Boys` Rugby 1st XV 1936-1960


Boys` Rugby 1st XV 1936-1960
Words in italics are taken directly from Roesian, the School’s
annual magazine.
1st XV
S P McGushin (Captain)
‘The encouraging feature of the season was the keenness with
which most of the boys turned out. The early unpractised rawness
of the play had to a large extent disappeared by the end of an all
too short season, …‟
(photograph Roesian 1938, page 30)
B K Black
J A C Blair
R G Caskie
E Crockett
R E Gilfillan
J K Love (Captain)
C G Lowry
D R Murphy
M N Murphy
G McCartney
W A McCully
J F McIlmoyle
A G A Reid
W L Riley
W M Semple
‘We started early in the term with a severe defeat, but since then
the players have rallied and played well as a team. …
we had a good season and thoroughly enjoyed it.’
W M M Semple (Captain)
‘We had a good season, the team being very enthusiastic.‟
‘The Boys‟ Rugby Club increased its Funds by a considerable sum
when they held a Concert, with tea and games, on 26th November.
The Concert was a great success, and the tea, made by the boys
themselves, poisoned no one.’
We have no information on play during the years 1940-1946 if
indeed there was any.
(photograph Roesian 1948, page 45)
Thomas C H Allen – his report states he played during
the season 1949-50 but he clearly played this year too
B Austin – if this is James Blair Austin, he played for
the 1st XV 1948-49 and 1949-50
John Caskey (Captain)
D Clyde
G Conn
William Henry Craig – his report states he played
during the 1949-50 season but he clearly played for the
1st XV during this season too
Fred Cromie – Fred’s report records only his captaincy
of the 1st XV during the 1949-50 season
Thomas John Ivan Cromie – Ivan’s report records only
his captaincy of the 1st XV during the 1950-51 season
Richard Craig Foster – Richard’s report records his
rugby playing from 1948-50 but he is clearly on this
photograph as having played this season too
H Gault
H Glendinning
William James Fleming Meighan – William’s report
mentions him as being vice captain of the side 1950-51
but he clearly played this season
K McCloskey
E Nicholl
W Wilson
‘The Rugby Club last year was more successful than in the
previous season, when Rugby was re-started in the School. We
were fortunate in having a much larger number of boys at the
School, so that in practices we had a much keener spirit and a
greater desire to learn the finer points of the game. We played a
number of matches during the season and succeeded in winning
some of these games. We were greatly hindered by the fact that
very few of the team had any opportunity of seeing any first-class
We appreciate the kindness of the Old Pupils‟ Association in
assisting our funds by a generous gift of money.
An enjoyable party was held in the gymnasium in aid of Rugby
Club Funds on Thursday, 30th October.‟
(photograph Roesian 1949, page 49)
Thomas C H Allen – his report states he played during
the 1949-50 season but he is clearly on this
photograph as having played this season too
James Blair Austin
J Caskey
Forgrave Cochrane
John Gilbert Conn
William Henry Craig – his report states he played
during the 1949-50 season but is also pictured as
playing this season too
Fred Cromie
Thomas John Ivan Cromie
Richard Craig Foster (Captain)
H Gault
William James Fleming Meighan – William’s report
mentions only his being vice captain of the 1950-51
side but he clearly played this season
K McCloskey
George Rheins McElwee
J Quinn – if this is John Cathcart Quinn, he is recorded
as playing for the 1st XV 1950-51
William George Rodden
George A Warren Trotter – Warren’s report mentions
him as playing for the 1st XV 1949-52 but he clearly
played this season too
‘This season‟s rugby has been marked by great enthusiasm on the
part of the players. As matches took place on nearly every
Saturday, the boys were always keen and in good training.
The record of the First XV has been quite impressive - they have
played, up to date, fourteen games, of which they have lost only
three, all by narrow margins.
A pleasing feature of this term has been the forming of an Old
Boys‟ Team which twice played the School. Some of our former
pupils declared after these exciting games that although they were
almost strangers to the rugby field, it was great fun; others show
that they have not lost their former skill. Is it too much to hope that
there will soon again be a Limavady Town XV?‟
(photograph Roesian 1950, page 46)
Thomas C H Allen
James Blair Austin
Forgrave Cochrane
John Gilbert Conn
William Connor
William Henry Craig
Thomas John Ivan Cromie
Fred Cromie (Captain)
Richard Craig Foster
William James Fleming Meighan – William’s report
records him as vice captain of the 1st XV 1950-51 but
he clearly played this season too
James McClelland
George Rheins McElwee
William George Rodden
George A Warren Trotter
John Cathcart Quinn – John’s report only mentions him
playing for the 1st XV 1950-51
‘This season has been a most interesting one for our players and
supporters. For the first time we entered for both the Ulster
Schools‟ Cup and the Medallion Shield Competition. Although we
were eliminated in the first round of each of these, we can say that
our opponents were in the first rank as far as schools‟ football is
concerned and that we did not disgrace ourselves.
The senior team has played much better this year than it did last
season. As a sign of our better standard of play it should be
mentioned that one of our players, W Craig, represented us in the
preliminary trial game for the picking of an Ulster Schools‟ team.‟
(photograph Roesian 1951, page 45)
Thomas C H Allen – his report states he played during
the 1949-50 season but he is clearly on this
photograph as having played this season too
William Henry Craig – William’s report states he played
during the 1949-50 season but he is pictured here as
having played this season too
Thomas John Ivan Cromie (Captain)
Raymond Dallas
Kenneth Forsythe
Samuel George I Hamilton
Samuel Morrell Lyons
William James Fleming Meighan (Vice Captain)
John C Moon – John’s report records him as playing
for the Medallion XV 1949-51 and the 1st XV 1951-53
Murdo MacPherson
James McClelland
John Nicholl (absent from photograph)
John Cathcart Quinn
James Conn Sherrard
George A Warren Trotter
James Reginald Watson
‘Rugby Colours for the year 1950-51 were awarded to W Meighan,
T Allen, J McClelland, J Quinn and W Trotter.
Although this year‟s First XV was much lighter and younger than
last year‟s it gave a very good account of itself both in friendly and
cup matches. We had no reserves for our senior team without
falling back on our Medallion and in two of our cup matches we
had to play two members of our “Under 15”. Although it was only
our second year of entering, we reached the 3rd Round of the
Schools‟ Cup … and were defeated … by teams from much larger
Two of the most interesting matches of the season were those
against the RAF, Ballykelly, of which we won one and lost one by
narrow margins. Indeed all our matches were won or lost by a
very narrow margin and to date we have suffered very few defeats
in friendly matches. As the school grows in numbers we shall
have a greater number of playing members and this will mean
keener competition for places on the teams and better opposition
in practice matches.‟
(photograph Roesian 1952, page 42)
Raymond Dallas
Aaron Mervyn Elder
Oliver R Gault
Robert John T Graham
Samuel George Irons
Samuel Morrell Lyons
John C Moon
Robert Gault McKay
George Gordon McLaughlin
John Darragh McLaughlin
John Nicholl
John Alexander Robinson
James Conn Sherrard
James Edward Simpson
George A Warren Trotter (Captain)
James Reginald Watson
‘Rugby Colours for the year 1951-52 have been awarded to
Raymond Dallas, Morrell Lyons and Jim Sherrard.
Our success is still strictly limited by the small numbers on which
we can call for a First XV, and since size rather than experience or
enthusiasm has still to be our basis in choosing a team,
competition for a place on the team scarcely exists. There is much
more competition for places on the Medallion XV and Under 14
XV, and with our increasing numbers in the Junior School, it is
clear that in a few years there will be keener competition for a
place in the Firsts. A very pleasing feature of the year‟s Rugby
has been the high percentage of playing pupils, almost one
hundred per cent.
First XV players were mostly under average weight and age but
they gave a fairly good account of themselves against heavier
teams. …
Warren Trotter played in the Annual Town v Country Match in
Belfast, and Morrell Lyons in the School Trials Team.’
In the autumn of 1952 the season began on the new playing fields
at Greystone Park that were remarked on as being ‘satisfactory‟.
From now on the rugby photograph appears near the front of the
Roesian magazine, a sign, we think, that rugby is now well
established within the school curriculum.
(photograph Roesian 1953, page 4)
Kenneth Austin
Raymond Dallas
Aaron Mervyn Elder
Robert John T Graham
David R Lindsay
Samuel Morrell Lyons (Captain)
John C Moon
Robert Gault McKay
George Gordon McLaughlin (absent from photograph)
John Darragh McLaughlin – John’s report shows he
played 1951-52 then 1953-54. Clearly he played
during this season too as can be seen by his
appearance in this photograph
James Martin McNeice
John Nicholl – John’s report states his last season of
rugby was 1951-52 however he’s clearly in this
John Alexander Robinson
John Scott (absent from photograph)
James Conn Sherrard
James Edward Simpson
James Clive Cameron Tierney
James Reginald Watson
‘J Sherrard and S M Lyons played in the Provincial Schools Rugby
Having lost only two of last year‟s team we looked forward very
hopefully to this season. The scrum was much heavier and with
several capable substitutes there was keen competition for places.‟
(photograph Roesian 1954, page 4)
Thomas G Archibald
Kenneth Austin
Raymond Dallas (Captain)
William J Heaney
David R Lindsay
W McCunn
Robert Gault McKay
William John McKay
George Gordon McLaughlin (absent from photograph)
John Darragh McLaughlin
John K McManus
James Martin McNeice
John Scott
Nigel Semple (absent from photograph)
James Edward Simpson
Robert J C Smyth – Robert’s report states he played
from 1954 onwards but he’s clearly on this 1953-54
team too
James Clive Cameron Tierney
James Reginald Watson
David P Wilson
‘Having half of last year‟s team back with us we looked forward to
a successful season. The backs were fast and experienced and
since we had several capable substitutes for the forwards there
was keen competition for places.‟
(photograph Roesian 1955, page 4)
Kenneth Austin
John L Campbell
Desmond Gordon
J Head – Let us assume this is John H Head (Baird).
There are no other boys with this surname at this time.
Roesian states John played for the 1st XV during this
season and for the Medallion team. His report records
him playing for the 1st XV 1955/56/57. He is not
present in the photograph
William J Heaney
James A Hunter
John Leslie Kyle
W Millar – This may be William D Millar who played on
the Medallion team 1952-53-54
J Mullin – If this is John N Mullin, Roesian states John
played for the 1st XV during this season and was
captain of the Medallion team. His report records him
playing for the 1st XV 1956/57. He is not present in the
William James S McCunn
Samuel N McGonagle (absent from photograph)
William John McKay
J McLaughlin – If this is John Darragh McLaughlin,
Roesian states John played for the 1st XV during this
season though it is not recorded in his report and he is
not present in the photograph. He left school in
December 1954
James Martin McNeice (Captain)
John Scott (Vice Captain)
Nigel Semple
Robert J C Smyth
James Clive Cameron Tierney
Thomas John Walker
J White – If this is John Charles White, Roesian states
John played for the 1st XV during this season. He is
not present in the photograph
Richard Victor Whyte
‘This season, while not successful from the match-winning point of
view, was noteworthy for the enthusiasm shown by the members
of all teams who thoroughly enjoyed each game, although
suffering even more than usual from the shortage of senior pupils.
The 1st XV won five games, lost six and drew two. … Absences
and positional changes prevented them from settling down for
some time, and it was not until after Christmas that the out-half
position was satisfactorily settled. We could not find a good right
wing, but the presence of a fast, alert, and sure-footed full-back
prevented weaknesses from being unduly exploited by our
(photograph Roesian 1956, page 4)
John L Campbell
Ronald Clements
Kenneth Dallas
Desmond Gordon
Samuel R Hawthorne - played this season but his
name does not appear beneath the photograph. There
is a ‘D Hawthorne’. There is a David Hawthorne who
played for the 1st XV 1956/57/58 but who bears no
resemblance to this D Hawthorne pictured here. The
‘R Hawthorne’ pictured in the 1956-57 picture doesn’t
seem to match this boy either
John H Head (Baird)
James A Hunter
John Leslie Kyle
Joseph Thompson Morrison (absent from photograph)
John N Mullin – John’s report records him as playing
for the Medallion team at this time
William James S McCunn
Joseph D McCurry
William John McKay (Captain)
W MacLurg – If this is William S MacLurg, Roesian
states William played 5 games in the season. He is not
present in the photograph
William F Rainey (absent from photograph)
Robert J Robinson
Nigel Semple
Robert J C Smyth
Thomas John Walker
Richard Victor Whyte
‘With ten of last year‟s 1st XV back at school, we commenced this
season with high hopes of having a very successful year.
Unfortunately we lost both our centre threequarters early in
November, and this, combined with difficulties in what would have
been the best half-back combination, was most unsettling on the
whole team.
The forwards played many good games, being particularly
effective in the loose. Led by Gordon, they often showed up well
in the line-outs against taller and heavier opponents; but only
rarely did they manage to heel from the set scrums with a speed
necessary to give the half-backs an opportunity of attacking
The backs suffered from frequent positional changes throughout
the season and were never able to develop into the attacking force
which we at one time hoped to have. Both backs and forwards
played with great vigour and keenness, but mostly they were
playing as individuals and seldom as a team.‟
There then follows a couple of lines on how each of the players
„L (Leslie) Kyle – A full back with a long raking kick. With practice
his positioning sense and ability to field the kick ahead without
letting the ball bounce, should improve.
R Hawthorne – a wing three-quarter with speed but not just as
thrustful as he could be.
D McCurry – A fast wing three-quarter who has been forced on the
defensive in most games.
C Smyth – Originally a „hooker‟ and untiring loose forward, he has
had to play in the centre for most of the season.
B (Robert) Robinson – a promising player both in attack and
defence. He has been sadly missed from the team, and we hope
he will be playing again next season.
J Mullin – A determined runner with great thrust and ability to seize
any chance. We hope that he too will soon be able to resume
N (Nigel) Semple – Out-half who has also played some games in
the centre. He has developed a knack for positioning himself to
intercept the kick ahead.
W (William) McKay – Our scrum-half and captain who was always
an inspiration to the team, and never slackened his efforts.
D (Desmond) Gordon – An energetic front-row forward. He has
become an outstanding and intelligent line-out player.
V (Victor) Whyte – Our present „hooker‟ who has developed a fine
understanding with the scrum-half. He can „dribble‟ with skill in the
J (John) Head – A strong front row forward. He tends to conserve
his strength in the tight scrums, but is often outstanding in the
J (James) Hunter – A second row forward with the disposition of a
terrier. He has improved immensely this season.
W (William) McCunn – an intelligent wing-forward. He has upset
many promising opposition back movements.
J (John) Walker – a back row forward who works untiringly and
inconspicuously. He has greatly improved this season.
J (John) Campbell – An attacking wing-forward who is very quick
„off the mark‟.
W MacLurg, R Clements and J Morrison have been of great
assistance to the team, all having played five games for the first
(photograph Roesian 1957, page 4)
William A Benson (absent from photograph, see text
Samuel J Blair (absent from photograph, see text
Ronald Clements
Kenneth Dallas
Henry G Dunlop
William John Evans (absent from photograph, see text
Desmond Gordon (Captain)
Robert J C (David) Hawthorne
Samuel R Hawthorne
John H Head (Baird)
David Heaney
Henry T Lindsay
John N Mullin
William S MacLurg
Joseph D McCurry
Robert J Pollock
William F Rainey
Robert J Robinson
Samuel R Smyton (absent from photograph, see text
Thomas R Thompson
‘We would like to congratulate Morrell Lyons (Captain 1st XV
1952/53) on being chosen to represent Ulster against Munster on
November 10th. Unfortunately in the course of the match he had
his leg broken, and we hope that he will soon be fit again.
This season our 1st XV was led by Desmond Gordon who had to
contend with a greater number of difficulties than usually falls on a
captain. This was mainly due to the inexplicably large number of
illnesses and minor injuries suffered by 1st XV players which made
it extremely difficult for them to settle down as a team. In fact, only
three members played in every one of the 16 matches, and, on
one occasion, seven 1st XV players were unavailable for selection;
seldom, indeed, did a player have the same person alongside him
on successive Saturdays. When this is added to the fact that the
numbers which can be called upon are strictly limited in a school of
our size, it is not difficult to realize why we suffered so many
Others who have been of great assistance to the team, playing on
a number of occasions are J Evans, W Benson, S Blair and
R Smyton.
(photograph Roesian 1958, page 4)
David G S Avrell
Ronald Clements (Captain)
Kenneth Dallas
John A L Dobson
O Graham – David O D Graham’s report records him
as playing for the 1st XV 1958/59 but he clearly played
this season too
James D Harper
Robert J C (David) Hawthorne
David Heaney
Victor E Irwin
Gordon S Jones
Maurice A Jones
Henry T Lindsay (absent from photograph)
Brian D Mears
William S MacLurg (absent from photograph)
J Orr – John G Orr’s report tells us he played on the
1st XV 1958/59 but he is pictured here as having played
this season too
Barry J Rhodes
Thomas R Thompson (Vice Captain)
‘This season was our first in the new school where we have
changing rooms and playing fields etc. in close proximity and the
benefit of this was much appreciated by everyone.
The first fifteen was keen, injuries were few, and sickness seldom
affected team-members, with the result that only eighteen players
were required throughout the season. Colours were awarded to
two members; G Avrell, an outstanding second row forward, skilful
in line-out play and untiring in the loose, and to D Heaney who
kicked and tackled consistently well at full-back. Both these
players showed skill and keenness well above the average and
their example will serve as a criterion for future awards. Reawards were given to Clements, Thompson, Hawthorne, Dallas,
MacLurg and Lindsay who always gave of their best and showed
that they had lost none of their former skill; indeed Thompson,
originally our hooker, became a very competent out-half.
R Clements, the captain, by his inspiration, leadership and
example, brought the team confidence, and he was well supported
by the Vice-Captain. The back-row trio of Dobson, Hawthorne and
G Jones were enthusiastic and hard-working, always covering the
threequarters well in defence. Mears, a newcomer to the school,
improved with every game and has become a very promising
second row forward.
The backs seldom managed to function as smoothly as was
hoped, but they always fought hard both in attack and defence.
Jones was an enterprising scrum-half and was well supported by
Thompson, Irwin and Dallas, the threequarters. Harper and Orr
were hard, straight runners, but they did not get the opportunities
which they deserved.’
(photograph Roesian 1959, page 4)
David G S Avrell
S Blair - If this is Samuel Blair, he played 5 games for
the 1st XV 1956/57
G Boddie
John A L Dobson
David O D Graham (absent from photograph)
Samuel E H Harper
David Heaney (Captain)
Robert McD Hunter (absent from photograph)
Maurice A Jones
C Laughlin
Brian D Mears
W McLean John G Orr
Barry J Rhodes
George Stewart
Robert I S Walker
M Williams
…..’The promise shown in this, the first few weeks of the season,
was most encouraging, and while we won most of our school
games thereafter one felt that our rugby had not quite attained the
standard which had at one time seemed possible. We had a
number of positional difficulties which were never really settled.
Nevertheless, the record of games won was the best for many
years and the team must be congratulated on this achievement.’
…..‘The captain, David Heaney, who played full-back last season,
was given the unenviable task of filling the vacant out-half berth.
He always gave of his best and never failed to attack whenever
opportunity occurred. The full-back, John Orr, has improved with
every game. His long raking kicks to touch, were of immense
value to the morale of the team and his place kicking was of
inestimable value. He gained his place on the preliminary Schools‟
Trials, and his play has been praised wherever he has appeared.
Dobson and Rhodes were the centre-threequarters. They played
hard and with a greater share of the ball they could well have
made more scores. Harper was a very fast wing, who improved
greatly this season, especially in defence. Stewart, on the right
wing, always ran hard for the line, always looked for the ball and
seldom did an attacker pass him.
The forwards were well balanced and played hard in every game.
Hunter hooked exceptionally well and was often prominent in the
loose. Mears, the right prop, played with skill and determination.
He and Avrell were specialist in line out play and their work in
loose was first class.‟….
‘Blair and Boddie improved as the season progressed, pushing
hard in the scrums, and giving of their best on all occasions. The
back row showed frequent changes and we were fortunate to have
as wing-forwards Graham, who was ever prominent in the loose
scrums, and McClean who was very fast and was able to upset
many opposition attacking movements. Walker at lock played in
all but two games, and his keenness in training and in matches
was an example for all to follow. Laughlin played in a number of
forward positions and he gave of his best on all occasions, neither
shirking a tackle, nor relaxing his efforts to help the backs in
attack. Williams, a newcomer to the school, improved with each
practice game and proved himself worthy of a place on the team
towards the end of the season.’….
‘Colours have been awarded to Mears and Orr; re-awards to Avrell
and Heaney.’
It needs to be mentioned here that during this season the 1st XV
tragically lost one of its members in a road accident. Gordon
Jones was cycling home from a drama rehearsal at the school on
the afternoon of 23rd October 1958 when he was knocked down by
a car and killed. He was the son of Wing Commander and Mrs
Jones at RAF, Ballykelly. His brother, Maurice, also played for the
1st XV and became Captain of the 1959-60 team.
(photograph Roesian 1960, page 4)
David G S Avrell
Graham W M Bartlett – Graham’s report records him
as playing for the Medallion team 1956-59 and for the
1st XV 1960-61
G Conn – If this is Charles G Conn, he played for the
‘Under 15’ team 1957/58
W Deddis – If this is William G Deddis he played for the
‘Under 14‘ team 1954/55/56
J A L Dobson
S M Evans (Absent from photograph but mentioned in
David O D Graham (Captain for part of the season, see
text below. Absent from photograph)
Samuel E H Harper
Robert McD Hunter
H A I Jones (Absent from photograph but mentioned in
Maurice A Jones (Captain)
R K Kennedy (Absent from photograph but mentioned
in Roesian)
John H McCaughey
William R McClean – Williams’s report records him as
playing for the Medallion XV 1956/57 and being Vice
Captain of the 1st XV 1960/61. He clearly played for
the team this year too
Desmond Purcell
George Stewart
P Thompson - If this is John P Thompson, he played
for the Medallion team and was in fact its Captain in
1959. His report also states he played for the 1st XV
R Walker - If this is Robert I S Walker, his report states
he played for the 1st XV 1958/59
Thomas J Wallace
W Warke - William Warke’s report states he played for
the 1st XV 1960-61
‘This season the team distinguished itself by reaching the quarterfinals of the Ulster Schools‟ Cup Competition. This was a very
creditable performance, and it does in fact establish a record for
future 1st XV teams to aim at, and, if possible, surpass.
An analysis of match results also indicates a very satisfactory
season‟s rugby. Of the 12 school matches played Limavady
Grammar School won 6, lost 5 and there was one drawn game.
We also had two very enjoyable fixtures with RAF Ballykelly, and
had the satisfaction of defeating them once. We won both of our
matches against a Magee College XV and the Limavady Town 2nd
XV, and were narrowly defeated by an Old Pupils‟ XV early in the
It must be admitted, however, that early on in the season the future
of the team did not look too promising. The drive and coordination so necessary for match-winning was missing, and we
lost the first two games against Foyle College and Ballymena
Academy 2nd XV‟s. Nevertheless, some measure of the team‟s
undoubted progress can be judged from the fact that Limavady
had little difficulty in defeating both these teams in the return
matches later in the season.
Much of the credit for this progress must go to the team captain,
O Graham, who by his energetic play and example, fine leadership
and enthusiasm spurred the team on to better rugby. It was a very
serious blow to the strength of the side to discover that he was
over-age for the Schools‟ Cup Competition, and so had to be
dropped from the team towards the end of the first term. However,
we were very fortunate to have someone of the quality of
M A Jones to take over the captaincy of the side for the remainder
of the season. To him fell the responsible task of captaining the
team in the Cup games, and he fulfilled his duties admirably.
This season we were indeed fortunate to have a number of very
fine individual players; but with such a small number of players to
choose from there were bound to be some weaknesses in the side
which revealed themselves under pressure. The team as a whole
never quite reached the peak of performance of which it was
capable. …
R McD Hunter, the hooker, had a most successful season, and he
was ably supported by R I S Walker and C G Conn in the front row
of the scrum. Walker led the pack most ably in the latter part of
the season, and used his height and weight most effectively in the
line-outs. Conn played with great thrust and energy. Having once
gained possession of the ball he held on with grim determination,
and it took either the combined efforts of four opponents or the
blast of a referee‟s whistle to halt his progress towards the goal
W E Warke and G M W Bartlett, though rather light, made a good
combination in the second row, and played well throughout the
At wing-forward J P Thompson was outstanding. He was always
prominent in attack, and was very quick to make the most of any
mistakes on the part of the opponents. The other wing-forward,
W R McClean, also fulfilled his functions well. He played hard
throughout every game, and his only fault was a tendency to run
across the field with the ball in defence.
R K Kennedy was promoted from the Medallion during the latter
part of the season to fill the back-row vacancy left by Graham. His
enthusiasm made up much for his lack of experience and he has
the makings of a good rugby player.
It was some time before we managed to assemble a permanent
back line and even then illness or injury often necessitated
unsettling last-minute changes.
A scrum-half out-half combination of T J Wallace and M A Jones
was tried out in the early games, but did not prove successful.
Jones was then returned to his old scrum-half position, and J A L
Dobson brought in from centre to partner him. These two quickly
settled down and worked well together. At times the speed and
accuracy of Jones‟ passing from the scrum was at fault; but his
touch-finding kicks were a valuable asset to the side, and on a
number of occasions he made breaks on his own to score a try.
Dobson developed into a good out-half. His handling of the ball
was very sure, and when given room to manoeuvre, he got his
back-line moving well.
D G S Avrell, a forward in last year‟s 1st XV, was moved to centre
to strengthen the backs, and he proved to be invaluable in that
position. Avrell had all the attributes of a good centre. He was a
very strong runner, and had the ability to see and make an
opening. He also had a most devastating tackle.
S E H Harper was the other regular centre. He had a very fast turn
of speed; but lacked the necessary thrust to break through a
strong defence. When in form he was our most useful placekicker.
W G Deddis on the right wing played with great spirit and
determination, and always gave of his best. At left wing G Stewart
had both speed and ability. Unfortunately he was injured in the 2nd
round Cup match, and had to retire from rugby for the remainder of
the season. D Purcell took his place on the team, and played quite
well despite his inexperience.
To H J McCaughey fell the heavy responsibility of the full-back
position. He was never afraid to go in hard for a tackle, and his
falling on the ball was good. Unfortunately his positional play was
faulty, and a lot of practice in touch-kicking is needed.
Individual recognition of ability came to O Graham and J A L
Dobson, who were selected to play in the Co Londonderry v. Co
Antrim match. D G S Avrell and R I S Walker were invited to play
in the Annual Schoolboys‟ Rugby Match sponsored by North of
Ireland Cricket and Football Club.
Rugby Colours for the 1959-60 season were awarded to D G S
Avrell, C G Conn, J A L Dobson, O Graham, S E H Harper,
R McD Hunter, M A Jones, J P Thompson and R I S Walker.
Looking back over the season I am sure the team will agree that it
has been a most enjoyable one. The team spirit was admirable
and each game was played with enthusiasm and sportsmanship.‟