Preface and Disclaimer


Preface and Disclaimer
The Curvy Goddess
Fitness and Health
By Diane Williams
‘The Curvy Goddess’
© The Curvy Goddess Fitness and Health Report. All Rights Reserved.
Preface and Disclaimer
First, I'd like to thank you Curvy Goddess for taking the time to read this
report filled with hopefully helpful information and inspiring stories of real
women with real results that will spark you to action.
Or if you have started on your fitness and health journey the stories will
help you stick to your plan.
The following fitness and health success stories are from Curvy Goddesses
who have been or are currently my clients.
I am hoping to have you understand that the definition of "success" is
different for each Curvy Goddess on her UNIQUE journey. Each Curvy
Goddess featured is successful but the definition of success varies.
My focus is to get you to shift your attitude about exercise and healthy
eating and weight loss.
Note that the information provided in this report, The Curvy Goddess
Fitness and Health Report; Real Women, Real Results, is designed to
provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This report is not
meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical
condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your
own physician. The publisher and author are not responsible for any
specific health, psychological, physical needs that may require medical
supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences
from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person
reading or following the information in this report.
© The Curvy Goddess Fitness and Health Report. All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
The Curvy Goddess’ Story
Curvy Goddess Sandra’s Story
Curvy Goddess Elisabeth’s Story
Curvy Goddess Nicole’s Story
© The Curvy Goddess Fitness and Health Report. All Rights Reserved.
Weight loss seems to be the
motivation for millions of people
yearly to get on the exercise and
diet path and for no other reason
because when the weight loss is
"slow" or there is no weight loss
present then they quit and go back
to their old ways doing more
damage to their bodies.
I am hoping that my influence is substantial enough to get you to start and
stay on track, to enjoy the ride while making that powerful shift in which
the reason that you exercise is because you love how you feel afterward.
You exercise because you LOVE how energetic you are during the day.
You exercise because it
strengthens your quads which
help support your knees.
You exercise because it helps
your circulation which gives you
glowing skin.
You exercise because it helps
lubricate your joints.
You exercise because it reminds
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you that you CAN finally feel powerful and strong in your body.
And also the reason why you eat healthy is not to just lose weight but...
You eat healthy because steamed vegetables never tasted so good until
You eat healthy because a
fuzzy peach is juicy and sweet
You eat healthy because you
feeding and nurturing your
body in that way extends
further to other aspects of
your life.
I am proud to be able to share my story and my clients' struggles and
successes with you.
I will share first.
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The Curvy
Goddess’ Story
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My name is Diane Williams
aka "The Curvy Goddess™",
founder and creator of Curvy
Goddess Lounge, Curvy
Goddess Workout, and The
Curvy Goddess Fitness
I believe that Greatness
belongs to all which includes
us Curvy Goddesses. We
have been invisible for too
long and many of us have
adopted from society the
idea of being overweight is
undesired, unattractive, and
Let's re-define ourselves,
Curvy Goddess!
That is why I created Curvy Goddess Lounge and why I developed Curvy
Goddess Workout Personal Training. My inspiration comes from many
aspects of my life; from my past and from my current personal life and as a
professional personal trainer in NYC for 12 years.
I have struggled all of my life with my weight seeking answers, discovering
many things about my eating behaviors, and also exploring the wonders of
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My life starts in Vietnam.
I was born in Vietnam during the
Vietnam War. I was 10.5 lbs.
when I was ready to come out of
my 97 pound Mother. I was big
even before I took my first breath
and saw light.
Growing up in the suburbs of
Western Washington State, I was
extremely shy and introverted. It
was an absolute curse to be shy
and larger than my peers.
I felt really uncomfortable with
my body and because of the
discomfort it wasn't natural to move it. For me it was not easy to exercise.
While living in Seattle working as a part-time plus-size model and studying
to become an opera singer I had the opportunity to model in NYC. I didn't
even hesitate to pack my bags and move across the country.
I wasn't even conscious of the risks involved and the major change that was
before me. All I saw was a unique opportunity for me to model in NYC. It's
almost every little girl's dream. Right?
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I ended up signing a modeling
contract with the internationallyacclaimed Wilhelmina Modeling
Agency as a plus-size fashion model.
It was a challenging experience. I felt
like a fish out of water and looking
back I still was not comfortable with
myself and with my body. Knowing
what I know now I believe that if I
felt my body was my friend I would
not have had such a difficult time in
the business.
A friend at the time knew I was
having a terrible time accepting my
body. I wanted to lose weight
thinking that it was the answer to
accepting it. My friend suggested I
hire a personal trainer.
What?! I am already a giant. I don't want to get bulkier. Boy, was I
Well I took the plunge and allowed the MAGIC to happen! People who have
never exercised before and then start exercising regularly understand what
that means! Your life completely transforms from the inside out. You think,
"Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"
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I'm sure they have but you weren't ready, Curvy Goddess. Maybe NOW is
the time.
I feel that I have a grasp with regular exercise. Now it's the healthy eating
that I am "mastering". I recently discovered that I may be gluten intolerant
and probably I am intolerant of most grains.
Give me grains and I will develop gas, bloating, major water retention that
make my face, eyes, stomach, and ankles swell like nobody's business.
Just call me ‘The Human Blow Fish’!
It has also affected my crazy truck driver-like appetite of eating gargantuan
portion sizes.
When I received the seed of information about grains I started doing some
personal research and made the commitment to stay away from grains as
an "experiment". I could always go back to it. I'm not going to die not eating
That is so ridiculous!
And if I didn't do it and the information I was reading was correct then I
would have missed something that could be the missing link for me. I just
had to follow through my personal experiment.
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It was kind of the same experience I had when I traveled across the country
to become a model. There was no other option.
So I did it and BINGO!
That was the missing link for me.
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The Curvy Goddess' Healthy Habits and Mindset
Works out 3-4 times a week
Eat to Hunger (Eat only when I am hungry.)
Avoid Grains
Freshly pre-made meals delivered to my door (all fresh ingredients,
pastured and grass-fed meats, no chemicals or processed ingredients)
Important Note:
The last habit listed of having pre-made meals delivered. Many people pull
out the "busy" card that makes them avoid starting the fitness and health
I work 10-15 hours and just thinking that I have to cook makes me want to
run to my bed get under the sheets and play "Baby”.
So I decided to get these pre-made meals delivered to my door. Delish! The
"Baby" in me is now nurtured with healthy things to eat.
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Curvy Goddess
Sandra’s Story
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When it comes to
perseverance, my client,
Sandra hands down is the
reigning Queen.
She just doesn't quit.
Even when she has had a bad
week at work or with
following her meal plan she
seeks out support from me by
consistently showing up to
her personal training
I observed carefully this
Warrior Princess' behavior. If
she falls off the wagon, processes it very quickly and gets back on, moving
forward. She just cannot fail with this strategy. It is fool proof.
Perseverance is the quality you will need when you've decided to commit
yourself to the path of fitness and health, because honestly you are not
going to be perfect.
You are imperfectly perfect.
How's that? So that means understand even before you start that you are
going to slip and fall once in awhile.
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Allow yourself to catch a break, wipe yourself off, reflect why you slipped
without beating yourself up, and get back on the wagon again.
So again let's commit to go on the journey, move forward expecting slow
conscious steps, and truly understand that you're in it for the long haul.
Sandra understands this.
“Before training with Diane, I had very little confidence. I was previously
very successful at weight loss, losing over 80 lbs. and maintaining for over 3
years. Due to some personal issues, I put back all the weight I had lost. I felt
defeated, like a total failure.
When I first hired Diane as my Curvy Goddess Workout personal trainer, I
was nervous. Diane immediately put me at ease with her calm manner. I
told her where I was at – and she inspired the confidence that she could
help me get back to where I needed to be.
The workout was challenging, but not impossible. Diane truly understands
the unique challenges of a plus-sized client, and tailors the workout
accordingly to move your fitness level forward.
I now work out with Diane 2x a week. I have gone down 35 lbs. and 4 dress
sizes. I found a love for exercise that I never felt before, it has truly become
a part of my life. I have also been able to increase my endurance
tremendously. I am able to take 90 minute Spinning classes without issue.
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Diane is a strong woman and inspires the same strength in her clients. I am
thrilled to be able to have Diane as my personal trainer to reach my fitness
— Sandra B., 35
Curvy Goddess Sandra's Healthy Habits and Mindset
Works out 4-5 times a week
She is on a "no-grains" plan
Jumps back on the wagon after slips and spills
Her optimism pulls her through the rough times
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Curvy Goddess
Elisabeth’s Story
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When Elisabeth decided to hire me as her personal trainer it took her a few
months to sharpen her focus. As a personal trainer for 12 years that is
Most of my clients start in slowly meaning they don’t get all of the
components (diet, cardio, personal training sessions) together right away.
So I just emphasize seeing me consistently first so they can build the
confidence they need to succeed before we tackle any of the other
Elisabeth is a classic
example but it doesn’t
mean that these
clients who are
starting slowly on
their fitness and
health path are not
going to reach their
goals. Actually I think
ultimately they are
likely to succeed.
Slower is always better in the healthy weight loss journey. After about 3
months of consistent training with me as her personal trainer, it was time
to hit it hard. And she did. I am so proud of her for losing the 50 lbs.
“Before I started working out with Diane, I was very discouraged, unhappy,
and unmotivated. I have been overweight most of my life, only having a few
years where I was at a good, healthy weight. My weight has been a struggle
for me ever since the doctor told my mom that I needed to join Weight
Watchers at the age of 10. I have worked out before and tried every diet out
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there, and some would work. However, I would not stick with them and the
weight would always come back.
In January 2011, at the age of 34 and at 5 ft 5 ½ inches, I weighed in at my
heaviest of 202 lbs, size 16. I decided at that point to lose weight but lost
only about 5 lbs. In May 2011 I decided to hire Diane and join her Curvy
Goddess Workout program. I liked the idea of working out with a personal
trainer who understood what it was like being plus size.
I did not want to just
join a gym because I
knew that I would
not have the
motivation to stick
with the workouts
and I was
embarrassed at my
size knowing that I
would be one of the
heaviest people
there and I wouldn’t
be able to keep up in
the gym with
everyone else.
At my sessions, Diane provided the knowledge, training, and support that I
needed to kick-start my weight loss. And within a few weeks I was already
seeing results. I personally needed the accountability that working out with
Diane provided to me. It helped to know that I wasn’t alone.
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Diane really focused the training on heavier/curvier women. She
understood our bodies and our struggles. She pushed me to succeed and
keep up with the exercising. Asking Diane to become my personal trainer
was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Over a 6 month period, with Diane
as my personal trainer NYC, plus continuing with altering my diet, I was
able to lose 50 lbs! I now weigh in at 152 and can fit into a size 8!
I know I’m not done with my weight loss and I understand now that this is
a lifestyle that I have to keep up with. But as a personal trainer with
experience and empathy and a perfect amount of firmness, Diane has given
me the skill set to continue working out to stay healthy. I have finally joined
a gym and I love seeing that I can keep up with the skinniest of them!”
— Elisabeth, W., 35
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Curvy Goddess Elisabeth's Healthy Habits and Mindset
Works out 4-6 times a week
Incorporates a low carb eating plan after she mastered working out
Takes advantage of my support by texting me during the weekends
when it is the most challenging
Creates weekly action plans
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Curvy Goddess
Nicole's Story
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Nicole is the epitome of the Curvy Goddess who loves her body and is
extremely confident with her size. She is not in it to lose weight but to focus
on her health and fitness level and to just tighten up.
Nicole found me while doing a Google search 'workouts for plus size
women'. She looked at taking some fitness classes while searching for the
right fitness support path but many of the classes felt really intimidating so
she didn't want to go that route.
She had no idea
that there were
trainers geared
to plus size
women but I am
one of the very
few in the
country, if you
can believe that.
There were
many reasons
why she made
the decision to
find support through hiring a fitness professional who understood the
needs and desires of plus size women.
Nicole felt she had a handle on her nutrition and for even more support
hired a nutritionist to kick-start her diet into turbo-gear.
The weakest link was her fitness level.
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She came from a dance background, ballet specifically, so her balance while
she was actively dancing was top-notch. This Plus Size Powerhouse Beauty
took Pointe classes so she could dance on her toes! But when she stopped
taking dance because of a huge load of studies in law school, her balance
started to waver. She needed to
acquire that skill again.
She also wanted to increase her
upper body strength and
cardiovascular stamina since she
would get winded trying to walk
up a flight of stairs. All of those
issues I was able to address with
my Curvy Goddess Workouts.
After a few months of training
Nicole has increased her upper
body strength and cardiovascular
Her balance is so much better
than when she started with me. She has lost a couple of dress sizes and has
definitely tightened up. Her defined arms look beautiful!
I love training Nicole because she is a powerful optimistic Curvy Goddess
who focuses on her fitness and health instead of buying into the seduction
that weight loss is always better and the only way.
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Smart Woman!
--Nicole M., 38
Curvy Goddess Nicole's Healthy Habits and Mindset
Exercises 3-4 days/week
Values support from fitness and health professionals
Has other fitness and health goals other than weight loss
Optimistic attitude
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You met four Curvy Goddesses on a fitness and health path with very
different approaches and goals but there seems to be some basic similarities
with all of them.
Know that you're in it for the long haul so you better enjoy the ride. Many of
us one time or
another have
been seduced on
powders, pills,
and surgeries that
may seem to be a
QUICK fix.
Even if you did
choose this route
you discovered it
never was quick
and easy.
Once in awhile you're going to slip and fall off the wagon Curvy Goddess. It
really isn't the end of the world. And all of my Curvy Goddesses who have
succeeded have a sense of humor about themselves.
It truly isn't the end of the world.
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Values Fitness and Health Professionals' Expertise and Asks
for Support
There is some stigma around asking for some support and hiring a fitness
professional to help reach your fitness goals. Most people would think that
you could do it on your own. I have to tell you that if you're able to get the
quality of support you need from a
fitness and health professional who
understands your struggles please do
not hesitate to hire them.
Works Out Consistently
No matter how bad a week they had
they still were able to workout. They
didn't use their bad moods or tough
day or challenging experiences to
avoid exercise. And they NEVER
EVER regretted making the decision
to do everything in their power to get
their workout in.
Focuses On Eating Whole
I'm sure we all know that processed food is unhealthy so it blocks your path
to a healthy and fit lifestyle. My Curvy Goddesses made the choice to eat
whole foods focusing getting enough protein during the day. They ate a
variety of veggies and fruit.
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So there you have it Curvy Goddess; four motivating success stories of
Curvy Goddesses. I hope the information in The Curvy Goddess Fitness and
Health Report was helpful and inspires you to start your journey right
Until next time Curvy Goddess, Stay Strong and Stunning!
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