June 2014 Newsletter - Career Colleges Ontario
The Voice Volume 3 | Issue 6 www.careercollegesontario.ca June | 2014 IN THIS Issue 2 CCO Workshop: CASL 3 New TCU Minister: Hon. Reza Moridi 4 Join a CCO Committee 5 CCO 2014 Awards: Excellence in Teaching Award Winner and Runners-up 6 Canadians, Carpets & Cannes Meet Honourable Reza Moridi, MPP for Richmond Hill and new Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities on page 3. Career Colleges Ontario 155 Lynden Road, Unit 2 Brantford, ON N3R 8A7 (519) 1 752-2124 www.careercollegesontario.ca CCO Workshop: CASL On July 1st, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) comes into effect. CASL affects all electronic messaging, including email, text messaging and social media for marketing purposes. 2 exemptions Trebas Institute was on hand to record the session and the video is now available exclusively to CCO members and session attendees. To obtain a copy of the recording, please contact Earlier this month, CCO hosted a free Alix Mahé at alixmahe@careercollegesontario. information session for members regarding the ca new legislation. For additional information on CASL, refer to Guest speaker Ryan Moss from TC Media CCO’s Tuesday Tip #79 or the government provided an overview of the legislation and website www.fightspam.gc.ca. provided clarity on obtaining consent and Next Member Session: OSAP & KPI CCO will be hosting a workshop for members regarding OSAP and KPI on August 14th. Stay tuned to for session details and venue information. New TCU Minister 3 Colleges and Universities, and the Minister of Research and Innovation. He was the ViceChair of the Cabinet Committee on Jobs and the Economy, and has served on the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, the Standing Committees on General Government and on Justice Policy (as Vice-Chair). Prior to his election, Moridi was the VicePresident and Chief Scientist of the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada. His 17-year career at this institute provided him with a thorough understanding of the nuclear industry in Canada and the application of radiation and nuclear materials in a variety of industrial and health care sectors. For his contributions to the understanding of nuclear materials, radiation and health physics, Moridi has received the Education and Communication Award from the Canadian Nuclear Society and the Fellow Award from the U.S. Health Physics Society. He was elected as a Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics and the UK Institution of Engineering and Technology for his original contribution to physics and engineering. Premier Kathleen Wynne appointed her new cabinet on Tuesday, June 24th and appointed MPP Reza Moridi as the Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities. Mr. Moridi is familiar with the Career College sector having spoken at the association’s annual conference in Niagara Falls in 2009. For more information on our new minister, read his executive biography Moridi has also worked as a CEO and Chair in below. the electrical industry. His career in academia included serving as the Dean of the School Reza Moridi was first elected to the Ontario of Sciences, Chair of the Physics Department, legislature in 2007 as MPP for Richmond Hill. He University Chief Librarian and member of the was re-elected in 2011 and 2014. Senate at Alzahra University in Tehran. Moridi currently serves as Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, as well as Minister of Research and Innovation. Moridi is an awardwinning scientist, engineer, educator, business leader and community activist. He was appointed Minister of Research and Innovation in February 2013. He moved to Canada with his family in 1990, and has lived in Richmond Hill since 1991. Moridi is an editor of Health Physics: The Radiation Safety Journal. And he has authored or co-authored more than 150 research papers, technical reports, training manuals and articles, and has presented at scientific conferences around the world. Educated in the UK, Moridi obtained a PhD from Brunel University. He is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Physicist, and has completed Moridi has served as the Parliamentary Assistant CANDU Reactor, Industrial Management and to the Minister of Energy, the Minister of Training, Reactor Health Physics certificate courses. Join a CCO Committee During the May board meeting, the following committees were struck for the 2014-2015 year: • Student Outcomes & KPI • ISP • Distance Ed / Accrediting • PCC Act & Regulations • Third Party Funding (Second Career, WSIB, Canada Jobs Grant) • OSAP • Awareness (Government Relations, Public Relations, Student Relations) • Membership Committee (New Services for Members & Member Workshops) • Conference Committee • Governance & Bylaws If you would like to participate on a CCO committee or would like additional information, please contact April Chato at [email protected]. CCO Conference 2015 Save the date for #CCO2015! Join us in scenic Niagara Falls from June 24-26, 2015 for CCO’s annual conference & AGM. 4 CCO 2014 Awards 5 Excellence in Teaching Meet the Award Recipient and runners-up for this year’s CCO Award for Excellence in Teaching. Heather Hervé Joanne CCO 2014 Award for Excellence in Teaching Heather Hodgson-Schleich, triOS College Business Technology Healthcare Heather started working as a Police Foundations instructor at triOS College’s Kitchener Campus in March 2013. “She is well respected by students and staff,” wrote Campus Director Lori Fast. “She is always willing to help out where needed and definitely shows her passion for teaching. Prior to working with triOS College, Heather served as a police officer in the Region of Peel for 17 years and became one of the first female sergeants in the region. She holds several police and management related diplomas and certificates, as well as a Master’s Degree in Education, and has a decade of teaching experience at a community college. Not only does she organize valuable field trips, seminars and guest speakers for her class, Heather also encourages students to help each other and their community. Police Foundations student Ashlee Hickey wrote: “having been instructed by Heather I now know that I will be a police officer, I will achieve whatever I want to.” CCO 2014 Award for Excellence in Teaching: Runner-up Hervé Chabert, Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Institute Hervé is the head of Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa’s pastry program and has been with the college since 2001. “[Chef Hervé] went above and beyond what was expected from him. He made his classes interesting, educational and worth attending. But I thank him mostly for being the kind of teacher who cares, not just about academics or our experience with academics, but about us in general,” wrote student Saad Bahbahani. CCO 2014 Award for Excellence in Teaching: Runner-up Joanne Goodyear, Herzing College Joanne is in her eighth year as a Community Service Worker Instructor at Herzing College. “Joanne provides a wonderful learning experience in her class with colourful stories and experiences, cinematography and audio/visual materials and an overall sense that you are capable of entering this field well prepared,” wrote recent CSW graduate Patricia Hayman. Canadians, Carpets & Cannes 6 in attendance and with the Orientation is over. First day highest number of students yesterday and it was hectic but great. Went to a red carpet representing Canada. screening of Grace of Monaco, For some the connection is not the Nicole Kidman film last clear but for Canadian Carol Cannes or Bust! night and now just opened Jurriaans, an Event and Venue “May 10 – heading to airport for the South African Pavilion. This Management student at Trebas Institute in Toronto, Ontario it is an evening flight to Paris. The is one of the most stunning very clear – it means walking experience begins. Goodbye places in the world!!! Will keep Bonjour Cannes. you updated!!! Sending a Big the red carpet while interning Toronto, French hug! Carol” at the prestigious Cannes Film Carol” Festival May 14-25. Under the guidance of Michael Bremer, A few hours later Carol arrived The American Pavilion Director of Student Programs - first up on the agenda – at The American Pavilion, Carol attend The American Pavilion The American Pavilion is the along with four other Trebas workshops and seminars for center of activity at the Cannes students were feeling honored all students prior to the start International Film Festival for to be accepted for highly of the Festival in order to help the American film community, membership for sought after spots. According them get oriented to the red offering provocative to Mr. Bremer, this year the carpet event. The festival itself professionals, and insightful programming, Student Programs received is actually held May 14-25. immersive student programs, over 900 applications. This was is fantastic. the Emerging Filmmaker the first time that Trebas was “Everything Article courtesy of Marilyn Wasney, Department Head, Event & Venue Mgmt Program, Trebas Institute 7 Showcase and more The American Pavilion Student Programs are each specifically designed to complement a students’ school curriculum with hands-on experience, direct access to industry professionals, and networking opportunities with other filmfocused students from leading universities all over the world. “The students in this program witness a microcosm of a much bigger dance of events going on right outside the door with people doing business there from around the world,” said Michael Bremer, Director of Student Programs for The American Pavilion. “When you put on an event, you think of venue, food and entertainment, but then a celebrity might make a spontaneous request that requires you to think on your feet. Students will come back with a more expanded view on how so many events can coexist on the same day and in the same place.” background got her another position – Host for the South African Pavilion. Carol jumped at the opportunity without a second thought. and The American Pavilion gave Carol the opportunity to see strategy in action and capstone her studies. I am so proud of the work that she has accomplished,” said Marilyn Wasney, Department Head, Event & Venue Management Program at Trebas Institute. “South African Pavilion. Feels “Working late - hard to close like home. Carol” the pavilion when there were so many great people enjoying “Working in event management themselves. What an event! can be a challenging industry, “Good to hear from you. Must Here is my supper experience. especially for students. While dash to another red carpet I am loving every minute!!! all students learn the basics of affair. Carol” event management, it is more Carol” important to learn that pulling In addition to being Canadian, an event together is more Carol also hails from South than logistics, it’s about being Africa and her bonus strategic. Being a part of Cannes Comments, story ideas or suggestions? Contact Alix Mahé @ (519) 752-2124 ext. 115 or [email protected] Published by Career Colleges Ontario 155 Lynden Rd., Unit 2 Brantford, Ontario N3R 8A7 Phone: 519-752-2124 Fax: 519-752-3649 Connect with us! @yourcco facebook.com/careercollegesontario Career Colleges Ontario Strong Support Strong Voice Quality Education Student Success
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