Join us for Catechetical Sunday September 18th at the 9:00 am Mass


Join us for Catechetical Sunday September 18th at the 9:00 am Mass
September 2016 Edition
Holy Cross Catholic Church Monthly Newsletter
Join us for Catechetical Sunday
September 18th at the
9:00 am Mass
2711 7th Street East.
West Fargo, ND 58078-3411
(701) 282-7217
West Fargo, ND 58078
We ask you to remember
the following in prayer...
New Members
Dawn & Aaron Buffington
James & Isaac
Anthony Nishimura
Melanie Jangula
Eric Rinehart
Kim & David Baumgartner
Danielle Edwards
Melinda & Blaine Wampler
Adriana, Jamison & Rosalynn
Vanessa McNutt
Josephine & Emmanuel Sinzinkayo
Bethany & Nathan Gade
Christopher Briol
Jessica & Scott Kasprick
Tori & Vanessa
Kimberly Rud
Layton & Lucas
Anneleise Moen & Dustin Rietsema
Kaylee Hatzenbuhler & Ryan Nadeau
Rhonda & Chris Klieman
Devin, Haley & Colby
Holly & David Scott
Bayley & Riley
Jenny Eder & Thomas Drewes
Magdalena & Pawel Borowicz
Patryk & Konrad
Jessica & Robbie Braathen
Luna & Micah
Britta Strahm
Michelle & Reed Ihry
Lauren Groth & Joey Halgrimson
Amelia Grace, daughter of Stephanie & Ryan Erickson
Thomas Henry, son of Sylwia & Szymon Woznica
Camden Nicholas, son of Jenilee Bueling & Nicholas Staska
Anna Grace, daughter of Emily & Chris Eisenbeisz
Sarah & Ed Crary
Thane George, son of Carleen & Jared Terres
Kari & Rob Miller
Brooklynn & Zachary
Emalia Kay, daughter of Becky & Tristan Browning
Lidia & Adam Trukawka
Piotr, Maria & Anna
Ainsley Stone, daughter of Greta & Luis Garcia
Eileen & Augusto Alonto
Andrew & Estelle
Stephanie Rehovsky & Thomas Klabunde
Mindy Johnson
Jaclyn & Jacob
Josephine Ntacobemera & Emmanuel Sinzinkayo
Cindy & Joe Foren
April, Joseph & Victoria
Heather & Chad Rolla
Kaylee & Ethan
Talea & Joshua Weibye
Ellie, George, Eva, Blaise & Emry
Irene Rodriguez
Ann & Josette
Mary Freund-Braun & Paul Braun
Angela & Jonathan Hass
Isaac, Clara, Asher & Eliza
Brady Joseph, son of Vicky & Nicholas Goeser
Madeline Welle, daughter of Alexandra & Jeffrey Young
Beatrice Lewandowski
Please Note: Starting
September 11th, Sunday evening
Mass will change back to 6:00 pm.
Offices will be open once again on
Fridays starting September 9th. Friday
Daily Mass will then change back to 12:15
Welcome Back Holy Cross families!
We are very excited to begin a new year of faith learning with all of you and look
forward to meeting the new families and students in our faith formation classes.
The ultimate objective of all catechesis (faith formation) is intimacy and communion
with Jesus Christ (National Directory of Catechesis 55). We hope this year that the
students in our program will develop a closer friendship with Jesus through prayer,
instruction and fellowship with their peers and catechists. This intimacy with Jesus however, cannot happen
without the help of our parents. As your child’s primary educator in the faith, you are their most influential
catechist by your words, actions and the experiences that you share as a family. Regular attendance at Mass and
faith formation class will not only help your child understand and appreciate their Catholic faith but it will
nurture their spiritual closeness with Jesus.
We wish you a wonderful new school year and look forward to being a part of your child’s faith journey.
God’s blessings,
Brenda Mears
Faith Formation Director
Upcoming Faith Formation September Dates:
September 14
New and Returning Catechist & Coordinator In-Service 6:00pm
September 18
Catechetical Sunday (9:00am Mass)
September 21
Faith Formation Classes begin for everyone- We will celebrate with an opening Mass for
all – Grades K-12 (6pm Mass) Living Rosary 5:40pm
September 21
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist Information Session – 7:00pm (in Church) 2nd
Grade, 3rd grade & 4-12th grade, Reconciliation and Confirmation Parents, Students, and
September 25
Faith Formation Classes for Kindergarten and Liturgy of the Word
September 28
Faith Formation Classes for Grades 1-12
Orientation and Welcome Back Evening for New and Returning Catechists
& Coordinators
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 in the Church from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Catechists and Coordinators will learn the “how-to’s” of teaching faith formation at Holy
Cross as well as receive an orientation on the textbooks they will be using. Also, we will
gather for prayer, fellowship, and instruction for the upcoming faith formation year.
If you are unable to attend, please contact Brenda Mears (282-7217).
Come Celebrate with us Catechetical Sunday on September 18th!
On Sunday, September 18, we will celebrate Catechetical Sunday at Holy Cross. At the 9:00 am Mass, Fr. Meyer
will commission the catechists of our faith formation program to go forth and minister the Catholic faith to Holy
Cross children, teens and adults.
We will also recognize parents and guardians as the primary educators in the faith of their children.
Many blessings to them this school year!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word begins Sunday, September 25!
Children ages 3 & 4 years old are welcome to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word
every Sunday during the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a worship experience for children in which they leave the
general assembly for a separate celebration of the Word. Children and their teachers are
called to come forward after the opening prayer when they receive a special blessing from
the priest. They will go to hear the Gospel reading, participate in an activity, prayer and
song. During offertory time, the teachers bring the children back to the assembly.
You do not need to register your child in order for them to participate. Children can participate any time and
parents are always welcome.
Faith Formation Drop–off &Pick–up Policy
For all faith formation students in Kindergarten -3rd
grade - When coming for faith formation, ALL
parents/guardians (or older siblings) of children in
Kindergarten -3 Grade must walk their child to their
classroom and must pick them up at their classroom.
Attention Crafters, Bakers & Canners!
Our Fall Festival is coming soon and we
would like to have a Country Store
again! We would like donations of
homemade crafts, baked goods, and
home canned items (jams jellies,
vegetables, sauces and pickles), as well as jewelry
and silent auction items.
If you have any questions please call Jayne at
701.367.8752, Nancy at 7-1.281.2949, or Brenda at
1st Reconciliation & Confirmation/1st
Eucharist Meeting
Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00
pm in the church
All parents, students and catechist
that have children making these
Sacraments or will be teaching these
Sacraments this year need to attend
this mandatory meeting.
ATM Now Available!
Do you need some cash for lunch after Mass?
How about to buy something from Holy
Grounds & Gifts? Want to donate to the Poor
Fund or buy a TRIP card?
For your convenience, there is now an ATM available
inside of Holy Grounds and Gifts!
Hooks & Needles
Thursdays at Sunset Band
Save the Date! Thursdays at
Sunset will be playing at the
following Masses throughout the
next year (all at the 11:00 am Mass
unless otherwise noted):
September 25th, October 9th, November 13th,
December 24th at 7:00 pm, January 22nd, February
12th, April 23rd, May 14th at the 9:00 am and 11:00
am Masses.
Do you enjoy crocheting, knitting, embroidery, cross
stitch or other types of handwork? If so, please join
us for informal fellowship on the 2nd & 4th
Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am to 11:30 am
in the Multi Purpose room, starting Wednesday,
September 14th.
We will also work on hats & scarves to donate to the
schools & area shelters.
Bring a project to work on; if you don’t have one,
there will be ideas & some started materials available.
All are welcome - if you are a beginner, come & learn
a new skill from those in the “know.”
Busy Hands to God’s Work! Questions: please call
Rene’ Lutovsky at 492-9429.
KC News
Want to get to know other men and
their families at Holy Cross Church?
Consider joining the Knights of
Columbus! It’s a great way to meet
other Catholic gentlemen and their
families. Please call Mike at 540-7181
or e-mail [email protected] for more
The Knights of Columbus Council #9642 meets the
2nd Monday of every month at Holy Cross Church
starting at 7:00 pm
September KC of the Month: Don Roehrich
September KC Family of the Month: Kevin & Kari
Bucholz; Somer & Haley
Check out our website: for
activities and more information!
KC Upcoming Activities
Sunday, September 11th - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Bingo / Hallways
Monday, September 12th - 7:00 pm
Council Meeting / Multipurpose Room
Tuesday, September 13th - TBD
Local/Council Soccer Challenge / Shelter
Sunday, September 18th - 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Breakfast / Hallways
Tuesday, September 20th - TBD
District Soccer Challenge / Shelter
Tuesday, September 27th - TBD
Regional Soccer Challenge
KC Assembly Upcoming Activities
Thursday, September 15th - 7:00 pm
Assembly Meeting / Multipurpose Room
*Call Brian Heger at 281-1905 for information on joining!
Holy Cross Council #9642
had 6 teams in this years
State KofC Foundation Golf
Congratulations to: David
Schultz & Brian Heger on
their hole prize winnings.
Also to Team on their
placement win. A great time
was had by all!
Below: Winners of the 2016
Foundation Golf
Tournament: David Schultz,
Brian Heger, Father James
Meyer & Brian Kingsley.
Holy Cross Council #9642 also
sponsored a hole at the State
Knights of Columbus
Foundation Golf
Tournament. All
money raised at the Tournament goes
into the Foundation to support those
entering Religious Life through
West Fargo Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge
The West Fargo Knights of Columbus will be hosting their 8th annual Knights of Columbus Soccer
Challenge. Local Council competition will be held Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at the new Holy
Cross Catholic Soccer Complex, 2820 Bluestem Dr., West Fargo, ND. Registration starts at 6:00 pm
with competition beginning at 6:30 pm. District competition to be held September 20, 2015 and
regional competition on September 27, 2015 with the same start times. The state competition will
be held Saturday October 8, 2015 at 1:00 pm with registration at 12:00 noon.
The Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local,
district, regional, and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C international
headquarters based in New Haven, CT on scores from the state level competitions. The Knights of Columbus
Soccer Challenge is open to all boys and girls ages 9-14 in West Fargo, Fargo, and the surrounding ND
communities and each participant will compete in their respective age divisions. Eligibility is determined by the
age of the contestant as of September 1, 2016. Proof of age will be required for all winners. A parent or
guardian is asked to accompany the athlete to sign the consent form on the application.
There is no entry fee to participate.
Scoring for the competition will involve each participant being given 15 penalty kicks. Points will be awarded
depending upon the area of the scoring zones through which the ball passes. Normal rules of soccer penalty
kicks apply for all levels of competition.
For additional information about this FREE competition, contact Ryan Bosch at 701-799-7023 or e-mail at
[email protected].
Congratulations to those who will serve as officers for
the Holy Cross Council #9642 for the 2016-2017 year:
Mike Mohs, Grand Knight
Leon Steckler, Deputy Grand Knight
Kevin Hengel, Chancellor
Fr. James Meyer, Chaplain
Brian Kingsley, Financial Secretary
Tony Ambrose, Treasurer
Matthew Klaman, Recorder
Jeff Pegg, Advocate
Ryan Bosch, Warden
Ryan Erickson, Inside Guard
Michael Hargiss, Outside Guard
Larry Fischer, Brian Heger & Mike Kovarik as Trustees
Congratulations to Brian Kingsley who will serve as District
17 Deputy this year. He will oversee 5 councils.
Congratulations to Brian Heger who will serve as the State
KofC Youth Activities Chairman again this year.
Congratulations to Leon Steckler who will serve as the
State KofC Round Table chairman this year.
October 8th & 9th
Would your group put together a theme basket for the Chance Raffle??
Or would you be willing to donate things individually to be added to a basket?
Suggestions of baskets and what could be put in them:
Bison Basket : game tickets, apparel, afghan, jewelry, memorabilia, etc
Stay Cation: gift certificates for a local hotel, restaurants, local attractions, etc
Kid’s Birthday Basket: plates, napkins, party favors, cake pan, etc
Margarita Basket: glasses, salt, mix, snacks, etc
Chocolate Lovers: assorted chocolates
Java Time: Keurig coffee maker, variety of K Cups, coffee mugs, biscotti, etc
Artist Basket: paints, easel, colored pencils, instructional books, etc
Pizza Time: gift certificates, pizza pan, oven mitt, ingredients to make pizza, etc
Pamper Yourself: manicure, pedicure, massage, lotions, candles, nail polish, hair
products, etc
Chef’s Delight: Taken!
Outdoor Entertaining: picnic supplies, fire pit, s’more ingredients, etc
Grill It Up: BBQ utensils, meat thermometer, vegetable basket, etc
Family Game Night: board games, card games, movies, etc
Bloody Mary Basket: glasses, condiments, spices, mix, alcohol, etc
Wine Basket: Taken!
Tool Time: socket set, screwdrivers, tape measure, level, work gloves, etc
Hunt & Fish: Taken!
Any questions, or to donate a basket, please contact Julie at 701.361.5443.
Baskets need to be brought to the church by September 26th.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Allow me to introduce myself; I am Darryl Lutovsky and I will be coordinating RCIA classes this
year. My wife Rene' and I have been members of Holy Cross for 13 years.
For the past 9 years, I have been involved with the RCIA Program as a team member, sponsor
and now the group leader.
This is an invitation to become part of the RCIA Team or to become a candidate working towards full initiation in
the Rites of the Catholic Church next Easter. If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church or are interested
in learning more about the teachings of the faith, please call the parish office at 282-7217.
Classes will begin on September 25th. We will be using, "We Believe", a survey of the Catholic Faith, by Fr.
Lukefahr as the main reference book, along with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Holy Bible.
I will be in contact with everyone interested in the RCIA Program, with more details or to answer questions.
Thank you , Darryl Lutovsky
Musicians needed for Christmas cantata
On December 10th & 11th, Holy Cross
musicians will be performing a
Christmas cantata. The cantata is
written for choir as well as orchestra.
We are looking for singers and
instrumentalists to join us in this
production. Instruments needed are:
flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, alto
sax, trumpet, trombone, tenor sax, tuba, percussion,
violin, viola, cello, and bass.
Please contact Bianca in the church office (282-7217)
if you are interested in participating in sharing the
Christmas message in scripture and song.
Pinochle Tournament
Saturday, September 24th
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Sign up with a partner by September 21st by
calling the church office at 282-7217 or
going online at
Men’s Bible Study
Cost is $5.00 per person (money goes to prizes)
Something exciting is coming this fall….
Please bring a snack/appetizer to share!
It’s so spectacular that we can’t even tell you about
it yet!
Mark your calendar for these upcoming dates: October
22nd, November 19th, December 17th, January 21st, February 25th, March 25th & April 22nd!
Watch the bulletin and website closely for more
Catholic Daughters of the
Americas strives to embrace the
principles of faith working through
love in the promotion of justice,
equality and the advancement of
human rights and human dignity for all mankind.
Committee Members Needed!
We are looking for interested individuals to help us out
on a couple of upcoming committees as we look
forward to building our new church!
Building Committee
 We already have the plans
 Meeting to give critiques and
Why should you join?
To deepen your spiritual life and share your faith
To promote love of God, church and country.
To share your talents, gain leadership skills and
develop new friendships.
The Catholic Daughters meet the third Thursday of
every month starting at 7:00 pm in the Multipurpose
Room. All women ages 18+ are welcome to join.
Want more information? Call Elizabeth at 719-3233897.
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 15th at 7:00 pm.
Milk My Day!
This project provides funds for
students who do not have funds
available to purchase milk or lunch.
The “milk break” at school is available
for grades kindergarten through 5th
grade. The amount needed to provide
milk for a student for 1/2 the year is $31.50 and $63.00
for the full year. From September 4th - 25th, drop off
donations at the church office or in an envelope
marked “milk money” in Sunday’s offertory basket.
There will also be the little schoolhouse in front of
the church for donations.
Golden Cross Card/Game Club
Summer will soon come to an end, so
that means our card club will begin!!
We'll meet on Thursday, September
8th following the 12:15 Mass. We'll
have a potluck lunch, so ask that you bring a dish or
treat to share. We welcome anyone who is interested
in playing cards or games, or come join us just to socialize! Please call Carol Holub at 298-0854 or Clare
Elless at 282-4356 if you have any questions.
Fundraising Committee
Helping to figure out how to do
fundraising to move forward
and build the church. This could
 Meetings
 Parishioner Visits
 Soliciting people to do parishioner visits
If you are interested in either of these committees,
please contact Heather in the church office at
[email protected] or 701-282-7217.
Thank you!
Holiday Collections - The
region's largest church-held craft
event with over 65 participants. .
Holy Cross Catholic Church will
again be hosting our 7th annual
Holiday Craft & Vendor Show in the gymnasium at
Trinity Elementary School on December 3 from 10:00
am - 3:00 pm. If you are a member of Holy Cross and
are an artisan, craftsperson or vendor (sell a product
out of your home or at home parties) please call Geri
Harbeke at 277-9681 as soon as possible. All Holy Cross
Parishioners get the opportunity to be first in line to
sign up this event. This is a growing event and we are
in need of volunteers to help as well as volunteers to
provide food and to work in the kitchen. If you can
help out in any way, please contact Geri Harbeke at 277
-9681. All proceeds from this event will go towards the
Mary Rosary Garden.
The Social Action Committee at Holy Cross would like to say THANK YOU!
Thank you so much! We had a wonderful response to our school supply project this past year.
The totals for the supplies are as follows:
46 packages of pens red/blue/black
7 packages of mechanical pencils
32 packages of pencils
101 boxes of markers
309 notebooks
4 compasses
8 protractors
4 compass/protractor sets
2 bottles of white out
2 wipe off boards
2 bottles of hand gel
58 pencil bags
18 pencil boxes
12 rolls of scotch tape
103 skinny markers
145 large erasers
170 boxes of crayons
4 composition notebooks
4 pocket sized note pads
323 folders
40 rulers
53 scissors
25 water color paint sets
120 glue sticks
113 glue bottles
25 pencil sharpeners
6 rolls of masking tape
70 packets of pencil top erasers
53 backpacks
The supplies were delivered these supplies to 16 schools. Thank you Holy Cross staff especially Penne Soucy, Hilda Gartner, Madonna Nelson, Jess Gustin, Hannah Klein, Monica Schroeder, Vern Schroeder for all of your help
sorting, packing and delivering!
Holy Cross Fall 2016 Volleyball League
Get ready for the next season of co-ed recreational volleyball league. This league is recreational
and is open to players 18 years and older. Teams will be assigned with a mixture of skill levels to
make the teams even. Cost is $20 per person (you can still sign up with a spouse or friend),
payable to Holy Cross. Please drop off payment at Holy Cross church office, or mail to: Tadd
Skaurud, 1617 10 St W, West Fargo, ND 58078.
League play will start on Sunday September 25th, 2016 with the tournament at the end of the
regular season (late November-early December). All games will be played on Sunday
evenings at the new Trinity Elementary school (2811 7th Street East, West Fargo, ND). Early
sign up is encouraged so proper planning can be completed and teams assigned.
Sign up individually or with your spouse/friend today! Deadline to sign up will be
September 11th, 2016.
Please watch the bulletin for more details, or email your contact info to [email protected] to be added
to the email list.
If you have any questions please contact Tadd Skaurud at (701) 729-3644 or [email protected]
September CalenSeptember
*Subject to change. Check the website for the updated calendar.
Women of the Word Bible Study
**Registration form on the back
Time & Talent Weekend
September 24th & 25th
You are invited to be a Christian Steward and use your God-given gifts. Each household will be receiving a
stewardship booklet in the mail. This book provides information about how you can serve and get involved at
Holy Cross.
There will be a letter inserted in the front of the stewardship booklet reflecting all of the ministries that your
family is currently doing, as recorded in our database (from previous Time & Talent books). It is crucial to our
ministries that we update our database with current information. Please take the time to fill out and return this
letter by September 25th in the basket provided in the church entryway.
If you are not currently involved in any ministries, please prayerfully reflect and ask yourself, “How will I give
back to God this coming year by serving others in His name?”
Please be sure to update us with your email address, as reminder emails will be sent throughout the year.
Thank you for being a good steward of God’s gifts!
Blood Drive at Holy Cross
Find the Hero in You!
Sunday, September 18th
9:15 am - 1:00 pm
Trinity Gymnasium
Why Donate Blood?
You don’t need a special reason to give blood.
You just need your own reason.
Some of us give blood because we were
asked by a friend.
Some know that a family member or a
friend might need blood some day.
Some believe it is the right thing we do.
Whatever your reason,
the need is constant
and your contribution is
important for a healthy
and reliable blood
supply. And you’ll feel
good knowing you've
helped change a life.
Our goal is to get 30 donors, so sign up today!
Ministers of Liturgical Leadership
September Altar Linens: Hilda Gartner
September 3-4, 2016: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 PM
Altar Servers
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
Paul & Shirley Dukart
11:00 AM
7:00 PM
Diane Nelson
Leilyn Honeyman
Jordan Miranda
Seth Wigestrand
Logan Heger
Olivia Miranda
Ben Kensok
Sawyer Heger
Ty Schlichting
Lauren Van Winkle
Jack Stumpf
Taylor Van Winkle
Michael Flynn
Dean Haaland
Cabrini Leno
Marguerite Twitero
Sue Olson
Jennifer Halda
Kathy Haaland
Barb Metcalf
Lenae Ambrose
Scott Olson
Kayla Haaland
Steven Metcalf
Natalie Cowley
Steven Cowley
Dean Kasowski
Paul Dukart
Kevin Muffenbier
Brian Heger
Shirley Dukart
Jim Prochniak
Brandon Allred
Ben Prochniak
Michael Allred
Kevin Zachman
Stephanie Allred
Barb Stockstad
Helen Franck
Chris Eggl
Stan Bachmeier
Allen Baumstarck
Nancy Elliott
Linda Schroeder
Jody Bucholz
Michelle Beyer
Leilyn Honeyman
Jennifer Halda
Willie Gartner
Larry Geffre
Jim LaHaise
Georgeann Gellner
Mike Mohs
LeRoy Holub
Janet Grove
Brenda Schmitz
Carol Holub
Lisa Roeske
Gwen Allred
Carol Holub
Helen Franck
Shannon Roers Jones
Tony Ambrose
Megan Miranda
Loren Lien
Lisa Roeske
Gwen Allred
Leilyn Honeyman
September 10-11, 2016: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Paul & Shirley Dukart
Sue Eggl
Mukucha Dieudonne
Khauner Perius
Quinton Vonesh
Abigail Stiel
A J Beamon
Macey Perius
Mitchell Janssen
Matt Stiel
Lukas Klabunde
MaKayla Janssen
Nathan Peyerl
Caleb Klabunde
Alexis Janssen
Paige Peyerl
Altar Servers
Diane Kelly
Chuck Woodbury
Laura Preston
Patti Preston
Paul Klabunde
Larry Kelly
Rosemarie Woodbury
Mike Preston
James Preston
Susan Klabunde
Don Roehrich
Makenzie Preston
Nancy Roehrich
Brady Preston
Dave Janssen
Kevin Bucholz
Jean Schreiner
Ken Kovarik
Haley Bucholz
Paul Klabunde
Nick Kovarik
John Ries
Dave Schwab
Gus Ries
Harvey Heise
6:00 PM
Nick Gludt
Rosemary Heise
Stuart Clute
Chuck Woodbury
Mike Kovarik
Jessica Gustin
Susan Klalbunde
Gayle Cummings
Rosemarie Woodbury
Danny Kackman
Dar Stebner
April Olson
Abigail Kramer
Danelle Klaman
Carole Steidl
Brenda Sagert
Matthew Klaman
Jeannine Peyerl
Mary Ann Donnay
Darryl Lutovsky
Kari Bucholz
Mike Perius
Stacy Schwab
Sarah Ries
Mary Ann Donnay
Barb Sinner
Stacy Schwab
Kari Bucholz
Mike Perius
Dustin Metzger
Tiba Apoline
Sarah Ries
April Olson
Ministers of Liturgical Leadership
September 17-18, 2016: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 PM
Altar Servers
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
Paul & Shirley Dukart
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
Diane Nelson
Leilyn Honeyman
Tedi Dimmer
Isaac Klava
Austin Flieth
Greg Dimmer
Isabel Klava
Noah Geffre
Jacob Angus
Logan Staska
Nathan Angus
Matt Scott
Becky Klein
Jim Koenig
Carolee Thompson
Darren Holaday
Sue Olson
Roberta Krenz
Kim Koenig
Janet Tumaini
Kelly Holaday
Scott Olson
Julie Warkenthien
Lucie Holaday
Paul Holaday
Leon Steckler
Paul Dukart
John Klava
Steven Scott
Shirley Dukart
Tom Ableidinger
Mark Schlader
Murray Nelsen
Robert Norton
Terry Thomason
Mike Wiersma
Kevin Zachman
Suzann Sinness
Kim Koenig
Chris Eggl
Mike Harris
Leilyn Honeyman
Roberta Krenz
Joan Baltezore
Keith Wilson
James Brown
Joe Bailey
Tom Klein
Terry Angus
Stan Bachmeier
Lorri Klein
Madonna Nelsen
Stephanie Landstrom
Nancy Elliott
Susan Nilson
Elizabeth Plemel Scott
Eileen Peterson
Mark Petermann
Larry Geffre
Eileen Peterson
Joan Baltezore
Julie Wilson
Elizabeth Plemel Scott
Linda Borkenhagen
Arlene Schneider
Shawn Warkenthien
Larry Geffre
Joe Bailey
September 24-25, 2016: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Paul & Shirley Dukart
Sue Eggl
Mukucha Dieudonne
Adam Clute
Jacob Dosch
Brianna Mohs
A J Beamon
Connor Erickson
Kendall Jones
Brittany Srnsky
Lukas Klabunde
Elena Boehm
Brooke Srnsky
Caleb Klalbunde
Kali Coppin
Ryleigh Skaurud
Altar Servers
6:00 PM
Dianne Schock
Keith Ringdahl
Brenda Aswege
Sheri Srnsky
Paul Klabunde
Linda Olson
Renee Ringdahl
Gerri Dyrdahl
Mike Srnsky
Susan Klabunde
Brenda Aswege
Pam Schneider
Patti Lindquist
Dean Kasowski
Nick Gludt
Lars Dyrdahl
Mike Mohs
Jean Schreiner
Tom Gentzkow
Chad Belch
Paul Klabunde
Marv Johnk
Wayne Reichling
Robert Hill
Jim LaHaise
Justin Gehrke
Gerri Dyrdahl
Michela Howell
Susan Klabunde
Barb Stockstad
Mary Kay Willits
Jeff Pegg
Kari Bucholz
Carolyn Carriere
Roberta Krenz
Maria Pegg
Darla Skaurud
Carlene Mastel
Jeff Reznecheck
Carole Stiedl
Mike Thorsteinson
Mary Dosch
Dar Stebner
Mike Thorsteinson
Alana Fink
Paul Dosch
Tadd Skaurud
Clare Elless
Mary Kay Willits
Mary Dosch
Katie Redenius
Susan Klabunde
Mass Schedule
Saturdays at 4:30 pm
Rosary every Saturday at 4 pm & daily at 11:50 am
Sundays at
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Monday - Friday at 12:15 pm
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10:30 am Mass at Edgewood Vista
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 4:45 pm Mass at the Good Samaritan
Wednesdays, 9:00 am Mass at the Co-op
Saturdays, 4:00 pm Mass at Sheyenne Crossings
**On weekdays when the offices are closed, daily Mass is at 10:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday-Thursday at 11:45 am
Saturdays at 3:30 pm
Cross Talk Newsletter Editor
Heather Heger
To Submit News or Calendar Events
[email protected]
Cross Talk is published monthly by Holy Cross Catholic
Church in West Fargo, ND. If you would like to submit an item
for publication, please email Heather Heger or drop your news
item off at the church office.
Are you or someone you care about unable to attend
Mass and receive Holy Communion?
There are several communion distributors
who will bring the Lord to you. The
need could be temporary or ongoing. Call
the church and let us know. We will contact
you and determine when is a good time for
us to visit with Communion.
Eucharistic Adoration is every Monday from 9am to 8pm. If
you are interested in becoming a scheduled adorer, one hour per
week, call the parish office for more information.
In Care of the sick Please call the parish office to notify us of
illness in the family. The local hospitals do not call us anymore.
New Members If you wish to become members of Holy Cross,
please contact the parish office (282-7217).
Simplicity Giving A funds transfer service to assist parishioners
to reach their financial stewardship goals. Contact the office
manager for more information.
It must be in house by the 20th of the prior month.
We are always looking for
more people interested in
volunteering for liturgical
ministries. The more
people we have, the less
time they need to serve.
If you are interested in
sharing your time during
the Mass, please call
Heather at 282-7217.
Holy Cross Staff
Rev. Jim Meyer, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Chinnaiah Konka, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Rev. William Slattery, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Deacon David Haney, retired
[email protected]
Deacon James Eggl
[email protected]
Penne Soucy, Business Manager
[email protected]
Brenda Mears, Dir. of Religious Ed. & Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Margaret Keller, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Bianca Wiederrich, Lit. & Choir Director
[email protected]
Heather Heger, Communications/Ministries
[email protected]
Patrick Thiel, Youth Choir Director
[email protected]
Karissa Flieth, Youth Music
[email protected]
E-mail address:
[email protected]
2711 7th Street East
West Fargo, ND, 58078-3411
Church : 701-282-7217;
Fax: 701-282-2753
Check out our My Parish App!
Mission Statement: Holy Cross Catholic Church is a faith community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive for holiness and
growth in our faith as we serve those around us. Adopted 2013