
Exhibition and Conference Venues
The Committee oversees a total of six exhibition and conference venues situated in the Shaw
Campus and Baptist University Road Campus respectively. The inclusion/addition of other
venues shall be subject to the University management’s decision.
While most of these six venues are mainly used for either exhibition or conference purposes,
some are of a multi-functional nature and could be used for other activities. These six venues
can be reserved over the residual timeslots following scheduled teaching classes and designated
University-wide functions or activities endorsed by the University management.
Summary of Residual Timeslots in 2013/14
Residual Timeslots
Shaw Campus
• Dr and Mrs Sze Chi Ching
Exhibition Gallery
Activities on 1/F of the Exhibition Gallery are subject to
prior coordination with the booking schedule of the 3
lecture theatres at Lam Woo International Conference
• Mr and Mrs Lau Chor Tak
Multi-purpose Hall
After designated activities endorsed by the University
(Remark: In academic year 2014/15, the hall will serve as a
temporary canteen at 12:00 – 2:30 pm from Mondays to
Fridays during semester time as Renfrew Restaurant will be
under renovation.)
Baptist University Road Campus
• Tsang Chan Sik Yue
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Timeslots on other days are available subject to
coordination with the Academic Registry
• Podium
After designated activities endorsed by the University
• Koo Ming Kown
Exhibition Gallery
After designated exhibition timeslots for teaching and
learning activities of the Academy of Visual Arts endorsed
by the University management
• Sculpture Garden
After designated activities endorsed by the University
Shaw Campus
Dr and Mrs Sze Chi Ching Exhibition Gallery (481 sq m)
Location: Level 1 and Level 2, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies
(“WLB”) and David C Lam Building (“DLB”)
Indoor, air-conditioned
General and controlled lighting
Exhibition display system
2-D picture hanging system
Level 1 interface area is shared with three lecture theatres at the Lam Woo International
Conference Centre
Prior schedule coordination between the gallery and the three lecture theatres is necessary
to ensure smooth running of events
Level 2 interface area is linked to classrooms at WLB and Renfrew Restaurant at DLB
Reservation is managed by Academic Community Hall (“AC Hall”) of the Finance Office
at present
Level 1 Area: 303 sq m
Level 2 Area: 178 sq m
Remark: Since the Exhibition Gallery on Level 1 is situated at the interface area (lobby) shared
with three other lecture theatres (Dr Hari Harilela Lecture Theatre, Mrs Padma Harilela Lecture
Theatre, and Dr Wu Yee Sun Lecture Theatre) of the Lam Woo International Conference Centre,
support or reception activities of conferences/events may be held at the exhibition area. When
the Exhibition Gallery is under reservation for a certain timeslot, the AC Hall shall indicate
clearly that the interface area would be blocked from other conference/event users’ reservation.
Mr and Mrs Lau Chor Tak Multi-purpose Hall (740 sq m)
Seminar Rooms
Multi-function Room
Multi-function Room
Seminar Rooms
Corridor & Foyer
: 384 sq m
: 200 sq m
: 156 sq m
Total Area
: 740 sq m
Location: Level 2, Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Sports and Cultural Centre
Seating capacity: about 350
Suitable for conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and other University functions and events
Entrance is linked to Renfrew Restaurant at DLB
Comprises a multi-function room and three seminar rooms
Movable partitions are available to divide the multi-function room into two smaller rooms
and a corridor
Indoor, air-conditioned, carpeted
General and controlled lighting
Standard AV equipment
Exhibition display system (under planning)
Residual timeslots: after designated activities endorsed by the University management
Baptist University Road Campus
Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium (1,007 sq m)
Stage + Side Stage
Changing Rooms
VIP Room
: 430 sq m
: 334 sq m
: 69 sq m
: 135 sq m
: 39 sq m
Total Area
: 1,007 sq m
Location: Level 2, Academic and Administration Building
Seating capacity: 400
Indoor, air-conditioned
General and controlled lighting
Standard AV equipment for teaching purposes
Professional sound, lighting, and stage equipment for performance purposes
Side stage / changing rooms / VIP room
Reception area (lobby)
Residual timeslots: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays; timeslots
on other days available subject to coordination with the Academic Registry (“AR”)
Remark: In the first semester of 2013/14, AR has scheduled teaching classes on every
Thursdays and Fridays.
Podium (1,003 sq m)
Area: 1,003 sq m
Location: Level 3, Academic and Administration Building
Outdoor, covered area with benches and potted plants
General lighting / natural lighting
Open for the enjoyment of staff and students during the campus opening hours
Can be used for University functions, events or exhibitions through advance reservation
Residual timeslots: after designated activities endorsed by the University management
Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery (298 sq m)
G/F Area
1/F Area
: 122 sq m
: 176 sq m
Total Area
: 298 sq m
Location: G/F and 1/F, Communication and Visual Arts Building
Indoor, air-conditioned
Purpose-built for exhibition events
Ceiling height: 6.15m (G/F), 8.6m (1/F)
General and controlled lighting
2-D picture hanging system
Wooden floor
Residual timeslots: after designated exhibition timeslots for teaching and learning activities
of the Academy of Visual Arts endorsed by the University management
Sculpture Garden (266 sq m)
Area : 266 sq m
Location: G/F, Communication and Visual Arts Building
Outdoor, enclosed area
Natural lighting
Trees and plants
Open to the public from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM according to the conditions of a
government lease entered with the University
Can be used for various University functions and activities, and/or exhibition of
outdoor art works as appropriate
Residual timeslots: after designated activities endorsed by the University management