August 2014 - Anah Shriners
August 2014 - Anah Shriners
Hope for the children August 2014 monthly messenger Of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine A big thanks to the Provost Guard and their Ladies for making our sign beautiful again! AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME Retirement isn’t an end. It’s just the beginning. 989-5220 A long and successful career should be followed by a long and happy retirement. But it won’t happen on its own. You have to be sure you’re investing properly to help you reach it, and then follow a solid strategy both now and through your retirement years. As a Financial Advisor, I have the experience and tools to help you develop a strategy that is right for you, to adjust your investments as needed and to manage your wealth through all the potential changes to come. Call to arrange Jeffrey F. 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Hope for the children Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: - e-mail: [email protected] Volume 87 • Number 8 • August 2014 Rich Armstrong - Editor • Janice Young - Advertising Manager Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston: A Leader in Burn Injury Research By Jeanne McCue, Public Relations and Marketing Specialist “Good research is driven primarily by curiosity; by those who love to understand and analyze,” said Mehmet Toner, Ph.D., director of research at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston. “It is a slow process and requires delayed gratification.” A member of the scientific staff at the Boston Shriners Hospital since 1990, Dr. Toner leads the department with a broad view of the innovations in burn treatment that have been developed by the hospital over the years. He knows that it is when scientists are willing to be patient that big discoveries are made. Shriners Hospitals Research Brings Breakthroughs There have been two major advances in the treatment of large burn injuries over the past 40 years. Artificial skin to close wounds was first developed in the 1970s and was used on patients with burn injuries at the Boston Shriners Hospital as early as 1980. Shriners Hospitals investigators were involved with the development of artificial skin alongside researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The second major development, an understanding of the metabolic issues created by burn injury, led to a more targeted delivery of calories and protein to patients. Shriners Hospitals and MGH investigators determined that providing for the unique nutritional needs of patients with burn injuries had a profound impact on recovery. These achievements have been recognized by the medical community throughout the world. More Milestones Ahead Dr. Toner believes the next major breakthrough in the treatment of large burns will likely involve in vivo healing, or healing from the inside. “The cosmetic issue of burn injury is a very serious concern that needs to be addressed,” said Dr. Toner. The goal is to identify wound cells and healthy progenitor cells/stem cells that regenerate and aid in healing. Dr. Toner and the research team are conducting studies focused on microtechnology and nanotechnology – tiny tools with applications for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with burns. One tool developed by Dr. Toner and other Shriners Hospitals investigators identifies rare cells (examples include progenitor cells and tumor cells) and has the ability to target a specific cell from among billions. These rare cells can control the outcome of disease or injury, and identifying them can have an enormous impact on a patient’s recovery. While the science is at the beginning stages, this innovation brings real hope of healing for skin composition, flexibility and appearance. “The unique aspect of Shriners Hospitals for Children is that there are wonderful opportunities for researchers, clinicians and patients,” said Dr. Toner. “By employing a rare breed – researchers who have the patience, endurance and passion to solve complex problems over time – we can have the next big news.” YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 June Ceremonial Golf Tournament Reported By: Noble Geo Watson On June 20th, sixty plus Nobles & Ladies showed up to play in the June Ceremonial Golf Scramble at the Presque Isle Country Club, the weather was a little cool and windy, but the local pro had set the course up a little on the easy side and everyone who played had an excellent time and enjoyed the tournament. With only one ladies team, Deb Dunham Team were the winners with a Gross score of 56, Yes a 56, however it must be noted that as they turned the corner to play # 1, somehow the ladies found that the bar area was open and stopped to get a coffee, ya right. Well it appears that they never left the Club House to finish the last few holes, I understand it had something to do with “Down East Boilermakers” ? On the Nobles Divisions, Jimmy Milliken Team indicated that they had been a bridesmaid too many times and then played excellent golf and carded a twelve under for a 60. Second place went to Ill Sir Dick Hallet Team who carded a ten under for a 62. It is my understanding that Ill Sir Dick Hallet had the hot putter that day and sank the first two birdies to keep his team in the hunt, good for you Dick. Ill Sir Hallet, Boomer and myself wishes to thank all Nobles and Ladies for their support to this years Annual Ceremonial Golf Tournament. The Anahgram 2 ll the $ Notice ats on the amoun This is what s? f calendaur ld be winning i you co u buy a Cash$25 yo ndar! Cale 3 $25 Aroostook Shrine Club AUGUST 2014 $25 $25 4 $25 5 $25 $25 Highlanders Meeting Lobster Boats Meeting Funsters Meeting Mini Cars Meeting $25 NSA Shrine Field Days Springfield, MA $25 $25 7 $25 8 $25 Wheelers Meeting Chanters Meeting Convertibles Meeting 11 $25 Band Meeting 12 13 $25 2 $300 9 $100 16 $100 23 $100 Clowns Meeting 18 $25 19 20 $25 26 $25 $25 Academicians Meeting Tri County Shrine Club Meeting Keystone Kops Meeting $25 Band Meeting 14 $25 21 $25 15 $25 22 $25 Keystone Kops Steak Feed Mini Bikes Meeting Band Meeting 25 $25 Schoodic Club Meeting Feztival of Trees 6pm at the Shrine The Stated Meeting 24 1 Nascars Meeting Past Masters Meeting 17 6 $25 Band Meeting Oriental Band Meeting Highlanders Meeting $25 Second Section Meeting Hospital Night at Anah Temple Highlanders Meeting 10 $25 27 $25 Aroostook County Shrine Club Meeting Indy Cars Meeting NSA Shrine Field Days NSA Shrine Field Days NSA Shrine Field Days Springfield, MA Springfield, MA Springfield, MA 28 $25 29 $25 30 $100 Highlanders Meeting 31 SEPTEMBER 2014 1 $25 2 Lobster Boats Meeting Funsters Meeting Mini Cars Meeting $25 Aroostook Shrine Club 8 3 $25 10 $25 4 $25 11 $25 $25 Band Meeting 9 $25 Highlanders Meeting Chanters Meeting Convertibles Meeting Oriental Band Meeting Patriot’s Day 14 $25 Highlanders Meeting 15 5 $25 12 $25 Second Section Meeting 6 $300 13 $100 Nascars Meeting Labor Day 7 $25 Band Meeting $25 Band Meeting 16 $25 17 $25 Schoodic Club Meeting Wheelers Meeting Noble Appreciation Night Anah Temple 18 $25 25 $25 19 $25 26 $25 Clowns Meeting 20 $100 27 $100 Mini Bikes Meeting Past Masters Meeting Tri County Shrine Club Meeting 21 $25 Highlanders Meeting 22 $25 Band Meeting 23 $25 Keystone Kops Meeting 24 $25 Academicians Aroostook County Shrine Club Meeting Indy Cars Meeting 28 $25 29 $25 Band Meeting 30 $25 Highlanders Meeting Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor August 2014 3 Richard P. Hallett Potentate GREETINGS NOBLES AND LADIES OF ANAH Hi Folks, Well, as we predicted and hoped for at our June cerimonial it was once again a success. Thursday evening June 19th started our week-end with registration at our Shrine Club and cribbage tournament with social hour from 5:30-7pm. Friday June 20th Noble George Watson had organized 18 holes of golf. The weather was quite cool, a few showers and very breezy, but all in all a great time was had by all. As always George had everything so very well planned with lunch after golf. Friday evening hors d’ oeuvres were served by members of the Aroostook Club and their ladies followed by a great meal of roast pork and turkey cooked by Noble Fred Haines. Fred is a master builder of machinery as well as being a master chef. Remainder of evening enjoyed by dancing to the Center Line Band. Saturday started off at 7am with registration of new candidates, 25 in all. This for sure was not a great number but it is what it is. I guess we can be thankful for those we did have. At 8:30am the Temple opened with introductions followed by the 1st Section performed by Anah’s Academicians and as always they did a wonderful job. Then after a short break Anah’s 2nd Sectiondid their part for our new candidates. Noon lunch was provided by Anah’s Canteen Unit who served a large number in a short period of time. At 1:15pm our parade lined up, stepped off at 2pm with slightly cloudy skies, but no rain (Boomer for sure came through for us). Following a great parade by Anah’s Units, with units from Luxor Shriners in New Brunswick as well as Presque Isle’s own civic parade, cold drinks were enjoyed by many at the forum. Saturday Evenings hors d’ oeuvres were served by Anah’s Aide Unit and their ladies prior to a great meal of steak and chicken with all the fixings followed by strawberry shortcake for dessert. While waiting for our meal to be served, we had a Fezing ceremony for new candidates and presented them with their pins. Then we were pleased to have a very lovely young lady who had been a patient at Shriners Hospital tell us of her experience and surgery. Dayna Collins now fully recovered is competing in Orlando Florida for Miss Teen USA. What a special young lady. Remainder of the evening was enjoyed dancing to Center Line Band for a great evening of fun and fellowship. Saturday from 11am to 1pm our ladies enjoyed a luncheon at the Aroostook Shrine Club. Decorations were provided and done by Mrs Betsy Fitzherbert with the help of her many volunteers. Their entertainment was provided by Mrs Joy Whited, a very special performer. I am told the ladies really enjoyed themselves and I understand many pictures were taken, but I haven’t seen any of them yet. Monday was clean up and pack-away day and being thankful for what we considered a successful week-end. Before I close I must thank all who worked so hard making this ceremonial week-end a great time for all. Anah’s Aides, Greeters, Directors Staff, the Membership Committee and all Anah’s units for providing Presque Isle a great parade and for sure Outer Guard Robert “Boomer” Palmer for the wonderful job he did as Director General. I can’t sing enough praise for all Anah’s Shriners and their ladies, you are special. Until next time, stay healthy, happy and think Shrinedom. Hope for the Children in 2014. Yours in the faith Dick Hallett Potentate of Anah Shriners EDITORS NOTE: The names under the #2 photo and #4 photo on the cover were reversed last Month, The two young girls names should have been #2 Audrey Searway and #4 should have been Sydney Barnes. Know-how is supporting the communities where we live and work. People’s United Bank is proud to support the Anah Shriners! 207-942-4800 ©2013 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender 24 Front Street, Bangor • 947-8009 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham • 725-0162 125 Western Avenue. S. Portland • 871-7000 Maine Brewed • Maine Made • Maine Owned The Anahgram 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians ........................................ 5 Aides.................................................... 13 Aroostook Shrine Club............................. Athletic...................................................... Band..................................................... 24 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club..................... Boosters................................................. 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters............................................... 24 Circus....................................................... Clowns (Bangor)................................... 20 Convertibles......................................... 22 Daughters of the Nile................................ Directors Staff........................................... Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 21 Funsters .................................................. Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 10 Highlanders.......................................... 12 Hospital News (Boston)............................ Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.............................................. 13 Kampers Club....................................... 22 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops......................................... Klowns (Aroostook).................................. Lobster Boat Unit.................................. 11 Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCAR Unit......................................... 7 Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.......... 22 Obituaries............................................. 27 Oriental Band........................................... Past Masters Unit................................. 22 Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit................................................. Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard.......................................19 Public Relations........................................ Recorder................................................. 9 Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 13 Second Section...................................... 4 Sunshine Club.......................................... Tri-County Shrine Club......................... 11 Waldo County Shrine Club................... 13 Washigton County Shrine Club............ 19 Wheelers.............................................. 25 4x4’s..................................................... 23 207.942.1234 570 Main St, Bangor ME 04401 Dave’s Barber Shop Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. What a great time at the 2014 Ceremonial in Presque Isle. Although we had only a handful of new candidates we had a great time in the Second Section. Congratulations to all of the new candidates and I hope you all get involved with a unit and keep active. Congratulations to Illustrious Potentate, Richard Hallett on a great day and although it was fairly windy in town over the weekend the weather was all good. Congratulations also needs to go out to Robert “Boomer” Palmer who, I believe, was pretty much in charge of the weekend festivities and everything went great from where I stood. I have to say that the most elegant speaker of the weekend was the young lady, Dayna Collins, if my memory serves me correct. Her story of how she was treated by the Shriner’s Hospital and how she has overcome and what she has done since was truly inspirational. I don’t think there were many dry eyes in the building. I wish her well on all of her future endeavors and future Miss High School America Pageants. The Second Section summer party will be a little different this year and it will be held on August 9, 2014 at the Paul Bunyan Campground in Bangor. Anyone wishing to camp or tent, we will be there from the 8th to the 10th. Reservations will need to be made if you would like to camp and further information will be made available by email on the party. The Folk Festival weekend is August 22, 23and 24 where we will be serving as parking attendants once again this year. Someone from the unit will be in contact with all of you to setup times for coverage for this event. Waterfront Concert parking is still somewhat ongoing and anyone interested in helping with that should contact Second Assistant Director Tom Breitweg at 4168267. We are limited for space this year Continued on page 5 96 North Main Street Brewer, Maine Dave Grant • 989-4284 THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication Bangor, Maine 04401 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: [email protected] Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR Rich Armstrong [email protected] ADVERTISING MANAGER Janice Young [email protected] 586 Main Street Bangor, Maine 04401 Tel: 942-2254 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Merland Clark 105 Exeter Rd E. Corinth, ME 04427 Home: 285-7342 Cell: 944-9339 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Road Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly. Deadline is the 10th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate Richard P. Hallett Chief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas Assistant Rabban Robert L. Turner High Priest & Prophet Stephen A. Trimm Oriental Guide Brad Prout Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. August 2014 5 Continued from page 4 but any help would be greatly appreciated. The Second Section Nobles Appreciation Night tickets are available from Second Section members or at the Recorder’s office, or just contact Sonny Crocker and he will help you out. Tickets are only $15.00 per person for an evening of dinner, silent auction and dancing to DJ Eric Lunt. This fifth annual Appreciation Night will be to honor the service of Noble David Magoon has made to Anah Shrine. Date of the night will be November 8, 2014 at the Shrine temple. I encourage all of you to pick up your tickets and come and enjoy the evening’s events. Our next scheduled meeting will be held Friday, September 5, 2014 at the Shrine Hall. August birthday wishes go out to Lady Linda Upham, Nobles James Buteau, Mike Gray, Alan Hawes, Richard Johnson, Bob Mott, Andrew Patterson, Fred Patterson, Jay Redmond and Larry Sherman. Happy August wedding anniversary to James & Christina Buteau, Bob & Annette Marin, Don & Deanne Merrill, Andy & Linda Upham, John & Sylvia Currier and Bill & Donna MacLaughlin. Until next time, have a safe and enjoyable summer. Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hope everyone is having a great summer. Me and mine have been enjoying lake camp, Bar Harbor, Old Orchard, and other great adventures in and around home. Kevin and Tammie Call had a great spring trip to California with their daughter’s dance team. They stayed in LA for a week where we attended an International Dance Festival with 32 other studios from other countries and states. The dancers participated in dance classes with choreographers and actors and actresses from music videos, movies, and television. They performed at Disney, visited Madam Tassaud’s Wax Museum, saw the Muppets on stage and watched their new movie, went to the beach for a few hours, went to Medieval Times, and had a day to tour LA seeing the Hollywood sign, stars homes, Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Blvd, Venice Beach, found LA Ink, and so much more. They were all worn out when they returned home, but said they had the best time ever. Continued on page 7 Also buying Timberland 10 – 10,000 Acres 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Aberdeen Stove and Chimney Supply Company 4/16 Richard Anderson 12/14 Ed Armstrong 5/16 W. Robert Averill 6/14 IMO C. Alton Bagley 5/15 IMO Dick Bagley, P.P. 5/15 IMO Darrell H. Kates 2/15 IMO Clifton Barker 6/15 Melrose and Betty Beal 4/15 Bob Beattie 4/15 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/14 Phil and Sue Black 4/16 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and Mary Blowers 5/15 Blinn and Joan Boone 5/15 IMO John R. Bradford 1/15 Ms. Anna Bradford 1/15 IMO Merle S. Bradford 1/15 Tom Breitweg 8/14 Fred and Jennifer Brown 1/15 Galen Call 8/15 IMO Ray Campbell 6/15 Anah Campers Club 7/14 Dick and Kim Carlow 3/15 Charlie and Shirley Caron 3/15 Sam and Agnes Carr 12/14 IMO Ernest Chamberlain 9/14 Bruce and Trudy Clarke 5/15 IMO Helen F. Cleaves 2/16 Melvin K. Cleaves 2/16 Arthur Cone 3/15 Dan and Lanci Costain 9/14 Dana and Jan Crockett 6/15 Ken and Janice Crump 4/16 Lloyd Day 12/14 Larry Doughty 5/15 Mark Doughty 5/15 Bryant and Joan Dutch 2/15 IMO Dryden C. Dutch, P.P. 8/14 Tim and Jean Dutch 8/14 IMO Robin Moone Edes 6/14 IMO Orville Edes 6/14 John Edes 6/14 IMO Paul H. Farrington 6/16 IMO Wally Fenlason 7/15 Wes and Bonnie Ford 9/14 Pete and Carol Jean Forrest 11/14 IMO Irvin L. Foster 6/15 IMO Richard “Gene” Frost 6/15 Clinton and Sandra Fulton 3/15 George and Mary Beth Gaddis 5/15 IMO William Gardner 6/15 Paul and Diana Giles 4/15 Goody and Roz Gilman 10/14 IMO Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr 6/15 IMO Harry Gordon 1/19 Don ang Gail Gordon 6/15 IMO Ralph Goss 6/15 Ralph and Phyllis Goss 8/14 Ron and Carole Green 9/14 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s I: seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: Anah Shriners, c/o Anahgram Boosters, 586 Main St., Bangor ME, 04401 W. Louis and Judith Greenier II 9/14 Charles C. W. Hackney 10/16 IMO Jim Halkett 12/15 Dick and Carolyn Hallett 6/15 David and Kesley Halm, Jr. 6/15 Gene and Pamela Hamm 8/14 Ed and Bonnie Hamm 8/15 IMO Edlbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 8/14 Ken and Donna Hanscom, Jr. 9/15 IMO Charles E. Harmon 9/15 IMO Tom Harper 10/16 Obed and Faith Hart 1/15 Jerry and Lorraine Harvey 8/14 IMO Mike Haskell 8/14 Chester I. Hawkins 1/15 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 Scott and Kelley Hawthorne 6/15 IMO Robert Heath 7/15 Sheldon and Sandy Heath 4/16 Larry and Libby Hersom 9/14 Buzz Holmes 3/15 IMO Richard Holt 3/17 Jerry and Lois Hutchinson 9/14 Smokey and Donna Ireland 9/14 IMO Roy K. Jack 4/15 C. Ray and Loretta Jones 8/14 IMO Harland Jordan 6/15 F. Lee and Peggy Kaufman 10/15 Alton and Ellen Kenney 5/15 Robert and Rae Jean Knowles 4/19 Stan and Mary Knox 5/14 IMO Ernest “Bud” Larson 2/15 Larry and Gail Larson 8/14 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 8/14 Skip Lenfest, Sr. 8/14 Jon and Tavia Lessor 9/14 Bob and Perlene Libby 2/15 Mike and Bonnie London 2/15 Lee F. Lowery 9/14 IMO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P. 9/14 IMO Donald Lyons, Sr. 6/15 Winston and Frances Mackay 10/14 Roy Martin 10/14 IMO G. Urial Martin 6/14 Don and Bert Maxim, P.P. 4/15 Doulgas A. and Donna McCafferty 8/14 Doulgas K and Candee McCafferty 8/14 Imo Edward Sr. and Evelyn McCafferty 8/14 IMO Terral A. McCafferty 8/14 IMO G. Ronald McCluskey 2/15 Welman and Natalie McFarland 1/16 Allan and Lorraine McGown 6/16 Ed and Nancy McGraw 8/14 Dick and Joan Meserve 9/14 Gordon and Margaret Moreside 10/14 Steve Mosley 10/14 Norm and Barb Mylen 9/14 Dick and Betty Nevers 5/15 Harold and Connie Newman 12/14 YES! The Anahgram IMO Ray Newman, Jr. 6/15 Larry and Teresa Nichols 7/14 David O’Donnell 9/14 Warren and Velma Orcutt 10/14 Herman and Kate Peabody 7/14 Jim and Linda Parent 6/17 Esther and Ed Pellon, P.P. 4/15 Rod and Joyce Pinkham 10/14 Don and Linda Potter 5/15 IMO Jim Potter 5/15 Circus Spotlight Crew - P.I. Circus 5/16 IMO Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/14 Al and Charity Richards 5/16 Chuck and Sally Ridlon 2/16 IMO Keith B. Roberts 9/16 IMO Sumner Roger 4/15 Dick and Diane Ross 6/15 Larry and Donna Rowell 11/14 Heath and Karen Savage 10/14 Spike Savage 10/14 IMO Clifton R. Scoville 6/14 Todd C. Scoville 6/14 Marty and Joan Shaw 10/14 IMO John Simpson 6/16 IMO Ken Smith 4/15 Lester and Gail Smith 9/14 Roger and Pat Smith 12/15 Ed and Gayle Sprague 4/15 Roger and Jan Stairs 5/14 Ken and Tina Stewart 12/15 IMO Ray B. Steeves 6/15 IMO Robert “Bob” Strout 6/15 Elliott and Joyce Tarbell 6/15 Daniel L. Tarr 6/15 IMO Betty Tarr 6/15 IMO Thomas Tash 6/15 IMO Alexander R. Theodore 6/15 Jesse and Brenda Thomas 9/14 Paul and Joyce Thornton 4/15 Inez and Reginald Toothaker 4/16 IMO John Tracy 6/14 Alden and Pam Tracy 6/14 Al and Pat Trask 2/15 Betty and Steve Trimm 4/16 IMO Carroll Trimm 4/15 Hank and Gloria Waldron 8/14 Dave and Leni Weaver 3/15 Burt and Jackie Weed 5/15 Jim and Dottie Wentworth 9/14 Buddy and Caryll Wheeler 2/19 IMO Frank Whirty 6/15 Julian and Janice White 1/15 Paul and Phyllis Wilbur 6/14 Llord and Jay Willey 8/20 Bob and Norma Winglass 8/15 Don and Felicia Wiswell 9/14 Don and Caroyln Wright 9/14 Donald “Bo-Bo” and Janice Young 6/15 Duane “Div-it” and Karen Young 8/14 Bob and Clair Young 9/14 I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. August 2014 7 Who is it ??? Last month’s subject was Noble Bob Mott. Dale Hatch guessed this first. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at [email protected]. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Continued from page 5 The June Ceremonial up in Presque Isle was excellent. A terrific time was had by all. The crowds were huge. Sally and Lauren enjoyed the parade and shopping and eating around town. Several members and I were very pleased to offer a session of the “Sam Adams Degree” in honor of our most beloved Donnie Copeland during the long wait before the parade. :-) (And thanks to Larry Greenlaw for a ride to the store for the icy cold “degree implements.”) I must say we had one of the best ritual performances I’ve seen in my 15 years with the unit. They don’t get better than that. Big Kudos to all sections and to my fellow ritualists for a job well done. We look forward to the annual picnic next month. I will assume as of this writing that we’ll be having lobsters again. Please send me emails or leave phone messages to reserve lobsters if you want them. More on this event will be coming in several emails in the near future. Please stay tuned. Have a great rest of your summer everyone, and please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 9892617 with any questions, concerns, news, gossip, jokes, foolishness, or plain old outright lies that you like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. :-) Remember to support your Blue Lodge Noble David “Big D” Varnum reporter My apologies for missing last months anahgram. Time slipped away from me, and I failed to submit on time. Summer is here and we are all busy. The ANAH NASCARs have been busier a of late. Parades to date are the special olympics in Orono, Vinalhaven, and Bar Harbor. We have held one of our NASCAR camping weekends, at Timberland Acres in Trenton with a successful turnout. An upcoming parade will be in Bradford at 10 am, 9 am lineup across from the general store. Also upcoming, on August 2, the NASCAR christmas party will be held at Waltons campground in Eddington. Camping is available. The annual NASCAR weekend at Katahdin Shadows campground in Medway will be August 22. Events run friday evening through saturday night. Campsites are available. Contact captain Lee Klug for more information. hope to see you there. The unit has discussed, and approved, that starting in September, on the second Tuesday, we will start alternating where we meet at Pat’s Pizza. September will be held at the Holden Pats Pizza, located at the former Felt Brooks Golf center. October we will meet in Ellsworth at Pats, alternating every other month between the two. This is to help some of our members with the drive time and distance, as well as attracting new nobles as well as current members to attend the monthly meetings. Continued on page 8 The Anahgram 8 Continued from page 7 So come on out and enjoy a bite, and invite a new noble to attend with you. Anniversaries for June and July were Lee and Lorraine Klug, Bruce and Cindy Walls, Will and Christine Blaisdell, Jason and Melanie Lee, Vinnie and Linda MacIntyre, Ricky and Michelle Miles, and last but not least, Keith and Andrea Swett. Birthdays for June and July were Captain Lee Klug, Bruce Walls, Mike Linscott,Lacy Linscott, and Tadd Linscott, Jeff Swett, Brian Savage, Richard Huntley, Carolyn Huntley, and Torri Huntley, Renee Worcester, Rebecca Saunders, Byron “Buddy” Dill III, Benjamin Lee, Jack Lee, Kevin MacDonald Jr., and Belinda Swett. Yes Keith, I remembered. And yes it is *******. Until next time. Big “D” reporter The June Ceremonial Parade in honor of Tom Clukey We went to the Princeton Elementary School on their last day of school to receive 35 lbs. of can tabs. Last year they collected 27 lbs. They strive to gain more every year. Receiving the can tabs in the photo are, Noble David Beckett and Noble Weibley Dean. Photo by yours truly, Dennis Bryant. August 2014 9 “FROM THE RECORDER’S DESK” Larry L. Hersom Recorder, P.P. I hope you all are enjoying our new electronic sign entering our parking lot. Jill is diligent about posting current events taking place at the temple, plus displaying office hours. Also, please take notice of the wonderful improvement to the sign posts and landscaping at the base of the sign. The Provost Guard and their ladies volunteered and paid to refurbish the paint on the sign posts, lay landscaping bricks, and plant flowers to create a beautiful garden to enhance the entrance to our driveway. This is the kind of dedication from our Nobles and Ladies that keeps Anah strong. Thank you so much. We also are currently removing shrubbery along our sidewalk in front of the building, which has overtaken the walkway. The glass in our entrance door to the lobby was accidently broken and needed immediate replacement, so you see maintenance is constantly going on at our temple. I hope many of you have your plans all set by now to attend the Northeast Shrine Association weekend in Springfield, Massachusetts. Four days of fun and festivities have been planned . . . . luncheons, banquets, competitions, parade, side tours, and of course, excellent shopping choices for all the ladies. Anah’s units have been practicing all summer for these competitions, so let’s all get out and support them. Anah’s units have also been busy this summer participating in various parades throughout the state representing Anah at its finest. Picnics, parades, family, barbeques and fellowship . . . . that is what summer is all about. Fall will be upon us sooner than we want, so I am reminding you that tickets are now available in the Recorder’s office for “Noble Appreciation Night” on September 13. We look forward to seeing you in Springfield. Invite a fellow Master Mason to share an Anah activity, he may want to become a Shriner! 662 Main Rd. Hampden, ME 04444 • 947-6488 Mon-Wed 10:30am-8pm, Thurs 7am-8pm, Fri & Sat 7am-9pm, Sun 9am-8pm The Anahgram 10 STATED MEETING NOTICE There was no meeting in the month of July. If you were at Pat’s Pizza, you were there alone. There will no meeting in August, because we are still in recess. The next meeting should be, if I’m correct, September 2nd. I heard there was a good turnout at the annual lobster feed held at Alvin Heath’s. He and Donny were pleased at the crowd and we’d like to thank his helpers also. Now for the local news. Noble Steve and Wanda Fernald’s daughter, Alice, is about 1300 miles into her wilderness trip on the Appalachian Trail. She is due to arrive at Mt. Katahdin sometime in September. While she’s away, Steve is busy doing some body work on her car. Also heard that Tommy Fernald had about a hundred lobster traps show up in his yard. Wonder what he’s going to do with them? Maybe he should think about the work that’s involved. He’d be better off feeding that goat. Heard that Jimmy Nolan has a new houseboat on Molasses Pond. Since Past Potentate Geddes Simpson got back from his honeymoon in California, he has been wining and dining Carole (with an e) on a regular basis. Heard John Fernald has a new coyote trying to keep the geese off his lawn. Now John, don’t you think that those geese know how to fly south, and how to fly north, they would recognize a coyote with no legs? He stands there like a dummy. Now Noble Jay Fernald, when you get a minute, and you’re in Trenton, do you suppose you can teach your fatherin-law how to set a beach anchor? That’s the only day I was in the right place at the right time. If I hadn’t shown up, you would still be rowing. You know, Jay, I learned how to set one when I was only six years old. P.S. Any of you nobles that were at Molasses Pond over the 4th, I hope you enjoyed the spectacular fireworks. Those celebrating birthdays are Louise Sealy, Joseph Jordan, Pat Gross, Clare Grindal, John Mott, Glenna Ellis, Cindy Walls, Prescott Briggs, Gloria Gomm, and Howard Heath. Honeymooners are Bruce and Lois Clark, Perley and Karen Merrick, Nelson and Clare Grindal, Wilbert and Joan Terry, and David and Sandra Neal. Oops! Gotta go! Gotta get the milk bones, grab Cookie and go fishing! Stated Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 19, 2014 At 7 pm for the purpose of conducting the business of Anah Shriners and disseminating information to the membershipon matters relating to current Shrine events and activities. There will also be a vote to change the Articles of Amendment of Anah Temple Association. This is a housekeeping issue for legal purposes. Please see the proposed change below. All Nobles are invited to attend. All Unit and Club leaders are required to attend along with one other member. Please wear your fez. Richard P. Hallett, Potentate Attest: Larry L. Hersom, P.P. Recorder NONPROFIT CORPORATION STATE OF MAINE ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF ANAH TEMPLE ASSOCIATION The purposes of said corporation: The corporation shall follow and yields obedience to Shrine law; and exists solely as a nonprofit corporation having no purpose other than that of acquiring, owning, selling, or otherwise disposing of, and mortgaging real estate, and the erection, maintenance and operation of buildings thereon, for its use. No part of the assets or funds may inure to the benefit of individuals personally except in payment for services actually rendered or performed; the corporation will be subject to control by the temple at all times; and in the event of dissolution the assets and funds remaining after the payment of all debts of the corporation shall be conveyed to the temple or Shriners Hospitals for Children. August 19 Stated Meeting Agenda 6 P.M. Dinner / Invocation 7 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome Stated Meeting Deaths since May 20 Stated Meeting Restorations Demits Associate Members dropped Associations with Anah Articles of Amendment vote Temple updates Circus Report Feztivial of Trees Report Northeast Shrine Association – Springfield, MA Shrine Protocol Questions/Comments Meeting Adjourns There will not be a charge for those in attendance for dinner however a donation jar will be available to offset the cost of the meal. Any Shriner can attend these Stated Meetings. Non Unit Members are asked to call the Anah Office at 942-2254 and let them know you will be in attendance for dinner. August 2014 Bill Geel, Reporter Those boats sailing to June Ceremonial in Presque Isle to support our Illustrious Potentate, Dick Hallett, were Lt. Waylon Merchant, Scott Johnson, Lyman Blyther, Bill Sinford, Troy Huffman, and last but not least, Runtz Farnsworth. Those that were on duty during Hurricane Arthur, and what a wet and wild weekend it was, were Pembroke Racers Carroll Chandler, Waylon Merchant, and Troy Huffman. The same three attended the Eastport festivities. Yours Truly was on deck for the Machias parade, but got a phone call in the early afternoon that it was canceled due to gale force winds. The highlight of the 6th, the Shrine mini-boats organized at Runtz’s shipyard in Jonesport. Yours Truly and sternman, Forrest DeMeyer showed up with minutes to spare. As we were unloading, I nicked my prop and knew I was going to lose some RPM’s, but would have to suck it up. As we were about to line up, the crowd was huge and excited. They lined up both sides of the street; oops I meant harbor, to see us ready to battle it out. They told me Capt. Chandler was out of action for the day, and I knew he owns the former Red Baron which was my old boat and it was out of action. The only other contenders I had to worry about were Lt. Waylon Merchant, Troy Huffman, Bill Sinford, Runtz Farnsworth, and Lyman Blyther and myself in the boat formerly owned by Ray Ellis. I knew I was in great shape to take home top prize. Well, the gun sounded; I had the last position in the lineup. Halfway down the stretch, Noble Lyman Blyther blew a drive shaft. The law of the sea says you have to stop and go to their aid. Just when I was picking up speed, I stopped and got the tow rope out, tied it to his bow, looked behind me and there was Bill Sinford bringing up the rear, his engine smoking badly. I asked him to take over; he was happy to. Now it was catch-up time. I caught up with Noble Runtz. He knew I was coming fast and furious; he kept zigzagging, and I know he didn’t want me to finish. I came in fourth for the day with Waylon finishing first, Troy Huffman second, Runtz Farnsworth third, then back to Runtz’s shipyard to load up for the trip home to Eastbrook harbor. Next time out will be the Harrington Days in October. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it again. 11 The annual picnic was held at Runtz’s shipyard on the 5th. Due to rough weather, a lot of us couldn’t make it. Sorry I missed Ray and Glenna Ellis on the 6th. It was nice to see Phil Montville and his lady. Forrest and I were treated to some excellent food and hospitality by Lady Ora and Noble Runtz. The only thing Runtz wanted to know-was the rain following me or was I bringing in the fog. For the second time, I saw the sun shine in Jonesport. But as the sun was setting I said we had to leave because moonshine was setting in. As I left Runtz’s shipyard, somehow we ended up in his campground. There was a bunch of fellers jumping around like clowns. As I got back to the entrance, Runtz said I took a wrong left (when I was growing up, that was either port or starboard). We finally made it out and headed home. Thanks again Ora and Runtz for a wonderful time. Whoops! Gotta go; Forrest is reading my charts upside down. Those celebrating birthdays are Troy Huffman, Prescott Briggs, Glenna Ellis, Ora Farnsworth, Keith Robbins, and Bill Sinford. Honeymooners are Runtz and Ora Farnsworth, Perley and Karen Merrick, and Wilbert and Joan Terry. Tri County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 18th of June at the Piscataquis Valley Fairgrounds. The 30 Nobles were treated to a very fine meal of pulled pork and all the fixings. After the Libation Hour, the meeting was called to order by President Dan Costain. The Invocation was given by Noble Don Young, also known as BOBO the clown. BOBO always does a fine job in offering grace before our meals. The Flag Salute was led by President Costain. Nobles that were introduced were as follows:Head Table, Vice President Arthur Watson and Secretary Dave Mosley, Unit Heads, Arthur Herbest of the Flag Unit, Scott Folsom of the 4X4’s, Dick Dunham of the Convertibles and J.R. MItchell of the Public Relations. Ambassadors present was Roger Chesley, Greeters was Edwin Dewitt, Aide Emeritous Ron Greene and Directors Keith Dewitt and Dan Costain. New members since the June Ceremonial of 2013, Dick Ross, John Bigger, Tim Briggs and Paul Noble. Representing the Divan was Captain of the Guard Doug Dulac. Noble Keith Dewitt won the 50/50. The kitchen crew was given a round of applause for the excellent meal they put on. Seemed different this year, usually Noble Don Merrill heads up the kitchen crew. But this year, he passed the torch to some other members of the Fair Continued on page 12 The Anahgram 12 Continued from page 11 Association. We were also saddened to hear that Noble Don was involved in a vehicle accident on the previous Monday. Don was shook up, but seems to be on the mend. Noble Dr. Tom Pierce will be leaving the state of Maine to move to North Dakota to be closer to his son. We wish the best of luck to you Tom and your wife on your next adventure in your life. We will miss you. Keep the trombone oiled and ready to go. Noble Dick Ross spoke about the planning stages of starting a new Unit in Anah Shrine. If formed, it would be the Jeep Wrangler Unit. Good luck in your efforts Dick. Noble J.R. Mitchell spoke briefly about the Hospitals and the good work the Shriners do for them. It’s what we are all about. Noble Doug Dulac spoke about an event on the 2nd of August. It will be a fund raiser for the Hospitals at the Shrine Center. In regards to this fun raiser, the Directors voted to cancel the Summer Bash that same day. They thought Tri County should support this fine fund raiser for Anah and the Hospitals. No further business, the meeting was closed by President Costain. Next meeting will be the 17th of September at the Sunrise Bakery and Cafe in St. Albans. ALWAYS WORK ON MEMBERSHIP, IF WE DON’T, WHO WILL CARRY ON AFTER WE ARE GONE? NMLS #1938 7) 974-8996 6) 370-8063 Rae Ann Rice • Mortgage Planner Cell: 207.974.8996 • eFAX 866.370.8063 [email protected] • t 01 I T H P U R P O S E Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. As you noticed, I missed last months Anahgram and I may have missed yet another. If this shows up in August, I made it. We were very pleased that the weather held for the June Ceremonial. The route seemed very long, but the camel’s milk at the end was welcome. Since I last reported, your Highlanders have participated in: the Special Olympics, College of the Atlantic Graduation, June Ceremonial, Bar Harbor Parade, Fort Knox Scottish Military Tattoo, Lincoln Homecoming, and the Rockport Masonic Lodge Concert. That finishes up our commitments through July. We have several events scheduled for August including the Northeast Shrine and the opening ceremony for the Senior World Little League. We are also making our first appearance in several years at the Maine Highland Games in Topsham (Brunswick). The organizers and some key members of our band have been trying to get us to come back for several years. We enjoy this event, but we have to consider our purpose is to raise money for Shriners Childrens Hospitals. As for the reason that I missed last month’s deadline, well … I got married the week of the deadline. Even though it was a small wedding, it had the same number of moving pieces as a larger one. I worked the day of the wedding, ran around for a couple hours before the service running errands. I think if I had to do it over again, I might take the whole day off. The weather cleared and we had a great service at the church and a wonderful reception at the lake. I learned two new tunes in the weeks before the service. One was “Red is the Rose” (sounds the same as Loch Lomond) and the other was “The Bells of Dunblane.” In closing, let’s remember our small communities and the small businesses that need our support. Northern Maine has lost hundreds of small businesses in the last couple decades. Thousands of families have had to relocate. Abandoned houses are a frequent site. There are few sights as sad as an abandoned house. A dwelling that once housed a family full of life, but due to lack of economic prosperity, the house now sits like a corpse on the side of our pothole riddled roads. We can do better, there are imaginary lines between our states and communities, but are very visible differences in economic condition. As Shriners and Masons, we need to consider the health of our overall communities in our daily duties. Until Next month, if anyone would like drumming or piping lessons, please contact me at [email protected]. Be Blessed. VOTED GREATER BANGOR’S TASTIEST PIZZA FOR 16 YEARS IN A ROW! August 2014 Anah Aides Unit Noble Gordon Smith, Reporter Hello to All, Wow!! What a great turnout for the June Ceremony. A really big “THANK YOU” to all the Aides and Aides Emeritus that helped make it a huge success. Everybody said what a great job you all did Friday and Saturday night. Saturday after the parade, people were really thirsty, as any of you who worked would agree. It seemed special to have Chief Aide Emeritus Skip Campbell and Lady Gail, and Chief Aide Emeritus Allen Sawyer and Lady Judy, joining in the fun and doing what they know how to making Nobles and Ladies happy. A big Thank you also to Personal Aide Mike London for running me all over the place replenishing the libation supplies, we sure did need them! Lady Jackie sends a “thank you” to all the ladies who helped her Sat. night. This was for the June Anahgram, but it was lost. A big thank you to Noble Jim Stanhope of the Keystone Kops for finding a slush machine for the 5 O”Clock Party. It made Duncans job a lot easier making the Strawberry Daiquiris & Margaritas. The combined Aides & Directors Picnic will be on the 16th of Aug. at 10:00 a.m. at Duncan Browns camp on Swan Lake. This is the same place it was last year. Aides ladies, please bring an hors d’oeuve or salad. The Directors ladies will be bringing the desserts. Noble Ryan Otis & Noble Duncan Brown will be cooking chicken & sausage. The Divan & Ladies, Past Potentates & Ladies, Directors & Ladies, Aides & Aides Emeritas & their Ladies are all invited. Anniversaries for June are Ray & Delmar Paul, Bob & Doreen Pullen, Bruce & Cindy Walls, Ron & Beverly Watson & Dan & Bonnie Taylor. Allen Sawyer got a year older, congratulations. Anniversaries for July are Roland & Dottie Herrick, Paul & Joyce Thornton. Birthdays Mike Linscott & Cindy Walls. 13 Noble Jerry McAvaddy Reporter The Indy Unit held its May & June Meetings following the Aroostook Shrine Club meeting on May 4th & June 26th. The Indys cooked breakfast for the Club in May. It was decided by vote of the Unit Members to participate in both the Presque Isle and Mapleton Memorial Day Parades, which we did. The Mapleton parade finish in a thunderstorm with hail and a soaking trip back to the trailers. We had a wonderful time parading with the other the other units during the June Ceremonial in Presque Isle and parading in the MapletonDaze parade on June 28th. The rest of our parade schedule is: 7/04 Limestone, 7/12 Easton, 7/19 Fort Fairfield, 8/08 Caribou, 8/09 Patten, 8/10 St. Agatha, 8/16 Washburn, 8/17 Madawaska and 8/23 Springfield. Remember: Tickets for the 2nd Annual Indy Super Supper to be held on September 6th were given out to the members to sell. Beside the 1st prize of $1500.00, the 2nd is $500.00, 3rd $200.00, and 4th & 5th $175.00 each. Prizes 6 through 10 will be merchandise. Interested in tickets please contact any Indy Member. Tickets are only $100.00 per couple, September 6th, 2014, 6:00 PM Social, 7:00 PM Supper, Music by Wally and the Virginians. Check the Nut Shell for Unit Contact Numbers for Tickets. SCHOODIC SHRINE CLUB Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: We held our June meeting in Lubec, America on June 18th. This was our annual joint meeting with the Washington County Shrine Club. A great steak and seafood chowder feed was prepared by the Brethren of Washington Lodge No. 37 of Lubec. There were nearly 50 Nobles and ladies in attendance. Noble Jonathan McClure, president of the Washington County Shrine Club, welcomed all and introduced several dignitaries, including Past potentate Ed Pellon and Past Grand Master, Harland S. Hitchings. Noble Ike Winchester welcomed all on behalf of the Schoodic Shrine Club. As always it was a great feed and a great meeting. Looking ahead, our July meeting will be held at Eastern Lodge No. 7, Eastport and our August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 20th, at Lewy’s Island Lodge No. 138, Princeton, for a mystery meal at 5:30 pm. This will be a Ladies Night. Our September meeting will be on Sunday, September 14th, at the Meddybemps Community Center at 1:00 pm. This too will be a Ladies Night. This is the famous “Fish Fry”. This event has been movede to Meddybemps as this will be the Potentate’s visit and we are hoping to have a large turnout. Guests are also invited. Who knows when a guest may want to become a Mason or a Shriner. Enjoy this beautiful summer. ‘Til next time! Nobles, Here we are in another one of those months where the 2nd Thursday of the month (our meeting) sneaks up on us. The Directors of the Waldo County Shrine Club meet the first Monday of the month, usually a week and a half before our meeting. Then there are these months when our meetings are the same week. Plus add in a holiday and a hurricane!! Sorry to bore you with this stuff, just stating the facts! Anyway, the reason for this email: The July meeting of the Waldo County Shrine Club is this Thursday the 10th. It is a regular meeting, 6pm social and 7pm meal and meeting. The dinner is to be a Barbeque Chicken, cooked on the grills by Noble Duncan Brown. Potato salad, rolls, cole slaw and dessert round out the menu (and appetizers). The fare is $10. The August Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf Tourney is to be held on August 14th. This is also the day of our regular meeting and Annual Steak Dinner. The cost for Lunch, Golf, and Steak Dinner is $75pp ($300 per foursome). The cost for lunch and golf and no steak dinner is $65pp. Lunch and Registration is at 11:30 at the Waldo County Shrine Club. Shotgun start at the Northport Country Club is 1:00. To reserve a team (or if you have no team but want to play) please call Dave Bowen at 338-4265. Please pass the word!! This is always a great event and well attended. Also, if you wish to sponsor a hole the cost is $100. A sign with your business name ( or your name!!) will be made and placed on the course. Duncan asks that all who have gun raffle tickets to please bring the sold and unsold tickets to the meeting Thursday please!! This has the potential to be a great fundraiser for the club. You can reach Duncan at 322-3484 with ticket updates as well. Continued on page 19 14 The Anahgram August 2014 15 16 The Anahgram August 2014 17 KEYSTONE KOPS Annual THIRTY-ONE GUN RAFFLE A winner drawn each day during the month of October 2014! Tickets only $20.00 Each Winners to pick up their prize at Old Town Trading Post For tickets call Harold Sherwood: 745-9825 KEYSTONE KOPS Annual Steak Feed With Camel’s Milk Door Prize Friday, August 15, 2014 Camel’s Milk: 5:30 - 6:30 Steaks starting at 6:30 Price: $15.00 For tickets contact Todd Jackson: 944-3845 or the Shrine Office The Anahgram 18 4th of July Jonesport Parade Our Past Potentate is the “New Girl in Town” Walk of Love. Carolyn and Potentate Richard Hallett Brenda Thomas and Bonnie and Robert Turner August 2014 19 Continued from page 13 If you are receiving this email, you are either a member of the Waldo County Shrine Club or a member of Anah or Kora Shrine. We have been sending regular mail notices out to those who do not have email for years. Now we are moving on to another method of getting the notices out. We are using a Calling Post. A recorded telephone call will come to you and the President of the Club, Charlie Pray will be giving you the news. Since this is far from perfect system (meaning telephone numbers and email addresses change) this is only as good as the information we are given. If you change email or phone, and wish to continue to receive these notices, please send an email to me or call me at 5482906 with your new contact information. Currently the Calling Post will come up on your Caller ID as an unfamiliar number. We are working on changing that to say Waldo County Shrine Club. Hopefully we can do that. The bottom line here is that regular mail notices are going to disappear and the notices will be sent by email or phone. We welcome your comments and help with this as we move forward. Please pass this info on to your fellow Shriners! Yours in Shrinedom, Charlie Plourde, Secretary WCSC Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter As I begin this months article, I want to wish Sandi Look the very best on her medical procedure being done in Boston during the next few weeks. We will all be praying for you and Robert, Sandi. The June meeting was a joint meeting with the Schoodic Shrine Club and the Washington County Shrine Club, hosted by the Schoodic Shrine Club and held in Lubec. I was unable to attend so have nothing to report on the meeting but am sure everyone enjoyed their meal. The June Ceremonial was a fun time by all who attended. I can say that it felt like winter was back when we arrived in “the county”, with the wind blowing a gale and below normal temperatures. Those playing in the golf tournament can attest to this as well. By parade time the temperature rose some, it was sunny, and it was great for those marching. The July 8th meeting was held at Barren View Golf Club. Members enjoyed 9 holes of golf prior to the meeting. Since the meeting was after the date to submit articles, I have nothing to include in the article. The August 7th meeting will be held at the Degenhart’s Campground in Jonesport and is a ladies night. What a beautiful place to hold a meeting, on the ocean at Kelley’s Point in Jonesport. This is also the site for the Annual Bob Smith Picnic, which is scheduled for Sunday, August 17th. Mark your calendar and plan to attend. This is a busy time of year in Downeast Maine, with blueberry harvest season soon starting, which keeps growers and their crews very busy, including several from this club. Since this was missed in the July issue, and I do apologize, I want to express Happy Birthday wishes for July to Past Potentate Clyde Reynolds, Runtz Farnsworth, Joyce Pinkham, Velma Orcutt, Esther Pellon, Forrest DeMeyer, Janice White, Bernadette Beal, Suzanne Fox and Robert Wood. Anniversary wishes to Ricky & Bethany Foss, Dick & Judy Farnsworth, Richard & Jolene Farnsworth, Brad & Shannon Prout, Forrest & Anita DeMeyer, Julian & Janice White, and Dan & Janice Thompson. Happy Birthday wishes for August go out to Past Potentates Rodney Pinkham and Goody Gilman; Richard Kilton, Ora Farnsworth, Verlan Lenfesty, Beverly Bagley, Jake Orcutt, William Sinford Sr., Troy Huffman, Charles Buster Huntley, Cindy Pinkham, Sonny Beal, and Tom Foss. Anniversary wishes for August to Donnie & Carolyn Wright, George & Mary Beth Gaddis, Robert & Pauline Wood, Mike & Debi Murphy, Runtz & Ora Farnsworth, and Donnie & Brenda Martin. Until next month, enjoy the warm weather and your families and friends. Reporter Noble Harold Adams Hello everyone. The weather has turned HOT, I hope everyone is finding a way to stay cool. June 6, the night we were in the Special Olympics parade was chilly and threatened rain but held off until we were done. We all enjoy this parade and the Olympic participants faces show that they love the parade. The week-end of June 20, was the Ceremonial in Presque Isle, it was windy, cold and rainy, but it didn’t rain on our parade. It was a long one but we all made it to the end. Sunday June 29, there were fifteen members who were at the Shrine Center to work on the flower bed under the new sign. We did a Continued on page 20 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 We are proud to support the Anah Shriners. NOW OPEN! New ofce at 79 West Main Street in Fort Kent. Katahdin Trust. Community Banking at its Best since 1918! To nd one of our 19 banking locations: The Anahgram 20 Continued from page 19 lot of shoveling dirt, setting landscaping stones, planting flowers, and we scraped and painted the frame around the sign. The day was HOT, needless to say so were we. The ones of us that didn’t work outside, set up and cooked food for our lunch. It was nice spending the afternoon with the group and working together, a big thank you to all of you for your work. Thank you Ryan for spending your Birthday working on this project with us. This project was done by donations from the unit, Thank you to all of you for your donations. Our meeting on July 1, we planned to have a dinner in Millinocket August 10, at 1 o’clock, giving a heads up to our northern members, come join us, we look forward to seeing you there. Anyone that has a uniform or any parts of the uniform that they don’t use or need any longer, please return them to Randy Adams, or Harold Adams or any member of the unit. We have new members and we can pass them on to them. Happy Birthday to Noble Richard Goodness. Happy Anniversary to Noble Jerry and Lady Cathy Fratini. Until next time be safe. Noble Martin “Fou” Perfit, clown unit reporter The generosity of Raymond and Kat Young of Young’s Lobster Pound in Belfast, along with the generosity and support of many others was in evidence on the evening of May 31 when a Crab Fest fundraiser was held to help cover the Clown Unit’s expenses in putting on a dinner for the Springfield Shriner’s Hospital medical staff. This dinner is ongoing tradition on the eve of the hospital’s evaluation of current and potential patients of the hospital. The screening is always conducted at East Maine Medical Center. The Youngs generously donated all profits to the Unit in the spirit of friendship and support that has characterized our ongoing relationship. The Belfast Shrine Club manned the bar and likewise donated all profits to the Unit to help defer the KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman expenses. Tim Dutch of Dutch Chevrolet won the fifty-fifty and donated his winnings to the cause. Ryan Otis of Rollie’s Bar & Grill in Belfast donated a keg of beer. The funds donated to the cause totaled nine hundred dollars when Ryan Otis threw in an additional fifty dollars to round it up to one thousand dollars! This Crab Fest is likely to become a new tradition so watch for it next year. The Crab Boil proceeds helped the Clown Unit continue our tradition of hosting a dinner for the staff members of the Springfield Shrine Hospital on Thursday June 5. As usual, this dinner served as a prelude to the hospital screening at EMMC. Kerry “Spiffy” Spofford, Martin “Fou” Perfit, Steve “Petals” Watson, Scott “Scooter” Boucher, Scott “Dim Wit” Kennard, and Troy “Pop Fizz” Devoe kept things moving. A special nod of the clown hat to Jan Young and Pam Spofford for their invaluable support as registrars. The additional services provided through the Sunshine Club were brought to the attention of many families by Jan Young. The units traditional participation in the Special Olympics Kickoff Parade at U. Maine in Orono was well supported by Tom “Piggy” Vanchieri, Steve “Petals” Watson, Pat “Pooch” Kelly, Dennis “Dumpster” Dyer, Kenny “Baby Cakes” Gilbert, Troy “Pop Fizz” Devoe, and Dan “Shamrock” Murphy. Our ongoing first Saturday appearance at Home Depot’s Children’s Workshop saw Mike “Gumpy” Robshaw, Martin “Fou” Perfit, Kerry “Spiffy” Spofford, and Cutis “Sluggah” Haynes keeping children and adults entertained and engaged. Later that morning Lorne “Gizmo” Noiles, Arthur “Coota” Watson, and Dennis “Fuz” Dyer provided mirth, merriment and mayhem to the Black Fly Festival parade in Milo. The Sangerville Bicentennial Parade stepped off on June 14 enhanced by the participation of Arthur “Coota” Watson, Dale “Salapshot” Hatch, Kenny “Babycakes” Gilbert, and Lorne “Gizmo” Noiles. Dennis “Dumpster” Dyer was on hand as well but not in his Clown capacity. It was up to Presque Isle the following weekend for the June Ceremonial with a large contingent of Anah Shrine Clowns turning out. Boss Clown Piggy (Tom Vanchieri) led the way supported by Ken (Baby Cakes) Gilbert, Arthur (Coota) Watson, Stan (Papi) Baker, Troy (Pop Fizz) De Voe, Don (Bo-Bo) Young, Pat (Pooch) Kelly, Dennis (Fuzz) Dyer, Steve (Petals) Watson, Scott (Dim Wit) Kennard), Kevin (Sweet P) Kirkbride, and Lorne (Gizmo) Noiles. On Saturday, June 28, a delegation of Anah Shrine Clowns turned out to support a motorcycle ride fundraiser for The Epilepsy Foundation. The start and finish was Ralph J. Pollard Lodge in Orrington. Duane “Div-It” Young, Dale “Slapshot” Hatch and Kerry “Spiffy” Spofford were accompanied by Emeritus Clown Mike “Jappo” Samiya who manages to show up at many of events. Don’t forget to support your local Blue Lodge! August 2014 21 NEWS From SHRINERS BOSTON BURNS HOSPITAL Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter Is it warm enough? Hope everyone is having a barque summer. The Special Olympics parade was heart warming as nine of us marched through the smiles and applause. Than we went up north to weather the cold for the June Ceremonial where six of us marched. ( I am not sure but I think it was ready to snow.) We came back home to help celebrate the Milo Black fly Parade where only three were able to attend. Our group is growing small as our members are experiencing an aging process. A long with this process we are experiencing minor aliments that does not permit the ability for some to march. We hold the flags high in recognition of the power of all of the Nobles in the healing process so many children need. We are looking for some strong legs to support us for upcoming parades. If you would like some flag wagging fun please contact us for your uniform. We are looking forward to upcoming parades and the great kayak adventure in August. We have been busy selling hats. Coming soon due to demand with be more camo. Our softball tournament was a world series success! We had seven teams, one was from Old Town. Thanks everyone that sponsored and helped organize it. Happy Birthday to Nobles Herbert Carey and Floyd Hardison, Lady Marlene Cole. Wishing you many more. Look who is celebrating some romance this month Noble Stanley and Lady Barbara Reed also Noble Joe and Lady Chari Briggs. Happy Anniversary. Stay cool!! We march so they can walk. Provided By Boston Hospital Board Member Bob Turner and G. Dean Hoke Associate Board Member Anah Can Tabs For Kids Did you know that the aluminum tabs used to open your favorite drinks also have the power to help kids defy the odds? Shriners Hospitals for Children® provide medical care to children with spinal cord injuries, cleft lip and palate, or are in need of burn or orthopedic care, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. You can help make a kid move again, walk again, smile again just by collecting your can tabs and dropping them off here. A Shriner will pick them up and the proceeds will be forwarded to Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Frequently asked Questions on Can Tabs 1. Why not collect the whole can? Collecting complete cans would require a great deal more storage space. You can go ahead and return the can in the normal way and donate the money to our Hospitals 2. How many tabs in a pound? 1267 3. How many tabs will a gallon milk jug hold? About 5 pounds For formation on how you can support Shriners — Boston contact Susan Berkowitz, Director of Development, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston, 617-371-4746 or e-mail [email protected]. L. O. “Skip” House IV Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street • Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 [email protected] The Anahgram 22 Noble Gaylord E. Sundt, Reporter Noble Lyman Blyther, Reporter Summer is finally here, what a beautiful stretch of weather we are having as I write this. Our article did not get in the June Anahgram. I did submit it on time, but do not know what happened. My apologies. The June Ceremonial is now behind us. We saw a lot of Kampers in Presque Isle over that weekend. Cindy & I did get to see : Allen & Bonnie Chase, Richard & Deborah Dunham, Harlan Emery, Runtz & Ora Farnsworth, Ron & Carole Green, Gordon & Connie Lawrence, Durward & Betty Shedd, Bill & Holly Sinford, Don & Felicia Wiswell Ken & Bonnie Whitney and Tom & Duffy Woods. Some were camping and some just came for the day. My apologies if I left any out. Unfortunately Bonnie Whitney suffered a heart attack and had to be admitted to the hospital in Presque Isle. She was scheduled to be transported to EMMC in Bangor that following Monday. Please keep her and Ken in your prayers. On a brighter note, we are looking forward to the Blueberry Festival in Machias August 14-17. This centers around the Blueberry Festival activities although those who want usually get together for Pot Luck on Friday and Saturday evenings. After that is our Fall (and business) meeting at Balsam Woods Campground in Abbot September 5-7. Reservations may be made by calling Matt or Jamie at 207876-2731. Mention you are with the Anah Kampers. Our Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 7th at Shrine Headquarters. I will give more details when I receive them. August Birthdays are: Maria Bagley, Allen Chase, Bonnie Chase, Ora Farnsworth, Dale Nelson, Bob Ring, Bill Sinford and Darlene Wilson. August Anniversaries are: John & Sylvia Currier; Runtz & Ora Farnsworth; Gordon & Connie Lawrence; Perley & Karen Merrick; and Wilbert & Jo Terry are celebrating their 60th – Congratulations. As always, contact me with any errors, omissions or with any news (lblyt@yahoo. com/321-693-5717). By the time you get this months Anahgram, August will be with us. As I write is during the first week of July, Arthur has just left us. Hopefully no one received any damage from the high winds and that anyone who lost power, got it back quickly. We did need the rain though, so I guess it was just a trade off. Six convertible unit members ventured to a Fourth of July parade in Jonesport which had been postponed until the 7th because of Arthur. We had a nice convoy to Jonesport. The Blackswoods road will test your suspension to the max though. Arriving in Jonesport and after several turn arounds, we finally got lined up for the parade. We finally averted a crisis and figured out how to open Noble Toms trunk and joined in a great parade. Our wives wereable to ride with us and that was a first for my bride. Seemed like the whole towns of a Jonesport, Addison and Beales turned out for the event and it was great fun. No one reported any gossip from the gathering in Presque Isle other than that it was a well supported and fun weekend for all in attendance. Lady Lorraine and I had out of state visitors and were sorry to have missed the event. Our last trip to Presque Isle was fun as well. A few people are celebrating birthdays this month. Both Noble Terry and Lady Roberta are blowing out candles this month. One cake? Noble Dale Nelson will be holding his breath so that he can blow out all the candles and still have the energy to eat the cake. Three couples are celebrating their wedding anniversaries as well this month. Noble Tom and Lady Carroll Fernald, Noble Walter and Lady Leona Gurschick and myself and Lady Lorraine. Guess I’ve got no excuse to forget that reminder. Not much else to report from here. Summer is rapidly disappearing, much like the wine in my glass, so enjoy every day of it while it is here. Remember the NSA Shrine Field Days in Springfield, Ma, August 21 thru August 24. Be healthy, keep your heads up and your tops down. It’s all for the kids! PAST MASTERS UNIT Noble Gordon E. Reynolds Reporter Many thanks to the Nobles of the Past Masters Unit that helped to present the A Mason lecture to the class of June 2014 Candidates dedicated in honor of Tom Clukey. Noble Alan Bay acted as Marshal and delivered the lecture. Noble Grayson Wentworth carried the first letter A. Noble Randy Adams carried the second letter A. The letter O was carried by noble Keith Dewitt followed by Noble Stan Reed with the letter N. Noble Donald “BOBO” Young carried the letter M with Noble Kenneth Swett President of the Past Masters Unit carrying the letter S. President Kenneth Swett represented the Past Masters Unit in the parade by riding with The Convertibles Unit and placing Magnet signs on the car with the Past Masters Unit Emblems on them. We followed right behind MW David A. Walker Grand Master of Masons in Maine who also rode with the Convertibles Unit. Many Thanks to Anah Shriners Convertibles Unit for allowing us to ride with them. We had a very brief discussion At our July monthly meeting on our annual steak/ lobster picnic to be held on August 17, the 3rd Sunday in August. Same place as it has been the past few years. To our members … please notify Noble Continued on page 23 August 2014 23 Continued from page 22 Ken Swett, our President, if you would rather receive notice of our monthly meetings via calling post or via e-mail. His phone no. is 207-848-3866. E-mail is [email protected]. Your reply to him would be most helpful. The Anah Shrine Past Masters will exemplify the Master Mason Degree upon your candidate if you so desire. Please contact Ken Swett (address above) if you would like us to do so. Our meetings are held the 2nd Sunday of the month at the Bangor Masonic Center, Seminary Hill, 294 Union St., Bangor (the old Bangor Theological Seminary). We meet on the 2nd floor in the Board Room at 2:00 p.m. Note: our August meeting will be held at the picnic on the THIRD SUNDAY, THE 17th of August at the home of Noble Greg Russell. Remember, you can belong to the Past Masters Unit and also another unit of the Shrine if you so desire. Contact Ken Swett if you wish to join us. Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter Here we are August, last month of summer, could be a frost by the end of the month. Parades are starting to wind down. Last month we lost Machias and Winslow on the 4th, and Jonesport on the 5th because of old Arther coming up the coast. We did manage to get Eastport in and the weather was beautiful, but by the time we had supper it was starting to rain. Parades this month will be Dover-Foxcroft on the 2nd and Hermon on the 9th. Also September 1st we will be at Harmony. Birthday wish’s this month go to Neil Hanson, Mary Shedd, Mike Havey, and Dan Leighton. Happy birthday to all, and Mary we are sorry to put you with such an ugly bunch. Anniversary’s are Jeff and Sandra Perkins, Dale and Gloria Blake, and Jim and Jane Russell. I think those girls could have done a lot better. Dale does tell a story about some girl coming to Lincoln looking for a Blakee-boy! As always we would like to have some new members. If interested just call myself at 794-6675. Just because your Blue Lodge is dark this summer, remember that some Lodges go all summer long, a great chance to renew old friendships! Until next time, SEE YA! Your local energy contractor YourIN local energy contractor $1500 REBATES AVAILABLE NOW! Call 207-469-6100 today for your free energy consult Call 207-469-6100 today Call 207-469-6100 today to schedule your free energy consult Energy Audits Efficiency Upgrades for AUDITS your free consult ENERGY | energy WEATHERIZATION Energy Audits Efficiency Upgrades The Anahgram 24 Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band has been very busy with our parades and we are looking forward to continuing that tradition for the rest of the summer. We all had a wonderful time playing at the 4th of July parade with all of our friends of the Anah Band. We were also able to play again the following day at the town of Newport’s 200th celebration. For a short parade it was packed full with tons of floats and people flocked to watch the parade. We really are inspired by all the energy. Special thanks goes out to Sean Harrington, our back-up driver to jumping on the float and taking care of the Cymbals duty. He had never played them before but a quick lesson from our director Earl and he was well on his way to a lifelong musical career! We are in hopes that others will follow Sean’s example and take on learning a new instrument. Brass, wind, piano, guitar, or piano lessons and instruments provided to any and all who will be willing to learn something new. The more people we have, the more we can earn to give directly to the children at the hospitals.We dedicate Thursday evenings for a practice commitment plus some parades to boot. Practices are currently being held in Bangor at the Shrine and sometimes they are held in Newport. Remember to find that experienced player or an adventuresome Mason to be a noble and take part with us, they are out there. Non-Shriners are allowed to perform with us for any unofficial events so if you know someone who would like to play that is not a Noble, have them call us. Anah Chanters DRYDEN C. DUTCH MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AND DIVAN VISITATION • Thursday, August 14, 2014 • At Northport Country Club • Entry Fee INCLUDES LUNCH AND STEAK FEED DINNER $75.00 per person • Golf only $65.00 SCRAMBLE FORMAT, GOLF CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED ALL MASONS AND SHRINERS ARE INVITED TO PLAY If you don’t golf, don’t miss this Steak Feed for $15.00 per person. LUNCH AT 11:30 AT WSCS • SCRAMBLE FORMAT • CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED • SHOTGUN START AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE NORTHPORT COUNTRY CLUB • 6:00 SOCIAL HOUR AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB • 7:00 P.M. AWARDS AND STEAK FEED AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB PREPARED BY WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAIL ENTRY FORM TO: (Please Be sure to use this address) Dave Bowen 227 North Searsport Rd. Swanville, ME 04915 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Waldo County Shrine Club Amount enclosed: No. at $75.00 _______ =$ _________ enclosed Amount enclosed: No. at $65.00 _______ =$ __________enclosed Name/Names Phone ___________________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ ____________________ Make your own foursome or the committee will assign you. Tel: 207.338.4265 - Cell 323-2411 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Waldo County Shrine Club and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions. Noble Carl Stewart, Reporter We all had a great time at the Ceremonial in Presque Isle and boy, did we sell a lot of jewellery. We really appreciate all you Nobles and your ladies who help us raise money for our unit. Jimmy Leighton wanted me to apologize for him. Several people asked for license plate frames for Shrine Ladies and he told them that we didn’t have any. Later he found that we do have them so they are available if you stop in at the Temple and ask Larry. Continued on page 25 August 2014 25 Continued from page 24 It looks like Summer has finally arrived and I hope you all enjoy it. Happy anniversary to Charlie and Alma Johnson and happy birthday to Jimmy Leighton. Come Spend the Day with Us At the ANNUAL BOB SMITH FAMILY PICNIC KELLY’S POINT, JONESPORT SUNDAY, AUGUST, 17th - 11:00 a.m. Once again, we Wheelers tore up the pavement at the Bar Harbor parade. We did it again in Bangor on the same day. It was avery busy Fourth of July. The town of Jonesport enjoyed our convoy on the sixth of July. I believe our next parade is on the 19th of July in Lincoln. Its good to be together with friends and their families who make this thing called the Anah Wheelers successful. Happy birthday wishes for August are offered to Ladies Kim Smith, Jennifer Bridges, Cindy Pinkham and Julie Robshaw and Noble David Applebee. Capt. Garry Curtis and the officers and members of the Anah Wheelers invite all ‘Roady’ Wannabees, with or without class ‘A’ license, to join the Wheelers, chain drive wallet not required. Parade units provided. Ride with the big rigs. Call Capt. Garry Curtis at 557-6733 or contact the Wheeler of your choice. Teddy TaTa Reporting Clip and save 2014 Schedule for Anah Shriners (Subject to adjustment) August 21-24 NSA Field Days Springfield MA September 13 Noble Appreciation Night Anah temple October 25 Potentate’s Reception Anah Temple Invite a Brother Master Mason to become a Shriner! LOBSTERS • CLAMS • MUSSELS • CORN-ON-THE-COB • STEAKS • HAMBURGERS HOT DOGS AND BLUEBERRY CAKE ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYONE GAMES FOR THE KIDS • Bouncy House • 2 lobsters, Corn, Clams, Cake $20.00 • 1 Lobster Corn, Clams, Cake $15.00 • Steak, Corn, Clams, Cake $20.00 • Hamburgers & Hot Dogs free for the Kids • Camels Milk All Nobles and their families and guests are welcome SPONSORED BY THE WASHINGTON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB AND THE MINI-CAR UNIT Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Washington County Shrine Club and the Mini-Car Unit and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. The Anahgram 26 CALENDAR WINNERS! Day 1-May 2-May 3-May 4-May 5-May 6-May 7-May 8-May 9-May 10-May 11-May 12-May 13-May 14-May 15-May 16-May 17-May 18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 24-May 25-May Name DANA CRORY CLARK SHOREY J. CHAD THOMAS JESSICA RYERSON JEREMY COLE JUDITH VAN NORAM RYAN CLARK JERRY HUTCHINSON BRIAN KNOWLTON SHARON CORMIER BRIAN SAVAGE EUCLIDE LAVOIE DEBRAH CURTIS DANNY TAYLOR ALLIE BOWEN CARL ALLEN JAMES FARLEY DOUG BROCKWAY DAVID CLUKEY GLENDA CHOATE SUSAN BELANGER JAMES OHMEIS MARK GOSS STEVE MARVIN HOLLY CONDON BAKER Town MARS HILL HERMON HAMDEN BREWER SANBORTON PALERMO CARIBOU HOULTON DEXTER BANGOR SEAL HARBOR MILFORD GUILFORD ORRINGTON SWANVILLE PRESQUE ISLE NEWBURGH NEWPORT DEXTER ADDISON LAMOINE SOUTHWEST HARBOR HUDSON ORRINGTON PORTAGE StateAmount ME 25 ME 25 CT 300 ME 25 NH 25 MA 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 100 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 100 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 25 ME 100 ME 25 26-May RICHARD SULLIVAN HOULTON 27-May TAYLOR MERITHEW ORLAND 28-May BRUCE WILLIAMS SPRINGFIELD 29-May NANCY BUCK BAR HARBOR 30-May SPED SEYMOUR BREWER 31-May JUSTIN DORAN LUBEC 1-Jun NANCY GEROW HOLDEN 2-Jun RONALD HANSON BREWER 3-Jun AMANDA HELLUM WALTHAM 4-Jun BRETT ALEXANDER ELLSWORTH 5-Jun JOHN BENNER BELFAST 6-Jun NANCY CHAPMAN BANGOR 7-Jun SCOTT FOLSOM HARMONY 8-Jun JAMES WENTWORTH BANGOR 9-Jun ANGELA COLE MILO 10-Jun NATHAN MERRILL PALMYRA 11-Jun ADAM ATHERTON WALTHAM 12-Jun STEPHANIE LEGASSE ALTON 13-Jun EDWARD MCKENNA HAMPDEN 14-Jun DANA CROCKETT LEVANT 15-Jun FORREST LARRABEE THORNDIKE 16-Jun DONALD MERRILL MILO 17-Jun DEANNE MERRILL MILO 18-Jun SHARON DEMERCHANT PRESQUE ISLE 19-Jun ALLIE BOWEN SWANVILLE ME FL ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME 25 25 25 25 25 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 300 25 25 25 25 25 25 100 25 25 25 25 25 August 2014 27 “In Memory of Our Departed Brother Nobles” HARRY W. BAILEY, Grand Lake Stream Apr. 24, 1941 – June 11, 2014 Raised: 11/13/1967 Belfast Lodge #24 Affiliated with Lewey’s Lodge #138, Princeton 10/2004 Created Anah June 1990 RICHARD L. SMITH, Hampden May/10/1932 – June 11, 2014 Raised: 5/27/1961 Mystic Lodge #65, Hampden Created Anah June 1969 PERLEY E. WHEATON, Millinocket Sept. 7, 1937 – Sept. 2013 Raised: 4/30/1964 Nollesemic Lodge # 205, Millinocket Created Anah Jan. 20, 1990 When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold thier tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volumes three,is locked from sight - God keepeth the key. MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter RONALD H. POTTER, Winterport May 13, 1928 – June 25, 2014 Raised: 3/10/1950 Howard Lodge #69, Winterport Created Anah June 5,1965 LINWOOD E. WHITE, SR. Tolland, CT Oct. 26, 1926 – Oct. 27, 2013 Raised: 6/04/1953 Caribou Lodge #170 Created Anah June 4, 1984 ALSTON B. DEERING, Orient Mar. 28, 1925 – June 29, 2014 Raised 3/4/1952 Baskaheghan Lodge # 175 Created Anah June 18, 1977 CLAY FUNERAL HOME Lincoln,Maine BARTLETT CHAPEL Danforth, Maine CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill The Anahgram 28 Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Gerry & Barbara Marshall, Owners Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! We need your help! The office has over 1,000 calendars that need to be sold at $15 each. This income is absolutely necessary for the operation of your temple. Please help your temple by sending a check for $15 to Anah Temple 586 Main St. Bangor, ME 04401 and we will mail you your calendar. THANK YOU! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Shelly - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Tiffany - Skowhegan 474-6700 AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 186 State Street • Bangor, Maine (207) 990-3929 ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 96 Center Street Bangor, ME 04401 207.947.4569 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS Just looking? That’s ok. Plenty to see here. Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 You ANAHGRAMsuccessful successfulby byusing usingititfor foryour youradvertising advertisingand andpatronizing patronizingthose thosewho whodo. do. You can can help help make make THE The ANAHGRAM AnahShriners Shriners Anah P.O.Main Box Street 735 586 Bangor ME ME 04401 04402-0735 Bangor, AUGUST � �2014 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 WEBB’S RV CENTER LAR RV D GEST EAL ER NEW IN ENG LAN D Rt. 2 Hammond St., Target Industrial Circle, Bangor AS DEMAND GETS GREATER... WE GET BETTER! Call us Today At 942-2900 or 1-800-339-5668 • OV ER 0 50NITS CK U TO S IN AfterYou you lookedsuccessful at the rest. SEE THE BEST! can help have make The ANAHGRAM by using it for yourCOME advertising and patronizing those who do.
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