september 2005 - West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple
WEST LOS ANGELES BUDDHIST TEMPLE BULLETIN 2003 Corinth Avenue Los Angeles, California 90025 (310) 477-7274, Fax (310) 477-6674 E-mail [email protected] Vol. 48, No. 9 & 10 September & October 2005 UPCOMING WLA EVENTS SEPTEMBER 2005 Reminder: Weekly Sunday Services, Study Classes and Taiko Practices resume. Saturday, September 17 Sunday, September 18 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon 10:00 a.m. Ohigan Seminar Ohigan Service Guest Speakers: Guest Speaker: Rev. Koju Terada (J) Rev. Shoken Ueda (J), Mr. Jeff Wilson (E) Hamburger Lunch follows. OCTOBER 2005 Saturday, October 1 Sunday, October 23 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. WLA hosts Tri-Temple Mini-Seminar Tanomoshi Appreciation “EXPLORING RELIGIOUS & Sunday Service EVERYDAY RITUALS” Details to follow later. REV. USUKI’S PAGE Thank You If we believe in an old cliché “We’re having too much fun” then we experienced it at our Obon Festival last month. How amazing it was to see an overflow crowd who packed the temple grounds on both days, dancing, eating, and visiting with family and friends. I was told that this was the biggest crowd in memory, and the food and game sales hit a record amount as well. This was my first WLA Obon and I really did not know what to expect after months of preparation and anticipation, but what I experienced was total joy and the “Gathering of Joy” could not have been more true. Our anticipation was so great that I was even coaxed to dancing after 40 years of hesitation and watching from the sidelines. Now my wife, Rev. Patti, and I are hooked. This success could not have been possible without the members and new friends who came to help with various chores. The biggest Thank You must go to the people who came early for many days to make sushi, won ton, udon and other items. They sacrificed their time and many were unable to stay and enjoy dancing. We already have a loftier goal of expanding the Obon even more next year by moving the dancing to the street and adding more booths. Our mission in life is to realize the Oneness of all life and to share in this experience together both religiously and with the community. If we can continue to have a positive attitude while sharing our effort and joy then who knows how many more people we can make happy? A Short Story about Myokonin Shoma On a particular hot day, Shoma was out in the fields cutting grass. At noon, he rushed home and immediately went to the Butsudan (family altar). Opening the small front doors, he reached in and gently removed the scroll of Amida Buddha. He then attached the scroll to the end of a bamboo pole with some string. Carrying the pole outside, he began to wave it around saying, “Ah…Oyasama (Amida), now you feel much cooler.” Through this simple act, Shoma expressed joy. From this seemingly childish behavior, we are able to see the purity of Shoma’s conviction, that is, to live life in naturalness. If you had a chance to come early to watch our Taiko Class perform then you were treated to something very special. The WLA Taiko group’s first mission statement is to have “fun” and I think the audience and the performers truly “had too much fun.” (From “Shoma the Myokonin” by Rev. Jim Yanagihara) In Gassho. Rev. Fumiaki Usuki SHINSHU CORNER Eye Ball The work of an eyeball is to see things outside of itself. If an eyeball begins to see itself or parts of itself, this world has to be considered an abnormality, and illness of some sort. Our “Self” is like the eyeball, its function is to simply be and to respond naturally to its surroundings. Should it begin to reflect simply on itself, this would lead to a state of hyper selfconsciousness and would destroy the Thusness of the Self. (From Jodoshinshu Buddhism – Through Stories, Translations, Sayings, and Sermons, Tetsuo Unno) (Rev. Usuki’s Page continued on next page) CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILIES OF: MR GREGORY ARATA YAMANAKA 12/20/53 – 06/27/05 MRS MARY TANIMURA 10/16/21 – 08/01/05 2 (Rev. Usuki page continued) BUDDHIST SERVICE ETIQUETTE should be constantly taught to the Dharma School students. The Dharma School and other temple activities afford various opportunities in which Dana, along with other Paramitas, may be practiced. Listening to the Reading of Sacred Writings The minister often reads excerpts from the “Epistles of Rennyo Shonin” (Gobunsho) or other writings before or after delivering his/her sermon. The congregation should sit with heads bowed and listen to the words. When the speaker bows in greeting the congregation, or bows after the talk, the congregation should return the bow. Offertory (Osaisen) It has been the practice of Dharma School children to make small contributions to the temple. The teachers may help their students grasp the importance of their acts of Dana through stories showing the merits of this act. Money given boastfully or niggardly is not true Osaisen. Teach the difference so that they may appreciate the true meaning of giving. Leading the Congregation in Reading Leading the congregation in reading, whether it is the Golden Chain or excerpts from the Dhammapada, is an honor and therefore should be performed in that spirit. Before beginning the reading, Gassho and bow toward the altar. Hold the book with both hands. Read slowly and distinctly so that the congregation can follow together. The method of accepting contributions varies with different temples. The majority of temples have their Offertory Box near the entrance of the Hondo (main hall). The children and members drop their Osaisen in this box as they enter the temple. Some temples have the system of collecting the Osaisen during the service or in the separate classes. Dana As the first of the Six Paramitas and a major virtue in the Buddhist Teachings, the practice and understanding of Dana (giving selflessly) Namo amida butsu (end of Rev. Usuki’s Page) Namo amida butsu Namo amida butsu PRESIDENT YUKI’S REPORT Dōmo Arigato to all the members and volunteers who made this year's Obon Festival the best we've ever had. Congratulations to our Obon Festival Chairman, Tosh Ishioka and his able committee for a job well done. In anticipation of a big crowd, everyone worked extra hard to have more food, drinks, and games. The colorful Obon Odori, ably MC'd by Jack Fujimoto, had about 400+ dancers including those from neighboring temples. The performance by the newly organized WLABT Taiko Group was a delightful addition to the entertainment. The Ikebana and Bonsai exhibits were enjoyed by the many visitors Because the crowd keeps growing every year and we have to add extra booths to accommodate them, plans are to expand our Obon Festival again next year. Wilson, who is a PhD candidate in Buddhism from University of North Carolina. On Saturday, October 1, 2005, WLA will be hosting the Tri-Temple Mini Seminar, with members of the Gardena and Venice Temples invited to attend. Everyone in WLABT is welcome to attend these seminars. Please refer to the flyer in this Bulletin for further details. WLABT will be enrolling in the Ralphs Community Contribution Program in which we will receive cash for each dollar you spend at Ralphs Market. For all members with a Ralphs Card, please sign up for this program at the temple. This program is similar to the Script program we had a few years ago but instead of having to buy scripts before-hand, all we need is your Ralphs Club card number. The Temple will get a rebate of 4%-5%. See the flyer in this issue. At the August meeting the Board voted to use Mr. Fred Watarida’s donation of $50,000 for Buddhist Education. The Buddhist Education Committee (BEC) will be putting on seminars and getting materials to further Buddhist studies. The first event will be the Ohigan Seminar which will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2005. The Japanese speaker will be Rev. Shoken Ueda from Oxnard Buddhist Temple. Our English speaker will be Mr. Jeff Sawtelle Gakuin will be holding classes in three classrooms every Saturday from Aug. 20, 2005 through June 10, 2006. There will be approximately 30 students, 3 teachers, and one parent volunteer. The students will be using the southeast area of the parking lot for their short recess. Please be aware of this fact and drive carefully and park in the northwesterly areas. DHARMA SCHOOL FAMILY FUN NIGHT 6:00 P.M. October 29 Games, Prizes, Food 3 Masako Ishioka 80 PLUS YARD SALE The annual yard sale for the 80-Plus Lunch Program was a huge success. Many thanks to the men and women who helped to pick up the donated items, set up the tables and racks, and helped with the sale and clean-up afterwards. It was hard work and greatly appreciated. Buddhist Eduction Committee (BEC) Haru Matsumune WLA BEC has reorganized and grown this summer. Haru Matsumune and Jennifer Oda are co-chairpersons; Betty Takahashi is the Treasurer; Diane Ohkawahira, Yuki Sakurai, Yasuko Shohara, and Rick Stambul are members. The yard sale would not be possible without the donations from members and friends. A special thank you to Alice Umeda for her most generous donation from the estate of her late brother Masaru Sunada. BEC’s purpose is to provide continuing education through seminars, workshops, and lectures, and to help share the teachings through publications. We are grateful to Mr. Fred Watarida, Betty Takahashi’s uncle, for his donation. At their August meeting, the temple board approved the use of this donation to fund BEC activities. If you have clothes you no longer wear, small appliances and jewelry you no longer use, or anything that is too good to throw away, please keep us in mind for the next yard sale. BEC is currently preparing for two seminars: (1) WLA’s own Fall Ohigan Seminar with Rev. Shoken Ueda of Oxnard speaking in Japanese and Mr. Jeff Wilson, a doctoral candidate in Buddhism, speaking in English. Thank you again for your support. Yard Sale Committee Dorothy Ikkanda BWA NEWS (2) Southern District Tri-Temple Mini-Seminar on “Exploring Religious and Everyday Rituals.” WLA members will be happy to know that both events are being held at their own temple. WHEW! What a relief this year’s Obon is now history. Rev. Usuki reminded us that WLA would be hosting “the only show in town” so we should expect an overflow crowd. He was right! The Spam musubi was a new item and a big hit. The BWA will definitely have to include this along with our sushi. It’s much easier to increase production on the musubi than the sushi. Details for each seminar are printed elsewhere in this issue of the Bulletin. OBON 2005 Rev. Usuki seemed pleased with the crowds of people who were at our Obon. We may not have had enough food, but for many of the young people, it’s “homecoming” and a time to touch base with friends. Our Obon Festival was a HUGE SUCCESS with additional new booths and entertainment. The Taiko Group had the Taiko Toss Game and Snow Cone booths. The WLA Youth Club had the Fishing Game and the Coffee/Dessert booths. A special thank you to Connie Yahata and Judy Okita who organized the booths and coordinated the helpers. September toban: Chiyo Minato, chair. October toban: Haru Matsumune, chair. September: 10 Sat 1:00 pm 16 Fri 7:30 pm 17 Sat 9:30–12 18 Sun 10:00 am October: 1 Sat 1-5 pm 7-9 Fri-Sun 15 Sat 11:00 am 16 Sun 12 pm The entertainment was special on Saturday and Sunday, the premier of the WLA Taiko Group under the leadership of Elaine Fukumoto, Joyce Layne, and Audrey Nakasone. The performers played with energy and enthusiasm and were well received. The Kinnara Taiko also presented a lively performance on Sunday. BWA Service & Meeting BCA SD Council Mtg. Ohigan Seminar Lunch (all for $10) Ohigan Service Hamburger Lunch SD Tri-Temple Seminar FBWA Conference (Fresno) BM/BWA Memorial Service and lunch BWA Service & Meeting A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL of the food booths who worked so very hard to prepare more food for the expected crowd. Jim Shimomaye purchased new equipment to make the delicious chicken teriyaki. The BWA added the popular spam musubi to their sushi booth. We appreciated the ladies from the Venice BT and other friends who volunteered to help with the preparation of sushi and wonton. Tosh Ishioka, Obon chairman wore many hats during our annual festival. Thank you for the many hours you spent making sure the event went smoothly. The Obon Committee members always get their work done efficiently. Special thanks to Sam Hada and Hidemi Ohkawahira – they helped several booths with purchasing and delivering goods. We welcome Kay Okamoto, our new Obon treasurer. We thank Grace Mizushima and her teachers who spent weeks teaching the dances. Lastly we like to acknowledge the support from the Hui Aikane, family of members, and other friends who helped with various booths. The BWA would like to thank the many young people who turned out to help us on the sushi project. I hesitate to name some and leave others out, so to all the young people…the BWA says “THANK YOU!!” OBON DRAWING WINNERS 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize Craig Iwamoto Irene Yamatoku P.J. Chavez Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who supported this event. Tosh Ishioka 4 WLA TAIKO TIDBITS Ohkawa-hira) and extending up to and including 84 years (Akira Nishimoto) made the performance memorable. Richard Stambul In less than six months, under the vigorous leadership of our own Rev. Usuki, West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple has a Taiko Group! What a success story. In December, we were scrounging around for tires from which to fashion “learner” taikos, and we were only just beginning our now successful and weekly taiko classes. It happened so fast. Those of you fortunate enough to witness the premier performance of our Taiko Group at our Obon saw it all: Ten taiko built from the ground up by Rev. Usuki, Ichiro Ouchi, and Mas Sasaki who devoted 100’s of hours (some estimates reach 500 hours!) of time and hard work in building them in the garage which should probably be renamed the “Usuki-Ouchi-Sasaki Carpentry and Cooper Shop”. We also watched 31 Taiko students performing at Obon on both Saturday and Sunday, led by our selfless and devoted taiko teachers, namely, Elaine Fukumoto, Joyce Layne, and Audrey Nakasone, to whom we can never express the full measure of our appreciation. Both our Rev. Usuki as well as Rev. Patti Usuki of San Fernando Valley Buddhist Temple performed with our group to round out the rhythm section and add to the fun. Thank you Rev. Patti! We also wish to again thank Kinnara Taiko who graciously performed for us on Sunday afternoon as they have for many years and who added to the festivities. Finally, the Taiko Committee wishes to thank Mr. Chico Jimenez, its taiko making consultant, who generously donated his time, advice, and a beautiful Ōdaiko for our Taiko Group, and to thank those members of our Sangha who have sponsored taikos with their substantial donations, as well as to all those who have made significant donations including the following organizations, WLA Temple, Sawtelle Property, and Tanomoshi. Thanks for all your support and generosity. Yoi-Sho! Most impressive was the thunderous sound of more than 25 taiko playing in unison. Equally impressive was the age range of our performing taiko group: Starting at 4 years (Ryan Chico Jiminez & Revs. Usuki enjoy Taiko premiere. Daughter Terumi teaches mom Connie Yahata how. 5 had for a very long time. While it is now small in numbers, hopefully this nucleus will expand into a thriving organization of our Temple. They are talented individuals, and each has been a strong supporter of this Temple in the past. GRADUATION SERVICE At the annual Father’s Day & Graduation Service held this past June 19, several graduates were recognized by the Temple. From left to right, they are Brian Oyama, Jim Shimomaye, Allison Yahata, Kristina Kimura, Klaude Kimura, and Rev. Usuki. From Rev. Usuki on the left, they are Terumi Yahata graduating from elementary school, Allyson Tachiki from high school, Leah Takahashi also from high school (mother Betty Takahashi is standing in for her in the photo), and Joyce Hada from college (with grandfather Sam Hada standing in). ALLYSON TACHIKI SCHOLARSHIP RECEIVES 80-PLUS YARD SALE The successful results of this year’s 80-Plus Yard Sale held annually in June is mentioned elsewhere in this issue. Below are some scenes from that sale. WLA Vance Nishimoto At the same service mentioned above, Allyson Tachiki, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tachiki and former member of WLA Sangha Teens and Jr. YBA, received a WLA Scholarship offered each year by WLA Buddhist Temple. It’s like a Macy’s sidewalk sale, except our prices are much, much better. Here, Temple President Yuki Sakurai and Rev. Usuki are shown with Allyson after the scholarship presentation. Congratulations! Allyson attended Venice High School. Her academic and extra-curricular accomplishments are impressive and too numerous to recite here. Suffice it to summarize by noting that her GPA exceeds 3.98 and that her extra-curricular activities included basketball, eventually becoming a head coach of a boy’s sureshot basketball team. Significantly, she was also active in community service organizations and projects serving students with special needs. The high class merchandise, mostly Japanese items, is sold in the Social Hall. Allyson’s next goal is to earn an undergraduate degree from UCLA and then attend graduate school at USC’s School of Cinema-Television. She hopes to use this educational foundation for a career in the entertainment industry as a film producer or creative development executive. NEW WLA YBA CABINET INSTALLED Tom Ikkanda is shown rummaging around the hardware and appliances section of the sale. No doubt he is looking for even more stuff to put away in his bulging garage. It’s hard to pass-up a great bargain! Heh, heh. Also during the same service mentioned above, a very significant event took place. It was significant because it was an installation of the WLA YBA, an organization that WLA has not 6 WLA BUDDHIST EDUCATION COMMITTEE (BEC) ANNOUNCEMENT The WLA BEC announces two seminars, the FALL OHIGAN SEMINAR and the TRI-TEMPLE MINI-SEMINAR (flyer on next page). The Fall Ohigan Seminar is new to WLA Buddhist Temple. The Tri-Temple Mini-Seminar is a project of the Southern District (SD) Council of the BCA that has been in existence for many years. The temples in SD are divided into groups of three closest neighboring temples. Once a year one temple in a tri-temple group takes its turn at planning and hosting a seminar on a topic of its own choosing, and invites the other two temples in the group to attend as guests. The SD Council provides a financial subsidy for each seminar. This year is WLA’s turn in the Gardena, Venice, WLA group. We hope many WLA members will attend to hear the interesting topics to be discussed at these two seminars. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 7 Tri-Temple Mini-Seminar Gardena - Venice - West LA Saturday, October 1, 2005 1:00 - 5:00 pm Exploring Religious and Everyday Rituals NO CHARGE, but please contact us to reserve a place: West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple 2003 Corinth Avenue • Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 477-7274 • [email protected] funded by Southern District Buddhist Education Committee hosted by WLABT Buddhist Education Committee ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (This space is back side of form on reverse side) 8 This year, Obon Chair Tosh Ishioka asked Asoka and other food booths to prepare more food. This presented a problem to Asoka because their membership is small, but a bunch of young people volunteered to help preparations. The photo below shows some of these volunteers hard at work. BUDDHIST MEN NEWS As other WLA organizations have experienced at our last Obon Festival, the Buddhist Men also appear to have improved their sales and profits, over past years. This would not have been possible without (1) the old-timers continuing to come out to help, despite their increasing aches and pains, and (2) the many energetic young non-member volunteers that came out to help in our booths. We truly appreciate their support. Another group we should greatly appreciate is the chairmen of our booths. Unlike the rest of us who just have to show up for our assigned time slots, they have to work for days before the Festival making preparations, work in the booths all day long, and clean up after the booth closes for the night. It is not just the adults that come out to help at Obon. Because of the forecast for high temperatures during our Obon weekend, many large blocks of ice had to be purchased and cut into more manageable chunks. In the photo to the left, Justin Mizushima sets about moving ice chunks while Dr. Jack Fujimoto supervises. Just one example of preparation necessary is cutting cha shu for the Udon Booth: Clockwise from the bottom left: Sho Matsumi, Rev. Harold Oda, Booth Co-Chair Sam Hada showing All-Thumbs Sei Shohara how to cut cha shu without leaving a finger behind to be discovered later by a customer, Dr. Jack Fujimoto being lectured by Co-Chair George Ozamoto, Bob Fujimoto showing only his hat, Ichiro Ouchi, and Mas Sasaki. George Oshimo Produces Obon Album As many of our readers know, George Oshimo has been a very talented serious photographer for a very long time. Many of the portraits of past Temple presidents hanging in the hallway outside the Temple office are George’s work. 2005 Buddhist Men/BWA Memorial Service Saturday, October 15, 11:00 am At the Obon just passed, George took a large number of beautiful photographs, especially of the Obon dancers. He made an album with these photographs and the album is in the Temple office. Go take a look. We will explore publishing some in a future Bulletin. Lunch will be served afterwards Toban: BWA D D D D Many thanks to George Oshimo! D OTHER OBON PICS PUBLICATION DEADLINE At Rev. Usuki’s suggestion, we are trying to move toward monthly publication of the Bulletin to make the content more up-to-date when you receive it. Toward this end, some new rules have to be followed: 1. There is now a fixed deadline date for articles. It is the 15th of each publication month. This is a “drop-dead” date, meaning articles received after this date will not get in. Normally, articles should be submitted soon after the first of the month. 2. All organizations and individuals wanting an article published must write them, and not expect the Bulletin staff to do it for them. The Asoka Fujinkai’s Chicken Wings & Wonton booth always has a very long line of customers lined up in front of it to buy their delicious dish. Usually, this booth is the first to sell out. 9 APPRECIATION TO TANOMOSHI THANKS TO RAFFLE DONORS Jack Fujimoto Roy Higa The WLA Buddhist Temple would like to thank the following merchants for their generous donations to the Obon Raffle, and the banks listed for donating the cost of printing raffle tickets. The Temple Board, at its August 8, 2005, meeting, approved a resolution to express its appreciation to the WLABT-sponsored Tanomoshi for its many years of contributions to the welfare and expansion of the Temple. Aki Restaurant Baba’s Lawnmower Shop Bob’s Sporting Goods Center Fukui Mortuary Georges Hardware & Garden Supplies Inc. Hide Sushi Japanese Restaurant Jo-Mi Plumbing & Solar Inc. Kubota Nikkei Mortuary Mike’s Flatbed Service Minato Insurance Agency Morinaga Nutritional Food Inc. Safe & Save Market Satsuma Oriental Imports & Gifts California Bank & Trust Union Bank of California The Tanomoshi officially closed its books on June 30, 2005. At one time in my Temple presidency in 20032004, there was some ambivalence about whether Tanomoshi was going to cease operations. But, now, their president, Bob Matsumoto, made it official. What is Tanomoshi? I see it as a ‘system of capitalism at its best’ where a group of persons make periodic contributions that when pooled, builds capital for one of its members to withdraw the pooled capital for a fee, and at the same time, makes a donation to the Temple Tanomoshi Fund. These accumulated donations to the Tanomoshi Fund have been the source of their contributions to the Temple for its many projects. ANDY IKEDA TALKS ON LIFE IN INDIA In the last issue of the Bulletin, we reproduced a lengthy article originally published in 1982 about Alice Ikeda’s fascinating trip through India with her son Andy. Andy, who grew up in comfortable WLA, has been living there in the remote reaches of a mountain where going to the nearest village to pick up mail is a fourhour walk on dirt trails. 1994 records show that Tanomoshi contributed some $300,000 to the construction of the Social Hall and renovation of the Main Hall (Hondo)(post Northridge earthquake). More recently, Tanomoshi contributed funding for the Technology project connecting the Hondo with Social Hall using the latest computer video technology ($13,000 project). As he has done in recent years, Andy returned here for the summer again to look after his parents. Rev. Usuki thought it would be very interesting to many of our members to hear about his experiences, so he invited Andy to speak and field questions at one of the informal study classes that are now held after most Sunday services. A good crowd showed up and they were not disappointed. Sunday, October 23, 2005 Rev. Usuki and the Board agreed to set aside this date to recognize the Tanomoshi for its many years of contributions to the Temple. Planning for the day’s events including the Dharma message from Rev. Usuki has been delegated from the Board to a committee that includes Board President, Yuki Sakurai, other Board members and Tanomoshi officers. Please reserve the date and come to the Service and other events planned. When Andy Ikeda visits in the summer, he always comes out to help, especially at Obon and the yard sale. We deeply appreciate his help. We look forward to seeing his smiling face again next summer. "Exploring Medicare Changes: the New Prescription Drug Benefit" Speaker Dianne Kujubu Belli, Administrator of Community Based Care, Keiro Senior HealthCare Presentation in English and Japanese Sunday, November 6, 2005 - 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Do you or your parents have Medicare? Do you/they have prescription drug coverage through an insurance plan or HMO? Do you/they have prescription drug coverage through a retirement plan? If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, come and learn about your options for Medicare Part D. Every Medicare beneficiary will need to make a choice between November 15, 2005 and May 15, 2006 on whether to enroll in Medicare Part D. People who enroll after May 15, 2006, will have to pay a penalty for every month they delay enrollment. Informational material and contact sites will be made available at the lecture. Public is invited to this lecture Please contact Yasuko Shohara 310-454-7189 for RSVP or questions 10 RALPHS MARKET TO CONTRIBUTE TO TEMPLE The temple has enrolled in the Ralphs Community Contribution Program that contributes cash to non-profit organizations for each dollar spent by its members at Ralphs. This is not like the old Script program where you had to buy scripts before you went shopping and redeem them at the store. It is much, much simpler. To make this start working for us, Temple members with Ralphs Cards only have to register their card number with the Temple once. That’s all. By registering, Ralphs knows which non-profit organization is to be rebated for your purchases. The rebate amount is 4 - 5% depending on the total volume of purchases by WLA members. Please help your Temple by registering your card. この度WLA仏教会ではラルフマーケット(Ralphs)が行うキャッシュバック、地域貢献活動のプログ ラムに参加する事になりました。 WLA仏教会のリストに登録したメンバーがラルフマーケットで買い 物をした総合金額に対して4-5% のキャッシュバックがお寺に入リます。WLAのメンバーの方、そして お友達も誘ってラルフのカードのナンバーをお寺に登録してください。宜しくお願い致します。 D D D D D D D D D D D EXTRACT FROM STEVE JOBS’ COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS* “…..No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true……Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life…..” (*Editor’s note: Jobs, the well-known co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar, gave this address at Stanford University on June 12, 2005. The full text of his often-quoted address is available on the Internet (search Google) and is well worth reading.) 11 SEPTEMBER SHOTSUKI HOYO OCTOBER SHOTSUKI HOYO 7:30 pm, Friday, September 9, 2005 Deceased: Remembered By: Matasaku Sakurai Matasaku Sakurai Ume Fukuhara Ume Fukuhara Ume Fukuhara Matsukichi Sakahara Sadaichi Mayetani Wataru Shimomaye Shintaro Takenoshita Michiko Nakagawa Michiko Nakagawa Sadako Ishii Shotaro Ueno Naosuke Okanishi Yoshio Kazumura Shizuye Kazumura Naosuke Okanishi Yoshio Kazumura Shizuye Kazumura Nobuichi Okubo Mamoru Takemoto Chima Nakashima Takano Nakamura Robert Yabuta Minoru Yuzuki Shinsaku Mochizuki Hachijiro Mori Tameichi Mataga Tameichi Mataga Wasano Hada Kei Kato Takeo Sasaki Tsutaye Mayeda Sam Izuhara Kaneto Arita Masako Ishioka Hatsu Kojima Hatsu Kojima Seikichi Nagatome Frank Kondo Karl Iwasaki Judy Shintaku Fusae Kurokawa Karo Miyahara Wakano Totani Hisano Koshiyama Harry Koshiyama Hisano Koshiyama Harry Koshiyama Jimmy Fukumoto Pat Ohnoki Pat Ohnoki Ei Nicho Yoneo Maeda George Tanaka Takeo Murata Yoshiko Kamibayashi Tatsuo Sasaki Tatsuo Sasaki Tatsuo Sasaki Steven Soda Steven Soda D 7:30 pm, Friday, October 14, 2005 D Deceased: Frank Fukuhara Ihoko Fukuhara Henry Fukuhara Frank Fukuhara Jimmy Fukuhara Jerry Sakahara Raymond Mayetani Matsuo Shimomaye Nobuyoshi Takenoshita Fujio Nakagawa Hisayo Ogata Shigemitsu Ishii Miyoye Takahashi Kyoko Kikuno " " " " Tsukasa Mukai " " " " Stanley Onami Betty Takahashi Chiyoko Nishina Kaoru Nakamura Ayako Yabuta Masako Oyanagi Yoshiharu Mochizuki Hatayo Shinto Alan Hirano Don Hirano Isamu Hada Reiko Kato Rose Wenjen Rev. Ben Mayeda Masayo Izuhara Masako Ishioka Toshio Ishioka Hisashi Kojima George Kojima Kinuyo Hitomi Ray Kondo Joni Iwasaki Masami Shintaku John Kurokawa Tomiko Kudo Reiko Totani Evelyn Koshiyama " " Tom Koshiyama " " Tomiko Fukumoto Brian Sugasawara Harry Ohnoki Tsukasa Nicho Emiko Maeda Keiko Tanaka Michael Murata Lily Nagatoshi Sayo Sasaki Masao Sasaki Shigeto Sasaki Janice Soda Lorraine Soda D D D SEPTEMBER: Friday Sep. 23, 7:30 pm ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ OCTOBER: Friday Oct. 21, 7:30 pm Remembered By: Yasutaro Morioka Masataro Miyamoto Kazumi Nakamura Kametaro Inatomi Misao Inatomi Mitsuyuki Uyeda Itono Okumoto Kan'ichi Takemoto Miyo Nakashima Ichisuke Fukuhara Ichisuke Fukuhara Ichisuke Fukuhara Yaye Sakurai Yaye Sakurai Sadako Nagata Yugi Ifuku Toyo Ishihara Nijiro Ohara Koheiji Fujino Munezo Kurauchi Hideji Yanokawa Nobuko Kanow Nobuko Kanow Seitaro Iwamoto Toki Iwamoto Kinkame Nishiya Sueichi Uyemura Kensaburo Adachi Moyo Takenoshita Kenso Ikkanda Kinso Ikkanda Riichi Ishioka Ichi Hara Torao Koda Kiyono Koda Takeo Yabuta Larry Nitta Haruyo Kawahara Donald Sujishi Toshiko Deguchi Toshikazu Tamura Toshikazu Tamura Toshio Totani Chikako Okamoto Charles Mann Jim Kimura Willard Takeuchi Tomoyo Takeuchi Frank Yamane Frank Yamane George Yamamoto Yasu Ige Sakuichi Takade Sakuichi Takade Harumi Nagai Kathleen Kafka Kathleen Kafka Masao Tominaga Teruko Hashimoto Teruko Hashimoto Virginia Tominaga D D D Haruko Morioka Ben Miyamoto Kaoru Nakamura Nancy Shimotsu " " Ichiro Uyekubo Alice Ikeda Masaye Maruyama George Nakashima Henry Fukuhara Frank Fukuhara Jimmy Fukuhara Frank Fukuhara Ihoko Fukuhara George Ozamoto " " George Ishihara Miyo Ohara Harry Fujino Chiyoko Kawashiri Mary Yanokawa Aiko Tsuboi Tadashi Kanow Tomiko Iwamoto " " Kunihiro Nishiya Mrs. Uyemura Fumiko Koyama Nobuyoshi Takenoshita John Ikkanda Tom Ikkanda Toshio Ishioka Mike Hara Edward Koda " " Ayako Yabuta Jane Nitta Takeshi Kawahara Sharon Nishimura Masako Nekoda Emiko Matsumoto Akie Okui Reiko Totani Keizaburo Okamoto Andrea Mann Emiko Kimura Diane Ooka Toshiko Yamane " " Pauline Tsuge Ikuko Yamamoto Minoru Ige Manabu Takade Masako Ido Hitoshi Nagai Robert Kafka Kay Kafka Chiyoko Tominaga Mark Hashimoto Naomi Negoro Randy Tominaga D D D Watch for Photos on Bulletin Boards Rev. Usuki has put up photo displays on bulletin boards in the Social Hall. You can have copies made of any photo you want by borrowing a CD from the Temple office and taking it to a store such as Sav-On Drugs for photo processing. 12 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 OCTOBER 2005 Office hours: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 310-477-7274 1 – 5 pm Tri-Temple Mini Seminar Bulletin Toban: Asoka Fujinkai [email protected] 2 3 4 9:30 am Sunday Service/Dharma School/ Study Class (E) 5 7:30 pm Taiko 9 FBWA Conference – final day 10 7:30 pm Temple Board Meeting 11 10 am SD Ministers’ Meeting at Betsuin 12 7:30 pm Taiko 17 18 9:30 am Sunday Service/Dharma School/ Study Class (E) 7 19 7:30 pm Taiko 13 14 20 1 pm Study Class (E) 8 10/7-9/05 FBWA Conference Fresno Radisson Hotel 1 pm Study Class (E) 7:30 pm Shotsuki Hoyo 7:30 pm Buddhist Men Meeting NO Sunday Service 16 6 1 pm Study Class (E) 15 11 am Buddhist Men/ BWA Memorial Service and lunch Toban: BWA 21 22 7:30 pm Bingo 12 pm BWA Service and Meeting (brown bag) 9:30 am 23 24 Tanomoshi Appreciation Sunday Service/Dharma School 26 7:30 pm Taiko ___________________________________________ 9:30 am Sunday Service/Study Class (E) 25 30 ___________________ 12 pm 80-Plus Lunch 31 7:30 pm Asoka Fujinkai Meeting 27 1 pm Study Class (E) 28 29 6 pm Family Fun Night Sunday Monday Tuesday SEPTEMBER Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2005 Office hours: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 310-477-7274 Wednesday 1 pm Study Class (E) No Bulletin 2 3 9/2-4/05 SD FAMILY CONFERENCE and SD JR. YBA CONFERENCE Anheim Hilton [email protected] 4 SD FAMILY CONFERENCE – concludes 5 6 7 8 9 1 pm Study Class (E) 7:30 pm Shotsuki Hoyo Office Closed 10 1 pm BWA Service and Meeting No Sunday Service BCA Continuing Education – Rev. Usuki in SF 11 9:30 am Sunday Service/Dharma School/ Study Class (E) 12 7:30 pm Temple Board Meeting 18 19 20 OHIGAN SERVICE/DHARMA SCHOOL Guest Speaker: Rev. Koju Terada (J) Toban: Buddhist Men Hamburger Lunch to follow 16 21 22 1pm Study Class (E) 23 7:30 pm Bingo 25 9:30 am Sunday Service/Dharma School/ Study Class (E) 15 1 pm Study Class (E) 7:30 pm SD Council Meeting 7 pm Buddhist Men Meeting 7:30 pm Post-Obon Meeting 7:30 pm Taiko am 1 pm Shigin Kinryu Kai (Onshu Kai) 14 7:30 pm Taiko 7 pm Religious Service Meeting 1 pm Shigin (Dokokai) 10 13 10 am SDMinisters’ Meeting at Betsuin 26 12 pm 80 Plus Lunch 27 28 7:30 pm Taiko 7:30 pm Asoka Fujinkai Meeting 29 1pm Study Class (E) 30 17 9:30 am to 12 pm Ohigan Seminar Speakers: Rev. Shoken Ueda (J) Mr. Jeff Wilson (E) 24
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