Is your Cockpit Paperless?


Is your Cockpit Paperless?
Is your Cockpit Paperless?
Be a Smart Pilot
“A Smart Pilot is one who knows
smart ways to fly with Smart
Many private and business jets
have new level of digital
information and management in
their flight deck with the Jeppesen
chart, operation manuals and
other paper documents being
visible on the electronic format on
the displays called Electronic
Flight Bag (EFB). It optimizes the
crew work time and improves
duty time and gives more
efficiently in flight deck.
Do you fly with paperless cockpit… go along with
real time flight data management……- iPad Electronic Flight Bag Solution.
Think our olden days where hand written letter were the only way
of commination. Do we not feel proud and economically
comfortable in using computers and the electronic way of
communications? Today’s life cannot be imagined without
computers, gadgets, smart phones and tablets.
Why to pile your cockpit with procedural papers and stack of
books. Bring your modern life to the flight deck. Transform your
cockpit in to “Smart Cockpit”.
Be one among the
Smart Pilots and
give your aircraft
a Smart Cockpit.
REAL Aviation Consulting
Contact us: [email protected]
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Is your Cockpit Paperless?
A modern cockpit where EFB is installed enables the crew
to access the jeppessen chards electronically and plan the
flight and allows viewing terminal procedure charts,
destination charts, arrival and departure charts. More
sophisticated EFB system can have multiple system
interfaces to have digital data display, moving map, video
display, real time ground communication and weather data
link etc
The video application provides more situational awareness
improvement with external and internal camera interface to
the EFB. The pilot has full awareness of his aircraft during
flight and landing. In addition, the EFB to the cabin
interface give more streamlined cabin management and
operation flexibility.
To add essence to the EFB flavor, the commonly known
electronic gadget iPad is becoming more attractive tool with
application software which can be easily loaded and used in
the cockpit.
Many aviation
authorities including
accepted iPad as EFB
to be installed in flight
deck to assist pilot in
using nav charts.
iPad used as standard nav aid
REAL Aviation Consulting
Contact us: [email protected]
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Is your Cockpit Paperless?
There are FAA/ EASA certified (Class 2, Type B) iPad
which requires not much expensive cockpit modification and
very limited ground time to convert the paper full cockpit in
to a paperless cockpit.
The iPad features and the application tools are more userfriendly. It is more versatile, handy, flexible and mobile. You
can hook up in the cockpit or carry it to your coffee shop. As
like the normal tablet, the information can be customized to
your need, optimized, book marked and even stored for each
flight-leg allowing the crew to be more organized before and
during flight.
Even today’s market available optional equipment’s allows
A429 interface to the iPads enabling flight data display
directly on your iPad and synchronizes to the flight displays.
Even today’s market
available optional
equipment’s allows
A429 interface to the
iPad enabling flight
data display directly on
your iPad and
synchronizes to the
flight displays.
For further information to upgrade your crew
and your cockpit, contact us
REAL Aviation Consulting
Contact us: [email protected]
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