Halloween Party! - Indianapolis Scottish Rite


Halloween Party! - Indianapolis Scottish Rite
Double Eagle
Valley of Indianapolis
Volume 56, Number 5
e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.aasr-indy.org
Nov 2006
Halloween Party!
Two hundred children of all ages converged
upon the Indianapolis Valley Scottish Rite Cathedral on
Sunday, October 29th at 2 pm to attend the annual
Halloween Party. sters, all dressed in their favorite TV or cartoon characters, scariest witches or goblins, proceeded to compete in
every age category for trophies and bragging rights of
"the best" costumes of the afternoon. Carnival games, prizes, sugar cookies with
colored icing, and punch quenched the initial desire for
fun. As the afternoon progressed the diminutive mon-
Many thanks to the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction's award-winning Family Life Committee chaired this
year by Mike Smith who is pictured here amongst the
scariest creatures in the Valley.
Page Double Eagle • Nov 2006
How to Build a Membership
How Do You Spend
Your Time?
Will Rogers, one of our more famous Masons, once
said “Half our life is spent trying to find something to do
with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.”
That seems especially true today with so much
competition for our time. We rush to our children’s
activities, make commitments to our church, perhaps take an
evening for bowling or spectator sports all the while trying to
assure that we eat right and get enough exercise amidst the
flurry of activities. Where does the Masonic fraternity fit
into this scheme for you? For some, it a major piece of your
family activities and social entertainment, for others it is the
monthly trek to Lodge to be with your brothers and share in
fellowship and for still others it is taking pride in being a
member while fitting in only the occasional function.
The diversity of activity was never more apparent to
me than during the first week in October when I was
privileged to attend three functions where over 500 members
and their families came to the Cathedral to celebrate their
involvement in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. On October 1st,
the Cathedral Foundation held a reception for donors to the
Foundation over the last year. Families arrived to the strains
of the Carillon, reviewed the progress of Cathedral projects
and heard an outstanding testimony from a learning center
student and his mother on what members’ financial contributions had meant to them. Wednesday, October 4th was the
Valley Awards Banquet and 150 members and their spouses
were recognized for work on committees in the prior year. Awards were given for outstanding efforts on Valley committees and Deputy Bob Elrod invested four deserving brothers
with the Meritorious Service Award. Membership Development excellence was recognized with awards for achievement
of recruitment goals to 39 lodge chairmen and 5 county
chairmen. 13 individuals had their dues paid by the Valley
for 2007 for getting three petitions and 3 earned life memberships for 10 petitions. Finally, on October 8th Masons
from throughout the jurisdiction gathered for a reception
honoring our new Sovereign Grand Commander, John
William McNaughton. These men represented all levels of
involvement with Scottish Rite, coming together to honor
leadership in the jurisdiction.
We are truly blessed to have so many members
willing to find the time and resources, whether a small
amount or a major commitment, to make the Fraternity, and
thereby, our world a better place. Thanks to all of you for
your role in this effort.
Executive Director
Double Eagle
Valley of Indianapolis
The Double Eagle (USPS 015-686) is published five
times each year in January, March, June, September,
and November by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite,
Valley of Indianapolis at 650 N Meridian St, Indianapolis IN 46204-1294. Periodicals postage paid
at Indianapolis, IN and additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to the above address.
Editor & Art Design
Jerry B Collins, 33°
Mike Moxley & Editor
Committee Members
W Eric Seidensticker, Gary E Brinley,
Thomas B Beattie, Sr, Michael W Klepper,
Russell A Murphy, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
Roger S VanGorden, 33°
Sovereign Prince
Thomas B Beattie, Sr
Most Wise Master
Gregory A Chiles
Gary W Lewis, 33°
Jeffrey K Saunders, 33°
Rodney A Mann, 33°
Raymond L Schwartz, 33°
Ronald W Sparks, 33°
Russell A Murphy, 33°
Marvin C Maguire, 33°
Edwin E Board, 33°
S Randal Schutz
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Page 33rd's Crowned
Indianapolis Valley Freemasons were among a group of 234 selected to receive the Thirty-third Degree, the highest honor of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry. The ceremony took place in Chicago during the annual meeting of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council this past September.
The degree is awarded for outstanding service to Freemasonry or for significant contributions to humanity that reflect credit upon the
fraternity. Front Row - left to right: Gregory A Chiles, Philip N. Eskew, Jr., James B> Garrett, and Gordon J. Husk. Back Row: Joseph
H. Looker, Alan L. Martinez, Denis L. Shinault, William H. Wimmenauier, Jr., and Stephen M. Woodard.
Order your Personalized
32º or 33º Name Badge
$5 from each sale will go to
support the 32nd Degree
Learning Center
Print your Name here as you want it to
appear on your Badge:
Name Badge sale sponsored by:
Indianapolis Order of
“The Knights of Saint Andrew”
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
Make checks payable to KSA
City :_____________________________
State: _____
Zip: _________
Phone: _______________
E-Mail: __________________________
Send this coupon to:
7859 Scarborough Blvd S Dr, Indianapolis, IN. 46256
Valley Honored
for Best Magazine
The Valley of Indianapolis was honored with a first
place award for the Valley's publication of the Double Eagle
magazine at the annual meeting of the Supreme Council of the
Scottish Rite's Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
The award was announced on the first day of business
of the annual business meeting on August 29, 2006, in
Chicago, Illinois and was presented as Best Publication in
Category V - which represents all valleys in the Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction with more than 6,500 members. It is the sixth straight year the Supreme Council has
honored the magazine under the current editor: five were first
place, one was honorable mention. Since the early 90's when
Alan Lisle, 33° was editor, the magazine has consistently won
'best' or 'honored' awards.
The Double Eagle is published five times per year and
is distributed to more than 14,000 members, widows, and
friends throughout the 51 counties of central Indiana.
Page Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Valley Gathers to Hono
The Valley held an Awards Banquet on October 4th to honor those brethren who have contributed to the success of the Valley during
the past year. This year spouses were invited to share in the recognition of these dedicated workers. The evening honored men in their contributions to the Valley in the areas of service and membership.
Service Awards
Each officer line of the four bodies comprising the Indianapolis
Valley nominated brethren, voted, and subsequently presented
awards to workers on various committees. Honored for their
service were:
•Indianapolis Chapter of Rose Croix Award for
outstanding service in the dramatic department make-up or
wardrobe committee presented to Nathan Wamsley, MSA for
work on the Make-up Committee.
•Indiana Consistory Award for outstanding service in
the dramatic department in the cast or guards presented to
J. Rex Sohn for service in the degree guards.
•Adoniram Lodge of Perfection Award for outstanding
service in working on a committee presented to Illustrious
Thomas A. Fallis, 33°, Past Membership Development Chair.
•Saraiah Council Award for outstanding service in the
dramatic department technical committee presented to
Dale E. Herthel, for work in the Theatre Property Department.
First Diamond Pins
Diamond Membership Pins were presented to these 10 individuals who were receiving their first pin for signing five petitions:
Matthew Boyer, Robert H. Carter, Thomas A. Fallis, 33°, George
Galyean, 33°, Rodney Godfrey, Hal W. Grigdesby, Philip D.
Herthel, MSA, Michael Horn, Jeffrey Karnes, and Jerry Parker.
Membership Awards
Membership Awards were also featured during the
program and the following brothers received a customized
Membership Development golf shirt for achieving the goals
set for their respective Lodges.
Joseph Alexander
Franklin Anderson
Forest Boling, Jr.
Donald Boruff
William Briscoe
Oscar Butcher
Frank Capler, Jr.
Jerry Collins, 33°
Roger Crane
Tom Davis, MSA
Carl Duley
George Eastman, 33°
Harley Eggers
Steve Fiscus
Matthew Forgey
Larry Franklin
Robert Frazer
John Gauld, 33°
William Gloye, 33°
Nicholas Gray, MSA
James Hale, 33°
Thomas Harper
Gerald Harrison
Dennis Hatt
Robert Judah
Robert C. Lee, MSA, 33°
Brian Lewis
Marion Liggett
Rodney Mann, 33°
Cullen McCarty
William Munson
Mark Musick
Larry Parker
Charles Parker
Donald Platts
Robert Pressler
Anthus Pygman
William Sanders
Paul Shambaugh, 33°
James Slack
Sam Thompson, 33°
Julius Trageser
David Trobaugh
Roger VanGorden, 33°
James Vosmek
Kent Watts
Amzie Wenning
Paul Wenning
Jack Windell
S. Michael Woodard, 33°
Cleon Wright, 33°
1 Year and Lifetime Dues
As part of the 3/10 Program, Matthew Boyer, Kenneth
Campbell, William Capler, Jonathan Elrod, William Gloye, 33°,
Rodney Godfrey, Nicholas Gray, MSA, Michael Horn, Richard
Manifold, Michael McArthur, Floyd Sendmeyer, Rex Sohn, and
Amzie Wenning were awarded 1 year's dues paid for three or
more petitions. George Choung, R. Michael Gillie, Jr., and
Michael J. Smith were awarded Life Memberships for 10 or more
petitions topline signed within the year.
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Page or Outstanding Brothers
Lincoln Hamilton is congratulated by outgoing Membership
Development Chairman Tom Fallis as he receives his 38th
diamond representing 195 new members.
These 16 brothers added diamonds to their existing
pins for their membership efforts during the past year:
George Choung
Thomas DeBusk, Sr.
William Gloye, 33°
Michael J. Smith
R. Michael Gillie, Jr.
Floyd Sendmeyer
William Capler
Kent Watts
Michael Klepper
Nick Gray
Donald B. Marcum, Jr.
Frank Capler, Sr.
Wayne Harlan, MSA, 33°
Winfield “Dick” Jacobs, 33°
Marvin “Mac” Maguire, 33°
Lincoln Hamilton, 33°
Brothers Selected for Meritorious Service Award
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the
Meritorious Service Award by Ill Robert G Elrod, 33°, Deputy for
Indiana to these four brethren (from left to right):
Larry Charles Kesterson
Brother Larry Kesterson is from Indianapolis and was
raised in Pleasant Lodge where he served as Worshipful Master
in 2000. He joined the Scottish Rite, Valley of Indianapolis in
the Spring class of 1996. A retired Indianapolis Police
Department swat team officer, he has served the
Valley for many years as head of
the police security committee. Larry is married to Julie.
Thomas Albert Davis
Brother Tom
Davis hails from Kokomo
and was raised in Russiaville
Lodge Where he was
Worshipful Master in 1967. Tom joined the Scottish
Rite, Valley of Indianapolis
in the Fall class of 1965. He has been active in
membership development for several years in Howard County
and is currently serving as vice chairman of District 1. He is a
member of Murat Shrine. Tom is married to Marlene and they
have two daughters.
James Hilton Rice
Brother Jim Rice is from Brownstown and was raised in
Washington Lodge in 1976 where he served as Worshipful Master
and as Secretary for many years. He joined Indianapolis Valley of
Scottish Rite in the Spring 1991 class and has been active in the
Jackson County Scottish Rite Club and membership development
in Jackson County. He is married to Leora.
Deo Thomas Carter
Brother Deo Carter is from
Indianapolis and was raised in
North Park Lodge in 1952. Deo joined the Scottish
Rite in the spring of 1956
and received his 50 year
award at the Spring
convocation this year. He
has served in various
capacities in the Valley
including as a member of
the Tour Committee and
Wardrobe Committee. An active Shriner, he is involved in
the Flying Fezzes and Motor Corp. He is married to Gerry.
Page Double Eagle • Nov 2006
A Word With You
Your Feet in Two Canoes
Jesus simply said, "No man
It's an old joke, but it's still
can serve two masters." Or - have his
worth repeating. "What did the Indians
feet in two different canoes. You can't
say when Columbus landed?" Answer:
claim Jesus as your Lord, the decider of
"There goes the neighborhood!" Well,
from the Native perspective, that's exactly what you do, and have someone or
something else that is your deciding
what happened. As the march of nonfactor. Like a man trying to straddle two
Native people spread across the conticanoes, you'll be pulled apart.
nent, each tribe had to decide how they
were going to
respond. Some
In spite of the
... as the elders would say,
tribes that our On
you could not have your feet
Eagles' Wings team
in two canoes ...
went to this past
masters, so many
summer historically
who say they belong
used a vivid word picture to capture the
to Jesus are trying to do it - maybe you.
choice their people faced. They talked
You say Jesus is your Lord, but you've got
about the two canoes. They said there
a boyfriend or girlfriend you really revolve
were two canoes on this river that divided
the world of their people from the world
of these new people who had come. One
canoe was the ways of the Indian people,
the other canoe the ways of the white
people. And, as the elders would say, you
your life around. When it comes to a
could not have a foot in each canoe. You
choice between what Jesus wants and
had to choose your canoe.
what you need to do for money, money
wins. Or a choice between what certain
I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want
friends want and what Jesus wants. The
to have A Word With
friends win.
You today about "Your
Feet in Two Canoes."
You say Jesus is "number one,"
but what you watch on the Internet or
Jesus had a
TV is something He died to deliver you
lot in common with
from. No matter how much your music is
the Native people of
North America. He was about things Jesus hates, you just keep
hanging onto it. God's book commands
a tribal man, He grew
you to not be "unequally yoked with
up in a village, His country had been
unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14), but
taken over by others, He loved nature,
you're in a partnership or a romance that
He told stories, He was poor, He died a
violent death. While He didn't talk about continually forces you to choose between
their values and Jesus' values. And all too
those two canoes, He said something
often, they win. What you do with your
about following Him that sounded very
body, what you do when you're lonely,
much like it. It's recorded in Matthew
what you do when you're temper or your
6:24, our word for today from the Word
hormones are in control, "Goodbye,
of God.
But nobody loves you like He
does. Nobody else was butchered on a
cross to take your hell. He died so you
don't have to serve that other master. 1
Peter 2:24 says, "He bore our sins in
His own body on the tree, so that
we might die to
sins and live
for righteousness." When you
live the opposite
of what He wants,
you basically say,
"I don't care why You died, Jesus. I want
this." You might as well just say, "I want
this more than You."
Aren't you tired of being torn
apart inside, trying to choose between
your two masters, trying to live with your
feet in two canoes? They continue to drift
in opposite directions, and so do you.
God has some straight talk to you, right
from His Word in Joshua 24:15,
"Choose ... this day whom you will
serve." "Choose!" He said. And choose
is what you're going to have to do.
Choose the One who loves you most.
Choose the One you'll be with forever.
(Ron Hutchcraft can be found on the internet at
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Page 33rd Nominees Announced
The Council of Deliberation for the State of Indiana has
announced that the following brothers of the Indianapolis Valley
were recently elected to receive the 33rd degree in Washington DC
in August 2007. Congratulations to these worthy brethren who
have been recognized for their distinguished service to the
fraternity or to their community and have now been selected to
higher service within the fraternity.
James H. Acton – Lebanon
Dwight A. Boyd - Mooresville
Brian K. Buchanan - Carmel
Robert W. Cherry - Greenfield
Robert E. Judah - Fairland
Lawrence V. Kaminsky - Highland
Donald B. Marcum, Jr. - Seymour
Scott A. Schuster - Fishers
S. Randal Schutz - Greenfield
Cary H. Snyder - Dillsboro
Brother Ron Davis Ron Davis, Illustrious Master of Forrest
A. Wakeman Council # 110. makes a donation of canned
goods at this year's Annual Bean Supper which was attended
by over 500 Freemasons. Four large barrells were filled and
donated to Gleaners Food Pantry.
November 17-18 Convocation & Reunion
honoring Ill Neil C King, Jr, 33° & Ill Robert H Shoemaker, 33°
Adoniram Lodge of Perfection Degrees
Friday 1 pm
Oath of Fealty
Ceremonial Section
Provost and Judge
Grand Elect Mason &
Investiture of Gold Rings
Indianapolis Chapter of Rose Croix Degrees
Friday 7 pm
Knight of the Rose Croix
Indiana Consistory Degrees
Saturday 9 am
Knight of Jerusalem
24 ° Brother of the Forest
Saraiah Council of Princes of Jerusalem Degrees
15° Knight of the East or Sword
16° Prince of Jerusalem
6 pm
12 Noon
Master ad Vitum
Knight Aspirant
Sublime Prince Royal Secret
Volunteer to help the Make-up and Chorus departments.
Page Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Memorial & Honor Gifts
8-1-2006 to 9-30-2006
In memory of Don Davis
Robert M. Danielson
John W. Duncan
John A Lee
Raymond Gotshall
John C. Gray
George Jackson Sally King
Tim & Wendy Layton
Charles W. Merlau, Jr.
Richard D. Muir
Russ Murphy James Phillippe George Proctor
George Seidensticker
Thomas Shrock
William A. Sigman
Ronald Sparks
Carl B. Sputh
In memory of Bonnie VanGorden
Nathan C. Brindle
Gary Brinley
Jonathan R. Elrod
James B. Guffey
Gregory N. Jordan
Charles W. Merlau, Jr.
In memory of Norta Trulock, Jr.
Charles F. Butler
In memory of Ruby J. Comstock
Everad A. Comstock
In memory of Mrs. George Gale
Jenny Brunsma
In memory of John Flick
Tour Guide Committee
In memory of Aja C. Harper
James & Libby House
In memory of George Schultz
C. W. Eggers
In memory of Howard Moore
Cheri Keller
Ray, Judy, Mark, Jeff Hines &
In honor of Carl Culmann
George Galyean
Ashlar Society
In Memory/Honor of
Scottish Rite Chorus
David J Ashcraft
Lloyd M. Ault
Loren Lorain Brashear
William Howard Bailey
Elizabeth Marie Bailey-Moni
Frank Edward Batts
Robert E. Berry
Anna B. Boyd
Hugh & Cathy Burns
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Alexander
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Hill
Timothy Clayton Conway
Lloyd E. Conway
Martha Betty Crane &
Robert E. Crane
Paul Cullen Sr MD
J. Arnold & Nancy Custer
Bob & Sharon Danielson
33° Assoc of Indianapolis
Marvin E. Webster
Samuel S. Davis
Thomas A. Davis
Scott E. Dill & Lyda A Dill
Lawrence Dill & Velma R. Dill
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Duncan
Margaret I. Eder
Lillian Ellis
Eddie & Jean Ellis
Robert A. Floyd
Charles W. Anderson
Walter L. Funcannon
Robert L. Funcannon
Jack F. Funcannon
Adolph Granneman &
Gladys Granneman
John W. Gray & E. Louise Gray
Jack E. Gresham
Jim & Paula Guffey
Alvin J. Hancock
Donald R. Hankins
Joe M & Frances J. Hayworth
Louis & Nina Heid
James W Snyder &
Leroy E Snyder
Adam W Snyder & Max H Hutton
Don Allen Iiams
Dr. Ray L. Janes
James R. Johnson
Clarence Erwin Kemp
James H. & Ethel M. Makin,
& W. Z. & Sherry M. King
C. Arthur Landes
Donald J. Leathers
Barbara & Gary W. Lewis
Donald E. Longere
O. Wendell Macy
Annette Maguire
Daniel W. Martin and Family
Donald W McClarney
Howard & Mary McKinley
John & Marjorie Etter
Charles & Thelma Merlau
Scottish Rite Chorus
Mrs. David Jay Ashcraft
R. Maxine Ault
Bill Bailey
Bill Bailey
Bill Bailey
Martha Batts
Janice Berry
Dwight A. Boyd
W. Hugh Burns, Jr.
E. Drew Carrel
E. Drew Carrel
Suzanne C. Conway
LaVerne C. Crafton
Robert E. Crane
P. Kent Cullen, Jr. &
Peter David Cullen
J. Arnold Custer
Bob Danielson
Bob Danielson
Thomas A. Davis
Thomas A. Davis
Thomas A. Davis
Robert L. & Scott E. Dill
Mark Dill
John W. Duncan
Vernon L. Eder
Eddie Ellis
Eddie Ellis
Robert A. Floyd
Florence Funcannon
Florence Funcannon
Florence Funcannon
Florence Funcannon
Jim Granneman
Mrs. John W. Gray
Opal M. Gresham
James B. Guffey
Mary A. Hancock
Deloris Hankins
Frances J. Hayworth
R. Edward Heid
Tracy Hutton
Tracy Hutton
Mrs. Don A.Iiams
Eleanor M. Janes
Carolyn J. Johnson
Larry G. Kemp
William Z. King
John H. Landes
Esther Leathers
Gary Lewis
Mrs. Lilly Longere
O. Wendell Macy
Mac Maguire
Dan Martin
R. Patricia McClarney
Mary E. McKinley
Charles Merlau
Charles Merlau
In Memory/Honor of
Charles Merlau
Charles Jr. & Judith Merlau
Robert F. Mertz
Herbert W. Ernst & Alma Mertz Ernst
Robert F. Mertz
Carl Otto & May Arene Mertz
Hubert E. Morlan
Elza D. Morlan & Hubert E. Morlan
Marilyn L. Neihaus
William G. Niehaus
Mrs. Vera A.Nelson
Edmond E. Nelson
Mrs. John L.Perry
John Perry
Betty Pierce
Maurice M. Pierce
Michael R. St.Pierre
Paul C. St. Pierre
Michael R. St.Pierre
Michael Robert St. Pierre
George Proctor
Carl W. Stotts
George Proctor
George Proctor & Debra G. Proctor
Oral H. Ratliff
Oral H. Ratliff
William D. Richter
William E. Richter
William D. Richter
William C. Richter
Charlotte J. Riggin
Max Edward Riggin
Nancy Schlangen
Paul Schlangen
Nanch Schlangen
Ronald Schlangen
Mrs. Bill E.Schmalfeldt
Bille E. Schmalfeldt
Scottish Rite Chorus & Orch
James B. Calvert
W. Eric Seidensticker
Harvey W. Garrett
Mrs. E. OlinShinault
E. Olin Shinault
William A. Sigman
Rita Sigman
from William, Lynn, Allan & Chris
Rex Sohn
Rex Sohn & John Sohn
Avis L. Thompson
J. Maurice Thompson
Virginia Kay Titus
David & John Titus
Louise Van Skyock
Richard Scott Van Skyock
Lorenda Voris
Arch C. Voris III
Windsor P. Waits
Windsor P. Waits and Family
Mary Walther
William G. Walther
Virginia O. Warner
William Otis Warner, III
Garnet M. Weatherford
David Weatherford &
Garnet Weatherford
Mary Lou Wilson
C. James & Mary Lou Wilson
Charitable Trust Inc.
Timothy K. Wright
William K. Wright
Timothy K. Wright
Marie DeFord
Timothy K. Wright
Carolyn Wright
Carl D. York
Carl and Marcia York
Estate Planning
For those of you in the gift
planning stages of life, Congress enacted
the IRA Charitable Rollover Law this past
August. If you are age 70.5 or older you
may make a gift up to $100,000 from your
IRA directly to charity without any tax
implication! This law will expire December
31, 2007. If you are looking for ways to
ease your estate tax burden, this could be
an opportunity you might want to explore
with your financial advisor.
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Page 'Round the Rite
Learning Center
Saturday October 14th was an exciting day for the 32º
Masonic Learning Center for Children. On a brisk autumn day at
the Cathedral 54 walkers participated in the annual 3k/5k Walk to Help Children with Dyslexia. Over 150 people made pledges,
gifts, and donations totaling over $11,400 that will go towards
the effort of supporting our Learning Center. We currently have
40 students taking advantage of this program and all these dollars
raised will help in their free tutoring.
If you did not get a chance to participate in this event,
there will be another Walk held Saturday February 24, 2007 as
part of the Polar Bear Series held in Indianapolis. This will also be
hosted at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. More information on the
Polar Bear Walk will appear in the January 2007 Double Eagle.
This is a great opportunity for you to bring your family to a fun
event that supports our great cause-helping students with dyslexia.
Many, many thanks to all those who participated in the
Walk on October 14th and we look forward to seeing you on
February 24, 2007 at the Polar Bear Walk ---- we’ll supply the
coffee and hot chocolate!
Franny Clark Fitzhugh, portrayed by Beverly Elrod, offered
her personal insights on the Lewis & Clark Expedition
during the October 17th Ladies Luncheon.
Governor Honors Klein with Hoosier Award
Keith Klein, program chair
and instructor at Ivy Tech
Community College-Bloomington, has been named a “Distinguished Hoosier” by Indiana
Governor Mitch Daniels. The
award was presented to Klein for
his service to DeMolay International. The Distinguished
Hoosier is one of the highest
awards given by the State of
Indiana to its citizens. The
citation commends Klein for his
significant contributions to the
Klein joined DeMolay at the age of 14 and has been
with the organization ever since. On June 17, 2006 he was
awarded DeMolay’s highest distinction of “Grand Master” at a
conference held in Seattle, Washington. DeMolay is an organization dedicated to preparing
young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing
its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on
experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21
by developing the civic awareness, personal responsibility and
leadership skills so vitally needed in society today. DeMolay
combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds
important bonds of friendship among members in more than
1,000 chapters worldwide.
Page 10
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
The "Rite" News
St Pierre President-Elect National Funeral
The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA),
the largest funeral service association in the United States, is
proud to announce that Michael R St Pierre, CFSP, of Wilson St
Pierre Funeral Service & Crematory in Indianapolis, IN, will serve
as NFDA president-elect for 2006-2007. St Pierre, a Certified
Funeral Service Practitioner (CFSP), was installed as presidentelect of NFDA’s Executive Board during the 2006 NFDA
Convention & Expo held in Philadelphia, October 15 - 18.
St Pierre has committed himself to the funeral service
profession on both a state and national level. He is a past
president of the Indiana Funeral Directors Association, and a past
member of the Allied Memorial Council of Indiana and the
Indiana Funeral Directors Association/Indiana Cemetery Association Prearrangement Law Joint Task Force.
On the national level, St Pierre served on the NFDA
Executive Board as an at-large representative, secretary, and
treasurer. He also served as Indiana’s representative to the Policy
Board from 1998 to 2001. St Pierre has also served as a board
member and president for Selected Independent Funeral Homes,
president of the Associated Funeral Directors International, chair
of the National Foundation of Funeral Service, treasurer of the
Consumer Information Bureau, Inc, and was Indiana state
chairman for the International Order of the Golden Rule.
Michael St Pierre served for four years as chairman of the
Membership Development Committee, and 13 years as an officer
in the Indiana Consistory where he served as Commander-inChief in 1994-95. He currently serves as the Deputy’s Representative for the Indianapolis Valley.
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Page 11
Coming "Rite" Up
Theatre of Performing Arts
"34th Miracle"
By the time this article hits the Double Eagle,
we will have completed the run of our fall musical
“Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.”
“Sweeney Todd” was a magnificent production. Indianapolis has always had the reputation of
masterful degree presentation, and your fellow
Scottish Rite Masons were fabulous. A special
thanks goes out to Hugh Burns, Charlie Bush,
Andy Jackson, Tom Worrell and all of the brothers
in the background who make the degree presentations world class year after year.
Children's Xmas Party
The Children's Christmas Party is planned expressly for
the entertainment of our members' children and grandchildren, so
mark your calendars and plan to attend the a unique "Holiday
Magic Show with the Ballisters" on Sunday, Dec 3rd at 2 pm. Santa really gets around, but he can't get everywhere so he has
personally chosen Rally and Misti to share the North Pole magic,
including musical favorites, interactive sing-a longs, lively holiday
takes and some of the latest Elf Workshop inventions. After the
show meet Santa and his trusty elfs over refreshments in the
Banquet Hall and enjoy a live Nativity Scene and music from our
own Scottish Rite Chorus. Free to all members and their guests.
This holiday season will be capped by the production of
that time proven Holiday classic, “A Miracle on 34th Street.”
I hope you and all your family will join us for a production that
epitomizes faith in action. In the presentation of “Miracle”,
Christmas commercialism takes a back seat to the true meaning of
humanity---faith in our fellow man.
Orchestra & Chorus
“Miracle” which opens on December 15th at 7:30
pm will run for a total of eight performances. Please visit our
web-site--- scottishriteevents.com -- or call 262-3120 to reserve
your tickets for this outstanding family holiday production.
Madrigal Dinner
A long, long time ago, in a ballroom far, far away...
Okay, so it is our third annual date with this event, but we think
that a Madrigal Dinner takes
you back to a different time and
a different place. A time when
kings were kings, ladies where
ladies and jesters were annoying
little men who could never do a
thing right and always fell in love
with the princess while fighting a
duel against evil in the land who
was trying to take over the
kingdom. Good times.
Join us for an evening of fun
on Friday, December 1st at 6:30 pm. Continue a family
tradition - tickets are $25 per person. Reservation requests are
already brisk so call today to reserve your party!
On Sunday, Dec 17th at 2 pm, the Scottish Rite
Orchestra, Chorus, and the magnificent Cathedral Organist will
present a delightful evening of music for your holiday entertainment. Tickets are FREE for all members and their guests. No
food service prior to this concert.
Ballroom Dancing
Join us on Saturday, January 13th
at 7 pm for an evening of Ballroom
Dancing in the beautiful Scottish Rite
Cathedral Ballroom. Enjoy the sounds of
the "Tom Mullinux Band." Admission is
FREE to members showing their '06 dues
Page 12
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
The Indianapolis
Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation recently completed one of the
most successful fundraising years
in its history even with all of the
outstanding local and national
causes that are available to support.
Your donations totaled almost $1
Million this past year. Approxi-
Mark Dill
Director of Major
mately 21% of the membership participated in outright
gifts, memorial contributions,
bequests, and charitable gift
annuities and we sincerely
thank you for your generosity.
the athedral
Thanks to your
donations we were able to
replace the carpeting on the third
floor, repair the east steps, repave
the west parking lot, and complete
the much needed handicapped
access ramp on the west side of the
Cathedral. The Ashlar Society had
over 300 people donate to the
brick campaign which is a
memorial to loved ones and is
located on the west parking lot by
the new entrance. These were
some of the major improvements
your donations have helped
provide this past year in preserving
the beautiful Scottish Rite
This Foundation was
established in 1984 to preserve
and maintain the Scottish Rite
Cathedral and recognizes all
donors at the level of their gift.
On behalf of the Indianapolis
Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation, Inc. and the Board of
Directors, I thank all the members
and friends of the Valley of
Indianapolis who contributed to
the Indianapolis Scottish Rite
Cathedral Foundation, Inc during
the year August 1, 2005 to July
31, 2006.
Lisa Brock
Listed here are members and friends of the Valley of Indianapolis who contributed to the Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation,
Inc. during the year August 1, 2005 to July 31, 2006. The Foundation was established in 1984 to preserve and maintain the Scottish Rite
Cathedral and recognizes all donors at the level of their gift. Tax deductible gifts may be made by using the enclosed envelope.
Mark of Honor
Fortunant S. Andrews
Clara Andrews Estate
Michael G. Barth, Jr., 33°
Eleanor G. Bell Estate
Franklin Bridenhager
Bright Sheet Metal
(Gary S. Aletto) Joseph H. Clark, 33°
James D. Collins, 33°
William R. Gommel, 33°
Carl E. Hensley
Frank E. Irish Company
(C. David Irish) Johnson Co. Com. Found. Lilly Endowment, Inc. Clyde & Eloise Lindesmith
Alan G. Lisle, 33°
Maco Press
(W. Eric Seidensticker) John C. Mertz
Richard D. Muir, 33°
Madolyn G. Patterson
Harriett Patterson Estate
George Rapp, 33°
George Seidensticker
Dennis D. Sheets, 33°
E. Olin Shinault
August J. Sieloff, 33°
William A. Sigman, 33°
Steel Family Foundation The Mutal Fund Store
(Dennis P. Smith)
Masters Mark
Harold M. Abbott
Mitchell R. Allen, 33°
Patty J. Barth
Jo Ann Brandt
Charlotte E. Bunnell
Everad A. Comstock
Stephen P. Cooper
Walter J. Daly, 33°
Lloyd L Douglas
John W. Duncan, 33°
George Rogers Clark SRC Alan Glock
E. Louise Gray
George L. Harper
Jameson Inn
Evelyn A. Powers
Meredith J. Reynolds
Joseph E. Rothrock
S. Randal Schutz
Bea Seibel
Lynn Thornburg
Philip D. Young, 33°
Anita Zink
J. Robert Wortman
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Mark of
Kennely J. Bastin
Dan L. Bourff
Berry W. Cooper
Robert M. Danielson, 33°
Rex Fleenor, 33°
James B. Garrett, 33°
David D. Graf
Nicholas J. Gray, MSA
Gretchen E. Barker
Leon P. Beaty
Irvin F. Becker
Robert E. Bellamy
Chester H. Berry
David B. H. Best
Francis M. Bilbee, MSA
Frani Bilyeu
George K. Blackburn, 33°
Lawrence M. Borst, 33°
Peter C. L. Boyce
Rodney C. Brandes
Floyd D. Brattain
Carolyn Broady
Janet W. Brower
Donald R. Brown
Barbara J. Brown
R. June Brown
Mildred E. Brown
Lois G. Brown
Daniel W. Buckland
Cynthia S. Bush
Charles F. Butler
James Calloway
Page 13
Fred W. Fuller
John A. Garr
Barbara Garringer
Helen M. Garrison
Douglas O Gentry
Philip M. George
Ronnie W Gerkin
Mildred M. Gibson
Teresa E. Gifford
Dessie Givens
Wilma Gluesenkamp
Raymond E. Gotshall
Chandos O. Graham
Thelma P. Gray
James B. Guffey, 33°
Darryl L. Guiducci
Mildred F. Gumberts
Sally C. Gustin
William S. Hague
Robert E. Hall
Robert E Hallam
Ronald C. Hamaker
Marjorie Hamaker
Stephen M. Harrell
Doretha Lloyd
John K. Loman
Barbara Luglan
Marvin C. Maguire, 33°
Maurice L. Mangas
Bettylee F. Marquis
Sandra M. Mars
Gerald Brooks Marshall
Cynthia M. Marshall
Ralph D. Martin
Daniel W. Martin
R. G. Mathioudakis
Mary K. Mauch
Robert M. McClain, 33°
Helen A. McCord
Earl M. McDaniel
Betty J. McFarland
Rita M. McFarland
Harry Roll McLaughlin,
John R. Means
Kelly W. Merchant
Charles W. Merlau
Dorothy M. Merriman
George W. Pendygraft
John E. Pittaway
Evelyn A. Pitts
Althea C. Pogue
Robert E. Price, 33°
John W. P. Price
Julia A. Price
John P. Price, 33°
Barbara Profitt
Richard D. Purcell, 33°
Mary K. Quackenbush
John L. Race
Bonnie L. Rains
Joan E. Rau
James A. Ray
Lloyd E. Reddix
Ernest A. Reichart
Paul R. Reiss
Marjorie J. Rice
Barry L. Richmond
William D. Richter, 33°
Mary Ann Rickert
Homer P. Riddell
Betty C. Riley
Verlyn E. Spiker
Carl B. Sputh
Harold D. Stacy
Steven C. Stahl
Hazel M. Steckel
Betty G. Steinmetz
Georgia J Stevens
Shirley M. Stickney
Gerry Stine
Richard A. Strahl
Charles E. Stuart, 33°
Mary A. Sutton
John W. Sweezy
Virginia L. Swing
Dorothy A. Sylvester
Helen L. Symons
Gale D. Tarr
Eddy M. Teets
Elnora Thompson
Paul Thornburg
M. L. Thurman
George F. Tungate
Ann Turner
Maralyn Turner
Jesse E. Adams
Dale E. Adams
John A. Adams
Robert S. Adams
Clifford R. Adams
Juanita Adams
Michael Q. Adams
Rex D. Adkins
John A. Adolph
Richard L Aichele
Marvin L. Akers
Jack T. Akers
Ronald L. Akers
Charles W. Alber
Ressie Glen Alberson
Shirley J. Alexander
Herbert A. Alexander
Gary A. Allbritten
Mary Soles Allen
Lena L. Allen
John W. Allen
Max W. Allen
Donald B. Amos
Jack M. Anderson
Have you remembered the Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation, Inc. in your will?
Virginia D. Hofmann
J. David Hollingsworth, 33°
John E. Hulen
Florence L. Hulen
George R. Jackson, 33°
Donald A. Johnson
KSM Business Services, Inc. Fred T. Kortepeter, 33°
Robert E Kuester, 33°
Carroll E. Mohr
James Peter Mohr, 33°
Russell A. Murphy, 33°
Jeanette H. Roberts
Jeffrey K. Saunders, 33°
William R. Sterling
Roy F. Stringer
Susan K. Van Skyock
Wendell D. Vandivier, 33°
T. Max Warner
Letha D. Zore
Jean E. Adams
James E. Alexander
Joseph Alexander
Kathryn Alexander
Elizabeth Allemenos
Donald W. Allen, 33°
Betty J. Anderson
Donna M. Andres
Elmira Annis
Marjorie E. Applegate
Ruth M. Armstrong
Susannah P. Arnold
Rosemary E. Askren
Bill L. Ayers
William D. Backman
Wanda R. Campbell
Betty Canter
Herbert A. Carner
Ruth B. Carrington
Betty L. Carter
Russell B. Chorpenning
F. Leon Clark
Hazel W. Clavert
Willard R. Clutter, 33°
Ruth Colclesser
Lorraine M. Collins
Mildred O. Collins
Robert D. Conger, 33°
Mildred Cook
Robert G. Coshow
Alva Cox
Billie Cox
LaVerne Crafton
Phyllis Crickmore
Robert V Cridge Estate
Carlton E. Curry
Bernard F. Darrenkamp
Douglas M. Davies
Wilbur A. Davis
Joyce M. Davis
Lois J. Detrude
Anna P. Diener
Scott E. Dill, 33°
J. Mark Dill
Charles L. Dine
Eva K. Distel
Gloria Dobbs
Gracie M. Donaldson
Myrna L. Dowden
Donald Dunbar
Mary Jane Duncan
Richard H. Dyer, 33°
Wayne L. Eastes
Max J. Ebaugh
Eddie B. Ellis
Evelyn R. Elrod
Douglas E. Euers
Marilyn J. Evans
Phillip H. Farris
Gary K. Fentress, 33°
Jane Ann Ferguson
Pauline Finkbiner
Stella Fischer
Flanner & Buchanan
Funeral Center Cecilia M. Freeman
Miner C. Friend
Frances L. Frist
Charles G. Fromer, 33°
James L. Fulkerson
Faye E. Harritt
Mary A. Harsin
Mary T. Hartley
Earl G. Hartman
Helen M. Hayes
Frances J. Hayworth
Betty J. Hendricks
Russell R Henney
Richard E. Hickam, 33°
Mary L. Higgins
Norma J. Hoffmann
Robert J. Horth
James A. House
Virginia House
Clarena Huffington
Richard B. Hugart
Robert D. Hughes
Gordon J. Husk, 33°
Indpls. High Twleve Club Indpls. Knights of Saint
Andrew Ninalou Isaacson
Blanche A. Jackson
Winfield Jacobs, 33°
C. Howard Jansen
James E. Jarvis
Roland W. Jellison
Mary L. Jenkins
Brenda L. Johnson
Johnson County SRC Gladys Jones
Lela N. Jordan
Anna L. Jurt
Philip S. Kappes, 33°
Jeffrey S. Karnes
Kay Kelley
Edward E. Kerkhoff, 33°
Martha Kesterson
Marvela C. Kimm
Eric R King
Margaret M. Kinkead
Harriett J. Klingstein
Jerry E. Knotts
Alison Kothe
Lee C. Kunce
Ladies Friendship Circle Sue Lamastus
Ernestine M. Lambertus
John H. Landes
Charles E. Lanham, 33°
Evelene Lantz
Margaret Lautzenheiser
Charles L. Lehman, MSA
Gary W. Lewis, 33°
Jesse Lindsey
William R. Miller
Mary Alice Mock
Lawrence R. Moore
Robert J. Moore, 33°
Betty L. Moore
Robert E. Moredock
June C. Morgan
Kathryn Morgan
Dianne M. Riley
Betty L. Roberts
Violet L. Ross
Betty R. Rouse
Elinor M. Schall
Frank C Scholl
Linda Schroeder
John W. Schuler
New Century Society
Harold & Isabelle Legg Estate
Membership in this society marks the
highest level of dedication to preserving
the Indianapolis Cathedral and can be
achieved by creating a provision in
your estate plan to benefit the
cathedral through a charitable trust, a
beneficial interest in an insurance policy or retirement plan, a gift of
remainder interest in highly-appreciable real estate or personal property,
a Charitable Gift Annuity, or through
a bequest in your will.
Michael A. Moxley
James O. Myers
Rae Nally
Mary D. Nathan
Richard E. Neff
Marilyn L. Niehaus
Billie Niles
Lois K. Norris
Gus B. Nuckols
Mark E. Nugent
V. Annamae Nutty
Phyllis J. Oldham
Frances R. Oliver
Robert C. Parker
Laura E. Parlon
William B. Patrick, 33°
Kenneth I. Pendleton
Max L Scott
Marilyn E. Scott
Barbara N. Seymour
Robert B Shelby
Iris M. Showalter
Thomas B. Shrock, 33°
Paula E. Shrote
Virginia N. Simon
Margaret J. Sims
John B. Sloan
Clifton L. Smith
Maxine R. Smith
Gerald E. Smith
Jack G. Smith
Ronald W. Sparks, 33°
Speedway Lodge #729 Elizabeth J Spencer
William L. Tyner
University Publishing
Company Robert W. Utley, 33°
J. B. Van Sickle
Raymond C. Vandivier
Margaret E. Veatch
Lorenda E. Voris
Windsor P. Waits
Raymond E. Walker
Charles L Walker, Jr., 33°
Crimine L. Walther
Mary Alice Wands
Wilma J. Warren
Kent D Watts
Barbara Welch
Orella H. Whicker
Wally E. Whitecotton
Robert W. Wilds, 33°
Howell B Winningham
Wanda M. Wolford
Sue C. Wood
Nancy A. Worden
Joan S. Wright
Bernard Wurger
David H. Yates
Carl D. York
Marilyn A. Young
George L. Young
Barbara J. Zebell
William G. Zimmer
Alan Lee Abel
Dean A. Abersoll
Jerry A. Abram
J. David Abrell
Charles R. Acton
Edward L. Adair
Michael H. Adams
Marion L. Adams
Dale M. Adams
Elaine Anderson
Patricia L. Anderson
Jerald E. Anderson
Duane D. Anderson
David A. Andrews
Robert P. Andrews
Lorelei M. Anger
Charles C. Apple
Audrey B. Apple
Ray W. Apple
Albert T. Applegate
Charles W. Arbuckle
James D. Arnold
James J. Arthur
James T. Asche
Mark M. Ashburn
Charles W. Ashley
Leland T. Atkinson
Arnold C. Atkinson
Oscar L. Atteberry
William J. Auler
R. Maxine Persons Ault
Jeffrey B. Austin
Glenda A. Austin
Willard M. Avery, 33°
Robert L. Ayler
Harold L. Aynes
Edna L. Babbitt
Malcolm E. Baber
Matthew G. Badger
Clyde E. Bailey
William H. Bailey
Richard M. Bailey
James W. Baird, MSA
Lawrence Wendell Baker
Edith E. Baker
Verdell A. Baker
John H. Baker
Gary E. Baker
R. G. Baker
Marthetta J. Baker
Warren E. Baker
Perry W. Baldwin
Rex L. Bales
Paul W. Ballard
Charles W. Ballard, 33°
Ralph C. Banner
Jack L. Banther
Nellie M. Barker
Gerald S. Barker
Richard J. Barker
Alan J. Barker
Glenn E. Barnard
Jack L. Barnes
Howard R. Barnes
Page 14
Roy L. Barnett
Robert B. Barnett
William E. Barnettt
Thomas I. Barnhart
Paul K. Barrett
Daniel W. Barrick
Max Barron
Scott N. Bartlett
Samuel J. Bartley
Joe R. Barton
Nolin A. Bash
Delbert R. Baston
James R. Bates
Thomas K. Bathauer
John T. Bauer
Glayds M. Bauer
Albert E. Baur
Nancy V. Beach
Roy R. Beal
Ray E. Beam
Ralph F. Beam
Brant L. Beanblossom
Milton E. Bear
Robert S. Beasley
Charles G. Beatty, 33°
Charles E. Bechman
George G. Bechtel
Noble L. Beck
Christopher R. Beck
Herbert E. Beck
Charles D. Beckner
Robert L. Bedell
Lewis J. Beeler
Bryan A. Beeler
Donald F. Behrens
William E. Bell
William S. Bell
Omer C. Belt
Carey A. Benfield
James M. Bennett
Virgl E. Bennett
George S. Bennington
Esther R. Benson
Guy R. Benson
William A. Bergman
Eldon R. Berridge
Harry W. Bertram
William H. Best
Leo Bewley, 33°
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Glen L. Bonsett
Stella J. Booker
Roger H. Bookwalter
Robert M. Boots
Donald E. Born
John D. Boruff
Rondal G. Bothast
Clayton W. Bourroughs
Herman R. Bowers
Fern V. Bowers
Doyle l. Bowman
James H. Bowman
William T. Bowman
Howard F. Bowman
Dwight A. Boyd
Elmer D Boyer
Thomas E. Boyle
Larry J. Boze
Charles E. Brackin
William W. Braden
James H. Bradley
Joe F. Brammer
Claude E. Brammer
Kim J. Brand, 33°
Farrell L. Brandenburg
Calvin C. Brandenburg
Wendell I. Brattain
William Glen Braunlin
Byron C Bray
David D Bray
Robert E. Brazelton
Thomas E. Breeden
Carl W. Breedlove
Relfe N. Brewer
Lawrence E. Brewer
Melvin R. Bridges
Marvin G. Bridgewater
Stephen J. Bright
John C. Brighton
Max G. Bringle
Warren F. Brint
Mary Lou Brisco
Richard K. Britton
Wayne A. Brodhecker
Marshall R. Brooks
Bruce W. Brothers
Ruth M. Brower
Robert Brown
Charles F. Brown
John D. Burney
Joe B. Burnham
Wilson A. Burns
Cecil O. Burns
W. Hugh Burns, 33°
Raymond F. Burns
William A. Burress
Charles W. Burris
Jerry M. Burton, 33°
William F. Busard
William J. Busch
Charles S. Bush, MSA
Dennis C. Chapman
Ellsworth M. Chapman
William Chapman
Willis M. Charles
Cletus Eugene Chastain
Roland E. Chastain
John H. Chastian
Dennis A. Cheshier
James L. Chesney, 33°
Gregory A. Chiles, 33°
Betty J. Chinn
Chris Christian
Baxter Bells Society
William R. Gommel
Would you like to memorialize a loved
one and help ensure perpetual
maintenance of the Cathedral
Carillon? Sponsorship will be honored
with an inscribed musical note of the
bell on a plaque in the Cathedral's
Hall of Honor.
George A. Buskirk
Robert L. Butler
Frederick M. Butler
Robert W. Butler
W. Leland Butler
David F. Butterworth
F. Edward Butz
Charles E. Christie
Charles Eugene Church
Peter E. Ciganovich
Wayne E. Circle
Roberta Clampitt
Henly F. Clapp
Richard L. Clark
Meredith W. Compton
Shirley J. Conant
Kenneth E. Conaster
Ernest G. Condra
Lawrence M. Condrey
Terrill B. Conner
George N. Conrad
Melvin D. Cook
Mark D. Cook
Louis E. Cook
Charles D. Coonce
Joesph D. Cooney
Charles W. Cooper
Phyllis Cooper
Christina A. Cooper
Janet Cooper
James E. Copeland
Marjorie G. Cornell
Chauncey V. Correll
Flossie B. Corya
William M. Cothran
Jack L. Cottey, 33°
Albert T. Cotton
Richard C. Courtney
James C. Covalt
Robert R. Cover
John S. Covington
Donald M. Cowan
Norman D. Cowart
John T. Cowley
Victoria M. Cox
Albert B. Cox
Hubert L. Cox
Jack R. Coy
Josephine Cradick
Donald T. Craft
Richard E. Crago
Clarabell Crandell
Raymond E. Crawford
Alan L. Crawford
Richard P. Crawshaw
William S. Creighton
Ralph A. Crenshaw
Forrest D. Crichfield
Vernon W. Cripe
John M. Crismore
Carlton L. Croney
Myrna J. Crosby
Donald Croshaw
Russell L. Daum
Alfred Daupert
Harold F. Davidson
Robert F. Davie
William E. Davis
Dennis L. Davis
William C. Davis
Maurice R. Davis
Danny L. Dawes
Newton E. Day
V. Carlene Day
Robert J. De Noon
James W. Deakyne
Betty J. Dean
Wayne E. Dearinger
Edmund F. Debreczeni
Thomas N. Debusk
Noble E. Deer
I. E. Defur
Kenneth L. DeHart
Julia Dehon
Kenneth E. Deitrich
James L. Delashmit
William E. Demaree
Edward L. Denman
Dale L. Denney
Glenn F. Denning
Robert L. Denton
Robert E. Devaughn
Dan F. Dexter
Edna E. Dick
Carroll L. Dickerson
Jeffrey D. Dickerson
William J. Dickson
Henry A. Diedring
John V. Dietz
Wilma Dill
James A. Diltz
Edward F. Dirks
Walter Divan
Ralph P. Dixon
Albert K. Doak
Mildred I. Dobson
Laurel W. Dobson
Leo E. Docktor
Thomas D. Dodd
Paul E. Dodson
Vern E. Doles
William A. Doles
Jimmy R. Eaton
M. Reece Eckerty
William N. Eckstein
Michael J. Econs, 33°
Roderick E. Eddy
Jerald E. Eden
Robert B. Edie
Morton L. Edlin
Claude B. Edwards
William T. Edwards
R. Donald Edwards, 33°
Richard P. Edwards
Nancy L. Edwards
Kristopher K. Eichhorn
Richard B. Eilar
John A. Eklem
Russell I. Eldridge
Wesley P. Eley
Eli Lilly American Legion,
Post 374 Charles A. Elkins
Lowell G. Ellabarger
Lee Eller
Robert Elliott
Kenneth E. Ellis
Richard D. Elmore
Robert G. Elrod, 33°
Freda M. Ely
Paul C. Emberton
Helena H. Emerson
Mitchell Engel
Warren R. Engel
John B. Englehardt
Charles C. Enlow
John P. Ensinger
Jerry W. Enyart
John T. Eppen
David E. Ernstes
Keith A. Erny
Harry E. Ervin
John R. Ervin
Escalade Sports D. F. Estle
Lawrence Ettinger
Gerald L. Evans
William M. Evans
Earl W. Evans
Parke B. Everett
Willard N. Everhart
Gift your farm or residence now and continue to live there for the rest of your life.
Barry S. Beyers
John R. Biddinger
James W. Biddle
George N. Biggerstaff
Osborn D. Bilby
James E. Bird
Darrell W. Birge
Wallace L. Birge
Michael S. Bische
Thomas L. Bishop
Bob O. Bishop
Randal Young Bishop
George R. Bitler
Rosalyn L. Black
Robert R. Blackburn
Marilyn B. Blair
George A. Blair
John E. Blasdel
James H Blevins
Ronald W. Blomberg
Edward W. Bloom
Philip D. Blose
N. Maxine Blunk
James C. Blythe
Roy A. Boedeker
Paul A. Bogigian
John R. Bohenkamp
William A. Bolander
Robert E. Boldrey
Harold L. Boling
Elizabeth J. Bolton
Earl R. Bond
Nora F. Brown
Paul L. Brown
Ruth J. Brown
Arthur B. Brown
Erwin E. Brown
William A. Brown
John C. Brown
Owen D. Brown
Kenneth J. Brown
Edward E. Brown
Donald R. Brown
Robert F. Brown
Douglas L. Brown
Richard L. Brown
William A. Browne
Jay M. Brownell
Delbert H. Browning
Robert Q. Bruce
Basil R. Brummet
Jenny Brunsma
Richard O. Bryant
Donald L. Bryant
Ronnie J. Buchanan
Alan C. Buck
Robert R. Buckley
Jesse E. Budd
Robert J. Bullions
Charles E. Bunch
Leland R. Bundy
Phillip V. Bundy
Irwin L. Bunton
Earl G. Burkholder
Denzel H. Byram
Phyllis J. Byrd
Terry E. Byrns
Sarah A. Calder
Billy D. Caldwell
Howard C. Caldwell
Velma J. Calvert
George D. Calvert
F. Jay Campbell
Ralph J Campbell
Harold N. Campbell
Georgia Cannaday
Jon D. Cardwell
Milo L. Carlson
Charles D. Carmichael
Max L. Carpenter, 33°
Thomas E. Carr
C. Ronald Carr
Deo T. Carter, MSA
Robert R. Carter
George R. Carter
William J. Carver
Thurman D. Cassetty
R. Jack Cassingham
James D. Castor
Robert L. Caudell
Barbara Cavendish
Michael l. Cecil
David Leon Chance
Lee H. Chandler
Floyd A. Chaplin
Thomas E. Clark
Charles B. Clark
Betty J. Clark
Robert J. Clark
Gleanard O. Clark
James V. Clark
Harold F. Clark
William F. Clark
William B. Clark
Clearbrook Village
Hmonrs. Assoc. Richard E. Clearwater
Frankie R. Cleek
Ralph Clem
Harold H. Clemenz
Lawrence F. Clendening
Robert Clevenger, MSA
Wilma M. Clingenpeel
Russell M. Clinton
Richard E. Cloncs
Glenn W. Cloyd
James E. Clutter
Joe B. Clymer
Bert A. Cobb
Mark W. Coburn
Maurice M. Coffman
William P. Cole
Jean E. Coleman
Howard H. Colip
Jackie L. Collins
Marvin E. Collins
Viola A. Collins
Robert I. Crouch
Harry L. Crouch
James N. Crouse
Max S. Crowder
Billy J. Crowder
Larry R. Crulo
Marion K. Crum, 33°
Edwin M. Crum
Phil H. Crum
Carolyn A. Crume
Peter D. Cullen
P. Kent Cullen
Herbert J. Cummings
Richard L. Cunningham,
James F. Cunningham
Forest D. Cunningham
Marietta J. Curl
Timothy L. Curry
William J. Curtis
J. Arnold Custer, 33°
Milo M. Cvetkovich
Harold V. Dailey
William R. Dailey
David R. Dale
Cleo Dallas
Lawrence S. Dalton
Adolphus W. Dalton
George H. Dame
Melvin R. Daniel
Ronald E. Dant
Judy P. Daub
Joseph W. Dorrell
Ursula C. Dorsey
Edward L. Doss
Wilbur L. Dossey
Harry O. Dougherty
Robert L Douglas
Georgia H. Douglass
William A. Dowden, 33°
John O. Downham
Richard E. Drake
James Richard Draper
James E. Drew
Ralph J. Duckworth
Marion A Dudgeon
Donald D. Dugan
Howard J. Dugle
Herbert E. Dulaney
Clyde Elmo Dulworth
Daniel R. Dunbar
Steven N. Dunbar
Janice C. Duncan
Kenneth R. Duncan
Floyd K. Dunn
Myra Dunn
Virgil C. Durham
James E. Duvall
Robert I. Dyer
Donald A. Eades
Robert B. Eagleston
Selma G. Earnest
Drue T. Eaton
Larry L. Eaton
Paul D. Ewan
Preston S. Ewing
Donna E. Eyer
G. Thomas Fager
Forest E. Fahrbach
James L. Fahrenkamp
Kyle L. Fahrner
William H. Failey
Clyde R. Fannin
Golden L. Faris
Dallas G. Farr
Jesse F. Faust
Russell L. Fawcett
William J. Feasel
Arnold L. Feather
Scott R. Fenstermaker
Ruth Ferrell
Lloyd J. Fidler
Myrtle E. Fields
C. F. Figg
James K. Fink
Raymond A. Finney
James N. Fisher
John H. Fisher
Max R. Fitzpatrick
Donald E. Fleener
Dorris Fleetwood
Francis C. Fletcher
Cameron E. Flick
James H. Flickner
Lynwood G. Flinchum
James W. Flockencier
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Florence I. Foland
Calvin E. Folsom
Robert B. Fong
Kenneth L. Ford
Hareld E. Ford
George M. Ford
James T. Ford
Tim Ford
Victor A. Fordyce
E. Roland Forrester
Claude A. Forth
William D. Foster
Lawrence D. Foster
Keith I. Fouch
Cedric C. Fowler
Philip E. Fowler, 33°
Wallace N. Fox
Richard C. Fox
Thomas C. Francis
Daniel E. Francis
William E. Francis
Robert J. Frazer
Michael L. Freed
Mervin R. Freeland
John L. Gradle
Orville M. Graham
Donald C. Graham
Mark E. Graham
Harold R. Graham
James E. Granneman
Norman E. Grant
John C. Gray, MSA
Doris Gray
John H. Gray
Robert K. Gray
Clarence E. Gray
George H. Greenwalt
Laura M. Gregory
Paul Matthew Gregory
Frederick Gregory
Gary C. Gresham
Nola B. Grider
Carroll B. Grile
Herbert E. Grimes
Hubert N. Grimes
Grant K. Griner
James C. Grizzle
Floyd T. Guard
Page 15
William L. Hart
Lilah L. Hart
William W. Harter
Ralph C. Harting
William B. Harting
Leonard L. Hartley
Arthur F. Hartson
Norman D. Hash
Jewell Haskett
James R. Hasler
Helen M. Hasler
Jack M. Hatcher
John R. Hatfield
Harry E. Hattabaugh
Ted L. Havens
Maxine Hawkins
Edward A. Hawkins
Robert E. Hawkins
Marilyn J. Hay
James C. Hayes
Paul W. Hayes
Hubert R. Haynes
Richard A. Hays
Charles N. Heady
Norman M. Hoban
George W. Hobbs
JoAnn Hobbs
Joe B. Hoberman
Paul R. Hochgesang
Florence Hochstetler
James H. Hodge
Robert L. Hodges
John A. Hodgin
Jack L. Hoerger
Earl J. Hofert
Glen A. Hoffman
Betty Jo Hoffman
Flora E. Hoffmann
Billy D. Hoggard
Hiram A. Holbrook
Norma C. Holcomb
John F. Holdcraft
Robert W. Holden, 33°
Joseph D. Holder
George F. Holland
Robert W. Holler, 33°
George R. Hollingsworth
Richard K. Holmes
Joyce Huffman
Jerry E. Huffman
Paul F. Hughes
Francis A. Hughes
Charles K. Hughes
Thomas V.C. Hull
Margaret H. Hulse
Edward H. Hult
William A. Humble
Robert D. Hundley
Robert L. Hunt
Harry E. Hunter, 33°
Richard T. Hunter
Robert E. Hurt
John J. Hurwitz
Christopher Huston
Edward D. Hutchinson
Althea P. Hutchinson
Robert M. Hutchison
Eunice Ikerd
Phyllis A. Imel
Walter S. Inman
Jon T. Inman
International Order of Jobs
Mildred L. Jester
Thomas E. Jester
James C. Jinks
Keith D. Johns
Thomas L. Johns
Larry D. Johnson
David T Johnson
William B. Johnson
Eric A. Johnson
Verne D. Johnson
Daryl L. Johnson
Maxine K. Johnson
Clifford Z. Johnson
Larry A. Johnson
Donald L. Johnson
James P. Johnston
Mary Louise Johnston
William T. Johnston
John D. Johnstone
Noble W. Jonas
Earl L. Jones
Burnell Jones
Vineita A. Jones
William E. Jones
Robert P. Kingston
Ruby Kinkade
Larry L. Kinkead
Joseph E. Kinnard
Michael A. Kirk
Norvin Kirkendall
James A. Kirkham
John Richard Kirkpatrick
R. Dale Kitley
Roger L. Kittle
Leo C. Kittle
William W. Kixmiller
Robert L. Kleeman, 33°
Thomas G. Klein, MSA
Keith K. Klein, 33°
Charles E. Kleis
Robert W. Kleis
Jean A. Klingenberger
Martha M. Klingstein
M. David Klipsch
George E. Klopp
Melvin L. Knigga
Richard L. Knight
Wilma J. Knowles
Our Cathedral stands today as testament to the vision and philanthropy of members and friends who unselfishly committed their time and resources.
Ann Freije
William F. Freije
Albert E. Freije
Christopher M. French
Clyde J. Freshour
Cecil M. Fritz
Carl J. Fromelius
Harry L. Fryar
Mary Ann Frye
Francis M. Fulk
Florence M. Funcannon
Raymond C. Fuson
Sayed M. Gaafar
Phillip E. Galloway
Lonnie J. Games
Robert E. Gannon
Anna May Gardner
Richard L. Gardner
James F. Garland
Bill Garman
Charles W. Garman
Don A. Garrison
Donald H. Garver
Merritt L. Garwood
Alfred D. Gates
Stephen L. Gatsos
Robert A. Geiger, 33°
Mark A. Genung
Lawrence R. Gessner
Winifred C. Gibson
Vivian Gibson
Lyle D. Gilbert
Darell W. Gillam
Charles A. Gillespie
Herbert Ginger
Kenneth E. Glass
Carl L. Glassburn
William A. Gloye, 33°
Ronald L. Gobin
James E. Gochenour
Barbara L. Godsey
Jerry D. Goldman
Jackie D. Gommel
Robert L. Good
William Goode
Marianne K. Gooding
Harold G. Goodlett
James W. Goodman
Duncan Goodwin
John M. Gorbett
Howard K. Gordon
Harold Goss
Travis W. Gossage
William R. Gosser
Robert B. Gotwals
Ross M. Goveia
Brian L. Guiducci
Larry R. Guinn
Thomas E. Gunning
Jimmy L. Gunter
Jack W. Gustin
Ralph G. Guthrie
Harley B. Guynn
Donald M. Gwinnup
Paul E. Haehl
Vern H. Hakes
Kenneth A. Halcomb
Jasper Halcomb
Thomas R. Hale
Robert B. Hale
Raymond E. Hale
Dixie A. Haley
Gary G. Hall
Erman Hall
Ira E. Hall
Ray Hall
Andrew D. Hamaker
Nancy Hamblen
Annella H Hamilton
Joanne Hamilton
Harlie C. Hammer
Herschel L. Hammond
Mark J. Hampton
Alvin J. Hancock
T. C. Hanika
James S. Hankins
Edwin K. Hanna
Arnold E. Hansell
James A. Hanson, MSA
Lowell E Harbison
Paula J. Harding
Walter G. Harding
James H. Harding
William K. Hargrave
Hugh M. Hargrove
John E. Harker
Wilfred W. Harmless
Patrick D. Harmon
Truman G. Harmon
Joan L. Harrell
Robert W. Harrington
Wilma Harrington
Larry E. Harris
James P. Harris
Roy D. Harris
Donald C. Harris
James D. Harrison
Gerald H. Harrison
Stanley A. Harrison
Joseph M. Harrod
William R. Hart
George W. Hart
James R. Heath
Jay G. Heath
Henry R. Heckman
John D. Heflin
Betty L. Hegenbart
R. Edward Heid
Ray A. Heilman
Alfred E. Hein
Charles D. Heinze
Betty Heistand
Gerald R. Helser
Richard E. Helton, 33°
Clifford D. Henderson
James C. Henderson
Robert L. Hendricks
Russell E. Hendricks
Robert E. Hennis
Paul W. Henry
Hermann R. Henry
Joe W. Hensley
Joe M. Henson
Marian B. Hepler
John K. Herder
Jeanne L. Hershey
David L. Hessler
George K. Hettle
R. Sam Hiatt
Herbert D. Hiatt
Jerry E. Hibler
Dennis A. Hickman
G. P. Hicks
Bruce R. Hiday
Raymond D. Hider
Donald L. Higbee
Laurel E. Highland
William J. Hight
Allan Craig Hildabridle
Robert R. Hill, 33°
Robert H. Hill
Paul D. Hill
Orville Hilligoss
Michael A. Hilligoss
James M. Hilligoss
Richard L. Hilling
William A. Himebaugh
Raymond F. Hine
William J. Hines
John F. Hinesley
Louis C. Hinman
Michael A. Hinshaw
Charles A. Hirst
Earl L. Hitchcock
Jessie Hite
James M. Hittle
Stephen Andrew Hoagland
Robert S. Hoagland
Lexie R. Holtsclaw
Darwin P. Hoose
Charles M. Hoover
Richard Hope
John P. Hopkins
Earl Hopkins
R. Jack Hopper
John F. Hoppes
Stephen R. Horn
B. Brent Hornaday
Joan Hornaday
Shapur K. Irani
Lev E. Irby
Raymond Irick
Charles D. Irish
Glenn W. Irwin, 33°
John P. Isenbarger
Thomas C. Jack
Naomi E. Jackson
Robert B. Jackson
Clifford L. Jackson
Acacia Society
Sponsoring a tree on the Cathedral
grounds constitutes membership and
entitles you to name a memorial for an
individual or organization.
Elizabeth A. Horst
Donald A. Horth
Billy E. Hostettler
Danal L. Hotaling
Larry B House
Robert B. House
Kenneth E. Housefield
Maurice J. Houston
Garlan W Howard
Donald R. Howard
Graham T. Howard
John M. Howard
Jospeh F. Howell
Charles K. Howell
Roma J. Hubbard
Ione Hubbard
Robert L. Huber
Frederick L. Huber
David Hudson
Delza M Huffman
Julius B. Huffman
Wayne K. Jackson
William H. Jackson
James D. Jackson
Lee M. Jackson
Ernest D. Jackson
Richard A. Jacobs
Merwyn R. Jacoby
Vernon T. Jacques
Jesse C. James
Wilmer E. James
Leona A. James
Wilma I. James
Susan Jameson
George S. Jardine
Marcus A. Jean
Jerry W. Jeffers
Henry D. Jeffries
William L. Jenkins
James J. Jennings
Marvin A. Jervis
Ralph L. Jessup
Richard E. Jones
Raymond Jones
Jane Jones
Ben Jones
Robert C. Jones
Raymond W. Jones
Gregory N. Jordan, 33°
James H. Jordan
Martin L. Julian
Walter G. Justus
John Kafoure
Betty Kaler
William H. Kalsbeek
Lawrence V. Kaminsky
Marjorie R. Karch
Jack W. Kasdorf, 33°
Raymond L. Kaser
Donald E. Katzenberger
Michael J. Kauffman
Robert O. Kauffman
Alan W. Kaufman
L. P. Keller
Donald W. Keller
Paul E. Keller
Roger V. Kelley
Fred H. Kelly
James R. Kelly
Norris L. Kelsey
Lucile M. Kelton
David H. Kemper
William M. Kendrick
James R. Kern
Mary B. Kernohan
William A. Kerr
Ross Kersey
Jack A. Kesler
Ross E. Kesler
Robert C. Kessler, 33°
Paul J. Key
Elmer D. Key
Javed K. Khail
Robert C. Kidd
Charles J. Kiger
Patricia Kilbury
John R. Kildsig
Helen W. Killmer
Richard C. Kincaid
Thomas W. Kincannon
Charles H. Kinder
Robert L. King, 33°
Robert D. King
Ralph King
Robert W. King
S. Jane King
Sally R. King
Paul D. Kinghorn
Jean J. Knox
Maizie R. Knox
Laura Knutson
Frederick W. Koberna
Larry L. Koch
C. Wayne Koeppel
Carl R. Kohlman
Kenneth S. Koons
John E. Koss
Hal E. Kovert
Glenn W. Kraft
Thomas E. Kramer
Nolan L. Krebbs
Gayle T. Kring
Arno J. Kuhn
Anthony B. Kuritz
George Kyle
Mary Ann Lady
William R. LaFollette
Thomas J. LaFollette
Charles Ray Lamb
Robert L. Lamb
Richard V. Lamb
Arvin L. Lamberson
Marvin E. Lambert
Robert D. Lamson
Albert E. Lane
Stephens ` Lapip
Marjorie Lapping
John R. Lash
Jeffrey W. Lasiter
Robert J. Lather
Gerry D. Lauderbaugh
Margaret D. Lautzenheisr
Edna C. Lawrence
Marian E. H. Lawson
Lewis L. Lawson
Zainard P. Layman
Walter E. Leach
Charles R. Leath
Donald N. Leckrone
Richard L. Ledman
John Thomas Lee
Robert W. Lee
Robert E. Lee
Jack M. Lee
Ralph D. Lee
George E. Lee
Florence Legans
Ralph M. Lehman
Gary Leitz
Gladys E. Lemay
Robert H. Lemen
Forest G. Lemon
Genevieve K. Lesher
George W. Leslie
Page 16
John M. Leveritt
Orville R. Lewis
Clifford C. Lewis
Eugene M. Lewis
Raymond D. Lewis
William D. Lewis
Raymond G. Lewis
Jeffrey P. Lewis
Odel Lewis
Richard E. Libby
Marion C. Liggett
J. T. Liles
Keith A. Lilly
Russell Lillyblade
Edward W. Lind
Thomas F. Linder
Betty J. Lindley
Francis M. Lineback
Betty J. Linville
Leonard B. Lisher
A. E. Liston
Dorthea Lloyd
Gregory M. Lockhart
John M. Lockwood
Dennis R. Loh
Lilly C. Longere
Gianetta M. Lookebill
Robert D. Loose
Donald C. Lough
Joseph E. Lovelace
Ralph E. Loveless
William L. Lovitt
Albert S. Lowe
Walter S. Lowe
Robert C. Lucas
Floyd C. Lucas
Robert D. Lucus
Wayne M. Ludlow
Richard B. Lueckel
Homer H. Lutz
Betty Lydick
Richard J. Lyons
Russell W. MacDonald
John D. MacDougall, 33°
Paul D. Macy
Johnny J. Madden
Terrie L. Maddox
B. Stanley Magill
Robert A. Mahan
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Jerry D. Martin
Patricia I. Martin
Kenneth B. Martin
John T. Martin
William D. Martin
Thomas J. Marvel
Charles E. Marvel
Harold E. Mascoe
Joe E. Mason
Robert L. Mason
Paul L. Mason
Roland D. Mather
Clarence O. Mathison
Gerald B. Mattheis
Dorothy F. Maurer
Keith W Mauzy
G. N. Maxey
Edward L. May
Charles R. Mayfield
Berta M. McAhren
Fred T. McAninch
James M. Mcbride
Kay F. McCann
H. B. McCarroll
Cullen H. McCarty
Jackie H. McCarty
Gary K. McCarty
Raymond E. McCaslin
Douglas H. McClinton
Paul E. McClure
Paul W. McCombs
Wilma D. McCord
Philip R. McCord
Kenneth McCory
Clyde McCray
John F. McCreary
James A. McCreery
Gene S. McCreery
William T. McCullough
David R. McCutchan
Harry G. McDaniel
Paul J. McDaniel
Lloyd L. McDaniel
Floyd E. McDonald
Ralph E. McDonald
Robert C. McDonald
Theodore F. McElyea
Josephine E. McFerran
Robert R. McGee
Charles I. Meyers
Kenneth W. Michael
Norman J. Miike
Frank W. Miles
John M. Miles
Larry W. Miller
Michael R. Miller
Harold E. Miller
Ray Miller
Roy F. Miller
Mary Sue Miller
Charles D. Morrison
Richard R. Morrow
Lorey A. Morrow
M. Earl Mosier
David A. Moss
Roger R. Mosser, 33°
Julian G. Mount
James I. Mounts
Robert C. Mull
Cleo E. Mull
Elva M. Mullen
John A. Nichols
O. Eugene Nicholson
Arthur L. Nicholson
John H. Niermeyer
Bill L. Nighbert
James L. Nix
Nicholas W. Noe
Nancy K. Norrick
Michael W. Norris
Kenneth Dale Northerner
Jack E. Norton
Ballroom Society
The ballroom is the last remaining major
room in the Cathedral that is still to be
restored. Donors will have their name
inscribed on one of the new chairs and receive
an antique chair in return.
Virginia R. Miller
David L. Miller
Bobbie H. Miller
Gregory H. Miller
Charles F. Miller
Robert E. H. Miller
R. Travis Miller
Ann H. Miller
Richard H. Mills
Lucille Mullinix
James E. Mundell
William S. Munson
John E. Murphy
Francis Murphy
Paul Murphy
Bobby G. Murphy
Ray H. Murphy
Coleman L. Murray
Charles A. Nowlin
Johnny W. Nugent, 33°
Charles D. Nuthak
John Oaks
Violet E. Oaks
Henry V. Oakwood
Curtis A. O'brien
Harold E. O'dell
Floyd L. Odle
Karl R. Parsons
Howard D. Passage
Jack D. Patterson
Thomas L. Patterson
Russell O. Patterson
Don C. Patton
Herbert G. Paul
Joyce L. Pauley
Betty J. Paulsen
Glenn A. Paxton
William T. Payne
Glayds I. Payton
Robert E. Pearcy
Verle G. Pearcy
Maurice Jack Peckinpaugh
William E. Peet
Fred L. Peggs
Bob Pence
William H. Perkins
William J. Perkins
Lemuel W. Perry
M. Irene Perry
Edward R. Perry
Billy R. Perry
Marion R. Pershing
Patricia Personett
Daryl L. Peterson
Morris A. Peterson
William H. Pettit
Gregory P. Peyton
Paul H. Phillips
John O. Phillips
A. S. Phipps
James H. Pickering
Frank M. Pickering
James H. Pickett
Robert J. Pielemeier
Betty Pierce
Harold M. Pierce
F. Edward Pierce, MSA
Dennis R. Pitcher
Plainfield UMC
Revelation Class
Joseph P. Plake
Edward C. Plummer
Frances L. Plummer
Dale C. Plummer
James M. Poe
Billy G. Poindexter
Ralph W. Pryor
Norma J. Pugh
John M. Purcell
Purdue Association
Anthus D. Pygman
Kenneth Glendall Qualls
Charles F. Quillen
Aaron S. Quinton
Betty J. Rathbun
Kim L. Rader
Walter H. Rager
Kenneth E. Rahe
Dennis R. Rahn
Dorse J. Raichel
Billy R. Rainwater
Esther M. Ramsey
Jack L. Ransom
Oral H. Ratliff
Ronald A. Rauchmiller
Ray R. Raufeisen
William Ravenscraft
John H. Rawlins
Donald L. Ray
Charles A. Ray
Charles W. Ray
Ray Skillman Olds
Richard R. Rea
Chris R. Read
Howard Reddington
Carl C. Reed
Carl L. Reed
L. D. Reed
Ray E. Reed
Russell L. Reed
Orsa L. Reed
John C. Reel
Louise Reel
Ivan W. Reel
Marvin J. Rees
Ralph R. Reeves
William M. Reid
Walter G. Reinacker
Keith Adam Reisinger
James S. Remick
Kathleen M. Remley
Alfred E. Renicker
Ferril I. Ressinger
Lyle E. Reuter
Charles T. Revolt
Don R. Reynolds
The Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation, Inc. can be named as a
beneficiary in your life insurance policy.
Donald G. Main
Richard D. Main
James R. Maines
Frank L. Maines
Roland E. Malicoat
Randy L. Malone
Gerry S. Mang
Robert E. Mann
William A. Mann
Robert L. Mannfeld
Rickey G. Mantock
Donald B. Marcum
William J. Marcum
Beauford D. Marcy
George T. Marinakes
Joe A. Markland
Carl O. Marlatt
David W. Marler
Charles F. Marling
Eugene F. Marner
Elmer M. Marple
Lloyd L. Marsh
James A. Marsh
Lowell D. Marsh
Kenneth O Marshall
Ralph D. Marshall
Chez Marshall
Tim L. Martin, 33°
Charles A. Martin
Clayton Martin
Loren H. Martin
Charles R. McGuire
Marland W. McIntire
Norman L. McKay
William J. McKay
Vernon J. McKeand
John E. McKee
Robert E. McKee
Howard McKinley
Charles H. McKnight
John C. McLamb
Murphy McLary
C. Fred McLean
Carolyn K. McMann
Walter McMannis
Malcolm McNeil
Monty K. McPhail
Robert D. McQuern
Fernita F. McWilliams
Lanny W. Meador
Robert D. Meal
Paul A. Means
Francis L. Meginn
Jerry I. Melton
Thain P. Menges
William R. Merrell
M. Max Merritt
Richard Gene Merryman
William B. Meyer
J. W. Meyer
Allen W. Meyerrose
Don A. Meyers
John F. Minatel, 33°
Ralph B. Mitchell
John A. Mitchell
James I. Mobley
Loren E. Mock
David Moeller
Steven E. Money
James F. Monical
R. Duane Monical
Floyd E. Montgomery
Loren N. Montgomery
Robert D. Montrose
Howard L. Moon
Myron P. Moore
James G. Moore
W. L. Moore
Imogene A. Moore
Major L. R. Moore
Howard E. Moore
Richard D. Moore
Jack E. Moorhead
Elbert J. Moran
Richard A. Morgan
Thomas W. Morgan
Robert C. Morh
Hubert E. Morlan
Eugene W. Morris
Kathleen M. Morris
C. L. Morris
Thomas A. Morris
John K. Morris
Charles C. Murray
Lonnie J. Murray
Walter Myers
Charles V. Myers
Paul D. Myers
Rolland S. Nail
Robert E. Napier
Dane P. Nash
Randy L. Nead
Maurice W. Neal
George Neal
Ralph E. Neal
Roger A. Nealis
Albert P. Neeley
William H. Neeriemer
Bette B. Neilson
Ralph H. Neiman
Arnold K. Nelson
Dorothy B. Nelson
Rebecca Neuman
Lindley D. Neville
Richard V. Newcomer
Roger A. Newman
Horace H. Newman
Gerald A. Newport
John K. Newton
Roger L. Newton
Charles E. Newton
Vennie L. Nice
Diane C. Nicholas
Ross A. Nichols
Reuben C. Ogden
William O. Ogle
William E. Ogle
Helen O'Grady
William R. Olds
Hurbert L. Oliphant
Dorotha W. Oliver
Betty A. O'Neal
Walter J. Ooley
Norman R. Ooley
Robert H. Orbison
Wayne M. Ormes
Jeanne L. Ormsby
Clyde H. Orr
George B. Osborne
Nancy Jane Oster
Allen G. Overdorf
Howard E. Owen
William R. Owen
Jack L. Owen
Robert D. Owen
Raymond D. Owen
Betty C. Owens
Frances E. Paddock
Lawrence E. Painter
John E. Palmer
Claude S. Pardue
Lillian M. Parent
Jane B. Parker
Roy E. Parks
Paul K. Parmer
Joe Pointer
Stephen J. Pollak
George Poor
Jack L. Pope
Leo Pope
Alfred J. Porteous
Robert M. Post
Ronald E. Potter
David J. Potts
Marsh A. Pouder
Paul W. Powell
Charles R. Powell
Cecil G. Powell
Charles W. Powers
James R. Powers
Delmer R. Poynter
Earl M. Poynter
Robert H. Prange
Nancy A. Prasuhn
Anthony P. Predan
Francis E. Preston, 33°
Esther E. Prewitt
John L. Price
David M. Priest
Sandra L. Pritchett
George E. Proctor, 33°
James W. Proctor
Leo L. Proctor
Seth T Pruden
Paul R. Pruitt
Doris M. Pruitt
R. Wayne Reynolds
Herbert W. Reynolds
Kevin D. Rhodes
Harold E. Rhynearson
R. Brooks Richards
Lewis A. Richards
Edith T. Richardson
Jesse W. Richey
Donald L. Richwine
Thomas M. Riddle
Thomas W. Ridenour
Richard D. Rife
Herman G. Riggs
H. Frederick Riggs
William L. Riley
Betty J. Risden
Robert L. Risley
William L. Ritchie
E. Jean Ritter
William K. Ritter
William C. Ritter
Garry A. Ritter
V. Eugene Ritz
John L. Roark
Charles F. Roark
James R. Roark
Charles W. Robbins
William F. Robbins
Thomas L. Robbins
Philip J. Roberts
Richard J Robertson
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
James P. Robinson
Coy D. Robinson
William A. Robinson
Samuel S. Robinson
Gerald L. Robson
James L. Roderick
Herman Dale Rodewald
Eugene F. Rodman
Shirley Roepke
Robert F. Roeschlaub
Daniel B. Rogers
Thomas E. Rohr
Robert D. Roler
Charles R. Rollins
Russell M. Romine
Florence Root-Gioe
Mercedes Roots
William H. Roper
William L. Rose
Charles T. Rose
Terry L. Rosengarten
Charles T. Ross
Lanny D. Ross
Clayton Seals
Gene E. Sease, 33°
Doris L. Seiloff
A. Vonita Seipel
Randolph L. Seipel
Melvin C. Seitz
Frederick W. Sellers
Michael E. Selvy
Floyd G. Sendmeyer
James C. Settle
Victor F. Settle
Mary J. Sexton
Ronald D. Seymour
Paul S. Shambaugh, 33°
James R. Shattuck, MSA
John E. Shaw
William H. Shawhan
James C. Sheads
Gene H. Sheely
Kirby J. Sheets
Gleen Sheets
Printis Shelton
David A. Shelton
Page 17
Victor V. Snider
James S. Snider
Myron C. Snyder
Howard E. Snyder
David L. Soden
Keith A. Soladine
Thomas S. Solomon
Wayne F. Solomon
William H. Somes
William T. Sommer
Keith E. Southerlin
Edward S. Spangler
Donald E. Spangler
Mary Jane Sparks
John F. Spears
Speedway Women's Club
Ronald R. Speedy
Gail L. Spegal
Donn L. Spencer
Stanley D. Spicer
Noble T. Spicer
Chester B. Spillman
Charles K. Sprague
Roy E. Stewart
Robert L. Stewart
L. Eugene Stewart
John E. Stewart
Robert E. Stewart
Raymond F. Stickle
Paul A. Stone
Forest J. Stone
Bobby G. Stoots
Charles R. Storms
Robert R. Storms
Clarence I. Story
Lawrence J. Stout
Robert L. Stout
Sara Stout
Noah C. Straber
Ronald R. Straley
Frank Strasser
Freeman J. Stratton
Richard D. Streepy
Rosemary Strickland
D. James Stringfield
Dean L. Strouse
Phyllis B. Tarnow
Paul E. Tate
Thomas J. Tauer
Larry G. Taulman
William J. Tavenor
Hazel S. Taylor
Valerie A. Taylor
Robert W. Taylor
Herschel W. Taylor
Jack E. Taylor
Floreen B. Teeters
Norman R. Terry
Francis S. Tharp
Charles E. Thayer
Mike Thomas
Ruth E. Thompson
Charles E. Thompson
Leland K. Thompson
Leo A. Thompson
Jack R. Thompson
James F. Thompson
Bernard C. Thompson
Bruce D. Thompson
C. W. Von Grimmenstein
Paul M. Vos
Virginia F. Voss
Christene L. Wacker
Guy E. Waddy
Clarence E. Wade
William J. Wagner
Edward H. Wagner
Robert E. Waits
Kenneth Waits
Walter P. Waitt
William M. Walden
Raymond O. Waldkoetter
Ada M. Waldon
John N. Wales
Mary F. Walk
Curtis A. Walker
Bill B. Walker
Claris G. Walker
John A. Walker
Robert M. Walker
John A. Wallace
Jack R. Wallace
Elvin W. Whittle
Jack E. Wiegele
Lloyd W. Wiggins
William C. Wilbur
James T. Wilcox
Robert E. Wildman
George William Wiley
James K. Wilhite
Donald E. Wilkinson
John P. Williams
Dora D. Williams
Richard O. Williams
Earl R. Williams
Bruce D. Williams
Donald W. Williams
Warren W. Williams
S. David Williams
Roger T. Williamson
Donald L. Willis
Filmore W. Willsey
Arthur E. Wilson
William G. Wilson
Enjoy fixed payments for life with a Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation Charitable Gift Annuity.
John A. Ross
Darrel D. Rothrock
Paul A. Rowland
Ruby Ruble
Mary F. Rubly
Kenneth R. Ruckersfeldt
Richard D. Ruhlman
William C. Rupert
Arthur D. Rush
Phillip D. Rushton
Helen J. Russ
Frank E. Russell
Don R. Russell
Lewis E. Russell
William F. Ryall
Hubert R. Rynard
Raymond E. Sadler
David C. Sakrison
Winnie B. Sample
Floyd E. Sample
Donald G. Sanders
C. Clinton Sanders
Larry C. Sanders
Lance B Sandlian
James A. Sanford
Rony Saran
Evelyn M. Sasser
David L. Sausser
James H. Saylor
H. Lucile Schaich
Henry C. Schakel
Raymond H. Scheffler
Charles E. Scheib
Lester E. Schenck
Donald M. Schlegel
Harry A. Schmedel
Edward J. Schmeler
Gerald E. Schmidt
Richard H. Schroeder
Henry R. Schull
Russel W. Schull
Robert J. Schulteti
George W. Schultz
Scott A Schuster
Rosemary R. Schuster
Dwight W. Schuster
Donald E. Schwartz
David K. Schwindler
William B. Scott
Harold N. Scott
Joey L. Scott, 33°
Ruth A. Scott
Scottish Rite Tour
Michael Scrocco
Phillip K. Scrogham
Ronald L. Seals
S. Pauline Sherman
Donald R. Sherrill
Hazel Shoaf
Rupert K. Shook
Elizabeth D. Shookman
Joseph E. Shoopman
Carl D. Shore
William H. Short
Nancy E. Shotwell
Robert E. Shroyer
Gerd E. Siebert
Robert L. Siefert
Harry L. Simmerman
Ronald H. Simon
Peter J. Simpson
John Simzisko
James E. Sinders
Mary Jane Sinn
John R. Sisco
Richard K. Sitterding
Paul J. Skaggs
Carlyle Skinner
Gerald K. Slack
Leslie A. Slatinsky
Jerrel E. Slayback
Peggy N. Sleeth
Ruth L. Smale
Vincent J. Small
Roger F. Small
Allen E. Smith
James Camden Smith
Margaret L. Smith
Betty Lou Smith
Robert E. Smith
Lewis E. Smith
Ronald G. Smith
Leroy Smith
Stanley M. Smith
Donald R. Smith
Edward A. Smith
Edgar W. Smith
Michael J. Smith
William H. Smith
Charles W. Smith
Jack L. Smith
Charles N. Smith
Jean B. Smith
Benjamin E. Smith
Donald W. Smith
Barbara C. Smith
Jerry D. Smith
James P. Smith
Jack R. Smitley
Edgar M. Smyth
Andrew James Snavely
Joseph W. Snellenbarger
David A. Snellenbarger
Raymond E. Spratt
Ralph M. Springer
Phillip B. Springer
Joseph A. Sprouse
Charles J. Spry
Donald L. Spurlock
Everett D. Spurlock
Marvin L. St. Martin
Andrew J. Stackhouse
Wilbur D. Stafford
Noble R. Stallons
Norman H. Stuart
Robert L. Stuckey
Donald L. Stults
Donald J. Sublette
Mary T. Sullivan
Raymond H. Sullivan
Harry A. Sullivan
John W. Sullivan
Kenneth H. Summers
Elmer Summit
Faye L. Suter
Ashlar Society
A brick walkway through the west
parking lot will be an opportunity
to establish a permanent memorial
with a personalized brick and will
demonstarte your loyalty and pride
in the Valley.
Howard E. Stanton
Doyle L. Stanton
Frederick M. Stark
Zeno M. Starkey
James R. Starn
James R. Steed
Brent E. Steele
Jesse A. Steffy
Arthur H. Stegemann
Mahala L. Steinbarger
Gary C. Steinhardt
Betty G. Steinmetz
Cyrus Steinmeyer
Herbert N. Stelle
D. Daryl Stemen
Mero Stephanoff
Walter H. Stephens
W. Terrance Stephens
Eunice Stephenson
Roger A. Stern
John W. Stevens
Christopher S. Stevens
Alvin A. Sutter
Edwin P. Swafford
Robert L. Swales
Dorothy H. Swango
Henry V. Swango
John G Swank
Stephen L. Swartz
Christopher J. Swatts
Paul W. Sweeney
James D. Sweeney
Harold R. Sweet
Linden H. Swift
Juanita L. Syke
Lonnie J. Sylvia
Lester G. Taber
Jeanne O. Taflinger
Jack D. Talbert
John W. Talbott
Jerry L. Talley
Leland E. Tanner
Ronald D. Tanner
Ruth M. Tanner
George R. Thorpe
Marlan L. Thorpe
Billie E. Threlkeld
Betty H. Threlkeld
Lon E. Threlkeld
Marvin C. Thurston
Max N. Tichenor
William J. Tillett
Walter B. Tinsley
Darwin E. Titus
John M. Toana
Jane Tobin
Donald O. Todd
Norma J. Tomlinson
Clifford D. Toombs
James H. Tower
Paul J. Traub
William J. Travenor
Robert l. Tremain
Robert G. Tresner
Mark V. Trisler
Robert O. Troutt
Bruce L. Truett
Richard A. Tucher
B. C. Tucker
Lmae Tull
Norman D. Tunison
Donald R. Turin
Richard E. Turley
Richard Turner
Michael J. Turner
Comer C. Turner
Ruthann V. Turner
Thomas R. Turner
Ralmond H. Tust
James A. Tutorow
Wilbur E. Tyner
June A. Tyner
Lawrence R. Ulrich
Geroge W. Underhill
Clyde M. Upton
Donald D. Utter
Lloyd E. Utterback
Malcolm M. Van Cleave
Danny L. Van Dame
Robert L. Van Duyn
Richard A. Van Sant
E. R. Van Scyoc
Vern C. Vanderbilt
Martha VanWinkle
Clifford D. Vaughn
Richard T. Vaughn
William A. Veach
Chester R. Vice
Mitchell J. Vogel
Warren D. Volmer
Delores J. Von Burg
Billie G. Wallace
Marion S. Wallace
Frederick C. Walton
Calvin A. Wantland
Harold J. Ward
Russell H. Ware
F. Gould Warneford
Virginia O. Warner
Earl L. Warren
Billy M. Warren
Helen P. Wasson
Larry A. Wasson
Charles J. Waterman
Dallas H. Watters
Benjamin D. Weakley
Randy G. Weasner
Arthur G. Weaver
Harold J. Webb
Leslie D. Webb
Allison R. Webber
Roger A. Weber
William D. Webster
James C. Weddell
James A. Weddell
Wednesday Rite Guys
David R. Weed
Carl A. Weidner
David E. Weiger
William W. Weil
Maurice F. Weinantz
Rickey G. Weisheit
Huston G. Welch
Eilene Welcher
Richard S. Wells
James H. Wells
Frances I. Wells
Danny J. Wenzler
Lenvil J. West
Robert L. West
C. Carl Westfall
Joan H. Weston
Harriet Wetherald
Elton Wetzel
Herbert E. Whaley
Rosemary Whalin
Alfred R. Wheelden
David E. Wheeler
Earl J. Whelchel
James J. Whitaker
Douglas H. White, 33°
Roger R White
Charles F. White
Harold L White
Fritz White
Warren Bruce White
Steven E. White
Carl L. Whitman
Hugh W. Wilson
William H. Wimmenauer
Donald C. Windell
Harry E. Winklepleck
John R. Winkler
Colin P. Winnie
Elmer R. Wiseman
Edward C. Witt
Charles F. Woempner
Mary Hart Woerner
Frederick E. Wolf
James C. Wood
Clarence E. Wood
Charles D. Wood
Aca E. Wood
Kent Wood
Robert L. Wooldridge
Kenneth R. Woolling
Richard Worden
Erwin F. Worton
Joseph Wozniak
Harold Wray
Doyle T. Wright
Wayne L. Wright
Charles E. Wright
Jeffrey W. Wright
Oral D. Wright
William E. Wright
Frederick A. Yarling
Carl D. Yorger
Vance O. York, 33°
Mary E. Young
Noah N. Young
Richard F. Young
Noah M. Young
Carolyn C. Zankl
Jerry D. Zearbaugh
Art J. Zellers
Wayne R. Zimmer
Willard P. Zimmerman
Christopher C. Zoeller
Noel W. Zook
Page 18
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Bear Den Club Members / Contributors
To The 32° Masonic Learning Center
Hazel A. Poulsen
J. David Hollingsworth
In memory of Cheryl Sheets
Steel Family Charitable Foundation
Paul & Lynn Thornburg
“...our sincere appreciation for the gift of literacy you provide. All of you have significantly
touched the lives of our children forever...”
Alan Lee Abel
Dale M. Adams
Dale E. Adams
Leonor G. Alar
Teresa B. Alexiou
Remedios K. Alfonso
Mitchell R. Allen, 33°
James S. Backoff
Matthew G. Badger
James W. Baird, MSA
Warren E. Baker
Thomas I. Barnhart
Paul K. Barrett
Eduardo C. Barrientos
Samuel J. Bartley
James R. Bates
Thomas K. Bathauer
Ralph F. Beam
Kenneth Beaty
Bryan A. Beeler
Lee A. Bennett
Henry A. Besser
Leo Bewley, 33°
Darrell W. Birge
Richard Bishop
Bishop Hardware, Inc. John E. Blasdel
Edward W. Bloom
Paul A. Bogigian
Joseph K. Bolin
Robert E. Bonwell
Phillip J. Booth
Kathy Borders
Paul T. Bothwell
Peter C. L. Boyce
Kim J. Brand, 33°
Calvin Brandenburg
Floyd D. Brattain
George E. Brattain
Franklin Bridenhager
Richard K. Britton
Bernard J. Brown
John R. Brown
Max L. Brown
Edward E. Brown
William A. Browne
Brian K. Buchanan
Alan C. Buck
Daniel W. Buckland
Robert P. Buckles
Andrew B. Buckner
Leland R. Bundy
W. Hugh Burns, 33°
Wilson A. Burns
Jerry M. Burton, 33°
Douglas B. Butler
Robert L. Butler
David L. Buttram
Eldon E. Campbell
Juel R. Carman
Daniel E. Carnes
George R. Carter
William J. Carver
Cletus E. Chastain
Gregory A. Chiles, 33°
Russell Chorpenning
Peter E. Ciganovich
Ronald L Cline
Corporate Cleaning
Systems Richard C. Courtney
Donald M. Cowan
Norman D. Cowart
John T. Cowley
Milo M. Cvetkovich
Cleo Dallas
Robt M. Danielson, 33°
Bernard F. Darrenkamp
Leland C. Daugherty
Douglas M. Davies
Robert W. Coner
John D. Cook
Louis E. Cook
Mark D. Cook
William S. Creighton
Justin W. Crisp
James N. Crouse
J. Arnold Custer, 33°
Jesse A. Custer
Kirk D. Davis
Wilbur A. Davis
William E. Davis
Manuel R. De La Rosa
Robert L. Denton
James Mark Dill
Scott E. Dill, 33°
Albert Dobbs
Robert T. Doles
Edward L. Doss
Robert L. Downey
Kenneth L. Doyle
Jack A. Driesbach
Russell L. Eaglin
Vernon L. Eder, 33°
Morton L. Edlin
Robert R. Edmundson
Karolyn H. Edwards
John A. Eklem
Russell I. Eldridge
Wesley P. Eley
Mitchell Engel
Keith A. Erny
Todd A. Esham
James M. Faith
Kenneth C Fallis
Wayne E. Fansler
Phillip H. Farris
Edwin J. Feutz
Raymond A. Finney
William S. Fishback
Flanner & Buchanan James W. Flockencier
Terry R. Foltz
Mervin R. Freeland
John B. Funk
Raymond C. Fuson
Curtis W. Garrett
Douglas O Gentry
Larry W. Givan
William A. Gloye, 33°
Waitman C. Gobble
Ross M. Goveia
Richard L. Grauel
John C. Gray, MSA
Grant K. Griner
James B. Guffey, 33°
William S. Hague
Erman Hall
Gary G. Hall
Andrew D. Hamaker
Mark J. Hampton
David M Hankins
Wm H. Hardacre, 33°
Walter G. Harding
Hugh M. Hargrove
Kay W. Harmless
William B. Harting
Edgar W. Hauser
Jay G. Heath
Charles D. Heinze
David L. Hessler
George K. Hettle
Allan Craig Hildabridle
Robert H. Hindman
Herbert J. Hinkle
Wayne R. Hobson
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Ernest Edward Hodges
Earl J. Hofert
Joseph D. Holder
David H. Holding
George R. Hollingsworth
Richard K. Holmes
Lexie R. Holtsclaw
Ralph Hopewell
Donald A. Horth
Kenneth E. Housefield
Richard B. Hugart
Ned C. Hughes
Charles K. Hughes
Robert D. Hundley
Richard T. Hunter
Mary Ann Huntington
Robert E. Hurt
Illinois Council of
Deliberation Indiana All Class Dinner Indianapolis High Twleve
Club Indianapolis 33°
Association Shapur K. Irani
George R. Jackson, 33°
Merwyn R. Jacoby
Larry D. Jefferson, 33°
James J. Jennings
Thomas L. Johns
Clifford Z. Johnson
Larry D. Johnson
William B. Johnson
Patrick W. Mapes
Donald B. Marcum
Chez Marshall
Clayton Martin
Loren H. Martin
Tim L. Martin, 33°
Ralph F. May
Robet M. McAhren
Cullen H. McCarty
Raymond E. McCaslin
John F. McCreary
Lloyd L. McDaniel
Robert C. McDonald
Harold L. Mckeand
Walter McMannis
William W. McMillan
Jerry I. Melton
Charles W. Merlau
Allen W. Meyerrose
John M. Miles
Harold E. Miller
Ray Miller
Richard C. Miller
Richard H. Mills
Rex W. Millspaugh
Ralph B. Mitchell
James F. Monical
John K. Morris
Charles D. Morrison
Roger R. Mosser, 33°
Julian G. Mount
Mr. Klean Laundry II Robert C. Mull
Page 19
Rowena M. Parcon
Gregory Parrish
Douglas O. Pauls, 33°
George W. Pendygraft
Gregory P. Peyton
Ronald E. Potter
Charles W. Powers
William H. Price
George E. Proctor, 33°
R. E. Dimond &
Associates Kim L. Rader
Gary A. Ragatz
Roy W. Rapp
Thomas W. Rathert
Carl C. Reed
Meredith J. Reynolds
Jane Rhoades
Thomas W. Ridenour
Richard D. Rife
Charles J. Robbins
Charles W. Robbins
Philip J. Roberts
Mark C. Roberts
Herman Dale Rodewald
Robert F. Roeschlaub
Robert D. Roler
Phillip D. Rowe
William C. Rupert
Don R. Russell
Jeffrey K. Saunders, 33°
Fred Schlegel
Henry R. Schull
Walter Sides
William A. Sigman, 33°
Jack L. Sims
Willis A. Skiles
Ralph E. Stewart
Scott L. Stillabower
Randy Schutz Robert R. Storms
John B. Sloan
Roger F. Small
Doyle T. Smith
James Camden Smith
Benjamin E. Smith
Henry V. Swango
Christopher J. Swatts
James M Talley
William J. Tavenor
Roger W. Taylor
Thomas R. Wall
Frederick C. Walton
Richard S. Wells
Lenvil J. West
Elton Wetzel
Larry W Wheeler
Patricia J. Whipple
Teddy J. Whitmer
Mary Lou Wilson
Colin P. Winnie
James F. Winton
Edward C. Witt
Charles D. Wood
James C. Wood
Jeffrey W. Wright
William K. Wright
David H. Yates
Carl D. Yorger
Vance O. York, 33°
Noah N. Young
Christopher C. Zoeller
“...our child’s improvement in reading has been nothing short of miraculous. She is now
reading to herself, to us and to her 4-year-old brother...”
Earl L. Jones
Gregory N. Jordan, 33°
KSM Business Services
Lawrence V. Kaminsky
Raymond L. Kaser
Allen D. Kayler
George R. Kerr
Jack A. Kesler
Ross E. Kesler
Javed K. Khail
Eric R King
Robert L. King, 33°
Robert W. King
Robert F. Kirkman
John Richard Kirkpatrick
Robert H. Kirkpatrick
Lee C. Kunce
George Kyle
Harrison E. Lackey
Gerry D. Lauderbaugh
Carl B. Lawson
Leadership 2005 reception Larry J. Lehman
Robert H. Lemen
James T. Lentz
James Litel
Joseph H. Looker, 33°
Donald C. Lough
Paul D. Macy
Marvin C. Maguire, 33°
Henry A. Mallory
Maurice L. Mangas
Moon Mullins
Gregg S. Murphy
Susan G. Murphy
Hansel E. Neibel
Arnold K. Nelson
Richard V. Newcomer
John A. Nichols
William G. Noel
Curtis A. O'Brien
William O. Ogle
Howard E. Owen
William R. Page
Raymond Schwartz, 33°
William B. Scott
Gene E. Sease, 33°
George Seidensticker
Melvin C. Seitz
Victor F. Settle
Ronald D. Seymour
Gene L. Shaw
Shelbyville Paint &
Wallpaper Robert A. Shimer
Thomas B. Shrock, 33°
Thomas S. Solomon
Robert L. Soverns
Donald E. Spangler
Donn L. Spencer
Raymond E. Spratt
Andrew J. Stackhouse
Harold D. Stacy
James R. Stainbrook
Noble R. Stallons
Zeno M. Starkey
James R. Starn
Walter H. Stephens
Michael E. Thomas
John Thoreson
Billie E. Threlkeld
John M. Toana
Robert l. Tremain
Mark V. Trisler
Thomas R. Turner
Wilbur E. Tyner
Malcolm M. Van Cleave
Richard A. Van Sant
John F. Vogt
Windsor P. Waits
Claris G. Walker
John A. Walker
Herbert A. Wall
These names have been checked and
rechecked. However, if you detect an
error or misspelling, please contact the
Cathedral Foundation office at
317-262-3121 or 1-800-489-3579.
We apologize in advance for any errors.
These pages are underwritten by the
Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation.
Page 20
Double Eagle • Nov 2006
Through the Cathedral Window
'Dirty' Fall Elections Ruin TV
by Jerry B. Collins, Editor
I am so "thankful" that this year's mid-term elections are
over! Every year it just gets nastier and nastier -- I often wonder if
somebody might one day sue the local affiliates for broadcasting the
filth that emanates from the tube. The only thing we know about
the candidiates is who NOT to vote for.
Speaking of "thanks", in a couple of weeks we will be
celebrating a favorite holiday of mine: Thanksgiving. No hustle and
bustle -- no gifts to buy, no cards to send, just prepare a nice meal
and take four days off and spend time with the family
and close friends. I often use this restful and peaceful
time for reflection on the passing of another year.
In the Fall of 1621, the Pilgrims of
Plymouth Colony invited their Wampanoag friends to
a feast to give thanks to God for the bountiful harvest
that would sustain them all winter. Their first harsh
winter at Plymouth had devastated the unprepared
Pilgrims, taking the lives of half the colony. Now they
were filled with gratitude that this winter would be
different. They celebrated the harvest and their ability
to worship God without fear of persecution by
feasting and praying for three days.
The tradition of annual thanksgiving
developed and spread throughout New England, and
later to other colonies. But it was not until 1863,
when President Abraham Lincoln gave a Thanksgiving
Proclamation emphasizing the importance of
recognizing God as the provider of all blessings every
year, that Thanksgiving became a nationally recognized annual
Lincoln was grateful because events of that year had turned
the tide of the Civil War, and it finally looked as if the ruptured
nation would see a resolution. Just like the Pilgrims, Lincoln had
seen hard times and wanted to express his gratitude to the Lord for
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
650 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis IN 46204-1294
providing relief. He concluded by designating the last Thursday of
November as a national day of Thanksgiving.
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in
unity! -- Psalm 133
Thanksgiving is a time of coming together and sharing in a
meal with the ones you love. It is a joyous time to spend in the
company of the people God chose to be closest to you. The family
you were born into was not an accident. Even if you were adopted,
it was not an accident that you ended up with the people you are
with. In every situation we find ourselves, God has
orchestrated the outcome. Our families can be a
source of great strength. I always tell my daughter how
precious she is to me. I taught her how run and jump
and talk and feed herself… and I remind her that she
is a gift from God directly to me. I feel very special
that God chose me to help raise this wonderful person. I am truly blessed.
This Thanksgiving look around that table, large
or small, and remember that God had a hand in who
you're sitting next to. It’s for a reason -- and it extends
to our Masonic family as well. Remember the tenets
of a Mason's profession: Brotherly Love, Relief, and
Truth. "Masonry unites men ... and conciliates true
friendship among those who might otherwise have
remained at a perpetual distance."
You, too, are truly blessed and highly favored by
God. Joining together with our families and Masons
makes God feel like celebrating. If only we could get the mudslinging policiticans to
embrace our other Tenet: Truth. "...hypocrisy and deceit are
unkown among us, sincereity and plain dealing distinguish us and
the heart and tongue join together in promoting each other's welfare,
and rejoicing in each other's prosperity."
Happy Thanksgiving!