Beulahland Bible Church
Beulahland Bible Church
Beulahland Bible Church Lifestyle Capital Stewardship Campaign “Our Vision 2 Victories” Faith on the Fast Track “I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing” II Samuel 24:24 Volume 1, Issue 1 March, 2006 FOLL OW-UP TEAM EST ABLISHED! FOLLO ESTABLISHED! On January 8, a major milestone of the Lifestyle Capital Stewardship Campaign began. Bro. Julius and Sis. Nelsie Yates along with Dr. Terrance and Sis. Ferguson began leadership as Co-Directors of the campaign for the next three years. The need for follow-up is occasioned by the second law of Thermo-dynamics, everything slows down. When a successful campaign approaches its conclusion it is like a large ball rolling at a rapid pace. Over time the ball slows down. If it is to continue moving, it must be “bumped.” Followup is the planned and systematic action of bumping the ball. This issue of “Faith on the” Fastrack introduces you to the Follow-up Team members and shares their thoughts on the campaign and their commitment to the role they will play in Our Vision, Victories…Faith on the Fast Tack! VISION INSIGHT S INSIGHTS MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR: Allow me this opportunity to thank each of you who has made commitments toward “Our Vision 2 Victories” Faith on the Fast Track Campaign. A total of eight hundred thirty-two members have responded to the challenge of “Not Offering to GOD that which cost me nothing”. As of this date, we have commitments totaling $3,446.090 dollars over and above regular tithes and offering for the next three years. Now, with our Follow Up Commitment in place, headed by Brother Julius and Sister Nelsie Yates along with Dr. Terrance and Sister Ferguson, we will keep focused, encouraged, motivated and informed as to our needs and progress as we move forward in bringing to reality the commitments of this campaign. We continually thank God for putting it on your hearts to respond in such a positive and bountiful way. We have faith also, that what God has enabled you to promise, with God’s help, you will do. So then let each of us, with determination, keep our eyes focused on the vision of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus; as we go forward to do all God wants us to do, to bring glory to His name. Further, since there has been so many that has gone on before us that has sacrificed, struggled and toiled to make it possible for us to enjoy what we have today; let us do as Paul would encourage in Hebrews 12:1-2, lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. May God bless us real good as we follow where He leads and do His work as He directs. Be encouraged in the Lord. Pastor Maurice & Janice Watson Page 2 Faith on the Fast Track FOLL OW UP CO-DIRECT OR FOLLO CO-DIRECTOR As our Lord has spoken to our Pastor, our Shepherd, he has asked us to ‘serve’ in the capacity as CoDirectors for the Follow-Up Committee for our Stewardship Capital Campaign for the next three years. We realize this is all about ‘serving’, being in God’s will, being obedient; however, we are so excited because this is another opportunity for us to express and demonstrate our love and devotion to God and our Pastor. The Committee’s primary purpose is to “keep the Vision in the forefront’ of our parishioners mainly Bro. Julius & Sis. Nelsie Yates through communicating on a consistent basis our Vision, commitments to the Vision and where we are from a financial standpoint. We will embrace and communicate the Vision to all new members. For those who have already committed to the Vision, we say thank you. Continue to cultivate the seed you have sown by fulfilling your commitment and watch God work. For those who have yet to make a commitment, we encourage you to continue praying as we pray for you as well to become a part of this integral Kingdom building process. For the Macedonian Christians, giving was not a chore, but a challenge, not a burden, but a blessing. Giving was not something to be avoided, but a privilege to be desired. That is our prayer for the Beulahland Bible Church Christians. Prayer and support of each other is paramount as we move forward on this ‘faith’ journey in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Personal Information 131 Whippoorwill Ridge Road Jaclcson, GA 30233 (770) 504-1104 (Home) (404) 731-1188 (cell) Members of Beulahland Bible Church since 1999. Children: Kimberly (29), Julius, Jr. (15), Audrieona (9) FOLL OW UP CO-DIRECT OR FOLLO CO-DIRECTOR We are delighted to have been chosen as CoDirectors of the Follow Up Committee. We are rejoicing in doing Gods work. We look forward to what the Lord has in store for Beulahland Bible Church. We know it is going to be awesome. Dr. Terrance Ferguson As we know, the new facility in Warner Robins is well underway and hopefully the same will be true in Macon in the near future. As our commitments have been made, we pray that our commitments are fulfilled. As Co-Director of the Follow-up campaign it is our plan to keep everyone informed of what is going on with the campaign. The congregation will be informed through various means. Some ways of informing the congregation will be through newsletters, monthly reports during the service and informing new members of the campaign during new member training. We are humbled by our call to duty. We ask for your prayers; with those prayers we claim victory. Personal Information 3330 Lower Hartley Bridge Road Byron, GA Members since April 2004. Children Terri Nicole Ferguson (4) Terrence Lenard Ferguson II (2) COMMUNICA TION COORDINA TOR COMMUNICATION COORDINAT Bro. Michael & Sis. Jackie Gundy The leadership of the Beulahland Bible Church believes our church is mandated to become a Gatekeeper for Macon, Middle Georgia and the Body of Christ. We have taken the initial steps to build not one, but two facilities at the same time. As we step out of the boat of familiarity and comfort, God will be faithful to honor our commitments as we move forward in possessing our promises. Jackie and I count it a blessing to join our Pastor and this Follow Up Committee to continue to put “Our Vision into Two Victories allowing our Faith to be on the Fast Track.” We indeed have our umbrellas up and extended because we are getting ready for the Rain. Personal Information 2721 Liberty Church Road Macon, Georgia 31216 (478) 785-6644 Members since May 2005. Children Alexis (10) Jayla (3) Michael, Jr. (1) Page 3 Faith on the Fast Track NE W MEMBER COORDINA TOR NEW COORDINAT Anxiously anticipating what God is about to do for and through Beulahiand, I am truly humbled to be serving the church on the Follow-up Committee in the area of New Members. I am extremely honored and appreciative to have been chosen to serve for the next three years. I look forward to the growth of this campaign and the plethora of new members that we will be able to “cast the vision” to. This position gives me the opportunity to see the vision and our territory expand from the inside out. What an “AWESOME” time it is in the History of Beulahiand Bible Church. Personal Info: 259 Beaumont Hgts Dr. Macon, GA 31206 478-781-5520 home 478-808-3518 cell Member of Beulahland since 1991. Min. Shelton Brown HOSP IT ALIT Y COORDINA TOR HOSPIT ITALIT ALITY COORDINAT Being a part of the Follow-up Committee for our Capital Campaign is an esteem honor. Being the Hospitality Coordinator reinforces my belief in the vision and Visionary of this church. The responsibility of the Hospitality Committee will be to encourage congregation attendance, and host upcoming events as needed. Together we can build-up God’s house to change the world from Middle Georgia. Personal Information 2490 Shea Drive Macon, GA 31206 (478) 781-7807 Members of Beulahland Bible Church since May 1998 Children Jamual (15) Dominikue (13) Morgan (10) Sis. Felicia Devero ADMINISTRA TIVE COORDINA TOR ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINAT It is truly an honor to serve God as a member of our Follow-Up Committee. God is challenging all of us to make a Kingdom investment and He promises to take care of the rest. Each of us has a vital role to play in our Campaign and we can reach our goal in three years or less by simply trusting God. As a team member I am excited to communicate the exciting progress of the Campaign to each of you. Let me assure you-it will be good news! God bless you! Personal Information 3386 Seaton Drive Macon, Georgia 31204 478-746-5830 Member of Beulahland Bible Church since 1994. Sis. Cathryn Bell FINANCE COORDINA TOR COORDINAT We have been members of Beulahland for over ten years. We have participated in almost every ministry in the church. We are committed to the Lord, to our Church and to this campaign. It has been our pleasure to be loyal leaders and look forward to the work God has for us to do. We are a purpose driven family, who obeys the will of God. We thank God for sending Beulahland a wonderful Shephard and are honored to have been chosen to be the Finance Coordinators for the Follow Up Committee. Personal Information 509 Thomaston Overlook Dr. Macon, GA 31220 Member of Beulahland since November 1995 Children Andrew, Jr. (16) Alexandria (13) Bro. Andrew & Sis. Melissa Belk Non-Profit US Postage Paid Macon, GA Permit No. 311