Cogia Intelligence UX Research


Cogia Intelligence UX Research
 Cogia Intelligence UX
with Card Sorting
y: Miguel Medina, UX/UI Designer at UXClinic m
​[email protected]
Stakeholders: Pascal Lauria
August, 2015 © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. Background.
Cogia Intelligence is a powerful web and social media
monitoring system. It searches for relevant content in
the web, but can also find unstructured data. The
system has around 20 different types of widgets and
each functions as a different analytical possibility.
The web app’s numerous features make users feel
confused and overwhelmed. The challenge is to
visualize the complexity of their data in an easy and
intuitive way.
Current Dashboard of Cogia Intelligence. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. ​
Discover how to improve the information
structure in the Cogia Intelligence App
Research Questions.
What are users’ impressions when using Cogia Intelligence for the first time?
What do users perceive to be Cogia Intelligence value proposition?
How do users feel when using the app?
Why are users frustrated when using the app?
How can we encourage users to keep using the tool?
Who tested Cogia Intelligence
What Participants Did
Seven users were recruited following the market
research profile. A Card Sorting session was ran
to see how they arranged and interpret the information.
-Create groups with the information ( Cogia Intelligence
features )
-Create sub-groups with the information
-Create, and name dashboards
Main characteristics of the participants:
-Social Media Managers
-Marketing & Sales
-Age 30-50;
-Never used Cogia Intelligence before
-Cogia Intelligence Active users
Our aim was to discover what kind of information made
more sense for users and how they expect to have the data
structured when using Cogia Intelligence. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. How we interpreted it
Methodology: Affinity Diagram
Affinity Diagram is a process used to cluster observations
and insights from research.
Designers will capture observations, concerns, or
requirements on individual sticky notes. The design
implication of each idea can then be fully considered on its
own. Notes are then clustered based on affinity, selected
considering research-based themes. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. Findings
During our preliminary research we found valuable information regarding​
the opportunity areas that Cogia had at the
We focused on the most important insights and translated them into design features.
Interaction Insights
We divided the Interaction process in the interactions users had to face in order to complete specific tasks.
We focused on the following main breakdowns:
1. Too Much Information In The Dashboard:
During our Card Sorting activity, some participants felt
Our users’ first impression was that Cogia was just
overwhelmed and frustrated about the huge amount of
too complex to use. They found the widgets too hard
information they had to group. They often didn't know
to configure. Understanding and making sense of the
where to start translating the data into meaningful
data displayed was very difficult. Users weren’t able to take compositions.
advantage of the dashboard’s capabilities.
Causing a lack of engagement when using the app.
We learned a valuable insight: users navigate the data from
the general to the specific. One of the users mentioned,
I wanna know first what the world thinks, then specifically
who thinks what.” © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. 2. Too Much Information In The Dashboard:
Widgets display too many options and configurations in a very reduced space. It’s troublesome for users navigate
them correctly. They spent a great amount of time trying to figure out what each option is for. This slowed their
workflow and made it impossible for them to take advantage of all the tools.
UX Solutions
1. ​
Workspaces to distill data from
top-down ( general to specific )
Users feel overwhelmed by the amount of data they are
accessing, having a lack of engagement with Cogia’s
powerful tools.
Recurring User Phrase:
“I like to navigate from general to specific. I wanna know first
what the world thinks, then specifically who thinks what.”
UX Solution:
Creating workspaces to navigate Cogia’s system.
Workspaces are dashboards with specific characteristics
depending on what kind of analysis the user wants to
make. Selecting a workspace gives the user access to a set
of specific widgets, related to the strategy they want to
apply on a campaign.
This way users have the option of distilling and making
sense of the data they access from top to down. i.e. from
general to the specific information.
The preset Market Research workspace will have widgets
such as benchmark, sentiment timeline and opinion
leaders. This will allow the user to start the analysis
faster, easing the time spent trying to find the right tool
within the system. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. User selecting a workspace. *Users will select the workspace that works best for their analysis. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. 2. ​
Default Dashboards and Widgets
Users expected to understand how to configure and use
UX Solution:
Once the​
user understands workspace he will be able to
create his own dashboards and try different approaches
with widgets. Exploring different ways to improve results
and test widgets in different scenarios will be a common
Our proposal includes a balanced setup for widgets
displaying what the user needs at a given time. Some of the
options include the configuration, information, download as
report, and the full screen tools. By reducing the amount of
tools per widget, users won't be distracted by them and will
have the option to configure the tools just by clicking the
configuration icon.
Another feature related to different scenarios is the
compare dashboards button. It will be possible to analyze
several dashboards at the same time in the same area.
Simplification is a given since the metrics will be displayed
side by side. When adding a new dashboard for comparison,
the grid will adapt and rearrange automatically to make it
fit. The information will be adjusted to be easily compared.
Market Research dashboard including a balanced setup for widgets. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. 3. ​
Feedback from the system
Users did not have an easy way to find how features work.
Users expected feedback that would guide them to the next
step of the process.
UX Solution:
The user will obtain feedback from the system. Widgets
will help them achieve goals with new approaches. This
will lead them to explore the system deeply, knowing
what could help them do a better job. © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. Next Steps / Recommendations
User Experience is a factor we should always keep in
mind. User research and interpretation is a constant
process that accompanies the lifetime of a software
Users will shape your product to their needs and wants if
only you listen to them.
As a starting point, we should take action in the following
opportunity areas:
​he UX Clinic team plans to work toward the following
-Create a task flow of how the features should unfold
-Prototype and test the UX solutions with users to
validate them
-Create high fidelity ready to implement mockups
-Iterate our UX research and uncover new opportunity
areas to improve the experience
You can save time and money by developing this
features. We can call them "user proved".
During our four week research we came to the
conclusion that we can keep improving Cogia
Intelligence if we create a long term relationship.
Our primary objective is to:
Discover how Cogia Intelligence can continuously
engage users to increase retention. Through a
thoughtful UX design that effectively reflects users’
needs and expectations.
We would like to schedule a call to go over this details at length.
For a formal proposal please do not hesitate to contact us!
Sandra Vazquez, ​
Business Developer
[email protected]
​ © Nearsoft, Inc. All rights reserved.