May 2016 newsletter
May 2016 newsletter
Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church 384 Fox Chapel Road U Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-8243 U Fax: 412-967-9134 Website: THE WINDOW VOLUME 64, NUMBER 5 MAY 2016 Coming in May Saturday, May 7, Concert Chorale Pop Concert, 7:30 p.m.— Sanctuary and Atrium Sunday, May 8, 2016, Happy Mother’s Day Articles due Monday, May 16, 2016 For the June newsletter to Ruby Ralicki. May Schedule 8:30 am 9:00-9:45 am 10:00 am 10:25-11:15 am 11:15-12:15 pm Cup and Loaf Worship Chapel Childcare (Birth to PreK) 109 Children’s Choir 208 (Kindergarten to Grade 5) First Hour Education Grades 7/8 - Pre-Confirmation Questions of Faith Lounge Traditional Worship Sanctuary Contemporary “H20” Worship Fellowship Hall Children’s Classes (Age 3-PreK, Grades K-4 and Grade 5/6) Children attend worship with their parents and then are dismissed to go to their classes. Age 3-PreK and Grades K-4 sign into class, as they enter H20 worship, then follow their shepherd, at the back of the worship space, to class. Traditional parents sign in Age 3 to Grade 4 children in the Narthex and follow their shepherd when dismissed from worship. Grades 5/6 goes directly to Room 306 where attendance is taken. Second Hour Education Childcare (Birth to 36 months) 109 Going Deeper with God (Age 3-PreK) 236/238 Creation Station (Grades K-5/6) 233 Note: children are welcome to the above age appropriate extended classes, giving parents a chance to participate in Adult offerings! Special Speaker Series (Adults) Chapel Worship Schedule May 1st—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Kelsey Denny—Chapel May 1st—10 a.m.—One Service—Confirmation—Kelsey Denny—Sanctuary May 8th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Lee Nichols—Chapel May 8th—10 a.m.—Traditional—Lee Nichols—Sanctuary May 8th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Lee Nichols—Fellowship Hall May 15th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Chris Taylor—Chapel May 15th—10 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary May 15th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall May 22nd—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Cathie Smith—Chapel May 22nd—10 am.—One Service—Cathie Smith—Sanctuary May 29th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf—Chris Taylor—Chapel May 29th—10 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary May 29th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall Pastors Thoughts Dear Friends, We are now in the fourth year of the five year Capital Campaign, and I thought you might appreciate an update on where we stand at this point. To date we have received $1,802,096 of the $2,464,722 that was pledged. That works out to about 73% of the total. Half of those who pledged have completed their pledge. In fact, a number of them actually exceeded what they had originally committed to which was a very pleasant surprise. A large number of those who remain have been very faithful in giving – making regular payments in order to fulfill their pledge by the end of 2017. Because of the campaign we have been able to address so many of the physical issues of our property. One of the biggest items on that list was repaving the parking lot and adding new lighting. The only two items that remain are updating our HVAC system (heating and air-conditioning), and the final phase of the organ re-leathering. The Buildings and Grounds Committee has received a number of bids for the former and the latter is already scheduled for this summer. I’m so grateful for the faithfulness of so many of you in supporting this campaign. A couple of years ago one of our members was kidding me, saying that my legacy here will be a parking lot. So it isn’t the most exciting thing, but to be honest I’m thrilled that we can address some of the underlying needs here and build a foundation for a strong, healthy and vibrant future. That, to me, is incredibly satisfying. Part of that foundation, of course, has been building our endowment. A large part of our Capital Campaign has been directed towards that end. Interest from our endowment is split between mission and deferred maintenance, and we will be in a much better place when that interest is finally able to cover our depreciation each year. At that point, we will be in a place where we can be sure the long-term physical needs of this facility will be provided for without having to make special appeals to the congregation. Thank you for your faithfulness! I feel very blessed to be a part of such a wonderful congregation. God’s many blessings to you all! Warmly, News from the Pews Welcome Entered the Church Triumphant For we know that if the earthly tent we live in were destroyed, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 Corinthians 5:1 The ministers and congregation extend their deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Dr. Richard Easler, who died on March 27, 2016, and Pam Linhart, who died on April 7, 2016. Babies Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” - Matthew 19:14 We want to join in celebration of the birth of Katherine Rose Noyes, on March 29, 2016, granddaughter of Jeff and Judy Au. Ginger Thomas Renee Wallace Please welcome Ginger Thomas as the new Coordinator of Worship Activities. Ginger, an ordained Methodist minister, and her husband, Roger Owens (who has been with us in worship in the past, and teaches at PTS,) have three children. Her hours will be 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., usually Monday through Thursday. Also welcome Renee Wallace as the new Administrative Assistant for Christian Nurture. Renee previously served as the Director of Children and Family Ministries at Hampton Presbyterian Church. Her husband, Brian, is the Associate Pastor for Youth at Hampton and they have two children. Her hours will also be 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Monday through Thursday. We are very pleased to have these two outstanding Christian women join our ministry at FCPC. They are located in the office across from the workroom. Please introduce yourself when you see them. US Open 2016 Can you volunteer with us during the 2016 US Open? Be a part of golf history while having a positive impact on struggling families. Anchorpoint Counseling has been given an opportunity to raise funds for client services by staffing a beverage tent at the 2016 US Open. Individual and group volunteers welcome. Invite a friend to volunteer with you. Pass this on and check with your church, small group or office. Reserve a shift to volunteer together. Volunteers Still Needed for the following Days: t t t t t t t Monday, June 13—1 spot for 11 a.m. to close Wednesday, June 15—2 spots for 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, June 16—2 spots for 11 a.m. to close Sunday, June 19—3 spots for 11 a.m. to close Call us at 412-366-1300 for more information and to reserve your volunteer spot for this exciting event. Priscilla Circle Priscilla Circle Wednesday, May 18 - 9:45 a.m. Oakmont Room, Longwood Lunch follows in the Grille at 11:30 a.m. Priscilla Circle meets on the third Wednesday of each month from September through May, in the Oakmont Room at Longwood. Women from various affiliations and both sides of the river attend and are welcome at this fellowship group. This year's theme is "Come to the Waters," and the lesson for May is chapter 9, "River of Life--Hope." Please read and ponder Revelation 21-22. Don't worry if you don't have a study book. Join us at any time. John's account is of God's visionary revelation to him of the New Jerusalem. The author of our study writes, "It is a powerful, hope-filled image of the end times in which there is plenty of water for all eternity." If you have a question or need a ride, call Kitty Skinner at 412406-7304 PLEASE HELP US TAKE ACTION BY ASKING PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATORS TO SUPPORT THE PALLIATIVE CARE AND HOSPICE EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACT [PCHETA] (H.R. 3119 / S. 2748) BY DOING ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: · · · · · Call Email Drop-by the district office Engage in social media on Twitter and/or Facebook Write a Letter to the Editor (LTE) of your local paper. You will find all the information that you need to advocate for this very important legislation on the Patient Quality of Life Coalition (PQLC) website: PPCC is a member of PQLC and is committed to assuring that all members of Congress are aware of the PCHETA bill and have signed on as supporters. This is a bipartisan bill that can have significant impact on the palliative care and hospice workforce across the country. H.R. 3119 / S. 2748, the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) would: · Establish Palliative Care and Hospice Education Centers · Establish fellowship programs to provide short-term intensive courses focused on palliative care · Create special preferences in nurse education law for hospice and palliative nursing · Establish a national campaign to inform patients about the benefits of palliative care · Direct the NIH to expand research in palliative care If you have questions or need more information, please contact Betsy Hawley, Executive Director, 412.963.8243 or [email protected]. Children’s Ministries Sunday Morning Opportunities Vacation Bible School May 1 Combined Service, Youth Sunday– Communion May 8 Regular Classes May 15 Regular Classes May 22 Regular Classes May 29 Memorial Day Weekend (Nursery & Age 3-PreK only) Childcare - Room 109 8:30 a.m. Infants-PreK 10:00 a.m. Infants-36 months 10:00 a.m. Contemporary or Traditional Worship Children begin in worship with their parents and then are excused to attend their age appropriate time in God’s Word 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. Children & Worship/Celebrate Ages 3 to PreK Rooms 236/238 May 1 Noah Obeys God/The Flood Genesis 7-8 May 8 God’s Covenant Genesis 6:9-9:29 May 15 The Work of the Holy Spirit Acts 2 May 22 The Sower Matt 13:3-8; Mark 4:3-8 Springs of Living Water - Rotation Model Grades K-4 Rooms 233 & 208 Amy’s Little Lambies (Grades K-1) “God Will Never Stop Loving Me” May 8 Ascension to Pentecost May 15 Ascension to Pentecost May 22 Ascension to Pentecost May 29 No Class (Memorial Day Weekend) July 11-15, 2016 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Cave Quest: Following Jesus the Light of the World AGE: Early Childhood - 4 or 5 years by September 1, 2016 (MUST be able to use the toilet independently) Elementary - entering Grades 1-6 in September 2016 (rising 6th Graders may apply for Junior Helper positions - rising 7th to 9th may apply for Counselor In Training (CIT) positions and rising 10th-12th may apply for Counselor positions) COST: First Child - $40.00 Second Child - $35.00 Three or more children - $80.00 maximum for family REGISTRATION: Begins - 9:00 a.m. Sunday, March 6, 2016 Ends - 12:00 noon, Sunday, June 12, 2016 An email will be sent confirming your registration. No refunds after June 12, 2016. May 1 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. 2nd Hour of Education - May 15 & 22 Childcare (Birth to PreK) Room: 109 Creation Station (Grades K-5/6)Room: 233 Grades 5/6 Connect Bible Study 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 - Room 306 NO CLASS COMMUNION The Apostle: The Law The Apostle: Grace The Apostle: The Cross (last class) MEET Jesus, GROW in your faith, CONNECT with Others We are: Forgiven Redeemed Empowered Saved His YOUTH GROUP! Sunday Nights in Youth Room MIDDLE SCHOOL (5:00-6:30) HIGH SCHOOL (7:00-8:30) MAY YOUTH GROUP DATES: May 1 - Combined Movie Event @ 3:30pm May 8 - NO Middle School or High School Youth Group (Mother’s Day) May 15 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group May 22 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group May 29—NO Middle School or High School Youth Group UPCOMING EVENTS: Sunday, May 1 - “God’s Not Dead” A Combined movie event. A devout Christian student must prove the existence of God or else his college philosophy professor will fail him. Friday, May 6, 7:00pm-9:00pm - MIDDLE SCHOOL trip to FunFest. $14 per person. Money/permission slips due Sunday, May 1. Friday, June 3 @ 7:05pm - HIGH SCHOOL Pirate Game. $25 per ticket. Money/permission slips due Sunday, May 15. SURF CITY 2016 High School: July 24 - 29 Middle School: August 7– 12 Get your forms and deposit in to hold your spot @ fcpcyouthgroup Director of Student Ministries: Doug Hughes Email: [email protected] Cell: 412-491-6260 (call or text) For more information about our youth ministry program please visit our information areas in the Red Tile Area and the bulletin board by the Fellowship Hall or visit the Adult Ministry Sunday Morning Special Speaker Series 11:15 am - 12:15 pm in the Chapel Special Speaker Calendar May 2016 May 1 No SSS— One Worship Service Youth Sunday Confirmation Commissioning Mark your calendars! Returning in the fall... Guest Bible Study Leader Steve Tuell Ph.D. May 8 No SSS - Mother’s Day May 15 Bonhoeffer’s Beloved Community: a Conversation on Community, Ritual and Mission with Paul Seif May 22 No SSS—One Service—Farewell to Pastor Cathie and a reception If you have any suggestions for the Special Speaker Series please see John Plakidas on Sunday mornings. John is Coordinator and Host of the Special Speaker Series! Summer Adult Bible Study TBA Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm during WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Pittsburgh Theological Seminary James A. Kelso Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia/ Hebrew Bible, 1989 M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary/Hebrew Bible, 1981 B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College Year: 1978 Major: Psychology and Religion Sunday, September 18th Dr. Tuell preaches at H20 September 25, October 9, 16, 23, 30, November 13, and 20 Special Speaker Series Bible Study on the Letter to the Ephesians WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Consecutive Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m. Winter/Spring Semester: January 6, 2016-May 18, 2016 (16 weeks) No classes: February 10 and March 23 Birth - 36 Months: Childcare Room: A-109 (childcare for parent(s) in Bible study/class reservations MUST be made in advance) Age 3 to Kindergarten: How Great Thou Art Rooms: A-233 (3 by Sept 1, 2015) Grades 1-5: Fellowship Hall How Great Thou Art Rooms: A-233 Fellowship Hall Curriculum used as a basis for these sessions is… Barbara Bruce’s Teaching Children the Bible Basics. May 4 The Greatest of These is Love May 11 Pentecost - The Birth of The Church May 18 Last Class of this Semester - PARTY TIME!! Semester Break May 25 and June 1 Mark Your Calendars for Summer Semester!! Adult Bible Study TBA WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Summer Semester June 8 - August 24, 2016 (no July 6 or 13 - VBS) Semester Break August 31 and September 7 Music Notes May Music As we celebrate the Day of Pentecost on Sunday, May 15th, the Pittsburgh Ceremonial Brass will once again join us for the 10 a.m. Sanctuary service. Please remember to wear red, the liturgical color for this major feast day in the church year. On Sunday, May 29th, the Fox Chapel Brass will join in the 10 a.m. Sanctuary service. The music will be primarily patriotic in observance of the Memorial Day weekend. This will also be the Chancel Choir’s last Sunday morning in worship before their summer break. Special thanks to all of these devoted musicians who have given so much to our worship throughout another year! Choral Pops Concert here on May 7th! The 100-voice Pittsburgh Concert Chorale will present its spring pops concert “I Could Have Danced All Night” here on Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. This concert celebrates dance through music with selections including the Charleston, the Tango, and country hoedowns, as well as dance tunes from shows and the radio. A jazz trio will accompany the Chorale. You’ll be tapping your toes and dancing in your seat! “Charleston,” “Tango to Evora,” Abba’s “Dancing Queen,” ahuge medley “Country Dances,” “The Varsity Drag,” a huge medley of more recent tunes including “YMCA” and Lady Gaga’s “Everybody Dance Now,” Rogers and Hammerstein’s “I Could Have Danced All Night,” “Step in Time,” and many more! Tickets are available at the door or at or at 412-635-7654. FCPC Special Musical Events Series 2016 +++++++++ Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Pops Concert “I Could Have Danced All Night” With jazz combo Susan Medley, director Celebrating dance through music, including the Tango, the Charleston, and even country hoedown! Abbreviated Session Minutes for 3/29/16 Staff Reports: Lee – Pastoral concerns: Jim Hastings died – Memorial Service is Friday, April 1 at 11 a.m., Dr. Richard Easler died March 27–the graveside service is March 31; Jeff and Judy Au on the birth of their grand-daughter, Katherine Rose Noyes, born today; Mike Phillips is better; Kim Power is doing well; Karin Miller – her niece and her husband need prayers following a difficult birth; Bill Johnson’s son, Brian will return in May and his daughter will be married in May Cathie – the Women’s Retreat is this weekend for 20 women; April 10 will be the Youth Service; May 1 will be confirmation. The Worship and Music committee is working on a better sign up system for serving communion. At the request of Marion Ahlers, Cathie circulated a sign-up sheet for April and May communion serving. Doug – March 18 was an all-night lock-in with Hebron Presbyterian and Lebanon Presbyterian at Flight Trampoline Park. A Parent Advisory team with 5 parents has started. Doug spoke at Cornerstone Christian Prep Chapel, Wilson Christian Academy Chapel and did a Bible study at Penn Hills Middle School. Delinda – The children made Easter cards for 52 people on the shut-ins/care list. There are 25-30 children at Wednesday Night Live. Plans are underway for Vacation Bible School – July 11-15 for children from age 4 (by Sept. 1) to entering 6th grade. Chris – explained a sheet detailing our Endowments. There will be an Intergenerational Ping Pong Tournament on Sunday, April 24 at 6:30 PM. Participants are asked to bring snacks and drinks and give a $10 donation. Clerk’s Report:The Confirmand Class needs four Elders to be a Commission to receive the Confirmation Class into Membership at a brunch on Saturday, April 30 from 11:30 – 12:30. Thanks to Jeff Au, Don Boyd, Bill Johnson and Mike Phillips for volunteering. Session Action Items: Approval from the Administration and Personnel committee: Approve the hiring of Renee Wallace as the part-time Christian Nurture Administrative Assistant. So Ordered. Approve the hire of Ginger Thomas as the part-time Coordinator for Worship Activities. So Ordered. Request to amend prior session action item. As previously approved by session, Delinda Donovan will go to part-time effective July 1, 2016. This part-time position will be 19 hours instead of 20 hours/week as previously approved. So Ordered. Other Business: Pending approval of the Christian Nurture and Finance Committees, the Youth committee requests to draw up to $5,000 from the Bagby Sphar Memorial Fund to invite Dr. Walt Mueller to speak in the spring of 2017. Dr. Mueller is a recognized expert on “Helping parents, youth workers, educators, pastors and others understand and reach today's youth culture”. The website is: It was moved, seconded and approved to pay up to $5,000 for Dr. Mueller to speak at FCPC. Friday Morning Book Group HAPPY SPRING!!! Friday Book Group April - May “Listening for God” Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith, Vol. I 9-10 AM FCPC Lounge - Please join us whenever you can! Flannery O’Connor, Frederick Buechner, Patricia Hampl, Raymond Carver, Annie Dillard, Alice Walker, Garrison Keilor, Richard Rodriguez Editors Paula S. Carlson and Peter S. Hawkins have compiled stories and essays from contemporary writers that reflect people's experience in dealing with life events: boredom, crises, losses, disappointments and unexpected touches of grace. Some sections are painful to read and others are funny or joyful (like life itself.) It is interesting that even in our secular society people still ask the questions Job asked and still try to find meaning for themselves like Abraham and Sarah. The editors provide brief bios for the writers and propose discussion questions that might be helpful in groups. It seems that the problems of being human have not changed greatly in the last few thousand years. Review by R. BULL on February 2, 2004. Quilt Have you been to the church office lately and noticed the beautiful quilt hanging on the wall? This brightly colored fabric art is the product of the old Prayers and Squares group, which is currently on hiatus. It took the hands and creative talents of more than a dozen women to shop, plan, and piece it together, as well as Wayne Dailey to hang it on display. On May 1, long prayer threads will be added and you will be invited to stop by the office anytime to say a prayer for our church and tie a knot, sealing your prayer into the quilt. Please join in this powerful ministry. FCPC Men’s Group The FCPC Men’s Group meets the first Saturday of the month for breakfast, fellowship, devotions and encouragement. They meet at Eat-N-Park in the Waterworks from 7:30—8:30 a.m. May 7, 2016. Please plan to join us and bring along a friend. Men’s Prayer Fellowship Please join us for a time of prayer for our congregation, fellowship and small treats every Tuesday morning at 7:30, in the Lounge. Morning Men’s Group Diane Donovan, Prayer and Squares Everyone is welcome. Do you need a little Man Time? Join Chris Taylor Thursdays at 6:30 a.m. at Eat-n-Park in the Waterworks. Our Staff and Officers Pastoral Pastor, Chris Taylor, [email protected] Associate Pastor for Congregational Care, Lee Nichols, [email protected] Associate Pastor for Family Ministries, Cathie Smith, [email protected] Theological Student/Assistant for Pastoral Care, Kim Power Children and Youth Director of Educational Ministries, Delinda Donovan, [email protected] Coordinators of Church Childcare, Naomi Cannon, Lindsay Patterson Director of Ministries for Youth and their Families, Doug Hughes, [email protected] Preschool Director, Monica Hamilton, [email protected] Music Director of Music Ministries and Organist, David Billings, [email protected] Chancel Choir Director, Guy Russo, [email protected] H20 Worship Leader, Rob Krogh, [email protected] Director of Children’s Choir, Jenna Hayes, [email protected] Program Support Admin. Asst. for Congregational Life, Deacons & PW, Ruby J. Ralicki, [email protected], ext. 10 Admin. Asst. to the Senior Pastor, Penny Young, [email protected] Administrative Assistant for Christian Nurture, Renee Wallace, [email protected] Coordinator for Worship Activities, Ginger Thomas, [email protected] Welcome Desk Monitors, Pete Waterkotte and Jack Toomey Finance Administrator, Cilla Bamford, [email protected] Maintenance Manager, Wayne Dailey, [email protected] Caretaker Supervisor, Mike Hails, [email protected] Caretaker, Greg Monteleone THE SESSION Class of 2016 Jeff Au, Laurie Culbertson, Skip Fox, Jay Mangold, Sue McCann, Karin Miller, Mike Phillips, Rob Strohm Class of 2017 Susan Bartlett, Astrid Bitzer, Bradley Buchanan, Sarah Jones, James Minor, Bryan Norman, Polly Swanson, Ivor Wood, III Class of 2018 Marion Ahlers, Don Boyd, Zelene Hutchison, Bill Johnson, Paul Privett, Linda Thier, Tom Walker, Shannon Watters THE BOARD OF DEACONS Class of 2016 John Campbell, Kim Chivinsky, Greg Fiorillo, Eva Havlicsek, D. J. Hammerschmidt, Brenda Karas, Tracey Mulert, Richard Sweringen, Emma Thomson, Malina Trozzo, Joanne Welsh, Michele Williams Class of 2017 Kim Bartolacci, Molly Childs, B. J. Ferguson, Libby Friend, Jennifer Greevy, Margaret Groninger, Judy Leininger, Amy Martin, John Musgrave, Steve Schultz Class of 2018 John Cullen, Carol Huff, Brian Jewart, Margot Johnjulio, Alexander Lawson, Oscar Lewis, Katie Nichols, Fay Powell, Anne Rockwell, Barbara Strohm Coming in June Sunday, June 12, 11:15 a.m., Pie Baking Contest—Atrium Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16 384 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-8243 Fax: 412-967-9134 Website: Return Service Requested Dated Material — Do Not Hold PITTSBURGH, PA PERMIT NO. 564 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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