Joa,.J o/ E:ducafion
Joa,.J o/ E:ducafion
1955 Edited by the SENIOR CLASS /Joa,.J o/ E:ducafion Our thanks go to the Board of Education for their tireless effort to make our school the best. Members of the board are Mr. Scott Kelsey, Mr. H. F. Syring, and Mr. V.D. Jones. -.A-JminiJlralion H. D. Richardson, Principal. • MRS. THEDA BIXBY Emporia Teachers Home Economics MR. ROSS CORRELL Ottawa University Physical Education MR. MIL TON LEIKER Fort Hays/ State College Mathematics MISS MARY K. MOORE College of Emporia Music Education MR. ROBERT SIGG Kansas State English MRS. JUANITA SIMMERS Emporia State Commerce 3 MR. IRA WILLIAMS Kansas State Agriculture Education "" Seniord ~ Class colors: Green and White Class flower: White Carnation Class motto: 'where there's a Will there's a Way. CLASS OFFICERS President Roy D. Davis Vice President . Gerald Lister Secretary, Treasurer .Mary Tholl Student Council Jeanette Nadeau Louis Adkins ADI<INS, JAMES LOUIS F. F. A. President 4; Student Council 4; Class Play 3; F. F. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Athletics 1. BUSH, RAYMOND DALE Jr. Play 3; F. F. A. 1, 2, 3; Athletics 1; Kay Club 3, . . ' '""'~ - - .. . _ • ' ~ ··- ;<'~ ""• . DAVIS, ROY DAVID Athletics 1,2,3,4; Jr. Play 3; Sr. Play 4; F. F. A. 1, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Kay Club 1, 2, 3; Class President 4; Quartette 3. GENTRY, BARBARA ANN Student Council 3; Secretary Class 1, 2; Treasurer Pep Club 2, 3, Secretary Pep Club 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Kayettes 4; "'\;-Teens 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Attendant 4; Sextette 3, 4; Play 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Vice President Student Council 3. JONES, BARBARA ANN Y -Teens 1, 2, 3, Y -Teens Cabinet 2; Kayettes 4; Board Directors 4; Pep Club President 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Band President 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Editor 4; Cheerleader 4; Vice President Class 1, 2, 3; Girls' State 3; Sextette 3, 4; Plays 3, 4; Quartette 2. LISTER, GERALD LEE Student Council President 4; Senior Vice President 4; Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; Plays 2, 3, 4; F. F. A. 1, 2; Kay C}ub 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Quartette 3; Homecoming Attendant 4; Yearbook Staff 4. / MAUS, ARDETH RAMONA Y -Teen Cabinet 2, 3; Kayettes Secretary-Treasurer 4; Play 3, 4; Y -Teen 1, 2, 3; Kayettes 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 4; Good Citizen Award 4; Sextette 3, 4; Quartette 2; Pep Club 2, 4; Yearbook Staff 4. McKENZIE, CLYDE OSCAR Boys' State 3; F. F. A. Reporter 4, F. F. A. Secretary 3, F. F. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; Kay Club 1, 2, 3; Plays 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Attendant 4; Football Co-Captain 4; Quartette 3; Assistant Editor 4; Program Chairman Kay Club 3. ~ ··"" SeniorJ "" . ~:"" ... NADEAU, JEANETTE ELAINE Y -Teens 1, 2, 3; Kayettes 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Treasurer of Class 2, Secretary of Class 3; President Kayettes 4; s'tudent Council Secretary 4; Sales on Yearbook Staff 4; Junior Play 3, Senior Play 4; Student Council 4: Pep Club Treasurer 4; Cheerleader 4; Homecoming Queen 4. PARR, THANE CLYNE F. F. A. Reporter 3; Play 3; F. F. A. 1, 2, 3; Athletics 1,2, / RAFFERTY, RICHARD WUIS Student Council 2; Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; Plays 3, 4; F. F. A. 1, 2, 3; Kay Club 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 3, 4; Football Captain 4; Basketball Captain 3, 4; Homecoming King 4. REES, ROY EDWARD Student Council 3; F. F. A. 2, 3, 4; Play 3. THOLL, MARY LIDDlE Student Council 2; President Junior Class 3, Secretary-Treasurer Class 4; Y -Teens 1; 2, 3, Y -Teen Cabinet 2, 3; Kayettes Board of Director 4; President Glee Club 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Cheerleader 4; Plays 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Kayettes 4; Homecoming Attendant 4. ZELLER, LYLE DEAN President Class 1; F. F. A. 1, 2; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Plays 3, 4; Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4. ·~ ... illt .. .,• .. .... .. ' / ... As I stepped from my flying saucer onto the planet "Earth"., what should meet my wondering eye but Doctor "Jerry Lister" rushing to a near-by hospital on an emergency call. Dr. Lister is one of the best kno'wn doctors in this year 2, 000. While trying to locate a parking place for my saucer, I came across a parking lot called "Out Our Way" where I found Roy D. Davis, Park Commissioner. As I walked away from my space ship, I was in for the shock of my life. There was Raymond Bush, State School Superintendent. Along with Superintendent Bush was his left-hand helper, truant officer Louis Adkins. These two gentlemen have made good at their job because of their deep feeling about school. As I walked on down the street, I met "two-tone" Thane Parr who is now running a beauty shop. Mr. Parr's shop is very successful due to his way with women. His first assistant is "Blondie" Mary Tholl, who brings in a lot of customers from neighboring towns. As I continued on down the street, I came upon Barbara Gentry who is now a Veterinarian's Assistant. Dr. Gentry's latest project is trying to take the bob out of bob-o-links. As I stepped off the curb, what should zoom past me but the number one stock car racer of the earth, "Lyle Zeller". Lyle was driving his l, 000 horse power Ford named "Juanita." I continued down the street and met Clyde McKenzie who is well known for building bridges. At the news stand I saw -a-picture of Roy Rees who is now President of the United States. President Rees is well known for the new "Threeday-work-week." I decided to visit my old alma mater. Who do you suppose I saw, but Professor Ardeth Maus teaching a class on "What makes men tick." As I walked on down the hall, I saw Richard Rafferty installing a telephone. He is now full owner of the local telephone company. 1 walked from the school down the street. Who do you suppose I saw, but Society Leader, Jeanette Nadeau, Miss Nadeau is now president of the Lonely Hearts Club. A,s I went back to my saucer. I found I had received a ticket for overparking. So I went to Lawyer Barbara Jones who is known for fixing tickets. So ended my first trip to earth. ·t .. '! ... J!aJf / W// anJ ~Jfamenf r--- '1 To whom it may concern: We, the Senior Class of 1955 of Rossville Rural High School, County of Shawnee, State of Kansas, United States of America, Western Hemisphere, of the known world, being of unsound mind, weak heart, and on the ver'g e of departing for realms unknown do make, publish, and declare this our last will and testament: Article l: To the Juniors, we do hereby will our acting ability. Article 2: To the Sophomores, we do hereby will our ability to have a quiet English Class. / Article 3: To the Freshman, we do hereby will our ability, to be on time to class. Article 4: To the Principal and faculty, we do hereby will a slow and quiet lunch line. Article 5: To our parents, we do hereby will a bottle of Hadacol .for the pep and energy we have taken from them the past four years, I, dare-devil Adkins, do hereby will my perfect attendance at school to Charles Thompson. I, Bashful Bush, do hereby will my height to Paul Maus. I, Tex Davis, do hereby will my cow-boy shirts to Mr. Richardson. I, Sparkles Gentry, do hereby will my ability to go steady to Betty Bixby. I, Slow-poke Jones, do hereby will by ability to get along with teachers to Keith Cow an. I, Humorous Lister, do hereby will by excess energy to Earl Mil.ler. __/ / I, Happy Maus, do hereby will my artistic ability to Judy Atchison. I, Steady McKenzie, do hereby will my ability to go with girls to Sammy Zickefoose. I, Flirty Nadeau, do hereby will my rov:ing eye to Pauline Timmons. I, Silent Parr, do hereby will my ability to be seen and not heard to Phyllis Coffey. I, Crusher Rafferty, do hereby will my he-manish look to Loren Lynde. I, Sleepy Rees, do hereby will my ability to give current events in Government Class to Edgar Tuller. I, Teller-of-Tall-Tales Tholl, do hereby will my ability to be trughful to Janie Eldridge. I, Hurricane Zeller, do hereby will my Turkey Farm to Betty Pendelton. - ~ ~\ - - ~ • Badura, Leo Dick, Wayne Cowan, Keith Bixby, Patty Junior Eldridge, Mary Jane CfaJJ Class Color: Maroon and White Class Flower: White Rose Class Motto: Lost time is never found Miller, Donald Malsbury, Arden Miller, Earl Parker, :Phyllis Porter, Marion St. Clair, Richard Thompson, Charles Swenson, Jo Ann Tuller, Edgar Vanderblomen, James CLASS OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer • Student Council .Wayne Dick Charles Thompson Phyllis Parker • Don Miller Jane Eldridge, Keith Cowan Pendleton, Betty Gleason, Jerrie Hays, Alice Class Colors: Red and White Class Flower: Red Rose Class Motto: Find a way or make a way I Hudson, Larry Sophomore President Vice President Secretary Treasurer • Student Council C/a,u CLASS OFFICERS Laiten Marney Jerrie Gleason . Betty Tholl Pauline Timmons . Sam Zickefoose, Jean Nadeau Marney, Laiten Lynde, Loren Nadeau, Jean £ Kovar, Ray Press grove, Karen Reser, Lucille " Stockman, Joe ""' ,,-! , r.J', Timmons, Pauline Tholl, Betty Jackson, Virgil l Wamego, Dorothy Wilt, Lynda Zeller, Larry Welch, James Zickefoose, Sam \ 7 i I • J ... M{Lry Class Colors: Class Flower: Class Motto: H by, etty Blue and Gold White Rose Onward ever, Backward never. ' f!Y, Linda Mil)~r, Ellen CLASS OFFICERS Jane Rogers President David Stadler Vice President Mary Dolezilek Secretary Mary Dolezilek Treasurer • • Phyllis Coffey Student Council Frank Wood Darrel i I Rog~rs, Jane Annual St:!/ Barbara Jones. Clyde McKenzie Gerald Lister Ardeth Maus Mary Tholl . Barbara Gentry Jeanette Nadeau Roy Rees. Lyle Zeller . Richard Rafferty Roy D. Davis Louis Adkins Thane Parr. Raymond Bush. Mr. Richardson Editor Assistant Editor Business Manager Typist Treasurer ,Sales ,Sales .Sales Sports Sports Sports Advertising Advertising Advertising . Advisor SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT: Phyllis Coffey, Louis Adkins, Jane Eldridge, Jeanette Nadeau, and Gerald Lister. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Frank Wood, Keith Cowan, Sammy Zickefoose, Jean Nadeau, and Mr. Richardson . ....- The school year was started out with a bang by the spirited campaign for Stude'nt Council President between Gerald Lister and Clyde McKenzie. Gerald was elected to head the eight member council. Some of their projects have been: buying a record player; concessions at basketball games; all school dances; Christmas tree; gift exchange; and sponsoring the student pictures. OFFICERS President Vice -President Secretary Treasurer • • Gerald Lister Keith Cowan Jeanette Nadeau • Jane Eldridge Sponsor: RA YLINGS HY -KLAS STORE Rossville, Kansas 5-oolta// Although the Rossville Bulldog Football team won no games this season, a lot of spirit and co-operation was shown by the team members Of the seven games played three were home-games, with the RossvilleSt. Marys game being home coming for the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs are looking forward to a successful year next year. Coach Correll Washburn Rural Highland Park "B" Alta Vista Silver Lake Eskridge St. Marys Alma 21 20 26 37 37 26 79 0 Rossville Rossville 7 Rossville 6 Rossville 0 Rossville 6 Rossville 20 Rossville 6 / FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Loren Lynde, Eddie Lloyd, Paul Maus, Henry Badura, Darrell Rezac, Laird French. SECOND ROW: Arden Malsbury, Kenneth Marney, Richard St. Clair, Leonard Mesmer, Max Viergever, Frank Wood, James Lacock. THIRD ROW: Don Miller, Leo Badura, Virgil Jackson, Gerald Lister, Laiten Marney, Ray Kovar. STANDING: Coach Correll, David Stadler, Richard Rafferty, Clyde McKenzie, Sam Zickefoose, Don Timmons, and Kenneth Smith. Going for a Touchdown! It's a Touchdown! / / Senior Football Stars .- Sponsor: SKYLINE ROLLER CHRISTOPHER RINK STUDIO Topeka, Kansas Topeka, Kansas FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Keith Cowan, Kenneth Marney, Larry Zeller, Don Miller, Larry Hudson, and Wayne Dick. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ray Kovar, Clyde McKenzie, Sam Zickefoose, Coach Correll, David Stadler, Richard Rafferty, and Lyle Zeller. Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville 28 45 52 45 41 27 33 38 Luckey Auburn Dover Silver Lake St. Marys St. George Berryton Auburn 49 72 53 66 55 50 36 62 Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville 25 44 36 28 44 53 56 St. Marys Dover Berryton Siiver Lake Luckey St; George Dover 52 46 66 64 56 50 59 The bulldog "A" squad showed a seasons record of 15 losses and 1 win. The Bulldogs showed a lot of improvement toward the end of the season, and thrilled all their fans by slautering St. George 53 to 50, The boys sl,J.owed a lot of enthusiasm · but were hampe·red by lack of experience, Sponsor: GIBBS CLOTHING STORE Topeka, Kansas MILLERS DEPT. STORE St. Marys, Kansas FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Kenneth Marney, Max Viergever, Keith Cowan, and Darrell Rezac. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Larry Zeller, Edgar Tuller, David Stadler, Coach Correll, Don Timmons, Don Miller, and Larry Hudson. / Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville 43 46 49 41 51 23 45 Luckey Auburn Dover Silver Lake St. Marys St. George Berryton S.C. L. Tournament 65 43 35 23 63 31 40 Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville .59 49 38 55 52 57 56 32 Auburn St. Marys Dover Berryton Silver Lake Luckey St. George Audburn 52 The Bulldog "B" squad tied for first place in league games with Auburn. At the Shawnee County Tournament the Rossville "B" squad won the first place trophy by defeating Auburn 59 to 52. Sponsor: RAMSEY SERVICE STATION Topeka, Kansas Sponsor: WALLACE MOTOR CO. St. Marys, Kansas 53 52 40 56 52 65 48 BaJkelbal/ FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Eddie Lloyd, James Lacock, Joe Stockman, Leonard Mesmer, Kenneth Smith, and Paul Maus. SECOND ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Kenneth Marney, Max Viergever, Larry Hudson, Edgar Tuller, Don Miller, Larry Zeller, Keith Cowan, Darrell Rezac. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: David Stadler, Ray Kovar, Clyde McKenzie, Sam Zickefoose, Coach Correll, Richard Rafferty, Lyle Zeller, Wayne Dick, and Donald Timmons. Pictured above are all the boys that went out for basketball this year. These boys practiced every seventh hour and after school. Sponsor: WARDS IGA STORE AND LOCKER SERVICE Silver Lake, Kansas FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lyle Zeller, Keith Cowan, Kenny Marney, Neil McRoberts, Larry Zeller, Larry Hudson, Max Viergever, Roy D. Davis, Don Miller. SECOND ROW: Leo Badura, Laiten Marney, Sammy Zickefoose, David Stadler, Richard Rafferty, Ray Kovar, Wayne Dick. THIRD ROW: Mr. Correll (Coach), Henry Badura, Darrel Rezac, James Lacock, Earl Miller, Donald Timmons, Joe Stockman, James Welch, Kenneth Smith, Loren Lynde, Eddie Lloyd, Edgar Tuller. This marked the first year that Rossville High has participated in Baseball. The boys were very fortunate to have new baseball suits this year. The boys and the positions they have played are as follows: Lyle Zeller Don Timmons James Welch Kenneth Smith Larry Zeller James Lacock Eddie Lloyd Don Miller Laiten Marney Earl Miller Loren Lynde Keith Cowan Hen;ry Badura Left field Left field Left field Left field Right field Right field Right field Center field Center field Center field Center field Short stop Short stop Edgar Tuller Larry Hudson Kenneth Marney Roy D. Davis Darrell Rezac Sammy Zickefoose Joe Stockman Neil McRoberts Leo Badura Max Viergever David Stadler Richard Rafferty HURLEY'S FUNERAL HOME Phone 511 Rossville, Kansas Manager Third base Third base Second base Second base First base First base Catcher Catcher Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Trophies Lyle Zeller, Coach Correll, and Don Miller are shown with the "B" Team Basketball Trophies, The team earned these trophies by tying for first in the County League, and by winning first in the County Tournament. / Boy's Physical Education Girl's Physical Education Sponsor: WEHNERS IGA Rossville, Delia, St. Marys BAND MEMBERSHIP: CLARINETS: Patty Bixby, Karen Pressgrove, Betty Bixby, Paul Maus, Gerald Lister, and JoAnn Swenson. BARITONES: James Vanderblomen, and Betty Pendleton. BELLS: Mary Tholl. SNARE DRUM: Jeanette Nadeau. FLUTE: Mary K. Dolezlik. SAXAPHONE: Douglas Martinek. ALTO: Betty Tholl and Linda Hurley. & The R. H. s. band under the direction of Miss Moore has grown considerably over the past few years. New horns purchased by the school have added new life to the organization. Appearances of the band include the Auburn Fair Thanksgiving program, Spring Concert and a concert given at Winter General Hospital. The band also participated in the County and District music festivals and acted as a pep band during football and basketball season. It is hoped that in the very new future the band can have new marching uniforms. Other music groups have also shown a lot of improvement this year. Miss Moore 22 • BAND MEMBERSHIP (continued): BASE DRUM: Ardeth Maus. LEADER: Miss Moore. BASE HORN: Richard Rafferty. ALTO: Eddie Lloyd. TROMBONES: Pauline Timmons, and Donald Miller. CORNETS AND TRUMPETS: Jane Rogers, Clyde McKenzie, Barbara Jones, ·Linda Rezac, Loren Lydne, Lynda Wilt, and Phyllis Coffey. The Sextette, composed of Barbara Genty, Betty Pendleton, Ardeth Maus, JoAnn Swenson, Pauline Timmons and Barbara Jones, has performed at World Day of Prayer, Methodist Church, PresbyterianChurch, w.s.c.s., Athletic Banquet, school assemblies, and the District Music Festival, The Boys Glee Club has grown a lot over past years. The boys took part in the Thanksgiving Program and the County Music Festival. The Girls Glee, which practiced three days a week, have received many nice compliments this year. Their official singing garb are white blouses, black skirts, black ties, and black shoes, Senior band members. Sponsor: NATIONAL BANK OF TOPEKA Topeka, Kansas The Sextette is composed of Jo Ann Swenson, Ardeth Maus, Barbara Jones, Pauline Timmons, Betty Pendleton, and Barbara Gentry. The girls, directed by Miss Moore have sung in a number of programs this yGar. Sextelle The trumpet quartet is composed of Linda Rezac, Lynda Wilt, Jane Rogers, and Phyllis Coffey. The quartet has performed at a number of Kayette meetings. Quarfeffe Officers of musical organizations are as follows: . Boys' Glee Club President Richard Rafferty Band President • Barbara Jones Band Secretary . . Betty Tholl (seated) Girls' Glee Club President . Mary Tholl (seated) Girls' Glee Club Secretary . Jean Nadeau (seated) ~ujic ~~cerj SHAWNEE FEDERAL SAVING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Topeka, Kansas FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Miss Moore, Director; Judy Atchison, Linda Hurley, Jean Nadeau, Ardeth Maus, Jane Rogers, Phyllis Parker, Mary K. Dolezilek, Phyllis Coffey. SECOND ROW: Barbara Jones, Alice Hays, Kare n Pressgrove, Janie Eldridge, Pauline Timmons, Mary Tholl, Jeanette Nadeau, Linda Rezac, Betty Pendleton. THIRD ROW: Jerrie Gleason, Betty Tholl, Jerry Lister, Joe Stockman, Richard Rafferty, Donald Timmons, Clyde McKenzie, Ray Kovar, Laiten Marney, Lynda Wilt, Barbara Gentry. FOURTH ROW: Betty Bixby, Ellen Miller, Lucille Reser, Paul Maus, Laird French, Leonard Mesmer, Lyle Zeller, Max Viergever, Leo Badura, Eddie Lloyd, Linda McCoy, Patty Bixby, JoAnn Swenson. Forty-two girls and boys are members of the Mixed Chorus that is directed by Miss Mary K. Moore. Favorite songs of the group include "Your Land and My Land" and "Christ Arose". The Bulldog Mixed Chorus appeared at the County Music Festival and at the Spring Concert. Official uniforms of the chorus were white blouses, white shirts, black skirts, and black trousers. Sponsor: PEOPLE'S STATE BANK Rossville, Kansas 25 Sponsor: REES APPLE HOUSE Topeka, Kansas Cfut FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Alice Hayes, Karen Pressgrove, Linda Hurley, Phyllis Coffey, Betty Pendleton, Jane Eldridge, Patty Bixby, Ardeth Maus, Pauline Timmons. SECOND ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Betty Bixby, Judy Atchison, Linda McCoy, Ellen Miller, Mary K. Dolezilek, Linda Rezac, Jane Rogers, Jerrie Gleason, Lynda Wilt, Lucille Reser. BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: JoAnn Swenson, Jean Nadeau, Phyllis Parker, Mary Tholl, Miss Moore, Jeanette Nadeau, Bar bar a Jones, Betty Tholl, and Barbara Gentry. OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Sponsor. Barbara Jones Phyllis Parker Barbara Gentry Jeanette Nadeau • Miss Moore School Song We'll raise a song, both loud and long, to cheer our team to victory; Dear Rossville High, so brave and strong, We pledge eternal loyalty. Fight on, boys, fight, we'll win this game; Roll up the score, dear Rossville High. Beneath the flag of red and black, To victory, Rossville High School. SILVER LAKE STATE BANK Silver Lake, Kansas 26 • LEFT: Phyllis Parker. RIGHT: Barbara Gentry. FRONT: JoAnn Swenson. BACK: Barbara Jones. The Cheerleaders, elected by the student body, energetically led the pep club in boosting the moral of the athletic teams. This marked the first year of having two sets of cheerleaders. Probably one of the most popular yells was: Lets Go, Lets Go, Lets Go Gang Go, Lets Fight Lets Fight, Lets Fight Gang Fight, Lets Win, Lets Win, Lets Wing Gang Win, Come On, Gang, Go, Fight, Win. LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Tholl, Betty Tholl, Jean Nadeau, and Jeanette Nadeau. TOPEKA SPICE MILLS Topeka, Kansas J. Nadeau and R. Rafferty Pep Club Girls B. Gentry, J. Nadeau, and M. Tholl / The 1954 Homecoming was held October 22, 1954 and was highlighted by the crowning of Jeanette Nadeau, Queen, and Richard Rafferty King, at the half of the Rossville -St. Marys football game. Queen Jeanette was attended by Barbara Gentry and Mary Tholl, King Richard by Gerald Lister and Clyde McKenzie. The Queen was crowned by Roy D. Davis, President of the Senior class, and the King by Barbara Jones, President of Pep Club. David Richardson and Susan Nadeau were crown bearers. Previous to the crowning the band and Pep Club marched on the football field. Following the game a dance was held in ghe gym. FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: David Richardson and Susan Nadeau. BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mary Tholl, Barbara Gentry, Roy D. Davis, Jeanette Nadeau, Richard Rafferty, Barbara Jones, Gerald Lister and Clyde McKenzie. {)r~' State anJ &'r'• State Barbara Jones was the 1954 representative to "Girls State. " Girls State is held on the Kansas University Campus, and it is a week's training in citizenship and good government. Clyde McKenzie represented R. H. S. at the 1954 session of "Boys State" Boys State is similiar to Girls State in training for Citizenship and good government. Boys State was held in Wichita. StuJenl Council Gleelion £v , '.'! 0nH, Vt'ltt AJ r/1 )f!lll/•,f fto'J,.,, t. I For the first time in the history of Rossville High, a campaign was conducted for Student Council President. Two political parties, named by the American Government Class, were the Nationalists and the Good Thinkers. Clyde McKenzie was the Nationalist candidate, and Gerald Lister was the Good Thinker candidate. The Good Thinker Party won by a slight majority. Gro \Ji the Tide l \1 o"f-e Sponsor: STANDARD OIL SERVICE Rossville, Kansas 1'~· r be ~ St in t<e- r, "o"~-e ;or Clyde 29 Don' Good ThinKer SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT : Edgar Tuller, Phyllis Parker, JoAnn Swenson, Wayne Dick, Betty Pendleton, and Keith Cowan. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Patty Bixby, Marion Porter, Leo Badura, Janie Eldridge, Earl Miller, Don Miller and Pauline Timmons. Junior Play "MY FRIEND IRMA" Jane Stacy . . Irma Peterson. . . Professor Kropotkin. Mrs. O'Reilly. Madame Magda Teddy Brown • . . Richard Rhinelander. Al. Don Turner. • • B. K. Abercrombie Mrs. Peterson Winnie . Phyllis Parker • JoAnn Swenson . . Keith Cowan . Betty Pendleton Janie Eldridge . Leo Badura .Edgar Tuller • Wayne Dick Donald Miller Marion Porter • . Patty Bixby • Pauline Timmons HESSE LUMBER COMPANY Rossville, Kansas SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ardeth Maus, Barbara Gentry, Mrs. Simmers, Mary Tholl, Jeanette Nadeau. STANDIND, LEFT TO RIGHT: Clyde McKenzie, Gerald Lister, Barbara Jones, Roy D. Davis, Richard Rafferty, and Lyle Zeller. Senior P/a'J "PAPA MAKES GOOD" Nelson Wyatt • Gwendolyn Wyatt • Gloria Keppy. . • Errol Lyons • Mrs. Montague Mrs. Wayne Mrs. Denning Mr. Denning Bobby Milton Director. • Gerald Lister • Barbara Jones • Barbara Gentry • Roy D. Davis .Clyde McKenzie .Ardeth Maus • Mary Tholl Jeanette Nadeau • • Lyle Zeller Richard Rafferty • Mrs. Simmers Sponsors: MASTER'S SERVICE STATION Rossville, Kansas OHSE MEAT PRODUCTS CO. Topeka, Kansas "He was brave as a lion!" _j(a'Jetfe:J The Kayettes, although a new organization, completed a number of worth while projects. The club, under the direction of Mrs. Bixby, sent five pounds of hose to foreign countries, donated to "Meals for Millions", dusted bleachers before basketball games, and planted a Red Bud tree on the school yard. President, Jeanette Nadeau; Vice-President, Janie Eldridge; Secretary-Treasurer, Ardeth Maus; Program, Barbara Gentry; Worship, JoAnn Swenson; Music, Jerrie Gleason; Social, Betty Pendleton; Service, Pauline Timmons; Publicity, Mary Tholl; Parlimentarian, Jean Nadeau; Point System, Phyllis Parker; Pianist, Barbara Jones; Sponsor, Mrs. Bixby. / :1-ufure :1-arnterj o/ -.-America The F. F. A. participated in anumber of projects for the year, among them a booth, "One Hundred Years of Progress" at the Topeka Free Fair. A Gilt ring was started this year. Keith Cowan was the first to receive a gilt. The club also raised fryers for their banquet. rt OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter. Sentinel Advisor • Louis Adkins Don Miller • Earl Miller . Roy Rees Clyde McKenzie • Keith Cowan Mr. Williams JuniorSenior Prom Speech by Mr. Lieker Punch for the bunch! Sponsor: EMAHIZER'S Kansas Most Complete Home Furnisher Topeka, Kansas HOME APPLIANCE COMPANY A. S. Smith Mgr. Phone 306 General Electric Sales Service Maytag St. Marys Kansas mofher::baug-lter l?anttuel The Mother-Daughter Banquet was held on the 11th of May, in the high school gymnasium. The theme was "MotherDaughter. " Miss Dana Moore, a member of the Topeka Police Department was the guest speaker. The Home Economic classes prepared the meals and was assisted by: Mrs. McCoid, Mrs. Rafferty, Mrs. Lister, Mrs. Hesse, and Mrs. Wehner. There were three Senior boys and three Junior boys who served. :e Through Eating. Sponsors: GREEN'S MUSIC SHOP 720 Kansas Avenue Phone 3150 Topeka, Kan. COMMERCIAL CANDY COMPANY Topeka, Kansas C:/ajjej Right: Advanced Math, Mr. Leiker " Above: Vocational Agriculture Mr. Williams Right: Bookeeping Mrs. Simmers Sponsor PARKER MORTUARY Topeka, Kansas f Left: Hom.e Economic Mrs. Bixby Above: Office Practice Mrs. Simmers Left: English One Mr. Sigg Sponsors: BRENNAN FUNERAL HOME Topeka, Kansas CAPITAL CONCRE'l'E Topeka, Kansas Right: World History Mr. Correll Above: Home Economics II Mrs. Bixby Right: Chemistry Mrs. Bixby FARMERS UNION ELEVATOR St. Marys, Kansas Left: Vocational Agriculture Mr. Williams Below: Physics Mr. Leiker Left: Vocational Agriculture Mr. Williams Sponsor: SCOTT MOTORS Topeka, Kansas Right: Physical Education Mr. Correll Below: American Government Mr. Richardson , - Right: Librarians Mr. Sigg Sponsor: IRA PRICE C~~ T;;:;:~ One of the benefits of Rossville High School is the school lunch program. Supervised by Mrs. Bixby, Mrs. Rafferty has prepared well - balanced meals for the students and the faculty. Mrs. Rafferty is assisted by Ardeth Maus, Pauline Timmons, Karen Press grove, Lucille Reser, and Patty Bixby. The delicious meals enjoyed daily by the students have proved successful. Lunch Line. Sponsor: WALL-DIFFENDERFER MORTUARY Topeka, Kansas CL A SS MEMBE R'> HIP : FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Roy D. Davis, Ardeth Maus, Barbara Jones, Mary Tholl, Jeane tte Na dea u, Barbara Gentry, Louis Adkins. BACK ROW: Roy Rees, Lyle Zeller, Clyde McKenz ie, Raymond Bush, Ri cha rd Ra ffert y, Gerald Lister, Than e Parr. Commencement 1.. Commencement Exercises were held Friday, May 20, 1955, in the Rossville Rural High School Auditorium, at 8 : 00 p.m. PROGRAM . .(Kinyon) Band Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. A. J. Adams, S. J. "Elena Polka" . . . . Trumpet Trio . • . . . • . (Kiefer) Linda Rezac, Jane Rogers, Phyllis Coffey Salutatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Jones Valedictory. . . . . . . . . • . . . • Clyde McKenzie "Bless This House" . . • . • • . • . • . . . . (Brahe) Jo Ann Swenson Address "A ·Great Time To Be Alive" . Dr. William E. Phifer, Jr. Central Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Missouri Presentation of Class . • . . • . H. D. Richardson, Principal Presentation of Diplomas . . • • . . . . .Mr. Scott Kelsey Dire c tor, Board of Education "Minstrel Song" • • • . . . Old German Air . . . arr. Bantock Boy's Ensemble Benediction. Re v . A. J. Adams, S. J. Recessional. . Band Processional Sponsor: BERRY IRRIGATION SUPPLY COMPANY Rossville, Kansas "THE LAST MARCH'' • /Jaccafaureale Program Rossville Rural High School, Sunday, May 15, 1955, at 8:00 p.m., in the Rossville High School Auditorium (Elgar) "Pomp and Circumstance". Jane Rogers .Reverend C. W. Punter Invocation . . . . • . . . . . . (Bach) "Enfold Me, Enfold Me With Thine Arms" (Bach) "Jesus, My Joy, My Inspiration" • . • . Brass Ensemble Hymn. . . . "GOD OF GRACE AND GOD OF GLORY" .(Hughes) Scripture: Deut. 11:26-28; Joshua 24:13-16. • ...•.•. Sermon . . • • • . . . • • • "You Have Two Choices" Don Jones, Pastor Methodist Church .(Wilson) "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You". Linda Rezac . Rever end C. W. Punter Benediction. . Jane Rogers Recessional. Processional BuJ ;})riverJ . We are fortunate to have four busses to use for transportation to our school, Bus drivers are: Guy (Doby) Strimple, Clyde Strimple, Bill Hesse, and Frank Dolezilek. Our thanks go to these four bus drivers who have helped to make our school year pleasant. ~ JanilorJ Mr. Strimple and Mr. James, janitors, have both worked very hard this year, to keep o.u r schoolhouse clean and pleasent. Everyone missed Mr. James when he took sick the last half of the second semester. Marion Porter, a student, has been doing his job. Sponsor: BOM GARDNER'S Furniture Carpets -Appliances Topeka, Kansas Sponsor: BAR - F WESTE;RN STORE Kansas Avenue and Highway 24 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Our School Mary? Roy D. and Richard Office Practice Louie Junior Play Studying David Jon Betty and Stardust Dignified Board Members Linda, Max, and Jane • ~\Dr~ """ ~CHAPTER .,.,__ ..... 1. Betty and Barbara 2. Ardeth 3. Mr. Lieker 4. Betty 5. F.F.A. Booth 6. Janie 7. Paul 8. Jerrie 9. JoAnn 10. Mary 11. In Class 12. Meeting 15 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Who? Juniors Lynda More Juniors Don Ardeth and?? Jeanette and Linda Love to Roy Betty Pauline Royality Phyllis JIM REZAC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 78 Land Leveling and Ponds, Terracing, and Drainage Ditches Rossville, Kansas ROSSVILLE REPORTER Phone 220 Rossville, Kansas SHAWNEE TELEPHONE COMPANY Rossville - Silver Lake - Delia Rossville, Kansas ZELLER'S ROYAL TURKEY FARM Rossville, Kansas THESE PATRONS HAVE MADE THIS BOOK POSSIBLE Albert McRoberts, Barber Shop Rossville, Kansas Zercher Book and Stationery Co. Topeka, Kansas Bahner Garage Rossville, Kansas Landis Bakery St. Marys, Kansas Blue Ribbon Cleaners St. Marys, Kansas Larson Standard Service Rossville, Kansas Camera Shop 724 Kansas Avenue Topeka, Kansas Longs Jewelry and Gifts St. Marys, Kansas Chris Viergever Rossville, Kansas Clarks School of Business 633 Kansas Avenue Topeka, Kansas Copes Produce Company Topeka, Kansas Dain's Kiro Store Topeka, Kansas Dale Sharp - Pontiac i nd Cadillac Topeka, Kansas Dee Erickson Sporting Goods Topeka, Kansas Lowe Hatchery Topeka, Kansas Nehi Bottling Company Topeka, Kansas Pioneer Waste Paper Co. Topeka, Kansas / Pop's Place Rossville, Kansas Rossville Implement Co. Rossville, Kansas Rossville Variety Store Rossville, Kansas Roach Hardware Topeka, Kansas Design and Drafting Service Ray R. Steves Topeka, Kansas R. C. Schwanke Conoco Service D. M. Sparks, Lawyer St. Marys, Kansas Singer Sewing Topeka, Kansas Dr. McMullan St. Marys, Kansas Shortman Motor Co. Topeka, Kansas Elliot Key Shop Topeka, Kansas Sunflower Linen Service Topeka, Kansas Hall's Stationery Topeka, Kansas Sherman's Feed and Seed Topeka, Kansas Hamilton Motor Company St. Marys ~ Kansas St. Marys Motors St. Marys, Kansas Hess Jewelry Topeka, Kansas Stevens Texaco Service Station Rossville, Kansas J. A. Babicki-Attorney at Law Topeka, Kansas Topeka, Bible Supply Topeka, Kansas Jenson's Foods Creamery Grade A Dairy Products Topeka, Kansas Topeka, Coca-Cola Bottling Company Topeka, Kansas Kansas Farm Machinery Co. Topeka, Kansas Mobiloil Products Jack Wilt, Rossville, Kan • • Farm Bureau Ins. Service Rossville, Kansas Trinkle -Miller Store Silver Lake, Kansas / Willard Market Willard, Kansas Western Auto Topeka, Kansas Youngcamp Furniture Co. St. Marys, Kansas