University College


University College
University College
Committee Assignments
- Shelia Sprowl, Thomasina Austin and Jessica Cornelson (liaisons with Communications & public Affairs)
News Reporters
Academic support centers Alliance - su pervises the continued development and inrplementation of utilization of tutorial centers by
those students in need of academic assistance. Works with the Center of Excellence initiatives.
Shreekumar Pillai, Conyener
Lynda Humphrey, Convener
Elizabeth Peifer
Medhi Estakhr
samuel coleman
Anthony Hudson
Carrie Perdue
Gita Smith
Felicia Taylor
Convocation (Fall) and Honor's Program (Spring) - plans and executes Freshmen Experience programs and activities. This may
include Fall Convocation, Founder's Day Celebration and others.
Sondra Sutton-Obas, Cholr
Margie Campbell, Co-Chair
Beverly Branson, Co-Cholr
Stacey Lindsey
David Harmon
Leola Harden-Luster
Shelia Sprowl
Kenneth Deal
Clinton Marvland
Dianne Blount
Mary Smeal
Cicely Boothe-Martin
Karl Westhauser
Robert White
extends courtesies on behalf of the University College faculty and staff according to the By-Laws adopted for this
Jackie Hudson, Co-Cholr
Lorena Morris, Co-Cholr
Betty Gilmore
Beverly Adams
Daphne Topps
Marta Holliday-Larkai
Michael Markus
Dianne Blount
Kim Darby-Newton
Kevin Hicks
N4 u rry Robinson
Clinton Maryland
Beverly Branson
Carrie Perdue
Curriculum - reviews, amends and proposes curricular offerings, changes and instructional practices. Appointed May of each year.
Also works with the Center for Excellence initiatives.
Shirley Jordan, Co-Cholr
Sandra Walker
Janet St. Clair
AnnMarie Depas
Kenneth Deal, Co-Chalr
Shuntele Burns
Kartz Bibb
Sabella Abidde
Leola Harden-Luster
Kevln Hicks
Phillip Blackmon
Michael Marcus
David lyegha
Diane Matson
lamye W. Carter
Joshua Beall
Lamya Almas
Dean's Administrative Council
Evelyn Hodge, Conyener
Herbear Thomas
considers and plans initiatives for University College enhancement and success.
David lyegha
Sandra Walker
Ann Marie Depas
Leola Harden-Luster
Sondra Sutton-Obas
Distance Learning & Technology Committee - develops on-tine courses and plans activities related to utilizing technology during
instruction. Appointees work with the Center of Excellence initiative
Komal Vig, Chdi
Jamar Muhammad, Co-Chair
Kartz Bibb
Komal Vig
William TaVlor
Sabella Abidde
Kevin Hicks
Elizabeth Peifer
Robert White
Stacey Lindsey
Sandra Walker
Marta Holliday-Larkai
Calvin Gatson
Sabita Saldanha
Shreeku mar Pillai
Daniel Mccowin
Allison Pattison
David lyegha
Derryn Moten
Felicia Taylor
Manoj Mishra
Kristi H umphreys
Grantsmanship -surveys funding needs within the college, recommends ideas and resources/agencies for proposals and provides
faculty with direction in developing proposal ideas for submission to grants agencies.
Sabita Saldanha, Co Chair
Manoj Mishra, Co-Choir
Felicia Taylor
Diann Jordan
Shuntele Burns
Shirley Jordan
Monica Anglin
Shelia sprowl
Williarn Taylor
Sandra Walker
Janet St. Clair
Robert White
Elizabeth Peifer
Samuel Coleman
Mary Smeal
Shreekumar Pillai
Komal Vig
.lohn Craig
University College Committee Assignment, Z01l-12
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Homecoming - prepares exhibits and displays for the college's Homecoming activities.
CaTie Perdue, Co-Chair
Sandra Campbell
Brenda Green
Anthony Hudson
Doris Youngblood, Co-Charr
Joyce Gamble
Monica Anglin
Calvin Gatson
Murry Robinson
Shelia Sprowl
Thomasina Austin
Clinton Maryland
Kavon Franklin
Honda Campus AlFStar Challenge
implements the Honda project with students campus-wide.
David lyegha, Convener
David Harmon
AnnMarie Depas
Cicely Boothe-Martin
lanet St. Clair
Jesseca Cornelson
Daphne Topps
Alford Paul Tribble
Kevin Hicks
Kristi Humphreys
Robert White
Diann lordan
William Pilati
Derrick Frazier
Honor Roll - compiles and posts on bulletin board a listing of University college students who earn honors status each semester and
works with Honor's Convocation Committee.
Elaine Whatley, Cholr
Derryn Moten
Kartz Bibb
Jamar Muhummad
Shelia Sprowl
David Norwood
Eloise Gee
Daphne Topps
Herbert Thomas
John Craig
Honors Program - works with Convocation Commlttee for organizing the units, Honors programs.
Shuntele Burns, Chair
Eloise cee
Shirley Jordan
Kenneth Deal
Leola Harden-Luster
Derrick Frazier
David Harmon
William Taylor
Cicely Boothe-Martin
Kevin Hicks
loshua Beall
Karl Westhauser
David lyegha
Derryn Moten
- makes an assessment and updates college library needs and acquisitions and carries suggestions to the University-Wide
Library committee. The representatives also serves on the University-Wide Library Committee.
Derryn Moten, Representative
Mary Smeal
Medhi Estakhr
Michael Markus
Manoj Mishra
Corie Muhammad
Robert White
Lamya Almas
Sandra Campbell
Elizabeth Peifer
Diane Matson
Kavon Franklin
Beverly Adams
Karl Westhauser
Daniel McGowin
Bishnu Ghimire
Living Learning community partnership - works with student Affairs and the Mentoring committee representatives
to promote
learning community models for improved student learning.
Herberc Thomas, Co-Convener William pillati
David Norwood
Abidde Sabella
AnnMarie Depas, Co-Convener Betty Gilmore
Samuel Colema n
Corie Muhammad
Michael Markus
Sond ra Obas
Thomasina Austin
Marta Holliday-Larkai
Mentoring Committee
helps students make sound academic and social transition from high school to college through direction
and support of role models.
Herbert Thomas, Chai rperson
Corie Muhammad
Sondra Obas
Shirley Jordan
Ram Alagan
AnnMa rie Depas
Margie Campbell
Robert White
Anthony Hudson
Murry Robinson
Beverly Branson
Kristi Hu mphreys
Trevor Muhammad
Samuel Coleman
Brenda Green
Voncile Love
Stacey Lindsey
Shirley Jordan
Carrie Perdue
Lamya Almas
Newsletter Committee
- develops and publishes the University College Newsletter.
Thomasina Austin, Choir.s
Diane Matson
AnnMarie Depas
Jessica Cornelson, Chairs
Mary Joe Hayward
Shuntele Burns
Shelia Sprowl, Chairs
Derrick Frazier
Felicia Taylor
Jamye W. Carter
Kenneth Deal
Cicely Boothe-Martin
University College Committee Assignments, 2011-t.2
Office Management Group
Page 3
- coordinates office iasks and other matters
Mary Skipper
Evelyn Hodge,
Brenda Nash
Denise Roy
regarding collegiate office maintenance.
Evelyn Walker-Proctor
Mary Wise
Public Relations - coordinates reporting of LJniversity College activities to various media channels; channels-public interests through
appropriate collegiate departments/organizations. Solicit contributions and/or donations for special projects.
Kristi Humphreys, Co-Choi
Jesseca Cornelson, Co-Chair
Carrie Perdue
Kareem Russell
Kevin Honer
Daniel Mccowin
Lamya Almas
Research and Publications Project- Provides workshops or information regarding publication strategies for refereed journals, books
and others.
Kevin Hicks,
Allison Pattison
Mary Smeal
loshua Beall
john Craig
Janet St.
Kristi Humphreys
Jesseca cornelson
Kavon Franklin
Bishnu Ghimire
develops and evaluates projects related to data impacting teaching and retention.
Shelia Sprowl
Kevin Hicks
Janet St. Clair
Trevor Muhummad
Kartz Bibb
shuntele Burns
Evelyn Hodge
Shreekumar Pillai
David lyegha, Convener
Felicia Taylor
Data Retention Committee
Ann Depas, Convener
Sandra Walker, convener
- provides assistance with implementaiion of the plan in various Llniversity College departments.
Quality Enhancement Plan
Voncile Love
Sandra Walker, Co-Cholr
Medi Estakhr
Leola Harden Luster
Diane Matson
shreekumar Pillai, co-chair
Janet st. clair
lnstitutional Effectiveness
Screening Committee
AnnMarie Depas,
Shirley Jordan
Brenda Green
screens applications and interviews appiicants selected foi'potential employment in the college.
Janet St. Clair
David lyegha
Sandra Walker
David Norwood
AIford P. Tribble
Shreekumar Pillai
Leola Harden-Luster
Kartz Bibb
Jamye W. Carter
Testing and Placement
makes recommendations for the academic placement of students (tests, cut-off scores, procedures,
Elaine Whatley
Jamye W. Carter,
David Norwood
Monica Anglin
Herbert Thomas
Sandra Walker
Trevor Muhummad
Calvin Gatson
Leola Harden-Luster
Writing Across the Curriculum - promotes and coordinates the implementation of
collaboration with the university's program. Share any ideas with QEP Team.
Kevin Hicks, Convener
Leola Harden-Luster
Jamye W. Carter
Daniel Mccowin
Kim Darby-Newton
Karl Westhauser
Kenneth Deal
a WAC Program
Felicia Taylor
Lamya Almas
in University College in
Elizabeth Peifer
Lynda Humphrey
William Taylor
Bishnu Ghimire