Sangamon-Menard Schools` News - Sangamon County Regional
Sangamon-Menard Schools` News - Sangamon County Regional
Sangamon-Menard Schools’ News Volume 1, Issue 5 REGIONAL OFFICE Jeff Vose Regional Superintendent Shannon Fehrholz Assistant Regional Supt. Fall 2015 Regional Office: Voice 753-6620 – FAX 535-3166 – Website - Staff Development Center: Voice 585-8090 – FAX 585-8098 Sangamon County Learning Academy: Voice 529-3390 – FAX 529-3388 Shawn Kaiser Finance Manager Kellie Brewer Educator Licensure Specialist Sue Hartl Bookkeeper Superintendent’s Message Sue Beal Program Assistant Jim Berberet GED Coordinator Charity Marvin GED Clerk Jeff Vose, Regional Superintendent of Schools Lyle Wind Health/Life Safety Consultant [email protected] Adam Wallace Technology Coordinator Jenni Dahl Technology Consultant Emily Wetherell Homeless Coordinator WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! Larry Zobrist School Improvement STAFF DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL J. Barron Robinson Administrators Academy Mary Loken Alternative Ed./Special Ed. Angie Durall Administrative Assistant REGIONAL SAFE SCHOOLS STAFF Jan Barkmeier – CACC Del Sutter – Salt Creek John Jensen – Salt Creek Dan Petty – CACC Mary Wilkens – Salt Creek SOCIAL WORKERS Joe Kihn Brad Engert TAOEP DIRECTOR Julie Sullivan TRUANCY PERSONNEL Tammy Small Marcie Walters Colleen Ikerionwu LEARNING ACADEMY TEACHERS Barb Dickman Deborah Eaton John Grigaliunas Mary Paine Michael Rigoni Debbie Robertson Secretary It is hard to believe that the “lazy days of summer” are over for our students and educators! We know that you have been anything but lazy this summer. On July 1, 2015, the Regional Office of Education welcomed Menard County to our service area. Our office is now the Sangamon-Menard Regional Office of Education #51, and we have added three school districts as a result of this consolidation. We welcome the staff and students of Athens CUSD #213. The administrative staff includes: Superintendent Scott Laird; Bill Reed, Athens High School principal; Matt Rhoades, Athens Junior High School principal; Stacey Binegar, Cantrall Intermediate principal; and Eric Szoke, Cantrall Elementary principal. ROE #51 would also like to welcome the staff and students of Greenview CUSD #200. The Greenview administrative staff includes Janice Kunz, superintendent, and Ryan Heavner, elementary/high school principal. We also welcome the staff and students of P.O.R.T.A. CUSD #202. The administrative staff includes: Matt Brue, superintendent; Darren Hartry, high school principal; Amy McMahan, junior high principal; Eric Kesler, PORTA Central principal; and Jeff Hill, Petersburg Elementary principal. Some of our other school districts have also welcomed new administrators as well. The Ball-Chatham School District welcomes Doug Wood as the new superintendent. Doug is the former interim superintendent from O’Fallon, Illinois. Pawnee CUSD #11 welcomes Jennifer Loftus as the new elementary principal. Jennifer was a Principal Consultant with the Illinois State Board of Education. continued on page 2 Page 2 Superintendent’s Message continued previously the assistant principal at Pleasant Plains Middle School. TECHNOLOGY– continued from page 4 Although not new to the district, Pleasant Plains welcomes Ben Theilen as the new middle school principal. Ben was Riverton CUSD #14 welcomes Matt Moore as the new high school principal and Chris Koerwitz as the new middle school Fall 2015 IDNR Division of Education Grant Applications The IDNR Division of Education offers two grant programs: principal. the Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant; and the Schoolyard Habitat Action Grant. Rochester CUSD #3A welcomes Brent Ashbaugh as the new high school principal and Kim Poole as the principal of the junior high. Brent was previously the principal at the junior high, and Application forms and instructions for both programs are posted Video podcasts are available on this web site to provide tips for The Sangamon-Menard ROE welcomes all of the new administrators and looks forward to working with you! FAREWELL TO A DEAR FRIEND As we are saying hello to new friends, ROE #51 is also saying goodbye to a dear friend and valued colleague. Barron Robinson, a life-long educator and administrator in Springfield passed away at Kim previously worked at Rochester High School. completing the application form and to help answer questions you may have. ALL FUNDING FOR THESE GRANTS IS DONATED. We thank the Independence Tube Corporation of Bedford Park, Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation of Skokie, the U.S. Fish from a long and courageous battle with cancer. He will be dearly and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife program and missed by all. the Illinois Conservation Foundation for their continued support. Parking at SDC Meetings/Workshops at CACC When attending ROE Staff Development Center Meetings/Workshops at the Capital Area Career Center, please DO NOT park in the spaces outlined in white. THIS AREA IS RESERVED. Unauthorized vehicles parked in this area are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense. YOU WILL NEED TO USE THE YELLOW OUTLINED SPACES AND SHOULD RECEIVE A TEMPORARY PARKING PLACARD TO PUT ON YOUR DASHBOARD. Fall 2015 Page 3 J. Barron Robinson, Administrators’ Academy [email protected] J. Barron Robinson, our good friend and a valued part of the ROE #51 family, passed away August 28th after a courageous battle with cancer. Barron was the Administrators’ Academy Coordinator for ROE #51 since 2005, coordinating workshops for school administrators and teachers. Prior to his employment at the ROE, he served on the ROE Advisory Board during his time as principal at Southeast High School. Barron made a positive impact on the lives of the many students and staff he has had contact with during his 40+ years as an educator and administrator, all of which were here in Springfield.Regional School Superintendent Jeff Vose said “He was always willing to help someone and go above and beyond what was expected of him. He is going to be sorely missed in our office.” “I can’t say enough about what he did for us,” Vose said. “Barron was a friend. He touched a lot of people’s lives in education.” Our thoughts and prayers are with Barron’s family. Page 4 Fall 2015 Adam Wallace, Technology Coordinator [email protected] — IETC 2015 — EPIC ADVENTURES IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES The 22nd Annual Illinois Education & Technology Conference will offer those interested in improving the quality of websites, professional development, and other technology issues in their districts. New members are always welcome. Please contact Adam Wallace at [email protected] if you’d like to join the tech coordinator/director meetings. Don’t Miss Important ROE 51 News and Updates Visit frequently to stay informed. Information gain information and exchange ideas on the website includes: educator licensing; background check on the applications of educational scheduling; GED testing dates; administrator directories; technologies in our classrooms. school information; Administrator Academies; Applitrack job Conference Day offering fullday workshops Wednesday, November 4th, followed by two bank and much more! News from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) IDNR’s Resources Trunks and Packs. Make Your General Conference Days (Thursday, November 5th and Friday, November Reservation Now! 6th) filled with one-hour and two- Resources trunks and packs for loan from the IDNR are hour concurrent sessions, poster wonderful for use to support teaching lessons. The topics sessions, an exhibit hall (open both include: amphibians and reptiles; aquatics; birds; fossils; state days of the General Conference), symbols; insects/spiders; invasive species; mammals; Native continental lunches, Americans; prairies; and trees. featured keynote breakfasts, presentations, speaker presentations, a Thursday evening reception, opportunities for networking, and incredible prize drawings! Registration is open now with Early Bird Discounts until Thursday, October 1st. Get more information at org/home. Technology Coordinator/Director Meetings Dirksen Parkway to discuss new technology, networks, education in Illinois the opportunity to IETC 2015 offers one Pre- coordinators and directors meet at the ROE 51 office on Each month the Sangamon County district technology The Field Trip Pack is designed for exploring nature with young children. Let the IDNR’s resources trunks and packs provide you with the teaching tools that you need. Our Standards web page ( standards.htm) includes lessons based on the trunks and the Next Generation Science Standards as well. The trunks and packs are available at lending locations statewide. Visit htm for links to all of the resources trunks and packs. Several lending locations have recently been added or updated, so be sure to check the list for changes in your area. continued on page 2 Fall 2015 Page 5 Partners in Education For the past five years, Sangamon Auditorium and Springfield Public School District 186 have worked together to offer arts programs for the education of teachers. As one of only three Illinois partnership teams in the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ Partners in Education program, Sangamon Auditorium and Springfield Public Schools are hoping to effect systemic change in educational priorities and teaching practices so that arts teaching and learning will continue to be valued by local schools and its impact deepened. We are happy to have the continued support of the Regional Office of Education and look forward to offering workshops at the Staff Development Center on Toronto Road in Springfield. Registration Information: All workshops are $15 per person. If you register for two or more workshops they are only $10 per person. If two or more people from your school register for the same workshop, you will also receive the discounted price of $10 per person. To register for these workshops, please call the Ticket Office at 217.206.6160 or visit Additional workshops will be announced throughout the year. 2015–2016 Workshops Playing to Write Tuesday, October 27, 2015; 4:30-7:30 PM Regional Office of Education Staff Development Center For teachers of grades 3-6 3 ISBE credit hours As an extension of the field trip performance of Writing Our World! in April 2016, Child’s Play Touring Theatre will lead a professional development workshop this fall that will help inspire creative classroom writing. Teachers will be introduced to methods using language arts brainstorming tools and drama games, encouraging students to discover their own talents and creative imaginations. About the performance of Writing Our World! — Featuring stories collected through Child’s Play’s global writing exchange, Writing Our World! brings to life vibrant songs and poems exploring children’s cultures, lives, dreams, and aspirations. The show opens with a rousing song encouraging imagination, followed by poems and short stories written by children in Australia, China, India, Norway, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and more. Tuesday, April 26, 2016; 10:00-11:00 AM Sangamon Auditorium, UIS Grades 3-6 $6.00 per ticket The performance at Sangamon Auditorium will feature the world premiere of one or two stores written by local students. All teachers who register to attend the performance will be sent a packet with details and tips for submitting you students’ stories. The submissions may be a new assignment, a selection from a child’s writing portfolio, from a journal kept during the school year, or writings from your own “Young Authors” program. Story submissions will be due in mid-February. For more information, visit or contact Amy Zepp at [email protected] or 217.206.8287. Page 6 Fall 2015 IDENTIFICATION AND PROFISIONS OF SERVICES FOR THE SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENT ADMINISTRATORS’ ACADEMY COURSE #593 procedural compliance, discipline, and Section 504. This It’s time to enjoy a fresh take on special education law! academy is a must for principals, superintendents, and special This academy, presented by Brandon K. Wright of Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd., will guide you through the major topics in special education law, focusing on those issues that are new, those that are prevalent, and those that never-get-old. We education administrators – particularly as special education becomes an increasing area of liability for school districts. By using case law from around the U.S., filtered through the lens of an experienced special education attorney, you will walk know our basic obligations to students with disabilities – but let’s away with a renewed clarity about your legal obligations – and take a deeper look and see how those issues are developing in the confidence to keep focused on ensuring your district’s practice. actions legal, efficient, and effective! For more details, see Workshop Section at the end of this With a practical and fresh approach, this course will use real- life discussions about matters including eligibility and evaluation, Newsletter. WE WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME MENARD COUNTY to the Regional Office of Education! Sangamon-Menard Regional Office of Education Workshop Pre-registration Procedures Advanced registration is required for all Sangamon-Menard ROE-SDC programs. Sangamon-Menard ROE-SDC reserves the right to cancel any program due to lack of enrollment. Registration - To register, please fill out the registration form completely and mail with your registration check or purchase order to ROE-SDC Registrations, 2201 Toronto Rd., Ste. A, Springfield, IL 62712-3803. Only Administrators’ Academy program registrations will be accepted by phone. A confirmation card will be mailed upon receipt of your registration. Please call our office at 217.585.8090 if you do not receive confirmation. Your canceled check is your receipt. Purchase Orders - If your school district sends a purchase order to cover registration fees, include registration forms with the purchase orders. ROE-SDC will return any purchase order that is not accompanied by completed registration forms. New Policy on Refunds - Refunds will be issued ONLY for registration fees over $10 and to participants who call the ROE-SDC office at least five days prior to the beginning of the program. If the ROE-SDC cancels the program due to lack of enrollment, all refunds will automatically be made. Sangamon-Menard ROE-SDC Workshop Pre-Registration Form ONE REGISTRANT PER FORM PLEASE! First Name__________________________________________ MI_______ Last Name____________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________________________ , IL Zip_______________________ Phone (_____)___________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________ School Name___________________________________________ School District & #__________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________________________________ , IL Zip_______________________ County_____________________________________________ Phone (_____)_______________________________________ School E-mail________________________________________________________________________________________________ qTeacher______________________________________ qAdministrator_______________________________________ Grade/subject________________________________ Administrator Position________________________________ Workshop Title Class No. Date Fee _______________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________ _____________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________ _____________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________ _____________ Total $ Enclosed _____________ For Office Use Only Date Paid______________ Dist./Pers. Ck. #______________________ Ck. Amt._________ Fee Amt.__________ Page 8 Workshops Fall 2015 Identification and Provision of Services for the Special Education Student (#593)............................................................. This course is designed to give administrators legal knowledge and best practices regarding special education eligibility, procedures, methodology, implementation of IEP’s, and discipline of the special education student. Administrators’ Academy ROE Contact Person: Angie Durall Class No. a-151028 $135 in County; $150 Out of Area Materials, lunch & refreshments provided October 28, 2015 – 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Sangamon-Menard ROE Staff Development Center, Activity Room A, 2nd floor 2201 Toronto Rd. (Exit #90 off I-55), Springfield Presenter: Brandon K. Wright Registration Deadline is 10/14/2015 Grant Writing: Preparing Competitive Proposals (#1165)................................................................................................. This course will provide participants with useful tips and tools essential to significantly increase their chances of success in securing grant funds. Participants will learn about:(1) locating on-line funding sources; (2) tips on the content, style, and format of writing the various components of a grant proposal; (3) the processes of reviewing grant proposals; and (4) writing a complete and “reader friendly” grant proposal. This workshop addresses the needs of grant seekers who have little or no experience, as well as those experienced grant writers who want a general updating and review. Administrators’ Academy ROE Contact Person: Angie Durall Class No. a-151105 $135 in County; $150 Out of Area Materials, lunch & refreshments provided November 5, 2015 – 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Sangamon-Menard ROE Staff Development Center, Activity Room A, 2nd floor 2201 Toronto Rd. (Exit #90 off I-55), Springfield Presenter: Dr. Don Kachur Registration Deadline is 10/22/2015 Visions, Values, and Goals: Leading Change in a Professional Learning Community (#940).............................................. Initiative overload? Barriers that impede change? Toxic culture? Are the school’s efforts focused on student learning and continuous improvement? This course offers practical strategies that will help effective leaders use a shared vision, core values and beliefs, and goals to lead change in a professional learning community. This session will show the relationship between effective leadership, a constructive culture with a vision, values, and goals and student achievement. Participants will leave with ideas and practical strategies to lead change initiatives that inspire excitement, commitment, and a focus on results. Administrators’ Academy ROE Contact Person: Angie Durall Class No. a-151201 $135 in County; $150 Out of Area Materials, lunch & refreshments provided December 1, 2015 – 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Sangamon-Menard ROE Staff Development Center, Activity Room A, 2nd floor 2201 Toronto Rd. (Exit #90 off I-55), Springfield Presenter: Cheryl Sanfilip Registration Deadline is 11/17/2015 To register, mail form and check to ROE-SDC Registration, 2201 Toronto Rd., Ste. A, Springfield, IL 62712-3803 Make check payable to Sangamon ROE-SDC
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Sangamon Schools` News - Regional Office of Education
Shannon Fehrholz
Assistant Regional Supt.