2010-12 - Golden Vista Resort
2010-12 - Golden Vista Resort
December 2010 ! # " $ % # $ & " " ( % ) ' * + * ( % ) " # Mark your Calendar! Everyone is invited to attend and help us celebrate the season at the Sewing Room Christmas Party/Raffle Thursday December 9, 2010 4:30 pm raffle tickets sold 5:30 pm raffle 7:00 pm Program - Sunshine Acres Choir - The Illuminates Bring finger food to share with the choir. Donations for the choir will be taken. Donated items/gift cards can be given to Carol Mowery @430 or Bev Enderson @1069, or to any sewing room member. Watch for raffle ticket sales at Wednesday BBQs on the Patio Friends Christmas Program Sunday December 19 @ 7 PM Enjoy an evening of singing by Golden Vista residents including Neil Burkel who will be performing your favorite Christmas Carols and Songs. Pick up your free ticket and plan on bringing some canned food to donate that night. We have a limited number of tickets for the ever popular musical “Annie” on the stage at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater on Sunday, December 12 . We’re going to the matinee performance which includes a wonderful selection of foods from their ample buffet. Doors open at 11:45 am & show starts at 1:15 pm. Treat yourself and get tickets now to this favorite musical about an orphan girl & her dog who are placed for a week in a luxury home as part of a publicity stunt & how she wins the hearts of everyone. Features such memorable songs as “Tomorrow” & “It’s a Hard Knock Life”. Refreshments will be served. Friday, December 4th is the light rail outing to the Tempe Festival of the Arts. This arts & crafts fair is well known in the southwest and it’s fun to stroll around, even if you’re not in a buying mood. It’s a short ride on the rail to this great arts & crafts fair. Your only cost is $1.75 if you’re over 65 & $3.50 if you’re a youngster to ride the rail. It starts at 10 am so meet at the platform on Main Street in Mesa, near Sycamore street at 9:30 am. We will have directions for you in the Activities Office. We’ll meet for lunch at 11:30 am at Monti’s Restaurant, 100 S Mill Ave. Mary Hollan, singer/pianist will be The spirit of Christmas fun will be alive and rocking on December 12, 2010 at 7:00. The price is still only $1.00. Besides singing the "lighter" songs of Christmas, we may be able to provide more than singing. Guess you will just have to come and see for yourself. All are welcome to come and join the Rattler' s, even just for the December show. Practices are in the Ballroom on Mondays from 10:00 am until 12:00. Christmas Lights Tour 6 pm Wednesday, December 15th Cost is $25 per person for the tour guide, bus transportation & pie afterwards We' ll be departing early in the evening on a Christmas lights jaunt to enjoy some of the wonderful holiday displays here in the valley. There are neighborhoods that go "all out" to be festive and spread the cheer. We' ll also be stopping at the Arizona Temple which offers its yuletide display of over 600,000 twinkling lights set in the picturesque desert landscape of trees and cacti and blankets the grounds and the reflection pool. performing ”A Very Mary Christmas!” on Thursday, December 23rd at 7 pm in the ballroom . This musical production will include a collection of secular holiday favorites plus a few wellknown sacred carols. Mary has performed with Chubby Checker, Mary Wilson of the Supremes, The Drifters, and the Coasters throughout the United States and abroad. Her crystal voice and elegant piano skills will be certain to capture the holiday season with a touch of class. Come and join in the celebration! Tickets: $5 or $6 at door. Wine Tasting Wednesday, December 29 7 pm Jerome Winery & Bitter Creek Winery will be presenting a tasting at our park for $15 per person. Sample 6 or more of their wines, learn about their unique characteristics: taste, aroma, texture, flavor, etc. Find out how grapes are grown & wine is made. You will have the opportunity to purchase and/or order bottles with free delivery. You will go home with more knowledge about wines than your neighbors plus a souvenir glass. Sign up & pay in activities office. Deadline is 12/22/10 After our lights tour, we’ll return home & have some pie & ice cream. & Ice Cream Parlour % - ./ + 0 1 , / #" ' Back by popular demand! Tuesday, December 28 7 pm Free Admission Come have a cup of coffee, dish of ice cream and/or perform: Reading, poem, whistle, play an instrument-2 min. limit. Contact June at 2808 for more information or to perform. Please bring toiletries to the Dec. meeting for the childrens home:Tooth Brushes, Tooth Paste & Hair Brushes $ %& ' ! "# ( )% *+& )% * ( 2 , # ! ! " ( )% * ! 6),5 ) " 8 +. */ 59&:) ! & 1& % 7 - 0 3 '' 3 '4 2 5 ( # $% & 2 ! # 2 Casino & Sightseeing Tour: Prescott, Arizona’s Christmas City Monday, December 13th Cost is $10 which you get back when you get there, plus a complimentary lunch at Bucky’s Casino, view the World’s Largest Gingerbread Village, tour Whiskey Row & antique shops and see the Christmas lights before you head back to Golden Vista. Free shuttle service between Bucky’s Casino & Yavapai Casino with live blackjack and live poker. Departure time is 9 am and you need to sign up in the Activities Office by Wednesday, December 10 unless busses are already filled. ! " ! " # " 4 4 && ( 3 '' 2 ' '' ! ! !! / # ' ! $ 0 ( '' Friday, December 25 1 pm in the ballroom && , 5& 6' ! ! + ' ' '' $ % 0 7 &* # , / !! !! # ' " The Activities Office will be providing the hams and you are invited to sign up and bring a dish to share with 16 people. Only 16 to a table; if you have more, get another table and we will locate it next to yours! The ham cooker is also the table host and is encouraged to decorate your tables. Pick up hams Monday, Dec. 21 at noon. Sign up on the bulletin board. If you take a sheet, let the Activities Office know If you plan to bring family/guests who do not live in the park, please notify the Activities Office and plan to pay $2 per person. Deadline to sign up is: Friday, December 18th !! "" ) 82 , : : Come to our 1st Country Store of the season, Wednesday, Dec 8th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm in the ballroom, outside in front parking lot and in the entranceway in front of the main office. 9 # ; + ! , : # " ! ! ' Visit with your new and old friends Have Lunch and do some Christmas Don’t miss the CLOTHING SALE scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th in the ballroom from 10 am to 2 pm. Come shop before & after the Wednesday BBQ. These are new clothes with brands like Koret, Dunner, etc. This vendor also has watches for sale and he gives a percentage of the sales to the Activities Office. shopping for yourself and others. There will be some great deals plus raffle drawings! There will be some of your favorite vendors and some new ones. If you are interested in reserving a table, please contact Joyce # 2896 or Glenda # 2967. Space is going fast. 2 ' ' ' !, 3 '' # < ! ' ! (Mostly Acoustic Jam Session) ! " # $ ! %& ! " '( ! " ) *# + ,- ./0 ! 1 1 ! " 2 .# 1 1 6 34 5 %5 % # GV players and anyone who wants to listen or dance are welcome to join us: Thursdays from 1:15 - 3:00 pm in the ballroom except December 9, January 13 and March 10 (3:15 - 5:00). No jam session March 17. Players, please arrive at 1:00 to help set up. 4 $(0 $5 5 7 # = )&. !! ' Chapel Service (Non-Denominational) Sundays at 10 am in the ballroom '' ! ' ?.> All are welcome ! .> 1 !! Fellowship hour follows. @ 2 ' # ' A 9 8' !! ! 2 !! C Contact Art Dyer (2426) or Jack Taylor (2078) B / " There will be a Christmas Eve Service on Friday, December 24th at 7 pm in the ballroom. @ Dessert Speaker Series: The December 1 speaker is the Fire Chief for the Apache Junction Fire District. He’ll be here to relate some of his & the district’s experiences and to answer your questions. Tickets are $1.50 for the 7 pm program which includes a delicious dessert at the conclusion of the talk. Ticket Deadline is Monday, November 29 at 4 pm What’s a Water Ranch? The Gilbert Water Ranch, located at Greenfield and Guadalupe in Mesa is a great place to: take a walk, exercise your dog, let your grandkids play, enjoy with your winter visitors, watch the thousands of seasonal birds, fish in an urban anglers’ pond, gain access to a canal bike path & more! Join Dale Thayer on Thursday morning December 9th for a carpool trip to this popular community facility with easy to walk pathways. Meet in front of the library at 8:45 am. We’ll depart at 9 am & return by noon. Drivers are needed so please indicate on the sign up sheet in the hallway if you’re willing to drive & the number of people you can take. This outing is free but please tip your driver a couple of bucks each for the gas. Water, snack, hat, sunscreen, binoculars, easy walking shoes are suggested. Limit of 20 for the first outing. Sign up on the bulletin board. Need more information, call Dale at 2142 or stop by space 142. ! "#$ % &' &( )* Barleens Arizona Opry Sat. Dec. 11 Tickets are $27 for the dinner & show Savory chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, home-made stuffing, vegetablemedley, cole slaw, whole wheat roll and “Opry chocolate cake.” All meals include coffee and lemonade. Beer, wine and soft drinks are available at an additional cost. Ice cream sundaes and Root Beer floats available for purchase at intermission. Only a few tickets remain for this Christmas Show Are you ready for Saturday breakfast? Sandy & George & crew are ready to serve you a delicious breakfast on Saturday, December 4th featuring French Toast instead of pancakes & again on December 18th with pancakes. For only $3 you get either the French Toast or pancakes (depending on the schedule), eggs & sausage or biscuits & gravy, eggs & sausage plus juice & coffee...what a deal! No need to bring plates & utensils..just bring your own coffee cup. Due to many requests, we will be offering both decaf & regular coffee. 8 Performance Thursday, January 13th at 7 pm $) 90 : Tickets are $6 in advance & $7 at the door : " 5;< = = 7 Open seating for this show & doors will open at 6:30 pm 7 % ( 6 6 5 7! & $ ) 7 " ! #$ " % ! " & # $ %# ' % " " # " ! & '( % ( % & % % " ! % % ) ) ) ) " Broadway Palm Dinner Theater Saturday January 15 matinee Chili & Corn Bread Supper The musical “Chicago” has everything that makes Broadway great: a universal tale of fame, fortune and all that jazz; one showstopping-song after another; and the most astonishing dancing you' ve ever seen. Cost is $43 & includes a wonderful lunch buffet plus this fabulous musical. Limited number of reserved seats available. Doors open at 11:45, show starts at 1:15 pm D " ! ! B 5B ! ' "# ! # ! ' - D % "# ! " ! ' ! $ !! ! ! ! 0 ! # ' / !! ; 2! E ' + Saturday, January 29, 2010 We have hired a company to come out & put on a Casino night complete with professional dealers & tables of black jack, poker & roulette. You’ll play black jack, poker, roulette with “funny money” & cash that in for raffle tickets at the end of the event. Raffle prizes include a flat screen TV, camera, gift cards, etc. CASINO NIGHT Get your game ticket early & avoid the rush: if you buy your $20 ticket which will be traded at the tables for chips, we’ll put 5 extra drawing tickets in the raffle . Game ticket purchased in January will get you 3 extra drawing tickets. This is a major fundraiser with a portion of the proceeds going to the Packages from Home Organization which sends “care” packages to our active duty military around the world. Billiards Club Swiss Steak Dinner Buy your tickets now for the Tuesday January 18th dinner On Feb. 1,3 and 5, the Entertainers will present South Pacific, a nostalgic musical set on a Pacific Island in World War II. The original production premiered 60 years ago and rocked the nation with its stand on racial prejudice. Considered by many to be the most famous musical of all time, it is filled with a star studded cast, songs that most of you are familiar with, and a story that is unique and unforgettable. We will also present Guys and Dolls, a zany, hilarious musical that will make you laugh continuously. Set in the 1940' s, it will come alive with original costuming, scenic backdrops and settings, and a cast who will deliver their comedic lines as gamblers and their dolls. The story is guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and seeing your neighbors and friends in this inimitable production will enhance your entertainment. Our actors, singers and dancers are exceptionally talented. This is a show you do not want to miss! At $5 or $6 a ticket, it is your best buy this season!!! (reserved seating only---Tickets on sale now. After last year’s rave reviews, we expect an early sell out for this season’s dinner so get your tickets now. Come & support the Billiard Club & enjoy a delicious Swiss steak, real mashed potatoes, awesome gravy, vegetables, a dinner roll & dessert. All for just $8.50. Help support this club by buying your dinner tickets early. Starting Monday December 6th: CERAMICS CLUB The 1st & 2nd Timothy study will move to the Game Room (above the Library) on Monday' s from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Julie Hollingsworth will be leading this group. Let your friends know. The Ceramics Club is open and looking forward to seeing all existing members, as well as new members. Please check the door for schedule, and stop in and see what our club and facility has to offer. Our annual donation to join the club, as well as for a reserved shelf is only $10.00 per year. If a monitor is not available in the room, please call Carol Culver at space 717 to join. All returning monitors should check with Carol for your keys. The group that was studying Revelation last winter will have the Card Room on Monday' s from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. This group is in the process of finishing their study so they cannot add anyone to the group. Note: Starting Monday January 3rd the Game Room group will start a study on "The Sermon on the Mount". Everyone is welcome to be in this group. Thursdays. Welcome back…our 20102011 hiking season has begun, Check the bulletin board for the trailhead & itinerary on $ % ! &" ! ' # %! )" $ % *+ + ,- . /0 ,- . 1 "% ) " 0 ,- . !! "" Questions: contact Doug at 2324. 0 ! " !! " !! ! " 6/ F ! " /!! ' ! ! G =. HD G =B ? H D !! ! ' " " !! ' ! !" ,! ' 6' ' ' ! ! J 4 G &* &% H ; G &* % = H I - $ ! 4 G &* ? B H 4 G &* B H D - " G &* % & 6' ! ' !" /!! : /!! ! ( ! ! ! ' /!! + BINGO NEWS Bingo every Monday night at 7PM. Come and join the fun and maybe win a pot. The more people we have, the bigger the pots. Paul and I are stepping down and would like someone to take over the running of bingo beginning next November. Please think about taking over, if no one comes forward, there will be no bingo in the fall. Please contact Bobbie & Paul at 2067 if you have questions. VISTA VOICES STARTING JAN 5TH Calling all last year’s Vista Voices members to get ready to start practices on Wednesday Jan 5th. Also if anyone new would like to join us, please contact our director, Bobbie Lioce, at lot 910 and phone number 505-238-8279 for an audition. News from our resident Garden Guy: Bill Vandermay Our flower planting day went very well. We started about 7:30 with about 3000 flower plugs and we were all finished by noon. All of the volunteers that came out to help deserve a big THANK YOU! It is a lot of work but I think that the residents of Golden Vista really enjoy the results. One thing that was different this year was the flower beds. The new Landscape Crew did an excellent job of getting them all prepared. Also, if you look around the park you will see that whole park is looking better. Now that the flowers are all planted, we could still use a few more volunteers to tend the beds. On some beds we only need help until the first of the year when more residents will arrive. There are also some small beds available that wouldn' t take very long to weed and deadhead. We are also still looking for a few volunteers who would like to help out with the roses. If you' re interested in helping with the flowers or the roses, you can sign up on the sheet in the hallway or just give Bill a call at 2990. The practice schedule for 2011 will be Wednesdays for small groups/sections: 1 - 3 PM and Fridays: for full chorus: 9:30 am 12:00 noon. The performances will be March 3rd and 6th, 2011. Our music will be a Choral Review of Broadway Musicals, Spiritual selections, and Johnny Cash music. We would love to have some new singers join ! # * ( $( ! ' ( # ( #" $ + ), -. - ( / # * ( # $ ( # ( 0# $ (" Tennis/Pickleball Club Remember Club Meeting Date-- First Monday in January--Jan. 3, 2011 Navajo Room at noon. Dues are still $10. per year- per member. Open Group Play on Courts: Tennis on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8:00 am Pickleball -- Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 8 am Reserved court sign-up sheets on board at court. % # ( "Still time to make a bracelet for your special someone, sister, girlfriend, Mom, Aunt for Christmas" There are still two Fridays open before Christmas to make a bracelet. December 10th and 17th. We meet in the game room from 9-12 a.m. We will continue with the New Year in January . I still have a few different ones in mind to make. A sparkly crystal bangle that rolls onto your wrist your style? We will do that one also. One will be put in the activities office to look at. Looking forward to seeing your name on the sign up sheet. Any questions, call Barb Moody 480-982-0321 Thanks Comedy Club will have their first meeting on Wednesday, December 1 at 1:00 in the upstairs game room. Any new members are welcome-please call Bob Witczak at 2428 for details or just come to the meeting. We will also meet on December 8 and 15. 4 0 ! 4 Our shows for this year will be on Sunday, January 16, February 13 and March 2 at 7:00 p.m. " $ 4 !! ! ( )* * ( )* * , ! 0 & ' ' !! ! " ' 2 # 34 & 0 % 0 &B K % ! 4 3 " 6 &( = B 7 ! F %.** ! ' 2 + , ' ; 7 &* ! ! ' ! 2 3 '' ' 5 &* . ' , ? & Ladies Texas “Holdem” Saturday, December 4 1 pm in the game room Bring $5 Beginners welcome ) Contact Barb Shinabarger #76 Watercolor Class by Kay Hagarty December 6, and 13, 2010 8:00 --11:45 AM Arts and Crafts Room (Upstairs next to sewing room) $25.00 If you need equipment an additional charge of $5.00. All skill levels welcome. ?? 2598 or cell 319-230-7589 4 0 0 ! & "@ 0 2 " !! ! M ! ! " 0 ! ! ' 2 0 3 '' ! + ! ' M ' , 0 ' ( !! 2 " ! !! < 4 ! ' ' !" 0 N + M!! ! ' !! ; + =? 4 O %* SCRAP BOOKING Come join us to work on your photo albums. We share our tools and ideas plus have a great time. We will begin meeting on Jan. 3 in the Card Room from 9-12 and every Monday thereafter. Any questions you can see Julie at Space 642 or call 9-6842249 + ( ) * # # ' # + , ' ' - ./ ' 0/ 0 , , C $ 2 !! " K L = 2- ! #$ ! && 2 - ) + ' + + ! ! @ #! + 1 2 + 334 ( .55 BILLIARDS is the CUE to GOOD SHORTSMANSHIP Another fun filled season has once again commenced at Golden Vista. All the billiard players are back playing the game they love and are looking forward to the league play, tournament play and just plain old fun play. Golden Vista has three teams in league play again for the 2010/2011 Season. The girls will be playing in the Kachina and start league play every Thursday commencing on December 2, 2010. Following are the teams representing Golden Vista: Team 1 – Barbara Chamberlain/Jean Noordt Team 2 – Edie Newton/Myrna Seeman Team 3 – Dorothy Falke/Jean Frank Team 4 – Ellie Draback/Rosetta Grinnell Team 5 – Marlene Goulet/Lois Ring Team 6 – Lillie Lackey/Liz Porter Good luck goes to the above teams and have a great season similar to last year. The first men’s team will play in the Mesa East league and will commence play in mid November and play on Monday mornings. A complete list the players will be in next month’s newsletter. The final team representing Golden Vista is the second men’s team playing in the Superstition League. There are six two man teams that starting playing on November 10th. The teams are: Team 1 - Len Mason/Al Schumann Team 2 – John DiBiase/Gary Larson Team 3 – Richard Meyer/DeLace Rombough Team 4 – Bob Dahrouse/Dan Murphy Team 5 – John Isley/Bob Whitmore Team 6 – Jim Kindt/Coy Swanger The results for the Superstition Team from their November 10th play was a total of 33 wins and 21 losses putting the team in first place by 1 win over the second place team. Watch for announcements of in-park tournaments for all billiard players in the coming days and weeks. Come into the billiard room and see the updated painting around the room. It gives the billiard room a great-improved look. A big thank you goes to Barbara Dalton for a job well done. The club meetings have just gotten underway and class schedules are being worked on. You can see what classes are being offered on the Golden Vista Website, on our bulletin board or at a Wednesday meeting. Remember you must be a paid member to take a class. Membership is still $10.00 for an individual or $15.00 for two members of a household. We have four choices for internet access: the park WIFI, Dish Cable, Jabba Communications (formerly 4 Pair) DSL, and, of course dialup. Remember, Golden Vista has a new zip code, 85119. You may want to replace your business cards and mailing labels. You can see our samples and place an order at each Country Store during the season. Of course, you can call Jennifer, 2533 or Arvella, 2765 anytime during the month with orders. The computer room is open for internet use on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. There is a $1.00 cost for non-members. Please wear your name badge and sign in when you enter. With the cold and flu season upon us, please use our Hand Sanitizer before going to the computers. We are always looking for people to teach something new. If you are new to the park or have simply never joined us on Wednesday, please share your computer knowledge with all of us. Once again we are in need of a housekeeper for the computer room. Please consider this important and much appreciated job. Two people can get it done in very little time. Used ink cartridges can be deposited in the plastic bin next to our bulletin board in the mail hall. If you wish to place an ad with the computer club please fill out the form and leave with the amount due in the Ad box in the mail hall or follow the instructions in-park ads'and send in the GVRV.US website under ' your information to Email: [email protected] Be sure to send the amount due to the address: Golden vista Computer Club 3710 S. Goldfield Road Apache Junction, AZ 85119 SHUFFLBOARD CLUB NEWS The Shuffleboard Club had its first Executive Committee meeting on November 5th, and the activities for the year were identified. The big news is that shuffleboard has now formed its own Club. A Charter is in place, thanks to Lloyd Sandau and his committee of volunteers. Club membership is $5.00 for the season, and memberships can be purchased from any Executive Committee member. This year’s Executive Committee is as follows: President – Bob Kuziw; Vice-President – Kent Watson; Secretary – Verena Wardley; Treasurer – Renee Storley; Maintenance – Ken Wardley; Jackpot – Lloyd Sandau and Dick Tatarniuk; Park Rep – Garry Bachmeier. Jackpot is played Monday through Friday at 9:00AM. It’s a fun way to interact with other shuffleboard players, and win a dime in the process! Everyone is invited to come to learn the game – playing instruction will be available – details TBA. Watch for posters and check on Channel 7 for dates. Tournament dates for the season are as follows: Recycle Man Report: 0 ' ! ! 0 ! ' "+ ! Watch for the date for the Shuffleboard Club’s Fun Nights which will be held once a month throughout the season. It’s an opportunity to get together in a social setting to play some fun games on the courts. Watch for details. We have a very active Club, and congratulations go to the following people who were on winning teams at the recently completed Western National Shuffleboard Tournament. From Team BC One – Ken Trimble, Jim Gates and Bill Visser; From the Alberta Grizzlies – Ron Williams; from the Alberta Chinooks – Joan McPhillamey, Ken Wardley and Verena Wardley. We are sorry to report that Ardith Martin took a fall during the first week of November, and is currently recovering in a rehab center. We wish her well during her convalescence. Also, we lost two long-time members of the shuffleboard community – Louie Smith and “Flip” Dunn. We extend our sympathies to their respective families. ' M ! ' ! $ ! ! " :! ! ! Can-Am(Any) Doubles: Nov 29 – Dec 2, Ken Wardley, Director; Holiday Mixed Doubles:Dec 27 – Dec 30 Kent Watson, Director, Golden Vista Singles Jan 24 – 27, 2011, Bob Kuziw, Director, GV In-Park TBA The 2010-2011 Daytimer/Calendars are being offered for sale from any Shuffleboard Club member, and from the Activites Office for $5.00 each. We appreciate your support by purchasing this calendar. + ! K ! = ' ! " J : ' ' ! ) :! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' ! ! E 6' " " !! ! M ! !! ! E ! ! ! ! " '! ' :! ! !' ' M ! ! !! ! ! $ 5 " "% )" ! ! ' 66 Help Needed: & & 7 3% 0 ' ! ; ! ! && & )% * ! " - ! !+ ! " - 0 " ' 0 # We need an additional to get coffee ready each evening to set out the next morning on the patio. Rose Olson has volunteered & is making the coffee now but it would be great if someone could alternate days with her. We have volunteers to take it out of the kitchen & plug it in but need another person to fill the pot with water & coffee in the evening. Let Jan or Mary know in the Activities Office if you can help. COMMENTS FROM THE ARC OFFICE Paula will be back doing massages on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month - Dec 1st & 15th, Jan 5th & 19th, Feb 2nd & 16th, Mar 2nd & 16th. Appointment times from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Cost is $35 for 1/2 Hour; with $15 Non- Refundable Deposit and $50 for 1 Hour with a $25 NonRefundable Deposit. Sign up and pay in the Activities Office. As many of you know we have new equipment to put into the wifi towers in the park. The equipment consists of new motherboards, radios, etc. We continue work on the new equipment and are preparing it for testing. Once it tests ready for performance we will be installing it into the towers. During installation wifi will be temporarily down until we reconnect everyone. We will announce when installation is ready to begin so that residents can prepare for the down time. Once again your patience is greatly appreciated and we hope to have the wifi problems solved very soon. You may contact me, Jeff Elkins at 480671-1980. Have a wonderful Holiday. ! # ! " ! " ! $ ! ! ! LINES FROM LARRY, RESORT MANAGER: Board of Directors Election There are 3 positions (3 year terms) on the Golden Vista Board to be filled in the upcoming election. The board has overall responsibility to oversee financial matters and plan the future of our community. If you would like to be a part of this important responsibility, pick up an application form at the front desk. Deadline for filing is Friday, January 7, 2011 at 4 pm. The candidates forum will be held on Tuesday, January 11 at 1:30 pm in the ballroom. Voting will conclude on Tuesday, February 15th with the announcement of the new directors at the annual meeting. Help your community! Pick up an application at the front desk. I wish to thank everyone for their support and kind words for me as the new Manager. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and to working with the Board and the various committees. Times are changing and together we can work towards making the Park the ultimate 55+ HOA community in the valley of the sun. The key word is YOU. We need to know what you are thinking in order to do the job right. I can not please everyone but doing what is best for the Park is my overriding concern. A resident suggested to me that a Town Hall Meeting might be a good way to open communications. I really like the idea and wish I had thought of it myself. We will have the first meeting on December 14, 2010 at 1:00 pm in the Ballroom. It will be an informal meeting where you, the residents of the Park can come and offer your ideas and thoughts. The staff will also be there to answer questions and address your concerns. The meeting will be moderated as we will have to keep some kind of order. I believe this open kind of forum where people can speak their minds in a constructive way will be beneficial for all of us. My door is always open if you would like to talk to me one on one. As always I welcome your comments and/ or questions at [email protected] and the Board of Directors at [email protected]. Thank You to all who helped with the Boys & Girls Club Halloween Party in October: from left to right: seated: Herb Grills, IonaGrills, Standing: Bobbie Breuklander, Roberta Goulet, Glenda Omat, Sharin Noran, MaryVonne Casteel, Helen Borner, Dorothy Falke, Nyla Mansdorfer, Jan Miller, Lillie Lackey , Kathy Maske. Thanks also to all who donated candy. !! ' ! ' 3 E " ' !! KJ? ' ! ! ! 6 ! ' ' ! 0 " !' 0 ' !! ! " ' # ' 4 + / ! D !! " % ' ' @ + 6 D /!! / ' + K 2! ! ' / ! , J !! ! " ! ! / ' # !! '' 6 / 3 '' 6 # ' 2 # ! $ 2 !! , 3 '' 6 # ! ! # ' - ' # !! !! ! !! < " !! ' @ & " Starting January 3rd , you can reserve your spot for our Grand Canyon Trip scheduled for April 4 & 5. Cost is $225 per person for two night stay, dinner, tour guide, & much more. Details are available on the bulletin board in the hallway Call Now! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AT GOLDEN VISTA VALLEY OF THE SUN CITY TOUR Monday, January 24th Depart at 8 am Cost: $22 February 8th A chance to see, learn about and enjoy many different areas of the Valley of the Sun, including Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix and Tempe. We' ll see the beautiful campus of Arizona State University, the Country Club Estates, Camelback Mountain and Old Town Scottsdale with its art galleries, boutiques and cafes. We' ll have a chance to stop at the Arizona State Capital to see exhibits and learn about Arizona' s fascinating history. After the tour, we’ll have lunch (on your own) at Arizona Mills Mall. $69 per person based on double occupancy Depart Golden Vista at 8 am Includes round trip bus transportation, overnight at Quechan Casino Resort, 2 for 1 dinner, $10 free play & at least one trip each day to the border where you’ll walk across. Sign up deadline is January17th. Trips/Tours for the 2010-2011 Season Dec. 13-Prescott Tour-day trip w/ casino, Xmas lights, city tour-$10-on sale now Dec. 15-Christmas Lights Tour: evening trip-$25-on sale now Jan. 24 -Phoenix, Scottsdale Tour-$22-on sale now Jan. 31-Mazatzal Casino, Payson-day trip: fundraiser-$10 Feb.8- *Algodones: overnight: $69*-must have passport Feb 19.-Globe trip: day trip-TBA Feb. 28-Mazatzal Casino, Payson-day trip: fundraiser-$10 Mar. 11-Wine trip: day trip, Southern Arizona-TBA Apr. 4-5 -*Grand Canyon: overnight-2 nights: $225* (includes Flagstaff & Jerome) Reservations: Day trips: 2 months prior; overnight to Algodones: 2 months prior; Grand Canyon: January 3
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