UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : INAWATI BINTI OTHMAN Date of birth : 1ST OCTOBER 1987 Title : DETERMINATION OF NON-REVENUE WATER THROUGH DISTRICT METER AREA Academic Session : 2009/2010 I declare that this thesis is classified as : √ CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by : (SIGNATURE) 871001-52-6252 (NEW IC NO. /PASSPORT NO.) Date : 19TH APRIL 2010 NOTES : * (SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR) ASSOC. PROF.IR.HJH FATIMAH MOHD NOOR NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date :19TH APRIL 2010 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in term of scope and quality for the award of Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering” Signature : …………………………………………… Supervisor Name : Assoc. Prof. Ir. Hjh. Fatimah Mohd Noor Date : 19 April 2010 i DETERMINATION OF NON-REVENUE WATER THROUGH DISTRICT METER AREA INAWATI BINTI OTHMAN A report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Determination of Non-Revenue Water Through District Meter Area” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ..................................... Name : Inawati Binti Othman Date : 19 April 2010 iii Especially dedicated to: My beloved dad and mom, Othman Tang@ Othman Bin Jafar Sider and Raniah Bt At, My siblings, My Best friend forever and My beloved one , Thanks for supporting, understanding and concern… I love you… Supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Hjh. Fatimah Mohd Noor and Puan Azmahani Bt Abd. Aziz, thanks for giving me the opportunity, priceless knowledge and advices to do research on your guidance… Last but not least, deepest appreciation to Syarikat Air Johor and Ranhill Water Services utilities in helping me collecting data. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Allah S.W.T whom with His willing giving me the strength to complete the thesis. I am heartily thankful to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Hjh. Fatimah Mohd Noor and Puan Azmahani Bt Abdul Aziz, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop an understanding of the research. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to thank to Syarikat Air Johor, Puan Noor Haffizah Binti Mohd Shah and Ranhill Water Services manager as my advisor for the project. Without guide, critic and helping from them, this assessment may not complete and fulfill the objective of study. I would like to show my gratitude to all of the water uitilities at Johor Bahru and Batu Pahat. Thanks to all my friends especially to my project team Azwan Bin Mustapha for your best compliment and stick together to work as a group and help for the whole time of the project. Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to my family members especially, my mom and dad as well as my siblings and also my beloved one for their continuous support and concern at anytime, anywhere and everything I need during the completion of the thesis. Thank you very much to all of you. It is a pleasure to thank those who made this research successfully done. v ABSTRACT The world‟s population exploded during the twentieth century and was estimated approximately 6.6 billion in February 2008.This situation has created mounting pressure on water demand. Over the past few centuries, Malaysia does not face problem in scarcity of water supply due to excessive annual rainfall. The abundant sources of water supplies are decreased due to increasing of population and impressive economic growth. Currently in Johor state, there is 32.46 % non-revenue water (NRW). Water pipeline leakages are the main contributor in NRW percentage with almost 75-80% .This current paper focuses on the assessment of NRW components in a District Metering Area (DMA) based on collected data from Syarikat Air Johor utility. Water losses have been assessed by calculation based on the analysis of Minimum Night Flows in Step Test and using Water Audit in DMA which covers predominantly two adjacent residential areas in Batu Pahat. The paper moots the factors which influence NRW components and strategies can be developed for curtailing the NRW. Results have shown that both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages in order to eradicate high level of NRW and both areas studied had been reduce in NRW after implementing DMA methods. However from this assessment, the Water Audit method is recommended. vi ABSTRAK Populasi dunia meledak naik pada abad dua puluhan dan dijangka sebanyak 6.6 bilion pada Februari 2008. Situasi ini telah meningkatkan kadar permintaan air. Beberapa abad lalu, Malaysia tidak berhadapan dengan masalah kekurangan permintaan air disebabkan oleh kadar hujan tahunan yang tinggi. Punca bekalan air yang dahulunya banyak semakin berkurangan disebabkan oleh peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang menggalakkan. Kini, sebanyak 32.46 % kehilangan air tanpa hasil berlaku di negeri Johor. Punca utama yang menyumbangkan kadar kehilangan air tanpa hasil ini adalah paip bocor sebanyak 75-80 peratus. Kajian ini membincangkan komponen kehilangan air tanpa hasil dengan menggunakan kaedah „District Meter Area‟(DMA) berdasarkan kepada dapatan data dari Syarikat Air Johor. Kajian berikutan kehilangan air berdasarkan kepada analisis „Minimum Night Flow‟(MNF) dan juga keseimbangan air dalam DMA yang meliputi dua kawasan perumahan yang berdekatan di Batu Pahat. Perbincangan kajian ini merangkumi faktor-faktor dan strategi untuk merendahkan aras kehilangan air tanpa hasil. Keputusan menunjukkan kedua-dua kaedah mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing dalam usaha menurunkan aras kehilangan air tanpa hasil untuk kedua-dua kawasan. Kedua-dua kawasan kajian mengaplikasikan kaedah DMA dan penurunan kehilangan air tanpa dibuktikan.Walaubagaimanapun,kaedah Audit Air dicadangkan untuk kajian ini. hasil vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF APPENDICES xii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Objectives of Research 3 1.4 Scope of Study 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 viii 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Definition of Non-Revenue Water 9 2.3 Definition of Apparent Losses 10 2.3.1 Elements of Apparent Losses 10 2.3.2 Inefficiency in Customer Meter 12 2.3.3 Unauthorized Consumption 12 2.3.4 Customer Meter Inaccuracy 13 2.4 Definition of Real Losses 14 2.4.1 14 Elements of Apparent Losses from transmission and distribution 15 Leakage and overflow from utility‟s reservoirs and storage tanks 16 Leakage on service connections up to the customer‟s meter 17 2.4.2 Characteristics of Leakages 17 2.4.3 Types of Leakage 19 Crack 19 Pinhole 20 Seepage 20 Pipe Joint Leaks 20 2.4.4 Management Tools for Real Losses Reduction 21 Unavoidable Annual Real Losses (UARL) 2.4.5 Active leakage control (ALC) 21 23 ix 2.5 Introduction to District Meter Area (DMA) 24 2.5.1 Criteria and process of DMA establishment 25 2.5.2 Initial DMA installation and testing 26 2.5.3 26 DMA meter selection 2.5.4 District Meter Area installation 3 4 procedure 27 2.5.5 DMA data monitoring 28 2.5.6 DMA Data Analysis 29 2.6 Step Test Method 30 2.7 The 2008 Annual Water Balance for Johor 32 2.8 Percentage of Non Revenue Water (%) 33 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 35 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 Study Flow Process 35 3.3 Case Study 38 3.4 Data Acquisition and calculation 39 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 41 4.1 Results of NRW 41 4.2 „T‟ factor for Taman Batu Pahat Area BP39 42 4.3 Leakage Percentage using Step Test Method 46 4.4 Non Revenue Water percentage using Water 4.5 Audit Method 49 Discussions 53 x 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 5.2 REFERENCES Appendices A and B Conclusions 57 5.1.1 NRW components are identified 58 5.1.2 Implementing District Meter Area method in determination of NRW 58 Recommendations 59 61 62-64 xi LIST OF TABLES NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Flow rates for reported and unreported bursts 15 2.2 Calculating background losses 16 2.3 The 2008 Annual Water Balance for Johor 33 2.4 Percentage of Non Revenue Water (%) 34 4.1 Network properties for each zone 42 4.2 Average pressure and leakage index for area BP39 43 4.3 Relationship between leakage (net night flow) and pressure 44 4.4 Average pressure and leakage index for Taman Makmur BP40 45 4.5 Leakage percentage of BP39 and BP40 for 2009 46 4.6 4.7 Sample Computation of Leakage Percentage on January on Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 Non Revenue Water using Water Audit Method 47 49 xii LIST OF FIGURES NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 The Location of Study Area 5 1.2 Schematic Drawing for Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 6 1.3 Schematic Drawing for Taman Makmur, BP40 7 2.1 “IWA Best Practice” Water Balance and Terminology 9 2.2 10 2.3 Four Pillars of apparent losses Leak duration and flow of water loss 2.4 Leak run time and volume of water loss 18 2.5 The Four Basics Methods of Managing Real Losses 21 2.6 Typical losses from a water supply system 22 2.7 A typical distribution network 23 2.8 A typical DMA design 24 3.1 Procedure Flow 37 3.2 Water utility manually read customer meter 40 4.1 Minimum Night Flow for BP39 and BP40 48 4.2 Water production of Taman Batu Pahat, Bp39 and Taman 18 Makmur, BP40 51 4.3 Leakage and NRW percentages for Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 52 4.4 Leakage and NRW percentages for Taman Makmur, BP40 53 4.5 NRW for BP39 and BP40 by Water Audit Method 55 xiii APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Water Supply System Drawing 62 B Site Visit Photos 63 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction The world‟s population exploded during the twentieth century and was estimated approximately 6.6 billion in February 2008. [1] This situation has created mounting pressure on water demand. Over the past few centuries, Malaysia does not face problem in scarcity of water supply due to excessive annual rainfall. The abundant sources of water supplies are decreased due to increasing population and impressive economic growth. Water losses are allowed to be largely overlooked because its abundance. With water readily available and relatively inexpensive, losses have been ignored by water utilities or assumed to be naturally inherent in operating a water supply system. However, the availability of water could not continue to sustain this rate of growth indefinitely. The urban population of the country is expected to increase rapidly because of the growing migration from the rural area. In rural areas water is used for such activities like agricultural, livestock, small industrial activities, domestics and outdoors. Water is supplied from hydraulic structures such as dams, reservoirs, and tanks to serve this 2 purpose. Water supply flows via the underground pipelines along the roads and highways. The water distribution system is organized in a network of pipes made of Asbestos Cement (AC), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Ductile Iron (DI) and mild steel in many countries. [1] Any disturbance that occurs in the water distribution system lead to the crucial problem that might affect the users. These pipelines are exposed to nature activities and will deteriorate. Deterioration and damaged are caused by soil movement, corrosive environments, fluctuation of water pressure, construction not complying with the standards and excessive in traffic loading. Due to these factors, pipelines are exposed to the ground, cracks, leaks and burst. These situations are contributing to the water losses in pipelines. Water loss is defined as losing some amount of water in pipeline distribution system. Water loss is a universal problem and occur in both developed and developing countries. Loss in water distribution system is referred to unaccounted for water (UFW) and now known as non-revenue water (NRW). NRW is basically defined as losing some amount of water in pipeline distribution networks. NRW technically defined as the difference between water delivered to the distribution system and water being sold by the utility based on meter consumption. According to the standard International Water Association (IWA), NRW is the sum of real and apparent losses plus unbilled authorized consumption. One of the major challenges facing water utilities in the developing world is the high level of water loss due to pipe bursts and leakages, theft of water from the system, or water users not billed properly. The major contributor to non-revenue water in Malaysia is pipeline leakage. Pipe leakage categorized by real losses. How much water is being lost from water network and where the losses are occurring is crucial to water utilities. Water 3 loss could occur in different part of the components such as distribution pipes, transmission pipes, service connection pipes, joints, valves, fire hydrants and storage tanks and reservoirs. Malaysia Water Industry Guide (2007), under the 9 th Malaysia Plan (9MP), the government promises sufficient water supply to the rural areas. Moreover, under 9MP, water supply projects are to be allocated RM8.2 billion increase from the RM3.88 billion allocated under 8MP. The government of Malaysia has implemented strategy to rehabilitate the distribution network to bring down the level of NRW from 38% in 2005 to 30% by 2010. Other than that, the government plan to replace about 12 000 km of existing aged Asbestos Cement Pipes and old cast iron pipes with Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC).[2] 1.2 Problem Statement Rapid urbanization and increasing number of population will lead to higher demand of water and thus leads to the problem of water losses. The amount of water losses cannot be completely avoided. However they can be managed to remain in economic limits. Improvement in a performance of managing water losses can be achieved through replacing aging infrastructure and establishing District Meter Areas or District Meter Zones (DMA/DMZ) and using them to manage NRW. Therefore, the reduction and control of water losses is vital to minimize NRW levels that threaten the long term sustainability of water resources for the future. 4 1.3 Objectives of Research The main objective of this study is to analyze the existing problem of non-revenue water (NRW) in distribution system and identify the real losses components and apparent losses components in these areas. Next is to propose District Meter Area (DMA) methods in reduction of NRW such as Step test and Water audit methods and also make comparisons between two adjacent residential areas with two different methods. 1.4 Scope of Study Figure 1.1 shows the location of study area.The study areas selected are at Taman Batu Pahat and Taman Makmur at Batu Pahat, Johor. Figure 1.2 shows schematic drawing for Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 while Figure 1,3 shows schematic drawing for Taman Makmur, BP40. The scopes for this study include review the existing data and information for these study areas. Data using for this study is one year data from January to December 2009.The data are analyzed within the study areas to prepare distribution zoning and layout plans to show the bulk supply system, source of supply water, points of the main pipes to service pipes and the position of district meter to measures flow in the district. The alternative and strategies to manage and overcome water losses at the area concerned are the developing NRW at these locations. These locations are then analyzed to distinguish NRW percentages of two adjacent residential areas with different number of connections and different lengths of pipes. 5 Figure 1.1: The Location of Study Area 6 Figure 1.2 Schematic Drawing for Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 7 Figure 1.3 Schematic Drawing for Taman Makmur, BP40 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 Introduction Nowadays, water loss management is a primary concern in many developing countries. All water networks in the world suffer from water loss and it varies for each country. The global volume of non-revenue water (NRW) or water losses is unexpected. Over 32 billion cubic meter of treated water is lost each year through leakage of distribution network. While 16 billion cubic meter are delivered to the customers but not invoiced because of theft, poor metering or corruption.[1] These challenges seriously affect the financial viability of water of water utilities through lost revenues, lost water resources and increase in cost operation. The volume of water loss depends on the condition of main and service connections which make up the network. It includes physical or real losses and apparent or commercial losses. 9 Figure 2.1 “IWA Best Practice” Water Balance and Terminology 2.2 Definition of Non Revenue Water According to the standard International Water Association (IWA), Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is defined as the summation of real and apparent losses plus unbilled authorized consumption.[5] NRW is the total amount of water flowing into the water supply network from a water treatment plant which is the system input volume minus the total amount of water that industry and domestic consumers are authorized to use or the authorized consumption. This is illustrated in Figure 2.1. NRW = System Input Volume – Billed Authorized Consumption (Equation 2.1) 10 Equation 2.1 assumes that system input volume has been corrected for any known errors and system input volume period is corresponding with consistency of the billed metered consumption period for customer billing records. 2.3 Definition of apparent losses Apparent losses sometimes called commercial losses, consists of water that is being consumed from users but not paid for. Some of the cases are water that pass through the meters but not recorded accurately due to meter errors, meter under registration, water theft and water accounting errors. 2.3.1 Elements of apparent loss Initially, commercial losses can be classified into four fundamental elements such as customer meter inaccuracy, unauthorized consumption, meter reading errors and data handling and accounting errors. 11 Figure 2.2 Four Pillars of apparent losses Apparent losses usually count for not more than 4 to 6 percent of authorized consumption. For example, based on Figure 2.2, inaccurate meter reading may be hidden and this will implement in estimation on billing system that do not match past billing data. The four elements are described as follows: i) Meter under registration is described by inability to measure flows accurately, especially the lower flows and this tends to increase with time. ii) Water theft by connections of the pipeline without authorization by water authority through passing or damaging customer meter. iii) Water accounting errors are consist error in billing, such as computer based calculations or estimations that do not reflect actual consumption values. 12 iv) Meter errors are due to human error such as inaccurate meter reading and wrong data volumes. 2.3.2 Inefficiency in customer meter There are several reasons leading to customer water meters losing their efficiency. This will lead to reduced sales and therefore reduced revenue. Only a few cases of meter over-registration. Inaccurate meters can be caused by meter wear and tear, demand profile or demand type problems. Ageing or abrasion of meter moving parts lead to under-registration. Moreover, poor water quality may cause sediments to form in the pipes. These sediments will build up on the internal parts of meters and affect the meter accuracy by increasing friction losses, which causes the meter to run more slowly, thus under-register consumption. Improper meter installation also leads to inaccurate data and billing errors. 2.3.3 Unauthorized consumption Unauthorized consumption includes illegal connections, meter by passing, illegal use of hydrants, and poor billing collection systems. Illegal connections involve the physical connections between the distribution networks without approval of the water utilities. Commonly illegal connections exist during the installation of new supply connections or sometimes the user‟s supply is cut off after nonpayment and the customer cannot afford, or refuse to be reconnected. 13 Meter bypass is used by some users to reduce their water bills through a meter bypass buried around the meter and this is hard to detect. These types of unauthorized consumption are usually committed by commercial and industrial premises which diverts the larger volume that goes through the meter while the rest through the bypass pipe. Illegally use of fire hydrants to fill tankers normally at night or to provide water supply to the construction sites. Illegal use of fire hydrant can be detected by high volume of water used in a short period of time is being used. Sometimes, connections are made legally but the billing department is not notified of the new connection, therefore the new user is never billed. These unregistered customers can be detected during the regular meter reading cycle when diligent meter readers find meters that are not in their register. 2.3.4 Customer meter inaccuracies Errors on meter can be described through negligence, aging meters or even corruption during the process of reading meters and billing customers. Inexperienced meter readers may misread the meter reading such as misplace a decimal places of the numbers. Dirty dial, faulty meters and jammed meter can also lead to meter reading errors. 14 2.4 Definition of real losses Real losses sometimes known as physical losses or leakage consists of the total volume of water losses minus commercial losses. Old and poorly constructed pipelines, inadequate corrosion protection, poorly maintain valves and mechanical damage are some of the factors contributing to leakage. There are three main components of physical losses: i) Leakage from transmission and distribution mains ii) Leakage and overflow from the utility‟s reservoirs and storage tanks iii) Leakage on services connection up to the customer‟s meter The first two types of leakage are usually visible to the public while the other is more difficult to detect and therefore contribute to a greater volume of physical losses. The first and second types of leakage are easy to notice and can be repaired relatively quickly.[6] 2.4.1 Elements of real losses Real loss comprises of leakage from transmission and distribution mains, leakage and overflow from utility‟s reservoirs and storage tanks, and leakage on service connections up to the customer‟s meter. 15 Leakage from transmission and distribution mains Leakages occurring from transmission and distribution mains are usually large, and called pipe burst. Pipe burst causes damage on the street surface due to large amount of lost water in a short period of time. Water flows over the surfaces frequently damage the surfaces as well as soil erosion. Such bursts are usually not very serious because of their large size and visibility, the bursts are reported quickly and water supply can be shut off and repaired afterwards. The numbers of leaks can be calculated by using the data from record, on mains repaired during reporting period usually up to 12 months and estimate an average flow rate of the leaks. This gives the total annual volume of leakage from mains as follows, a=bxcxd (Equation 2.2) Where a is total annual volume of leakage from mains, b is number of reported bursts, c is average leak flow rate and d is average leak duration If no detailed data are available, utility managers can use estimated flow rates from Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Flow rates for reported and unreported bursts Source: IWA Water Loss Task Force Thus, background losses and excess losses can be estimated. Background losses are individual event such as small leaks and weeping joints that flow at rates too low for detection by an active leak detection survey. They are finally detected by chance or after 16 they have worsened to the point that an active leak detection survey can discover them. Table 2.2 shows background losses from various components of the network with average infrastructure condition. Table 2.2 Calculating background losses Source: IWA Water Loss Task Force Excess losses consist of the water lost from leak which are not detected and repaired under the current leakage control policy: Excess losses = physical losses from water balance –known physical loss components (Equation 2.3) If Equation 2.3 gives a negative value, the assumption for real loss component analysis should be rechecked and corrected. If the data still gives a negative value, this is indicates that there are faulty data used in the water balance calculation. Leakage and overflow from utility’s reservoirs and storage tanks Most overflows occur at night when demands are low and therefore it is important to undertake regular nightly observations of each reservoir. Leakage and overflow from utility‟s reservoirs and storage tanks are easily quantified. Utility‟s reservoirs and storage tanks are mainly of concrete and steel construction. Therefore leaks can occur along 17 construction joints and corroded layer of the steel tanks. These observations can be undertaken via installing data logger which will record reservoir levels automatically at preset intervals or by manually taken the data at night. Drop test can be conducted to check leakage that occurred from tanks when the utility closes all inflow and outflow valves to measures the rate of water level drop and then calculates the volume of water lost. The test is conducted to ensure water tightness and to reveal leakage. However, to repair these leakages draining down the reservoir and planning an alternative supply is required. Leakage on service connections up to the customer’s meter This kind of leakage is usually difficult to detect but gives the largest volume of real losses. Volume of leakage from service connections is approximately calculated by deducting the mains leakage and storage tank leakage from the total volume of real losses. 2.4.2 Characteristics of leakages Volume of water lost from leaks and bursts are influenced by time. The longer a leak runs the greater volume of water lost. Figure 2.3 shows ALR, three key factors in the amount of water that is lost from an individual leak or burst, where A is awareness, L is location time and R is repair time. 18 Source: IWA Water Loss Task Force Figure 2.3 Leak duration and flow of water loss Source: SAJ Non-revenue water handbook Figure 2.4 Leak run time and volume of water loss 19 Figure 2.4 shows the different types of leakages have different time of awareness. Types and locations of bursts for example main or service connection affected the total run time. i) Reported bursts are usually reported by the public or observed by the water utility staff because of visibility and typically high flow rates and have short awareness time. ii) Unreported bursts are usually non visible and commonly occur at the pipe line buried underground. They are commonly detected during leak detection surveys or active leakage control (ALC) and often have a long period of awareness. iii) Background leakage mostly occurred at joints and connections. Flow rates too small to be detected and cause difficult to be detect and repair. 2.4.3 Types of Leakage There are many different types of infrastructure used in a distribution system as well as many different types of leaks occurring in a distribution system. Crack This term is used to describe a pipe failure mechanism occurring as circumferential or longitudinal failure that usually results from pipe deterioration or ground movement. They may go undetected for some time and eventually deteriorate to become a reported main break or fracture. The quality of the leak noise depends on factors such as pressure and pipe material, but usually is distinct and of high audible frequency. 20 Pinhole Pinholes leaks are small circular failures in a pipeline usually caused by corrosion or stress by stones after poor backfill procedure during installation. Steel pipe installed in a corrosive environment without proper corrosion protection is particularly susceptible to the development of pinhole leaks, which can develop very quickly. As short as several months time in extremely corrosive environments. Seepage Commonly, Asbestos cement pipes deteriorated where the pipe wall becomes semi porous and water escapes slowly. These types of leaks are extremely difficult to locate as leak noise is minimal. Asbestos cement pipes normally classified as undetectable background leakage. Losses caused by seepage can be minimized by use of pressure reduction or infrastructure replacement. Pipe Joint Leaks These are common points of leakage, particularly on older cast iron and AC pipes where the caulking or joint gasket deteriorates over time. Many older couplings are not corrosion protected and therefore deteriorated long before pipe itself. When ground movement occurs, pipe joints bear most of the strain, often resulting in leakage and eventually a fracture. 21 2.4.4 Management Tools for Real losses Reduction Unavoidable Annual Real Losses (UARL) The elements such as active leakage control (ALC) and repair activity can considered to be revenue items and would therefore be considered in the evaluation of the short run economic level leakage (ELL), whereas pressure management and mains rehabilition would require an investment decision, and would therefore be considered in the evaluation of the long run ELL. Source: SAJ Non-revenue water handbook Figure 2.5 The Four Basics Methods of Managing Real Losses Real losses cannot be eliminated totally. The lowest achievable annual volume of real losses for well maintained and well-managed systems is known as unavoidable annual real losses (UARL). Figure 2.5 shows the relationship between current annual real 22 losses (CARL) from an IWA water balance represented by a large rectangle and UARL the small rectangle. The four pillars of a leakage management strategy include pressure management, active leakage control, assets management and repairing (the four arrows) to control the real losses but at the current operating pressure cannot be reduced any further than the UARL. CARL tends to increase as the distribution network ages. But the appropriate combination of four components can limit the rate of increase of real losses. Data for this assessment are the number of service connections, the length of main, private pipes between the streets and customer meters and the average operating pressures. Source: Ranhill Figure 2.6: Typical losses from a water supply system Figure 2.6 shows the difference between physical losses and apparent losses from a distribution networks. 23 2.4.5 Active leakage control (ALC) The reduction and control of water losses become more vital in this age when water demand is high. Active leakage control can best be described as a proactive strategy to reduce water loss by the detection of non visible leaks and their prompt repaired by highly trained engineers and technicians using specialized equipment.[8] The concept of monitoring of flows and pressures of a water network in a small area is commonly called District Meter Areas (DMAs). Unreported Bursts and leaks are now established to determine the leak location activities. The faster the operator can analyze DMA flow data, the faster bursts or leaks can be located. There are many points in a distribution network where leakage might occur and the location they are best to monitor. Figure 2.7 shows the strategic points to install data logger. Source: Ranhill Figure 2.7: A typical distribution network 24 2.5 Introduction to District Meter Area (DMA) DMA management is used to determine the level of leakage within a defined area of the water network. The concept of DMA monitoring is to measure flow into a discrete area with a defined boundary and observe typical variation in flow. Current levels of leakage and priorities of the leakage location activities are enabled by the establishment of a DMA. The presence of new bursts can be identified by monitoring flows in DMAs so that the leakage can be maintained at optimum level. The network can be divided into several DMA and the accurate bulk of water meter is installed at the entry point of each districts. The sum of the flow total for each district is recorded should equal to the quantity of water measured at the outlet from consumer. DMA is relevant especially at residential area where the night flow is expected to be zero [4]. So the night flow for each district can be regularly monitored and the presence of unreported burst and leakage can be identified and located. Besides, the pressure in district can be monitored so that the network is operated at optimum level of pressure. Figure 2.8 shows a typical DMA design, including the monitoring hierarchy upstream and downstream of the DMA. 2.5.1 Figure 2.8: A typical DMA design Criteria and process of DMA establishment 25 There are several criteria that should be taken into account to create a preliminary DMA design [3]: i. Size of DMA. The ideal size of zone consists between 1000 and 2500 the number of connections depends on density of population. The smaller the areas, the more manageable to monitor and maintain. This is because the smaller the size of a DMA the faster the leakage will be identified. For example, if the DMA is larger than 1000 properties or service connection, this becomes difficult to discriminate small leaks from customer consumption volume. ii. Number of valves that must be closed to isolate the DMA. It is essential to close valves to isolate a certain area and install flow meters. This process can affect the system‟s pressures, within the particular DMA as well as its surrounding areas. iii. Number of flow meters to measure inflows and outflows. It is much preferable for one district zone to have one point of supply. The fewer meter required, the lower the initial cost of establishment. iv. Water quality consideration. Water quality should be monitored prior to and after the installation of DMA. Poor water quality may occur after creating a DMA. This is because creating a DMA will involve closing valve to permanently form a boundary which creates more dead ends than would normally be found in fully open system. The problem can be alleviated by a flushing program. v. Ground-level variations and thus pressures within the DMA. The flatter the area, the more stable the pressures and the easier to establish pressure controls. 26 vi. Pressure. The pressure reduction should be in range of 10 psi (7mH) to 15 psi (11mH). It is much preferable zone that has at least 20mH night pressure at the target point. Target point usually the highest or furthest position from the inlet meter. vii. Topographic features. Easily visible topographic features that can serve as boundaries for DMA such as rivers, drainage channels, railroads, highways, etc. 2.5.2 Initial DMA installation and testing In order to verify the integrity of the DMA and gain the data that necessary for the DMA chamber design, the DMA needs to be set temporarily and gather the field measurement as the initial design phase of DMA. The DMA needs to be set up by closing all identified boundary valves and verifying the status of already closed valves. The DMA is supplied through the selected feeder mains to be monitored by using temporary flow meters or clamp on ultrasonic flow meters. 2.5.3 DMA meter selection The selection and installation of the DMA meters are the key components when designing and creating new DMA. There are several components that related on selecting the DMA meter such as the size of meter, ability of meter to record the accurately 27 maximum and minimum flow rates and the necessity to meet demand and fire flow requirements. The selection of meter type and size depends upon: 2.5.4 i. Size of main pipe ii. Flow range iii. Head loss at peak flows iv. Reverse flow requirements v. Accuracy and repeatability vi. Data communication requirements vii. Cost of meter viii. Water utility preference District Meter Area installation procedure Following the initial design phase, the DMA need to be set temporarily with identification from network plan to establishment of district zone. The DMA has to be set up by closing all identified valves and verifying the status of already closed valves. Ensure that water is not entering the area from any source when the main feeder of water supply is closed. The pressure within a zone is supposedly giving zero reading due to absence of water entering the boundary area via boundary valve. This is called by zero pressure test. After proving is successful, boundary valve is confirmed 100 percent closed and spraying with red in color. Next step is by installation of temporary flow meter at the main feeder. The temporary flow meter using may an electromagnetic insertion flow meter or clamp on ultrasonic flow meter. Next integrity of the DMA boundaries is by conducting pressure drop test to analyze the effective reduction in pressure in the area. 28 During this test the pressure is dropped within the DMA in various steps by operating the valve. The test should be conducted during the minimum night time flow between 2 and 4 am in order to avoid customer consumption disruption that would generate complaints. During this period when there are maximum of total flow occurs on DMA meter, as the result leakage occurs in this area. Once the integrity of the DMA has been confirmed it is necessary to measure the total inflow to the DMA over several days to calculate existing volume of leakage and to estimate the future leakage target volumes. If the water supply is insufficiently provided enough capacity of fire flow emergencies in this area, then it is necessary to redesign the DMA and either change the boundaries or to include an additional feeder main in the design. 2.5.5 DMA data monitoring The selection of DMA monitoring and data transfer capabilities influencing the optimum cost and volume of leakage is determined in short period of time. The cost of water is relatively low hence it is very likely that there no financial incentive in detecting small leakage instantly. So it is not necessary to have real time transmission of DMA data. The data from DMA might be transferred once a week. The minimum night flow only reach the level of intervention after a few days when several of leaks occurred in DMA. However in the Johor state, Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ) considers data transmission through GSM telemetry as monitoring the DMA flow and pressure data is transmitted through global system for mobile communication (GSM) short message service (SMS). SAJ used the loggers that able to transmit the recorded and logged flow and pressure 29 values on a regular basis using SMS. These loggers can transmit the data to a host computer on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The cost of installation for this option is very low. 2.5.6 DMA Data Analysis The minimum night time flows in urban areas usually occur between 2.00 and 4.00 am. This flow value is a meaningful data to obtain the leakage rate in DMA. Leakage occurs as the maximum percentages of the total inflow during this period of time while authorized consumption is at minimum flow rate. Minimum net night time flow or net night flow (NNF) is obtained by subtracting the legitimate night consumption from minimum night flow. NNF = MNF – legitimate nighttime consumption (Equation 2.4) The NNF is composed of the real losses from the distribution network and the service connection piping between the water main and the customer meter. To conduct a MNF analysis, the following data is also required for the inflow measurement and pressure management at the inlet point: i. Length of mains ii. Number of service connections iii. Number of household properties iv. Number and types of non household properties v. Legitimate nighttime consumption (can be estimated or obtained by measuring a sample of customers and inferring the entire population) 30 Legitimate night consumption is carried out by three components: i. Exceptional night use: Some users can be large significant in using the water during nighttime period due to the nature of their business process such as public, commercial, industrial, and agricultural customer. These customers need to have discussion to the local operational staff and have an exceptional night use on getting MNF data during the time they operate their business in order to accurate in deduct this component of legitimate consumption from the total inflow. ii. Non household night use: Exceptional night users may consume some water at night such as for automatic flushing system. Some allowances for this night consumption has been made. This is made by making estimates based on the type of industry and typical publish consumption volumes for certain users. iii. Household night use: Household night consumers also consume some water during the minimum night time flow period. This is due to toilet flushing, automatic washing machines and outdoor landscape irrigation. Household night or residential consumers that using night water can be determined by gathering data of night customer consumption measurement through manually or automatic meter readings during the minimum night time consumption period. 2.6 Step Test Method Step testing involves isolating sections of the water into small zones and measuring the supply into the zone. This opften done on a temporary basis and portable flow meters are used to measure flow into the zone. When undertaking step testing, it is 31 very important to execute the test in a manner that does not cause interruption to customer supply. For this reason step test is usually carried out at night when customer consumption is at a minimum. Step test operations typically start at 11.30 or 12.00 pm, with the fixing of the data logger and pulse unit to the flow meter and opening or closing of valves at the flow meter. Therefore all water is supplied to the area through flow meter.Step Test is carried out when a decision to proceed with leakage detection operation in particular area has been made. It is advisable to repair any visible leaks in the area. Step tests aims to: i. Identify quickly the problematic areas when high leakage is occurred. ii. Adopt an economic approach in leak detection iii. Shorten the leak localization time Two functions of step tests are: i. Isolation of leakage to individual pipelines or sub-areas of a Zone, resulting in a reduction in the amount of leak detection work. ii. Quantification of the leakage The area flow meter is used with data logger equipment to record water flows during the test which is carried out at night when the minimum night flow occurred. All of valves and boundary valves are fully closed. Each valve closure shuts off a section of the supply system or length of pipeline, eliminating flows of water for the section. Step valves in particular should be sounded with care on closure as follows: 32 i. Close valve at scheduled time. ii. Sound valve. If water is passing, partly open the valve and re-close.( This may flush out debris preventing the valve to close properly). Sound valve again. If water is still passing, note down on the program sheet. iii. If water is not passing with the valve closed, partly open the valve again and sound the valve. Note down wheter the valve can now be heard to be passing or not. Re-closed the valve and re-check that no noise can be heard when close. 2.7 The 2008 Annual Water Balance for Johor Table 2.3 shows the annual water balance in Johor for the year of 2008, currently in Johor state, 31.0 % of the water supply is non revenue water. The main contributor to this water loss is real loss which is 23.8 % is dealing with leakage of the pipelines system. It was determined NRW was 161,899,016.88 Ml/Annum. Of the total NRW, the physical losses were estimated at 24.7 % and the non physical losses at 6.3%. In order to reduce the amount of NRW, some of strategies can bring immediate cost savings in term of production cost. 33 Table 2.3: The 2008 Annual Water Balance for Johor Authorised Consumption 359854137.11 69.0% System Input Volume 521621853.39 100% Billed Authorized Consumption 69.0% Unbilled Authorized Consumption 0.0% Apparent Losses 6.30% Water Losses 161 767,716 31.0% Real Losses 24.70% Billed Metered Consumption 67.80% Billed Unmetered Consumption 1.19% Revenue Water 69.0% Unbilled Metered Consumption 0% Unbilled unmetered Consumption 0.03%tp Unauthorized Consumption Not identified Billing & Customer Meter Inaccuracy Not identify Losses On Overflow at Storage Tank 0.08% Losses On Transmission and Distribution Main 0.90% Non-Revenue Water 31.0% Background & Burst Leakage, Major & Minor Leaks 23.80% Source: Syarikat Air Johor 2008 2.8 Percentage of Non Revenue Water (%) Table 2.4 shows the percentage of NRW for each state in Malaysia in the year of 2005 and 2006. In the year of 2005, NRW in Sabah is the highest percentage followed by Negeri Sembilan which is 57.20 % and 53.00 % respectively. After a year, the amount of water loss in Sabah decreased about 0.2 % and increasing amount of NRW in Negeri Sembilan with 60.10 %. Pulau Pinang shows the least amount of NRW for 2005 and 34 2006 which is 19.40% and 18.60% respectively. Meanwhile, Johor state shows the average of NRW among others and record about 35.50 in the year 2005 and 32.46 in the year 2006. Table 2.4 Percentage of Non Revenue Water (%) WATER SUPPLY Non-Revenue Water (%) AUTHORITY JOHOR KEDAH KELANTAN MELAKA N.SEMBILAN PAHANG PERAK PERLIS P.PINANG SABAH SARAWAK SELANGOR TERENGGANU W.P LABUAN NATIONAL AVERAGE 2005 35.50 43.80 40.00 28.80 53.00 49.70 30.60 36.30 19.40 57.20 24.70 38.40 34.70 24.00 37.70 Source: Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2007 2006 32.46 45.00 44.40 27.00 60.10 46.40 30.70 35.54 18.60 57.00 32.00 36.60 31.50 36.00 37.70 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.2 Introduction District Meter Area method is being used in the implementation of controlling non-revenue water for estimating of water losses in certain period of time such as three months, six months or twelve months. To undertake any water system audit and properly identify where volumes of losses are occurred and the magnitude of the loss it is necessary to collect data which are accurate, standardized, organized and accountable. Commonly, the large volumes of data are collected. Existing data and information are collected from SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd for analysis. 3.2 Study Flow Process Figure 3.1 shows the procedure flow to obtain comprehensive assessment. 36 1. Identifying the problems of Non-Revenue Water around the world. State the problems of NRW and find the most critical region of NRW at Johor. 2. Gathering all of information related to Non-Revenue Water such as the factors contributing, effects and steps to be taken to reduce NRW. Information is obtained from primary and secondary references. 3. Design the study such as created the title, set the objectives, scopes of study and so on. 4. Identify the instrument to be used. This assessment required the data collection from water utilities. 5. Observation of the study area in Batu Pahat, Johor and interviewing water utilities at Batu Pahat regarding NRW components. 6. After made decisions, I choose two of District Meter Area at Batu Pahat as my study areas. 7. Gathering important data of study areas for analysis such as minimum night flow, average flow, water provided, water consumption and schematic drawing of the areas. 8. Visiting the study areas with water utilities and visually collect reading from the water meters for each premise. 9. Data are analysed using two types of methods such as Step test method and Water audit method. 10. After done analyse for one District Meter Area, for another District Meter Area the steps carry out is same as before. 37 11. Finally, discussion, conclusion and recommendation are carried out from this assessment. Identify Problems Gathering information, primary and secondary references Identify instruments being used Study Design PSM 1 Observation and Interviews water utilities Gathering Data and Information from study areas Site Visit Analysis Data Discussions, Recommendations and Conclusions Figure 3.1: Procedure Flow PSM 2 38 3.3 Case Study The traditional approach to leakage control has been a passive one, whereby the leak is repaired only when it becomes visible. The development of acoustic instruments has significantly improved the situation such as by allowing invisible leaks to be located as well. But the application of such instruments is ineffective for a large water network. The solution is a permanent leakage control system whereby the network is divided into small area, more manageable area which is District Metered Areas (DMA). DMA enables to manage the system effectively in term of controlling NRW. By installation of flow meters, it is possible to regularly quantify the leakage level in each DMA so that the leakage location activity is always directed to the worst parts of the network. Parit Raja Water Supply System (WSS) is supplying water to the studied areas. Parit Raja is located at Batu Pahat Johor, western of Peninsular Malaysia. Based on Water Supply System drawing, Parit Raja WSS serves 49 DMA. Two residential areas from single WSS were selected to implement this research. These two areas are Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 and Taman Makmur, BP40. Both studied areas implementing DMA methods to control high level of NRW. (Refer to Appendix a) In determination of NRW using DMA compliance, two areas are selected which is BP39, Taman Batu Pahat and BP40, Taman Makmur. Schematic plan for each area are retrieved from Control Unit of SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. at Batu Pahat. Taman Makmur‟s total of connections is higher compared to Taman Batu Pahat which is 1192 connections and 610 connections. Moreover, the total tariff installation for each area is identified. There are 478 connections mostly consisting single-storey houses and 131 shop houses in BP39 while there are 959 numbers of houses, 231 shop houses and 1 government holding in BP40. Length of the main pipe for BP39 is 5.4 km while for BP40 is 8.2 km. Types of pipe installation for both zones are Ductile Iron and Asbestos 39 Cement. For BP39 the main type of pipe is Ductile Iron while for BP40 is Asbestos Cement pipe. 3.4 Data Acquisition and calculation Data using for this assessment are for one year data from January to December 2009.Data that required for analysis is total water demand, water consumption, pressure and Net Night Flow (NNF) which is determined by subtracting the Legitimate Night Flow (LNF) from the Minimum Night Flow (MNF). The MNF is the lowest flow into the DMA over a 24 hour period, which generally occur at night when the most users are inactive. This MNF can be measured directly from data logger or the flow graph while LNF is calculated by measuring the hourly night flow for all non domestic demand and a portion of domestic meter within the DMA. LNF test will be conducted for a two hour interval period between 2:00 am and 4:00 am to calculate the average LNF. Billing data and the customer water consumption data for Taman Batu Pahat and Taman Makmur area are determined. The justification for use of customer meters in water utilities has been periodically obtain measures of customer consumption that serve as the basis for billing. Meters are usually read by manual meter reading or automatic meter reading. Figure 3.2 shows water utility manually read customer meter. Water utilities of SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd obtained water consumption for both areas by using manual meter reading with meter readers visiting individual customer premises to visually collect readings. Some of the reading attempt is unsuccessful in obtaining the actual meter reading, most of the water utilities bill customers using an estimated volume that is calculated based on the customer‟s recent consumption history. 40 Figure 3.2: water utility manually read customer meter Pressure of T factor test data is collected and calculated for both areas using step testing. Step testing is usually carried out at night when customer consumption is at a minimum. Height, low and average pressure is obtained for every 2 hours out of 24 hours and also for the leakage index. In addition, historic burst data for each area is collected and the numbers of register connection or tagged billed consumers and estimate numbers of untagged billed consumers also collected. All of the data are being analyzed within the study area. Data are being used is secondary data which is obtained from SAJ Holdings and Ranhill Water Services at Batu Pahat Johor. CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 RESULTS OF NRW There are two selected areas of NRW zones at Taman Batu Pahat, BP 39 and Taman Makmur, BP 40. Those areas are adjacent to each other with the same time of development and shares water supply system from the same balancing reservoir, Bukit Soga West 2. Taman Batu Pahat and Taman Makmur are in the central zone of Batu Pahat. The population of Taman Batu Pahat is less than that of Taman Makmur, which is approximately 700 and 1200 respectively. Both areas are residential areas that include rows of shop houses. Most of the houses at those areas are single-story terraced houses. After preliminary investigation of the areas, Taman Batu Pahat shows the highest amount of abandoned houses compared to Taman Makmur which is seen to be more developed. Nevertheless, those areas detailed network properties are shown in Table 4.1. 42 Table 4.1: Network properties for each zone DMZ Type of Pipe Ductile Iron BP39 Asbestos Cement BP40 Length of Mains (km) Network Connection 1 2 3 Total LNF (l/s) T factor 5.4 478 131 0 609 0.45 19.08 8.2 959 231 1 1191 2.54 11.23 *Note: Connection 1: Residential house ; Connection 2: Shop houses; Connection 3: Government building 4.2 ‘T’ factor for Taman Batu Pahat Area BP39 Ranhill Water Services,(RWS) introduced the calculation of a key measurement which is T factor for Batu Pahat areas. T factor is significant to the precise magnitude of leakage. T factor is a correction factor computed by adding the total leakage index, divided by the highest leakage index, and then multiplied by the two-hour interval reading: T= (Total Leakage Index /highest Leakage Index) x 2 hours (Equation 4.1) The first step in measuring T factor is to identify the highest and lowest point in the DMA and install pressure data logger at both points. Then activate data logger to obtain 24-hours pressure data. Lastly, the T factor is computed. 43 Table 4.2: Average pressure and leakage index for area BP39 Period 0-2 am 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12noon 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20 20-22 22-24 High Pressure (m) 43.4 45.31 45.38 28.87 33.61 33.68 33.82 34.71 34.72 30.50 35.87 40.59 Low Pressure (m) 41.27 42.97 42.77 28.66 33.77 34.01 35.51 35.11 34.36 31.06 36.16 38.12 Ave. Pressure (m) 42.33 44.14 44.08 28.77 33.69 33.85 34.67 34.91 34.54 30.78 36.02 39.36 Total Leakage Index 29.22 31.09 (B) 31.05 18.49 22.46 22.56 23.45 23.60 23.40 20.52 24.00 26.74 296.58(A) (Source: Ranhill Water Services Sdn Bhd) Referring to the Table 4.2, average pressure data is obtained by summation of high pressure and low pressure and divided by 2.The highest average pressure will give the value of highest leakage index. Table 4.3 shows the relationship between leakage (net night flow) and pressure Leakage index for the period, B = 31.09 From equation 4.1, T = (A/B) x 2 hours = (296.58/31.09) x 2 =19.08 hours Therefore, T factor for BP39 is 19.08 hours. 44 Table 4.3: Relationship between leakage (net night flow) and pressure AVERAGE AREA LEAKAGE INDEX NIGHT PRESSURE 10 6 11 7 12 7.5 13 8 14 8.5 15 9 16 10 17 10.5 18 11 19 11.5 20 12 21 13 22 13.5 23 14 24 15 25 16 26 16.5 27 17 28 18 29 19 30 20 31 20.5 32 21 33 22 34 23 35 23.5 36 24 37 25 38 26 39 26.5 40 27 (Source: Ranhill Water Services Sdn Bhd) AVERAGE AREA NIGHT PRESSURE 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 LEAKAGE INDEX 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 45 Table 4.4: Average pressure and leakage index for Taman Makmur BP40 Period 0-2 am 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12noon 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20 20-22 22-24 Height Pressure (m) 38 42 22 22 18 20 16 20 16 10 18 28 Low Pressure (m) 36 40 20 20 16 18 14 18 14 8 16 26 Ave. Pressure (m) 37 41 21 21 17 19 15 19 15 9 17 27 Total Leakage Index 23.75 27.50 (B) 12.02 12.02 9.35 11.00 8.12 11.00 8.12 4.67 9.35 17.50 154.40 (A) (Source: Ranhill Water Services Sdn Bhd) Table 4.3 indicates leakage index and Table 4.4 shows the average pressure and leakage index of Taman Makmur, for the calculation of T factor. T factor maximum value is 24 hours. T factor is significant to describe how long the pipe will obtain leakage. Leakage index for the period, B = 27.5 From equation 4.1, T = (A/B) x 2 hours = (154.40/27.50) x 2 = 11.23 hours Therefore T factor for BP40 is 11.23 hours. 46 4.3 Leakage Percentage using Step Test Method Table 4.5: Leakage percentage of BP39 and BP40 for 2009 DMZ TMN. BATU PAHAT BP39 TMN. MAKMUR BP40 T Month MNF Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3.84 3.95 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 0.85 1.13 0.57 0.69 0.85 0.85 2.90 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 7.88 4.32 3.55 3.35 2.99 2.99 NNF (l/s) 3.39 3.50 3.71 3.71 3.71 3.71 0.40 0.68 0.12 0.24 0.40 0.40 0.36 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 5.34 1.78 1.01 0.81 0.45 0.45 NNF (l/c/hr) 20.00 20.66 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 2.36 4.01 0.71 1.42 2.36 2.36 1.09 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 16.14 5.38 3.05 2.45 1.36 1.36 Leakage (m3/day) 232.78 240.46 254.89 254.89 254.89 254.89 27.47 46.67 8.26 16.53 27.47 27.47 14.59 35.21 35.21 35.21 35.21 35.21 216.07 72.02 40.83 32.80 18.21 18.21 Leakage (%) 33.25 33.68 34.77 34.77 34.77 34.77 5.86 9.95 1.89 3.52 6.09 6.33 1.55 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 20.56 6.90 4.20 3.12 2.00 2.10 Ave. Leakage 19.97 % 4.95 % able 4.5 shows the Minimum Night Flow (MNF), Net Night Flow (NNF), and the leakage percentage for the whole year of 2009 for BP39 and BP40 zones. In order to obtain the value of the data, Step Tests have conducted. Average leakage for BP39 is higher compared to BP40 which is 19.97% and 4.95% respectively. The computation of leakage percentage is determined by the sample calculation in Table 4.6. 47 Table 4.6: Sample Computation of Leakage Percentage on January on Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 Item Computation Unit Output l/s 3.84 A Minimum Night Flow to zone, MNF ( base 24 hours graph of MNF) B Minimum Night Flow (convert item A to l/c/h) MNF= (MNF/C) x 3600 = (3.84/609) x 3600 = 22.70 l/c/h 22.70 C Legitimate Night Flow, LNF (From Field Reading) l/c/h 2.66 D Current Net Night Flow, NNF NNF= MNF (item B)-LNF(item C) =22.70-2.66 =20.04 l/c/h 20.04 E Total Leakage in Zone, L L= (NNF x T factor x C)/1000 =(20.04 x 19.08 x 609)/ 1000 =232.86 Where NNF=Net Night Flow (from Item D) T=Time Factor C=No of connections M3/d 232.86 F Total Flow to Zone, F (Based on 24-hours graph of MNF) M3/d 700 G Current Leakage Percentage, CLP CLP = L/F x 100 =232.86/700 x 100 =33.25 % 33.25 48 Minimum Night Flow,MNF (l/s) 9 8 Before Proving After Proving 7 6 Mean MNF BP40=3.44 5 4 3 BP39 2 Mean MNF BP39= 0.81 1 0 Jan BP40 Feb Mac Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec BP39 3.84 3.95 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 0.85 1.13 0.57 0.69 0.85 0.85 BP40 2.9 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 7.88 4.32 3.55 3.35 2.99 2.99 Month Figure 4.1: Minimum Night Flow for BP39 and BP40 Figure 4.1 shows the Minimum Night Flow (MNF), for Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 and Taman Makmur from January 2009 to December 2009. Minimum Night Flow of BP39 and BP40 for the first six month are constantly flat with slight increase of 4.16 l/s and 3.41 l/s respectively. On July, Minimum Night Flow for BP39 decreases abruptly from 4.16 l/s on June to 0.85 l/s on July. In August till the end of the year, Minimum Night Flow values are reduced gradually. While for BP 40, there is a rapid increase of Minimum Night Flow value which is 7.88 l/s and drops to 4.32 in August and continuously decrease till December. After proving, Minimum Night Flow mean is 0.81 l/s and 3.44 l/s for BP 39 and BP 40 respectively. 49 4.4 Non Revenue Water percentage using Water Audit Method Table 4.7: Non Revenue Water using Water audit Method a) Taman Batu Pahat BP39 DMZ Month Ave. Flow (m3/day) Water Consumption (m3/day) Taman Batu Pahat BP39 Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 700 714 733 733 733 733 469 469 437 469 451 434 408 403 392 401 399 407 437 367 393 373 382 381 NRW Volume (m3/day) NRW % Ave. NRW (after proving) 292 311 341 332 334 326 32 102 44 96 69 53 41.7 43.6 46.5 45.9 45.6 44.5 6.8 21.7 10.1 20.5 15.3 12.2 15.96% b)Taman Makmur BP40 DMZ Month Ave. Flow (m3/day) Water Consumption (m3/day) Taman Makmur BP40 Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 941 926 926 926 926 926 1051 1051 971 1051 910 888 802 803 747 782 759 781 819 745 766 784 791 820 NRW Volume (m3/day) NRW % Ave. NRW (after proving) 139 123 179 144 167 145 232 306 205 267 119 68 14.8 13.3 19.3 15.6 18.0 15.7 22.1 29.1 21.1 25.4 13.1 7.7 19.28% 50 Referring to Table 4.7, Non Revenue Water (NRW) for BP39 and BP40 zones are obtained by using Water audit method. In this case, water production from meter flow logger and water consumption data are extracted from customers billing system. The formula for determine NRW is: Non Revenue Water percentage = Water Production –Water Consumption) x 100 Water Production (Equation 4.2) Referring Table 4.7, take a sample for BP39 on January 2009. Average flow for this area is 700 m3/day and was obtained from meter flow logger at the entry point of the area. Average flow is significant the water production for such area while water consumption is 408 m3/day in January. Water consumption is the water used by the customer in the same particular area. From equation 4.2, Percentage of NRW = (Water Production –Water Consumption) x100 % Water Production = (700 m3/day -408 m3/day) x 100 % 700 m3/day = 41.7 % Average NRW for BP39 is higher compare to BP40 which is 26.2 % and 17.9 % respectively. 51 Average Flow (m3/day) 1200 Mean Ave. Flow BP40=974.2 1000 800 After Proving 600 BP39 Before Proving BP40 400 Mean Ave. Flow BP39= 452 200 0 Jan Feb Ma Ma Apr Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec c y BP39 700 714 733 733 733 733 469 469 437 469 451 434 BP40 941 926 926 926 926 926 1051 1051 971 1051 910 888 Month Figure 4.2: Water production of Taman Batu Pahat, Bp39 and Taman Makmur, BP40 Figure 4.2 shows the pattern of water production among two adjacent areas from January to December 2009. For BP 39, average flow from January to June is gradually flat and same goes to BP40. In July, average flow for BP39 is decreased rapidly and continued to be flat until the end of the year. On the other hand, on July, BP 40 is giving the high amount of water production compared to six month before and having almost constant amount of water production until December. After proving, mean average flow for BP39 is 452 m3/day while for BP40 is 974.2 m3/day Generally, almost 80 % of the leakage in contributed to Nonrevenue Water (NRW) and the rest is due to apparent losses. By using step test method, assume leakage percentage is assumed as NRW. The comparison of NRW between Step Test method and Water Audit method is conducted. Percentage (%) 52 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 After Proving Mean NRW=15.96% Before Proving Leakage NRW Mean Leak=5.55% Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Leakage 33.3 33.7 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 5.86 9.95 1.89 3.52 6.09 6.33 NRW 41.7 43.6 46.5 45.9 45.6 44.5 6.8 21.7 10.1 20.5 15.3 12.2 Month Figure 4.3: Leakage and NRW percentages for Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 From Figure 4.3, Step Test method and Water Audit method have almost the same pattern with leakage percentage smaller than NRW percentage. In July, NRW for this area is off peak with lower percentage for both methods due to a proving exercise (zero pressure test) for this area. As a result, the NRW and leakage for the preceding months indicate marked reduction of 15.96%, 5.55% and 19.2%, 3.3% for BP39 and BP40 respectively. 53 35 Before Proving After Proving Percentage (%) 30 Mean NRW=19.3% 25 20 15 Leakage 10 5 0 Jan Feb Mac Apr Leakage 1.55 3.8 NRW NRW Mean Leak =3.3% 3.8 3.8 Ma y Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3.8 3.8 20.6 6.9 4.2 3.12 2 2.1 14.8 13.3 19.3 15.6 18 15.7 22.1 29.1 21.1 25.4 13.1 7.7 Month Figure 4.4: Leakage and NRW percentages for Taman Makmur, BP40 Figure 4.4 shows the percentages of leakage and NRW for Taman Makmur. In July, this area experienced peak percentages of leakage and NRW due to a reported pipe burst in this area. Consequently of Step Test method, the graph of leakage percentage indicates gradual constant for certain period of time compared to Water Audit which that shows unstable percentage of NRW for each month. As a result, mean NRW percentage is 19.3% and mean leakage percentage is 3.3 %. 54 4.5 Discussions From the analysis of Step Test and Water Audit methods, both indicates different results of NRW and leakage percentages. Step Test method shows lower leakage percentage compared to Water Audit, which has shows higher percentage of NRW. This is due to different methods of calculation and different properties for both areas. Step Test method depends on MNF, NNF and LNF variables while Water Audit method depends on average flows and water consumptions. Both methods have different time and duration on interval. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Step test aims to identify quickly the problematic areas such as high leaks or burst due to higher amount of MNF. MNF measurement should be taken for a minimum of 24 hours and send to utilities via telemetry. In the other hand, Step tests shorten the leak localization time in locating the elusive and non surface leaks. To obtain precise and accurate data in step test method, utilities need to have skill in conducting the test. Step tests only aim at leakage detection and not considering other factors of NRW such as apparent losses, illegal use or inaccuracy of meter reading. On the other hand, water audit method is an easy method to obtain NRW but taken a long period of time and extracting the billing data from consumers for every month. This method will contribute to the inaccuracy of meter readings by utilities and faulty meter. Average flow is measured at any supply point to measure demand from consumers. Consumption data is necessary to adjust average flow to supply water to consumer with sufficient amount. Unfortunately, water audit method is such a slow method for leak detection and control. 55 50 45 Mean NRW BP39 =15.96% 40 NRW % 35 Mean NRW BP40 = 19.28% 30 25 20 BP39 15 BP40 10 5 0 After Proving Before Proving Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec BP39 41.7 43.6 46.5 45.9 45.6 44.5 6.8 21.7 10.1 20.5 15.3 12.2 BP40 14.8 13.3 19.3 15.6 18 15.7 22.1 29.1 21.1 25.4 13.1 7.7 Month Figure 4.5: NRW for BP39 and BP40 by Water Audit Method Figure 4.5 shows the results of NRW for the two adjacent zones using Water audit method. Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 shows a higher percentage of NRW compared to Taman Makmur, BP40 from January until June. When inspecting the areas, BP39 have smaller size of consumers compare to BP40 which is 609 and 1191 of connection each. For this period of time, average flow for BP39 is quite high than six month later. This is expected, as the boundary valve for the adjacent area BP40 was loose and some of the water from BP39 is transferred to the adjacent zone. After doing some monitoring and zero test pressure in July, the percentage of NRW is drops from 44.5 % in June to 6.8 % in July. In August until December, the graph shows inconsistency in NRW percentages due to unstable of monthly usage for the area due to events such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, school break and so on. NRW percentage for BP40 is relatively lower than BP39. From January until June the graph shows inconsistency in NRW but in July, SAJ reported that there was a pipe burst occurs in BP40 and MNF value for this month is higher by 7.88 l/s compare to other 56 month but it is not giving higher value for NRW percentage in Water audit method. This is because the pipe burst indicates leakage percentage and not reported totally as NRW in water audit method. The higher NRW percentage at BP40 is in August with 29.1%. This is expected, due to low customer consumption and higher water production for that particular month. After proving, mean NRW for BP39 is 15.96 % while for BP40 is 19.28%. These results show after proving NRW level is decreased. Mean NRW percentages are only considered after proving. This is because proving is just like meter calibration and set to zero reading. The accurate results are obtained after done proving due to maintenance works by water utilities for those particular areas. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion A comprehensive assessment on Non-revenue water (NRW) was conducted in two areas, Taman Batu Pahat, BP39 and Taman Makmur BP40, in Batu Pahat in Johor. This assessment has attempted to evaluate and update the local situation of NRW and proposes appropriate solutions for the reduction and control of NRW. The assessment included analyse of data from District Metering Area (DMA) using Step test and Water audit method. Aims and objectives of this research are served as the guiding principles toward achieving the results and conclusions. Conclusions drawn from this research are as followings: 58 5.1.1 NRW components are identified NRW components are classified into three main components which are real losses, apparent losses and unbilled authorized consumptions. Volumes of real loss are significantly higher than apparent loss. Average leakage percentages for BP39 after proving is 5.61% while for BP 40 is 6.48%. NRW for BP40 is higher compared to BP39 due to the different in material of pipes installed and numbers of connections. BP40 have installed Asbestos Cement (AC) pipe and BP39 have installed Ductile Iron (DI) pipe. Since AC pipe is low in strength and durability, BP40 gives a higher percentages of NRW due to those pipes. These pipes were easier to get cracked. DI pipe is high mechanical strength and toughness compared to AC pipe. After proving, average NRW percentage for BP39 was 14.43% while for BP40 was 19.75%. NRW percentage was done using Water Audit method. Water Audit method considered all water production and water consumption in those particular areas. BP40 is higher in NRW due to a higher number of connections and longer distance covered by BP39. 5.1.2 Implementing District Meter Area method in determination of NRW The two ways of assessing NRW explained in the previous chapter are Step test and Water audit methods. Step test method uses MNF analysis to determine NRW component which is real loss. However, MNF analysis uses field test data to quantify the volume of real loss within the distribution network. The results can be compared directly with the volume of NRW obtained from water audit method. As water audit method, step test method required DMA in order to conduct MNF measurements. A DMA is a hydraulically discrete part of the distribution network that is isolated from other 59 distribution system. It is normally supplied through a single metered line so that the total inflow to the area is measured. In residential areas such as BP39 and BP40, the MNF for these areas usually occur between 2 am to 4 am. The MNF is the most meaningful piece of data as far as leakage levels are concerned. The result obtained by subtracting the assessed night use and exceptional night use from the minimum night time flow, known as the net night time flow (NNF) and it consists predominantly of physical losses from the distribution network. Water audit method is the difference between water provided and water consumption. Using both methods for identifying NRW will make sense because both methods have their own advantages to reduce the amounts of NRW. By using Step test method, leakage percentages can be identified. Continuous night flow measurements are very helpful to identify leakages. Accordingly, the numbers of leakages can be identified immediately. DMA measurements have clearly proven to be a good tool for identifying and prioritizing areas for leak detection. Overall NRW was determined by the amount of water provided and water consumption for each DMA using Water audit method. 5.2 Recommendations Recommendations to achieve lower level of NRW are suggested as follows; 1. It was observed that average water pressure during step test of BP39 are much higher than BP40, it is recommended that water pressure of the system be reduced which may lead to the reduction of NRW. It is suggested to employ BP39 Pressure Reducing Valve, PRV to control the area, especially BP39. 60 2. A water utility embarking on the implementation of NRW strategy. SAJ needs to monitor its progress. Boundary valves to neighboring water systems should be inspected periodically to ensure they are in good and proper condition. 3. Water utilities should have mechanism in place to detect trends of unauthorized consumption. As an example, billing data should be reviewed for suspicious trends that might reflect unauthorized consumption. For instance, active accounts registered unchanged meter readings (zero consumption) might be indication of meter tampering or faulty meters. 4. Pipe materials and number of connections is worth considered in determining pipe tightness. 61 References lists [1] Thornton J., (2008), Water Loss Control. United States of America: McGrawHill. Second Edition. [2] Malaysian Water Association (MWA)., (2008),Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2008: Water Supply Statistic and Performance Indicators. Kuala Lumpur 2008 [3] Ir. Zainuddin Md. Ghazali., (2009), Twinning Regional Forum Daejeon Korea.2009 [4] Farley.M et al., (2008),The Manager’s Non-Revenue Water Handbook: A Guide To Understanding Water Losses. Ranhill. 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