2015 CFCC Annual Report - Community Foundation for Cloud County


2015 CFCC Annual Report - Community Foundation for Cloud County
Community Foundation for Cloud County
Vehicle for Good
Connecting people who care
with causes that matter
Vehicle for Good
The Community
Foundation for Cloud
County serves as a
vehicle to receive
gifts from individuals,
families, businesses and
organizations to establish
endowment funds that
will provide grant awards
for years to come. All
gifts received are carefully
invested and the income
from endowments is
used to make grants to
charitable causes.
Letter from the
Executive Director
Giving Vehicles
Dane G. Hansen
Community Grant Fund
Match Madness
Founders & Builders
Funds & Grants
Foundation Finance
2014 - 2015
Alberta Neel, Chairman
Rodney Imhoff, Vice-Chairman
Quentin Smith, Treasurer
Harley Adams
Darla Bebber
Charlie Bowers
Scott Condray
Michael R. Dove
Joann Freeborn
Ron Johnson
Janet Lowell
Josh Meyer
David Redmond
Sr. Mary Jo Thummel
Dr. Danette Toone
Foundation Mission
Our mission is to meet
charitable community needs
through leadership, grants,
and donor services.
Letter from the Executive Director
A Tool to be Used
Fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 was a very good year for the Community
Foundation for Cloud County (CFCC). The theme for the year “Vehicle for
Good” was most appropriate considering last year’s growth and activities.
CFCC is pleased to recognize the establishment of 10 new funds in the
Foundation. An emphasis of the Foundation has always been being a “tool
to be used”, and during this last year these new funds were established:
a pass-through fund - Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund; a donor
advised fund - CF Sunshine Foundation Fund; two scholarship funds – Carol
Puckett Memorial Scholarship Fund and CF Sunshine Scholarship Fund; a
provisional fund – Broadway Plaza Fund; two designated funds – CHS 50
Year Class Reunion Endowment Fund and Chavey Charitable Fund; and three
organization funds - Concordia Senior Citizens Center Fund, Broadway Plaza
Operating Fund, and First United Methodist Church Foundation Fund.
For the fiscal year, the Foundation had over $675,000 in additional
community investment and over $229,000 investment income. The
community’s investment in the 49 funds in the Foundation as of June 30,
2015 totaled over $6,180,000. Forty of existing funds received additional
investments during this last year and 29 funds participated in the 83 grants
awarded, totaling over $324,000.
Over the last five years, a substantial growth factor for the CFCC has been our
participation in the Kansas Health Foundation’s (KHF) GROW II Matching
Grant (six year) Program. The CFCC has fulfilled the requirements of this
matching grant program, and has received $150,000 for the KHF Operating
Fund for Cloud County and $150,000 for the KHF Fund for Cloud County
from the Kansas Health Foundation. CFCC has also received the maximum
administrative grant accompanying this program in an amount of $63,000.
Since the Foundation’s inception in 2002, deserving thanks are the 52
founders, the 40 past and present board members, the 44 “Builders” and all of
our fund holders and donors who have made investments in Cloud County’s
future. The Community Foundation will continue to serve forever our
donors and charitable organizations in addressing the charitable
needs of Cloud County citizens. With your support
we can continue having success by being a
“Vehicle for Good”. Thank you.
~Robert L. Steimel
Executive Director
Giving Vehicles
With over
1 million public
charities in the United States, we
recognize that donors have a multitude of options
to spend their charitable dollars. However, by establishing a
fund at the Community Foundation, donors have the flexibility to
create and shape their own charitable fund to reflect their personal
goals and desires. Below is a list of different fund types, or “giving
vehicles,” to help donors accomplish those goals.
Designated Funds allow donors to identify one or more charities to receive
annual grant distributions in perpetuity. If the designated charity no longer
exists, the Foundation board of directors will redirect the funds to a similar
charitable need ensuring that the donor’s intent is always honored.
Donor Advised Funds are one of the most flexible funds at the Foundation.
Donors can make grant recommendations to charitable organizations from
their fund and also have the ability to pass their fund to future generations.
Field of Interest Funds enable donors to focus their giving on a particular
area of interest like arts and education or a specific geographic area. The
Foundation works with a grants committee to administer grants in a way
that achieves the donor’s overall objectives.
Scholarship Funds give donors the opportunity to provide educational support
for students at any level of education. Donors may designate a particular field
of study, a specific educational institution, and/or eligibility requirements.
The Impact Fund for Cloud County is an unrestricted fund that is flexible
and responsive to current and future community needs. Grants are
administered by the Foundation through a competitive application process
and support a variety of local charitable causes and organizations. Funding
from this grant program comes from many different donations. Gifts of
any size are welcome additions to this important community grant fund.
Organization Funds are established by a nonprofit organization with the
purpose of building long-term sustainability. Contributions to the fund can
be made by the organization as well as third party donors.
Funds for the Future enable donors to set up a bequest to their community
and directs the contributions to nonprofits and charitable causes that align
with their interests and passions.
Pass Through and Provisional Funds are established by a group or
organization that is raising money for a specific charitable community
project. These funds can also be used by donors to give immediate grants.
If the project does not happen, donors who contributed to this fund can
redirect their gift to a different charitable cause of their choice.
The Administrative Fund is the engine that keeps the Foundation going.
Donors that contribute to this fund are helping support Foundation
operations and enabling it to further its mission to meet charitable
community needs through leadership, grants and donor services.
Dana Brewer
Kathryn Carter
Dr. Bonnie Cramer
Jim Douglass
Cathy Feriend
Phil Gilliland
John Gisselbeck
John Herbin
Dr. Kim Krull
Norman Johnson
Jim Kerr
Don LacKamp
Mike Lamm
Kirk Lowell
Marilyn Martin
Carol Miller
Harold Poland
Susan Retter
Robert Steimel
Beth Whisler
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund
Dane G. Hansen was a man who amassed enormous wealth without
losing the common touch and always found time to help others. He
made part of his fortune by starting an earth-moving business which
evolved into road and bridge construction that spread over 26 counties
in northwest Kansas.
When Mr. Hansen died on his 82nd birthday in 1965, he left the bulk of
his fortune to establish the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. The primary
goal of the foundation was to make communities in northwest Kansas
better places to live as his lasting legacy.
This year, the Greater Salina Community Foundation received an
$800,000 grant from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation of Logan as
part of a new pilot grant program. The Greater Salina Community
Foundation and nine of its affiliates will operate as a charitable vehicle
for 16 out of the 26 counties in the northwest Kansas Hansen service
area. Each county, including Cloud County, received $50,000 to award
in the form of competitive grants to a variety of community projects
with an emphasis on programs or projects that include community
involvement and volunteerism.
Gary Poore, a trustee of the Dane G. Hansen Foundation commented,
“We’re very pleased to start this pilot project as a part of our overall
mission to improve the quality of life for the citizens of northwest
Kansas. We think that community foundations are in a unique position to
find and fund projects that will have the most impact in our local areas.”
Grants are limited to up to $5,000 and are
restricted to the following fields of interest:
• Community beautification
• Health & Human Service
Mr. Hansen may have made a living by connecting people through
roads and bridges, but it is his estate gift that is making the biggest
impact by connecting people with causes that matter.
Grants Awarded
Neighborhood Initiatives, Inc.-$2,025
Reading with Friends is a free monthly storytelling program in which local volunteers read
books to children age 3-5. Each child receives their own copy of the book to take home.
City of Glasco-$5,000
Purchase three more lantern lights, sand and paint for the playground equipment, rubber
mulch to place under the equipment and a fence to complete the tennis court area.
Christmas Lighting Committee-Concordia Chamber of Commerce-$2,500
Repainting and re-wiring the aging snowflakes for Concordia Christmas light display.
Miltonvale Educational Charitable Foundation-$1,000
Renovation of an iconic structure (Bandshell) built by WPA workers in the 1930’s.
National Orphan Train Complex, Inc.-$2,000
NOTC in conjunction with volunteer builders from the NCK Model Railroaders will buy
materials for construction of an permanent interactive model railroad display.
National Orphan Train Complex, Inc.-$2,500
A shelter will be constructed to protect a 1860’s era rare wooden passenger train car.
USD #224 Clifton-Clyde High School-$590
Flagpole beautification project by laying landscaping blocks around an existing flagpole
in front of the high school and then start a flag education program for the students.
Freedom Board, Inc.-$5,000
Remove and replace concrete slabs south and east of the building, and resurface
driveway and north parking area with millings to create an adequate drain field.
Pawnee Mental Health Services, Inc.-$920
Purchase therapeutic puppets, sand tray figurines and dress up clothing.
Cloud County Health Center, Inc.-$5,000
Purchase HP 1040 Storage Area Network (SAN) Array for the hospital’s computer system.
Clyde Ball Association-$500
Purchase supplies to build a new stone and brick backstop behind home plate.
~continued on page 8
Dane G. Hansen Community Grants Awarded
Concordia Lions Club-$4,000
Purchase of 15 trees for planting at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. The cemetery serves as a
walking space for community members.
NCK CASA, Inc.-$4,700
Funds to purchase a new computer, equipment to establish a server independent from
the Health Department, technical support and chairs for the Interview Room used when
children are being interviewed in suspected child sexual abuse cases.
Brown Grand Opera House, Inc.-$5,000
The Brown Grand has developed an initiative to replace outdated technology throughout
the theater. This will help attract high quality performers by updating to 21st century live
performance standards.
Neighborhood Initiatives, Inc.-$700
Funds will bring world renowned speaker, Don McPherson to Concordia to give a
presentation on domestic violence and sexual assault to high school and college youth as
well as the general public.
North Central Kansas Community Band-$2,500
Funds will be used to purchase sheet music for the North Central Kansas (NCK)
Community Band and the adjunct ensemble, the Cloud Kicks Jazz Band. All music will be
housed in the Music Library at Cloud County Community College (CCCC).
Concordia Chamber of Commerce-$2,500
Purchase trees and flower pots for downtown Concordia for beautification project.
Foundation Statistics
Total Assets: $6,180,729
Number of Funds:49
Grants Awarded*:$324,512
Total Grants Awarded:$1,215,236
(*July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)
One way we achieve our mission is to inspire and enable donors to fulfill
their charitable desires. Connecting them with causes that matter is what
the Foundation is all about.
Anonymous Donor
Abate District 9
Harley & Darla Adams
Aggson Sullivan Partnership
Dave Aggson
Denise Aggson
Jordan Aggson
Kiley Aggson
Travis Aggson
Kent & Ellen Anderson
Rodney & Cynthia Anderson
Animal Clinic
Maddy Atkins
The Charles H. & Isabell Blosser Fdn.
Lyle & Theresa Bonebrake
Alice Boschek
Danny & Cindy Breault
Dustin & Dorothy Breault
Dana & Tina & Marie Brewer
Jaren Brown
Steven & Krista Bryant
Gerald & Pamela Campbell
Central National Bank
Champlin Tire Recycling, Inc.
Debra Champlin
Gary Champlin
Chaput Mortuary
Chaput-Buoy Funeral Home
Gerald & Ima Jean Chavey
Lucas Chavey
Judith Christensen
Clark, Mize & Linville, Chtd.
Arlene Clayton
Cloud County Historical Society
Cloud County Wind Farm LLC
Ted & Nancy Collins
Concordia Class of 1964
Concordia Kids Wrestling Club
Concordia Lutheran Church Foundation
Concordia Optimist Club
Concordia Rotary Club
Concordia Senior Citizens Center
Scott & Melinda Condray
Connie S. Walenta Agency
Scott Coppoc
Corner Liquor LLC
John Cox
Sharon Coy
Johnita Crawford
Chuck Culley
John & Linda Culley
Dane G. Hansen Foundation
Carman Davis
Lucas Deal
Sonia Derusseau
Joe & Sandra Detrixhe
Mary Dodson
Clinton & Aimee Duis
Cindy Dunlap
Gary Dvorak
Jodi Ediger
Karl & Camille Elivera
Jackie Eyer
Dan & Shelly Farha
Garrett & Amber Farha
Spencer Farha
Barbara Ferguson
First Presbyterian Church
Fleming Construction
Warren & Joann Freeborn
Chris Garner
Kelby Gartin
Greg Gennette
Jack & Barb Gennette
Mike Gennette
Todd Gennette
Tom Gennette
Ty Gennette
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Gerber
Janice Gordon
Noel & Gloria Hanson
~continued on page 10
Susan Haver
Heartland Acoustics
Max & Michele Heidrick
Mike & Cheryl Holmes
Kay Howard
John & Lynette Huntsinger
Mary Jane Hurley
Brandt & Ashley Hutchinson
Don Hutchinson
Betty James
Melvin & Ora Lee Jeardoe
Ron & Shari Johnson
Steven Johnson
Kansas Health Foundation
Laurie Kasl
Dannie & Deborah Kearn
Kevin & Jennifer Kindel
Lyle & Rose Koerber
James & Ann Lanoue
Fr. Larry Letourneau
Gary & Julie Lohse
Kelsy Longpine
Heather Lowell Newman
Kirk & Janet Lowell
Aline Luecke
Amy Malcolm
Martinelli's Little Italy
Jean McGrath
Lindsay Metcalf
Luann & Michael Miller
Martin & Carol Miller
Ed & Shirley Moynihan
Karl Musick
Wayne & Alberta Neel
Paul & Elizabeth Nelson
Derek & Paula Newlin
Dustin Newlin & Family
Chris & Rachelle Ngo
James & Maria Nuss
OLPH Catholic Thrift Shop
Al & Crystal Paredes
Tim Parker
Duane & Carolyn Piper
Thomas & Diane Price
Pros of Con
Jon Puckett
Robert Puckett
Travis Rasmussen
Trae & Danielle Reames & Family
Marilyn Regier
Stephen & Jane Richard
Kathryn Roberts
Leatrice Rott
Sailing For Success
Sallman Builder's
Brock Sallman
Karl & Debbie Sallman
Larry Sallman
Fran Shaw
Marvin & Barbara Shunn
Jennifer Sieben
Smith Trenching
Marsha Smith
Linden & Julie Snavely
Martha Souchek
Dave Sprauge
Robert & Lorene Steimel
Susan L. Sutton
Loren & Joyce Swenson
Jean Swiercinsky
Kathy Tatum
Mike Tatum
Alex & Jill Taylor
Travis Taylor
Leroy & Joyce Tholstrup
Mary Margaret Tholstrup
Michael & Connie Tholstrup
Doug Thoman
Travis Thurston
Tiresocks, Inc.
Bruce & Lois Tracy
Trelana Farms
Heath Trost
J. Trost
Sherry Trost
Tana Trost
Thomas & Suzanne Tuggle
Mike & Keli Vanderhoff
Mike & Marsha Wentz
Christine Workman
James & Heather Workman
Over $44,000 Raised for Nonprofits
Local nonprofits earned over $44,000 at the Community Foundation’s
Match Madness event on March 10. Area benefactors donated nearly
$25,000 to endowment funds held at the Foundation, those contributions
were matched with an additional $20,000 directly from the Foundation.
The Board was pleasantly surprised with the 2015 Match Madness’s
participation growth of over 500% and the contributions received growth
of over 225% from the 2014 Match Madness.
Twenty-five funds grew their endowments while
also earning a matching endowment donation
from the Foundation when donors contributed.
The top four organizations in earned contributions
included USD #333 Education Fund, CFCC’s
Administrative Fund, Cloud County Foundation
for Health Care Fund, and Child Advocacy Fund
for the Benefit of NCK CASA.
Fun Fact
Community Foundation
for Cloud County
a dn e s s
Did you know that community foundations are
the fastest growing vehicle for giving in the United States?
The Community Foundation for Cloud County is one of
over 750 in the nation. There are more than 80 in the
state of Kansas alone.
The Community Foundation provides many vehicles to honor or remember
a loved one in the form of a memorial or honorarium. Gifts can be made
to a fund that’s already established or a new fund can be created in that
person’s name to leave a lasting legacy.
This year, gifts were received in memory of:
Maridell Steimel
Dorothy Hanson
Carol Puckett
Leonard F. Reedy
Ima Jean Chavey
Maxine Monty
James Stehno
Jimmy Workman
Founding Donors
It was the faith and commitment of our Founders that provided the Cloud
County area with not only a vehicle for giving, but a vehicle for good. For
that we are forever grateful.
Dana, Tina & Marie Brewer
Ronald W. & Susan M. Champlin
Scott R. & Melinda L. Condray
Richard & Pauline Cook
Dale D. & Mary Jane Cool
John F. & Carman L. Davis
Dan & Shelly Farha
Dr. Warren S., Jr. & Rep. Joann L. Freeborn
Steve & Karen Geisler
Delmer F., Jr. & Ruth M. Harris
Darrel & Margo Hosie
Austin F. & Lorene I. Huscher
Joe & Maria Jindra
Norman W. & Sherry M. Johnson
Donald E. & Sharon K. Kling
Donald R. & Robin R. LacKamp
Kirk G. & Janet E. Lowell
Devine & Barbara Montoya
Everett C. & Margaret B. Morgan
Dr. Paul L. & Peggy Nelson
J. Stephen & Faith M. Nyswonger
Susan Retter
E. Phil & Marguerite J. Smith
Quentin C. & Christine A. Smith
Robert L. & Maridell I. Steimel
Thomas M. & Suzanne F. Tuggle
Richard W. & Harriet M. Wahl
Michael L. & Marsha L. Wentz
Beth Whisler
Greg & Kim Wiesner
Steve & Judy Womack
Charles A. & Tamara R. Zimmerman
Babe Houser Motor Co., Inc.
The Seeds
Central National Bank
A gift
of Bank
endowment to the community
City of Concordiato a perennial. It is everlast
Cloud Ceramics
Community aCollege
an illustration,
fund established i
Cloud County Community Resources for Cloud
for $10,000 can designate a charitabl
Inc. an annual grant. Using an
to receive
Health Center,
Inc.considering a
of 8.5%;
to the Foundation for management of
grant payout of 5%; after 15 years tha
Auto Mart, Inc.
have paid out more than $10,000 in gr
charity. The balance of the fund w
Funk Pharmacyall with no additional gifts to
Wind Energy, LLC
At the end of 25 years, the fund will ha
The Jamestown
$19,000 in State
to the charity and h
after 50
Inc.years, that fund will have
to the charity, and have a balance of n
Exchange Bank
original gift of $10,000.
Twin Valley Telephone, Inc.
is the
power of endowment.
& Trust
Wal-Mart Supercenter
Establish a
Named Fund
$10,000 in
cumulative grants
$10,000 gift
$15,500 balance
The Power of Endowment
The Power of Endowment
Assumes 5% annual payout , with a
Builders Campaign Donors
Like our Founders, we are forever grateful for the support of these
generous donors who continue to believe in the vision of the Community
Foundation for Cloud County. With their support, we continue to build the
Foundation resulting in better communities for future generations.
Dana & Tina Brewer
Dale D. & Mary Jane Cool
Scott &foundation
Melinda Condray
M. Hattan
Ron & Shari Johnson
or Cloud
& Cindy Kocher
charitable recipient
& Alberta
an average
Dr. aPaul
L. & Peggy Nelson
of 1%;
A. and
years that fund will
Robert & Lorene Steimel
000 in grants to
& Marsha
he fund
be about
al gifts
Beth & Mark Whisler
Greg & Kim Wiesner
nd will have paid more than
ity and
wasofin $18,600.
response to the
will have granted more than $51,000
Resources to
ance of nearly $35,000; all from an
Our World (GROW II) Healthy Kansas Initiative. It
was a six year $300,000 matching grant. Between
ent. 2010 and 2014, these Builders contributed at
least $5,000 toward building our better tomorrow.
$19,000 in
cumulative grants
$51,000 in
cumulative grants
$18,600 balance
$35,000 balance
Assumes 5% annual payout, with a 1%
administrative fee and a 8.5% rate of return
, with a 1% administrative fee and
Charles H. and Isabell Blosser Fdn.
Brown Grand Theatre, Inc.
Central National Bank
Central National Bank – Junction City
Citizens National Bank
City of Concordia
Cloud County Children’s Trust
Cloud County Fdn. for Health Care Fund
Cloud County Historical Society
Cloud County Wind Farm
Concordia Lutheran Church
Concordia Lutheran Church Foundation
Concordia Rotary Club
Concordia Senior Citizens Center
Concordia Tractor, Inc.
F & A Food Sales, Inc.
Impact Fund for Cloud County (CFCC)
Kansas Health Foundation
Knights of Columbus Council #1142
Nazareth Convent & Academy Corp.
North Central Kansas CASA, Inc.
Notre Dame Scholarship Trust
Salina Regional Health Foundation
Robert & Lorene Steimel Donor Advised Fund
St. John’s Lodge # 133
Trinity United Methodist Church
Twin Valley Telephone, Inc.
Womens Division of the Chamber of
Unified School District #333
Foundation Funds & Grants
The Community Foundation for Cloud County has been used as a vehicle
to make a communities better. Since inception, CFCC has awarded over
$1.2 million in grants that support a broad range of charitable causes-some
grants directed by donors and some determined by our board of directors.
It is the opportunity to make an impact that makes us feel blessed to be
part of this organization.
Impact Fund for Cloud County
2014-2015 Grants Awarded
City of Concordia Police Department-$665
Purchased Light Detection and Ranging Unit for use on US 81 corridors
Cloud County Health Center, Inc.-$250
Mini-grant recipient at CFCC workshop
Cloud County Historical Society-$500
Mini-grant recipient at CFCC workshop
Cloud County Community Resources Council-$6,000
Paid for half the expense for a new heating and air unit for Club 81
Cloud County Community Resources Council-$250
Mini-grant recipient at CFCC workshop
Cloud County Community Resources Council-$530
Purchased stove for Club 81
Cloud County Community Resources Council-$3,722.91
Replaced sign, purchased a refrigerator, freezer locks and mop sink for
Helping Hand program
Concordia Lions Club-$500
Purchased trees for Pleasant Hill Cemetary tree renewal project
Freedom Board, Inc.-$4,100
Remove and replace concrete slabs south and east of the building, and
resurface driveway and north parking area with millings.
Match Madness-$20,000
Matching pool earned by participating funds at the Foundation
Miltonvale Educational Charitable Foundation-$1,000
Renovation of an iconic bandshell built by WPA workers in the 1930’s.
Neighborhood Initiatives, Inc.-$500
Purchased Christmas trees for Christmas Tree Lane event
Smoky Hills Public Television-$2,072
Provided books to low-income children enrolled in Head Start as well as
underwriting for children’s educational television programming
Donor Advised Funds
Current Funds
Blosser Foundation Donor Advised Fund
CF Sunshine Foundation Fund
Robert and Lorene Steimel Donor Advised Fund
Donor Advised Fund 2014-2015 Grantees-$11,000 total grants
Catholic Diocese of Salina
Cloud County Community College
Broadway Plaza Fund
Broadway Plaza Operating Fund
Designated Funds
Current Funds
Chavey Charitable Fund
CHS 50 Year Class Reunion Endowment Fund
Dale D. & Mary Jane Cool Designated Fund
Lorene M. Fraser Designated Fund
Kansas Health Foundation Operating Fund for Cloud County
Margaret Babcock Morgan & Everett C. Morgan Family Fund
Orphan Train Heritage Society of America Designated Fund
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Endowed Memorial Fund
St. Concordia Cemetery Designated Fund
Designated Fund 2014-2015 Grantees-$68,147 total grants
Cloud County Administrative Fund
Cloud County Children’s Trust
Cloud County Community College Foundation
Cloud County Community Resources Council
Concordia Senior Citizens Center
National Orphan Train Complex
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Salvation Army Service Ext Unit
Trinity United Methodist Church
Pass Through Funds
Current Funds
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund
Administrative Funds
Current Funds
Cloud County Administrative Fund
Organization Funds
Current Funds
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cloud County Fund
Broadway Plaza Operating Fund
Brown Grand Theatre Fund
Catholic Youth Education Fund
Child Advocacy Fund for the Benefit of NCK CASA
Cloud County Community College Foundation
Cloud County Community College Student Enrichment Fund
Cloud County Foundation for Health Care, Inc. Fund
Cloud County Historical Society Fund
Concordia Lutheran Church Foundation Fund
Concordia Lutheran Church Fund
Concordia Senior Citizens Center Fund
First United Methodist Church Foundation Fund
Food Bank for Cloud County Community Fund
Frank Carlson Library Fund
Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia Fund
Sunset Home, Inc. Fund
USD #333 Education Fund
Total grants awarded to various organizations-$137,655
Field of Interest Funds
Current Funds
Cloud County Economic Development Fund
Cloud County Public Health Fund
Gelvin-Ingersoll Medical Education Fund
Kansas Health Foundation Fund for Cloud County
Youth Activity Fund
Field of Interest Fund 2014-2015 Grantees-$10,515 total grants
City of Concordia
Cloud County Community College
Neighborhood Initiatives, Inc.
Tailwind Pole Vault Club
Provisional Funds
Current Funds
Broadway Plaza Fund
Cloud County Health Center New Hospital Fund
Scholarship Funds
Current Funds
CF Sunrise Scholarship Fund
Cloud Ceramics Masonry Scholarship Fund
Pauline & Richard A. Cook Family Scholarship Fund
C. Carl Cunningham Rotary Scholarship Fund
Wendy Ann Koch Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wayne & Alberta Neel Scholarship Fund
Carol Puckett Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund 2014-2015 Grantees
$8,250 scholarships awarded (Scholarships paid July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)
Micah Fabarez
Ashley Thoman
Mitchell Long
Christa Deneault
Airika Long
David Strait
Carlee Baumann
Kylie Cailteux
Justin Streeter
Fort Hays State University
Fort Hays State University
Kansas State University
Kansas State University
Kansas State University
Sterling College
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Wichita State University
Your hometown.
Their future.
You’ve enjoyed a good life in a great
community. What would you do to
ensure future generations of Kansans
can say the same?
The Keep 5 in Kansas initiative asks us to
designate just 5% of our estates to our hometown
needs. With a little planning, and help from our
community foundations, we can create permanent
funding for our schools, hospitals, churches, parks,
nonprofits, libraries, and so much more!
Learn more at keepfiveinkansas.com
The Keep 5 in Kansas campaign is sponsored by the Kansas Association of
Community Foundations (kansascfs.org) and the Kansas Health Foundation.
Foundation Finance
GSCF Investment Portfolio
2nd Quarter 2015 --0.20%
Trailing 1 Year
Trailing 3 Years
+41.81% Absolute
+12.30% Annualized
Trailing 5 Years
+79.51% Absolute
+12.40% Annualized
Trailing 10 Years +98.96% Absolute
+7.10% Annualized
CFCC Assets by Type
3 2
Donor Advised - 3%
Administrative - 2%
Designated - 46%
Field of Interest - 6%
Organization - 30%
Scholarship - 5%
Provisional- 1%
Unrestricted - 7%
Investment Info
The Foundation believes the
best longterm performance
will be achieved through a
balanced portfolio consisting
of 75% equities and 25%
fixed income and cash.
As an affiliate of the
Greater Salina Community
Foundation (GSCF), the
funds at the Community
Foundation for Cloud County
are pooled together with all
the funds held by GSCF and
their affiliates. The funds
are invested with Vanguard
and governed by a finance
committee at GSCF.
We are confident in our
performance and rate well
when compared to other
investment pools. Our 5 year
annualized return is 12.40%
and our 10 year annualized
return is 7.10%.
CFCC Total Assets
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Consolidated Statement of
Financial Position
(June 30, 2015)
Wells Fargo CMM
Pooled Investment– Vanguard
Segregated Investment Accounts
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Fund Balance—Principal
Fund Balance—Income
Fund Balance—Spendable
Total Fund Balances
Consolidated Statement of
Gifts & Bequests-Principal
Gifts & Bequests-Income
Dividend Income
Realized Gain on Investments
Unrealized Gain on Investments
Total Revenues
Interfund Gifts
Interfund Grants
Total Transfers
Grants Authorized
Foundation Administrative Contribution
Operating Expenses
Total Expenses
201 W. 6th St.
Concordia, KS 66901
[email protected]