July - Robe
July - Robe
Community Newsletter Issue 408 July 2015 District Council of Robe, Royal Circus (PO Box 1) Robe SA 5276 Phone l 08 8768 2003 Fax l 08 8768 2432 | Email l [email protected] Website l www.council.robe.sa.gov.au MAYOR’S REPORT & COUNCIL NEWS FROM THE MAYOR Soldier On Under the leadership of Jacqui Bateman, the Robe Community has embraced the provision of respite care in partnership with the Soldier On support group. Many Robe businesses have assisted and contributed to the program. The feedback from the first recipients has been very positive and led to a program to allow for more Robe visits. As a follow up, a representative from the Soldier On organization will give a community briefing and Q/A session. This will be at the Robe Golf Club on Friday, July 10th commencing at 7pm. Please come along and listen in to Justin from Soldier On’s’ talk, all are welcome. Call For Feed Back Last month I reported on the Small Town futures workshop, as a follow on, I seek assistance with the following request. Imagine you have not been to Robe for 5 to 10 years and you are sending a postcard to a close friend or family member telling of the changes. Please write, email or even send a post card, C/- District Council of Robe. The results will be shared in future newsletters. Please encourage younger family members to join to provide a broader perspective. Sometimes there are hiccups in our day that stop us from enjoying and achieving the things that we were hoping would happen. Then there are other times when things go smoothly….BUT sometimes there are times that are pure gold. We feel like bottling them up and taking them with us, to keep that feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Last week I had that feeling. I visited one of the CCOWS sites and saw staff working seamlessly together, focussed on the children, with much busy chatter, interaction and contentment. Happy and involved children, nurturing and capable staff. What a joy. Well done CCOWS. Robyn. Dog Registrations 2015/2016 Please note that dog registrations for 2015/2016 are due by 31st August 2015. Renewal notices will be sent out in the first week of July. It is the responsibility of all dog owners to register their dogs once they reach 3 months of age. If your dog is desexed, microchipped or if you are a pensioner, discounted fees are available upon proof of details. Fines will be applied should you not register your dog by the due date. Please contact the District Council of Robe should you require further information. WORKS REPORT The park at Hooper’s Beach has been levelled and reseeded as it was very difficult to maintain. There will be more work done after the grass grows in the area that was reseeded. All Public Toilets have been pressure cleaned and have had a general “spring” clean. Preparation work for the reconstruction of the eastern end of Frog Island Road has been completed. Work on Frog Island Road will continue throughout June and into July. Upgrading of the ramps at the Transfer Station have been completed. Roads graded in the last month were Nunga-Mia Road, Parkers Road, Sandy Lane, Cossacks Water Hole, Sneaths Road, Shamrock Road, Wrights Bay Road, Steve Woolston Road, Bagdad Road, Cormack Road, Dairy Range Road, Drabsch Hundred Line, Flints Road, Kangaroo Hill Road, Lings Road, Longbottom Lane, Long Island Road, McGuiness Road, Murra up Road, Cowans Road and Davenport Street. NBN Online Registration is Live If you’ve been following the rollout or checking your address like everyone else in Australia, you’ll be pleased to know you can now register and we will let you know when the nbn™ network is available at your address. Registration is quick and easy, you only need to enter your address and supply a few basic details. Online registration is part of our commitment to keep everyone in Australia up-to-date. So every time a friend or family member asks about the nbn rollout, have them check their address on our website and register. Visit: https://www2.nbnco.com.au/connecthome-or-business/check-your-address/registrationform.html FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Robe Jetty – update Several months ago, Council were considering the future of the Robe Jetty which Council lease from the Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure. A recent report identified that there are sections of the jetty that need repairing. As the first step in undertaking these repairs, Council has engaged engineers to prepare a condition assessment report on the jetty. Managing our rubbish In order that Council and the community better manage rubbish, Council, with support of the regional Local Government Association and Zero Waste SA undertook a Recycle Right bin tagging program. This program is aimed at reducing the amount of rubbish that is placed in recycling bins, thus contaminating the recycling materials. As everyone would be aware, if recyclable material is contaminated, Council have to pay a fee to have this material dumped in a landfill. Council’s additional costs are passed on to the community via the garbage and recycling collection service charge. The bin tagging project was a success with an initial reduction of 48% in contaminates within recyclable material and Council, through education will be continuing to advise and assist the community to reduce the additional costs associated with contaminated recycling. Thank-you for your cooperation. Community Wastewater Management System Thank you to the residents of Dening Street for your cooperation and patience during the replacement of 400 metres of effluent rising main. 2015-2016 Council Budget Council have adopted its budget for 2015-2016 and detailed below are the main points. Council has budgeted for a 3% increase in rate revenue which is a combination of a 2% increase in the rate in the dollar and a 1% increase as a result of development (growth) within the district. This rate increase is in line with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan. Council will be providing its operational services at the same level as last year with no planned increases or decreases in service levels and no new services planned. Council are planning to undertake the following capital projects in the upcoming year; Council have applied for a grant of $300,000 which will be matched from Council funds to upgrade the medical centre. Council have budgeted $300,000 to be spent on infrastructure upgrades to the Marina infrastructure as identified in the Marina Infrastructure Condition Assessment Report. The actual infrastructure that will be upgraded is still being prioritised dependent upon engineering advice currently being obtained. Council have budgeted to commence the rehabilitation of the Council Landfill on Evans Cave Road. Township road re-seals; Lord Syleham, O’Halloran and Sturt Streets. Council are continuing to implement its unsealed road strategy which aims to re-sheet approximately 20 kilometres of unsealed road annually. This strategy is in its third year and already the rural community are starting to see the benefit of this program. Community infrastructure projects including; Lighting the marina board walk. Repairs to the Beacon Hill Lookout. Redevelopment of Jumbo’s landing, in conjunction with the Lions Club. Beach access at West Beach. Upgrade community facilities at Greenways. Upgrade Foreshore footpath. Repairs to the Robe Jetty. Managing the government’s and community's expectations in relation to governance and accountability will continue to consume a substantial portion of Council’s administrative services as the legislative requirements that impact on Robe Council are the same requirements that the metropolitan Councils must adhere to. In order to contain these costs, Council rely on resource sharing arrangements with our regional partners. Council’s budget reflects a serious effort to contain our operating costs and the current low inflation rate has assisted Council to do this. Council believe it has kept rate rises to an acceptable level, balancing the community’s willingness to pay increased rates with the community’s demands for new and improved services. Council believe that it has achieved a balance that focuses on maintaining and improving the town and districts infrastructure which will serve the community well into the future. A copy of Council’s 2015-2016 Annual Business Plan and Operating Service Standards are available at the Council office and on Council’s website. 2 LIBRARY/VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE NEWS NEW BOOKS FOR MAY & JUNE 2015 ADULT FICTION: A God in Ruins – Kate Atkinson The Beachside Guest house – Vanessa Greene Set in Stone – Ros Baxter McLellan’s Run – Nicole Hurley-Moore Second Life – S.J. Watson Piranha – Clive Cussler Radiant Angel – Nelson deMille At the Water’s Edge – Sara Gruen ADULT NON FICTION: Fermenting for Beginners The Encyclopedia of Mosaic Techniques The Ghan…Australia’s Grand Rail Journey – Ian Grady & Don Fuchs In Times of Need … the Story of the South Australian state Emergency Service CHILDREN’S FICTION: Muddy Truck – CJ Calder Whose Feet Are These? & Whose Tail is this? The Little Lighthouse Keeper –Heidi & Daniel Howarth Little Lamb Lost – David Bedford & Karen Sapp If the wind changes… - Steve Smallman & Daniel Howarth Daisy Dinosaur Gets Lost – Steve Smallman & Daniel Howarth What’s the Time Wilfred Wolf? – Jessica Barrah & Steven Smallman The Snake Who said Shhh – Jodie Parachini When I Gorw Up – Gill Mclean Batmouse – Steve Smallman The Greedy Rainbow – Susan chandler & Sanja Rescek Home Sweet Home – Caroline Pitcher Ed’s Egg – David Bedford & Karen Sapp The Lion who Lost his Roar but learnt to draw – Paula Knight & Daniel Howarth Top Place Percy – Peter Bently & Daniel Howarth What’s in Your Pocket? – Ruth Symons & Laura Watkins The Wishing Stone – Steven Smallman & Rebecca Elliott The Sleepy Train – Mark Marshall Three Little Dinosaurs…Egg Rescue ! – Charles Fuge Peek-a-Book – Malachy Doyle & Rowan Martin Star Wars … A New Hope Episode IV Soon – Morris Gleitzman Fortune Cookie…The Chocolate Box boys – Cathy Cassidy Small Smaller – Corina Flethcher & Natalie Marshall You are (Not) Small – Anna Kang How Big is Too Small – Jane Godwin & Andrew Jayner A Light Keeper’s Daughter…Troubridge Island 1898 – Amelia Christie Dear Dumb Diary..Year Two …Live Each Day to the Dumbest Warp …Forever Man – Eoin Colfer Archie … 1000 Page Comics Blowout! (Graphic Novel) Weirdo 4 – Anh Do Silly Squid! … Poems about the Sea – Janeen Brian CHILDREN’S NON FICTION: Adding and Subtracting…Learning fun with your magic spyglass! Mini Crafter… Junk Modelling, Paper Craft, Printing, Puppets, Painting, Drawing, Masks, Clay Modelling The Quick Expert’s guide to Computing & Programming Scratch for Kids … 16 Cool Computer Design Projects DVD’S: Fat Albert and the Crosby Kids – Holiday Collection (Children’s) ROBE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE We are continually being asked by operators for an Events Calendar, but we can only make it work if your Club, Group or Organisation lets us know what is happening. Please supply us with posters, brochures & information so we can help promote your event, not only in the Limestone Coast Region but further afield. We are always getting requests from Visitors and Locals for Baby Sitters… If you are interested in Baby Sitting or are already supplying the service could you please let us know and we will pass on your information. Phone Wendy, Cassie, Bronwyn or Sandy on 8768 2465 ROBE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Do you realise that we are not just here for Tourists… We have a large selection of Brochures from all regions in South Australia and a selection of Brochures from Victoria and other states. So please call in and see if we have the information to help you plan your next holiday. Robe Public Library and VIC Winter Hours MONDAY – FRIDAY 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM NORMAL WEEKEND HOURS WILL RESUME ON SATURDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 2015 Wednesday Knitting @ Mahalia Coffee 3:00pm Last year we knitted Poppies but as yet, we haven’t a project for this year but feel free to come along with some ideas or just bring along your latest knitting/Stitchery etc project. Baby Bounce & Rhyme Thursday, July 2, 11:00 am at the Institute Cost—Free Ages: Baby –Toddler, Preschool (1-4) Baby bounce is more than just a story time aimed at children in the first year of life. It is a language enrichment program which we hope will be a lively, interactive & stimulating way for parents & caregivers to share songs, rhymes, reading aloud, lap-riding, exercises, action rhymes & lullabies with their children. Big brothers & sisters along with parent’s, grandparents & caregivers are also very welcome. Please bring a blanket or mat. Any enquiries to Cassie or Wendy 8768 2465 3 COMMUNITY NEWS Robe Meals on Wheels Roster—July 2015 Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Margaret Edgar Ian Bruce Jan Fisk Helen Lynch Mary Hay Sue Evans Thursday 9th Friday 10th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Sally LeCornu Pam Robinson Margie McKay Diana Nolan Patsy Grummett Nev Grummett Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th Jenny Mathews Chris Davidson Jeanette Lea Ruth Dening Cathy Carter Sharon Petrovic Heidi Tonkin Marian Dawson Rose Perkins Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Wednesday 24th Pat Pex Irene Stratford Harvey Stratford Lorna Johns Brian Tippett Mary McInerney Irene Johns Met Riseley Helen Bayliss Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st Tessa Levinge Mary Weir Mary Peters Cathy Thompson Bernice Green Anne Wilkinson Jenny Mathews Jim Smith Judy Smith Rosemary Williams Jenny Stevenson Janet Holmes RESERVES Irene Stratford 8768 1824 Margie McKay 8768 2164 Jenny Mathews 8768 2616 For alterations and additions please contact Kingston Hospital 8767 0222 If your rostered day is not convenient please arrange a replacement. Thank you, Jenny Mathews Roster Co-ordinator 8768 2616 ROBE GOLDEN OLDIES and SEA-CHANGE SOCIAL GROUP (Mon –Fri office hours) PROGRAMME for July 2015 Please note that this program is subject to change by the co-ordinators, clients should contact staff listed below to confirm details, not the Robe RSL Sub-Branch th MONDAY 6 July 2015 GOLDEN OLDIES – Home Day – pickup 1pm Wednesday 15th July 2015 SEA CHANGE – Visit to Protea Farm – Lucindale – pickup 10:30am Transport on Kingston Hospital bus. Monday 20th July 2015 GOLDEN OLDIES – Trip to Millicent, lunch and shopping – pickup at 11am Wednesday 29th July 2015 ROBE SEA CHANGE – Home Day – pickup 1pm Transport on Kingston Hospital bus. If you have any queries please ring: Golden Oldies: Jane Ryan: Resthaven Naracoorte 87624389 Sea Change: Julie Victory/ Cathy Barker: Kingston Community Health – 8767 0237 Or on the day Julie 0427776617 (Mon –Fri office hours) ROBE PLAYGROUP Playgroup alternates on Fridays from 10-11.30am during school term times between Robe Kindergarten & No 4. ‘Playgroup SA affiliated’ Term 2 27th April – 3rd July 2105 26th June Kindergarten rd 3 July No 4 NON TERM TIME INFORMAL PLAY GROUP MEET 10th July No 4 10-11.00am 17th July No 4 10-11.00am Hopefully with some good weather from 11am we can visit the Foreshore playground (opposite Post Office) Term 3 20th July – 25th September 2015 24th July Kindergarten 31st July No 4 7th August Kindergarten 14th August No 4 21st August Kindergarten 28th August No 4 4th September Kindergarten 11th September No 4 18th September Kindergarten 25th September No 4 Contact Caroline 0409 22 11 29 4 COMMUNITY NEWS Attention Aged Residents Robe The following Volunteers will help you with small jobs such as changing a light bulb, spraying driveways, fixing locks etc. Terry Johnson 0407 079 334 Lyle Domaschenz 0497 863 691 Mark Buckle 0423 846 948 John M 0421 500 541 Janet Ingham 0437 317 446 Peter Leopold 0438 876 822 Harvey Stratford 8768 1824 ROBE ART GALLERY Open daily from 10am to 4pm in the Lapwing Gallery on the southern side of the Robe Institute. Paintings by local artists for sale. All welcome to browse or buy…. Free Admission!!! If gallery not open, contact: Bernice Green 8768 2114 or Chris Davidson 8768 2594 Robe Football Club Thursday Night Teas 6:00pm to 8:00pm $12 adult meals & $5 children meals Chicken Schnitzel Beef Schnitzel Battered Flake Roast of the Day Salad and Vegetable Bar Any dead or injured wildlife found Please contact Narelle Marshall— a representative of Fauna SA on 0417 304 743 Accepting all native animals including: birds, marsupials, bats, reptiles and echidnas 5 COMMUNITY NEWS ROBE COMMUNITY BUS JULY 2015 Robe Town CFS AGM The Robe Town CFS Brigade will be holding its AGM, on Wednesday, 29th July, at 19:45, at the Robe Fire Station. As this is a voting year, all Brigade positions are vacant and all members are encouraged to attend. Also, any members of the Robe and District community are cordially invited to attend this meeting. If any member would like to nominate for any position and they are unable to attend on the night, please give your nomination, after it has been seconded by another member, to either Toad or Jim. Enquires to either: Toad McMartin (0429 911 393 or Jim Smith (0428 320 748). CFS Pagers Please bring your Pager to the AGM, so that it can be checked off against the Pager list. Drivers Licences Could all Brigade members please bring their Motor Vehicle Licences to the AGM, so that their details can be up-dated. ROBE COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Box 571, Robe SA 5276 Next Meeting 10am at Robe Bowling Club Tuesday 21st July 2015 Speaker - An Tran Pharmacist at Robe President: Helen Lynch Phone 8768 2669 Vice President: Valma Jennings 8768 6206 Secretary: Lorna Johns 8768 2498 Treasurer: Mary McInerney 8768 2137 Committee:Jan Fisk, Val Aylesbury, Pauline Tomlinson, Pat St John. KINGSTON/ROBE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP Next gathering is at the Royal Mail Hotel Kingston for lunch Celebrating the group’s 8th Birthday!!! Thursday 2nd July 2015 at 1pm Every body most welcome to come join the group For further enquiries phone: Merilyn 87682583 Or Saralyn 0419817420 The bus driver for June 2015 will be Ann Moore, phone 0428 843 477. The bus runs every Thursday morning for local shopping, bank, post office, library etc. You will be picked up at approximately 10.00am and returned to your home between 12 noon and 12:15pm. The bus will be going to Mount Gambier on Friday 4th July 2015, the driver will be Pamela Phillips; please remember to ring Pamela on 0429 121 199 or 8768 1959 prior to the day if you intend travelling to Mt Gambier. Should there be any changes; a notice will be placed on the Lions Notice Board in the front garden of the RSL Hall. Please note: the bus will not run with only 1 passenger. The bus will pick you up at approximately 8.00am and return to Robe by 5.30pm. The usual donation will be appreciated. Pamela Phillips, Hon. Secretary Phone: 0429 121 199 LOCAL DOCTORS PROVIDE EDUCATION FOR THE ROBE AND KINGSTON COMMUNITIES The Robe Bowling Club was the venue on Wednesday evening 10th June , for an education session on Cervical and Ovarian Cancer and the importance of Pap Smears as a screening tool. The Kingston-Robe Women’s Health Advisory Group (WHAG) had an offer from Dr Robin Adams and Dr Jessica Chueh soon after their arrival on the Limestone Coast, to provide this local education. A group of about 25 people attended and found the session very valuable. Robin and Jessica made the session relaxed and open for questions throughout the presentation. Everyone agreed it was excellent. A small true and false quiz helped everyone come away feeling a lot more informed. Local Robe WHAG members, Val Aylesbury, Met Riseley and Lorna Johns with helpers Ruth Dening and Lorraine Dening provided a delicious supper and gave an opportunity for Robin and Jessica to speak informally with individuals. Robe and Kingston are most fortunate to have Robin and Jessica as young doctors prepared to do this for our local community. They have recently returned from Ontario Canada where they were married. They were congratulated by the group and also thanked for their greatly appreciated efforts. 6 RECIPE Roast Tomato and Bread Soup · · · · · · · · · · · · ½ bulb of garlic 2 red onions 2 kg ripe tomatoes 1 pinch dried oregano sea salt freshly ground black pepper olive oil 1 litre organic vegetable stock a few sprigs of fresh basil 1 x 280 g ciabatta loaf red wine vinegar extra virgin olive oil Preheat the oven to 200°C. Break the garlic up into cloves and peel and cut the onions into 3cm wedges. Halve and lay the tomatoes in a large roasting tray, cut-side up, then scatter over the unpeeled garlic cloves and onion wedges. Sprinkle with oregano, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Roast in the hot oven for 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until the tomatoes are soft and sticky. Scrape everything from the tray into a large saucepan. Pick out the garlic cloves and squeeze the soft flesh into the pan, discarding the skins. Pour in the stock then roughly chop and add the basil stalks with most of the leaves. Cut the ciabatta loaf in half and tear one half into the soup. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, put a griddle pan on a high heat. Slice the remaining ciabatta and griddle until lightly charred on both sides. Add a splash of red wine vinegar to the soup, then blitz with a hand blender until fairly smooth. Ladle into bowls, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and scatter with the remaining basil leaves. Serve with the slices of griddled ciabatta. ‘Beauty that’s naturally you…’ July Winter Special Rejuvenate By The Sea Package 45 Minute Image Facial & Hand and Foot Scrub and Massage ONLY $100 Normally $125 08 87681876 Call now to secure an appointment! *Gift Vouchers accepted Offer ends 31st of July 7 Robe Institute Hall Available to hire For bookings and hire rates please contact the Council office on 8768 2003 or [email protected] or visit www.council.robe.sa.gov.au 8 Robe Dental Our local clinic provides quality dental care for your whole family: - Emergency appointments available - New patients welcome - Teeth whitening and Cosmetic Dentistry - Crown & Bridgework - Children's dentistry (incl. CDBS) - Root Canal Therapy - Health cards and govt schemes accepted - Restorative Dentistry Robe Dental Monday & Tuesday from 9am to 5pm 1 Smillie Street, Robe SA 5276 Ph: 0427 989 666 9 ROBE BEAUTY July Facial Special $50 redeemable off Y-Natural Skincare Products or complimentary Microdermabrasion treatment included in any facial of your choice Book in now for a Consult Call 8768 2644 For appointments and enquiries 10 11 YOGA in ROBE (Robe Institute—Smillie Street) Bringing health and vitality to both body and mind. Learn to access inner stillness. CLASS TIMES: Tuesday: 9.00 am—10.30 am 6.30 pm—7.30 pm Thursday: 9.00 am—10.30am $15.00 per 1½ hour class ($12.00 for pension/ concession) Plus gold coin donation towards hall hire Beginners always welcome Suitable for any age group and fitness level Group sessions available on request All enquiries please call Pam Mobile 0402 730 785 12 Robe Yacht Club Hire Weddings & Functions: $350.00 Full day hire: $270.00 1 & 1/2 day hire: $300.00 Meeting: (3-4hrs) $82.50 All prices include GST For enquires or bookings please contact: Ph: 08 8768 2737 Fax: 08 8768 2738 Email: [email protected] 13 KNEADY THERAPIES Do you suffer from any of the following ailments? Sinus headaches Back pain Sore feet Neck and shoulder pain General aches and pains. Take some time out to visit Elise Lehmann at Kneady Therapies to help relieve your ailments with— Foot Reflexology Sports massage Anma, Japanese massage Myofascial Release Cranio-Sacral Therapy Contact Elise on 0438 202 342 14 CARPETS SOLAR PANELS WINDOWS & SCREENS VACUUM SERVICE MATTRESS SANITIZING CONCRETE & PAVERS FLOOR TILES & GROUT TIMBER FLOOR BUFFING 15 SOLAR SYSTEMS, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, PIVOTS, SPLIT SYSTEM AND DUCTED AIR CONDITIONERS, UNDERGROUND CABLING, LED LIGHTING, CEILING FANS, SWITCHBOARDS, SMOKE ALARMS, PHONE AND DATA, ANTENNA AND TV OUTLETS, SOME WHITEGOODS For all your Electrical Needs call Anthony on 0419 821 409 Solar Accreditation Number: A5651539 Electrical Licence Number: PGE 158 682 16 Est. 1983 Lic. No 200017T Lawn mowing, tree and shrub lopping Small garden upgrades Repairs, maintenance and installation of watering systems Odd jobs Contact: Harry Keaveney Mobile: 0407 799 788 17 ROB’S CLEANING SERVICE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATING IN ROBE FOR OVER 10 YEARS Carpets & Upholstery: Cleaned, freshened & sanitized by the water extraction method. Windows: Improve your outlook on life – have us clean your windows & screens. Lawns: Servicing Robe and Long Beach areas. Telephone: 08 8768 2865 18 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 General Waste—Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) General Waste—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Recycling- Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) Recycling—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Waste Transfer Station Operating Times 2015 Access off White Street “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein SUDOKU Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am CLOSED 2.00 – 3.00pm Type Boot Load 6’x4’ Trailer, Car Type Utes 8’x5’ Trailers or Similar, Large Utes Fees $20.00 $30.00 $55.00 Small Trucks (Single Axle –maximum 4 tonne) Mattresses Sofas/ Lounge Chairs Car Bodies Opening outside of operating hours $200.00 $25.00 $15.00 ea $50.00 $220.00 Half price for pensioners for car boot load only, on production of pensioner card. Green Waste Fee Normal Fees will apply to any Green Waste Products that requires mulching, however, Green Waste products that are segregated and do not require mulching e.g. Lawn clippings, leaves etc., can be dumped free of charge. E-waste: no charge Cardboard: clean and uncontaminated cardboard can be deposited at no charge Municipal Household Waste: $3 a bag. 19 Publication Details The Community Newsletter is published, edited, designed, printed and delivered by the District Council of Robe. Community groups and organisations wishing to submit items should forward their information to Nat by Friday, 17th July. It is preferred that items are emailed to [email protected] however handwritten items will be accepted and can be dropped into the Council office, posted to PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276, or faxed on 08 8768 2432. The views and opinions expressed in articles submitted to the District Council of Robe do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body, nor as individual members. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in published articles submitted by contributors other than Council, no responsibility is accepted for any errors that they may contain. Council reserves the right to edit or not publish any editorial submission. District Council of Robe Royal Circus, Robe PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276 T 08 8768 2003 F 08 8768 2432 Cr Rino Dell’Antonio T 08 8768 2907 Mayor Peter Riseley F 08 8721 4650 T 08 8768 1834 M 0407 454 647 M 0429 799 528 E crdellantoE [email protected] [email protected] Mayor Cr Lawrence Polomka Website M 0408 083 818 www.council.robe.sa.gov.au E [email protected] Email [email protected] Cr John Enright T 08 8768 2192 F 08 8768 2924 M 0407 133 887 E [email protected] Cr David Loxton T 08 8734 2065 M 0419 349 913 E [email protected] Cr Kristina Alexander M 0417 815 797 E [email protected] Cr Harvey Nolan (Deputy Mayor) F 08 8768 1943 M 0429 180 954 E [email protected] 20
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