Fiber Festival Registration Information


Fiber Festival Registration Information
Mary M. Atwater Weaver’s Guild Presents
The 2016 Fabulous Fiber Festival!!
April 1–2, 2016
Utah Cultural Celebration Center (rooms 104–105)
Friday Evening, 6:30–8:45 p.m.
Catered dinner by Eiffel Tower Caterers
Robyn Spady, Keynote Speaker
The Undeniable Truth about Learning New Things
Saturday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–12 noon
Presentation by Robyn Spady: Weaving TNT or the Devil’s in the Details
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Catered box lunch by Eiffel Tower Caterers
Saturday Afternoon Workshops, 1:00–4:00 p.m.
Robyn Spady: Jewelry Making for Fiber Enthusiasts
Jill Dahle: Silk, Beautiful Silk!
Beth Myrer: Japanese Kumihimo Techniques
Jazzy Junk Jubilee, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
This sale is your chance to clean out your stash and help the Guild all at the
same time! Look to the February newsletter for more information.
Descriptions of Workshops and Presentations
Friday Evening, 6:30–8:45 p.m.
Catered dinner by Eiffel Tower Caterers. There will be gluten-free and
vegetarian fare available.
Robyn Spady: The Undeniable Truth about Learning New Things.
A humorous and educational speech about creativity and inspiration.
Saturday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–12 noon
Robyn Spady: Weaving TNT or the Devil’s in the Details.
Would you like to find ways to make your fiber art projects more
intriguing, see different ways to incorporate fiber into other projects, or
look for simple ways to improve your projects and set yourself apart as a
fiber artists? Sometimes the most understated detail or accent can make
the difference between something ordinary and something extraordinary.
In this class, participants will be presented with a variety of fiber
techniques for adding a little detail to create exceptional results.
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Catered box lunch by Eiffel Tower Caterers. There will be gluten-free and
vegetarian fare available.
Saturday Afternoon Workshops, 1:00–4:00 p.m.
Robyn Spady: Jewelry Making for Fiber Enthusiasts
With a few simple tools and a little imagination, participants will learn
basic jewelry-making techniques in this hands-on workshop and see how
to transform thrums and “weftovers” into different types of jewelry using
traditional and non-traditional jewelry findings. Participants will complete
pieces suitable for wearing. Participants will have the opportunity for
hands-on exploration. Materials fee: $20
Jill Dahle: Silk, Beautiful Silk!
In this class you will learn how to spin silk and make a necklace from your
beautiful yarns. You will learn how to spin singles and to make cabled and
coiled as well as spiral yarns. You must already know how to spin. You can
use either a spindle or spinning wheel, but you must provide your own
spinning wheel. If you don’t have a spindle, one will be provided. Bring a
Lazy Kate, bobbins, and a nostepenne. Materials fee: spindles ($16), fiber,
beads, and findings to make a necklace ($35)
Beth Myrer: Japanese Kumihimo Techniques
Kumihimo is a Japanese technique for creating braids and bands. We will
explore different shapes—round, square, flat—and learn how to change the
color placement on the braids. Beth will provide the supplies for the class,
which will be available if this is something your would like to explore
further. The kit will be made from supplies that can be found locally and
not from official equipment.
Getting to Know Robyn Spady
Weaving has always been a part of my life. It started with my baby blanket
handwoven by my great-grandmother. While growing up, it helped instill
in me a sense of creativity and confidence at a time when my self-esteem
was developing. During my years while working, in what I like to call
“Corporate America,” weaving helped give me sanity and feel a sense of
productivity, which was very important while working on long-term
projects when day-to-day progress was not evident.
In 2001, changes in my life provided me the opportunity to dedicate
myself to weaving full-time. One of my earliest undertakings, which has
had a huge impact on my life and my weaving, was tackling the
Handweavers Guild of America’s (HGA) Certificate of Excellence in
Handweaving (COE-W). In October 2002, I successfully completed Level II:
Master in Handweaving with the specialized study Loom-Controlled
Stitched Double Cloth.
I am fascinated by the infinite possibilities of crossing threads and love
coming up with new ideas to create fabric and transform it into something
that has never existed before. My intrigue with stitched double cloth
encouraged me to explore the many ways to weave double-faced fabrics as
a way to create versatile fabrics that are reversible, self-lined, etc. In
addition to double-faced fabrics, I love to discover uncommon and unusual
weave structures, especially if they can be woven on only four-shafts.
Recently, I’ve also been studying how elaborate trims can be woven on
narrow warp weaves.
For many of us, weaving is a type of circle of life. The loom my greatgrandmother used to weave my baby blanket on over 45 years ago is in
daily use helping me transfer my inspirations into new fabrics and
inspiring new generations of weavers.
This project is supported in part by Utah Arts and Museums, with funding
from the State of Utah and the National Endowment for the Arts.
2016 Fabulous Fiber Festival Registration Form
Event you wish to attend: (Select one)
The Entire Festival: For a limited time only: $60, until February 11. Afterward the
rate will go to $70.
Includes the Friday night program, catered dinner by Eiffel Tower, Saturday morning program, lunch and
a choice of one afternoon workshop.
Friday Night Only: $30
Includes the Friday night program and catered dinner by Eiffel Tower.
All Day Saturday Only: $50
Includes the Saturday morning program (lunch and choice of one afternoon workshop).
Saturday Morning Only: $25
Lunch Only: $10
Saturday Afternoon Only: $25
Choice of one afternoon workshop
Total Payment Enclosed:_______________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone/cell: __________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate your workshop preference:
Workshops will be filled in the order registrations are received. Since everyone may not get their first
choice, please rank the workshops in the order of preference: (1=first choice, etc).
________ Jewelry Making _______Silk! Beautiful Silk!! ________ Kumihimo braiding
Please indicate dietary restrictions or preferences:
______Gluten Free
The festival fees should be paid at the time of registration, and registration forms should be sent by March
11. Checks should be payable to Mary M. Atwater Weaver’ Guild or MMAWG, and are non-refundable
after March 11.
Send registration and form to:
Sonya Campana
8407 Dynasty Way
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121