April 2016 newsletter - Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
April 2016 newsletter - Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church 384 Fox Chapel Road U Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-8243 U Fax: 412-967-9134 Website: www.fcpc.us THE WINDOW VOLUME 64, NUMBER 4 APRIL 2016 Coming in April Friday—Sunday, April 1-3, Women’s Retreat—Offsite April 9—15, Preschool Art Show, Atrium Sunday, April 10, Combined Worship, Children’s Sunday and Preschool Celebration, Guatemala Mission Team—Sanctuary Saturday, April 16, 10 a.m.—1 p.m., Electronical Recycling Event—Church Parking Lot Sunday, April 17, 4 p.m., Annual Sponsorship Concert—Sanctuary Articles due Monday, April 18, 2016 For the May newsletter to Ruby Ralicki. April Schedule 8:30 am 9:00-9:45 am 10:00 am 10:25-11:15 am 11:15-12:15 pm Cup and Loaf Worship Chapel Childcare (Birth to PreK) 109 Children’s Choir 208 (Kindergarten to Grade 5) First Hour Education Grades 7/8 - Pre-Confirmation Questions of Faith Lounge Traditional Worship Sanctuary Contemporary “H20” Worship Fellowship Hall Children’s Classes (Age 3-PreK, Grades K-4 and Grade 5/6) Children attend worship with their parents and then are dismissed to go to their classes. Age 3-PreK and Grades K-4 sign into class, as they enter H20 worship, then follow their shepherd, at the back of the worship space, to class. Traditional parents sign in Age 3 to Grade 4 children in the Narthex and follow their shepherd when dismissed from worship. Grades 5/6 goes directly to Room 306 where attendance is taken. Second Hour Education Childcare (Birth to 36 months) 109 Going Deeper with God (Age 3-PreK) 236/238 Creation Station (Grades K-5/6) 233 Note: children are welcome to the above age appropriate extended classes, giving parents a chance to participate in Adult offerings! Special Speaker Series (Adults) Chapel Worship Schedule April 3th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Doug Hughes—Chapel April 33h—10 a.m.—Traditional—Lee Nichols—Sanctuary April 3th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Doug Hughes—Fellowship Hall April 10th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Guatemala Mission Team—Chapel April 10th—10 a.m.—Combined Service—Guatemala Mission Team—Sanctuary April 17th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Chris Taylor—Chapel April 17th—10 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary April 17th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall April 24th—8:30 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Chapel April 24th—10 am.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary April 24th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall News from the Pews Weddings Congratulations-Let marriage be held in honor among all. -Hebrews 13:4 The ministers and congregation extend their congratulations to those who have recently married: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wiegand (Patti Stuckey), on March 19, 2016. Entered the Church Triumphant For we know that if the earthly tent we live in were destroyed, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 Corinthians 5:1 The ministers and congregation extend their deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Barbara Martin, who died on February 21, 2016, Margaret Rieck, who died on March 8, 2016 and Jim Hastings, who died on March 26, 2016. Babies Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14 We want to join in celebration of the birth of Francis Jude, on March 19, 2016, son of Michael and Mame Craig, grandson of Tom and Donna Craig and great grandson of Dee Holden. Fools for Christ April Fools’ Day isn’t a religious holiday, though it may date to Pope Gregory XIII and his new calendar. In 1582, he shifted New Year’s Day from April to January, and people who didn’t believe the change were called April Fools. April Fools’ Day may also be connected to the lightheartedness that comes with warmer weather, as well as to medieval Christian festivals that involved pranks, disguises and a temporarily inverted social order. Yet, in Scripture, such reversal characterizes the Kingdom of God. In 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, St. Paul writes that the gospel seems foolish to people who don’t know Christ, that God used the “foolishness of our proclamation” to offer salvation to all and that God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom. Jesus ‘foolishly” inverted the social order, saying the last will be first and the first, last. So if on April 1—and every day— we live as “fools for Christ,” we’re precisely what he calls us to be! Hunger Ministries Shopping List Cold cereal (hold the sugar) Rice and Pasta Pasta Sauce Bisquick Mix and syrup Macaroni and Cheese Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit Peanut or Almond Butter Tuna or Chicken in pouches or cans Jars of Jelly or Jam Toilet Paper, Paper Towels Paper Napkins Clorox cleaners Bath & Hand soap Laundry detergent Toothpaste, toothbrushes Gift cards for groceries Baking supplies Boxed dinners Please put your donations in the bins in Fellowship Hall and the Red Tile Welcome Area. Priscilla Circle Priscilla Circle Wednesday, April 20 - 9:45 a.m. Oakmont Room, Longwood Lunch follows in the Grille at 11:30 a.m. Priscilla Circle meets on the third Wednesday of each month from September through June, in the Oakmont Room at Longwood. Women from various affiliations and both sides of the river attend and are welcome at this fellowship group. This year's theme is "Come to the Waters," and the lesson this month is chapter 8, "The Hospitality of Living Water--Compassion." Please read and ponder John 4:130, 39-42 and Acts 2:44-47. Don't worry if you don't have a study book. Join us at any time. Collecting water becomes an occasion for Jesus, a Jewish man, to talk with a Samaritan woman. People of Jesus' time were surprised by his behavior. What does Jesus' action teach us today? If you have a question or need a ride, call Kitty Skinner at 412406-7304. Join us for a Baby Shower to benefit The Children’s Home! All are welcome for fun and festivities! Thursday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. Location: The home of Marijo Crowe, 604 Poplar Ct. 15238 RSVP: Marijo, 412– 657-7830 or [email protected] Please bring unwrapped baby clothing and items. Sizes preemie to toddler are needed. All items will be donated to The Children’s Home for parents in need. Items can also be dropped off at the PPCC office at FCPC. Children’s Ministries Sunday Morning Opportunities April April April April Vacation Bible School 3 COMMUNION 10 Combined Service - Children’s Sunday 17 Regular Classes 24 Regular Classes July 11-15, 2016 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Cave Quest: Childcare - Room 109 8:30 a.m. Infants-PreK 10:00 a.m. Infants-36 months 10:00 a.m. Contemporary or Traditional Worship Children begin in worship with their parents and then are excused to attend their age appropriate time in God’s Word 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. Children & Worship/Celebrate Ages 3 to PreK Rooms: 236/238 April 3 The Walk to Emmaus Luke 24:1-11 April 10 Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples John 21:1-14 April 17 The Mustard Seed Matthew 13:31-32 April 24 Noah Obeys God/The Flood Genesis 6 Springs of Living Water - Rotation Model Grades K-4 Rooms: 233 & 208 April 3 Amy’s Little Lambies (Grades K-1) “Jesus Blesses the Children” April 10 No classes—Children’s Sunday April 17 Ascension to Pentecost April 24 Ascension to Pentecost 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. 2nd Hour of Education - April 3, 17 & 24 Childcare (Birth to PreK) Room:109 Creation Station (Grades K-5/6) Room:233 Following Jesus the Light of the World AGE: Early Childhood - 4 or 5 years by September 1, 2016 (MUST be able to use the toilet independently) Elementary - entering Grades 1-6 in September 2016 Rising 6th Graders may apply for Junior Helper positions - rising 7th to 9th may apply for Counselor In Training (CIT) positions and rising 10th-12th may apply for Counselor positions. COST: First Child - $40.00 Second Child - $35.00 Three or more children - $80.00 maximum for family REGISTRATION: Begins - 9:00 a.m. Sunday, March 6, 2016 Ends - 12:00 noon, Sunday, June 12, 2016 An email will be sent confirming your registration. No refunds after June 12, 2016. Grades 5/6 Connect Bible Study 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.—Room 306 April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 - NO CLASS - COMMUNION NO CLASS - Children’s Sunday The Apostle: Conversion The Apostle: The Gospel MEET Jesus, GROW in your faith, CONNECT with Others We are: Forgiven Redeemed Empowered Saved His YOUTH GROUP! Sunday Nights in Youth Room MIDDLE SCHOOL (5:00-6:30) HIGH SCHOOL (7:00-8:30) APRIL YOUTH GROUP DATES: April 3 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group April 10 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group April 17 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group April 24 - Intergenerational Ping Pong Tournament SURF CITY 2016 High School: July 24 - 29 Middle School: August 7– 12 We are now collecting your $100 deposits to hold your spot. Scholarships are available. Permission slips are on our website under youth page: www.fcpc.us Other forms coming soon. FCPC Intergenerational Ping Pong Tournament Sunday, April 24 @ 6:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall. $10 donation at the door for youth mission trips. Snacks and drinks provided. !ALL AGES WELCOME! @ fcpcyouthgroup Director of Student Ministries: Doug Hughes Email: [email protected] Cell: 412-491-6260 (call or text) For more information about our youth ministry program please visit our information areas in the Red Tile Area and the bulletin board by the Fellowship Hall or visit the website...www.fcpc.us... Adult Ministry Sunday Morning Special Speaker Series 11:15 am - 12:15 pm in the Chapel Special Speaker Calendar April-May 2016 April 3 Bonhoeffer’s Beloved Community: a Conversation on Community, Ritual and Mission with Paul Seif Mark your calendars! Returning in the fall... Guest Bible Study Leader Steve Tuell Ph.D. April 10 No SSS - FCPC Preschool Art Show and Children’s Ministries Sunday April 17 "Psalm 23: A reflective look at our lives with the Shepherd". with Jo Ann Simonson April 24 Foreign Exchange Student from Pakistan Living with David and Carol Huff Shamir Gafoor May 1 No SSS - Combined Worship Confirmation Commissioning Pittsburgh Theological Seminary James A. Kelso Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia/ Hebrew Bible, 1989 M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary/Hebrew Bible, 1981 B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College Year: 1978 Major: Psychology and Religion Sunday, September 18th Dr. Tuell preaches at H20 No SSS - Mother’s Day September 25, October 9, 16, 23, 30, November 13, and 20 Special Speaker Series May 15 Bible Study of Ephesians May 8 TBA May 22 - Last SSS “Death, Dying and Grief” with Leanna Fuller WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Consecutive Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m. Winter/Spring Semester: January 6, 2016-May 18, 2016 (16 weeks) No classes: February 10 and March 23 Birth - 36 Months: Childcare Room: A-109 (childcare for parent(s) in Bible study/class reservations MUST be made in advance) Age 3 to Kindergarten: How Great Thou Art Rooms: A-233 (3 by Sept 1, 2016) Grades 1-5: Fellowship Hall How Great Thou Art Rooms: A-233 Fellowship Hall Curriculum used as a basis for these sessions is… Barbara Bruce’s Teaching Children the Bible Basics. April 6 The Conversion of Paul April 13 Paul Was a Missionary April 20 Paul in Prison April 27 The Body of Christ May 4 The Greatest of These is Love May 11 Pentecost - The Birth of The Church May 18 Last Class of this Semester - PARTY TIME!! Semester Break May 25 and June 1 WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Summer Semester June 8 - August 24, 2016 (no July 6) Semester Break August 31 and September 7 Music Notes April Music On Sunday, April 3rd, the Fox Chapel Ringers will offer the Prelude: an arrangement of the early American tune “The Morning Trumpet” and an arrangement of the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy!”. On Sunday, April 10th, we will have a combined service focusing on our children. Both the Children’s Choir and a choir of children from our pre-school will participate. On Sunday, April 17th at 4:00 pm, be sure not to miss our 33rd Annual Sponsorship Concert with the Fox Chapel Festival Chorus and the academy Chamber Orchestra (article below)! On Sunday, April 24th, our traditional service will feature both the Pittsburgh Ceremonial Brass and the season finale for the Children’s Choir. Special thanks to director Jenna Hayes and accompanist Connie Phillips for their leadership and dedication to the Children’s Choir. 33rd Annual Sponsorship Concert The 33rd Annual Sponsorship Concert will be on Sunday, April 17th at 4:00 pm. This year’s music features the elegant and exuberant music of the Viennese Classical Era. The two popular choral gems are the “Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo” of Franz Josef Haydn and the “Vesperae Solennes de Confessore” of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Haydn’s “Missa Brevis” is nicknamed “Small Organ Mass” because the organ has a soloistic role in the Benedictus movement. The profound “Vespers” of Mozart contains six movements – five based upon the traditional psalms used at Vespers and a concluding Magnificat – with the fifth movement “Laudate Dominum” being the most famous. Each choral work will be preceded by one of the festive Church Sonatas for organ, strings, trumpets and timpani by Mozart. The Fox Chapel Festival Chorus includes members of FCPC’s Chancel Choir as well as guests, including those from the Oakmont Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir and the Pittsburgh Concert Chorale. The Chorus will join with the Academy Chamber Orchestra, which this year will include six violins, two ‘cellos, one bass, two trumpets, three trombones, and timpani. Guy Russo directs the concert and David Billings plays the organ for it. The concert is free and an elegant reception in the Atrium will follow. This is a marvelous time to bring guests to our church. Please don’t miss this important annual event in our church’s music ministry! FCPC Special Musical Events Series 2016 +++++++++ Sunday, April 17 at 4:00 p.m. 33rd Annual Sponsorship Concert featuring Haydn’s “Little Organ Mass” and Mozart’s “Vespers”, K. 339 The Fox Chapel Festival Chorus and Soloists The Academy Chamber Orchestra Guy Russo, director David Billings, organist Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Pops Concert “I Could Have Danced All Night” With jazz combo Susan Medley, director Celebrating dance through music, including the Tango, the Charleston, and even country hoedown! Abbreviated Session Minutes for 2/28/16 Staff Reports: Lee – Pastoral care - Mike Phillips (and Mike is at the Session Retreat and doing better); Kim Power is home and recovering from her cardiac surgery; Mike Hails’ daughter is recovering from oral surgery; Judy Au has continuing health problems. Cathie – the Confirmation Class is pleased that their project of collecting items for refugees is going well. Delinda – just back from a lovely visit with her son and daughter-in-law in California. Delinda asks for prayers for her uncle who will have cardiac valve replacement on Monday. Doug – The High School group will join youth groups from Lebanon and Hebron at Flight Trampoline Park in Bridgeville for a fun gathering. The youth groups ask for approval to have at least one fund raiser to help support the cost of the summer camps. It was moved, seconded and passed to permit the youth to conduct a fundraiser. Session Action Items: Approval from Worship and Music Committee: For the sacrament of communion to be administered the first Sunday of each month, every Sunday at the 8:30 Cup and Loaf Service, Maundy Thursday, the Women's Retreat, the All Church Retreat and the Session Retreat. Approval from the Finance Committee: For the 2016 Unrestricted Endowment Disbursement / $52,590 – 50% each Deferred Maintenance and Mission. So ordered. For the Resolution of Authorization to Transact Official Business. So ordered. For the election of church officers: President – Linda Thier Vice President – Jay Mangold Secretary – Bradley Buchanan Treasurer – Shannon Watters Assistant Treasurer – David Bennett, III Assistant Treasurer – Jacqueline L. Longo Assistant Treasurer – Carolyn C. Meigs Assistant Treasurer – Lucille Monteleone Assistant Treasurer – Janet S. Ummer So ordered. For the approval of a stipend of $100 per week for the weeks that there is a youth group (annual estimate of $3400) to go to a valuable volunteer who has become an integral part of the youth ministry team. Funding would come from the Bagby Sphar Endowment Fund, which is designated for youth work. So ordered. For approval of the Amendment to Support and Endowment Trust of FCPC. So ordered. Friday Morning Book Group HAPPY SPRING!!! Friday Book Group April - May “Listening for God” Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith, Vol. I 9-10 AM FCPC Lounge - Please join us whenever you can! Flannery O’Connor, Frederick Buechner, Patricia Hampl, Raymond Carver, Annie Dillard, Alice Walker, Garrison Keilor, Richard Rodriguez Editors Paula S. Carlson and Peter S. Hawkins have compiled stories and essays from contemporary writers that reflect people's experience in dealing with life events: boredom, crises, losses, disappointments and unexpected touches of grace. Some sections are painful to read and others are funny or joyful (like life itself.) It is interesting that even in our secular society people still ask the questions Job asked and still try to find meaning for themselves like Abraham and Sarah. The editors provide brief bios for the writers and propose discussion questions that might be helpful in groups. It seems that the problems of being human have not changed greatly in the last few thousand years. Review by R. BULL on February 2, 2004. Treasures FCPC Men’s Group One by one he took them from me, all the things I valued most, until I was empty-handed; every glittering toy was lost. And I walked earth’s highways, grieving in my rags and poverty till I heard his voice inviting, “Lift your empty hands to me!” So I held my hands toward heaven, and he filled them with a store of his own transcendent riches, till they could contain no more. And at last I comprehended with my stupid mind and dull, that God could not pour his riches into hands already full! —Martha Snell Nicholson The FCPC Men’s Group meets the first Saturday of the month for breakfast, fellowship, devotions and encouragement. They meet at Eat-N-Park in the Waterworks from 7:30—8:30 a.m. April 2, 2016. Please plan to join us and bring along a friend. Men’s Prayer Fellowship Please join us for a time of prayer for our congregation, fellowship and small treats every Tuesday morning at 7:30, in the Lounge. Morning Men’s Group Everyone is welcome. Do you need a little Man Time? Join Chris Taylor Thursdays at 6:30 a.m. at Eat-n-Park in the Waterworks. Our Staff and Officers Pastoral Pastor, Chris Taylor, [email protected] Associate Pastor for Congregational Care, Lee Nichols, [email protected] Associate Pastor for Family Ministries, Cathie Smith, [email protected] Theological Student/Assistant for Pastoral Care, Kim Power Children and Youth Director of Educational Ministries, Delinda Donovan, [email protected] Coordinators of Church Childcare, Naomi Cannon, Lindsay Patterson Director of Ministries for Youth and their Families, Doug Hughes, [email protected] Preschool Director, Monica Hamilton, [email protected] Music Director of Music Ministries and Organist, David Billings, [email protected] Chancel Choir Director, Guy Russo, [email protected] H20 Worship Leader, Rob Krogh, [email protected] Director of Children’s Choir, Jenna Hayes, [email protected] Program Support Admin. Asst. for Congregational Life, Deacons & PW, Ruby J. Ralicki, [email protected], ext. 10 Admin. Asst. to the Senior Pastor, Penny Young, [email protected] Welcome Desk Monitors, Pete Waterkotte and Jack Toomey Finance Administrator, Cilla Bamford, [email protected] Maintenance Manager, Wayne Dailey, [email protected] Caretaker Supervisor, Mike Hails, [email protected] Caretaker, Greg Monteleone THE SESSION Class of 2016 Jeff Au, Laurie Culbertson, Skip Fox, Jay Mangold, Sue McCann, Karin Miller, Mike Phillips, Rob Strohm Class of 2017 Susan Bartlett, Astrid Bitzer, Bradley Buchanan, Sarah Jones, James Minor, Bryan Norman, Polly Swanson, Ivor Wood, III Class of 2018 Marion Ahlers, Don Boyd, Zelene Hutchison, Bill Johnson, Paul Privett, Linda Thier, Tom Walker, Shannon Watters THE BOARD OF DEACONS Class of 2016 John Campbell, Kim Chivinsky, Greg Fiorillo, Eva Havlicsek, D. J. Hammerschmidt, Brenda Karas, Tracey Mulert, Richard Sweringen, Emma Thomson, Malina Trozzo, Joanne Welsh, Michele Williams Class of 2017 Kim Bartolacci, Molly Childs, B. J. Ferguson, Libby Friend, Jennifer Greevy, Margaret Groninger, Judy Leininger, Amy Martin, John Musgrave, Steve Schultz Class of 2018 John Cullen, Carol Huff, Brian Jewart, Margot Johnjulio, Alexander Lawson, Oscar Lewis, Katie Nichols, Fay Powell, Anne Rockwell, Barbara Strohm Coming in May Saturday, May 7, Concert Chorale Pop Concert, 7:30 p.m.—Sanctuary and Atrium Sunday, May 8, 2016, Happy Mother’s Day Preschool Invitation We invite you to stop by our Preschool Art Show, in the Atrium, Saturday, April 9th through Thursday, April 14th. All the wonderful works of art, are created by our Preschool children and we couldn’t be prouder of each of their contributions. Our Art class will have a very special display this year which you surely won’t want to miss. Our Teacher Appreciation Worship Service will be held Sunday, April 10th at 10:00 a.m. Our PreKindergarten children will take part in the Bells presentation. They have been practicing very hard all year with Ms. Delinda. What a wonderful gift to all of us to have our children take part in this service. After the service, be sure to visit our Art Show. Christians live around the world, but gather at the foot of the cross. 384 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-8243 Fax: 412-967-9134 Website: www.fcpc.us Return Service Requested Dated Material — Do Not Hold PITTSBURGH, PA PERMIT NO. 564 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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