29813 BC Dairy Education and Research Ass. - Dairy
29813 BC Dairy Education and Research Ass. - Dairy
BRONZE SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS PLATINUM PLUS SPONSORS An all-inclusive, getaway weekend for two at the scenic Coast Blackcomb Suites Hotel in Whistler. Approximate total value of this door prize: ™ c/o BC Dairy Hoof Health Group 1767 Angus Campbell Road Abbotsford, British Columbia V3G 2M3 DAIRY FACILITY DESIGN & COW COMFORT $1000.00 ™ This luxury package includes the following: 2-night stay in a suite with Queen bed Includes full kitchen & gas fireplace Balcony with scenic valley views Breakfast buffet & morning newspaper Shuttle service to Whistler Village Heated outdoor pool & hot-tubs Ski/hike/bike-in & out direct from hotel 2 days secure underground parking Lunch & dinner certificates provided with more than 90 restaurants, bars and lounges to choose from. High-speed wireless Internet Pet-friendly CURTIS AND COMPANY CONTRACTING Financial support provided by the above Silver Sponsors is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. To qualify for a chance to win this luxury package, you must pre-register by the Tuesday, November 6, 2012 deadline. See registration tab for full details. A MESSAGE FROM In 2009, Canada’s ‘Dairy Code of Practice’ underwent significant revisions. Presently, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is working with the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) to develop a ‘Dairy Animal Care Assessment Program’, based on the Code, which the industry will use to demonstrate its commitment to responsible animal care. Breukelman Construction Animal care is recognized by the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC), BC Farm Animal Care Council (BCFACC) and BC SPCA as a topic that will gain prominence into the future. Retail and food service companies are increasingly expecting the agricultural industry to provide assurances that recognized animal care practices are followed. Farmers benefit too. A properly designed and managed dairy facility has a positive impact on cow comfort, care, health and longevity. Specializing in Agricultural Structures The Coast Blackcomb Suites at Whistler www.coasthotels.com 1.800.663.1144 4899 Painted Cliff Road, Whistler, BC V0N 1B4 Tel: (604) 905.3400 / Fax: (604) 905.3432 Financial support provided by the above Bronze Sponsors is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. Financial support provided by the above Bronze Sponsors is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. Financial support provided by the above Platinum Plus Sponsors is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. CONFERENCE POWERED BY DAIRY FACILITY DESIGN FOR IMPROVED COW COMFORT, CARE, HEALTH AND LONGEVITY GRAND DOOR PRIZE DRAW CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 14 & 15, 2012 Initially, the BCDHHG set out to organize a smaller scale, one-day Workshop on Dairy Facility Design tailored to the interests of dairy building contractors and engineers. However, as many other groups came forward and expressed their desire to also attend the same Workshop, the Program Planning Committee decided to expand the program to a full, two-day Conference. To offset a portion of the expenses in delivering a Program of this calibre, funding assistance was obtained from a wide variety of industry and government sources (see sponsor panel listing). Photos provided compliments of The Coast Blackcomb Suites at Whistler and the BC Dairy EXPO Farm Tours. CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY Prior to Oct 27: Oct 27 to Nov 6: After Nov 6: 100% Refund less $10 Admin Fee/Registrant. 50% Refund less $10 Admin Fee/Registrant. No Refund. Brian Janzen, BSc, PAS grew up on a dairy and poultry farm in Anne Marie de Passillè, PhD Hugh Smythe, owner-operator of Smythe Hoof Trimming of Researcher in dairy cattle behaviour & welfare at AAFC’s Research Centre, Agassiz, BC. Anne Marie is recognized globally for her work in animal behaviour, welfare, cow comfort and lameness. She is also the principal investigator on a national research project funded through the Dairy Science Cluster developing an on-farm cow comfort assessment tool for Canada. Jane Pritchard, DVM A DVM graduate (Ontario Veterinary College) and a Masters in Veterinary Science (Western College of Veterinary Medicine). She has worked in livestock regulatory and disease areas (AB and BC governments). She is the Manager of the Livestock Health Management and Regulatory Unit and is responsible for the Dairy Standards Program in BC. Chilliwack. Brian has a BSc in biology and his Professional Animal Scientist (PAS) certification, specializing in dairy cattle. He worked six years in dairy feed sales, service and nutrition and the last three years consulting as an independent nutritionist in BC. Parksville, has been offering hoof trimming services to BC producers for 22 years. He is a member of the National Hoof Trimmers Association since 2009. Holger Schwichtenberg, of Holberg Farm Ltd, manages a 140-cow herd at his Agassiz farm with his cousin Rolf and herdsman Floyd. The herd currently averages 36 kgs milk. Holger recognizes the importance of animal comfort to maximize production and to create an overall environment that is animal welfare-friendly. A number of features of the Holberg operation will be discussed. Ken Vandeburgt and brother, Brian, own and operate Vandeburgt Farm Ltd., a 325-cow registered Holstein herd averaging 38-40 kgs milk. The herd is housed in modern facilities that have been expanded and modernized over the past five years. Ken and Brian recognize the importance of cow comfort in herd management. Adriaan Treur, of Fraserdyke Farms Ltd., built a new dairy barn near Agassiz one year ago that was designed to include one Lely robot and a bedded pack group housing area for 65 cows, which are variations of crosses between Holsteins, Ayrshires and Brown Swiss. Adriaan is very satisfied with the new facility and has noticed improved animal health and reduced hoof trimming costs. DATE, TIME AND LOCATION Ramada Plaza and Conference Centre 12:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch (included with program) and Visit Displays Grand Pinnacle Ballroom November 14 - 15, 2012 AFTERNOON PROGRAM (1:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M.) AFTERNOON PROGRAM (1:00 P.M. – 4:45 P.M.) Nov 14: Nov 14: Nov 15: Registration: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Meeting: 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Meeting: 9:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. 36035 North Parallel Road Abbotsford, British Columbia www.ramadaabbotsford.ca 1:00 p.m. Permitting Requirements for Siting and Construction of Dairy Facilities John Luymes, Farm Structures Engineer, BC AGRI 1:00 p.m. Manure Collection, Handling and Storage Harold House, Dairy Housing & Equipment Engineer, OMAFRA 1:20 p.m. Process of Developing the Plan and Procuring Services and Materials Harold House, Dairy Housing & Equipment Engineer, OMAFRA 1:45 p.m. Milking Systems – Selection, Cost, Implications Jack Rodenburg, Dairy Consultant, DairyLogix, ON 2:30 p.m. Break (20 minutes) and Visit Displays 1:50 p.m. Legislative Requirements for Licensing Dairy Facilities in BC Jane Pritchard, DVM, Manager, Plant and Animal Health Branch, BC AGRI 2:50 p.m. Milking Centre Design – Dimensions, Features, Cow Flow Harold House, Dairy Housing & Equipment Engineer, OMAFRA RAMADA A block of rooms is reserved until Oct 14 at a special rate of $104/night + 14% taxes and includes a complimentary breakfast. Prior arrangements required for free shuttle service to and from Abbotsford Airport. 2:10 p.m. Housing and Layout Options Harold House, Dairy Housing & Equipment Engineer, OMAFRA 3:30 p.m. Measuring and Improving Cow Comfort on Freestall Dairies in BC and the US – Opportunities and Challenges Daniel Weary, Professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair, University of British Columbia, Agassiz, BC Please make reservations early to guarantee a room. Call toll free (888) 411.1070 and give Group #6016. 2:50 p.m. Break (20 minutes) and Visit Displays 3:10 p.m. How are Canadian Farms Doing in Terms of Cow Comfort and Lameness? Some Lessons Learnt from the DFC Funded Dairy Farm Cluster Project Anne Marie de Passillè, PhD., Researcher, Dairy Cattle Behaviour and Welfare, AAFC, Agassiz, BC 3:50 p.m. Barn Orientation, Environment and Ventilation Harold House, Dairy Housing & Equipment Engineer, OMAFRA 4:30 p.m. Adjourn 4:00 p.m. Producer Panel Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Cow Comfort Adriaan Treur, Fraserdyke Farms Ltd., Agassiz, BC Holger Schwichtenberg, Holberg Farm Ltd., Agassiz, BC Ken Vandeburgt, Vandeburgt Farm Ltd., Dewdney, BC 4:40 p.m. Final Q & A 4:45 p.m. Wrap-Up and Adjourn ACCOMMODATIONS Alternate Accommodations also available at: SANDMAN HOTEL & SUITES, ABBOTSFORD A block of rooms is reserved until Oct 14 at a special rate of $104/night + 14% taxes and includes a complimentary breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant. Please make reservations early to guarantee a room. Call direct (604) 556.7263 and give Group #25813. COAST ABBOTSFORD HOTEL & SUITES A block of rooms is reserved until Oct 14 at a special rate of $89/night + 14% taxes and includes a continental breakfast. Please make reservations early to guarantee a room. Call toll free (877) 853.1880 and ask for Agr. Can. Rate. # ___ X $30. $ ____ $ 60. $ ____ Mail to address on other side of Registration Tab. Make cheque, money order or draft payable to: AR-PE Hooftrimming Ltd / DBA BC Dairy Hoof Health Group Founded in 2009, Group membership expanded to 24 in 2012 and now includes producers, veterinarians, building contractors, hoof trimmers, service industry, researchers and government. in 1998 from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. He then joined Greenbelt Veterinary Services where his primary interests are dairy production and preventative medicine. He has a strong interest in barn design and its effect on herd production and health. Operates AgroMedia International Inc. from his home in Calgary. Steve provides scientific support to Alberta Milk and is an Adjunct Professor in University of Calgary’s Faculty of Medicine. Current pursuits include the Alberta Dairy Hoof Health Project, Dairy Famers of Canada’s Cow Comfort Longevity Project and Alberta’s Johne’s Disease Initiative. Buffet Lunch (included with program) and Visit Displays Payment: cash, cheque, money order or draft (pre-registrations must be received by Nov 6). Steve Mason, PhD This Seminar is a result of many months of planning by members of the BC Dairy Hoof Health Group (BCDHHG). It represents the last of several extension initiatives that the Group has delivered in 2012 to address cow comfort, hoof health, care and herd longevity 12:00 p.m. For a WestJet flight discount to Abbotsford, give Code CC7576. Call toll free (888) 493.7853. TOTAL FEES: _________ (Note: all the above fees include HST) Dr. John Dick grew up on a dairy farm in Chilliwack and graduated 11:00 a.m. Systems Approach to Farmstead Planning, Site Selection and Facility Design Jack Rodenburg, Dairy Consultant, DairyLogix, ON 11:30 a.m. Handling Feed and Water Jack Rodenburg, Dairy Consultant, DairyLogix, ON Enquiries, please contact: Tom Droppo at (604) 302.1335 (excluding Oct 19-27) Ron Barker at (604) 854.5997 (from Oct 19-27) __________________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: _________ TEL: _________________ ORGANIZED BY Originally from Quebec, Dan obtained his PhD from Oxford University. He co-founded UBC’s Animal Welfare Program in 1997 and is currently a Professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Dairy Cattle Welfare at UBC. Dan’s research focuses on practical methods of improving the lives of dairy cattle, particularly with cow comfort and lameness. 11:00 a.m. Field Studies Reveal Link of Hoof Health to Cow Comfort and Longevity Steve Mason, PhD., AgroMedia International Inc., Calgary, AB ADDRESS: Dairy Animal Care Assessment Program developments. Daniel Weary, PhD Common Cow Comfort Challenges: Field Observations John Dick, DVM, Greenbelt Veterinary Services Ltd., Chilliwack, BC Brian Janzen, Dairy Nutritionist, DairySmart Nutrition Group, Abbotsford, BC Hugh Smythe, Hoof Trimmer, Smythe Hoof Trimming, Parksville, BC ONLY those who pre-register by Nov 6 will qualify for a chance to win the Grand Door Prize Draw (value $1,000). # ___ X $30. $ ____ Flooring, bedding, lighting and ventilation options. From a Delta farm, John joined the BC Ministry of Agriculture in 1990. He is the Ministry’s Farm Structures Engineer and involved in many programs that include the Annual Dairy EXPO Farm Tour, manure storage funding, Specified Risk Materials (SRM), pesticide application, farm practice guides, emergency planning, and agricultural waste legislative reviews. Industry Panel 10:15 a.m. Treatment, Maternity and Handling Facilities Jack Rodenburg, Dairy Consultant, DairyLogix, ON ($30/copy - includes HST) Milking system selection, cost and implications. John Luymes, PEng 10:20 a.m. Optimizing Cow Comfort – Mattresses, Sand Options, Floor Finish, Lighting Harold House, Dairy Housing & Equipment Engineer, OMAFRA EXTRA COPY or COPIES of ‘Building for the Cow’ book: Challenges and opportunities to improve cow comfort. 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Registration 10:00 a.m. Present and Future Roles of Dairy Producers in Animal Care and Health Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) representative (TBA) $ 50. $ ____ Status of cow comfort and lameness in Canadian dairies. A graduate of Guelph University. Jack worked as a Dairy Cattle Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture for 34 years. In 2008 he retired and started “DairyLogix”, a consulting firm advising the industry on dairy cattle management and housing, focusing on labour efficiency and designing barns for robotic milking systems. www.dairylogix.com Pre-registration by November 6 is highly recommended: To take advantage of pre-registration discounts. To guarantee a space and lunch at the Conference, and To qualify for the Grand Door Prize Draw. See attached REGISTRATION TAB for details. STUDENT RATE – Name: PLEASE PRINT (proof of student status required on Nov 14) __________________________________________________________________________ Correlation of facility design to cow comfort and care. Jack Rodenburg, BSc REGISTRATION Pre-register by Nov 6 Register after Nov 6 --------------------------- includes HST -------------------------$100. $ ____ $115. $ ____ $ 85. $ ____ $100. $ ____ $ 85. $ ____ $100. $ ____ Permitting requirements for siting and construction. DAY #2 (NOV. 15) MORNING PROGRAM (9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.) REGULAR RATE - Name(s): PLEASE PRINT 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ Standards and options in facility design and barn layouts. Received his BSc and MSc in agricultural engineering from Guelph University. He joined the Ontario government (OMAFRA) in 1981. Harold is OMAFRA’s dairy and beef housing and equipment engineer with interests in cow comfort, ventilation, manure handling, robotic milking, calf housing and anaerobic digestion. DAY #1 (NOV. 14) MORNING PROGRAM (10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.) Seminar, lunches, refreshments, copy of proceedings and a 48-page book titled ‘Building for the Cow’. All HST is included. Discounted registration fees offered to the 2nd, 3rd or more members from the same dairy or company. (Pre-registration deadline - Nov 6) Only the 1st registrant from a dairy or company will receive the ’Building for the Cow’ book. Additional registrants from same dairy or company or students can purchase a copy of ‘Building for the Cow’ book at the Special Conference Discounted Rate of $30 (includes HST). Systems approach to farmstead planning and site selection. Harold House, PEng SPEAKERS Registration includes: Note #1: Note #2: By attending this Conference, you will become more aware of: SPEAKERS REGISTRATION FORM – DAIRY FACILITY DESIGN CONFERENCE (Nov. 14-15, 2012) WHAT YOU WILL TAKE AWAY