July 2012
July 2012
Issue 375 July 2012 Community Newsletter District Council of Robe, Royal Circus (PO Box 1) Robe SA 5276 Phone l 08 8768 2003 Fax l 08 8768 2432 Email l [email protected] Website l www.council.robe.sa.gov.au Mayors Report CCOWS NEWS Street Tree Action Group “STAG” After undertaking OHS training at an induction course held by Council on 1 June 2012, Robe’s newest volunteer group was ready for action. The Street Tree Action Group held their first planting day on a cold, wet Sunday morning on 3 June 2012. Lord Syleham Street and the Kingston T-Junction were the first areas to receive plantings. It was great to join this enthusiastic group and assist on their first project. Mayor Riseley thanked Mr Paul Layzell, Works Supervisors, Mr Trevor Hondow and General Inspector, Michael Wilkin for their efforts. Hagen Street PLEC Project Council has received notification advising of approval for the undergrounding of power lines in Hagen Street. The project valued at $555,503 with a $165,168 contribution by District Council of Robe, is recommended as part of the January – June 2013 works program. Council’s Power Line Environment Committee has worked and lobbied for 4 years on this on this project. I would also like to thank Jenni Ling for her expertise on writing the successful submission. Open Space Grant Approval The Robe Obelisk Walking Trail Project has been granted approval by the Minister of Planning. This project will continue the pathway from the Waterhouse Landing at the marina, up past the jetty continuing past the Encounter Signal, finishing at the Obelisk carpark. It will include the construction of a new lookout with remedial works on the associated dune, along with fencing and revegetation. Thank you to Cr Jenny Mathews for her dedication and grant writing skills with regard to this successful submission. Lately, Child Care has been featured in the media more than usual. Unfortunately much of the time it has been to report dissatisfaction with rising Child Care fees. Sometimes these rises have been attributed to the introduction of the New Early Childhood Reforms. One of the positive Reform changes is the introduction nationally of the Early Years Learning Framework, upon which the CCOWS curriculum and programming is based. I think it is important that we recognise that children are learning valuable skills in their early years, before they reach Pre-School or before they have any formal teaching or academic tuition.This Framework guides the provision of experiences and opportunities to support children in development of values, beliefs and skills which will assist them through their entire life. These positive outcomes for children are what we want to achieve with our programming: - Children to have a sense of well-being. - Children to have a sense of identity. - Children to be effective communicators. - Children to be confident and involved learners. - Children to be connected and contribute to their world. Our CCOWS educators have these in mind every day, as we set up play spaces and choose resources and talk with children. Robyn and the CCOWS team. Community Garden Plots There are a number of community members who are keen to see Robe set up some area for community garden plots. If you are interested in this concept please register your interest at the Council Office by email [email protected] or phone 8768 2003. If there are sufficient people interested, a meeting to assist forming a group will be called. Mayor Peter Riseley Pg 2 Council News Pg 3 Rural Property Addressing Pg 4 CFS Annual General Meeting Pg 6 Trees for Life COUNCIL NEWS Council Meeting News from June Draft 2012/13 Annual Business Plan Following public consultation, submissions were received and noted by council for the 2012/13 Draft Annual Business Plan. Draft Animal Management Plan 2012-2017 Council agreed to the amendments in the Draft Animal Management Plan 2012-2017, with the following alterations and additions: - 7.2 Dogs in Public Places (add): Where there is a known breeding area of the Hooded Plover (Thinornis Rubricollis) and other vulnerable shorebirds. - 7.2.2 Dog in Public Places on-leash (add): Fox’s Beach, Karatta Beach and change times to between 9.00am and 8.00pm from December 1 to after Easter weekend for Long Beach north of rock barrier/ south of third ramp, Nora Creina Bay Beach and Boatswain Point Beach, Hoopers Beach on-leash at all times. - 7.2.3 Dogs in Public Places, off-leash (add): Change times to “except between 9.00am and 8.00pm from December 1 to after Easter weekend for Long Beach north of rock barrier/south of third ramp, Nora Creina Bay Beach and Boatswain Point Beach”. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer Council moved that Roger Sweetman be appointed to the office of Chief Executive Officer for a period of 4 years from 2 July 2012. Robe Southern Ocean Art Prize Council moved that they will give consideration to placing an amount of $1000 in the 2012/13 budget to support the Robe Southern Ocean Art Prize (SOAP) Friends of the Institute Council will give consideration to allocating funds in its 2012/13 budget for urgent works to be undertaken at the Robe Institute Building, including roofing and guttering. Boat Show January 2013 Council approved the Robe Marina Committee holding a Boat and Fishing Show on 19-20 January 2013. The next Council Meeting will be at 6.00 pm Tuesday 10 July 2012. Everyone is welcome to attend meetings and listen in the Gallery. Time is also allocated at the beginning of the meeting for members of the public wishing to address Council. All Council Agendas and Minutes are available to view at www.council.robe.sa.gov.au. Council Works Department Update Tree planting in Lord Syleham Street and at the intersection to Kingston has taken place. Signs have been ordered for Rural Road Addressing which has to be completed by the end of June 2012. Construction on 4.8 km of Nora Creina Road has commenced with all the rubble carted in and this work will continue through June. Sweeping and white posts have been placed at the intersection of the Southern Ports Hwy and Sandy Lane, line marking will be done as soon as possible. The cutting on Fayrefeild Lane has been widened for better sight distance and safety reasons. Also there has been some maintenance work carried out on this road, with some more to do after Nora Creina Road has been finished. Community Engagement Survey Analysis Dog Registrations 2012/2013 The District Council of Robe would like to thank the community for their participation in the Community Engagement Survey. Data from the survey has now been collated for analysis. Please note that dog registrations for 2012/2013 are due from the 1st July. It is the responsibility of all dog owners to register their dogs once they reach 3 months of age. This year we will be again sending out renewal notices where payments will be due by 31st August 2012. This survey was conducted to find out what the people of Robe and the surrounding areas feel is most important to the community. Results from the survey will be now be used for strategic planning for the future of Robe. The Community Engagement Survey Analysis can be viewed on our website at www.council.robe.sa.gov.au under ‘Latest News’. Hard copies are also available at the council office. If your dog is desexed, microchipped or if you are a pensioner, discounted fees are available upon proof of details. Fines will be applied should you not register your dog by the due date. Please contact the District Council of Robe should you require further information. 2 Rural Property Addressing Council is in the process of installing our rural property address signs. By 2011, every occupied rural property in South Australia will have a nationally recognised address, based on a simple location system. Not only will this improve the delivery of regular services, it will protect your family in an emergency. Your number is the distance in metres from the start of the road to your entrance, divided by 10. So number 508 is 5,080 metres (5.08 kilometres) along your road. From the start of the road, odd numbers are always on the left; even numbers are on the right. This sign quickly identifies your property for emergency services, deliverers, utility services and visitors. If you have an occupied rural property and have not received notification of your rural address number please contact council on 8768 2003. NEW BOOKS LIBRARY/VIC NEWS ADULT FICTION: CHILDREN’S FICTION: Fault Line – Robert Goodard Wave the Flag and Blow the Whistle – Ronda Recipe for Love – Katie Fforde Armitage Silent Valley – Malla Nunn A Forest – Marc Martin The Untamed – Max Brand (Large Print) Hey Jack! Series… The Worry Monsters and The Iron Eyes is Dead – Rory Black (Large Print) New Friend – Sally Rippin Closer! – Julia Douglas (Large Print) Our Australia … Cairns – Phil Kettle The Light Between Oceans – M.L. Stedman Garfield Brings Home the Bacon – Jim Davies Heart of the Valley – Cathryn Hein (Graphic Novel) SISTER Pact – Ali Ahearn & Ros Baxter Stink Bomb…Deep Trouble – Rob Stevens The Good Father – Diane Chamberlain Since We’re Friends …an Autism Picture Book Fifty Shades Free & Darker – Celeste Shally Crystal Gardens – Amanda Quick Star Wars…The Ultimate Visual Guide The Trader’s Sister – Anna Jacobs Dance Academy…Catch Me If I Fall – Meredith Dead Heat – Bronwyn Parry Costain Black Wattle Creek – Geoffrey McGeachin Tweenie Genie … Genie in Charge – Meredith Jacaranda – Mandy Magro Badger Free Fall – Peter Crais Dance Academy … Nice Girls Finish Last – Bru Angel of the Dark – Tilly Bagshawe no Bouchet A Crown Imperiled – Raymond E. Feist The Serpent’s Shadow – Rick Riordan Career Girl in the Country – Fiona Lowe (Large Print) Batman… The Fog of Fear & Five Riddles for Winds of Change – Anna Jacobs Robin(Graphic Novels) Betrayal – Danielle Steel (Large Print) Wash Your Face in Orange Juice – Peter Backlash – Lynda La Plante Combe The Innocent – David Baldacci Rainbow Street Pets – Wendy Orr The Killing – David Hewson The Copy Cat Kid – Sally Rippin Titanic … My Story – An Edwardian Girl’s Dairy 1912 by Ellen Emerson White ADULT NON-FICTION: Star Wars Omnibus (Graphic Novel) My Love Must Wait – Ernestine Hill Transformers Classics (Graphic Novel) Sinning Across Spain… A Walker’s Journey from Lost at the Zoo – Gill Arbuthnott Granada to Galicia My Father’s Islands…Abel Tasman’s Heroic Out of the Blue … Joanna Fincham Voyages – Christobel Mattingley From Eskimo Point to Alice Springs…Adventures in Two Little Monkeys – Mem Fox Nursing, from the Arctic to the Outback – Anne Watts Hector – Steve Barnes Worth Fighting For…Love, Loss and moving Forward Star Trek …Volume 1 (Graphic Novel) – Lisa Niemi Swayze Healthy Heart for Life – Andrew Cate CHILDREN’S NON FICTION: DVD’S CHILDREN’S AND ADULTS: Chatroom Apache Rifles Super Mario World The Lion King 3 Boot Hill Foster Everything you need to know about Sharks and other creatures of the Deep Tom the Outback Mailman – Kristin Weidenbach Dinosaur things to make and do TEENAGE FICTION: Lord Loss – Darren Shan Slawter – Darren Shan Bec – Darren Shan 3 COMMUNITY NEWS Wanted for Annual Book Sale The Very Informal Book Club Please donate your old books to our Community book sale! When: Thursday 19 July 2012 at the Whistling Fish Book Shoppe 10.30am Everyone is welcome to The Very Informal Book Club! Just bring a new or favourite book you have read & do a “speed review.” No Friends of the Library meeting We take all types of books, encyclopedia, magazines, DVDs, Videos, Childrens & Adults, Puzzles, Jigsaws & Board Games. Proceeds go back into purchases for your library! Please drop off at the Library. Contacts: Lonny 0427 682 778 or Di Nolan 8768 1943 Contacts: Lonny 0427 682 778 or Di Nolan 8768 1943 Robe Art Gallery Open daily from 10am to 4pm in the Lapwing Gallery on the southern side of the Robe Institute. Paintings by local artists for sale. All welcome to browse or buy…. Free Admission!!! WINTER HOURS If gallery not open contact: June, July & August 2012 Bernice Green 8768 2114 or Chris Davidson 8768 2594 MONDAY – FRIDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM NORMAL WEEK-END HOURS WILL RESUME ON SATURDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2012 Robe Town CFS Brigade Annual General Meeting The Robe Town CFS Brigade will be holding its AGM, on Wednesday 25th July, at 19:30, at the Robe Fire Station. This is a non-voting year, except that we have to fill one casual position, that of the Brigade Finance Co-ordinator, all members are encouraged to attend. Could Brigade members please bring their Drivers Licence & Pager to the AGM, so that they can be checked off against the relevant list. FOR SALE Antique Baltic dresser/entertainment unit 3 seater sofa bed with inner spring mattress & matching 2 seater sofa Baltic table Square sandstone outdoor table (seats 8) and 4 teak chairs Modern black & glass low line TV unit (as new) All in excellent condition! Please phone 0448 672 528 to inspect Any interested members of the Robe community are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Enquires to either Rod McMartin (0429 911 393) or Jim Smith (8768 2798). available to hire The Robe Icebergs have run aground this winter. If anyone is interested, please join us. We will walk each morning from Saturday 30th June. We will be leaving Town Beach at 06:45 seven days a week. For bookings and hire rates please contact the Council office on 8768 2003 or [email protected] or visit www.council.robe.sa.gov.au Most mornings the sunrise is beautiful, it’s a great way to start the day. We walk as part of the Heart Foundation Walking program. When the mornings warm up we will be back in the water. Robe Institute Hall Jim Smith 8768 2798 4 COMMUNITY NEWS St Peter’s Robe Services are held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 10am ROBE GOLDEN OLDIES and SEA-CHANGE SOCIAL GROUP Meetings held in Robe RSL Hall PROGRAMME for July 2012 Robe Uniting Church Tarooki Camp Site Main Road, Robe 1st Sunday 11.00am & 3.00pm Pray for healing & worship service 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday’s 11.00 am Worship service & healing 3.00pm July 8 Need a lift? Robe Community Bus The bus driver for July will be Peter Mathews, phone 8768 2616. If you wish to go to Mt Gambier on Friday July 27, please ring Peter on the above phone number. The bus will pick you up at 8.00am and return to Robe at 5.30pm. The return fare is $17.00. The bus also runs every Tuesday afternoon for local shopping, bank, post office, library etc. You will be picked up at approximately 3.00pm and returned to your home at between 4.15pm and 4.30pm. Please ring the bus driver on the above phone number so they know who and where to pick up. Monday 2 July 2012 Home day with Julie. Pick up 1.00pm Monday 9 July 2012 Bus trip Mt Gambier Old Courthouse and Jail with Margie. Pick up at 9.00am Monday 16 July 2012 Lunch at Naracoorte with Julie. Pick up at 9.00am Monday 23 July 2012 Home Day with Margie. Pick up at 1.00pm Monday 30 July 2012 Home Day with Julie. Pick up at 1.00pm If you have any queries please ring: Lyn Howe: Resthaven Millicent – 8733 3311 (Tuesday-Friday office hours) Odette Martin – Kingston Comm. Health 8767 0237 (Mon & Fri 8am - 1 pm, Tues & Thurs 8am - 4pm) Nathalie Ling- Hon Secretary Phone: 0419 183 444 ROBE COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Next meeting Tuesday 17 July Meet at the Robe Bowling Club at 10.00am Guest Speaker: Chris McLay Enquiries: Rosemary Williams 8768 2388 Jan Fisk 8768 2139 All Welcome GARAGE SALE Sunday 15 July 2012 at 9.00am Loads of furniture, antiques, household goods, outdoor furniture, prints, clothing, shoes, jewellery, wet suits, motorbike boots & helmet, go-kart, floor rugs, study desks, mattresses, cushions, linen, books, cd’s and much more! Don’t miss out 37 Harold Street (corner Harold & Thompson) No early birds 5 COMMUNITY NEWS HEYWIRE: A CHANCE FOR REGIONAL YOUTH TO BE HEARD ON THE ABC AND IN CANBERRA The ABC’s Heywire competition is calling for entries from people aged 16-22 from rural and regional Australia. They are invited to submit a story in text, audio, photos or video about life in their neck of the woods. Approximately 40 winning stories will be produced by the ABC and featured either on ABC Radio, abc.net.au or ABC TV. Each winner will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the Heywire Regional Youth Summit, held at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra in February 2013, where they gain leadership skills and develop proposals to make life better for young people in their communities. It’s a once in a lifetime experience which includes a reception at Parliament House, a tour of ABC Canberra and a chance to meet triple J presenters. Competition closes on Monday 17 September 2012 Heywire is not about being the best writer or media maker, because the ABC will work alongside winners to produce pieces for broadcast on the ABC. Heywire is about being passionate and communicating ideas in a way that makes people take notice. It’s about showing the rest of Australia what life is like for young people in your part of the country. For more information, upload entries and view last year’s winning stories go to www.abc.net.au/heywire 6 POST CARD FROM THE PAST MEALS ON WHEELS ROSTER — JULY 2012 WK 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY RESERVES 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July Irene Stratford 8768 1824 Sally LeCornu Pam Robinson Margie McKay Diana Nolan WK 2 9 July Chris Davidson Jeanette Lea WK 3 Diana Hooper Chrys Corbin Judy Wills 16 July Pat Pex Irene Johns Mary McInerney WK 4 WK 5 10 July 17 July Margot Hinge Babilly Bruce 11 July Patsy Grummett Nev Grummett 18 July Ruth Dening Cathy Carter 23 July 24 July 25 July Tessa Levinge Mary Peters Cathy Thompson Jenny Mathews Fay Hartwig 30 July 31 July 1 Aug Anne Thorpe Don Thorpe Lou Sangster Jan Fisk Helen Lynch 12 July Sharon Petrovic Heidi Tonkin 19 July Rosemary Williams 26 July Irene Stratford Harvey Stratford 2 Aug Margaret Edgar Alan Edgar Margie McKay 8768 2164 13 July Jenny Stevenson Natalie Ling 20 July Marion Dawson Rose Perkins 27 July Met Riseley 3 Aug For alterations or Additions to meals Please contact Kingston Hospital 8767 0222 If your roster day is not convenient please arrange a replacement. Thank you Jenny Mathews Roster Co-ordinator 8768 2616 7 8 9 KNEADY THERAPIES Do you suffer from any of the following ailments? YOGA in ROBE Yoga closed for Winter break Sinus headaches Back pain Sore feet Neck and shoulder pain General aches and pains. Take some time out to visit Elise Lehmann at Kneady Therapies to help relieve your ailments with— Foot Reflexology Sports massage Anma, Japanese massage Myofascial Release Cranio-Sacral Therapy Contact Elise on 0438 202 342 from Thursday 28 June 2012 Classes resume Tuesday 7 August 2012 Namaste Pam -Remedial & Therapeutic Massage -Myotherapy -Craniosacral Therapy -Foot Reflexology -Herbal & Aromatic Medicine -Emotional Counselling Claimable with private health funds Conditions which may benefit include muscle, back, neck & shoulder pain, sciatica, skin conditions, headaches, PMT, emotional stress, pregnancy. Dr. Tamara Justus (BSc Hons. PhD. Dip RT Drp Arom.) Phone: 8768 1932 Mobile: 0408 858 735 for appointments 10 ROBE BEAUTY SPECIALISING IN - ACCOUNTANTS - FINANCIAL PLANNERS - BUSINESS CONSULTANTS Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal Facial Veins/Redness Pigmentation spots Skin Rejuvenation Acne Skins Call 8768 2644 For appointments and enquiries Bowen Therapist Providing business people with financial and business advice they can understand, delivered by people they trust and relate to Naomi Hutchison 8768 2720 Gentle, Fast, Effective Treatment for Back pain, Neck, Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, Hamstring and other musculoskeletal problems. No adjustment is used, only gentle moves on muscles and connective tissue, encouraging the body to heal itself. Claimable with some private health funds on selected tables. Member of BAA, BTFA Mark Edwards & Deane Nankivell consult on the 1st & 3rd Friday of each month respectively. 25 Victoria Street, Robe WWW.MURRAYNANKIVELL.COM.AU 11 Robe Yacht Club Hire Weddings & Functions: $350.00 Full day hire: $270.00 1 & 1/2 day hire: $300.00 Meeting: (3-4hrs) $82.50 All prices include GST For enquires or bookings please contact: Ph: 08 8768 2737 Fax: 08 8768 2738 Email: [email protected] Web Design I Certified MYOB Consultant Bookkeeping I Payroll Services Cassie Bermingham PO Box 486 Robe SA 5276 T 0417 854 636|E [email protected] 12 Need Storage? Robe Storage has available for short or long term lease storage in clean & secure area. Suitable for small boats, cars, furniture & general use. Competitive rates from $80 per month. Contact Tim Mort on 0438 553 405 CARPETS SOLAR PANELS WINDOWS & SCREENS VACUUM SERVICE MATTRESS SANITIZING CONCRETE & PAVERS FLOOR TILES & GROUT TIMBER FLOOR BUFFING 13 Est. 1983 Lic. No 200017T Lawn mowing, tree and shrub lopping Small garden upgrades Repairs, maintenance and installation of watering systems Odd jobs Contact: Harry Keaveney: Mobile: 0407 799 788 ROBE EARTHMOVERS Welcome enquiries for: Limestone Coast Storage Sheds For further information contact P: 08-8768 2273 M: 0419 557 269 E: [email protected] Block clearing or filling Trenching Boring holes Cleaning up building & domestic debris Rural work Supply of rubble & top soil General excavating Phone Trevor on 0408 856273 or 87682186 AVAILABLE NOW FOR RENT every detail by design Brian, Naomi & Mark design, manufacture & installation of all your cabinets & joinery Kitchens Robes Bathrooms Storage Stairs Shop fitting Renovation New Ph 8768 1831 Email [email protected] Building Contractors Licence No 176922 14 ROB’S CLEANING SERVICE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATING IN ROBE FOR OVER 10 YEARS Carpets & Upholstery: Cleaned, freshened & sanitized by the water extraction method. Windows: Improve your outlook on life – have us clean your windows & screens. Lawns: Servicing Robe and Long Beach areas. Telephone: 08 8768 2865 Mobile: 0429 670437 15 COACH HIRE ROBE TRANSPORT SERVICES 37 SEATER AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER WE DRIVE YOU RELAX & HAVE FUN AIR CONDITIONED TOURS OF WINE REGIONS SPECIAL EVENTS BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES PHONE TREVOR 0408 856 273 Mat’s Plumbing PO Box 114, ROBE SA 5276 General Plumbing Gas Fitting & Maintenance Phone/Fax: 8768 2878 Mobile: 0427 682 878 abn 35 592 187 979 Lic/Reg No PGE 176769 Doorway Rock Storage Sheds Available for rent now From only $25.00 per week Call in to 25 Victoria Street Today for an application form Ph: 08 8768 2737 Email: [email protected] 16 July 2012 Sun Mon Tue 2 1 Wed 4 3 Thu 5 Fri Sat 7 6 8 9 10 Council Meeting 6 pm 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DAP Meeting 4pm 18 19 20 Newsletter Articles due 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 August 2 3 4 C A L E N D A R E T C General Waste—Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) General Waste—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Recycling- Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) Recycling—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Temporary Waste Transfer Station Operating Times Thought for the month… Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun " What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity." H A R D 1 3 2 9 1 9 S U D O K U 6 7 5 5 4 1 8 5 8 3 7 3 3 3 4 8 7 9 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am 10.00—11.00am CLOSED 2.00 – 3.00pm Type Fees Boot Load $20.00 6’x4’ Trailer, Car Type Utes $30.00 8’x5’ Trailers or Similar, Large Utes $55.00 Small Trucks (Single Axle – maximum 4 tonne) Mattresses $200.00 Sofas/ Lounge Chairs $15.00 each Car Bodies $50.00 Opening outside of operating hours $220.00 $25.00 No Putrescible Waste (household waste) is permitted. Half price for pensioners for car boot load only on production of pensioner card. Green Waste Fee Normal Landfill Fees will apply to any Green Waste Products that requires mulching, however Green Waste products that are segregated and do not require mulching eg. Lawn clippings, leaves etc., can be dumped free of charge within the Landfill area during the opening times. E-waste Fees: $1.00/ kilogram 17 Publication Details The Community Newsletter is published, edited, designed, printed and delivered by the District Council of Robe. Community groups and organisations wishing to submit items should forward their information to Maureen Parker at the District Council of Robe by the third Friday of each month. It is preferred that items are emailed to [email protected] however handwritten items will be accepted and can be dropped into the Council office, posted to PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276, or faxed on 08 8768 2432. The views and opinions expressed in articles submitted to the District Council of Robe do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body, nor as individual members. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in published articles submitted by contributors other than Council, no responsibility is accepted for any errors that they June contain. Council reserves the right to edit or not publish any editorial submission. Postage Paid Australia District Council of Robe Mayor Town Ward Royal Circus, Robe PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276 Mayor Peter Riseley T 08 8768 1834 M 0429 799 528 E [email protected] Cr Rino Dell’Antonio T 08 8768 2907 F 08 8721 4650 M 0407 454 647 E [email protected] Cr Jenny Mathews F 08 8768 2616 M 0408 897 503 E [email protected] T 08 8768 2003 F 08 8768 2432 Website Rural Ward www.council.robe.sa.gov.au Email [email protected] Cr Lawrence Polomka M 0408 083 818 E [email protected] Cr John Enright T 08 8768 2192 F 08 8768 2924 M 0409 001 614 E [email protected] Cr Kristina Alexander M 0417 815 797 E [email protected] Cr Harvey Nolan (Deputy Mayor) F 08 8768 1943 M 0429 180 954 E [email protected] 18
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