2016 Preliminary Budget - Harrison County Schools
2016 Preliminary Budget - Harrison County Schools
The Harrison County Board of Education Clarksburg, West Virginia 26301 www.harcoboe.com Approved Annual Preliminary Budget of Harrison County Schools Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016 Table of Contents Organizational Overview....................................................................................................................... 1 Accounting Basis ................................................................................................................................... 4 Budget Process...................................................................................................................................... 6 Budget Calendar .............................................................................................................................. 8 Mission and Goals ................................................................................................................................. 9 Financial Summary-All Funds Combined ............................................................................................ 13 General Current Expense Fund ..................................................................................................... 14 Excess Levy Fund ........................................................................................................................... 29 Special Revenue Fund ................................................................................................................... 41 Capital Projects Fund .................................................................................................................... 48 Tax Information................................................................................................................................... 52 Excess Levy Details .............................................................................................................................. 54 Board Debt .......................................................................................................................................... 58 Budget Forecast .................................................................................................................................. 59 Student Information ........................................................................................................................... 62 Personnel Information ........................................................................................................................ 67 Personnel Pay Schedules .............................................................................................................. 72 Appendix/Addendums Assessed Values and Levy Order Rate Sheet ................................................................................. 79 Public School Support Final Computations .................................................................................... 84 Budget Requests ......................................................................................................................... 102 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 117 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 i Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 ii HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS One of West Virginia’s premier school districts, Harrison County Schools is the 7th largest school district in the state. There were 10,929 students enrolled as of the second month of the FY 15 school year in pre-school through 12th grade. There are thirteen elementary schools, five middle schools, five high schools, and one alternative school. There are two additional school sites, Pressley Ridge and United Technical Center, which serve other educational needs. Harrison County Schools is a major economic force within this region, with approximately 1,461 regular employees and a payroll of approximately $67 million dollars. Harrison County Schools is the second largest employer in the county (second to the FBI Center). The county covers 416 square miles and has a population of approximately 69,099 (as per 2010 US Census). Funds from this budget are used for materials to teach students, transport them to and from school, feed them breakfast and lunch, and maintain the school buildings and grounds. In addition, the budget provides salary and benefits for its employees, substitute reimbursement, staff training and other materials and equipment. Schools are also responsible for maintaining funds which are kept separate from the funds allocated in the annual budget document. The following summary provides highlights of the FY 16 budget (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016). Please note that throughout the budget document the fiscal year will be referenced by FY followed by the ending digits of the year. ORGANIZATION The Harrison County Board of Education (Board) is a corporation created under the authority of West Virginia Code §18-5-1 et seq. and is composed of five members nominated and elected by the voters of the county for four-year terms. The Board is responsible for the supervision and control of the county school district, subject to State statutes and the rules and regulation of the West Virginia State Board of Education. The executive and administrative functions of Harrison County Schools are mostly traditional and are organized into line and staff relationships that define official spans of authority and communication channels. However, there are many cross-departmental relationships that exist. The board members and top administrators are listed on the following page. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 1 CONTACT INFORMATION BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS President, Doug Hogue 7/1/12-6/30/16 304-623-2168 Vice President, Frank Devono, Jr. 7/1/14-6/30/18 304-933-3397 Member, Michael Daugherty 7/1/14-6/30/18 304-629-3560 Member, Gary Hamrick 7/1/12-6/30/16 304-844-0718 Member, Kristen Messenger 7/1/14-6/30/18 304-614-7998 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MEMBERS Employee Name Title/Position Dr. Mark Manchin Superintendent Wendy Imperial Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Superintendent Facilities & Support Staff Assistant Superintendent of Policy and Personnel Treasurer/Chief School Business Official Supervisor of Federal Programs Anthony Fratto Donna Hage Sharon Hinkle Lola Brown Vic Fisher Supervisor of Pupil Services Phone Number 304-326-7342 Email Address 304-326-7342 [email protected] 304-624-3390 [email protected] 304-326-7329 [email protected] 304-326-7344 [email protected] 304-326-7396 304-326-7360 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Harrison County Board of Education 408 E. B. Saunders Way Clarksburg, WV 26301 Phone 304-326-7300 www.harcoboe.com Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 2 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 3 ACCOUNTING BASIS GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) Statement 14 establishes the criteria for determining the governmental reporting entity and the component units that should be included within the reporting entity. Under provisions of this statement, the School Board is considered to be a primary government, since it is a separate legal entity, has its own elected governing body, and is fiscally independent of other local governments. The School Board has no component units, defined by GASB Statement 14 as other legally separate organizations for which the elected board members are financially accountable. The activities of the board are recorded in separate funds. Each fund is a separate set of selfbalancing accounts, which comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenue, and expenditures. The following fund types are maintained: General Current Expense Fund, Excess Levy Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Agency Funds. The General Current Expense and Excess Levy Funds are the main operating funds of the Board. The Special Revenue Fund accounts for all revenues attributable to state and federal grants and other revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. The Capital Projects Fund accounts for specific capital building projects. This budget does not include agency funds, which are used to account for assets that the Board holds for others in an agency capacity. These agencies include the United Technical Center, which is a multi-county vocational school and the Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) that provides a variety of educational and technical services to schools. These budgets are created and approved by their respective governing boards, which are distinctly separate from the Harrison County Board of Education, which is why they are not included with this budget document. The Harrison County Board of Education is solely responsible for the accounting processes and not budgetary matters. The Chart of Accounts presents a listing of the account codes that are used by all county boards of educations in the State of West Virginia for financial accounting and reporting purposes. The account codes have been designed to align closely with the account codes presented by the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES). The chart of accounts allows for the classification of financial transactions to facilitate the accumulation of revenues, expenditures and balance sheet accounts in the categories needed for required reports. They include (in order) fund, project, revenue source/program function/or balance sheet, object, location, cost center, subject, and expansion. Encumbrance accounting is employed in governmental funds. Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of the formal budgetary process. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are reported in the appropriate fund balance category (restricted, committed or assigned) since Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 4 they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments will be honored during the subsequent year. The governing body of each county board of education is responsible for the purchasing, receiving, safeguarding and disposal of all goods and services. This authority has been delegated to the Superintendent, the Treasurer, and the Purchasing Director. The West Virginia Department of Education Policy 8200 promulgates the rules for purchasing and can be reviewed at the following web address: http://apps.sos.wv.gov/adlaw/csr/readfile.aspx?DocId=23899&Format=PDF In addition, Harrison County Board of Education Policy 2206 and Policy 2210 establishes additional purchasing guidelines as required by WVDE Policy 8200. The Board participates in the WV State Purchasing Card Program (P-Card) which allows the board to receive the highest possible rebate offered to local governments (rebate schedules fluctuate with amount of expenditures). This process allows for an efficient method for streamlining the payment process while continuing meeting the established internal controls for procurement and payment of goods and services. It has reduced the volume of accounts payable transactions and associated administrative costs and has added discretionary funds for future expenditure. Harrison County Board of Education Policy 2213 further addresses the use of the P-Card. The Board is exposed to various risks or loss related to torts, theft, or damage to and destruction of assets, errors and omissions, injuries to employees, and natural disasters. The School Board, pursuant to the provisions of State law, participates in the following risk management programs administered by the State. The School Board participates in the West Virginia Board of Risk and Insurance Management (BRIM), a common risk insurance pool for all State agencies, component units, boards of education and other local governmental agencies who wish to participate. The School Board pays an annual premium to BRIM for its general insurance coverage. Fund underwriting and rate setting policies are established by BRIM. The cost of all coverage as determined by BRIM is paid by the participants. The BRIM risk pool retains the risk of the first $2 million per property event and purchases excess insurance on losses above that level. BRIM has $1 million per occurrence coverage maximum on all third-party liability claims. The School Board provides employees health and basic life insurance benefits through the Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA). PEIA was established by the State of West Virginia to provide a program of health and life insurance for employees of State agencies, institutions of higher learning, boards of education, and component units of the State. In addition, local governmental agencies and certain charitable and public service organizations may request to Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 5 be covered. PEIA provides a general employee benefit insurance program which includes hospital, surgical, major medical, prescription drug and basic life and accidental death. Fund underwriting and rate setting policies are established by the PEIA Finance Board. The cost of all coverage as determined by the Finance Board is paid by the participants. Beginning July 1, 2015, large employers, such as the Harrison County School Board, are required to expand health insurance coverage to individuals who work on average 30 hours or more per week and their dependents (excluding spouses). The board also offers dental and vision coverage through a self-insured plan that is administered by American Benefit Corporation. This benefit, which has minimal cost to employees, is funded by the excess levy. Traveler’s Insurance Company provides worker’s compensation coverage to the Harrison County Board of Education. The cost of all coverage as determined by Traveler’s Insurance Company is paid by the Board and they retain the risk related to the compensation of injured employees under the program. Worker’s Compensation is budgeted in the amount of $624,565, but may increase when all of the special revenue projects are developed in detail. BUDGET PROCESS Harrison County Schools utilizes the budget/financial process to help meet the county goals and objectives by providing funding in the areas of need that are identified throughout the budget. The budget is tied closely to the county board’s strategic plan in meeting the educational goals and objectives, particularly with the grant funds reported within the Special Revenue Fund. All boards of education within West Virginia are required by statute to prepare annual budgets and levy rate estimates on prescribed forms and submit these for approval. Budgets are presented on the modified accrual basis of accounting for all governmental funds but do not include amounts for other post-employment benefits billed by Public Employee Insurance Agency (PEIA) beyond the retiree subsidy (pay-as-you go) amount because only the retiree subsidy amounts are required to be remitted according to WVC 5-16d-6(e). The following procedures are followed in preparing the annual budget: 1. Pursuant to State statute, the School Board is required to hold a meeting or meetings between the seventh and twenty-eighth days of March to ascertain its financial condition and to determine the amount that is to be raised from the levy of taxes for the fiscal year commencing July 1. The School Board adjourns the meeting and submits its Schedule of Proposed Levy Rates to the State Auditor’s Office for approval. The School Board then reconvenes its meeting on the third Tuesday of April to formally lay the approved levy. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 6 2. The School Board is also required to submit its proposed budget for the subsequent year to the State Board of Education for approval by the date established in the budget calendar. The School Board is also required to hold a public hearing on the proposed budget before it is submitted for approval. The proposed budget must be made available for public inspection for at least 10 days before the public hearing is held. Revisions to the budget are authorized only with the prior written approval of the WVDE. According to the requirements of West Virginia Code §18-9B-10 county boards of education may expend funds or incur obligations only in accordance with the approved budget and expenditure schedule, and make transfers between items of appropriation or expenditure only with the prior written approval of the State Board of School Finance, whose duties have been transferred to the State Board (WVDE). In addition, the U.S. Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) contains requirements that local education agencies (LEAs) must follow in revising their approved budgets of federal programs. With exception to the required salaries and fringe benefits, each department head is responsible for requesting and managing their budgets. Allocations are made based on historical expenditures, needs, and requested funds. Budget requests may be submitted by each department head and other outside agencies. Schools and other interested parties, such as local school improvement councils (LSICs) are also encouraged to submit budget requests through the school principal. Budget requests are reviewed by the Superintendent and his administrative staff, and the Board of Education Members. There are two local board policies that address budgeting: Policy File 2101 Budget Preparation Procedures and Policy File 2102 Excess Levy Budget Planning – Staff Involvement (school allocations for excess levy funds only). Policy 2101 requires input from the board, administrative staff, teachers, service personnel and the public when formulating the budget. Policy 2102 dictates the procedures for schools to involve different representation when formulating excess levy fund expenditures at the school level. Any changes to the proposed budget after its adoption will be processed through the normal supplement and transfer procedures established by the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE). Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 7 BUDGET CALENDAR January 26, 2015 February 5, 2015 February 6, 2015 February 17, 2015 February 18, 2015 March 3, 2015 March 2, 2015 March 14, 2015 March 16, 2015 March 16, 2015 March 25, 2015 March 28, 2015 April 7, 2015 April 21, 2015 April 24, 2015 May 5, 2015 May 8, 2014 May 19, 2015 June 1, 2015 Work session with various administrators (facilities) – 8:30 a.m. Work session with various administrators (Asst. Supt) – 8:30 a.m. Budget requests due to Chief School Business Official Special meeting to review personnel as it relates to the budget – 5:00 p.m. Regular meeting to begin at 6:00 p.m. Work session with various administrators –8:30 a.m. Board of Education receives certificates of valuation from the County Assessor. Special meeting to review budget process with Board Members - 5:00 p.m. Regular sixty day legislative session ends. Special meeting to review budget with Board Members- 5:00 p.m. Statutory Meeting to ascertain the fiscal condition of the board and determine the amount to be raised by the levy of taxes. This session stands adjourned until the third Tuesday in April (April 21, 2015). Statutory meeting at 5:45 p.m. - Regular meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Projected release of final state aid computations Schedule of Proposed Levy Rate to State Auditor and State Board of Education. (No later than March 28, 2015) Special Meeting to review budget with Board Members- 5:00 p.m. Regular meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Reconvene the March 17, 2015 meeting to officially enter all levies, after having received approval from the state tax commissioner – 5:45 p.m. (Statutory meeting date). Regular meeting follows at 6:00 p.m. Copies of Levy Order and Rate Sheet must be forwarded to State Auditor and Office of School Finance. Special meeting with Board Members to review budget – 5:00 p.m. Regular meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Notice of budget hearing submitted to publisher to be published May 8, 2015 and May 18, 2015 (at least 10 days prior to hearing on May 19, 2015). Public hearing concerning the 2015-2016 budget. The board must also formally adopt the proposed budget pending approval by the State Board – 5:45 p.m. (regular meeting to follow at 6:00 p.m.). Proposed budget will be published after board approval, but will be available for review beginning May 5, 2014. Each county must electronically submit its proposed budget to the State Board for approval. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 8 MISSION AND GOALS The mission of the Harrison County Schools is to achieve excellence in education, through partnership with home and community, so that each student becomes • a life-long learner • a responsible citizen • a productive member of society. Harrison County Schools’ core beliefs reflect the system’s commitment to achieve educational excellence and include the following: • • • • • All students can succeed. Education is the shared responsibility of the school, families, and community. All schools should provide a healthy, safe, and drug-free environment. Everyone can be a lifelong learner and productive citizen. Everyone should demonstrate positive character, civility, and integrity. Harrison County Schools offers its students the finest in educational programming through a well-planned, comprehensive curriculum which is designed to meet the needs of all students at each developmental level. The Elementary Curriculum (K-5) begins with a dynamic, activity-oriented kindergarten program which introduces students to the wonders of their environment, gives them an appreciation for others and provides them with successful learning experiences. The program in grades 1-5 emphasizes activities through curricular and instructional practices that assure our young people leave the fifth grade able to read, write and solve mathematical problems. Learning occurs primarily through themes, projects and individualized learning opportunities that teachers plan to reflect children's interests and suggestions. The curriculum focuses on exploration, discovery and hands-on experiences. The learning process incorporates continuous progress while accommodating all learning styles, interests, developmental levels and needs, and involves a mix of individual, small group and whole group activities. Expanding on the creative learning that takes place in thirteen elementary schools, the Middle School Curriculum continues to meet student needs as they make the transition from elementary to high school. It offers concentrated instruction in the basic skills and gives particular attention to forming a sound academic foundation needed to meet the high expectations of our high schools. An advisor-advisee program maximizes contact between the students and their teachers. The teachers in interdisciplinary teams plan deliver and assess effective and exciting units of instruction. Exploratory classes expose students to new areas that would not have been as effective with traditional junior high scheduling. Reading is offered and emphasized throughout the middle school program as are multi-age grouping and interest-based instruction. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 9 During the eighth grade, students, with their guidance counselors and parents, develop a four year high school plan in one of three flexible programs, each of which leads to twenty-eight units of credit and graduation. The Adolescent Curriculum (9-12) offers students high quality programs which maintain high academic standards and expectations, allowing students choices as they prepare for productive careers. Every graduate will have the competencies necessary to succeed in the world of work or in post-secondary education. A Strategic Planning Committee has been established and is comprised of representation from all major stakeholders in the educational community. Committee members participate in a mid and end of year review of the actions steps to determine the extent of coverage and to determine which action steps to retain, revise, expand, and add to achieve our goals. In addition, focus groups provide an opportunity for professional growth and development. Harrison County’s Parent Advisory Committee also meets to offer input and suggestions for programs. The strategic plan is on file in the Superintendent’s Office for review. In addition to the employment of necessary personnel and routine facility maintenance needs, the following is a list of our goals that can be aligned and matched to the budget requests beginning on page 104. 1 - Create positive learning environments SMART Goal 1.1 - Create a learner-centered climate by increasing student engagement in higher-order thinking skills as reflected on the Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI) as measured by analysis of three data collections during the school year. SMART Goal 1.2 - Foster responsibility in students by having each student create two selfreflective, SMART goals (1 1earning and 1 behavior) for the school year as evidenced in their student data portfolio. SMART Goal 1.3 - Improve safety and health by reducing the number of accidents, injuries, and other safety-related violations as measured by student/employee accident reports, discipline reports, and health & fire inspections during the school year. SMART Goal 1.4 - Maintain or increase collaborative time for teachers to focus on student achievement, assessment, and data driven instruction, as evidenced by school schedules, agendas, minutes and sign-in sheets during the school year. 2 - Advance innovative technologies SMART Goal 2.1 - Provide access to the most modern and advanced computer technologies, Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 10 services and applications as measured by the student to computer ratio reflected in the Digital Divide Survey (DDS). SMART Goal 2.2 - Provide 100% of students with Cyber Safety instruction during the school year. SMART Goal 2.3 – Provide access to the most modern and advanced computer technologies, services, and applications for staff and supplemental access for students as measured by the Federal Programs Inventory and financial records. 3 - Maximize student achievement SMART Goal 3.1 - Review and approve School Strategic Plans measured by the Harrison County School Plan Rubric during the school year. SMART Goal 3.2 - Encourage data-driven decision making about teaching, learning, and intervention as measured by agendas and evaluations from data analysis sessions during the school year. SMART Goal 3.3 - Extend the School Strategic Plans of Focus and Support schools to identify root causes and set goals to improve student achievement as measured by WESTEST 2 and the High Quality Schools Data Collection System during the school year. SMART Goal 3.4 - Fulfill all requested needs of the identified 2013-2014 homeless students, as required by the McKinney-Vento Act, by providing the allowable Title I services as documented in the annual report and Title I financial records. SMART Goal 3.5 - The percentage of Harrison County Limited English Proficient (LEP) students making progress in English will increase by 2% as measured by Spring 2015 WESTELL (AMAO 1)(Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives), and the percentage of Harrison County LEP students attaining English proficiency as measured by Spring 2015 WESTELL will increase by 2% (AMAO II). SMART Goal 3.6 - Supplement the educational needs of all identified neglected and delinquent students as measured by services provided by the Title I Part D Grant Sub grant and the Title I Part A Neglected and Delinquent Set Aside records. SMART Goal 3.7 - Provide ongoing and embedded professional development as measured by the number of, and participation in high quality proposals in the My Learning Plan software. SMART Goal 3.8 - Achieve annual West Virginia Accountability Index System targets for each school as measured by proficiency in ELA and Math, student growth, closure of student subgroup gaps, attendance, and/or graduation rate. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 11 SMART Goal 3.9 - Recruit, retain, and retrain teachers to achieve 100% Highly Qualified status during the school year. SMART Goal 3.10 – Increase graduation rate to the state average from June 2014 to June 2015 as reflected in state accountability reports. 4 - Promote family, community, and school partnerships SMART Goal 4.1 - Create opportunities for parent involvement and increase community engagement as measured by the number of activities partnering Harrison County Schools and its community as measured by agendas, minutes (where applicable), and sign in sheets. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 12 FINANCIAL SUMMARY The total FY 16 budget for all funds is estimated at $123,175,688. This includes: General Current Expense Fund $79,968,344 Excess Levy Fund $25,518,241 Special Revenue Fund $17,689,103 The Capital Project Fund is not included in the preliminary budget because these projects are supplemented as they are received through the normal budget supplement process. Any projects that remain in that fund are re-established after the financial statements have been prepared. Of the budgeted amount for FY 16, approximately 65% is allocated for the general current expense fund, 21% for the excess levy fund, and 14% is for the special revenue fund. FY 14 BUDGET General Current Expense Fund 21% Special Revenue Fund 14% 65% Excess Levy Fund Capital Projects (no preliminary amount) The FY 16 budget includes revenue funds comprised of taxes, local, state, and federal funds, and other/inter-fund transfers. Taxes and state funds make up a large portion of the general current expense fund while state and federal funds are the main funding sources for the Special Revenue Fund. Excess levy funds are all derived from tax collections. Capital improvement funds, when included, consist mostly of state grants and inter-fund transfers from the general current expense fund. Other financing sources such as indirect costs and inter-fund transfers are also included as revenue. It should be noted that some special revenue fund grants are not included in the preliminary budget. These amounts are supplemented into the budget after the preliminary budget is adopted. In addition to salaries and benefits, funds are used to pay for the maintenance of facilities, transportation costs, utilities, services, insurance, supplies, textbooks, and equipment. Federal dollars support more targeted areas such as Child Nutrition, Title I and Special Education. Specifics of each fund included in the preliminary budget follow. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 13 GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE General Current Expense Fund - Summary of Revenue The General Current Expense Fund is the operating fund (combined with the Excess Levy Fund) of the Board and accounts for all revenues and expenditures not encompassed within other funds. The General Current Expense Fund deals with the general tax revenues and state funds allocated by the West Virginia state legislature. It also includes local and federal funds that are not obligated for specific purposes. The total general current expense fund budget for FY 16 is $79,968,344. The total regular taxes budgeted in FY 16 is $22,822,484. This amount is established by applying the rates set by the WV Legislature to the assessed property values. Of the regular taxes levied in FY 16, $20,598,318 is deducted for the local share of the Public School Support Program (PSSP). This local share amount is subtracted from the total basic foundation allowance to determine the State’s share that is appropriated to each county. Amounts are also budgeted for prior year and supplemental tax collections in the amount of $1,300,000. Miscellaneous local revenue includes $5,000 for tuition, $100,000 interest earned, $39,000 building rentals, $200,000 well proceeds, and other sources of local funds in the amount of $790,000. State support is evidenced by the Public School Support Program (PSSP) allocation of $36,293,428 and the state contributions for both public employee health insurance and retirement, in the amounts of $8,591,800 and $4,231,632, respectively. Federal reimbursement for the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs in which four of our five high schools participate is budgeted in the amount of $120,000. Indirect costs are also budgeted in the amount of $275,000. Medicaid reimbursement for services provided in the public schools is budgeted in the amount of $1,200,000. The future of Medicaid reimbursements is uncertain. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013, Medicaid school-based health services revenue was recognized in accordance with fee-for-service billing as in prior years by the Board. It appears that CMS has approved West Virginia’s School Based Health Services State Plan Amendment on November 25, 2014 with an effective date of July 1, 2014; however changes have and will be made to fee for service billings. There will also be an annual cost settlement that will compare the county’s computed cost based on the Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) against the Fee-for-Service billing paid. It is uncertain how this will affect the amount of funds received by the board at this time. As per directive from the WVDE, retirement funds paid on behalf of the board by the WVDE have not been included in the preliminary budget. This amount will be added during the year as a budget supplement and will show as a budget adjustment on the annual financial statements. This exclusion, which amounted to $12,596,343 in FY 15, drastically affects comparison of the total budget from FY 15 to FY 16. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 14 Lastly, the beginning fund balance, which is an estimated carryover amount from FY 15, is budgeted in the amount of $4,000,000 and balances the FY 16 budget. The following chart illustrates these revenues as described in the preceding narrative. GENERAL FUND REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Interstate Registration Taxes Public Utility Tax Loss Fund Tax Penalties and Interest Tuition Interest Rentals Well Proceeds Other Gov't Rebates Miscellaneous Local Accrued Local Revenue School Support PEIA Other Unrestricted State Other Restricted State For/On Behalf State Unrestricted Federal Medicaid Other Restricted Federal Proceeds from bond Inter-fund transfers Disposal of property Extraordinary Item Beginning Balance TOTAL FY 12* ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 ACTUAL $23,352,137 52,533 FY 15 Preliminary Budget $23,679,114 0 FY 16 Preliminary Budget $23,972,484 0 $39,117,366 146,994 $19,893,666 100,629 143,750 40,988 0 0 0 326,876 133,956 156,975 150,000 150,000 3,600 206,325 39,817 3,100 187,607 39,624 6,800 208,117 39,680 5,000 185,000 39,000 5,000 100,000 39,000 n/a 23,251 342,148 -503,215 n/a 83,874 638,826 -1,125,579 474,759 68,375 787,975 0 600,000 50,000 715,000 0 200,000 65,000 725,000 0 41,830,721 7,374,478 40,269,728 8,887,578 36,575,021 8,750,080 36,878,559 8,779,356 36,293,428 8,591,800 12,921 16,850 5,979 0 0 295 10,788 1,269 0 0 20,030,452 120,457 1,573,224 134 17,767,890 153,186 1,604,440 568 17,188,600 121,304 1,293,561 282 17,008,609 130,000 1,200,000 0 4,231,632 120,000 1,200,000 0 100,754 1,275,343 65,628 19,618,212 n/a $131,849,531 0 230,251 144,485 19,831 n/a $90,295,148 298,855 116,973 8,238 n/a $89,507,513 0 225,000 0 0 1,500,000 $91,144,638 0 275,000 0 0 4,000,000 $79,968,344 * Please note that FY 12 includes excess levy funds. These funds were placed in a separate fund beginning in FY 13. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 15 Notable items from the previous chart and below include: • Excess levy fund taxes were included in FY 12 in the amounts of $20,674,864. • Extraordinary revenue was reported in FY 12 that transferred the portion of the OPEB liability • • • • • attributable to personnel funded by the state school support program to the State of WV. Accrued local revenue is only for financial reporting purposes. The beginning balance is included for budgetary purposes only. FY 15 is the first year that the preliminary budget reflected proceeds from the Marcellus well. A lesser amount is predicted for FY 16 due to present revenue collections. FY 16 does not include the For/On Behalf State funds for retirement. These funds will be supplemented into the budget during the year rather than included in the beginning budget as per directive from the WVDE. This is a difference of approximately $12,596,343 when compared to FY 15. The total budget declined $11,176,294. The budget would have reflected an increase of $1,420,049 if the For/On Behalf State funds for retirement would have remained in the preliminary budget amounts for FY 16. General Current Expense Revenue Comparison Budget FY 16 Budget FY 15 Actual FY 14 0.36% 1.74% 33.25% 0.26% 1.47% 28.36% 64.65% 69.91% Interfund Transfer 0.46% 1.66% 28.12% 69.76% Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds Actual FY 13 Actual FY 12 0.42% 1.95% 23.47% 1.09% 1.28% 30.22% Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 74.17% 67.40% 16 General Current Expense – Summary of Expenditures by Function Code The majority of employee salaries (87%) are funded in the general current expense fund. There are approximately 875 (of 955) professional employees, including teachers, professional support staff, and administrators, and 399 (of 506) service employees funded in the general current expense fund as reported on the 2015 certified list. Salaries and benefits account for 82% of the general current expense fund and 60% of the excess levy fund. Approximately $8.9 million of salaries attributed to the general current expense fund is transferred to the excess levy fund to pay for the unfunded positions. The remaining funds in the general current expense fund are used to pay for the maintenance of facilities, transportation costs, utilities, services, insurance, supplies, and equipment. Instructional programs include salaries, benefits and fixed costs for regular education teachers, special education teachers and aides, vocational education teachers, kindergarten and preschool teachers and aides, substitutes, travel, and extra student ratio supplements. Also included are the driver’s education car rental costs and repairs in the amount of $19,500. As per board policy, mileage reimbursement has been set to equal the state reimbursement rate, which is currently .47 cents per mile for all employees. Travel is allocated throughout the various program accounts. A stipend of $1,000 is included for special education teachers for Medicaid billing services. Certain personal care aides also receive a stipend of $500 for Medicaid billing services. The total amount budgeted for Medicaid billing services is $231,884, which is included within the instruction, support service student, and transportation sections of the budget. The future of Medicaid reimbursements as they are calculated now is uncertain due to the changes being dictated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Other instructional programs include funding for ESL (English as a Second Language), and alternative (at risk) education programs, such as the alternative school, homebound services and after school detention. The total ESL program cost is budgeted for $236,813. Not all costs that directly relate to alternative education are budgeted in the instructional programs. The total in this series is $619,039, however, other costs integral to the alternative school are budgeted in applicable support service function codes (general administration, school administration, O&M plant etc.). The costs associated with regular homebound services are budgeted in the amount of $41,318. This is slightly higher than last year’s budget amount. Homebound services for special education students are provided by restricted state funding in the special revenue fund. After school detention for middle and high schools is budgeted in the amount of $2,800 per middle school and $5,180 per high school. The addition of elementary after school detention is new this year in the amount of $2,800 per school. The total after school detention cost is $76,300 excluding fixed costs. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 17 Community service programs, such as the payment of salaries for the energy express summer program is included in the amount of $21,999. Energy Express is an award winning summer reading and nutrition program for children living in rural and low-income communities. This is a program under the leadership of the WVU Extension Services 4-H Youth Development program. Most Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular expenditures are included in the Excess Levy Funds; however, the general fund includes funds in the amount of $10,000 for the use of the YMCA swimming facility for each county high school swim team. For the second year, funding for student concussion testing in accordance with the WV Secondary Schools Activities Commission in the amount of $7,400 is also included. Total instructional is $41,724,048. Student Support Services include salaries and benefits, supplies, substitutes, services, and travel for the attendance director, social worker, guidance counselors, and health nurses, speech therapists and psychologists. There is $15,000 budgeted for the county share of Medicaid billing services provided by the Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA). A stipend for Medicaid billing in the amount of $1,000 for speech therapists and psychologists is included with student support services. Total student support services $4,928,400. Instructional Staff Support Services provide administrative, technical, and logistical support to facilitate and enhance instruction, including salaries and benefits, substitute costs, supplies and travel for supervisors, curriculum coordinators and school librarians. Total instructional staff support services $2,012,418. General Administration Support Services provide salaries, benefits, liability insurance/deductibles, fidelity bonds, supplies, School Board Association dues, services, and travel of board members, superintendent, assistant superintendents of curriculum and facilities, and secretaries. Legal and audit fees are included in the amounts of $100,000 and $30,000, respectively. The legal expenses have been dramatically reduced from prior year amounts (less $75,000 from FY 15). Harrison County Board of Education Policy 3208 provides funding for 57 substitute days to attend professional meetings/conferences and 31 substitute days for service personnel to attend meetings/conferences are allocated as follows: West Virginia Education Association (WVEA) – 30 days, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) – 23 days, and Professional Educators – 4 days. Service WVEA – 3 days, West Virginia School Service Personnel Association -23 days, Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 18 and West Virginia United School Service Employees – 5 days. Conference expense funds for these organizations are not included in the budget. Total general administration support services $1,087,962. School Administration Support Services includes funds budgeted for school principals and secretaries, software, travel, report card printing and student accident insurance. Total school administration support services $5,476,347. Central Support Services covers the salary and benefits, supplies, travel, postage, advertising, software and hardware maintenance, and other expenditures for fiscal services, purchasing, warehousing, public information, personnel, and administrative technology services. Total central support services $1,676,042. Operations and Maintenance Support Services include salaries and benefits for the maintenance and custodial staff, and the administrator of safety/student discipline. It also includes substitute funds, contracted services, rentals, software maintenance, utilities, property insurance, flood insurance, building maintenance and custodial supplies and equipment, travel, and fire service fees. Contracted services include heating/ventilating/and air conditioning (HVAC), elevator repairs/inspections, pest control, phone maintenance, fire safety services, and lawn care. There is $13,000 budgeted for contracted athletic field cleanup services and $200,000 budgeted for contracted grass mowing. There is a continuation of $120,000 matching funds for resource officers at all high schools ($20,000 per location) included for FY 16. Service personnel receive numerous supplement salaries. There is $104,466 allotted for extracurricular custodial positions for the athletic fields and $50,000 (excluding fringe benefits) for temporary summer maintenance classification supplements. Also included are supplemental salaries/benefits for the summer paint crew ($68,008), carpet and tile crew ($74,190), and summer cleaning crew ($304,125) and the costs associated with the rental of school facilities to community groups, such as supplemental pay and benefits for custodians, budgeted in the amount of $103,403. Total operations and maintenance support services $11,799,954. Student Transportation Support Services include salaries and benefits of all regular and special education and vocational transportation personnel and expenditures for fuel, oil, tires, Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 19 contracted services, training, vehicle and liability insurance, crossing guards, travel, bus driver physicals, drug/alcohol screening, and transportation utility costs. In addition, applicable school bus aides are paid a stipend in the amount of $500 for Medicaid billing services. Bus trip supplemental pay is included in this series in the amount of $202,373. Bus driver training, as provided by RESA VII, is included for $25,000. Total student transportation support services $7,792,840. Food Service Operations are included with the Special Revenue Fund. However, expenses are charged to this program/function for rental agreements (cook wages) in the amount of $12,630. Community Services includes funding for the WVU Extension (4-H program) in the amount of $49,183 and funding for the Clarksburg/Harrison library in the amount of $200,000. These are the same amounts that were allocated last fiscal year. Total community services $249,183. Regular Facilities Acquisition and Construction includes funds provided by the well proceeds for Robert C Byrd’s field turf project in the amount of $200,000. Debt Service contains $95,114 budgeted for the payment for two of the Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB). These bonds were part of the funding for Mountaineer Middle School and other miscellaneous projects previously approved by the School Building Authority. The third QZAB, which pays for the completion of Lincoln Middle School, is funded with facility levy funds. Total debt service is $95,114. Transfers and Reserves include the local and state share of the child nutrition program in the amount of $2,734,454. This represents 81.5% of total program labor costs. It is our hope that food expenses will decrease as we proceed with construction of a new warehouse storage system for USDA Commodity Foods to reduce the delivery fees that are charged by our current providers. Also budgeted in this series is the amount established by the PSSP to fund extracurricular trips in the amount of $10,800. Funds for professional and service staff development in the amounts of $33,098 and $11,090 respectively, are also included. These funds will all be transferred to the Special Revenue Fund for expenditure. There is $100,000 set aside for various matching school projects that the board may select to fund. However, it should be noted that the West Virginia Department of Education Office of School Finance strongly recommends 3%-5% of the total budget be set aside as contingency Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 20 funds. There are no contingency funds but any carryover funds in excess of $4,000,000, which was included in this budget as a beginning balance, will be placed into the contingency line item after the annual financial statements have been completed or address any budget shortfalls that may occur. Total transfers and reserves is $2,888,406. The total general current expense fund budget for FY 16 is $79,968,344. The following chart illustrates the general current expenditures by function code. Function codes identify the function of the activities expenditure. Expenditures are reported on the annual and monthly financial statements by function code. Below is a chart that illustrates the FY 12, FY 13 and FY 14 actual expenditures and budget amounts for FY 15 and FY 16. Expenditures By FunctionGeneral Fund Instruction Support Services: Student Instruct Staff General Admin School Admin Central Services O&M Plant Transportation Other Service Food Service Op Community Svc Facilities Debt Services Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES FY 12 Actual* FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual FY 15 Preliminary Budget FY 16 Preliminary Budget 69,375,981 52,230,520 45,738,925 49,946,228 41,724,048 5,252,599 2,674,489 1,358,057 6,476,163 2,471,665 13,550,940 7,664,864 n/a 511,168 n/a 3,125,034 95,113 3,963,701 5,010,775 2,319,413 1,134,755 6,097,251 1,848,770 13,166,924 8,0830,65 n/a 293,240 n/a 0 95,113 2,252,730 5,063,887 2,058,571 1,237,954 6,012,876 1,862,393 12,482,477 8,105,300 21,870 14,329 250,387 0 155,113 2,372,116 5,617,657 2,345,725 1,270,574 6,197,286 1,952,258 12,485,685 8,713,490 25,000 101,692 n/a 0 95,114 2,393,929 4,928,400 2,012,418 1,087,962 5,476,347 1,676,042 11,799,954 7,792,840 25,000 12,630 249,183 200,000 95,114 2,888,406 116,519,774 92,532,556 85,376,200 91,144,638 79,968,344 * FY 12 includes excess levy funds totaling $26,978,697 that were not separated into a distinct fund until FY 13. Note that the decrease in FY 16 is mostly attributable to the exclusion of the unfunded retirement paid on the board’s behalf. The WVDE has changed the reporting requirements for this item. It is no longer included in the preliminary budget amounts beginning in FY 16. FY 15 included $12,596,343 as the unfunded retirement amount which was prorated into each function code. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 21 General Current Expense– Expenditures by Object Code Summary Object codes identify the type of service or commodity obtained as a result of a specific expenditure. The following is a narration of the FY 16 Budget by object code with detail descriptions. This is followed by a listing of object codes for actual expenditures in FY 12, FY 13 and FY 14 as well as budgets for FY 15 and FY 16. Comparisons are easily made when reviewing summary object codes. BUDGET NARRATIVE BY OBJECT CODE Professional Salaries (Obj. 11X) - $34,478,535 • $8,914,503 of professional salaries has been transferred to the levy fund for excess staff in relation to the funding formula and to balance the general fund budget to the expected revenues. • Professional salaries include reductions as per approved board actions regarding personnel for FY 16 and adequate amounts for certifications changes. • Includes amounts for supplemental pay and excess pupil pay based on historical data. • No extra funds set aside for future positions, if added. Service Salaries (Obj. 12X) - $13,276,494 • Includes reductions and changes as per approved board actions regarding personnel for FY 16 • Includes supplemental/overtime increases based on historical need and projected salary increases. PROFESSIONAL SUBSTITUTES (Obj. 13X) - $1,138,270 • Includes a decrease of $293,000 from the prior year based on historical expenses SERVICE SUBSTITUTES (Obj. 14X) - $616,640 • Includes an increase of $110,500 from the original FY 15 budgeted amount. FY 15 originally included budget cuts in several areas, but the funds were re-instated after the financial statements were completed. This amount restores funds to the historically needed levels. BOARD MEMBER SALARY (Obj. 17X) - $40,000 • Maximum number of meetings = 50 x 5 members x $160/meeting FIXED COSTS (Obj. 2xx) – see totals for each below • PEIA (group insurance-Obj. 21X)) and OPEB amounts are based on the allocation prepared by the WVDE $8,715,451. • Social security (Obj. 22X) is based on the generated needs from WVEIS calculations and amounts to satisfy other salary categories $4,264,559. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 22 • • • Retirement (Obj. 23X) is based on the needs from the WVEIS calculations and estimated amounts needed to satisfy other salary items. This does not include retirement contributions for the unfunded liability. These amounts will be supplemented in at a later date $5,060,209 Unemployment compensation (Obj. 25X) is based on historical data -$15,000. Please note that this varies greatly each year, depending on actual claims filed. Worker’s compensation (Obj. 26X) is based on the WVEIS calculations using rates similar to what is currently in place. Amounts from RESA and UTC, as well as Special Revenue Fund also will be added to this amount $486,779 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR SERVICES (Obj.32x) - $45,533 • This is the allocation paid to the 4-H extension service for the agent and program assistant’s salary and equipment reimbursement. The amount funded is the same as FY 15. OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Obj. 34X) - $289,600 • Audit services $30,000; Legal services $100,000 (REDUCED BY $75,000 FROM LAST YEAR); 3rd Party Administration for 408B Annuities $13,200; Public Relations $3,000; Misc. personnel needs $3,000; Misc. maintenance contracts $2,000; PRO Officers (high schools only) $120,000; Misc. transportation needs $5,000; and Concussion services $7,400. • Also includes $6,000 for employee drug testing (transportation requirement). TECHNICAL SERVICE (Obj. 35x) - $315,000 • Storage (web) for board meetings $1,000; Misc. Custodial $6,000, Misc. Maintenance contracts and services $300,000; Misc. security needs $3,000 and Misc. transportation $5,000. WATER/SEWAGE UTILITY (Obj. 41X) - $314,500 • Based on historical costs and proposed increases and includes all facilities such as schools, admin, athletic complexes, transportation terminals, and live on security $314,500. CLEANING SERVICE S (Obj. 42X) - $490,900 • Disposal Service based on historical costs, $277,900 • Contracted athletic field clean up at football fields, $13,000 • Contracted mowing services, $200,000 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE (Obj. 43X) - $137,200 • Misc. custodial needs $20,000; Misc. maintenance needs $10,000; Misc. transportation needs $80,000 & $10,000; DVR Service Agreements for schools $17,200. RENTALS (Obj. 44X) - $59,300 • Parking lots for County office and Norwood $9,800 • Driver’s Ed Cars for high schools $19,500 and Misc. maintenance needs $20,000 • YMCA pool use fee $10,000 (does not include payments from special education for rentals) Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 23 TO CONTRACTORS (Obj. 45X) - $200,000 • Includes funds appropriated from the well proceeds to support the RCB turf project. REGULAR STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES (Obj. 51X) - $10,000 • Paid to parents in lieu of additional bus routes $10,000 INSURANCE (Obj. 52X) - $710,600 • Property insurance $95,000, Vehicle insurance $55,000, Liability insurance $530,000, Fidelity Bonds $7,400, Flood insurance $3,200, Liability deductibles $20,000 – based on historical costs and projected increase due to claim activity. • Includes funds to purchase flood insurance for Bridgeport High School and Johnson Elementary School due to recent flood plain changes. COMMUNICATIONS (Obj. 53X) - $757,000 • Postage for county $43,000 – historical (decrease of $7,000 due to paperless initiatives) • Telephone Service $104,000 – historical (cell phone changes) • Data lines $610,000 – historical (e-rate reimbursement is considered within the revenue sources- miscellaneous local – Step 7 also has $60,000 that is in addition to this amount). This is slightly less due to bid results. ADVERTISING (Obj. 54X) - $9,500 • Legal requirements (budget/financials etc.) $4,000; Personnel $4,000; Maintenance $1,000; Transportation $500. PRINTING/BINDING (Obj. 55X) - $77,800 • Copy machines and other office equipment $77,800. A county wide initiative to bid copy machines will be in effect for FY 16 and should reflect a savings for county and school levy funds. TRAVEL (Obj. 58X) - $136,350 • In County travel: Itinerant/K home visit teachers $11,000; Pre-K home visits/itinerant $600; Attendance $2,200; Social Worker $2,000; Guidance itinerant $800; Nurses $4,000; Curriculum Coordinators $4,000; Supt office $500; Asst. Super Curriculum $1,500; Principal/Secretary $4,000; Audit staff $400; Purchasing $1,500; Personnel $600; WVEIS support $1,200; Network Admin/Technicians $27,500; Custodial $300; Safety $1,000; Testing $1,000; ESL $3,000; 4-H Reimbursement $3,650. • Out of County Travel: Teacher/Instruction $1,000; Attendance $1,000; Social Worker $1,000; Nursing $3,000; Curriculum Coordinators $5,500; Board Members $8,000; Superintendent $5,000; Asst. Superintendent Curriculum $3,000; Principal/Secretary $1,000; Business Office $2,800; Purchasing/Warehouse $1,800; Personnel $4,000; WVEIS support $1,800; Custodial $1,200; Safety $2,000; Maintenance $2,000; Transportation $3,000; Testing $500. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 24 • Out of State Travel – Nurses $2,500; Curriculum Coordinators $2,000; Superintendent $4,000; Asst. Superintendent Curriculum $2,000; Business Office $2,500; Purchasing $1,500; Personnel $1,000; Safety/Security $1,500; and Transportation $1,000. INTERAGENCY PURCHASED SERVICES (Obj. 59X) - $292,000 • RESA payment for Medicaid billing services $15,000; RESA legal $1,000; RESA Safety Services $20,000; RESA bus training $25,000; RESA other services $25,000; RESA speech therapy services $6,000. • Payments to public library $200,000. SUPPLIES (Obj. 61X) - $999,300 • Attendance $500; Social Worker $500; Nursing $7,500; Curriculum Specialists $2,000; Board $1,500; Superintendent Office $3,000; Asst. Superintendent Curriculum $500; School Admin $4,000; Business $4,000; Warehouse $3,000; Public Information $1,500; Personnel $5,000; Network support $500; Custodial office $800; Maintenance office $1,000; Safety/Security $33,000 (including camera replacements); and Transportation office $5,000. • Custodial Supplies $375,000 • Maintenance Supplies $550,000 ENERGY (Obj. 62X) - $2,437,400 • Natural Gas (all facilities including schools, admin, athletic complexes, transportation terminals, and live on security) $717,400 (increase of $128,400). • Electricity (all facilities including schools, admin, athletic complexes, transportation terminals, and live on security) $1,720,000 (increase of $5,000). SOFTWARE (Obj. 65X) - $253,568 • Board Docs $9,600; School Accounting $11,000; Finance/Personnel $22,000; E-Purchasing $20,000; Warehouse $6,900; Public Relations $968; Substitute/Payroll reporting $17,100; Maintenance/Facilities $11,000; Transportation $5,000. Funds for new bus routing software is also included $150,000. VEHICLE SUPPLIES (Obj. 66X) - $1,227,000 • Diesel Fuel $677,000 (same as FY 15) • Oils/Lubricants $88,000 • Tires/Tubes $70,000 • Vehicle Parts $367,000 • Other Vehicle Supplies $25,000 EQUIPMENT (LESS THAN $5000) (Obj. 69X) - $35,000 • Custodial $25,000; and Maintenance $10,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 25 OTHER OBJECTS (Obj. 81X) - $85,300 • SBA dues $7,500 • Fire Service Fees $73,500 • CDL reimbursements $1,800 • Fuel Tank Inspection Fees $1,500 • Other Maintenance fees $1,000 DEBT RELATED EXPENDITURES (Obj. 83X) - $95,114 • 2005 QZAB lease purchase payment $57,784 (completion date 5/1/19) • 2008 QZAB lease purchase payment $37,330 (completion date 10/26/22) • 2014 QZAB payment included with facility levy funds RESERVED FUNDS • Board Contingency Funds for matching projects $100,000 MISCELLANEOUS (Obj. 89X) - $9,000 • Instructional needs $5,000; Business $2,000; Transportation $2,000. INTERFUND TRANSFERS (Obj. 91X) - $2,789,442 • Transfer to Child Nutrition $2,734,454 • Transfer to Prof Staff Development $33,098 (as per WV Code) • Transfer to Service Staff Development $11,090 (as per WV Code) • Transfers to Instruction Trips $10,800 (as per WV Code) The total general current expense fund budget is $79,968,344. GENERAL FUND BY OBJECT CODE PROFESSIONAL SALARIES SERVICE SALARIES PROFESSIONAL SUBSTITUTE SERVICE SUBSTITUTE TEMPORARY WORKERS BOARD MEMBER SALARY GROUP INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT* UNEMPLOYMENT FY 12 ACTUAL* FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 ACTUAL FY 15 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 16 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 44,203,969 13,805,029 35,847,864 12,535,286 29,680,511 12,354,507 33,866,735 13,118,850 34,495,735 13,277,530 660,714 545,415 620,665 529,333 502,141 450,525 1,431,270 506,140 1,138,270 616,640 66,736 0 0 0 0 37,440 10,044,985 4,515,173 39,200 8,548,203 4,163,610 37,440 8,708,638 4,111,948 40,000 8,779,356 4,364,223 40,000 8,715,451 4,264,559 18,735,080 20,929 17,518,596 14,024 17,161,390 9,341 17,820,826 15,000 5,060,209 15,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 26 GENERAL FUND BY OBJECT CODE WORKERS COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR OTHER PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL SERVICE OTHER TECHNICAL SERVICE WATER/SEWAGE CLEANING SERVICE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE RENTALS TO CONTRACTORS PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TRANSPORT INSURANCE COMMUNICATIONS ADVERTISING PRINTING/BINDING TUITION TRAVEL PURCHASE SERVICE SUPPLIES ENERGY TEXTBOOKS SOFTWARE VEHICLE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT-LESS THAN $5000 EQUIPMENT-MORE THAN $5000 BUS REPLACEMENT DUES AND FEES JUDGEMENTS REDEMPTION OF PRINCIPAL RESERVED FOR CONTINGENCY MISCELLANEOUS INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL FY 12 ACTUAL* FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 ACTUAL FY 15 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 16 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 513,999 418,652 509,206 546,516 486,779 673,380 44,683 41,533 45,533 45,533 57,634 1,316,653 0 720,073 0 511,370 0 378,583 0 289,600 939,731 280,971 439,286 267,827 364,681 235,560 318,700 314,500 315,000 314,500 486,269 280,907 132,227 2,760,101 464,244 137,083 113,056 0 505,765 129,924 52,272 2,175 475,800 127,200 55,500 0 490,900 137,200 59,300 200,000 0 532,865 812,975 14,480 76,144 12,522 423,834 860,293 7,463 19,535 10,191 556,771 1,014,407 8,162 77,666 8,000 647,900 875,000 12,200 85,800 10,000 710,600 757,000 9,500 77,800 269,600 234,317 484,192 2,113,460 2,127,489 396,973 280,400 88,454 605,732 1,335,481 2,295,128 0 344,075 61,815 422,317 979,052 2,468,127 48 0 102,150 50,000 917,563 2,304,000 0 0 136,350 292,000 999,300 2,437,400 0 2,644,059 962,153 522,694 1,139,401 480,448 1,161,967 98,195 1,204,500 253,568 1,227,000 640,565 17,065 34,379 35,605 35,000 842,950 0 81,501 0 48,456 17,967 84,301 950 12,202 37,162 90,366 1,500 17,900 0 83,050 0 0 0 85,300 0 95,113 95,113 155,113 95,114 95,114 0 149,895 0 3,353 0 (280,611) 0 9,000 100,000 9,000 3,963,700 2,252,730 2,372,116 2,393,929 2,789,442 116,519,774 92,532,556 85,376,200 91,144,638 79,968,344 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 27 Note: *FY 12 included excess levy funds of $26,978,697. Excess levy expenditures were separated into a distinct fund beginning in FY 13. **Retirement includes the unfunded portion paid on our behalf by the WVDE in all years (actual and budgeted) except FY 16 budget. This amount will be budgeted at a later date as per WVDE directive. Budgeted Expenditures FY 16 General Fund Supplies/Equipment 6% Purchased Services 5% Other 7% Salaries/Benefits 82% Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 28 EXCESS LEVY FUNDS Excess Levy Funds – Summary of Revenue The FY 16 excess levy proceeds provide $25,518,241 in tax collections. This amount is determined by applying the rates that were established on November 2, 2010 to the current assessed tax values as provided by the county assessor. Additional revenues collected may be used for any of the stated levy call items or for the enrichment supplementation and improvement of educational services and/or facilities. These collections do not exceed 104% of prior year collections, excluding new property amounts as specified in the levy call thus eliminating the need to reduce rates. FY 12 ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL Taxes $21,252,088* $20,320,384 *Included with the general current expense fund FY 14 ACTUAL FY 15 BUDGET FY 16 BUDGET $25,817,806 $24,962,569 $25,518,241 Excess Levy Revenue 30,000,000 25,000,000 21,252,088 20,320,384 Actual FY 12 Actual FY 13 20,000,000 25,817,806 24,962,569 25,518,241 Actual FY 14 Budget FY 15 Budget FY 16 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Excess Levy Funds – Expenditures by Function Code Excess levy funds must be accounted for in accordance to the levy call. In addition to this, these funds are reported by function code for financial statement reporting purposes. Below is a chart that illustrates the FY 13 and FY 14 actual expenditures and the budget amounts for FY 15 and FY 16 by function code. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 29 Expenditures By FunctionLevy Fund* Instruction Support Services: Student Instruct Staff General Admin School Admin Central Services O&M Plant Transportation Food Service Op Community Facilities Debt Services Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES FY 12 Actual* FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual $19,537,688 FY 15 Preliminary Budget $18,029,691 FY 16 Preliminary Budget $17,556,078 n/a $25,987,329 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 214,407 235,234 24,894 278,114 1,132,267 728,912 394,659 190,055 0 1,323,900 0 1,001,516 256,543 402,015 25,332 289,836 1,097,187 1,001,248 430,938 169,365 0 975,485 0 3,008,632 253,968 249,963 28,562 290,152 922,035 1,044,426 664,665 195,773 200,000 329,000 133,334 2,621,000 255,507 348,439 24,091 304,002 913,972 878,092 444,924 196,103 0 2,552,100 709,933 1,335,000 n/a $ 20,279,396 $27,194,269 $ 24,962,569 $25,518,241 Note that no totals for FY 12 have been included since FY 13 was the first year that these expenditures were reported separately from the general current expense fund. EXCESS LEVY FUNDS – EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CODE Excess levy funds may also be shown by object code. Object codes identify the type of service or commodity obtained as a result of a specific expenditure. PROFESSIONAL SALARIES (Obj. 11X) - $12,625,508 • Includes $8,914,503 for salaries from the general fund • Medical allotment and extra-curricular pay SERVICE SALARIES (Obj. 12X) - $893,000 • Medical allotment and extra-curricular pay FIXED COSTS (Obj. 2xx) – see totals for each below • Dental/Optical Insurance (Obj. 21X) $1,115,400 • Social security (Obj. 22X) is based on the generated needs from WVEIS calculations and amounts to satisfy other salary categories $335,164. • Retirement (Obj. 23X) is based on the needs from the WVEIS calculations and estimated amounts needed to satisfy other salary items $424,500. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 30 • Worker’s compensation (Obj. 26X) is based on the WVEIS calculations using rates similar to what is currently in place $33,236. TECHNICAL SERVICES (Obj. 35X) - $121,600 • Technology Opportunity Labs $21,600 • Network maintenance upgrades $100,000 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE (Obj. 43X) - $225,000 • Asbestos abatement $100,000 • Miscellaneous technology renewals $125,000 TO CONTRACTORS (Obj. 45X) - $1,957,100 • Bridgeport bus lot paving $50,000 • Salem paving $60,000 • Liberty HS paving $30,000 • Hite field lights $160,000; Bridgeport HS lights $240,000 • Roofing – Kelly Miller $125,000; Lost Creek $40,000; Nutter Fort Primary $289,800; Nutter Fort Intermediate $191,700; Liberty $186,300; Lincoln $242,100; South Harrison HS $142,200; Alternative Learning Center $100,000 • Fire alarms – Bridgeport Middle $30,000; South Harrison HS $30,000 • Locker repairs – Washington Irving $20,000 • HVAC glycol – Lincoln $20,000 INSURANCE (Obj. 52X) - $35,000 • Student Accident Insurance COMMUNICATIONS (Obj. 53X) - $22,000 • Postage PRINTING/BINDING (Obj. 55X) - $167,400 • Duplication funds TRAVEL (Obj. 58X) - $146,000 • Extra-curricular transportation INTERAGENCY PURCHASED SERVICES (Obj. 59X) - $430,000 • Tuition payment to UTC SUPPLIES (Obj. 61X) - $1,530,907 • Teaching supply $412,907 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 31 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Band $100,000 Physical Education $25,000 Science $100,000 Art $40,000 Music $40,000 Theater $15,000 Preschool supplies $23,000 Library $145,000 School athletic facilities $300,000 Special Education $44,000 Guidance and Speech Therapy $16,000 Middle school sports $25,000 Consolidation of bus garage (phase 1) $245,000 TEXTBOOKS/WORKBOOKS - $1,613,093 • Assumes that $464,941 will be paid with carryover levy funds TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES (Obj. 65X) - $771,875 • Miscellaneous technology $46,175 • School technology allocation $323,700 • Computer repair parts $40,000 • Distance learning lab upgrades $100,000 • Miscellaneous matching grants $5,000 • South Harrison HS IPad covers $5,000 • Study Island software $5,000 • Accelerated math and reading $125,000 • IPads for science teachers $32,000 • VmWare update $50,000 • Software application licensing $40,000 EQUIPMENT (LESS THAN $5000) (Obj. 69X) - $221,525 • Elementary teacher laptop replacement $150,000 • Bridgeport and Lincoln AP IPads $71,525 LAND (Obj. 71X) - $50,000 • North View property EQUIPMENT (GREATER THAN $5000) (Obj. 73X) - $590,000 • Vehicles $65,000 • Warehouse upgrade $300,000 • SAN Augmentation $225,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 32 OTHER OBJECTS (Obj. 81X) - $709,933 • QZAB for completion of Lincoln Middle $133,334 • Energy Lease purchase $576,599 MISCELLANEOUS (Obj. 89X) - $165,000 • School allocation for free athletic admittance INTERFUND TRANSFERS (Obj. 91X) - $1,335,000 • SBA set aside for future project Below is a summary of the excess levy fund object codes for comparative purposes. Note that FY 12 figures are omitted because the levy funds were not separated from the general current expense fund for reporting purposes until FY 13. FY 12 ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL SALARIES SERVICE PERSONNEL SALARY PROFESSIONAL SUBSTITUTE GROUP INSURANCE n/a n/a $9,566,274 833,480 $15,542,229 1,162,453 n/a 8,034 n/a SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKERS COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICE EXCESS LEVY FUND BY OBJECT CODE FY 15 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 16 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 5,242 0 0 960,188 1,092,236 1,175,920 1,115,400 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 286,685 274,801 35,035 550 0 106,665 313,983 292,718 33,799 2,200 66,160 185,121 332,267 411,519 39,430 0 0 0 335,164 424,500 33,236 0 0 0 OTHER TECHNICAL SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE TO CONTRACTORS INSURANCE COMMUNICATIONS n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 171,141 50,360 108,257 1,357,625 35,652 16,111 77,278 43,120 97,784 671,264 36,021 15,750 121,600 0 100,000 329,000 35,000 21,600 121,600 0 225,000 1,957,100 35,000 22,000 ADVERTISING PRINTING/BINDING TRAVEL PUR SVC MISCELLANEOUS n/a n/a n/a n/a 170 57,451 151,999 866,974 0 72,754 179,323 382,258 0 169,600 146,000 630,000 0 167,400 146,000 430,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 $13,455,000 916,510 $12,625,508 893,000 33 FY 12 ACTUAL FY 13 ACTUAL FY 14 ACTUAL FY 15 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 16 PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUPPLIES TEXTBOOKS n/a n/a 1,000,220 437,379 1,010,284 1,455,940 1,584,612 566,650 1,530,907 1,613,093 TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT LESS THAN $5000 LAND n/a n/a 1,216,965 258,067 707,158 99,938 624,595 1,093,932 771,875 221,525 n/a 0 0 0 50,000 EQUIPMENT MORE THAN $5000 EQUIPMENT GREATER THAN $5000 DEBT SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS INTERFUND TRANSFERS n/a 1,312,799 450,626 290,000 590,000 n/a 0 19,144 0 0 n/a n/a n/a 0 165,000 1,001,516 0 170,854 3,008,632 133,334 165,000 2,621,000 709,933 165,000 1,335,000 $26,978,697 $ 20,279,396 $27,194,269 $ 24,962,569 $25,518,241 EXCESS LEVY FUND BY OBJECT CODE TOTAL Note –FY 12 totals are for comparative purposes. These amounts were reported in the general current expense fund. EXCESS LEVY FUNDS – EXPENDITURES BY LEVY CALL ITEM The following is a narrative description of the levy call items and the specifics that are included in the FY 16 budget for each call item. Individual school allotments can be found on page 39. Free textbooks, school and instructional equipment, technology hardware and software, and other instructional materials for all students provides free textbooks and maintains instructional and school equipment, office and other instructional materials, and technology hardware and software for all pupils, pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The following items are included in this category for FY 16 for a total of $2,233,000: • School allocations for site based budgets $379,535 • Postage for schools $22,000 • Microscope repairs for high schools $2,500 • Kindergarten report cards $2,000 • Replacement textbooks $50,000 • Elementary math textbooks $48,000 • Elementary English/Language Arts textbooks $987,030 ($464,941 will be paid with FY 15 levy carryover funds) • Elementary math workbooks $48,000 • Elementary handwriting books $85,000 • Elementary accelerated math $50,000 • Elementary accelerated reader $75,000 • High School Math 1-3 workbooks $25,500 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 34 • • • • • • High School Math 4 textbooks $3,500 High School skills acceleration $28,872 Secondary English/Language Arts textbooks $831,004 Study Island software $5,000 IPads for science teachers $32,000 Pre-K materials and supplies $23,000 Library books, library supplies, library technology, and audiovisual supplies and equipment provide library books, supplies, and technology and audiovisual supplies and equipment for all schools. Schools are allocated $145,000 based on student enrollment for site based budgets. Science supplies and equipment for classrooms and labs provides supplies and equipment for science programs in all schools in the amount of $20,000 for the elementary schools and an $80,000 total for the secondary schools. Schools are allotted $100,000 for site based budgets based on student enrollment. Special education provides materials and supplies for the special education program. Schools are allotted funds based on special educator teacher classifications in the total amount of $44,000 for site based budgets. Guidance and speech therapy provides materials and supplies for the guidance and speech therapy programs. Schools are allotted $8,000 for each based on employee assignments for a total of $16,000 for site based budgets. Band provides materials, equipment and transportation for the school band programs. Schools are allotted $100,000 based on band enrollment for site based budgets. Music provides materials and supplies for the music programs. Schools are allotted $40,000 for general music, choir, and strings based on student enrollment in these programs for site based budgets. Theater provides materials, supplies, and equipment for the high school theater arts programs. Each high school is given $3,000 for site based budgets for a total of $15,000. Physical education provides classroom supplies for physical education. Schools are allotted $25,000 based on school enrollment for site based budgets. Vocational education provides the share of Harrison County in the operational support of the United Technical Center. There is $430,000 for tuition payment to UTC, which is $20,000 more than what is allocated in the original levy call. Art instruction provides materials and supplies for the art instruction program. Schools are allotted a total of $40,000 for site based budgets. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 35 Support for extracurricular academic and athletic activities provides transportation costs for high schools at $11,000 per school plus $3/pupil, middle schools at $4,500 per school plus $3/pupil, and elementary schools at $3,000 per school plus $2/pupil. A total of $146,000 is allotted to schools for site based budgets. Buildings provide for maintenance, renovations, new construction, and equipment to school facilities as needed. The following is a list of detailed items included in the FY 16 budget for a total of $4,697,033 (amount excludes funds to be paid with ESG contingency funds): • Asbestos abatement for Liberty, South Harrison HS, and WI $100,000 • Paving – Bridgeport bus lot $50,000; Salem Elementary $60,000; Liberty High School $30,000 • Hite Field lights $160,000; Bridgeport HS lights $240,000 • Purchase land for North View Elementary $50,000 • Roof replacement – County Office $125,000; Lost Creek $40,000; Nutter Fort Primary $289,800; Nutter Fort Intermediate $191,700; Liberty HS $186,300; Lincoln HS $242,100; South Harrison HS $142,200; Alternative Learning Center $100,000 • New windows for Adamston (funded by ESG Contingency Fund) $40,000 • Fire alarm replacement – Bridgeport Middle $30,000; South Harrison HS $30,000 • Repair lockers at WI Middle $20,000 • HVAC glycol at Wi Middle (funded by ESG Contingency Fund) $20,000 • HVAC replace chiller at Liberty (funded by ESG Contingency Fund ) $90,000 • HVAC glycol at Lincoln HS $20,000 • Consolidation of bus terminals (phase 1) $245,000 • Warehouse upgrades for child nutrition supplies (USDA commodity) $300,000 • QZAB lease payment – Lincoln Middle $133,334 • Energy Lease payment $576,599 • Future SBA match $1,335,000 School buses and maintenance vehicles provide for the replacement of school buses and maintenance vehicles and the purchase of additional buses and maintenance vehicles required. The budget amount is $65,000. Athletic facilities’ improvements, renovations, and additions to indoor and outdoor athletic facilities provide improvements, renovations and additions to indoor and outdoor athletic facilities. Each high school is allotted $60,000 for a total of $300,000 for site based budgets. Technology provides computers, wiring, hardware and software, furniture, personnel and training, and electronic equipment for technological enhancement of the instructional and support programs. The following is a specific list of technology items in the budget for a total of $2,000,000: • School allocations for site based budgets $323,700 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 36 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Technology Opportunity Labs (continuation of funding) $21,600 Miscellaneous software renewals $125,000 Miscellaneous technology supplies/TIS salary coverage $46,175 Distance learning lab upgrades $100,000 Miscellaneous matching grant funds $5,000 South Harrison HS IPad case replacements $5,000 VMWare Update $50,000 Software application licensing $40,000 Elementary teacher replacement laptop (Macs) $150,000 BHS and Lincoln HS IPads for AP Students $71,525 SAN Augmentation $225,000 Professional Development training $100,000 Network maintenance upgrades $100,000 Computer service parts $40,000 Salaries for technicians $597,000 Duplication services and supplies provide duplication machinery and supplies at approximately $15 per student in grades Pre-K-12. There is $167,400 allotted to the schools based on school enrollment for this item. Student accident insurance provides student accident insurance for all students enrolled in Harrison County Schools. Student Accident Insurance is budgeted in the amount of $35,000. Middle school athletic supplies and equipment provides supplemental supplies and equipment for the middle school athletic programs. Each middle school is allotted $5,000 for a total of $25,000 for site based school budgets. Free admission to regular county sporting events provides funds to permit all middle and high school students enrolled in Harrison County Schools free admission to all regular county sporting events with proper student identification and to also provide all Harrison County residents 60 years and older free admission to all regular county sporting events in Harrison County with a school issued pass. Each middle and high school is allotted funds based on enrollment to offset the loss of athletic gate proceeds for a total of $165,000. Supplementation of the budget provides for the supplementation of the current operating budget of the Harrison County Board of Education to permit salary supplementation and benefits for all personnel employed by the Board. It also provides staff, if necessary to address enrollment increases, and/or reduced teacher/student ratio. There is a total of $14,729,808 that provides the following: salary supplementation, funding positions in excess of the state aid formula, medical allotment pay, incentive pay, dental and optical insurance, extra-curricular pay and all relevant benefit costs (social security, retirement and worker’s compensation). The total of the excess levy fund is $25,518,241. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 37 The following is comparative chart of the excess levy call items. Please note that encumbrance amounts are not included in the actual expenditure amounts listed below. All levy call items that are not expended during the fiscal year are carried forward to the following year for expenditure. It should be noted that FY 12 begins a new five year levy. Description of Call Texts/supplies Library supplies Science supplies Special Education supplies Guidance/Speech Therapy supplies Band supplies/travel+ Music/Theater + Physical Education Vocational Education tuition Art supplies Extra-Curricular Facility Improvements Vehicles Athletic Facilities Technology Duplication Student Accident Insurance Middle school athletic supplies Free admission to sporting events Salaries/ Benefits* TOTAL* Actual FY 12 (1 of 5 yrs.) $3,507,971 115,826 79,774 Actual FY 13 (2 of 5 years) $2,069,395 125,536 77,920 Actual FY 14 (3 of 5 years) $1,858,610 100,222 63,970 Budget FY 15 (4 of 5 years) $2,233,000 145,000 100,000 Budget FY 16 (5 of 5 years) $2,233,000 145,000 100,000 41,335 33,615 26,744 44,000 44,000 21,250 10,273 12,603 16,000 16,000 80,145 32,005 16,029 84,594 52,001 23,469 93,600 72,785 18,331 100,000 55,000 25,000 100,000 55,000 25,000 297,217 35,544 139,511 430,132 41,510 150,186 377,415 36,234 149,750 430,000 40,000 146,000 430,000 40,000 146,000 3,079,341 54,086 202,737 2,125,061 149,795 2,245,752 28,052 380,571 2,234,399 160,078 3,899,226 166,088 221,071 1,917,062 152,041 3,333,334 65,000 300,000 2,000,000 167,400 4,697,033 65,000 300,000 2,000,000 167,400 33,800 35,822 36,021 35,000 35,000 6,810 17,780 5,295 25,000 25,000 159,146 16,807,199 $21,252,088 165,000 11,954,298 $20,320,384 170,854 17,816,347 $27,194,269 165,000 15,537,835 $24,962,569 165,000 14,729,808 $25,518,241 *Expenditures in excess of levy proceeds collected for the year were deducted from salary supplementation/benefits category. The total reflects the actual amount received or the projected budget amount rather than the levy call amount. + Band, music, and theater each received an additional allotment of $20,000 for expenditure in FY 14. A detailed analysis of each levy call category allocated to the schools is as follows: Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 38 Adamston* Big Elm Johnson Lost Creek Lumberport El North View* Norwood Nutter Fort Pri Nutter Fort Inter Salem Elem Simpson West Milford Wilsonburg Teaching Supplies $ 9,450 $ 22,230 $ 17,460 $ 5,940 $ 10,080 $ 11,880 $ 10,080 $ 21,360 $ 16,710 $ 8,700 $ 12,750 $ 14,280 $ 6,990 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Library 4,608 6,783 5,972 4,011 4,716 5,022 4,716 6,635 5,844 4,481 5,170 5,430 4,190 Bridgeport Mid Lumberport Mid S Harrison Mid WI Middle Mountaineer Mid $ $ $ $ $ Bridgeport High Liberty High Lincoln High S Harrison High RCB High 23,766 15,944 10,578 22,104 18,514 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 26,499 21,760 22,260 18,290 30,110 $ $ $ $ $ Alt School Misc/Other $ $ 1,800 $ 1,853,465 $ Total $ 2,233,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Science 1,126 2,648 2,080 708 1,201 1,415 1,201 2,544 1,990 1,036 1,519 1,701 833 7,094 6,129 5,282 6,895 6,410 $ $ $ $ $ 9,697 8,767 8,868 8,088 10,192 $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ 145,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Sp Ed 2,803 2,360 1,475 738 1,328 1,623 1,180 2,065 2,360 1,475 885 1,770 1,033 Guid/Sp Ther $ 630 $ 1,270 $ 950 $ 320 $ 630 $ 320 $ 630 1,270 $ $ 950 $ 795 $ 630 $ 630 $ 475 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Band 873 1,133 1,042 834 1,120 860 1,016 $ $ $ $ $ 8,927 6,143 3,697 8,352 6,953 $ $ $ $ $ 1,770 1,770 885 2,803 2,508 $ $ $ $ $ 310 310 310 610 310 10,665 7,984 8,274 6,025 12,094 $ $ $ $ $ 1,776 2,960 2,368 1,480 2,960 $ $ $ $ $ 610 610 610 310 610 884 $ - $ 100,000 $ 444 $ 1,184 $ 44,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 $ 1,705 912 938 1,016 834 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Music 545 575 1,557 535 535 531 1,091 260 1,413 587 1,226 535 525 $ $ $ $ $ 7,475 7,700 4,300 7,025 7,625 $ $ $ $ $ 3,531 1,100 1,100 2,901 1,150 $ $ $ $ $ 9,988 10,588 12,540 8,588 11,888 $ $ $ $ $ 4,863 3,110 3,170 3,530 5,630 $ 40,000 300 $ 1,600 $ 16,000 $ Theater $ $ $ $ $ 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 - $ - $ - 100,000 $ 15,000 39 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Art 788 2,353 1,455 495 840 990 840 2,290 1,903 725 1,063 1,190 583 Bridgeport Mid Lumberport Mid S Harrison Mid WI Middle Mountaineer Mid $ $ $ $ $ 1,386 954 574 1,297 1,080 $ $ $ $ $ 2,040 1,568 1,153 1,943 1,705 $ $ $ $ $ 6,318 5,751 5,253 6,201 5,916 $ $ $ $ $ 17,150 12,425 8,275 16,175 13,800 $ $ $ $ $ 9,176 6,341 3,851 8,591 7,166 $ $ $ $ $ 7,272 5,004 3,012 6,804 5,664 $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ $ $ $ $ 101,215 76,139 53,270 96,701 83,801 Bridgeport High Liberty High Lincoln High S Harrison High RCB High $ $ $ $ $ 1,657 1,240 1,286 936 1,878 $ $ $ $ $ 3,151 3,450 3,600 2,375 3,500 $ $ $ $ $ 13,229 12,680 12,740 12,281 13,517 $ $ $ $ $ 20,100 15,550 16,050 12,225 22,525 $ $ $ $ $ 10,948 8,216 8,516 6,221 12,401 $ $ $ $ $ 32,507 24,317 25,216 18,332 36,872 $ $ $ $ $ 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 $ $ $ $ $ 208,690 184,232 188,498 161,681 227,177 Alt School Misc/Other $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ 7,828 3,532,549 Total $ 325,000 $ 5,559,400 25,000 $ 40,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Duplication 4,811 11,201 8,816 3,056 5,126 6,026 5,126 10,766 8,441 4,436 6,461 7,226 3,581 - $ - $ 144,000 $ 3,500 $ 1,676,300 $ 2,000,000 $ Ath Games n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Technology 9,875 20,525 16,550 6,950 10,400 11,900 10,400 19,800 15,925 9,250 12,625 13,900 7,825 Grand total 39,774 77,255 62,852 27,436 40,417 45,179 40,721 73,043 62,629 36,640 48,089 52,719 30,868 Adamston* Big Elm Johnson Lost Creek Lumberport El North View* Norwood Nutter Fort Pri Nutter Fort Inter Salem Elem Simpson West Milford Wilsonburg - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Ex Curr 3,590 4,482 4,164 3,396 3,672 3,752 3,672 4,424 4,114 3,580 3,850 3,952 3,466 MS Ath/ HS Fac n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Phy Ed 675 1,695 1,331 453 769 860 769 1,629 1,274 663 972 1,089 533 900 $ - $ 167,400 $ 165,000 $ *RECEIVES ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR GIFTED STUDENTS Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 40 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Special Revenue Fund- Summary of Revenue The Special Revenue Fund is part of the Board’s operating fund and accounts for all revenues attributable to state and federal grants and other revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. Only the major grants and those specified by the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) are included in the preliminary budget amounts. The grants included within the preliminary budget for the Special Revenue Fund is as follows. All other grants will be supplemented into the budget during the fiscal year as they are approved by the WVDE. Description Step 7 Instructional (State Aid)* State Aid for Exceptional Children Professional Staff Development Service Staff Development Bus Replacement Faculty Senate Academic Classroom Trips Advanced Placement 22nd Century Technology Alternative Education State English as Second Language Title II Title I Title I Neglected and Delinquent IDEA Part B IDEA Part B Preschool Title III (English Language Acquisition) Vocational Education-Carl Perkins Rural and Low Income Adult Basic (state) Adult Basic (federal) Child Nutrition TOTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY 15 Budget $1,595,893 210,702 33,391 11,041 757,388 163,036 12,216 18,397 498,070 193,084 4,843 712,907 4,100,702 50,460 2,440,838 103,422 24,444 106,916 202,092 66,500 58,050 6,681,938 $18,046,330 FY 16 Budget $1,690,133 192,841 33,098 11,089 483,433 163,786 10,800 20,383 672,906 193,203 Not available 700,252 3,856,592 Not available 2,564,758 103,422 Not available 129,136 Did not qualify RESA RESA 6,863,271 $17,689,103 *A detailed list of Step 7 projects is included at the end of this section. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 41 Local Sources State Sources Federal Sources Transfers Special Revenue Fund Revenue Summary* Actual Actual Actual Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue FY 15 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 $ 1,184,151 $ 448,556 $1,949,807 $ 1,235,356 3,086,008 4,613,888 3,403,826 3,507,913 13,923,073 10,823,837 10,029,990 10,909,132 2,144,194 2,314,795 2,419,498 2,393,929 Total $20,337,427 Description $ 18,180,864 $ 17,803,121 $ 18,046,330 Budget FY 16 $973,951 3,292,899 10,469,026 2,953,227 $17,689,103 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - REVENUE COMPARISONS 100% 90% 10.54% 12.72% 13.59% 13.34% 68.46% 59.53% 56.34% 60.81% 16.70% 80% 70% 60% 50% Interfund Transfer 59.18% 40% State Funds 30% 20% 10% 0% Federal Funds 15.17% 25.38% 19.12% Local Funds 19.55% 18.62% 10.95% 6.89% 5.51% 2.47% Actual FY 12 Actual FY 13 Actual FY 14 Budget FY 15 Budget FY 16 5.82% *Please note that the actual amounts include all grant revenues received during the fiscal year including ARRA funds (FY 12), and accrued amounts for financial reporting purposes. Budget amounts reflect only those projects as listed below. Special Revenue Fund Summary of Expenditures The grant amounts in the Special Revenue Fund budget are mostly estimates that were provided by various program administrators at the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) or are based on the current year grant amount. Many amounts are subject to change when the actual grant awards are received during the fiscal year. Salary and fixed costs for the budget expenditures have been estimated in the grants, as applicable, but may change after the actual grant award is received. Remaining budget amounts that have not been assigned to the appropriate account code are included in Other (Object code 8xx) as a reserve of funds. These amounts will be transferred through the normal Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 42 supplement/transfer procedure to the appropriate line items as approved by the Board and the WVDE after the grant award has been received and the budget has been approved. Estimated and actual amounts of all the special revenue grants included in the preliminary budget are listed below for comparative purposes. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION CODE By Function Instruction Support Services: Student Instruct Staff General Admin School Admin Central Services O&M Plant Transportation Food Service Op Community Svc Facilities Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES FY 12 Actual FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget $ 9,970,329 $ 7,990,041 $7,280,750 $ 5,829,114 $6,125,223 829,175 1,977,467 0 5,706 43,771 87,218 1,416,495 6,595,809 0 149,651 297,310 804,821 1,657,264 8,014 2,824 128,751 79,841 740,534 6,445,513 14,619 67,699 296,308 713,167 1,821,342 1,086 0 233,616 75,183 711,058 6,279,030 8,260 163,686 337,605 357,750 878,970 0 0 104,815 60,000 769,604 6,681,938 0 0 3,364,139 292,190 723,918 0 0 127,200 60,000 494,233 6,863,271 0 0 3,003,069 $20,387,501 $18,236,229 $17,624,783 $18,046,330 $17,689,104 The following chart illustrates the actual and budgeted expenditures by object code for the special revenue fund. Actual expenditures include all grant funds that were supplemented into the budget throughout the entire year while budget amounts include only those major grants that are included in the preliminary budget. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND – EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT CODE Description – Special Revenue Fund Employee Salaries (object code 1xx) Employee Fixed Costs/Benefits (object code 2xx) Purchased Professional and Technical Services (object code 3xx) FY 12 Actual FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget $7,726,212 $7,735,445 $7,394,280 $6,442,786 $6,236,415 2,413,810 2,528,410 2,302,870 2,194,645 2,118,652 960,742 528,067 538,828 142,147 168,473 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 43 Description – Special Revenue Fund Purchased Property Services (object code 4xx) Other Purchased Services (object code 5xx) Supplies (object code 6xx) Property/Equipment (object code 7xx) Other (object code 8xx) Other Transfers (object 9xx) TOTAL BUDGETSPECIAL REVENUE FUND FY 12 Actual FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget 61,926 76,422 208,840 0 0 645,267 5,163,891 1,192,154 5,043,222 1,183,512 4,744,909 855,177 4,440,048 733,098 4,895,964 763,938 2,516 113,404 797,864 58,550 296,308 888,792 25,147 337,605 807,388 3,364,139 0 533,433 3,003,069 0 $17,851,706 $18,256,442 $17,624,783 $18,046,330 $17,689,104 Notable expenditure differences reported by object code include: • ARRA Jobs for Education Funds in the amount of $2.5 million (mostly salaries) are included with the actual amounts in FY 12. Actual amounts also include all grants and the budget amounts include only those determined by the WVDE. • Budget amounts in the Other (Object code 8XX) category include the reservation of funds that is allocated to the appropriate line items after the grant award is received. The actual amounts reflect expenditures already classified in the appropriate category. SPECIAL REVENUE OBJECT CODE COMPARISONS 100% 90% 80% 0.65% 1.94% 1.92% 33.21% 31.99% 31.96% 9.34% 9.84% 10.96% 70% 60% 50% 18.64% 16.98% 29.08% 30.69% 5.53% 5.10% 40% 30% 20% 56.80% 56.22% 55.02% Transfers/Reserves Supplies/Equipment Purchased Services 46.75% 47.23% Salary/Benefits 10% 0% Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 44 SUMMARY OF STEP 7 (STATE AID) PROJECTS: FY 15 FY 16 Network Engineer (one position) 89,815 91,110 School Leadership - School Leadership Teams are used to create focused and coherent school-wide strategies to enhance student learning. They gather and analyze school-wide data, including achievement, climate and satisfaction data. They assist the principal in making decisions to govern the school through shared decision making to ensure focus on learning and continuous improvement. The SLT monitors the effectiveness of their school's strategic plan. 50,000 54,000 Intervention Support – Interventionists on both the elementary and middle school level work with academically at-risk students. They provide data-driven Tier 2 and Tier 3 skill instruction in both math and ELA. They have the ability to work either one-on-one or in small groups with students to increase their academic achievement. This project provides the funding to pay RESA VII for interventionists to work with students. 135,000 37,500 Fairs and Festivals - This project is continuing in nature and provides for the extension of learning beyond the classroom setting. This project provides for programs, such as, spelling bees, math field day, education fairs, and Youth and Government projects. 25,000 20,000 Advanced Education - This allocation will provide the necessary funds for the advanced educational programs, college courses, and intern programs. 150,000 150,000 Volunteers - Harrison County Schools has initiated a school volunteer program. This program is available to parents, grandparents, retired teachers or any individual who has an interest in assisting the school system and who has the demonstrated aptitude for such work to be performed. Volunteers assist teachers to achieve objectives by working with individual students or small groups to help them achieve the skill levels of the class as a whole. The volunteer never replaces professional staff, but rather allows a teacher to enrich and extend the educational program or provides another adult to work individually with children who need special attention. 1,500 1,500 Printing - This project will provide printing services to the individual schools for necessary instructional handouts and other necessary materials. 15,000 25,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 Doesn’t include HCBOE employees Includes $40,000 for stipends and/or materials 45 WVEIS Support - This project will help defray the costs of the necessary supplies, equipment, and phone lines needed to operate using the WVEIS state-wide operating system. Health Adoption - This will include the necessary funds to provide adoption materials and textbooks for K-12 Health. (FY 15 included funds for technology equipment for Lincoln Middle School) FY 15 FY 16 60,000 60,000 400,000 177,085 (technology for Lincoln Middle) Multi-Cultural Activities - Multicultural education is required by WVDE policy. Global competence is the knowledge, skills, and dispositions which focus on students' understanding and effective participation in their world, as well as issue of global significance that encourage multicultural understanding. This money supports activities that meet this WVDE policy goal. 10,000 TV Studio - This project will provide the necessary supplies and equipment to allow students to use the studio located at Robert C Byrd high school for filming and other related projects. This project will also provide the necessary supplies, equipment, and furniture to enhance the distance learning projects that have been established in the county. 5,000 5,000 Pre-K Collaborative - State Board Policy 2525 requires a minimum of 50% of Pre-K classrooms be collaborative with community partners, including child care and Head Start. This is the anticipated cost services provided as well as materials and supplies for this educational collaborative. 380,000 380,000 Teaching Supplies - This plan will provide for the necessary teaching supplies and materials for the students in Harrison County. This will also include funding to support Pressley Ridge School. 411,592 361,023 Middle School Summer Academy - The 7th and 8th graders who have not completed necessary skills to be successful to enter the 9th grade will be given an opportunity to attend summer school. This project will provide the necessary personnel and related costs for this program. 15,000 15,000 Credit Recovery - This is funding to provide assistance to students who have failed one or more high school courses. This will aid them in recovering credits and allow them to complete in their co-hort group. This will fund personnel and related costs of this program. 45,901 40,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 25,000 Includes new Italian curriculum 46 At Risk Screening - This will provide funding for a screening process for students who are having problems adjusting to situations at home and school that prevent them from leaning and causes classroom interruptions. This screening will take place at an outside agency to determine the nature of the problem and propose solutions to help the student learn. FY 15 FY 16 25,000 25,000 1,595,893 1,690,133 The total of the FY 15 Special Revenue Fund budget is $17,689,104. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 47 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Capital Project Fund- Summary of Revenue The capital project fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures of specific capital building projects. Revenues in the Capital Project Fund typically include School Building Authority (SBA) grants and other large construction projects. Recent projects include the South Harrison High School field house and bleacher project, the new Liberty Athletic Complex, construction a new Lumberport Elementary School (SBA project) and an addition at Nutter Fort Elementary School (SBA Project). In addition, the Board has completed a SBA Major Improvement Plan (MIP) grant for construction of a six classroom addition and the replacement of the kitchen and dining room at Simpson Elementary School. The Board contributed $1.7 million and the SBA contributed $1 million towards this project. It should be noted that excess levy proceeds allow the board to contribute local funds to these types of facility projects. Construction of the new Lincoln Middle School, which replaced Lumberport Middle School, was completed in 2015. This new school was built on the existing Lincoln High School campus and shares the kitchen and cafeteria area with the high school. This new facility was constructed using the design-build delivery method. The Board contributed approximately $6,000,000 to match the SBA share of $8,197,000. Of the local match, $2 million was in the form of a Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB). Lastly, the board entered into an $6 million Energy Savings Lease Purchase that will replace outdated existing lighting systems in all schools as well as minor HVAC upgrades. The amount of this payment is $576,599/year; however, this payment may be offset with guaranteed utility savings. Capital Project Revenues Local Sources State Sources Transfers/Other TOTAL REVENUE FY 12 Actual $ 219,738 2,662,321 1,820,010 $ 4,702,069 FY 13 Actual $0 $561,632 1,136,305 $ 1,697,937 FY 14 Actual $29,713 $5,609,699 $3,526,360 $9,165,772 FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Capital Project Fund – Summary of Expenditures by Function Code Expenditures are not budgeted in the capital improvement fund, but are carried forward as part of the year end close-out process. New projects are supplemented into the budget when they are approved. The expenditures below represent the following projects: Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 48 FY 12 – SBA Lumberport Elementary, SBA Safety Grant, SBA Simpson Addition, South Harrison High School field house and bleacher project, and the Liberty Athletic Complex. FY 13 – SBA Lumberport Elementary, SBA Safety Grant, SBA Nutter Fort addition, SBA Simpson addition, and South Harrison HS field house and bleachers. FY 14 – SBA Lincoln Middle (Design Build), SBA Nutter Fort addition, SBA Simpson addition Capital Expenditures By Function Facilities Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES FY 12 Actual FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget 4,763,747 700,000 1,505,900 129,480 10,942,773 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A $5,463,747 $1,635,380 $10,942,773 N/A N/A Capital Project Fund- Summary of Expenditures by Object Code Capital Expenditures By Object Professional Services Other Technical Services Rental of Equipment To Contractor Other Advertising Supplies Supplies- Maintenance Student Hardware Furniture and Fixtures Furniture (capital asset) Transfers TOTAL FY 12 Actual 284,601 16,658 FY 13 Actual 92,028 4,345 FY 14 Actual 593,624 0 FY 15 Budget N/A N/A FY 16 Budget N/A N/A 0 3,748,185 738 420,804 6,222 167,316 119,223 0 700,000 5,463,747 0 1,367,557 193 20,495 0 5,936 4,245 11,401 129,480 1,635,379 0 10,342,294 1,013 5,842 0 0 0 0 0 10,942,773 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Other Facility Information The Harrison County Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan is intended to serve the county school system in making decisions related to school facilities over the next ten year period. The CEFP was developed by a county wide planning committee representing a broad-based section of communities, parents, businesses, and educational professionals. This plan was Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 49 developed using a collection of demographic information, historic and projected enrollments, school facility evaluations, and other pertinent data. The CEFP plan document was approved by the Harrison County Board of Education on April 16, 2010 and amended October 18, 2011. This plan will be used to prioritize many projects. The Comprehensive Educational Facility Plan (CEFP) for 2010-2020 calls for several replacement schools and numerous facility upgrades/repairs. Most of these projects require substantial funding and will probably necessitate the passage of the school bond for completion. Bond funds, which would be obtained by a majority of voters during a special election, may be necessary for funding new schools. There are also funds available for “NEEDS” projects through the School Building Authority. PRIORITY PROJECTS WITHIN THE CEFP 2010-2020 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. New Lumberport Middle School – placed in bond call of May 14, 2011 and also placed in the January 21, 2012 bond call (both were defeated by the voters). A SBA NEEDS Project was approved in 2014 and construction of a new facility has been completed through the designbuild delivery method. SBA Funding $8,197,000 FY 13 Local allocation $ 996,000 FY 14 Local allocation $3,000,000 FY 15 Local allocation $1,321,000 FY 14/15 QZAB allocation $2,000,000 (15 year payback period) Change Order-Tennis $167,500 (City of Shinnston still owes $137,787.14) TOTAL BUDGET $15,681,500 Johnson Elementary School Renovations – revised to new school construction in the bond call of May 14, 2011 and also placed in the January 21, 2012 bond call (both were defeated by voters). Bridgeport High School Renovation New Norwood Elementary School New Lost Creek Elementary School –placed in bond call of May 14, 2011 and also placed in the January 21, 2012 bond call (both were defeated by the voters). No further action has been taken. Improvements to Adamston, North View, and Wilsonburg Elementary Schools. Washington Irving Middle School Renovations. Larger maintenance projects continue to be prioritized and placed into the budget for consideration. Many of these projects have been included in the Energy Audit being conducted by ESG, including items such as HVAC, and lighting upgrades. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 50 Roof repairs are a costly line item in the facility budget. Because of the aging schools, the roof repairs needed are numerous. Below is list of roof replacements based on a projected timeline for completion. This timeline may change but will serve as a budgeting tool for future use. Prices are estimated and may not be the actual prices used in the budgeting process. SCHEDULE OF PROJECTED ROOF REPAIRS SCHOOL SQ. FT. DESCRIPTION Salem Elementary Bridgeport High 35,200 1,900 FY 2015 All except new addition 1st addition Alt Learning Ctr. County Office Lost Creek Elem. Lost Creek Elem. Liberty High Lincoln High 14,300 FY 2016 Kitchen, Café, lobby, mechanics Nutter Fort Int. Nutter Fort Pri. So Harrison High 21,300 32,200 15,800 4,800 6,400 20,700 26,900 Gym and restroom UV protective coating 1995 addition Kitchen, auditorium, shops, band and new science wing Band and 2 story section Kitchen, café, gym, library & office Auditorium, kitchen and café Adamston Elem. Big Elm Elem. 6,150 17,200 Johnson Elem. 36,200 North View Elem. So Harrison Mi. Wilsonburg Elem. 16,000 38,000 11,300 FY 2017 Café, Pre-K, lower roofs Art, music, new wing, gym, library and café Library, old wing, 1st addition and new wing Gym and main roof Café, old east wing & new additions 1st & 2nd additions and gym Bridgeport Mi. RCB High RCB High RCB High RCB High 104,300 37,000 50,300 56,000 25,000 FY 2018 Entire School Gym, ROTC, kitchen, & mechanical Auditorium, band, music, café Classrooms Art, Home Ec., Dr. Ed and Misc. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 $/FT Estimated COST $8.80 $10.00 TOTAL FY 15 $310,000 $19,000 $329,000 $7.00 $9.00 $3.00 $9.00 $9.00 $100,000 $150,000 $43,000 $12,000 $186,300 $242,100 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 TOTAL FY 16 $191,700 $289,800 $142,200 $1,357,100 $10.00 $10.00 $61,500 $172,200 $12.00 $434,400 $12.00 $10.00 $10.00 TOTAL FY 17 $192,000 $380,000 $113,000 $1,353,100 $10.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 TOTAL FY 18 $1,043,000 $407,000 $553,300 $616,000 $275,000 $2,894,300 51 TAXES West Virginia property taxes are administered by county officials and officials of several State government agencies. Although the Department of Tax and Revenue plays a major role in the administration of this tax, less than one-half of one percent of the property tax collected goes to State government. The primary beneficiaries of the property tax are county boards of education. West Virginia law defines the following classes of property for tax purposes: Class I • • • Class II • • All tangible personal property used exclusively in agriculture, including horticulture and grazing; All products of agriculture, including livestock, while owned by the producer, and All notes, bonds, bills, and accounts receivable, stocks and any other intangible personal property All property owned, used and occupied by the owner exclusively for residential purposes, and All farms, including land used for horticulture and grazing, which are occupied and cultivated by their owners or bona fide tenants Class III Class IV All real and personal property situated outside of municipalities, exclusive of Classes I and II All real and personal property situated inside of municipalities, exclusive of Classes I and II HARRISON COUNTY TOTAL ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUES $4,100,000,000 $3,900,000,000 $3,700,000,000 $3,500,000,000 Assessed Property Values $3,300,000,000 $3,100,000,000 $2,900,000,000 $2,700,000,000 FY 12 FY 13 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 52 ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUES HISTORY Assessed Values Class I Property Class II Property Class III Property Class IV Property Total FY 12 FY 13 00 1,103,329,734 1,126,257,282 894,366,576 3,123,953,592 00 1,145,521,816 1,303,516,572 872,923,084 3,321,961,472 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 00 00 00 1,198,528,596 1,239,338,982 1,272,197,998 1,648,915,748 1,635,887,798 1,617,271,262 931,637,944 973,636,409 1,047,705,842 3,779,082,288 4,003,259,319 3,937,175,102 MARKET PROPERTY VALUES HISTORY (ASSUMING ASSESSED VALUES ARE ESTABLISHED AT 60% OF THE MARKET VALUE) Market Values Class I Property Class II Property Class III Property Class IV Property Total FY 12 00 1,765,327,574 1,802,011,651 1,403,986,522 4,971,325,747 FY 13 00 1,832,834,906 2,085,626,515 1,396,676,934 5,315,138,355 FY 14 00 1,917,645,754 2,638,265,198 1,490,620,710 6,046,531,662 FY 15 00 1,982,942,371 2,617,420,477 1,557,818,254 6,405,214,910 FY 16 00 2,035,516,797 2,587,634,019 1,676,329,347 6,299,480,163 The current expense rates that are applied to the assessed property values are established by the West Virginia Legislature. The excess levy rates were established by the voters in Harrison County on November 2, 2010 and are in effect for the period of July 2011 through June 2016. The excess levy call includes a roll-back feature to limit the increase of taxes received to 104% from the prior year using the assessed values for reduced (rolled back) levy rates, which excludes values attributable to back-tax property, homestead property, new construction and improvements, new personal, or new utilities properties. The excess levy projections exceed the original levy call by $5,749,556 for FY 16. These excess collections are expended in categories already included in the levy call. Class I property includes agricultural property and intangible personal property. Class II property includes residential property and farms, Class III and IV is all real and personal property exclusive of Classes I and II. Regular Levy Rates Class I 19.40 per $100 Class II 38.80 per $100 Class III and IV 77.60 per $100 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 Excess Levy Rates Class I 20.33 per $100 Class II 40.66 per $100 Class III and IV 81.32 per $100 53 Tax collections for regular and the excess levy are illustrated as follows. TAX COLLECTIONS $60,000,000 $48,791,683 $50,000,000 $49,379,451 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $39,734,986 $48,340,725 $41,626,026 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $0 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Projected FY 16 Projected EFFECT ON TAXPAYERS – REAL PROPERTY According to the 2010 US Census, there were 31,431 housing units in Harrison County as compared to 881,917 in the State of West Virginia. The home ownership rate in Harrison County was 73.1%. The median value of owner-occupied housing units 2005-2009 was $90,200. County Average Assessed Home Value is approximately $50,000 Current Expense (Regular) Levy Cost = $ 194/year Excess Levy Cost = $ 203/year Total Effect on Taxpayer for Home = $397/year EXCESS LEVY CALL PROVISIONS JULY 2011-JUNE 2016 An election to authorize continuation of additional levies for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2011, July 1, 2012, July 1, 2013, July 1, 2014, and July 1, 2015, in the approximate amount of $19,768,685 annually, net of allowances for discounts, delinquencies, exonerations, and the assessor’s valuation fund for the following purposes was approved on November 2, 2010: 1 Free textbooks, school and instructional equipment, technology hardware and software, and other instructional materials for all students. To provide free textbooks and to provide and maintain instructional and school equipment, office and other instructional materials, and technology hardware and software for all pupils, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, approximately $2,233,000 annually, for a total of about $11,165,000 for the five-year levy period. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 54 2 Library books, library supplies, library technology, and audiovisual supplies and equipment. To provide library books, supplies, and technology and audiovisual supplies and equipment for all schools, approximately $145,000 annually, for a total of about $725,000 for the five-year levy period. 3 Science supplies and equipment for classrooms and labs. To provide supplies and equipment for science programs in all schools in the amount of $20,000 for the elementary schools and an $80,000 total for the secondary schools, approximately, $100,000 annually, for a total of about $500,000 for the five-year levy period. 4 Special education. To provide materials and supplies for the special education program, approximately $44,000 annually, for a total of about $220,000 for the fiveyear period. 5 Guidance and speech therapy. To provide materials and supplies for the guidance and speech therapy programs, approximately $16,000 annually, for a total of about $80,000 for the five-year period. 6 Fine Arts. a. Band: To provide materials, equipment and transportation for the school band programs, approximately $100,000 annually, for a total of about $500,000 for the five-year levy period. b. Music. To provide materials and supplies for the music programs, approximately $40,000 annually, for a total of about $200,000 for the five-year levy period. c. Theater. To provide materials, supplies, and equipment for the high school theater arts programs, approximately $15,000 annually, for a total of about $75,000 for the five-year levy period. 7 Physical education. To provide classroom supplies for physical education, approximately $25,000 annually, for a total of about $125,000 for the five-year levy period. 8 Vocational education. To provide the share of Harrison County in the operational support of the United Technical Center at Gore, approximately $410,000 annually, for a total of about $2,050,000 for the five-year levy period. 9 Art instruction. To provide materials and supplies for the art instruction program, approximately $40,000 annually, for a total of about $200,000 for the five-year levy period. 10 Support for extracurricular academic and athletic activities. To provide transportation costs for high schools at $11,000 per school plus $3/pupil, middle schools at $4,500 per school plus $3/pupil, and elementary schools at $3,000 per school plus $2/pupil, approximately $146,000 annually, for a total of about $730,000 for the five-year levy period. 11 Buildings. To provide for maintenance, renovations, new construction, and equipment to school facilities as needed, approximately $1,500,000 annually, for a total of about $7,500,000 for the five-year levy period. 12 School buses and maintenance vehicles. To provide for the replacement of school buses and maintenance vehicles and the purchase of additional buses and Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 55 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 maintenance vehicles required, approximately $65,000 annually, for a total of about $325,000 for the five-year levy period. Athletic facilities’ improvements, renovations, and additions to indoor and outdoor athletic facilities. To provide improvements, renovations and additions to indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, approximately $300,000 annually, for a total of about $1,500,000 for the five-year levy period. Technology. To provide computers, wiring, hardware and software, furniture, personnel and training, and electronic equipment for technological enhancement of the instructional and support programs, approximately $2,000,000 annually, for a total of about $10,000,000 for the five-year period. Duplication services and supplies. To provide duplication machinery and supplies at approximately $15 per student in grades Pre-K-12, approximately $167,400 annually, for a total of about $837,000 for the five-year levy period. Student accident insurance. To provide student accident insurance for all students enrolled in Harrison County Schools, approximately $35,000 annually, for a total of about $175,000 for the five-year levy period. Middle school athletic supplies and equipment. To provide supplemental supplies and equipment for the middle school athletic programs, approximately $25,000 annually, for a total of about $125,000 for the five year levy period. Free admission to regular county sporting events. To provide funds to permit all middle and high school students enrolled in Harrison County Schools free admission to all regular county sporting events with proper student identification and to also provide all Harrison County residents 60 years and older free admission to all regular county sporting events in Harrison County with a school issued pass, approximately $165,000 annually, for a total of about $825,000 for the five-year levy period. Supplementation of the budget. Supplementation of the current operating budget of the Harrison County Board of Education to permit salary supplementation and benefits for all personnel employed by the Board. To provide staff, if necessary to address enrollment increases, and/or reduced teacher/student ratio, approximately $12,197,285 annually, for a total of about $60,986,425 for the five-year levy period. The total approximate amount necessary to carry out the above purposes is $19,768,685 annually net of allowances for discounts, delinquencies, exonerations, and the assessor’s valuation fund or a total approximate amount of $98,843,425 for the five-year levy period. All according to the order of the Board of Education of the County of Harrison entered on the 19th day of August. The continuation of additional levy shall be as follows: on Class I property, 20.33 cents, on Class II property, 40.66 cents, on Class III property, 81.32 cents, and on Class IV property 81.32 cents. The Board of Education of the County of Harrison reserves unto itself as the levying body the right and authority to reduce the rates of the excess levy if increased assessments would produce funds beyond projected needs in any year specified in the levy call in accordance with section six-g, article eight, chapter eleven of the West Virginia Code. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 56 For each fiscal year beginning on and after July 1, 2011, the Board of Education of the County of Harrison shall reduce the levy rate proportionately for all classes of property when increased assessed valuation, excluding appraisal or valuation due to new construction or improvements to existing real property, including beginning recovery of natural resources and newly acquired personal property, would cause an increase of more than four percent in the total projected property tax revenues from the previous year’s projected property tax revenues. In such event the levy rate shall be reduced so as to cause such rate to produce no more than one hundred four percent (104%) from all classes of property, excluding appraisal or valuation from recovery of natural resources and new acquired personal property, of the previous year’s projected property tax revenues from all property. The Board of Education of the County of Harrison is hereby authorized and empowered to expend, during the term of this levy, the surplus, if any, accruing in excess of the amounts needed for any of the above stated purposes, or for the enrichment, supplementation and improvement of educational services and/or facilities in the public schools. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 57 BOARD DEBT The Board has entered into four separate agreements for debt. Three of these agreements are pursuant to the provisions of federal legislation which authorizes the issuance of qualified zone academy bonds (QZABs) to financially assist with the school board with various projects and one is an energy savings contract as permitted by WV State Statute 18-5-9a. • 2005 QZAB completed construction of Mountaineer Middle School. This payment is due annually in the amount of $57,783.71 from May 1, 2005 through May 1, 2019. This payment is made from the General Current Expense Fund. • 2008 QZAB included heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and South Harrison exterior restoration projects in the amount of $500,000. This payment is due annually from October 26, 2008 through October 26, 2022 in the amount of $37,329.78. This payment is made from the General Current Expense Fund. • 2014 QZAB completed construction of the new Lincoln Middle School. This QZAB funding agreement is in the amount of $2 million and includes a 15 year lease purchase payback at 0% interest in the amount of $133,334/year. This will be paid using levy facility funds. • Energy savings, including lighting and HVAC at various schools for $5 million. This will be made in monthly installments (120 payments) through November 2024 and includes an interest rate of 2.9%. This will be paid using levy facility funds. 2005 $ 1 million QZAB 5/1/2015 5/1/2016 5/1/2017 5/1/2018 5/1/2019 Total 57,783.71 57,783.71 57,783.71 57,783.71 57,783.71 2008 $500,000 QZAB 10/26/2014 37,329.78 10/26/2015 37,329.78 10/26/2016 37,329.78 10/26/2017 37,329.78 10/26/2018 37,329.78 10/26/2019 37,329.78 10/26/2020 37,329.78 10/26/2121 37,329.78 10/26/2122 37,329.78 $288,918.55 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 $55,968.02 2014 $2 million QZAB 2015 $5 million Lease Purchase 3/15/2015 $133,334 2014 48,049.91 3/15/2016 $133,334 2015 576,598.92 3/15/2017 $133,334 2016 576,598.92 3/15/2018 $133,334 2017 576,598.92 3/15/2019 $133,334 2018 576,598.92 3/15/2020 $133,333 2019 576,598.92 3/15/2021 $133,333 2020 576,598.92 3/15/2022 $133,333 2021 576,598.92 3/15/2023 $133,333 2022 576,598.92 3/15/2024 $133,333 2023 528,549.01 3/15/2025 $133,333 3/15/2026 $133,333 3/15/2027 $133,333 3/15/2028 $133,333 3/15/2029 $133,333 $2,000,000 $5,765,989.20 58 BUDGET FORECAST The carryover fund balance of the general current expense fund, which should be of most concern to the board, consists of the unassigned fund balance plus the OPEB liability (because it is not required to be remitted to the state). This balance was formerly referred to as the unreserved fund balance. The “unreserved fund balance” or “carryover fund balance” has annually exceeded $1 million dollars since the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. $10,000,000 $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 $9,028,726 $8,540,453 $7,951,036 $5,518,881 $5,170,017 $4,000,000 $2,732,578 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 projected Carryover Fund Balance The carryover fund balance is expected to decrease or remain low in the future if major facility projects continue to be addressed without a bond for funding. These carryover funds are used to help balance the payroll expenditures in the following year, as well as have funds set aside for contingency and/or matching SBA facility funds. Lastly, the WVDE recommends that 3-5% of the budget be placed into contingency. However, the Board currently has no funds for contingencies. If additional funds become available after the financial statements have been completed, it will be recommended that these funds be supplemented into the contingency line item. The excess levy supports the employment of staff in addition to what is funded by the state. It is important that the board keep employment numbers from increasing. However, as enrollment decreases in the county, the number of personnel funded by the state also decreases, which increases the cost of staffing in the excess levy. Reductions in Force for personnel have been avoided by using attrition and placing employees on the transfer list. Major facility expenditures also contribute to the lack of contingency funds set aside. These expenditures include significant contributions of local funds to match School Building Authority grants. In addition, the board has also used local dollars for numerous athletic complex enhancements that are not supported by SBA grant funds. The board currently maintains six separate athletic complexes in the county. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 59 Although it is difficult to forecast revenues and expenditures beyond the current year, the following chart is an attempt to demonstrate future ending balances. Many uncontrolled factors affect each year’s revenue and expenditures. Tax collections, state raises and benefit changes, unfunded mandates and inflation are some of the examples that affect both revenues and expenditures of which the board has no control. In addition, the staff relies on the board for many decisions that have a financial impact on future years which cannot be predicted in these forecasted amounts. The following chart represents ACTUAL revenues and expenditures from FY 11 through FY 14, budget amounts for FY 15 and FY 16 and projected amounts for FY 17 through FY 19 using a growth trend analysis whereby y=b*m^x. This projection does not take into consideration large construction projects. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 60 BUDGET FORECAST – GENERAL AND EXCESS LEVY FUND COMBINED YTD FY 11 YTD FY 12 YTD FY 13 YTD FY 14 BUDGET FY 15 BUDGET FY 16 FORECAST FY 17 FORECAST FY 18 FORECAST FY 19 REVENUE LOCAL 41,935,339 39,846,911 43,703,943 51,022,307 50,385,683 50,774,725 54,520,084 56,925,799 59,331,515 STATE 65,601,936 69,248,867 66,952,834 50,247,802 62,666,524 49,116,860 51,389,444 56,341,289 54,545,086 1,312,913 1,693,815 1,758,194 1,486,152 1,330,000 1,320,000 1,350,707 1,312,763 1,274,818 220,842 1,441,726 339,451 415,828 225,000 275,000 158,359 62,979 32,401 EXTRAORDINARY 0 19,618,212 19,832 8,238 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE 109,071,029 131,849,531 112,774,253 115,453,475 114,607,207 101,486,585 107,418,594 114,642,830 115,119,019 FEDERAL OTHER EXPENDITURES SALARY 54,182,929 59,319,303 59,979,683 59,735,050 63,334,505 63,068,447 65,576,000 67,175,463 68,774,926 BENEFITS 43,835,672 41,781,326 32,165,385 32,233,259 33,485,057 20,450,298 16,694,359 15,099,560 13,504,761 PUR PROF/TECH SVC 1,955,587 2,987,397 1,482,397 1,248,343 864,416 771,733 PUR PROPERTY SVC 2,574,863 3,940,475 2,498,452 1,737,863 1,402,000 3,109,000 299,419 1,973,243 -58,360 1,810,233 -416,139 1,647,224 OTHER SVC 2,445,756 2,424,574 3,425,253 3,181,509 2,783,250 2,793,650 3,099,596 3,173,037 3,246,477 SUPPLIES 9,355,410 8,884,699 8,222,401 8,397,341 8,429,652 9,089,668 8,477,971 8,406,002 8,334,033 489,838 842,950 1,379,221 519,134 307,900 640,000 525,064 476,081 427,097 1,108,374 1,256,900 PROPERTY 177,762 326,509 348,716 137,223 485,498 1,164,347 959,849 3,361,943 3,963,700 3,254,246 5,380,748 5,014,929 4,399,442 5,275,936 5,575,013 5,874,090 TOTAL EXPEND 118,379,761 124,470,933 112,755,753 112,570,470 116,107,207 105,486,585 102,881,437 102,765,403 102,649,368 REVENUE LESS EXPENDITURES -9,308,732 7,378,598 18,500 2,883,005 -1,500,000 -4,000,000 4,537,157 11,877,427 12,469,651 OTHER OBJECTS TRANSFERS State revenue forecasted amounts and forecasted benefit amounts exclude any amounts paid on behalf by the WVDE for unfunded retirement. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 61 STUDENT INFORMATION ENROLLMENT Enrollment continues to be a concern in Harrison County. There was a total increase of 30 students for a total of 10,929 in FY 15. It should be noted that FY 15 was the first time since at in many years that the enrollment increased. This difference of 30 students represented a .27% increase for Harrison County Schools. The total enrollment for the state of West Virginia was 279,899, which was less than what was reported last year by approximately 1,114 students which illustrates that enrollment losses are a state wide concern. The FY 14 graduation rate for Harrison County Schools is 82% compared to the state rate of 84%. The FY 14 dropout rate for Harrison County Schools is 1.4% compared to the state rate of 1.3%. The FY 14 attendance rate for Harrison County Schools is 97% compared to 96.6% for the state. Currently, Harrison County Schools is the 7th largest school district in WV based on enrollment, recently being topped by Monongalia County. There are thirteen elementary schools, five middle schools, five high schools, and one alternative school. There are also two additional school sites that serve other educational needs of the county, but do not materially affect the student enrollment numbers. STUDENT ENROLLMENT FY 15 FY 18* FY 17* FY 16* FY 15 FY 14 FY 13 FY 12 FY 11 FY 10 FY 09 FY 08 FY 07 11,500 11,400 11,300 11,200 11,100 11,000 10,900 10,800 10,700 10,600 10,500 10,400 FY 06 Students 11,356 11,317 11,291 11,240 11,210 11,196 11,128 11,005 10,935 10,899 10,929 10,845 10,796 10,748 FY 05 Year FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16* FY 17* FY 18* *Projected total enrollment is estimated by adding together the projected enrollment (w/o preschool) decrease with the projected preschool enrollment gain. Projected enrollment (w/o preschool) in obtained by using the least squares fit to calculate a trend-line with the linear equation y = mx + b. Projected preschool enrollment is also obtained by using the least squares fit method Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 62 The following chart illustrates the number of children by grade level. This is not adjusted for full time equivalency. FY 15 ENROLLMENT BY GRADE - HEADCOUNT 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 840 849 790 795 847 770 781 758 785 883 782 764 628 675 ENROLLMENT - HEADCOUNT The following charts represents enrollment by school. There are three separate charts illustrating the elementary, middle and high schools. FY 15 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT (excluding pre-k) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 631 581 556 301 273 169 300 277 557 374 262 407 204 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT (excluding pre-k) Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 63 FY 15 MIDDLE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 700 600 606 566 500 472 417 400 300 251 200 100 0 BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEPORT LINCOLN LINCOLN MOUNTAINEER SOUTH HARRISON MOUNTAINEER SOUTH HARRISON WASHINGTON IRVING WASHINGTON IRVING FY 15 HIGH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 900 800 821 724 700 600 562 542 500 409 400 300 200 100 0 BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEPORT LIBERTY LIBERTY Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 LINCOLN LINCOLN ROBERT C BYRD SOUTH HARRISON ROBERT C BYRD SOUTH HARRISON 64 Harrison County Headcount Enrollment Comparison from 2013-14 to 2014-15 Grade Level Early Childhood Kindergarten Grades 1-8 Grades 9-12 Total PK-12 2013-14 668 849 6,346 3,050 10,913 2014-15 628 840 6,375 3,104 10,947 Net Difference (40) (9) 29 54 34 Certified Adults 46.40 23.16 (23.24) According to the US Census, the population in Harrison County has increased only .7% since the 2000 census. Both the state population and the U.S. population are aging, but their paths of aging are different. Between 2000 and 2010, the old and young portions of the U.S. population both grew, but the old grew faster. In West Virginia, however, the older population grew while the young population declined. Reasons for the decline in West Virginia’s young population include the aging of Baby Boomers, a decline in births, and outmigration. As the Baby Boomers have gotten older, the 5-24 age group and 25-44 age group have declined since 1970. In 2010, the Baby Boomers made the 45-64 age group the largest, and now they are getting to move into the group of people older than 65. West Virginia births declined rapidly from 1980 to 2000 and then leveled off, while deaths increased slightly. The birth and death rates are about even now. Only eight West Virginia counties are expected to have growth in the population from birth to age 19 between 2010 and 2020. They include: Jefferson, Berkeley, Morgan, Hampshire, Hardy, Monongalia, Putnam and Cabell. Dr. Christiadi, a demographer with WVU’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research, concluded that West Virginia’s young population, from birth to 19, is expected to continue to decline over the next decade; maintaining enrollment in kindergarten through 12th grade will be a challenge; and counties with declining enrollment should expect to see continued decline in enrollment. PER PUPIL EXPENDITURE $14,000 $12,000 $10,000 $11,206 $12,514 $11,729 $11,890 $11,439 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 $9,327 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $FY 09 FY 10 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 FY 11 65 Details of the FY 14 per Pupil Expenditure report are as follows: Per Pupil County Funds Per Pupil All Funds FTE Professionals per student FTE Service per Student Does not include capital improvements $10,491 $8,450 $9,903 $9,215 $9,460 $8,844 $9,188 $9,226 $10,415 $8,471 $8,606 $9,546 $12,239 $9,352 $11,848 $11,095 $11,608 $10,364 $10,454 $10,677 $12,522 $10,095 $10,932 $11,451 9.66 6.29 8.22 7.71 9.26 7.04 6.89 7.12 9.06 6.86 7.50 8.52 4.90 2.35 5.10 2.92 3.63 3.33 3.26 3.40 4.82 2.94 2.85 3.70 $9,318 $11,053 7.85 3.60 Bridgeport Middle School Lumberport Middle School Washington Irving Middle School South Harrison Middle School Mountaineer Middle School $9,297 $11,095 $10,459 $10,704 $11,193 $10,714 $13,001 $11,770 $11,458 $12,875 7.27 9.72 9.11 8.44 9.42 2.22 2.41 2.47 3.23 3.16 Average Middle School $10,550 $11,964 8.79 2.70 Bridgeport High School Liberty High School Lincoln High School South Harrison High School Robert C Byrd High School $10,124 $11,259 $10,480 $11,498 $9,549 $10,793 $12,200 $12,061 $13,197 $10,949 8.03 8.63 7.70 8.14 7.09 2.03 2.70 2.76 3.94 2.65 Average High School $10,582 $11,840 7.92 2.82 Pressley Ridge $6,420 $10,448 12.13 0.00 Total County Average (excluding Pressley Ridge) $9,885 $11,439 8.08 3.22 Total State Aid Per Pupil $3,706 Adamston Elementary School Johnson Elementary School Lost Creek Elementary School Lumberport Elementary School North View Elementary School Norwood Elementary School Simpson Elementary School West Milford Elementary School Wilsonburg Elementary School Big Elm Elementary School Nutter Fort Elementary School Salem Elementary School Average Elementary School Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 66 PERSONNEL Every county board of education is required to submit annually an employment report, referred to as the certified list, which lists every regular full-time employee. The data is used to calculate each county board’s allowance under the Public School Support Program (PSSP). The PSSP provides an allowance to pay the annual state minimum salary and supplemental equity for professional educators (PE), limited to a range of 72.25-72.70/1,000 students in net enrollment or the number of PE actually employed, and a range of 65.95-66.21/1,000 students in net enrollment for professional instructional (PI) personnel. Net enrollment is the number of students enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve and special education programs in the public schools of a county, reported on a full time equivalency (FTE) basis. The PSSP also provides support for the state minimum salary and supplemental equity for service personnel (SP), limited to a range of 44.12-45.83/1,000 students in net enrollment or the number of SP actually employed. The PSSP also provides for the county’s approximate share of contributions for social security, unemployment compensation and workers’ compensation on the salaries determined above. Salaries and benefits not included in the PSSP calculation are the county’s responsibility to fund. Computed Computed # Adjusted # of State Aid Employed in Funded Eligible Excess of Limits Personnel Professional Allowance 888.13 (61.81) 826.32 Service Allowance 507.415 (22.072) 485.35 Totals 1,395.545 (83.882) 1,311.67 HISTORY OF PERSONNEL IN EXCESS OF PSSP FORMULA The number of employee’s in excess of the funding formula is directly related to the enrollment. If the enrollment declines, the number of employee’s exceeding the formula will increase even if there is no change in the number of employees. Fiscal Year Professional Employees Service Employees Total FY 16 61.81 22.072 88.88 FY 15 57.73 19.486 77.22 FY 14 58.10 29.635 87.74 FY 13 51.23 40.192 91.42 FY 12 33.35 22.232 55.58 FY 11 9.34 15.013 24.35 FY 10 28.34 23.657 51.70 FY 09 19.22 12.118 32.80 FY 08 26.64 17.674 44.31 FY 07 17.44 19.939 37.38 FY 06 17.59 24.401 41.99 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 67 STATE FUNDING VERSUS BUDGET AMOUNTS FY 16 Step 1 – Total Allowance for Professional Educators Step 2 - Total Allowance for Service Personnel Step 3 – Allowance for Fixed Charges Step 6b - Professional Sub Allowance Step 6c – Service Sub Allowance Retirement Allocation Public Employees Health Insurance Allocation Total PSSP FUNDING $ 33,842,272 11,291,188 4,002,892 884,353 285,126 4,231,632 8,591,800 $63,129,263 BUDGET FY 16 $42,771,538* 11,870,530 4,766,338 1,138,270 616,640 5,060,209 8,715,503 $74,939,028 *The amount budgeted for professional educators include $8.9 million that had to be transferred to the Levy Fund to the balance to budget. The total amount allotted for personnel costs in the FY 16 budget exceeds state funding by $11,809,765. Note that this amount does not include the medical allotment supplement, incentive pay or extra-curricular pay and related fixed costs (including dental/optical) or other salaries that are supported solely with levy funds. These amounts are an additional $6,512,305 budgeted within the levy fund for salary supplementation. The projected column on the following charts illustrates the staffing changes that were recommended for action by the Board of Education for FY 16. Changes to these projected numbers may occur based upon enrollment changes or other needs. The following dates were used during the staffing process: On or before: January 15: Written Employee Notice of Retirement/Early Notification of Retirement • March 1: Written Notice to Employees for Consideration of Transfer or to be transferred 2015-2016. The employee must request a hearing within 10 days of Receipt of Notice April 15: Hearings Occur Before the Board of Education April 15: Superintendent provides list of employees for transfer and subsequent assignment. April 15: Renewal of Employee Probationary Contracts Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 68 SERVICE PERSONNEL LISTING – ALL FUNDING SOURCES FY 12 FY 13 Aide/Paraprofessional/Autism Mentor/LPN/Braille/Sign Language Director/Coordinator Secretary/Accountant/Auditor/Clerk Programmer/Inventory Maintenance/Mechanic School Bus Supervisor Bus Operator Cafeteria Manager/Cook Custodian/Groundsman/Watchman Total Unduplicated Head Count Total Full Time Equivalency Total Extended Full Time Equivalency (over 200 day terms) Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 Source – Annual Certified List FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 Projected 160 4 155 4 151 4 154 4 150 4 58 34 2 99 86 93 57 32 2 99 85 95 56 33 2 100 77 91 56 34 2 98 75 90 59 34 2 96 75 90 536 522 529 518 514 507 513 506 510 n/a 549.03 544.35 533.715 532.07 n/a 69 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL LISTING – ALL FUNDING SOURCES Source – Annual Certified List FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 projected Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Director/Manager (Instruct) Director/Manager (Support) Treasurer/CSBO Child Nutrition Director Principal, Elementary Principal, Middle Principal, High Assistant Principal, Elementary Assistant Principal, Middle Assistant Principal, High Academic Coach Curriculum Specialist Technology Integration Spec Librarian Remedial Specialist Counselor, Elementary Counselor, Middle Counselor, High Teacher, Pre K Teacher, Kindergarten Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Middle Teacher, High Teacher, Special Ed Teacher, Vocational Teacher, Post-Secondary ROTC Instructor Speech Language Pathologist Technology Specialist Psychologist School Nurse Attendance Officer Social Worker Physical Therapist Occupational Therapist Total Unduplicated headcount Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 1 3 3 9 1 n/a 13 5 6 4 4 9 n/a 13 2 21 26 10 5 10 24 39 226 149 158 124 29 0 4 25 4 7 10 1 1 2 3 951 1 3 2 8 1 n/a 13 5 6 4 4 9 4 8 4 18 27 10 5 10 23 39 223 148 154 125 32 0 4 25 5 7 10 1 1 2 3 945 1 3 2 6 1 1 13 5 6 4 4 9 5 8 4 19 25 10 6 10 23 40 220 145 155 124 30 0 4 25 14 7 10 1 1 2 3 946 1 3 2 3 1 1 13 5 6 4 4 9 6 12 5 19 35 10 6 11 22 40 227 147 158 126 25 0 3 24 14 7 10 1 1 2 3 955 1 3 2 3 1 1 13 5 6 4 4 9 6 12 5 19 35 10 6 11 22 36 222 145 158 125 25 0 3 24 14 7 10 1 2 2 3 943 70 Excess levy funds are used to supplement salaries and benefits for all employees, as well as maintain staff in addition to what is provided by the school aid formula. Employee pay includes incentive pay for unused sick leave (if eligible), annual medical allotment supplement in the amount of $1,500, as well as a supplement of $3,850/year for professional employees and $275/month for service employees. Dental and optical insurance coverage is also paid by the excess levy. These amounts are all in addition to what is provided by the state funding formula. As per state regulations, many of the service employees also receive additional pay for college hours or comparable training. A minimum of $110 up to $1,210 based on a 200 day contract may be paid to service personnel for college hours or comparable training. FY 15 AVERAGE CONTRACTED SALARY, INCLUDING BENEFITS $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 Benefits $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 Benefits Professional Personnel Salary $10,000 Service Personnel Salary $0 Professional Personnel Salary Service Personnel Salary The following pages represent the salary schedules for the FY 16 fiscal year. A stipend of $1,500 is paid to all regular employees (based on 200 day contract maximum) that are not included in the following pay schedules. This supplement is provided by the excess levy. The excess levy also provides incentive pay for employees that meet the requirements as established by board policy. Also included are the supplemental and extra-curricular pay schedules. In addition to these salaries, eligible employees receive retirement benefits through the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, as well as health and optional life insurance through the Public Employees Insurance Agency. The Board has self-insured dental/optical insurance as provided by the excess levy with a third party provider, American Benefit Corporation with eligible employees paying a small fee for coverage. Employees may also elect hearing insurance, provided by the State of WV, for an additional premium. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 71 Professional Annual Salary Schedule 2015-16 4th Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 31,767 32,095 32,424 32,752 33,324 33,652 33,980 34,308 34,636 34,964 35,293 35,621 35,949 36,277 36,605 36,933 37,261 37,616 37,982 38,348 39,314 39,681 40,047 40,413 40,779 41,145 41,511 41,877 42,243 42,609 42,975 43,342 43,708 44,074 44,440 44,806 3rd Class 32,456 32,784 33,112 33,440 34,012 34,340 34,668 34,997 35,325 35,653 36,047 36,442 36,837 37,232 37,627 38,022 38,417 38,813 39,208 39,603 40,598 40,993 41,388 41,783 42,178 42,573 42,968 43,363 43,759 44,154 44,549 44,944 45,339 45,734 46,129 46,524 2nd Class 32,722 33,050 33,378 33,706 34,278 34,606 34,934 35,262 35,620 36,017 36,414 36,811 37,208 37,605 38,002 38,399 38,796 39,193 39,591 39,988 40,985 41,382 41,779 42,176 42,573 42,970 43,367 43,764 44,161 44,559 44,956 45,353 45,750 46,147 46,544 46,941 AB 34,165 34,712 35,300 35,888 36,719 37,307 37,894 38,482 39,069 39,657 40,246 40,833 41,421 42,008 42,596 43,183 43,771 44,358 44,946 45,533 46,721 47,308 47,896 48,484 49,071 49,659 50,246 50,834 51,421 52,009 52,596 53,184 53,771 54,359 54,946 55,534 AB+15 34,978 35,565 36,153 36,740 37,572 38,160 38,747 39,335 39,922 40,510 41,098 41,686 42,273 42,861 43,448 44,036 44,623 45,211 45,799 46,386 47,574 48,161 48,749 49,336 49,924 50,511 51,099 51,686 52,274 52,861 53,449 54,037 54,624 55,212 55,799 56,387 MA 36,937 37,525 38,112 38,700 39,532 40,119 40,707 41,294 41,882 42,469 43,058 43,646 44,233 44,821 45,408 45,996 46,583 47,171 47,758 48,346 49,533 50,121 50,708 51,296 51,884 52,471 53,059 53,646 54,234 54,821 55,409 55,996 56,584 57,171 57,759 58,346 MA+15 37,794 38,382 38,969 39,557 40,389 40,976 41,564 42,151 42,739 43,326 43,915 44,502 45,090 45,677 46,265 46,852 47,440 48,028 48,615 49,203 50,390 50,978 51,565 52,153 52,740 53,328 53,915 54,503 55,090 55,678 56,265 56,853 57,441 58,028 58,616 59,203 MA+30 38,651 39,238 39,826 40,413 41,245 41,833 42,420 43,008 43,595 44,183 44,772 45,359 45,947 46,534 47,122 47,709 48,297 48,884 49,472 50,059 51,247 51,834 52,422 53,009 53,597 54,185 54,772 55,360 55,947 56,535 57,122 57,710 58,297 58,885 59,472 60,060 MA+45 39,412 39,999 40,587 41,174 42,006 42,594 43,181 43,769 44,356 44,944 45,532 46,120 46,707 47,295 47,882 48,470 49,057 49,645 50,233 50,820 52,008 52,595 53,183 53,770 54,358 54,945 55,533 56,120 56,708 57,295 57,883 58,470 59,058 59,646 60,233 60,821 PHD/EDD 40,538 41,125 41,713 42,300 43,132 43,720 44,307 44,895 45,482 46,070 46,658 47,246 47,833 48,421 49,008 49,596 50,183 50,771 51,359 51,946 53,134 53,721 54,309 54,896 55,484 56,071 56,659 57,246 57,834 58,421 59,009 59,596 60,184 60,772 61,359 61,947 This schedule includes the $600 increment to be paid annually to each classroom teacher who has at least 20 years of training pursuant to WV Code 18a-4-2 and $3,850 from the excess levy. Employees with national board certification will be paid an additional $4,000. The schedule does not reflect the $1,500 medical allotment supplement. 4th Class is defined as “Certificates secured by examination” and “other first grade certificates”, 3rd Class is defined by Standard normal certificates or “Third class temporary certificates, 2nd Class is defined as “Second class temporary certificates based upon the required ninety six hours of college work”. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 72 Service Personnel Monthly Salary Schedule 2014-15 Yrs Exp A B C D E F G H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1,981 2,013 2,046 2,078 2,111 2,144 2,176 2,210 2,243 2,275 2,308 2,341 2,373 2,406 2,439 2,471 2,504 2,536 2,569 2,603 2,635 2,668 2,701 2,733 2,766 2,799 2,831 2,864 2,897 2,929 2,963 2,996 3,030 3,064 3,096 3,130 3,164 3,196 3,230 3,264 3,296 2,002 2,035 2,067 2,100 2,133 2,165 2,198 2,230 2,263 2,296 2,329 2,362 2,395 2,427 2,460 2,493 2,525 2,558 2,591 2,623 2,656 2,688 2,722 2,755 2,787 2,820 2,853 2,885 2,918 2,952 2,984 3,018 3,051 3,084 3,118 3,152 3,185 3,219 3,251 3,285 3,319 2,044 2,076 2,109 2,142 2,174 2,207 2,241 2,273 2,306 2,339 2,371 2,404 2,436 2,469 2,502 2,534 2,567 2,601 2,633 2,666 2,699 2,731 2,764 2,797 2,829 2,862 2,894 2,927 2,961 2,994 3,028 3,062 3,094 3,128 3,162 3,194 3,228 3,262 3,294 3,328 3,361 2,097 2,129 2,162 2,195 2,227 2,260 2,293 2,325 2,358 2,392 2,424 2,457 2,490 2,522 2,555 2,587 2,620 2,653 2,685 2,718 2,752 2,784 2,817 2,850 2,882 2,915 2,949 2,981 3,015 3,047 3,081 3,115 3,148 3,182 3,216 3,248 3,282 3,316 3,348 3,382 3,415 2,150 2,183 2,215 2,248 2,280 2,313 2,346 2,378 2,411 2,444 2,476 2,509 2,543 2,575 2,608 2,640 2,673 2,706 2,738 2,771 2,804 2,836 2,869 2,903 2,935 2,969 3,003 3,035 3,069 3,102 3,135 3,169 3,201 3,235 3,269 3,301 3,336 3,370 3,402 3,436 3,470 2,213 2,246 2,278 2,311 2,344 2,376 2,409 2,442 2,474 2,507 2,541 2,573 2,606 2,638 2,671 2,704 2,736 2,769 2,802 2,834 2,867 2,900 2,933 2,967 3,001 3,033 3,067 3,099 3,133 3,167 3,199 3,233 3,267 3,299 3,333 3,367 3,400 3,434 3,467 3,500 3,534 2,245 2,277 2,310 2,343 2,375 2,408 2,441 2,473 2,506 2,538 2,572 2,605 2,637 2,670 2,703 2,735 2,768 2,801 2,833 2,866 2,899 2,931 2,965 2,999 3,032 3,066 3,098 3,132 3,166 3,198 3,232 3,266 3,298 3,332 3,366 3,399 3,433 3,466 3,499 3,533 3,566 2,318 2,351 2,383 2,416 2,450 2,482 2,515 2,548 2,580 2,613 2,646 2,678 2,711 2,744 2,776 2,809 2,842 2,875 2,908 2,940 2,974 3,008 3,040 3,074 3,108 3,140 3,174 3,207 3,241 3,275 3,308 3,341 3,375 3,408 3,441 3,475 3,507 3,541 3,575 3,607 3,641 A-none; B-Aide II, Cook II; C-Aide III, Custodian III, General Maintenance; D-Aide IV, Bus Operator, Cafeteria Manager, Custodian IV, Receptionist, Truck Driver; E-Accountant II, Braille/Sign Language Specialist, Bus Supervisor, Carpenter I, HVAC I, Heavy Equipment Operator, Painter I, Plumber I, Secretary I; F-Accountant III, Autism Mentor, Buyer, Carpenter II, Electrician I, LPN, Mechanic, Paraprofessional, Roofer, Secretary III; G-Chief Mechanic, Electrician II, Foreman, HVAC II, Mason, Plumber; H-Auditor, Data Processing Technician, Director/Coordinator, Executive Secretary This schedule inlcudes $12 for high school diploma/GED and $275 from the excess levy per month. In addition to the above schedule, employees will receive $11/month for each of the following: 12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108, or 120 hours of colleg credit or comparable training in a trade or vocational school. Employees with an associate degree, bachelor's degree, or master's degree will receive an additional $40/month for each. Employees with a BA+15 MA+15, MA+30, MA+45, and MA+60 will receive an addiitonal $11/month for each. Employees will alo receive $10/month for shift differential pay, if applicable. This schedule does not reflect the $1500 medical allotment supplement provided by the excess levy. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 73 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENTAL PAY SCHEDULE 2015-16 Base salary determined on approved certification and number of years of experience. Assistant Superintendent* Treasurer* Supervisor* Director Curriculum Coordinator Curriculum Specialist Coordinator $2,390.52/calendar month plus $10/day employment $1,680.76/calendar month plus $10,000, plus $10/day employment $1,278.66/calendar month, plus $10/day employment $399.51/calendar month, plus $5/day employment $357.85/calendar month, plus $5/day employment $291.67/calendar month, plus $5/day employment $219.04/calendar month, plus $5/day employment *Administrative Council Staff +Supervisor Certificate Additional $30/calendar month to above amounts Additional $25/month for WVDE Supervisor Certificate as applicable PRINCIPAL COUNTY SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE 2015-16 (paid in addition to state index) Base salary determined on approved certification and number of years of experience. ELEMENTARY PRINICPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Level I 100-299 students $6,700/year Level II 300-499 students $8,300/year Level III 500+ students $10,200/year As approved $6,700/year MIDDLE PRINICPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Level I 100-299 students $8,300/year n/a Level II 300-499 students $10,200/year $5,300/year Level III 500+ students $12,000/year $7,200/year HIGH PRINICPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Level I 200-500 students $12,000/year $7,200/year Level II 501-700 students $14,000/year $8,400/year Level III 701+ students $16,000/year $10,600/year Level IV 0-199 students $8,000/year Student enrollment is based on previous year second month report Originally adopted 4/16/02 effective 7/1/02, revised 7/1/08. STATE PRINCIPAL’S INDEX 2015-16* Teachers Supervised 0-7 8-14 15-24 25-38 39-57 58-up Principal Rate 11.0% 11.5% 12.0% 12.5% 13.0% 13.5% Assistant Principal Rate 5.50% 5.75% 6.00% 6.25% 6.50% 6.75% *Note that the state only pays for the above percentages to be applied to the state basic salary. HCBOE applies these rates to the actual employee salary and the resulting difference is considered an additional county supplement. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 74 PROFESSIONAL COUNTY SUPPLEMENT SCHEDULE 2015-16 Base salary determined on approved certification and number of years of experience. Advance Placement Teachers (new) $2,000/1st syllabi; $1,000/2nd syllabi; $500/3rd syllabi Attendance Director $5/day of employment rd Two year degree employees are paid on the 3 class pay-grade. Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant nd Distance Learning Teacher Evening Course Instructor Guidance Counselors Lead Speech Therapist On Line Course Instructor Physical Therapist Psychologists Social Worker Special Education Resource Teacher Special Education Supervisor Special Education Teacher Speech Therapist Vocational Teacher (Includes Home Economics, Diversified Cooperative Training, Vocational Agriculture, and Technical Education) Employees with a bachelor degree are paid on the 2 class paygrade. The supplement paid to all COTA employees is the rd difference between the AB degree and the 3 class pay-grade, which varies depending upon the years of experience. $2,000 per semester/per class, plus $100 per remote student > 25 students ($3,500 maximum) $1,000 per class, Plus $100 per student> 15 students ($3,500 maximum) $400/year $500/year, plus $5/day employment $1,000 per class plus $100 per student > 15 students ($3,500 maximum) $14,368/year $2,900/year – based on 240 day contract $5/day employment $270/calendar month plus $5/day employment $1,000/year in addition to admin supplement $20/calendar month $500/year $10/calendar month SERVICE PERSONNEL COUNTY SUPPLEMENT SCHEDULE 2015-16 Accountant II Auditor Bus Supervisor Data Processing Technician Director/Coordinator Level B Director/Coordinator Level C Executive Secretary Maintenance Workers, Warehouse support staff, Mechanics and Buyers Secretary I, II, III, IIIA $1,000/year plus $15/day employment Pay grade H, $3,200/year(12 month), plus $15/day employment $2,000/year (12 month), plus 2 additional hours per day at current pay grade Pay grade H plus $5,500/year (12 month) Pay grade H plus 23% supplemental index* Pay grade H plus 15% supplemental index* Pay grade H plus $3,000/year (12 month) plus $15/day employment 0 years employment $.50/hour 1 year employment $1.00/hour 2 years employment $1.50/hour 3 years employment $2.10/hour $500/year, plus $15/day employment *The supplemental index percentage is multiplied by appropriate pay grade level, including years of service and length of employment term to arrive at total supplement. Highest supplement paid (only) for multi classifications. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 75 EXTRA CURRICULAR CONTRACT PAY SCHEDULE 2015-16 Athletic Director Athletic Trainer Baseball – Head Baseball-Assistant Basketball- Head Basketball- Assistant Basketball- Freshman Cheerleading- Head Cheerleading-Assistant Cross Country Dance Team Football- Head Football- Assistant Football- Head Freshman Football- Assistant Freshman Golf Soccer Softball- Head Softball- Assistant Swimming Tennis Track- Head Track- Assistant Volleyball Weight Supervisor Wrestling- Head Wrestling- Assistant High School $8,865, plus $75/state contest $6,000, plus $150/playoff game $3,200, plus $150 regional/state game $2,560, plus $150/regional/state game $5,000, plus $150/regional/state game $4,000, plus $150/regional/state game $3,000 $4,200, plus $150/day state cheer competition, plus $75/required post season $3,360, plus $150/day state cheer competition, plus $75/required post season $2,000, plus $150/day state tournament n/a $8,380, plus $150/playoff game $6,704, plus $150/playoff game $5,028 $4,022 $1,800, plus $150/day state tournament $2,800, plus $150/day state tournament $3,200,, plus $150/regional/state game $2,560, plus $150/regional/state game $2,240, plus $150/day state tournament $2,000, plus $150/day state tournament $3,200, plus $150/day state tournament $2,560, plus $150/day state tournament $2,300, plus $150/regional/state game $3,000 $2,885, plus $150/day state tournament $2,308, plus $150/day state tournament BREAKFAST/LUNCH SUPERVISOR 15 minute per day contract 30 minute per day contract 35 minute per day contract-breakfast only 40 minute per day contract-breakfast only 45 minute per day contract-breakfast only 50 minute per day contract-breakfast only Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 Middle School $5,319 n/a n/a n/a $3,000 $2,400 n/a $2,520 n/a $1,080 $2,520 $5,028 $4,022 n/a n/a n/a $1,680 $1,920 n/a n/a n/a $1,920 n/a $1,380 n/a $1,731 n/a $531.26/year -- $265.63/semester $1,062.50/year -- $531.25/semester $1,239.70/year -- $619.85/semester $1,416.80/year -- $708.40/semester $1,593.90/year -- $796.95/semester $1,771.00/year -- $885.50/semester 76 EXTRA CURRICULAR CONTRACT PAY SCHEDULE 2015-16, continued Band Director- High Band Director- Middle Band Director- Assistant High Band Director- Assistant Middle Regional Band Director Orchestra Director Choir Director- High Choir Director- Middle Choir Director- Elementary Show Choir- High Show Choir- Middle Band Auxiliary Advisor Summer Theater Coordinator $10,200, plus $150/day state tournament $1,200 $4,050, plus $150/day state tournament $645 $2,300 $990 $1,100 $645 $507 $900, plus $200/day for 5 days camp (max) $500, plus $100/day for 5 days camp (max) $2,520 $100/day, up to $500 (max) Academic Coach Advanced Placement Contact After School Detention Cooperative Education Contact $800 $1,500 $35/hour $500 Plus $50 per student, $2,000 maximum $1,350 $775 $600 $1,850 $1,000 $600 $500/per play (max 2 plays) $307/per play (max 2 plays) $307 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $600 $775 $5,000 $2,000 $800 Curriculum Contract Person Department Chairperson – High Schools National Honor Society Online Communications Contact-School Level (new) Newspaper Sponsor- High Newspaper Sponsor- Middle Play Sponsor – High School Play Sponsor – Middle School Play Sponsor – Elementary School School Technology Contact- HS 200-549 students School Technology Contact -HS 550-749 students School Technology Contact - HS 750+ students School Technology Contact -MS/ES 100-299 students School Technology Contact -MS/ES 300-499 students School Technology Contact -MS/ES 500+ students Student Council Team Leader- Elementary & Middle Video Coordinator Yearbook Sponsor- High Yearbook Sponsor – Middle Note that red ink denotes changes made from the prior year. These changes reflect changes made in the job title, descriptions, and/or pay. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 77 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 78 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 79 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 80 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 81 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 82 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 83 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 84 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 85 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 86 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 87 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 88 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 89 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 90 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 91 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 92 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 93 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 94 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 95 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 96 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 97 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 98 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 99 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 100 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 101 BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY – WHAT’S NEW IN THE BUDGET FY 16 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS - New GPS routing software for transportation $150,000 RCB Field Turf $200,000 (offsetting revenue from well proceeds) Replacement camera and DVR’s as needed $30,000 (SECURITY NEEDS) Public Tax Loss Restoration Funds will be placed into contingency PERSONNEL ITEMS – New (will be re-occurring costs) Additions and reductions as per staffing plans (SEE PREVIOUS HANDOUTS) After school detention for elementary schools $36,400 + fixed costs Increased homebound funds $10,000 + fixed costs Increase extracurricular for webmasters and network administrators $25,000 + fixed costs AP Teacher supplements (utilizes carryover funds and also includes materials) $91,000 FACILITY PROJECTS - New Bus Terminal Consolidation (phase 1) $245,000 Energy lease payment $576,599 Field lighting for Hite Field and Bridgeport HS $400,000 Fire alarm replacement – BMS $30,000 and SHHS $30,000 HVAC repairs/replacement/glycol –WI $20,000, Liberty $90,000, Lincoln $20,000 Land purchase – North View $50,000 Locker repair – WI $20,000 Paving – Transportation (Bridgeport bus lot $50,000, Salem $60,000, Liberty loop $30,000) QZAB repayment for Lincoln Middle $133,334 Roof replacement – Kelly Miller $125,000, Lost Creek $40,000, N Fort Primary $289,800, N Fort Intermediate $191,700, Liberty $186,300, Lincoln $242,100, SHHS $242,100, ALC $100,000 SBA matching funds $1,335,000 Warehouse upgrade for child nutrition (immediate savings on commodity foods) $300,000 INSTRUCTIONAL ITEMS – New and Continuations Step 7 Teaching Supplies, to also include requests as follows o Adamston – Gizmo’s for math/science, Science 4 Us, and Guided math books o BMS – replace distance learning lab computer o Lost Creek – new 3rd grade classroom furniture and scholastic guided reading o Lincoln Middle – Spell read, SRA reading and math, Carnegie skills and Mathia, and Brain Pop subscription o RCB – Elmo’s, graphing calculators, and presenter’s package o Salem – Level readers o Wilsonburg – Level books for library o County ELL Supplies o County (all schools) – replacement batteries, paper for guided reading, as well as all other miscellaneous and instructional supply needs Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 102 BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY – WHAT’S NEW IN THE BUDGET FY 16 -CONTINUED • Levy o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o School allocations High Schools Skills Acceleration allocations $28,872 MS Interventionists (hired by RESA) $37,500 Study Island Software $5,000 HS microscope repairs $2,500 Elem accelerated math $50,000 Elem accelerated readers $75,000 ELA adoption elementary $987,030 ELA adoption secondary $831,004 HS Math 1-3 workbooks $25,500 MS Math textbook consumables $41,850 Elem Handwriting books $85,000 Elem Math workbooks $48,000 Replacement texts – all subjects $50,000 IPads for science teachers (NxG Roll out – 55 teachers) $32,000 Pre-K materials and supplies $23,000 K report card printing $2,000 NOTE – APPROX $500,000 WILL BE USED FROM CARRYOVER LEVY TO SUPPORT ALL COSTS IN FY 16 Other Noteworthy Items Continued in the Budget • • • • • • • • Board Discretionary Funds for matching projects $100,000 Asbestos abatement (Facility Levy Funds -LIB, SHHS, and WI) $150,000 PRO funding (BHS, LIB, LIN, SHHS, RCB, ALC) $120,000 Parent Notification System $20,000 4-H Funding $49,183 Library Funding $200,000 Concussion Testing $7,400 YMCA Pool $10,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 103 INSTRUCTIONAL REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED Adamston Gizmos (math/science intermed) 1,2,3 Adamston Science 4 Us (math/science primary grades) Adamston IXL (guided math PK-5th) Big Elm Mobile Mac Lab BMS yes $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 1,2,3 yes $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 1,2,3 yes $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 2 no $35,000 $0 Replacement of distance learning lab computer 2,3 no $1,500 $1,500 Johnson Desk and chairs for grades 2&3 1,3 no $33,000 $0 Johnson Variquest perfecta 2400 system 2,4 no $5,995 $0 not priority Johnson Upgrade classroom computers 2 no $14,000 $0 technology dept will consider for funding Johnson Upgrade teacher computers 2 no $15,000 $0 not priority Lost Creek Furniture for 3rd gr classroom 1 no not submit TBD Lost Creek Primary teaching easel 3 no $357 $0 Lost Creek Scholasitc trio complete set leveled txts gr 4 and 5 3 no $1,485 $1,485 $1,485 Lost Creek Scholastic guided reading gr 5 3 no $2,450 $2,450 $2,450 Lost Creek replace whiteboard 3 no not submit gen maint submit work order Liberty 75 replacement band chairs 1,3 no $3,896 $0 not priority Liberty 360 new cafeteria chairs 1,3 no $12,572 $0 LMS 3 yes $200 $200 $200 LMS Spell read remedial reading materials SRA Remedial reading materials 3 yes $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 LMS SRA Remedial math materials 3 yes $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 LMS Carnegie skills books 3 yes $1,050 $1,050 $1,050 LMS Carnegie mathia (300 licenses) 3 yes $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 LMS Brain pop 1 year subscription 3 no $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 LMS Interventions - snacks and prizes to encourage attendance/participation 3 no $3,000 $0 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 LEVY FUNDS STEP 7 FUNDS COMMENTS not priority $1,500 not priority xx use school levy funds not priority not priority 104 INSTRUCTIONAL REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED LMS MobyMax subscription - site license 3 N Fort Int Accelerated reading N Fort Int no $600 $0 2,3 no $6,000 county Accelerated math 2,3 no $6,000 county N Fort Int Star reading 2,3 no $6,000 county N View Adventure Fitness 1,2,3,4 no $500 $0 not priority N View Printers for students/teachers 1,2,3 no $3,000 $0 fund with school technology funds N View New desktop computers for labs 1,2,3 no $20,000 $0 technology dept will consider for funding RCB 50 new desktop computers for student use - hardwired 1,2,3 no $40,000 $0 technology dept will consider portion for funding RCB 12 Elmos 2,3 no $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 RCB 60 graphing calculators (10 for each math teacher) 2,4 no $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 RCB Presenter's package (Laptop, Elmo, Projector, Cart). Currently borrow from teacher 2,4 no $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 RCB 10 IPads to fill carts. Many are borrowed each day by teachers whose departments didn't get one. 1,2,3 no $6,000 $0 RCB 100 Student desks 1,4 no $15,000 $0 Salem Microsoft Surface Pro 3- 12" Core i3 4020Y- Windows 8.1 Pro- 4 GB RAM (30) to replace computer lab 1,2,3,4 no $29,250 $0 Salem Star reading 1,2,3 no $1,700 county Salem Accelerated reader (360) 2nd-5th 1,2,3 no $1,500 county Salem Level readers $200/grade 1,3 no $1,200 $1,200 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 LEVY FUNDS STEP 7 FUNDS COMMENTS fund with school technology funds New iPads for science teachers approv for co not priority technology dept will discuss-may offer alternative $1,200 105 INSTRUCTIONAL REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED WI Replace computer lab 2,3 WI Replace library computers Wilsonburg Mobile IPad Lab Wilsonburg LEVY FUNDS STEP 7 FUNDS COMMENTS no $30,000 $0 2,3 no $24,000 $0 technology dept will consider for funding 2 no $18,000 $0 technology dept will consider portion for funding Leveled books for library 3 no $1,000 $1,000 Co Office HS Skills Acceleration $9/student 3 yes $28,872 $28,872 Co Office MS Interventionists (2 per school $3750) - hired by RESA 3 yes $37,500 $37,500 Co Office Study Island software (BMS,MMS) 2,3 yes $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Co Office Microscope maint for HS 3 yes $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Co Office Accelerated math - elem 3 yes? $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Co Office Accelerated reader/Star Reading Elem 3 yes? $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 Co Office ELA Instr Materials adoption secondary 2,3 yes? $831,004 $831,004 $831,004 Co Office ELA Instr Materials adoption elementary 2,3 yes? $987,030 $987,030 $987,030 Co Office Health Instr Materials adoption 2,3 yes? $141,294 Co Office Health Instr Materials adoption 2,3 yes? Co Office Instr materials for Italian classes 3 yes Co Office Replacement batteries for calculators (MS and HS) 2,3 Co Office Fairs and festivals Co Office technology dept will consider for funding $1,000 $28,872 $37,500 Interventionists $141,294 $141,294 Health Adoption $261,591 $261,591 $261,591 Health Adoption $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Multi Cultural yes $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 3,4 yes $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 HS Math 1-3 Workbooks (consumables) 3 yes $25,500 $25,500 $25,500 Co Office HS Math 4 textbooks (new classess) 3 no $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Co Office MS math textbooks (consumables) 3 yes $41,850 $41,850 $41,850 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 Fairs/Festivals 106 INSTRUCTIONAL REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED Co Office Cases of paper for curriculum printing (guided reading/performance task assessment) 3 Co Office Handwriting books (k-5) consumable Co Office Elem math textbooks (consumables) Co Office LEVY FUNDS yes $10,000 $10,000 3 yes $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 3 yes $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 Elem math workbooks (consumables) 3 yes $48,000 $48,000 $48,000 Co Office Replacement texts for all areas 3 yes $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Co Office Credit recovery technology support each HS gets $2500 2,3 yes $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 Credit Recovery Co Office ACT Prep materials 3 yes $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Adv Place Co Office Adv placement fall institute (subs, registration and travel) 3 yes $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 Adv Place Co Office AP summer institite (registration and travel) 3 yes $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Adv Place Co Office AP student passing exams reimbursement to schools (approx) 3 yes $12,000 $18,000 $16,000 Adv Place Co Office iPads for science teachers - NxG Roll Out (55 teachers) 2,3 no $32,000 $32,000 Co Office Pre-K Reimbursement to day cards 4 yes $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 Pre-K Collaborative Co Office toothpaste/toothbrushes for pre-k Co Office Pre-K packet printing COMMENTS Co Office Supplies for Pre-K and home visits Co Office Co Office Screening materials/Literacy for Prek Kindergarten report card printing Co Office ECERS materials for Pre-k Co Office ELL Supplies $10,000 $32,000 3 yes $500 $500 $500 1,4 yes $500 $500 $500 1,3,4 yes $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 3 yes $7,000 $7,000 $5,000 4 yes $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 1,2,3 yes $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2,3 yes $1,000 $1,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 STEP 7 FUNDS $1,000 107 FACILITY REQUESTS FUNDING SOURCE SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE Adamston Replace windows - 4 classrooms on 3rd floor unable to open any window. Large outward swinging windows in hall and classrooms unable to open due to safety on 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor (also on safety list) 1,2,3 no ALC (Co) New roof - kitchen, café, lobby, and mechanic 1 BMS (Co) New fire alarm 1 BMS Stationary storage shelves for 3 teacher's lounges Tech lab needs floor attention on carpet 1 no AMOUNT APPROVED $60,000 $60,000 $100,000 $100,000 $30,000 $30,000 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 1 no not submitted TBD TBD BMS Gym needs more lighting- shadows/dark places 1 no not submitted TBD WVSSAC report states that the gym floor needs two lines added to the floor to complete the coaches box. Currently using tape 1 no not submitted TBD try to do FY 15 with ESG extras TBD BMS BHS 4 no $225,000 $240,000 BHS New lighting at football field (oldest in the county) New auditorium carpet 4 no $7,500 $0 BHS Refinish gym floor 4 no not submitted TBD BHS Canopy replacement 4 no not submitted $0 no funding avail BHS New student lockers - old section of building 4 no not submitted $0 no funding avail Johnson Build new school 1,2,3,4 no $15,000,000 $0 no funding avail Johnson Replace roof for entire school 1 no $8,000,000 $0 as prioritized Johnson Improve or replace HVAC 2 no $700,000 $0 FY 15 repairs Johnson Replace carpet with tile in 2 kindergarten rooms (16/17) 2 no $10,000 $0 no funding avail Johnson Install canopy/awnings over walkways to outside rooms 1 no $14,000 $0 no funding avail BMS Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 GENERAL FUND MAINT BUDGET FACILITY LEVY FUND Notes AMOUNT OF REQUEST ESG CONTINGENCY FUNDS $100,000 $30,000 $240,000 no funding avail TBD 108 FACILITY REQUESTS FUNDING SOURCE SCHOOL DESCRIPTION Johnson Construct additional restroom facilities (have 16 commodes for 587 students) Johnson Construct additional pre-k classrooms Johnson Construct gymnasium Johnson RECURRING EXPENSE 1 AMOUNT APPROVED no $50,000 $0 no funding avail 1,2,3,4 no $1,000,000 $0 no funding avail 1,3,5 no $2,000,000 $0 no funding avail Update fire alarm 1,2 no $10,000 $0 maint will prioritize Johnson Replace old student lockers for grades 4 and 5 1,3 no $18,000 $0 no funding avail Liberty HS (Co) Liberty HS (Co) Liberty HS (Co) Liberty HS (Co) Asbestos abatement floor tile 1 $50,000 $33,333 $33,333 Paving loop 4 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Wash and seal exterior 4 $25,000 $0 Replace chiller 1 $90,000 $90,000 Liberty HS (Co) Liberty HS New roof on 1995 addition 1 $186,300 $186,300 Sand and refinish gym floor 1,3,4 no $19,000 $0 no funding avail Liberty HS Replace entire gym floor 1,3,4 no $128,000 $0 no funding avail Liberty HS Automated movie screen and ceiling mounted projector for theater, softball concession building and stripe and number parking lot (Effectiveness meeting) Glycol added not submitted $0 no funding avail 1 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 New roof-kitchen, aud, shops, band and science wing New gym bleachers 1 $242,100 $242,100 $242,100 4 no $250,000 $0 no funding avail Lincoln HS Remove carpet in library and add new flooring 1 no not submitted $0 no funding avail Lincoln HS Remove carpet in classrooms and add tile floor 1 no not submitted $0 no funding avail Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 GENERAL FUND MAINT BUDGET FACILITY LEVY FUND Notes AMOUNT OF REQUEST Lincoln HS (Co) Lincoln HS (Co) Lincoln HS GOAL no funding avail ESG CONTINGENCY FUNDS $186,300 109 FACILITY REQUESTS FUNDING SOURCE SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL Lost Creek (Co) LMS New roof (gym and restroom UV coating) 1 Add'l shelving for gym storage area 1 LMS Move storage bldg from old school to new LMS Scorer's table LMS Add'l shelving for storage closets LMS Mobile signs on stands LMS RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT APPROVED $55,000 $40,000 no $2,000 TBD 1 no $3,000 $0 no funding avail 1,4 no $6,000 $0 no funding avail 1 no $5,000 $0 no funding avail 1,4 no $2,000 $0 no funding avail Corner protectors 1 no $1,000 $0 no funding avail LMS (Co) QZAB lease payment 1 $133,334 $133,334 MMS LED School sign (Effectiveness meeting) 4 not submitted $0 N Fort Int Replace carpet in office with tile 1 no $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 N Fort Int Replace carpet in music room with new carpet 1 no $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 N Fort Int Replace carpet in library 1 no $6,000 $0 N Fort Pri Replace carpet in music room with new carpet 1 no $4,000 $4,000 N Fort Pri Replace carpet in library 1 no $6,000 $0 N Fort Pri Paint hallway walls throughout the building 1 no $2,000 $0 N Fort (Co) New roof-pri kitchen, café, gym, library 1 $289,800 $289,800 N Fort (Co) New roof-intermed band and 2 story section 1 $191,700 $191,700 N Fort (Co) Renovate parking lot 4 $20,000 $0 N View Replace carpet in 3 rooms 1 no not submitted TBD TBD N View Replace/repair floor tile in hall 1,4 no not submitted TBD TBD N View New bleachers for gym 1,4 no not submitted N View Window for counselor's door 1,4 no $500 TBD TBD N View Replace window air conditioner 1,3,4 no $3,000 TBD TBD N View Storage area for custodian supplies 1 no $3,000 TBD TBD Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 GENERAL FUND MAINT BUDGET FACILITY LEVY FUND Notes AMOUNT OF REQUEST $40,000 if needed after completion TBD $133,334 no funding avail $4,000 assign custodian $289,800 $191,700 no funding avail TBD new door or put in window 110 FACILITY REQUESTS FUNDING SOURCE SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED N View N View (Co) New fenced play area (from Effectiveness meeting) Purchase houses across street 4 no not submitted $0 1,4 no $50,000 $50,000 Norwood Renovate 3rd floor restrooms 1 no $50,000 $0 Norwood Kitchen repairs - new stove (only 2 burners) 1 no $50,000 TBD Norwood HVAC upgrades 1 no not submitted $0 Norwood Paint interior of building 1 no not submitted $0 RCB (Co) Wash and seal exterior $25,000 $0 RCB Pave grass circle in front of school and add handicapped parking without blocking bus loop Replace lockers in boys PE locker room (also on safety list) RCB GENERAL FUND MAINT BUDGET FACILITY LEVY FUND Notes no funding avail $50,000 no funding avail will transfer from LMS TBD no funding avail no funding avail assign custodian $0 no funding avail 4 no not submitted $0 no funding avail 1,4 no $10,000 $0 use school athletic funds RCB Replace sections of deteriorated sidewalks (also on safety) 4 no not submitted $0 Salem Replace carpet in 2nd floor hallway with tile 1 no not submitted $0 no funding avail Salem 4 no not submitted $0 no funding avail Salem (Co) New playground equipment (Effectiveness meeting) Pave parking lot 4 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 SHHS (Co) Demo modulars 1 $25,000 $0 $0 SHHS (Co) New roof for auditorium kitchen and café 1 $142,200 $142,200 $142,200 SHHS (Co) Asbestos abatement floor tile 1 $50,000 $33,333 $33,333 SHHS (Co) Fire alarm replacement 1 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Simpson (Co) Sidewalk project per request from PTA 4 $50,000 TBD Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 no funding avail TBD SBA no funding avail Complete with SBA funds 111 FACILITY REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION Simpson FUNDING SOURCE GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED Replace 1970's section of windows (also in security requests) 1 no not submitted TBD GENERAL FUND MAINT BUDGET SBA Simpson Paint classroom doors and frames to match the new additions (1970's section)- currently gray - needs to be red 1 no not submitted TBD TBD WI (Co) Add glycol to HVAC 1 $20,000 $20,000 WI (Co) Asbestos abatement floor tile 1 $50,000 $33,334 $33,334 WI Replace main exterior stairs 1 $25,000 $0 $0 WI Repair or purchase new lockers 1 no $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 WI Replace restroom partitions/gym 1,4 no $5,000 TBD WI Lights at Hite Field 4 no $125,000 $160,000 Wilsonburg Paved parking and walking trail ( Effectiveness Mtg) Replace office carpet 4 no not submitted $0 1 no $2,000 TBD TBD Wilsonburg Pave lot and paint parking lines in back parking lot 4 no $5,000 TBD TBD Bus Garage Construct 2 acre gravel parking lot on ALC football field. - Labor by HCBOE - 3 year plan. 2nd year - pave bus parking lot and remove Lincoln Fuel tanks $226,000. 3rd year contruct 3 add'l bus service bays and relocate existing storage $294,000 1,4 no $245,000 $245,000 Wilsonburg Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 FACILITY LEVY FUND Notes Finish after sidewalk project with remaining SBA funds ESG CONTINGENCY FUNDS no funding avail repair current lockers TBD $160,000 per board no funding avail patch lot and paint lines $245,000 112 FACILITY REQUESTS FUNDING SOURCE SCHOOL DESCRIPTION Bus Garage (Co) Blacktop bus garage parking lots (Supt) Bridgeport lot 4 Co Office 4 4 Co Office Garbage cans with lids for Pre-K (new requirement) Illumination exit signs for Pre-k (new requirement) Warehouse upgrade for child nutrition Co Office Co Office Co Office Co Office GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED $100,000 $50,000 no $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 no $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 1 $325,000 $300,000 $300,000 New roof 1 $150,000 $125,000 $125,000 Energy lease payment 1 $576,599 $576,599 $576,599 Future SBA payment 1 $2,000,000 $1,335,000 $1,335,000 Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 GENERAL FUND MAINT BUDGET FACILITY LEVY FUND Notes $50,000 will immed reduce food costs 113 SAFETY REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED Adamston Replace windows - 4 classrooms on 3rd floor unable to open any window. Large outward swinging windows in hall and classrooms unable to open due to safety on 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor (also on facility list) 1,2,3 Adamston New DVR for additional cameras. Unable t view all exits. Additional cameras to be purchased by school ALC no $60,000 $60,000 1,4 no $10,000 TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds Add another DVR and 8 or 16 cameras 1 no not submitted TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds BMS Code red lights for gym, café, band room and 2 exterior doors 1 no not submitted TBD under consideration BMS Update security camera's that are not working 1 no not submitted TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds BMS Additional security cameras 1 no not submitted TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds BMS Safety mesh in windows office/cafeteria 1 no $0 not funded Big Elm Additional lighting in front of school where buses drop off children 1 no not submitted $15,000 $0 not funded Big Elm Red strobe light for gym, café, and music room 1 no $3,000 $0 not funded Big Elm Front entrance Sally Port 1 no $25,000 $0 not funded Liberty Additional cameras for interior for areas not currently covered (4 total) 1 no $2,000 TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds Liberty Replacement cameras (8 northside- gym full court, group 4 camera, far and circle, new wing, outside facing baseball, faculty parking rear and gym entrance 1 no $5,150 TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 FUNDING SOURCE ESG Contingency Funds 114 SAFETY REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED Liberty Upgrade Keri door readers to accommodate add'l 5 card readers on exterior doors and purchase and install the 5 card readers 1 no N Fort Pri N Fort Pri Lights at entryway of building 1,4 Lights at crosswalk by Food Lion 1,4 N Fort Pri Secure entry - holding area for visitors N View $13,000 TBD no $500 $0 not funded no $1,000 $0 not funded 1,4 no $10,000 $0 not funded Emergency lights in kitchen 1 no $0 not funded N View Replacement cameras 1 no not submitted $3,000 TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds N View Card readers on playground side doors 1,4 no $2,500 TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds Norwood New concrete @ front entrance 1 no $2,000 $0 not funded Norwood Secure entry - mantrap 1 no $0 not funded Norwood 4 walkie-talkies - use with playground and specialist in the building 1 no not submitted $1,000 $0 not funded Norwood Front yard area lighting 1 no $500 $0 not funded RCB Replace 10 cameras with IP cameras 1 no $4,000 TBD RCB Covering the orchestra pit. (having trouble getting quote from skydek and netting would cause more problems than it helps) 4 no not submitted RCB Replace lockers in boys PE locker room (also on facility request) 1,4 no $10,000 $0 not funded RCB Replace sections of sidewalk that are deteriorated 4 no not submitted $0 not funded RCB Replace safety rails in gym 4 no $29,000 $0 not funded Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 FUNDING SOURCE will be considered with camera replacement funds will be considered with camera replacement funds checking on prices - to be included in FY 15 115 SAFETY REQUESTS SCHOOL DESCRIPTION GOAL RECURRING EXPENSE AMOUNT OF REQUEST AMOUNT APPROVED Simpson Replace 1970's section of windows (also facility request) 1 Simpson Security cameras need to be purchased and installed for both new sections 2010 and 2014 W Milford no not submitted $0 possible SBA funds/remaining SBA funds 1 no not submitted $0 new music room looking at loading ramp, new music room looking at front yard, new classroom 121 - new café commons area and new classroom hallway in warehouse awaiting installment Replace security camera in cafeteria and rear parking lot 1 no not submitted TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds WI Replace broken cameras 1 no $7,000 TBD will be considered with camera replacement funds Wilsonburg Safe Receiption Area 1 no $40,000 $0 Wilsonburg Office electric panel box (above secy desk) 1 no $1,000 TBD Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 FUNDING SOURCE not funded Maint will consider 116 GLOSSARY Accrual Basis – Basis of accounting under which revenues are recorded when levies are made and expenditures are recorded as soon as they result in liabilities regardless of when the revenue is actually received or the payment is actually made. American College Testing (ACT) – is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in the United States. Adjusted Enrollment – The number of students enrolled in net enrollment as defined by the West Virginia Department of Education, plus twice the number of students enrolled in special education, including exceptionally gifted, plus the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in honors and advanced placement programs, subject to certain limitations. Advanced Placement – Students enrolled in programs offering classes that are advanced in terms of content and performance expectations as opposed to those normally available for the age/grade level of the student and which provide credit towards graduation and possible college credit. AMAO – Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives as part of No Child Left Behind Act. Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) – a measurement defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act that allows the US Department of Education to determine how every public school is performing on standardized tests. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) – Passed by Congress to create jobs and save existing jobs, spur economic activity and invest in long term growth, and foster unprecedented levels of accountability and transparency in government spending. Assessed Property Values - The assessed value of property must be 60 percent of the properties' true and actual value. In most cases, that value is defined as the amount of money the property would be worth in a sale between a willing buyer and a willing seller. Board of Education- Five member election board created according to state law and vested with responsibilities for educational activities in a given geographical area, which establishes policy, hires a superintendent, and governs the operations of the district. Budget- A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period or purpose and the proposed means of financing them. Capital Improvement Fund – One of three governmental funds used by school districts in the State to account for financial resources used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 117 Carnegie Math Curriculum – Founded at Carnegie Mellon University, it is a blended solution to mathematics instruction for grades 6-8. Certified List - An annual report submitted to the West Virginia Department of Education that is used to calculate the board’s allowance under the Public School Support Program (PSSP). It includes the names and other information of all regular full time employees and/or vacant positions that will be filled. Class I property-all tangible personal property employed exclusively in agriculture, including horticulture and grazing, products of agriculture while owned by the producer, notes, bonds, bills and accounts receivable, stocks, and any other similar intangible personal property; Class II property - property owned, used and occupied by the owner exclusively for residential purposes, and farms including land used for horticulture and grazing, occupied and cultivated by their owners or bona fide tenants; Class III property- real and personal property not in Classes I or II, and located outside of municipalities; and Class IV property- real and personal property not in Classes I or II, and located within municipalities. Co-Curricular activities – Activities that are outside of but usually complement the regular curriculum. Comprehensive Educational Facility Plan (CEFP) – A ten year plan required by the WVDE to address the requirement for new construction, major renovations, and to be used in school closures, consolidation and reconfigurations, as well as developing levies and bond calls. Contingency Funds - funds used for unanticipated purchases related to emergencies or other items that were not included in the budget. Cost per Pupil – Current expenditures for a given period of time divided by a pupil unit of measure. Cost Settlement Approach - Medicaid costs for each local education agency (LEA) will be compared to the Medicaid reimbursement received through regular billing for Medicaid covered services by the LEA. A cost settlement will be calculated to determine the difference between the Medicaid costs and the Medicaid reimbursement received for each LEA. Cyber-Safety Training – Curriculum that the WVDE has chosen for teachers to use to meet the FCC regulations regarding Internet safety policies to include educating students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chart rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 118 Debt Service Fund – A government fund type used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Digital Divide Survey – Self-reported technology survey date collected from all WV K-12 schools. Information evolves from the strategic technology planning process and enables the WVDE, counties, and schools to meet mandated reporting requirements. Employee Benefits - May include health, dental, and optical, as well as FICA, worker’s compensation, and retirement payments. Energy Express Program – A grant from AmeriCorps program under the leadership of West Virginia University Extension Service that benefits nearly 3,000 West Virginia children from lowincome families. This program is designed to provide learning opportunities and nutrition during the summer months. English as a Second Language (ESL) – A program designed for non-native English speakers with a goal of “improving English language skills” or “improving citizenship skills.” Exceptionally Gifted – Students in grades 9-12 identified as gifted who also meet the criteria for one of the following: behavior disorder, specific learning disabilities, psychological adjustment disorder, underachieving or economically disadvantaged. Excess Levy - County boards of education are authorized to impose an additional (excess) levy not to extend beyond five years if approved by at least a majority of the voters. The rates of levy cannot exceed the maximum rates specified above and must be proportional for all classes of property. Excess Levy Fund – A separate fund that accounts for the proceeds and expenditures of excess levy monies. Expenditures by Function- Includes expenditures by program type that identifies the educational program function and activity to which an expenditure is being charged. It is the 2nd digit of the program/function code. Expenditures by Object- The object dimension is a three-digit field that is used to identify the type of account or the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. Expenditures – This includes total charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, for current costs, capital outlay, and debt service. Extra-curricular Activities – Activities not falling within the scope of a regular curriculum, but is an organized student activity connected with school (i.e. sports). Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 119 Faculty Senate - All permanent, full- time professional educators assigned to a school are voting members of its Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate may make recommendations to the school principal regarding such matters as employing new personnel, staff scheduling, curriculum scheduling, and selection of mentors for new teachers. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) – The number of students or personnel reported on a fractional basis compared to their full time counterparts. General Current Expense Fund – The general fund is a governmental fund type that is used to account for all financial resources except those that are required to be accounted for in another fund. The fund typically serves as the chief operating fund of a government. Indirect Costs – Represent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with a particular grant, contract, project function or activity, but are necessary for general operation. Local School Improvement Council (LSIC) - As required by WV Code 18-5A-2, a group comprised of specific individuals that conducts meetings to engage parents, students, school employees and other interested parties in a positive and interactive dialogue regarding effective discipline policies and other matters as may be required by the county board. Local Share – Local share is a computation of each school district’s projected regular levy property tax collections for the year. The total local share calculated for each school district is subtracted from the total basic foundation allowance of the PSSP to determine the State’s share that is appropriated. Major Improvement Project (MIP) Grant- School Building Authority grant funds for a construction/ maintenance project with a cost greater than $50,000 but not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars. It must co-exist with the county Comprehensive Educational Facility Plan (CEFP) and funding is provided on the basis of need and efficient use of state funds. Medicaid Funding – funding program provided for insurance for low income and needy children. Reimbursement is made for treatment of audiology, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, private nursing, and psychology and cost based treatments including planning, care coordination, personal care aide, and transportation. Multi County Vocational Center (MCVC) – Area vocational education training centers established under the authority of WV state code to provide vocational programs to students from two or more school districts. My Learning Plan – Software that integrates and enables employees to plan, manage, evaluate and report on all forms of professional leaving and all components of the processes for educator evaluation and appraisal. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 120 NCLB (No Child Left Behind) – NCLB is a United States Act of Congress that concerns the education of children in public schools. It supports standards based education reform, which is based on the belief that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education. Needs Grant – Counties compete for funding by submitting projects to the School Building Authority for evaluation and selection. Projects are evaluated in accordance with the eight criteria identified in West Virginia statute: student health and safety, economies of scale, travel time and demographics, multi-county scope, curricular improvements, educational innovation and adequacy of space and local effort. Net Enrollment – The number of students enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve and special education programs in the public schools of a county, reported on a full time equivalency basis. Professional Educator – Personnel employed by a board of education as a teacher, supervisor, principal, superintendent, public school librarian, public school nurse with a baccalaureate degree who is licensed by the State board of examiners for registered professional nurses, or any other person regularly employed for instructional purposes in a public school in the State of WV. Professional Instructional Personnel – A professional educator employed by a board of education whose regular duty is that of a classroom teacher (including speech language pathologist), librarian, counselor, attendance director, school psychologist, or school nurse with a bachelor’s degree an licensed as a registered nurse. Project ISAAC (Increasing Student Achievement, Advancing Communities) – An after school program funded by the West Virginia Department of Education and the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant. Promise Scholarship – A merit-based financial aid program for West Virginia residents. Students who achieve certain academic goals are eligible to receive funds to help pay for college. Eligible high school graduates will receive awards up to $4,750 to cover the cost of tuition and mandatory fees at public or independent institutions in West Virginia. Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) - established in 1971 to provide hospital, surgical, group major medical, prescription drug, group life, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage to eligible employees; and to establish and promulgate for the administration of these plans. Benefits are made available to all employees of the State of WV and various related State agencies and local governments. Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB) - Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZABs) are a relatively new financing instrument that can be used to carry out much-needed school renovations and repairs as well as other improvements (any use except new construction). The Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 121 federal government covers, on average, all of the interest on these bonds, thus enabling schools to save up to 50 percent of the costs of these construction/other projects. The interest payment is actually a tax credit, in lieu of cash, provided to financial institutions that hold the bonds. Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) – A compilation of “moments” detailing what activity each employee is performing at that time. It is used to determine, on average, the amount of time that staff sped on Medicaid-allowable activities I order to calculate what percentage of the county’s costs are eligible for reimbursement. Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) – created by the WV Legislature to consolidate and administer more effectively existing educational programs and services so individual school districts will be able to extend educational opportunities. Regular Current Expense Levy Rate – WV Statute requires the Legislature to set the regular current expense levy rates for boards of education based on statewide aggregate assessed values. School Building Authority (SBA) - The School Building Authority was created in 1989 by the West Virginia Legislature to facilitate and provide state funds for the construction and maintenance of school facilities. Second Month Enrollment - A snapshot of enrollment is taken on the last day of the second school month. All students actively enrolled on that date are counted as ENROLLED for that county school system. Service Personnel – Personnel employed by a board of education under any of the title identified in West Virginia Code 18A-4-8. Special Revenue Fund - The special revenue fund is an operating fund of the board and accounts for all revenues and expenditures attributable to state and federal grants and other revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purpose. SMART goal – A SMART goal clarifies exactly what is expected and the measures used to determine if the goal is achieved and successfully completed. Acronym for Specific (and strategic)-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant (results oriented)-Time framed. State Aid Formula (Public School Support Program- PSSP) – A plan of financial support for the public schools in the State of West Virginia, which specifies statutorily the responsibilities of both the State and the fifty-five county school districts. State Minimum Salary – The State legally mandated salaries for professional educators and service personnel as set forth in West Virginia Code 18A-4-1, including the state basic salary plus supplemental state equity. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 122 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) – A onetime appropriate under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to stabilize state and local government budgets in order to minimize and avoid reductions in education and other essential public services. Step 7 – An allowance to each school district for the improvement of instructional programs which is part of the PSSP. Study Island – A web based instruction, practice, assessment and reporting software that is built on the West Virginia state standards. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) - TIF is a tool to use future gains in taxes to finance the current improvements that will create those gains. When a public project such as a road, school, or hazardous waste cleanup is carried out, there is an increase in the value of surrounding real estate, and often new investment (new or rehabilitated buildings, for example). This increased site value and investment creates more taxable property, which increases tax revenues. The increased tax revenues are the "tax increment." Tax Increment Financing dedicates that increased revenue to finance debt issued to pay for the project. TIF is designed to channel funding toward improvements in distressed or underdeveloped areas where development would not otherwise occur. TIF creates funding for public projects that may otherwise be unaffordable to localities. Three Percent (3%) Statewide Grant- A grant awarded by the School Building Authority in which 3% of the total funds distributable are set aside to address projects that are regional or statewide in scope. Unreserved Fund Balance - unreserved fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government’s net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS) – Created in 1990, this project was created to ensure standardized data collection and streamline reporting to the West Virginia Department of Education. This software includes student applications, such as scheduling, attendance, grading and other custom programs, and financial and employee applications including payroll, human resources, fixed asset inventory, warehousing and purchasing. West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) – Responsible to oversee the 55 school districts plus institutional education in pursuing its mission to ensure that every child in West Virginia receives a quality education. West Virginia State Board of Education – A twelve member entity (nine citizens appointed by the governor and three non-voting ex-officio members, the state superintendent of schools, the chancellor of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and the chancellor of Community and Technical College Education) that establishes policies and rules to assure implementation of West Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 123 Virginia’s Education goals and to ensure the general supervision, oversight and monitoring of a thorough and efficient educational system. West Virginia (WV) Writes – A statewide professional development in writing in the areas of process writing, writing assessment (rubrics), content-area writing, on demand writing, and technology and writing in the 21st Century. West Virginia Test of English Language Learning (WESTELL) test – measures Limited English Proficient (LEP) students’ achievement in English Language proficiency. WESTEST 2 – A test that is custom designed to assess West Virginia students. The assessment results provide information about a student’s academic strengths, as well as areas that need improvement. Student performance is measured by WV academic standards rather than a comparison to the performance of a national sample population of students. Harrison County Schools Preliminary Budget FY 16 124