorders of all sorts. Living in a premier golf resort area like Myrtle Beach can lead to a higher percentage of a couple disorders in particular. Two of the more common disorders we treat are “golfers elbow” (medial epicondylalgia/tendinosis) and “tennis elbow” (lateral epicondylalgia/tendinosis). Epicondylalgia is synonymous with tendinosis, which in its simplest description is defined as tissue breakdown of the tendon. Collectively we will term both of these conditions elbow epicondylalgia, regardless of which side of the elbow the pain is on. One of the hallmark findings with these conditions is chronic degeneration of the musculotendinous junction (the attachment of the muscle to the bone). Tendons attach muscle to bone and are inherently hypovascular, meaning they do not get as good a blood supply as other parts of the body. As such, when they are injured, they take a long time to heal, or do not heal at all. Symptoms of elbow tendinosis include tenderness to touch, increased pain with strenuous activities, and pain with gripping objects. Patients are normally between the ages of 35-50 and are usually participating in regular higher level activity that has a repetitive movement. Activities can include regular participation in sport or repeated movements done regularly at work. Let me be clear in saying that you do not need to be a golfer or a tennis player to have either of these conditions. In fact, athletes, laborers, clerical staff, and anyone who performs repeated movements with the arms and hands can have either of these conditions. Lateral epicondylalgia/tendinosis is associated with pain along the outside aspect of the elbow and is commonly seen in tennis players as a result of an inability to control backhand forces of the dominant arm. It is also seen in golfers in the leading elbow during the golf swing. Medial epicondylalgia/tendinosis is associated with pain along the inside or medial aspect of the elbow. It occurs as a result of a sudden increase in stress or repetitive movements that strain the musculotendinous junction, subsequently leading to micro tears and degeneration. Some of the more conventional treatment options include rest, ice, stretching, corrective exercise, ultrasound, and manual therapy. Patients commonly will report wearing a brace just below the elbow when performing activity. The problem with bracing is that the tissue is never fully recovered; bracing just moves the point of pull away from the irritated area. The problem never gets fixed! What we have found to be the most effective treatment for this condition in our office is the implementation of dry needling. Not only are we experiencing better results, but also faster results! When an injury is sustained, our tissues go through a healing process that starts with inflammation/swelling and ends with reconstruction of the injured tissue. It is during this healing process, where inflammation, contracture of tissues, formation of adhesions between neighboring tissues, and scar formation become the causes of chronic soft tissue dysfunction. These changes result in blockage of fluid into and out of an area, as well as a decrease in blood circulation. The tissues that we are speaking of include muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursae, capsules, fascia, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. Injured tissues eventually become weakened and deformed due to a lack of nutrition, resulting in increased pain, disuse, and altered movement patterns. These symptoms eventually become chronic, meaning they last longer than six months. They become painful most of the time, but more so with activities. Dry needling is a process by which fine gauge solid filament needles are inserted into the symptomatic dysfunctional areas to create tiny lesions (micro trauma) in the underlying soft tissue. These lesions stimulate the body’s natural response of healing by way of secretion of molecular proteins to the affected areas and stimulation of the central nervous system to create an anti-inflammatory reaction. In other words, the micro trauma that is caused to the tissue creates an environment that allows the tissue to remodel and repair itself. Because the needles are of an extremely fine gauge, the procedure has minimal to no pain associated with it. We are very excited about the success thus far that patients are experiencing with dry needling. It is yet another method by which we can treat patients who may have otherwise had limited options to address their soft tissue injury and pain in the past and have just had to “learn to live with it.” Continued on page 8 Serving the community since 2004 Call for a FREE 15 minute consultation We specialize in treating Sports-related injuries Orthopedic injuries Neurological problems Back & neck pain Joint-related disorders Are You Suffering from Pain or an Injury? Balance problems Don’t let pain or injury compromise your competitive edge. We Repetitive strain injuries offer a full range of physical therapy and Post-surgical recovery rehabilitation services to get you back on track. Golf injuries Visit our website for the WBTW News Channel 13 Video on Dry Needling. Now offering DRY NEEDLING for pain by credentialed professionals Pawleys Island 38 Business Center Dr. Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-235-0200 FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS NEW Murrells Inlet 4731 Highway 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 843-314-3224 Surfside Beach 3076 Dick Pond Rd (Hwy. 544) Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 843-831-0163 Myrtle Beach 1301 48th Ave N, Suite D (Intersection of Hwy. 17 Bypass & 48th Ave. N.) Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-839-1300 Dr. Brian P. Kinmartin, PT, DPT, MTC, OCS, STC, CWcHP. • Richard A. Owens, Jr., PT, MS, OCS, Cert. SMT, CWcHP. • Dr. Richard DeFalco, DPT, OCS, CSCS. CWcHP. W W W. P R S R E H A B S E R V I C E S . C O M 6/Murrells Inlet Messenger/June 2013 Community Briefs and Events Calendar Flounder fishing tournament Community Briefs and Events Calendar Justin has been accepted to study percussion The Murrells Inlet Rotary “Flounder Fishing at the University of North Texas, where he will Tournament & Flounder Flop” at Crazy Sister pursue degrees in music performance and educaMarina is coming up. Captain’s Meeting, June tion. 13. Fishing Days, June 14 - 15, 6 a.m. Lines in the water awards ceremony, June 15 at 6:30 p.m. Two musical evenings Call Eric Gray at 843-222-0596 for more inforTwo musical evenings are in store this month mation. at the Church of the Resurrection in Surfside Prizes for top three winning teams, hole-in-one Beach. contests, longest putt and longest drive. FabuOn June 9 at 5 p.m., join “A Brassy Affair,” lous give-aways. with organist Karen Kearney, trumpet player James Canty and friends. This is a benefit concert for Canty who needs to Matthews gives senior recital finance another eye surgery in order to save his A senior recital in percussion given by Justin Matthews was held at St. James High School eyesight. A reception follows. There is no charge but donations are accepted. Auditorium on May 30. Justin began studying piano at the age of 7, and Then, on June 15 at 6:30 p.m., Kaitlyn Bajek, a student of Kathleen Nungesser and Karen Keat 9 began percussion. He loves sharing his passion for music with arney, will play organ and piano. The concert is others and has been providing Steel Pan enter- free. A reception follows. tainment along the Grand Strand for the past Church of the Resurrection is located at 8901 five years, playing for weddings on the beach, Hwy. 17 Bypass, Surfside Beach. and entertaining at local restaurants and hotels. Justin has earned many state and national hon- ‘North of the Border’ and memoir ors. He has been a member of the South Carolina T. Allen Winn has released two new books. All-State Bands for the past five years. National “North of the Border” is the second book in the honors include: American High School Hon- Detective Trudy Wagner series, set along the ors Performances at Carnegie Hall in 2010 and Grand Strand and surrounding counties. (“Road 2012; Honor Bands of America in 2013; and last Rage” was the first book.) The other new book year he was in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day is entitled “The Care Giver’s Son, Outside the Parade as part of the Macy’s Great American Window Looking In,” and is a memoir. Marching Band. “North of the Border” – Before the road rage serial killer surfaced, something more sinister already skimmed, undetected, below the surface, feeding on the plentiful prey. A chance discovery breaks a case wide open and exposes a feeding frenzy that once again stuns the tourist destination. Detective Trudy Wagner struggles with new demons and will face more challenges, tougher decisions. “The ticket price for anonymity is not a day at the beach and the Pavilion doesn’t have the only roller coaster in town,” Winn said. “Welcome to the Grand Strand, hope you survive your stay.” If you enjoyed “Road Rage,” then this will be another page turner with, basically, the same cast of characters attempting to solve another crime spree in the beach community. “The Caregiver’s Son, Outside the Window Looking In” – Winn wrote much of the caregiver story back in 2006. It was his way of dealing with the deaths of both his parents, three months apart, followed by the death of his grandmother, all within an eleven month stretch (2004-2005). He is an only child and his entire blood line was wiped out in less than a year. His mom was the primary caregiver for his dad (bedridden and suffering from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s) and her mother, his 93-yearold grandmother. She insisted on keeping both of them at home. He didn’t deal well with the role of the caregiver, nor embrace his supporting role, failing to fully understand the stress endured by the caregiver. Eventually his mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, launching his wife and him into the role of primary caregivers for all three. His story was originally written by him and for him, a way of dealing with his losses and fending off depression. Nobody had read it until recently when something prompted him to publish it and possibly help others who have suffered the guilt associated with caregiving – or lack of. “You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but in the end I believe you will understand. Sometimes you have to do things wrong to get it right,” Winn said. Books are available online where books are sold, or at [email protected], or as T. Allen Winn on Facebook for information on signed copies. July 4th boat parade June 2013/Murrells Inlet Messenger/7 The public is advised that any Georgetown County employee performing job duties on private property will show an employee identification card if asked. The card is normally displayed on clothing when employees are in the field. Additionally, employees assigned to inspections, assessments and other duties in the field will normally be driving county-owned vehicles with the county’s seal on the sides and governmentissued license plates. These vehicles are usually white and will most likely be one of two models: Jeep Liberty or Ford Escape. If you have questions, contact Georgetown County Human Resources, 545-3074. Don’t miss this annual Inlet patriotic tradition! The 30th Annual July 4th Boat Parade kicks off at 5 p.m. from Garden City Point. The parade theme is “Palmetto Pride - Inlet Tide.” The parade will head over to the Murrells Inlet Marshwalk and then follow the Murrells Inlet shoreline down to the Hot Fish Club. Best public viewing points are the Marshwalk, Belin Methodist Church, Nance’s Restaurant, Captain Poo’s Restaurant and the Hot Fish Club. To register to be in the boat parade, go to Booty’s Outdoors, Garden City Realty, or Captain Dick’s from June 15-July 3. You can register on July 4 with the committee boat, which will be in Celebration of the Arts Cruise the water at the Garden City Point at 8 a.m. The Belin United Methodist Boy Scout Troop “A Celebration of the Arts Cruise” is planned Hurricane preparation meeting 396 will be selling the annual Boat Parade T- for the Reel Ladies Dinner & Movie Group, The 7th annual public meeting for hurricane shirts at Booty’s Outdoors and Garden City Re- Myrtle Beach neighbors, family and friends in preparation will be held Wed., July 17 at 7:30 alty in Murrells Inlet. Call 652-4236 for more January, 2014. p.m. in the Duffy Center at St. Michael Catho- details. Special cultural excursions are arranged as well lic Church, located at 542 Cypress Ave., Garden as private movie showings on board Holland City Beach. America’s New Amsterdam. Cruise details can Ed Piotrowski, Chief Meteorologist at WPDE- Be aware of fake employees be obtained from The Travel Lady, 843-651Georgetown County government recently reTV 15, Sam Hodge, Georgetown County Emer6936 or [email protected]. ceived a report of a white male identifying him- The Reel Ladies Dinner and Movie Group of gency Management, and Randy Webster, Horry self as a county employee after being spotted in SC has been meeting over the past three years County Emergency Management, will share upfront of an area home shortly after the homeown- once a month enjoying dinner and a movie at dates and review the change made to evacuation ers left the house. Several homes in that neigh- Market Common while donating pet food, chilby zones. borhood had recently been broken into. dren’s books, used towels, sheets and clothing to Plan to arrive early for seating as this meetThe man said he was performing an inspection several local charities. ing is well attended. Please call 651-2663 with for the county. However, when asked to show For more information about the Reel Ladies of questions. identification, he refused, claiming he wasn’t reSC, contact [email protected]. quired to do so. Celebrating our Diamond Anniversary! One Family - 65 Years! Generation after Generation brings their families to Lee's Early Lite Menu 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Senior Menu Children’s Menu All Night Happy Hour in the Bar Restaurant & Lounge With Appetizer & Drink Specials On the Water... Encouraging, informing and inspiring stories If you ever wanted to know anything about the South Strand of South Carolina and its people, and what makes this place quaint, special and unique, this is the book for you. However, anyone can benefit from the wisdom of shared lives on the pages inside. “Murrells Inlet: Memories, Memoirs and Miracles” has 70 stories about real people in real life situations from the pages of the Murrells Inlet Messenger, including: To order your copy, send a check for $14.99, plus $2.95 S&H to Murrells Inlet Messenger, P.O. Box 612, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576. You can also order online at: Top 10 SC Seafood Restaurant Along the Beautiful Murrells Inlet Marshwalk 843.651.2044 4031 Hwy 17, Business Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 –Southern Living Magazine 1st Place Seafood Restaurant –Best of the Beach, The Sun News Since 1948 Non-Smoking Restaurant #1 Lowcountry Cuisine ANDERSON LAW, LLC Now observing Inlet hours! Bankruptcy, DUI Defense, Family Court Matters – & Beach TV 7x Winner of Murrells Inlet Chowder Cook-off 4460 Hwy 17 Bus. Murrells Inlet 651-2881 Open Monday - Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Attorney Jay G. Anderson OUR LAW FIRM IS A DEBT RELIEF AGENCY. WE HELP PEOPLE FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY RELIEF UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY CODE. Located in Murrells Inlet, near the Marsh Walk 8/Murrells Inlet Messenger/June 2013 June 2013/Murrells Inlet Messenger/9 Editorial/Opinion Devotional can change your marriage By Tim Callahan Editor/Publisher My wife, Debbie, and I agree with 88-year-old Irma Bellamy Hucks Dessertine that a biblical devotional can bring – and keep – a family together. It has ours. The idea of doing a devotional during supper came from good friends of ours. Whenever we got together with this couple they always talked about how doing a devotional changed and improved their marriage. Basically, they wouldn’t shut up about it. So, after hearing about a devotional for three years, and seeing how their marriage improved, we tried it. They were right. It changed and improved our marriage. Why? For starters, we asked God to be with us. We said a prayer, asking God to bless our food and speak to us through the devotional. Then we took turns reading the devotional. After that, we would take turns talking about the reading, which could be on finances, love, intimacy, work, the household…. Don’t ask me why, but by bringing up touchy subjects from a book over a dinner table – and not in the heat of the moment of an argument – it made it ten times easier to talk about the subjects. Maybe part of it is because there were ground rules, like taking turns and letting the other one finish what they are saying. Another 15th annual golf tournament Blackmoor Golf Club in Murrells Inlet presents the 15th Annual Murrells Inlet 2020 Golf Tournament, sponsored by Roper St. Francis Physician part is we did ask God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Partners, on Sat., June 22, at 1 p.m. Spirit to work through the devotional, didn’t we? Prizes will be awarded for the top three winning Whatever the reason, a devotional works for us. teams, hole-in-ones, longest putt, longest drive My suggestion would be you not wait three years and more. Registration is $110 per person, or $400 per foursome. Fee includes green fees, golf to give it a try. cart, on-course beverages and snacks, goodie bag It worked for Irma, our friends, and us. and after-golf party. Contact Murrells Inlet 2020 Maybe it will work for you. at 843-357-2007 for more information. Monthly free food distribution The New Beginnings monthly food distribution is held the third Saturday of the month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Church of the Resurrection, 8901 Hwy. 17 Bypass, Surfside. The next one is June 15. Social Services assistance is available, there is a play area for children, and a free lunch is served. Hablamos Espanol. Information is available at 215-4500 or visit Jersey girls luncheon Jersey Girls in SC concluded their fourth luncheon season June 4 with over 60 Jersey Girls in attendance. They will resume on September 10 at Pine Lakes Country Club. The Jersey Girls have contributed to various charities over the past year and will continue their “share your resources” program in the fall. Trips, tours and special events are being planned for the upcoming year. For more information, contact franw88@msn. com Needling...continued from page five At Professional Rehabilitation Services we pride ourselves in distinction, and one of our Board Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapists will pursue an individualized treatment approach to your needs. Less than 5% of physical therapists in South Carolina are board certified in orthopedics. All physical therapists at Professional Rehabilitation Services are board certified. So if you or someone you know is having elbow pain or another musculoskeletal problem and would like to know more about dry needling or other physical therapy options, seek the consultation of a physical therapist at one of our three locations or see your physician for a referral to one of our facilities. Physical therapy is a regularly covered service by most health insurance plans. Free 15 minute consultations are a great way to identify if you are a candidate for treatment! Feel free to visit our website at or contact Dr. Richard DeFalco at 843-839-1300 for more information. Editorial/Opinion Hero has integrity to accept suffering as a pathway to healing By Joe Scanlon I had such a good time writing last month’s article about the young fellow who was a closet genius I thought I’d see if I could get lightning to strike in the same place twice. But first let me reiterate that I would never disclose anything that could identify a former patient, or release an article without the patient reading it first and giving me their permission. That being said, here goes. There are all types of addictions – drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sex, gambling – to name a few. Some people become addicted simply because they like the way it feels a whole lot more than the next guy. There are others whose addictions are more complicated. The more complicated addictions are called “dual diagnosis.” This means that the person has a serious psychological or emotional problem, in addition to their addiction. Dual addiction is usually a combination of the person liking the effects of their drugs or gambling a whole lot more than the average person and also using these things as self-prescribed medicine to make them feel better when their other emotional or psychological problems bother them. People in this category have a difficult time staying sober because when the dual diagnosis addicts get sober their overall condition can get worse because there is nothing to mask their lifelong emotional suffering. This is often misunderstood by friends, family and professionals. The dual diagnosis addict is seen as less committed or less spiritual than the addict who is dealing with addiction alone. Often dual addiction is the result of severe childhood or war time trauma which leaves the victim emotionally scarred, not understanding the source of their emotional suffering and feeling inferior to their fellows who improve dramatically simply by abstaining from their addiction using the help of professionals and community support groups. The dual diagnosis addict, abstaining from their self-prescribed drug or behavior, loses the tool they used to cover up the symptoms of their trauma and, rather than improving when they get sober, they actually get worse. This is the cause of many – if not most – relapses. So imagine a fellow who decides to sober up from a combination of behavioral and chemical addictions. He has been addicted for most of his life and is in early middle age when he decides to stop. For the first couple of years he has limited success because many of the professionals and self-help program people he seeks out for help remind him of his abusive father. This is not because they are abusive but because his father was so cruel and derogatory that it permanently affected this man’s ability to relate to any type of authority figure in a positive way. Part of his recovery is the commitment he develops to God and Christianity. This helps him trust people and recovery programs and gives him a strong moti- vation to stop his addictive behavior. His commitment and faith enable him to recover from his addictions and he remains abstinent for a substantial number of years. Unfortunately, as can be the case, when he stopped self-medicating he was beset with overwhelming feelings of despair and self-loathing that were the psychological burdens he carried as a result of the abuse he suffered as a child. His attendance at self help meetings is disciplined and regular but, often, rather than feeling inspired he feels woefully inadequate because even the people who attend the meetings and relapse frequently seem to be doing better, psychologically, than he is. His feelings of failure become so intense sometimes it is only his Christian faith that stands in the way of him ending his own life. At his lowest point, he discussed this situation with someone who had an objective perspective and became aware of some thoughts that hadn’t occurred to him. First, many of the people in recovery that were sober and feeling good did not suffer from the additional burden of trauma that he did, so sobriety was much less complicated for them. Second, he had never considered that the individuals that were doing better despite frequent relapses were doing better at the expense of their families and employers and society who inevitably suffered the burdens of their relapses. The third and most important thing he hadn’t considered Continued on page 11 Grace Church Waccamaw Located On Hwy. 17, Pawleys Island Between North Litchfield & Willbrook Blvd. Next Door To Applewood Restaurant We are a community of Christ followers being changed by God to serve the world. We believe God is alive, powerful and worth worshipping, so it is our desire to make God’s word make sense in a way that allows you to find hope and encouragement. Counseling Center Of Georgetown JOSEPH E. SCANLON, L.P.C. FELLOW, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MANAGEMENT JAMES F. GRAHAM, JR., MD MEDICAL DIRECTOR • Individual Counseling • Marriage and Family Counseling • Adolescent Counseling • Outpatient Alcohol & Drug Counseling • Outpatient Psychiatric Care • Pain Management B/C & BS & MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED 527-8118 906 PRINCE ST • GEORGETOWN, SC Ask me how you can get the hottest looks of the season..and always be in style! Service 10:15 a.m. • Sunday School 9 a.m. Your independent beauty consultant: Deborah Ann Callahan 843-344-3198 [email protected] Casual Attire Encouraged 843.235.6400 Up To $5,000 Hurricane Mitigation Grant Available To Qualified SC Homeowners Since 2007 the SC Safe Home Program has issued over 2,500 grants to homeowners to help make their homes more resistant to hurricanes and other severe storms. Now accepting applications ! Now is the time to apply for a grant under the program. This is not a loan. It is a grant issued by the SC Department Of Insurance. The awards can be used to retrofit properties and help strengthen them. Call today for more information We can help get you started with the application process. Call the number below today as these funds are released on a first come first serve basis. Home Must Be owner occupied 843-457-2661 Home Must Have homeowners insurance Limited Services Available For Mobile Homes Pawleys Pawleys Island Island Mercantile Mercantile Home Home of of The The Candy Candy Cottage Cottage Located in the Hammock Shops Village Pawleys Island • 843-235-0507 MAIN OFFICE 10919 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Phone 843-237-7776, MURRELLS INLET OFFICE 4375 Highway 17 Bypass, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Phone 843-651-6674 MT PLEASANT OFFICE 3102 Highway 17 North, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 Phone 843-884-2404 10/Murrells Inlet Messenger/June 2013 Council seeks to restore employee pay...continued from page one made lightly, but based on a number of factors, including an ongoing campaign by taxpayers to get salaries raised for emergency services workers, council deemed this option to be the best one. “Several years ago, we asked employees to step up and share the burden” of a budget shortfall during the worst part of the recession, said Council Member Austin Beard. “They were willing to go arm in arm with us, and I think it’s inherent upon us to do our best for them; to restore and strengthen the faith they had in us then.” The millage increase would amount to a total of $7.20 on a home valued at $100,000 in the Midway Fire District, if that home is listed as a primary residence, and $11.60 on that same home in all other areas of the county. The difference in cost is due to differences in the county’s two fire districts. While Midway covers a smaller, urban area, Georgetown County Fire/EMS has an expansive and more rural area to cover, and a relatively low tax base. The proposed budget council will review calls for an increase of .6 mills in the general fund, .4 mills in the law enforcement fund, 1.9 mills for County Fire/EMS and .8 mills for Midway Fire Rescue. Recommending a millage increase was a last resort after scrutinizing the budget carefully to look for areas where cost savings could be achieved. However, the county’s leadership was working with an already lean budget. County leaders cut all they could back in 2009 and have continued to work costs down and look for new areas of sav- ing in every budget since. Still, council members asked staff to take a final swipe at cuts before second reading. Though most of the public outcry over salaries has been directed toward emergency services personnel, council members agree salaries need to be addressed across the board and not for one specific group or region. “We need to look at all of our employees, even though we don’t hear from them,” said Council Member Lillie Jean Johnson. She used public services employees as an example and asked folks to consider the importance of the jobs they do. “They need the same kind of consideration,” she said. Jerry Oakley, council vice-chairman, agreed. He noted he has heard “overwhelming” support for salary increases for Midway Fire and Rescue employees and that many residents in that district have asked for a tax increase if it means giving Midway staff higher salaries. “I’ve never seen a higher level of support for anything,” he said. However, he said, it’s not right to give a higher salary to someone doing a job in one area of the county without giving one to someone in another part of the county doing the same job. He sees an across the board increase as the best shortterm solution for addressing the call for higher pay for emergency services personnel and helping employees who have important job functions but lack the public support of emergency services workers. The county will also conduct an internal wage study, looking at every department and posi- ‘Fore I Forget...continued from page one tion, and comparing the wages its employees earn to those in competing jurisdictions to determine what further action needs to be taken to address employee pay. “When we look at the bottom of it all, it comes back to the same thing,” said Council Chairman Johnny Morant. “I think we all realize we have great employees; very dedicated employees. That’s something Georgetown County has always been proud of.” He added that he hopes the public will see the need to address the pay issue and be receptive to that. The budget meetings on June 11 and June 25 will begin at 5:30 p.m. and take place in Council Chambers, located on the second floor of the historic courthouse in Georgetown, at 129 Screven St. Everything you need for backyard birding plus decorative yard items 843.651.6599 5200 Hwy 17 S. on the Bypass Murrells Inlet, SC 2 miles north of Brookgreen gardens Tues - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun and Mon. Broken Hearts Mended - Families Brought Together Marriages Restored - Relationships Healed Faith Strengthened - Decisions for Christ Call the Prayer Line: 800-849-8930 Business Ministry Partner: 864-630-6694 Depression, the war to end all wars, population growth, the loss of a husband (Francis Hucks in 1972) and two sons (Buddy and Henry), a second marriage, the loss of a second husband (Lou Dessertine in 1988)…and much more. Besides communication going from face to face to Facebook, Irma said the greatest change she has noticed in her 88 years is in transportation. Walking, horses and dirt country roads are things of the past as pavement and cars have taken over the country. “I remember when there was nothing in Litchfield,” she said. “Nothing.” As always there were the haves and the have not’s when she was growing up Irma said, “but everybody helped everybody. We shared everything, even clothes.” “It was family oriented,” Myra said. Another thing Irma said that was different from today is “drinking wasn’t accepted like it is now.” She was born in 1924, the daughter of Frances “Pansy” Bellamy and Willie Joe Bellamy. Her dad was “illiterate but not ignorant,” she said. “Momma and me would read the newspaper and the Bible to him.” She married Francis Hucks in 1944 and had four children. Her sister, Pearl, and Pearl’s husband, Eford Lee, managed Lokey’s restaurant, then bought the Inlet Kitchen in 1948. Myra said Irma worked as a companion to elderly women for about 20 years. Irma said she found her calling of taking care of elderly people in taking care of Lou before his death. Irma is thankful and counts her blessings, a conscious choice she made long ago. “I knew that if I looked for the good in a situation, I could usually find some there,” she wrote. “We have choices over most of our thoughts, so I needed to be thankful, rejoicing in the good things I have been blessed with. There has always been a good supportive family and friends to help when I needed it, plus a loving Savior.” A big part of what kept the Hucks together, Myra wrote, was prayer: “We would gather in the living room at night, have a short devotional, then each one pray out loud. As we prayed for each other and for the forgiveness of our sins, we would find love and forgiveness in our hearts for each other.” She married a second time 10 years after her first husband died. “Luçien ‘Lou’ Dessertine was a good person,” she said. But, Irma was far from perfect. She is happy with most of the decisions she made, she wrote, but “sometimes I was hard headed and sometimes just plain ‘being Irma’ was not good! Whatever wrong decisions I made, Jesus did help me work through them. I still believe ‘all things work to the good of them that love the Lord.’” Three years ago, Irma and Myra moved to Crescent City, Fla., which they both love, but they come to Garden City Beach for weeks at a time to see family. And, Myra said, “our family has stayed close – even with technology. We go to Kelly’s (Dorman) and sit on the porch and talk.” Pointing at her mom, Myra said, “She’s our matriarch.” Not wanting to spoil it, the stories Irma tells about family, faith and this area are best read in her book. Books are available for sale at Lee’s June 2013/Murrells Inlet Messenger/11 Hero...continued from page nine Inlet Apothecary, the Hammock Shop, the Con- was the value of his sacrifice to his family and way Chamber of Commerce and Indigo Farms, community that were the products of his integrity. His damaged self-esteem has overlooked the or you can email Irma at [email protected] fact that remaining abstinent from his addictive behaviors even though this meant a return of his Marshwalk...continued from page one emotional pain was the caliber of self-sacrifice that only the most devout Christians have the started bringing military boats into the inlet to ability to achieve. support the Army Air Force training mission in I’m old fashioned and pretty unsophisticated so Myrtle Beach. The Army built a house out over I am a sucker for a happy ending. The problem the marsh near the end of his dock in 1941 while with happy endings is they come at the end of the the first Government Pier was under construcstory and not in the middle. If you read the New tion. The new pier that was built to support the Testament and stopped before the resurrection it P-32 crash boats and supply ships started at the would change the whole meaning of the story. FFA lodge (originally constructed as a hotel by Well, let me correct that; if you stopped readClarke A. Willcox Sr. around 1910 about where ing before the resurrection you would miss the the driveway to Wicked Tuna is now) and went happy ending for mankind but you would still out due east across the marsh to the main creek get the point that Christ was a man of perfect in the same alignment as the current Veterans integrity, unquestionable courage, and the highPier, crossing Sing’s dock about halfway out into est possible moral values. If you stop reading at the marsh. The new pier had two wood houses Golgotha, the New Testament has a very sad and on pilings used as a radio room and an oil storage unfair ending. If you get to the end and Christ’s room near the middle of the east leg (close to the ascension, it has the happiest ending of all time. current end of the Veterans Pier). I do like a happy ending. In some situations During the height of World War II, 10 to 20 the wait for the happy ending can be long and ships could be docked along the pier in the main arduous. If you aren’t at the ending and things channel, supporting the air training missions and aren’t happy the next best thing is a hero you bringing in supplies. Private fishing vessels were can admire and identify with. If I had a choice not allowed out in the Atlantic Ocean during the between a degenerate pseudo happy ending that war, but the local captains who had been drafted I achieved at the expense of causing others to into the service as warrant officers to pilot the suffer and being the hero who had the integrity crash boats still caught plenty of sea bass during the time they spent offshore watching and wait- to accept the suffering and know my happy ending for airplane crashes during training missions. ing was coming in God’s time and not in mine, After World War II, the government pier was I hope I could have the integrity the man I am given to the FFA, and the fishing action around writing about possesses. the pier was excellent due to the trout, sheeps- I think a person deserves to get credit for doing head, and other species that thrived on the bait- a good job. fish that congregated and the cover that the pil- (Joe Scanlon is the director of the Counseling ings provided. During this time, the property Center of Georgetown) owners along the creek (Herbert Niemeyer and Alex Sing Sr.) began to cut channels into the marsh back to the high ground, creating the three channels that connect Divine Fish House (previously Anchor Inn), Drunken Jack’s (previously Sam Barwick’s tackle shop and then Thunderbird Marina) and the parking lot south of Dead Dog (previously Capt. Alex’s Marina). Niemeyer started the dredging and Alex Sing Sr. completed the circle back to the main channel. Over the past seventy years (1940’s to 2013), bulkheads and dredging shaped the area we now enjoy as the Marshwalk. Dredging back in the 1940’s and 1950’s was accomplished using a crane with a dragline and barges. The excavated marsh was placed adjacent to the new channel to create Goat Island, between the Marshwalk and the main channel, and the spoils from the marina basin at Capt. Alex’s was placed south of the government pier, using boards braced by the pier pilings to create a holding area. The entire property at Capt. Dicks (now Wicked Tuna and Crazy Sisters Marina) was filled by excavating the boat basins on the north and east of the property and putting the spoils behind wood bulkheads, and then putting good fill dirt on top. The wholesale creation of new high ground came to an end in the 1970’s, leaving a legacy of change that shaped Murrells Inlet today. © 2013 Steve Strickland. Used with author’s permission. 843-902-2330 Grounds Maintenance • Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly service • Spring clean-ups • Irrigation Dennis H. Smith ATTORNEYS AT LAW General Litigation Auto Accidents Distracted Driving Accidents Medical & Legal Malpractice Drunk Driving Accidents Servicios en Espanol para su comodidad WORKER’S COMPENSATION Jonathan J. Shanks Attorney at Law 238-2694 Conveniently Located in Surfside Beach Serving the Grand Strand since 1982 12/Murrells Inlet Messenger/June 2013 Georgetown Hospital System Events Calendar HEALTH SCREENINGS: Tuesdays, Georgetown Memorial Hospital, 7:30 a.m. – noon; Thursdays, Waccamaw Community Hospital, hallway by Same Day Surgery, 7:30 a.m. – noon; 2nd Friday every other month beginning in February at Waccamaw Community Care, 4310 Dick Pond Road, Myrtle Beach, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Screenings Offered: Finger Stick Lipid profiles with blood sugar for $20 (8-10 hour fast required); Diabetes Screening-Hemoglobin A1C for $15 (no fasting required); blood sugar levels for $3 (2 hour fast required); and free blood pressure screenings. More information, 520-8579. (Many of these classes can be registered for online, Some of these classes are held at the Wachesaw Conference Center, which is located at 4367 Riverwood Drive, Murrells Inlet, across from Waccamaw Community Hospital.) June 12 & 26: ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP - MURRELLS INLET. 10 a.m. Belin Church, Murrells Inlet. Information, 651-9711. STROKE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4th floor dining room, 3 p.m. Call 652-1875 for information. June 12: I CAN COPE EDUCATION SERIES: Waccamaw Community Hospital, 5:30 p.m -7:30 p.m. Program for people facing cancer. Free; pre-registration required. To register, call 652-1640. June 13: PHYSICIAN LECTURE - “CURRENT TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR ARTHRI- TIS OF THE HIP, KNEE AND SHOULDER.” Edward J. Mikol, MD of Carolina Orthopaedic Specialists, conducts a free lecture. Wachesaw Conference Center, noon. Lunch provided. Call 520-7842 to reserve a seat. June 13: PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP. 7 p.m. Timber Lake Baptist Church, Rt.707. Information at 650-8756. June 17: PHYSICIAN LECTURE – UPDATES ON HYPERTENSION AND YOUR TREATMENT OPTIONS. H. Grady Adkins, III, MD of Waccamaw Medical Center, will be the featured speaker. Free lecture at noon at the Hemingway Library. The library is located at 306 North Main Street, Hemingway. Lunch provided. Call 5207842 to reserve a seat. June 17 & 18: SafeSitter Two Day Program – GEORGETOWN. Program prepares young adolescents for the responsibilities of protecting children through hands-on training. Child must be 11-13 years of age to attend. Education Center, Georgetown Memorial Hospital Campus, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. first day; and 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. the second. Pre-registration and pre-payment of $50 required. Call 520-8490. June 19: AMPUTEE SUPPORT GROUP. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 4th floor, dining room, 3:45 p.m. Information, 652-1415. June 20: OB TOUR - MURRELLS INLET. Tour of Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Unit and Nursery, Waccamaw Community Hospital, 6 p.m. Pre-registration required; call 520-8490. June 24: BOSOM BUDDIES SUPPORT GROUP. Wachesaw Conference Center, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Call 237-8787. June 24 & 25: SAFESITTER TWO DAY PROGRAMS – MURRELLS INLET. Program prepares young adolescents for the responsibilities of protecting children through hands-on training. Child must be 11-13 years of age to attend. Wachesaw Conference Center, Murrells Inlet, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. first day; and 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. the second. Pre-registration and pre-payment of $50 required. Call 520-8490 to register. June 25: PHYSICIAN LECTURE – OVERVIEW OF OSTEOPOROSIS AND FRAGILITY FRACTURES. Mary E. Ross, MD, of Pawleys Pediatrics and Adult Medicine, will be the featured speaker. Free community lecture, noon, Wachesaw Conference Center. Lunch provided. Call 520-7842 to reserve a seat. June 25: MENDED HEARTS MEETING. Health Point for Health & Fitness, Pawleys Island, noon. Call 685-3378 for information. June 27: DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP – MURRELLS INLET. Waccamaw Community Hospital, 1st floor classroom, 1:30 p.m. Information, 652-1281 or 652-1638. June 28: RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE - PAWLEYS ISLAND. HealthPoint Center for Health & Fitness, 12:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Call 237-2205 for additional information. AVAILABLE AT: Pawleys Island Mercantile The Hammock Shops Village 10880 Ocean Highway • Pawleys Island, SC Sh o p L o c a l a t Pa w le y s Cre e k Appare l • Porch Polos - SPRING COLORS • Creek Tees & Creek Hats • The Pawleys Strip (Leather & Surcingle Belts) • Dockside Flops for Men • Dockside Sandals for Women • Gig ‘Em Ginghams, Shorts, and more!! Shop today at 20% OFF Entire Order Use Coupon Code: MESSENGER Coupon expires June 30, 2013. Cannot be combined with any other offers. VALID FOR ONLINE PURCHASES ONLY.
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