Compressed Handbook - Magrath High School
Compressed Handbook - Magrath High School
Student Handbook Magrath High School Welcome to Magrath High School We are pleased to introduce this specially designed school handbook. The information enclosed will help familiarize you with Magrath High School’s routines and procedures. It will also help facilitate your study skills, learning habits, and academic and social progress. In addition, this handbook will provide valuable information for your parents. We encourage you to utilize this document and make it a useful guide during the school year. 2009-2010 41 South Center Street P.O. Box 250 Magrath, AB T0K1J0 Telephone (403) 758-3366 Fax (403) 758-3775 Darryl Christensen Vice Principal Rob Doig Principal Rusty Rollingson Vice Principal This Handbook belongs to: Name: __________________________ Address: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________ Dedicated To Excellence In Learning. Westwind School Division #74 445 Main Street, Box 10 Cardston, Alberta T0K 0K0 (403) 653-4991 The Westwind website contains policy, procedures, personnel information and relevant data that may be of assistance in addressing specific concerns. Mission Statement Recognizing the growth and personal development of the student to be its major mandate, the Board of the Westwind School Division #74 shall carefully and conscientiously establish policies and manage financial matters to provide an environment where: a. The students will be able to b. The staff will be caring, c. The public feels it is informed and develop their talents and skills, competent, and motivated to understands the decisions and gain an appreciation of the worth render to the student the very best policies of the Board and that and joy of learning, achieve opportunity possible, whether avenues are provided to express academically at a level near their directly in the classroom, or in a feelings and concerns as they relate potential and ability, gain a supporting role outside the to educational decisions. feeling of self worth, and classroom. understand the responsibilities that society places upon the individual. To assist them in their mission, Trustees have been assigned liaison roles with individual school councils. The Trustee assigned for Magrath High School is Mr. Lance Miller. Conflict Resolution Before requesting to speak to the Board, individuals should seek solutions through the appropriate staff, beginning as close to the concern as possible. Teacher > Principal > Superintendent > Board Student Responsibilities Student Rights 1. I have a responsibility to be on time and prepared for class and to listen to and follow instructions. 1. I have a right to learn. 2. I have a responsibility to listen quietly when others are speaking. 2. I have a right to hear and to be heard. 3. I have a responsibility to not verbally or emotionally abuse others. 3. I have a right to be respected. 4. I have a responsibility not to threaten or physically harm anyone. 4. I have a right to be safe. 5. I have a responsibility to respect the property of others, and to accept their right to privacy. 5. I have a right to privacy and to my own personal space. 1 2009-10 Staff Administration • Mr. Rob Doig, Principal • Mr. Darryl Christensen, Vice Principal • Mr. Rusty Rollingson, Vice Principal • Ila Ehlert, Secretary • Sheila Holt, Secretary Teachers • Mr. Ross Blackmer • Mr. Darryl Christensen • Mr. DeVar Dahl • Mrs. Wanda Gibbons • Mr. Gregg Hansen • Mr. Lance Harker • Mrs. Cathy Kusick • Mr. Craig Noad • Mrs. Nikki Ohlmann • Ms. Kathy Oviatt • Mr. Rusty Rollingson • Mr. Corey Rowe • Mr. Erick Stewart • Mr. Ron Strate • Mr. Phil Tollestrup • Mrs. Donna Jean Wilde • Mrs. Joni Wilde • Mr. Samuel Yamamoto Counsellor • Mr. Ross Blackmer, Academic Special Education Coordinator • Mrs. Joni Wilde Educational Assistants • Mrs. Cassandra Allred • Mrs. Tanis Beazer • Mrs. Ranae Hatch • Mrs. Shirley Jensen • Mrs. Sharee Jones • Mrs. Hilary Saranchuk • Mrs. Paige Stock • Mrs. Falene Wolsey Library Technician • Mrs. Jan Heath Custodial Staff • Mr. Phil Parkins, Head Custodian • Mr. Ed Budzko • Mrs. Lois Harris • Mrs. Sheila Kimberley • Mr. Jeremy Loose Parent/Teacher Interviews: Parent/Teacher interviews are held twice a year, once in the fall and again in the spring. These conferences are hosted by the school for the purpose of establishing a two-way exchange of information concerning the growth of the student in relation to Thursday, November 5, 2009 4:30 - 8:00 TK Gym his/her success in school. In addition to the parent/teacher interviews, report cards will be sent home four times a year. A parent or teacher may request a parent/teacher interview at any time throughout the year to discuss the needs of a student. Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:30 - 8:00 TK Gym Westwind Alternate School: PowerSchool: Our school’s student records system is now web based, providing students, parents, and the school an increased ability to communicate with each other concerning the student’s life at school. A student’s attendance, grades, behavior, and school bulletins will all be available to parents and students on this site. Parents may access their student’s academic information at any time on their PowerSchool webpage. Please protect your password. If you have forgotten your password please contact the school for assistance. 2 Westwind Alternate School operates a campus at Magrath High School. Students who have difficulty meeting their scheduling needs with classes at MHS are directed to the Alternate school. The two schools operate in partnership. ! ! ! Following are specific rules that everyone is expected to observe: Physical or Verbal Abuse Under no circumstances will physical or verbal abuse towards anyone at the school be tolerated. Alcohol, Illegal Drugs and Smoking We can only advise students as to the difficulties alcohol, smoking, or drugs can create. However, we are able to demand that all students attending our school refrain from the use of drugs or alcohol during the time school is in session or during school sponsored activities. clean, and tidy. Clothing must also be free of inappropriate pictures or language. Footwear must be worn at all times. Inline skates and skateboards are not permitted on school grounds. Hats are to be removed prior to entering a classroom. Hats worn in classrooms may be confiscated. Defiance of an Adult When a reasonable request is made by any adult at the school, a student has the responsibility to respond accordingly. Profanity Magrath High School, and any other location students attend with a school class or group, are not places for profanity. All persons in the school must recognize the need for appropriate language. Dress Code The Magrath High School, in harmony with the Westwind School Division, has established the following as dress standards for our school. Students are expected to conform to them without constant reminders from the staff or administration. In particular, emphasis shall be placed on a clean, neat, modest, and tidy appearance, as well as the avoidance of extreme styles in dress and grooming. Ragged, torn, or frayed clothing is not acceptable attire. Tops must cover the shoulders, midriff, and back. Hair is to be well groomed, Fees Fees are collected to partially cover the cost of textbook rental, student council, yearbook, materials needed in special classes, for damage to rented texts, and lost library books. Fees are payable at the office starting the first day of classes and are due by the end of September. Arrangements to pay with post-dated cheques may be made at the office. Students will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular events in the school before all fees have been paid or arrangements for their payment have been made. 3 ! ! ! Lockers ! ! All lockers provided ! ! for student use ! ! remain the property ! ! of the school. The ! ! student to whom the ! ! locker is assigned ! ! will be expected to keep the locker in good condition. Students will use only their assigned locker. The school will provide a lock that must be used. If the lock goes missing, the student will be responsible for replacing the lock. Locker inspections may be conducted by the school on a periodic basis. Westwind School Division #74 recognizes that from time to time it may be deemed necessary by the principal of the school to have school lockers searched by police service dogs to ensure that expectations set out in policies 312.0, 314.0, 352.0, and 320.0 are being followed by the students of the school. All parents/ guardians of MHS students will be asked to sign a form that indicates that they have been informed of these policies. Westwind School Division reserves the right to search all school facilities including lockers and desks assigned to students for their own use. In addition, personal items such as backpacks, purses, coats, etc. may also be searched. Major Disciplinary Matters Nursing Service Fire Drills The following are considered major offenses and may be reported to the RCMP: fights, threats, assaults, harassment, deliberate vandalism, theft, extortion, possession of a firearm, explosive or paraphernalia designed or used for the purpose of inflicting bodily injury, threats or assaults to school personnel, use, possession, sale, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A School Health Nurse from Magrath Community Health is responsible for checking various aspects of health in school age children. After parental consent, immunizations as required for particular grades and health assessments as needed for individual students are carried out. Nurses also provide support and direction for school health committees, and provide resources and assistance with health teaching. Parents and teachers may contact the nurse with health related concerns. New families should fill out a health information form for each child. These are available at the school office. Please contact the health unit at 403-758-4422 for further information. Fire/lockdown drills are held regularly during the warm months to assist the students and staff in knowing primary and alternate routes for leaving the school in the event of a fire. Students should wear shoes at all times. If students are out of their classrooms they should leave the school with exiting students and then locate and notify their teacher immediately. Students will return to their classroom only after the allclear signal is given. Assemblies School assemblies are occasionally held, and may include either the entire student body or a particular group within the student body, but most assemblies will be for a particular group of students to deal with concerns relative to that particular group. Students are expected to attend assemblies and must not leave the school without checking out at the office. Student behavior is expected to be polite and courteous. Field Trips Secondary field trip costs will be assessed to the students for each trip taken. A regular fee is not charged since many secondary classes do not take a field trip. Field trip behavior will fall under the same policies that are in effect during the regular school day. Participation in field trips will be restricted if a student fails to display the desire to keep school policies. Medical Conditions Parking Observance of town by-laws is a first priority. A parking lot is available to students south of the Tom Karren gym. This student parking lot is not a place for students to hang out. School rules relative to conduct are the same as they are inside the building. Students with allergies or chronic medical problems must indicate on their registration form the nature of the problem. This will enable the staff to effectively deal with a medical concern should the situation arise. All information will be strictly confidential. Accident or Illness Should a child become ill or be involved in an accident at the school, the parents will be contacted as soon as possible. It is very important for the school to have an up-to-date record of a telephone number where a parent or guardian can be reached. Should a doctor be required we will take the student to the hospital or clinic for assistance. Students should never leave the school without checking out at the office. This is particularly true for students who become ill at school. An ambulance will be called by the school if an injury merits such action. 4 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act All parents/guardians of MHS students will be asked to sign a form that indicates their wishes concerning this Act and how it relates to their child. Electronic Devices The use of electronic devices such as cell phones, ipods, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc. is not recommended at school. At no time are cell phones to be used during class time. The use of ipods and MP3 players during class is discouraged, but in special situations teachers will make the decision that is in the best interest of their students. Regular school attendance is very important in order to maintain good school progress. This is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents/guardians. BELL TIMES Students leaving the building during the school day must check out at the office. Parent/guardian cooperation in ensuring students attend school whenever possible is considered essential. Monday to Thursday WARNING BELL! ! Period: 1! ! Period: 2! ! Period: 3! ! Period: 4! LUNCH! ! ! Period: 5! ! Period: 6! ! Period: 7! ! Period: 8! 8:35 8:40 - 9:23! 9:24 - 10:06 10:10 - 10:53 10:54 - 11:36 11:36 - 12:25 12:25 - 1:08 1:09 - 1:51 1:55 - 2:38 2:39 - 3:21 Friday WARNING BELL! ! Period: 1! ! Period: 2! ! Period: 3! ! Period: 4! 8:35 8:40 - 9:43 9:47 - 10:50 10:54 - 11:57 12:01 - 1:04! Magrath High School grades 10-12 operate on a semester system. Mondays through Thursdays have four 86 minute classes. High school students’ time tables on these days will have two periods shown above combined (ie. Period 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8). Fridays run on a different schedule to accommodate our early dismissal that day. Absence Procedure Truancy Procedure School policy requires that a student have all absences preconfirmed by a parent/ guardian, who must contact the school stating the student’s name and the reason for the absence. If there is no preconfirmation by the parent/ guardian, the absence will be dealt with as truancy until a confirmation is received. If the number of absences becomes a concern for successful completion of a course, a parent conference may occur in which the student and parent will work with administration to modify the behavior to allow the student to maximize her or his chances to be successful in the course. Following the first truancy the teacher will contact the parents to inform them that their student was absent and to indicate what work needs to be completed. Subsequent truancies will be dealt with through the office and will involve contact with students, parents, teacher, and administration. The desired outcome is a change in student behavior that results in regular school attendance. Other possible outcomes may include detention, suspension, or a recommendation that the student be transferred to an alternative school to better meet their needs. The School Act states that students may be excused for illness, medical attention, and family emergencies. Special circumstances requiring several days out of school should always be reviewed with that student’s teachers. If the number of absences becomes a concern for successful completion of a course, a parent conference may occur in which the student and parent will work with administration to modify the behavior to allow the student to maximize his or her chances to be successful in the course. Families with children on regular bus routes should work through Brent Bevans (403-653-4491) to handle transportation concerns. Town students who wish to ride on the school bus may do so on an occasional basis if the bus has room and if they get a bus pass from the office. See Westwind Division #74 policy #515.0 for expected conduct on buses. 5 YOUR 2009-10 student council DANCES: Welcome Back! We have got a brand new year of school before us and this one is going to be exciting! TOGA, dances, pep rallies, a talent show, and spirit weeks are just a few of the council's ideas. I want this year to be great for everyone and my council and I would love to hear your input and ideas. We have a lot of spirit in this school, so let's all get out and support each other in everything we do! I'm looking forward to this year being the best it can be, and I’m hoping to make it just that! Junior High Student Council elections take place early in the fall. Students will elect a Sports Reps, as well as representatives from each Junior and Senior High Student Councils try to sponsor dances each year. Most Senior High participate in the division- dances will go from 9 pm until 12 pm. There sponsored Badger Valley Retreat. 5 or more adult supervisors. Junior High dances are held immediately after Presidents from both Junior school on Fridays except for special situations and Senior High Councils form that will be approved by the school administration. School dress code and conduct policies will be in place at all dances. President Mikaela Fisher Vice President Chrissy Williams Secretary Tannis Wilde Treasurer Dylan Blumell Sports Reps Tara Low, Darin Christensen Grade 12 Reps Chloe Cosgrove, Colton Hatch Grade 11 Reps Rebecca Robinson, Christopher Gast Grade 10 Reps Quincee Hoy, Mikayla Meldrum President, Vice President, and class. This council will may be a Breathalyzer at all dances, as well as Mikaela Fisher, President part of the School Council, whose President this year is Mrs. Val Papworth. 6 Sports available at MHS: Extra-Curricular Magrath High School We expect students to act in a has a very active extramanner consistent with school policies. curricular program. At A student must be diligent in his/her the high school level studies; failure to keep up with class we compete in activities sanctioned by assignments may result in suspension the Alberta School Athletic Association, from extra-curricular activities. Any as well as baseball and student inexcusably absent softball. In junior high (see page 5) from school Fees must be paid (or both our boys and our on the day of a practice or arrangements made) girls participate in activity, or any student before a student will volleyball, basketball, under a disciplinary be allowed to badminton, and track restriction imposed by the participate in any and field. school administration, will extra-curricular The school will make not be permitted to activities. a concerted effort to participate in that activity. keep extra-curricular We encourage all students costs to students as low as possible; to participate in school-sponsored however, a participation fee will be activities. We want every student who charged for each activity a student does so to know that these guidelines participates in. This fee will cover a are necessary to ensure that: portion of the costs for transportation 1. The entire student body is and uniforms. In the event of overnight appropriately represented. trips, students will be asked to pay for 2. Each participant’s academic their rooms and meals as well. commitments are being met. 3. Fairness and consistency are maintained. Standard of Conduct for ExtraIndividual activities may have Curricular Participants: specific regulations associated with All activities outside the classroom them. The staff member in charge of are considered extra-curricular and that activity will notify students and participation in them is a privilege not a parents/guardians of these regulations. right. Many extra-curricular activities •Golf •Basketball •Volleyball •Baseball •Softball •Badminton •Track and Field •Cross Country •Cheerleading •Rodeo For detailed information about the sporting events throughout the year, check out the school website: SAIAC Citizenship Code “Good sports make good decisions on and off the court.” • Treat all opponents as guests. • Maintain self-control at all times. • Understand and appreciate the rules. • Be considerate and courteous to all. • Show respect for officials. • Cheer for their team. • Applaud all outstanding performances. Rally around good sportsmanship. occur outside the school. 7 Fine Arts Shown below are some of the Fine Arts opportunities available to students at Magrath High School. A high level of commitment and responsibility is required for those wishing to take advantage of these reputable programs. The High School Choral Class, directed by Ms. Kathy Oviatt The Spirit of Alberta Marching Band, directed by Mr. Samuel Yamamoto Also taught by Mr. Yamamoto are band classes in Junior High, and the High School Concert Band, shown below. ! Another Fine Arts class available at MHS is Art, taught by Mr. Dahl. ! There is also a community theatre organization that provides opportunities The Color Guard, led by Mrs. Roxy Travaglia 8 for students to be involved in dramatic productions. Each year the school will hold a graduation graduating class. An exception to this policy will for those students who will be eligible for an be made for those students who completed their Alberta High School Diploma. requirements in the first semester of the school Only those students who are able to complete year while attending Magrath High School. the requirements for a diploma by June 30th and School sponsored activities will be restricted to a have no outstanding fees shall be eligible to banquet, a convocation ceremony, and a dance participate in graduation following the ceremony. Parents exercises. This would include are encouraged to get involved in One graduation picture in passing these required planning and organizing these the school gown and with a courses at the time of activities and may do so by bare head must be provided to graduation. Students speaking with a member of our the school for its yearbook and completing requirements for a school council. Any other its composite grad picture. The diploma through the activities planned for graduation school will arrange for a Westwind Alternate School will be under the direction and photographer to provide this must have completed and supervision of parents. The school picture. sent away a sufficient will not participate in these percentage of their lessons by activities in any way. All schoolthe first reporting period of the second semester sponsored activities will be in accordance with to ensure that graduation in June will be possible. the policies and regulations of the school and Only students currently enrolled in Magrath Westwind School Division #74. High School shall be eligible to be part of that High School Diploma Requirements: The diploma does not necessarily grant admission to post secondary educational institutions. Students should be aware that there are a variety of entrance requirements for post secondary institutions and they should plan their programs accordingly. We advise all students in high school to regularly visit with the school counsellor about their program. Participation in the convocation at Magrath High School does not guarantee the student will obtain a high school diploma. Students must: • have 100 credits • pass English 30-1 or 30-2 • pass Social 30 or 33 • pass CALM 20 • pass Phys Ed 10 • pass a grade 11 science and math course • have at least 10 additional credits at the grade 12 level • have at least 10 credits in CTS, Fine Arts, Second Language, or P.E. 20/30 All students with an 80%+ average using the valedictorian criteria will be recognized with an Academic Gold Cord at the ceremony. Valedictorian: The valedictorian will be chosen based on the following criteria: ! -The highest average in Pure Math 30, English 30-1, Social 30-1, one 30-level Science, and at least one course chosen from: a second Science, or Math 31. The marks used for this calculation will be based on the student’s grades up to mid-term of the second semester. Graduation 2010 9 10 3 10 17 24 31 2 9 16 23 30 25 18 11 4 T 26 19 12 5 W August 27 20 13 6 T 28 21 14 7 F 21 28 20 27 29 22 15 30 23 16 9 2 1 8 W 31 24 17 10 3 T December T 25 18 11 4 F 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 27 20 13 6 T 28 21 14 7 W 29 22 15 30 23 16 9 2 1 8 F T ! Apr. 2-11 – Easter Break ! Apr. 12 – 1st day back for students & staff M S April ! Dec 19-Jan. 3 – Christmas Holidays 7 14 6 13 M S ! Aug. 28 – PD Day & 1st day back for staff ! Aug. 31 – 1st Day for Students M S 24 17 10 3 S 26 19 12 5 S 29 22 15 8 1 S 28 21 14 7 M 29 22 15 8 1 30 23 16 9 2 W 25 18 11 4 M 26 19 12 5 T 27 20 13 6 W January 7 28 21 14 29 22 15 8 1 F 25 18 11 4 F 31 25 18 11 4 T 26 19 12 5 W 27 20 13 6 T 28 21 14 7 F 28 21 14 7 W October 29 22 15 8 1 T 22 15 8 1 M 9 23 16 24 17 10 3 W February 2 T 25 18 11 4 T 26 19 12 5 F 30 23 16 9 2 F 28 21 14 7 M 29 22 15 8 1 T 30 23 16 9 2 W June 24 17 10 3 T 25 18 11 4 F 26 19 12 5 S 27 20 13 6 S 31 24 17 10 3 S ! Jun. 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 Diploma Exams ! Jun. 11– Last day for Kindergarten students. ! June 25 - Last day of school for students ! Jun. 28 – In lieu PD Day 27 20 13 S 15 13 29 27 20 13 6 T ! Feb 15 - Family Day ! Feb 16-17 – No school for students & teachers ! Feb. 18-19 – Teachers’ Convention 28 21 14 7 S 6 22 26 19 12 5 M ! Oct. 12 - Thanksgiving Day STAT 25 18 11 4 S 8 1 S 30 23 16 9 2 S 26 19 12 5 S 30 23 16 9 2 M 3 24 17 10 25 18 11 4 W 26 19 12 5 T November T 27 20 13 29 22 15 8 1 M 30 23 16 9 2 T 31 24 17 10 3 W March ! Mar 19 - PD Day 28 21 14 7 S 25 18 11 4 T 6 F 26 19 12 5 F ! Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day STAT 29 22 15 8 1 S 27 20 13 6 S 28 21 14 7 S Total Days Semester One Semester Two P.D. Days (No students) Parent/Teacher Evenings Total Instructional Days “Calendar of Events” on our new website: 196 93 93 4&4=8 2 186 June 14-Jun 15-Jun 17-Jun 23-Jun 18-Jun 22-Jun 25-Jun 28-Jun 17-June 18-June 23-June 24-June 25-June Grade 6 Mathematics (Part B) Grade 6 Science Grade 9 K&E LA and Language Arts (Part B) Grade 9 K&E Science and Science Grade 9 K&E Mathematics and Mathematics Diploma Examinations Subject January English LA 30-1/ 30-2 Part A 14-Jan Social Studies 30/33 (Part A) 15-Jan Pure & App. Math 30 (Part A & B) 19-Jan Chemistry 30 (Part A & B) 20-Jan Biology 30 (Part A & B) 21-Jan Physics 30 (Part A & B) 22-Jan English 30-1 / 30-2 (Part B) 26-Jan Social Studies 30/33 (Part B) 27-Jan 15-June 15-June 16-June 16-June 17-June 11-May 12-May 13-May 14-May Grade 3 Language Arts (Part B) Grade 6 Social Studies Grade 6 Language Arts (Part B) Grade 9 K&E SS and SS Grade 3 Mathematics Grade 3 Language Arts (Part A) Grade 6 & 9 K&E LA and LA (Part A) Grade 6 Mathematics (Part A) Grade 3 Timed Number Facts Achievement Examinations FINAL APPROVED: APRIL 8, 2009 For calendars containing General/Academic, Athletic, and Fine Arts information, visit the ! May 24 - Victoria Day 24 30 17 10 3 M 23 16 9 2 S May ! Jan. 1-3 – Christmas Holidays ! Jan. 4 - First day of school for students & teachers ! Jan. 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 Diploma Exams ! Jan. 28 – PD Day & last day of 1st semester ! Jan. 29 - First day of 2nd semester 24 17 10 3 S T 24 17 10 3 T September T ! Sept. 7 - Labour Day STAT ! Sept. 24 & 25 - PD Day 27 20 13 6 S Westwind School Division #74 2009/2010 School Calendar MHS School Song Give us a cheer for old MHS. You do your best and we’ll do the rest. We are loyal; we are true, True to the gold and to the blue. We’ll never falter; we’ll never fall. We’ll do our best to win overall As we lead our Zeniths on, Onward to Victory. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
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