January 10, 2016
January 10, 2016
2121 South Rural Road Tempe, AZ 85282 Parish: 480.967.8791 www.olmctempe.com School: 480.967.5567 www.olmcschoolinfo.com Preschool: 480.966.1753 PARISH INFORMATION WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Friday 6:30 am & 8am Saturdays at 8am WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil at 5pm Sunday at 7am, 9am, 11am & 5pm Holy Day/Holiday Masses As Announced ADORATION Mondays 8:30am-7pm in the church 24hr Adoration in Youth Annex First Fridays 8:30am to 8am Saturday Confession Saturdays 3pm to 4:30pm Childcare available during 9am &11am Masses Sundays in the preschool for infant to 5 years. WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 11, 2016 6:30am - Intentions of Brinkman Family 8am – Soul of Vince Canzano Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:30am - Intentions of Charles Uyan 8am - Intentions of Dr. Breaux Wednesday January 13, 2016 6:30am - Soul of Emily Laurent 8am - Soul of MaryAnn Clark 2pm - Soul of Ella Bowen Thursday, January 14, 2016 6:30am - Soul of Barbara Pawlak 8am - Intentions of Kari Morris Friday, January 15, 2016 6:30am - Soul of Louise Fonua 8am - Soul of Ellen Ethier Saturday, January 16, 2016 8am - Soul of Joan Marie Beauvias 5pm - People of Mount Carmel Parish Sunday, January 17, 2016 7am - Soul of Mary Folz 9am - Soul of Alex Cipolla 11am - Soul of Wendy Regalado 5pm - Soul of Erna Buchanan Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Thursday, January 14 8:25am 6th grade - North Hall 6:15pm Co - Anon - Youth Annex W 6:30pm M. CA - South Hall Monday, January 11 7pm Music - Church/MR/UCR 8:25am 6th grade - North Hall Friday, January 15 8:30am Adoration - Church 2:30pm School Rosary - Church 8:30am Mom’s Group - Youth Annex 5pm Wedding Rehearsal - Church 3:15pm Girl Scouts # 987 - 4A 7pm Alanon - N. Hall, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B 6:30pm Bible Club - Music Room 8:30pm AA - McCready Hall 7pm NFP - Youth Annex West Saturday, January 16 Tuesday, January 12 7am Outside Group - Youth Annex E 8:25am 6th grade - North Hall 9am Parish Council - Teacher’s Lounge 9:15am School SET - North Hall 9am Women’s Studies - Youth Annex E 3:15pm Girl Scouts # 15 - 2A 10am Rosary Makers - Youth Annex W 7pm RCIA - North Hall 12Noon K of C - McCready Hall 7pm W. CA - South Hall 2pm Wedding - Church 7pm M. 12 Step - Youth Annex 3pm AA Sr. Group - Youth Annex 7pm Meditation - Church Sunday, January 17 7pm Mom’s - Teacher’s Lounge 7am Coffee Shop - South Hall Wednesday, January 13 9am Faith Formation - 8A,/8B MR 8:25am 6th grade - North Hall 1:30pm Girl Scouts - Youth Annex E 9:15am School SET - North Hall 3pm Boy Scouts #71 - South Hall 5:30pm Kidz Choir - Church/MR/UCR 6pm 12 Step Group - Youth Annex West 6:15pm Life Teen Parent Nite - N. Hall 7pm AZ Bible Class - McCready Hall Incorporated July 1, 2008 HAPPENING THIS WEEK A Note from Fr. John 10 January 2016 Dear Friends, When I was a young boy I always hated the Woody Woodpecker cartoons because he always got away with being nasty and mean. On the other hand I really loved Roadrunner cartoon since Wiley Coyote always got instant consequences not matter what. That was a much better message to send to children. One of the surest disciplines on the road to maturity is logical consequences. Whether positive or negative, consequences either reward good behavior or inhibit bad behavior. For a parent as hard as it may be to watch a child experience the consequences of bad behavior most parents know that it will help their child to avoid such behavior in the future. And of course when a parent protects a child from such consequences the child is more than likely going to engage the same negative behavior in the future. Case in point the “affluenza teen”. This young man killed four people while driving intoxicated. The court sentenced him to 10years probation. Not much of a consequence. With his Dad providing the high priced lawyers, the attorney’s argued that the young man was not able to understand the consequences of his actions because of his financial privilege and therefore needed rehabilitation not prison. Somehow he became the victim and not the four people he mowed down with his vehicle. The Court obviously agreed. The message the young man took away from that experience was that he could escape whatever consequences came with his behavior so why make any effort to change? No surprise then that recently the young man was seen on video at a beer party with his friends (which was a violation of his probation terms). Again instead of facing the consequences he fled with his mother to Mexico. At one point after an all-nighter at a Mexican strip club when the young man couldn’t pay the bill, the proprietor went with him to his hotel where he promptly woke his mother so she could pay his tab. These parents should be awarded the prize for “Most Enabling Parents in the World”. Still I can understand the fears and the accompanying delusional thinking that parents have that such serious blots on their son’s record would only haunt him for the rest of his life and that it was their responsibility to somehow mitigate their son’s consequences. Therefore cushioning the fall seemed like the helpful thing to do. Except it wasn’t. In fact it ultimately made things worse. The judge should sentence the parents to 10yrs of Al-Anon Meetings. The first principle of the Al-Anon Family of Programs is under no circumstances, no matter what, do not enable wrong and/or destructive behavior. If you continue to enable it you will only get more of it. Therefore Stop. Immediately. No exceptions. Period. That may sound simple enough unless you are caught in the web of someone else’s addictive behavior. And if you are then enabling even the most harmful behaviors can seem like an act of love. I’ve seen parents hand a gun to their out of control teenager, strung out on drugs because he promised if they would only love him enough to purchase him a firearm he would stop using drugs and alcohol. The result was not good. The “affluenza teen” is just one case that serves as a poignant example. The lesson however is not just for those caught up with addictive behavior but for all of us living in a society that does a remarkable job of letting us off the hook for many of our bad behaviors even rewarding bad behaviors. And therefore way too many of us believe the false message that we can get away with it and so we do it again. Much of our medical research is devoted to getting us out of the consequences of our poor lifestyle choices. How often are we told by a physician to change our eating habits lest we develop, pick your disease, and we fail to do so and then have to subject ourselves to the appropriate but once avoidable medical treatment. The place where we really excel is finding ways out of our bad moral choices. It’s one thing to try to cover up bad choices (unintended pregnancy: get an abortion, watching porn: just make sure to clear your browser history etc.) but now we just flat out deny that there even are consequences and if there are any we claim to be victims of an unjust universe. Try as we may there is no escaping the fact that there are consequences built into the moral law that eventually add up and cause a life to implode or a society to collapse. We may want to deny that or pretend it will not apply to us but it eventually will. At some point we have to stop thinking like invincible teens: “it won’t happen to me”, “I won’t get pregnant”, “I can handle drugs” and a thousand other memes and stop enabling whether our own or others even society’s wrong, self-destructive behaviors. The game is not Truth OR Consequences but rather Truth AND Consequences. Knowing and accepting the consequences of our behaviors helps us become holy and healthy, emotionally and spiritually. Are you more Woody Woodpecker or more Wiley Coyote? Love, Fr. John B. Parents, this night is dedicated to you! Before our semester begins, we want to give you the opportunity to ask the youth minister any questions you may have. Before we kick off EDGE and Life Teen at the end of January, we will be having a Q&A on January 17th after the 5pm mass from 6:15-8pm. Come join Sammie in the North Hall and help this semester start off strong! Journey of Hope is a program addressing the concerns of separated and divorce Catholics. A women’s group will be starting January 29th here at OLMC at 7pm to offer prayer and healing. We will address topics such as church teaching, anger and forgiveness. Program cost is $30 person. please call Cara at 480.248.8257 with questions or to register. OLMC Women's Studies Ministry Spring Session Study will be: Oremus “Let Us Pray”. In this eight-part DVD series, Fr. Mark Toups guides you through the simple, yet profound steps to an effective and fruitful prayer life. You will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice. $20 fee for spring session. Our Winter Retreat, 'Allowing God to Meet You Where You Are' on January 30th 9-3pm in McCready Hall $10 fee includes lunch for retreat. Men: The 9th Annual Into the Desert for Christ Catholic Men’s Conference is being held on February 6th at Xavier College Preparatory Performing Arts Center. This is an extraordinary time for fathers, sons and friends to spend the day focused on Jesus. Both of our Bishops will be there along with some great dynamic speakers, including Deacon Harold BurkeSivers and Chris Stefanick. All of the information is available at www.cmfp.org. The theme of this year’s conference is “Into the Breach”, based on the Apostolic Exhortation that Bishop Olmsted issued to all of the men of the diocese on September 29. To read the Exhortation, go to www.intothebreach.net. To sit with the OLMC group and to save $10 per ticket. Please contact Dave Knebelsberger at [email protected] or call at 602-451-0217. Open to all the women of the parish the sign ups will be held after All are invited to attend Masses starting Jan. 10th. for the a special Mass in celebration of the life spring session and the retreat. and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday, January 18, 2016 3pm at St. Mary’s Basilica 231 North 3rd Street Phoenix, Az Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted will be the principal celebrant and Guest Homilist, from the archdiocese of Washington, Bishop Martin D. Holley, D.D. VG. Prelude will be 2-3pm, hospitality follows Mass. Please visit the OLMC Coffee Shop Sundays after morning Masses . Proceeds benefit FullCircle the OLMC ministry that offers assistance for at risk kids and their families. For more info contact AJ Creswell via email [email protected]. or call parish office CATHOLIC CEMETERIES & MORTUARIES Your ad Gravestone Cleaning & Restoration We make your stone beautiful again 480-330-3906 www.monumental-care.com could be in this space! 1562 East Baseline Road • Mesa Proud Providers of The Catholic Heritage Plan™ • Arizona’s Only Catholic Mortuaries Owned & Operated By The Diocese Of Phoenix • Catholic Funeral Directors On Staff • Traditional Burial & Entombment Services • Cremation Arrangements • Pre-Need Arrangements • Out-Of-State Shipping Arrangements • Service To All Cemeteries • Veteran Arrangements • We Accept Most Major Pre-Need Insurance Programs www.queenofheavencatholicmortuary.com 480-892-3729 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. “What is your home worth?” Free Assessment for Parishioners 15% OFF Bikes • Parts • Accessories Realtor (Labor and Sale Items excluded) Rural Rd., Domenics 2010 S. Tempe cell: 480-688-4833 • [email protected] 2 Wheelers US Preferred Realty TREK • RALEIGH • CANNONDALE • DK • ELECTRA Your Family Bicycle Shop Alma Bengtson 968-8011 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 701900 Our Lady of Mount Carmel www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805