Tippit Middle School Renovation Design Booklet
Tippit Middle School Renovation Design Booklet
April May19, 2, 2016 DESIGN DOCUMENTS PRESENTATION T I P P I T M I D D L E S C H O O L A D D I T I O N S & R E N OVAT I O N S GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Narrative2 Site Plan TIPPIT MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS 5 Phasing Plans 6-10 Floor Plans 11-12 Exterior Renderings 13-15 Interior Renderings 16-20 GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 1 INTRODUCTION In 2015, Georgetown ISD passed a bond that included $26.1 million dollars for renovations and additions to Tippit Middle School. This construction project is intended to bring the 1980 campus as close as possible to the district’s most recent projects, most notably Middle School #4. In their approach to designing new educational facilities, Georgetown ISD and Huckabee acknowledge that the traditionally designed school is not adequate to facilitate the educational model needed to prepare GISD students for the future. Both parties have worked together during the planning process to define the curriculum requirements and spatial relationships that would facilitate a new model of educational delivery. The goal is to design schools that will prepare students for the work environment of today while being flexible enough to respond to future environments that have not yet been imagined. The following is an excerpt from the Schematic Design Booklet provided to Georgetown ISD for Middle School #4: To begin the design process, Huckabee teamed with a design committee of approximately 15 district staff and community members. From March through June of 2015, the team met on several items to discuss the curriculum to be taught and the manner in which it is to be delivered to the students. The underlying theme that developed from these conversations was one of flexibility. In an effort to reflect the multifaceted environments that students will likely come to work in, educational facilities of today must provide spaces that can transform from one scenario of learning to another. They must allow students to work independently of one another at certain times while being always capable of transforming into larger collaborative environments. They must allow for the teachers to serve in the role of educator in one period and the role of facilitator in the next. They must allow teachers and administrative staff to design and redesign the educational experience on a daily basis. TIPPIT MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT With the theme of flexibility in mind, the design committee met at Huckabee’s office at the Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative in Waco for a two-day planning and design charrette. The purpose of the charrette was to allow the team to be active participants in the development of both the site and building design. The charrettes also demanded that each member think critically about the current methods of instructional delivery, how the facilities impact that delivery, and the opportunities for implementing new methods and ideas. The design committee separated into two groups for the charrette. Discussions regarding site design focused on where the building, parking and athletic facilities should be located with relation to the neighboring Mitchel Elementary School, the existing site’s topography, prominent views, solar paths and prevailing winds. The second group discussed the functions and qualities of the learning spaces, how one learning space behaves in relation to the others, and how the arrangement of spaces allows teachers to interact with students and with one another. On the heels of the BRIC charrette, Huckabee began conceptual designs for the Middle School, incorporating the many adjacencies and spatial relationships discussed among the design committee members. While conceptual designs were being prepared for Middle School #4 in June of 2015, conceptual level drawings for Tippit were underway in order to develop an estimated cost for the work required to provide as much equity as possible between the two campuses. While it was acknowledged that some of the same design elements incorporated into the new Middle School might not be possible at Tippit, the design was to proceed with the same fundamental understanding of how an educational facility should function. The conceptual design for Tippit Middle School was approved on December 17, 2015, and the Schematic Design here in is now provided to Georgetown ISD for approval. CONTINUED NARRATIVE | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 2 SITE DEVELOPMENT Another of Georgetown ISD’s goals for the new Tippit design was to provide a strong street presence. The existing main entrance to the school is largely unidentifiable from Leander Road, and the existing Cafeteria building blocks the view of the educational wings. The most notable building element upon approach to the existing campus is the north façade of the band hall building which lacks any glazing or architectural articulation. The current site plan also lacks adequate parking for teachers, staff and parents, and the parent drop-off que often backs up onto Leander road. The new design will include demolition of the Cafeteria and Band Hall buildings. By utilizing the existing parking lot entrance and the existing curb-cut currently used for cafeteria deliveries, main parking lot off Leander Road will be enlarged and the parent drop-off lane will be lengthened. The current Band Hall Building will also be demolished and replaced by a new two story main entrance that will centrally located on the campus. TIPPIT MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Tippit Middle School is also located just north and on the same site as Pickett Elementary School. The two facilities share a bus lane that drops students off between the two. The location of the bus drop-off will remain relatively unchanged. In order to meet the city’s zoning requirements additional parking spaces were required. The design intent was to locate as much of this additional parking near the elements of the campus that would serve staff and guests the most. A new, larger main parking lot located off Leander road will serve staff and visitors entering the main entrance of the school as well as a new entrance serving both Gymnasium and Fine Arts wings. This main entry will also contain new and longer parent drop-off isles. A new staff parking lot will be located east of the school providing easy access to rear entrances of the educational wings and cafeteria. A large parking lot will also be located at the northwest corner of the site to serve athletic events at both the Football Stadium and Tennis Courts. The site is also designed to provide drainage upgrades as dictated by the city’s site development requirements. A new detention pond is located at the northwest and south east corners of the property. | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 3 BUILDING DESIGN While the current student population at Tippit is near 850, the facility will be designed for 1000 students. Existing buildings are positioned on the property with the parking lot and main entrance to the north and Athletic fields to the west. The campus is comprised of five buildings; the Cafeteria, a Core Educational Building, a CATE Building, the Band Hall and Gymnasium. These five buildings are connected by an outdoor, unfenced covered corridor. In addition to upgrading the educational environment and street presence, the district also requested that Huckabee design the campus to be safe and secure by today’s standards. In addition to the Cafeteria and Band Hall previously mentioned, the existing CATE building will be demolished, along with smaller portable buildings found on campus. Between the remaining Core Educational Building and the Gymnasium will be a centrally located two story element comprised of administrative spaces and main entrance on the first floor and second level library. The library will be provided with ample natural light and views to the north. Directly south of the administration spaces is the new Cafetorium that will serve as the campus commons where it can also be utilized as an alternative, more public space for education. Between these two larger elements a new enclosed east-west corridor will connect each of the larger programmatic elements of the campus. A set of learning stairs leading from the main corridor to the library and looking out upon the dining area and stage provides another alternative area for either private or group learning. TIPPIT MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT The new Fine Arts facilities, including, Choir, Band and Orchestra rooms will be located east of the main entrance and north of the existing Gymnasium. A new entrance for these spaces is provided and accessed from the new main parking lot. The existing core educational building will be renovated to contain the same three educational houses of STEM, Humanities, and 6TH Grade that were incorporated at Middle School #4. Existing lockers will be removed, in effect widening the corridors. Corridor walls will also be provided with interior storefront windows looking into classrooms and providing the same open aesthetic that was achieved at Middle School #4. New student collaboration areas with movable walls will allow for both small and large group activities. Moveable walls will also be incorporated between various classrooms to allow for a more flexible learning environment. Furniture throughout the classrooms is also intended to be moveable, allowing students and teachers to choose arrangements that best fit the curriculum of the day. Spaces are also required to allow teachers and administrative staff to work with each other throughout the day to effectively design an ever-fluctuating educational schedule. As result, a large design room has been located near the entrance of each of the three houses. The concept of staff collaboration is also integrated into the administration suite located at the center of the lower level. A large collaboration room will overlook the commons area where not only will staff be able to observe students, but students will be able to observe staff practicing the type of collaborative learning they teach. | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 4 Classroom Renovations New Tippit Middle School Additions Existing Athletics to remain PARENT ROUTE | BUS ROUTE Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District SITE PLAN 5 COLOR AND NUMBER LEGEND 1 Mobilization 2 Demolition of Band Hall 3 Demolition of Existing Canopy 4 Temporary Parent Drop-Off 5 Site Paving and Drainage Begins 2 3 3 PHASE IA: JUNE 2016 - JULY 2016 | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 6 COLOR AND NUMBER LEGEND 1 New Administration Spaces 2 New Library 3 New Fine Arts 4 Site Paving and Drainage Continues Pedestrian Traffic 3 1 2 PHASE IB: JULY 2016 - MAY 2017 | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 7 COLOR AND NUMBER LEGEND 1 Demolition of CATE Building 2 Demolition of Administration Spaces 3 Demolition of Canopies 4 Demolition of Bus Drop-Off Canopies 5 Demolition of Main Classroom Corridor 6 Demolition of Wood Framed Building 7 Renovate STEM Classrooms 8 Construct Student Collaboration Space (Alt) 3 7 2 3 5 8 6 1 4 PHASE IIA: JUNE 2017 - AUGUST 2017 | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 8 COLOR AND NUMBER LEGEND 1 New Dining Hall and Stage 2 New Teacher Collaboration Spaces 3 New Life Skills 4 New Main Classroom Corridor 5 Site Paving and Drainage Completed Pedestrian Traffic 3 2 4 2 1 1 PHASE IIB: JULY 2017 - MAY 2018 | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 9 COLOR AND NUMBER LEGEND 1 Demolition of Cafeteria 2 Demolition of Portables 3 Demolition of Canopies 4 Renovate Humanities Classroom 5 Renovate 6th Grade Classrooms 6 Renovate Library to Art Rooms 1 6 4 5 3 2 2 PHASE IIIA: APRIL 2018 - AUGUST 2018 | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 10 COLOR LEGEND Administration Inst Sto Academic Library Ens Band Dining Athletics Lib Fine Arts Off P P PP P Sto Circulation RR Conc RR Restrooms/Support Spaces Boys Lkr Mech Boys Off Lkr J Boys Lkr Boys FB Train Sto Weight Rm Gym PP Lib Girls Lkr Girls Lkr El Sto Sci Prep Sci Art Couns Diag ARDS PEIMS Design ISS Sp Sto Sto Office Design Lab IDF Ris Lab SRO Off Sto MDF Sto RR Cust Art RR Collab CM RR Sto Kiln CR Res CR CR CR CR CR CR Theatre Platform Boys FB Sci Collab Off J Eq Lndry Sto Girls Off Lkr Sci Prep Sci IDF Life Skills Orch IDF Sto Inst Conf Sto Kick Recp Conf start Vlt Drs Sto Princ Sec Drs Couns El IDF Gym Sci Sto Choir Off Lib CTE RR Sto RR J Life Skills Stage Sto Sto El CR Dining Kitchen CR FLOOR PLAN - FIRST FLOOR | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 11 Book Sto Sto COLOR LEGEND Administration RR STEM STEM STEM STEM CR CR CR CR J STEM MP Academic Design Office Lab Library Dining RR Sto CTE Res CR Athletics Prep CTE CR Fine Arts CTE Circulation Sto Restrooms/Support Spaces Office Off Wk Rm Sto Sto Design Lab Maker Space IDF Library RR CR RR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR FLOOR PLAN - SECOND FLOOR | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 12 EXTERIOR RENDERING - FRONT ENTRY | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 13 EXTERIOR RENDERING - OVERALL MAIN ENTRY | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 14 EXTERIOR RENDERING - BACK ENTRY | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 15 INTERIOR RENDERINGS - DINING | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 16 INTERIOR RENDERINGS - LIBRARY | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 17 INTERIOR RENDERINGS - LIBRARY | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 18 INTERIOR RENDERING - COLLABORATION - OPEN | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 19 INTERIOR RENDERING - COLLABORATION - CLOSED | Additions and Renovations at Tippit Middle School, Georgetown Independent School District 20