April 2016 - Rackcdn.com
April 2016 - Rackcdn.com
23914 S. Alma School Road Chandler, AZ 85248 Church: 480.895.6782 Early Learning Center: 480.802.1505 April 2016 Newsletter Rev. Ronald Burcham Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mark Hoffmann Associate Pastor of Congregational Care [email protected] Joel Endicott Director of Worship [email protected] Susan Mello Business Manager [email protected] Linda Pauley Director of Early Childhood Education [email protected] Volunteer Appreciation p. 6 Arizona Gives Day p. 9 Risen Savior Picnic p.11 Risen Savior Food Drives p.12 Pathway Update p.13 Financials p.14 Worshiping I missed it. I missed the deadline to get an article in the Splash for the month of March! I don’t know how it happened, after all I even had an extra day in February, but alas I missed the cut off date. There is no leeway, either you have your article submitted by midnight of the appointed day or you don’t get in. I knew this and I still missed it. I thought of contacting the editor and begging for mercy, but editors are not known for dispensing mercy especially when it comes to deadlines. I thought of telling the editor that my dog ate my article, but then I remembered that all articles are submitted electronically so I would have had to convince her that my dog ate my laptop. No, that probably wouldn’t work. I could have started a petition about the unfair deadlines imposed upon the residents of Sun Lakes and publish it in the Splash! But, of course I had missed the deadline. I will just have to suffer the consequences of my mismanagement of time and deal with the fact that I let down my loyal readers. So I apologize to all of you. Life is full of rules, deadlines. Break the rule, miss the deadline, do something unlawful and you will have to suffer the punishment. It could be nothing more than embarrassment for missing a deadline to time behind bars for committing a crime. As the theme song for Baretta says, “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time!” This is even true with our relationship to God, but there is a twist – make sure you read far enough to know the twist. God gave us His law and expects that we follow it. Although the law of God is more than the 10 commandments I think most would agree that God’s top 10 make sense. They provide a framework for society and protection for individuals. The problem comes when we realize that we have not kept God’s law. I have yet to meet an individual who would claim to be perfect. We all have broken the law and the Bible calls this sin. The Bible also tells us that there is punishment for sin – “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time.” Here is the twist – someone did the “time” for us! “He (Jesus) was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our Justification. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 4:25- 5:1) Jesus, the Son of God, took the punishment for us and we have been declared innocent. Truth is I miss more than deadlines for articles. I mess up all the time, but everyday I remind myself that in Christ I am forgiven. I get to start everyday with a clean slate and so do you. In Christ, 2 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Nursery During Worship Our Nursery is available at all services for children aged 0-3; turn to your left when coming through the main front doors and follow the signs. For the safety of all our kids, please sign your children in and out. Connections: New Member Orientation If you're interested in getting connected and finding out more about who we are at Risen Savior and joining our church, please call the church office at 480-895-6782. Our next New Member Connections Session begins at 10:10am Sunday, April 10th, in the Fellowship Hall. You are welcome to join us! Parking Did you know that there are usually open parking spaces in the back of the church or at The Pathway Center? The back door of the church will be open only on Sunday mornings for those parking in the back. For those parking at The Pathway Center, it is but a short walk to come over to the sanctuary. Growing Risen Savior Sunday School News Join in the fun at JAM as we learn about Jesus and grow in love for Him! Highly interactive lessons come fully loaded with hands-on activities, video, music and discussion in both small and large groups Explore the entire Bible—Genesis to Revelation—in three years Every lesson points to Jesus JAM! is for children age three through Grade 5. The program starts at 10:10am on Sunday mornings. Please check in near the entrance to the Sanctuary. Children meet in classrooms on the second floor. Questions? Contact Shelley Nelson, [email protected] Ignite Confirmation Ministry About Ignite: Ignite is a place where faith is formed, knowledge is gained and hearts are changed. It sparks discovery, conversation, friendship and Bible engagement. Ignite is a step in a lifelong walk with God where the top priority is a vibrant relationship with Him. If you have questions or would like to receive information about the Confirmation program, contact [email protected]. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 3 Youth Ministry For Senior High Youth Group activities, parents and/or students may contact Laurel Miller at [email protected] to obtain more information. Small Group Bible Studies Adult Forum - Led by Pastor Harold Teuscher On April 3rd and 10th, Pastor will conclude the series on “The First Easter”. No Adult Forum on April 17th due to a presentation of Ignite’s Confirmation program. A new series of classes will start on Sunday, April 24th, at 8:40am, in the Fellowship Hall discussing the following: We stopped at a Quick Stop to refuel our car. Remember when they used to call them Gas Stations, or even way back when they called them Service Stations? When cheery attendants checked the oil, cleaned the windows, checked air pressure in the tires? – Like the movie “Back to the Future”. The “good ole’ days! Times have changed. Remember the little grocery stores? The corner hardware store? Transportation before freeways and air travel? Communication before TV, computers, internet, cell phones? Do you think the church is affected by similar changes? Is it a rest stop? A place of refuge from the chaos of change? Or, is it a “filling station” where we get filled up for the mission of spreading the Gospel of our God and Savior? We’ll use a discussion guide called “In Search of the Unchurched” which reminds us of what the church used to be like in comparison to today. A free-will offering will be taken to off-set expenses for the materials. The comparisons will be helpful to help us understand what has happened to so many mainline denominations in the last 30 years and how it affects our outreach ministry in our community. We’ll remind ourselves of exactly why we are here. We are trying to connect people with Jesus, to win souls for our Lord. Focusing on the goal of ministry is at the heart of finding solutions to reaching the unchurched and related problems affecting our children and grandchildren. It’s a great course! Come and join us! We covet your input! The Epistles of John – led by Barrie Ritchie In the last decades of the 1st Century, the Apostle John wrote three remarkable letters to fellow Christians who found themselves in a world growing stranger to them every day. These Christians found themselves: surrounded by unbelievers with puzzling values; immersed in the temptations of a materialistic and sensual society; threatened with a political system that devalued life, discounted faith, and devoured the poor; and faced with stark disagreements within what was supposed to be a single community of believers with a common faith in Christ. 4 Risen Savior Lutheran Church You are welcome to join us each Sunday at 10:10a.m. in the Church Conference Room as we work through, discuss, and apply these remarkable letters. See you there! If you would like to let us know you’ll be attending (so that we’re sure to have enough books) or have any questions, please let Barry Ritchie know either by email [email protected] or by phone at 480-839-1382. You are welcome to attend even if you don’t sign up! The Lutheran Difference – Justification and Sanctification – Led by John Martin Looking for a Bible class at 10:10am? Have you been thinking about joining a class, but just haven’t taken that step yet? Then please join us in The Perfect Place* at 10:10am Sunday mornings. We have a small group study on the topic of what Lutherans believe regarding Justification and Sanctification and we’d love for you to join us. (*For directions to The Perfect Place room, just ask any usher or Pastor). Women’s Ministries Grace Girls is a women's ministry for ladies of all ages studying biblical principles to support your role as a beautiful and wonderfully made daughter of our Lord Jesus Christ. All hearts are welcome! There are no fees associated with participating. Join us for our bible studies, book reviews, retreats, service projects and email devotions. To be added to our contact list please reach out to Annie Wolf at [email protected] or 480-203-1880. Grace Girls Study “Generations Pause, Pray, Rejoice” Grace Girls Generations Bible Study 2016 evening classes continue Tuesday, April 5th, and the morning session continues Thursday, April 14th. For more details and information, contact Annie Wolf at [email protected] or 480-203-1880. Risen Savior sponsors families in the Circle of Healing mission throughout the year. COH provides services and resources to homeless or low income at risk youth, parents and elderly. COH services include education, violence/drug prevention education, cultural awareness, and positive character development, through crisis intervention, guidance, instruction, positive activities, and mentoring. Risen Savior has provided these families with hygiene products, back to school supplies, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas presents, Easter baskets, end of year pizza parties and summer camps. For questions or to see pictures of the kiddos, please contact Annie Wolf at [email protected] or 480-203-1880. Men’s Early Bird Saturday Gathering The Men’s Early Bird Saturday Gatherings continue Saturday, April 9th and 23rd, in the Pathway Center. Come early for coffee and donuts at 7:15am with discussion and Bible study 7:30am to 8:30am. We meet the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Chuck Deuth at 480-766-3626. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 5 Serving Shine Like Stars! We are inspired by our volunteers—they show their faith in action as they serve one another. God is working through His people at Risen Savior: from landscaping to worship assisting, from behind the scenes or in front of others, every individual who serves at our congregation. The month of April marks National Volunteer Month. We celebrate our STARS while giving all the glory to God who makes each one shine! Who: STARS – all those who Serve Together at Risen Savior What: Open House Celebration with Food and Fellowship When: 4 – 6 pm, Saturday, April 30 Where: Fellowship Hall, Risen Savior “Shine among them like stars in the sky.” Philippians 2:15 Sunday Volunteer Sign-up Process Our Sunday morning volunteer positions are scheduled through Planning Center. If you receive an invitation, it is important that you respond by clicking either “Accept” or “Decline” so we know whom to expect. Be sure to check your spam/junk folders if you haven’t received yours. Thank you for serving…we cannot do it without you! Fellowship Join us for coffee and donuts in-between services on the patio. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people and to sign up and serve. Prayer Warriors Prayer Warriors meet weekly at The Pathway Center where they pray for everyone on our prayer list. They would also like to send cards to those in the military and on missions, so if you have an address for them, please include it when completing your prayer request or send it to [email protected]. 6 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Caring Ministries Team Seniors, if you are looking for information regarding transitioning into Independent or Assisted Living, contact PACE (People, Access, Community, Education) at 480-246-3515. They will help you make informed decisions and their housing directory will help you narrow your options and make the process easier. You can also find them on the internet at www.seniorhousing.org. Blood Pressure Screening continues on the 2nd Sunday of the month in the Church hallway. Our next meeting will be in the Church Conference room on April 12th, at 6:30pm. If you are interested in serving on the Caring Ministries Committee (you do not have to be in the medical profession), please contact: Nancy Gooding at [email protected]. Caring Ministries Emails If you or someone you know would like to notify the church of a surgery, hospitalization or other care emergency, please email [email protected]. Please include the facility and contact number. For prayer submissions to the News & Notes weekly email prayer partners, please email [email protected]. The Perfect Place The Perfect Place is located on the campus of Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Sun Lakes. We are a nonprofit faith based adult care center. Our volunteers are knowledgeable of Alzheimer’s, dementia, developmental disabilities, and various adult neurological challenges. Most of us have had a loved one for which we were a caregiver. We enjoy what we do but we can always use more help. If you believe your family or caregiver would benefit from this service contact Barb Ruis at The Perfect Place, 480-895-2892. Contributions from service organizations and personal donations to our scholarship fund allow us to provide financial assistance. Ask for a receipt. We are a 501c3. Our hours are 9am – noon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; 1pm – 4pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Providing scholarships made possible by tax credit donations. Learn more at ALSOsto.org. Did you know? If you pay Arizona state income tax, you can redirect your tax dollars and create scholarships. You can help a child in need receive a Christian education at no cost to you. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 7 Missions Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) LWML general meeting will be held Thursday, April 14th, at 1 pm in The Pathway Center conference room. Muriel Nelson will lead the Bible study found in the new Quarterly magazine. A short business meeting will follow. The Spring Luncheon was a huge success with 106 ladies attending. Thirteen men from the Men's Group were escorts and servers. Mia Koehne presented an inspirational program with music and testimony. Table hostesses decorated the tables beautifully, so with the new carpet and newly painted walls, the Fellowship Hall was transformed into an inviting atmosphere. Again Becky Magee catered a delicious meal. Thank you to all who attended and those volunteers who participated. From the proceeds of the ticket sales, LWML will be presenting monetary gifts to two ministries - Garuna Foundation and the Lutheran Seminary Student Fund. Lutheran Braille Workers Braille meets every Tuesday morning at 8:30am in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like to be involved in any way, please call Pat Bibler at 480-895-8788. Piece Maker Quilters The homeless and hurting people still need quilts even though the weather is getting warmer. The Salvation Army is one organization that we love to support. They give the quilts to the homeless and use them in apartments that they equip for jobless families. They use all sizes and especially like baby quilts. We also give quilts to Women’s Crisis Center and they can take them when they leave. We are a dedicated, fun-loving group and invite you to come join us. We meet every Wednesday at 1:00pm in The Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Marie Kiehl at 480-883-0842. LCEF Investments in Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) provide resources for Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod churches, schools, universities, child-care centers and other ministries to expand the Kingdom. Share your passion for ministry while earning competitive rates of interest. Learn more and view rates at lcef.org. 8 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Active Duty Military Personnel We would like to acknowledge and pray for all active duty military personnel associated with RSLCS. Please contact us on the prayer request line [email protected], on a pew card or by phone with their names. Cards will be sent if you include an address. First names are now posted in the display case outside to the left of the narthex. The Service flag is an official banner authorized by the Department of Defense for display by families who have members serving in the Armed Forces during any period of war or hostilities the United States may be engaged in for the duration of such hostilities. Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Showing kindness, doing justice and serving those in need, we are located statewide and serve 10 counties across Arizona. Arizona nonprofits do many things well that make this state a better place to live but we do this with the support of many partners. You are the rock stars. Thanks for creating the kind of community God envisions for Arizona. To learn more about the work of LSS-SW, please visit their website and subscribe to their e-newsletter, www.lss-sw.org. Arizona Gives Day is April 5 Mark your calendar for Arizona Gives Day - 4.5.16 a day to #giveboldly to a cause that matters to you. Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest will be joining thousands across Arizona to celebrate the nonprofits that serve neighbors across our state. Here’s what you can do to join us in supporting neighbors across Arizona: Pray for our Arizona nonprofit community and that God works in our midst. Share the difference that LSS-SW has made in your community using #giveboldly on social media. Give to invest in showing kindness, doing justice, and serving those in need in Arizona. Giving is easy. Simply visit azgives.org. and search for Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest using the search bar at the top of the page. Make your gift on April 5th, so that LSSSW qualifies for additional prizes and gifts. Thank you for your generosity. Rev. Deborah Hutterer, [email protected]. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 9 Salvation Army Support The food drop-off for the Chandler Salvation Army is the first Sunday of each month. Please bring only non-perishables. The donation box for clothing and small household goods for the Salvation Army is located in the northwest corner of the church parking lot. Miscellaneous Lost and Found Our lost and found is located in the hallway outside the Conference Room in the church. Please check it out - we have many lost treasures, one of them may be yours! Monthly Newsletter Articles Please have your newsletter articles into the church office by the 10th of each month. Send your articles to: [email protected]. The newsletter will go out by the first of the month. Update Contact Information For those who have a change of contact information, please remember to advise the church office of your updated contact information so you can receive the news at Risen Savior. Call Susan Myres at 480-895-6782 ext. 217 or email [email protected]. The Lutheran Witness THE LUTHERAN WITNESS subscriptions are up for renewal. If you have an existing subscription or would like to order one, you must submit your request in writing along with payment of $16.00, to the church office no later than April 15th, 2016. You can use the designated envelope from your offering envelopes or indicate in your check memo that it is for Lutheran Witness. National Day of Prayer For All Area Women and Men Thursday, May 5th, 2016, 10:00am to 11:30am, SunBird Golf Resort Clubhouse – Ballroom 6250 S. SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249 Speaker: Representative Steve Montenegro Majority Leader in the Arizona House of Representatives. Reservations are not required. This event is sponsored by Sun Lakes Women’s Connection an SunBird Prayer Group. 10 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Risen Savior’s Annual Picnic The picnic was a huge success. Good food, fun, fellowship, and games. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped. Over 400 people attended Risen Savior's Annual Picnic on March 19th at Tumbleweed Park in Chandler. Amidst the hot dogs and hamburgers, folks enjoyed bingo, sack races, flag football, bounce houses, music and more. One of the day's highlights was Pastor Ron and Pastor Mark going mano y mano in the battle of Cornhole Champion! The event was fun for all ages and many people are already looking forward to next year's event. The picnic was the talk of the school on Monday. One little boy asked, "Can we have another picnic this Saturday?" Risen Savior Lutheran Church 11 Risen Savior 2014 - 2015 Food Drives Summary Have you ever wondered how much our Food Drives have helped our neighbors in need of food assistance? In both 2014 and 2015, we conducted Spring Food Drives, Thanksgiving Turkey Drives, and Community Christmas Concerts that gathered food for distribution by the Chandler Food Bank. The total weight of the food collected at all six events was 18,137 pounds. In addition, we received a total of $8,635 in checks which were also forwarded to the Food Bank. Since most of the checks were collected at the Thanksgiving Turkey Drives, it was easy to convert the money into pounds, given that we knew that the Food Bank paid $.79/per pound for the turkeys they purchased with the money. Therefore, the $8,635 bought 10,930 pounds of frozen turkeys. In summary, during 2014 and 2015 our Food Drives collected 18,137 pounds of food, plus 10,930 pounds of food purchased with the checks, totaling 29,067 pounds (14.4 tons) ... enough food for our neighbors in need to prepare over 22,500 meals. We have just begun our 2016 Spring Food Drive which will last until Sunday, April 17th. Let's join together once again and ask for God's blessings on our efforts to surround His Altar with food that will help those in need put food on their tables during the summer months when donations are at their lowest. Risen Savior Food Ministries ... We're Here For Good! 12 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Financial Pathway Update Giving to Date Debt Reduction as of 3-23-16: Capital Improvement: Area of greatest need: Total amount received: $1,449,314.94 $207,652.05 $267,253.00 $1,924,219.99 As we complete our third year of the Pathway campaign, we want to thank you for your generosity and sacrifice. If you need additional Pathway envelopes, they are available at the Information Booth in the west hallway leading into the Fellowship Hall or by asking the Lead Elder at any service. If you have not yet joined us on the path, please contact the Church Office for more information and materials to be a part of this great venture to expand our ministry! Risen Savior Foundation The Risen Savior Lutheran Church and School Foundation was established to provide funds for long-term growth of our church long after we are gone. Through our estate planning and/or gifts, we can share a portion of our earthly treasures to further the mission of Risen Savior Lutheran Church in the futrure. For further information or to contribute to the foundation through your estate planning or gifts, please contact Foundation President, Chuck Deuth, at 480-305-0503. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 13 Risen Savior Monthly Financial Review The following detailed reports are available to members and attendees of Risen Savior Lutheran Church. Please contact Susan Mello, our Business Manager, to receive this information. Susan’s email is: [email protected] Statement of Financial Income and Expense Statement of Financial Position Statement of Cash Flow Financial Summary for February 2016: For February, Giving was below budget by $11,463. o Giving has been below budget for three months. o An early review of March results indicate that March will be above budget. ELC income was over budget by $4,479 and FYTD16 Net Income is $850 better than budget. Operational Expenses for February were at 89.2% of budget. o Will control expenses based on giving trends. Net Operating Cash increased by $8,421. High Level Statement of Financial Income and Expense Feb-16 Actual 109,886 2,743 112,629 Feb-16 Budget 121,350 3,830 125,180 $ Over Budget (11,464) (1,087) (12,551) FYTD16 Actual 802,868 34,453 837,321 FYTD16 Budget 811,575 30,680 842,255 $ Over Budget (8,707) 3,773 (4,934) 96,554 92,075 4,479 713,525 712,600 925 Total Operational Income 209,183 217,255 (8,072) 1,550,846 1,554,855 (4,009) Operational Expenses 181,783 203,728 (21,945) 1,453,636 1,518,613 (64,977) Net Income/(Loss) 27,400 13,527 13,873 97,210 36,242 60,968 Giving All other income Total Church Income Early Learning Center (ELC) High Level Statement of Operational Cash Flow February 2016 Cash/Current Assets at the beginning of period 516,163 Donor Restricted Funds 289,194 Board Designated Funds 216,891 Net Operating Cash at the Beginning of the period Cash/Current Assets at the end of period Donor Restricted Funds Board Designated Funds Net Operating Cash at the end of the period Net Operating Cash Change 14 10,078 555,497 304,468 232,530 18,499 8,421 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Happy Birthday Diane Bergelin 04/01 Andrew Kerr 04/06 Alicia Endicott 04/01 Beverly Mueller 04/06 Georgia Klimack 04/01 Reg Jokisch 04/07 Joseph Pelegrin 04/01 Gene Nelson 04/07 Lorrie Wangsness 04/01 Lauren Birkelo 04/08 Robert Becker 04/02 Steven Morris 04/08 Kimberly Buchanan 04/02 Denise Norris 04/08 Barbara Dambeck 04/02 Rob Olson 04/08 Daren Frank 04/02 Jared Stermer 04/09 Becky Magee 04/02 David Adams Jr. 04/10 Kenneth Meloy 04/02 Laura Smith 04/10 Alex Salazar 04/02 Matt Gooding 04/11 Jim Junkermeier 04/03 Teresa Herb 04/11 Lisa McCain 04/03 Lyman Ponder 04/11 Deborah McGinnis 04/03 Elyse Wolf 04/11 Amelia Nimmer 04/03 Tenni Annen 04/12 Len Paulson 04/03 Alexis Buchanan 04/12 Marilee Smith 04/03 William Kabele 04/12 Lindsey Underwood 04/03 Katharine Rasmussen 04/12 Liesel Beck 04/04 Jo Timmons 04/12 Katerina Brandt 04/04 Grace Stadel 04/13 Douglas Braun 04/04 Lily Wirth 04/13 Lainey Grainger 04/04 Lorraine Brammer 04/14 Gary Huber 04/04 Nathaniel Erickson 04/14 Kenneth Kreuter 04/04 Donna James 04/14 Jeff Milne 04/04 Diane Newman 04/14 Rachel Beauregard 04/05 Patty Van Houten 04/14 Michael Towne 04/05 Barbara Weber 04/14 Dave Bolio 04/06 Rich Brettfeld 04/15 Risen Savior Lutheran Church 15 Charleen Henderson 04/15 Harold Teuscher 04/23 Herman Swanson 04/15 Robert Adamovic 04/24 Matthew Fasciana 04/16 Trygve Fekjan 04/24 Willa Kohl 04/16 William Russell 04/24 Dottie Roberts 04/16 Kenneth Meyer 04/25 Gwen Vining 04/16 Erica Peters 04/25 Sydney Stevens 04/17 Theven Raufmann 04/25 Michelle Burcham 04/18 Joel Endicott 04/26 Hunter Gloss 04/18 Jay Gallipo 04/26 Betty Zisch-de la Rosa 04/18 Jon Jones 04/26 Teresa De Vito 04/19 Brayden Sweetman 04/26 Ron Jaso 04/19 Susan Tormey 04/26 Stephanie Stechnij 04/19 Shirley Baker 04/27 Ray Welker 04/19 Lydia Kolanowski 04/27 Karen Coleman 04/20 Dick Koskovick 04/27 Gina Myers 04/20 Adrain Little 04/27 Richard Graham 04/21 Madison Myers 04/27 Jennifer Miller 04/21 Gary Patti 04/27 Julie Stewart 04/21 Larry Portschi 04/27 Ruthe Campbell 04/22 Shari Beadle 04/28 Steven Graham 04/22 Joel Konicke 04/28 Jordan Heimann 04/22 Christopher Reuter 04/28 Donna Patti 04/22 Luke Ritchie 04/28 Anthony Weis 04/22 Everett Shirk 04/28 Daphne Baker 04/23 Randy Buns 04/29 Alene Brown 04/23 Payton Heese 04/29 Monica McLean 04/23 Debra Kreuter 04/29 Jennifer Mettenbrink 04/23 16 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Happy Anniversary Bill and Jo Wilson 04/07/1951 John & Beverly Burkhart 04/10/1999 Tom & Carolyn Tagatz 04/23/1955 Scott & Maria Buck 04/05/2002 Frank & Nelda Hartwig 04/07/1963 Michael & Jenny Balbarin 04/27/2002 Michael & Edie Towne 04/27/1963 Eldred & MaryAnn Wolf 04/05/2003 Gary & Marilyn Bixler 04/03/1971 Michael & Kristin Myers 04/29/2006 Rich & Lynn Turner 04/07/1973 Joseph & Tamula Pelegrin 04/24/2007 Lee & Patti Kroeger 04/06/1980 Bernie & Deb Hoogestraat 04/13/2008 Robert & Alice Kurz 04/24/1982 Todd & Shannon Zemlock 04/19/2008 Harold & Julia Teuscher 04/20/1985 Greg & Micah Snodgrass 04/09/2010 Brian & Ruthann Reed 04/05/1986 David & Sarah Young 04/30/2010 James & Donna Walgren 04/20/1989 Steven & Laura Gomez 04/14/2012 Jeff & Kathy Birkelo 04/24/1993 David & Dina Adams Jr. 04/21/2012 Don & Barbara Maeder 04/26/1996 Mike & Linda Widdows 04/28/2012 Steven/Marianne Perkins 04/12/1997 Joel & Brenda Konicke 04/20/2013 Mike/Sandra Swoverland 04/12/1997 John & Kelly Della Chiesa 04/05/2014 Risen Savior Lutheran Church 17 Advertising Information 18 Risen Savior Lutheran Church Wanted: CNA’s/Certified Caregivers for Sun Lakes Advertising Rates and Requirements Space permitting, each advertiser will be allowed one ad per month. 1. Each ad 2” x 3.5” in size (business card size) will cost $20 per issue, or $200 yearly. Non-member prices are $25 per issue or $250 yearly. 2. One-third page ad will cost $30 per issue, or $350 yearly. Non-member prices are $35 per issue or $400 yearly. 3. Two-thirds page ad will cost $40 per issue, or $400 yearly. Non-member prices are $50 per issue or $450 yearly. 4. Please provide one business card for ad copy to RSLCS office along with payment. 5. Please make checks payable to Risen Savior, attention RSLCS Newsletter. Terms & Conditions: All rates are subject to change without notice. In the event of a rate change, all advertisers with standing orders will be given 30-days notice of the new rates. All advertising is subject to acceptance by Risen Savior. Questionable, confusing, misleading, controversial, or fraudulent statements will be declined. RSLCS reserves the right to reject any and all advertising, which they feel is not in keeping with the publications’ standards and principles. Risen Savior Lutheran Church 19 20 Risen Savior Lutheran Church