Elected President for the past two years 2012
Elected President for the past two years 2012
NEWSLETTER November 2013 Outgoing President’s report 2013 Elected President for the past two years 2012 - 2013 has indeed been an honour and a privilege. ACAS offers a wonderful platform for would be professional and hobby artists and provides a great service to the community. I have had the privilege of working with two wonderful committees over the past two years who have given tirelessly and willingly of their time to advance the growth of the Alfred Cove Arts Society. In particular I wish to acknowledge the support and endless efforts of secretary, Jenny Tunnacliffe who gives a service way beyond expectation and keeps the committee running like a well oiled machine. Jenny constantly showed patience, understanding and she guided me through the years with such wonderful friendship, compassion and expertise! Jane Grierson - Vice president for her constant support to me throughout the past two years and for keeping a sense of calm throughout. Sandy Tippett - for her endless contribution and with the running of the exhibitions and giving tirelessly of her time and expertise. Margaret Drummond - who can always be relied on to keep the Society in the media in her own quiet way, be it through advertising or photography. Cally Jarlett - for her contribution as newsletter editor and who was so patient with me with regards to my report which was always late. Cally somehow always managed to remind me with such gentle persuasion. Angela Massie - for holding the reigns as treasurer even though her own workload was huge. To all the other committee members, Peta Zellar, Lynda Dickinson, Gonnie Bonda and Jean Thurtle for all that you have contributed to the Society with energy and enthusiasm. 2013 has been a productive year, seeing our major awards of excellence exhibition with a huge turn out on opening night and a very positive feedback from our judge Gillian Peebles. Our guest demonstrators and speakers throughout the year provided us with valuable information and insight into their varying techniques and subjects. The Rottnest trip was well attended with 17 women and one man! Although the weather was against us much fun was had by all. The ‘gallery crawls, ‘Araluen’ and ‘paint out’ activities have provided a wonderful opportunity to participate with other members in a relaxed and fun environment. Some of our members had their work hung at the Silk Road Restaurant and others were able to be a part of the library exhibitions and Cafe denada. With the help of the Murdoch uni students - ACAS is now on the World Wide Web giving us more exposure and brings us into the 21st century! I would like to take this opportunity to wish the new president Christine Ross and her committee great success. Thanking you one and all, Paula New President’s Report Hello fellow members, by way of introduction my name is Christine Ross and I hope to be able to fill Paula’s shoes for the next year. I have been painting now for 12 years and been a member of Canning Art Group for a good few of those years. I have also been a member of ACAS, but at the time, I was too busy with other happenings in my life to fully utilize that time as a member. Now I am back at just the right moment, it seems, to help complete your committee. The AGM held Thursday 24th October produced a few new committee members with all positions being filled and many of the committee members from last year continuing on in their roles making for a smooth transition. Three ACAS members received recognition for their outstanding service to the Society two were honored with Life Memberships, they being Shirley Winstanley and Beverley Johnson and one Society Award was presented to Elizabeth MacColl. After the business of the AGM was completed there was fun to be had with the swap meet and some of us went home with a lighter purse and luggage for the boot of the car! The Opening on Tuesday evening 29th October of the “Change of Seasons Exhibition” went off smoothly with Colin Dixon saying a few words and Dorothy Harbisher presenting the lucky winner of the inaugural “Encouragement Award, which she had kindly donated, to Derek Fitzpatrick for his beautiful work of art entitled “Rounding the Buoy”. Well Done Derek. It is at this point that I must apologize for omitting to thank the subcommittee on the opening night for all their time and effort in readying the exhibition for public viewing. I am sure you will agree that the paintings looked lovely making it really difficult to choose just one painting for the “People’s Choice Award”. Well done subcommittee and thank you once again. The Christmas Party on 12 December is almost upon us and I look forward to meeting and getting to know a few more members at that time. See you there. Christine Ross, President Photo sheets and reports prepared by Margaret Drummond On 24th October we had a Swap Meet after the AGM. A big thank you to Trevor Preston who kindly donated his late wife Mignon’s art equipment to raise money for ACAS. Paula kindly sorted and displayed the items and $250.00 is the total sum that was raised. Thank you once again Trevor! Coming Events Summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] MCAA LUNCHTIME IN THE GALLERY Wednesday 13 November 12 noon to 2pm Jan Cross of the Extraordinary Mind Project – an expert on accessing the creativity of the brain. Cost $20 or $15 Health Card holders - includes a light lunch at Atwell House Community Arts Centre Telephone 9330 2800 Bookings Essential for catering purposes MCAA have asked if anyone in ACAS would like to volunteer to run a monthly ‘Art in the Park’ on the lawn at Atwell house – to display and sell Art. Please contact Christine Marshall on 9330 2800 if you are interested in doing this. Coming Events Summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] DEMONSTRATIONS 2013 28 November Christopher Martin Pastel Sandie Schroder will be having a sale with Art Scene products before the demo. Christmas Party 12 December ACAS Xmas Party!!!! Thursday 12th December 2013. 7.p.m. at Atwell House. Please join us all for a very social evening. The last meeting of the year. Great time to get to know each other, please bring a plate and dress in your festive best . 30 January 2014 “Party on the Hill” Our first Thursday meeting of the New year will be the ACAS annual picnic at Point Walter *********Please note your diaries.****** To get there approach along Point Walter Rd, go through the roundabout near the Golf course and before the roar dips. Turn into the parking area on the right. Meet on the hill behind the café. Bring your meal, drinks and chair, BBQ’s available. Paint Out The Paint Out Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at various locations around Perth to paint en plain air. We usually rock up about 9am, and stay until about noon, depending on the venue and the weather. If you would like to check to see that it’s still on, please ring Susan Swain 0439 641 227 0439 641 227 FREE or Nick DeGaris on 0432 843 267 0432 843 267 FREE the day before or when you arrive, and can’t see anyone, as we’ve all gone “bush” to paint. Please feel free to suggest venues that you have found that would be suitable to Sue or Nick. November Paint Out Venue: 12th Nov 2013: Manning Park, opposite the Azelia Ley Homestead, Manning. December Paint Out Venue: 10th Dec 2013: Bay View Park, corner of Bay View Tce and Chine Place in Mosman Park. January – no Paint Out to be held, as most people are away. February Paint Out Venue: 11th Feb, 2014 Chidley Point, near the jetty at the end of Chidley Way, Mosman Park. Exhibitions Bracks Library 5th - 25th November 2013 Collection of paintings from Bracks is November 25th. Please contact Jean Thurtle with any questions 9364 6413. Cafe denada Nick de Garis is having his first solo exhibition at Cafe denada at the moment. Twenty six of his paintings are on the walls of the cafe for the next 2 months. 4 In Diversity ACAS members, Christina Verbrugge and Irene Young, are part of this exhibition as well as other artists, Isabel Colenutt and Wayne Jefferies. 10% of sales will be donated to Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Rehabilitation Centre. Volunteers Wanted The ACAS committee would also like to hear from any members who can help out with the many ‘jobs’ on Demo nights. We need a number of people to learn how to: set up and run the camera for recording the demonstrations set up the PA system. prepare the kitchen for demo nights Learn door duty procedures - welcome members and take entry fees etc. we are also looking for a historian to take over from Life time member Trevor Preston. Please see any committee member if you can assist in any of these things. We need many people to know these jobs as possible to share the load and assist when people are away. Congratulations Our very talented members continue to have great success at Art competitions and awards. Paula Wiegmink has recently received the following awards at the Canning Agricultural and Horticultural Society Annual Show 1st for Oils or Acrylic - "Ray" Champion award for Oils or Acrylic - "Ray" 1st for Pastels - "What's up" Champion award for Pastels - "What's up" 1st for mixed media - "Breakaway Country" Champion award for mixed media - "Breakaway Country" 2nd in oil and acrylic - 'Waiting' 2nd in pastel - "Hard nut to crack" Blue sash for most points in drawing and painting !!!! Also huge congratulations to our very talented member Jo Haynes who has been successful in many recent Art awards: At the recent Canning Agricultural and Horticultural Society Annual show Jo was awarded the Champion & 1st prize in drawing, 2nd in watercolour & mixed media, and a Highly commended in watercolour. At the Cockburn Community & Cultural Council Art & Craft Exhibition: One painting was awarded 1st prize for Watercolour another – Highly Commended for Aspects of Cockburn. At the 2013 Kelmscott Annual Show Jo’s pastel received: Trophy & Best exhibit in Painting and Drawing, and 1st prize in Pastel. Her charcoal drawing received 1st prize in Portraiture. Jo was also awarded two Highly Commended - (Pastel & Portraiture). At the 2013 Victoria Park Art Awards 2013 her drawing received the Drawing Award. **Our thanks to Dr Denis Jensen and his staff, for their help in producing this Newsletter**