project poster - Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis
project poster - Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis
The Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis is operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the University of Colorado-‐Boulder, the Colorado School of Mines, the Colorado State University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University. Impact of Alkalinity Sources on the Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of CO2 Mineraliza?on Technologies Collaborators: Stanford University (PI-‐Jennifer Wilcox, Adam Brandt, Abby Kirchofer) Imperial College (Sam Krevor) MassachuseGs InsHtute of Technology (PI-‐Charles Harvey and Kurt House) Project Descrip?on A holisHc, transparent life cycle assessment model of a variety of aqueous mineral carbonaHon processes was built using a hybrid process model and economic input-‐output life cycle assessment approach (hybrid EIO-‐LCA). In this study we seek to evaluate the tradeoffs in using various reacHon enhancement process schemes while considering the larger life cycle impacts on energy use and material consumpHon. While previous studies have idenHfied process condiHons opHmal for enhancing the chemical rates of reacHons, no study has yet performed a scheme that opHmizes these condiHons with respect to engineering and economic consideraHon for the goal of producing a viable carbonaHon process. Results of this work will help to determine the miHgaHon potenHal of CO2 mineralizaHon. Accomplishments and Current Status The LCA model allows for the evaluaHon of the tradeoffs between different reacHon enhancement processes while considering the larger lifecycle impacts on energy use and material consumpHon. The net CO2 storage potenHal of aqueous mineral carbonaHon has been evaluated for serpenHne (Se), olivine (Ol), cement kiln dust (CKD), fly ash (FA), and steel slag (SS) across a range of reacHon condiHons and process parameters. • 8 generic process stages comprise the process-‐model core of the LCA tool (Figure 1). • The contribuHon to CO2 emissions for select mineral carbonaHon processes reveals that mixing, heaHng, and grinding are the main energy drivers (Figure 2). AddiHonally, the geographic relaHonship between carbonaHon resources (i.e., industrial alkaline sources) and products (i.e., syntheHc aggregate), CO2 point-‐ sources, and aggregate markets has been invesHgated (Figures 3, 4). 1200 1000 Disposal CO2 Emissions (t/d) Product Transportation Post-reaction processing 800 Mixing Capital investment 600 Fresh water demand Heat loss through tanks Heating solid 400 Heating recycled water Heating fresh water energy solid water CO2 OUTPUTS Extraction Reactant transportation Preprocessing Chemical conversion Postprocessing Product transportation Disposal or reuse Inputs Figure 1 . L ife c ycle p rocess m odel s chemaHc f or a queous m ineral c arbonaHon o f 1 ,000 t C O , b ased o n t he O livine 2 Energy (GJ) 188 52 1,350 3,610 6 150 223 – 1Solid 55 ˚C case; (t)line t1,944 hickness is s caled and mass fluxes. 1,924 to the energy 1,866 1,848 2,819 2,791 2,707 material Water (t) Recycled water (t) Carbon dioxide (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outcomes and Applica?ons 0 0 0 6,659 731 1,000 The life cycle assessment of aqueous mineral carbonaHon Outputs 1,866 1,848 Solid material t(t) suggests hat a1,924 variety of alkalinity sources and process 2,819 0 0 0 7,317 Water (t) configuraHons Water for recycle (t) 0are capable o 0 f net CO 2 reducHons. 0 0 Waste material (t) 19 58 19 102 The esults of t188 his work provide guidance for the Wasterenergy (GJ) 52 1,350 3,610 CO emissions (t) a11 3 100 205 development nd opHmizaHon of viable m ineral carbonaHon technologies. For example: • Process efficiency is maximized by increasing extent reacted through the most energeHcally favorable enhancement measure • Mixing, heaHng, and grinding are the main energy drivers across all processes • Reuse of carbonate as aggregate does not necessarily improve life cycle energy efficiency • Not all alkalinity sources benefit from high reacHon temperatures • Any steps to increase reacHon rates would dramaHcally improve process efficiency. The total CO2 storage potenHal for the alkalinity sources considered in the United States ranges from 1.3% to 23.7% of U.S. CO2 emissions, depending on the assumed availability of natural alkalinity sources and efficiency of the mineral carbonaHon processes. 2 7,317 0 0 2,791 0 0 2,707 0 0 2,791 2,791 731 3,822 6 0 2,707 2,707 0 168 150 10 2,707 2,707 0 0 223 13 Figure 3. Industrial alkaline sources and CO2 point-‐sources in the conterminous United States. 200 Physical preprocessing Transportation SS - 100˚C SS - 25˚C FA - 75˚C FA - 25˚C CKD - reuse CKD - 25˚C Se - 155˚C Ol - reuse Ol - 155˚C Extraction Ol - 105˚C 0 INPUTS Figure 4. Comparison of absolute mined to potenHal syntheHc producHon of aggregate. Figure 2. CO2 emissions per 1,000 t-‐CO2/d sequestered for the carbonaHon processes with net CO2 miHgaHon potenHal. Joint Ins?tute for Strategic Energy Analysis 1617 Cole Blvd. Golden, CO 80401-‐3393 Contacts Jennifer Wilcox [email protected] Adam Brandt [email protected] Samuel Krevor [email protected] Abby Kichofer [email protected] Acknowledgments ValenHna Prigiobbe, Noemi Alvarez, Wenny Ng, and Emilia Dicharry contributed to this research. Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis Annual Meeting March 2012