Freeport NY Daily Review 1945 Nov


Freeport NY Daily Review 1945 Nov
Miss Bradford
Wed In Church Margaret Gillies,
Weds Veteran Emily Aisenbrey
Is Bride O f
W . W . McClintock
nsign Tuthill
Francis M o t t
Miss Marguerite D. Bradford,
•Jtc* of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D.
Kelly of the Bronx, became the
bride of Francis M. Mott, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt L. Mott of
Catalpa avenue. Lynbrook, Sunday. The double ring ceremony
was performed at 3 o'clock at the
Holy Comforter Lutheran church,
Bronx, by the Rev. Walter Fox.
A reception for about 50 guests
loUowed at the Royal restaurant.
The bride, given in marriage
by her cousin, Daniel Kelly, was
attired in a white mousseline de
tote gown made with a train. Her
long veil was of fine net and lace
and she carried a white prayerbook marked with t w o white
orchids. She was attended by Mrs.
Henry Talbot as matron of honor.
Frederick Kleinlein of Inwood
served as best man for the bridegroom. Ushers were Daniel Peters
of Inwood and Charles Thompson
ol Cedarhurst
Mrs. Mott. a graduate of Evander Childs High school, is a teller
in the National City bank, Manhattan. Her husband attended
Lawrence High school, was graduated from Allen town Preparatory school, and was a student at
Lebanon Valley college in Pennsylvania, at the time of his enlistment nearly five years ago. He
and his best man and the ushers
entered the service together and
served together in the 5th field
artillery of the 1st division. They
were participants of the African
campaign and the invasions of
Italy, France and Germany, which
followed. Mr. Mott, Mr. Kleinlein
and Mr. Peters held the ranks of
sergeant, and Mr. Thompson, that
of corporal. All have received their
discharge and Mr. Mott is a member of the 5th precinct, Nassau
County Police After a honeymoon through New England, he
and his bride will make their
home in Oceanside.
Miu Catherine
Mow Mr*.
Miss Catherine
Rosin a,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Rosina of Madison street, Franklin Square, became the bride of
John Howard Trautwein, son ol
Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Trautwtta of Armond street, Hempstead, Saturday. The ceremony
was performed at 1 p. m. in St.
Catholic church, Franklin Square.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a white gown
with a metallic blouse and full net
skirt with a bustle back. Her
fingertip veil fell from an oriental
headpiece and she carried a cascade bouquet of- gardenias . and
white sweet peas.
Mrs. Robert Mayer of Patchogue
was matron of honor for her sister Mrs. Andrew Kuretz of East
Hempstead, a sister of the bridegroom, was a bridesmaid. There
were two flower girls, Patricia
Jane Berteges of Brooklyn, a
cousin of the bride, and Janet
Schlitt of East Hempstead, a niece
of the bridegroom. Ralph Zetterberg of Hempstead served as best
man. Robert Mayer of Patchogue,
a brother-in-law of the bride, was
an usher. A dinner and reception
followed at the Fireside inn,
Hempstead, attended by more
than 50 guests.
Mrs. Trautwein Is a graduate of
Sewanhaka High school and was
employed until recently by C. M.
Johnson company, Beth page. Her
husband, who attended Hempstead
High school, was released from
the U. S. army, October 7, after
a service of four years. He served
for 20 months as staff sergeant
with the armored infantry in Gen.
Patton's Third army and holda the
Bride Is Graduate
Of Nursing School,
Roosevelt Hospital
Wedding Takes Place
' In The Post Chapel
At Fort Myers, Va.
Double Ring Ceremony
Performed In Bronx;
Reception For 50 Held
Martin Wetter pfioto
The former Miss Mary Ann
Leone, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Leone of West
End avenue, Inwood, was married recently, to the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Fiumano of
Brooklyn, at Our Lady of
Good Counsel church, Inwood.
Bronze Star and soldier's medal.
The couple will make their home
in Hempstead upon their return
from a wedding trip to Ohio.
Mercy Junior*
Hear Young
Jean Bohn, 15-year-old pianist,
will entertain members of the
Rockville Centre Junior League
for Mercy hospital, at a meeting,
tomorrow, at 8 p. m., in the MacArthur auditorium m of the hospital, North Village avenue, Rockville Centre.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert C. Bohn of Aldrcd avenue, Rockville Centre, Jean is a
student under Richard McClanahan of Manhattan, and Miss Margaret E. Bradley of Rockville Centre, with whom she has studied
for six years. She is a junior at
Oceanside High school, where she
was formerly accompanist for the
glee club and has been heard in
many entertainments for servicemen, as well as on local radio programs, as a soloist and accompanist.
Miss Harriet Anne Robb will
preside over the business session.
Final plans will be made for the
annual bridge, Friday, at 8:30
p. m., at the Rockville Country
club, under chairmanship of Miss
Margaret Sullivan. Refreshments
will be served by Miss Isabel
Farrell, vice-president, who will
be in charge of the evening's hospitality.
Mi** igne* Quinn
Tell* Bridal
Miss Agnes Elizabeth Quinn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
F. Quinn of Harrison avenue,
Mineola, will become the bride of
Robert Spalholz, son of Dr, William G. Spalholz of College Point
and the late Mrs. Spalholz, Sunday. The ceremony will be performed at 4 p. ra. in the rectory
of Corpus Christi Roman Catholic
church, Mineola.
Miss Margaret Quinn will be
her sister's sole attendant Walter
Bush of Farmingdale will serve
as best man. A reception will follow at the home of the bride's
The bride-elect Is a graduate of
Mineola High school and Mrs.
Skinner's Secretarial school. She
also took a course in mathematics
and engineering at Adelphi college, and is a junior research engineer for Republic Aviation corporation, Farmingdale. Her fiance,
a graduate of Flushing High
school and New York university,
is an aeronautical engineer at Republic.
Announcement has been made
of the marriage of Miss Margaret
Fleming Gillies, seaman first class
of the WAVES, daughter of William Gillies of Quincy, Mass., and
the late Mrs. Gillies, to Ensign
Roger Wayne Tuthill, U. S. N. R.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C Wayne
Tuthill of Merrick road. Seaford.
The wedding took place in the
post chapel at Fort Myers, Arlington, Va., with Lieutenant-Commander A. R. Reed, navy chaplain, officiating.
Miss Gloria Shue, yeoman third
class of the WAVES, was maid of
honor; and Lieutenant (j. g.)
George J. Albert of Merrick, now
stationed in Washington, D. C ,
was best man. A reception was
held at the home of Lieutenant
Albert, Burk, Va. Ensign Tuthill
and his bride have returned from
a honeymoon in New England and
pwpweev imm<.m*m *r §
were guests over the week-end at
James V. Wilson photo
the home of his parents.
The bride is a graduate of
Mrs. Phelan was Miss AuQuincy schools and attended a
drey Marie Lambui before her
business school in Boston, Mass.,
recent marriage to the son of
where she later was employed in
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phelan
the advertising department of the
of North Grove street, FreeChristian Science Publishing soport. The bride's parents are
ciety. She enlisted in the WAVES
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
in September, 1944, and is staLambui
of Capitolian bouletioned at the navy department buvard,
Centre. The
reau of personnel, Washington,
bridegroom served 30 months
D. C.
overseas with the marines beEnsign Tuthill was graduated
fore his recent discharge. The
from Amityville High school and
will reside in Florida.
Pratt institute, Brooklyn, where
he majored in electrical engineering. He was with ths General Mis* Marion
Electric company at Schenectady, Has Church
three years, until he was commisMr. and Mrs. Joseoh Persico, of
sioned in the navy in August,
avenue, Lawrence, have
announced the marriage of their
Baldwin Junior*
daughter, Miss Marion Persico, to
August Juliano, .son of Mrs. Mary
The Baldwin Junior League for Juliano, of Walter avenue, InMercy hosoital will sponsor a wood. The ceremony took place on
membership tea at MacArthur hall Sunday at 8 p. m., at St. Joachim's
at the hospital. December 16, at Roman Catholic church, Cedar-s
3:30 o'clock. Mrs. David I. Turn- hurst, with the Rev. Francis
bull, adviser for the league, and Flanagan officiating.
Mrs. Raymond Pitts are co-chairThe bride, given in marriage by
men of arrangements for the her father, wore a gown of white
lace and organdie w i t h long
Plans for the tea were made at sleeves and square neck. Her veil
a meeting, Friday night, at the was fingertip length and fell from
Boy Scout house. The next meet- a crown of pearls. She carried
ing is scheduled for December 14, white orchids.
at 8 o'clock, at the Boy Scout
Mrs. Ann Singer, the bride's
sister, was her only attendant, and
Sergeant Alfred Juliano was best
man for his brother. Ushers were
Peter Cimlno and Nicholas Carnucci. A reception followed at the
home of the bride's sister-in-law,
Mrs. Joseph Persico, of Albermarle
road, Cedarhurst. The couple arc
on a two weeks' trip. Mrs. Juliano
is a graduate * * Lawrence High
school and was employed a'
Sperry's before her marriage.
Miss Kip's engagement to
Robert Timmona McCluskey,
U, S. N. R., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A y l i n g McCluskey of New Haven, Conn.,
was recently announced by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
A. Kip, Jr., of Second street,
Garden City.
GaUntta* 0{ Gomituj, Coe+tU—ReUftotU, Gudc, And
American Association of University Women (Nassau)—Annual
guest night, at Legion clubhouse,
8:15 p. m.
Book club (Baldwin)—Meeting,
home of Mrs. H. G. Meinker,
Hart street, 8 p. m.
Catholic Daughters of America,
Court S t Cecelia (Hempstead)
—Meeting, at clubhouse, 8 p. m.
Companions of the Forest, Friendship circle (West Hempstead)—
Meeting, at Odd Fellows hall,
Hempstead, 8 p. m.
Ce-operative Society for Spastica
(Nassau)—Meeting, at Lynbrook High school, 8:30 p. m.
Delta Omega Epsilon sorority
(Merrick)—Anniversary dinner,
at South Shore terrace, 8 p. m.
Daughters of America, Julia T.
Rath council (Wantagh)—Meeting, at firehall, 8 p. m.
Degree of Pocahontas. Red Wing
council (Hempstead) — Card
party, at Junior Order hall, 8
p. m.
East End Allied Civic council
i Bellmere)—Organization meeting, at school, 8:30 p. m.
Lmptre Hose auxiliary (Merrick)
—Meeting, at firehall, 8:30 p. m.
Episcopal Church of the Ascension
(Rockville Centre) — Mortgage
burning ceremony, at church,
8:15 p. m.
Horticultural society (Long Island)—Dinner meeting, at Garden City hotel, 6 p. m.
League for Mercy hospital Juniors
(Freeport)—Meeting, home of
Mrs. Edward Beauiieu, Devon
road, Hempstead, 8 p. m.
Mothers' club (Lakeview)—Games
party, at Wood field road flrehouse. G:30 p. m.
National Association of Letter
Carriers, auxiliary (Rockville
Centre)—Meeting, home of Mrs.
Mecking, 22 Brooklyn avenue,
Merrick. 8 p. m.
Nations! Education week (Freepart)—Program, at Seaman avenue school, 8:15 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (Baldwin)—Meeting,
school, 8:15 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (Island Park)—Fathers' night, at
school, 8 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (East
Meadow)—Meeting, at Front
street school, 8:15 p. m.
(Hempstead)—Meeting, at Fulton street school, 7:45 p. m.
School Nurse-Teachers association
(Nassau)—Meeting, at Nassau
hospital, Mineola, 8 p. m.
Sons of the American Revolution
(Long Island)—Dinner meeting,
at; Freeport Elks club, 7 p. m.
Temple Emanu-El.
(Lone Beach)—Meeting, at temple, 8:30 p. m.
VUlage Officials association (Nassau)—Meeting, at Garden City
village hall, 8:30 p. m.
(Hempstead)—Meeting, at hall,
8 p. m.
Cancer committee (Nassau)—Annual institute, at Garden City
hotel, all day.
Central Synagogue, Women's organization (Rockville Centre)—
Bazaar, at Masonic temple, 9
a. m.
Christ Lutheran church, Ladies
Aid society (Wantagh)—Christmas sale, at church hall, 2 p. m.
Community club, music department (Garden City-Hempstead)
—Annual visit to County home
and hospital, 2:30 p. m.
Companions of the Forest, Franklin Delano Roosevelt circle
(Lakeview)—'Meeting, at Woodfield, road firehouse, 8 p. m.
Daughters of the American Revolution, Lord Stirling chapter
Centre) —Meeting,
home of Mrs. A. G. Wright, 60
Berkshire road, 2 p. m.
Daughters of the British Empire,
St. Dunstan's chapter (Rockville Centre)—Meeting, home of
Mrs. Bryce Anderson, Roxen
road, 8:15 p. m.
Evangelical Church of the Good
Shepherd, Ladies circle (Hempest place, 1:30 p. m.
St. Christopher's rectory, Baldwin, was the scene Saturday at
4 o'clock of the wedding of Miss
Emily E. Aisenbrey, daughter of
Mrs. John C. Aisenbrey of Parkview place, Baldwin, and the late
Mr. Aisenbrey, and William Walter McClintock, son of Mrs. Arthur
G. Mandeville of Superior road,
The Rev. Francis Burns officiated. Mill Doris Heyser of Woodcliff, N. J., attended the bride as
maid of honor, and Joseph Leopold
of Jackson Height! acted as best
man. The bride's gown was of
white satin and chiffon with a
train, and her veil fell from a
coronet. She carried white roses
and orchids. A reception for 40
guests followed at Lincoln inn,
Rockville Centre.
After a motor trip upstate, Mr.
and Mrs. McClintock will reside
in New York city. The bride is
a graduate of St. Christopher's
school and Baldwin High school,
class of 1140, and the Roosevelt
Hospital School of Nursing in New
York. An alumnus of Sewanhaka
High school, Floral Park, and New
York University School of Engineering, Mr. McClintock is associated with pan-American Airways
as an aeronautical engineer.
Mis* Lucas
To George
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerlach of
Thelma avenue, Merrick, have announced the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Arlene Jean Lucas,
to George Slaterpryce of Grand
avenue, Ballmore, son of Aubrey
Slaterpryce of Fletcher avenue,
North Merrick, and the late Mrs.
Miss Lucas attended Mepham
Central High school. North Bellmore, and is employed by the
Doubleday, Doran and company,
Garden City. Her fiance joined the
army in 1941, and served overseas
three yearg in the South Pacific.
He received his honorable discharge two months ago.
Federation of Republican Women
(Nassau)—Annual election and
luncheon, at Garden City country club, 11 a. m.
Hadassah (Nassau)—Meeting, at
Community center, Lyrsbrook,
1:30 p. m.
Home Bureau (Baldwin)—Stuffed
toys class, home of Mrs. Arthur
Dahl, 19 Barth drive, 8 p. ra.
Izaak Walton league (Nassau)—
Meeting, at Baldwin house, 8:30
p. m.
Jewish Sisterhood (Oceanside)—
Card party, at Presbyterian
church hall, 8 p. m.
League for Mercy hospital (Garden City)—Luncheon-bridge, at
Hempstead Elks club, 12:30 p. m.
League for Mercy hospital, juniors
(Rockville Centre)—Meeting, at
hospital, 8 p. m.
League for Mercy hospital (Rockville Centre)—Harvest festival,
at hospital, 2 p. m.
Long Island Real Estate board
(Hempstead)—Dinner meeting,
at Shadow Lawn restaurant, 7
p. m.
Memorial Presbyterian church,
(Roosevelt) — Luncheon and
meeting, at church, at noon.
Methodist church, Women's society birthday group (Freeport)—
Meeting, home of Mrs. Albert
Hammond,' South Ocean avenue,
2 p. m.
Methodist church, Women's society (Freeport)—(Rummage sale,
at church hall, all day.
Moses A. Baldwin relief corps.
(Hempstead) — Meeting,
of Mrs. Charles Holmgren, Forstead Gardens)—Meeting, home
Dauch's hall, 8 p. m.
National Education week (Freeport) — Programs, at Archer
street and Columbus avenue
schools, 8 p. m.
Opera (Hempstead)—Carmen, at
high school, 8 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (Baldwin) — Meeting, at Shubert
school, 2:30 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (North
Merrick)—Meeting, at school, 3
p. m.
Music Club
Greets New
Mrs. William Learsch and Mrs.
Lester Babcock welcomed new
members and associate members
of the Woodmere Music club,
which met recently at the home
of Mrs. Carl M. Luther, Buckingham road, Cedarhurst.
An all-American program was
arranged and Mrs. Henry Joseph
gave a short resume of composers
whose works were heard, that
afternoon. Mrs. Harry Shulman
sang a group of American songs
and Miss Ruth Nilion played several piano selections.
Mri. Luther, as chairman of the
music library committee, announced that music of general interest had been donated by members to the Peninsula library.
Miss Nilson will give a recital at
Steinway hall, Sunday at 3 p. m.,
it was announced. Frances Ives,
assisting artist, will sing several solos. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Babcock or at
the hall.
Miss Dolores
Weds Navy
St. Catherine of Sienna Roman
Catholic church, Franklin Square,
was the scene, Saturday, of the
wedding of Miss Dolores Genevieve Donlon, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Donlon of Maloon
avenue, Franklin Square and Edward E. Ambrose, son of Mrs.
Edna Curley of Lawrence avenue,
Malvcrne, and the late Edward
Ambrose. The ceremony wai performed at a 10 a. m. nuptial mass
by the Rev. Frank Curley of
Fordham university,
a' stepbrother of the bridegroom.
The bride, escorted to the altar
by her father, wore a long-trained
white satin gown, Queen Anne
style. Her fingertip veil was
draped from, a crown of orange
blossoms and she carried a bouquet of gardenias and bouvardia.
Miss Theresa Donlon was maid
of honor for her sister and Mrs.
John O'Donnell of Norfolk, Va., a
sister of the bridegroom, and Miss
Jane Donlon, of New York city, a
cousin of the bride, were bridesmaids. Thomas
Mastaccio of
Brooklyn served as best man and
brother, and Joseph Curley, a
Step-brother of the bridegroom,
were ushers. A reception and wedding breakfast for about 100
guests followed at Niedersteln s.
Mrs. Ambrose is a graduate of
Sewanhaka High school, where
she was a member of the National
Honor society. She is employed at
the Franklin Square National
bank. Her husband, s graduate of
Silesian High school, New Rochelle, and Mount S t Mary college, Baltimore, Md., entered the
U. S. navy four years ago. For the
entire period, he served on the
U. S. S. "Mississippi" as a storekeeper second class, taking part in
eight major campaigns in the Pacific, for which he wears eight
battle stars. Receiving his discharge two months ago, he is employed in the advertising department of the New York JournalAmerican.
Upon their return from an automobile trip through New England,
the couple will live in Malverne.
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Parent-Teacher association (Hellmore)—Meeting, at school, 2
p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (West
Hempstead)—Meeting, at Chestnut street school, 8:30 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (West
Hempstead)—Meeting, at Eagle
avenue school, 8 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (Oarden City)—Eighth.grade mothers' tea, at Cathedral school, 3
p. m.
(Hempstead)—Meeting, at Ludlum school, 8 p. m.
Parent-Teacher association (Uniondale)—Meeting, at Northern
parkway school, 3:15 p. m.
Plata Home and School association
• (Baldwin)—Dessert-bridge,
school, 1:15 p. m.
Revolver and Rifle association
(Freeport)—Meeting, at range,
8:30 p. m.
St. Andrew's Episcopal church,
Women's guild (Oceanside)—
Fair, at church, afternoon and
St. Paul's Episcopal church, Social
< club (Roosevelt) — Rummage
sale, at church, all day.
Marks Methodist church
Centre)—Anniversary program, at church, 8 p. m.
Ski club (Garden City)—Meeting,
at Cathedral house, 8:30 p. m.
South Nassau Communities hospital auxiliary (Freeport)—Dessert-bridge, at Legion dugout,
1:30 p. m.
Square club (Long Beach)—Meeting, at Legion clubhouse, 8:30
p. m.
Vocational Education and Extension board (Nassau)—Class, at
Main street flrehouse, East
Rockaway, 8 p. m.
Card party, at Legion hall, 1:30
p. m.
Women's elub (Massapequa)—
Meeting and tea, at Grace Episcopal parish house, 12:30 p. m.
Woman's elub (Nassau)—Meeting,
at Coral house, Baldwin, 2 p. m.
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T E L . F R E E P O R T 83
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Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
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Here'i the clean, modern way to
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The Bellmore American Legion
post will meet tonight at 8:30
o'clock, in the dugout, Hoyle street.
Commander August Freitag will
nrcade. I
Miss Dorothy
Will Be Sunday
Miss Dorothy Adele Gilligan,
daughter of Mr., and Mrs. William
E. Gilligan of Lakewood boulevard, Lynbrook, has chosen Saturday for her marriage to John
Lehner, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Lehner of Youngstown.
Ohio. The double ring ceremony
will be performed at a nuptial
mass at 11 a. m. at St. Raymond's
Roman Catholic church, East
Rockaway by the Rev. Martin
, Miss Gilligan has selected for
her matron of honor, her sister,
Mrs. Andrew B. Creo; and as
bridesmaids, Miss Elizabeth Dorgeloh of Rutherford, N. J.,
and Miss Eleanor Shaw of Forest
Hills. Major Creo will serve as
best man for Mr. Lehner and Kenneth E. Welsh and William A.
Cruickshank of Youngstown will
usher. A reception will follow at
WAN1 ADS—Lynbrook: Telephone Lynbrook 4000 I
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