Ye Weekly Blurb - Church of the Holy Spirit
Ye Weekly Blurb - Church of the Holy Spirit
Ye Weekly Blurb The Newsletter for the Choirs of the Church of the Holy Spirit 3345 Lexington Road (at Cannons Lane) Louisville, Kentucky 40206 Grateful and Hearty THANKS to all singers for giving out such a warm and fullbodied sound this past Sunday! While we had just one valiant treble chorister, (Cayman Kelting), the Spirit Singers were a mere two voices shy of 100% attendance! Many thanks to Elizabeth Gammons for the beautiful solos during the choral anthem, The King of Love My Shepherd Is. That work sounded incredibly full and grand. Hearty thanks also to our section leaders who gathered at the very early hour of 7:30 a.m. for prepare music for the 8 a.m. Mass. Elizabeth, August, Sean, and Kevin sang a few of the choir’s “greatest hits” for the prelude and during the Mass: Cherubicon, God So Loved the World, and Song of Thanksgiving. You all did, indeed, Psallam Spiritu — Sing with Spirit! Thank you so much! Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vol. 8, No. 6 19 October 2014 A Reminder to all singers, ringers, and parents of treble choristers: Please call, email, or text Dave if you (or your child) will be absent from choir. Contact information is in the box at right. Singers: Please check the low file cabinet for new music. You never know when there will be something new pop into your yellow folder! LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD! Turn in music we’ve already sung to keep your binder from bursting! There’s an “in” and “out” listing on tonight’s order of rehearsal. Welcome, New Treble Choristers! We extend a hearty welcome to new choristers, Ava Foos and Gabriella Cullen. Ava joined us last Wednesday and Gabriella joined us this Wednesday. Both girls attend Holy Spirit School and are in fourth grade. Ava and Gabriella join choristers Cayman Kelting, Graham Ice, and Gabrielle Scalzo. Graham has been a busy guy the past few weeks, competing in cycle-cross. His competitions take him to various places in Kentucky, and as far afield as Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. What’s in a Name? While calling our section leaders the Bellarmani worked for awhile, we now have three Bellarmine students plus one who attends IUS. A few ideas were kicked around, including Benny and the Jets, (but we might have some legal issues with that one). A few years back, a student assistant at UofL’s Law Library suggested to David Minton that the choir (or maybe these kids) could be referred to as The Davetones. As tempting as that last one might be, we have pretty much settled on calling our four section leaders the Choral Scholars, that title being shamelessly lifted from our nearby colleague, Josh Duncan, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Frankfort Ave. Thanks, Josh! Maybe it’s not as flashy as “Bellarmani,” but it beats “Section Leaders,” and as all are pursuing some study in music, it’s actually quite accurate: They are scholars! THE BASICS General Information for Everyone to Know! Wednesday Rehearsals Spirit Youth Singers (choir loft) 2:35 p.m.—3:45 p.m. Spirit Ringers (choir loft) 6:15 p.m.—7:10 p.m. Spirit Singers (choir loft) 7:30 p.m.—9:15 p.m. Sunday Mass Spirit Ringers (ringing days) 9:15 a.m. warm-up (choir loft) Spirit Singers & Youth Singers 9:30 a.m. warm-up (choir loft) 10 a.m. Mass ================= Pastoral Music Office 502-893-3982 Philip T. Hines, Jr. EXT. 710 Organist & Director of Music Mobile: 502-648-3653 Email: [email protected] David L. Minton Choir Director EXT. 716 Mobile: 502-439-3165 Email: [email protected] Anne Sabetta Choir Advisory Board Chair Mobile: 502-876-3298 Email: [email protected] CHORAL SCHOLARS Elizabeth Gammons August Anderson Sean Allen Kevin Johnson Soprano Alto Tenor Bass YE WEEKLY BLURB is the official newsletter for the Choirs of the Church of the Holy Spirit, 3345 Lexington Road, Louisville, Kentucky, and is published weekly on Wednesday during the choral season (September—June). At least two issues will be published during the choirs’ summer hiatus (July—August). Announcements, articles, and photos of interest to the choirs should be emailed to the editor (David Minton, Choir Director, [email protected]). Submissions are due by Sunday for inclusion in the next issue, space permitting, and may be edited for length and/or content. Choral Music Schedule Fall Semester through Christ the King SR = Spirit Ringers SS = Spirit Singers TR = Trebles Service Music for Ordinary Time includes: Kyrie — Simple chant in dialogue with the cantor. Gloria # 319 A New Mass for Congregations Alleluia # 331 “Alleluia 7” (Taizé) Sanctus B-II Mass of St. Francis [p. 11] Mysterium B-II Mass of St. Francis [p. 13-A] Gr. Amen B-II Mass of St. Francis [p. 17] Agnus Dei B-II Mass of St. Francis [p. 18] NOTE CHANGE! For most Feasts, Solemnities, and special Masses the Kyrie, Gloria, and Alleluia will be: Kyrie B-II Mass of St. Francis Gloria B-II Mass of St. Francis Alleluia B-II Festival Alleluia Other service music may change as well, and will be noted. CHORAL and HANDBELL MUSIC 19 Oct. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time SR Carillon All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name SS/TR Cherubicon Henshaw Rodgers Diess 26 Oct. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Trebles Off] Fr. Klotter: STATE OF THE PARISH HOMILY SR Hymns & Service Music SS Day by Day How 02 Nov. Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) with the Highland Chamber Players SS/TR Dies Irae (abridged version) Chant Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord Schalk Louisville Master Chorale Concert to Honor the Memory of Melvin D. Dickinson Co-Founder of the Louisville Bach Society Noted Bach Scholar and Organist Beloved Teacher and Friend to Many This Sunday, 19 October, 2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Assumption Mark A. Walker, Artistic Director Ein Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott — Johann Sebastian Bach Fantasia on Ein Feste Burg — John Knowles Paine Margaret L. Dickinson, Organ In Memoriam — Richard Burchard WORLD PREMIERE Tickets: $20 ; Pre-Concert Program, featuring Richard Burchard, at 1:45 p.m. The Louisville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists returns to Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church (on Browns Lane) for its Annual Pipes & Pumpkins Spooktacular Friday, 24 October, at 7:00 p.m. 09 Nov. Solemnity: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica SR Bless the Name of the Lord Ryan SS/TR Latin Gloria, Sanctus, Mysterium, and Agnus Dei Locus Iste Bruckner This year is geared especially for the youngsters — Trick-or-Treating in the Lobby before the concert. 16 Nov. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time [Trebles Off] SS With Eternal Love Diess Five young folks will play piano works they are studying on the church’s mighty Reuter pipe organ! 23 Nov. Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe SR Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven SS/TR Thou Art the King of Glory, O Christ Osman Handel (w/Bob Adelberg, bass) Tim Baker will accompany a silent movie, and several local organists (including our own Pip Hines) will present “seasonal” music. A ghoulish reception will continue the festivities. The following Sunday begins Advent! Admission Free! Come in costume—if you dare! On the Mend! Thanksgiving Week Heads Up We’re happy to report that Spirit Singer alto, Martina Gregory, came through back surgery very well last Thursday. She was discharged from the hospital on Sunday. She expects to be out of choir for about six weeks during her recovery and rehab. She asks that we keep praying that everything goes well, and she’ll be back with us as soon as she can. Thursday, 27 November is Thanksgiving Day. As we have done for several years, at the request of many singers and ringers, The Spirit Ringers and Spirit Singers will rehearse on TUESDAY, 25 November, rather than Wednesday. As they will be out of school for Thanksgiving Break, there will be no rehearsal for the Spirit Youth Singers that week. Please mark this on your calendar NOW, so we have full choirs for evening rehearsals that week. Dies Irae — Understanding What We Sing This week we repeat the translation of the Sequence, Dies Irae. We will sing an abbreviated version, (verses 18, plus Pie Jesu), on November 2. The full article on this appeared in last week’s issue. The Latin text below is taken from the Requiem Mass in the 1962 Roman Missal. The English translation, in poetic form, was found in Translations and Annotations of Choral Repertoire, Volume I: Sacred Latin Texts, compiled and annotated by Ron Jeffers. © 1988 by earthsongs. 1. Dies irae, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla: Teste David cum Sibylla. Day of wrath, that day shall dissolve the world into embers, as David prophesied with the Sibyl. 2. Quantus tremor est futures Quando judex est venturus, Cuncta stricte discusurus! How great the trembling will be, when the Judge shall come, the rigorous investigator of all things! 3. Tuba mirum spargens sonum Per sepulcra regionum Coget omnes ante thronum. The trumpet, spreading its wondrous sound through the tombs of every land, will summon all before the throne. 4. Mors stupebit et natura, Cum resurget creatura, Judi canti responsura. Death will be stunned, likewise nature, when all creation shall rise again to answer the One judging. 5. Liber scriptus proferetur, In quo totum continetur, Un mundus judicetur. A written book will be brought forth, in which all shall be contained, and from which the world shall be judged. 6. Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quidquid latet apparebit: Nil inultum remanebit. When therefore the Judge is seated, whatever lies hidden shall be revealed, no wrong shall remain unpunished. 7. Quid sem miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus? Cum vix justus sit securus. What am I, a poor wretch, going to say? Which protector shall I ask for, when even the just are scarcely secure? 8. Rex tremendae majestatis, Qui salvandos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietatis. King of terrifying majesty, who freely saves the saved: Save me, fount of pity. Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem. Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them rest. A very good YouTube video of the Monks of the Abbey of Notre Dame chanting this Sequence is found at: Sunday Dress Code Being in the rear gallery of the church, it can be easy to forget that we still need to dress appropriately for church. The choir does have a dress code—a rather lax one, to be sure—that does need to be followed by all singers, ringers, and treble choristers. For rehearsals, very casual dress is acceptable, including shorts, t-shirts, hoodies, etc. For Mass, we ask that “dressy” casual, (or “business casual”), attire be worn. Shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops, hoodies, are not to be worn for church. Jeans are fine— but no holes or rips—as are polo shirts. If you’re a “Sunday Best” kind of person, go for it, but don’t feel obligated to go all out each Sunday. Many thanks for observing this relatively small but important detail! Want to Be an Organ Groupie? Join the Louisville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. There are various levels of membership. For more information go to and click on “JOIN THE GUILD.” The Archdiocese of Louisville Chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians Welcomes everyone to join as a chapter member. Holy Spirit Church also has a national parish membership with NPM. Local dues are just $20! You’ll get advance notice of all events!
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